CEDAW/GC/27 CEDAW_GR_27E.docx (English)

CEDAW/GC/27 CEDAW_GR_27C.docx (Chinese)



General recommendation No. 27 on older women and protection of their human rights






1. The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (hereinafter “the Committee”), concerned about the multiple forms of discrimination experienced by older women and that older women’s rights are not systematically addressed in the reports of States parties, decided at its forty-second session, held from 20 October to 7 November 2008, pursuant to article 21 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (hereinafter “the Convention”), to adopt a general recommendation on older women and protection of their human rights.

1. 消除对妇女歧视委员会(以下简称委员会”)对老年妇女所经历的多种形式的歧视以及在缔约国报告中对老年妇女的权利未作系统的阐述表示关切,并在2008 1020日至117日举行的第四十二届会议上根据《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》(以下简称公约”)第二十一条,决定通过一项关于老年妇女问题和 保护其人权的一般性建议。

2. In its decision 26/III of 5 July 2002, the Committee acknowledged that the Convention “is an important tool for addressing the specific issue of the human rights of older women. ”

2. 200275日第26/III号决定中,委员会确认公约是处理老年妇女人权的特殊问题的一个重要工具。

General recommendation No. 25 on article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention (temporary special measures) also recognizes that age is one of the grounds on which women may suffer multiple forms of discrimination.


In particular, the Committee recognized the need for statistical data, disaggregated by age and sex, in order to better assess the situation of older women.


3. The Committee affirms previous commitments to older women’s rights enshrined in, inter alia, the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the United Nations Principles for Older Persons (General Assembly resolution 46/91, annex), the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing 2002, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights general comment No. 6 on the economic, social and cultural rights of older persons (1995), and general comment No. 19 on the right to social security (2008).

3. 委员会重申载于维也纳老龄问题国际行动计划,北京宣言和行动纲要,联合国老年人问题原则(大会第46/91决议附件),国际人口与发展会议行动纲领, 2002年马德里老龄问题国际行动计划, 经济、社会和文化权利委员会关于老年人的经济、社会和文化权利的第6号一般性意见(1995)和关于社会保障权的第19号一般性意见(2008)等文 书中的以往的承诺。



4. Current United Nations figures estimate that within 36 years there will be more people over the age of 60 than children under 15 years, globally.

4. 根据目前的联合国数字估算,在36年之内,全世界60岁以上的人数将超过15岁以下的儿童人数。

It is estimated that by 2050, the number of older people will be over 2 billion, or 22 per cent of the global population, an unprecedented doubling of the present 11 per cent of the population that is over 60.


5. The gendered nature of ageing reveals that women tend to live longer than men, and that more older women than men live alone.

5. 老龄的性别属性表明妇女往往比男人活得长久,独居的老年妇女要多于男子。

While there are 83 men for every 100 women over the age of 60, there are only 59 men for every 100 women over the age of 80.

60岁以上的人中,男女比例为83100, 80岁以上的人中,男女比例仅为59100

Further, statistics from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs indicate that 80 per cent of men over 60 are married compared with only 48 per cent of older women.


6. This unprecedented demographic ageing, due to improved living standards and basic health-care systems as well as declines in fertility and rising longevity, can be considered a successful outcome of development efforts and one that is set to continue, making the twenty-first century, the century of ageing.

6. 由于生活水平的提高和基本医疗保健系统的改善,以及生育率下降和寿命的延长,导致这一空前的人口老龄化,这可视作是发展努力的成就并将肯定要继续下去,使二十一世纪成为老龄化的世纪。

However, such demographic changes have profound human rights implications and increase the urgency of addressing the discrimination experienced by older women in a more comprehensive and systematic manner through the Convention.


7. The issue of ageing is shared by both developed and developing countries.

7. 老龄化问题是发达国家和发展中国家所共有的问题。

The proportion of older persons in less developed countries is expected to increase from 8 per cent in 2010 to 20 per cent by 2050, while the proportion of children will decrease from 29 to 20 per cent.


The number of older women living in less developed regions will increase by 600 million within the period 2010 to 2050.


This demographic shift presents major challenges for developing countries.


The ageing of society is a well-established trend and a significant feature in most developed countries.


