General comment No. 13: |
第13号一般性意见: |
Article 14 (Administration of justice) |
第十四条(司法) |
Twenty-first session (1984) |
第二十一届会议(1984年) |
1. The Committee notes that article 14 of the Covenant is of a complex nature and that different aspects of its provisions will need specific comments. |
1. 委员会指出,《公约》第十四条性质复杂,对条款各个方面必须提出具体明确的意见。 |
All of these provisions are aimed at ensuring the proper administration of justice, and to this end uphold a series of individual rights such as equality before the courts and tribunals and the right to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law. |
所有这些条款都为了保证司法公正,因此确认了一系列的个人权利,例如在法庭和裁判面前人人平等,人人有资格由一个依法设立的合格的、独立的和无偏倚的法庭进行公正的和公开的审讯。 |
Not all reports provided details on the legislative or other measures adopted specifically to implement each of the provisions of article 14. |
并非所有报告都详细提出了执行第十四条各款规定而特别采用的立法措施或其他措施。 |
2. In general, the reports of States parties fail to recognize that article 14 applies not only to procedures for the determination of criminal charges against individuals but also to procedures to determine their rights and obligations in a suit at law. |
2. 一般说来,缔约各国的报告没有认识到其中一点,即第十四条不仅适用于对个人提出刑事诉讼的判定程序,而且适用于对他在一件诉讼案中的权利和义务的判定程序。 |
Laws and practices dealing with these matters vary widely from State to State. This diversity makes it all the more necessary for States parties to provide all relevant information and to explain in greater detail how the concepts of “criminal charge” and “rights and obligations in a suit at law” are interpreted in relation to their respective legal systems. |
关于这些问题的法律和惯例因国家情况不同而大有分别,由于这种差异,缔约各国尤其需要提供一切有关的资料,更详尽地说明其本国法律系统如何解释“刑事指控”和“在一件诉讼案中的权利和义务”等概念。 |
3. The Committee would find it useful if, in their future reports, States parties could provide more detailed information on the steps taken to ensure that equality before the courts, including equal access to courts, fair and public hearings and competence, impartiality and independence of the judiciary are established by law and guaranteed in practice. |
3. 委员会认为缔约各国的未来报告中最好提供更详细的资料说明如何采取步骤,保证人在法庭前一律平等,包括:人人有平等诉讼权利;公正的和公开的审讯;合格的、独立的和无偏倚的法庭是依法设立的并在执行职务上受到保障的。 |
In particular, States parties should specify the relevant constitutional and legislative texts which provide for the establishment of the courts and ensure that they are independent, impartial and competent, in particular with regard to the manner in which judges are appointed, the qualifications for appointment, and the duration of their terms of office; the condition governing promotion, transfer and cessation of their functions and the actual independence of the judiciary from the executive branch and the legislative. |
缔约各国尤应具体指出关于设立法庭,保证法庭的独立、公正和合格,特别是如何委任法官、委任的条件、任职期限、晋升、调职、停职的条件以及司法、行政、立法部门互相独立的有关宪法和立法条文。 |
4. The provisions of article 14 apply to all courts and tribunals within the scope of that article whether ordinary or specialized. |
4. 第十四条各款适用于该条规定范围内的所有法庭和裁判所,不论它们是普遍法庭和裁判所,或是特别法庭和裁判所。 |
The Committee notes the existence, in many countries, of military or special courts which try civilians. |
委员会指出,许多国家设有审判平民的军事法庭或特别法庭。 |
This could present serious problems as far as the equitable, impartial and independent administration of justice is concerned. |
从公正、无偏倚和独立司法的角度看,这方面可能产生严重的问题。 |
Quite often the reason for the establishment of such courts is to enable exceptional procedures to be applied which do not comply with normal standards of justice. |
设立这种法庭的原因往往是为了实施不符合正常司法标准的例外审判程序。 |
While the Covenant does not prohibit such categories of courts, nevertheless the conditions which it lays down clearly indicate that the trying of civilians by such courts should be very exceptional and take place under conditions which genuinely afford the full guarantees stipulated in article 14. |
《公约》虽然不禁止设立这种法庭,但《公约》的规定明确指出,设立这种法庭来审判平民是一种非常例外的情况,必须按第十四条的规定在真正获得充分保障的情况下才能进行。 |
The Committee has noted a serious lack of information in this regard in the reports of some States parties whose judicial institutions include such courts for the trying of civilians. |
委员会指出,有些缔约国的司法机构设有这种审判平民的法庭,但它们提出的报告非常缺乏这方面的资料。 |
In some countries such military and special courts do not afford the strict guarantees of the proper administration of justice in accordance with the requirements of article 14 which are essential for the effective protection of human rights. |
