General comment No. 8:


Article 9 (Right to liberty and security of persons)


Sixteenth session (1982)


1. Article 9 which deals with the right to liberty and security of persons has often been somewhat narrowly understood in reports by States parties, and they have therefore given incomplete information.

1. 各缔约国报告对论及人身自由和安全的第九条经常作狭义的解释,因此,它们所提供的资料不够完整。

The Committee points out that paragraph 1 is applicable to all deprivations of liberty, whether in criminal cases or in other cases such as, for example, mental illness, vagrancy, drug addiction, educational purposes, immigration control, etc.


It is true that some of the provisions of article 9 (part of paragraph 2 and the whole of paragraph 3) are only applicable to persons against whom criminal charges are brought.


But the rest, and in particular the important guarantee laid down in paragraph 4, i.e. the right to control by a court of the legality of the detention, applies to all persons deprived of their liberty by arrest or detention.


Furthermore, States parties have in accordance with article 2 (3) also to ensure that an effective remedy is provided in other cases in which an individual claims to be deprived of his liberty in violation of the Covenant.


2. Paragraph 3 of article 9 requires that in criminal cases any person arrested or detained has to be brought “promptly” before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power.

2. 第九条第3款规定,因刑事案件被逮捕或拘禁的人,应被迅速带见审判官或其他经法律授权行使司法权力的官员。

More precise time limits are fixed by law in most States parties and, in the view of the Committee, delays must not exceed a few days.

在大多数缔约国,法律会规定出更明确的时限。 委员会认为,延迟的期限不得超过几天。

Many States have given insufficient information about the actual practices in this respect.


3. Another matter is the total length of detention pending trial.

3. 候审拘留的期限是另一个问题。

In certain categories of criminal cases in some countries this matter has caused some concern within the Committee, and members have questioned whether their practices have been in conformity with the entitlement “to trial within a reasonable time or to release” under paragraph 3.

对有些国家内某几种刑事案件来说,这项问题引起了委员会的一些关注。 委员会成员对它们的惯例是否符合第3款规定的在合理的时间内审判或释放,表示怀疑。

Pre trial detention should be an exception and as short as possible.


The Committee would welcome information concerning mechanisms existing and measures taken with a view to reducing the duration of such detention.


4. Also if so called preventive detention is used, for reasons of public security, it must be controlled by these same provisions, i.e. it must not be arbitrary, and must be based on grounds and procedures established by law (para. 1), information of the reasons must be given (para. 2) and court control of the detention must be available (para. 4) as well as compensation in the case of a breach (para. 5).

4. 此外,如果出于公共安全的理由,采用所谓防范性拘留措施,它也必须受到这几条规定的约束,即不应当随意行之,必须根据法律规定的根据和程序(1),必须告知理由(2)和必须由法庭管制拘禁措施(第四款)以及在违反规定时加以赔偿(5)

And if, in addition, criminal charges are brought in such cases, the full protection of article 9 (2) and (3), as well as article 14, must also be granted.
