General comment No. 32: Right to equality before |
第32号一般性意见: |
courts and tribunals and to a fair trial |
在法庭和裁判所前一律平等和获得公正审判的权利 |
Ninetieth session (2007) |
第九十届会议(2007年) |
I. General remarks |
一、导言 |
1. This general comment replaces general comment No. 13 (twenty-first session). |
1. 本一般性意见取代第13号一般性意见(第二十一届会议)。 |
2. The right to equality before the courts and tribunals and to a fair trial is a key element of human rights protection and serves as a procedural means to safeguard the rule of law. |
2. 在法庭和裁判所前一律平等和获得公正审判的权利是人权保护的一项关键内容,是保障法治的一项程序手段。 |
Article 14 of the Covenant aims at ensuring the proper administration of justice, and to this end guarantees a series of specific rights. |
《公约》第十四条旨在确保司法制度的适当运作,并为此保障一系列具体权利。 |
3. Article 14 is of a particularly complex nature, combining various guarantees with different scopes of application. |
3. 第十四条的性质复杂,混合了适用范围各不相同的各种保障。 |
The first sentence of paragraph 1 sets out a general guarantee of equality before courts and tribunals that applies regardless of the nature of proceedings before such bodies. |
第1款第一句规定在法庭和裁判所前一律平等的一般保障,不论在这些机构的诉讼性质如何。 |
The second sentence of the same paragraph entitles individuals to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law, if they face any criminal charges or if their rights and obligations are determined in a suit at law. |
同款第二句规定在判定对任何人提出的任何刑事指控或确定他在一件诉讼案中的权利和义务时,人人有资格由一个依法设立的合格的、独立的和无偏倚的法庭进行公正的和公开的审讯。 |
In such proceedings the media and the public may be excluded from the hearing only in the cases specified in the third sentence of paragraph 1. |
在这些审判中,只能根据第1款第三句所规定的具体情况,才可拒绝记者和公众出席旁听。 |
Paragraphs 2 - 5 of the article contain procedural guarantees available to persons charged with a criminal offence. |
该条第2至5款列出了受刑事指控者可以利用的程序保障。 |
Paragraph 6 secures a substantive right to compensation in cases of miscarriage of justice in criminal cases. |
第6款规定在刑事案件中出现误审可获得赔偿的实质权利。 |
Paragraph 7 prohibits double jeopardy and thus guarantees a substantive freedom, namely the right to remain free from being tried or punished again for an offence for which an individual has already been finally convicted or acquitted. |
第7款规定一罪不二审,从而对自由提供实质保障,即个人有权不就已最后定罪或宣告无罪的罪名再次受审判或惩罚。 |
States parties to the Covenant, in their reports, should clearly distinguish between these different aspects of the right to a fair trial. |
《公约》缔约国在其报告中,应明确区分公正审判权的各个不同方面。 |
4. Article 14 contains guarantees that States parties must respect, regardless of their legal traditions and their domestic law. |
4. 第十四条列出了缔约国必须尊重的各种保障,不论它们的法律传统和国内法如何。 |
While they should report on how these guarantees are interpreted in relation to their respective legal systems, the Committee notes that it cannot be left to the sole discretion of domestic law to determine the essential content of Covenant guarantees. |
缔约国应报告如何依据其各自的法律制度解释这些保障,委员会则指出,委员会无法任由国内法确定《公约》保障的实质性内容。 |
5. While reservations to particular clauses of article 14 may be acceptable, a general reservation to the right to a fair trial would be incompatible with the object and purpose of the Covenant. |
5. 虽然对于第十四条的某些条文作出保留可以接受,但是,对公正审判权的一般保留不符合《公约》的目标和宗旨。 |
6. While article 14 is not included in the list of non-derogable rights of article 4, paragraph 2 of the Covenant, States derogating from normal procedures required under article 14 in circumstances of a public emergency should ensure that such derogations do not exceed those strictly required by the exigencies of the actual situation. |
6. 《公约》第四条第2款虽未将第十四条列入不可克减权利的清单中,但缔约国若在社会处于紧急状态时决定克减第十四条所规定的正常程序,它应保证克减的程度以实际局势的紧急程度所严格需要者为限。 |
The guarantees of fair trial may never be made subject to measures of derogation that would circumvent the protection of non-derogable rights. |
公正审判权不应适用使不可克减权的保护受到限制的克减措施。 |
Thus, for example, as article 6 of the Covenant is non-derogable in its entirety, any trial leading to the imposition of the death penalty during a state of emergency must conform to the provisions of the Covenant, including all the requirements of article 14. |
因此,举例说,由于《公约》第六条整条不能被克减,在紧急状态下,任何导致死刑的审判必须符合《公约》各条款,包括第十四条的所有规定。 |
Similarly, as article 7 is also non-derogable in its entirety, no statements or confessions or, in principle, other evidence obtained in violation of this provision may be invoked as evidence in any proceedings covered by article 14, including during a state of emergency, except if a statement or confession obtained in violation of article 7 is used as evidence that torture or other treatment prohibited by this provision occurred. |
同样,第七条整条也不能被克减,不得援引违反这项规定取得的证词、口供或原则上其他证据作为第十四条范围内的诉讼的证据,在紧急状态下亦同,但通过违反第七条取得的证词或口供可用作证明发生本条所禁止的酷刑或其他待遇的证据。 |
Deviating from fundamental principles of fair trial, including the presumption of innocence, is prohibited at all times. |
在任何时候,均应禁止偏离包括无罪推定的公正审判原则。 |
II. Equality before courts and tribunals |
二、在法庭和裁判所前一律平等 |
7. The first sentence of article 14, paragraph 1 guarantees in general terms the right to equality before courts and tribunals. |
7. 第十四条第1款第一句一般地就保障在法庭和裁判所前一律平等的权利作出了规定。 |
This guarantee not only applies to courts and tribunals addressed in the second sentence of this paragraph of article 14, but must also be respected whenever domestic law entrusts a judicial body with a judicial task. |
这项保障不仅对第十四条第1款第二句所指的法庭和裁判所适用,而且国内法一旦授予一个司法机构执行司法任务时均须加以尊重。 |
8. The right to equality before courts and tribunals, in general terms, guarantees, in addition to the principles mentioned in the second sentence of Article 14, paragraph 1, those of equal access and equality of arms, and ensures that the parties to the proceedings in question are treated without any discrimination. |
8. 在法庭和裁判所前一律平等的权利一般地保障第十四条第1款第二句所述的原则之外,还保障平等机会和权利平等原则,并保证有关诉讼方不受任何歧视。 |
9. Article 14 encompasses the right of access to the courts in cases of determination of criminal charges and rights and obligations in a suit at law. |
9. 第十四条还包括在判定刑事指控和确定在一件诉讼案中的权利和义务的案件中出席法庭的权利。 |
Access to administration of justice must effectively be guaranteed in all such cases to ensure that no individual is deprived, in procedural terms, of his/her right to claim justice. |
在所有这些案件中,必须切实保证能够利用司法机构,以确保所有个人在程序方面,不被剥夺要求伸张正义的权利。 |
The right of access to courts and tribunals and equality before them is not limited to citizens of States parties, but must also be available to all individuals, regardless of nationality or statelessness, or whatever their status, whether asylum-seekers, refugees, migrant workers, unaccompanied children or other persons, who may find themselves in the territory or subject to the jurisdiction of the State party. |
并不限于缔约国国民才可享有诉诸法庭和裁判所及在它们之前一律平等的权利,所有个人不论其国籍如何或是无国籍,也不论其地位如何,不管是不是寻求庇护者、难民、移徙工人、无亲属伴随儿童或其他人,只要是身在缔约国境内或受其管辖均可享受这项权利。 |
A situation in which an individual’s attempts to access the competent courts or tribunals are systematically frustrated de jure or de facto runs counter to the guarantee of article 14, paragraph 1, first sentence. |
一个人如力图诉诸合格法庭或裁判所却屡遭挫折,这种情况在法律上或事实上均违反第十四条第1款第一句所提供的保障。 |
This guarantee also prohibits any distinctions regarding access to courts and tribunals that are not based on law and cannot be justified on objective and reasonable grounds. |
在诉诸法庭和裁判所方面,这项保障禁止非根据法律作出的在客观和合理基础上毫无理由的任何区分。 |
The guarantee is violated if certain persons are barred from bringing suit against any other persons such as by reason of their race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. |
如果某些人因其种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、国籍或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等而无法将他人提出诉讼,即违反了这项保障。 |
10. The availability or absence of legal assistance often determines whether or not a person can access the relevant proceedings or participate in them in a meaningful way. |
10. 法律援助的有无往往决定一个人是否能够诉诸有关诉讼或有分量地参加诉讼。 |
While article 14 explicitly addresses the guarantee of legal assistance in criminal proceedings in paragraph 3 (d), States are encouraged to provide free legal aid in other cases, for individuals who do not have sufficient means to pay for it. |
第十四条第3款(丁)项明文处理了在刑事诉讼中的法律援助保障问题。 鼓励缔约国在其他案件中,为没有足够能力支偿法律援助费者,提供免费的法律援助。 |
In some cases, they may even be obliged to do so. |
在某些案件中,它们甚至有义务这样做。 |
For instance, where a person sentenced to death seeks available constitutional review of irregularities in a criminal trial but does not have sufficient means to meet the costs of legal assistance in order to pursue such remedy, the State is obliged to provide legal assistance in accordance with article 14, paragraph 1, in conjunction with the right to an effective remedy as enshrined in article 2, paragraph 3 of the Covenant. |
比方说,被判死刑者在刑事审判中寻求对不合法律规定之处进行宪法审查,却没有足够能力支付进行这种补救的法律援助费用,国家就应根据第十四条第1款并根据《公约》第二条第3款规定的关于获得有效补救的权利,提供法律援助。 |
11. Similarly, the imposition of fees on the parties to proceedings that would de facto prevent their access to justice might give rise to issues under article 14, paragraph 1. |
11. 同样,要求诉讼方支付费用从而事实上阻碍他们诉诸法院,根据第十四条第1款,也会产生问题。 |
In particular, a rigid duty under law to award costs to a winning party without consideration of the implications thereof or without providing legal aid may have a deterrent effect on the ability of persons to pursue the vindication of their rights under the Covenant in proceedings available to them. |
尤其是,向胜诉方支付诉讼费的法律规定,如不考虑可能引起的问题或提供法律援助,可能会对人们拟通过可利用的诉讼申张其《公约》权利产生遏制作用。 |
12. The right of equal access to a court, embodied in article 14, paragraph 1, concerns access to first instance procedures and does not address the issue of the right to appeal or other remedies. |
12. 第十四条第1款所规定的平等诉诸法庭的权利仅涉及初审程序,并未处理上诉权或其他补救问题。 |
13. The right to equality before courts and tribunals also ensures equality of arms. |
13. 在法庭和裁判所前一律平等的权利还保障诉讼方的权利平等。 |
This means that the same procedural rights are to be provided to all the parties unless distinctions are based on law and can be justified on objective and reasonable grounds, not entailing actual disadvantage or other unfairness to the defendant. |
这就意味着,除了根据法律作出的在客观合理基础上有理由的区分之外,所有各方都应享有同样的程序性权利,但这种区分不得使被告处于不利地或对其造成不公。 |
There is no equality of arms if, for instance, only the prosecutor, but not the defendant, is allowed to appeal a certain decision. |
比方说,如果只允许检察官就某项判决提出上诉,而被告却无法提出上诉,权利平等就不存在。 |
The principle of equality between parties applies also to civil proceedings, and demands, inter alia, that each side be given the opportunity to contest all the arguments and evidence adduced by the other party. |
两造平等原则还适用于民事诉讼,并除其他外要求两造均有机会对由对方提出的所有论点和证据提出反驳。 |
In exceptional cases, it also might require that the free assistance of an interpreter be provided where otherwise an indigent party could not participate in the proceedings on equal terms or witnesses produced by it be examined. |
在特殊情况下,还可能要求提供免费的口译协助,否则的话贫困的一方无法平等地参加诉讼或使其证据得到核查。 |
14. Equality before courts and tribunals also requires that similar cases are dealt with in similar proceedings. |
14. 在法庭和裁判所前一律平等还要求同一案件由同样的诉讼程序审理。 |
If, for example, exceptional criminal procedures or specially constituted courts or tribunals apply in the determination of certain categories of cases, objective and reasonable grounds must be provided to justify the distinction. |
