General comment No. 29: |
第29号一般性意见: |
Article 4: Derogations during a state of emergency{§*} |
第四条(紧急状态期间的克减问题){§*} |
Seventy-second session (2001) |
第七十二届会议(2001年) |
1. Article 4 of the Covenant is of paramount importance for the system of protection for human rights under the Covenant. |
1. 《公约》第四条对于《公约》的人权保护制度是极为重要的。 |
On the one hand, it allows for a State party unilaterally to derogate temporarily from a part of its obligations under the Covenant. |
一方面,它允许缔约国单方面暂时克减其在《公约》下所承担的一部分义务。 |
On the other hand, article 4 subjects both this very measure of derogation, as well as its material consequences, to a specific regime of safeguards. |
另一方面,第四条规定,这一克减措施以及其实质后果得遵守一个特别的保障制度。 |
The restoration of a state of normalcy where full respect for the Covenant can again be secured must be the predominant objective of a State party derogating from the Covenant. |
克减《公约》义务的缔约国,其主要目标应是恢复正常状态,确保重新全面遵守《公约》。 |
In this general comment, replacing its general comment No. 5, adopted at the thirteenth session (1981), the Committee seeks to assist States parties to meet the requirements of article 4. |
委员会的这项一般性意见,将取代其第十三届会议(1981年)通过的第5号一般性意见,目的是力求帮助缔约国遵守第四条的规定。 |
2. Measures derogating from the provisions of the Covenant must be of an exceptional and temporary nature. |
2. 克减《公约》条款的措施,必须是非常性和临时性措施。 |
Before a State moves to invoke article 4, two fundamental conditions must be met: the situation must amount to a public emergency which threatens the life of the nation, and the State party must have officially proclaimed a state of emergency. |
一个国家在援引第四条时,必须符合两个基本条件:情况之紧急已威胁到民族之存亡,且缔约国必须已经正式宣布紧急状态。 |
The latter requirement is essential for the maintenance of the principles of legality and rule of law at times when they are most needed. |
后一项要求对于在最有此需要时维持合法的原则和法治是必要的。 |
When proclaiming a state of emergency with consequences that could entail derogation from any provision of the Covenant, States must act within their constitutional and other provisions of law that govern such proclamation and the exercise of emergency powers; it is the task of the Committee to monitor the laws in question with respect to whether they enable and secure compliance with article 4. |
在宣布可能引起克减《公约》任何条款的紧急状态时,国家采取的行动必须符合其宪法,以及宣布紧急状态和行使紧急状态权力的其他法律规定;委员会的任务,是在有关法律是否能够和确保遵守第四条方面,对之进行监督。 |
In order that the Committee can perform its task, States parties to the Covenant should include in their reports submitted under article 40 sufficient and precise information about their law and practice in the field of emergency powers. |
为了让委员会履行其任务,《公约》缔约国应在其按照第四十条提交的报告中,包括有关其在紧急权力领域里的法律和做法的充分和精确资料。 |
3. Not every disturbance or catastrophe qualifies as a public emergency which threatens the life of the nation, as required by article 4, paragraph 1. |
3. 并非每一起骚乱或灾祸都是第四条第1款所指危及民族存亡的公共紧急情况。 |
During armed conflict, whether international or non-international, rules of international humanitarian law become applicable and help, in addition to the provisions in article 4 and article 5, paragraph 1, of the Covenant, to prevent the abuse of a State’s emergency powers. |
在武装冲突期间,不论是国际性或非国际性的,均应适用国际人道主义法的规则,这方面的规则与《公约》第四条和第五条第1款的规定一样,有助于防止国家滥用紧急权力。 |
The Covenant requires that even during an armed conflict measures derogating from the Covenant are allowed only if and to the extent that the situation constitutes a threat to the life of the nation. |
《公约》规定,即使在武装冲突期间,也只能在形势威胁到国家存亡的情况下并在此范围内,才允许采取克减《公约》的措施。 |
If States parties consider invoking article 4 in other situations than an armed conflict, they should carefully consider the justification and why such a measure is necessary and legitimate in the circumstances. |
如果缔约国考虑在武装冲突之外的情况下援引第四条,它们应仔细考虑为什么在这些情况下这一措施是必要和合法的理由。 |
On a number of occasions the Committee has expressed its concern over States parties that appear to have derogated from rights protected by the Covenant, or whose domestic law appears to allow such derogation in situations not covered by article 4. {§1} |
对有些缔约国克减《公约》所保护的权利,或缔约国国内法似乎允许在第四条以外的情况下允许这类克减,委员会曾多次表示关切。{§1} |
4. A fundamental requirement for any measures derogating from the Covenant, as set forth in article 4, paragraph 1, is that such measures are limited to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation. |
