General comment No. 14:


Article 6 (Right to life)


Twenty-third session (1984)


1. In its general comment No. 6 [16] adopted at its 378th meeting on 27 July 1982, the Human Rights Committee observed that the right to life enunciated in the first paragraph of article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is the supreme right from which no derogation is permitted even in time of public emergency.

1. 人权事务委员会1982727日第378次会议通过的一般性意见指出,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第六条第1款所阐明的生命权是甚至当社会紧急状态存在时也绝不允许减损的最重要的权利。

The same right to life is enshrined in article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1948.


It is basic to all human rights.


2. In its previous general comment, the Committee also observed that it is the supreme duty of States to prevent wars.

2. 委员会以往的一般性意见还注意到,各国有防止战争的重大责任。

War and other acts of mass violence continue to be a scourge of humanity and take the lives of thousands of innocent human beings every year.


3. While remaining deeply concerned by the toll of human life taken by conventional weapons in armed conflicts, the Committee has noted that, during successive sessions of the General Assembly, representatives from all geographical regions have expressed their growing concern at the development and proliferation of increasingly awesome weapons of mass destruction, which not only threaten human life but also absorb resources that could otherwise be used for vital economic and social purposes, particularly for the benefit of developing countries, and thereby for promoting and securing the enjoyment of human rights for all.

3. 委员会一方面深为关切在武装冲突中由于常规武器所致人命损失,同时又指出,大会连续几届会议上,来自世界各地理区域的代表们对于研制和扩散日新月异的大规模毁灭性武器日益关切,这种武器不但威胁人命,同时还占用了否则可用于重要经济和社会用途的资源,特别是有利于发展中国家的用途者,从而可用于促使人人安享人权的资源。

4. The Committee associates itself with this concern.

4. 委员会对此亦表关切。

It is evident that the designing, testing, manufacture, possession and deployment of nuclear weapons are among the greatest threats to the right to life which confront mankind today.


This threat is compounded by the danger that the actual use of such weapons may be brought about, not only in the event of war, but even through human or mechanical error or failure.


5. Furthermore, the very existence and gravity of this threat generates a climate of suspicion and fear between States, which is in itself antagonistic to the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the International Covenants on Human Rights.

5. 此外,这种武器的实际存在和威力在国家之间制造了猜疑和恐怖气氛;从而足以妨害按照《联合国宪章》和国际人权两公约的规定促使全世界都尊重和遵守人权及基本自由的工作。

6. The production, testing, possession, deployment and use of nuclear weapons should be prohibited and recognized as crimes against humanity.

6. 核武器的制造、试验、拥有、部署和使用都应予以禁止并作为危害人类的罪行看待。

7. The Committee accordingly, in the interest of mankind, calls upon all States, whether Parties to the Covenant or not, to take urgent steps, unilaterally and by agreement, to rid the world of this menace.

7. 为了人类的利益,委员会因此吁请所有各国,不论是否为《公约》的缔约国,都以单独和签订协定方式采取紧急步骤在世界上消除这一威胁。