8. Older women are not a homogeneous group.

8. 老年妇女并不是一个整齐划一的群体。

They have a great diversity of experience, knowledge, ability and skills, however, their economic and social situation is dependent on a range of demographic, political, environmental, cultural, social, individual and family factors.


The contribution of older women in public and private life as leaders in their communities, entrepreneurs, caregivers, advisers, mediators, among other roles, is invaluable.


Purpose and objective


9. This general recommendation on older women and promotion of their rights explores the relationship between the articles of the Convention and ageing.

9. 关于老年妇女和增进其权利的本一般性建议对公约的相关条款与老龄化问题之间的关系进行了探讨。

It identifies the multiple forms of discrimination that women face as they age, outlines the content of the obligations to be assumed by States parties with regard to ageing with dignity and older women’s rights, and includes policy recommendations aimed at mainstreaming the responses to the concerns of older women into national strategies, development initiatives and positive action so that older women can fully participate in society without discrimination and on an equal basis with men.

指出了妇女随着变老而面临的多种形式的歧视,简要说明了缔约国 对于有尊严的老龄化和老年妇女的权利所应承担的义务的内容,并包括了一些政策建议,以便将对老年妇女的关切的应对措施纳入国家战略、发展举措和积极行动的 主流,从而使老年妇女得以不受歧视地、与男子平等地充分参与社会。

10. The general recommendation also provides guidance to States parties on the inclusion of the situation of older women in their reports on the implementation of the Convention.

10. 一般性建议还指导各缔约国将老年妇女的处境问题纳入其关于公约执行情况的报告之中。

The elimination of all forms of discrimination against older women can only be achieved by fully respecting and protecting their dignity and their right to integrity and self-determination.


Specific areas of concern


11. While both men and women experience discrimination as they become older, older women experience ageing differently.

11. 男女随着变老都会经历受歧视的情况,但老年妇女经历的老龄化情况不同。

The impact of gender inequality throughout their lifespan is exacerbated in old age and is often based on deep-rooted cultural and social norms.


The discrimination that older women experience is often a result of unfair resource allocation, maltreatment, neglect and limited access to basic services.


12. Concrete forms of discrimination against older women may differ considerably under various socio-economic circumstances and in various sociocultural environments, depending on the equality of opportunities and choices regarding education, employment, health, family and private life.

12. 在不同的社会经济条件和社会文化环境下,对老年妇女的歧视的具体形式会有相当大的不同,这取决于在教育、就业、健康、家庭和私人生活的机会平等和选择平等的情况。

In many countries, the lack of telecommunication skills, access to adequate housing, social services and the Internet, loneliness and isolation pose problems for older women.


Older women living in rural areas or urban slums often suffer a severe lack of basic resources for subsistence, income security, access to health care, information on and enjoyment of their entitlements and rights.


13. The discrimination experienced by older women is often multidimensional, with the age factor compounding other forms of discrimination based on gender, ethnic origin, disability, poverty levels, sexual orientation and gender identity, migrant status, marital and family status, literacy and other grounds.

13. 老年妇女所经历的歧视往往是多方面的,其年龄因素使其他形式的基于性别、族裔、残疾、贫困程度、性取向和性特征、移民地位、婚姻和家庭状况、文化程度及其他原因的歧视更加复杂化。

Older women who are members of minority, ethnic or indigenous groups, internally displaced or stateless often experience a disproportionate degree of discrimination.


14. Many older women face neglect as they are no longer considered useful in their productive and reproductive roles, and are seen as a burden on their families.

14. 许多老年妇女被忽视,因为她们不再被认为在生产和生殖方面可发挥有益的作用,而被视为家庭的负担。

Widowhood and divorce further exacerbate discrimination, while lack of or limited access to health-care services for diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, cataract, osteoporosis and Alzheimer, prevent older women from enjoying their full human rights.


15. The full development and advancement of women can only be achieved through a life-cycle approach that recognizes and addresses the different stages of women’s lives -from childhood through adolescence, adulthood and old age- and the impact of each stage on the enjoyment of human rights by older women.

15. 只有通过采用整个生命周期的做法,承认和处理妇女生命的不同阶段――从童年到青少年、到成年和老年――及每个阶段对老年妇女享有人权的影响,才能实现妇女的充分发展和进步。

The rights enshrined in the Convention are applicable at all stages of a woman’s life.


