CEDAW/GC/10 CEDAW_GR_10E.docx (English)

CEDAW/GC/10 CEDAW_GR_10C.docx (Chinese)



General recommendation No. 10:


Tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women


Eighth session (1989)


The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,


Considering that 18 December 1989 marks the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,


Considering further that in those 10 years the Convention has proved to be one of the most effective instruments that the United Nations has adopted to promote equality between the sexes in the societies of its States Members,


Recalling general recommendation No. 6 (Seventh session, 1988) on effective national machinery and publicity,


Recommends that, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention, the States parties should consider:


1. Undertaking programmes including conferences and seminars to publicize the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in the main languages of and providing information on the Convention in their respective countries;

1. 举办各种方案,包括举行会议和讨论会,以本国的主要语文宣传《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》,并在其各自的国家内传播有关《公约》的资料;

2. Inviting their national women’s organizations to cooperate in the publicity campaigns regarding the Convention and its implementation and encouraging non-governmental organizations at the national, regional and international levels to publicize the Convention and its implementation;

2. 请其国家妇女组织在《公约》的宣传运动及实施《公约》等方面共同合作,鼓励国家、区域和国际各级的非政府组织广为宣传并实施《公约》;

3. Encouraging action to ensure the full implementation of the principles of the Convention, and in particular article 8, which relates to the participation of women at all levels of activity of the United Nations and the United Nations system;

3. 鼓励采取行动,确保《公约》的各项原则,特别是其第八条,得到充分的执行,第八条涉及的是妇女参与联合国和联合国系统的各级活动;

4. Requesting the Secretary-General to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention by publishing and disseminating, in cooperation with the specialized agencies, printed and other materials regarding the Convention and its implementation in all official languages of the United Nations, preparing television documentaries about the Convention, and making the necessary resources available to the Division for the Advancement of Women, Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations Office at Vienna, to prepare an analysis of the information provided by States parties in order to update and publish the report of the Committee (A/CONF.116/13), which was first published for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace, held at Nairobi in 1985.

4. 请秘书长纪念《公约》通过十周年,与各专门机构进行合作,以联合国各正式语文出版和分发有关《公约》及其实施情况的印刷材料和其他材料,摄制有关《公约》 的电视纪录片,向联合国维也纳办事处社会发展和人道主义事务中心提高妇女地位司提供必要的资源,以着手分析各缔约国提供的资料,从而增补和出版委员会的报 告,(A/CONF.116/13),委员会的报告首次是为1985年在内罗毕举行的审查和评价联合国妇女十年:平等、发展与和平成就世界会议而出版的。

Contained in document A/44/38.