例如,一旦制订特殊的刑事诉讼程序或特别设立法庭或裁判所,以审判某类案件,则必须提出客观和合理的理由,证明有理由这样做。 |
III. Fair and public hearing by a competent, |
三、由合格的、独立的和无偏倚的法庭进行 |
independent and impartial tribunal |
公正和公开的审讯 |
15. The right to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law is guaranteed, according to the second sentence of article 14, paragraph 1, in cases regarding the determination of criminal charges against individuals or of their rights and obligations in a suit at law. |
15. 第十四条第1款第二句,保障在判定对任何人提出的任何刑事指控或确定他在一件诉讼案中的权利和义务时,由依法设立的合格的、独立的和无偏倚的法庭进行公正和公开审讯的权利。 |
Criminal charges relate in principle to acts declared to be punishable under domestic criminal law. |
刑事指控原则上涉及根据国内法可予处罚的行为。 |
The notion may also extend to acts that are criminal in nature with sanctions that, regardless of their qualification in domestic law, must be regarded as penal because of their purpose, character or severity. |
这一概念也可扩大包含犯罪性质可受制裁的行为,不论国内法如定性,这种行为因其企图、性质和严重性而被视为是刑事行为。 |
16. The concept of determination of rights and obligations “in a suit at law” (de caractère civil/de carácter civil) is more complex. |
16. 确定在“诉讼案件”(de caractère civil/de carácter civil)中的权利和义务的概念比较复杂。 |
It is formulated differently in the various languages of the Covenant that, according to article 53 of the Covenant, are equally authentic, and the travaux préparatoires do not resolve the discrepancies in the various language texts. |
《公约》的不同语文本对这一概念的表达方式不尽相同,但根据《公约》第五十三条,它们应是同一作准的,而且筹备工作未能解决各种文本不一致的问题。 |
The Committee notes that the concept of a “suit at law” or its equivalents in other language texts is based on the nature of the right in question rather than on the status of one of the parties or the particular forum provided by domestic legal systems for the determination of particular rights. |
委员会指出,“诉讼案件”概念或其他文本的等同用语概念是以所涉权利的性质为依据的,而不是以一个当事方的地位为依据,或国内法律制度为确定某些权利而设立的法庭为依据。 |
The concept encompasses (a) judicial procedures aimed at determining rights and obligations pertaining to the areas of contract, property and torts in the area of private law, as well as (b) equivalent notions in the area of administrative law such as the termination of employment of civil servants for other than disciplinary reasons, the determination of social security benefits or the pension rights of soldiers, or procedures regarding the use of public land or the taking of private property. |
这一概念包括(a)旨在确定涉及合同、财产和私法领域中侵权行为的权利和义务的司法程序,及(b)在行政法领域的等同概念,如以非纪律的原因解雇公务员,或确定社会保障福利金或士兵的养恤金,或关于使用国有土地的程序,或取得私有财产的问题。 |
In addition, it may (c) cover other procedures which, however, must be assessed on a case by case basis in the light of the nature of the right in question. |
此外,它还(c)包括必须根据所涉权利视各个案件的情况进行评估的程序。 |
17. On the other hand, the right to access a court or tribunal as provided for by article 14, paragraph 1, second sentence, does not apply where domestic law does not grant any entitlement to the person concerned. |
17. 另一方面,第十四条第1款第二句所规定的诉诸法庭或裁判所的权利,在国内法未授予有关人任何权利的情况下,并不适用。 |
For this reason, the Committee held this provision to be inapplicable in cases where domestic law did not confer any right to be promoted to a higher position in the civil service, to be appointed as a judge or to have a death sentence commuted by an executive body. |
为此,委员会认为下列案不适用本规定:在公务制度中国内法未给予任何晋级的权利,被任命为法官或由行政机构对死刑给予减刑。 |
Furthermore, there is no determination of rights and obligations in a suit at law where the persons concerned are confronted with measures taken against them in their capacity as persons subordinated to a high degree of administrative control, such as disciplinary measures not amounting to penal sanctions being taken against a civil servant, a member of the armed forces, or a prisoner. |
此外,在下列情况下,并不构成对“诉讼案件”的权利和义务的确定:所涉个人如受到高度的行政管制,因而被采取措施,这种措施并不相当于诸如对公务员、武装部队成员或囚犯进行刑事制裁的纪律措施。 |
This guarantee furthermore does not apply to extradition, expulsion and deportation procedures. |
这项保障也不适用于引渡、驱逐和递解出境程序。 |
Although there is no right of access to a court or tribunal as provided for by article 14, paragraph 1, second sentence, in these and similar cases, other procedural guarantees may still apply. |
虽然第十四条第1款第一句未规定在这些案件和类似案件中诉诸法庭和裁判所的权利,但仍可适用其他程序保障。 |
18. The notion of a “tribunal” in article 14, paragraph 1 designates a body, regardless of its denomination, that is established by law, is independent of the executive and legislative branches of government or enjoys in specific cases judicial independence in deciding legal matters in proceedings that are judicial in nature. |
18. 第十四条第1款关于“裁判所”的概念指依法设立的机构,不论其名称如何,但须独立于政府的行政和立法机构或在司法性质的诉讼中裁定具体案件的法律事项时,享有司法独立性。 |
Article 14, paragraph 1, second sentence, guarantees access to such tribunals to all who have criminal charges brought against them. |
第十四条第1款第二句保障所有人在被指控刑事犯罪时,可以由上述法庭审判。 |
This right cannot be limited, and any criminal conviction by a body not constituting a tribunal is incompatible with this provision. |
这项权利不能受到限制,由法庭之外的机构判处的刑事罪行均违反本条规定。 |
Similarly, whenever rights and obligations in a suit at law are determined, this must be done at least at one stage of the proceedings by a tribunal within the meaning of this sentence. |
同样,在确定一件案件的权利和义务时,确定工作至少在诉讼的某一阶段应由该句含意内的裁判所作出。 |
The failure of a State party to establish a competent tribunal to determine such rights and obligations or to allow access to such a tribunal in specific cases would amount to a violation of article 14 if such limitations are not based on domestic legislation, are not necessary to pursue legitimate aims such as the proper administration of justice, or are based on exceptions from jurisdiction deriving from international law such, for example, as immunities, or if the access left to an individual would be limited to an extent that would undermine the very essence of the right. |
缔约国如未能设立一个合格的裁判所来确定这种权利和义务,或未能促使就具体案件诉诸这种裁判所,而且如果这种限制并非以国内法为依据,不是为了达到合理目的、如司法适当运作所必须的,或以国际法的判例、如豁免的例外情况为依据的,或如果个人诉诸法庭所受限制损及了这项权利的主旨,这就违反第十四条。 |
19. The requirement of competence, independence and impartiality of a tribunal in the sense of article 14, paragraph 1, is an absolute right that is not subject to any exception. |
19. 第十四条第1款关于合格的、独立的和不偏倚的法庭的规定是一项绝对的权利,不得有任何例外。 |
The requirement of independence refers, in particular, to the procedure and qualifications for the appointment of judges, and guarantees relating to their security of tenure until a mandatory retirement age or the expiry of their term of office, where such exist, the conditions governing promotion, transfer, suspension and cessation of their functions, and the actual independence of the judiciary from political interference by the executive branch and legislature. |
独立性的要求尤其是指程序和委任法官的条件,以及任用直至法定退休年龄或在有规定的情况下任期届满的保障,晋升、调职、停职和中止职务的条件,以及不受行政部门和立法机构的政治干预。 |
States should take specific measures guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary, protecting judges from any form of political influence in their decision-making through the constitution or adoption of laws establishing clear procedures and objective criteria for the appointment, remuneration, tenure, promotion, suspension and dismissal of the members of the judiciary and disciplinary sanctions taken against them. |
各国应采取具体措施,保证司法机构的独立性,制订或通过法律,规定司法人员的任命、薪酬、任期、晋升、停职和中止职务和对他们采取纪律制裁的明确程序和客观的标准,保护他们在裁决中不受政治干扰。 |
A situation where the functions and competencies of the judiciary and the executive are not clearly distinguishable or where the latter is able to control or direct the former is incompatible with the notion of an independent tribunal. |
司法机构和行政机构的职能和权限如混淆不清或行政机构能控制或指挥司法机构,这种情况是不符合独立法庭的概念的。 |
It is necessary to protect judges against conflicts of interest and intimidation. |
有必要保护法官不受利益冲突和恐吓之影响。 |
In order to safeguard their independence, the status of judges, including their term of office, their independence, security, adequate remuneration, conditions of service, pensions and the age of retirement shall be adequately secured by law. |
为了保障他们的独立性,法官的地位,包括其任期、独立性、安全、适足薪酬、任职条件、养恤金和退休年龄均应根据法律适当作出规定。 |
20. Judges may be dismissed only on serious grounds of misconduct or incompetence, in accordance with fair procedures ensuring objectivity and impartiality set out in the constitution or the law. |
20. 法官的免职只能根据由《宪法》或法律规定的能够保障客观和不偏倚的公正程序,断定是否有严重失职或不胜任的情况,才能免去法官的职务。 |
The dismissal of judges by the executive, e.g. before the expiry of the term for which they have been appointed, without any specific reasons given to them and without effective judicial protection being available to contest the dismissal is incompatible with the independence of the judiciary. |
由行政部门免去法官的职务,例如在任期届满之前免去其职务,而不提出具体理由,又未向其提供有效抗辩免职的司法保护,这种情况违反司法机构独立性原则。 |
The same is true, for instance, for the dismissal by the executive of judges alleged to be corrupt, without following any of the procedures provided for by the law. |
比方说,行政机构未通过法律规定的程序即以贪污为由免去职务,亦违反法官独立性原则。 |
21. The requirement of impartiality has two aspects. |
21. 不偏倚的规定涉及两方面。 |
First, judges must not allow their judgement to be influenced by personal bias or prejudice, nor harbour preconceptions about the particular case before them, nor act in ways that improperly promote the interests of one of the parties to the detriment of the other. |
第一,法官作判决时不得受其个人倾向或偏见之影响,不可对其审判的案件存有成见,也不得为当事一方的利益而损及另一当事方。 |
Second, the tribunal must also appear to a reasonable observer to be impartial. |
第二法庭由合情理的人来看也必须是无偏倚的。 |
For instance, a trial substantially affected by the participation of a judge who, under domestic statutes, should have been disqualified cannot normally be considered to be impartial. |
例如,根据国内法规,本应被取消资格的法官若参加审理,而使审判深受影响,通常不能被视为无偏倚的审判。 |
22. The provisions of article 14 apply to all courts and tribunals within the scope of that article whether ordinary or specialized, civilian or military. |
22. 第十四条的规定适用于该条规定范围内的所有法庭和裁判所,不论它们是普遍法庭和裁判所,或是特别法庭和裁判所。 |
The Committee notes the existence, in many countries, of military or special courts which try civilians. |
委员会指出,许多国家设有审判平民的军事法庭或特别法庭。 |
While the Covenant does not prohibit the trial of civilians in military or special courts, it requires that such trials are in full conformity with the requirements of article 14 and that its guarantees cannot be limited or modified because of the military or special character of the court concerned. |
《公约》里不禁止由军事法庭或特别法庭审判平民,但要求这种审判完全符合第十四条的规定,同时其保障不得因这类法庭具有军事或特别性质而遭到限制或变更。 |
The Committee also notes that the trial of civilians in military or special courts may raise serious problems as far as the equitable, impartial and independent administration of justice is concerned. |
委员会还指出,从公正、无偏倚和独立司法的角度来看,由军事法庭或特别法庭审判平民,可能产生严重的问题。 |
Therefore, it is important to take all necessary measures to ensure that such trials take place under conditions which genuinely afford the full guarantees stipulated in article 14. |
因此,有必要采取一切必要措施,确保这种审判在按第十四条规定真正获得充分保障的条件下进行。 |
Trials of civilians by military or special courts should be exceptional, i.e. limited to cases where the State party can show that resorting to such trials is necessary and justified by objective and serious reasons, and where with regard to the specific class of individuals and offences at issue the regular civilian courts are unable to undertake the trials. |
