Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
消除对妇女歧视委员会 |
General recommendation No. 37 (2018) on the gender-related dimensions of disaster risk reduction in the context of climate change |
关于气候变化背景下减少灾害风险所涉性别方面的第 37(2018)号一般性建议 |
I. |
一. |
Introduction |
导言 |
1. |
1. |
Climate change is exacerbating both the risk and the impacts of disasters globally, by increasing the frequency and severity of weather and climate hazards, which heightens the vulnerability of communities to those hazards. |
气候变化使天气和气候灾害的频率和强度增加,加剧了全球灾害的风险和影响,增加了社区面对这些灾害的脆弱性。 |
There is scientific evidence that a large proportion of extreme weather events around the world are a result of human-caused changes to the climate. |
有科学证据表明,世界上大部分极端天气事件都是人类造成的气候变化所致。 |
The human rights consequences of such disasters are apparent in the form of political and economic instability, growing inequality, declining food and water security and increased threats to health and livelihoods. |
这类灾害造成的人权后果明显体现为政治和经济不稳定、不平等加剧、粮食和水安全减弱以及对健康和生计的威胁加大。 |
Although climate change affects everyone, those countries and populations that have contributed the least to climate change, including people living in poverty, young people and future generations, are the most vulnerable to its impacts. |
气候变化影响到每个人,但那些造成气候变化责任最轻的国家和人口,包括贫困人口、年轻人和子孙后代,最容易受到气候变化的影响。 |
2. |
2. |
Women, girls, men and boys are affected differently by climate change and disasters, with many women and girls experiencing greater risks, burdens and impacts. |
气候变化和灾害以不同方式影响妇女、女童、男子和男童,许多妇女和女童经历更大的风险、负担和影响。 |
Situations of crisis exacerbate pre-existing gender inequalities and compound the intersecting forms of discrimination against, among others, women living in poverty, indigenous women, women belonging to ethnic, racial, religious and sexual minority groups, women with disabilities, refugee and asylum-seeking women, internally displaced, stateless and migrant women, rural women, unmarried women, adolescents and older women, who are often disproportionately affected compared with men or other women. |
危机局势加剧了原先就存在的男女不平 等,还加重了对以下群体的交叉式歧视,除其他外,包括贫困妇女,土著妇女,属于族裔、种族、宗教和性少数群体的妇女,残疾妇女,难民和寻求庇护的妇女,境 内流离失所、无国籍和移徙妇女,农村妇女、未婚妇女、少女和老年妇女; 与男性和其他妇女相比,她们经常受到过于严重的影响。 |
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3. |
In many contexts, gender inequalities limit the control that women and girls have over decisions governing their lives, as well as their access to resources such as food, water, agricultural input, land, credit, energy, technology, education, health services, adequate housing, social protection and employment. |
在许多情况下,性别不平等限制了妇女和女童对人生决定的控制权,也限制了她们获得粮食、水、农业投入、土地、信贷、能源、技术、教育、保健服务、适当住房、社会保障和就业等资源的机会。 |
As a result of those inequalities, women and girls are more likely to be exposed to disaster-induced risks and losses relating to their livelihoods, and they are less able to adapt to changes in climatic conditions. |
由于这些不平等,妇女和女童更容易遭受灾害引发的风险以及与其生计相关的损失,她们更加不能适应气候条件的变化。 |
Although climate change mitigation and adaptation programmes may provide new employment and livelihood opportunities in sectors such as agricultural production, sustainable urban development and clean energy, failure to address the structural barriers faced by women in gaining access to their rights will increase gender-based inequalities and intersecting forms of discrimination. |
虽然减缓和适应气候变化方案可能在农业生产、城市可持续发展和清洁能源等部门提供新的就业和谋生机会,未能消除妇女在获得权利方面面临的结构性障碍将增加基于性别的不平等和交叉式歧视。 |
4. |
4. |
Mortality and morbidity levels in situations of disaster are higher among women and girls. |
妇女和女童遇到灾害死亡率和发病率更高。 |
Owing to gender-based economic inequalities, women, and women heads of household in particular, are at a higher risk of poverty and more likely to live in inadequate housing in urban and rural areas of low land value that are vulnerable to such impacts of climate-related events as floods, storms, avalanches, earthquakes, landslides and other hazards. |
由于基于性别的经济不平等,妇女、特别是家庭女户主,陷入贫困的风险更高,更加可能居住在土地价值较低的城市和农村地区的不适住房,容易受到洪水、风暴、雪崩、地震、泥石流和其他灾害之类气候相关事件的影响。 |
Women and girls in situations of conflict are particularly exposed to risks associated with disasters and climate change. |
身处冲突局势下的妇女和女童特别容易面临与灾害和气候变化相关的风险。 |
The higher levels of mortality and morbidity among women during and following disasters are also a result of the inequalities that they face in gaining access to adequate health care, food and nutrition, water and sanitation, education, technology and information. |
妇女在灾害期间和灾害之后的死亡率和发病率较高,也是因为她们在获得充足的卫生保健、粮食和营养、水和环境卫生、教育、技术和信息方面面临不平等。 |
In addition, failure to engage in gender-responsive disaster planning and implementation often results in protective facilities and infrastructure, such as early warning mechanisms, shelters and relief programmes, that neglect the specific accessibility needs of diverse groups of women, including women with disabilities, older women and indigenous women. |
此外,不能参与促进性别平等的规划和执行工作,常常导致预警机制、庇护所和救济方案等保护设施和基础设施忽视残疾妇女、老年妇女和土著妇女等不同妇女群体的特殊利用需求。 |
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5. |
Women and girls also face a heightened risk of gender-based violence during and following disasters. |
妇女和女童在灾害期间和灾害之后在遭受基于性别的暴力方面面临更高的风险。 |
In the absence of social protection schemes and in situations in which there is food insecurity combined with impunity for gender-based violence, women and girls are often exposed to sexual violence and exploitation as they attempt to gain access to food and other basic needs for family members and themselves. |
在缺乏社会保障计划的情况下以及在粮食不安全的处境下,再加上对基于性别的暴力有罪不罚,妇女和女童在尝试为家庭成员及其自身获得粮食和其他基本需求时,经常遭受性暴力和剥削。 |
In camps and temporary settlements, the lack of physical security, as well as the lack of safe and accessible infrastructure and services, including drinking water and sanitation, also result in increased levels of gender-based violence against women and girls. |
在营地和临时安置点,缺乏实体安全,以及缺乏安全、便利的基础设施和服务,包括饮用水和环境卫生,还导致针对妇女和女童的基于性别的暴力增加。 |
