General comment No. 34


Article 19: Freedoms of opinion and expression


102nd session(2011)


Document CCPR/C/GC/34

Document CCPR/C/GC/34

General remarks


1. This general comment replaces general comment No. 10 (nineteenth session).

1. 本一般性意见取代第10号一般性意见(第十九届会议)

2. Freedom of opinion and freedom of expression are indispensable conditions for the full development of the person.

2. 见解自由和言论自由是个人全面发展不可或缺的条件。

They are essential for any society. {§1}


They constitute the foundation stone for every free and democratic society.


The two freedoms are closely related, with freedom of expression providing the vehicle for the exchange and development of opinions.


3. Freedom of expression is a necessary condition for the realization of the principles of transparency and accountability that are, in turn, essential for the promotion and protection of human rights.

3. 言论自由是实现透明和问责原则的必要条件,而这些原则反之又是增进和保护人权的基础。

4. Among the other articles that contain guarantees for freedom of opinion and/or expression, are articles 18, 17, 25 and 27.

4. 载有保障见解和/或言论自由内容的其他条款包括第十八条、第十七条、第二十五条和第二十七条。

The freedoms of opinion and expression form a basis for the full enjoyment of a wide range of other human rights.


For instance, freedom of expression is integral to the enjoyment of the rights to freedom of assembly and association, and the exercise of the right to vote.


5. Taking account of the specific terms of article 19, paragraph 1, as well as the relationship of opinion and thought (article 18), a reservation to paragraph 1 would be incompatible with the object and purpose of the Covenant. {§2}

5. 考虑到第十九条第1款的具体规定,以及见解和思想(第十八条)的关系,对第1款提出的保留与《公约》的目标和宗旨不符。{§2}

Furthermore, although freedom of opinion is not listed among those rights that may not be derogated from pursuant to the provisions of article 4 of the Covenant, it is recalled that, “in those provisions of the Covenant that are not listed in article 4, paragraph 2, there are elements that in the Committee’s opinion cannot be made subject to lawful derogation under article 4”.{§3}


Freedom of opinion is one such element, since it can never become necessary to derogate from it during a state of emergency. {§4}


6. Taking account of the relationship of freedom of expression to the other rights in the Covenant, while reservations to particular elements of article 19, paragraph 2, may be acceptable, a general reservation to the rights set out in paragraph 2 would be incompatible with the object and purpose of the Covenant. {§5}

6. 考虑到言论自由与《公约》中其他权利的关系,虽然对第十九条第2款的某些内容提出的保留可以接受,但对第2款规定的权利的笼统保留不符合《公约》的目标和宗旨。{§5}

7. The obligation to respect freedoms of opinion and expression is binding on every State party as a whole.

7. 尊重见解自由和言论自由的义务对所有缔约国都具有约束力。

All branches of the State (executive, legislative and judicial) and other public or governmental authorities, at whatever level – national, regional or local – are in a position to engage the responsibility of the State party.


Such responsibility may also be incurred by a State party under some circumstances in respect of acts of semi-State entities. {§7}


The obligation also requires States parties to ensure that persons are protected from any acts by private persons or entities that would impair the enjoyment of the freedoms of opinion and expression to the extent that these Covenant rights are amenable to application between private persons or entities. {§8}


8. States parties are required to ensure that the rights contained in article 19 of the Covenant are given effect to in the domestic law of the State, in a manner consistent with the guidance provided by the Committee in its general comment No. 31 on the nature of the general legal obligation imposed on States parties to the Covenant.

8. 缔约国须确保根据委员会在其关于《公约》缔约国一般法律义务性质的第31号一般性意见中提供的指导,在各自国内法中落实《公约》第十九条所载的各项权利。

It is recalled that States parties should provide the Committee, in accordance with reports submitted pursuant to article 40, with the relevant domestic legal rules, administrative practices and judicial decisions, as well as relevant policy level and other sectorial practices relating to the rights protected by article 19, taking into account the issues discussed in the present general comment.


They should also include information on remedies available if those rights are violated.


Freedom of opinion


9. Paragraph 1 of article 19 requires protection of the right to hold opinions without interference.

9. 第十九条第1款要求保护持有主张不受干涉的权利。

This is a right to which the Covenant permits no exception or restriction.


Freedom of opinion extends to the right to change an opinion whenever and for whatever reason a person so freely chooses.


No person may be subject to the impairment of any rights under the Covenant on the basis of his or her actual, perceived or supposed opinions.


All forms of opinion are protected, including opinions of a political, scientific, historic, moral or religious nature.


It is incompatible with paragraph 1 to criminalize the holding of an opinion. {§9}


The harassment, intimidation or stigmatization of a person, including arrest, detention, trial or imprisonment for reasons of the opinions they may hold, constitutes a violation of article 19, paragraph 1. {§10}


10. Any form of effort to coerce the holding or not holding of any opinion is prohibited. {§11}

10. 禁止以任何形式企图强迫持有或者不持有任何见解的行为。{§11}

Freedom to express one’s opinion necessarily includes freedom not to express one’s opinion.


Freedom of expression


11. Paragraph 2 requires States parties to guarantee the right to freedom of expression, including the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds regardless of frontiers.

11. 2款要求缔约国保障言论自由的权利,其中包括不分国界地寻求、接受和传递各种消息和思想的权利。

This right includes the expression and receipt of communications of every form of idea and opinion capable of transmission to others, subject to the provisions in article 19, paragraph 3, and article 20. {§12}


It includes political discourse, {§13} commentary on one’s own {§14} and on public affairs, {§15} canvassing, {§16} discussion of human rights, {§17} journalism, {§18} cultural and artistic expression, {§19}teaching, {§20}and religious discourse. {§21}

它包括政治言论、 {§13}关于个人 {§14}和公共事务 {§15}的评论、游说、 {§16}人权讨论、 {§17}新闻报道、 {§18}文化和艺术言论、 {§19}学说, {§20}以及宗教言论。{§21}

It may also include commercial advertising.


The scope of paragraph 2 embraces even expression that may be regarded as deeply offensive, {§22} although such expression may be restricted in accordance with the provisions of article 19, paragraph 3 and article 20.

2款的范围甚至包括可能被认为极为冒犯的言论,尽管根据第十九条第3款和第二十条对此类言论做出了限制。 {§22}

12. Paragraph 2 protects all forms of expression and the means of their dissemination.

12. 2款保护一切言论表达形式及其传播途径。

Such forms include spoken, written and sign language and such non-verbal expression as images and objects of art. {§23}


Means of expression include books, newspapers, {§24}pamphlets, {§25}posters, banners, {§26}dress and legal submissions. {§27}

表达途径包括书籍、报纸、 {§24}小册子、 {§25}海报、标语、 {§26}服饰和法律呈件。{§27}

They include all forms of audio-visual as well as electronic and internet-based modes of expression.


Freedom of expression and the media


13. A free, uncensored and unhindered press or other media is essential in any society to ensure freedom of opinion and expression and the enjoyment of other Covenant rights.

13. 在任何一个确保见解和言论自由以及享有《公约》其他权利的社会中,自由、不受审查和妨碍的新闻或其他媒体都是极为重要的。

It constitutes one of the cornerstones of a democratic society.


The Covenant embraces a right whereby the media may receive information on the basis of which it can carry out its function. {§29}


The free communication of information and ideas about public and political issues between citizens, candidates and elected representatives is essential.