在某些国家,这种军事法庭和特别法庭没有依照有效保护人权必不可少的第十四条规定,严格保证公正司法。 |
If States parties decide in circumstances of a public emergency as contemplated by article 4 to derogate from normal procedures required under article 14, they should ensure that such derogations do not exceed those strictly required by the exigencies of the actual situation, and respect the other conditions in paragraph 1 of article 14. |
缔约国若依第四条规定在社会处于紧急状态时决定克减第十四条所规定的正常程序,它应保证克减的程度以实际情势紧急程度所严格需要者为限,并应遵守第十四条第1款的其他条件。 |
5. The second sentence of article 14, paragraph 1, provides that “everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing”. |
5. 第十四条第1款第二句规定“人人有资格获得公正的和公开审讯”。 |
Paragraph 3 of the article elaborates on the requirements of a “fair hearing” in regard to the determination of criminal charges. |
该条第3款详尽地说明对刑事指控进行“公正的审讯”的条件。 |
However, the requirements of paragraph 3 are minimum guarantees, the observance of which is not always sufficient to ensure the fairness of a hearing as required by paragraph 1. |
但是第3款规定的条件是最起码的保障,遵守这些条件往往不足以保证获得第1款规定下的公正审讯。 |
6. The publicity of hearings is an important safeguard in the interest of the individual and of society at large. |
6. 公开的审讯是对个人利益和整个社会利益的重要保障。 |
At the same time article 14, paragraph 1, acknowledges that courts have the power to exclude all or part of the public for reasons spelt out in that paragraph. |
第十四条第1款还确认,法庭有权基于该款所述的理由拒绝所有或部分民众列席旁听。 |
It should be noted that, apart from such exceptional circumstances, the Committee considers that a hearing must be open to the public in general, including members of the press, and must not, for instance, be limited only to a particular category of persons. |
应当指出,除了这种例外情况,委员会认为审讯应开放给一般民众包括新闻界参加,不应只限于某几种人。 |
It should be noted that, even in cases in which the public is excluded from the trial, the judgement must, with certain strictly defined exceptions, be made public. |
应当指出,即便拒绝民众列席旁听,作出的判决,除了严格规定的某些例外判决之外,应予公开。 |
7. The Committee has noted a lack of information regarding article 14, paragraph 2 and, in some cases, has even observed that the presumption of innocence, which is fundamental to the protection of human rights, is expressed in very ambiguous terms or entails conditions which render it ineffective. |
7. 委员会指出报告缺乏关于第十四条第2款的资料。 在某些报告中,委员会还发出对保护人权十分重要的推定无罪的规定,含义常常甚不明确,在某种情况下可能变成无效。 |
By reason of the presumption of innocence, the burden of proof of the charge is on the prosecution and the accused has the benefit of doubt. |
假定被告无罪,证明指控的责任将落在原告身上,被告则推定是无辜的。 |
No guilt can be presumed until the charge has been proved beyond reasonable doubt. |
指控若未得到确实证明不得推定被告有罪。 |
Further, the presumption of innocence implies a right to be treated in accordance with this principle. |
此外,假定无罪的规定还包含获得该项原则所规定的待遇的权利。 |
It is, therefore, a duty for all public authorities to refrain from prejudging the outcome of a trial. |
因此,所有公共当局不应对审判结果作出任何预料。 |
8. Among the minimum guarantees in criminal proceedings prescribed by paragraph 3, the first concerns the right of everyone to be informed in a language which he understands of the charge against him (subpara. (a)). |
8. 在第3款所述关于刑事诉讼程序的最低限度保证中,第1款保证是被告有权以他通晓的语言告知对他提出的指控((甲)项)。 |
The Committee notes that State reports often do not explain how this right is respected and ensured. |
委员会指出,缔约国的报告往往没有解释如何尊重和保证这项权利。 |
Article 14 (3) (a) applies to all cases of criminal charges, including those of persons not in detention. |
第十四条第3款(甲)项适用于所有刑事指控,包括未被拘留者在内的刑事指控。 |
The Committee notes further that the right to be informed of the charge “promptly” requires that information is given in the manner described as soon as the charge is first made by a competent authority. |
委员会又指出按照关于“迅速”告知所控罪名这项权利,有关当局一旦提出指控,就应立即以规定的方式通知被告。 |
In the opinion of the Committee this right must arise when in the course of an investigation a court or an authority of the prosecution decides to take procedural steps against a person suspected of a crime or publicly names him as such. |
委员会认为,调查期间当法庭或检控当局决定对刑事嫌疑犯或公开称其犯罪的人采取诉讼措施时,必须顾到该项权利。 |
The specific requirements of subparagraph 3 (a) may be met by stating the charge either orally or in writing, provided that the information indicates both the law and the alleged facts on which it is based. |