Women and girls with disabilities are at particular risk of gender-based violence and sexual exploitation during and following disasters, owing to discrimination on the basis of physical limitations and barriers to communication and the inaccessibility of basic services and facilities. |
由于基于身体局限和沟通障碍的歧视,由于不能获得基础服务和设施,残疾妇女和女童在灾害期间和灾害之后面临着遭受基于性别的暴力和性剥削的特殊风险。 |
Domestic violence, early and/or forced marriage, trafficking in persons and forced prostitution are also more likely to occur during and following disasters. |
在灾害期间和灾害之后,还更可能发生家庭暴力、早婚和/或强迫婚姻、人口贩运和强迫卖淫。 |
6. |
6. |
As the higher vulnerability and exposure of women and girls to disaster risk and climate change are economically, socially and culturally constructed, they can be reduced. |
由于妇女和女童更脆弱、更容易遭受灾害风险和气候变化,是经济、社会和文化使然,所以可以减轻这种脆弱性。 |
The level of vulnerability may vary according to the type of disaster and the geographical and sociocultural contexts. |
脆弱程度可能因灾害类型以及地理和社会文化背景不同而各异。 |
7. |
7. |
The categorization of women and girls as passive “vulnerable groups” in need of protection from the impacts of disasters is a negative gender stereotype that fails to recognize the important contributions of women in the areas of disaster risk reduction, post-disaster management and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. |
把妇女和女童分类为需要保护以免受灾害影响的被动“弱势群体”是一种消极的性别陈规定型观念,没有认识到妇女在减少灾害风险、灾后管理及减缓和适应气候变化战略等领域做出的重要贡献。 |
Well-designed disaster risk reduction and climate change initiatives that provide for the full and effective participation of women can advance substantive gender equality and the empowerment of women, while ensuring that sustainable development, disaster risk reduction and climate change objectives are achieved. |
精心制订的减少灾害风险和气候变化倡议规定妇女要充分有效参与,能够促进实质性性别平等和增强妇女权能,同时确保实现可持续发展、减少灾害风险和气候变化目标。 |
It should be underlined that gender equality is a precondition for the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals. |
应当强调的是,性别平等是实现可持续发展目标的先决条件。 |
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8. |
In the light of the significant challenges in, and opportunities for, the realization of women’s human rights presented by climate change and disaster risk, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has provided specific guidance for States parties on the implementation of their obligations relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. |
鉴于气候变化和灾害风险为实现妇女人权带来的重大挑战和机会,消除对妇女歧视委员会向缔约国提供关于履行《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》规定的减少灾害风险和气候变化相关义务的具体指导。 |
In its concluding observations on the reports of States parties and in several of its general recommendations, the Committee has underlined that States parties and other stakeholders have obligations to take specific steps to address discrimination against women in the fields of disaster risk reduction and climate change, through the adoption of targeted laws, policies, mitigation and adaptation strategies, budgets and other measures. |
在其关于缔约国报告的结论性意见和多份一般性建议中,委员会已经强调,缔约国和其他利益攸关方有义务采取具体步骤,通过采取有针对性的法律、政策、减缓和适应战略、预算以及其他措施,处理减少灾害风险和气候变化领域对妇女的歧视。 |
In its statement on gender and climate change, the Committee outlined that all stakeholders should ensure that climate change and disaster risk reduction measures were gender responsive and sensitive to indigenous knowledge systems and that they respected human rights. |
委员会在关于性别与气候变化的声明中概述称,“所有利益攸关方应确保气候变化和减少灾害风险措施都促进性别平等,对土著知识体系有敏感认识,而且尊重人权。 |
The right of women to participate at all levels of decision-making must be guaranteed in climate change policies and programmes (A/65/38, part one, annex II). |
在气候变化政策和方案中必须保障妇女参与各级决策的权利”(A/65/38,第一部分,附件二)。 |
9. |
9. |
The Committee notes that other United Nations human rights mechanisms, including the Human Rights Council and the special procedures mandate holders, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Committee on the Rights of the Child, refer with increasing frequency to the negative consequences of climate change, environmental degradation and disasters. |
委员会注意到其他联合国人权机制,包括人权理事会及其特别程序任务负责人、经济、社会及文化权利委员会、残疾人权利委员会和儿童权利委员会,正在越来越频繁地提及气候变化、环境退化和灾害的负面影响。 |
Those mechanisms have also affirmed the obligations of Governments and other stakeholders to take immediate, targeted steps to prevent and mitigate the negative human rights impacts of climate change and disasters and to provide technical and financial support for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation measures. |
这些机制还申明,政府和其他利益攸关方有义务立即采取有针对性的步骤,预防和减缓气候变化和灾害对人权的负面影响,为减少灾害风险和适应气候变化措施提供技术和财政支助。 |
II. |
二. |
Objective and scope |
目标和范围 |
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10. |
Pursuant to article 21 (1) of the Convention, the present general recommendation provides guidance to States parties on the implementation of their obligations under the Convention in relation to disaster risk reduction and climate change. |
根据《公约》第二十一条第1款,本一般性建议为缔约国履行《公约》规定的减少灾害风险和气候变化相关义务提供指导。 |
In their reports submitted to the Committee pursuant to article 18, States parties should address general obligations to ensure substantive equality between women and men in all areas of life, as well as the specific guarantees in relation to those rights under the Convention that may be particularly affected by climate change and disasters, including extreme weather events such as floods and hurricanes, as well as slow-onset phenomena, such as the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, drought and sea-level rise. |
在 其根据第十八条向委员会提交的报告中,缔约国应涉及其确保妇女和男子在生活各个领域享有实质性平等的一般性义务,也涉及《公约》规定的、可能特别受到气候 变化和灾害(包括洪水和飓风等极端天气事件,也包括缓发现象,例如,极地冰冠和冰川融化、干旱和海平面上升)影响的权利的具体保证。 |
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11. |
The present general recommendation may also be used to inform the work of civil society organizations, international and regional intergovernmental organizations, educators, the scientific community, medical personnel, employers and any other stakeholders engaged in activities connected to disaster risk reduction and climate change. |
