CEDAW/GC/36 1719774E.docx (English)

CEDAW/GC/36 1719774C.docx (Chinese)





United Nations




Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women


Distr.: General

Distr.: General

27 November 2017

27 November 2017

Original: English

Chinese Original: English

17-19774 (E) 220118

17-19774 (C) 261217 230118

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women


General recommendation No. 36 (2017) on the right of girls and women to education


I. Introduction

. 导言

1. Education plays a pivotal, transformative and empowering role in promoting human rights values and is recognized as the pathway to gender equality and the empowerment of women. {§1}

1. 教育在推广人权价值观方面发挥了关键的推动变革和增强能力的作用,被认为是实现性别平等和增强妇女权能的途径。{§1}

It is also an essential tool for personal development and for the development of an empowered workforce and citizenry that can contribute to civic responsibility and national development.


In the United Nations Millennium Declaration, the General Assembly resolved to ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere would be able to complete a full course of primary schooling and that girls and boys would have equal access to all levels of education (resolution 55/2).


2. Despite important progress, that goal was not achieved.

2. 这一目标尽管取得了重大进展,但尚未实现。

The education of girls and women is considered to be one of the most effective investments for sustainable and inclusive development; however, in 2012, 32 million girls of primary school age around the world were out of school, representing 53 per cent of all out-of-school children, as were 31.6 million adolescent girls (50.2 per cent) of lower secondary school age. {§2}

女童和妇女的教育被认为是实现可持续和包容性发展最有效的投资之一,但是全世界2012年有3 200万小学适龄女童失学,占所有失学儿童的53%,另有3 160万初中年龄青春期少女(50.2%)失学。{§2}

Even where educational opportunities are available, inequalities persist, preventing women and girls from fully taking advantage of such opportunities.


In September 2013, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) reported {§3} that 773.5 million adults (15 years of age or older) worldwide were illiterate, and 61.3 per cent of them were women, while among youth (15 to 24 years of age) 125.2 million were illiterate, with women and girls representing 61.3 per cent of that population.

联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)20139月报告称 {§3} ,世界上有7.735亿成年人(15岁以上)是文盲,其中妇女占61.3%,而青年人(15岁至24)1.252亿,其中女性占61.3%

Girls and women are disproportionately discriminated against during the schooling process in terms of access, retention, completion, treatment and learning outcomes, as well as in career choices, resulting in disadvantage beyond schooling and the school environment.


3. The need to ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning is a priority of Sustainable Development Goal 4, as contained in General Assembly resolution 70/1, adopted with a view to transforming the world by 2030.

3. 需要确保全民接受全纳和优质教育并促进终生学习,这是由192位世界领导人中189位所通过的2015年后可持续发展目标(大会第70/1号决议)中目标4的优先事项,旨在到2030年改变世界。

Two critical education targets to be met are ensuring that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes; and eliminating gender disparities in education and ensuring equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations.

需要实现的两项关键的教育方面的具体目标是:(a) 确保所有男女儿童完成免费、公平和优质的中小学教育,并取得相关和有效的学习成果;(b) 消除教育中的性别差距,确保残疾人、土著居民和处境脆弱儿童等弱势群体平等获得各级教育和职业培训。

In the Education 2030 Framework for Action, adopted on 4 November 2015 by the General Conference of UNESCO, and considered by the global education community as complementary to the Sustainable Development Goals, it is acknowledged that gender equality is inextricably linked to the right to education for all and that its achievement requires taking a rights-based approach, in order to ensure that all learners not only gain access to and complete education cycles, but are empowered equally in and through education.

因此,全球教育界201511月配合可持续发展目标议程商定的《2030年教育行动框架》承认性别平等与全民教育的权利有着密不可分的联系,实现该目标需要采取基于权利的方法。 该方法确保男女学生不仅获得和完成教育周期,而且在教育过程中和通过教育获得相同的权能。

4. However, certain factors disproportionately prevent girls and women from claiming and enjoying their basic human right to education.

4. 然而,某些因素过分阻碍女童和妇女要求和享有受教育的基本人权。

Such factors include barriers to access for girls and women from disadvantaged and marginalized groups, exacerbated by poverty and economic crises, gender stereotyping in curricula, textbooks and teaching processes, violence against girls and women in and out of school and structural and ideological restrictions to their engagement in male-dominated academic and vocational fields.


5. The gap between the legal recognition of the right of girls and women to education remains critical, and the effective implementation of that right calls for further guidance and action on article 10 of the Convention, as set out below.

5. 法律上承认女童和妇女受教育权与现实之间仍然存在很大差距。 如本一般性建议指出,有效落实该权利需要进一步就《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第10条提供指导和采取行动。

The recommendations herein are grounded in existing jurisprudence under the Convention, including the Committee’s concluding observations and existing general recommendations, and information obtained from submissions received and oral presentations made by States parties and a wide range of stakeholders, including non-governmental and civil society organizations and academics, at a preliminary half-day consultation hosted by the Committee in July 2014.{§4}

本一般性建议及其建议的制定立足于《公约》现有判例,基于结论性意见和现有一般性建议,以及缔约国和包括非政府和民间社会组织以及学术界在内的一系列广泛的利益攸关方在消除对妇女歧视委员会20147月主办的半日初步协商中所提交呈文和口头介绍中的信息。 {§4}

II. Justiciability of the right to education

. 受教育权的可诉性

6. Since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the General Assembly in December 1948, education has been acknowledged as a basic human right.

6. 自联合国大会194812月通过《世界人权宣言》以来,教育被确认为一项基本人权。

Subsequently, several international, regional and national instruments and court decisions{§5} have established that the right is justiciable and consequently enforceable in law.

随后,若干国际、区域和国家文书和法院裁决{§5} 确定,该项权利具有可诉性,所以在法律上可强制执行。

Those instruments therefore provide that protection from discrimination in the field of education is an underlying and basic principle of human rights law.


7. Therefore, in line with the Committee’s general recommendation No. 33 (2015) on women’s access to justice, all States parties have an obligation to protect girls and women from any form of discrimination that denies them access to all levels of education and to ensure that, where that occurs, they have recourse to avenues of justice.

7. 因此,根据该委员会关于妇女获得司法救助的第33号一般性建议,所有缔约国都有义务保护女童和妇女不受剥夺她们接受各级教育机会的任何形式的歧视,并有义务确保她们在发生这种情况时有诉诸司法的途径。

III. Right to education: existing normative framework

. 受教育权:现有规范框架

8. In addition to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the right to education is enshrined in a number of international and regional{§6} legally binding instruments.

8. 除了《世界人权宣言》,多项具有法律约束力的国际和区域文书{§6} 载入受教育权。

States parties, therefore, have an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil the right to education, which must be justiciable in national legal systems.


9. As a human right, education enhances the enjoyment of other human rights and freedoms, yields significant development benefits, facilitates gender equality and promotes peace.

9. 作为一项人权,教育有助于享有其他人权和自由、实现重大的发展惠益、促进性别平等和促进和平。

It also reduces poverty, boosts economic growth and increases income, increases the chances of having a healthy life, reduces child marriage and maternal deaths and provides individuals with the tools to combat diseases.


10. Although it is recognized internationally, including by UNESCO, that education can be progressively implemented according to available resources, the aspects of national law that constitute the core of the right to education must be immediately implemented, including ensuring the right of access to public educational institutions and programmes on a non-discriminatory basis, ensuring that education conforms to the objectives set out in international standards, providing primary education for all, adopting and implementing a national educational strategy that includes the provision of fundamental, secondary and higher education and ensuring free choice of education, without interference from the State or third parties, subject to conformity with minimum educational standards.{§7}

10. 虽然国际上,包括教科文组织,承认教育可以根据现有资源逐步实施,但是必须立即执行构成受教育权核心的国家法律,包括确保在不受歧视的情况使用公共教育机 构和方案的权利;确保教育符合国际标准设定的目标;普及小学教育;通过并执行一项包括提供基础、中等和高等教育的国家教育战略;确保自由选择受教育的机 会,不受国家或第三方干涉,但须符合最低教育标准。 错误!超链接引用无效。{§7}

11. International legally binding instruments on the right to education include the following: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (article 13); International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (article 5); International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (article 30); Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (article 24); Convention on the Rights of the Child (article 28); International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport of UNESCO (article 1); and Convention on Technical and Vocational Education of UNESCO.

11. 国际上关于受教育权具有法律约束力的文件包括:《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》(13)、《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》(5)、《保护所有 移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》(30)、《残疾人权利公约》(24)、《儿童权利公约》(28)、教科文组织《国际体育教育、体育活动 和体育运动宪章》(1)以及《技术和职业教育公约》。

12. Non-binding political commitments and global strategies reiterate the responsibilities of Governments in recognizing education as a catalyst for accelerating national development and social transformation. States are called upon to take strategic action in confronting inequalities and inadequacies in the access of girls and women to education and training.

12. 不具约束力的政治承诺和全球战略重申各国政府有责任承认教育是加快国家发展和社会变革的催化剂,并呼吁各国采取战略行动,以应对女童和妇女在获得教育和培训方面的不平等和欠缺。

They include the following: Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, 1994; Beijing Platform for Action, 1995; World Declaration on Education for All, 1990; Dakar Framework for Action, 2000; Millennium Development Goals. 2000; and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 2015, which includes the Sustainable Development Goals and targets aimed at the elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls.

这 些承诺和战略包括:1994年开罗国际人口与发展会议、《1995年北京行动纲要》、1990年在泰国吉姆田确立并于2000年在达喀尔重申的全民教育目 标和2000年确立的千年发展目标,以及最近2015年通过的2030年可持续发展议程目标,其中包括旨在消除一切形式对所有妇女和女童歧视的目标和具体 目标。

IV. Scope of the general recommendation: the tripartite human rights framework

. 一般性建议的范围:三方的人权框架

13. Education that empowers girls and women equips them with capacities to claim and exercise broader socioeconomic, cultural and political rights, on an equal basis with boys and men in their societies.

13. 增强女童和妇女权能的教育使她们能够在社会上与男童和男人平等地要求和行使更广泛的社会经济、文化和政治方面的权利。

To achieve gender equality all aspects of the education system, laws and policies, educational content, pedagogies and learning environments should be gender sensitive, responsive to the needs of girls and women and transformative for all.


14. The present general recommendation is grounded in a human rights framework for education, which is focused on three dimensions. The first is the right of access to education; the second, rights within education; and the third, the instrumentalization of education for the enjoyment of all human rights through education.

14. 本一般性建议立足于关于教育的人权框架,重点包括三个层面:首先是受教育权;其次是教育范围内各项权利;第三是通过教育实现的权利。

The tripartite framework largely reflects the rights set out by the Special Rapporteur on the right to education in the framework on governmental obligations on school accessibility, availability, acceptability and adaptability{§8} and referred to below.

本三重框架很大程度上反映了下文各段所指的无障碍环境、可获取性、可接受性和可调试性框架{§8} 中这四项内容所列的权利。

15. The right of access to education involves participation and is reflected in the extent to which girls and boys and women and men are equally represented and the extent to which there is adequate infrastructure at the various levels to accommodate the respective age cohorts.

