CEDAW/GC/32 1462790E.DOC (English)

CEDAW/GC/32 1462789C.DOC (Chinese)



United Nations




Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women


Distr.: General

Distr.: General

14 November 2014

14 November 2014

Original: English

Chinese Original: English

14-64766 (E) 251114

14-64766 X (C) 231214 241214



Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women


General recommendation No. 32 on the gender-related dimensions of refugee status, asylum, nationality and statelessness of women


I. Introduction

. 导言

1. Through the present general recommendation, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women aims to provide authoritative guidance to States parties on legislative, policy and other appropriate measures to ensure the implementation of their obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Optional Protocol thereto regarding non-discrimination and gender equality relating to refugee status, asylum, nationality and statelessness of women.

1. 消除对妇女歧视委员会旨在通过本一般性建议向缔约国提供关于立法、政策和其他适当措施的权威指导,以确保缔约国履行《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》及其《任择议定书》规定的有关与妇女的难民地位、庇护、国籍和无国籍状态相关的不歧视和性别平等的义务。

2. The Convention is a dynamic instrument that contributes and adapts itself to the development of international law.

2. 《公约》是富有活力的文书,促进并顺应国际法的发展。

The present general recommendation builds on the Committee’s earlier general recommendations, including No. 19 on violence against women, No. 26 on women migrant workers, No. 28 on the core obligations of States parties under article 2 of the Convention and No. 30 on women in conflict prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations, as well as on reports of States parties under the Convention and the Committee’s concluding observations thereon.

本 一般性建议借鉴了委员会以前的一般性建议,包括关于暴力侵害妇女问题的第19号一般性建议、关于移徙女工的第26号一般性建议、关于《公约》第2条规定的 缔约国核心义务的第28号一般性建议和关于妇女在预防冲突、冲突及冲突后局势中的作用的第30号一般性建议,以及缔约国根据《公约》提交的报告和委员会对 这些报告的结论性意见。

It also builds on the Committee’s consideration of individual communications and its conduct of inquiries under the Optional Protocol.


3. In section III, the Committee seeks to ensure that gender equality and non-discrimination obligations are upheld by States parties to the Convention in respect of women asylum seekers and refugees throughout the displacement cycle, with a focus on asylum processes.

3. 在第三节,委员会力求确保《公约》缔约国在寻求庇护的妇女和难民妇女流离失所的整个期间履行与其相关的性别平等和不歧视的义务,其中以庇护过程为重点。

In section IV, the Committee seeks to ensure that gender equality and non-discrimination principles are upheld by States parties in relation to women’s right to nationality, including the right to acquire, change or retain their nationality and to confer their nationality on their children and spouses.


II. Scope of the general recommendation

. 一般性建议的范围

4. The scope and purpose of the present general recommendation must be determined in the context of the overall scope and purpose of the Convention, which is to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women in the recognition, enjoyment or exercise of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field, irrespective of their marital status.

4.必须根据《公约》总的范围和宗旨确定本一般性建议的范围和宗旨。 《公约》总的范围和宗旨是在认识、享有或行使政治、经济、社会、文化、公民或任何其他领域的所有人权和基本自由方面消除对妇女一切形式的歧视,不论其婚姻状况如何。

Within this overall scope, the objective of the present general recommendation is to guide States parties on how to address all aspects of their obligations under the Convention and assume their obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of refugee, asylum-seeking and stateless women to non-discrimination and substantive equality, in times of peace, in situations of international and non-international armed conflict and in situations of occupation.


5. The Convention, as a gender-specific human rights instrument, covers other rights that are not explicitly mentioned therein, but that have an impact on the achievement of equality of women and men. {§1}

5. 作为针对具体性别的人权文书,《公约》涵盖其中并未明文提及、但对实现男女平等产生影响的另一些权利。{§1}

As such, the Convention provides a gender-sensitive interpretation of human rights law and protects women from sex- and gender-based discrimination with regard to all the human rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other human rights instruments. {§2}


Such application of the Convention was elaborated by the Committee in relation to the prohibition of violence against women as a form of discrimination against women in its general recommendation No. 19, in which it enumerated some of those protected rights, including the right to life and the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The present general recommendation specifically addresses the application of the Convention to the right to asylum contained in article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the principle of non-refoulement of refugees and asylum seekers in accordance with existing obligations under international refugee and human rights instruments and the right to nationality contained in article 9 of the Convention and the protection against statelessness.

委员会在其第19号一般性建议中论述 将暴力侵害妇女行为作为对妇女的一种歧视形式加以禁止的问题时,详细阐述了《公约》的这种适用。 委员会在该一般性建议中,列举了一些受保护的这种权利,包括生命权和免受酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的权利。 本一般性建议具体说明《公约》对《世界人权宣言》第十四条所载的庇护权、对按照国际难民和人权文书规定的现有义务不驱回难民和寻求庇护者的原则、对《公 约》第9条所载的国籍权以及对防止无国籍状态的适用问题。

6. The Committee has, in previous general recommendations, clarified that articles 1, 2 (f) and 5 (a) of the Convention read together indicate that the Convention covers sex- and gender-based discrimination against women.

6. 委员会在其以前的一般性建议中曾说明,如果一并阅读《公约》第1条、第2(f)款和第5(a)款,就会看到,《公约》涵盖对妇女的性别歧视和基于性别的歧视。

The Committee has explained that application of the Convention to gender-based discrimination falls under the definition of discrimination contained in article 1, which points out that any distinction, exclusion or restriction which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women of human rights and fundamental freedoms is discrimination. Discrimination against women based on sex and/or gender is often inextricably linked with and compounded by other factors that affect women, such as race, ethnicity, religion or belief, health, age, class, caste, being lesbian, bisexual or transgender and other status. {§3}

委 员会解释说,《公约》适用于基于性别的歧视,这符合第1条所载歧视定义的范畴。 该定义指出,任何区别、排斥或限制,其影响或其目的如妨碍或阻止妇女认识、享有或行使人权和基本自由,均为歧视。 基于生理性别和/或社会性别对妇女的歧视往往与影响妇女的其他因素如种族、族裔、宗教或信仰、健康状况、年龄、阶级、种姓以及女同性恋、双性恋或跨性别者 及其他身份等密不可分,并因这些因素而变得更加严重。{§3}

Discrimination on the basis of sex or gender may affect women belonging to such groups to a different degree or in different ways to men.


States parties must legally recognize such intersecting forms of discrimination and their compounded negative impact on the women concerned and prohibit them.


7. The Committee notes that the experiences of women during displacement, from asylum to integration, return or settlement in a third country, in addition to those of stateless women, are shaped by the action or inaction of various actors.

7. 委员会指出,不同行为体的作为或不作为决定妇女在从庇护到就地安置、回返或前往第三国定居的整个流离失所期间的体验以及无国籍妇女的体验。

States parties bear the primary responsibility for ensuring that asylum-seeking women, refugee women, women nationality applicants and stateless women within their territory or under their effective control or jurisdiction, even if not situated within their territory, are not exposed to violations of their rights under the Convention, including when such violations are committed by private persons and non-State actors. {§4}


8. In the context of asylum, refugee status, nationality and statelessness, the obligation to respect requires that States parties refrain from engaging in any act of discrimination against women that directly or indirectly results in the denial of the equal enjoyment of their rights with men and ensure that State authorities, officials, agents, institutions and other actors acting on behalf of the State act in conformity with that obligation. {§5}

8. 关于庇护、难民地位、国籍和无国籍状态,尊重的义务要求缔约国不从事直接或间接剥夺妇女享有与男子平等的权利的任何歧视妇女行为,并确保国家当局、官员、人员、机构和代表国家行事的其他行为体遵守这一义务。{§5}

States parties also have a due-diligence obligation to take the legislative and other measures necessary to prevent and investigate acts of discrimination against women that are perpetrated by non-State actors, to prosecute and adequately punish perpetrators of such acts and to provide reparations to women who are victims of discrimination.


The obligation to protect requires States parties to, among other things, take all appropriate measures to ensure that State and private actors do not unlawfully infringe on the rights of women.


The obligation to fulfil encompasses the obligation of States parties to facilitate access to and provide for the full realization of women’s rights.


It also requires States parties to promote de facto or substantive equality with men through all appropriate means, including through specific and effective policies and programmes aimed at improving the position of women and achieving such equality, including, where appropriate, through the adoption of temporary special measures in accordance with article 4 (1) of the Convention and general recommendation No. 25.


III. Relationship between the Convention, international human rights law and international refugee law

. 《公约》、国际人权法和国际难民法之间的关系

9. The Convention is part of a comprehensive international human rights legal framework that operates simultaneously with international refugee law and the laws relating to the status of stateless persons and the reduction of statelessness.

9. 《公约》是与国际难民法以及关于无国籍人地位和减少无国籍状态的法律同时运作的全面的国际人权法律框架的组成部分。

There is an important overlapping interrelationship between international human rights law, including the Convention, the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol thereto, and the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.


The shared objective of the two protection regimes should ensure the complementary and cumulative protection of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons.


10. The provisions of the Convention reinforce and complement the international legal protection regime for refugees and stateless women and girls, especially because explicit gender equality provisions are absent from relevant international agreements, notably the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol thereto, the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. {§6}

10. 《公约》的条款强化并补充对难民和无国籍妇女及女童的国际法律保护制度,特别是因为相关的国际协定、尤其是1951年《难民地位公约》及其1967年《议 定书》、1954年《关于无国籍人地位的公约》和1961年《减少无国籍状态公约》没有明确的性别平等条款。 {§6}

11. Given that the Convention applies at every stage of the displacement cycle, it serves to prohibit sex- and gender-based discrimination at every stage: during the refugee status determination procedure, throughout the return or resettlement process and throughout the integration process for women who have been granted asylum.

