General comment No. 30:


Reporting obligations of States parties under article 40 of the Covenant{§*}


Seventy-fifth session (2002)


1. States parties have undertaken to submit reports in accordance with article 40 of the Covenant within one year of its entry into force for the States parties concerned and, thereafter, whenever the Committee so requests.

1. 各缔约国承担在《公约》对有关缔约国生效后一年内及此后每逢委员会要求这样做时,依照《公约》第四十条提交报告。

2. The Committee notes, as appears from its annual reports, that only a small number of States have submitted their reports on time.

2. 委员会注意到,如其年度报告所示,只有少数国家按时提交了报告。

Most of them have been submitted with delays ranging from a few months to several years and some States parties are still in default, despite repeated reminders by the Committee.


3. Other States have announced that they would appear before the Committee but have not done so on the scheduled date.

3. 另一些国家虽宣布它们将出席委员会,但到了排定的日期却没有到会。

4. To remedy such situations, the Committee has adopted new rules:

4. 为了纠正上述情况,委员会通过了下列新规则:

(a) If a State party has submitted a report but does not send a delegation to the Committee, the Committee may notify the State party of the date on which it intends to consider the report or may proceed to consider the report at the meeting that had been initially scheduled;


(b) When the State party has not presented a report, the Committee may, at its discretion, notify the State party of the date on which the Committee proposes to examine the measures taken by the State party to implement the rights guaranteed under the Covenant:


If the State party is represented by a delegation, the Committee will, in presence of the delegation, proceed with the examination on the date assigned;


If the State party is not represented, the Committee may, at its discretion, either decide to proceed to consider the measures taken by the State party to implement the guarantees of the Covenant at the initial date or notify a new date to the State party.


For the purposes of the application of these procedures, the Committee shall hold its meetings in public session if a delegation is present, and in private if a delegation is not present, and shall follow the modalities set forth in the reporting guidelines and in the rules of procedure of the Committee.


5. After the Committee has adopted concluding observations, a follow-up procedure shall be employed in order to establish, maintain or restore a dialogue with the State party.

5. 在委员会通过结论性意见后,应使用后续行动程序以便建立、维持或恢复与缔约国的对话。

For this purpose and in order to enable the Committee to take further action, the Committee shall appoint a Special Rapporteur, who will report to the Committee.


6. In the light of the report of the Special Rapporteur, the Committee shall assess the position adopted by the State party and, if necessary, set a new date for the State party to submit its next report.

6. 根据特别报告员报告的情况,委员会应评估缔约国采取的立场,并在必要时为缔约国提交下一次报告重订一个新的日期。

{§*} Adopted on 16 July 2002 at its 2025th meeting. This general comment replaces general comment No. 1.

{§*} 委员会2002716日第2025次会议上通过。