本一般性建议还可用于影响民间社会组织、国际和区域政府间组织、教育者、科学界、医疗人员、雇主以及任何其他从事减少灾害风险和气候变化相关活动的利益攸关方的工作。 |
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12. |
The objective of the present general recommendation is to underscore the urgency of mitigating the adverse effects of climate change and to highlight the steps necessary to achieve gender equality, the realization of which will reinforce the resilience of individuals and communities globally in the context of climate change and disasters. |
本一般性建议的目标是强调减缓气候变化的不利影响的迫切性,强调实现性别平等必须采取的步骤,因为实现性别平等将增强全球个人和社区在气候变化和灾害背景下适应能力。 |
It is also intended to contribute to coherence, accountability and the mutual reinforcement of international agendas on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, by focusing on the impacts of climate change and disasters on women’s human rights. |
通过重点关注气候变化和灾害对妇女人权的影响,一般性建议还打算促进关于减少灾害风险和适应气候变化的各种国际议程的一致性、问责制和相互增强。 |
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13. |
In the present general recommendation, the Committee does not exhaustively cover the gender-related dimensions of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, nor does it differentiate between disasters relating to climate change and other disasters. |
在本一般性建议中,委员会并未详尽涵盖减缓和适应气候变化措施所涉性别问题,也没有区分气候变化相关灾害与其他灾害。 |
It should be emphasized, however, that a large proportion of contemporary disasters may be attributed to human-induced climatic changes and that the recommendations provided herein are also applicable to hazards, risks and disasters that are not directly linked to climate change. |
但是,应当强调的是,一大部分当代灾害都可归咎于人类造成的气候变化,所提供的建议也同样适用于与气候变化无直接联系的危害、风险和灾害。 |
For the purposes of the present general recommendation, disasters are defined as including all those events, small-scale and large-scale, frequent and infrequent, sudden- and slow-onset, caused by natural or human-made hazards, and related environmental, technological and biological hazards and risks, mentioned in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, as well as any other chemical, nuclear and biological hazards and risks. |
为本一般性建议的目的,灾害系指《2015-2030年仙台减少灾害风险框架》提到的自然或人为灾患以及相关环境、技术和生物危害与风险造成的小规模和大规模、频发和偶发、突发和缓发灾害风险,以及其他任何化学、核或生物危害和风险。 |
Such hazards and risks include the testing and use of all types of weapons by State and non-State actors. |
这类危害和风险还包括国家和非国家行为体试验和使用所有类型的武器。 |
14. |
14. |
The obligations of States parties to effectively mitigate and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, in order to reduce the increased disaster risk, have been recognized by international human rights mechanisms. |
国际人权机制已经认识到各缔约国有义务有效减缓和适应气候变化,以减少灾害风险的增加。 |
Limiting fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions and the harmful environmental effects of extractive industries such as mining and fracking, and the allocation of climate financing, are regarded as crucial steps in mitigating the negative human rights impacts of climate change and disasters. |
限制化石燃料使用和温室气体排放,限制采矿和水力压裂等采掘工业对环境的有害影响,还有气候融资的分配,都被认为是减缓气候变化和灾害对人权负面影响的关键步骤。 |
Any mitigation or adaptation measures should be designed and implemented in accordance with the human rights principles of substantive equality and non-discrimination, participation and empowerment, accountability and access to justice, transparency and the rule of law. |
制订和执行任何减缓或适应措施都应当遵守实质性平等和不歧视、参与和增强权能、问责制、司法救助、透明度以及法治等人权原则。 |
15. |
15. |
The present general recommendation is focused on the obligations of States parties and non-State actors to take effective measures to prevent, mitigate the adverse effects of and respond to disasters and climate change and, in that context, to ensure that the human rights of women and girls are respected, protected and fulfilled in accordance with international law. |
本一般性建议重点关注缔约国和非国家行为体采取有效措施预防、减缓及应对灾害和气候变化的不利影响以及在此背景下,确保遵照国际法尊重、保护和实现妇女和女童人权的义务。 |
Three mutually reinforcing areas for action by stakeholders are identified, centring on the general principles of the Convention applicable to disaster risk and climate change, specific measures to address disaster risk reduction and climate change and specific areas of concern. |
确定了利益攸关方三个相辅相成的行动领域,核心是《公约》适用于灾害风险和气候变化的一般性原则,处理减少灾害风险和气候变化的具体措施; 具体关切领域。 |
III. |
三. |
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and other relevant international frameworks |
《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和其他相关国际框架 |
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16. |
The Convention promotes and protects women’s human rights, and this should be understood to apply at all stages of climate change and disaster prevention, mitigation, response, recovery and adaptation. |
《公约》促进和保护妇女的人权,理当在气候变化和灾害预防、减缓、应对、恢复和适应的所有阶段都适用。 |
In addition to the Convention, several specific international frameworks govern disaster risk reduction, climate change mitigation and adaptation, humanitarian assistance and sustainable development, and a number of them also address gender equality. Those instruments should be read together with the provisions of the Convention. |
除了《公约》,一些具体国际框架也对减少灾害风险、减轻和适应气候变化、人道主义援助和可持续发展做出了规定,其中一些还涉及性别平等。 这些文书应当与《公约》条款一起解读。 |
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17. |
In the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, of 1993, and reiterated in the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, entitled “The future we want”, of 2012, the particularly vulnerable situation of small island developing States was acknowledged and the principle of gender equality and the need to ensure the effective participation of women and indigenous peoples in all initiatives relating to climate change were reaffirmed. |
《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》(1993年)承认小岛屿发展中国家的处境特别脆弱,并重申性别平等原则以及有必要确保妇女和土著人民有效参与与气候变化相关的所有举措,2012年联合国可持续发展大会的题为成果文件《我们希望的未来》予以重申。 |