4. 第四条第1款规定,任何克减《公约》的措施,其基本要求是,这类措施必须严格限于紧急情势所需的范围之内。 |
This requirement relates to the duration, geographical coverage and material scope of the state of emergency and any measures of derogation resorted to because of the emergency. |
这一规定涉及紧急状态以及由于紧急状态引起的任何克减措施的期限、地理范围和物质范围。 |
Derogation from some Covenant obligations in emergency situations is clearly distinct from restrictions or limitations allowed even in normal times under several provisions of the Covenant. {§2} |
在紧急情况下克减一些《公约》义务,显然有别于即使在正常情况下也可对《公约》的一些条款实行的限制。{§2} |
Nevertheless, the obligation to limit any derogations to those strictly required by the exigencies of the situation reflects the principle of proportionality which is common to derogation and limitation powers. |
然而,任何克减只限于紧急情势的严格需要这一义务,反映了对克减和权力限制都适用的相称原则。 |
Moreover, the mere fact that a permissible derogation from a specific provision may, of itself, be justified by the exigencies of the situation does not obviate the requirement that specific measures taken pursuant to the derogation must also be shown to be required by the exigencies of the situation. |
此外,对某一具体条款的一项可允许的克减可能由情势的需要而合理,但这一事实并没有排除根据克减所采取的特殊措施也必须反映情势需要的规定。 |
In practice, this will ensure that no provision of the Covenant, however validly derogated from will be entirely inapplicable to the behaviour of a State party. |
实际上,这就保证了《公约》的任何条款,不论受到任何有效的克减,都不会完全不适用于缔约国的行为。 |
When considering States parties’ reports the Committee has expressed its concern over insufficient attention being paid to the principle of proportionality. {§3} |
在审议缔约国报告时,委员会曾表示过它对相称原则未受到充分注意的关切。{§3} |
5. The issues of when rights can be derogated from, and to what extent, cannot be separated from the provision in article 4, paragraph 1, of the Covenant according to which any measures derogating from a State party’s obligations under the Covenant must be limited “to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation”. |
5. 在什么时候可克减权利以及克减的程度这两个问题不能从《公约》第四条第1款的规定中分开,根据该项规定,任何克减缔约国根据《公约》应承担的义务的措施,必须“以紧急情势所严格需要者为限”。 |
This condition requires that States parties provide careful justification not only for their decision to proclaim a state of emergency but also for any specific measures based on such a proclamation. |
这个条件要求缔约国不单为它们宣布紧急情况的决定,也为根据这一宣布采取的任何具体措施提出确切的理由。 |
If States purport to invoke the right to derogate from the Covenant during, for instance, a natural catastrophe, a mass demonstration including instances of violence, or a major industrial accident, they must be able to justify not only that such a situation constitutes a threat to the life of the nation, but also that all their measures derogating from the Covenant are strictly required by the exigencies of the situation. |
如果国家想在某些情况下援引克减《公约》的权利,如发生自然灾害、大规模示威游行包括发生暴力的情况,或发生重大工业事故,它必须能够提出理由,不单证明这一情势构成对民族存亡的威胁,而且也需证明,它们所采取的所有克减《公约》措施都是情势所严格需要的。 |
In the opinion of the Committee, the possibility of restricting certain Covenant rights under the terms of, for instance, freedom of movement (art. 12) or freedom of assembly (art. 21) is generally sufficient during such situations and no derogation from the provisions in question would be justified by the exigencies of the situation. |
委员会认为,在上述情况下,可采取措施,限制《公约》规定的某些权利,如迁徒自由(第十二条)或集会自由(第二十一条),一般而言已经足够,情况需要不足以成为克减有关条款的理由。 |
6. The fact that some of the provisions of the Covenant have been listed in article 4 (para. 2), as not being subject to derogation does not mean that other articles in the Covenant may be subjected to derogations at will, even where a threat to the life of the nation exists. |
6. 《公约》的一些条款在第四条第2款中被列为不可克减的条款,这一事实并不是说对《公约》其他条款可随意加以克减,即使在发生对国家生命有威胁的情况下。 |
The legal obligation to narrow down all derogations to those strictly required by the exigencies of the situation establishes both for States parties and for the Committee a duty to conduct a careful analysis under each article of the Covenant based on an objective assessment of the actual situation. |
将所有克减缩减到紧急情势所严格需要的程度这一法律义务,为缔约国和委员会这两方面都规定一项责任,即根据对实际情势的客观评估,对《公约》的每一条进行仔细的分析。 |
7. Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Covenant explicitly prescribes that no derogation from the following articles may be made: article 6 (right to life), article 7 (prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment, or of medical or scientific experimentation without consent), article 8, paragraphs 1 and 2 (prohibition of slavery, slave-trade and servitude), article 11 (prohibition of imprisonment because of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation), article 15 (the principle of legality in the field of criminal law, i.e. the requirement of both criminal liability and punishment being limited to clear and precise provisions in the law that was in place and applicable at the time the act or omission took place, except in cases where a later law imposes a lighter penalty), article 16 (the recognition of everyone as a person before the law), and article 18 (freedom of thought, conscience and religion). |
7. 《公约》第四条第2款明确规定下列条款不得予以克减:第六条(生命权);第七条(禁止酷刑或残忍的、不人道或侮辱性的待遇或刑罚,或未经同意而施以医药或科学试验);第八条第1款和第2款(禁止奴隶制度、奴隶买卖和役使);第十一条(禁止不得仅仅由于无力履行约定义务而被监禁);第十五条(在刑法领域里的法律原则,即刑事责任和刑罚限于行为或不行为发生时适用的明确法律规定,除非在稍后的一条法律规定应处以较轻刑罚的情况下);第十六条(承认人人在法律前的人格)和第十八条(思想、良心和宗教自由)。 |
The rights enshrined in these provisions are non-derogable by the very fact that they are listed in article 4, paragraph 2. |
这些条款中所载权利是不可克减的,因为它们被列在第四条第2款中。 |
The same applies, in relation to States that are parties to the Second Optional Protocol to the Covenant, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, as prescribed in article 6 of that Protocol. |
对于那些为《旨在废除死刑的公约第二项任择议定书》的缔约国来说,该议定书第六条的规定也同样适用。 |
Conceptually, the qualification of a Covenant provision as a non-derogable one does not mean that no limitations or restrictions would ever be justified. |
理论上,一项被称为不可克减的《公约》条款,并不是说无论如何都没有理由进行限制。 |
The reference in article 4, paragraph 2, to article 18, a provision that includes a specific clause on restrictions in its paragraph 3, demonstrates that the permissibility of restrictions is independent of the issue of derogability. |
第四条第2款中提到第十八条,后者在其第3款中特别包括一个关于限制的规定,这表明,是否允许限制与克减问题无关。 |
Even in times of most serious public emergencies, States that interfere with the freedom to manifest one’s religion or belief must justify their actions by referring to the requirements specified in article 18, paragraph 3. |
即使在最严重的公共紧急情势下,干预宗教或信仰自由的国家必须按照第十八条第3款的规定提出它们的行动根据。 |
On several occasions the Committee has expressed its concern about rights that are non-derogable according to article 4, paragraph 2, being either derogated from or under a risk of derogation owing to inadequacies in the legal regime of the State party. {§4} |
根据第四条第2款,一些权利是不可克减的但由于缔约国的法律制度不健全而受到克减或有可能受到克减,对此,委员会曾多次表示关切。{§4} |
8. According to article 4, paragraph 1, one of the conditions for the justifiability of any derogation from the Covenant is that the measures taken do not involve discrimination solely on the ground of race, colour, sex, language, religion or social origin. |
8. 按照第四条第1款,克减《公约》的其中一个条件是所采取的措施不得包含纯粹基于种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教或社会出身的理由的歧视。 |
Even though article 26 or the other Covenant provisions related to non-discrimination (arts. 2, 3, 14, para.1, 23, para. 4, 24, para. 1, and 25) have not been listed among the non-derogable provisions in article 4, paragraph 2, there are elements or dimensions of the right to non-discrimination that cannot be derogated from in any circumstances. |
即使第二十六条或有关非歧视性的其他《公约》条款(第二条、第三条、第十四条第1款、第二十三条第4款、第二十四条第1款和第二十五条)未被列入第四条第2款的不可克减条款内,一些不受歧视权利的要素和方面在任何情况下都不能予以克减。 |
In particular, this provision of article 4, paragraph 1, must be complied with if any distinctions between persons are made when resorting to measures that derogate from the Covenant. |
特别是,在采取克减《公约》措施时,如对不同的人作出区别,就必须遵守第四条第1款。 |
9. Furthermore, article 4, paragraph 1, requires that no measure derogating from the provisions of the Covenant may be inconsistent with the State party’s other obligations under international law, particularly the rules of international humanitarian law. |
9. 此外,第四条第1款规定,任何克减《公约》的措施不得与它根据国际法所负有的其他义务,特别是国际人道主义法的规则有所抵触。 |
Article 4 of the Covenant cannot be read as justification for derogation from the Covenant if such derogation would entail a breach of the State’s other international obligations, whether based on treaty or general international law. |
《公约》第四条不能被解释为克减《公约》的理由,如果这种克减会导致该国不遵守其他国际义务,不论这些义务来自条约或一般国际法。 |