11. 鉴于《公约》适用于流离失所周期的每个阶段,因此便可在确定难民地位程序的每一个阶段直至回返或重新安置进程以及已获准庇护妇女的重返社会进程中禁止性别歧视或基于性别的歧视。

It also applies to processes of statelessness determination and to processes relating to women acquiring, retaining or changing their nationality or conferring their nationality on their children and spouses.


IV. Application of non-discrimination and gender equality to international refugee law

. 在国际难民法中适用不歧视和性别平等

A. General comments

A. 一般性评论

12. While noting that the definition of a refugee under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees provides criteria for the determination of refugee status in relation to persons who are explicitly covered under the Convention, the Committee notes that the present general recommendation covers all women in need of international protection under the Convention and seeks to apply the protection of the Convention to all women in the context of refugee status and asylum.

12. 委员会虽然注意到1951年《关于难民地位的公约》中的难民定义为确定《公约》明确所涉人员的难民地位提供了标准,但同时指出,本一般性建议涵盖所有需要得到《公约》规定的国际保护的妇女,并力求使《公约》规定的保护适用于所有具有难民地位和寻求庇护的妇女。

However, the criteria provided by the definition of the word “refugee” in the 1951 Convention are important for the identification of women in need of international protection.


At the same time, the Committee notes that regional refugee instruments and national laws have accepted and also expanded upon the definition given in the 1951 Convention to cover a range of persons in need of international protection for reasons of, variously, international or internal/non-international armed conflict and occupation, events seriously disturbing public order, serious human rights violations or generalized violence. {§7}


13. The Committee notes that asylum seekers seek international protection on the basis that they cannot return to their country of origin because they have a well-founded fear of persecution or are at risk of being ill-treated or subjected to other serious harm.

13. 委员会指出,寻求庇护者寻求国际保护的理由是他们无法返回原籍国,因为他们有充分的理由担心会遭到迫害或受到虐待或其他严重的伤害。

It also notes that under article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees the reasons for persecution must be linked to one of the five grounds listed therein: race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.


Gender-related persecution is absent from the text.


The present general recommendation is intended to ensure that States parties apply a gender perspective when interpreting all five grounds, use gender as a factor in recognizing membership of a particular social group for purposes of granting refugee status under the 1951 Convention and further introduce other grounds of persecution, namely sex and/or gender, into national legislation and policies relating to refugees and asylum seekers.


It should be noted that, in other international, national and regional contexts, asylum is also provided to persons who cannot be returned to their countries of origin owing to, among other things, threats to their lives or torture or inhuman or degrading treatment.


Those forms of complementary protection are also covered herein.


14. There are many reasons why women are compelled to leave their homes and seek asylum in other countries.

14. 迫使妇女离开家园并在其他国家寻求庇护的原因很多。

In addition to aggravated or cumulative forms of discrimination against women amounting to persecution, women experience violations of their rights throughout the displacement cycle.


The Committee recognizes that displacement arising from armed conflict, gender-related persecution and other serious human rights violations that affect women compounds existing challenges to the elimination of discrimination against women.


It also recognizes the persistence of other forms of exploitation concomitant with displacement, such as trafficking for purposes of sexual or labour exploitation, slavery and servitude.


The Committee therefore reiterates the obligation of States parties to treat women with dignity and to respect, protect and fulfil their rights under the Convention at each stage of the displacement{§8} cycle, as well as in the enjoyment of durable solutions, including integration and/or resettlement in receiving States and/or voluntary repatriation to their State of origin.

因此,委员会重申,在流离失所{§8} 周期的每个阶段以及在享有持久解决、包括在接受国就地安置和/或重新安置以及/或自愿返其回原籍国的过程中,缔约国有义务有尊严地对待妇女,并尊重、保护和实现她们的《公约》权利。

15. Gender-related forms of persecution are forms of persecution that are directed against a woman because she is a woman or that affect women disproportionately. {§9}

15. 与性别相关的迫害形式是因某人是妇女而对她施加的那种迫害,或妇女受害比例特别大的那种迫害。{§9}

The Committee observes that understanding the way in which women’s rights are violated is critical to the identification of those forms of persecution.


The Committee notes that violence against women that is a prohibited form of discrimination against women is one of the major forms of persecution experienced by women in the context of refugee status and asylum.


Such violence, just as other gender-related forms of persecution, may breach specific provisions of the Convention.


Such forms are recognized as legitimate grounds for international protection in law and in practice. {§10}


They may include the threat of female genital mutilation, forced/early marriage, threat of violence and/or so-called “honour crimes”, trafficking in women,{§11} acid attacks, rape and other forms of sexual assault, serious forms of domestic violence, the imposition of the death penalty or other physical punishments existing in discriminatory justice systems, forced sterilization,{§12} political or religious persecution for holding feminist or other views and the persecutory consequences of failing to conform to gender-prescribed social norms and mores or for claiming their rights under the Convention.

这些形式可能包括残割女性生殖器的威胁、强迫婚姻/早婚、暴力威胁和/或所谓的名 誉犯罪、贩运妇女、{§11} 浇淋酸液、强奸和其他形式的性攻击、严重的家庭暴力、存在于歧视性司法制度中的判处死刑或施行其他的体罚、强迫绝育、{§12} 以持有女权主义观点或其他观点为由施加的政治或宗教迫害、以及因不遵守以性别划分的社会规范和道德观念而造成的遭受迫害的后果,或因要求实现其《公约》权 利而造成的遭受迫害的后果。

16. Gender-related claims to asylum may intersect with other proscribed grounds of discrimination, including age, race, ethnicity/nationality, religion, health, class, caste, being lesbian, bisexual or transgender and other status. {§13}

16. 与性别相关的庇护申请可能与其他被禁止的歧视理由相关,其中包括年龄、种族、族裔/国籍、宗教、健康状况、阶级、种姓、是女同性恋、双性恋或跨性别者或其他身份。{§13}

The Committee is concerned that many asylum systems continue to treat the claims of women through the lens of male experiences, which can result in their claims to refugee status not being properly assessed or being rejected.


Even though gender is not specifically referenced in the definition of a refugee given in the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, it can influence or dictate the type of persecution or harm suffered by women and the reasons for such treatment.


The definition in the 1951 Convention, properly interpreted, covers gender-related claims to refugee status. {§14}


It must be emphasized that asylum procedures that do not take into account the special situation or needs of women can impede a comprehensive determination of their claims.


For example, asylum authorities may interview only the male “head of household”, may not provide same-sex interviewers and interpreters to allow women to present their claims in a safe and gender-sensitive environment or may interview women asylum seekers in the presence of their husbands or male family members who may in fact be the source or sources of their complaints.


B. Principle of non-refoulement

B. 不驱回原则

17. The principle of non-refoulement of refugees is the cornerstone of refugee protection and is a norm of customary international law.

17. 不驱回难民的原则是难民保护的基石,也是习惯国际法的一项准则。

Since its formal codification in the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, it has been developing and has been integrated into international human rights instruments, namely the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (art.


3) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (art. 7). In addition, the prohibition of refoulement to a risk of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is codified in a number of regional human rights treaties and international non-binding documents. {§15}

此外,禁止将难民驱回而使之面临遭受残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的危险的条文已被编入一些区域人权条约和国际非约束性文件。 {§15}

18. Bearing in mind that the vast majority of States have become parties to international instruments prohibiting the refoulement of asylum seekers and refugees, in addition to State practice and, among others, the practice whereby non-signatory States to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees host large numbers of refugees, often in mass-influx situations, the prohibition of refoulement of refugees, as enshrined in article 33 of the Convention and complemented by non-refoulement obligations under international human rights law,{§16} constitutes a rule of customary international law. {§17}

18. 考虑到绝大多数国家已成为禁止驱回寻求庇护者和难民的国际文书的缔约国,并考虑到国家实践以及1951年《难民地位公约》非签署国往往在难民大规模涌入的 局势中收容大量难民的做法等等,《公约》第33条所载的禁止驱回难民的规定经国际人权法规定的不驱回义务的补充,{§16} 已构成习惯国际法的一项规则。{§17}

19. Article 3 of the Convention against Torture prohibits removal of a person to a country where there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would be in danger of being subjected to torture.

19. 《禁止酷刑公约》第3条禁止将某人移送到有充分理由认为其有遭受酷刑危险的国家。

The Committee against Torture, in its general comment No. 2, has explicitly situated gender-based violence and abuse within the scope of the Convention against Torture. {§18}


Articles 6 and 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights also encompass the obligation on States not to extradite, deport, expel or otherwise remove a person from their territory where there are substantial grounds for believing that there is a real risk of irreparable harm in the country to which the person will, or may subsequently, be removed.


The Human Rights Committee has further noted that the absolute prohibition of torture that is part of customary international law includes, as an essential corollary component, the prohibition of refoulement to a risk of torture, which entails the prohibition of any return of an individual where he or she would be exposed to a risk of torture, ill-treatment or arbitrary deprivation of life.


20. According to those human rights provisions, no asylum seeker or refugee is to be expelled or returned (refoulé) in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his or her life or freedom or the right to be free from torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment would be threatened.

20. 根据这些人权条款的规定,任何寻求庇护者或难民都不得以任何方式加以驱逐或遣返(驱回),使其前往生命或自由或免遭酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的权利将受到威胁的领土境内。

21. The Committee notes that the Convention, as an instrument to prevent discrimination against women, contains no explicit provision on non-refoulement.