This implies a free press and other media able to comment on public issues without censorship or restraint and to inform public opinion. {§30}


The public also has a corresponding right to receive media output. {§31}


14. As a means to protect the rights of media users, including members of ethnic and linguistic minorities, to receive a wide range of information and ideas, States parties should take particular care to encourage an independent and diverse media.

14. 缔约国应尤其重视鼓励独立和多元媒体,以此作为一种保护包括在族裔和语言上属于少数群体成员在内的媒体受众的权利,以及获得广泛信息和思想的途径。

15. States parties should take account of the extent to which developments in information and communication technologies, such as internet and mobile based electronic information dissemination systems, have substantially changed communication practices around the world.

15. 缔约国应考虑互联网和移动电子信息传播系统等信息和通信技术的发展能够在多大程度显著改变全球通信业务。

There is now a global network for exchanging ideas and opinions that does not necessarily rely on the traditional mass media intermediaries.


States parties should take all necessary steps to foster the independence of these new media and to ensure access of individuals thereto.


16. States parties should ensure that public broadcasting services operate in an independent manner. {§32}

16. 缔约国应确保公共广播服务的独立运作。{§32}

In this regard, States parties should guarantee their independence and editorial freedom. They should provide funding in a manner that does not undermine their independence.


17. Issues concerning the media are discussed further in the section of this general comment that addresses restrictions on freedom of expression.

17. 本一般性意见关于言论自由限制的部分进一步讨论了与媒体有关的问题。

Right of access to information


18. Article 19, paragraph 2 embraces a right of access to information held by public bodies.

18. 第十九条第2款包括获取公共机构掌握的信息的权利。

Such information includes records held by a public body, regardless of the form in which the information is stored, its source and the date of production.


Public bodies are as indicated in paragraph 7 of this general comment.


The designation of such bodies may also include other entities when such entities are carrying out public functions.


As has already been noted, taken together with article 25 of the Covenant, the right of access to information includes a right whereby the media has access to information on public affairs {§33}and the right of the general public to receive media output. {§34}

如前所述,考虑到《公约》第二十五条,获取信息的权利包括媒体获取公共事务相关信息的权利, {§33}以及大众获取媒体产出的权利。{§34}

Elements of the right of access to information are also addressed elsewhere in the Covenant.


As the Committee observed in its general comment No. 16, regarding article 17 of the Covenant, every individual should have the right to ascertain in an intelligible form, whether, and if so, what personal data is stored in automatic data files, and for what purposes.


Every individual should also be able to ascertain which public authorities or private individuals or bodies control or may control his or her files.


If such files contain incorrect personal data or have been collected or processed contrary to the provisions of the law, every individual should have the right to have his or her records rectified.


Pursuant to article 10 of the Covenant, a prisoner does not lose the entitlement to access to his medical records. {§35}


The Committee, in general comment No. 32 on article 14, set out the various entitlements to information that are held by those accused of a criminal offence. {§36}


Pursuant to the provisions of article 2, persons should be in receipt of information regarding their Covenant rights in general. {§37}


Under article 27, a State party’s decision-making that may substantively compromise the way of life and culture of a minority group should be undertaken in a process of information-sharing and consultation with affected communities. {§38}


19. To give effect to the right of access to information, States parties should proactively put in the public domain Government information of public interest.

19. 为落实获取信息的权利,缔约国应积极公开公众感兴趣的政府相关信息。

States parties should make every effort to ensure easy, prompt, effective and practical access to such information.


States parties should also enact the necessary procedures, whereby one may gain access to information, such as by means of freedom of information legislation. {§39}


The procedures should provide for the timely processing of requests for information according to clear rules that are compatible with the Covenant.


Fees for requests for information should not be such as to constitute an unreasonable impediment to access to information.


Authorities should provide reasons for any refusal to provide access to information.


Arrangements should be put in place for appeals from refusals to provide access to information as well as in cases of failure to respond to requests.


Freedom of expression and political rights


20. The Committee, in general comment No. 25 on participation in public affairs and the right to vote, elaborated on the importance of freedom of expression for the conduct of public affairs and the effective exercise of the right to vote.

20. 在关于参与公共生活和投票的权利的第25号一般性意见中,委员会阐述了言论自由对于管理公共事务的重要性以及有效行使投票权的重要意义。

The free communication of information and ideas about public and political issues between citizens, candidates and elected representatives is essential.


This implies a free press and other media able to comment on public issues and to inform public opinion without censorship or restraint. {§40}


The attention of States parties is drawn to the guidance that general comment No. 25 provides with regard to the promotion and the protection of freedom of expression in that context.


The application of article 19 (3)


21. Paragraph 3 expressly states that the exercise of the right to freedom of expression carries with it special duties and responsibilities.

21. 3款明确指出,行使言论自由权利带有特殊的义务和责任。

For this reason two limitative areas of restrictions on the right are permitted, which may relate either to respect of the rights or reputations of others or to the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public) or of public health or morals.


However, when a State party imposes restrictions on the exercise of freedom of expression, these may not put in jeopardy the right itself.


The Committee recalls that the relation between right and restriction and between norm and exception must not be reversed. {§41}


The Committee also recalls the provisions of article 5, paragraph 1, of the Covenant according to which “nothing in the present Covenant may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms recognized herein or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the present Covenant”.


22. Paragraph 3 lays down specific conditions and it is only subject to these conditions that restrictions may be imposed: the restrictions must be “provided by law”; they may only be imposed for one of the grounds set out in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 3; and they must conform to the strict tests of necessity and proportionality. {§42}

22. 3款规定了具体条件,只能在符合这些条件时实行限制:限制必须由法律规定;只能出于第3()项和()项所列任一理由实行限制;以及必须符合关于必要性和相称性的严格判断标准。{§42}

Restrictions are not allowed on grounds not specified in paragraph 3, even if such grounds would justify restrictions to other rights protected in the Covenant.


Restrictions must be applied only for those purposes for which they were prescribed and must be directly related to the specific need on which they are predicated. {§43}

施加限制的目的仅限于明文规定的,并且必须与所指特定需要直接相关。 {§43}

23. States parties should put in place effective measures to protect against attacks aimed at silencing those exercising their right to freedom of expression.

23. 缔约国应出台有效措施,避免以压制行使言论自由权利为目的的攻击。

Paragraph 3 may never be invoked as a justification for the muzzling of any advocacy of multi-party democracy, democratic tenets and human rights. {§44}


Nor, under any circumstance, can an attack on a person, because of the exercise of his or her freedom of opinion or expression, including such forms of attack as arbitrary arrest, torture, threats to life and killing, be compatible with article 19. {§45}


Journalists are frequently subjected to such threats, intimidation and attacks because of their activities. {§46}


So too are persons who engage in the gathering and analysis of information on the human rights situation and who publish human rights-related reports, including judges and lawyers. {§47}


All such attacks should be vigorously investigated in a timely fashion, and the perpetrators prosecuted, {§48}and the victims, or, in the case of killings, their representatives, be in receipt of appropriate forms of redress. {§49}

应及时对此类攻击开展积极调查,起诉犯罪者 {§48},并向受害人或在杀害案件中向受害人代表提供适当形式的补救。{§49}

24. Restrictions must be provided by law.

24. 相关限制必须有法律规定。

Law may include laws of parliamentary privilege {§50}and laws of contempt of court.