However, in many countries, age discrimination is still tolerated and accepted at the individual, institutional and policy levels, and few countries have legislation prohibiting discrimination based on age.


16. Gender stereotyping, traditional and customary practices can have harmful impacts on all areas of the lives of older women, in particular those with disabilities, including family relationships, community roles, portrayal in the media, employers’ attitudes, health care and other service providers, and can result in physical violence as well as psychological, verbal and financial abuse.

16. 关于性别的陈腐观念、传统惯例和风俗习惯对于老年妇女、特别是残疾老年妇女生活的所有方面都会产生有害的影响,包括在家庭关系、社区角色、媒体形象、雇主的态度、医保和其他服务的提供者等方面,并可造成肉体暴力以及心理、言语和经济方面的虐待。

17. Older women are often discriminated against through restrictions that hamper their participation in political and decision-making processes.

17. 对老年妇女的歧视往往表现为各种阻碍其参与政治和决策进程的清规戒律。

For example, lack of identification documents or transportation may prevent older women from voting.


In some countries, older women are not allowed to form or participate in associations or other non-governmental groups to campaign for their rights.


Further, the mandatory retirement age may be lower for women than for men, which may be discriminatory against women, including those who represent their Governments at the international level.


18. Older women with refugee status or who are stateless or asylum-seekers, as well as those who are migrant workers or internally displaced, often face discrimination, abuse and neglect.

18. 具有难民身份、或无国籍、或寻求庇护的老年妇女,以及属于移徙工人或国内流离失所的老年妇女,经常面临歧视、虐待和忽视。

Older women affected by forced displacement or statelessness may suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome, which may not be recognized or treated by health-care providers.


Older refugee and internally displaced women are sometimes denied access to health care because they lack legal status or legal documents and/or are resettled far from health-care facilities.


They may also experience cultural and language barriers in accessing services.


19. Employers often regard older women as non-profitable investments for education and vocational training.

19. 雇主常常将对老年妇女的教育和职业培训看作是无利可图的投资。

Older women also do not have equal opportunities to learn modern information technology, nor the resources to obtain them.


Many poor older women, especially those with disabilities and those living in rural areas, are denied the right to education and receive little or no formal or informal education.


Illiteracy and innumeracy can severely restrict older women’s full participation in public and political life, the economy, and access to a range of services, entitlements and recreational activities.


20. Women are fewer in the formal employment sector.

20. 妇女在正规就业部门的人数较少。

Women also tend to be paid less than men for the same work or work of equal value.


Moreover, gender-based discrimination in employment throughout their life has a cumulative impact in old age, forcing older women to face disproportionately lower incomes and pensions, or even no pension, compared with men.


In general comment No. 19, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognizes that non-contributory pensions will be required in most States since it is unlikely that everyone will be covered by contributory schemes (para. 4 (b)), while article 28, paragraph 2 (b) of the Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities provides for social protection for older women, particularly those with disabilities.


Since the old-age pension payable is usually closely linked to earnings during active life, older women often end up with lower pensions compared with men.


Furthermore, older women are particularly affected by discrimination on the basis of age and sex, which results in a different mandatory retirement age than that for men.


Women should be subject to an optional retirement age so as to protect older women’s right to continue working if they wish to and to accumulate pension benefits, where applicable, at par with men.


It is a known fact that many older women care for, and are sometimes the sole caregivers of, dependent young children, spouses/partners or elderly parents or relatives.


The financial and emotional cost of this unpaid care is rarely recognized.


21. Older women’s right to self-determination and consent with regard to health care are not always respected.

21. 老年妇女在卫生保健方面的自我决定和同意权并非总是得到尊重。

Social services, including long-term care, for older women might be disproportionately reduced when public expenditure is cut.


Post-menopausal, post-reproductive and other age-related and gender-specific physical and mental health conditions and diseases tend to be overlooked by research, academic studies, public policy and service provision.


Information on sexual health and HIV/AIDS is rarely provided in a form that is acceptable, accessible and appropriate for older women.


Many older women do not have private health insurance, or are excluded from State-funded schemes because they did not contribute to a scheme during their working life in the informal sector or providing unpaid care.


22. Older women may not be eligible to claim family benefits if they are not the parent or legal guardian of children in their care.

