CEDAW/GC/22 CEDAW_GR_22E.docx (English)

CEDAW/GC/22 CEDAW_GR_22C.docx (Chinese)



General recommendation No. 22:


Amending article 20 of the Convention


Fourteenth session (1995)


The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,


Noting that the States parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, at the request of the General Assembly, will meet during 1995 to consider amending article 20 of the Convention,


Recalling its previous decision, taken at its tenth session, to ensure effectiveness in its work and prevent the building up of an undesirable backlog in the consideration of reports of States parties,


Recalling that the Convention is one of the international human rights instruments that has been ratified by the largest number of States parties,


Considering that the articles of the Convention address the fundamental human rights of women in all aspects of their daily lives and in all areas of society and the State,


Concerned about the workload of the Committee as a result of the growing number of ratifications, in addition to the backlog of reports pending consideration, as reflected in annex I,


Concerned also about the long lapse of time between the submission of reports of States parties and their consideration, resulting in the need for States to provide additional information for updating their reports,


Bearing in mind that the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women is the only human rights treaty body whose meeting time is limited by its Convention, and that it has the shortest duration of meeting time of all the human rights treaty bodies, as reflected in annex II,


Noting that the limitation on the duration of sessions, as contained in the Convention has become a serious obstacle to the effective performance by the Committee of its functions under the Convention,


1. Recommends that the States parties favourably consider amending article 20 of the Convention in respect of the meeting time of the Committee, so as to allow it to meet annually for such duration as is necessary for the effective performance of its functions under the Convention, with no specific restriction except for that which the General Assembly shall decide;

1. 建议缔约国积极考虑修正《公约》第二十条关于委员会会议时间的部分,让委员会年度会议的期间为有效履行《公约》规定的职能所必需的,除大会另有决定外无具体限制;

2. Recommends also that the General Assembly, pending the completion of an amendment process, authorize the Committee to meet exceptionally in 1996 for two sessions, each of three weeks’ duration and each being preceded by pre-session working groups;

2. 还建议大会在修正过程结束之前授权委员会例外地于1996年举行两届会议,每届为期三星期,并举行会前工作组会议;

3. Recommends further that the meeting of States parties receive an oral report from the Chairperson of the Committee on the difficulties faced by the Committee in performing its functions;

3. 又建议缔约国会议要求收到委员会主席关于委员会在履行其职能方面遇到的种种困难的口头报告;

4. Recommends that the Secretary-General make available to the States parties at their meeting all relevant information on the workload of the Committee and comparative information in respect of the other human rights treaty bodies.

4. 建议秘书长向缔约国会议提供关于委员会的工作负荷的一切有关资料和关于别的人权条约机构的比较资料。

Contained in document A/50/38.