法律可包括议会特权法 {§50}以及藐视法庭的法律。

{§51} {§51} Since any restriction on freedom of expression constitutes a serious curtailment of human rights, it is not compatible with the Covenant for a restriction to be enshrined in traditional, religious or other such customary law.

{§51} 由于针对言论自由的所有限制都是严重的剥夺人权,因此传统法律、宗教法律或其他此类习惯法中所载的限制不符合《公约》。

25. For the purposes of paragraph 3, a norm, to be characterized as a “law”, must be formulated with sufficient precision to enable an individual to regulate his or her conduct accordingly {§53}and it must be made accessible to the public.

25. 为了第3款之目的,必须以充分的准确性来制订一项具有为法律特征的规范,以使个人能够相应地约束自身行为, {§53}并且必须将此规范公之于众。

A law may not confer unfettered discretion for the restriction of freedom of expression on those charged with its execution. {§54}


Laws must provide sufficient guidance to those charged with their execution to enable them to ascertain what sorts of expression are properly restricted and what sorts are not.


26. Laws restricting the rights enumerated in article 19, paragraph 2, including the laws referred to in paragraph 24, must not only comply with the strict requirements of article 19, paragraph 3 of the Covenant but must also themselves be compatible with the provisions, aims and objectives of the Covenant. {§55}

26. 限制第十九条第2款所列权利的法律,包括第24段提及的法律,不仅要遵循《公约》第十九条第3款的严格规定,而且还须符合《公约》的条款、目标和宗旨。{§55}

Laws must not violate the non-discrimination provisions of the Covenant.


Laws must not provide for penalties that are incompatible with the Covenant, such as corporal punishment. {§56}


27. It is for the State party to demonstrate the legal basis for any restrictions imposed on freedom of expression. {§57}

27. 缔约国应表明其对言论自由实施的任何限制的法律依据。{§57}

If, with regard to a particular State party, the Committee has to consider whether a particular restriction is imposed by law, the State party should provide details of the law and of actions that fall within the scope of the law. {§58}


28. The first of the legitimate grounds for restriction listed in paragraph 3 is that of respect for the rights or reputations of others.

28. 3款列出的有关限制的合法理由第一条即尊重他人的权利和名誉。

The term “rights” includes human rights as recognized in the Covenant and more generally in international human rights law.


For example, it may be legitimate to restrict freedom of expression in order to protect the right to vote under article 25, as well as rights article under 17 (see para. 37). {§59}


Such restrictions must be constructed with care: while it may be permissible to protect voters from forms of expression that constitute intimidation or coercion, such restrictions must not impede political debate, including, for example, calls for the boycotting of a non-compulsory vote. {§60}


The term “others” relates to other persons individually or as members of a community. {§61}


Thus, it may, for instance, refer to individual members of a community defined by its religious faith {§62}or ethnicity. {§63}

因此,可以是按例如宗教信仰 {§62}或族裔 {§63}界定的个别社区成员。

29. The second legitimate ground is that of protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.

29. 第二个合法理由是保障国家安全或公共秩序,或公共卫生或道德。

30. Extreme care must be taken by States parties to ensure that treason laws {§64} {§64} and similar provisions relating to national security, whether described as official secrets or sedition laws or otherwise, are crafted and applied in a manner that conforms to the strict requirements of paragraph 3.

30. 缔约国必须极其重视确保以符合第3款之严格规定的方式,拟订并适用叛国法 {§64} 及与国家安全有关的类似条款,不论称之为官方机密或煽动叛乱法还是其他。

It is not compatible with paragraph 3, for instance, to invoke such laws to suppress or withhold from the public information of legitimate public interest that does not harm national security or to prosecute journalists, researchers, environmental activists, human rights defenders, or others, for having disseminated such information. {§65}


Nor is it generally appropriate to include in the remit of such laws such categories of information as those relating to the commercial sector, banking and scientific progress. {§66}


The Committee has found in one case that a restriction on the issuing of a statement in support of a labour dispute, including for the convening of a national strike, was not permissible on the grounds of national security. {§67}


31. On the basis of maintenance of public order (ordre public) it may, for instance, be permissible in certain circumstances to regulate speech-making in a particular public place. {§68}

31. 例如,为维护公共秩序,可允许在一些情况下约束特定公共场合中的发言。{§68}

Contempt of court proceedings relating to forms of expression may be tested against the public order (ordre public) ground.


In order to comply with paragraph 3, such proceedings and the penalty imposed must be shown to be warranted in the exercise of a court’s power to maintain orderly proceedings. {§69}


Such proceedings should not in any way be used to restrict the legitimate exercise of defence rights.


32. The Committee observed in general comment No. 22, that “the concept of morals derives from many social, philosophical and religious traditions; consequently, limitations… for the purpose of protecting morals must be based on principles not deriving exclusively from a single tradition”.

32. 在第22号一般性意见中,委员会认为道德观念来源于许多社会、哲学和宗教传统;因此,为了保护道德对….实行的限制必须基于不光是来自单一传统的原则

Any such limitations must be understood in the light of universality of human rights and the principle of non-discrimination


33. Restrictions must be “necessary” for a legitimate purpose.

33. 出于合法之目的是限制的必要条件。

Thus, for instance, a prohibition on commercial advertising in one language, with a view to protecting the language of a particular community, violates the test of necessity if the protection could be achieved in other ways that do not restrict freedom of expression. {§70}


On the other hand, the Committee has considered that a State party complied with the test of necessity when it transferred a teacher who had published materials that expressed hostility toward a religious community to a non-teaching position in order to protect the right and freedom of children of that faith in a school district. {§71}


34. Restrictions must not be overbroad.

34. 限制不得过于宽泛。

The Committee observed in general comment No. 27 that “restrictive measures must conform to the principle of proportionality; they must be appropriate to achieve their protective function; they must be the least intrusive instrument amongst those which might achieve their protective function; they must be proportionate to the interest to be protected… The principle of proportionality has to be respected not only in the law that frames the restrictions but also by the administrative and judicial authorities in applying the law”. {§72}

在第27号一般性意见中,委员会认为:限制性措施必须符合相称原则;必须适合于实现保护功能;必须是可用来实现预期结果的诸种手段中侵犯性最小的一个;必须与要保护的利益相称相称原则不仅必须在规定限制的法律中得到尊重,而且还须得到行政和司法当局的遵守 {§72}

The principle of proportionality must also take account of the form of expression at issue as well as the means of its dissemination.


