CEDAW/GC/33 1513094E.docx (English)

CEDAW/GC/33 1513094C.docx (Chinese)





Distr.: General

Distr.: General

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women


General recommendation No. 33 on women’s access to justice


I. Introduction and scope

一. 导言和范围

1. The right to access to justice for women is essential to the realization of all the rights protected under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

1. 妇女的司法救助权对实现《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》所保护的一切权利至关重要。

It is a fundamental element of the rule of law and good governance, together with the independence, impartiality, integrity and credibility of the judiciary, the fight against impunity and corruption, and the equal participation of women in the judiciary and other law implementation mechanisms.

司法救助权及下列各项元素是法治和善治的基本要素:司法机关的独立性、公正性、完整性和公信力; 打击有罪不罚和贪腐的行动; 以及妇女平等参与司法和其他法律执行机制。

The right to access to justice is multidimensional.


It encompasses justiciability, availability, accessibility, good quality, the provision of remedies for victims and the accountability of justice systems.


For the purposes of the present general recommendation, all references to “women” should be understood to include women and girls, unless otherwise specifically noted.


2. In the present general recommendation, the Committee examines the obligations of States parties to ensure that women have access to justice.

2. 委员会在本一般性建议中审查缔约国确保妇女获得司法救助的义务。

These obligations encompass the protection of women’s rights against all forms of discrimination with a view to empowering them as individuals and as rights holders.


Effective access to justice optimizes the emancipatory and transformative potential of the law.


3. In practice, the Committee has observed a number of obstacles and restrictions that impede women from realizing their right to access to justice on a basis of equality, including a lack of effective jurisdictional protection offered by States parties in relation to all dimensions of access to justice.

3. 在实践中,委员会注意到一些妨碍妇女在平等基础上实现其司法救助权的障碍和限制,包括缔约国未能在司法救助的各个方面提供有效的管辖权保护。

These obstacles occur in a structural context of discrimination and inequality owing to factors such as gender stereotyping, discriminatory laws, intersecting or compounded discrimination, procedural and evidentiary requirements and practices, and a failure to systematically ensure that judicial mechanisms are physically, economically, socially and culturally accessible to all women.


All these obstacles constitute persistent violations of women’s human rights.


4. The scope of the present general recommendation includes the procedures and quality of justice for women at all levels of justice systems, including specialized and quasi-judicial mechanisms.

4. 本一般性建议的范围涵盖各级司法系统(包括专门和准司法机制)内妇女司法的程序和质量。

Quasi-judicial mechanisms encompass all actions of public administrative agencies or bodies, similar to those carried out by the judiciary, which have legal effects and may affect legal rights, duties and privileges.

准司法机制包括公共行政机构或机关采取的一切类似司法机关所采取的行动; 这些行动具有法律效力,并可能影响法律权利、责任和特权。

5. The scope of the right to access to justice also includes plural justice systems.

5. 司法救助权的范围也涵盖多元司法系统。

The term “plural justice systems” refers to the coexistence within a State party of State laws, regulations, procedures and decisions on the one hand, and religious, customary, indigenous or community laws and practices on the other.


Therefore, plural justice systems include multiple sources of law, whether formal or informal, whether State, non-State or mixed, that women may encounter when seeking to exercise their right to access to justice.


Religious, customary, indigenous and community justice systems — referred to as traditional justice systems in the present general recommendation — may be formally recognized by the State, operate with the acquiescence of the State, with or without any explicit status, or function outside of the State’s regulatory framework.


6. International and regional human rights treaties and declarations and most national constitutions contain guarantees relating to sex and/or gender equality before the law and obligations to ensure that everyone benefits from the equal protection of the law.

6. 国际和区域人权条约与宣言和多数国家宪法均载有关于保证法律面前性和/或性别平等的规定及确保人人都享有法律平等保护的义务。

Article 15 of the Convention provides that women and men must have equality before the law and benefit from equal protection of the law.


Article 2 stipulates that States parties must take all appropriate measures to guarantee the substantive equality of men and women in all areas of life, including through the establishment of competent national tribunals and other public institutions, to ensure the effective protection of women against any act of discrimination.


The content and scope of that provision are further detailed in the Committee’s general recommendation No. 28 on the core obligations of States parties under article 2 of the Convention.


Article 3 mentions the need for appropriate measures to ensure that women can exercise and enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms on a basis of equality with men.


7. Discrimination may be directed against women on the basis of their sex and gender.

7. 妇女可能因其性别而受到歧视。

Gender refers to socially constructed identities, attributes and roles for women and men and the cultural meaning imposed by society on to biological differences, which are consistently reflected within the justice system and its institutions.


Under article 5 (a) of the Convention, States parties have an obligation to expose and remove the underlying social and cultural barriers, including gender stereotypes, that prevent women from exercising and claiming their rights and impede their access to effective remedies.


8. Discrimination against women, based on gender stereotypes, stigma, harmful and patriarchal cultural norms and gender-based violence, which affects women in particular, has an adverse impact on the ability of women to gain access to justice on an equal basis with men.

8. 基于性别陈规定型观念、污蔑、有害和重男轻女的文化规范而对妇女实行的歧视,以及妇女受害尤深的性别暴力,都对妇女在与男子平等的基础上获得司法救助的能力产生不利的影响。

In addition, discrimination against women is compounded by intersecting factors that affect some women to degrees or in ways that differ from those affecting men or other women.

此外,针对妇女的歧视因若干交叉因素而更为严重; 这些因素对某些妇女产生的影响在程度或形式上不同于男子和其他妇女所受的影响。

Grounds for intersecting or compounded discrimination may include ethnicity/race, indigenous or minority status, colour, socioeconomic status and/or caste, language, religion or belief, political opinion, national origin, marital and/or maternal status, age, urban/rural location, health status, disability, property ownership and identity as a lesbian, bisexual or transgender woman or intersex person.


These intersecting factors make it more difficult for women from those groups to gain access to justice.


9. Other factors that make it more difficult for women to gain access to justice include illiteracy, trafficking, armed conflict, status as an asylum seeker, internal displacement, statelessness, migration, being a female head of household, widowhood, living with HIV, deprivation of liberty, criminalization of prostitution, geographical remoteness and stigmatization of women fighting for their rights.

9. 使妇女特别难以获得司法救助的其他因素还包括:文盲、人口贩运、武装冲突、寻求庇护者身份、境内流离失所、无国籍、移徙、女户主、丧偶、艾滋病毒感染、自由被剥夺、卖淫刑罪化、地理位置偏远,争取自身权利的妇女被污蔑。

That human rights defenders and organizations are frequently targeted because of their work must be emphasized and their own right to access to justice protected.


10. The Committee has documented many examples of the negative impact of intersecting forms of discrimination on access to justice, including ineffective remedies, for specific groups of women.

10. 委员会掌握大量实例,说明交叉歧视对某些妇女群体获得司法救助造成的负面影响,包括无法获得有效补救。

Women belonging to such groups often do not report violations of their rights to the authorities for fear that they will be humiliated, stigmatized, arrested, deported, tortured or have other forms of violence inflicted upon them, including by law enforcement officials.


The Committee has also noted that, when women from those groups lodge complaints, the authorities frequently fail to act with due diligence to investigate, prosecute and punish perpetrators and/or provide remedies.CEDAW/C/BHS/CO/1-5CEDAW/C/CRI/CO/5-6CEDAW/C/FJI/CO/4A/54/38/Rev.1 CEDAW/C/KOR/CO/6CEDAW/C/KOR/CO/7CEDAW/C/UGA/CO/7


11. In addition to articles 2 (c), 3, 5 (a) and 15 of the Convention, States parties have further treaty-based obligations to ensure that all women have access to education and information about their rights and the remedies that are available and how to gain access to them, and access to competent, gender-sensitive dispute resolution systems, as well as equal access to effective and timely remedies.

11. 除了《公约》第二条(c)项、第三条、第五条(a)项和第十五条,缔约国还负有条约规定的其他义务,必须确保所有妇女都有机会获得教育和信息,了解其权利 和可用的补救措施及如何利用这些措施,有机会利用对性别敏感的主管争端解决机制,以及有平等机会获得有效和及时的补救。

12. The Committee’s views and recommendations concerning the steps that need to be taken to overcome obstacles encountered by women in gaining access to justice are informed by its experience in considering the reports of States parties, its analysis of individual communications and its conduct of inquiries under the Optional Protocol to the Convention.

12. 关于为克服妇女在获得司法救助方面遇到的障碍而需采取的步骤,委员会根据其审议缔约国报告时所汲取的经验、对个人来文的分析及按照《公约任择议定书》规定进行的调查提出了意见和建议。

In addition, reference is made to work on access to justice by other United Nations human rights mechanisms, national human rights institutions, civil society organizations, including community-based women’s associations, and academic researchers.


II. General issues and recommendations on women’s access to justice

. 关于妇女司法救助的一般性问题和建议

A. Justiciability, availability, accessibility, good quality, provision of remedies and accountability of justice systems

A. 可诉性、可得性、可及性、优良素质、提供补救措施和司法系统的问责制

13. The Committee has observed that the concentration of courts and quasi-judicial bodies in the main cities, their non-availability in rural and remote regions, the time and money needed to gain access to them, the complexity of proceedings, the physical barriers for women with disabilities, the lack of access to high-quality, gender-competent legal advice, including legal aid, as well as the often-noted deficiencies in the quality of justice systems (e.g., gender-insensitive judgements or decisions owing to a lack of training, delays and excessive length of proceedings, corruption) all prevent women from gaining access to justice.

13. 委员会注意到,妨碍妇女获得司法救助的因素众多,其中包括:法院和准司法机构集中在主要城市而农村和偏远地区则付之阙如、提起诉讼所需的时间和金钱、程序 复杂、残疾妇女面对的物质障碍、无法获得了解性别问题的优质法律咨询服务和法律援助,以及常见的司法系统质量欠佳问题(如缺乏培训导致对性别问题不敏感的 判决或裁判、诉讼旷日持久、贪腐问题)

14. Six interrelated and essential components — justiciability, availability, accessibility, good quality, provision of remedies for victims and accountability of justice systems — are therefore necessary to ensure access to justice.

14. 因此,要确保可以获得司法救助,就必须具备六个相互关联的重要元素——可诉性、可得性、可及性、优良素质、向受害人提供补救措施和司法系统的问责制。

While differences in prevailing legal, social, cultural, political and economic conditions will necessitate a differentiated application of these features in each State party, the basic elements of the approach are universally relevant and immediately applicable.