15. 受教育权涉及参与问题,反映在女童和男童以及妇女和男子平等参与的程度,以及各级有足够的基础设施满足各年龄段的程度。

Attendance, retention in school and transition from one level to another are indicators of the degree to which the right of access to education is respected.


16. Rights within education extend beyond numerical equality and are aimed at promoting substantive gender equality in education.

16. 教育范围内各项权利超出了数字上的平等,旨在促进教育中实质性的性别平等。

They concern equality of treatment and opportunity, as well as the nature of gender relations between female and male students and teachers in educational settings.


The equality dimension is particularly important, given that society shapes and reproduces gender-based inequalities through social institutions, and educational institutions are critical players in that regard.


Instead of challenging entrenched discriminatory gender norms and practices, in many societies, gender stereotypes are reinforced through schooling and it maintains the gender order of society, expressed through the reproduction of the female/male and subordination/domination hierarchies and the reproductive/productive and private/public dichotomies.


17. Rights through education define the ways in which schooling shapes rights and gender equality in aspects of life outside the sphere of education.

17. 通过教育实现的权利界定了学校教育在教育领域外的生活各方面塑造权利和性别平等的方式。

The absence of such a right is particularly evident when education, which should be transformational, fails to significantly advance the position of women in the social, cultural, political and economic fields, thereby denying their full enjoyment of rights in those arenas.


A central concern is whether certification carries the same value and social currency for women as for men.


Global trends show that, in many instances, even where the educational attainment of males is lower than that of females, males occupy better positions in those arenas.


18. The present general recommendation is aimed at ensuring that regional disparities and within-country inequalities based on the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination that prevent girls and women from enjoying rights to, within and through education are addressed and ultimately eliminated.

18. 本一般性建议旨在确保妨碍女童和妇女享有教育权、教育范围内各项权利和通过教育实现的权利、基于多种相互交叉歧视的区域差距和国家内部的不平等现象得到应对并最终消除。

The present general recommendation expands upon article 10 of the Convention and links it with all other articles and the relevant existing general recommendations to establish the correlation between the right to education and the enjoyment of other rights enshrined in the Convention.


19. The target users of the present general recommendation include: all State officials tasked with the formulation and implementation of legal and policy decisions pertaining to public and private education at all levels; academia and researchers; student, teacher and parent associations; government agencies and non-governmental organizations engaged in girls’ and women’s education; traditional and faith-based organizations; the media; and corporate organizations and trade unions.

19. 本一般性建议的目标用户包括:负责制定并执行与各级公共和私立教育相关的法律和政策性决定的所有国家官员;学术界和研究员;学生、教师和家长协会;国会议员、参与女童和妇女教育的非政府组织;传统和宗教组织;大众媒体;企业组织和工会。

V. Addressing gender-based discrimination in education

. 应对教育中的性别歧视

20. The Convention is the international bill of rights for women and serves as binding international law for the 189 States that have ratified it as at June 2017.

20. 《公约》是国际妇女民权法典,并对截至20176月批准该公约的189个国家而言是具有约束力的国际法。

Article 10 addresses women’s and girls’ legal right to education; States parties are to take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in order to ensure them equal rights with men in the field of education and thereby to eliminate discrimination against women in education throughout the life cycle and at all levels of education.

10条针对妇女和女童受教育的合法权利,呼吁各缔约国采取一切适当措施消除对妇女的歧视,从而保证妇女在教育方面享有与男子平等的权利。 因此,《公约》要求缔约国在整个生命周期以及在各级教育中消除在教育方面对妇女的歧视。

To meet the criterion of non-discrimination, education must be accessible, in both law and practice, to all girls and women, including those belonging to disadvantaged and marginalized groups, without discrimination on any prohibited ground.


21. Article 1 of the Convention defines discrimination as any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.

21. 《公约》第1条把歧视界定为基于性别而作的任何区别、排斥或限制,其影响或其目的均足以妨碍或否认妇女不论已婚或未婚在男女平等的基础上认识、享有或行使在政治、经济、社会、文化、公民或任何其他方面的人权和基本自由。

States parties are required therefore to ensure not only that education is recognized as a human right but also that appropriate conditions are created for that right to be fully and freely enjoyed and exercised by girls and women.


22. In specifying situations and requirements by which States parties must ensure the realization of the right for men and women, and their enjoyment of that right, on an equal basis, article 2 of the Convention reaffirms both negative and positive obligations.

22. 《公约》第2条通过具体说明各缔约国必须确保男子和妇女在平等的基础上实现和享受权利的情况和要求,重申了消极义务和积极义务。

Its core is the prohibition of discrimination, which implies that States parties must refrain from interfering, directly or indirectly, with the full enjoyment by girls and women of their right to education — the obligation to respect.

《公约》的核心是禁止歧视。 这意味着缔约国必须避免直接或间接地干涉女童和妇女充分享有受教育权,即尊重的义务。

Similarly, States parties must take positive steps to meet their obligation to fulfil, by ensuring rights to, within and through education for the full development of the potential of girls and women on an equal basis with men.


23. The gains in numerical equality that girls and women have made in the field of education in some regions of the world conceal the continuing discrimination that they face in spite of the existence of formal legal and policy frameworks intended to promote de facto equality.

23. 尽管存在旨在促进事实上平等的正式法律和政策框架,但是在世界某些地区女童和妇女在教育领域数字上的进步掩盖了她们持续面临的歧视。

The protections of equality contained in formal instruments are effective only if those instruments are enforced, in line with provisions set out in articles 1 and 2 of the Convention.


24. The Committee recommends that States parties institute the following measures to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of girls and women to, within and through education:

24. 委员会建议缔约国采取以下措施,尊重、保护和实现女童和妇女接受教育的权利、教育范围内各项权利和通过教育实现的权利:

(a) Enhance compliance with article 10 of the Convention and raise awareness in society of the importance of education as a fundamental human right and the basis for the empowerment of women;

(a) 加强遵守《公约》第10条,并且在社会上宣传教育作为一项基本人权和增强妇女权能基础的重要意义;

(b) Integrate age-appropriate education on women’s human rights and the Convention into school curricula at all levels;

(b) 对妇女人权和《公约》的适龄教育将纳入各级学校课程;

(c) Undertake constitutional amendments and/or other appropriate legislative action to ensure the protection and enforcement of the rights of girls and women to, within and through education;

(c) 提出宪法修正案和()采取其他适当的立法行动,以确保保护和落实女童和妇女接受教育的权利、教育范围内各项权利和通过教育实现的权利;

(d) Enact legislation that provides for the right to education, throughout the life cycle, for all girls and women, including all disadvantaged groups of women and girls;

(d) 颁布立法,对整个生命周期所有女童和妇女的受教育权作出规定,包括所有妇女和女童弱势群体;

(e) Eradicate and/or reform policies, institutional, administrative and regulatory directives and practices that directly or indirectly discriminate against girls or women within the education sector;

(e) 消除和()改革在教育部门直接或间接歧视女童和妇女的政策、体制、行政或管理指示和做法;

(f) Enact legislation that sets the minimum age of marriage for girls at 18 years and, in compliance with international standards, align the end of compulsory education with the minimum age of employment;

(f) 颁布将女性最低结婚年龄定为18岁的立法,并遵守国际标准,使完成义务教育的年龄与最低就业年龄一致;

(g) Review and/or abolish laws and policies that allow the expulsion of pregnant girls and teachers and ensure that there are no restrictions on their return following childbirth;

(g) 审查和()废除允许开除怀孕女童、其他类别的受训人员和教师的法律和政策,并确保她们生育后重返不受任何限制;

(h) Recognize rights in education as legally enforceable and that, upon the violation of those rights, girls and women have equal and effective access to justice and the right to remedies, including reparation;

(h) 承认教育权作为法律上可强制执行的权利,一旦受到侵犯,女童和妇女获得平等和有效的司法救助,而且有权获得包括赔偿在内的补救;

(i) Monitor the implementation of the national, regional and international provisions governing the right of girls and women to education, ensuring the right to remedy where there are violations;

(i) 监测在女童和妇女受教育权方面的国家、区域和国际规定的执行情况,确保在受侵犯时有权获得补救;

(j) Work with the international community and civil society towards the enhancement and development of the right of girls and women to education.

(j) 与国际社会和民间社会一道努力提高和发展女童和妇女的受教育权。

VI. Addressing gender stereotyping

. 应对性别陈规定型观念

25. Discrimination faced by girls and women in education is both ideological and structural.

25. 女童和妇女在教育方面面临的歧视既是意识形态方面的,也是结构性的。

The ideological dimension is addressed in articles 5 and 10 (c) of the Convention; States parties are to modify accepted social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women which are based on stereotyped roles for women and men, which is of paramount significance in ensuring that women and girls can enjoy their rights to, within and through education, and essential, as these discriminatory practices not only are exercised at the individual level but also are codified in law, policy and programmes and are therefore perpetuated and enforced by the State.

意识形态层面在《公约》第510(c)条中述及,其中呼 吁各国修改已被接受的基于男女陈规定型角色的男女社会和文化行为模式。 这一点在确保妇女和女童能够享有接受教育的权利、教育范围内各项权利和通过教育实现的权利方面极其重要。 这一点至关重要,因为这些歧视性做法不仅在个人层面实施,而且还编入法律、政策和方案,因而由国家进行延续和执行。

26. In article 5 (a), the structural dimension of discrimination is described as being rooted in prejudices and customary and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and women.

26. 5(a)条涉及歧视的结构层面,说明歧视植根于基于性别而分尊卑观念或基于男女定型角色的偏见、习俗和一切其他做法。

States parties are to adopt measures towards a real transformation of opportunities, institutions and systems so that they are no longer grounded in historically determined male paradigms of power and life patterns.


The education system is an example of an area for transformation that, once achieved, can accelerate positive change in other areas.


27. In line with articles 5 and 10 (c) of the Convention, the Committee recommends that States parties strengthen efforts and take proactive measures to eliminate gender stereotyping in education that perpetuates direct and indirect discrimination against girls and women by:

27. 根据《公约》第510(a)条,委员会建议缔约国通过采取以下措施,加强努力并采取积极措施消除在教育领域持续导致对女童和妇女的直接和间接歧视的性别陈规定型观念:

(a) Challenging and changing patriarchal ideologies and structures that limit girls and women from freely and fully exercising and enjoying their human rights to, within and through education;

(a) 挑战和改变限制女童和妇女充分行使其人权和自由以享有受教育权、教育范围内各项权利和通过教育实现的权利的父权意识形态和结构;

(b) Developing and implementing policies and programmes, including awareness-raising and educational campaigns about the Convention, gender relations and gender equality, at all levels of schooling and among society at large, directed at modifying the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women, with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudices and customary practices, in line with article 5 (a) of the Convention;

(b) 制定和实施政策和方案,包括在各级学校和整个社会开展的关于《公约》、性别关系和性别平等的提高认识运动和教育活动,旨在依照《公约》第5(a)条改变男女社会和文化行为模式,以期消除偏见和习俗;

(c) Encouraging the media to project positive and non-sexualized images of women, including women and girls from ethnic minority groups, older women and women and girls with disabilities, and promote the value of gender equality for society as a whole;

(c) 鼓励媒体塑造女性包括族裔和少数群体女童和妇女、老年妇女和残疾女童及妇女)的正面和非性别化形象,并向整个社会倡导性别平等的价值观;

(d) Revising and developing non-stereotypical educational curricula, textbooks and teaching materials to eliminate traditional gender stereotypes that reproduce and reinforce gender-based discrimination against girls and women and to promote more balanced, accurate, healthy and positive projections of the images and voices of women and girls;

(d) 修订和制订非陈规定型的教学课程、教科书和教材,以消除复制和加强针对女童和妇女进行基于性别的歧视的传统性别陈规定型观念,并促进塑造更加平衡、准确、健康和积极的女性形象和呼声;

(e) Instituting mandatory training of teaching staff at all levels of education on gender issues and gender sensitivity and the impact of gendered behaviours on teaching and learning processes.