This is reflected also in article 5, paragraph 2, of the Covenant according to which there shall be no restriction upon or derogation from any fundamental rights recognized in other instruments on the pretext that the Covenant does not recognize such rights or that it recognizes them to a lesser extent. |
《公约》第五条第2款也反映了这一点,它规定对其他文书中规定的任何基本权利不得借口《公约》未予承认或只在较小范围上予以承认而加以限制或克减。 |
10. Although it is not the function of the Human Rights Committee to review the conduct of a State party under other treaties, in exercising its functions under the Covenant the Committee has the competence to take a State party’s other international obligations into account when it considers whether the Covenant allows the State party to derogate from specific provisions of the Covenant. |
10. 虽然人权事务委员会的职能并不是去审查缔约国在别的条约下的行为,委员会根据《公约》赋予它的职能,在审议《公约》是否允许缔约国克减《公约》某些条款时,有权考虑到缔约国的其他国际义务。 |
Therefore, when invoking article 4, paragraph 1, or when reporting under article 40 on the legal framework related to emergencies, States parties should present information on their other international obligations relevant for the protection of the rights in question, in particular those obligations that are applicable in times of emergency. {§5} |
因此,缔约国在援引第四条第1款时,或按照第四十条报告有关紧急情势的法律框架时,应提出它们关于保护有关权利的其他国际义务的资料,特别是那些适用于紧急状态时期的义务。{§5} |
In this respect, States parties should duly take into account the developments within international law as to human rights standards applicable in emergency situations. {§6} |
在这方面,缔约国应充分考虑到国际法内在紧急状态下适用人权标准的发展。{§6} |
11. The enumeration of non-derogable provisions in article 4 is related to, but not identical with, the question whether certain human rights obligations bear the nature of peremptory norms of international law. |
11. 第四条列出的不可克减条款,是关于但不等同于某些人权义务是否具国际法绝对标准性质的问题。 |
The proclamation of certain provisions of the Covenant as being of a non-derogable nature, in article 4, paragraph 2, is to be seen partly as recognition of the peremptory nature of some fundamental rights ensured in treaty form in the Covenant (e.g., arts. 6 and 7). |
在第四条第2款中宣布《公约》某些条款具有不可克减的性质应视为部分地承认了《公约》中以条约形式保证了一些基本权利的绝对性质(例如第六条和第七条)。 |
However, it is apparent that some other provisions of the Covenant were included in the list of non-derogable provisions because it can never become necessary to derogate from these rights during a state of emergency (e.g., arts. 11 and 18). |
然后,《公约》的一些其他条款显然是因为在一个紧急情势下,从来无必要克减这些权利而被包括在不可克减条款清单内(如第十一条和十八条)。 |
Furthermore, the category of peremptory norms extends beyond the list of non-derogable provisions as given in article 4, paragraph 2. |
此外,这一类绝对标准超过第四条第二款所列的不可克减条款清单。 |
States parties may in no circumstances invoke article 4 of the Covenant as justification for acting in violation of humanitarian law or peremptory norms of international law, for instance by taking hostages, by imposing collective punishments, through arbitrary deprivations of liberty or by deviating from fundamental principles of fair trial, including the presumption of innocence. |
缔约国不论在什么情况下都不能援引《公约》第四条作为违反人道主义法律或国际法绝对标准的理由,例如通过任意剥夺自由或偏离包括无罪推定的公正审判原则,劫持人质、强加集体性惩罚。 |
12. In assessing the scope of legitimate derogation from the Covenant, one criterion can be found in the definition of certain human rights violations as crimes against humanity. |
12. 在评估合法克减《公约》的范围时,可在某些诸如危害人类罪行的侵犯人权定义中找到一项标准。 |
If action conducted under the authority of a State constitutes a basis for individual criminal responsibility for a crime against humanity by the persons involved in that action, article 4 of the Covenant cannot be used as justification that a state of emergency exempted the State in question from its responsibility in relation to the same conduct. |
如果在一个国家权威下进行的行动构成从事一项危害人类罪行行动的人士的个别刑事责任基础,《公约》第四条就不能用作为理由使在紧急情势下的有关国家免除其同一行为的责任。 |
Therefore, the recent codification of crimes against humanity, for jurisdictional purposes, in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is of relevance in the interpretation of article 4 of the Covenant. {§7} |
因此,最近为了司法权的目的,在国际刑事法院的规约中编纂了危害人类罪对于《公约》第四条的解释是有用的。 7 |
13. In those provisions of the Covenant that are not listed in article 4, paragraph 2, there are elements that in the Committee’s opinion cannot be made subject to lawful derogation under article 4. |