(a) Justiciability requires the unhindered access by women to justice and their ability and empowerment to claim their rights as legal entitlements under the Convention;

(a) 可诉性的要求是,妇女可无阻地获得司法救助,有能力并获得赋权,能够根据《公约》主张其权利为应享法定权利;

(b) Availability requires the establishment of courts, quasi-judicial bodies or other bodies throughout the State party in urban, rural and remote areas, as well as their maintenance and funding;

(b) 可得性的要求是,缔约国在全国各地的城市、农村和偏远地区建立和维持法院、准司法机构或其他机构,并提供所需资金;

(c) Accessibility requires that all justice systems, both formal and quasi-judicial, be secure, affordable and physically accessible to women, and be adapted and appropriate to the needs of women, including those who face intersecting or compounded forms of discrimination;

(c) 可及性的要求是,所有司法系统,包括正式和准司法系统,应具备下列条件:安全; 负担得起; 妇女可无障碍进出;适应和适合妇女的需要,包括面临交叉或复合形式歧视的妇女的需要;

(d) Good quality of justice systems requires that all components of the system adhere to international standards of competence, efficiency, independence and impartiality and provide, in a timely fashion, appropriate and effective remedies that are enforced and that lead to sustainable gender-sensitive dispute resolution for all women.

(d) 优质司法系统的要求是,系统所有组成部分遵行关于能力、效率、独立性和公正性的国际标准, 并及时提供和执行适当、有效补救措施,为所有妇女提供可持续的性别敏感争端解决办法。

It also requires that justice systems be contextualized, dynamic, participatory, open to innovative practical measures, gender-sensitive and take account of the increasing demands by women for justice;


(e) Provision of remedies requires that justice systems provide women with viable protection and meaningful redress for any harm that they may suffer (see art. 2); and

(e) 提供补救措施的要求是,司法系统向妇女提供切实的保护并对妇女可能遭受的任何伤害提供有意义的补救(见第二条)

(f) Accountability of justice systems is ensured through monitoring to guarantee that they function in accordance with the principles of justiciability, availability, accessibility, good quality and provision of remedies.

(f) 司法系统的问责制要求进行监测,保证司法系统的运作符合可诉性、可得性、可及性、优良素质和提供补救措施原则。

The accountability of justice systems also refers to the monitoring of the actions of justice system professionals and of their legal responsibility when they violate the law.


15. With regard to justiciability, the Committee recommends that States parties:

15. 关于可诉性,委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Ensure that rights and correlative legal protections are recognized and incorporated into the law, improving the gender responsiveness of the justice system;

(a) 确保法律承认并纳入权利和相关法律保护,提高司法系统对性别平等问题的敏感度;

(b) Improve women’s unhindered access to justice systems and thereby empower them to achieve de jure and de facto equality;

(b) 改善妇女无阻地获得司法救助的机会,从而使妇女能够实现法律上和事实上的平等;

(c) Ensure that justice system professionals handle cases in a gender-sensitive manner;

(c) 确保司法系统专业人员以性别敏感的方式办案;

(d) Ensure the independence, impartiality, integrity and credibility of the judiciary and the fight against impunity;

(d) 确保司法机关的独立性、公正性、完整性和公信力及打击有罪不罚现象;

(e) Tackle corruption in justice systems as an important element of eliminating discrimination against women in gaining access to justice;

(e) 解决司法系统的贪腐问题,以之作为消除妇女在获得司法救助方面所受歧视的一个要素;

(f) Confront and remove barriers to women’s participation as professionals within all bodies and levels of judicial and quasi-judicial systems and providers of justice-related services, and take steps, including temporary special measures, to ensure that women are equally represented in the judiciary and other law implementation mechanisms as magistrates, judges, prosecutors, public defenders, lawyers, administrators, mediators, law enforcement officials, judicial and penal officials and expert practitioners, as well as in other professional capacities;

(f) 正视和扫除障碍,使妇女能以专业人员身份参与司法和准司法系统所有机构各级工作和提供各种相关法律服务; 并采取步骤,包括暂行特别措施,以确保在司法机关和其他法律执行机制中,担任裁判官、法官、检察官、公设辩护人、律师、行政人员、调解员、执法人员、司法 和惩教人员、执业专家,以及其他专业职务的男女人数相当;

(g) Revise the rules on the burden of proof in order to ensure equality between the parties in all fields where power relationships deprive women of fair treatment of their cases by the judiciary;

(g) 为确保当事方之间的平等,在妇女因权力关系而致使其所涉案件无法获得司法机关公平审理的所有领域,修改举证责任规则;

(h) Cooperate with civil society and community-based organizations to develop sustainable mechanisms to support women’s access to justice and encourage non-governmental organizations and civil society entities to take part in litigation relating to women’s rights;

(h) 与民间社会和社群组织合作,以设立可持续的机制支持妇女获得司法救助; 并鼓励非政府组织和民间社会实体参与有关妇女权利的诉讼;

(i) Ensure that women human rights defenders are able to gain access to justice and receive protection from harassment, threats, retaliation and violence.

(i) 确保妇女人权维护者能够获得司法救助,并得到保护以免遭受骚扰、威胁、报复和暴力。

16. With regard to the availability of justice systems, the Committee recommends that States parties:

16. 关于司法系统的可得性,委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Ensure the creation, maintenance and development of courts, tribunals and other entities, as needed, that guarantee women’s right to access to justice without discrimination throughout the entire territory of the State party, including in remote, rural and isolated areas, giving consideration to the establishment of mobile courts, especially to serve women living in remote, rural and isolated areas, and to the creative use of modern information technology solutions, when feasible;

(a) 确保在缔约国全国各地,包括在偏远、农村和偏僻地区根据需要设立、维持和发展法院、法庭和其他实体,保证妇女不受歧视地获得司法救助的权利; 考虑特别为居住在偏远、农村和偏僻地区的妇女建立流动法院,及在可行情况下灵巧地运用现代信息技术解决办法;

(b) In cases of violence against women, ensure access to financial aid, crisis centres, shelters, hotlines and medical, psychosocial and counselling services;

(b) 在暴力侵害妇女的案件中,确保妇女能够获得经济援助,使用危机中心、收容所、热线,以及获得医疗、心理社会和辅导服务;

(c) Ensure that rules on standing allow groups and civil society organizations with an interest in a given case to lodge petitions and participate in the proceedings;

(c) 确保资格规则允许特定案件的利益相关团体和民间社会组织提出诉状和参加诉讼;

(d) Establish an oversight mechanism by independent inspectors to ensure the proper functioning of the justice system and address any discrimination against women committed by justice system professionals.

(d) 建立由独立检查员组成的监督机制,以确保司法系统正常运作,以及处理司法系统专业人员歧视妇女的行为。

17. With regard to accessibility of justice systems, the Committee recommends that States parties:

17. 关于司法系统的可及性,委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Remove economic barriers to justice by providing legal aid and ensure that fees for issuing and filing documents, as well as court costs, are reduced for women with low incomes and waived for women living in poverty;

(a) 移除诉诸司法的经济障碍,向妇女提供法律援助,并确保减少低收入妇女和免除贫困妇女的文书申领和递交费用以及法院诉讼费用;

(b) Remove linguistic barriers by providing independent and professional translation and interpretation services, when needed, and provide individualized assistance for illiterate women in order to guarantee their full understanding of judicial and quasi-judicial processes;

(b) 消除语言障碍,酌情提供独立的专业笔译和口译服务,并向文盲妇女提供个性化协助,以保证她们充分了解司法和准司法程序;

(c) Develop targeted outreach activities and distribute through, for example, specific units or desks dedicated to women, information about the justice mechanisms, procedures and remedies that are available, in various formats and also in community languages.

(c) 筹划定向外联活动,并通过专设妇女单位或事务处等渠道以各种形式及社群语文分发有关可利用的司法机制、程序和补救措施的信息。

Such activities and information should be appropriate for all ethnic and minority groups in the population and designed in close cooperation with women from those groups and, especially, from women’s and other relevant organizations;


(d) Ensure access to the Internet and other information and communications technology (ICT) to improve women’s access to justice systems at all levels, and give consideration to the development of Internet infrastructure, including videoconferencing, to facilitate the holding of court hearings and the sharing, collection and support of data and information among stakeholders;

(d) 确保能够上网和利用其他信息通信技术以提高妇女利用各级司法系统的机会,并考虑开发因特网基础设施,包括视频会议,以便利法院进行审讯及促进各利益攸关方共享、收集和支持数据和信息;

(e) Ensure that the physical environment and location of judicial and quasi-judicial institutions and other services are welcoming, secure and accessible to all women, with consideration given to the creation of gender units as components of justice institutions and special attention given to covering the costs of transportation to judicial and quasi-judicial institutions and other services for women without sufficient means;

(e) 确保司法和准司法机构和其他服务的物质环境和地点对所有妇女友善、安全和方便; 考虑在司法机构内设立性别事务单位,并特别注意为财力不足的妇女支付前往司法和准司法机构的交通费和其他服务费;

(f) Establish justice access centres, such as “one-stop centres”, which include a range of legal and social services, in order to reduce the number of steps that a woman has to take to gain access to justice.

(f) 建立司法救助中心,如包括各种法律和社会服务的一站式服务中心,以减少妇女为获得司法救助而必须采取的步骤。

Such centres could provide legal advice and aid, begin the legal proceedings and coordinate support services for women in areas such as violence against women, family matters, health, social security, employment, property and immigration.


Such centres must be accessible to all women, including those living in poverty and/or in rural and remote areas;


(g) Pay special attention to access to justice systems for women with disabilities.

(g) 特别注意残疾妇女无障碍利用司法系统的问题。

18. With regard to the good quality of justice systems, the Committee recommends that States parties:

18. 关于司法系统的优良素质,委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Ensure that justice systems are of good quality and adhere to international standards of competence, efficiency, independence and impartiality, as well as to international jurisprudence;

(a) 确保司法系统素质优良,遵循关于能力、效率、独立性和公正性的国际标准以及国际判例;

(b) Adopt indicators to measure women’s access to justice; E/CN.3/2009/13

(b) 制定衡量妇女司法救助的指标;

(c) Ensure an innovative and transformative justice approach and framework, including, when necessary, investing in broader institutional reforms;

(c) 确保实施创新和变革性的司法工作方针和框架,包括酌情投资于更广泛的机构改革;

(d) Provide, in a timely fashion, appropriate and effective remedies that are enforced and that lead to sustainable gender-sensitive dispute resolution for all women;

(d) 及时提供及执行适当和有效的补救措施,使所有妇女能够以可持续的性别敏感方式解决争端;

(e) Implement mechanisms to ensure that evidentiary rules, investigations and other legal and quasi-judicial procedures are impartial and not influenced by gender stereotypes or prejudice;

(e) 实施机制以确保证据规则、调查和其他法律和准司法程序公正,不受性别陈规定型观念或偏见的影响;

(f) When necessary to protect women’s privacy, safety and other human rights, ensure that, in a manner consistent with due process and fair proceedings, legal proceedings can be held privately in whole or in part or that testimony can be given remotely or using communications equipment, such that only the parties concerned are able to gain access to their content.