由军事法庭或特别法庭审判平民,只能在例外情况下进行,即只限于缔约国能证明,采用这种审判是必要的,并能提出客观和充分理由证明是合理的,并表明就案件个人和罪行性质而言,普通的民事法庭无法进行审判。 |
23. Some countries have resorted to special tribunals of “faceless judges” composed of anonymous judges, e.g. within measures taken to fight terrorist activities. |
23. 有些国家在反恐活动的范围内,采用“匿名法官”特别法庭,这种法庭由不具名的法官组成的特别法庭。 |
Such courts, even if the identity and status of such judges has been verified by an independent authority, often suffer not only from the fact that the identity and status of the judges is not made known to the accused persons but also from irregularities such as exclusion of the public or even the accused or their representatives from the proceedings; restrictions of the right to a lawyer of their own choice; severe restrictions or denial of the right to communicate with their lawyers, particularly when held incommunicado; threats to the lawyers; inadequate time for preparation of the case; or severe restrictions or denial of the right to summon and examine or have examined witnesses, including prohibitions on cross-examining certain categories of witnesses, e.g. police officers responsible for the arrest and interrogation of the defendant. |
这种法庭的匿名法官的身份和地位即使能由独立机构加以核实,往往因被告无法知道法官的身份和地位而漏洞百出,而且也因为下列情况而有偏差:公众,甚或被告或其代表 无法出庭;聘请自己选择的律师权利受到限制;严格限制或剥夺与其律师接触的权利,尤其是在单独监禁的情况下;律师遭到威胁;准备案件的时间不够;或严格限制或剥夺传唤和对质证人的权利,包括禁止诘问某类证人,如负责逮捕的警察和诘问被告。 |
Tribunals with or without faceless judges, in circumstances such as these, do not satisfy basic standards of fair trial and, in particular, the requirement that the tribunal must be independent and impartial. |
法庭不论是或不是由匿名法官组成,在上述情况下,都无法满足公正审判的基本标准,尤其是关于法庭必须是独立和不偏不倚的规定。 |
24. Article 14 is also relevant where a State, in its legal order, recognizes courts based on customary law, or religious courts, to carry out or entrusts them with judicial tasks. It must be ensured that such courts cannot hand down binding judgments recognized by the State, unless the following requirements are met: proceedings before such courts are limited to minor civil and criminal matters, meet the basic requirements of fair trial and other relevant guarantees of the Covenant, and their judgments are validated by State courts in light of the guarantees set out in the Covenant and can be challenged by the parties concerned in a procedure meeting the requirements of article 14 of the Covenant. |
24. 在国家的法律制度承认依习惯法设立的法庭或宗教法庭,由其执行或委托它们履行司法工作的情况下,第十四条亦息息相关,必须确保只有在符合下列条件的情况下,国家才能承认这类法庭作出的判决具有约束力:这类法庭审判较小的民事案件和刑事案件;诉讼能满足公正审判和《公约》其他有关保障的要求,其判决应由国家法院按照《公约》规定的保障加以认可。 而且有关方可通过符合《公约》第十四条规定的程序就其提出反驳。 |
These principles are notwithstanding the general obligation of the State to protect the rights under the Covenant of any persons affected by the operation of customary and religious courts. |
尽管如此,这些原则乃是各国保护受依习惯法设立的法庭和宗教法庭影响的人依《公约》享有的权利的义务。 |
25. The notion of fair trial includes the guarantee of a fair and public hearing. |
25. 公正审判的概念包括得到公正和公开审讯的保障。 |
Fairness of proceedings entails the absence of any direct or indirect influence, pressure or intimidation or intrusion from whatever side and for whatever motive. |
诉讼公正意味着不受任何一方以任何动机的直接或间接影响。压力或恐吓或侵扰。 |
A hearing is not fair if, for instance, the defendant in criminal proceedings is faced with the expression of a hostile attitude from the public or support for one party in the courtroom that is tolerated by the court, thereby impinging on the right to defence, or is exposed to other manifestations of hostility with similar effects. |
比方说,在刑事诉讼中,法庭若容忍被告面对公众在法庭中表示的敌对情绪或对其中一方表示支持,从而损及辩护权,或具有同样后果的以其他方式表示的敌对情绪,则这种审讯就不是公正的。 |
Expressions of racist attitudes by a jury that are tolerated by the tribunal, or a racially biased jury selection are other instances which adversely affect the fairness of the procedure. |
法庭容忍陪审团表示出的种族主义态度,或基于种族偏见选出的陪审团都是损及诉讼程序的公正性的例子。 |
26. Article 14 guarantees procedural equality and fairness only and cannot be interpreted as ensuring the absence of error on the part of the competent tribunal. |
26. 第十四条仅保障程序的公平和公正,不能被解释为可确保主管法庭不犯错误。 |
It is generally for the courts of States parties to the Covenant to review facts and evidence, or the application of domestic legislation, in a particular case, unless it can be shown that such evaluation or application was clearly arbitrary or amounted to a manifest error or denial of justice, or that the court otherwise violated its obligation of independence and impartiality. |
一般应该由《公约》缔约国法院在某一案件中复审事实和证据或复审国内法的适用,除非可以确定, 这种评价或适用具有明显的任意性质,或相当于明显犯错或拒绝司法,或法院违反其独立性和公正义务。 |
The same standard applies to specific instructions to the jury by the judge in a trial by jury. |
在由陪审团审判的情况下,法官对陪审团作出具体指示也适用同样的标准。 |
27. An important aspect of the fairness of a hearing is its expeditiousness. |
27. 审讯公正的另一个重要方面是审讯能否迅速进行。 |
While the issue of undue delays in criminal proceedings is explicitly addressed in paragraph 3 (c) of article 14, delays in civil proceedings that cannot be justified by the complexity of the case or the behaviour of the parties detract from the principle of a fair hearing enshrined in paragraph 1 of this provision. |
第十四条第3款(丙)项虽然明确就刑事诉讼无故拖延问题作出了规定,但民事诉讼也不能以案件复杂或当事方的行为为理由加以拖延,这种拖延违反本条第1款所规定的公正审讯原则。 |
Where such delays are caused by a lack of resources and chronic under-funding, to the extent possible supplementary budgetary resources should be allocated for the administration of justice. |
如果这种拖延是由于缺少资源和长期经费不足所造成的,应尽可补充司法工作的预算资源。 |
28. All trials in criminal matters or related to a suit at law must in principle be conducted orally and publicly. |
28. 所有刑事案件或涉及诉讼案件的审判均应以口头方式公开进行。 |
The publicity of hearings ensures the transparency of proceedings and thus provides an important safeguard for the interest of the individual and of society at large. |
审讯公开可以确保诉讼的透明度,从而是个人和整个社会利益的重要保障。 |
Courts must make information regarding the time and venue of the oral hearings available to the public and provide for adequate facilities for the attendance of interested members of the public, within reasonable limits, taking into account, inter alia, the potential interest in the case and the duration of the oral hearing. |
法庭应将口头审讯时间和地点的资料传递给公众,并在合理限制范围内,为有兴趣的公众出庭提供充分的方便,除其他外,应考虑到公众对案件的潜在兴趣和口头审讯的时间。 |
The requirement of a public hearing does not necessarily apply to all appellate proceedings which may take place on the basis of written presentations, or to pretrial decisions made by prosecutors and other public authorities. |
公开审讯的规定并不一定适用于所有上诉诉讼,这种诉讼也可以根据书面陈述进行,也不适用于公诉人和其他公共当局作出的预审决定。 |
29. Article 14, paragraph 1, acknowledges that courts have the power to exclude all or part of the public for reasons of morals, public order (ordre public) or national security in a democratic society, or when the interest of the private lives of the parties so requires, or to the extent strictly necessary in the opinion of the court in special circumstances where publicity would be prejudicial to the interests of justice. |
29. 第十四条第1款确认法庭有权以民主社会中的道德、公共秩序或国家安全为理由,或当诉讼当事人的私生活的利益有此必要时,或在特殊情况下法庭认为公开审判会损害司法利益因而严格需要的限度下,拒绝所有或部分公众列席旁听。 |
Apart from such exceptional circumstances, a hearing must be open to the general public, including members of the media, and must not, for instance, be limited to a particular category of persons. |
除了这种例外情况,审讯应开放给一般民众包括新闻界参加,不应只限于某几种人。 |
Even in cases in which the public is excluded from the trial, the judgment, including the essential findings, evidence and legal reasoning must be made public, except where the interest of juvenile persons otherwise requires, or the proceedings concern matrimonial disputes or the guardianship of children. |
即便拒绝民众列席旁听,作出的判决,包括主要调查的结果、证据和法律推论,除非青少年的利益另有要求或者诉讼涉及婚姻争端或儿童监护权。 应予公开。 |
IV. Presumption of innocence |
四、无罪推定 |
30. According to article 14, paragraph 2 everyone charged with a criminal offence shall have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law. |
30. 根据第十四条第2款,凡受刑事指控者,在未依法证实有罪之前,应有权被视为无罪。 |
The presumption of innocence, which is fundamental to the protection of human rights, imposes on the prosecution the burden of proving the charge, guarantees that no guilt can be presumed until the charge has been proved beyond reasonable doubt, ensures that the accused has the benefit of doubt, and requires that persons accused of a criminal act must be treated in accordance with this principle. |
无罪推定是保护人权的基本要素,要求检方提供控诉的证据,保证在排除所有合理怀疑证实有罪之前,应被视为无罪,确保对被告适用无罪推定原则,并要求根据这一原则对待受刑事罪行指控者。 |
It is a duty for all public authorities to refrain from prejudging the outcome of a trial, e.g. by abstaining from making public statements affirming the guilt of the accused. |
所有公共当局均有责任不对审判结果作出预断,如不得发表公开声明指称被告有罪。 |
Defendants should normally not be shackled or kept in cages during trials or otherwise presented to the court in a manner indicating that they may be dangerous criminals. |
被告通常不得在审判中戴上手铐或被关在笼中,或将其指成危险罪犯的方式出庭。 |
The media should avoid news coverage undermining the presumption of innocence. |
媒体应避免作出会损及无罪推定原则的报导。 |
Furthermore, the length of pretrial detention should never be taken as an indication of guilt and its degree. |
此外,预审拘留时间的长短并不能说明罪行情况和严重程度指标。 |
The denial of bail or findings of liability in civil proceedings do not affect the presumption of innocence. |
拒绝保释或在民事诉讼中的赔偿责任判决并不会损及无罪推定。 |
V. Rights of persons charged with a criminal offence |
五、刑事被告的权利 |
31. The right of all persons charged with a criminal offence to be informed promptly and in detail in a language which they understand of the nature and cause of criminal charges brought against them, enshrined in paragraph 3 (a), is the first of the minimum guarantees in criminal proceedings of article 14. |
31. 第3款(甲)项规定的所有受刑事被告有权迅速以他懂得的语言详细地被告知对他提出之指控的性质和原因。 这是第十四条中第一项刑事诉讼的最低限度保障。 |
This guarantee applies to all cases of criminal charges, including those of persons not in detention, but not to criminal investigations preceding the laying of charges. |
这一保障适用于所有刑事案件,包括未被拘押者,但是不适用于提出指控前的刑事调查。 |
Notice of the reasons for an arrest is separately guaranteed in article 9, paragraph 2 of the Covenant. |
通知逮捕理由是由《公约》第九条第2款另外作出保障的。 |
The right to be informed of the charge “promptly” requires that information be given as soon as the person concerned is formally charged with a criminal offence under domestic law, or the individual is publicly named as such. |
“迅速”了解被指控的权利要求在有关个人根据国内法受到正式刑事指控时或被这样公开指控时立即得到信息。 |
The specific requirements of subparagraph 3 (a) may be met by stating the charge either orally - if later confirmed in writing - or in writing, provided that the information indicates both the law and the alleged general facts on which the charge is based. |
可以用口头――如果后来经书面确认――或者书面通知指控来满足第3款(甲)项的具体要求,但信息必须说明指控所依据的法律及声称的一般事实。 |
In the case of trials in absentia, article 14, paragraph 3 (a) requires that, notwithstanding the absence of the accused, all due steps have been taken to inform accused persons of the charges and to notify them of the proceedings. |
在缺席审判的情况下,第十四条第3款(甲)项规定:尽管被告缺席,但必须采取一切适当步骤通知被告有关指控和审判。 |