(e) 对各级教育的教学人员进行强制培训,内容涉及性别平等问题、性别敏感度及其性别行为对教学和学习过程的影响。

VII. The right of access to education

. 受教育权

28. The right of girls and women of access to high-quality education is based on the availability of adequate infrastructure to meet their needs. Without such availability, the right of access is compromised.

28. 女童和妇女获得高质量教育的权利依赖于提供适足的基础设施满足她们的需求,否则获取权将受到损害。

When girls and women lack access to high-quality education, they ultimately face major difficulties, including lack of personal autonomy and choices, including control over their health and sexual and reproductive decisions, lower-quality health care for themselves and their children, intergenerational poverty and lack of power-sharing and participation on an equal basis with boys and men in both the private and public domains.


Ensuring that right necessitates paying due attention to physical, technological and economic access, in particular for disadvantaged groups and those in precarious situations.


Physical access: availability of adequate infrastructure


29. Availability refers to providing functioning educational institutions and programmes in sufficient quantity to meet the needs of girls and women within the jurisdiction of the State party irrespective of their location (article 14) or any other factor.

29. 提供情况是指在缔约国管辖范围内,提供足够数量运作正常的教育机构和方案满足女童和妇女的需求,不按地点(14)或任何其他因素提供不相同的资源。

Access to educational institutions must be provided within safe reach for girls and women, either by ensuring that they are accessible at some reasonably convenient geographical location or through technological means.


Proximity to schools, in particular in rural areas, is crucial, given the prevalence of gender-based violence against girls and women in public spaces and the risk that they face when travelling to and from school.


School distance can constitute an significant barrier to school attendance, especially in rural areas, where over 80 per cent of all out-of-school children live.


30. Essential consideration must be given to providing adequate infrastructure in educational institutions in order to remove the barriers to the successful completion of school faced by girls from the age of menarche.

30. 此外,在教育机构提供适足基础设施方面的关键考虑因素与初经期开始对女童顺利完成学业构成的障碍有关。

Lack of an enabling school environment, including inadequate water and sanitation and hygiene facilities segregated by gender, untrained or unsupportive staff, lack of appropriate sanitary protection materials and lack of information on puberty and menstrual issues, contribute to social exclusion, reduced participation in and focus on learning and decreased school attendance.


31. The Committee recommends that States parties take the following measures to ensure the availability of physical facilities for the education of girls and women:

31. 委员会建议缔约国采取下列措施,以确保为女童和妇女的教育提供有形设施:

(a) Provide adequate budgetary, human and administrative resources to ensure that adequate provision is made at the primary and secondary levels to accommodate all girls according to their respective population age cohorts;

(a) 提供充足的预算、人力和行政资源,以确保在小学和中学各级提供充足的经费,以容纳各人口年龄组的所有女童;

(b) Address imbalances in budgetary allocations for disadvantaged and marginalized groups of girls and women based on socioeconomic status, location, ethnicity, gender identity and religious persuasion;

(b) 处理针对女童和妇女弱势和边缘化群体基于社会经济地位、地理位置、民族、性别认同和宗教信仰的预算分配失衡;

(c) Institute temporary special measures, in line with article 4 of the Convention, to increase the number of qualified teachers, in particular women, where the teaching force consists predominantly of men, including through the provision of appropriate and continued training;

(c) 依据第4条,采取暂行特别措施增加合格教师的数量,特别是在教师队伍主要为男性情况下女性教师的数量,包括通过提供适当和持续的培训;

(d) Monitor the implementation of the right of girls and women to education by regularly collecting data disaggregated by sex, location, age, school type and ethnic group on access at all levels of education, including the following indicators: number of female and male students enrolled, and as a proportion of the overall school-age population, at each level of education; retention, dropout, attendance and repetition rates; average years of schooling for female and male students; rate of successful transition between school levels, including for early childhood to primary, primary to secondary and secondary to tertiary or vocational; number of male and female teachers, as an indication of the level of parity among teachers; and female and male literacy rates at different age levels; and by using the information to inform decision-making, policy formulation and periodic reports to the Committee on barriers to girls’ and women’s access to education;

(d) 通过定期收集按性别、地理位置、年龄、学校类型和族裔群体分列的各级教育入学指标(在各级教育中入学的女性和男性人数在学龄人口中所占的比例)数据,对女 童和妇女受教育权的实施情况进行监测;存活率、辍学率、在学率和留级率;女性和男性平均受教育年限;各级(儿童早期、初等教育、初中等教育和中等/高等 /职业)之间的过渡;男和女教师的数量,即师资的均衡;不同年龄层次的女性和男性识字率;利用该信息为关于女童和妇女受教育机会障碍的决策、政策制定和向 委员会提出的定期报告提供参考;

(e) Adopt strategies to encourage and monitor school enrolment, attendance, retention and reintegration after dropout, based on disaggregated data;

(e) 基于分类数据,采取战略鼓励和监测学校注册、出勤、在读以及辍学后重返校园;

(f) Improve sanitation facilities by providing sex-segregated toilets and washrooms in all schools, as well as access to safe drinking water.

(f) 通过在所有学校提供男女分开的厕所和洗手间以及安全饮用水,改善卫生设施。

32. The Committee recommends that States parties take the following measures to ensure access to education for all girls and women:

32. 委员会建议缔约国采取下列措施,以确保所有女童和妇女可以接受教育:

(a) Ensure that girls and women living in rural and remote areas have access to education, in line with articles 4 and 14 (d) of the Convention, and adopt temporary special measures, when appropriate, to support their right to education;

(a) 确保生活在农村和偏远地区的妇女和女童能够根据《公约》第14(d)4条获得受教育的机会,并酌情采取暂行特别措施以支持她们的受教育权;

(b) Ensure that schools are physically accessible and located within safe distances from students’ homes, in particular in rural and remote areas;

(b) 确保学校可无障碍出入,并且离家的距离在安全范围内,特别是在农村和偏远地区;

(c) Provide opportunities for access to programmes of continuing education, including adult and functional literacy programmes, in particular those aimed at reducing any gaps in education between men and women (article 10 (e));

(c) 提供参加进修教育方案的机会,包括成人识字和实用识字教育的机会,特别是旨在缩小男女之间教育水平上一切差距的机会第10(e))

(d) Institute policy initiatives, including social protection programmes, school feeding initiatives and the provision of sanitary protection materials to increase school attendance, in particular in rural and remote areas;

(d) 采取包括社会保障方案、学校供餐举措和提供卫生保护材料在内的政策举措,以增加在学人数,尤其是农村和偏远地区的在学人数;

(e) Provide hostels and transportation for girls where the distance between home and school inhibits access to education and ensure that girls in such facilities are protected from sexual and other forms of abuse;

(e) 在家庭与学校之间的距离妨碍受教育机会的情况下为女童提供寄宿舍/交通手段,并确保这些设施内的女童不受性虐待和其他形式的虐待;

(f) Train teachers to provide a supportive environment and culture that allows pubescent girls to participate confidently in learning, without fear, shame or risk.

(f) 培训教师提供有利的环境和文化,使青春期少女能够在不感到恐惧、耻辱或风险的情况下自信地参与学习。

Technological accessibility


33. Where financing is limited, an alternative to providing physical access to educational facilities is through the use of information and communications technologies in distance and open learning settings.

33. 在资金有限的情况下,为学校和设施提供无障碍出入的一种变通办法是通过在远程和开放式学习环境中利用信息和通信技术。

Such approaches provide distinct benefits for girls and women with limited access to conventional forms of education and training, including those who are excluded owing to distance from school in rural areas, domestic work and parental responsibilities, in particular in cases of child marriage and adolescent pregnancy, and on the basis of other social and cultural barriers.


Women who want to pursue advanced education while combining work and domestic responsibilities also benefit from those possibilities.


34. Other distinct benefits that can be derived from the use of open learning technologies are the development of new patterns of teaching and learning, the fostering of a new learning culture, increased flexibility for adult learners, opportunities for employers to provide cost-effective professional development on the job and opportunities for Governments to increase the cost-effectiveness of and capacity for education and training.

34. 使用开放式学习技术产生的其他明显益处包括:开发新的教学和学习模式,并促成一种新的学习文化;为成年学生提供更大的灵活性;为雇主提供机会,提供高成本效益的在职职业发展;为各国政府提供机会,提高教育和培训的成本效益和能力。

35. The Committee recommends that States parties take the following measures where opportunities for girls and women to gain access to education through distance and open learning do not exist:

35. 委员会建议,在未向女童和妇女提供通过远程和开放式学习机会实现受教育权的情况下,缔约国应采取下列措施:

(a) Examine the feasibility of introducing access, at the upper secondary and tertiary levels, by setting up facilities to provide certification through the pursuit of open learning opportunities;

(a) 审查是否可以在高中和高等教育阶段通过探索开放式学习机会而建立提供认证的设施,从而提供机会;

(b) Upgrade teachers’ knowledge and competence in the use of information and communications technologies and provide training in the skills required to operate in an open learning environment;

(b) 更新教师使用信息和通信技术的知识和能力,并对开放式学习环境下运行所需的技能提供培训;

(c) Ensure that girls and women belonging to disadvantaged groups, those from rural communities and those with low levels of literacy are not excluded from such opportunities owing to a lack of access to the tools and the skills required for meaningful participation.

(c) 确保属于弱势群体、来自农村社区以及识字水平低的女童和妇女不因为不具备有意义参与所需的工具和技能而被排除在这些机会之外。

Economic accessibility


36. Education must be affordable for all, without discrimination based on sex or any other prohibited ground, and should be free and compulsory from preschool through secondary school and progressively made free through the tertiary level.

36. 教育费用必须人人负担得起,不附加基于性别以及其他任何被禁止理由的歧视,并从学前教育到中学系统并逐步到高等教育提供免费义务教育。

Despite the existence of legislation providing for free education up to a stipulated age or grade level, in many States parties, auxiliary fees are imposed on students attending public schools to augment government subsidies.


In addition, parents are faced with meeting the hidden costs of uniforms, transportation, textbooks and other school materials, school lunch and various levies and user fees, with students from the poorest quintile being most adversely affected and often stigmatized.


37. The monetization of access, through user fees, forces poor parents to choose which of their children to send to school, and they often show a preference for educating boys over girls.

37. 通过收取使用费将机会货币化,迫使贫穷家长选择将哪个子女送去上学,并往往优先让男童受教育。

They decide on the basis of what they believe will be the maximum economic benefit to the family, over the long term, of their educational investment.