13. 在第四条第2款没有列出的《公约》条款中,委员会认为有些要素不能根据第四条受到合法的克减。 |
Some illustrative examples are presented below. |
下面举出一些例子。 |
(a) All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person. |
对所有被剥夺自由的人应给予人道及尊重其固有的人格尊严的待遇。 |
Although this right, prescribed in article 10 of the Covenant, is not separately mentioned in the list of non-derogable rights in article 4, paragraph 2, the Committee believes that here the Covenant expresses a norm of general international law not subject to derogation. |
虽然《公约》第十条规定的这项权利并没有在第四条第2款的不可克减权利清单中被单独提及,委员会认为《公约》在这里表达了不可克减的一项普遍国际法标准。 |
This is supported by the reference to the inherent dignity of the human person in the preamble to the Covenant and by the close connection between articles 7 and 10. |
《公约》前言中提到的固有人格尊严及第七条和第十条之间的密切关系都支持这一看法。 |
(b) The prohibitions against taking of hostages, abductions or unacknowledged detention are not subject to derogation. |
禁止扣作人质、诱拐或私下扣留的条款也不能予以克减。 |
The absolute nature of these prohibitions, even in times of emergency, is justified by their status as norms of general international law. |
对这些行为的绝对禁止性质,(即使在紧急情势下),是因为这些标准是一般国际法的标准。 |
(c) The Committee is of the opinion that the international protection of the rights of persons belonging to minorities includes elements that must be respected in all circumstances. |
委员会认为对属于少数的人的权利的国际保护包括在所有情况下都应尊重的要素。 |
This is reflected in the prohibition against genocide in international law, in the inclusion of a non-discrimination clause in article 4 itself (para. 1), as well as in the non-derogable nature of article 18. |
这反映在国际法中对灭绝种族的禁止,和在第四条内列入了一项不歧视规定(第1款),以及第十八条的不可克减性质中。 |
(d) As confirmed by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, deportation or forcible transfer of population without grounds permitted under international law, in the form of forced displacement by expulsion or other coercive means from the area in which the persons concerned are lawfully present, constitutes a crime against humanity. {§8} |
正如罗马《国际刑事法院规约》所证实的,在没有国际法所允许的理由下实行驱逐出境或人口强迫迁移,不论是以驱逐或其他胁迫手段将有关人等从其合法居住的地方强迫迁移到别处都构成危害人类罪。{§8} |
The legitimate right to derogate from article 12 of the Covenant during a state of emergency can never be accepted as justifying such measures. |
在紧急状态下克减《公约》第十二条的合法权利绝不能被接受为采取这些措施的理由。 |
(e) No declaration of a state of emergency made pursuant to article 4, paragraph 1, may be invoked as justification for a State party to engage itself, contrary to article 20, in propaganda for war, or in advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that would constitute incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence. |
缔约国不能援引按照第四条第一款作出的紧急状态声明,违反第二十条,从事战争宣传或主张可构成煽动歧视敌对行为或暴力的民族、种族或宗教仇恨。 |
14. Article 2, paragraph 3, of the Covenant requires a State party to the Covenant to provide remedies for any violation of the provisions of the Covenant. |
14. 《公约》第二条第3款要求《公约》缔约国为违犯《公约》条款的任何行为提供补救。 |
This clause is not mentioned in the list of non-derogable provisions in article 4, paragraph 2, but it constitutes a treaty obligation inherent in the Covenant as a whole. |
第四条第2款所列的不可克减条款清单中没有提到这一条,但是它构成全体《公约》内在的一项条约义务。 |
Even if a State party, during a state of emergency, and to the extent that such measures are strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, may introduce adjustments to the practical functioning of its procedures governing judicial or other remedies, the State party must comply with the fundamental obligation, under article 2, paragraph 3, of the Covenant to provide a remedy that is effective. |
即使一个缔约国在一项紧急情势下并在紧急情势严格需要时,可对它们有关司法或其他补救程序的实际运作作出调整,缔约国必须遵守第二条第3款的基本义务,提供有效的补救。 |
15. It is inherent in the protection of rights explicitly recognized as non-derogable in article 4, paragraph 2, that they must be secured by procedural guarantees, including, often, judicial guarantees. |
15. 在保护第四条第2款明确承认为不可克减权利时,显然必须通过常常包括司法保证在内的程序保证来实行。 |
The provisions of the Covenant relating to procedural safeguards may never be made subject to measures that would circumvent the protection of non-derogable rights. |
《公约》中有关程序性保障的条款绝不能受到一些措施的左右,如这些措施会妨碍对不可克减权利的保护。 |
Article 4 may not be resorted to in a way that would result in derogation from non-derogable rights. |