(f) 为保护妇女的隐私、安全和其他人权起见,确保必要时能以符合正当程序和公正审讯原则的方式,不公开地进行全部或部分法律程序,或远程提供证言或利用通信设备作证,保证只有有关当事方才能够得知其中的内容。

The use of pseudonyms or other measures to protect the identities of such women during all stages of the judicial process should be permitted.


States parties should guarantee the possibility of taking measures to protect the privacy and image of victims through the prohibition of image capturing and broadcasting in cases where doing so may violate the dignity, emotional condition and security of girls and women;


(g) Protect women complainants, witnesses, defendants and prisoners from threats, harassment and other forms of harm before, during and after legal proceedings and provide the budgets, resources, guidelines and monitoring and legislative frameworks necessary to ensure that protective measures function effectively.

(g) 保护妇女原告人、证人、被告人和囚犯,确保她们在法律程序之前、期间和之后不受威胁、骚扰和其他形式的伤害,并提供必要的预算、资源、导则、监测与立法框架,以确保切实执行保护措施。

19. With regard to the provision of remedies, the Committee recommends that States parties:

19. 关于提供补救措施,委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Provide and enforce appropriate and timely remedies for discrimination against women and ensure that women have access to all available judicial and non-judicial remedies;

(a) 针对歧视妇女行为制定和执行适当和及时的补救措施,并确保妇女有机会利用一切现有的司法和非司法补救措施;

(b) Ensure that remedies are adequate, effective, promptly attributed, holistic and proportional to the gravity of the harm suffered.

(b) 确保补救措施适足、有效、从速归责、全面、与所受伤害严重程度相称。

Remedies should include, as appropriate, restitution (reinstatement), compensation (whether provided in the form of money, goods or services) and rehabilitation (medical and psychological care and other social services).


Remedies for civil damages and criminal sanctions should not be mutually exclusive;


(c) Take full account of the unremunerated domestic and caregiving activities of women in assessments of damages for the purposes of determining appropriate compensation for harm in all civil, criminal, administrative or other proceedings;

(c) 在所有民事、刑事、行政或其他诉讼程序中,为了确定适当的损害补偿,评估损害赔偿额时应充分考虑妇女的无偿家务和照料活动;

(d) Create women-specific funds to ensure that women receive adequate reparation in situations in which the individuals or entities responsible for violating their human rights are unable or unwilling to provide such reparation;

(d) 为妇女设立专项基金,以确保在侵犯妇女人权的责任人或实体不能或不愿作出赔偿的情况下,妇女获得适足的赔偿;

(e) In cases of sexual violence in conflict or post-conflict situations, mandate institutional reforms, repeal discriminatory legislation and enact legislation providing for adequate sanctions, in accordance with international human rights standards, and determine reparation measures, in close cooperation with women’s organizations and civil society, to help to overcome the discrimination that preceded the conflict;

(e) 针对在冲突中和冲突后情况发生性暴力的问题,按照国际人权标准规定进行机构改革、废除歧视性立法和制定立法规定适当的制裁,并与妇女组织和民间社会密切合作,确定赔偿措施,以帮助消弭冲突前存在的歧视;

(f) Ensure that non-judicial remedies, such as public apologies, public memorials and guarantees of non-repetition granted by truth, justice and reconciliation commissions, are not used as substitutes for investigations and prosecutions of perpetrators when human rights violations occur in conflict or post-conflict contexts;

(f) 确保有关在冲突中或冲突后背景下发生的侵犯人权行为的非司法补救措施,如公开道歉、建立公共纪念碑和真相、正义与和解委员会核可的保证杜绝重复措施,不能用以取代对行为人进行调查和起诉;

reject amnesties for gender-based human rights violations, such as sexual violence against women, and reject statutory limitations for the prosecution of such violations (see general recommendation No. 30 on women in conflict prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations);


(g) Provide effective and timely remedies and ensure that they respond to the different types of violations experienced by women, as well as adequate reparation, and ensure women’s participation in the design of all reparation programmes, as indicated in general recommendation No. 30.A/HRC/14/22

(g) 提供有效和及时的补救措施以及适当的赔偿,确保补救措施考虑到妇女受到的各类不同侵害,并按照第30号一般性建议的指示,确保妇女参与拟订所有赔偿方案。

20. With regard to the accountability of justice systems, the Committee recommends that States parties:

20. 关于司法系统的问责制,委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Develop effective and independent mechanisms to observe and monitor women’s access to justice in order to ensure that justice systems are in accordance with the principles of justiciability, availability, accessibility, good quality and effectiveness of remedies, including the periodic auditing/review of the autonomy, efficiency and transparency of the judicial, quasi-judicial and administrative bodies that take decisions affecting women’s rights;

(a) 建立有效和独立的机制,观察和监测妇女获得司法救助的情况,以确保司法系统符合可诉性、可得性、可及性、优良素质和有效补救措施的原则,包括对所作裁判影响妇女权利的司法、准司法和行政机构的自主性、效率和透明度进行定期审计/审查;

(b) Ensure that cases of identified discriminatory practices and acts by justice professionals are effectively addressed through disciplinary and other measures;

(b) 确保采取纪律和其他措施,有效处理经查明的司法专业人员歧视性做法和行为;

(c) Create a specific entity to receive complaints, petitions and suggestions with regard to all personnel supporting the work of the justice system, including social, welfare and health workers as well as technical experts;

(c) 专设一个实体接受对司法系统所有支助事务人员,包括社会、福利和医务人员以及技术专家的申诉、投诉和建议;

(d) Data should include but need not be limited to:

(d) 数据起码应包括:

(i) The number and geographical distribution of judicial and quasi-judicial bodies;

㈠ 司法和准司法机构的数量和地域分布情况;

(ii) The number of men and women working in law enforcement bodies and judicial and quasi-judicial institutions at all levels;

㈡ 各级执法机构及司法和准司法机构的男女工作人员人数;

(iii) The number and geographical distribution of men and women lawyers, including legal-aid lawyers;

㈢ 男女律师,包括法律援助律师的人数和地域分布情况;

(iv) The nature and number of cases and complaints lodged with judicial, quasi-judicial and administrative bodies, disaggregated by the sex of the complainant;

㈣ 司法、准司法和行政机构收到的案件和申诉的性质和数量,并按申诉人性别分列;

(v) The nature and number of cases dealt with by the formal and informal justice systems, disaggregated by the sex of the complainant;

㈤ 正式和非正式司法系统处理的案件的性质和数量,并按申诉人性别分列;

(vi) The nature and number of cases in which legal aid and/or public defence were required, accepted and provided, disaggregated by the sex of the complainant;

㈥ 需要、接受并提供了法律援助和/或公设辩护的案件的性质和数量,并按申诉人性别分列;

(vii) The length of the procedures and their outcomes, disaggregated by the sex of the complainant;

㈦ 程序长短及其结果,并按申诉人性别分列;

(e) Conduct and facilitate qualitative studies and critical gender analyses of all justice systems, in collaboration with civil society organizations and academic institutions, in order to highlight practices, procedures and jurisprudence that promote or limit women’s full access to justice;

(e) 与民间社会组织和学术机构协作,对所有司法系统进行定性研究和性别批判分析及促进这些研究与分析,以查明促进或限制妇女充分获得司法救助的做法、程序和判例;

(f) Systematically apply the findings of those analyses in order to develop priorities, policies, legislation and procedures to ensure that all components of the justice system are gender-sensitive, user-friendly and accountable.

(f) 系统地应用上述分析结果制定优先事项、政策、立法和程序,以确保司法系统各个组成部分对性别敏感、方便用户和实行问责。

B. Discriminatory laws, procedures and practices

B. 歧视性法律、程序和做法

21. Frequently, States parties have constitutional provisions, laws, regulations, procedures, customs and practices that are based on traditional gender stereotypes and norms and are, therefore, discriminatory and deny women full enjoyment of their rights under the Convention.

21. 缔约国的一些宪法规定、法律、法规、程序、习俗和做法往往源于传统性别陈规定型观念和规范,故此具有歧视性质,剥夺了妇女根据《公约》充分享有的权利。

The Committee, therefore, consistently calls upon States parties, in its concluding observations, to review their legislative frameworks and to amend and/or repeal provisions that discriminate against women.


This is consistent with article 2 of the Convention, which enshrines obligations for States parties to adopt appropriate legal and other measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women by public authorities and non-State actors, be they individuals, organizations or enterprises.


22. Women, nonetheless, face many difficulties in gaining access to justice as a result of direct and indirect discrimination, as defined in paragraph 16 of general recommendation No. 28.

22. 但是,由于第28号一般性建议第16段所界定的直接和间接歧视,妇女在获得司法救助方面面对重重困难。

Such inequality is apparent not only in the discriminatory content and/or impact of laws, regulations, procedures, customs and practices, but also in the lack of capacity and awareness on the part of judicial and quasi-judicial institutions to adequately address violations of women’s human rights.


In its general recommendation No. 28, the Committee, therefore, notes that judicial institutions must apply the principle of substantive or de facto equality, as embodied in the Convention, and interpret laws, including national, religious and customary laws, in line with that obligation.


Article 15 encompasses obligations for States parties to ensure that women enjoy substantive equality with men in all areas of the law.


23. Many of the Committee’s concluding observations and views under the Optional Protocol, however, demonstrate that discriminatory procedural and evidentiary rules and a lack of due diligence in the prevention, investigation, prosecution, punishment and provision of remedies for violations of women’s rights result in contempt of obligations to ensure that women have equal access to justice.

23. 然而,委员会根据《任择议定书》提出的许多结论意见和看法显示,由于歧视性程序和证据规则以及未能尽职预防、调查、起诉、惩罚侵犯妇女权利行为和提供补救措施,结果使确保妇女可平等获得司法救助的义务没有得到履行。

24. Special consideration is to be given to girls (including the girl child and adolescent girls, where appropriate) because they face specific barriers to gaining access to justice.

24. 应特别考虑女童(酌情包括幼女和少女)的情况,因为她们在获得司法救助方面面对具体障碍。

They often lack the social or legal capacity to make significant decisions about their lives in areas relating to education, health and sexual and reproductive rights.


They may be forced into marriage or subjected to other harmful practices and various forms of violence.