Because of entrenched gender inequality, labour markets generally favour men.


Parents therefore conclude that it is better to educate boys, who are able to gain access to better employment opportunities after their schooling.


Parents’ choices are also influenced by stereotypes that place girls in the domestic sphere.


38. In the context of economic crises, many States parties make cuts to social services, and education is outsourced to private entities, as well as provided by non-State organizations such as religious or community groups or non-governmental organizations.

38. 在经济危机的背景下,许多缔约国削减社会服务,将教育外包给私营实体并由宗教或社区团体和()非政府组织等非国家组织提供教育。

It has been established that privatization has specific negative consequences for girls and women, and in particular girls from poorer families, namely, their exclusion from education.


39. The Committee recommends that States parties take all measures to ensure that user fees and hidden costs do not have a negative impact on girls’ and women’s access to education by instituting the following measures:

39. 委员会建议缔约国采取包括以下措施在内的一切措施,确保使用费和隐形费用不会负面影响女童和妇女受教育的机会:

(a) Universal, free and compulsory education from preschool to secondary school, regardless of socioeconomic status, for citizens of the State party, as well as for girls and women with migrant or refugee status;

(a) 提供从学前到中学的普遍免费义务教育,不论国家公民以及具有移民和难民地位的女童和妇女的社会经济状况;

(b) Affordable education at the tertiary level, by reducing user fees and indirect and opportunity costs;

(b) 通过减少使用费以及间接和机会成本,提供负担得起的高等教育;

(c) Introduction of social safety nets and other measures to ensure that girls and women from lower socioeconomic strata are not denied access to any level of education on the basis of their inability to pay user fees or meet hidden costs;

(c) 推出安全网和其他措施,以确保来自较低社会经济阶层的女童和妇女不会因为不能支付使用费和()隐形费用被剥夺接受任何水平教育的机会;

(d) Ensuring that private actors respect the same standards regarding non-discrimination of girls and women as do public institutions, as a condition of their running academic institutions;

(d) 遵守关于在公共机构不歧视女童和妇女的相同标准是私人行为体有权运营学术机构的条件;

(e) Campaigns targeting parents and the wider society to overcome male preference where education is concerned and recognize the value of educating girls.

(e) 开展针对家长和更广泛社会旨在克服偏向男性接受教育的运动,并认可女童接受教育的价值。

Disadvantaged groups of girls and women


40. Many girls and women are excluded from education and are marginalized because they are simultaneously exposed to the intersection of multiple forms of discrimination, as well as owing to lack of relevance of the curriculum, teaching conducted only in the majority language, exposure to violence, stigma or poverty.

40. 许多女童和妇女被排斥在教育之外并被边缘化,因为她们同时面临交织在一起的不同形式的歧视,以及使用非本地语言的课程和交流缺乏相关性、受到暴力和污名化及贫穷等问题。

Such disadvantaged or vulnerable groups include the following.


Students from ethnic minority groups and indigenous groups


41. The majority of girls not in primary school belong to ethnic minority groups and other excluded groups.

41. 未上小学的女童大多数属于少数民族和其他受排斥的群体。

The main factors having an impact on the access of those groups to education include poverty, discrimination, lack of cultural relevance and, often, instruction delivered only in the dominant language, resulting in lower educational achievement, higher dropout rates, loss of heritage languages and lower self-esteem.


Students who are refugees, asylum seekers, Stateless, undocumented, internally displaced and migrants


42. When forcibly uprooted, girls and women in those situations end up in camps with no schools or in makeshift schools with limited capacity, without curricula or instruction in their languages.

42. 当被迫背井离乡时,这些情况下的女童和妇女生活的营地没有学校,或仅有能力有限、没有相关语言的课程或不以相关语言授课的临时学校。

Displacement causes particular barriers to learning; human resources may be lost and physical infrastructure destroyed and, during flight, children may lose State-mandated documentation, thereby preventing them from enrolling in new schools.


Girls can be particularly affected during displacement because the situation of increased insecurity causes some parents to keep girls at home.


Students with disabilities


43. Millions of girls and women with disabilities are deprived of the right to education as a result of intersecting forms of discrimination, on the basis of gender and disability.

43. 数百万残疾女童和妇女由于基于性别和残疾的多重歧视被剥夺了受教育权。

According to UNESCO, a third of out-of-school children worldwide are children with disabilities.{§9}


44. Many Governments officially promote inclusive education; however, in practice, children with disabilities, especially girls, are either excluded or segregated in special schools.

44. 许多政府在实践中正式推广全纳教育;但是残疾儿童,尤其是女童,被排除在外或被隔离在特殊学校中。

Low attendance rates of children with disabilities, in particular girls, have similar causes globally, namely, lack of physical accessibility, refusal of teachers or school principals to enrol such children, lack of accommodation of their needs in school curricula and teaching materials and, more generally, stigma and lack of awareness among parents and communities, which yield negative attitudes about the learning capacities of women and girls with disabilities.


Additionally, the number of teachers trained to address students with special needs is often inadequate.


Lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex students


45. Bullying, harassment and threats against such students by fellow students and teachers constitute barriers to their right to education.

45. 同学和教师对这些学生的欺凌、骚扰和威胁构成了女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和双性女童和妇女享有教育权的障碍。

Schools perpetuate and reinforce social prejudices, often as a result of the poor implementation of policies by school governance bodies, as well as irregular enforcement of non-discrimination policies by teachers, principals and other school authorities.


Limited education and cultural taboos are among the factors that prevent lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex students from achieving social mobility and increase their vulnerability to violence.


46. The Committee recommends that States parties take all appropriate measures to ensure the right of all categories of disadvantaged and marginalized groups to education by eliminating stereotyping and discrimination, removing barriers to access and implementing the following measures:

46. 委员会建议缔约国采取一切适当措施,通过消除陈规定型和歧视消除障碍,并采取以下措施,确保所有类别弱势群体和边缘群体的受教育权:

(a) Address stereotyping, in particular of indigenous girls and women and of those from minority groups, that puts them at risk in gaining access to education, exposes them to violence in school and the community and on their way to and from school, especially in remote areas;

(a) 消除尤其针对少数群体和土著女童和妇女的陈规定型,这些陈规定型使她们在受教育方面面临风险,并使她们在学校和社区以及往返学校的途中(尤其在偏远地区)易遭受暴力;

(b) Address the low socioeconomic status and living conditions, in particular of indigenous girls and women and of those from minority groups, that are barriers to gaining access to education, in particular in the light of male preference where schooling is concerned in situations of scarce financial resources;

(b) 解决社会经济地位低和生活条件差的问题,尤其针对少数族裔和土著女童和妇女,这些问题成为接受教育的障碍,特别是鉴于在财政资源缺乏的情况下倾向于让男性接受教育;

(c) Ensure, when necessary, in collaboration with donors and humanitarian agencies, that adequate provision is made for the education and safety of all disadvantaged groups of girls and women;

(c) 确保在必要时与捐助方和人道主义机构协作,为所有女童和妇女的弱势群体的教育和安全提供足够的经费;

(d) Ensure that the application of a mandatory dress code and banning of specific clothing does not hamper access to inclusive education, in particular for those of migrant backgrounds;

(d) 确保实行强制性着装规范和禁止特定服装不妨碍接受全纳教育,特别是对有移民背景者而言;

(e) Eliminate all forms of discrimination against girls and women with disabilities by identifying and removing legal, physical, social, financial, attitudinal, communication and language barriers within educational institutions and the community;

(e) 通过查明和消除教育机构和社区内的法律障碍、有形障碍、社会障碍、财务障碍及态度、沟通和语言障碍,消除对残疾女童和妇女一切形式的歧视;

(f) Take the measures necessary to ensure non-discrimination against girls and women with disabilities at all levels of education by providing inclusive education in learning environments offering reasonable accommodation;

(f) 采取必要措施,通过在提供合理便利的学习环境中提供全纳教育,确保在各级教育中不歧视残疾妇女和女童;

(g) Ensure the physical accessibility of educational institutions and prevent principals from blocking the enrolment of students with disabilities, in particular girls, and ensure that curricula, teaching materials and pedagogical strategies are tailored to the unique needs of individuals affected by the various forms of disability;

(g) 确保教育机构建成无障碍环境,并防止校长阻碍残疾学生(尤其是女童)入学,确保根据受各种不同形式残疾影响的个人的独特需求定制课程、教材和教学法战略;

(h) In line with article 4 of the Convention, on temporary special measures, institute incentives to attract and train special education teachers for all levels of education;

(h) 按照暂行特别措施第4条,采纳奖励措施为所有各级教育吸引和培训特殊教育教师;

(i) Address discrimination against lesbian, bisexual, and transgender, women and girls, and intersex persons by ensuring that policies are in place to address the obstacles that impede their access to education.

(i) 通过确保采取应对阻碍女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和双性女童和妇女接受教育的障碍的政策,消除对她们的歧视。

Access to education during situations of conflict and natural disaster


47. Another factor constraining girls’ and women’s access to education is the total breakdown of infrastructure for State public service provision owing to armed conflict, resulting in the lack of delivery of essential services to the population.

47. 限制女童和妇女受教育机会的另一因素是国家提供公共服务的基础设施由于武装冲突完全崩溃,导致无法向民众提供必要服务。

In conflict-affected areas, schools are closed owing to insecurity, occupied by State and non-State armed groups or destroyed, all of which impede girls’ access to school.


In its general recommendation No. 30 (2013) on women in conflict prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations, the Committee noted that other factors preventing girls’ access to education include targeted attacks and threats to them and their teachers by non-State actors, as well as the additional caregiving and household responsibilities that they are obliged to undertake.


48. According to the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, between 2005 and 2012, educational institutions were used in conflicts in at least 24 countries, across four continents.

48. 保护教育设施不受袭击全球联盟称,从2005年到2012年,至少在四大洲的24个国家,教育机构被用于冲突。

In addition to the risk of death or severe injury from attacks, students attending classes in schools under occupation by troops or armed forces may be exposed to physical or sexual abuse, with girls at greater risk than boys.


The presence of armed men often discourages families from sending girls to school for fear that they will become victims of sexual violence or be subjected to sexual harassment.


They therefore often marry off their daughters at an early age, believing that it may afford them protection.


Overall, attacks on education and use of schools and universities by the military or armed groups have a disproportionate or discriminatory impact upon girls and women.


49. Women and children are the most vulnerable groups during any natural disaster.

49. 妇女和女童是任何自然灾害中最易受伤害的年龄组。

The destruction of or use of schools as community shelters for affected families have serious consequences for access to education, causing loss of time for classroom instruction and high dropout rates.