21. 委员会指出,《公约》作为防止歧视妇女的文书,未载有明确的不驱回条款。

In the framework of its work on individual communications under the Optional Protocol, the Committee has had to address States parties’ objections to the effect that the Committee has no competence to deal with cases submitted on behalf of asylum seekers whose applications have been rejected at the national level but who claim that they would be exposed to the risk of sexual and/or gender-based violence and persecution if forcibly returned to their country of origin.


In reply, the Committee has noted,{§19} among other things, that, under international human rights law, the non-refoulement principle imposes a duty on States to refrain from returning a person to a jurisdiction in which he or she may face serious violations of human rights, notably arbitrary deprivation of life or torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

委员会在答复中特别指出,{§19} 根据国际人权法,不驱回原则规定国家有义务不将某人遣返到该人可能面临严重侵犯人权行为、尤其是任意剥夺生命或遭受酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的管辖区。

In addition, the Committee recalls that civil and political rights and freedoms, including the right to life and the right not to be subjected to torture or ill-treatment, are implicitly covered by the Convention, and thus States parties are under the obligation not to extradite, deport, expel or otherwise remove a person from their territory to the territory of another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that there is a real risk of irreparable harm.

此外,委员会还忆及,《公约》暗示了公民权利和政治权利以及自由、包括生命权和免遭酷刑或虐待的权利。 因此,如果有充分理由认为存在不可挽回伤害的真正危险,缔约国有义务不将某人引渡、递解、驱逐或以其他方式将其从该国领土上移送到另一国领土。

22. The Committee further considers that, under article 2 (d) of the Convention, States parties undertake to refrain from engaging in any act or practice of discrimination against women and to ensure that public authorities and institutions act in conformity with that obligation.

22. 委员会还认为,《公约》第2(d)款规定,缔约国承诺不采取任何歧视妇女的行为或做法,并确保公共当局和公共机构按这项义务行事。

That duty encompasses the obligation of States parties to protect women from being exposed to a real, personal and foreseeable risk of serious forms of discrimination against women, including gender-based violence, irrespective of whether such consequences would take place outside the territorial boundaries of the sending State party: if a State party takes a decision relating to a person within its jurisdiction, and the necessary and foreseeable consequence is that the person’s basic rights under the Convention will be seriously at risk in another jurisdiction, the State party itself may be in violation of the Convention.

这项责任包括缔约国有义务保护妇 女免于遭受真正的、人身的和可预见的严重歧视妇女的行为,包括基于性别的暴力行为,不论这种后果是否将发生在实行遣送的缔约国领土之外:如果缔约国对其管 辖范围内的人作出决定,而其必然和可预见的后果是该人的基本《公约》权利将在另一个管辖区受到严重威胁,则缔约国本身就可能违反了《公约》。

The foreseeability of the consequence would mean that there was a present violation by the State party, even though the consequence would not occur until later.


23. The Committee is therefore of the view that States parties have an obligation to ensure that no woman will be expelled or returned to another State where her life, physical integrity, liberty and security of person would be threatened, or where she would risk suffering serious forms of discrimination, including serious forms of gender-based persecution or gender-based violence.

23. 因此委员会认为,缔约国有义务确保不将任何妇女驱逐或遣返到其生命、身体健全、自由、人身安全将受到威胁或将遭受严重歧视、包括基于性别的严重迫害或基于性别的暴力行为的另一个国家。

What amounts to serious forms of discrimination against women, including gender-based violence, will depend on the circumstances of each case. {§20}


C. Comments on specific articles of the Convention

C. 对《公约》具体条款的评论

24. Articles 1-3, 5 (a) and 15 establish an obligation on States parties to ensure that women are not discriminated against during the entire asylum process, beginning from the moment of arrival at the borders.

24. 1至第3条、第5(a)款和第十五条规定缔约国有义务确保妇女在从抵达边境时开始的整个庇护过程中不受歧视。

Women asylum seekers are entitled to have their rights under the Convention respected; they are entitled to be treated in a non-discriminatory manner and with respect and dignity at all times during the asylum procedure and thereafter, including through the process of finding durable solutions once asylum status has been recognized by the receiving State.

寻求庇护妇女的《公约》权利有权得到尊重。 她们有权在庇护程序的所有时候以及在其后、包括在接受国承认其庇护地位后谋求持久解决办法的整个进程中获得不歧视和受尊重以及有尊严的待遇。

The receiving State has a responsibility towards women granted asylum status when it comes to helping them to, among other things, find proper accommodation, training and/or job opportunities, providing legal, medical, psychosocial support for victims of trauma and offering language classes and other measures facilitating their integration.


In addition, women asylum seekers whose asylum applications are denied should be granted dignified and non-discriminatory return processes.


25. Article 2 (c) of the Convention requires that State asylum procedures allow women’s claims to asylum to be presented and assessed on the basis of equality in a fair, impartial and timely manner.

25. 《公约》第2(c)款要求国家庇护程序准许妇女提出庇护申请,并以公平、公正和及时的方式平等地予以评估。

A gender-sensitive approach should be applied at every stage of the asylum process.


This means that women’s claims to asylum should be determined by an asylum system that is informed, in all aspects of its policy and operations, by a thorough understanding of the particular forms of discrimination or persecution and human rights abuses that women experience on grounds of gender or sex.


Owing to shame, stigma or trauma, some women may be reluctant to disclose or identify the true extent of the persecution that they have suffered or fear.


Account needs to be taken of the fact that they may continue to fear persons in authority or rejection and/or reprisals from their family and/or community.


In any event, they should be entitled to appeal against first-instance asylum decisions.


26. In addition, articles 2, 15 (1) and 16 require States parties to recognize that women may present independent claims to asylum.

26. 此外,第2条、第15条第(1)款和第16条要求缔约国承认妇女可独自提出庇护申请。

In this respect, their claims may also be based on fears relating to their children.


For example, claims to refugee status may arise from a fear that their daughters will suffer female genital mutilation, be forced into marriage or be subjected to severe community ostracism and exclusion for being girls. {§21}


The child’s protection claim should also be considered on its own merits in a child-sensitive manner in the best interests of the child. {§22}


Once the principal claimant is recognized as a refugee, other members of the family should normally also be recognized as refugees (“derivative status”).


27. Harm perpetrated against women and girls is often at the hands of non-State actors, including family members, neighbours or society more generally.

27. 对妇女和女童施加伤害的往往是非国家行为体,包括家庭成员、邻居或更广泛的社会。

In such cases, article 2 (e) of the Convention requires that States parties assume their due diligence obligation and ensure that women are effectively protected from harm that may be inflicted by non-State actors. {§23}


It does not suffice to strive for vertical gender equality of the individual woman vis-à-vis public authorities; States must also work to secure non-discrimination at the horizontal level, even within the family.

争取在公共当局中实现妇女个人纵向的性别平等是不够的。 国家还必须努力实现横向甚至是家庭内的不歧视。

Harm perpetrated by non-State actors is persecution where the State is unable or unwilling to prevent such harm or protect the claimant because of discriminatory governmental policies or practices. {§24}


28. The Committee is aware that, in cases in which persecution is perpetrated by non-State actors, receiving States have advanced the option of internal flight alternative, according to which a person is not at risk of persecution by non-State actors if he or she is relocated to a safe place within the State of origin.

28. 委员会认识到,在非国家行为体施加迫害的情况下,接受国提出了可选用国内逃亡的办法。 按照此种办法,如果某人迁往原籍国内安全的地方,该人就不会有遭受非国家行为体迫害的危险。

The Committee recalls that articles 2 (d) and (e) of the Convention require that States parties ensure that women are protected against discrimination generated by non-State actors and, in the context of a refugee woman, it observes that the essence of refugee status is to provide effective protection to the refugee woman.

委员会指出,《公约》第2(d)款和(e)款要求缔约国确保妇女免受非国家行为体作出的歧视。 对难民妇女而言,委员会指出,难民地位的实质是向难民妇女提供有效的保护。

It also notes that, should the internal flight alternative be considered by receiving States, the option should be subject to strict requirements, such as the woman’s ability to travel to the area concerned and gain admittance and settle there. {§25}


States should also take into account gender-related aspects and risks in the assessment as to whether internal relocation is permissible. {§26}


Difficulties faced by women in relocating to other parts of their countries of origin can include legal, cultural and/or social restrictions or prohibitions on women travelling or living alone, practical realities such as problems of securing accommodation, childcare and economic survival without family or community support, and risk of harassment and exploitation, including sexual exploitation and violence.


29. The Committee acknowledges that, as a matter of international law, the authorities of the country of origin are primarily responsible for providing protection to the citizens, including ensuring that women enjoy their rights under the Convention, and that it is only when such protection is not available that international protection is invoked to protect the basic human rights that are seriously at risk.

29. 委员会承认,作为国际法事项,原籍国当局负有向公民提供保护的首要责任,包括确保妇女享有其《公约》规定的权利,而且只有在无法提供此种保护时,才可求助国际保护来保护面临严重威胁的基本人权。

However, the Committee notes that the fact that a woman asylum seeker has not sought the protection of the State or made a complaint to the authorities before her departure from her country of origin should not prejudice her asylum claim, especially where violence against women is tolerated or there is a pattern of failure in responding to women’s complaints of abuse.


It would not be realistic to require her to have sought protection in advance of her flight.