25. The Committee recommends that States parties:

25. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Ensure that the principle of equality before the law is given effect by taking steps to abolish any existing laws, procedures, regulations, jurisprudence, customs and practices that directly or indirectly discriminate against women, especially with regard to their access to justice, and to abolish discriminatory barriers to access to justice, including:

(a) 确保实施法律面前地位平等的原则,包括采取措施,废除直接或间接歧视妇女,尤其是在司法救助方面歧视妇女的任何现行法律、程序、法规、判例、习俗和做法,并移除妨碍获得司法救助的歧视性障碍,包括:

(i) The obligation or need for women to seek permission from family or community members before beginning legal action;

㈠ 妇女在开始采取法律行动前有义务和/或必要征求家庭或社群成员的许可;

(ii) Stigmatization of women who are fighting for their rights by active participants in the justice system;

㈡ 司法系统中的积极参与者污蔑争取自身权利的妇女;

(iii) Corroboration rules that discriminate against women as witnesses, complainants and defendants by requiring them to discharge a higher burden of proof than men in order to establish an offence or seek a remedy;

㈢ 歧视妇女证人、原告人和被告人的佐证规则,要求她们在指证犯罪行为或寻求补救时承担高于男子的举证责任;

(iv) Procedures that exclude or accord inferior status to the testimony of women;

㈣ 排除或置后妇女证言的程序;

(v) Lack of measures to ensure equal conditions between women and men during the preparation, conduct and aftermath of cases;

㈤ 缺少确保在案件的准备、进行过程中和在结案后男子和妇女享有同等条件的措施;

(vi) Inadequate case management and evidence collection in cases brought by women, resulting in systematic failures in the investigation of cases;

㈥ 未能对妇女举报案件进行适当的案件管理和证据收集工作,导致案件调查工作出现系统性失误;

(vii) Obstacles faced in the collection of evidence relating to emerging violations of women’s rights occurring online and through the use of ICT and new social media;

㈦ 对于在网上新出现或通过使用信息通信技术和新的社交媒体实施的侵犯妇女权利行为,证据收集工作面对重重障碍;

(b) Ensure that independent, safe, effective, accessible and child-sensitive complaint and reporting mechanisms are available to girls.

(b) 确保女童可利用独立、安全、有效、方便和对儿童问题敏感的申诉和举报机制。

Such mechanisms should be established in conformity with international norms, especially the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and staffed by appropriately trained officials, working in an effective and gender-sensitive manner, in accordance with general comment No. 14 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, so that the best interests of the girls concerned is taken as a primary consideration;


(c) Take measures to avoid the marginalization of girls owing to conflicts and disempowerment within their families and the resulting lack of support for their rights, and abolish rules and practices that require parental or spousal authorization for access to services such as education and health, including sexual and reproductive health, as well as to legal services and justice systems;

(c) 采取措施,避免女童因冲突和在家中无权而被边缘化,以及其权利因此而得不到支持的情况; 在获得教育、健康(包括性和生殖健康)等服务以及在获得法律服务和利用司法系统等方面,废止必须征得父母或配偶许可的规则和做法;

(d) Protect women and girls from interpretations of religious texts and traditional norms that create barriers to their access to justice and result in discrimination against them.

(d) 保护妇女和女童不致因对宗教经文的解释和传统规范妨碍她们寻求司法救助而受到歧视。

C. Stereotyping and gender bias in the justice system and the importance of capacity-building

C. 司法系统内的陈规定型观念和性别偏见与能力建设的重要性

26. Stereotyping and gender bias in the justice system have far-reaching consequences for women’s full enjoyment of their human rights.

26. 司法系统中的陈规定型观念和性别偏见对妇女充分享有其人权造成影响深远的后果。

They impede women’s access to justice in all areas of law, and may have a particularly negative impact on women victims and survivors of violence.


Stereotyping distorts perceptions and results in decisions based on preconceived beliefs and myths rather than relevant facts.


Often, judges adopt rigid standards about what they consider to be appropriate behaviour for women and penalize those who do not conform to those stereotypes.


Stereotyping also affects the credibility given to women’s voices, arguments and testimony as parties and witnesses.


Such stereotyping can cause judges to misinterpret or misapply laws.


This has far-reaching consequences, for example, in criminal law, where it results in perpetrators not being held legally accountable for violations of women’s rights, thereby upholding a culture of impunity.


In all areas of law, stereotyping compromises the impartiality and integrity of the justice system, which can, in turn, lead to miscarriages of justice, including the revictimization of complainants.


27. Judges, magistrates and adjudicators are not the only actors in the justice system who apply, reinforce and perpetuate stereotypes.

27. 在司法系统中,法官、裁判官和评审员并不是唯一使用、助长和延续陈规定型观念的行为者。

Prosecutors, law enforcement officials and other actors often allow stereotypes to influence investigations and trials, especially in cases of gender-based violence, with stereotypes undermining the claims of the victim/survivor and simultaneously supporting the defence advanced by the alleged perpetrator.


Stereotyping can, therefore, permeate both the investigation and trial phases and shape the final judgement.


28. Women should be able to rely on a justice system free of myths and stereotypes, and on a judiciary whose impartiality is not compromised by those biased assumptions.

28. 妇女应能信赖一个不受错误看法和陈规定型观念影响的司法系统,信赖公正性不受这些偏颇之见左右的司法机关。

Eliminating stereotyping in the justice system is a crucial step in ensuring equality and justice for victims and survivors.


29. The Committee recommends that States parties:

29. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Take measures, including awareness-raising and capacity-building programmes for all justice system personnel and law students, to eliminate gender stereotyping and incorporate a gender perspective into all aspects of the justice system;

(a) 采取措施,包括为司法系统所有人员和法学系学生开展提高认识和能力建设方案,以消除性别定型观念和在司法系统的各个方面纳入性别视角;

(b) Include other professionals, in particular health-care providers and social workers, who potentially play an important role in cases of violence against women and in family matters, in the awareness-raising and capacity-building programmes;

(b) 提高认识和能力建设方案应纳入其他专业人员,特别是医疗保健提供者和社会工作者,因为他们在暴力侵害妇女案件和在家庭问题中能够发挥重要作用;

(c) Ensure that capacity-building programmes address, in particular:

(c) 确保能力建设方案强调下列问题:

(i) The issue of the credibility and weight given to women’s voices, arguments and testimony, as parties and witnesses;

㈠ 妇女作为当事人和证人所提供的陈述、论据和证言的可信度和分量问题;

(ii) The inflexible standards often developed by judges and prosecutors for what they consider to be appropriate behaviour for women;

㈡ 法官和检察官经常对妇女得当行为所持的僵化标准;

(d) Consider promoting a dialogue on the negative impact of stereotyping and gender bias in the justice system and the need for improved justice outcomes for women who are victims and survivors of violence;

(d) 考虑促进对话,讨论陈规定型观念和性别偏见对司法系统的负面影响,以及改善妇女暴力受害人和幸存者所得司法结果的必要性;

(e) Raise awareness of the negative impact of stereotyping and gender bias and encourage advocacy to address stereotyping and gender bias in justice systems, especially in gender-based violence cases;

(e) 提高对陈规定型观念和性别偏见的负面影响的认识,并鼓励采取倡导行动,消除司法系统中,特别是性别暴力案件中的陈规定型观念和性别偏见;

(f) Provide capacity-building programmes for judges, prosecutors, lawyers and law enforcement officials on the application of international legal instruments relating to human rights, including the Convention and the jurisprudence of the Committee, and on the application of legislation prohibiting discrimination against women.

(f) 向法官、检察官、律师和执法人员提供能力建设方案,促进适用有关人权的国际法律文书,包括《公约》和委员会的判例,及促进适用禁止歧视妇女的立法。

D. Education and raising awareness of the impact of stereotypes

D. 针对陈规定型观念的影响开展教育和提高认识活动

30. The provision of education from a gender perspective and raising public awareness through civil society, the media and the use of ICT are essential to overcoming the multiple forms of discrimination and stereotyping that have an impact on access to justice and to ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of justice for all women.

30. 为了消除影响司法救助的多重形式歧视和陈规定型观念,确保所有妇女可以有效和高效地诉诸司法,必须提供反映性别视角的教育并通过民间社会、媒体和利用信息通信技术提高公众的认识。

31. Article 5 (a) of the Convention provides that States parties must take all appropriate measures to modify social and cultural patterns of conduct, with a view to eliminating prejudices and customary and all other practices that are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either sex.

31. 《公约》第五条(a)项规定,缔约国必须采取一切适当措施,改变社会和文化行为模式,以消除基于性别而分尊卑观念的偏见、习俗和一切其他做法。

In its general recommendation No. 28, the Committee emphasized that all provisions of the Convention must be read jointly in order to ensure that all forms of gender-based discrimination are condemned and eliminated.


1. Education from a gender perspective

1. 反映性别视角的教育

32. Women who are unaware of their human rights are unable to make claims for the fulfilment of those rights.

32. 不知晓自身人权的妇女无法就实现这些权利提出主张。

The Committee has observed, especially during its consideration of periodic reports submitted by States parties, that they often fail to guarantee that women have equal access to education, information and legal literacy programmes.


Furthermore, awareness on the part of men of women’s human rights is also indispensable to guaranteeing non-discrimination and equality, and to guaranteeing women’s access to justice in particular.


33. The Committee recommends that States parties:

33. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Develop gender expertise, including by increasing the number of gender advisers, with the participation of civil society organizations, academic institutions and the media;

(a) 在民间社会组织、学术机构和媒体的参与下发展性别问题专门知识,包括增加性别问题顾问人数;

(b) Disseminate multi-format materials to inform women of their human rights and the availability of mechanisms for access to justice, and inform women of their eligibility for support, legal aid and social services that interface with justice systems;

(b) 以多种形式散发材料,使妇女了解其人权和可利用的司法救助机制,并使妇女了解她们是否有资格获得支助、法律援助及与司法系统接口的社会服务;

(c) Integrate, into curricula at all levels of education, educational programmes on women’s rights and gender equality, including legal literacy programmes, that emphasize the crucial role of women’s access to justice and the role of men and boys as advocates and stakeholders.

(c) 将有关妇女权利和性别平等的教育方案,包括法律扫盲方案,列入各级教育课程,强调妇女获得司法救助的重要性和男子与男童作为倡导者和利益攸关方应发挥的作用。

2. Raising awareness through civil society, the media and information and communications technology

2. 通过民间社会、媒体和信息通信技术提高认识

34. Civil society, the media and ICT play an important role in both reinforcing and reproducing gender stereotypes as well as in overcoming them.