50. The Committee recommends that, in situations of conflict and natural disaster States parties implement the following measures to minimize their impact on girls’ and women’s access to education and to protect their rights to education and safety:

50. 委员会建议,在冲突和自然灾害情况下缔约国实施以下措施,以最大限度地减少其对女童和妇女教育的影响,并保护她们的受教育权和安全:

(a) Enact legislation, revise military practice and policy and introduce training to prohibit national armed forces and armed groups from using or occupying schools, school grounds or other educational facilities and institutions in a manner that violates international humanitarian law and/or the right to education under international human rights law;

(a) 颁布立法、修订军事惯例和政策并实行培训,以禁止国家武装部队和武装团体违反国际人权法和()国际人权法规定的教育权,利用或占领学校、校园或其他教育设施和机构;

(b) Institute measures to protect female students and teachers from physical and sexual abuse by State and non-State actors occupying educational institutions;

(b) 采取措施,保护女学生和女教师免受占领教育机构的国家和非国家行为体的身体虐待和性虐待;

(c) Assess and address the impact of armed conflict on girls’ and women’s access to education;

(c) 评估和处理武装冲突对女童和妇女教育的影响;

(d) Bearing in mind Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security and subsequent resolutions on women and peace and security, demonstrate a proactive commitment to take the measures necessary to prevent targeted attacks on educational institutions and to protect women and girls;

(d) 回顾安理会关于妇女与和平与安全的第1325(2000)号决议和随后关于妇女与和平与安全的决议规定的义务,表示积极承诺采取必要措施,防止针对教育机构的攻击,并保护妇女和女童;

(e) Ensure the meaningful participation of women in monitoring attacks and in developing preventive, protective and peacebuilding measures, and ensure the participation of women, including those from disadvantaged groups, in their development;

(e) 确保妇女有意义地参与监测袭击和制定预防、保护和建设和平的措施,并确保妇女,包括弱势群体的妇女,参与措施的制定过程;

(f) Devise effective, coordinated, reconstructive and rapid responses, including both legal and non-legal accountability measures to hold perpetrators accountable;

(f) 制订有效、协调一致、再造和快速的应对措施,包括法律和非法律问责措施,以追究施害者的责任;

(g) Systematically investigate and prosecute, in accordance with international standards, those individuals responsible for ordering, taking part in or bearing command responsibility for the range of violations of international human rights, humanitarian and criminal law that constitute attacks on education;

(g) 根据国际标准,系统地调查和起诉应对一系列侵犯国际人权法、人道主义法和刑法行为负责的人,他们命令、参加或负责指挥这些构成对教育机构袭击的行为;

(h) Ensure that, when schools are destroyed or used as shelters during natural disasters, girls’ and women’s access to schooling is not unduly curtailed;

(h) 确保在学校被毁或在自然灾害期间用作收容所时,女童/妇女的受教育机会不受到不适当的限制;

(i) Give priority to the rehabilitation of schools affected by natural disasters, especially those serving disadvantaged girls and women;

(i) 优先恢复受自然灾害影响的学校,特别是其学生为弱势女童和妇女的学校;

(j) Ensure that all new school buildings adhere to prescribed building codes which incorporate disaster resilience, and carry out regular audits on existing schools.

(j) 确保所有新校舍符合建筑规范,纳入抗灾能力,并对现有的学校进行定期审计。

Cultural barriers


51. Even where there is adequate provision of education and accessibility is not a constraining factor, the persistence of patriarchal systems and cultural norms and practices based on those systems and the traditional roles associated with girls and women, can become powerful barriers to the enjoyment by girls and women of their right to education.

51. 即使经费充足并且无障碍环境不是一个限制因素,基于长期存在的父权制度以及与女童和妇女相关的传统角色的文化规范和习俗可能成为女童和妇女享有受教育权的强大障碍。

52. When girls are not in school, they are more likely to be forced to marry.

52. 女童如果不上学,更有可能被迫结婚。

The discriminatory and harmful practices of child and/or forced marriage, associated with religious or cultural practices in some societies, negatively impacts the right to education.


When girls are unable to finish their education because of child and/or forced marriage and pregnancy, they face practical barriers, including forced exclusion from school, social norms confining girls to the home and stigma.


Child marriage also contributes to an increased risk of domestic violence, reproductive health risks and limitations to the right to freedom of movement.


By failing to curb child marriage, Governments fail in their obligation to ensure access to education for girls on an equal basis with boys.


53. In some regions of the world, the pervasive cultural practice of female genital mutilation hinders and/or ends girls’ education.

53. 在世界上一些地区,残割女性生殖器的共同文化习俗妨碍和()终结了女童的学业。

Complications following the procedure can cause girls to be less focused in school or absent, resulting in poor performance and ultimately premature termination of their studies.


In some countries, the high cost associated with the procedure also has an impact on parents’ capacity to subsequently meet school expenses, resulting in girls dropping out of school.


Forced marriage after the procedure, considered an initiation into maturity, can also lead to dropout due to pregnancy or a focus on responsibilities in the home.


54. Poverty, combined with cultural practices, necessitates children’s undertaking both paid and unpaid work.

54. 贫穷,再加上文化习俗,迫使儿童从事有酬和无酬工作。

In a report of 2015 on child labour and education,{§10} the International Labour Organization (ILO) indicated that 168 million children 5 to 17 years of age were trapped in child labour. Girls are overrepresented in the care economy involving work in their own or others’ households and bear the double burden of work inside and outside the home, often with little or no time left for schooling.

国家劳工组织(劳工组织)2015年一份关于童工和教育的报告{§10} 显示,1.68亿名5-17岁的儿童被迫从事童工:女童在涉及自己或其他家庭的护理经济中的人数高于男童,女童还承担着家庭内外工作的双重负担,往往很少或没有时间去上学。

For those who manage to combine school and work, performance often suffers, leading to dropout.


In many regions, the practice of child labour is also culturally determined, with children incorporated in family-related work in particular seasons or on certain days of the week.


55. The Committee recommends that States parties take the following measures to mitigate the impact of cultural and religious practices on girls’ and women’s access to education:

55. 委员会建议缔约国采取下列措施,以减轻文化和宗教习俗对女童和妇女受教育机会的影响:

(a) Protect girls and women from being deprived of their right to education on the basis of patriarchal, religious or cultural norms and practices, in line with joint general recommendation No. 31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women/general comment No. 18 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (2014) on harmful practices;

(a) 根据消除对妇女歧视委员会第31号以及儿童权利委员会有关有害习俗的第18号联合一般性建议/意见,保护女童和妇女不因父权、宗教或文化规范和习俗被剥夺受教育权;

(b) Facilitate dialogue with religious and traditional leaders on the value of educating girls and the importance of addressing practices and customs that act as barriers to their participation at all levels of education;

(b) 促进与宗教和传统领袖之间的对话,讨论为女童提供教育的价值以及消除对女童和妇女参与各级教育构成障碍的做法和习俗的重要性;

(c) Ensure that the minimum age of marriage, with or without parental consent, is set at 18 for girls, in line with joint general recommendation No. 31/general comment No. 18;

(c) 确保无论父母同意与否,依照第31号和第18号一般性建议/意见,女童的最低结婚年龄被定为18岁;

(d) Integrate the topic of female genital mutilation into formal and non-formal education, so that it is openly discussed, without stigma, to enable girls and women to receive accurate information on the detrimental and harmful effects of the practice, in line with the Committee’s general recommendation No. 14 (1990) on female circumcision;

(d) 依照委员会关于女性割礼的第14号一般性建议,将残割女性生殖器议题纳入正规和非正规教育,以便可以在免受污名化的情况下公开讨论这一议题,从而女童和妇女能够获得关于该习俗不利和有害影响的准确信息;

(e) Train teachers, facilitators and youth workers to equip them to educate girls about female genital mutilation and support those at risk of undergoing the procedure or who have already undergone the procedure;

(e) 培训教师、协调人和青年工作者如何就残割女性生殖器问题教育女童,并为面临做该手术风险的女童或已经做过该手术的女童提供支持;

(f) Encourage religious and community leaders to oppose the practice of female genital mutilation and to inform and educate their communities on the dangers of the practice;

(f) 鼓励宗教领袖和社区领袖反对残割女性生殖器的习俗,并向所在社区宣传和教育残割女性生殖器带来的危险;

(g) Formulate re-entry and inclusive education policies enabling pregnant girls, young mothers and married girls under 18 years of age to remain in or return to school without delay and ensure that such policies are disseminated to all educational establishments and administrators, as well as among parents and communities;

(g) 制定重返校园和全纳教育政策,使未满18岁的怀孕少女、年轻母亲和已婚女童能够留在校园或立刻重返校园,确保向所有教育机构和行政长官、家长和社区传播这些政策:

(h) Address practices that may hinder access to education, such as involving girls in unpaid labour in the home;

(h) 消除可能妨碍接受教育机会的做法,例如让女童在家中从事无报酬的劳动;

(i) Ensure that all children, in particular girls, under the minimum age of employment are in school full time, including, where appropriate and consistent with the relevant international labour standards, in vocational or technical school.

(i) 确保所有不到最低就业年龄的儿童,尤其是女童,接受全日制教育,并且在适当情况下依照相关国际劳工标准,纳入职业或技术教育。

VIII. Rights within education

. 教育范围内各项权利

56. Girls’ and women’s rights within education relate to the governmental obligation to make education acceptable. {§11}

56. 女童和妇女在教育范围内的各项权利与可接受性对应。{§11}

Acceptability addresses issues of the form (content) and substance (quality) of education, which apply to the school setting, as well as educational content and method.


The realization of rights within education requires the government’s provision of funds, the necessary infrastructure, support and supplies for students and teachers.


It also requires that girls be ensured equal access to the same quality of education as boys, in terms of the quality of teachers and amenities, and an environment characterized by girls and women having opportunities to pursue goals towards their self-determination and self-actualization.


Rights within education, therefore, encompass respect for and promotion of the human rights of girls and women throughout the education cycle.


57. The lack of respect and dignity that girls and women experience in educational institutions, depending upon the gender regime of the school, is a reflection of the wider social order.

57. 女童和妇女在教育机构中经历的缺乏尊重和尊严由反映更广泛社会秩序的学校性别制度所决定。

An environment lacking respect and dignity for girls and women is often marked by entrenched patriarchal ideologies, practices and structures that shape the daily experience of teachers and students.


As a result of girls being exposed to such an environment, which can be one of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, for as many as 10 years or more, they are denied their rights within the education arena.


Various issues need to be addressed to ensure that girls and women, including the staff of educational institutions, can enjoy equality of treatment and opportunity.


Stratification of schools and knowledge (articles 10 (a) and (b))


58. In general, education systems are highly differentiated in the ways by which students are sorted, in particular at the point of transition from the primary and secondary levels, into schools and/or streams that stress either vocational or academic training.

58. 一般而言,教育制度在将学生录取进入重视职业培训或重视学术培训的学校和()班级的分类方式方面高度分化,特别是在从小学阶段升入中学阶段的节点。

In some systems, once students are placed, movement between vocational or academic training is challenging.


Socioeconomic status strongly influences student placement into the different types of schools.


Students of high economic status are more likely to attend academically oriented schools offering high-status knowledge that provides a direct pathway to tertiary education.


Highly differentiated education systems therefore maintain socioeconomic inequalities from quite early in the lifecycle and well before students complete their education and enter the labour force.


59. In such a differentiated education system there are also marked differences in the material resources allocated to schools to support delivery of the curricula.