为了符合第3款(甲)项的具体规定,可以口头或书面方式提出所控罪名,但必须说明其所根据的法律和事实。 |
9. Subparagraph 3 (b) provides that the accused must have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence and to communicate with counsel of his own choosing. |
9. 第3款(乙)项规定,被告应有相当时间和便利准备他的辩护,并与他自己选择的律师联络。 |
What is “adequate time” depends on the circumstances of each case, but the facilities must include access to documents and other evidence which the accused requires to prepare his case, as well as the opportunity to engage and communicate with counsel. |
“相当时间”视每个案件的情况而定,“便利”必须包括被告取得准备辩护所需的文件及其他证据,以及有机会聘雇律师和他联络。 |
When the accused does not want to defend himself in person or request a person or an association of his choice, he should be able to have recourse to a lawyer. |
当被告不欲亲自辩护,或要求他自己选择的人或组织替自己辩护,他应可在这方面得到律师的协助。 |
Furthermore, this subparagraph requires counsel to communicate with the accused in conditions giving full respect for the confidentiality of their communications. |
此外,该款规定,律师应可在充分守秘的情况下与被告联络。 |
Lawyers should be able to counsel and to represent their clients in accordance with their established professional standards and judgement without any restrictions, influences, pressures or undue interference from any quarter. |
律师应能按照其公认的专业标准及判断,代表其委托人给予法律指导;他不应受到任何方面的任何限制、影响、压力或不当的干扰。 |
10. Subparagraph 3 (c) provides that the accused shall be tried without undue delay. This guarantee relates not only to the time by which a trial should commence, but also the time by which it should end and judgement be rendered; all stages must take place “without undue delay”. |
10. 第3款(丙)项规定,被告的受审时间不得无故拖延,这项规定不仅关系到什么时候开始审讯,也关系到什么时候应当结束和作出裁判。 审讯各阶段的工作不得“无故拖延”。 |
To make this right effective, a procedure must be available in order to ensure that the trial will proceed “without undue delay”, both in first instance and on appeal. |
为使该项权利生效,初审或上诉时,必须有一项程序保证审讯不会“无故拖延”。 |
11. Not all reports have dealt with all aspects of the right of defence as defined in subparagraph 3 (d). |
11. 并非所有报告都述及第3款(丁)项所定的辩护权利的各个方面。 |
The Committee has not always received sufficient information concerning the protection of the right of the accused to be present during the determination of any charge against him nor how the legal system assures his right either to defend himself in person or to be assisted by counsel of his own choosing, or what arrangements are made if a person does not have sufficient means to pay for legal assistance. |
委员会并不一律获得充分的资料,说明在判定对被告提出的任何指控时,如何保障被告的权利,以及法律系统如何保障被告自行辩护或经由自行选择的法律援助进行辩护的权利,以及当他没有足够能力偿付法律援助时如何作出安排。 |
The accused or his lawyer must have the right to act diligently and fearlessly in pursuing all available defences and the right to challenge the conduct of the case if they believe it to be unfair. |
被告或其律师必须有权勇敢地竭力进行各种可能的辩护;如果认为案件的处理不够公平,有权提出异议。 |
When exceptionally for justified reasons trials in absentia are held, strict observance of the rights of the defence is all the more necessary. |
在异常情况下如有正当理由进行缺席审讯,尤有必要严格遵守被告的权利。 |
12. Subparagraph 3 (e) states that the accused shall be entitled to examine or have examined the witnesses against him and to obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on his behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him. |
12. 第3款(戊)项规定,被告应可讯问或由他人代为讯问对他不利的证人,并使对他有利的证人在与对他不利的证人相同的条件下出席和受讯问。 |
This provision is designed to guarantee to the accused the same legal powers of compelling the attendance of witnesses and of examining or cross-examining any witnesses as are available to the prosecution. |
这项规定的目的是保证被告有同样的法律权力,促使证人出席以及讯问或盘问任何证人,一如起诉方面。 |
13. Subparagraph 3 (f) provides that if the accused cannot understand or speak the language used in court he is entitled to the assistance of an interpreter free of any charge. |
13. 第3款(己)项规定,如被告不懂或不会说法庭上所用的语言,他有权免费获得译员的协助。 |
This right is independent of the outcome of the proceedings and applies to aliens as well as to nationals. |
这项权利与诉讼结果无关,既适用于本国人,也适用于外国人。 |
It is of basic importance in cases in which ignorance of the language used by a court or difficulty in understanding may constitute a major obstacle to the right of defence. |
当不懂或不熟悉法庭所用语言的因素成为行使辩护权的重大障碍时,这项规定尤其显得重要。 |