34. 民间社会、媒体和信息通信技术在助长和散播性别陈规定型观念以及消除这些观念方面发挥着重要的作用。

35. The Committee recommends that States parties:

35. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Emphasize the role that the media and ICT can play in dismantling cultural stereotypes about women in connection with their right to access to justice, paying particular attention to challenging cultural stereotypes concerning gender-based discrimination and violence, including domestic violence, rape and other forms of sexual violence;

(a) 强调在妇女的司法救助权问题上,媒体和信息通信技术可以发挥作用,消除有关妇女的文化陈规定型观念; 特别注意驳斥有关性别歧视和性别暴力,包括家庭暴力、强奸和其他形式性暴力的文化陈规定型观念;

(b) Develop and implement measures to raise awareness among the media and the population, in close collaboration with communities and civil society organizations, of the right of women to have access to justice.

(b) 与社群和民间社会组织密切合作,拟订和落实措施,提高媒体和公众对妇女司法救助权的认识。

Such measures should be multidimensional and directed at girls and women, as well as boys and men, and should take account of the relevance and potential of ICT to transform cultural and social stereotypes;


(c) Support and involve media bodies and people working with ICT in a continuing public dialogue about women’s human rights in general and within the context of access to justice in particular;

(c) 支持和促进媒体机构和信息通信技术从业人员参与有关妇女人权,特别是司法救助权的持续公开对话;

(d) Take steps to promote a culture and a social environment in which justice-seeking by women is viewed as both legitimate and acceptable rather than as cause for additional discrimination and/or stigmatization.

(d) 采取步骤营造一种文化和社会环境,在这种氛围中,妇女寻求正义被认为是合情合理的、可以接受的,不会因此遭受更多的歧视和/或污蔑。

E. Legal aid and public defence

E. 法律援助和公设辩护

36. A crucial element in guaranteeing that justice systems are economically accessible to women is the provision of free or low-cost legal aid, advice and representation in judicial and quasi-judicial processes in all fields of law.

36. 关于保证妇女不会因经济能力而无法利用司法系统的问题,一个关键因素是在所有法律领域的司法和准司法程序方面,提供免费或低收费的法律援助、咨询和代理服务。

37. The Committee recommends that States parties:

37. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Institutionalize systems of legal aid and public defence that are accessible, sustainable and responsive to the needs of women, ensure that such services are provided in a timely, continuous and effective manner at all stages of judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings, including alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and restorative justice processes, and ensure the unhindered access of legal aid and public defence providers to all relevant documentation and other information, including witness statements;

(a) 建立可及的、可持续的和迎合妇女需要的法律援助和公设辩护制度,确保在司法或准司法程序,包括替代性争端解决机制和恢复性司法程序的各个阶段以及时、持续、有效的方式提供这些服务,并确保法律援助人和公设辩护人可无阻地获得所有相关文件和其他信息,包括证人陈述;

(b) Ensure that legal aid and public defence providers are competent and gender-sensitive, respect confidentiality and are granted adequate time to defend their clients;

(b) 确保法律援助人和公设辩护人称职和性别敏感、尊重保密规定,并且有足够时间为委托人辩护;

(c) Conduct information and awareness-raising programmes for women about the existence of legal aid and public defence services and the conditions for obtaining them using ICT effectively to facilitate such programmes;

(c) 开展信息和提高认识方案,使妇女知道法律援助和公设辩护服务的存在和获得这些服务的条件,并有效利用信息通信技术促进这些方案;

(d) Develop partnerships with competent non-governmental providers of legal aid and/or train paralegals to provide women with information and assistance in navigating judicial and quasi-judicial processes and traditional justice systems;

(d) 与适格的非政府法律援助人发展伙伴关系和/或培训律师助理,向妇女提供信息和协助她们应付司法和准司法程序及传统司法系统的要求;

(e) In cases of family conflict or when a woman lacks equal access to family income, the use of means testing to determine eligibility for legal aid and public defence services should be based on the real income or disposable assets of the woman.

(e) 在家庭发生矛盾或妇女无法平等使用家庭收入的情况下,应根据妇女的实际收入和可动用资产计算经济能力以审查获得法律援助和公设辩护服务的资格。

F. Resources

F. 资源

38. Highly qualified human resources, combined with adequate technical and financial resources, are essential to ensure the justiciability, availability, accessibility, good quality, provision of remedies for victims and accountability of justice systems.

38. 高素质人力资源与充分的技术和财政资源,是确保可诉性、可得性、可及性、优良素质、向受害人提供补救措施和司法系统的问责制所必不可少的。

39. The Committee recommends that States parties:

39. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Provide adequate budgetary and technical assistance and allocate highly qualified human resources to all parts of justice systems, including specialized judicial, quasi-judicial and administrative bodies, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, national human rights institutions and ombudsperson offices;

(a) 为司法系统各个部分,包括专设司法机构、准司法和行政机构、替代性争端解决机制、国家人权机构和监察员办公室,提供充分的预算和技术援助,分配高素质人力资源;

(b) Seek support from external sources, such as the specialized agencies of the United Nations system, the international community and civil society, when national resources are limited, while ensuring that, in the medium and long term, adequate State resources are allocated to justice systems to ensure their sustainability.

(b) 在国家资源有限的情况下,向联合国系统专门机构、国际社会和民间社会等外部来源寻求支助,但同时应确保国家向司法系统提供充分的中、长期资源,以确保系统的可持续性。

III. Recommendations for specific areas of law

三. 关于具体法律领域的建议

40. Given the diversity of institutions and judicial arrangements around the world, some elements placed under one field of law in one country may be placed elsewhere in another.

40. 由于世界各地的机构和司法安排多种多样,在一国内被归类为某个法律领域的一些元素在另一国内可能归入另一个领域。

For example, the definition of discrimination may or may not be included in the Constitution;


protection orders may appear under family law and/or under criminal law;


and asylum and refugee issues may be dealt with by administrative courts or by quasi-judicial bodies.


States parties are asked to consider the paragraphs below in that light.


A. Constitutional law

A. 宪法

41. The Committee has observed that, in practice, States parties that have adopted constitutional guarantees relating to substantive equality between men and women and incorporated international human rights law, including the Convention, into their national legal orders are better equipped to secure gender equality in access to justice.

41. 委员会注意到,在实践中,本国宪法保障男女实质平等和国内法律制度纳入国际人权法(包括《公约》)的缔约国较有能力在司法救助领域实现性别平等。

Under articles 2 (a) and 15 of the Convention, States parties are to embody the principle of the equality of men and women in their national constitutions or other appropriate legislation, including through the establishment of competent national tribunals and other public institutions, and to take measures to ensure the realization of that principle in all areas of public and private life as well as in all fields of law.


42. The Committee recommends that States parties:

42. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Provide explicit constitutional protection for formal and substantive equality and for non-discrimination in the public and private spheres, including with regard to all matters of personal status, family, marriage and inheritance law, and across all areas of law;

(a) 提供宪法保护,明确规定在公共和私人领域,包括关于人身法、家事法、婚姻法和继承法的所有事项,以及在各个法律领域实行形式平等、实质平等和不歧视;

(b) When provisions of international law do not directly apply, fully incorporate international human rights law into their constitutional and legislative frameworks in order to effectively guarantee women’s access to justice;

(b) 在国际法规定不直接适用的情况下,为有效保障妇女的司法救助权,将国际人权法全面纳入本国宪法和立法框架;

(c) Create the structures necessary to ensure the availability and accessibility of judicial review and monitoring mechanisms to oversee the implementation of all fundamental rights, including the right to substantive gender equality.

(c) 建立确保司法复核和监测机制可得性和可及性所需的结构,以监督各项基本权利,包括性别实质平等权利的落实情况。

B. Civil law

B. 民法

43. In some communities, women are unable to approach justice systems without the assistance of a male relative, and social norms hinder their ability to exercise autonomy outside the household.

43. 在一些社群,妇女如无男亲属协助就无法求助于司法系统,社会规范也影响妇女在家庭以外行使自主权的能力。

Article 15 of the Convention provides that women and men are to be equal before the law and that States parties must accord to women a legal capacity in civil matters identical to that of men and the same opportunities to exercise that capacity.


The civil law procedures and remedies to which women are to have access include those in the fields of contracts, private employment, personal injury, consumer protection, inheritance, land and property rights.


44. The Committee recommends that States parties:

44. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Eliminate all gender-based barriers to access to civil law procedures, such as requiring that women obtain permission from judicial or administrative authorities or family members before beginning legal action, or that they furnish documents relating to identity or title to property;

(a) 消除利用民法程序的所有性别障碍,如规定妇女在采取法律行动前必须先行取得司法或行政当局或家人许可,或规定妇女必须出具身份证件或产权契据;

(b) Enforce the provisions set out in article 15 (3) of the Convention that all contracts and all other private instruments of any kind with a legal effect directed at restricting the legal capacity of women shall be deemed null and void;

(b) 执行《公约》第十五条第3款的规定,即旨在限制妇女法律行为能力的所有合同和其他任何具有法律效力的私人文书,应一律视为无效;

(c) Adopt positive measures to ensure that the freedom of women to enter into contracts and other private law agreements is enforced.

(c) 采取积极措施,确保执行妇女签订合同和其他私人法律协议的自由。

C. Family law

C. 家事法

45. Inequality in the family underlies all other aspects of discrimination against women and is often justified in the name of ideology, tradition and culture.

45. 家庭内的不平等是歧视妇女问题所有其他方面的根本原因,而且往往是借意识形态、传统和文化之名而行。

The Committee has repeatedly emphasized that family laws and the mechanisms of their application must comply with the principle of equality enshrined in articles 2, 15 and 16 of the Convention.


46. The Committee recommends that States parties:

46. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Adopt written family codes or personal status laws that provide for equal access to justice between spouses or partners irrespective of their religious or ethnic identity or community, in accordance with the Convention and the Committee’s general recommendations;13

(a) 按照《公约》和委员会一般性建议制定成文家事法或人身法,规定配偶或伴侣可平等获得司法救助,不论其宗教或族裔身份或社群为何;

(b) Consider the creation, within the same institutional framework, of gender-sensitive family judicial or quasi-judicial mechanisms to deal with issues such as property settlement, land rights, inheritance, dissolution of marriage and child custody; and

(b) 考虑在同一体制框架内建立性别敏感的家事司法或准司法机制,处理财产分割协议、土地权、继承权、解散婚姻和子女监护权等问题;

(c) In settings in which there is no unified family code and in which there exist multiple family law systems, such as civil, indigenous, religious and customary law systems, ensure that personal status laws provide for individual choice as to the applicable family law at any stage of the relationship.