32. Subparagraph 3 (b) provides that accused persons must have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of their defence and to communicate with counsel of their own choosing. |
32. 第3款(乙)项规定被告必须有充分时间和便利准备他的辩护,并与他自己选择的律师联络。 |
This provision is an important element of the guarantee of a fair trial and an application of the principle of equality of arms. |
该条是公正审判和适用“权利平等”原则的一个重要基本保障。 |
In cases of an indigent defendant, communication with counsel might only be assured if a free interpreter is provided during the pretrial and trial phase. |
在被告是土著人的情况下,只有在审前和审判期间免费提供口译,才可能确保与律师的联络。 |
What counts as “adequate time” depends on the circumstances of each case. |
什么构成“充分时间”取决于每起案件的情况。 |
If counsel reasonably feel that the time for the preparation of the defence is insufficient, it is incumbent on them to request the adjournment of the trial. |
如果律师合理地认为准备辩护的时间不足,他们有责任请求休庭。 |
A State party is not to be held responsible for the conduct of a defence lawyer, unless it was, or should have been, manifest to the judge that the lawyer’s behaviour was incompatible with the interests of justice. |
除非法官发现或本应当发现辩护律师的行为违反司法利益,否则缔约国不必为该律师的行为负责。 |
There is an obligation to grant reasonable requests for adjournment, in particular, when the accused is charged with a serious criminal offence and additional time for preparation of the defence is needed. |
如休庭的请求合理,则有义务批准,特别是在被告受到严重的刑事指控,并且需要更多时间准备辩护的情况下。 |
33. “Adequate facilities” must include access to documents and other evidence; this access must include all materials that the prosecution plans to offer in court against the accused or that are exculpatory. |
33. “足够的便利”必须包括能够接触文件和其他证据;这必须涵盖诉方计划在法庭上针对被告提出的全部资料或者可开脱罪责的资料。 |
Exculpatory material should be understood as including not only material establishing innocence but also other evidence that could assist the defence (e.g. indications that a confession was not voluntary). |
开脱罪责的资料应当不仅包括证明无罪的资料,而且包括其他可能有助于辩护的证据(比如,证明供认非出于自愿)。 |
In cases of a claim that evidence was obtained in violation of article 7 of the Covenant, information about the circumstances in which such evidence was obtained must be made available to allow an assessment of such a claim. |
在指称证据是在违反《公约》第七条获得的情况下,必须提供关于这类证据获得情况的资料,以评估这一指称。 |
If the accused does not speak the language in which the proceedings are held, but is represented by counsel who is familiar with the language, it may be sufficient that the relevant documents in the case file are made available to counsel. |
如果被告不懂诉讼所用语言,但由熟悉该语言的律师代理,则向律师提供案件中的有关文件可能便已足够。 |
34. The right to communicate with counsel requires that the accused is granted prompt access to counsel. |
34. 与律师的联络权要求及时批准被告与律师联系。 |
Counsel should be able to meet their clients in private and to communicate with the accused in conditions that fully respect the confidentiality of their communications. |
律师应当能够私下会见委托人,在充分尊重通信保密的条件下与被告联络。 |
Furthermore, lawyers should be able to advise and to represent persons charged with a criminal offence in accordance with generally recognised professional ethics without restrictions, influence, pressure or undue interference from any quarter. |
另外,律师应当能够向刑事被告提供咨询意见,根据公认的职业道德标准代表被告,而不受任何方面的限制、影响、压力。或不当的干涉。 |
35. The right of the accused to be tried without undue delay, provided for by article 14, paragraph 3 (c), is not only designed to avoid keeping persons too long in a state of uncertainty about their fate and, if held in detention during the period of the trial, to ensure that such deprivation of liberty does not last longer than necessary in the circumstances of the specific case, but also to serve the interests of justice. |
35. 第十四条第3款(丙)项规定被告受审时间不被无故拖延的权利。 这不仅旨在避免使被告过久处于命运不定的状态,并且――如果在审判期间被拘押――旨在确保这类剥夺自由不超过具体案件情况的需要,而且符合司法的利益。 |
What is reasonable has to be assessed in the circumstances of each case, taking into account mainly the complexity of the case, the conduct of the accused, and the manner in which the matter was dealt with by the administrative and judicial authorities. |
必须根据每一案件的具体情况评估什么才是合理;主要兼顾到案件的复杂性、被告行为以及行政和司法当局处理案件的方式。 |
In cases where the accused are denied bail by the court, they must be tried as expeditiously as possible. |
在法院不允许保释被告的情况下,必须尽可能快地审判他们。 |
This guarantee relates not only to the time between the formal charging of the accused and the time by which a trial should commence, but also the time until the final judgement on appeal. |
这一保障不仅涉及正式提出指控与应开庭审判之间的时间,而且还涉及直至上诉作出最后判决的时间。 |
All stages, whether in first instance or on appeal must take place “without undue delay.” |
所有阶段,无论是初审或上诉,都不得“不当拖延”。 |
36. Article 14, paragraph 3 (d) contains three distinct guarantees. |
36. 第十四条第3款(丁)项含有三个不同保障。 |
First, the provision requires that accused persons are entitled to be present during their trial. |
第一,要求被告有权在出庭受审。 |
Proceedings in the absence of the accused may in some circumstances be permissible in the interest of the proper administration of justice, i.e. when accused persons, although informed of the proceedings sufficiently in advance, decline to exercise their right to be present. |
在某些情况下,为适当进行司法有时允许缺席审判;比如,尽管及时事先将审判及时通知被告,但被告拒绝行使出庭权利。 |
Consequently, such trials are only compatible with article 14, paragraph 3 (d) if the necessary steps are taken to summon accused persons in a timely manner and to inform them beforehand about the date and place of their trial and to request their attendance. |
因此,只有采取必要措施及时传唤被告并事先通知其审判的日期和地点,请其出庭,这类审判才符合第十四条第3款(丁)项。 |
37. Second, the right of all accused of a criminal charge to defend themselves in person or through legal counsel of their own choosing and to be informed of this right, as provided for by article 14, paragraph 3 (d), refers to two types of defence which are not mutually exclusive. |
37. 第二,如第十四条第3款(丁)项规定,所有遭刑事指控的被告有权亲自替自己辩护或通过自己选择的法律援助辩护,并有权被通知他享有这项权利。 |
Persons assisted by a lawyer have the right to instruct their lawyer on the conduct of their case, within the limits of professional responsibility, and to testify on their own behalf. |
这一权利涉及到互不排斥的两类辩护。 有律师协助者有权在职业责任限度内对其律师作关于受理案件的指示,代表自己作证。 |
At the same time, the wording of the Covenant is clear in all official languages, in that it provides for a defence to be conducted in person “or” with legal assistance of one’s own choosing, thus providing the possibility for the accused to reject being assisted by any counsel. |
同时,《公约》所有正式语言的措词都很明确,规定由本人“或”由自己所选择的法律援助进行辩护,因此被告有可能拒绝任何律师的协助。 |
This right to defend oneself without a lawyer is, however not absolute. |
然而,这一无律师的自我辩护权不是绝对的。 |
The interests of justice may, in the case of a specific trial, require the assignment of a lawyer against the wishes of the accused, particularly in cases of persons substantially and persistently obstructing the proper conduct of trial, or facing a grave charge but being unable to act in their own interests, or where this is necessary to protect vulnerable witnesses from further distress or intimidation if they were to be questioned by the accused. |
在具体审判中,出于司法考虑可能会违背被告的意愿而要求指定律师,特别是当其严重和不断干扰进行适当审判或面临严重指控,却无法亲自为自己辩护时、或必须保护易受伤害的证人在受被告诘问时不受威胁和恫吓。 |
However, any restriction of the wish of accused persons to defend themselves must have an objective and sufficiently serious purpose and not go beyond what is necessary to uphold the interests of justice. |
然而,对被告亲自为自己辩护愿望的任何限制,必须有客观和足以重大的目的,不得超越维护司法利益所必要的程度。 |
Therefore, domestic law should avoid any absolute bar against the right to defend oneself in criminal proceedings without the assistance of counsel. |
因此,国内法应当避免绝对地禁止个人在刑事诉讼中无律师协助,亲自为自己辩护的权利。 |
38. Third, article 14, paragraph 3 (d) guarantees the right to have legal assistance assigned to accused persons whenever the interests of justice so require, and without payment by them in any such case if they do not have sufficient means to pay for it. |
38. 第三,第十四条第3款(丁)项保障在司法利益有需要的案件中为被告指定法律援助;如果他没有足够能力偿付法律援助,不要他自己付费。 |
The gravity of the offence is important in deciding whether counsel should be assigned “in the interest of justice” as is the existence of some objective chance of success at the appeals stage. |
在决定是否应当“根据司法利益”指定律师时,罪行的严重程度很重要。这与在上诉阶段具有胜诉的某些客观机会一样。 |
In cases involving capital punishment, it is axiomatic that the accused must be effectively assisted by a lawyer at all stages of the proceedings. |
在涉及死刑的案件中,被告必定都须在诉讼所有阶段得到律师的有效协助。 |
Counsel provided by the competent authorities on the basis of this provision must be effective in the representation of the accused. |
主管当局根据这一规定提供的律师必须能够有效地代理被告。 |
Unlike in the case of privately retained lawyers, blatant misbehaviour or incompetence, for example the withdrawal of an appeal without consultation in a death penalty case, or absence during the hearing of a witness in such cases may entail the responsibility of the State concerned for a violation of article 14, paragraph 3 (d), provided that it was manifest to the judge that the lawyer’s behaviour was incompatible with the interests of justice. |
与个人所雇律师的案件不同,行为公然不当和能力不足,例如在死刑案中不经商量即撤回上诉,或在这类案件中证人作证时缺席,都可能引发有关缔约国对违反第十四条第3款(丁)项的责任,但前提是法官认为律师的行为不符合司法利益。 |
There is also a violation of this provision if the court or other relevant authorities hinder appointed lawyers from fulfilling their task effectively. |
如果法院和其他有关当局妨碍指定的律师有效地行使职责,也违反该条。 |
39. Paragraph 3 (e) of article 14 guarantees the right of accused persons to examine, or have examined, the witnesses against them and to obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on their behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against them. |
39. 第十四条第3款(戊)项保证被告有权自己讯问或由他人代为讯问对他不利的证人,并使对他有利的证人在与对他不利的证人相同的条件下出庭和受讯问。 |
As an application of the principle of equality of arms, this guarantee is important for ensuring an effective defence by the accused and their counsel and thus guarantees the accused the same legal powers of compelling the attendance of witnesses and of examining or cross-examining any witnesses as are available to the prosecution. |
对于确保被告及其律师进行有效辩护,并因此保障被告拥有同样法律权力促使证人出庭和像诉方一样讯问和诘问任何证人,作为权利平等原则适用的这一保障很重要。 |
It does not, however, provide an unlimited right to obtain the attendance of any witness requested by the accused or their counsel, but only a right to have witnesses admitted that are relevant for the defence, and to be given a proper opportunity to question and challenge witnesses against them at some stage of the proceedings. |
然而,这并不提供一个无限地让被告或其律师所请求之任何证人出庭的权利,而仅是有权让那些与辩护有关的证人出庭,并有适当机会在审判的某个阶段讯问和反驳证人。 |
Within these limits, and subject to the limitations on the use of statements, confessions and other evidence obtained in violation of article 7, it is primarily for the domestic legislatures of States parties to determine the admissibility of evidence and how their courts assess it. |
在这些限度内,并受关于违反第七条所获之陈述、认罪和其他证据的使用的限制,首先由缔约国国内立法机构决定证据可否接受和法庭如何评估。 |
40. The right to have the free assistance of an interpreter if the accused cannot understand or speak the language used in court as provided for by article 14, paragraph 3 (f) enshrines another aspect of the principles of fairness and equality of arms in criminal proceedings. This right arises at all stages of the oral proceedings. It applies to aliens as well as to nationals. |