18. |
18. |
In the Sendai Framework, it was emphasized that women and their participation were critical to effectively managing disaster risk and designing, resourcing and implementing gender-sensitive disaster risk reduction policies, plans and programmes, and that adequate capacity-building measures needed to be taken to empower women for preparedness, as well as to build their capacity to secure alternate livelihood means in post-disaster situations. |
《仙台框架》强调,“妇女及其参与对于有效管理灾害风险以及敏感对待性别问题的减少灾害风险政策、计划和方案的制订、资源配置和执行工作至关重要; 需要采取适当的能力建设措施,增强妇女的备灾力量,并增强她们灾后获取替代生计手段的能力”。 |
Empowering women to publicly lead and promote gender-equitable and universally accessible response, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction approaches was also emphasized. |
《框架》还强调,“增强妇女公开领导和推广性别平等和普遍可用的响应、复原、恢复和重建办法的能力”。 |
19. |
19. |
In the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, States parties were called upon to take action on climate change on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and capabilities. |
《联合国气候变化框架公约》呼吁缔约各国在公平的基础上,并根据它们共同但有区别的责任和各自的能力,对气候变化采取行动。 |
It was recognized that, although climate change affected everyone, countries who had contributed the least to greenhouse gas emissions, as well as people living in poverty, children and future generations, were the most affected. |
认识到,尽管气候变化影响到每个人,但那些造成温室气体排放责任最小的国家,还有贫困人口、儿童和子孙后代,受影响最重。 |
Climate equity required that, in global efforts to mitigate the adverse effects of and adapt to climate change, the needs of countries, groups and individuals, including women and girls, which were the most vulnerable to its adverse impacts, were prioritized. |
气候公平要求减缓气候变化不利影响和适应气候变化的全球努力优先考虑最容易受其不利影响的国家、群体以及个人的需要,包括妇女和女童的需要。 |
20. |
20. |
In 2014, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change adopted decision 18/CP.20, entitled “Lima work programme on gender”, in which it established a plan for promoting gender balance and achieving gender-responsive climate policies developed for the purpose of guiding the effective participation of women in the bodies established under the Convention. |
2014年,联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方大会通过了题为“性别问题利马工作方案”第18.CP/20号决定,其中确立了一份促进性别平衡并实现促进两性平等的气候政策的计划,目的是指导妇女有效参与《公约》所设机构。 |
In 2017, the Conference of the Parties adopted decision 3/CP.23, entitled “Establishment of a gender action plan”, in which it agreed to advance the full, equal and meaningful participation of women and promote gender-responsive climate policy and the mainstreaming of a gender perspective into all elements of climate action. |
2017年,缔约方大会通过了题为“确立性别平等行动计划”的第3/CP.23号决定,同意推进妇女充分、平等、切实的参与,推动促进性别平等的气候政策,促进将性别视角纳入气候行动所有要素的主流。 |
21. |
21. |
In the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Conference of the Parties noted that Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations and the right to development, as well as gender equality, the empowerment of women and intergenerational equity. |
气 候公约缔约方大会在《联合国气候变化框架公约》下的《巴黎协定》中指出,“缔约方在采取行动处理气候变化问题时,应当尊重并促进人权、健康权、土著人民权 利、当地社区权利、移民权利、儿童权利、残疾人权利、处境脆弱的人民的权利、发展权以及性别平等、妇女赋权和代际公平,以及考虑到它们各自在这些方面的义 务”。 |
They also acknowledged that adaptation, including capacity-building for mitigation and adaptation action, should be gender-responsive, participatory and fully transparent, taking into consideration vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems. |
缔约方还承认,适应行动,包括能力建设以及减缓和适应行动,应当促进性别平等、注重参与性和保持充分透明,同时考虑到脆弱群体、社区和生态系统。 |
22. |
22. |
The Sustainable Development Goals contain important targets on gender equality, including those in Goals 3–6 and 10, and on climate change and disaster risk reduction, in Goals 11 and 13. |
可持续发展目标载有关于性别平等的重要具体目标,包括目标3-6和10下的具体目标,包括目标11和目标13关于气候变化和减少灾害风险的具体目标。 |
23. |
23. |
At the third International Conference on Financing for Development, held in Addis Ababa in 2015, participants adopted documents that link gender equality and women’s rights with climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and called upon States to integrate those issues into development financing. |
在2015年于亚的斯亚贝巴举行的第三次发展筹资问题国际会议上,与会者通过了若干文件,将性别平等和妇女权利与适应气候变化和减少灾害风险联系起来,并呼吁缔约各国将这些问题纳入发展筹资之中。 |
24. |
24. |
Participants in the World Humanitarian Summit, in 2016, called for gender equality, the empowerment of women and women’s rights to become pillars of humanitarian action, including in disaster preparedness and response. |
2016年世界人道主义峰会的与会者要求性别平等、增强妇女权能和妇女权利成为人道主义行动的支柱,包括在防灾救灾中。 |
Also in 2016, in the New Urban Agenda, the participants in the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) recognized the need for gender-responsive measures to ensure that urban development was sustainable, resilient and contributed to climate change mitigation and adaptation. |
同样是在2016年,在《新城市议程》,联合国住房和城市可持续发展大会(人居三大会)的与会者认识到有必要采取促进性别平等的措施,以确保城市发展的可持续性和韧性,并为减缓和适应气候变化做出贡献。 |
IV. |
四. |
General principles of the Convention applicable to disaster risk reduction and climate change |
《公约》适用于减少灾害风险和气候变化的一般性原则 |
25. |
25. |
Several cross-cutting principles and provisions of the Convention are of crucial importance and should serve as guidance in the drafting of legislation, policies, plans of action, programmes, budgets and other measures relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change. |
《公约》的一些交叉原则和条款至关重要,应当指导起草与减少灾害风险和气候变化相关的立法、政策、行动计划、方案、预算和其他措施。 |
26. |
26. |
States parties should ensure that all policies, legislation, plans, programmes, budgets and other activities relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change are gender responsive and grounded in human rights-based principles, including the following: |
缔约国应确保所有与减少灾害风险和气候变化相关的政策、立法、计划、方案、预算和其他活动促进性别平等并基于人权原则,包括下述原则: |
(a) |
(a) |