For instance, the value placed by the Covenant upon uninhibited expression is particularly high in the circumstances of public debate in a democratic society concerning figures in the public and political domain. {§73}


35. When a State party invokes a legitimate ground for restriction of freedom of expression, it must demonstrate in specific and individualized fashion the precise nature of the threat, and the necessity and proportionality of the specific action taken, in particular by establishing a direct and immediate connection between the expression and the threat. {§74}

35. 如果缔约国援用一项合理理由限制言论自由,则其必须以具体和单独的方式表明威胁的确切性质,以及所采取具体行动的必要性和相称性,特别是通过在言论和威胁之间建立直接和紧密的关联。{§74}

36. The Committee reserves to itself an assessment of whether, in a given situation, there may have been circumstances which made a restriction of freedom of expression necessary. {§75}

36. 委员会保留了在特定局势下评估是否存在有必要对言论自由做出限制的情况的权利。{§75}

In this regard, the Committee recalls that the scope of this freedom is not to be assessed by reference to a “margin of appreciation” {§76}and in order for the Committee to carry out this function, a State party, in any given case, must demonstrate in specific fashion the precise nature of the threat to any of the enumerated grounds listed in paragraph 3 that has caused it to restrict freedom of expression. {§77}

在这方面,委员会回顾不依据判断余地来评估该项自由的范围, {§76}为使委员会履行其职能,缔约国在任何特定情况下均须具体表明导致其限制言论自由的对第3款所列任何理由的确切威胁性。{§77}

Limitative scope of restrictions on freedom of expression in certain specific areas


37. Among restrictions on political discourse that have given the Committee cause for concern are the prohibition of door-to-door canvassing, {§78} restrictions on the number and type of written materials that may be distributed during election campaigns, {§79} {§79} blocking access during election periods to sources, including local and international media, of political commentary, {§80} {§80} and limiting access of opposition parties and politicians to media outlets. {§81}

37. 令委员会关切的政治言论限制包括禁止挨户游说, {§78} 限制可能在选举活动期间散发的书面材料的数量和类型, {§79} 在选举期间阻碍获得政治评论的来源,包括在地方和国际媒体, {§80} 以及限制反对党和反对派政治人物接触媒体机构。{§81}

Every restriction should be compatible with paragraph 3.


However, it may be legitimate for a State party to restrict political polling imminently preceding an election in order to maintain the integrity of the electoral process. {§82}


38. As noted earlier in paragraphs 13 and 20, concerning the content of political discourse, the Committee has observed that in circumstances of public debate concerning public figures in the political domain and public institutions, the value placed by the Covenant upon uninhibited expression is particularly high. {§83}

38. 如上文有关政治言论内容的第13段和第20段所述,委员会认为,在涉及政治领域和公共机构公众人物的公开辩论情况下,《公约》尤其高度重视不受限制的言论。{§83}

Thus, the mere fact that forms of expression are considered to be insulting to a public figure is not sufficient to justify the imposition of penalties, albeit public figures may also benefit from the provisions of the Covenant. {§84}


Moreover, all public figures, including those exercising the highest political authority such as heads of state and government, are legitimately subject to criticism and political opposition. {§85}


Accordingly, the Committee expresses concern regarding laws on such matters as, lese majesty, {§86}desacato, {§87}disrespect for authority, {§88}disrespect for flags and symbols, defamation of the head of state {§89}and the protection of the honour of public officials, {§90}and laws should not provide for more severe penalties solely on the basis of the identity of the person that may have been impugned.

因此,委员会对涉及不敬、 {§86}冒犯、 {§87}不尊重当局、 {§88}不尊重国旗和标志、藐视国家元首 {§89}和保护公共官员名誉 {§90}等事项的法律表示关切,并且法律不能仅仅依据受到攻击者的个人身份而给予更严厉处罚。

States parties should not prohibit criticism of institutions, such as the army or the administration.


39. States parties should ensure that legislative and administrative frameworks for the regulation of the mass media are consistent with the provisions of paragraph 3. {§92}

39. 缔约国应确保规范大众传媒的立法和行政框架符合第3款的规定。{§92}

Regulatory systems should take into account the differences between the print and broadcast sectors and the internet, while also noting the manner in which various media converge.


It is incompatible with article 19 to refuse to permit the publication of newspapers and other print media other than in the specific circumstances of the application of paragraph 3.


Such circumstances may never include a ban on a particular publication unless specific content, that is not severable, can be legitimately prohibited under paragraph 3.


States parties must avoid imposing onerous licensing conditions and fees on the broadcast media, including on community and commercial stations. {§93}


The criteria for the application of such conditions and licence fees should be reasonable and objective, {§94}clear, {§95}transparent, {§96}non-discriminatory and otherwise in compliance with the Covenant. {§97}

适用此类条件和许可费用的标准应客观合理、 {§94}明确、 {§95}透明、 {§96}不歧视,并在其他方面符合《公约》。{§97}

Licensing regimes for broadcasting via media with limited capacity, such as audiovisual terrestrial and satellite services should provide for an equitable allocation of access and frequencies between public, commercial and community broadcasters.


It is recommended that States parties that have not already done so should establish an independent and public broadcasting licensing authority, with the power to examine broadcasting applications and to grant licenses. {§98}


40. The Committee reiterates its observation in general comment No. 10 that “because of the development of modern mass media, effective measures are necessary to prevent such control of the media as would interfere with the right of everyone to freedom of expression”.

40. 委员会重申其在第10号一般性意见中的意见,即由于现代大众传播媒体的发展,所以需要采取有效措施,防止有人控制这种工具,干涉每个人的言论自由权利

The State should not have monopoly control over the media and should promote plurality of the media. {§99}


Consequently, States parties should take appropriate action, consistent with the Covenant, to prevent undue media dominance or concentration by privately controlled media groups in monopolistic situations that may be harmful to a diversity of sources and views.


41. Care must be taken to ensure that systems of government subsidy to media outlets and the placing of government advertisements {§100}are not employed to the effect of impeding freedom of expression. {§101}

41. 必须注意确保,政府补贴媒体机构的制度以及刊登政府广告做法 {§100}的不会被用于妨碍言论自由。{§101}

Furthermore, private media must not be put at a disadvantage compared to public media in such matters as access to means of dissemination/distribution and access to news. {§102}


42. The penalization of a media outlet, publishers or journalist solely for being critical of the government or the political social system espoused by the government {§103}can never be considered to be a necessary restriction of freedom of expression.

42. 单纯因批评政府或政府支持的政治社会制度 {§103} 而处罚媒体机构、出版商或新闻记者不得视为对言论自由的必要限制。

43. Any restrictions on the operation of websites, blogs or any other internet-based, electronic or other such information dissemination system, including systems to support such communication, such as internet service providers or search engines, are only permissible to the extent that they are compatible with paragraph 3.

43. 只允许在符合第3款的情况下,对网站、博客或任何其他互联网、电子或其他信息传播系统的运作实行任何限制,其中包括支持此类通信的系统,诸如互联网服务提供商或者搜索引擎。

Permissible restrictions generally should be content-specific; generic bans on the operation of certain sites and systems are not compatible with paragraph 3.


It is also inconsistent with paragraph 3 to prohibit a site or an information dissemination system from publishing material solely on the basis that it may be critical of the government or the political social system espoused by the government. {§104}

单纯因批评政府或者政府支持的政治社会制度而禁止某网站或信息传播系统公布相关材料也与第3款不符。 {§104}

44. Journalism is a function shared by a wide range of actors, including professional full-time reporters and analysts, as well as bloggers and others who engage in forms of self-publication in print, on the internet or elsewhere, and general State systems of registration or licensing of journalists are incompatible with paragraph 3.

44. 新闻报道是广泛行为者共有的一项职能,其中包括专职通讯员和分析员、博客作者,以及通过印刷、在互联网或其他媒介参与各种形式自助出版的其他人,普遍的国家新闻记者注册或许可制度不符合第3款。

Limited accreditation schemes are permissible only where necessary to provide journalists with privileged access to certain places and/or events.


Such schemes should be applied in a manner that is non-discriminatory and compatible with article 19 and other provisions of the Covenant, based on objective criteria and taking into account that journalism is a function shared by a wide range of actors.