(c) 在没有统一的家事法和存在多个家事法系统(如民法、土著法、宗教法和习惯法系统)的情况下,确保人身法规定个人可选择在关系任何阶段适用的家事法。

State courts should review the decisions taken by all other bodies in that regard.


D. Criminal law

D. 刑法

47. Criminal laws are particularly important in ensuring that women are able to exercise their human rights, including their right to access to justice, on the basis of equality.

47. 在确保妇女能够行使其人权,包括在平等基础上获得司法救助的权利方面,刑法尤为重要。

States parties are obliged, under articles 2 and 15 of the Convention, to ensure that women have access to the protection and remedies offered through criminal law, and that they are not exposed to discrimination within the context of those mechanisms, either as victims or as perpetrators of criminal acts.


Some criminal codes or acts and/or criminal procedure codes discriminate against women by:


(a) Criminalizing forms of behaviour that are not criminalized or punished as harshly if they are performed by men;

(a) 对于某种行为,妇女行为人按刑事罪论处,男性行为人则不按刑事罪论处或从轻发落;

(b) Criminalizing forms of behaviour that can be performed only by women, such as abortion;

(b) 对于只能由妇女实施的某种行为,如人工流产,按刑事罪论处;

(c) Failing to criminalize or to act with due diligence to prevent and provide redress for crimes that disproportionately or solely affect women;

(c) 对于特别影响或仅仅影响妇女的犯罪行为,不按刑事罪论处或不尽职尽责防止这些行为和提供补救措施;

(d) Jailing women for petty offences and/or inability to pay bail in such cases.

(d) 关押犯轻罪和/或无力缴交轻罪保释金的妇女。

48. The Committee has also highlighted the fact that women suffer from discrimination in criminal cases owing to a lack of gender-sensitive, non-custodial alternatives to detention, a failure to meet the specific needs of women in detention and an absence of gender-sensitive monitoring and independent review mechanisms.

48. 委员会还着重指出,由于下列原因,妇女在刑事案件中受到歧视:缺乏替代拘留的性别敏感非羁押措施; 未能满足在押妇女的具体需求; 及缺乏性别敏感的监测和独立审查机制。

The secondary victimization of women by the criminal justice system has an impact on their access to justice, owing to their heightened vulnerability to mental and physical abuse and threats during arrest, questioning and detention.


49. Women are also disproportionately criminalized owing to their situation or status, such as being involved in prostitution, being a migrant, having been accused of adultery, identity as a lesbian, bisexual or transgender woman or intersex person, having undergone an abortion or belonging to other groups that face discrimination.

49. 妇女因处境或身份犯罪的情况也特别多,如从事卖淫,移徙者的身份,被指控通奸,女同性恋者、女双性恋者、变性妇女和两性人的身份,曾接受人工流产或属于其他受歧视群体的成员。

50. The Committee notes that many countries have critical shortages of trained police and legal and forensic staff capable of dealing with the requirements of criminal investigations.

50. 委员会注意到,许多国家严重缺乏训练有素、能够按规定进行刑事调查的警察、法务和法医人员。

51. The Committee recommends that States parties:

51. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Exercise due diligence to prevent, investigate, punish and provide reparation for all crimes committed against women, whether by State or non-State actors;

(a) 作出应尽努力,防止、调查和惩处所有侵犯妇女的犯罪行为和提供赔偿,不论行为人是国家行为体还是非国家行为体;

(b) Ensure that statutory limitations are in conformity with the interests of the victims;

(b) 确保法定时效规定符合受害人的利益;

(c) Take effective measures to protect women against secondary victimization in their interactions with law enforcement and judicial authorities, and consider establishing specialized gender units within law enforcement, penal and prosecution systems;

(c) 采取有效措施保护妇女,使其在与执法和司法当局互动过程中免受二次伤害,并考虑在执法、惩教和检察系统中专设性别单位;

(d) Take appropriate measures to create supportive environments that encourage women to claim their rights, report crimes committed against them and actively participate in criminal justice processes, and take measures to prevent retaliation against women seeking recourse in the justice system.

(d) 采取适当措施,创造扶持环境以鼓励妇女主张自身权利,举报其所遭受的犯罪行为和积极参与刑事司法程序,并采取措施防止求助于司法系统的妇女遭受打击报复。

Consultations with women’s groups and civil society organizations should be sought to develop legislation, policies and programmes in those areas;


(e) Take measures, including the adoption of legislation, to protect women from Internet crimes and misdemeanours;

(e) 采取措施,包括制定立法,以保护妇女不受各种网络犯罪之害;

(f) Refrain from conditioning the provision of support and assistance to women, including the granting of residency permits, upon cooperation with judicial authorities in cases of trafficking in human beings and organized crime;

(f) 在案件涉及贩运人口和有组织犯罪时,如果涉案妇女与司法当局合作,向她们提供的支助和援助,包括居留证的签发,不附带任何条件;

(g) Use a confidential and gender-sensitive approach to avoid stigmatization, including secondary victimization in cases of violence, during all legal proceedings, including during questioning, evidence collection and other procedures relating to the investigation;

(g) 采用保密和性别敏感的方式,以避免在任何法律程序中,包括在问讯、取证和其他相关调查程序中使妇女蒙羞,包括二次伤害暴力受害人;

(h) Review rules of evidence and their implementation, especially in cases of violence against women, and adopt measures with due regard to the fair trial rights of victims and defendants in criminal proceedings, to ensure that the evidentiary requirements are not overly restrictive, inflexible or influenced by gender stereotypes;

(h) 审查证据规则及其实施,特别是在暴力侵害妇女案件中实施规则的情况,并采取措施,适当考虑到在刑事诉讼中受害人和被告人的公平审判权,确保举证要求不致造成诸多限制、缺乏灵活性或受到性别陈规定型观念影响;

(i) Improve the criminal justice response to domestic violence, including through recording of emergency calls taking photographic evidence of destruction of property and signs of violence and considering reports from doctors or social workers, which can show how violence, even if committed without witnesses, has material effects on the physical, mental and social well-being of victims;

(i) 改进本国刑事司法机关应对家庭暴力的能力,包括对紧急求援电话进行录音,拍摄破坏财物和暴力迹象的图片证据及考虑医生和社会工作者的报告; 即使没有目击证人,这些报告也可以显示出暴力对受害人身心健康和社会福祉造成的严重影响;

(j) Take steps to guarantee that women are not subjected to undue delays in applications for protection orders and that all cases of gender-based discrimination subject to criminal law, including cases involving violence, are heard in a timely and impartial manner;

(j) 采取措施保证妇女在申请保护令时不受不当延误,并保证及时公正地审讯所有触犯刑法的性别歧视案件,包括涉及暴力的案件;

(k) Develop protocols for police and health-care providers for the collection and preservation of forensic evidence in cases of violence against women, and train sufficient numbers of police and legal and forensic staff to competently conduct criminal investigations;

(k) 为警察和医务人员制定收集和保全暴力侵害妇女案件的法医证据的程序,并培训足够的警察和法务、法医人员进行周密的刑事调查;

(l) Abolish discriminatory criminalization and review and monitor all criminal procedures to ensure that they do not directly or indirectly discriminate against women;

(l) 废除歧视性的刑事罪论处规定,并审查和监测所有刑事程序,以确保不直接或间接歧视妇女;

decriminalize forms of behaviour that are not criminalized or punished as harshly if they are performed by men;


decriminalize forms of behaviour that can be performed only by women, such as abortion;

将只能由妇女实施的某种行为非刑罪化, 如人工流产;

and act with due diligence to prevent and provide redress for crimes that disproportionately or solely affect women, whether perpetrated by State or non-State actors;


(m) Closely monitor sentencing procedures and eliminate any discrimination against women in the penalties provided for particular crimes and misdemeanours and in determining eligibility for parole or early release from detention;

(m) 密切监测量刑程序,在某些犯罪和轻罪的刑罚规定及确定有关假释或提前解除羁押的资格方面,消除对妇女的任何歧视; (n) 确保设立机制监测羁押场所,特别注意女囚犯的情况,并适用关于在押妇女处遇的国际导则和标准;

(n) Ensure that mechanisms are in place to monitor places of detention, pay special attention to the situation of women prisoners and apply international guidance and standards on the treatment of women in detention;

(o) 准确编制下列数据和统计:每个拘留所关押的妇女人数; 关押理由和时间; 是否怀孕或带有婴儿或儿童;

(o) Keep accurate data and statistics regarding the number of women in each place of detention, the reasons for and duration of their detention, whether they are pregnant or accompanied by a baby or child, their access to legal, health and social services and their eligibility for and use of available case review processes, non-custodial alternatives and training possibilities; (p) Use preventive detention as a last resort and for as short a time as possible, and avoid preventive or post-trial detention for petty offences and for the inability to pay bail in such cases.

是否使用了法律、医疗卫生和社会服务; 及利用现有的案件复核程序、非羁押替代措施和培训机会的资格和情况; (p) 预防性拘留应作为最后手段使用,拘留时间应尽可能短,并应避免对犯轻罪和无力缴交轻罪保释金的人采取预防性或审后拘留措施。

E. Administrative, social and labour law

E. 行政法、社会法和劳动法

52. In accordance with articles 2 and 15 of the Convention, the availability and accessibility of judicial and quasi-judicial mechanisms and remedies under administrative, social and labour law should be guaranteed to women on a basis of equality.

52. 《公约》第二条和第十五条规定,应保证妇女可以在平等基础上获得和使用行政、社会和劳动法规定的司法和准司法机制及补救措施。

The subject areas that tend to fall within the ambit of administrative, social and labour law, and are of particular importance for women, include health services, social security entitlements, labour relations, including equal remuneration, equality of opportunities to be hired and promoted, equality of remuneration for civil servants, housing and land zoning, grants, subsidies and scholarships, compensation funds, governance of Internet resources and policy and migration and asylum.

下列事项多属于行政、社会和劳动法范围内的问题,对妇女尤为重要:医疗卫生服务; 社会保障福利; 劳工关系,包括同工同酬;雇用和晋升机会平等; 公务员同工同酬; 住房和土地使用规划;补助金、补贴和奖学金;补偿基金; 因特网资源的治理和政策; 及移徙和庇护。

53. The Committee recommends that States parties:

53. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Ensure that independent review, carried out in accordance with international standards, is available for all decisions by administrative bodies;

(a) 确保可以要求按照国际标准对行政机关所有决定进行独立复核;

(b) Ensure that a decision rejecting an application is reasoned and that the claimant is able to appeal to a competent body against the decision, and that the implementation of any prior administrative decisions is suspended pending further judicial review.