40. 第十四条第3款(己)项规定,如果被告不懂法庭上所用的语言,则有权免费获得译员的协助。 这反映了刑事诉讼中公平和权利平等原则的另一方面。这一权利在口头审理的所有阶段均可享有;不仅适用于本国国民,也适用于外国人。 |
However, accused persons whose mother tongue differs from the official court language are, in principle, not entitled to the free assistance of an interpreter if they know the official language sufficiently to defend themselves effectively. |
然而,原则上,如果被告的母语不同于法庭的正式语言,但其掌握的正式语言的程度足以有效为自己辩护,则无权免费获得任何译员的协助。 |
41. Finally, article 14, paragraph 3 (g), guarantees the right not to be compelled to testify against oneself or to confess guilt. |
41. 最后,第十四条第3款(庚)项保障有权不被强迫作不利于自己的证言或强迫承认犯罪。 |
This safeguard must be understood in terms of the absence of any direct or indirect physical or undue psychological pressure from the investigating authorities on the accused, with a view to obtaining a confession of guilt. |
必须从没有来自刑侦当局为获得认罪而对被告作任何直接或间接的肉体或不当精神压力的角度来理解这项保障。 |
A fortiori, it is unacceptable to treat an accused person in a manner contrary to article 7 of the Covenant in order to extract a confession. |
当然,以违反《公约》第七条的方式对待被告以获取认罪,是不可接受的。 |
Domestic law must ensure that statements or confessions obtained in violation of article 7 of the Covenant are excluded from the evidence, except if such material is used as evidence that torture or other treatment prohibited by this provision occurred, and that in such cases the burden is on the State to prove that statements made by the accused have been given of their own free will. |
国内法必须确保不得援引违反《公约》第七条取得的证词或口供作为证据,但这类材料可用作证明已经发生了该条所禁止的酷刑或其他待遇的证据。在这种情况下,应由国家证明被告的陈述是出于自愿。 |
VI. Juvenile persons |
六、青少年 |
42. Article 14, paragraph 4, provides that in the case of juvenile persons, procedures should take account of their age and the desirability of promoting their rehabilitation. |
42. 第十四条第4款规定,对少年案件,在程序上应考虑到他们的年龄和帮助他们重新做人的需要。 |
Juveniles are to enjoy at least the same guarantees and protection as are accorded to adults under article 14 of the Covenant. |
少年应当至少享有《公约》第十四条给成年人提供的同样保障和保护。 |
In addition, juveniles need special protection. |
另外,少年需要特别的保护。 |
In criminal proceedings they should, in particular, be informed directly of the charges against them and, if appropriate, through their parents or legal guardians, be provided with appropriate assistance in the preparation and presentation of their defence; be tried as soon as possible in a fair hearing in the presence of legal counsel, other appropriate assistance and their parents or legal guardians, unless it is considered not to be in the best interest of the child, in particular taking into account their age or situation. |
在刑事诉讼中,他们尤其应当直接得到所受指控的通知,并且在当情况下通过其父母或法律监护人在准备和提出辩护时得到适当协助;在有律师、其他适当协助以及父母或法律监护人出庭的情况下,特别是考虑到其年龄和处境,应当尽快在公正审理中得到审判,除非这被视为不符合儿童的最佳利益。 |
Detention before and during the trial should be avoided to the extent possible. |
应当尽可能避免在审前和审判期间进行拘押。 |
43. States should take measures to establish an appropriate juvenile criminal justice system, in order to ensure that juveniles are treated in a manner commensurate with their age. |
43. 各国应当采取措施,建立适当的少年刑事司法制度,以确保少年得到与其年纪相当的待遇。 |
It is important to establish a minimum age below which children and juveniles shall not be put on trial for criminal offences; that age should take into account their physical and mental immaturity. |
重要的是规定一个最低年龄;该年龄以下的儿童和少年不应当受刑事审判;该年龄应考虑到其身心发育尚不成熟。 |
44. Whenever appropriate, in particular where the rehabilitation of juveniles alleged to have committed acts prohibited under penal law would be fostered, measures other than criminal proceedings, such as mediation between the perpetrator and the victim, conferences with the family of the perpetrator, counselling or community service or educational programmes, should be considered, provided they are compatible with the requirements of this Covenant and other relevant human rights standards. |
44. 在适当情况下,特别是在有利于触犯刑法禁止行为的少年重新做人的情况下,应当考虑采取刑事诉讼以外的措施,比如犯罪者和受害人之间的调解、与犯罪者家庭会谈、咨询或社区服务、或教育方案,条件是这些措施符合本《公约》和其他有关国际人权标准的规定。 |
VII. Review by a higher tribunal |
七、较高一级法庭的复审 |
45. Article 14, paragraph 5 of the Covenant provides that anyone convicted of a crime shall have the right to have their conviction and sentence reviewed by a higher tribunal according to law. |
45. 《公约》第十四条第5款规定,凡被判定有罪者,应有权由一个较高一级法庭依法对其定罪及刑罚进行复审。 |
As the different language versions (crime, infraction, delito) show, the guarantee is not confined to the most serious offences. |
如各种不同语言的用词表述(crime、infraction、delito)显示,该保障不仅限于最严重的犯罪。 |
The expression “according to law” in this provision is not intended to leave the very existence of the right of review to the discretion of the States parties, since this right is recognised by the Covenant, and not merely by domestic law. |
既然这是《公约》承认的权利,并非仅由国内法规定,因此本条中的“依法”一词并非旨在将复审的根本权利交由缔约国任意决定。 |
The term according to law rather relates to the determination of the modalities by which the review by a higher tribunal is to be carried out, as well as which court is responsible for carrying out a review in accordance with the Covenant. |
依法的措词实际上涉及到确定较高一级法庭的复审方式,以及哪一法院根据《公约》有责任进行复审。 |
Article 14, paragraph 5 does not require States parties to provide for several instances of appeal. |
第十四条第5款不要求各缔约国规定多级上诉。 |
However, the reference to domestic law in this provision is to be interpreted to mean that if domestic law provides for further instances of appeal, the convicted person must have effective access to each of them. |
然而该款提到国内法;这应解释为:如果国内法提供了更多级的上诉,被定罪者必须能够有效向每一级提出上诉。 |
46. Article 14, paragraph 5 does not apply to procedures determining rights and obligations in a suit at law or any other procedure not being part of a criminal appeal process, such as constitutional motions. |
46. 第十四条第5款并不适用于法律诉讼中确定权利和义务的程序或刑法上诉审理之外的任何其他程序,比如关于宪法权利的申诉。 |
47. Article 14, paragraph 5 is violated not only if the decision by the court of first instance is final, but also where a conviction imposed by an appeal court or a court of final instance, following acquittal by a lower court, according to domestic law, cannot be reviewed by a higher court. |
47. 违反第十四条第5款的情况不仅包括一审法庭判决如果是终审的,而且还包括在下级法院宣布无罪后较高一级法院不能根据国内法复审上诉法院或终审法庭的定罪。 |
Where the highest court of a country acts as first and only instance, the absence of any right to review by a higher tribunal is not offset by the fact of being tried by the supreme tribunal of the State party concerned; rather, such a system is incompatible with the Covenant, unless the State party concerned has made a reservation to this effect. |
当一国的最高法院既是初审又是唯一审判法院时,并不因为有关缔约国最高法院进行审判这一事实而可以抵销获得较高一级法院复审的任何权利;相反,除非有关缔约国就此作出保留,这一制度不符合《公约》。 |
48. The right to have one’s conviction and sentence reviewed by a higher tribunal established under article 14, paragraph 5, imposes on the State party a duty to review substantively, both on the basis of sufficiency of the evidence and of the law, the conviction and sentence, such that the procedure allows for due consideration of the nature of the case. |
48. 第十四条第5款所规定的较高一级法院复审定罪和判刑的权利,要求缔约国有义务根据充分证据和法律、定罪和判刑而进行实质性复审,比如允许正当审议案件性质的程序。 |
A review that is limited to the formal or legal aspects of the conviction without any consideration whatsoever of the facts is not sufficient under the Covenant. |
仅限于复审定罪的形式或法律问题,而根本不考虑事实情况,这并不符合《公约》的要求。 |
However, article 14, paragraph 5 does not require a full retrial or a “hearing”, as long as the tribunal carrying out the review can look at the factual dimensions of the case. |
然而,只要法庭的复审能够研判案件的案情实情,则第十四条第5款不要求完全重新审判或“审理”。 |
Thus, for instance, where a higher instance court looks at the allegations against a convicted person in great detail, considers the evidence submitted at the trial and referred to in the appeal, and finds that there was sufficient incriminating evidence to justify a finding of guilt in the specific case, the Covenant is not violated. |
因此,比如说,如果较高一级法院详尽地审议了对被定罪者的指控,考虑了在审判和上诉时提交的证据,发现具体案件中有足够归罪证据而证明有罪,就不违反《公约》。 |
49. The right to have one’s conviction reviewed can only be exercised effectively if the convicted person is entitled to have access to a duly reasoned, written judgement of the trial court, and, at least in the court of first appeal where domestic law provides for several instances of appeal, also to other documents, such as trial transcripts, necessary to enjoy the effective exercise of the right to appeal. |
49. 如果被定罪者有权得到初审法院推理正当的书面判决书、以及有效行使上诉权所需的至少第一级上诉法院――在国内法规定了多级上诉的情况下――的其他文件――比如审判记录,则定罪得到复审的权利就能够有效行使。 |
The effectiveness of this right is also impaired, and article 14, paragraph 5 violated, if the review by the higher instance court is unduly delayed in violation of paragraph 3 (c) of the same provision. |
如果违反同一条第3款(丙)项而不当延误较高一级法院的复审,则也损害了该权利的有效性而且也违反了第十四条第5款。 |
50. A system of supervisory review that only applies to sentences whose execution has commenced does not meet the requirements of article 14, paragraph 5, regardless of whether such review can be requested by the convicted person or is dependent on the discretionary power of a judge or prosecutor. |
50. 只适用于已经开始执行判决的复审制度,不符合第十四条第5款的规定,无论这类复审是否可由被定罪者要求或者取决于法官或检察官的酌处权。 |
51. The right of appeal is of particular importance in death penalty cases. |
51. 就死刑案而言,上诉权特别重要。 |
A denial of legal aid by the court reviewing the death sentence of an indigent convicted person constitutes not only a violation of article 14, paragraph 3 (d), but at the same time also of article 14, paragraph 5, as in such cases the denial of legal aid for an appeal effectively precludes an effective review of the conviction and sentence by the higher instance court. |
复审一名被定罪土著人死刑判决的法院如拒绝提供法律援助,不仅违反第十四条第3款(丁)项,而且也同时违反第十四条第5款。 这因为在此种情况下,拒绝提供上诉的法律援助,实际上排除了由较高一级法院有效地复审定罪和判刑。 |
The right to have one’s conviction reviewed is also violated if defendants are not informed of the intention of their counsel not to put any arguments to the court, thereby depriving them of the opportunity to seek alternative representation, in order that their concerns may be ventilated at the appeal level. |
如果律师不打算在法庭上作任何辩护,但没有通知被告,从而剥夺其寻找替代律师以在上诉法院陈述的机会,則也侵犯了定罪获得复审的权利。 |
VIII. Compensation in cases of miscarriage of justice |
八、误审案的赔偿 |
52. According to paragraph 6 of article 14 of the Covenant, compensation according to the law shall be paid to persons who have been convicted of a criminal offence by a final decision and have suffered punishment as a consequence of such conviction, if their conviction has been reversed or they have been pardoned on the ground that a new or newly discovered fact shows conclusively that there has been a miscarriage of justice. |
52. 根据第《公约》第十四条第6款,如果定罪被推翻,或者根据新的或最新发现的事实最终表明有误审而赦免,则应当依法向终审定罪和因这样定罪而遭受惩罚的人支付赔偿。 |
It is necessary that States parties enact legislation ensuring that compensation as required by this provision can in fact be paid and that the payment is made within a reasonable period of time. |
各缔约国有必要制定立法,确保可实际支付本条规定的赔偿,并且在合理期限内支付赔偿。 |
53. This guarantee does not apply if it is proved that the non-disclosure of such a material fact in good time is wholly or partly attributable to the accused; in such cases, the burden of proof rests on the State. |
53. 如果证明完全和部分是由于被告人的原因而未能及时发现这类重要事实,则不适用这一保障 ;国家在这种案件中应承担举证责任。 |