22. 老年妇女如果不是其照料的孩子的家长或法定监护人可能就没有资格申请家庭福利。

23. Microcredit and finance schemes usually have age restrictions or other criteria that prevent older women from accessing them.

23. 小额贷款和融资计划通常有年龄限制或其他条件,使老年妇女无法得到。

Many older women, particularly those who are confined to their homes, are unable to participate in cultural, recreational and community activities, which leaves them isolated and has a negative impact on their well-being.


Often, not enough attention is given to the requirements for independent living, such as personal assistance, adequate housing, including accessible housing arrangements and mobility aids.


24. In many countries, the majority of older women live in rural areas where access to services is even more difficult due to their age and poverty levels.

24. 在许多国家,多数老年妇女生活在农村地区,由于其年龄和贫困程度,要想获得各种服务更是难上加难。

Many older women receive irregular, insufficient or no remittances from their migrant-worker children.


Denial of their right to water, food and housing is part of the everyday life of many poor, rural older women.


Older women may not be able to afford proper food due to a combination of factors such as the high price of food and the inadequacy of their income-due to discrimination with regard to employment-, social security and access to resources.


Lack of access to transportation can prevent older women from accessing social services or participating in community and cultural activities.


Such lack of access may be due to the fact that older women have low incomes and the inadequacy of public policy in providing affordable and accessible public transport to meet the needs of older women.


25. Climate change impacts differently on women, especially older women who, due to their physiological differences, physical ability, age and gender, as well as social norms and roles and an inequitable distribution of aid and resources relating to social hierarchies, are particularly disadvantaged in the face of natural disasters.

25. 气候变化对妇女,特别是老年妇女造成不同的影响,由于其生理差别、身体能力、年龄和性别,以及社会准则和作用、与社会等级相关的援助和资源的不平等分配,她们在面对自然灾害方面处于特别不利的地位。

Their limited access to resources and decision-making processes increases their vulnerability to climate change.


26. Under some statutory and customary laws, women do not have the right to inherit and administer marital property on the death of their spouse.

26. 根据一些成文法和习惯法,妇女在其配偶死亡时无权继承和处置婚姻财产。

Some legal systems justify this by providing widows with other means of economic security, such as support payments from the deceased’s estate.


However, in reality, such provisions are seldom enforced, and widows are often left destitute.


Some laws particularly discriminate against older widows, and some widows are victims of “property grabbing.”


27. Older women are particularly vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, including economic abuse, when their legal capacity is deferred to lawyers or family members, without their consent.

27. 老年妇女在未经其同意下将其法律能力委托给律师或家庭成员时,特别容易受到剥削和虐待,包括经济虐待。

28. The Committee’s general recommendation No. 21 (1994) states that “[p]olygamous marriage contravenes a woman’s right to equality with men, and can have such serious emotional and financial consequences for her and her dependants that such marriages ought to be discouraged and prohibited” (para.

28. 委员会的第21号一般性建议(1994) 指出,一夫多妻制婚姻违反妇女的与男子平等的权利,对妇女及其抚养人有严重的情感和经济后果,这种婚姻应予以劝阻和禁止”(14)

14). Nevertheless, polygamy is still practised in many States parties, and many women are in polygamous unions.


Older wives are often neglected in polygamous marriages once they are no longer considered to be reproductively or economically active.






29. State parties must recognize that older women are an important resource to society, and have the obligation to take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to eliminate discrimination against older women.

29. 缔约国必须承认老年妇女是社会的重要资源,有义务采取包括立法在内的一切适当措施消除对老年妇女的歧视。

States parties should adopt gender-sensitive and age-specific policies and measures, including temporary special measures, in line with article 4, paragraph 1 of the Convention and general recommendations No. 23 (1997) and No. 25 (2004) of the Committee, to ensure that older women participate fully and effectively in the political, social, economic, cultural and civil life, and any other field in their societies.


30. States parties have an obligation to ensure the full development and advancement of women throughout their life cycle in times of both peace and conflict, as well as in the event of any man-made and/or natural disaster.

30. 缔约国有义务确保无论在和平还是在冲突时期,以及在任何人为的或自然的灾害情况下,妇女在其整个生命周期内的充分发展和进步。

States parties should therefore ensure that all legal provisions, policies and interventions aimed at the full development and advancement of women do not discriminate against older women.