She may also lack confidence in the justice system and access to justice or fear abuse, harassment or retaliation for making such complaints. {§27}


30. In line with the Convention, States parties are required to take proactive measures to ensure that the legally recognized grounds of persecution, including those enumerated in the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group and political opinion), are given a gender-sensitive interpretation.

30. 按照《公约》,缔约国必须采取防范措施,确保对法律认定的迫害理由、包括1951年《难民地位公约》列举的理由(种族、宗教、国籍、属于某一社会团体和政治见解)作出对性别问题有敏感认识的解释。

In addition, gender may be used as a factor in recognizing membership of a particular social group or indeed as an identifying characteristic of such a group for purposes of granting refugee status under the 1951 Convention.


States parties are also encouraged to add sex and or gender as an additional ground for refugee status in their national legislation.


31. The Committee notes that women’s claims to asylum are regularly classified under the “social group” ground in the definition of a refugee, which may reinforce the stereotyped notions of women as dependent victims.

31. 委员会指出,妇女的庇护申请通常被归入难民定义中的社会团体理由一类,这可能会强化将妇女视为从属受害者的刻板观念。

Article 5 of the Convention requires States parties to assess women’s claims to asylum without prejudices and stereotyped notions of women that are based on the inferiority or superiority of either sex.


Gender stereotyping affects the right of women to a fair and just asylum process and the asylum authorities must take precautions not to create standards that are based on preconceived notions of gender-based violence and persecution. {§28}


In addition, women are active agents who play important roles as political leaders, members of Governments or opposition groups, journalists, human rights defenders and activists, lawyers and judges, among others.


They are targeted on account of their political opinions and/or activities, including the expression of women’s rights.


Accordingly, article 7 of the Convention requires States parties to take action to realize equality for women in political and public life.


It may therefore be appropriate that women bring claims to asylum on gender-related persecution grounds or political, religious, racial and ethnic grounds, including in situations in which they were compelled to flee their country of origin owing to external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or serious civil strife. {§29}


32. Consistent with articles 2 (c) and 15 (1) of the Convention, States parties must take steps to eliminate discrimination against women in the public and private spheres and should confirm women’s equality with men before the law.

32. 根据《公约》第2(c)款和第15条第1款,缔约国必须采取措施,消除公共和私人领域中对妇女的歧视,并应该确认妇女在法律面前与男子平等。

To this end, States should take positive measures to ensure that women are not discriminated against and that they are provided with effective legal protection throughout the asylum process, including by providing legal aid, legal representation and assistance, as necessary. {§30}


33. Articles 3 and 10 to 13 of the Convention entail that women seeking asylum and women refugees be granted, without discrimination, the right to accommodation, education, health care and other support, including food, clothing and necessary social services, appropriate to their particular needs as women.

33. 《公约》第3条和第1013条规定,应该一视同仁地给予寻求庇护的妇女和难民妇女获得住宿、教育、保健和其他支助的权利,包括适合妇女特殊需求的食物、衣物以及必要的社会服务。

In addition, women refugees should be offered sources of livelihood and employment opportunities. {§31}


Obligations include providing information on their rights and practical information on how to gain access to such services in a language that they understand.


Given the high levels of illiteracy among women in some societies, special assistance may be required.


34. Gender sensitivity should be reflected in reception arrangements, taking into account the specific needs of victims of sexual abuse and exploitation, of trauma and torture or ill-treatment and of other particularly vulnerable groups of women and girls. {§32}

34. 接纳安排应该反映对性别问题的敏感认识,同时考虑性虐待和性剥削、精神创伤和酷刑或虐待行为受害者以及其他特别弱势的妇女和女童群体的具体需求。{§32}

Reception arrangements should also allow for the unity of the family as present within the territory, in particular in the context of reception centres. {§33}


As a general rule, pregnant women and nursing mothers, who both have special needs, should not be detained. {§34}


Where detention of women asylum seekers is unavoidable, separate facilities and materials are required to meet the specific hygiene needs of women.


The use of female guards and warders should be promoted.


All staff assigned to work with women detainees should receive training relating to the gender-specific needs and human rights of women. {§35}


Pursuant to articles 1, 2, 5 (a) and 12 of the Convention, failure to address the specific needs of women in immigration detention and ensure the respectful treatment of detained women asylum seekers could constitute discrimination within the meaning of the Convention. {§36}


Not least for the purposes of avoiding violence against women, separate facilities for male and female detainees are required, unless in family units, and alternatives to detention are to be made available. {§37}


D. Specific recommendations of the Committee {§38}

D. 委员会的具体建议{§38}

35. States parties should review and remove any reservations to the Convention; consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention; and consider acceding to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol thereto, as well as to other relevant international and regional instruments.

35. 缔约国应审查并撤销对《公约》的任何保留,并考虑批准《公约任择议定书》,并考虑加入1951年《难民地位公约》及其1967年《议定书》以及其他相关的国际和区域文书。

They should remove any reservations to those instruments, adopt an asylum law in line with those instruments and apply those instruments in a complementary manner.


36. States that are parties to regional refugee or asylum instruments should ensure that they respect the rights of women in need of international protection and apply those instruments in a gender-sensitive manner.

36. 难民或庇护区域文书的缔约国应确保其尊重需要国际保护的妇女的权利,并以对性别问题有敏感认识的方式适用这些文书。

They should also ensure that women enjoy the benefits of those instruments without discrimination and on the basis of substantive equality. {§39}


37. States parties should adopt legislation and other measures to respect the principle of non-refoulement, in accordance with existing obligations under international law, and take all measures necessary to ensure that victims of serious forms of discrimination, including gender-related forms of persecution, who are in need of protection, regardless of their status or residence, are not returned under any circumstance to any country in which their life would be at risk or where they might be subjected to serious forms of discrimination, including gender-based violence, or to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. {§40}

37. 缔约国应采取立法和其他措施,按照国际法规定的现有义务遵守不驱回原则,并采取一切必要措施,确保在任何情况下都不将需要得到保护的遭受严重歧视行为、包 括与性别相关的迫害行为的受害者遣返到其生命将受到威胁或可能会受到严重歧视、包括基于性别的暴力行为或遭受酷刑或不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的任何国 家,无论其地位如何或居住何处。{§40}

38. States parties should interpret the definition of a refugee in the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees in line with obligations of non-discrimination and equality;HRI/GIP/12/09{§41} fully integrate a gender-sensitive approach while interpreting all legally recognized grounds; classify gender-related claims under the ground of membership of a particular social group, where necessary; and consider adding sex and/or gender, as well as the reason of being lesbian, bisexual or transgender, and other status to the list of grounds for refugee status in their national asylum legislation.

38. 缔约国应根据不歧视和平等的义务解释1951年《难民地位公约》中的难民定义,{§41} 在解释法律确认的所有理由时充分采纳对性别问题有敏感认识的办法,必要时将与性别相关的申请归入以某一社会群体成员为由的类别,并考虑在国家庇护法的难民 地位理由清单中增列社会性别和或生理性别以及是女同性恋、双性恋或跨性别者及其他身份等理由。

39. States parties should report to the Committee on their national policy and legislation with regard to asylum seekers and refugees and gather, analyse and make available sex-disaggregated statistical data and trends over time on asylum claims, countries of origin, reasons for seeking asylum and recognition rates.

39. 缔约国应向委员会报告其与寻求庇护者和难民相关的国家政策和立法,并收集、分析和提供按性别分列的统计数据以及一段时间以来在庇护申请、原籍国、寻求庇护的理由以及获准庇护的比率这方面的趋势。

40. States parties should ensure that adequate human and financial resources are made available for the implementation of the Convention in respect of asylum seekers and refugees, including gender-related aspects of that implementation, and seek technical advice and assistance as required.

40. 缔约国应确保提供充分的人力和财力资源,以执行《公约》中与寻求庇护者和难民相关的规定,包括执行与性别相关的规定,并酌情寻求技术咨询和援助。

41. States parties should cooperate with all United Nations agencies, in particular the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in relation to asylum systems and procedures to give effect to the provisions of the Convention and other instruments for refugees with a view to promoting the rights of women asylum seekers and refugees. {§42}

41. 缔约国应该就庇护制度和程序同联合国所有机构、特别是联合国难民事务高级专员公署(难民署)开展合作,落实《公约》以及其他难民文书的条款,从而增进寻求庇护的妇女和难民妇女的权利。{§42}

They should collaborate with civil society and grass-roots non-governmental organizations supporting women asylum seekers and refugees.


42. Asylum procedures of States parties should ensure that women are able to lodge independent asylum applications and be heard separately, even if they are part of a family seeking asylum.

42. 缔约国的庇护程序应确保妇女能独自提出庇护申请并单独面谈,即使她们是寻求庇护家庭的成员。

States parties should accept that, when the principal claimant is recognized as a refugee, other members of the family should normally also be recognized as refugees (“derivative status”).


Just as a child can derive refugee status from the recognition of a parent as a refugee, a parent should be granted derivative status based on the child’s refugee status. {§43}


It is essential that women who are recognized as refugees, whether in their own right or as derivative status holders, be issued with individual documentation in order to prove their status, be protected from refoulement and secure associated rights.


43. States parties should not deem that a woman asylum seeker lacks credibility for the mere reason of lack of documentation to support her asylum claim. Instead, they should take into account that women in many countries do not possess documentation in their respective countries of origin and seek to establish credibility by other means.

43. 缔约国不应该仅仅因为寻求庇护的妇女没有充分的庇护申请佐证文件就认为她缺乏可信度,而是应该考虑到在许多国家妇女在其原籍国没有文件的事实,并努力通过其他途径确定其可信度。

44. States parties should ensure that their border police and immigration officials are adequately trained, supervised and monitored for gender-sensitivity and non-discriminatory practices when dealing with women asylum seekers and refugees.