45. It is normally incompatible with paragraph 3 to restrict the freedom of journalists and others who seek to exercise their freedom of expression (such as persons who wish to travel to human rights-related meetings) {§105} to travel outside the State party, to restrict the entry into the State party of foreign journalists to those from specified countries {§106}or to restrict freedom of movement of journalists and human rights investigators within the State party (including to conflict-affected locations, the sites of natural disasters and locations where there are allegations of human rights abuses).

45. 以下行为通常与第3款不符:限制新闻记者及试图行使言论自由的其他人 {§105}(如希望参加人权相关会议的人员)到缔约国之外的地方;限制外国记者和特定国家的记者进入缔约国; {§106}或者限制新闻记者和人权调查员在缔约国内的行动自由(包括到达冲突波及地方、自然灾害发生地和存在侵犯人权指控的地方)

States parties should recognize and respect that element of the right of freedom of expression that embraces the limited journalistic privilege not to disclose information sources. {§107}


46. States parties should ensure that counter-terrorism measures are compatible with paragraph 3.

46. 缔约国应确保反恐措施符合第3款。

Such offences as “encouragement of terrorism” {§108}and “extremist activity” as well as offences of “praising”, “glorifying”, or “justifying” terrorism, should be clearly defined to ensure that they do not lead to unnecessary or disproportionate interference with freedom of expression.

应明确界定怂恿恐怖主义” {§108}极端主义活动” {§109}等罪行,以及鼓吹颂扬恐怖主义及为其辩护的罪行,以确保不会导致对言论自由的不必要或者过分干涉。

Excessive restrictions on access to information must also be avoided.


The media plays a crucial role in informing the public about acts of terrorism and its capacity to operate should not be unduly restricted.


In this regard, journalists should not be penalized for carrying out their legitimate activities.


47. Defamation laws must be crafted with care to ensure that they comply with paragraph 3, and that they do not serve, in practice, to stifle freedom of expression. {§110}

47. 应谨慎拟定诽谤法,以确保这些法律符合第3款,并且在实行中不会妨碍言论自由。{§110}

All such laws, in particular penal defamation laws, should include such defences as the defence of truth and they should not be applied with regard to those forms of expression that are not, of their nature, subject to verification.


At least with regard to comments about public figures, consideration should be given to avoiding penalizing or otherwise rendering unlawful untrue statements that have been published in error but without malice. {§111}


In any event, a public interest in the subject matter of the criticism should be recognized as a defence.


Care should be taken by States parties to avoid excessively punitive measures and penalties.


Where relevant, States parties should place reasonable limits on the requirement for a defendant to reimburse the expenses of the successful party. {§112}


States parties should consider the decriminalization of defamation {§113}and, in any case, the application of the criminal law should only be countenanced in the most serious of cases and imprisonment is never an appropriate penalty.

缔约国应考虑对诽谤行为免除刑事处罚, {§113}并且在任何情况下,只应支持在最严重案件中适用刑法,监禁绝不是适当的处罚。

It is impermissible for a State party to indict a person for criminal defamation but then not to proceed to trial expeditiously – such a practice has a chilling effect that may unduly restrict the exercise of freedom of expression of the person concerned and others. {§114}


48. Prohibitions of displays of lack of respect for a religion or other belief system, including blasphemy laws, are incompatible with the Covenant, except in the specific circumstances envisaged in article 20, paragraph 2, of the Covenant.

48. 禁止不尊重宗教或其他信仰体系的表现,包括亵渎宗教法不符合《公约》,但《公约》第二十条第2款规定的具体情况除外。

Such prohibitions must also comply with the strict requirements of article 19, paragraph 3, as well as such articles as 2, 5, 17, 18 and 26.


Thus, for instance, it would be impermissible for any such laws to discriminate in favour of or against one or certain religions or belief systems, or their adherents over another, or religious believers over non-believers.


Nor would it be permissible for such prohibitions to be used to prevent or punish criticism of religious leaders or commentary on religious doctrine and tenets of faith. {§115}


49. Laws that penalize the expression of opinions about historical facts are incompatible with the obligations that the Covenant imposes on States parties in relation to the respect for freedom of opinion and expression. {§116}

49. 处罚对历史事实发表见解的法律违反了《公约》在尊重见解自由和言论自由方面赋予缔约国的义务。{§116}

The Covenant does not permit general prohibition of expressions of an erroneous opinion or an incorrect interpretation of past events.


Restrictions on the right of freedom of opinion should never be imposed and, with regard to freedom of expression, they should not go beyond what is permitted in paragraph 3 or required under article 20.


The relationship between articles 19 and 20


50. Articles 19 and 20 are compatible with and complement each other.

50. 第十九条与第二十条互相兼容,互为补充。

The acts that are addressed in article 20 are all subject to restriction pursuant to article 19, paragraph 3.


As such, a limitation that is justified on the basis of article 20 must also comply with article 19, paragraph 3. {§117}

同样,依据第二十条正当合理的限制也必须符合第十九条第3款。 {§117}

51. What distinguishes the acts addressed in article 20 from other acts that may be subject to restriction under article 19, paragraph 3, is that for the acts addressed in article 20, the Covenant indicates the specific response required from the State: their prohibition by law.

51. 第二十条所述行为与可能受第十九条第3款限制的其他行为之间的区别是,《公约》针对第二十条所述行为指出了各国必须做出的具体回应:以法律加以禁止。

It is only to this extent that article 20 may be considered as lex specialis with regard to article 19.


52. It is only with regard to the specific forms of expression indicated in article 20 that States parties are obliged to have legal prohibitions.

52. 缔约国只在第二十条述及的具体言论表达形式方面有以法律加以禁止的义务。

In every case in which the State restricts freedom of expression it is necessary to justify the prohibitions and their provisions in strict conformity with article 19.


{§1} See communication No. 1173/2003, Benhadj v. Algeria, Views adopted on 20 July 2007; No. 628/1995, Park v. Republic of Korea, Views adopted on 5 July 1996.


{§2} See the Committee’s general comment No. 24 (1994) on issues relating to reservations made upon ratification or accession to the Covenant or the Optional Protocols thereto, or in relation to the declarations under article 41 of the Covenant, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fiftieth Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. I (A/50/40 (Vol. I)), annex V.

{§2} 见委员会第24号一般性意见(1994):关于批准或加入《公约》或其《任择议定书》时提出的保留或者有关《公约》第四十一条下声明的问题,《大会正式记录,第五十届会议,补编第40号》,第一卷(A/50/40(Vol.1)),附件五。

{§3} See the Committee’s general comment No. 29 (2001) on derogation during a state of emergency, para. 13, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. I (A/56/40 (Vol. I)), annex VI.

{§3} 见委员会第29号一般性意见(2001):紧急状态期间的克减问题,第13段,《大会正式记录,第五十六届会议,补编第40号》,第一卷(A/56/40(Vol.I)),附件六。

{§4} General comment No. 29, para. 11.

{§4} 29号一般性意见,第11段。

{§5} General comment No. 24.

{§5} 24号一般性意见。

{§6} See the Committee’s general comment No. 31 (2004) on the nature of the general legal obligation imposed on States parties to the Covenant, para. 4, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. I (A/59/40 (Vol. I)), annex III

{§6} 见委员会第31号一般性意见(2004):《公约》缔约国的一般法律义务的性质,第4段,《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第40号》,第一卷(A/59/40(Vol.I)),附件三。

{§7} See communication No. 61/1979, Hertzberg et al. v. Finland, Views adopted on 2 April 1982.