31. States parties’ obligations should take into account the multidimensional nature of discrimination against women and ensure that the principle of gender equality applies throughout women’s life cycle, in legislation and in the practical implementation thereof.

31. 缔约国的义务应考虑到对妇女歧视的多元性,并确保两性平等原则在立法上及其实际执行上都适用于妇女的整个生命周期。

In this regard, States parties are urged to repeal or amend existing laws, regulations and customs that discriminate against older women, and ensure that legislation proscribes discrimination on the grounds of age and sex.


32. In order to support legal reform and policy formulation, States parties are urged to collect, analyse and disseminate data disaggregated by age and sex, so as to have information on the situation of older women, including those living in rural areas, areas of conflict, belonging to minority groups, and with disabilities.

32. 为支持法律改革和政策制定,促请各缔约国收集、分析和传播按年龄和性别分列的数据,以便了解老年妇女的状况,包括生活在农村地区、冲突地区、属于少数群体、和残疾老年妇女的状况。

Such data should especially focus, among other issues, on poverty, illiteracy, violence, unpaid work, including care-giving to those living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, migration, access to health care, housing, social and economic benefits and employment.


33. States parties should provide older women with information on their rights and how to access legal services.

33. 缔约国应向老年妇女提供关于其权利以及如何获得法律服务的信息。

They should train the police, judiciary as well as legal aid and paralegal services on the rights of older women, and sensitize and train public authorities and institutions on age- and gender-related issues that affect older women.


Information, legal services, effective remedies and reparation must be made equally available and accessible to older women with disabilities.


34. States parties should enable older women to seek redress for and resolve infringements of their rights, including the right to administer property, and ensure that older women are not deprived of their legal capacity on arbitrary or discriminatory grounds.

34. 缔约国应使老年妇女对其权利、包括处置财产的权利受到侵犯能寻求补救和解决,并确保老年妇女不会被任意或以歧视性的理由剥夺法律能力。

35. States parties should ensure that climate change and disaster risk-reduction measures are gender-responsive and sensitive to the needs and vulnerabilities of older women.

35. 缔约国应确保气候变化和减灾措施具有性别针对性并照顾到老年妇女的需要和脆弱性。

States parties should also facilitate the participation of older women in decision-making for climate change mitigation and adaptation.




36. States parties have an obligation to eliminate negative stereotyping and modify social and cultural patterns of conduct that are prejudicial and harmful to older women, so as to reduce the physical, sexual, psychological, verbal and economic abuse that older women, including those with disabilities, experience based on negative stereotyping and cultural practices.

36. 缔约国有义务消除消极的陈腐观念, 和改造对老年妇女存有偏见和有害的社会和文化行为模式,以减少老年妇女、包括老年残疾妇女由于消极的陈腐观念和文化惯例而遭受的肉体、性、心理、言语和经济的虐待。



37. States parties have an obligation to draft legislation recognizing and prohibiting violence, including domestic, sexual violence and violence in institutional settings, against older women, including those with disabilities.

37. 缔约国有义务起草立法,承认并禁止对老年妇女、包括老年残疾妇女的暴力,包括家庭暴力、性暴力和体制环境下的暴力。

States parties have an obligation to investigate, prosecute and punish all acts of violence against older women, including those committed as a result of traditional practices and beliefs.


38. State parties should pay special attention to the violence suffered by older women in times of armed conflict, the impact of armed conflicts on the lives of older women, and the contribution that older women can make to the peaceful settlement of conflicts and to reconstruction processes.

38. 缔约国应特别注意在武装冲突期间老年妇女所遭受的暴力,武装冲突对老年妇女生命的冲击,和老年妇女对和平解决冲突和重建进程可做出的贡献。

States parties should give due consideration to the situation of older women when addressing sexual violence, forced displacement and the conditions of refugees during armed conflict.


States parties should take into account relevant United Nations resolutions on women and peace and security when addressing such matters, including, in particular, Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008) and 1889 (2009).

缔约国在处理这类问题时,应考虑到关于妇女与和平和安全问题的相关联合国决议,包括,尤其是安理会第1325(2000)1820(2008)1889(2009) 决议。

Participation in public life


39. States parties have an obligation to ensure that older women have the opportunity to participate in public and political life, and hold public office at all levels and that older women have the necessary documentation to register to vote and run as candidates for election.