在引用第四条时,其方式不应导致不可克减的权利的克减。 |
Thus, for example, as article 6 of the Covenant is non-derogable in its entirety, any trial leading to the imposition of the death penalty during a state of emergency must conform to the provisions of the Covenant, including all the requirements of articles 14 and 15. |
因此,举例说,由于《公约》第六条整体不能被克减,在紧急状态下,任何导致死刑的审判必须符合《公约》各条款,包括第十四条和十五条的所有规定。 |
16. Safeguards related to derogation, as embodied in article 4 of the Covenant, are based on the principles of legality and the rule of law inherent in the Covenant as a whole. |
16. 《公约》第四条中关于克减的保障的根据是《公约》整体内在的法律和法治原则。 |
As certain elements of the right to a fair trial are explicitly guaranteed under international humanitarian law during armed conflict, the Committee finds no justification for derogation from these guarantees during other emergency situations. |
由于国际人道主义法律明确保障武装冲突时期受到公正审判权利的某些内容,委员会认为没有理由在其他紧急状态下克减这些保障。 |
The Committee is of the opinion that the principles of legality and the rule of law require that fundamental requirements of fair trial must be respected during a state of emergency. |
委员会认为法律原则和法治原则要求在紧急状态下必须尊重公正审判的基本规定。 |
Only a court of law may try and convict a person for a criminal offence. |
只有法庭能就一宗刑事案审判一个人。 |
The presumption of innocence must be respected. |
必须尊重无罪推定的原则。 |
In order to protect non-derogable rights, the right to take proceedings before a court to enable the court to decide without delay on the lawfulness of detention, must not be diminished by a State party’s decision to derogate from the Covenant. {§9} |
为了保护不可克减的权利,缔约国克减《公约》的决定,不应影响到向法庭提出诉讼的权利,使法庭能够立即决定拘留是否合法。{§9} |
17. In paragraph 3 of article 4, States parties, when they resort to their power of derogation under article 4, commit themselves to a regime of international notification. |
17. 根据第四条第3款,当缔约国援用第四条授予它们的克减权时,应同意遵守一项国际通知制度。 |
A State party availing itself of the right of derogation must immediately inform the other States parties, through the United Nations Secretary-General, of the provisions it has derogated from and of the reasons for such measures. |
援用克减权的缔约国必须立即经由联合国秘书长,将它已克减的各项规定和实行克减的理由通知其他缔约国。 |
Such notification is essential not only for the discharge of the Committee’s functions, in particular in assessing whether the measures taken by the State party were strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, but also to permit other States parties to monitor compliance with the provisions of the Covenant. |
这种通知,不单对于委员会履行其职能极之重要,特别是在评估缔约国所采取的措施是否紧急情势所严格需要时,而且也允许其他缔约国监督它是否遵守《公约》各条款。 |
In view of the summary character of many of the notifications received in the past, the Committee emphasizes that the notification by States parties should include full information about the measures taken and a clear explanation of the reasons for them, with full documentation attached regarding their law. |
鉴于过去收到的许多通知的摘要性质,委员会强调在通知中应包括所采取的措施的全部资料,以及采取措施的明确理由,并附上有关其法律的全部文献。 |
Additional notifications are required if the State party subsequently takes further measures under article 4, for instance by extending the duration of a state of emergency. |
如果缔约国随后根据第四条采取进一步措施,例如延长紧急状态的时间,它必须作出进一步通知。 |
The requirement of immediate notification applies equally in relation to the termination of derogation. |
立即通知的规定也同样适用于终止克减的情况。 |
These obligations have not always been respected: States parties have failed to notify other States parties, through the Secretary-General, of a proclamation of a state of emergency and of the resulting measures of derogation from one or more provisions of the Covenant, and States parties have sometimes neglected to submit a notification of territorial or other changes in the exercise of their emergency powers. {§10} |
这些义务并不是总得到遵守:如缔约国没有经由秘书长通知其他缔约国关于其宣布紧急状态和因此采取的、克减《公约》一项或多项条款的措施,缔约国在行使其紧急权力时,有时候忽略了提出有关领土方面或其他变动的通知。{§10} |
Sometimes, the existence of a state of emergency and the question of whether a State party has derogated from provisions of the Covenant have come to the attention of the Committee only incidentally, in the course of the consideration of a State party’s report. |
有时候只在审议缔约国报告过程中,委员会才偶然注意到存在着紧急状态和缔约国是否克减了《公约》条款的问题。 |