(b) 确保驳回申请的决定说明理由,申诉人能够就该决定向一主管机构提出上诉,在作出进一步司法复核之前中止执行任何先前行政决定。

This is of particular importance in the area of asylum and migration law, where appellants may be deported before having the chance to have their cases heard;


(c) Use administrative detention only exceptionally, as a last resort, for a limited time, when necessary and reasonable in the individual case, proportionate to a legitimate purpose and in accordance with national law and international standards;

(c) 只在根据案情确有必要和合理的特殊情况下,作为最后手段,按照国家法律和国际标准的规定,为合法目的相称地短暂使用行政拘留;

ensure that all appropriate measures, including effective legal aid and procedures, are in place to enable women to challenge the legality of their detention;


ensure regular reviews of such detention in the presence of the detainee;


and ensure that the conditions of administrative detention comply with relevant international standards for the protection of the rights of women deprived of their liberty.


IV. Recommendations for specific mechanisms

四. 关于具体机制的建议

A. Specialized judicial/quasi-judicial systems and international/ regional justice systems

A. 专门司法/准司法系统与国际/区域司法系统

54. Other specialized judicial and quasi-judicial mechanisms, including labour, land claims, electoral and military courts, inspectorates and administrative bodies, E/CN.4/2006/58 also have obligations to comply with international standards of independence, impartiality and efficiency and the provisions of international human rights law, including articles 2, 5 (a) and 15 of the Convention.

54. 其他专门司法和准司法机制,包括劳动法庭、土地所有权法庭、选举和军事法庭、检查机构和行政机构,也有义务遵守关于独立性、公正性和效率的国际标准及国际人权法的规定,包括《公约》第二条、第五条(a)项和第十五条的规定。

55. Transitional and post-conflict situations may result in increased challenges for women seeking to assert their right to access to justice.

55. 过渡和冲突后局势可能使寻求行使司法救助权的妇女面对更多的挑战。

In its general recommendation No. 30, the Committee highlighted the specific obligations of States parties in connection with access to justice for women in such situations.


56. The Committee recommends that States parties:

56. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Take all appropriate steps to ensure that all specialized judicial and quasi-judicial mechanisms are available and accessible to women and exercise their mandates under the same requirements as the regular courts;

(a) 采取一切适当步骤,确保妇女可以和有机会使用所有专门司法和准司法机制,并确保这些机制按照与普通法院相同的规定履行任务;

(b) Provide for independent monitoring and review of the decisions of specialized judicial and quasi-judicial mechanisms;

(b) 规定对专门司法和准司法机制的裁判进行独立监测和复核;

(c) Put in place programmes, policies and strategies to facilitate and guarantee the equal participation of women at all levels in those specialized judicial and quasi-judicial mechanisms;

(c) 实施方案、政策和战略以促使和保证妇女得以在各级平等参与这些专门司法和准司法机制;

(d) Implement the recommendations on women’s access to justice in transitional and post-conflict situations that are set out in paragraph 81 of general recommendation No. 30, taking a comprehensive, inclusive and participatory approach to transitional justice mechanisms;

(d) 落实第30号一般性建议第81段所载,关于妇女在过渡和冲突后局势中获得司法救助的建议,并对过渡司法机制采取综合、包容和参与性办法;

(e) Ensure the national implementation of international instruments and decisions of international and regional justice systems relating to women’s rights, and establish monitoring mechanisms for the implementation of international law.

(e) 确保本国执行有关妇女权利的际文书及国际和区域司法系统决定,并建立监测国际法实施情况的机制。

B. Alternative dispute resolution processes

B. 替代性争端解决程序

57. Many jurisdictions have adopted mandatory or optional systems for mediation, conciliation, arbitration and collaborative resolutions of disputes, as well as for facilitation and interest-based negotiations.

57. 许多司法辖区采用下列强制或任择制度:调解、和解、仲裁、合作解决争端、调停和利益本位谈判。

This applies, in particular, in the areas of family law, domestic violence, juvenile justice and labour law.


Alternative dispute resolution processes are sometimes referred to as informal justice, which are linked to, but function outside of, formal court litigation processes.


Informal alternative dispute resolution processes also include non-formal indigenous courts and chieftancy-based alternative dispute resolution, where chiefs and other community leaders resolve interpersonal disputes, including divorce, child custody and land disputes.


While such processes may provide greater flexibility and reduce costs and delays for women seeking justice, they may also lead to further violations of their rights and impunity for perpetrators because they often operate on the basis of patriarchal values, thereby having a negative impact on women’s access to judicial review and remedies.


58. The Committee recommends that States parties:

58. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Inform women of their rights to use mediation, conciliation, arbitration and collaborative dispute resolution;

(a) 告知妇女其使用调解、和解、仲裁和合作解决争端办法的权利;

(b) Guarantee that alternative dispute settlement procedures do not restrict access by women to judicial or other remedies in any area of the law and do not lead to further violations of their rights;

(b) 保证替代性争端解决程序不限制妇女在任何法律领域寻求司法或其他补救措施,并且不会导致进一步侵犯其权利

(c) Ensure that cases of violence against women, including domestic violence, are under no circumstances referred to any alternative dispute resolution procedure.

(c) 确保在任何情况下不得将暴力侵害妇女案件,包括家庭暴力案件,移送任何替代性争端解决程序处理。

C. National human rights institutions and ombudsperson offices

C. 国家人权机构和监察员办公室

59. The development of national human rights institutions and ombudsperson offices may open up further possibilities for women to gain access to justice.

59. 建立国家人权机构和监察员办公室可能增加妇女获得司法救助的机会。

60. The Committee recommends that States parties:

60. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Take steps:

(a) 采取步骤:

(i) To provide adequate resources for the creation and sustainable operation of independent national human rights institutions, in accordance with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (the Paris Principles);

㈠ 提供充分资源,按照促进和保护人权国家机构地位原则(《巴黎原则》)设立可持续运作的独立国家人权机构;

(ii) To ensure that the composition and activities of those institutions are gender-sensitive;

㈡ 确保这些机构的组成和活动对性别问题敏感;

(b) Provide national human rights institutions with a broad mandate and the authority to consider complaints regarding women’s human rights;

(b) 给予国家人权机构广泛的任务规定并授权处理关于妇女人权的申诉;

(c) Facilitate women’s access to individual petition processes within ombudsperson offices and national human rights institutions on a basis of equality and provide the possibility for women to lodge claims involving multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination;

(c) 便利妇女平等地利用监察员办公室和国家人权机构的个人申诉程序,并提供办法使妇女能够就多重和交叉形式歧视提出主张;

and (d) Provide national human rights institutions and ombudsperson offices with adequate resources and support to conduct research.

(d) 向国家人权机构和监察员办公室提供充分资源和支持以开展研究活动。

D. Plural justice systems

D. 多元司法系统

61. The Committee notes that State laws, regulations, procedures and decisions can sometimes coexist, within a given State party, with religious, customary, indigenous or community laws and practices.

61. 委员会指出,在某一缔约国内,国家法律、法规、程序和决定与宗教、习惯、土著或社群法律和实践并存。

This results in the existence of plural justice systems.


There are, therefore, multiple sources of law that may be formally recognized as part of the national legal order or operate without an explicit legal basis.


States parties have obligations under articles 2, 5 (a) and 15 of the Convention and under other international human rights instruments to ensure that women’s rights are equally respected and that women are protected against violations of their human rights by all components of plural justice systems.


62. The presence of plural justice systems can, in itself, limit women’s access to justice by perpetuating and reinforcing discriminatory social norms.

62. 多元司法系统的存在本身可能对妇女获得司法救助造成限制,因为它延续和助长了歧视性社会规范。

In many contexts, the availability of multiple avenues for gaining access to justice within plural justice systems notwithstanding, women are unable to effectively exercise a choice of forum.


The Committee has observed that, in some States parties in which systems of family and/or personal law based on customs, religion or community norms coexist alongside civil law systems, individual women may not be as familiar with both systems or at liberty to decide which regime applies to them.


63. The Committee has observed a range of models through which practices embedded in plural justice systems can be harmonized with the Convention in order to minimize conflicts of laws and guarantee that women have access to justice.

63. 委员会注意到,有许多模式可用以使多元司法系统内的做法与《公约》相协调,以期尽可能减少法律冲突和保障妇女司法救助权。

They include the adoption of legislation that clearly defines the relationship between existing plural justice systems, the creation of State review mechanisms and the formal recognition and codification of religious, customary, indigenous, community and other systems.


Joint efforts by States parties and non-State actors will be necessary to examine ways in which plural justice systems can work together to reinforce protection for women’s rights.


64. The Committee recommends that, in cooperation with non-State actors, States parties:

64. 委员会建议缔约国与非国家行为体合作:

(a) Take immediate steps, including capacity-building and training programmes on the Convention and women’s rights, for justice system personnel, to ensure that religious, customary, indigenous and community justice systems harmonize their norms, procedures and practices with the human rights standards enshrined in the Convention and other international human rights instruments;

(a) 立即采取措施,包括为司法系统人员制定关于《公约》和妇女权利的能力建设和培训方案,确保宗教、习惯、土著和社群司法系统的规范、程序和实践与《公约》和其他国际人权文书所载的人权标准相协调;

(b) Enact legislation to regulate the relationships between the mechanisms within plural justice systems in order to reduce the potential for conflict;

(b) 立法调整多元司法制度内各机制之间的关系以减少潜在冲突;

(c) Provide safeguards against violations of women’s human rights by enabling review by State courts or administrative bodies of the activities of all components of plural justice systems, with special attention to village courts and traditional courts;

(c) 为防止侵犯妇女人权制定保障措施,规定国家法院或行政机构有权审查多元司法系统各个组成部分的活动,特别是农村法庭和传统法庭的活动;

(d) Ensure that women have a real and informed choice concerning the applicable law and the judicial forum within which they would prefer their claims to be heard;

(d) 确保妇女可以作出真正和明智的选择,决定适用的法律和自行选定审理其主张的法庭;

(e) Ensure the availability of legal aid services for women to enable them to claim their rights within the various plural justice systems by engaging qualified local support staff to provide that assistance;

(e) 确保妇女可利用法律援助服务,使她们能够通过聘请合格的本地支助人员提供法律援助,在各多元司法系统内主张自己的权利;

(f) Ensure the equal participation of women at all levels in the bodies established to monitor, evaluate and report on the operations of plural justice systems;

(f) 确保妇女在各级平等参与为监测、评价和报告多元司法系统运作情况而设的机构;

(g) Foster constructive dialogue and formalize links between plural justice systems, including through the adoption of procedures for sharing information among them.