39. 缔约国有义务确保老年妇女有机会参与公共和政治生活和担任各级公职,以及老年妇女有必要的文件登记进行投票和作为候选人竞选。



40. States parties have an obligation to ensure equal opportunity in the field of education for women of all ages, and to ensure that older women have access to adult education and lifelong learning opportunities as well as to the educational information they need for their well-being and that of their families.

40. 缔约国有义务确保所有年龄层次的妇女在教育领域机会平等,并确保老年妇女能获得成人教育和终生学习机会,以及获得其本人的幸福和家庭幸福所需要的教育信息。

Work and pension benefits


41. States parties have an obligation to facilitate the participation of older women in paid work without discrimination based on their age and gender.

41. 缔约国有义务便利老年妇女参加有薪酬的工作,不因其年龄和性别而受到歧视。

States parties should ensure that special attention is paid to addressing problems that older women might face in their working life, and that they are not forced into early retirement or similar situations.


States parties should also monitor the impact of gender-related pay gaps on older women.


42. States parties have an obligation to ensure that the retirement age in both the public and private sectors do not discriminate against women.

42. 缔约国有义务确保公、私营部门的退休年龄不对妇女有歧视。

Consequently, States parties have an obligation to ensure that pension policies are not discriminatory in any manner, even when women opt to retire early, and that all older women who have been active have access to adequate pensions.


States parties should adopt all appropriate measures, including, where necessary, temporary special measures, to guarantee such pensions.


43. States parties should ensure that older women, including those who have the responsibility for the care of children, have access to appropriate social and economic benefits, such as childcare benefits, as well as access to all necessary support when caring for elderly parents or relatives.

43. 缔约国应确保老年妇女,包括负有照料儿童责任的老年妇女,能够获得适当的社会和经济福利,例如,照料儿童福利,以及在照料老年父母和亲属时,获得一切必要的支助。

44. States parties should provide adequate non-contributory pensions, on an equal basis with men, to all women who have no other pension or insufficient income security, and State-funded allowances should be made available and accessible to older women, particularly those living in remote or rural areas.

44. 缔约国应向所有没有其他退休金或收入保障不足的妇女提供适当的、与男子平等的非缴费养老金,应向老年妇女,特别是那些生活在边远地区和农村地区的老年妇女,提供并使其获得国家资助的津贴。



45. States parties should adopt a comprehensive health-care policy aimed at protecting the health needs of older women in line with the Committee’s general recommendation No. 24 (1999) on women and health.

45. 缔约国应采取全面的卫生保健政策,以根据委员会关于妇女和健康的第24号一般性建议(1999),保护老年妇女的健康需要。

Such policy should ensure affordable and accessible health care to all older women through, where appropriate, the elimination of user fees, training of health workers in geriatric illnesses, provision of medicine to treat age-related chronic and non-communicable diseases, long-term health and social care, including care that allows for independent living and palliative care.


Long-term care provisions should include interventions promoting behavioural and lifestyle changes to delay the onset of health problems, such as healthy nutritional practices and an active lifestyle, and affordable access to health-care services, including screening for and treatment of diseases, in particular those most prevalent among older women.


Health policies must also ensure that health care provided to older women, including those with disabilities, is based on the free and informed consent of the person concerned.


46. States parties should adopt special programmes tailored to the physical, mental, emotional and health needs of older women, with special focus on women belonging to minorities and women with disabilities, as well as women tasked with caring for grandchildren and other young family dependants due to the migration of young adults, and women caring for family members living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.

46. 缔约国应采取专门针对老年妇女的身心、情绪和健康需要的特别方案,要特别关注属于少数群体的妇女和残疾妇女,以及因年轻成年人出外打工而承担照看孙辈和家庭其他受抚养的幼小成员的妇女,和照料患有艾滋病或受艾滋病毒感染的家庭成员的妇女。

Economic empowerment


47. States parties have an obligation to eliminate discrimination in all its forms against older women in economic and social life.

47. 缔约国有义务消除在经济和社会生活中对老年妇女的一切形式的歧视。

All barriers based on age and gender to accessing agricultural credit and loans should be removed and access to appropriate technology for older women farmers and small landholders should be ensured.