Equality and non-discrimination, with priority being accorded to the most marginalized groups of women and girls, such as those from indigenous, racial, ethnic and sexual minority groups, women and girls with disabilities, adolescents, older women, unmarried women, women heads of household, widows, women and girls living in poverty in both rural and urban settings, women in prostitution and internally displaced, stateless, refugee, asylum-seeking and migrant women; |
平等和不歧视,优先考虑最边缘的妇女和女童群体,如,土著、种族、族裔和性少数群体的妇女和女童,残疾妇女和女童,少女,老年妇女,未婚妇女,女户主,寡妇,农村和城市环境下的贫困妇女和女童,卖淫妇女,以及境内流离失所、无国籍、难民、寻求庇护和移民的妇女; |
(b) |
(b) |
Participation and empowerment, through the adoption of effective processes and the allocation of the resources necessary to ensure that diverse groups of women have opportunities to participate in every stage of policy development, implementation and monitoring at each level of government, at the local, national, regional and international levels; |
参与和增强权能,通过采取有效程序和分配必要资源,确保不同妇女群体有机会在各级政府,在地方、国家、区域和国际层面上,参与各个阶段的政策制订、执行以及监测; |
(c) |
(c) |
Accountability and access to justice, which require the provision of appropriate and accurate information and mechanisms in order to ensure that all women and girls whose rights have been directly and indirectly affected by disasters and climate change are provided with adequate and timely remedies. |
问责制和司法救助,要求提供适当和准确的信息和机制,确保向权利直接或间接受到灾害和气候变化影响的所有妇女和女童提供充分和及时的救济。 |
27. |
27. |
Those three general principles — equality and non-discrimination, participation and empowerment, accountability and access to justice — are fundamental to ensuring that all interventions relating to disaster risk reduction in the context of climate change are implemented in accordance with the Convention. |
这三项一般性原则——平等和不歧视,参与和增强权能,问责制和司法救助——是确保遵照《公约》执行所有与气候变化背景下减少灾害风险相关的干预措施的基础。 |
A. |
A. |
Substantive equality and non-discrimination |
实质性平等和不歧视 |
28. |
28. |
States parties have obligations under article 2 of the Convention to take targeted and specific measures to guarantee equality between women and men, including the adoption of participatory and gender-responsive policies, strategies and programmes relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change, across all sectors. |
根据《公约》第二条,缔约国有义务采取有针对性的具体措施,在各个部门保证妇女和男子之间的平等,包括采取与减少灾害风险和气候变化相关的促进性别平等的参与性政策、战略和方案。 |
Article 2 identifies the specific, core obligations of States parties to ensure substantive equality between women and men in all areas covered by the Convention and to take legislative, policy-based and other measures to that effect. |
第二条确定了缔约国在确保在《公约》涵盖的所有领域里妇女和男子实质性平等方面的核心义务,以及为实现这一点应采取立法措施、基于政策的措施和其他措施。 |
The obligation to take all appropriate measures, including with regard to legislation, in all fields, to guarantee the full development and advancement of women on a basis of equality with men, is further expanded in articles 3 and 24 of the Convention. |
《公约》第三条和第二十四条进一步扩大了采取“一切适当措施”的义务,包括在所有领域立法,以保证妇女在与男子平等的基础上得到充分发展和进步。 |
29. |
29. |
Intersecting forms of discrimination may limit the access of particular groups of women to the information, political power, resources and assets that would help them to mitigate the adverse effects of disasters and climate change. |
交叉式歧视可能限制特定妇女群体获得帮助她们减缓灾害及气候变化不利影响的信息、政治权力、资源和资产。 |
In its general recommendation No. 28 (2010) on the core obligations of States parties under article 2 of the Convention, as well as in general recommendation No. 32 (2014) on the gender-related dimensions of refugee status, asylum, nationality and statelessness of women, general recommendation No. 33 (2015) on women’s access to justice, general recommendation No. 34 (2016) on the rights of rural women, general recommendation No. 35 (2017) on gender-based violence against women, updating general recommendation No. 19, and general recommendation No. 36 (2017) on the right of girls and women to education, the Committee reiterated that discrimination against women was inextricably linked to other factors that affected their lives. |
在 关于缔约国在《公约》第二条之下的核心义务第28号一般性建议(2010年),关于妇女的难民地位、庇护、国籍和无国籍状态与性别相关方面的第32号一般 性建议(2014年),关于妇女获得司法救助的第33号一般性建议(2015年),关于农村妇女权利的第34号一般性建议(2016年)、关于基于性别的 暴力侵害妇女行为的第35号一般性建议(2017年),更新第19号一般性建议及关于女童和妇女受教育权的第36号一般性建议(2017年)中,委员会重 申歧视妇女与影响妇女生活的其他因素密不可分。 |
30. |
30. |
The present general recommendation does not contain an exhaustive list of every group of right holders for which respect of their rights must be integrated into laws, policies, programmes and strategies on disaster risk reduction and climate change. |
本一般性建议未详尽列出每个权利持有人群体,要求关于减少灾害风险和气候变化的法律、政策、方案和战略必须尊重它们的权利。 |
The principles of non-discrimination and substantive equality, which form the foundation of the Convention, require that States parties take all measures necessary to ensure that direct and indirect discrimination, as well as intersecting forms of discrimination, are redressed. |
不歧视和实质性平等原则构成了《公约》的基础,要求缔约国采取一切必要措施,确保矫正直接和间接歧视以及交叉式歧视。 |
Specific measures, including temporary special measures, legislation that prohibits intersecting forms of discrimination and resource allocation, are necessary to ensure that all women and girls are able to participate in the development, implementation and monitoring of policies and plans relating to climate change and disasters. |
必须有具体措施,包括暂行特别措施、禁止交叉式歧视的立法以及资源分配,以确保所有妇女和女童能够参与制订、执行及监测气候变化和灾害相关政策和计划。 |
31. |
31. |
As outlined in general recommendation No. 28, States parties have obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the principle of non-discrimination towards all women, against all forms of discrimination, in all areas, even those not explicitly mentioned in the Convention, and to ensure the equal development and advancement of women in all areas. |
正如第28号一般性建议所概述的,缔约国有义务在所有领域,甚至在《公约》未明确提到的领域,尊重、保护和实现不歧视原则,使所有妇女不受一切形式的歧视,确保妇女在所有领域的平等发展和进步。 |
To ensure substantive equality between women and men in the context of disaster risk reduction and climate change, States parties should take specific, targeted and measurable steps: |