(g) 促进多元司法系统之间的建设性对话和正式联系,包括制定信息共享程序。

V. Withdrawal of reservations to the Convention

. 撤回对《公约》的保留

65. Many countries have made reservations to:

65. 许多国家对下列条款作出保留:

(a) Article 2 (c), which indicates that States parties undertake to establish legal protection of the rights of women on an equal basis with men and to ensure, through competent national tribunals and other public institutions, the effective protection of women against any act of discrimination;

(a) 第二条(c)项:缔约国承担为妇女与男子平等的权利确立法律保护,通过各国的主管法庭及其他公共机构,保证切实保护妇女不受任何歧视;

(b) Article 5 (a), which indicates that States parties shall take all appropriate measures to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women, with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudices and customary and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either sex or on stereotyped roles for men and women;

(b) 第五条(a)项:缔约国应采取一切适当措施改变男女的社会和文化行为模式,以消除基于性别而分尊卑观念或基于男女定型任务的偏见、习俗和一切其他做法;

(c) Article 15, which indicates that States parties shall accord to women a legal capacity in civil matters identical to that of men and the same opportunities to exercise that capacity, and that they shall give women equal rights to conclude contracts and to administer property and shall treat them equally in all stages of procedure in courts and tribunals;

(c) 第十五条第2款:缔约国应在公民事务上,给予妇女与男子同等的法律行为能力,以及行使这种行为能力的相同机会; 并应给予妇女签订合同和管理财产的平等权利,及在法院和法庭诉讼的各个阶段给予平等待遇;

(d) Article 16, which indicates that States parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in all matters relating to marriage and family relations.

(d) 第十六条:缔约各国应采取一切适当措施,消除在有关婚姻和家庭关系的一切事项上对妇女的歧视。

66. In view of the fundamental importance of women’s access to justice, the Committee recommends that States parties withdraw their reservations to the Convention, in particular to articles 2 (c), 5 (a), 15 and 16.

66. 鉴于妇女获得司法救助的根本重要性,委员会建议缔约国撤回其对《公约》的保留,特别是对第二条(c)项、第五条(a)项、第十五条和第十六条的保留。

VI. Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention

. 《公约任择议定书》的批准

67. The Optional Protocol to the Convention creates an additional international legal mechanism to enable women to bring complaints in relation to alleged violations of the rights set forth in the Convention and to enable the Committee to conduct inquiries into alleged grave or systematic violations of the rights set forth in the Convention, thereby reinforcing women’s right to access to justice.

67. 《公约任择议定书》增设了一个国际法律机制,使妇女能够就指称的侵犯《公约》规定权利行为提出申诉,并使委员会能够对指称的严重或系统侵犯《公约》规定权利行为进行调查,从而加强妇女的司法救助权。

Through its decisions on individual communications issued under the Optional Protocol, the Committee has produced noteworthy jurisprudence in relation to women’s access to justice, including in relation to violence against women, women in detention, health and employment.

通过根据《任择议定书》对个人来文作出的决定,委员会树立了一些关于妇女获得司法救助,包括有关暴力侵害妇女、 在押妇女、 健康 和就业 的显著判例。

68. The Committee recommends that States parties:

68. 委员会建议缔约国:

(a) Ratify the Optional Protocol;

(a) 批准《任择议定书》;

(b) Conduct and encourage the creation and dissemination of outreach and educational programmes, resources and activities, in various languages and formats, to inform women, civil society organizations and institutions of the procedures available for furthering women’s access to justice through the Optional Protocol.

(b) 采取行动并鼓励以各种语文和形式制作和传播外联和教育方案、资源和活动,向妇女、民间社会组织和机构宣传可通过《任择议定书》促进妇女司法救助的程序。

1 See, for example, articles 7 and 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, articles 2 and 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and articles 2 (2) and 3 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. At the regional level, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (European Convention on Human Rights), the American Convention on Human Rights and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights all contain relevant provisions.

1 例见《世界人权宣言》第7条和第8条、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第2条和第14条和《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》第2(2)条和第3条。在区域 一级,《保护人权与基本自由公约》(《欧洲人权公约》)、《美洲人权公约》和《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》均载有相关规定。

2 See paragraph 18 of general recommendation No. 28.

2 见第28号一般性建议第18段。

3 See, for example, the concluding observations on the Bahamas (, para. 25 (d)), Costa Rica (, paras. 40-41), Fiji (, paras. 24-25), Kyrgyzstan (, part one, paras. 127-128), the Republic of Korea (, paras. 19-20, and , para. 23 (d)) and Uganda (, paras. 43-44).

3 例见关于下列各国的结论意见:巴哈马(CEDAW/C/BHS/CO/1-5,第25(d))、哥斯达黎加(CEDAW/C/CRI/CO/5-6,第 40-41)、斐济(CEDAW/C/FJI/CO/4,第24-25)、吉尔吉斯斯坦(A/54/38/Rev.1,第一部分,第127-128 )、大韩民国(CEDAW/C/KOR/CO/6,19-20段及CEDAW/C/KOR/CO/7,第23(d))和乌干达(CEDAW/C /UGA/CO/7,43-44)

4 See, in particular, general recommendations Nos. 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29 and 30.

4 特别见第1921232426272930号一般性建议。

5 See the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 40/32.

5 见大会第40/32号决议赞同的《关于司法机关独立的基本原则》。

6 See, for example, the United Nations indicators on violence against women (see ) and the progress indicators for measuring the implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women (Convention of Belém do Pará), adopted on 21 May 2013.

6 例见关于暴力侵害妇女行为的联合国衡量指标(E/CN.3/2009/13),及2013521日通过的《美洲防止、惩罚和根除暴力侵害妇女行为公约》(《贝伦杜帕拉公约》)执行进度衡量指标。

7 International guidance and best practices in the protection of victims and their families from intimidation, retaliation and repeat victimization should be followed.

7 应采用保护受害人及其家人使其免遭恐吓、报复和再次受害的国际导则和最佳做法。

See, for example, article 56 of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.


8 See paragraph 32 of general recommendation No. 28 which indicates that “such remedies should include different forms of reparation, such as monetary compensation, restitution, rehabilitation, and reinstatement;

8 见第28号一般性建议第32段:这类补救办法应包括不同形式的赔偿,如金钱赔偿、恢复原状、康复和复职;

measures of satisfaction, such as public apologies, public memorials and guarantees of non-repetition;


changes in relevant laws and practices;


and bringing to justice the perpetrators of violations of human rights of women”.


9 See the Nairobi Declaration on Women’s and Girls’ Right to a Remedy and Reparation.

9 见《关于妇女和女童获得补救与赔偿权利的内罗毕宣言》。

10 See also .

10 另见A/HRC/14/22

11 In paragraph 7, it was stated that article 2 of the Convention should be read in conjunction with articles 3, 4, 5 and 24 and in the light of the definition of discrimination contained in article 1.

11 7段指出,《公约》第二条应结合第三、四、五条和第二十四条,并参照第一条所载歧视定义解读。

12 United Nations Principles and Guidelines on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems, guideline 1 (f): “If the means test is calculated on the basis of the household income of a family, but individual family members are in conflict with each other or do not have equal access to the family income, only the income of the person applying for legal aid is used for the purpose of the means test.”

12 《联合国关于在刑事司法系统中获得法律援助机会的原则和准则》,准则1(f)如果经济能力审查法所作计算是根据一个家庭的家庭收入,但家庭各个成员互有冲突或无法平等使用家庭收入,则就经济能力审查法的目的而言,仅使用法律援助申请人的收入。

13 See, in particular, general recommendation No. 29 on article 16 of the Convention (economic consequences of marriage, family relations and their dissolution).

13 尤其见关于《公约》第十六条的第29号一般性建议(婚姻、家庭关系及其解除的经济后果)

14 Communication No. 23/2009, Abramova v. Belarus, views adopted on 25 July 2011;

14 23/2009号来文,Abramova 诉白俄罗斯,2011927日通过的意见;

see also the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules), adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 65/229.


15 See Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.10.XIV.1).

15 见《人权与贩运人口问题的建议原则和准则》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.10.XIV.1)

16 See the Bangkok Rules and also the Guidelines on Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime, adopted by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 2005/20.

16 见《曼谷规则》以及经济及社会理事会第2005/20号决议通过的《儿童被害人和证人刑事司法事项导则》。

17 See general recommendation No. 32 on gender-related dimensions of refugee status, asylum, nationality and statelessness of women.

17 见关于妇女的难民地位、庇护、国籍和无国籍状态与性别相关方面的第32号一般性建议。

18 Depending on the country, the fields are covered by general or specialized justice systems.

18 各国做法不一,这些领域可以在一般或专门司法系统之下。

19 With regard to women’s access to justice, relevant conventions of the International Labour Organization conventions include the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81), the Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 97), the Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention, 1969 (No. 129), the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), and the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189).

19 关于妇女获得司法救助的问题,相关的劳工组织公约包括:《1947年劳动监察公约》(81); 《1949年移徙就业公约》(修订)(97); 《1969(农业)劳动监察公约》(129);《1989年土著和部落人民公约》(169); 以及《2011年家庭工人公约》(189)

20 See the draft principles governing the administration of justice through military tribunals (see ).

20 见军事法庭司法工作指导原则草案(E/CN.4/2006/58)

21 See, in particular, general recommendation No. 29.

21 尤其见第29号一般性建议。

23 See communication No. 19/2008, Kell v. Canada, views adopted on 28 February 2012;

23 见第19/2008号来文,Kell 诉加拿大,2012228日通过的意见;

communication No. 20/2008, V.K. v. Bulgaria, views adopted on 25 July 2011;

20/2008号来文,V.K. 诉保加利亚,2011725日通过的意见;

communication No. 18/2008, Vertido v. the Philippines, views adopted on 16 July 2010;


communication No. 6/2005, Yildirim v. Austria, views adopted on 6 August 2007;


communication No. 5/2005, Goekce v. Austria, views adopted on 6 August 2007;


and communication No. 2/2003, A.T. v. Hungary, views adopted on 26 January 2005.

及第2/2003号来文,A.T. 诉匈牙利,2005126日通过的意见。

24 See communication No. 23/2009, Abramova v. Belarus, views adopted on 25 July 2011.

24 见第23/2009号来文,Abramova诉白俄罗斯,2011725日通过的意见。

25 See communication No. 17/2008, Teixeira v. Brazil, views adopted on 25 July 2011.

25 见第17/2008号来文,Teixeira诉巴西,2011725日通过的意见。

26 See communication No. 28/2010, R.K.B. v. Turkey, views adopted on 24 February 2012.

26 见第28 /2010号来文,R.K.B.诉土耳其,2012224日通过的意见。