44. 缔约国应确保充分培训、监督和监测其边境警察和移民官员,使他们在对待寻求庇护的妇女和难民妇女时,能掌握对性别问题有敏感认识和非歧视性的做法。

They should ensure that they adopt and implement a gender-sensitive approach of a proper identification system for women asylum seekers and refugees that is not based on prejudices and stereotyped notions of women, including for victims of trafficking and/or sexual exploitation. {§44}


45. States parties should recognize that trafficking is part and parcel of gender-related persecution, with the result that women and girls who are victims of trafficking or who fear becoming victims should be informed of and effectively enjoy the right of access to asylum procedures without discrimination or any preconditions.

45. 缔约国应认识到,贩运活动是与性别相关的迫害的组成部分,从而使贩运活动的受害妇女和女童或担心成为受害者的妇女和女童了解并切实享有不受歧视或没有任何先决条件地诉诸庇护程序的权利。

States parties are encouraged to classify victims of trafficking under the “social group” ground in the refugee definition in line with the UNHCR “Guidelines on international protection: the application of article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees to victims of trafficking and persons at risk of being trafficked” and are recommended to take measures so that women and girls are not returned to places where they risk being retrafficked.

鼓励缔约国根据难民署国际保护准则:1951年《公 约》第一条第㈠款()项和/1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》对贩运活动受害者和面临遭受贩运危险的人的适用,将贩运活动受害者归入难民定义中社会群体理由一类,并建议缔约国采取措施,不将妇女和女童遣返到她们会面临再次被贩运危险的地方。

46. States parties should establish adequate screening mechanisms for the early identification of women asylum seekers with specific protection and assistance needs, including women with disabilities, unaccompanied girls,{§45} victims of trauma, victims of trafficking and/or forced prostitution, victims of sexual violence and victims of torture and/or ill-treatment. {§46}

46. 缔约国应建立适当的甄别机制,以及早认定有特殊保护和援助需求的寻求庇护的妇女,包括残疾妇女、无人陪伴的女童、{§45} 精神创伤受害者、贩运和/或强迫卖淫行为受害者、性暴力行为受害者以及酷刑和/或虐待行为受害者。{§46}

47. States parties should ensure that interviewers and decision makers at all levels have the necessary training, tools and guidance on the adjudication of gender-related asylum claims.

47. 缔约国应确保各级面试人员和决策者掌握裁定与性别相关的庇护申请的必要培训、工具和指导。

In recognition of the relevant provisions of the Convention, States parties should develop policies in line with the present general recommendation and with the UNHCR “Guidelines on international protection: gender-related persecution within the context of article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees”.


48. States parties should ensure, throughout the asylum procedure and during the integration process for women granted refugee status, an adequate standard of living, including safe accommodation, sanitary and health facilities, food, clothing and necessary social services, in addition to sources of livelihood and employment opportunities for women asylum seekers and refugees, and provide for appropriate monitoring and complaints mechanisms at reception facilities. {§47}

48. 缔约国应该在整个庇护程序以及在获得难民地位妇女的就地安置过程中确保她们达到适足的生活水准,包括安全的住宿环境、卫生和保健设施、食物、衣物和必要的 社会服务,并确保寻求庇护的妇女和难民妇女获得生计来源和就业机会,并在接待设施提供适当的监测和投诉机制。{§47}

49. States parties should recognize in their legislation that seeking asylum is not an unlawful act and that women asylum seekers should not be penalized (including by means of detention) for their illegal entry or stay if they present themselves to the authorities without delay and show good cause for their illegal entry or stay. {§48}

49. 缔约国应该在其法律中承认寻求庇护不是非法行为,不应该因寻求庇护的妇女非法入境或逗留对她们进行处罚(包括拘留),只要她们毫不延误地向当局投案并提出其非法入境和逗留的正当理由。{§48}

As a general rule, detention of pregnant women and nursing mothers, who both have special needs, should be avoided, while children should not be detained with their mothers unless doing so is the only means of maintaining family unity and is determined to be in the best interest of the child.


Alternatives to detention, including release with or without conditions, should be considered in each individual case and especially when separate facilities for women and/or families are not available.


50. States parties should institute gender-sensitive procedural safeguards in asylum procedures to ensure that women asylum seekers are able to present their cases on the basis of equality and non-discrimination.

50. 缔约国应在庇护程序中采用对性别问题有敏感认识的程序性保障措施,确保寻求庇护的妇女能平等和不受歧视地陈述其案情。

States parties should ensure:


(a) That women asylum seekers have the right to an independent claim to asylum and, in this respect, to be interviewed separately, without the presence of male family members, so that they have the opportunity to present their case;

(a) 寻求庇护的妇女有权单独申请庇护,并在这方面能在没有男性家庭成员在场的情况下单独面谈,使她们有机会陈述其案情;

(b) That women asylum seekers are provided with information about the status of the determination process and how to gain access to it, in addition to legal advice, in a manner and language that they understand.

(b) 以寻求庇护的妇女能够理解的方式和语文向她们提供关于地位确定进程和如何进入这一进程的信息,并提供法律咨询意见。

They should be informed of the right to and, upon request, be provided with, a female interviewer and interpreter;


(c) That women asylum seekers have access to competent legal representation in advance of the initial asylum interview.

(c) 寻求庇护的妇女能在初次庇护面谈前获得合格的法律代理人。

Where necessary, they should be afforded legal assistance free of charge.


Unaccompanied and separated girls must in all cases be assigned a qualified legal representative and a guardian to assist them through the asylum procedure and ensure respect for their best interests;{§49}


(d) That interviewers use techniques and procedures that are sensitive to gender, age and other intersectional grounds of discrimination and disadvantage that compound the human rights violations that women refugees and asylum seekers experience;

(d) 面试人员采用对性别、年龄以及其他歧视和使妇女处境不利的交叉理由有敏感考虑的技术和程序,因为这些理由加剧了难民妇女和寻求庇护的妇女遭受的侵犯人权行为;

(e) That a supportive interview environment is established so that the claimant can provide her account, including disclosure of sensitive and personal information, especially for survivors of trauma, torture and/or ill-treatment and sexual violence, and that sufficient time is allocated for interviews;

(e) 营造有利的面谈环境,使申请人能提出她的陈述,包括透露敏感和涉及隐私的信息,特别是为精神创伤、酷刑和/或虐待及性暴力行为幸存者营造此种环境,并为面谈分配足够的时间;

(f) That childcare is made available during the interviews so that the claimant does not have to present her claim, involving sensitive information, in front of her children;

(f) 在面谈期间提供儿童照料服务,使申请人不必在其子女面前提出她涉及敏感信息的申请;

(g) That, while the woman asylum claimant normally bears the burden of proving her asylum case, the duty to ascertain and evaluate all the relevant facts is shared between the claimant and the examiner. The threshold for accepting asylum applications should be measured not against the probability but against the reasonable likelihood that the claimant has a well-founded fear of persecution or that she would be exposed to persecution on return;

(g) 申请庇护的妇女通常负有证明其庇护案件的举证责任,但确定和评价相关事实的责任由申请人和审查人员分担;不应该根据申请人是否有可能在返回后受到迫害或有遭到迫害的风险来衡量接受庇护申请的最低要求,而是应该根据申请人有充分的理由担心受迫害的合理可能性来衡量;

(h) That, in some cases, it may be for the examiner to use all the means at his or her disposal to produce the necessary evidence in support of the application, including by seeking and gathering gender-relevant information from reliable governmental and non-governmental sources on human rights in the country of origin;

(h) 在有些案例中,可能要由检查人员使用其掌握的一切手段提出支持申请的必要证据,包括从可靠的政府和非政府来源寻求和收集与性别相关的有关原籍国人权的信息;

(i) That late disclosure by the claimant during the asylum procedure of sexual violence and other traumatic events does not automatically lead to an adverse judgement on her credibility.

(i) 申请人在庇护程序中逾期披露性暴力和其他精神创伤事件的情况不自动导致对她的可信度作出不利的判断。

Reluctance to identify the true extent of the persecution suffered or feared may stem from feelings of shame, stigma or trauma.


Statements regarding the confidential nature of interviews, including that information provided by the woman will not be shared with members of her family without her consent, should be standard practice;


(j) That mechanisms for referral to psychosocial counselling and other support services, where necessary, both before and after the asylum interview, are made available;

(j) 在庇护面谈之前和之后提供必要的转介社会心理辅导及其他支助服务的机制;

(k) That, should the application be rejected, the decision must be reasoned and the claimant should be able to appeal against it to a competent body;

(k) 如果申请被拒,必须说明决定的理由,而且申请人应能够向主管机构提出上诉;

(l) That, in the context of durable solutions, the voluntary return home from exile of refugees and their sustainable reintegration in safety are carried out with dignity and the social and economic security of refugees are secured. {§50}

(l) 在持久解决方面,使难民有尊严地从流亡地自愿返回家园和安全地重返社会,并确保难民的社会和经济安全。{§50}

States who recognized the refugee status of women claimants should ensure that local integration is performed on the basis of equality and non-discrimination and that women are treated with dignity.


V. Application of non-discrimination and gender equality to nationality determination processes and statelessness

. 在确定国籍的过程和无国籍状态方面实施不歧视和性别平等

A. General comments

A. 一般性评论

51. The Convention is a significant tool in international efforts to prevent and reduce statelessness because it particularly affects women and girls with regard to nationality rights.A/61/10{§51} The Convention requires full protection of women’s equality in nationality matters.