为确保男女在减少灾害风险和气候变化背景下的实质性平等,缔约国应采取具体、有针对性和可衡量的步骤: |
(a) |
(a) |
To identify and eliminate all forms of discrimination, including intersecting forms of discrimination, against women in legislation, policies, programmes, plans and other activities relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change. |
查明和消除对妇女的一切形式的歧视,包括在关于减少灾害风险和气候变化的政策、立法、政策、方案、计划和其他活动中对妇女的交叉式歧视。 |
Priority should be accorded to addressing discrimination in relation to the ownership, access, use, disposal, control, governance and inheritance of property, land and natural resources, as well as barriers that impede the exercise by women of their full legal capacity and autonomy in areas such as freedom of movement and equal access to economic, social and cultural rights, including to food, health, work and social protection. |
应当优先考虑解决与财产、土地及自然资源所有权、获得、使用、处置、控制、管理和继承相关的歧视,排除阻碍妇女在行动自由和平等获得粮食、卫生、工作和社会保障等经济、社会及文化权利等领域行使充分法律能力和自主权的障碍。 |
Women and girls should be empowered through specific policies, programmes and strategies so that they are able to exercise their right to seek, receive and impart information relating to climate change and disaster risk reduction; |
还应当通过具体政策、方案和战略增强妇女和女童权能,使她们能够行使权利,寻求、接收和告知与气候变化和减少灾害风险相关的信息; |
(b) |
(b) |
To create effective mechanisms to guarantee that the rights of women and girls are a primary consideration in devising measures relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change at the local, national, regional and international levels. |
建立有效机制,保证地方、国家、区域和国际在制订关于减少灾害风险和气候变化的措施时,妇女和女童权利是一项主要考虑因素。 |
Measures must be taken to ensure that high-quality infrastructure and critical services are available, accessible and culturally acceptable for all women and girls on a basis of equality. |
必须采取措施,确保在平等基础上,优质基础设施和关键服务对所有妇女和女童可利用、可获得并在文化上是可接受的。 |
B. |
B. |
Participation and empowerment |
参与和增强权能 |
32. |
32. |
The participation of diverse groups of women and girls, and the development of their leadership capacity, at various levels of government and within local communities is essential to ensuring that the prevention of and response to disasters and the adverse effects of climate change are effective and incorporate perspectives from all sectors of society. |
不同妇女和女童群体在不同政府层级和地方社区内的参与及其领导能力的发展对于确保有效预防和应对灾害和气候变化的不利影响并且纳入社会各个部门的视角至关重要。 |
Promoting the participation of girls and young women in the creation, development, implementation and monitoring of policies and plans relating to climate change and disaster risk reduction is essential, because those groups are often overlooked, even though they will experience the impacts of those phenomena throughout their lifetimes. |
促进女童和年轻妇女参与设计、制订、执行及监测关于气候变化和减少灾害风险的政策和计划至关重要,因为这些群体即便一生都会受到这些现象的影响,却经常被忽视。 |
33. |
33. |
Women make significant contributions to household, local, national, regional and international economies and to environmental management, disaster risk reduction and climate change resilience at various levels. |
妇女对家庭、地方、国家、区域和国际经济以及不同层级的环境管理、减少灾害风险及气候变化适应能力做出了重要贡献。 |
At the local level, the traditional knowledge held by women in agricultural regions is particularly important in that respect, because those women are well positioned to observe changes in the environment and respond to them through adaptive practices in crop selection, planting, harvesting, land conservation techniques and careful management of water resources. |
在农业区,妇女掌握的地方传统知识在这方面尤其重要,因为这些妇女处于一个非常有利的位置,能够观察环境变化,并通过在作物选择、种植、收割、土地保护技术以及认真管理水资源方面采取适应性做法应对这些变化。 |
34. |
34. |
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has noted that most local communities develop adaptation practices that could and should be identified and followed, in order to tailor effective adaptation and response strategies relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change. |
政府间气候变化专门委员会已经指出,大多数地方社区制订了能够而且应当查明和遵循的适应做法,以量身定制与减少灾害风险和气候变化相关的有效适应和应对战略。 |
In the Paris Agreement, the Conference of the Parties acknowledged that climate change adaptation should be guided by the best available science and, as appropriate, by traditional, indigenous and local knowledge systems, a view that aligns with the many provisions in the Convention, including articles 7, 8 and 14, that provide that States parties should ensure that all women are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in political decision-making and development planning. |
在《巴黎协定》中,缔约方大会承认,适应气候变化应当以现有的最佳科学以及适当的传统知识、土著人民的知识和地方知识系统为指导。这种观点与《公约》中规定缔约国确保向所有妇女提供富有意义的机会以参与政治决定和发展规划的许多条款,包括第七、八和十四条,是一致的。 |
35. |
35. |
Articles 7 and 8 of the Convention provide that women should have equality in political and public life at the local, national and international levels, and article 14 reiterates that rural women have the right to participate in development planning and agricultural reform activities. |
《公约》第七条和第八条规定,妇女应当在地方、国家和国际政治和公共生活中享有平等,第十四条重申,农村妇女有权参与发展规划和农业改革活动。 |
That guarantee of political equality encompasses leadership by women and the representation and participation of women, which are components that are essential to the development and implementation of effective programmes and policies relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change that take into account the needs of the population, in particular those of women. |
这种政治平等的保证包括妇女的领导,妇女的代表性以及参与,这些要素对于制订和执行考虑到人口的需要,特别是妇女需求的有效减少灾害风险和气候变化方案和政策至关重要。 |
36. |
36. |
To ensure that women and girls are provided with equal opportunities to lead and to participate and engage in decision-making in activities relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change, the Committee recommends that States parties: |
为确保妇女和女童有平等机会领导、参与和进行减少灾害风险和气候变化活动的决策,委员会建议缔约国: |
(a) |
(a) |