{§7} 见第61/1979号来文,Hertzberg等人诉芬兰,198242日通过的意见。

 {§8} General comment No. 31, para. 8; See communication No. 633/1995, Gauthier v. Canada, Views adopted on 7 April 1999.

{§8} 31号一般性意见,第8段;见第633/1995号来文,Gauthier诉加拿大,199947日通过的意见。

{§9} See communication No. 550/93, Faurisson v. France, Views adopted on 8 November 1996.

{§9} 见第550/93号来文,Faurisson诉法国,1996118日通过的意见。

{§10} See communication No. 157/1983, Mpaka-Nsusu v. Zaire, Views adopted on 26 March 1986; No. 414/1990, Mika Miha v. Equatorial Guinea, Views adopted on 8 July 1994.

{§10} 见第157/1983号来文,Mpaka-NsusuZaire, 1986326日通过的意见;第414/1990号来文,Mika Miha诉赤道几内亚,199478日通过的意见。

{§11} See communication No. 878/1999, Kang v. Republic of Korea, Views adopted on 15 July 2003.

{§11} 见第878/1999号来文,Kang诉大韩民国,2003715日通过的意见。

{§12} See communications Nos. 359/1989 and 385/1989, Ballantyne, Davidson and McIntyre v. Canada, Views adopted on 18 October 1990. {§

{§12} 见第359/1989号和第385/1989号来文,BallantyneDavidsonMcIntyre诉加拿大,19901018日通过的意见。

{§13} See communication No. 414/1990, Mika Miha v. Equatorial Guinea.

{§13} 见第414/1990号来文,Mika Miha诉赤道几内亚。

{§14} See communication No. 1189/2003, Fernando v. Sri Lanka, Views adopted on 31 March 2005.

{§14} 见第1189/2003号来文,Fernando诉斯里兰卡,2005331日通过的意见。

{§15} See communication No. 1157/2003, Coleman v. Australia, Views adopted on 17 July 2006.

{§15} 见第1157/2003号来文,Coleman诉澳大利亚,2006717日通过的意见。

{§16} Concluding observations on Japan (CCPR/C/JPN/CO/5).

{§16} 关于日本的结论性意见(CCPR/C/JPN/CO/5)

{§17} See communication No. 1022/2001, Velichkin v. Belarus, Views adopted on 20 October 2005.

{§17} 见第1022/2001号来文,Velichkin诉白俄罗斯,20051020日通过的意见。

{§18} See communication No. 1334/2004, Mavlonov and Sa’di v. Uzbekistan, Views adopted on 19 March 2009.

{§18} 见第1334/2004号来文,MavlonovSa’di诉乌兹别克斯坦,2009319日通过的意见。

{§19} See communication No. 926/2000, Shin v. Republic of Korea, Views adopted on 16 March 2004.

{§19} 见第926/2000号来文,Shin诉大韩民国,2004316日通过的意见。

{§20} See communication No. 736/97, Ross v. Canada, Views adopted on 18 October 2000.

{§20} 见第736/97号来文,Ross诉加拿大,20001018日通过的意见。

{§21} Ibid.

{§21} 同上。

{§22} Ibid.

{§22} 同上。

{§23} See communication No. 926/2000, Shin v. Republic of Korea.

{§23} 见第926/2000号来文,Shin诉大韩民国。

{§24} See communication No. 1341/2005, Zundel v. Canada, Views adopted on 20 March 2007.

{§24} 见第1341/2005号来文,Zundel诉加拿大,2007320日通过的意见。

{§25} See communication No. 1009/2001, Shchetoko et al. v. Belarus, Views adopted on 11 July 2006.

{§25} 见第1009/2001号来文,Shchetoko等人诉白俄罗斯,2006711日通过的意见。

{§26} See communication No. 412/1990, Kivenmaa v. Finland, Views adopted on 31 March 1994.

{§26} 见第412/1990号来文,Kivenmaa诉芬兰,1994331日通过的意见。

{§27} See communication No. 1189/2003, Fernando v. Sri Lanka.

{§27} 见第1189/2003号来文,Fernando诉斯里兰卡。

{§28} See communication No. 1128/2002, Marques v. Angola, Views adopted on 29 March 2005.

{§28} 见第1128/2002号来文,Marques诉安哥拉,2005329日通过的意见。

{§29} See communication No. 633/95, Gauthier v. Canada.

{§29} 见第633/95号来文,Gauthier诉加拿大。

{§30} See the Committee’s general comment No. 25 (1996) on article 25 (Participation in public affairs and the right to vote), para. 25, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-first Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. I (A/51/40 (Vol. I)), annex V.

{§30} 见委员会第25号一般性意见(1996):第二十五条(参与公共生活和投票的权利),第25段,《大会正式记录,第五十一届会议,补编第40号》,第一卷(A/51/40(Vol.I)),附件五。

{§31} See communication No. 1334/2004, Mavlonov and Sa’di v. Uzbekistan.

{§31} 见第1334/2004号来文,MavlonovSa’di诉乌兹别克斯坦。

{§32} Concluding observations on Republic of Moldova (CCPR/CO/75/MDA).

{§32} 关于摩尔多瓦共和国的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/75/MDA)

{§33} See communication No. 633/95, Gauthier v. Canada.

{§33} 见第633/95号来文,Gauthier诉加拿大。

{§34} See communication No. 1334/2004, Mavlonov and Sa’di v. Uzbekistan.

{§34} 见第1334/2004号来文,MavlonovSa’di诉乌兹别克斯坦。

{§35} See communication No. 726/1996, Zheludkov v. Ukraine, Views adopted on 29 October 2002.

{§35} 见第726/1996号来文,Zheludkov诉乌克兰,20021029日通过的意见。

{§36} See the Committee’s general comment No. 32 (2007) on the right to equality before courts and tribunals and to a fair trial, para. 33, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. I (A/62/40 (Vol. I)), annex VI

{§36} 见委员会第32号一般性意见(2007):在法庭和裁判面前一律平等和获得公正审判的权利,第33段,《大会正式记录,第六十二届会议,补编第40号》,第一卷,(A/62/40(Vol.I)),附件六。

{§37} General comment No. 31.

{§37} 31号一般性意见。

{§38} See communication No. 1457/2006, Poma v. Peru, Views adopted on 27 March 2009.

{§38} 见第1457/2006号来文,Poma诉秘鲁,2009327日通过的意见。

{§39} Concluding observations on Azerbaijan (CCPR/C/79/Add.38 (1994)).

{§39} 关于阿塞拜疆的结论性意见(CCPR/C/79/Add.38(1994))

{§40} See General comment No. 25 on article 25 of the Covenant, para. 25.

{§40} 见第25号一般性意见:第二十五条,第25段。

{§41} See the Committee’s general comment No. 27 on article 12, Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. I (A/55/40 (Vol. I)), annex VI, sect. A

{§41} 见委员会第27号一般性意见:第十二条,《大会正式记录,第五十五届会议,补编第40号》,第一卷(A/55/40(Vol.I)),附件六,A节。

{§42} See communication No. 1022/2001, Velichkin v. Belarus, Views adopted on 20 October 2005.