14. Subparagraph 3 (g) provides that the accused may not be compelled to testify against himself or to confess guilt. |
14. 第3款(庚)项规定,被告不得被强迫作不利于他自己的证言或强迫承认犯罪。 |
In considering this safeguard the provisions of article 7 and article 10, paragraph 1, should be borne in mind. |
在考虑这项保障时应记住第七条和第十条第1款的规定。 |
In order to compel the accused to confess or to testify against himself, frequently methods which violate these provisions are used. |
强迫被告供认或作不利于他自己的证言的常用方法往往违反这些规定。 |
The law should require that evidence provided by means of such methods or any other form of compulsion is wholly unacceptable. |
法律应当规定完全不能接受用这种方式或其他强迫办法获得的证据。 |
15. In order to safeguard the rights of the accused under paragraphs 1 and 3 of article 14, judges should have authority to consider any allegations made of violations of the rights of the accused during any stage of the prosecution. |
15. 为了保障第十四条第1款和第3款所规定的被告权利,法官应有权在起诉过程的任何阶段对侵犯被告权利的任何指控进行审理。 |
16. Article 14, paragraph 4, provides that in the case of juvenile persons, the procedure shall be such as will take account of their age and the desirability of promoting their rehabilitation. |
16. 第十四条第四款规定,对少年的案件,在程序上应考虑到他们年龄和帮助他们重新做人的需要。 |
Not many reports have furnished sufficient information concerning such relevant matters as the minimum age at which a juvenile may be charged with a criminal offence, the maximum age at which a person is still considered to be a juvenile, the existence of special courts and procedures, the laws governing procedures against juveniles and how all these special arrangements for juveniles take account of “the desirability of promoting their rehabilitation”. |
没有许多报告提出足够的资料说明与此有关的问题,如可受刑事控告的少年的最低年龄,定义为少年的最高年龄、特别法庭和特别诉讼程序的建立、少年诉讼所用的法律,以及为少年作出的这些特别安排如何考虑到“帮助他们重新做人”的这项规定。 |
Juveniles are to enjoy at least the same guarantees and protection as are accorded to adults under article 14. |
少年应至少享有成年人按第十四条规定所得的同样保障和保护。 |
17. Article 14, paragraph 5, provides that everyone convicted of a crime shall have the right to his conviction and sentence being reviewed by a higher tribunal according to law. |
17. 第十四条第5款规定,凡被判定有罪者,应有权由一个较高法庭对其判决及刑罚依法进行复审。 |
Particular attention is drawn to the other language versions of the word “crime” (“infraction”, “delito”, “prestuplenie”) which show that the guarantee is not confined only to the most serious offences. |
应特别注意“罪行”一词的其他用语(“infraction”,“delito”, “prestuplenie”)。 所以保障条款不仅限于最严重的犯法行为。 |
In this connection, not enough information has been provided concerning the procedures of appeal, in particular the access to and the powers of reviewing tribunals, what requirements must be satisfied to appeal against a judgement, and the way in which the procedures before review tribunals take account of the fair and public hearing requirements of paragraph 1 of article 14. |
就此而论,目前尚未获得关于上诉程序的足够资料,尤其是关于下述问题的资料:上诉的程序、特别是向复审法庭上诉的可能、复审法庭的权力、对一项判决进行上诉需要符合哪些要求、复审法庭在处理一件诉讼案时如何顾到依第十四条第1款规定所设的公正和公开的审讯。 |
18. Article 14, paragraph 6, provides for compensation according to law in certain cases of a miscarriage of justice as described therein. |
18. 第十四条第6款规定,对该款所述的某些误审案件应当给予赔偿。 |
It seems from many State reports that this right is often not observed or insufficiently guaranteed by domestic legislation. |
从许多国家报告中似乎可以看到,国家立法往往没有遵守这项权利,或没有给予充分的保障。 |
States should, where necessary, supplement their legislation in this area in order to bring it into line with the provisions of the Covenant. |
国家应视情况需要增补这方面的法规,使之符合《公约》的规定。 |
19. In considering State reports differing views have often been expressed as to the scope of paragraph 7 of article 14. |
19. 在审议缔约国报告时往往对第十四条第7款的规定的范围产生不同的意见。 |
Some States parties have even felt the need to make reservations in relation to procedures for the resumption of criminal cases. |
有些缔约国认为必须对刑事案件的重审程序持保留。 |
It seems to the Committee that most States parties make a clear distinction between a resumption of a trial justified by exceptional circumstances and a re-trial prohibited pursuant to the principle of ne bis in idem as contained in paragraph 7. |
委员会觉得大多数缔约国对在例外情况下再进行审判和依第7款所载一罪不二审原则禁止进行重审这两点明确地加以区别。 |
This understanding of the meaning of ne bis in idem may encourage States parties to reconsider their reservations to article 14, paragraph 7. |
了解一罪不二审这一词的意义可能会促使缔约国重新考虑它们对第十四条第7款规定所持的保留。 |