States parties should provide special support systems and collateral-free microcredit, as well as encourage micro-entrepreneurship for older women.


Recreational facilities for older women should be created and outreach services should be provided to older women who are confined to their homes.


States parties should provide affordable and appropriate transportation to enable older women, including those living in rural areas, to participate in economic and social life, including community activities.


Social benefits


48. States Parties should take necessary measures to ensure older women have access to adequate housing that meet their specific needs, and all barriers, architectural and other, that hinder the mobility of older persons and lead to forced confinement should be removed.

48. 缔约国应采取必要措施确保老年妇女能获得能满足其特殊需要的适足的住房,并且,所有阻碍老年人行动并导致其被迫闭门不出的障碍――无论是建筑的,还是其他的――都应拆除。

States parties should provide social services that enable older women to remain in their homes and live independently for as long as possible.


Laws and practices that negatively affect older women's right to housing, land and property should be abolished.


States parties should also protect older women against forced evictions and homelessness.


Rural and other vulnerable older women


49. States parties should ensure that older women are included and represented in rural and urban development planning processes.

49. 缔约国应确保老年妇女被纳入城乡发展规划进程并在其中有代表。

States parties should ensure the provision of affordable water, electricity and other utilities to older women.


Policies aimed at increasing access to safe water and adequate sanitation should ensure that the related technologies are accessible and do not require undue physical strength.


50. States parties should adopt appropriate gender- and age-sensitive laws and policies to ensure the protection of older women with refugee status or who are stateless, as well as those who are internally displaced or are migrant workers.

50. 缔约国应采用适当的性别和年龄敏感的法律和政策,以确保对具有难民身份或无国籍的老年妇女,以及属于国内流离失所或移徙工人的老年妇女的保护。

Marriage and family life


51. States parties have an obligation to repeal all legislation that discriminates against older women in the area of marriage and in the event of its dissolution, including with regard to property and inheritance.

51. 缔约国有义务废除所有在婚姻领域和一旦婚姻关系解除在财产和继承方面对老年妇女歧视的立法。

52. States parties must repeal all legislation that discriminates against older widows in respect of property and inheritance, and protect them from land grabbing.

52. 缔约国必须废除在财产和继承方面对老年寡妇歧视的立法,并保护她们免受土地争夺之害。

They must adopt laws of intestate succession that comply with their obligations under the Convention.


Furthermore, they should take measures to end practices that force older women to marry against their will, and ensure that succession is not conditional on forced marriage to a deceased husband’s sibling or any other person.


53. States parties should discourage and prohibit polygamous unions, in accordance with general recommendation No. 21, and ensure that upon the death of a polygamous husband, his estate is shared equally among his wives and their respective children.

53. 缔约国应根据第21号一般性建议劝阻和禁止一夫多妻婚姻,并确保在一夫多妻的丈夫死亡时,其遗产在其各个妻子及其相关的子女之间平等分配。


See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 38 (A/57/38, Part One, chap. I, decision 26/III, and chap. VII, paras. 430-436).

见大会正式纪录,第五十七届会议,补编第38(A/57/38, 第一部分,第一章,第26/III号决定,和第VII章,第430-436)

Report of the World Assembly on Ageing, Vienna, 26 July-6 August 1982 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.I.16), chap. VI, sect. A.


Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 4-15 September 1995 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.96.IV.13), chap. I, resolution 1, annexes I and II.

第四次妇女问题世界会议报告,北京,199594-15(联合国出版物,销售号No.E.96.IV.13),第一章,决议1, 附件一和二。

Report of the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 5-13 September 1994 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.95.XIII.18), chap. I, resolution 1, annex.

国际人口与发展会议报告,开罗,199495-13(联合国出版物,销售号No.E.95.XIII.18),第一章,决议1, 附件。

Report of the Second World Assembly on Ageing, Madrid, 8-12 April 2002 1995 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.02.IV.4), chap. I, resolution 1, annex II.

第二次老龄问题世界大会报告,马德里,200248-12日,1995(联合国出版物,销售号No.E.02.IV.4),第一章,决议1, 附件二。

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Ageing and Development 2009 Chart, available at http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/ageing/ageing2009.htm.

联合国经济和社会事务部,人口老龄化与发展2009年图,可检索: population/publications/ageing/ageing2009.htm



United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision Population Database.