{§42} 见第1022/2001号来文,Velichkin诉白俄罗斯,20051020日通过的意见。

{§43} See the Committee’s general comment No. 22, Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 40 (A/48/40), annex VI

{§43} 见委员会第22号一般性意见:《大会正式记录,第四十八届会议,补编第40号》(A/48/40),附件六。

{§44} See communication No. 458/91, Mukong v. Cameroon, Views adopted on 21 July 1994.

{§44} 见第458/91号来文,Mukong诉喀麦隆,1994721日通过的意见。

{§45} See communication No. 1353/2005, Njaru v. Cameroon, Views adopted on 19 March 2007.

{§45} 见第1353/2005号来文,Njaru诉喀麦隆,2007319日通过的意见。

{§46} See, for instance, concluding observations on Algeria (CCPR/C/DZA/CO/3); concluding observations on Costa Rica (CCPR/C/CRI/CO/5); concluding observations on Sudan (CCPR/C/SDN/CO/3).

{§46} 例如见关于阿尔及利亚的结论性意见(CCPR/C/DZA/CO/3);关于哥斯达黎加的结论性意见(CCPR/C/CRI/CO/5);关于苏丹的结论性意见(CCPR/C/SDN/CO/3)

{§47} See communication No. 1353/2005, Njaru v. Cameroon ; concluding observations on Nicaragua (CCPR/C/NIC/CO/3); concluding observations on Tunisia (CCPR/C/TUN/CO/5); concluding observations on the Syrian Arab Republic (CCPR/CO/84/SYR); concluding observations on Colombia (CCPR/CO/80/COL).

{§47} 见第1353/2005号来文,Njaru诉喀麦隆;关于尼加拉瓜的结论性意见(CCPR/C/NIC/CO/3);关于突尼斯的结论性意见(CCPR/C/TUN/CO/5);关于阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/84/SYR);关于哥伦比亚的结论性意见(CCPR/C/80/COL)

{§48} Ibid. and concluding observations on Georgia (CCPR/C/GEO/CO/3).

{§48} 同上,以及关于格鲁吉亚的结论性意见(CCPR/C/GEO/CO/3)

{§49} Concluding observations on Guyana (CCPR/C/79/Add.121).

{§49} 关于圭亚那的结论性意见(CCPR/C/79/Add.121)

{§50} See communication No. 633/95, Gauthier v. Canada.

{§50} 见第633/95号来文,Gauthier诉加拿大。

{§51} See communication No. 1373/2005, Dissanayake v. Sri Lanka, Views adopted on 22 July 2008.

{§51} 见第1373/2005号来文,Dissanayake诉斯里兰卡,2008722日通过的意见。

{§52} See general comment No. 32.

{§52} 见第32号一般性意见。

{§53} See communication No. 578/1994, de Groot v. The Netherlands, Views adopted on 14 July 1995.

{§53} 见第578/1994号来文,de Groot 诉荷兰,1995714日通过的意见。

{§54} See general comment No. 27.

{§54} 见第27号一般性意见。

{§55} See communication No. 488/1992, Toonen v. Australia, Views adopted on 30 March 1994.

{§55} 见第488/1992号来文,Toonen诉澳大利亚,1994330日通过的意见。

{§56} General comment No. 20, Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 40 (A/47/40), annex VI, sect. A.

{§56} 20号一般性意见,《大会正式记录,第四十七届会议,补编第40号》(A/47/40),附件六,A节。

{§57} See communication No. 1553/2007, Korneenko et al. v. Belarus, Views adopted on 31 October 2006.

{§57} 见第1553/2007号来文,Korneenko等人诉白俄罗斯,20061031日通过的意见。

{§58} See communication No. 132/1982, Jaona v. Madagascar, Views adopted on 1 April 1985.

{§58} 见第132/1982号来文,Jaona诉马达加斯加,198541日通过的意见。

{§59} See communication No. 927/2000, Svetik v. Belarus, Views adopted on 8 July 2004.

{§59} 见第927/2000号来文,Svetik诉白俄罗斯,200478日通过的意见。

{§60} Ibid.

{§60} 同上。

{§61} See communication No. 736/97, Ross v. Canada, Views adopted on 18 October 2000.

{§61} 见第736/97号来文,Ross诉加拿大,20001018日通过的意见。

{§62} See communication No. 550/93, Faurisson v. France; concluding observations on Austria (CCPR/C/AUT/CO/4).

{§62} 见第550/93号来文,Faurisson诉法国;关于奥地利的结论性意见(CCPR/C/AUT/CO/4)

{§63} Concluding observations on Slovakia (CCPR/CO/78/SVK); concluding observations on Israel (CCPR/CO/78/ISR).

{§63} 关于斯洛伐克的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/78/SVK);关于以色列的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/78/ISR)

{§64} Concluding observations on Hong Kong (CCPR/C/HKG/CO/2).

{§64} 关于香港的结论性意见(CCPR/C/HKG/CO/2)

{§65} Concluding observations on the Russian Federation (CCPR/CO/79/RUS).

{§65} 关于俄罗斯联邦的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/79/RUS)

{§66} Concluding observations on Uzbekistan (CCPR/CO/71/UZB).

{§66} 关于乌兹别克斯坦的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/71/UZB)

{§67} See communication No. 518/1992, Sohn v. Republic of Korea, Views adopted on 18 March 1994.

{§67} 见第518/1992号来文,Sohn诉大韩民国,1994318日通过的意见。

{§68} See communication No. 1157/2003, Coleman v. Australia.

{§68} 见第1157/2003号来文,Coleman诉澳大利亚。

{§69} See communication No. 1373/2005, Dissanayake v. Sri Lanka.

{§69} 见第1373/2005号来文,Dissanayake诉斯里兰卡。

{§70} See communication No. 359, 385/89, Ballantyne , Davidson and McIntyre v. Canada.

{§70} 见第359385/89号来文,BallantyneDavidsonMcIntyre诉加拿大。

{§71} See communication No. 736/97, Ross v. Canada, Views adopted on 17 July 2006.

{§71} 见第736/97号来文,Ross诉加拿大,2006717日通过的意见。

{§72} General comment No. 27, para. 14.

{§72} 27号一般性意见,第14段。

See also Communications No. 1128/2002, Marques v. Angola; No. 1157/2003, Coleman v. Australia.


{§73} See communication No. 1180/2003, Bodrozic v. Serbia and Montenegro, Views adopted on 31 October 2005.

{§73} 见第1180/2003号来文,Bodrozic诉塞尔维亚和黑山,20051031日通过的意见。

{§74} See communication No. 926/2000, Shin v. Republic of Korea .

{§74} 见第926/2000号来文,Shin诉大韩民国。

{§75} See communication No. 518/1992, Sohn v. Republic of Korea .

{§75} 见第518/1992号来文,Sohn诉大韩民国。

{§76} See communication No. 511/1992, Ilmari Länsman, et al. v. Finland, Views adopted on 14 October 1993.

{§76} 见第511/1992号来文,Ilmari Länsman等人诉芬兰,19931014日通过的意见。

{§77} See communications Nos. 518/92, Sohn v. Republic of Korea; No. 926/2000, Shin v. Republic of Korea,.

{§77} 见第518/92号来文,Sohn诉大韩民国;第926/2000号来文,Shin诉大韩民国。

{§78} Concluding observations on Japan (CCPR/C/JPN/CO/5).