Furthermore, no compensation is due if the conviction is set aside upon appeal, i.e. before the judgement becomes final, or by a pardon that is humanitarian or discretionary in nature, or motivated by considerations of equity, not implying that there has been a miscarriage of justice. |
另外,如果上诉推翻了定罪(比如在判决成为最终判决之前、或者赦免是属于人道主义性质或酌处性质的赦免、或出于公平考虑),则不意味着有误审,不需赔偿。 |
IX. Ne bis in idem |
九、一罪不二审 |
54. Article 14, paragraph 7 of the Covenant, providing that no one shall be liable to be tried or punished again for an offence of which they have already been finally convicted or acquitted in accordance with the law and penal procedure of each country, embodies the principle of ne bis in idem. |
54. 《公约》第十四条第7款规定,任何人已依一国的法律及刑事程序被最后定罪或宣告无罪,不得就同一罪名再予审判或惩罚。 这反映了一罪不二审的原则。 |
This provision prohibits bringing a person, once convicted or acquitted of a certain offence, either before the same court again or before another tribunal again for the same offence; thus, for instance, someone acquitted by a civilian court cannot be tried again for the same offence by a military or special tribunal. |
该条禁止将已被定罪或宣告无罪的人再次带上同一法庭,或为同一犯罪带上另一法庭,因此,比如说,民事法庭已经宣告无罪的人不能在军事或特别法庭上就同一罪行再次受审。 |
Article 14, paragraph 7 does not prohibit retrial of a person convicted in absentia who requests it, but applies to the second conviction. |
第十四条第7款并不禁止重新审判要求重新审判的遭缺席定罪的人,但对第二次定罪适用。 |
55. Repeated punishment of conscientious objectors for not having obeyed a renewed order to serve in the military may amount to punishment for the same crime if such subsequent refusal is based on the same constant resolve grounded in reasons of conscience. |
55. 重复惩罚不遵守一再发出的服兵役令的依良心拒服兵役者,可构成惩罚同一罪行,如果这一拒绝是出于同一一直不变的良心上的决定的。 |
56. The prohibition of article 14, paragraph 7, is not at issue if a higher court quashes a conviction and orders a retrial. |
56. 如果较高一级法庭推翻一项定罪并下令重审,也不会违反第十四条第7款规定的禁止。 |
Furthermore, it does not prohibit the resumption of a criminal trial justified by exceptional circumstances, such as the discovery of evidence which was not available or known at the time of the acquittal. |
另外,这项规定不禁止特殊情况允许的重新进行刑事审判;例如,发现了判处无罪时无法提供或不了解的证据。 |
57. This guarantee applies to criminal offences only and not to disciplinary measures that do not amount to a sanction for a criminal offence within the meaning of article 14 of the Covenant. |
57. 这一保障仅适用于刑事犯罪,而非《公约》第十四条所指刑事处罚之外的纪律措施。 |
Furthermore, it does not guarantee ne bis in idem with respect to the national jurisdictions of two or more States. |
另外,它不保证两个以上国家之法院的一罪不二审。 |
This understanding should not, however, undermine efforts by States to prevent retrial for the same criminal offence through international conventions. |
然而,这一理解不应当削弱各国通过国际公约而防止重新审判同一刑事罪行的努力。 |
X. Relationship of article 14 with other provisions of the Covenant |
十、第十四条与《公约》其他条款之间的关系 |
58. As a set of procedural guarantees, article 14 of the Covenant often plays an important role in the implementation of the more substantive guarantees of the Covenant that must be taken into account in the context of determining criminal charges and rights and obligations of a person in a suit at law. |
58. 《公约》第十四条作为一套程序上的保障,通常在执行《公约》更实质性的保障方面发挥重要作用。 必须从一件诉讼案件中确定一人刑事指控及其权利和义务的角度来考虑这些保障。 |
In procedural terms, the relationship with the right to an effective remedy provided for by article 2, paragraph 3 of the Covenant is relevant. |
从程序上来说,与《公约》第二条第3款所规定有效补偿权的关系是相当密切的。 |
In general, this provision needs to be respected whenever any guarantee of article 14 has been violated. |
总的来说,一旦出现违反第十四条保障的情况,都应当遵守该条规定。 |
However, as regards the right to have one’s conviction and sentence reviewed by a higher tribunal, article 14, paragraph 5 of the Covenant is a lex specialis in relation to article 2, paragraph 3 when invoking the right to access a tribunal at the appeals level. |
然而,就由较高一级法院复审定罪和判刑的权利而言,当援引向上诉法院上诉的权利时,《公约》第十四条第5款相对第二条第3款而言具有特别法的性质。 |
59. In cases of trials leading to the imposition of the death penalty scrupulous respect of the guarantees of fair trial is particularly important. |
59. 在审判最终处以死刑的案件中,严格遵守公正审判的保障特别重要。 |
The imposition of a sentence of death upon conclusion of a trial, in which the provisions of article 14 of the Covenant have not been respected, constitutes a violation of the right to life (article 6 of the Covenant). |
审判未遵守《公约》第十四条而最终判以死刑,构成剥夺生命权(《公约》第六条)。 |
60. To ill-treat persons against whom criminal charges are brought and to force them to make or sign, under duress, a confession admitting guilt violates both article 7 of the Covenant prohibiting torture and inhuman, cruel or degrading treatment and article 14, paragraph 3 (g) prohibiting compulsion to testify against oneself or confess guilt. |
60. 虐待被指控刑事犯罪者,并强迫其在胁迫下作出口供或签署口供,两者均违反《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》第七条关于禁止的不被强迫作不利于自己的证言或强迫承认犯罪的第十四第3款(庚)项。 |
61. If someone suspected of a crime and detained on the basis of article 9 of the Covenant is charged with an offence but not brought to trial, the prohibitions of unduly delaying trials as provided for by articles 9, paragraph 3, and 14, paragraph 3 (c) of the Covenant may be violated at the same time. |
61. 如果某人有犯罪嫌疑同时根据《公约》第九条被拘留,并受到犯罪指控,但未予审判,也可能同时违反《公约》第九条第3款和第十四条第3款(丙)项所载禁止无故拖延审判的规定。 |
62. The procedural guarantees of article 13 of the Covenant incorporate notions of due process also reflected in article 14 and thus should be interpreted in the light of this latter provision. |
62. 《公约》第十三条的程序性保障纳入了也反映在第十四条中的正当程序概念,因此应当根据后一条款的精神来解释。 |
Insofar as domestic law entrusts a judicial body with the task of deciding about expulsions or deportations, the guarantee of equality of all persons before the courts and tribunals as enshrined in article 14, paragraph 1, and the principles of impartiality, fairness and equality of arms implicit in this guarantee are applicable. |
就国内法授权司法机构来决定驱逐或递解出境而言,适用第十四条第1款所规定法院和法庭前人人平等的保障及其所含的公正、公平与权利平等原则。 |
All relevant guarantees of article 14, however, apply where expulsion takes the form of a penal sanction or where violations of expulsion orders are punished under criminal law. |
然而,在驱逐作为刑事制裁或违反驱逐令依刑法可受处罚的情况下,則适用第十四条的所有相关保障。 |
63. The way criminal proceedings are handled may affect the exercise and enjoyment of rights and guarantees of the Covenant unrelated to article 14. |
63. 刑事诉讼的进行方式可能影响到行使和享有《公约》第十四条之外的权利和保障。 |
Thus, for instance, to keep pending, for several years, indictments for the criminal offence of defamation brought against a journalist for having published certain articles, in violation of article 14, paragraph 3 (c), may leave the accused in a situation of uncertainty and intimidation and thus have a chilling effect which unduly restricts the exercise of his right to freedom of expression (article 19 of the Covenant). |
因此,比如说,针对记者发表某些文章而违反第十四条第3款(丙)项提起的诽谤刑事诉讼数年悬而未决,可能导致被告处境不安和受恐吓的情况,并因此具有不当限制其言论自由权(《公约》第十九条)的令人不寒而栗的影响。 |
Similarly, delays of criminal proceedings for several years in contravention of article 14, paragraph 3 (c), may violate the right of a person to leave one’s own country as guaranteed in article 12, paragraph 2 of the Covenant, if the accused has to remain in that country as long as proceedings are pending. |
同样,违反第十四条第3款(丙)项拖延刑事诉讼多年,并且被告必须在诉讼未决期间留在该国,则可能侵犯《公约》第十二条第2款所保障的个人离开本国的权利。 |
64. As regards the right to have access to public service on general terms of equality as provided for in article 25 (c) of the Covenant, a dismissal of judges in violation of this provision may amount to a violation of this guarantee, read in conjunction with article 14, paragraph 1 providing for the independence of the judiciary. |
64. 《公约》第二十五条(丙)项规定了在一般平等条件下参加本国公务的权利。 违反该条而解除法官职务可能违反这一保障与第十四条第1款规定的法庭独立。 |
65. Procedural laws or their application that make distinctions based on any of the criteria listed in article 2, paragraph 1 or article 26, or disregard the equal right of men and women, in accordance with article 3, to the enjoyment of the guarantees set forth in article 14 of the Covenant, not only violate the requirement of paragraph 1 of this provision that “all persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals,” but may also amount to discrimination. |
65. 程序法或其适用如有以第二条第1款或第二十六条所列任何一种标准为依据的区分,或无视第三条所规定的男女有权平等享有《公约》第十四条规定的保障,则不仅违反本条第1款规定的“所有人在法庭和裁判所前一律平等”的规定,而且还构成歧视。 |
Notes |
注 |
General comment, No. 24 (1994) on issues relating to reservations made upon ratification or accession to the Covenant or the Optional Protocols thereto, or in relation to declarations under article 41 of the Covenant, para. 8. |
第24号一般性意见(1994):关于批准或加入《公约》或其《任择议定书》时提出的保留或者有关《公约》第四十一条下声明的问题,第8段。 |
General comment No. 29 (2001) on article 4: Derogations during a state of emergency, para. 15. |
关于第四条的第29号一般性意见(2001):紧急状态期间的克减问题,第15段。 |
Ibid, paras. 7 and 15. |
同上,第7和第15段。 |
Cf. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, article 15. |
参阅《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》,第十五条。 |
General comment No. 29 (2001) on article 4: Derogations during a state of emergency, para. 11. |
关于第四条的第29号一般性意见(2001):紧急状态期间的克减问题,第11段。 |
Communication No. 1015/2001, Perterer v. Austria, para. 9.2 (disciplinary proceedings against a civil servant); communication No. 961/2000, Everett v. Spain, para. 6.4 (extradition). |
第1015/2001号来文,《Perterer诉奥地利》,第9.2段(对公务员采取纪律诉讼);第961/2000号来文,《Everett诉西班牙》,第6.4段(引渡)。 |
Communication No. 468/1991, Oló Bahamonde v. Equatorial Guinea, para. 9.4. |
第468/1991号来文《Oló Bahamonde诉赤道几内亚》,第9.4段。 |
Communication No. 202/1986, Ato del Avellanal v. Peru, para. 10.2 (limitation of the right to represent matrimonial property before courts to the husband, thus excluding married women from suing in court). |
第202/1986号来文,《Ato del Avellanal诉秘鲁》,第10.2段(规定关于夫妻财产的诉讼仅能由丈夫提出,因而已婚妇女无法向法庭提出诉讼)。 |
See also general comment No. 18 (1989) on non-discrimination, para. |
另见关于不歧视的第18号一般性意见(1989年),第7段。 |
Communications No. 377/1989, Currie v. Jamaica, para. 13.4; No. 704/1996, Shaw v. Jamaica, para. 7.6; No. 707/1996, Taylor v. Jamaica, para. 8.2; No. 752/1997, Henry v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 7.6; No. 845/1998, Kennedy v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 7.10. |
第377/1989号来文《Currie诉牙买加》,第13.4段;第704/1996号来文,《Shaw诉牙买加》,第7.6段;第707/1996号来文,《Taylor诉牙买加》,第8.2段;第752/1997号来文《Henry诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第7.6段;第845/1998号来文,《Kennedy诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第7.10段。 |
Communication No. 646/1995, Lindon v. Australia, para. 6.4. |
第646/1995号来文,《Lindon诉澳大利亚》,第6.4段。 |
Communication No. 779/1997, Äärelä and Näkkäläjärvi v. Finland, para. 7.2. |
第779/1997号来文,《Äärelä和Näkkäläjärvi诉芬兰》第7.2.段。 |
Communication No. 450/1991, I.P. v. Finland, para. 6.2. |
第450/1991号来文,《I.P.诉芬兰》,第6.2段。 |
Communication No. 1347/2005, Dudko v. Australia, para. 7.4. |
第1347/2005号来文,《Dudko 诉澳大利亚》,第7.4段。 |
Communication No. 1086/2002, Weiss v. Austria, para. 9.6. |
第1086/2002号来文,《Weiss诉奥地利》,第9.6段。 |
For another example of a violation of the principle of equality of arms see communication No. 223/1987, Robinson v. Jamaica, para. 10.4 (adjournment of hearing). |