59. 在这种分化的教育制度中,在分配给学校用于教授课程的实物资源方面也存在着显著差异。

Schools in communities of lower socioeconomic status are generally more poorly endowed both in terms of material resources and teacher quality compared with those of higher socioeconomic status, with students in the latter better positioned to benefit from parental subsidies to offset insufficient public funding.


60. Between and within school types, students are also differentiated on the basis of perceptions of appropriate subject options for each sex.

60. 在学校类型之间和内部,还根据不同性别所适合学科的观念,按照性别对学生进行划分。

In academic schools, girls are often clustered in programmes in the humanities and underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, while, in vocational schools, women and girls predominate in areas such as food and nutrition, cosmetology and clerical studies.


The stratification of students and knowledge ultimately leads to girls being propelled into what are socially regarded as low-status occupations.


Such stratification has the potential for further reinforcement in single-sex schools, where often the only subjects deemed suitable for the particular sex are offered.


As a result, a school for girls would not offer instruction in woodworking, or building and construction.


Facilitating the realization of the right of girls and women to the same quality education as that offered to boys and men entails providing for the full range of academic and vocational subjects in schools and not reinforcing segregation of the curricula by sex.


61. A critical technical and vocational area in which girls and women are underrepresented is in information and communications technology.

61. 女童和妇女人数不足的一个关键的技术和职业领域是信息通信技术(信通技术)技能应用。

Sixty per cent of people in the world, most of them girls and women, are denied the right of access to the transformative power of the Internet.


To overcome the digital divide between men and women in the use of new technologies and to provide women with equal access to information and employment opportunities in those industries, schools need to address the barriers that result in their exclusion.


62. Article 10 (g) of the Convention provides that States parties are to ensure that girls and women have the same opportunities as boys and men to actively participate in sports and physical education.

62. 《公约》在第10(g) 条中也呼吁缔约国确保女童和妇女有同样的机会积极参加体育运动和体育教育。

However, on the basis of prevailing stereotypes, positive outcomes for the empowerment of women and gender equality in that sphere are constrained by discrimination in all areas of sports and physical activity.


Sex segregation persists, and the participation of women in decision-making is limited at both the national and international levels.


In addition, the value placed on women’s sports is often lower, resulting in the inadequate allocation of resources to support their participation, as well as the lower remuneration of women athletes.


Media representations of women in sports also influence prevailing stereotypes.


Violence against women, exploitation and harassment in sports also reflect traditional male domination in the sporting arena.


63. The Committee recommends that States parties take the following actions to ensure that education systems allow for equal opportunities for both sexes and for free choice of courses of study and of careers:

63. 委员会建议缔约国采取以下行动,以确保教育制度允许两性拥有平等的机会,自由选择学习科目和职业:

(a) Reform and standardize, as necessary, the education system to ensure the equitable distribution of all educational resources in all schools regardless of the location or population served;

(a) 在必要时改革和规范教育制度,确保在所有学校公平分配教育资源,不论地点和所服务的人群;

(b) Eliminate ideological and structural barriers in co-educational schools, in particular at the secondary level, including such barriers as school timetables that are arranged so that only subjects segregated by sex are offered in a given time slot, which obliges students to take the sex-segregated class and precludes interaction and discussion between girls and boys on those subjects, and teacher attitudes that prevent girls from making free choices in terms of subject choice and course options;

(b) 尤其是在中学一级,在男女同校的学校里消除意识形态方面和结构性障碍(例如交叉安排与性别挂钩科目的时间)以及妨碍女童在科目和课程的选择方面作出自由选择的教师态度;

(c) Equip teacher trainees and teachers to provide career counselling for students and parents to address and modify the entrenched perceptions of which subjects and careers are appropriate for each sex;

(c) 让教师受训人员和教师能够向学生和家长提供职业咨询,以应对和改变对适合某一性别的学科和()职业根深蒂固的观念;

(d) Institute measures to increase the participation of women and girls in science, technology, engineering and mathematics programmes, at all levels of education, by providing such special incentives as scholarships and adopting temporary special measures, in line with article 4 of the Convention and the Committee’s general recommendation No. 25 (2004) on temporary special measures;

(d) 依照第4条和委员会关于暂行特别措施的第25号一般性建议,通过提供特别奖励措施(如奖学金)和采取暂行特别措施,采取提高女性在各级教育中对科学、技术、工程和数学课程参与度的措施;

(e) Ensure that, in single-sex schools, the full range of subjects, in particular in the technical and vocational areas, are offered so that girls have the opportunity to participate in male-dominated areas, and vice versa, to allow for wider career options;

(e) 确保在单一性别学校提供各种学科,特别是在技术职业领域,以便女童有机会参加由男性主导的领域,反之亦然,从而提供更广泛的职业选择;

(f) Develop national information and communications technology plans or strategies with specific targets for achieving gender equity in access to information and communications technologies in schools and tertiary-level institutions, backed by specific programmes that can be implemented in schools and with a budget necessary for their delivery and the gathering of timely data disaggregated by sex for the monitoring of the achievement of targets;

(f) 制定国家信通技术计划和战略,纳入在学校和高等教育机构在获取信通技术方面实现性别公平的具体目标,辅之以预算拨款充足的具体方案和及时收集用于监测目标的按性别分列数据的计划;

(g) Institute clear legislative and policy measures to ensure that, when girls and women participate in male-dominated disciplines and activities in educational institutions, they are protected from sexual harassment and violence;

(g) 采取明确的立法和政策措施,以确保当女童/妇女在教育机构中参与男性主导的学科和活动时,保护其免受性骚扰和暴力;

(h) Provide equal opportunities in educational institutions for girls and women to freely choose areas of physical activity and sport in which they wish to engage and to enjoy the health and psychological benefits that accrue from such engagement;

(h) 在教育机构中提供平等机会,使女童/妇女可以自由选择愿意参与的体育活动和运动领域,并从中获得所带来的健康和心理惠益;

(i) Address traditional stereotypes and provide facilities that allow for the participation of girls and women in male-dominated physical activities and sports in both co-educational and female single-sex educational institutions;

(i) 消除传统的定型观念,并提供设施,以便女童和妇女在男女同校和单一性别的教育机构中参与男性主导的体育活动和运动;

(j) Institute positive actions, preferential treatment or quota systems, in the areas of sport, culture and recreation, in line with general recommendation No. 25 and, where necessary, direct such measures at girls and women who are subjected to multiple forms of discrimination, including rural women, in accordance with general recommendation No. 34 (2016) on the rights of rural women.

(j) 依照第25号一般性建议,在体育运动、文化和娱乐领域采取积极的行动、特惠待遇或配额制度,并根据第34号一般性建议,在必要时使这些措施针对遭受多重歧视的女童和妇女,包括农村妇女。

Gender inequality, abuse and sexual violence in schools


64. Gender inequality in education includes differential treatment whereby one sex is favoured or given preferential access to rewards by the school system, in terms of attention, grades, opportunities and praise, and more lenient punishment for misbehaviour.

64. 教育中的性别不平等包括待遇方面的差别,即某一性别受学校系统优待,或优先给予奖励、关注、分数、机会和赞扬并对不当行为较轻处罚。

Gender inequality is also manifested in unequal access to non-material status and power in teacher-student interactions.


In educational settings, the way girls experience such inequality is influenced by several attributes, including their sex, socioeconomic status, race or ethnicity or belonging to a minority group, appearance and language patterns.


65. Another area in which girls and women are adversely affected is in the sexual politics associated with their participation in education.

65. 女童和妇女受到不利影响的另一个领域是与其参与教育相关的性别政治。

Sexual politics in schools refers to gender relations marked by unwarranted sexual overtones, such as the sexual harassment of girls in schools or on the way to and from school.

学校中的性别指的是以不必要的性暗示为特点的性别关系。 一个常见的例子是在学校和()上下学途中对女童的性骚扰。

They may be confronted with sexual harassment and abuse perpetrated by students, teachers and community members, as well as biased treatment in school.


Sexual assault and other forms of gender-based violence in schools significantly contribute to low self-esteem, poor educational achievement and have adverse long-term effects on health and well-being.


As a result of violence, girls are kept out of school, drop out of school or do not fully participate in school.


Violence often begins with verbal insults and threatening gestures which, when not challenged by those in authority, are followed by violent acts.


66. Disadvantaged groups of girls are at an increased risk of violence at school because of the multiple forms of discrimination that they face, in particular on the basis of their HIV status, caste, ethnicity, race and religion, which increase the risk of abuse and influence the nature of the violence experienced.

66. 由于女童弱势群体面临多种形式的歧视,她们在学校遭遇暴力的风险增加。 具体而言,艾滋病毒感染状况、种姓、族裔、种族和宗教增加了受虐待的风险,并影响了所遭受暴力的性质。

Girls with disabilities face discrimination on the basis of both their gender and disability, while lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex children experience both sexism and homophobia.


67. In spite of the rampant sexual harassment and abuse of girls in educational institutions, and that they constitute a key barrier to their right to and within education, those facts have not been systematically factored into educational policy and programmes.

67. 尽管对女童的性骚扰和虐待在教育机构中非常普遍,成为她们享有受教育权和教育范围内各项权利的主要障碍,但是这一点未系统纳入教育政策和方案。

In many instances there is no strict accountability mechanism and, in schools, the matter is ignored or responded to by victim-blaming, with impunity for perpetrators.


68. The sexual abuse of girls may result in unwanted pregnancies, and there is therefore a need to alert girls, in particular during adolescence to that problem and its consequences.

68. 对女童的性虐待可能导致意外怀孕,尤其是少女意外怀孕,因此有必要提醒她们这一问题及其后果。

An important response to the magnitude of the problem in the home, school and community is instituting mandatory, age-appropriate curricula, at all levels of education, on comprehensive sexuality education, including on sexual and reproductive health and rights, responsible sexual behaviour, prevention of early pregnancy and prevention of sexually transmitted infections, in line with articles 10 (h) and 12 of the Convention, the Committee’s general recommendation No. 24 (1999) on women and health and general recommendation No. 35 (2017) on gender-based violence against women, updating general recommendation No. 19.

该问题在家庭、学校和社区非常严重,因此一项重要的对策是需要根据《公约》第10(h) 12条、委员会关于妇女和健康的第24号一般性建议和关于对女性的性别暴力的第35号一般性建议,在各级教育开设适龄的强制性全面性教育课程,包括性和 生殖健康及权利、负责任的性行为、预防早孕和预防性传播疾病。

Teachers should be specifically trained for the various levels of age-appropriate delivery.


In situations where the teaching staff is predominantly male, such as at the secondary school level, efforts should be made to recruit, train and hire female teachers who can serve as role models and make classrooms safer and more enabling places for girls and young women.