The Committee emphasizes the obligation of immediate international notification whenever a State party takes measures derogating from its obligations under the Covenant. |
委员会强调每当缔约国采取措施克减其《公约》义务时,必须遵守立即国际通知的义务。 |
The duty of the Committee to monitor the law and practice of a State party for compliance with article 4 does not depend on whether that State party has submitted a notification. |
委员会监督一缔约国的法律和做法是否遵守第四条的责任并不取决于该缔约国是否提出了通知。 |
Notes |
注 |
{§*} Adopted at the 1950th meeting, on 24 July 2001. |
{§*} 2001年7月24日第1950次会议通过。 |
{§1} See the following comments/concluding observations: United Republic of Tanzania (1992), CCPR/C/79/Add.12, paragraph 7; Dominican Republic (1993), CCPR/C/79/Add.18, paragraph 4; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1995), CCPR/C/79/Add.55, paragraph 23; Peru (1996), CCPR/C/79/Add.67, paragraph 11; Bolivia (1997), CCPR/C/79/Add.74, paragraph 14; Colombia (1997), CCPR/C/79/Add.76, paragraph 25; Lebanon (1997), CCPR/C/79/Add.78, paragraph 10; Uruguay (1998), CCPR/C/79/Add.90, paragraph 8; Israel (1998), CCPR/C/79/Add.93, paragraph 11. |
{§1} 见下列结论性意见:坦桑尼亚联合共和国(1992),CCPR/C/79/Add.12,第7段;多米尼加共和国(1993),CCPR/C/79/Add.18,第4段;大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(1995),CCPR/C/79/Add.55,第23段;秘鲁(1996),CCPR/C/79/Add.67,第11段;玻利维亚(1997),CCPR/C/79/Add.74, 第14段;哥伦比亚(1997),CCPR/C/79/Add.76,第25段;黎巴嫩(1997),CCPR/C/79/Add.78,第10段;乌拉圭(1998),CCPR/C/79/Add.90,第8段;以色列(1998),CCPR/C/79/Add.93,第11段。 |
{§2} See, for instance, articles 12 and 19 of the Covenant. |
{§2} 例如,见《公约》第十二条和十九条。 |
{§3} See, for example, concluding observations on Israel (1998), CCPR/C/79/Add.93, paragraph 11. |
{§3} 例如,见关于以色列的结论性意见(1998年),CCPR/C/79/Add.93,第11段。 |
{§4} See the following comments/concluding observations: Dominican Republic (1993), CCPR/C/79/Add.18, paragraph 4; Jordan (1994), CCPR/C/79/Add.35, paragraph 6; Nepal (1994), CCPR/C/79/Add.42, paragraph 9; Russian Federation (1995), CCPR/C/79/Add.54, paragraph 27; Zambia (1996), CCPR/C/79/Add.62, paragraph 11; Gabon (1996), CCPR/C/79/Add.71, paragraph 10; Colombia (1997), CCPR/C/79/Add.76, paragraph 25; Israel (1998), CCPR/C/79/Add.93, paragraph 11; Iraq (1997), CCPR/C/79/Add.84, paragraph 9; Uruguay (1998), CCPR/C/79/Add.90, paragraph 8; Armenia (1998), CCPR/C/79/Add.100, paragraph 7; Mongolia (2000), CCPR/C/79/Add.120, paragraph 14; Kyrgyzstan (2000), CCPR/CO/69/KGZ, paragraph 12. |
{§4} 见下列结论性意见:多米尼加共和国(1993),CCPR/C/79/Add.18,第4段;约旦(1994),CCPR/C/79/Add.35,第6段;尼泊尔(1994),CCPR/C/79/Add.42,第9段;俄罗斯联邦(1995),CCPR/C/79/Add.54,第27段;赞比亚(1996),CCPR/C/79/Add.62,第11段;加蓬(1996),CCPR/C/79/Add.71,第10段;哥伦比亚(1997),CCPR/C/79/Add.76,第25段;以色列(1998),CCPR/C/79/Add.93,第11段;伊拉克(1997),CCPR/C/79/ Add.84,第9段;乌拉圭(1998),CCPR/C/79/Add.90,第8段;亚美尼亚(1998),CCPR/C/79/Add.100,第7段;蒙古(2000),CCPR/C/79/Add.120,第14段;吉尔吉斯斯坦(2000),CCPR/CO/69/KGZ, 第12段。 |
{§5} Reference is made to the Convention on the Rights of the Child which has been ratified by almost all States parties to the Covenant and does not include a derogation clause. |
{§5} 这里提到的是几乎所有《公约》缔约国都已批准了的《儿童权利公约》并不包括一项克减条款。 |
As article 38 of the Convention clearly indicates, the Convention is applicable in emergency situations. |
正如《公约》第三十八条明显指出,《公约》适用于紧急情势。 |
{§6} Reference is made to reports of the Secretary-General to the Commission on Human Rights submitted pursuant to Commission resolutions 1998/29, 1996/65 and 2000/69 on minimum humanitarian standards (later: fundamental standards of humanity), E/CN.4/1999/92, E/CN.4/2000/94 and E/CN.4/2001/91, and to earlier efforts to identify fundamental rights applicable in all circumstances, for instance the Paris Minimum Standards of Human Rights Norms in a State of Emergency (International Law Association, 1984), the Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the final report of Mr. Leandro Despouy, Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission, on human rights and states of emergency (E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/19 and Add.1), the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2), the Turku (Ảbo) Declaration of Minimum Humanitarian Standards (1990), (E/CN.4/1995/116). |