违反两造平等原则的例子,见第223/1987号来文,《Robinson 诉牙买加》,第10.4段(审讯延期)。 |
Communication No. 846/1999, Jansen-Gielen v. The Netherlands, para. 8.2 and No. 779/1997, Äärelä and Näkkäläjärvi v. Finland, para. 7.4. |
第846/1999号来文,《Jansen-Gielen诉荷兰》,第8.2段和第779/1997号来文,《Äärelä和 Näkkäläjärvi 诉芬兰》,第7.4段。 |
E.g. if jury trials are excluded for certain categories of offenders (see concluding observations, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, CCPR/CO/73/UK (2001), para. 18) or offences. |
例如,如果某类罪犯或罪行不由陪审团审判(见结论性意见,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,CCPR/CO/73/UK (2001),第18段。 |
Communication No. 1015/2001, Perterer v. Austria, para. 9.2. |
第1015/2001号来文,《Perterer诉奥地利》,第9.2段。 |
Communication No. 112/1981, Y.L. v. Canada, paras. 9.1 and 9.2. |
第112/1981号来文,《Y.L.诉加拿大》,第9.1和9.2段。 |
Communication No. 441/1990, Casanovas v. France, para. 5.2. |
第441/1990号来文,《Casanovas诉法国》,第5.2段。 |
Communication No. 454/1991, Garcia Pons v. Spain, para. 9.3. |
第454/1991号来文,《Garcia Pons诉西班牙》,第9.3段。 |
Communication No. 112/1981, Y.L. v. Canada, para. 9.3. |
第112/1981号来文,《Y.L.诉加拿大》,第9.3段。 |
Communication No. 779/1997, Äärelä and Näkkäläjätvi v. Finland, paras. 7.2-7.4. |
第779/1997号来文,《Äärelä 和 Näkkäläjätvi诉芬兰,第7.2至第7.4段。 |
Communication No. 837/1998, Kolanowski v. Poland, para. 6.4. |
第837/1998号来文,《Kolanowski诉波兰》第6.4段。 |
Communications No. 972/2001, Kazantzis v. Cyprus, para. 6.5; No. 943/2000, Jacobs v. Belgium, para. 8.7, and No. 1396/2005, Rivera Fernández v. Spain, para. 6.3. |
第972/2001号来文,《Kazantzis诉塞浦路斯》第6.5段;第943/2000号来文。《Jacobs诉比利时》,第8.7段和第1396/2005号来文,《Rivera Fernández诉西班牙》第6.3段。 |
Communication No. 845/1998, Kennedy v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 7.4. |
第845/1998号来文,《Kennedy诉特立尼达和多巴哥》, 第7.4段。 |
Communication No. 1015/2001, Perterer v. Austria, para. 9.2 (disciplinary dismissal). |
第1015/2001号来文,《Perterer诉奥地利》,第9.2段(纪律措施;免职)。 |
Communications No. 1341/2005, Zundel v. Canada, para. 6.8, No. 1359/2005, Esposito v. Spain, para. 7.6. |
第1341/2005号来文,《Zundel诉加拿大》,第6.8段,第1359/2005号来文,《Esposito诉西班牙》,第7.6段。 |
See para. 62 below. |
见以下第62段。 |
Communication No. 263/1987, Gonzalez del Rio v. Peru, para. 5.2. |
第263/1987号来文,《Gonzalez del Rio诉秘鲁》,第5.2段。 |
Concluding observations, Slovakia, CCPR/C/79/Add.79 (1997), para. 18. |
结论性意见,斯洛伐克,CCPR/C/79/Add.79 (1997),第18段。 |
Communication No. 468/1991, Oló Bahamonde v. Equatorial Guinea, para. 9.4. |
第468/1991号来文,《Oló Bahamonde诉赤道几内亚》,第9.4段。 |
Communication No. 814/1998, Pastukhov v. Belarus, para. 7.3. |
第814/1998号来文,《Pastyjgiv诉白俄罗斯》,第7.3段。 |
Communication No. 933/2000, Mundyo Busyo et al v. Democratic Republic of Congo, para. 5.2. |
第933/2000号来文,《Mundyo Busyo等人诉刚果民主共和国》,第5.2段。 |
Communication No. 387/1989, Karttunen v. Finland, para. 7.2. |
第387/1989号来文,《Karttumen诉芬兰》第7.2段。 |
Idem. |
同上。 |
Also see Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949, art. 64 and general comment No. 31 (2004) on the Nature of the General Legal Obligation Imposed on States Parties to the Covenant, para. 11. |
另见1949年8月12日,《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》第六十四条,及关于《公约》缔约国的一般法律义务的性质的第31号一般性意见(2004),第11段。 |
See communication No. 1172/2003, Madani v. Algeria, para. 8.7. |
见第1172/2003号来文,《Madami诉阿尔及利亚》,第8.7段。 |
Communication No. 1298/2004, Becerra Barney v. Colombia, para. 7.2. |
第1298/2004号来文,《Becerra Barney诉哥伦比亚》,第7.2段。 |
Communications No. 577/1994, Polay Campos v. Peru, para. 8.8; No. 678/1996, Gutiérrez Vivanco v. Peru, para. 7.1; No. 1126/2002, Carranza Alegre v. Peru, para. 7.5. |
第577/1994号来文,《Polay Campos诉秘鲁》, 第8.8段,第678/1996号来文,《Gutierrez Vivanco诉秘鲁》,第7.1段,第1126/2002号来文,《Carranza Alegre诉秘鲁》,第7.1段。 |
Communication No. 678/1996, Gutiérrez Vivanco v. Peru, para. 7.1. |
第678/1996号来文,《Gutierrez Vivanco诉秘鲁》,第7.1段。 |
Communication No. 577/1994, Polay Campos v. Peru, para. 8.8; communication No. 1126/2002, Carranza Alegre v. Peru, para. 7.5. |
第577./1994号来文,《Polay Campos诉秘鲁》,第8.8段;第1126/2002号来文,《Carranza Alegre诉秘鲁》,第7.5段。 |
Communication No. 1058/2002, Vargas Mas v. Peru, para. 6.4. |
第1058/2002号来文,《Vargas Mas诉秘鲁》,第6.4段。 |
Communication No. 1125/2002, Quispe Roque v. Peru, para. 7.3. |
第1125/2002号来文,《Quispe Roque诉秘鲁》,第7.3段。 |
Communication No. 678/1996, Gutiérrez Vivanco v. Peru, para.7.1; communication No. 1126/2002, Carranza Alegre v. Peru, para. 7.5; communication No. 1125/2002, Quispe Roque v. Peru, para. 7.3; communication No. 1058/2002, Vargas Mas v. Peru, para. 6.4. |
第678/1996号来文,《Gutierrez Vivanco诉秘鲁》.第7.1段;第1126/2002号来文,《Carranza Alegre诉秘鲁》,第7.5段;第1123/2002号来文,《Quispe Roque诉秘鲁》,第7.3段,第1058/2002号来文,《Vargas Mas诉秘鲁》,第6.4段。 |
Communications No. 577/1994, Polay Campos v. Peru, para. 8.8 ; No. 678/1996, Gutiérrez Vivanco v. Peru, para. 7.1. |
第577/1994号来文,《Polay Campos诉秘鲁》,第8.8段;第678/1996号来文, 《Gutiérrez Vivanco诉秘鲁》,第7.1段。 |
Communication No. 770/1997, Gridin v. Russian Federation, para. 8.2. |
第770/1997号来文,《Gridin诉俄罗斯联邦》,第8.2段。 |
See Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, communication No. 3/1991, Narrainen v. Norway, para. 9.3. |
见消除种族歧视委员会,第3/1991号来文,《Narrainen 诉挪威》,第9.3段。 |
Communications No. 273/1988, B.d.B. v. The Netherlands, para. 6.3; No. 1097/2002, Martínez Mercader et al v. Spain, para. 6.3. |
第273/1988号来文,《B.d.B.诉荷兰》,第6.3段;第1097/2002号来文,《Martínez Mercader等人诉西班牙》,第6.3段。 |
Communication No. 1188/2003, Riedl-Riedenstein et al. v. Germany, para. 7.3; No. 886/1999, Bondarenko v. Belarus, para. 9.3; No. 1138/2002, Arenz et al. v. Germany, admissibility decision, para. 8.6. |
第1188/2003号来文,《Riedl-Riedenstein 等人诉德国》,第.7.3段;第886/1999号来文,《Bondarenko 诉白俄罗斯》,第9.3段;第1138/2002号来文,《Arenz等人诉德国》,关于可否受理的决定,第8.6段。 |
Communication No. 253/1987, Kelly v. Jamaica, para. 5.13; No. 349/1989, Wright v. Jamaica, para. 8.3. |
第253/1987号来文,《Kelly 诉牙买加》,第5.13段; 第349/1989号来文,《Wright 诉. 牙买加》,第8.3段。 |
Communication No. 203/1986, Mũnoz Hermoza v. Peru, para. 11.3 ; No. 514/1992, Fei v. Colombia, para. 8.4 . |
第203/1986号来文,《Mũnoz Hermoza 诉秘鲁》,第11.3段;第514/1992号来文, 《Fei诉哥伦比亚》,第8.4段。 |
See e.g. Concluding observations, Democratic Republic of Congo, CCPR/C/COD/CO/3 (2006), para. 21, Central African Republic, CCPR//C/CAF/CO/2 (2006), para. 16. |
例如,见结论性意见,刚果民主共和国, CCPR/C/COD/CO/3(2006),第21段, 中非共和国, CCPR/C/CAF/CO/2 (2006),第16段。 |
Communication No. 215/1986, Van Meurs v. The Netherlands, para. 6.2. |
第 215/1986号来文,《Van Meurs 诉荷兰》,第6.2段。 |
Communication No. 301/1988, R.M. v. Finland, para. 6.4. |
第301/1988号来文,《R.M. 诉芬兰》,第6.4段。 |
Communication No. 819/1998, Kavanagh v. Ireland, para. 10.4. |
第819/1998号来文,《Kavanagh 诉爱尔兰》 第10.4段。 |
Communication No. 770/1997, Gridin v. Russian Federation, paras. 3.5 and 8.3. |
第770/1997号来文,《Gridin 诉俄罗斯联邦》,第3.5和第8.3段。 |
On the relationship between article 14, paragraph 2 and article 9 of the Covenant (pretrial detention) see, e.g. concluding observations, Italy, CCPR/C/ITA/CO/5 (2006), para. 14 and Argentina, CCPR/CO/70/ARG (2000), para. 10. |
关于《公约》第十四条第2 款和第九条(预审拘留)之间的关系,例如,见结论性意见,意大利,CCPR/C/ITA/CO/5(2006),第14段,和阿根廷,CCPR/CO/70/ARG(2000),第10段。 |
Communication No. 788/1997, Cagas, Butin and Astillero v. Philippines, para. 7.3. |
第 788/1997号来文,《Cagas、Butin和Astillero诉菲律宾》,第7.3段。 |
Communication No. 207/1986, Morael v. France, para. 9.5; No. 408/1990, W.J.H. v. The Netherlands, para. 6.2; No. 432/1990, W.B.E. v. The Netherlands, para. 6.6. |
第207/1986号来文,《Morael 诉法国》, 第9.5段;第408/1990号来文, 《W.J.H.诉荷兰》,第6.2段;第432/1990号来文,《W.B.E. 诉荷兰》,第6.6段。 |
Communication No. 1056/2002, Khachatrian v. Armenia, para. 6.4. |
第1056/2002号来文,《Khachatrian诉亚美尼亚》,第6.4段。 |
Communication No. 253/1987, Kelly v. Jamaica, para. 5.8. |
第253/1987号来文,《Kelly诉牙买加》,第5.8段。 |
Communications No. 1128/2002, Márques de Morais v. Angola, para. 5.4 and 253/1987, Kelly v. Jamaica, para. 5.8. |
第1128/2002号来文,《Márques de Morais诉安哥拉》,第5.4段和第253/1987号来文,《Kelly诉牙买加》,第5.8段。 |
Communication No. 16/1977, Mbenge v. Zaire, para. 14.1. |
第16/1977号来文,《Mbenge诉扎伊尔》,第14.1段。 |
Communications No. 282/1988, Smith v. Jamaica , para. 10.4; Nos. 226/1987 and 256/1987, Sawyers, Mclean and Mclean v. Jamaica, para. 13.6. |
第282/1988号来文,《Smith诉牙买加》,第10.4段;第226/1987号来文和第256/1987号来文,《Sawyers、Mclean和Mclean诉牙买加》第13.6段。 |
See communication No. 451/1991, Harward v. Norway, para. 9.5. |
见第451/1991号来文,《Harward诉挪威》,第9.5段。 |
Communication No. 1128/2002, Morais v. Angola, para. 5.6. |
第1128/2002号来文,《Morais诉安哥拉》,第5.6段。 |
Similarly communications No. 349/1989, Wright v. Jamaica, para. 8.4; No. 272/1988, Thomas v. Jamaica, para. 11.4; No. 230/87, Henry v. Jamaica, para. 8.2; Nos. 226/1987 and 256/1987, Sawyers, Mclean and Mclean v. Jamaica, para. 13.6. |
同样,第349/1989号来文,《Wright诉牙买加》,第8.4段;第272/1988号来文,《Thomas诉牙买加》,第11.4段;第230/87号来文,Henry诉牙买加,第8.2段;第226/1987和256/1987号来文,《Sawyers、Mclean和Mclean诉牙买加》,第13.6段。 |
Communication No. 1128/2002, Márques de Morais v. Angola, para. 5.4. |
第1128/2002号来文,《Márques de Morais诉安哥拉》,第5.4段。 |
Communications No. 913/2000, Chan v. Guyana, para. 6.3; No. 594/1992, Phillip v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 7.2. |
第913/2000号来文,《Chan诉圭亚那》,第6.3段;第594/1992号来文,《Phillip诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第7.2段。 |
See concluding observations, Canada, CCPR/C/CAN/CO/5 (2005), para. 13. |
见结论性意见,加拿大,CCPR/C/CAN/CO/5(2005),第13段。 |
Communication No. 451/1991, Harward v. Norway, para. 9.5. |
第451/1991号来文,《Harward诉挪威》,第9.5段。 |
Communications No. 1117/2002, Khomidova v. Tajikistan, para. 6.4; No. 907/2000, Siragev v. Uzbekistan, para. 6.3; No. 770/1997, Gridin v. Russian Federation, para. 8.5. |
第1117/2002号来文,《Khomidova诉塔吉克斯坦》,第6.4段;第907/2000号来文,《Siragev诉乌兹别克斯坦》,第6..3段;第770/1997号来文,《Gridin诉俄罗斯联邦》,第8.5段。 |
See e.g. communication No. 818/1998, Sextus v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 7.2 regarding a delay of 22 months between the charging of the accused with a crime carrying the death penalty and the beginning of the trial without specific circumstances justifying the delay. |
参见,例如第818/1998号来文,《Sextus诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第7.2段关于被告受到死刑罪行指控与无具体情况合理说明延误而开始审判之间的22个月。 |
In communication No. 537/1993, Kelly v. Jamaica, para. 5.11, an 18 months delay between charges and beginning of the trial did not violate art. 14, para. 3 (c). |
在第537/1993号来文,《Kelly诉牙买加》,第5.11段中,指控和开始审判之间延误18个月未违反第十四条第3款(丙)项。 |
See also communication No. 676/1996, Yasseen and Thomas v. Guyana, para. 7.11 (delay of two years between a decision by the Court of Appeal and the beginning of a retrial) and communication No. 938/2000, Siewpersaud, Sukhram, and Persaud v. Trinidad v. Tobago, para. 6.2 (total duration of criminal proceedings of almost five years in the absence of any explanation from the State party justifying the delay). |
也参见第676/1996号来文,《Yasseen和Thomas诉圭亚那》,第7.11段(上诉庭判决与开始重审之间延误两年)和第938/2000号来文,《Siewpersaud、Sukhram和Persaud诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第6.2段(缔约国未说明延误的理由,而整个刑事审判过程几乎长达5年)。 |
Communication No. 818/1998, Sextus v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 7.2. |
第818/1998号来文,《Sextus诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第7.2段。 |