51. 《公约》是国际社会努力防止和减少无国籍状态的重要工具,因为《公约》对妇女和女童的国籍权产生特别的影响。 {§51} 《公约》要求充分保护妇女在国籍事项中的平等。

Nationality is the legal bond between a person and a State and is critical to ensuring full participation in society.


Nationality is also essential to guaranteeing the exercise and enjoyment of other rights, including the right to enter and reside permanently in the territory of a State and to return to that State from abroad.


Article 9 of the Convention is therefore essential to the enjoyment of the full range of human rights by women.


While human rights are to be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of nationality status, in practice nationality is frequently a prerequisite for the enjoyment of basic human rights.


Without nationality, girls and women are subject to compounded discrimination as women and as non-nationals or stateless persons.


52. Article 9 (2) of the Convention provides that women are to have the same rights as men to acquire, retain or change their nationality, regardless of marriage and divorce and of what their husbands do with their own nationality.

52. 《公约》第9条第2款规定,无论妇女已婚或离婚,她们都享有与男子同等的取得、保留和改变其国籍的权利,也享有与其丈夫同等的处理其自身国籍的权利。

Women are also, according to the Convention, to transmit their nationality to their children under the same conditions as their husbands, whether they are in their own country or abroad.


53. Without status as nationals or citizens,{§52} stateless women and girls are often marginalized, deprived of the right to vote or stand for public office and may be denied access to public benefits, a choice of residence and free movement, in addition to access to various rights and benefits flowing from status as a national, including rights to education, health care, property or employment.

53. 由于没有国民或公民身份,{§52} 无国籍妇女和女童往往被边缘化、被剥夺投票权或担任公职的权利,或许还无法获得公共福利,无法选择住所和自由流动,而且无法获得因国民身份而产生的各种权利和福利,包括受教育的权利、享受医疗保健的权利、财产权和就业权。

54. Nationality laws may discriminate directly or indirectly against women.

54. 国籍法可能会直接或间接地歧视妇女。

Legislative provisions that appear gender neutral may in practice have a disproportionate and negative impact on the enjoyment of the right to nationality by women.


Women continue to be more likely than men to seek to change their nationality to that of their foreign spouse upon marriage to a foreigner and are therefore at greater risk of statelessness if there is a gap in nationality legislation that allows or requires them to renounce their nationality without having acquired or received assurances that they will acquire the nationality of the spouse.


The prohibition of dual nationality in many nationality laws increases the likelihood of statelessness.


In many instances, women are not allowed to transmit their nationality to their foreign husbands.


Sex- and gender-based discrimination in nationality laws continues to have a significant and detrimental impact on the enjoyment by women and their children of their human rights.


Gender inequality persists in the nationality laws and practices of a significant number of countries and can lead to women becoming stateless.


Gender inequality can also render children stateless when their mothers are prevented, on an equal basis with fathers, from transmitting their nationality to their children.


In this way, discrimination against women can lead to a cycle of statelessness that can be perpetuated from generation to generation. {§53}


55. Naturalization requirements may also indirectly discriminate against women because they may require the fulfilment of conditions or criteria that may be more difficult to meet for women than for men, such as acquiring proficiency in a host State’s language, which may be more difficult for women, including stateless women, who have suffered prior or current impediment of their right of access to formal education.

55. 入籍要求也可能间接地歧视妇女,因为妇女可能比男子更难达到它们所要求达到的条件或标准,例如熟练掌握东道国语文。 这对包括无国籍妇女在内的妇女可能更为困难,因为她们接受正规教育的权利在以前或目前遭到妨碍。

Other requirements such as economic self-sufficiency or property ownership may also be more difficult for women to meet as individuals.


Situations of statelessness following marriage to a foreigner and naturalization requirements, as mentioned in paragraph 54 above, can lead to women being dependent on men economically, socially, culturally and linguistically and, in turn, expose women to an increased risk of exploitation.


56. Birth registration is also closely linked to the enjoyment by women and their children of the right to a nationality.

56. 出生登记也与妇女及其子女享有国籍权密切相关。

Birth registration provides proof of a person’s identity and acquisition of nationality based either on descent (jus sanguinis) or place of birth (jus soli).


In practice, indirect discrimination, cultural practices and poverty often make it impossible for mothers, especially unmarried mothers, to register their children on an equal basis as fathers.


Failure to register a child’s birth may impair or nullify the child’s effective enjoyment of a range of rights, including the right to nationality, to a name and identity, to equality before the law and to recognition of legal capacity.


57. Discriminatory laws or practices may lead to women and their children being unable to gain access to documentation that proves their identity and nationality.

57. 歧视性法律或惯例可能会导致妇女及其子女无法获得证明其身份和国籍的文件。

In the absence of proof of identity and nationality, a woman and her children may be faced with restrictions on freedom of movement, problems gaining access to diplomatic protection, prolonged detention pending determination of proof of identity and nationality and, ultimately, to a situation in which no State considers them to be nationals and they are rendered stateless.


58. Given the critical importance of nationality to the full participation of women in society,{§54} the significant number and nature of reservations made by some States parties to article 9 of the Convention undermine the object and purpose of the Convention.

58. 鉴于国籍对妇女充分参与社会生活至关重要,{§54} 若干缔约国对《公约》第9条所作的数量甚多的保留及其性质损害《公约》的目标和宗旨。

The rights to nationality and non-discrimination contained in many other international human rights instruments,{§55} which reinforce the equal right of women to nationality, also raise the question of the validity and legal effect of such reservations.

其他许多国际人权文书中{§55} 的国籍权和不受歧视的权利强化了妇女的平等国籍权,同时也对这种保留的有效性和法律效力提出了质疑。

The Committee notes with interest the trend towards the withdrawal or, at least, the narrowing of reservations to article 9 and the related tendency of States parties to introduce formal equality of men and women in nationality laws, thereby reducing the risk of discrimination against women and in particular of statelessness among women and their children.


B. Comments on specific articles of the Convention

B. 对《公约》具体条款的评论

59. Article 9 of the Convention establishes that women enjoy the rights to acquire, change or retain their nationality and to confer their nationality on their children on an equal basis with men.

59. 《公约》第9条规定,妇女与男子平等享有取得、改变或保留其国籍并将其国籍传给子女的权利。

The Committee has interpreted that this right also applies to spouses.{§56}

委员会解释说这种权利也适用于配偶。 {§56}

60. Article 9 (1) requires States parties to ensure that neither marriage to a foreigner nor change of nationality by the husband during marriage automatically changes the nationality of the wife, renders her stateless or forces upon her the nationality of the husband.

60. 9条第1款要求缔约国确保与外籍人结婚或在婚姻存续期间丈夫改变国籍均不自动改变妻子的国籍,使她成为无国籍人,或将丈夫的国籍强加于她。

Women can become stateless as a result of discriminatory laws and practices in which, for example, a woman’s nationality is automatically lost upon marriage to a foreigner and she cannot acquire her husband’s nationality on the basis of marriage; if her husband changes his nationality, becomes stateless or dies; or where her marriage ends in divorce.


61. Article 9 (2) of the Convention requires States parties to ensure that women and men have equal rights to confer their nationality to their children.

61. 《公约》第9条第2款要求缔约国确保妇女和男子有平等权利将其国籍传给子女。

The non-fulfilment by States parties of their obligations under article 9 (2) places children at risk of statelessness.


Nationality laws that grant nationality through paternal descent alone infringe article 9 (2) and may render children stateless if:


(a) The father is stateless;

(a) 父亲是无国籍人;

(b) The laws of the father’s country do not permit him to confer nationality in certain circumstances, such as when the child is born abroad;

(b) 父亲本国的法律不准他在子女出生于国外等某些情况下将国籍传给子女;

(c) The father is unknown or not married to the mother at the time of the child’s birth;

(c) 子女出生时生父身份不明或父亲未与母亲结婚;

(d) The father has been unable to fulfil administrative steps to confer his nationality or acquire proof of nationality for his children because, for example, he has died, has been forcibly separated from his family or cannot fulfil onerous documentation or other requirements;

(d) 父亲未能完成将其国籍传给子女的行政步骤或为子女取得国籍证明,例如因为他已死亡,被迫与家人分离,或无法满足繁琐的文件要求或其他要求;

(e) The father has been unwilling to fulfil administrative steps to confer his nationality or acquire proof of nationality for his children, for example if he has abandoned the family.

(e) 父亲不愿意履行各种行政步骤将其国籍传给子女或为子女取得国籍证明,例如因为他已经抛弃家庭。

62. Articles 1 to 3 of the Convention also support the right of women to benefit, on an equal basis with men, from naturalization for themselves and their spouses.

62. 《公约》第1至第3条还支持妇女同男子平等地使本人及其配偶因入籍而获益的权利。

Discrimination against women in this respect impedes the reduction of statelessness.


The same holds true when women are unable to confer their nationality on their stateless spouses. It may also create further risks of statelessness in the case of children born out of such unions.