{§78} 关于日本的结论性意见(CCPR/C/JPN/CO/5)

{§79} Ibid.

{§79} 同上。

{§80} Concluding observations on Tunisia (CCPR/C/TUN/CO/5).

{§80} 关于突尼斯的结论性意见(CCPR/C/TUN/CO/5)

{§81} Concluding observations on Togo (CCPR/CO/76/TGO); concluding observations on Moldova (CCPR/CO/75/MDA).

{§81} 关于多哥的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/76/TGO);关于摩尔多瓦的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/75/MDA)

{§82} See communication No. 968/2001, Kim v. Republic of Korea, Views adopted on 14 March 1996.

{§82} 见第968/2001号来文,Kim诉大韩民国,1996314日通过的意见。

{§83} See communication No. 1180/2003, Bodrozic v. Serbia and Montenegro, Views adopted on 31 October 2005.

{§83} 见第1180/2003号来文,Bodrozic诉塞尔维亚和黑山,20051031日通过的意见。

{§84} Ibid.

{§84} 同上。

{§85} See communication No. 1128/2002, Marques v. Angola.

{§85} 见第1128/2002号来文,Marques诉安哥拉。

{§86} See communications Nos. 422-424/1990, Aduayom et al. v. Togo, Views adopted on 30 June 1994.

{§86} 见第422-424/1990号来文,Aduayom等人诉多哥,1994630日通过的意见。

{§87} Concluding observations on the Dominican Republic (CCPR/CO/71/DOM).

{§87} 见关于多米尼加共和国的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/71/DOM)

{§88} Concluding observations on Honduras (CCPR/C/HND/CO/1).

{§88} 见关于洪都拉斯的结论性意见(CCPR/C/HND/CO/1)

{§89} See concluding observations on Zambia (CCPR/ZMB/CO/3), para.25.

{§89} 见关于赞比亚的结论性意见(CCPR/ZMB/CO/3),第25段。

{§90} See concluding observations on Costa Rica (CCPR/C/CRI/CO/5), para. 11.

{§90} 见关于哥斯达黎加的结论性意见(CCPR/C/CRI/CO/5),第11段。

{§91} Ibid., and see concluding observations on Tunisia (CCPR/C/TUN/CO/5), para. 91..

{§91} 同上,以及见关于突尼斯的结论性意见(CCPR/C/TUN/CO/5),第91段。

{§92} See concluding observations on Viet Nam (CCPR/CO/75/VNM), para. 18, and concluding observations on Lesotho (CCPR/CO/79/Add.106), para. 23.

{§92} 见关于越南的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/75/VNM),第18段,以及关于莱索沃的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/79/Add.106),第23段。

{§93} Concluding observations on Gambia (CCPR/CO/75/GMB).

{§93} 关于冈比亚的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/75/GMB)

{§94} See concluding observations on Lebanon (CCPR/CO/79/Add.78), para. 25.

{§94} 见关于黎巴嫩的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/79/Add.78),第25段。

{§95} Concluding observations on Kuwait (CCPR/CO/69/KWT); concluding observations on Ukraine (CCPR/CO/73/UKR).

{§95} 关于科威特的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/69/KWT);关于乌克兰的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/73/UKR)

{§96} Concluding observations on Kyrgyzstan (CCPR/CO/69/KGZ).

{§96} 关于吉尔吉斯斯坦的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/69/KGZ)

{§97} Concluding observations on Ukraine (CCPR/CO/73/UKR).

{§97} 关于乌克兰的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/73/UKR)

{§98} Concluding observations on Lebanon (CCPR/CO/79/Add.78).

{§98} 关于黎巴嫩的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/79/Add.78)

{§99} See concluding observations on Guyana (CCPR/CO/79/Add.121), para. 19; concluding observations on the Russian Federation (CCPR/CO/79/RUS); concluding observations on Viet Nam (CCPR/CO/75/VNM); concluding observations on Italy (CCPR/C/79/Add. 37).

{§99} 见关于圭亚那的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/79/Add.121),第19段;关于俄罗斯联邦的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/79/RUS);关于越南的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/75/VNM);关于意大利的结论性意见(CCPR/C/79/Add.37)

{§100} See concluding observations on Lesotho (CCPR/CO/79/Add.106), para. 22.

{§100} 关于莱索沃的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/79/Add.106),第22段。

{§101} Concluding observations on Ukraine (CCPR/CO/73/UKR).

{§101} 关于乌克兰的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/73/UKR)

{§102} Concluding observations on Sri Lanka (CCPR/CO/79/LKA); and see concluding observations on Togo (CCPR/CO/76/TGO), para. 17.

{§102} 关于斯里兰卡的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/79/LKA);以及见关于多哥的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/76/TGO),第17段。

{§103} Concluding observations on Peru (CCPR/CO/70/PER).

{§103} 关于秘鲁的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/70/PER)

{§104} Concluding observations on the Syrian Arab Republic (CCPR/CO/84/SYR).

{§104} 关于阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/84/SYR)

{§105} Concluding observations on Uzbekistan (CCPR/CO/83/UZB); concluding observations on Morocco (CCPR/CO/82/MAR).

{§105} 关于乌兹别克斯坦的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/83/UZB);以及关于摩洛哥的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/82/MAR)

{§106} Concluding observations on Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (CCPR/CO/72/PRK).

{§106} 关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/72/PRK)

{§107} Concluding observations on Kuwait (CCPR/CO/69/KWT).

{§107} 关于科威特的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/69/KWT)

{§108} Concluding observations on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (CCPR/C/GBR/CO/6).

{§108} 关于大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的结论性意见(CCPR/C/GBR/CO/6)

{§109} Concluding observations on the Russian Federation (CCPR/CO/79/RUS).

{§109} 关于俄罗斯联邦的结论性意见(CCPR/CO/79/RUS)

{§110} Concluding observations on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (CCPR/C/GBR/CO/6).

{§110} 关于大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的结论性意见(CCPR/C/GBR/CO/6)

{§111} Ibid.

{§111} 同上。

{§112} Ibid.

{§112} 同上。

{§113} Concluding observations on Italy (CCPR/C/ITA/CO/5); concluding observations on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (CCPR/C/MKD/CO/2).

{§113} 关于意大利的结论性意见(CCPR/C/ITA/CO/5);关于前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国的结论性意见(CCPR/C/MKD/CO/2)

{§114} See communication No. 909/2000, Kankanamge v. Sri Lanka, Views adopted on 27 July 2004.

{§114} 见第909/2000号来文,Kankanamge诉斯里兰卡,2004727日通过的意见。

{§115} Concluding observations on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-the Crown Dependencies of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man (CCPR/C/79/Add.119).

{§115} 关于大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国-泽西岛、根西岛和马恩岛王国属地的结论性意见(CCPR/C/79/Add.119)

See also concluding observations on Kuwait (CCPR/CO/69/KWT).


{§116} So called “memory-laws”, see communication No. , No. 550/93, Faurisson v. France.

{§116} 所谓的记忆-法律,见第550/93号来文,Faurisson诉法国。

See also concluding observations on Hungary (CCPR/C/HUN/CO/5) paragraph 19.


{§117} See communication No. 736/1997, Ross v. Canada, Views adopted on 18 October 2000.

{§117} 见第736/1997号来文,Ross诉加拿大,20001018日通过的意见。