Communications No. 1089/2002, Rouse v. Philippines, para. 7.4; No. 1085/2002, Taright, Touadi, Remli and Yousfi v. Algeria, para. 8.5. |
第1089/2002号来文,《Rouse诉菲律宾》,第7.4段;第1085/2002号来文,Taright、Touadi、Remli和Yousfi诉阿尔及利亚》,第8.5段。 |
Communications No. 16/1977, Mbenge v. Zaire, para. 14.1; No. 699/1996, Maleki v. Italy, para. 9.3. |
第16/1977号来文,《Mbenge诉Zaire》,第14.1段;第699/1996号来文,《Maleki诉意大利》,第9.3段。 |
Communication No. 1123/2002, Correia de Matos v. Portugal, paras. 7.4 and 7.5. |
第1123/2002号来文,《Correia de Matos诉葡萄牙》,第7.4和7.5段。 |
Communication No. 646/1995, Lindon v. Australia, para. 6.5. |
第646/1995号来文,《Lindon诉澳大利亚》,第6.5段。 |
Communication No. 341/1988, Z.P. v. Canada, para. 5.4. |
第341/1988号来文,《Z.P.诉加拿大》,第5.4段。 |
Communications No. 985/2001, Aliboeva v. Tajikistan, para. 6.4; No. 964/2001, Saidova v. Tajikistan, para. 6.8; No. 781/1997, Aliev v. Ukraine, para. 7.3; No. 554/1993, LaVende v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 58. |
第985/2001来文,《Aliboeva诉塔吉克斯坦》,第6.4段;第964/2001号来文,《Saidova诉塔吉克斯坦》,第6.8段;第781/1997号来文,《Aliev 诉乌克兰》,第7.3段;第554/1993号来文,《LaVende诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第58段。 |
Communication No. 383/1989, H.C. v. Jamaica, para. 6.3. |
第383/1989号来文,《H.C.诉牙买加》,第6.3段。 |
Communication No. 253/1987, Kelly v. Jamaica, para. 9.5. |
第253/1987号来文,《Kelly诉牙买加》,第9.5段。 |
Communication No. 838/1998, Hendricks v. Guyana, para. 6.4. For the case of an absence of an author’s legal representative during the hearing of a witness in a preliminary hearing see communication No. 775/1997, Brown v. Jamaica, para. 6.6. |
第838/1998号来文,《Hendricks诉圭亚那》,第6.4段,关于初审证人作证其间而提交人律师缺席的案件,参见第775/1997号来文,《Brown诉牙买加》,第6.6段。 |
Communications No. 705/1996, Taylor v. Jamaica, para. 6.2 ; No. 913/2000, Chan v. Guyana, para. 6.2; No. 980/2001, Hussain v. Mauritius, para. 6.3. |
第705/1996号来文,《Taylor诉牙买加》,第6.2段 ;第913/2000号来文,《Chan诉圭亚那》,第6.2段;第980/2001号来文,《Hussain诉毛里求斯》,第6.3段。 |
Communication No. 917/2000, Arutyunyan v. Uzbekistan, para. 6.3. |
第917/1996号来文,《Arutyunyan诉乌兹别克斯坦》,第6.3段。 |
See para. 6 above. |
见以上第6段。 |
Communication No. 219/1986, Guesdon v. France, para. 10.2. |
第219/1986号来文,《Guesdon诉法国》,第10.2段。 |
Idem. |
同上。 |
Communications No. 1208/2003, Kurbonov v. Tajikistan, paras. 6.2-6.4; No. 1044/2002, Shukurova v. Tajikistan, paras. 8.2-8.3; No. 1033/2001, Singarasa v. Sri Lanka, para. 7.4; ; No. 912/2000, Deolall v. Guyana, para. 5.1; No. 253/1987, Kelly v. Jamaica, para. 5.5. |
第1208/2003号来文,《Kurbonov诉塔吉克斯坦》,第6.2-6.4段;第1044/2002号来文,《Shukurova诉塔吉克斯坦》,第8.2-8.3;第1033/2001号来文,《Singarasa 诉斯里兰卡》,第7.4段;第912/2000号来文,《Deolall诉圭亚那》,第5.1段;第253/1987号来文,《Kelly诉牙买加》,第5.5段。 |
Cf. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, art. 15. On the use of other evidence obtained in violation of article 7 of the Covenant, see paragraph 6 above. |
《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》第十五条;关于使用违反《公约》第七条所获的其他证据,见以上第6段。 |
Communications No. 1033/2001, Singarasa v. Sri Lanka, para. 7.4; No. 253/1987, Kelly v. Jamaica, para. 7.4. |
第1033/2001号来文,《Singarasa诉斯里兰卡》,第7.4段;第253/1987号来文,Kelly诉牙买加,第7.4段。 |
See general comment No. 17 (1989) on article 24 (Rights of the child), para. 4. |
见关于第二十四条(儿童权利)的第17号一般性意见(1989),第4段。 |
Communications No. 1095/2002, Gomaríz Valera v. Spain, para. 7.1; No. 64/1979, Salgar de Montejo v. Colombia, para. 10.4. |
第1095/2002号来文,《Gomaríz Valera诉西班牙》,第7.1段;第64/1979号来文,《Salgar de Montejo诉哥伦比亚》,第10.4段。 |
Communication No. 1089/2002, Rouse v. Philippines, para. 7.6. |
第1089/2002号来文,《Rouse诉菲律宾》,第7.6段。 |
Communication No. 230/1987, Henry v. Jamaica, para. 8.4. |
第230/1987号来文,《Henry诉牙买加》,第8.4段。 |
Communication No. 450/1991, I.P. v. Finland, para. 6.2. |
第450/1991号来文,《I.P.诉芬兰》,第6.2段。 |
Communication No. 352/1989, Douglas, Gentles, Kerr v. Jamaica, para. 11.2. |
第352/1989号来文,《Douglas、Gentles、Kerr诉牙买加》,第11.2段。 |
Communication No. 1095/2002, Gomariz Valera v. Spain, para. 7.1. |
第1095/2002号来文,《Gomariz Valera诉西班牙》,第7.1段。 |
Communication No. 1073/2002, Terrón v. Spain, para. 7.4. |
第1073/2002号来文,《Terrón诉西班牙》,第7.4段。 |
Idem. |
同上。 |
Communications No. 1100/2002, Bandajevsky v. Belarus, para. 10.13; No. 985/2001, Aliboeva v. Tajikistan, para. 6.5; No. 973/2001, Khalilova v. Tajikistan, para. 7.5; No. 623-627/1995, Domukovsky et al. v. Georgia, para. 18.11; No. 964/2001, Saidova v. Tajikistan, para. 6.5; No. 802/1998, Rogerson v. Australia, para. 7.5; No. 662/1995, Lumley v. Jamaica, para. 7.3. |
第1100/2002号来文,《Bandajevsky诉白俄罗斯》,第10.13段;第985/2001号来文,《Aliboeva诉塔吉克斯坦》,第6.5段;第973/2001号来文,《Khalilova诉塔吉克斯坦》,第7.5段;第623-627/1995号来文,《Domukovsky等人诉格鲁吉亚》,第18.11段;第964/2001号来文,《Saidova诉塔吉克斯坦》,第6.5段;第802/1998号来文,《Rogerson诉澳大利亚》,第7.5段;第662/1995号来文,《Lumley诉牙买加》,第7.3段。 |
Communication No. 701/1996, Gómez Vázquez v. Spain, para. 11.1. |
第701/1996号来文,《Gómez Vázquez诉西班牙》,第11.1段。 |
Communication No. 1110/2002, Rolando v. Philippines, para. 4.5; No. 984/2001, Juma v. Australia, para. 7.5; No. 536/1993, Perera v. Australia, para. 6.4. |
第1110/2002号来文,《Rolando诉菲律宾》,第4.5段;第984/2001号来文,《Juma诉澳大利亚》,第7.5段;第536/1993号来文,《Perera诉澳大利亚》,第6.4段。 |
E.g. communications No. 1156/2003, Pérez Escolar v. Spain, para. 3; No. 1389/2005, Bertelli Gálvez v. Spain, para. 4.5. |
例如,第1156/2003号来文,《Pérez Escolar诉西班牙》,第3段;第1389/2005号来文,《Bertelli Gálvez诉西班牙》,第4.5段。 |
Communications No. 903/1999, Van Hulst v. Netherlands, para. 6.4; No. 709/1996, Bailey v. Jamaica, para. 7.2; No. 663/1995, Morrison v. Jamaica, para. 8.5. |
第903/1999号来文,《Van Huls 诉荷兰》,第6.4段;第709/1996号来文,《Bailey诉牙买加》,第7.2段;第663/1995号来文,《Morrison诉牙买加》,第8.5段。 |
Communication No. 662/1995, Lumley v. Jamaica, para. 7.5. |
第662/1995号来文,《Lumley诉牙买加》,第7.5段。 |
Communications No. 845/1998, Kennedy v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 7.5; No. 818/1998, Sextus v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 7.3; No. 750/1997, Daley v. Jamaica, para. 7.4; No. 665/1995, Brown and Parish v. Jamaica, para. 9.5; No. 614/1995, Thomas v. Jamaica, para. 9.5; No. 590/1994, Bennet v. Jamaica, para. 10.5. |
第845/1998号来文,《Kennedy特立尼达和多巴哥》,第7.5段;第818/1998号来文,《Sextus诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第7.3段;第750/1997号来文,《Daley诉牙买加》,第7.4段;第665/1995号来文,《Brown和Parish 诉牙买加》,第9.5段;第614/1995号来文,《Thomas诉牙买加》,第9.5段;第590/1994号来文,《Bennet 诉牙买加》,第10.5段。 |
Communications No. 1100/2002, Bandajevsky v. Belarus, para. 10.13; No. 836/1998, Gelazauskas v. Lithuania, para. 7.2. |
第1100/2002号来文,《Bandajevsky诉白俄罗斯》,第10.13段;第836/1998号来文,《Gelazauskas诉立陶宛》,第7.2段。 |
Communication No. 554/1993, LaVende v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 5.8. |
第554/1993号来文,《LaVende诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第5.8段。 |
See communications No. 750/1997, Daley v. Jamaica, para. 7.5; No. 680/1996, Gallimore v. Jamaica, para. 7.4; No. 668/1995, Smith and Stewart v. Jamaica, para. 7.3. See also communication No. 928/2000, Sooklal v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 4.10. |
见第750/1997号来文,《Daley诉牙买加》,第7.5段;第680/1996号来文,《Gallimore诉牙买加》,第7.4段;第668/1995号来文,《Smith和Stewart诉牙买加》,第7.3段;另见第928/2000号来文,《Sooklal诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第4.10段。 |
Communications No. 963/2001, Uebergang v. Australia, para. 4.2; No. 880/1999, Irving v. Australia, para. 8.3; No. 408/1990, W.J.H. v. Netherlands, para. 6.3. |
第963/2001号来文,《Uebergang诉澳大利亚》,第4.2段;第880/1999号来文,《Irving诉澳大利亚》,第8.3段;第408/1990号来文,《W.J.H.诉荷兰》,第6.3段。 |
Communications No. 880/1999; Irving v. Australia, para. 8.4; No. 868/1999, Wilson v. Philippines, para. 6.6. |
第880/1999号来文,《Irving诉澳大利亚》,第8.4段;第868/1999号来文,《Wilson诉菲律宾》,第6.6段。 |
Communication No. 89/1981, Muhonen v. Finland, para. 11.2. |
第89/1981号来文,《Muhonen诉芬兰》,第11.2段。 |
See United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Opinion No. 36/1999 (Turkey), E/CN.4/2001/14/Add. 1, para. 9 and Opinion No. 24/2003 (Israel), E/CN.4/2005/6/Add. 1, para. 30. |
见联合国任意拘留问题工作组:第36/1999号意见(土耳其),E/CN.4/2001/14/Add.1, 第9段;第24/2003号意见(以色列),E/CN.4/2005/6/Add.1, 第30段。 |
Communication No. 277/1988, Terán Jijón v. Ecuador, para. 5.4. |
第277/1988号来文,《Terán Jijón诉厄瓜多尔》,第5.4段。 |
Communication No. 1001/2001, Gerardus Strik v. The Netherlands, para. 7.3. |
第1001/2001号来文,《Gerardus Strik诉荷兰》,第7.3段。 |
Communications No. 692/1996, A.R.J. v. Australia, para. 6.4; No. 204/1986, A.P. v. Italy, para. 7.3. |
第692/1996号来文,《A.R.J诉澳大利亚》,第6.4段;第204/1986号来文,《A.P.诉意大利》,第7.3段。 |
See, e.g. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, article 20, para. 3. |
参见,例如,《国际刑事法院罗马规约》,第二十条第3款。 |
E.g. communications No. 1033/2001, Singarasa v. Sri Lanka, para. 7.4; No. 823/1998, Czernin v. Czech Republic, para. 7.5. |
如第1033/2001号来文,《Singarasa诉斯里兰卡》,第7.4段;第823/1998号来文,《Czernin诉捷克共和国》,第7.5段。 |
Communication No. 1073/2002, Terrón v. Spain, para. 6.6. |
第1073/2002号来文,《Terrón诉西班牙》,第6.6段。 |
E.g. communications No. 1044/2002, Shakurova v. Tajikistan, para. 8.5 (violation of art. 14 para. 1 and 3 (b), (d) and (g)); No. 915/2000, Ruzmetov v. Uzbekistan, para. 7.6 (violation of art. 14, para. 1, 2 and 3 (b), (d), (e) and (g)); No. 913/2000, Chan v. Guyana, para. 5.4 (violation of art. 14 para. 3 (b) and (d)); No. 1167/2003, Rayos v. Philippines, para. 7.3 (violation of art. 14 para. 3 (b)). |
例如,第1044/2002号来文,《Shakurova 诉塔吉克斯坦》,第8.5段(违反第十四条第1款和第3款(乙)项、(丁)项和(庚)项);第915/2000号来文,《Ruzmetov诉乌兹别克斯坦》,第7.6段(违反第十四条第1款、第2款和第3款(乙)项、(丁)项、(戊)项和(庚)项);第913/2000号来文,《Chan诉圭亚那》,第5.4段(违反第十四条第3款(乙)项和(丁)项);第1167/2003号来文,《Rayos诉菲律宾》,第7.3段(违反第十四条第3款(乙)项)。 |
Communications No. 1044/2002, Shakurova v. Tajikistan, para. 8.2; No. 915/2000, Ruzmetov v. Uzbekistan, paras. 7.2 and 7.3; No. 1042/2001, Boimurodov v. Tajikistan, para. 7.2, and many others. |
第1044/2002号来文,《Shakurova诉塔吉克斯坦》,第8.2段;第915/2000号来文,《Ruzmetov诉乌兹别克斯坦》,第7.2段和第7.3段;第1042/2001号来文,《Boimurodov诉塔吉克斯坦》,第7.2段以及许多其他来文。 |
On the prohibition to admit evidence in violation of article 7, see paragraphs. 6 and 41 above. |
关于禁止接受违反第七条所获证据,见以上第6段和第41段。 |
Communications No. 908/2000, Evans v. Trinidad and Tobago, para. 6.2; No. 838/1998, Hendricks v. Guayana, para. 6.3, and many more. |
第908/2000号来文,《Evans诉特立尼达和多巴哥》,第6.2段;第838/1998号来文,《Hendricks诉圭亚那》,第6.3段,及许多其他来文。 |
Communication No. 1051/2002 Ahani v. Canada, para. 10.9. |
第1051/2002号来文,《Ahani诉加拿大》,第10.9段。 |
See also communication No. 961/2000, Everett v. Spain, para. 6.4 (extradition), 1438/2005, Taghi Khadje v. Netherlands, para. 6.3. |
另见第961/2000号来文,《Everett诉西班牙》,第6.4段(引渡),第1438/2005号来文,《Taghi Khadje诉荷兰》,第6.3段。 |
See communication No. 961/2000, Everett v. Spain, para. 6.4. |
见第961/2000号来文,《Everett诉西班牙》,第6.4段。 |
Communication No. 909/2000, Mujuwana Kankanamge v. Sri Lanka, para. 9.4. |
第909/2000号来文,《Mujuwana Kankanamge诉斯里兰卡》,第9.4段。 |
Communication No. 263/1987, Gonzales del Rio v. Peru, paras. 5.2 and 5.3. |
第263/1987号来文,《Gonzales del Rio诉秘鲁》,第5.2段和5.3段。 |
Communications No. 933/2000, Mundyo Busyo et al. v. Democratic Republic of Congo, para. 5.2.; No. 814/1998, Pastukhov v. Belarus, para. 7.3. |
第933/2000号来文,《Mundyo Busyo等人诉刚果民主共和国》,第5.2段;第814/1998号来文,《Pastukhov诉白俄罗斯》,第7.3段。 |
Communication No. 202/1986, Ato del Avellanal v. Peru, paras. 10.1 and 10.2. |
第202/1986号来文,《Ato del Avellanal诉秘鲁》,第10.1段和10.2段。 |