Adopt targeted policies, such as temporary special measures, including quotas, as provided for in article 4 of the Convention and in general recommendation No. 25 (2004) on temporary special measures, as one element of a coordinated and regularly monitored strategy to achieve the equal participation of women in all decision-making and development planning relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change; |
采取有针对性的政策,如,暂行特别措施,包括《公约》第四条和关于暂行特别措施的第25号一般性建议(2004年)规定的配额,作为协调和受到经常监测的战略的一个要素,以实现妇女平等参与与减少灾害风险和气候变化相关的所有决策和发展规划; |
(b) |
(b) |
Develop programmes to ensure the participation of and leadership by women in political life, including through civil society organizations, in particular women’s organizations, at various levels, in particular in the context of local and community planning and climate change and disaster preparedness, response and recovery; |
制订方案,通过民间社会组织等,特别是妇女组织,确保妇女在各个不同层级参与政治生活,发挥领导作用,特别是在地方和社区规划、气候变化、备灾、救灾和恢复背景下; |
(c) |
(c) |
Ensure the equal representation of women in forums and mechanisms on disaster risk reduction and climate change, at the community, local, national, regional and international levels, in order to enable them to participate in and influence the development of policies, legislation and plans relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change and their implementation. |
确保妇女在社区、地方、国家、区域和国际减少灾害风险和气候变化论坛和机制中获得平等的代表,使她们能够参加和影响制订减少灾害风险和气候变化的政策、立法和计划及其执行工作。 |
States parties should also take positive measures to ensure that girls, young women and women belonging to indigenous and other marginalized groups are provided with opportunities to be represented in those mechanisms; |
各缔约国还应当采取积极措施,确保向女童、年轻妇女以及属于土著和其他边缘群体的妇女提供在这些机制中获得代表的机会; |
(d) |
(d) |
Strengthen national institutions concerned with gender-related issues and women’s rights, civil society and women’s organizations and provide them with adequate resources, skills and authority to lead, advise, monitor and carry out strategies to prevent and respond to disasters and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change; |
加强与性别相关问题和妇女权利有关的国家机构、民间社会和妇女组织,向它们提供充足的资源、技能以及权力,以领导、建议、监测和执行预防和应对灾害及减缓气候变化不利影响的战略; |
(e) |
(e) |
Allocate adequate resources to building the leadership capacity of women and creating an enabling environment for strengthening their active role in disaster risk reduction and response and climate change mitigation, at all levels and across all relevant sectors. |
分配充足的资源,建设妇女的领导能力,营造一个有利环境,在各级和所有相关部门,加强她们在减少灾害风险及应对和减缓气候变化中的积极作用。 |
C. |
C. |
Accountability and access to justice |
问责制和司法救助 |
37. |
37. |
In line with article 15 (1) of the Convention, women should be accorded equality before the law, which is extremely important in situations of disaster and in the context of climate change, given that women, who often face barriers to gaining access to justice, may encounter significant difficulties in claiming compensation and other forms of reparation to mitigate their losses and to adapt to climate change. |
根据《公约》第十五条第1款,应给予妇女在法律面前平等的地位。 在灾害情况下和气候变化背景下,这一点极其重要,因为妇女经常在司法救助方面面临障碍,在为减缓她们的损失和适应气候变化而索取赔偿和其他形式补偿时可能会遇到重大困难。 |
The recognition of the legal capacity of women as identical to that of men and equal between groups of women, including women with disabilities and indigenous women, as well as their equal access to justice, are essential elements of disaster and climate change policies and strategies. |
承认妇女与男子具备相同的法律能力、承认包括残疾妇女和土著妇女在内的妇女群体之间的平等以及平等的司法救助,是治理灾害和气候变化政策和战略的根本要素。 |
38. |
38. |
States parties should ensure that legal frameworks are non-discriminatory and that all women have effective access to justice, in line with general recommendation No. 33, including by: |
根据关于妇女获得司法救助的第33号一般性建议,缔约国应确保法律框架不歧视并且所有妇女都能够获得有效的司法救助,包括通过以下途径: |
(a) |
(a) |
Conducting a gender impact analysis of current laws, incorporating those that are applied in plural legal systems, including customary, traditional and religious norms and practices, to assess their effect on women with regard to their vulnerability to disaster risk and climate change, and adopt, repeal or amend laws, norms and practices accordingly; |
对现行法律进行性别影响分析,纳入那些适用于多元司法系统的法律,包括习惯、传统和/或宗教规范和实践,从妇女易遭灾害风险和气候变化的角度评估它们对妇女的影响,并相应地通过、废除或修正法律、规范和做法; |
(b) |
(b) |
Increasing awareness among women of the available legal remedies and dispute resolution mechanisms and their legal literacy, by providing them with information on their rights and on policies and programmes relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change and empowering them to exercise their right to information in that context; |
向妇女提供关于其权利以及减少灾害风险和气候变化相关政策和方案方面的信息,增强她们在此背景下行使信息权的权能,提高妇女对现有法律救济和争端解决机制的认识,并丰富她们的法律知识; |
(c) |
(c) |
Ensuring affordable or, if necessary, free access to legal services, including legal aid, as well as to official documents such as birth, death and marriage certificates and land registration documents and deeds. |
确保获得可负担得起或者,在必要情况下,免费的法律服务,包括法律援助,确保获得出生、死亡和婚姻证明等官方文件以及土地登记文件/契约。 |
Reliable and low-cost administrative systems should be implemented to make such documentation accessible and available to women in situations of disaster so that they are able to benefit from such services as relief payments and compensation; |
应当实行可靠的低成本行政管理制度,使妇女在灾害处境下能够获得和利用这类文件,从而能够受益于救济款和赔偿等服务; |
(d) |
(d) |
Dismantling barriers to women’s access to justice by ensuring that formal and informal justice mechanisms, including alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, are in conformity with the Convention and made available and accessible, in order to enable women to claim their rights. |
通过确保正式和非正式司法机制,包括替代性争端解决机制,与《公约》保持一致,确实存在,可以利用,使妇女能够主张她们的权利,消除妇女获得司法救助的障碍。 |
Measures to protect women from reprisals when claiming their rights should also be developed; |
还应当制订措施,保护妇女在提出权利主张时免遭报复; |
(e) |
(e) |
Minimizing disruptions to legal and justice systems that may result from disasters and climate change, by developing response plans that provide for the deployment of mobile or specialized reporting mechanisms, investigative teams and courts. |