C. Specific recommendations

C. 具体建议

63. In the light of the foregoing, the Committee recommends that States parties that have not already done so:

63. 鉴于上述情况,委员会建议尚未采取下述行动的缔约国:

(a) Review and withdraw their reservations to article 9 of the Convention because they are incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention and thus impermissible under article 28 (2);{§57}

(a) 审查并撤销对《公约》第9条的保留,因为它们不符合《公约》的目标和宗旨,因此根据第28条第2款的规定是不允许的;{§57}

(b) Review and reform their nationality laws to ensure equality of women and men with regard to the acquisition, changing and retention of nationality and to enable women to transmit their nationality to their children and to their foreign spouses and to ensure that any obstacles to practical implementation of such laws are removed, in full compliance with articles 1 to 3 and 9 of the Convention;

(b) 审查并改革其国籍法,确保在取得、改变和保留国籍方面男女享有平等待遇,并使妇女能将其国籍传给子女及其外籍配偶,并确保充分按照《公约》第13条和第9条消除对切实实施此种法律的任何障碍;

(c) Repeal laws stipulating the automatic acquisition of nationality upon marriage or automatic loss of a woman’s nationality as a result of changes in the marital status or nationality of her husband;

(c) 废除规定在婚后自动取得国籍或因婚姻状况改变或其丈夫国籍的改变而使妇女国籍自动丧失的法律;

(d) Consider permitting dual nationality where women have married foreign men, and for the children born of such unions, especially in situations in which legal regimes providing for dual nationality may lead to statelessness;

(d) 考虑准许与外籍男子结婚的妇女以及此种结合所生的子女拥有双重国籍,尤其是在规定双重国籍的法律制度可能导致无国籍状态的情况下;

(e) Prevent statelessness through legislative provisions making the loss or renunciation of nationality contingent on possession or acquisition of another nationality, and allow reacquisition of nationality for women left stateless owing to the absence of such safeguards;

(e) 通过法律条款防止无国籍状态,规定丧失或放弃国籍须以拥有或取得另一国国籍为条件,并准许因没有此种保障而成为无国籍人的妇女重新取得国籍;

(f) Promote awareness of recent legal and policy development granting women equal rights with men to acquire, change or retain their nationality or that enable women to confer their nationality to their children and their foreign spouses;

(f) 宣传最近制定的法律和政策,这些法律和政策赋予妇女与男子平等取得、改变或保留国籍的权利或使妇女能将国籍传给子女及其外籍配偶;

(g) Address indirect discrimination in nationality laws that arise, for example, through naturalization requirements that may be more onerous for women to meet in practice than for men;

(g) 解决国籍法中因入籍要求等所产生的间接歧视问题。 在实践中,妇女可能比男子更难满足这种要求;

(h) Ratify or accede to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness;

(h) 批准或加入1954年《关于无国籍人地位的公约》和1961年《减少无国籍状态公约》;

(i) Refrain from adopting and implementing any measures that deprive women of their nationality and render them stateless;

(i) 不采取和实施剥夺妇女国籍并使她们成为无国籍人的任何措施;

(j) Collaborate with UNHCR in relation to its work on the identification, reduction and prevention of statelessness and protection of stateless persons, in particular stateless women;

(j) 就其关于查明、减少和防止无国籍状态以及保护无国籍人、特别是无国籍妇女的工作同难民署开展合作;

(k) Collect, analyse and make available sex-disaggregated statistics on stateless persons within their respective territories;

(k) 收集、分析并提供各自境内按性别分列的无国籍人统计数据;

(l) Implement effective measures to ensure that women and girls have equal access to identity documentation, including proof of nationality;

(l) 采取有效措施,确保妇女和女童平等获得身份文件,包括国籍证明;

(m) Take measures to achieve the timely registration of all births and, in this regard, take measures to raise awareness, especially in rural and remote areas of their respective territories, of the importance of registering births to ensure that all children are registered and that girls benefit from the same rights as boys.

(m) 采取措施及时登记出生的所有婴儿,并在这方面采取措施,尤其是在各自境内的农村和边远地区采取措施,以提高对出生登记重要性的认识,从而确保所有儿童都得到登记,并确保女童与男童享有相同的权利。



General recommendation No. 28 on the core obligations of States parties under article 2 of the Convention, para. 7.




General recommendation No. 28, para. 3, and general recommendation No. 25 on article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention, on temporary special measures, para. 13.




General recommendation No. 28, paras. 5 and 18.




General recommendation No. 28, and general recommendation No. 30 on women in conflict prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations.




General recommendation No. 28, para. 9.




See UNHCR, “Guidelines on statelessness No. 4: ensuring every child’s right to acquire a nationality through articles 1-4 of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness” (HCR/GS/12/04), paras. 13-15. Available from www.refworld.org/docid/50d460c72.html.




See Organization of African Unity Convention governing the specific aspects of refugee problems in Africa of 1969, article I (2), which states: “The term ‘refugee’ shall also apply to every person who, owing to external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order in either part of the whole of his country of origin or nationality, is compelled to leave his place of habitual residence in order to seek refuge in another place outside his country of origin or nationality”.

1969年非洲统一组织《关于非洲难民问题某些特定方面的公约》, 第一条第2款,其中指出:“‘难民一词还应适用于由于其原居地国或国籍国部分地区或全国所发生的外国入侵、占领、外来统治或严重扰乱公共秩序的事件,被 迫离开其惯常居所地,到其原居地国或国籍国境外的另一个地方寻求避难的每一个人

The Cartagena Declaration on Refugees, adopted by the Colloquium on the International Protection of Refugees in Central America, Mexico and Panama, held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, from 19 to 22 November 1984, states in section III (3) that “the definition or concept of a refugee to be recommended for use in the region is one which, in addition to containing the elements of the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol, includes among refugees persons who have fled their country because their lives, safety or freedom have been threatened by generalized violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violation of human rights or other circumstances which have seriously disturbed public order”.

1984111922日在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳德印第 亚斯举行的中美洲、墨西哥和巴拿马国际保护难民问题座谈会通过的《卡塔赫纳难民宣言》第三(3)节指出,建议用于本区域的难民定义或概念除了包含 1951年《关于难民地位的公约》和1967年《议定书》的内容外,还将因其生活、安全或自由受到普遍的暴力现象、外国侵略、内部冲突、大规模侵犯人权行 为或严重扰乱社会秩序的其他情况的威胁而逃离其国家的人包括在难民之中

In addition, directive 2011/95/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of 13 December 2011 pertains to standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection granted.




The word “displacement” in the present general recommendation refers to those persons who have fled and crossed their country’s borders.




See the definition of gender-based violence in paragraph 6 of general recommendation No. 19 on violence against women.


See also UNHCR, “Guidelines on international protection: gender-related persecution within the context of article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees”, guideline No. 1 (HCR/GIP/02/01), paras. 3, 9, 16 and 17.




Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, art. 2, and general recommendation No. 28, para. 9.




On trafficking as a basis for refugee status, see UNHCR, “Guidelines on international protection: the application of article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees to victims of trafficking and persons at risk of being trafficked”, guideline No. 7 (HCR/GIP/06/07).

关于作为难民身份一项依据的贩运问题,见难民署,国际保护准则:1951年《公约》第一条第㈠款()项和/1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》对人口贩运活动受害者和面临被贩运危险的人的适用问题,第7号准则 (HCR/GIP/06/07)



General recommendation No. 19, para. 22; general recommendation No. 21 on equality in marriage and family relations, para. 22; and communication No. 4/2004, A.S. v. Hungary, views adopted by the Committee on 14 August 2006.

19号一般性建议,第22段;关于婚姻和家庭关系中的平等的第21号一般性建议,第22段;以及第4/2004号来文,A. S.诉匈牙利案,2006814日委员会通过的意见。



See footnote 3 above; communication No. 19/2008, Cecilia Kell v. Canada, views adopted by the Committee on 28 February 2012, para. 10.2.

见上文脚注3;第19/2008号来文,Cecilia Kell诉加拿大案,2012228日委员会通过的意见,第10.2段。



UNHCR, “Guidelines on international protection: gender-related persecution”, para. 6 (see footnote 9 above).




See, for example, the 2000 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, art.19 (2); the 1966 Principles concerning Treatment of Refugees, adopted by the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee (art. III (3)); the Declaration on Territorial Asylum, adopted by the General Assembly by its resolution 2132 (XXII) (art. 3); the 1969 Organization of African Unity Convention governing the specific aspects of refugee problems in Africa (art.

例如见2000 年《欧洲基本权利宪章》第19(2)条;亚非法律协商委员会通过的1966年《难民待遇原则》(第三条(3));联合国大会第2132(XXII)号决议 通过的《领土庇护宣言》(第三条)1969年非洲统一组织《关于非洲难民问题某些特定方面的公约》(第二条(3)1969年《美洲人权公约》(22 (8));以及1984年《卡塔赫纳难民宣言》(5)

II (3)); the 1969 American Convention on Human Rights (art. 22 (8)); and the 1984 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees (para. 5). In addition, non-refoulement provisions modelled on article 33 (1) of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees have also been incorporated into extradition treaties and a number of anti-terrorism conventions at the universal and regional levels.




UNHCR, Declaration of States parties to the 1951 Convention and or its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, adopted on 13 December 2001 (HCR/MMSP/2001/09).




UNHCR, “Advisory opinion on the extraterritorial application of non-refoulement obligations under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol” (2007), para. 15.




See also communication No. 35/2011, M.E.N. v. Denmark, inadmissibility decision adopted by the Committee on 26 July 2013, para. 8.8.




See, for example, communication No. 33/2011, M.N.N. v. Denmark, inadmissibility decision adopted by the Committee on 15 July 2013, paras. 8.5 ff.




See ibid., para. 8.9.




UNHCR, “Guidance note on refugee claims relating to female genital mutilation” (Geneva, 2009), para. 12.