69. The Committee recommends that States parties take the following measures to curtail violence against girls and women associated with educational institutions and schooling, thereby protecting their right to be treated with respect and dignity:

69. 委员会建议缔约国采取以下措施,遏制对女童和妇女进行与教育机构和学校教育相关的暴力行为,从而保护她们获得尊重和尊严的权利:

(a) Enact and enforce appropriate laws, policies and procedures to prohibit and tackle violence against girls and women in and around educational institutions, including verbal and emotional abuse, stalking, sexual harassment and sexual violence, physical violence and exploitation;

(a) 颁布和实施适当的法律、政策和程序,以禁止和消除在教育机构内和周围对女童和妇女的暴力行为,包括语言和精神虐待、盯梢骚扰、性骚扰和性暴力、身体暴力和剥削;

(b) Recruit, train and hire more female teachers in educational institutions where the school faculty is predominantly male;

(b) 教员大都为男性的教育机构征聘、培训和雇用更多女教师;

(c) Ensure that girls and women affected by violence in schools have effective access to justice and remedy;

(c) 确保在学校受到暴力影响的妇女和女童能有效诉诸司法和获得补救;

(d) Respond to cases of violence against girls and women in educational institutions through confidential and independent reporting mechanisms, effective investigations, criminal prosecutions where appropriate and the adequate punishment of perpetrators and by providing services for victims/survivors;

(d) 处理暴力侵害女童和妇女的案件,具体途径包括保密和独立的报告机制、有效的调查、适当情况下提起刑事诉讼、对施害者给予恰当的处罚以及为受害者和幸存者提供服务;

(e) Ensure that all incidents of violence against girls and women in educational institutions are reported and recorded, check the criminal records of school personnel prior to their employment and develop and enforce codes of conduct for all school staff and students;

(e) 确保所有女童和妇女在教育机构遭受暴力侵害的案件被举报和记录,在聘用学校工作人员之前调查其犯罪记录,并制定和实施适用于所有学校工作人员和学生的行为守则;

(f) Adopt national plans of action to address school-related violence against girls, including guidelines for schools and compulsory training for teachers and students in early intervention strategies to address sexual harassment and violence against girls;

(f) 通过若干国家行动计划解决与学校有关的暴力侵害女童行为,包括学校的准则,并在早期干预战略方面对教师和学生进行强制培训,以解决对女童的性骚扰和暴力;

(g) Designate a government mechanism for preventing and investigating incidents of violence in educational institutions and provide adequate public funding to address the problem;

(g) 指定一个预防和调查教育机构中暴力事件的政府机制,并提供充足的公共资金,以解决这一问题;

(h) Provide support services for girls who experience violence, including counselling, medical treatment, HIV/AIDS information and medication;

(h) 为遭受暴力侵害的女童提供支助服务,包括咨询、医疗、艾滋病毒/艾滋病信息和药物;

(i) Develop and introduce age-appropriate, evidence-based, scientifically accurate mandatory curricula at all levels of education, covering comprehensive information on sexual and reproductive health and rights, responsible sexual behaviour, prevention of early pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

(i) 在所有各级教育制订和推行适龄、循证、科学上准确的强制课程,包括关于性和生殖健康及权利、负责任的性行为、预防早孕和性传播疾病的全面信息。



70. Another form of abuse that girls experience is cyberbullying, by which information and communications technologies and various social media platforms are the means through which perpetrators intimidate, threaten or harass them.

70. 女童遭受的另一种形式的虐待是通过利用技术和各种社交媒体来恐吓、威胁或骚扰女童的网络欺凌。

While both boys and girls are involved in cyberbullying, research shows that girls, in particular adolescent girls, are almost twice as likely as boys to be both victims and perpetrators.


Online victimization of adolescent girls takes many forms, including name-calling, rumours, threats, disclosure of confidential information, images and videos, revenge porn, sexual harassment and sexual advances, often from strangers.


71. Cyberbullying has a wide variety of effects on adolescent girls, including mild or extreme emotional effects, feelings of being unsafe and frightened and, in some instances, suicidal ideation or suicide.

71. 网络欺凌对青春期少女有各种各样的影响,包括可能是轻度或极端的情绪影响;不安全和恐惧情绪;在某些情况下,不仅引起自杀的念头,而且导致实施自杀。

72. The Committee recommends that, although cyberbullying is not always rooted in the school environment, States parties take the following measures in schools to protect girls:

72. 委员会建议,尽管网络欺凌并非总是植根于学校,但缔约国在学校采取下列措施保护女童:

(a) Alert parents to the spread of the phenomenon of cyberbullying and the impacts that it can have on girls;

(a) 提醒父母这一现象的蔓延以及可能对女童造成的影响;

(b) Develop comprehensive programmes that inform teachers, students and parents about the forms that cyberbullying can take and the potential impacts, and provide counselling and support for students who are victims of cyberbullying;

(b) 制订全面方案,向教师、学生和家长介绍网络欺凌可能的形式及其潜在影响,并为遭受网络欺凌的受害学生提供咨询和支持;

(c) Put into place policies that ensure that the technologies available in schools are not used for the purpose of cyberbullying and monitor their implementation;

(c) 制定确保学校的现有技术不用于网络欺凌的政策,并监测政策的执行情况;

(d) Establish multiple and readily accessible channels that students can use to report such incidents by establishing peer and teacher counselling services, safe locations in schools and hotlines for anonymous reporting;

(d) 通过建立同龄人和教师咨询服务、学校热点以及匿名举报热线,建立学生可随时用来报告此类事件的多个渠道;

(e) Inform girls of the consequences of engaging in cyberbullying to victims’ health and well-being, as well as the sanctions that may be applied to perpetrators;

(e) 告知女童从事此种行为对她们健康和福祉的后果以及可能适用的制裁;

(f) Enact legislation that defines and penalizes harassment through use of information and communications technologies and the online harassment of women and girls in all its forms.

(f) 颁布界定和惩处所有形式的基于信通技术和在线骚扰妇女和女童行为的法律。

Equitable female participation in management structures


73. The gender regime evident in educational institutions has negative impacts on female staff, in particular staff in systems of secondary and tertiary education.

73. 教育机构中显而易见的性别制度对女性工作人员产生不利影响,尤其是教育制度的中学和高等教育。

Those impacts are most evident in terms of their limited upward mobility in the profession and their rate of transition to decision-making positions.


Although teaching is considered to be a feminized profession, there is a disproportionately low representation of women in senior and top management positions at all levels of education, worldwide.


74. Several factors account for the underrepresentation of women in leadership and decision-making positions at all levels of education. They include limited access to education, especially opportunities for pursuing higher educational certification for those teaching at the lower levels, discriminatory appointment and promotion practices, family attitudes, career interruptions, cultural stereotyping, alienation from the male culture of networking and patronage, and continued resistance to including women in management positions.{§12}

74. 若干因素造成妇女在各级教育领导和决策职位的人数比例偏低,包括:接受教育的机会有限,特别是较低层次教师接受高等教育的机会有限;歧视性的任用和晋升做 法;家庭的态度;职业中断;文化的陈规定型;远离建立关系网和提携的男性文化;对接纳妇女进入管理职位的持续抵制。 {§12}

75. The Committee recommends that States parties institute the following measures to close the gender gap in leadership positions at all levels of education to ensure the elimination of the discrimination women face in that regard:

75. 委员会建议缔约国采取以下措施,消除在各级教育领导职位方面的性别差距以确保消除妇女在这方面面临的歧视:

(a) Increase the professional mobility of women in institutions of higher learning by providing grants and/or scholarships to enable them to acquire advanced postgraduate degrees and introduce incentives and schemes to retain them;

(a) 通过提供赠款和()奖学金增加妇女在高等院校的职业流动,使她们能够获得研究生学位,并采取留用她们的奖励措施/方案;

(b) Strengthen efforts to increase the number of women in leadership positions at all levels of education, especially university professors in all fields, through the use of measures, including temporary special measures in accordance with article 4 (1) of the Convention and general recommendation No. 25;

(b) 根据《公约》第4条第1款和第25号一般性建议,通过采用各种措施,包括暂行特别措施,加强努力,增加在各级教育担任领导职位的女性人数,特别是所有领域的大学教授;

(c) Review appointment and promotion procedures and remove any discriminatory provisions, which act as barriers to the equal participation of women in leadership positions in educational institutions, and address discriminatory practices in appointments and promotions;

(c) 审查任用和晋升程序,去除可能阻碍妇女平等担任教育机构领导职位的任何歧视性规定,并应对在任用和晋升方面的歧视性惯例;

(d) Address prevailing organizational cultures that are unfavourable to the upward mobility of women in the teaching profession;

(d) 克服不利于妇女在教育事业中升迁的组织文化;

(e) Establish targets, within a given timeline, to ensure parity in positions in higher education, including senior positions, professorships chancellorships and vice-chancellorships in universities;

(e) 在特定的时限制定各项目标,以确保在担任高等教育的高级职位、教授职位、大学校长和副校长方面的平等;

(f) Establish policies and quotas for the equal representation of women in governing bodies in higher education, such as senates and councils, and in research bodies.

(f) 制定妇女在高等教育理事机构(如大学理事会和委员会)和研究机构平等任职的政策并设定配额。

IX. Rights through education

. 通过教育实现的权利

76. Since 1985, several United Nations international conferences have focused on human rights, women, social issues and sustainable development and have identified numerous actions to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.

76. 1985年以来,一些联合国国际会议专注于人权、妇女、社会问题和可持续发展,并确定了促进性别平等和增强妇女权能的多项行动。

Many of the conferences emphasized education as the means for achieving those goals and for improving the position of women in society.


Education equips individuals with the skills to be adaptable to the needs of changing societies and therefore has a multiplier effect in enabling women to claim rights in all spheres, beyond the school.


However, women’s rights through education are far from being realized.


77. In spite of regional disparities, global data indicate that more women than men have higher educational certifications and thus are the more highly qualified source of human capital.

77. 尽管存在地区差异,但是全球数据表明,妇女获认证水平更高,因此是人力资本的更好来源。

However, men with lower levels of certification are favoured for certain jobs and positions over women with higher levels of certification, contributing to the universal phenomenon of horizontal and vertical sex-segregation of labour markets.


Certification therefore does not carry the same social currency for women and men.


Even where both sexes have equal levels of education, men are often given preferential treatment in employment.{§13}

即使在男女有同等教育水平时,男子往往还获得优待。 {§13}

78. Such systemic patterns become entrenched, in particular in the labour market, which operates on the basis of the “man as breadwinner” ideology, resulting in men occupying dominant positions in wage labour.

78. 这些系统性模式变得根深蒂固,在劳动力市场更是如此,劳动力市场在男性养家思维的基础上运作,导致男性占据工资收入工作中的重要职位。

As a result, in most societies, women experience lower levels of employment and higher levels of unemployment and of poverty, are more highly represented as part-time workers, earn less than men, on average, are disproportionately represented in vulnerable areas of work, and have less opportunities for decent working conditions.


Women are underrepresented in decision-making positions at all levels of social and political institutions and lack real personal autonomy.


Although increased access to education has improved the condition of women’s lives and that of their children, the potential for education, as it presently exists, to shift the overall balance of power in the economic, political and social spheres and to make a strategic difference in terms of the empowerment of women, has not been achieved, owing to cultural beliefs and practices that reproduce entrenched gendered ideologies, structures and systems.


79. That consistent pattern is linked to gender socialization processes that reproduce and maintain a sexual division of labour, which defines what is feminine and masculine and is in turn linked to a public/private dichotomy, a system in which males dominate the public sphere and females the private sphere.