{§6} 这里是指秘书长根据人权委员会的有关决议提出的报告,包括根据关于最低人道主义标准(后改称基本人道主义标准)的第1998/29、第1996/65和第2000/69号决议提出的报告,E/CN.4/1999/92,E/CN.4/2000/94和E/CN.4/2001/91,以及较早为确定对所有情况都适用的基本权利而作出的努力,如《紧急情势下巴黎最低人权标准(国际法协会,1984年);关于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》限制和克减条款的叙拉克原则,小组委员会特别报告员Leandro Despouy先生关于人权与紧急状态问题的最后报告(E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/19和Add.1),关于国内流离失所问题的指导原则(E/CN.4/1998/ 53/Add.2),关于最低人道主义标准的Turku (Åbo)宣言(1990) (E/CN.4/1995/116)。 |
As a field of ongoing further work reference is made to the decision of the 26th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (1995) to assign the International Committee of the Red Cross the task of preparing a report on the customary rules of international humanitarian law applicable in international and non-international armed conflicts. |
至于目前正在进行的进一步的工作,还应提到第二十六届红十字会和红新月会国际会议(1995)的决定,该决定要求红十字会国际委员编写一份关于适用于国际和非国际武装冲突的国际人道主义法习惯规则的报告。 |
{§7} See articles 6 (genocide) and 7 (crimes against humanity) of the Statute which by 1 July 2001 had been ratified by 35 States. |
{§7} 见2001年7月1日已有35国批准的《规约》第6条(种族灭绝)和第7条(危害人类罪)。 |
While many of the specific forms of conduct listed in article 7 of the Statute are directly linked to violations against those human rights that are listed as non-derogable provisions in article 4, paragraph 2, of the Covenant, the category of crimes against humanity as defined in that provision covers also violations of some provisions of the Covenant that have not been mentioned in the said provision of the Covenant. |
虽然《规约》第7条所列的许多具体行为与《公约》第四条第2款列为不可克减的侵犯人权行为直接有关,但该条款中规定的危害人类罪,也包括对上述《公约》条款中没有提到的一些规定的违反。 |
For example, certain grave violations of article 27 may at the same time constitute genocide under article 6 of the Rome Statute, and article 7, in turn, covers practices that are related to, besides articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Covenant, also articles 9, 12, 26 and 27. |
例如,对第二十七条的某些严重侵犯也可能同时构成国际刑事法院规约第6条下的灭绝种族罪行,而第7条在《公约》第六、七和八条之外还包括第九、十二、二十六和二十七条。 |
{§8} See article 7 (1) (d) and 7 (2) (d) of the Rome Statute. |
{§8} 见国际刑事法院规约第7(1)(d)条和7(2)(d)条。 |
{§9} See the Committee’s concluding observations on Israel (1998) (CCPR/C/79/Add.93), paragraph 21: “… The Committee considers the present application of administrative detention to be incompatible with articles 7 and 16 of the Covenant, neither of which allows for derogation in times of public emergency … |
{§9} 见委员会关于以色列的结论性意见(1998)(CCPR/C/79/Add.93)第21段:“…委员会认为目前执行的行政拘留不符合《公约》第七条和第十六条,这两条都不允许在公共紧急状态下予以克减…。 |
The Committee stresses, however, that a State party may not depart from the requirement of effective judicial review of detention. ” |
然而,委员会强调,缔约国不能背离对拘留进行有效的司法审查的要求。” |
See also the recommendation by the Committee to the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities concerning a draft third optional protocol to the Covenant: “The Committee is satisfied that States parties generally understand that the right to habeas corpus and amparo should not be limited in situations of emergency. |
并见委员会对防止歧视和保护少数小组委员会关于《公约》第三项《任择议定书》草稿的建议:“委员会感到满意的是,缔约国一般都了解人身保护和宪法保护权不应仅限于在紧急状态下实施。 |
Furthermore, the Committee is of the view that the remedies provided in article 9, paragraphs 3 and 4, read in conjunction with article 2 are inherent to the Covenant as a whole. ” |
此外,委员会认为,第九条第3和4款规定的补偿办法,联系第二条来看,乃是整个《公约》所固有的。” |
Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-ninth session, Supplement No. 40 (A/49/40), vol. I, annex XI, paragraph 2. |
(《大会正式记录,第四十九届会议,补篇第40号》(A/49/40),第一卷,附件十一,第2段)。 |
{§10} See comments/concluding observations on Peru (1992), CCPR/C/79/Add.8, paragraph 10; Ireland (1993), CCPR/C/79/Add.21, paragraph 11; Egypt (1993), CCPR/C/79/Add.23, paragraph 7; Cameroon (1994), CCPR/C/79/Add.33, paragraph 7; Russian Federation (1995), CCPR/C/79/Add.54, paragraph 27; Zambia (1996), CCPR/C/79/Add.62, paragraph 11; Lebanon (1997), CCPR/C/79/Add.78, paragraph 10; India (1997), CCPR/C/79/Add.81, paragraph 19; Mexico (1999), CCPR/C/79/Add.109, paragraph 12. |
{§10} 见关于下列国家的结论性意见:秘鲁(1992),CCPR/C/79/Add.8,第10段;爱尔兰(1993),CCPR/C/79/Add.21,第11段;埃及(1993),CCPR/C/79/Add.23,第7段;喀麦隆(1994),CCPR/C/79/Add.33,第7段;俄罗斯联邦(1995),CCPR/C/79/Add.54,第27段;赞比亚(1996),CCPR/C/79/Add.62,第11段;黎巴嫩(1997),CCPR/C/79/Add.78,第10段;印度(1997),CCPR/C/79/Add.81,第19段;墨西哥(1999),CCPR/C/79/Add.109,第12段。 |