For more on child asylum claims, see UNHCR, “Guidelines on international protection: child asylum claims under articles 1(A)2 and 1(F) of the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees”, guideline No. 8 (2009) (HCR/GIP/09/08); Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 6 on treatment of unaccompanied and separated children outside their country of origin; and general comment No. 14 on the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration (art. 3, para. 1).

有关儿童庇护申请的更多资料,见难民署,国际保护准则:1951年 《公约》第一条第㈠款()项和第一条第()款和/1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》所涉的儿童庇护申请,第8(2009)号准则(HCR /GIP/09/08);儿童权利委员会,关于在原籍国之外的孤身和失散儿童的待遇的第6号一般性评论;以及关于儿童将其最大利益列为一种首要考虑的权利 的第14号一般性评论(第三条,第1)



General recommendation No. 19, paras. 9 and 10.




UNHCR, “Guidelines on international protection: gender-related persecution”, para. 19 (see footnote 9 above).




Salah Sheekh v. the Netherlands, application No. 1948/04, judgement of 11 January 2007 of the European Court of Human Rights, cited in Case of Sufi and Elmi v. the United Kingdom, applications Nos. 8319/07 and 11449/07, judgement of 28 June 2011 of the European Court of Human Rights, para. 266.

Salah Sheekh诉荷兰案,申请号1948/04,欧洲人权法院2007111日判决书,予以引用的是Sufi Elmi诉联合王国案,申请号 8319/07 11449/07,欧洲人权法院2011628日裁决书,第266段。



UNHCR, “Guidelines on international protection: ‘internal flight or relocation alternative’ within the context of article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees”, guideline No. 4 (HCR/GIP/03/04); UNHCR, “Guidance note on refugee claims relating to female genital mutilation”, paras. 28-32 (see footnote 21 above).

难民署,国际保护准 则:1951年《公约》第一条第㈠款()项和/1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》所涉的国内逃亡替代办法或搬迁替代办法’”,第4号准则(HCR /GIP/03/04);难民署,关于与残割女性生殖器相关的难民申请指导说明,第28-32(见上文脚注21)



Communication No. 5/2005, Şahide Goekce (deceased) v. Austria, views adopted by the Committee on 6 August 2007; communication No. 6/2005, Fatma Yildirim (deceased) v. Austria, views adopted by the Committee on 6 August 2007.

5/2005号来文,Şahide Goekce(已故)诉奥地利案,200786日委员会通过的意见;第 6/2005号来文,Fatma Yildirim(已故)诉奥地利案,200786日委员会通过的意见。



Communication No. 18/2008, Karen Tayag Vertido v. Philippines, views adopted by the Committee on 16 July 2010, paras. 8.4 and 8.9 (iv); communication No. 20/2008, V.K. v. Bulgaria, views adopted by the Committee on 25 July 2011.

18/2008号来文,Karen Tayag Vertido 诉菲律宾案,2010716日委员会通过的意见,第8.48.9㈣段;第20/2008号来文,V.K.诉保加利亚案,2011725日委员会通过的意见。



General recommendation No. 28, paras. 10 and 11.




Ibid., para. 34; see also 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, arts. 16 and 25.

同上,第34段。 另见1951年《难民地位公约》,第十六条和第二十五条。



Universal Declaration of Human Rights, art. 25; see also the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, arts. 13 and 17-23.




Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, conclusion No. 93 (LIII) on reception of asylum seekers in the context of individual asylum systems, para. (b) (iii).




Ibid., para. (b) (iv); Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, art. 16.




United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules) (General Assembly resolution 65/229, annex), rule 42; UNHCR, Guidelines on the Applicable Criteria and Standards relating to the Detention of Asylum-Seekers and Alternatives to Detention (Geneva, 2012).




The Bangkok Rules, rules 5, 19 and 33 (1); UNHCR, Guidelines on the Applicable Criteria and Standards relating to the Detention of Asylum-Seekers and Alternatives to Detention, para. 9.3.




Communication No. 23/2009, Inga Abramova v. Belarus, views adopted by the Committee on 25 July 2011, paras. 7.5 and 7.7; see also the Bangkok Rules and general recommendation No. 24 on women and health, para. 6.

23/2009号来文,Inga Abramova诉白俄罗斯案,2011725日委员会通过的意见,第7.57.7段。 另见《曼谷规则》和关于妇女与健康的第24号一般性建议,第6段。



International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, art. 9.


The Human Rights Committee has affirmed an obligation to consider less invasive means of achieving the same objective (see communication No. 900/1999, C. v. Australia, views adopted by the Human Rights Committee on 28 October 2002, para. 8.2.


See also UNHCR, Guidelines on the Applicable Criteria and Standards relating to the Detention of Asylum-Seekers and Alternatives to Detention, para. 9.3.

另见难民署,《关于拘留寻求庇护者及拘留的替代手段所适用条件和标准的准则》,第 9.3段。



The Committee acknowledges that the vast majority of refugees are hosted by developing countries that are overwhelmed and unable to meet the challenges faced by significant refugee influxes.


The Committee recalls that refugee protection is a collective responsibility.


Therefore, and without compromising or undermining States parties’ obligations, it calls upon the international community, in particular non-receiving States, to express their solidarity through burden-sharing by assisting receiving countries in meeting their international obligations.


They should, among other things, take proactive measures such as granting adequate technical and financial assistance to receiving States to alleviate the challenges faced by massive influxes of refugees and financially supporting United Nations and other international or regional agencies entrusted with providing refugee protection and services.




Organization of African Unity Convention governing the specific aspects of refugee problems in Africa of 1969; Cartagena Declaration on Refugees, 1984; and directive 2011/95/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of 13 December 2011 on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection granted.

1969 年非洲统一组织《关于非洲难民问题某些特定方面的公约》;《卡塔赫纳难民宣言》,1984年;20111213日欧洲议会和欧洲联盟理事会关于第三国 国民或无国籍人成为国际保护受益人、可获得统一难民地位或具有获得辅助保护的人的资格以及给予保护的内容的第2011/95/EU号指令。



See Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, art. 61, and 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, art. 33.




See the UNHCR guidelines on international protection, including “Guidelines on international protection: gender-related persecution within the context of article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees”, guideline No. 1 (HCR/GIP/02/01); “Guidelines on international protection: ‘Membership of a particular social group’ within the context of article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees”, guideline No. 2 (HRC/GIP/02/02); and “Guidelines on international protection No. 9: claims to refugee status based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity within the context of article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees” ().

见难民署国际保护准则,包括国际保护准则:1951年 《公约》第一条第㈠款()项和/或其1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》所涉的与性别相关的迫害,第1号准则(HCR/GIP/02/01)国际 保护准则:1951年《公约》第一条第㈠款()项和/或其1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》所涉的属于某一社会团体的成员’”,第2号准则(HRC /GIP/02/02);以及9号国际保护准则:1951年《公约》第一条第㈠款()项和/或其1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》所涉的以性取 向和/或性别认同为由的难民地位申请”(HRI/GIP/12/09)



1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, art. 35; 1967 Protocol to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, art. II; Statute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (General Assembly resolution 428 (V), annex), para. 8.

1951年《关于难民地位的公约》,第三十五条;1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》,第二条;《联合国难民事务高级专员公署章程》(大会第428 (V)号决议,附件),第8段。



Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, conclusion No. 88 (L) on the protection of the refugee’s family, para. (b) (iii); UNHCR, “Guidelines on international protection: child asylum claims”, para. 9 (see footnote 22 above).




Communication No. 15/2007, Zhen Zhen Zheng v. the Netherlands, views adopted by the Committee on 27 October 2008, para. 9.1 (a); see also Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, art. 5; and general recommendation No. 25, para. 7.

15/2007号来文,Zhen Zhen Zheng诉荷兰案,20081027日委员会通过的意见,第9.1(a)段。 另见《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第5条,以及第25号一般性建议,第7段。



Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 6 on treatment of unaccompanied and separated children outside their country of origin, para. 31 (i).




Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, conclusion No. 93 (LIII) on reception of asylum seekers in the context of individual asylum systems, para. (b) (iii).




Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, arts. 2 (c) and (f) and 3.




1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, art. 31.




See Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 6 on treatment of unaccompanied and separated children outside their country of origin, paras. 21, 33, 36 and 39; Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, conclusion No. 107 (LVIII) on children at risk, para. (g) (viii).

见儿童权利委员会,关于远离原籍国无人陪伴和无父母陪伴的儿童待遇问题的第6号一般性评论,第21333639段;联合国难民事务高级专员方案执行委员会,关于处境危险儿童的第107 (LVIII)号结论,(g)(viii)段。



Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, conclusion No. 109 (LXI) on protracted refugee situations.

联合国难民事务高级专员方案执行委员会,关于旷日持久难民局势的第109 (LXI)号结论。



A stateless person is defined under customary international law and in article 1 (1) of the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons as someone who is “not considered as a national by any State under the operation of its law”.


The International Law Commission has considered the definition in article 1 (1) of the 1954 Convention to form part of customary international law (, chap. IV, para. 49).


See also UNHCR, Handbook on Protection of Stateless Persons: Under the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons (Geneva, 2014).




The terms “nationality” and “citizenship” are used interchangeably.




UNHCR, “Guidelines on statelessness No. 4: ensuring every child’s right to acquire a nationality”, paras. 13-15 (see footnote 6 above).




See general recommendation No. 21, para. 6.




Universal Declaration of Human Rights, art. 15; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, arts. 2, 3, 24 and 26; Convention on the Rights of the Child, art. 7; International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, art. 5; Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, art. 18; and International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, art. 29.




CEDAW/C/KWT/CO/3-4, para. 37.




General recommendations Nos. 4, 20 and 28.