79. 该长期模式的主要原因与性别社会化过程相关,后者复制和保持明确的男女性别分工,反过来又与公/私二元化联系在一起。 在这一制度中,男性在公共领域占主导地位,而女性在私营领域占主导地位。

The result is that, rather than being transformative, institutionalized schooling becomes an instrument of the State for reproducing the gender order and maintaining the male/female, dominant/ subordinate and public/private hierarchies. {§14}


80. The trend continues in the level of participation of women in political processes and decision-making, where, because women remain poorly represented, they cannot effectively influence policy that affects them.

80. 这一趋势将在妇女对政治进程和决策的参与中继续下去,因为妇女仍然在这方面代表性不足,无法有效影响对她们有影响的政策。

In 2017, the proportion of women holding elected or nominated government positions worldwide was approximately 1:4, compared with men.


In the lower houses of parliaments, women hold 23.4 per cent of representative posts and in the upper houses, 22.9 per cent.


The same trend is evident in the representation of women as members and chairs of public and private sector boards.


Women continue to be largely marginalized in the political sphere and in boardrooms as a result of discriminatory laws, practices, attitudes and gender stereotypes.


81. The Committee recommends that States parties pursue the following measures to achieve the equal participation of women in social, economic and political processes, as well as in decision-making positions in all sectors:

81. 委员会建议缔约国采取以下措施,以增加妇女对社会、经济和政治进程以及所有部门决策性职位的平等参与:

(a) Train teachers to adopt constructivist teaching strategies that equip girls and women with critical thinking skills and a sense of positive self-worth and confidence to participate equally with men in high-level and decision-making positions in the social, economic and political spheres;

(a) 培训教师采取建构主义教学战略,使女童/妇女具备与男性一样平等参与社会、经济和政治领域高级别和决策性职位的批判性思考能力和积极的自我价值感和信心;

(b) Adapt the options and content of girl’s and women’s education, in particular at the higher levels to increase their participation in scientific, technical and managerial courses of study, and thereby their qualifications, in order to ensure access to high-level jobs and decision-making positions, in particular in male-dominated professions and jobs;

(b) 尤其在较高级别,调整女童/妇女教育的备选办法和内容,从而增加她们对科学、技术和管理资格的参与,从而确保能够获得高级别工作和决策性职位,尤其在男性主导的职业和工作;

(c) Strengthen civic and citizenship education in schools and gender-responsive continuing adult literacy programmes aimed at enhancing the roles of women and their participation in the family and society;

(c) 加强旨在提高妇女在家庭和更广泛社会中作用和参与程度的学校公民学和公民教育以及促进性别平等的成人持续扫盲方案;

(d) Recognize the importance of empowering all women through education and training in government, public policy, economics, information and communications technology and science to ensure that they develop the knowledge and skills needed to make full contributions in all spheres of public life;

(d) 确认必须通过关于政府、公共政策、经济、信息技术和科学等领域的教育和培训来增强所有妇女的权能,以确保她们获得为公共生活各个领域作出充分贡献所需的知识和技能;

(e) Protect the right of women to decent work by challenging the entrenched horizontal segregation of labour markets where men are privileged and predominantly positioned in high-status occupational sectors on the basis of patronage rather than merit;

(e) 通过挑战劳动力市场根深蒂固的横向隔离,保护妇女从事体面工作的权利,因为男子在劳动力市场享有特权,基于提携而非才能进入高地位职业部门的人大都是男性;

(f) Improve and broaden women’s access to information and communications technologies, including e-government tools, in order to enable political participation and to promote engagement in broader democratic processes, while also improving the responsiveness of such technologies to the needs of women, including those of marginalized women;

(f) 改善和扩大妇女获得包括电子政务工具在内的信息和通信技术的机会,以便能够参与政治并推动参与更广泛的民主进程,同时还使这些技术更能满足妇女的需要,包括边缘化妇女的需要;

(g) Develop appropriate tools, skills and training programmes, in consultation with women, to equip and empower them to participate in leadership positions and to assume responsibilities in public life;

(g) 与妇女协商,开发适当的工具、技能和培训方案,使她们有能力担任领导职位,并在公共生活中承担责任;

(h) Take all appropriate measures to eliminate the prejudices and gender stereotypes that constitute barriers to women’s access to and full participation in the social, economic and political spheres.

(h) 采取一切适当措施,消除阻碍妇女进入并充分参与社会、经济和政治领域的偏见和性别陈规定型观念。

X. State responsibility: implementation and monitoring

. 国家责任:实施和监测

82. Information in the preceding sections of the present general recommendation indicates that, although there have been some gains towards the realization of the right of girls and women to education, their rights in all three domains — to, within and through — remain not fully realized.

82. 本一般性建议前几节中的信息表明,虽然在女童和妇女受教育权方面取得了一些进展,她们在所有三个领域的权利,即接受教育的权利、教育范围内各项权利和通过教育实现的权利,仍然是一项未完成的议程。

The recommendations contained herein identify benchmarks for the adoption and reform of policy and legislative frameworks and the financial and human resources required to provide for and protect the rights of girls and women in those three domains.


If education is ultimately to be the vehicle for the personal, social, economic and political empowerment of women and the tool for equipping them to seize opportunities to make a direct contribution to national and regional development processes, then attention to those actions is not optional but obligatory.


Transformation of systems and structures can only be realized, however, where there is political will.


States parties need to commit to fulfil their internationally binding obligations under agreements such as the Convention, as supported by the general recommendations of the Committee, in particular general recommendation No. 28 (2010) on the core obligations of States parties under article 2 of the Convention.


83. The Committee urges States parties to take the following actions to ensure the timely implementation and monitoring of the recommendations contained in the present general recommendation to protect the right of girls and women of access to education and their rights within and through education, which elaborate upon article 10 of the Convention and are linked to other articles of the Convention and other general recommendations of the Committee:

83. 因此,委员会促请缔约国采取以下行动,以确保及时执行和监测本一般性建议中的建议,保护女童和妇女接受教育的权利、教育范围中各项权利和通过教育实现的权利,同时阐明《公约》第10条,将《公约》其他条款和委员会其他一般性建议联系起来:

(a) Ensure the wide dissemination of the general recommendation to all stakeholders, including all government officials engaged in the education sector and supporting sectors, educators at all levels of the education system, students, parents, the media and the relevant national and community organizations;

(a) 确保将一般性建议广泛传播给所有利益攸关方,包括教育部门和支助部门的所有政府官员、各级教育系统中的教育工作者、学生、家长、媒体以及相关国家和社区组织;

(b) As necessary, translate the document into the national languages and into those used by the ethnic minority groups in States parties;

(b) 如有必要,将本文件译成国语以及人口中各少数民族群体使用的语文;

(c) Establish a national multisectoral task force with representation from the major government sectors involved in the delivery of education and educational services and the major non-governmental stakeholders engaged in education to develop a comprehensive implementation and monitoring strategy with clear timelines, benchmarks for measuring the achievement of outcomes and individuals assigned to provide oversight to specific dimensions of the strategy;

(c) 成立一个国家多部门工作队,吸纳来自参与提供教育和教育服务的主要政府部门以及参与教育的主要非政府利益攸关方的成员,旨在制定一项有明确时限的全面执行和监督战略以及衡量实现成果情况的基准,并分配人员监督该计划的具体方面;

(d) Ensure that adequate quantitative and qualitative datasets are available and accessible to inform monitoring of outcomes and maximize outcomes by harmonizing implementation of the present general recommendation with requirements under other international, regional and national instruments that address the rights of girls and women to, within and through education, which are consistent with the present instrument.

(d) 确保提供充足可用的定量和定性数据集,为监测成果提供参考;实现成果最大化,为此将本一般性建议的执行工作与符合本文书的关于女童和妇女受教育权、教育范围内各项权利和通过教育实现的权利的其他国际、区域和国家文书的要求协调一致。

1 Azza Karam, “Education as the pathway towards gender equality”, UN Chronicle, vol. L, No. 4 (2013).

1 阿扎·卡兰姆,教育作为实现性别平等的途径,《联合国纪事》。 2013年,第4号,第L卷。

2 UNESCO Institute for Statistics and United Nations Children’s Fund, Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All: Findings from the Global Initiative on Out-of-School Children (2015).

2 联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)统计研究所和联合国儿童基金会,“Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All: Findings from the Global Initiative on Out-of-School Children”(2015)

3 UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Adult and youth literacy fact sheet No. 26, September 2013. Available from http://uis.unesco.org/sites/default/files/documents/fs26-adult-and-youth-literacy-2013-en_1.pdf.

3 教科文组织统计研究所,成年人和青年扫盲概况介绍,20139月,第26号。可查阅:http://uis.unesco.org/sites /default/files/documents/fs26-adult-and-youth-literacy-2013-en_1.pdf

4 See www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CEDAW/Pages/Womensrighttoeducation.aspx.

4 www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CEDAW/Pages/Womensrighttoeducation.aspx

5 See SERAP v. Nigeria, judgment, Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (suit No. ECW/CCJ/APP/12/07; judgment No. ECW/CCJ/JUD/07/10 (30 November 2010)).

5 SERAP诉尼日利亚,西非国家经济共同体法院判决书(诉讼号ECW/CCJ/APP/12/07);判决号ECW/CCJ/JUD/07/10(20101130)

6 Arab Charter on Human Rights, Charter of the Organization of American States, American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, first Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers.

6 《阿拉伯人权宪章》、《美洲国家组织宪章》、《美洲关于人的权利和义务宣言》、《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》、《非洲儿童权利与福利宪章》、《非洲人权和人民权利宪章关于非洲妇女权利的议定书》、《保护人权与基本自由公约第一议定书》和《欧洲移民工人法律地位公约》。

7 UNESCO, “The right to education: law and policy review guidelines” (2014). Available from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002284/228491e.pdf

7 教科文组织,受教育权:法律和政策审查的指导方针”(2014)。 可查阅 http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002284/228491e.pdf

8 See E/CN.4/1999/49.

8 E/CN.4/1999/49

9 See https://en.unesco.org/themes/inclusion-in-education.

9 https://en.unesco.org/themes/inclusion-in-education/

10 ILO, World Report on Child Labour 2015: Paving the way to decent work for young people (2015).

10 劳工组织,《2015年世界童工问题报告:为年轻人的体面工作铺平道路》(2015)

11 See para. 14 above.

11 见第14段。

12 See UNESCO document, ED.99/HEP/WCHE/Vol. IV-12, Proceedings of the World Conference on Higher Education in the Twenty-first Century: Vision and Action (Paris 5–9 October 1998, vol. IV. Available from http://www.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?catno=117320&set=005A51B380_3_203&gp=1&lin=1&ll=1

12 UNESCO document, ED.99/HEP/WCHE/Vol. IV-12, Proceedings of the World Conference on Higher Education in the Twenty-first Century: Vision and Action (Paris 5–9 October 1998, vol. IV. Available from http://www.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?catno=117320&set=005A51B380_3_203&gp=1&lin=1&ll=1

13 See the statement by former Committee member Barbara Bailey to the high-level round table held on the margins of the fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women. Available from www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/csw55/panels/HLRTA-Bailey-Barbara.pdf.

13 the statement by former Committee member Barbara Bailey to the high-level round table held on the margins of the fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women. Available from www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/csw55/panels/HLRTA-Bailey-Barbara.pdf

14 Ibid.

14 同上。