通过制订应对计划,规定部署机动或专门报告机制、调查小组和法院,最大程度地减少法律和司法系统可能由于灾害和气候变化出现的中断。 |
Flexible and accessible legal and judicial mechanisms are of particular importance for women and girls wishing to report incidents of gender-based violence. |
灵活而便利的法律和司法机制对于希望报告基于性别的暴力事件的妇女和女童具有特别的重要意义。 |
V. |
五. |
Specific principles of the Convention relevant to disaster risk reduction and climate change |
《公约》与减少灾害风险和气候变化相关的具体原则 |
A. |
A. |
Assessment and data collection |
评估和数据收集 |
39. |
39. |
The gender-related dimensions of disaster risk reduction and the impacts of climate change are often not well understood. |
减少灾害风险和气候变化影响的性别相关方面经常没有得到很好地了解。 |
Limited technical capacity at the national and local levels has resulted in a lack of data disaggregated by sex, age, disability, ethnicity and geographical location, which continues to impede the development of appropriate and targeted strategies for disaster risk reduction and climate change response. |
国家和地方技术能力有限,导致缺乏按性别、年龄、残疾、族裔和地理位置分列的数据,这依然妨碍制订适当和有针对性的减少灾害风险和应对气候变化的战略。 |
40. |
40. |
States parties should: |
缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Establish or identify existing national and local mechanisms to collect, analyse and manage, and for the application of, data disaggregated by sex, age, disability, ethnicity and region. Such data should be made publicly available and used to inform gender-responsive national and regional disaster risk reduction and climate resilience legislation, policies, programmes and budgets; |
设立或确定现有的国家和地方机制,以收集、分析、管理和适用按性别、年龄、残疾、族裔和地区分列的数据。 应当向公众提供此类数据,用于影响促进性别平等的国家和区域减少灾害风险和气候适应能力方面的立法、政策、方案和预算; |
(b) |
(b) |
Develop, on the basis of disaggregated data, specific and gender-responsive indicators and monitoring mechanisms to enable States parties to establish baselines and measure progress in areas such as the participation of women in initiatives relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change and in political, economic and social institutions. |
根据分类数据制定促进性别平等的具体指标和监测机制,使缔约国能够建立基准线,衡量妇女参与减少灾害风险和气候变化举措以及参与政治、经济和社会机构等方面的进度。 |
Integration with and coordination in the implementation of other existing frameworks, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sendai Framework, are essential to ensuring a consistent and effective approach; |
与《联合国气候变化框架公约》、《2030年可持续发展议程》和《仙台框架》等其他现有框架的整合与协调,对于确保采取一致有效的方法至关重要; |
(c) |
(c) |
Empower, build the capacity of and provide resources to, if necessary through donor support, the national institutions responsible for collecting, consolidating and analysing disaggregated data, across all relevant sectors, such as economic planning, disaster risk management, planning and monitoring of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, including at the local level; |
在所有相关部门,包括经济规划、灾害风险管理、可持续发展目标实施工作的规划和监测,包括在地方层面上,增强负责收集、整理和分析分类数据的国家机构的权力,建设其能力,并在必要时通过捐赠方支助向其提供资源; |
(d) |
(d) |
Incorporate climate information into disaster planning and decision-making at the subnational and national levels by ensuring that diverse groups of women are consulted as valuable sources of community knowledge on climate change. |
通过确保与作为关于气候变化的宝贵社区知识来源的不同妇女群体进行磋商,将气候信息纳入国家和地方的灾害规划和决策。 |
B. |
B. |
Policy coherence |
政策一致性 |
41. |
41. |
It is only recently that concerted efforts have been made to coordinate policies on gender equality, disaster risk reduction, climate change and sustainable development. |
最近才开始进行协同努力,协调关于性别平等、减少灾害风险、气候变化和可持续发展的政策。 |
While certain policy documents, such as the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, integrate those objectives into their frameworks for implementation, much remains to be done at the national, regional and international levels to align policies. |
尽管《2030年议程》和可持续发展目标等一些政策文件将这些目标纳入了它们的执行框架,但是,在国家、区域和国际层面上,要使政策一致仍然有许多工作要做。 |
Programmes of action, budgets and strategies should be coordinated across sectors, including trade, development, energy, environment, water, climate science, agriculture, education, health and planning, and at levels of government, including local and subnational, national, regional and international, in order to ensure an effective and human rights-based approach to disaster risk reduction and climate change mitigation and adaptation. |
应当在各部门,包括贸易、发展、能源、环境、水、气候科学、农业、教育、卫生、规划等部门,在各级政府,包括地方、国家以下、国家、区域和国际层级,协调行动方案、预算和战略,以确保采取基于人权的有效方法减少灾害风险,减缓和适应气候变化。 |
42. |
42. |
States parties should: |
缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Engage in a comprehensive audit of policies and programmes across sectors and areas, including climate, trade and investment, environment and planning, water, food, agriculture, technology, social protection, education and employment, in order to identify the degree of integration of a gender equality perspective and any inconsistencies, with a view to reinforcing efforts aimed at disaster risk reduction and climate change mitigation and adaptation; |
对各部门和领域的政策和方案进行全面审计,包括气候、贸易和投资、环境和规划、水、粮食、农业、技术、社会保障、教育和就业,以查明性别平等视角的纳入程度及任何不一致之处,增强以减少灾害风险、减缓和适应气候变化为目的的努力; |
(b) |
(b) |
Improve coordination between sectors, including those involved in disaster risk management, climate change, gender equality, health care, education, social protection, agriculture, environmental protection and urban planning, through such measures as the adoption of integrated national strategies and plans relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change that explicitly integrate a gender equality perspective into their approaches; |
采取各种措施,比如关于减少灾害风险和气候变化的国家综合战略与计划,明确把性别平等视角纳入其方法之中,以改善部门之间,包括灾害风险管理、气候变化、性别平等、卫生保健、教育、社会保障、农业、环境保护、城市规划等部门之间的协调; |
(c) |
(c) |
Undertake gender impact assessments during the design, implementation and monitoring phases of plans and policies relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change; |
在减少灾害风险和气候变化计划和政策的制订、执行和监测阶段进行性别影响评估; |
(d) |
(d) |
Develop, compile and share practical tools, information and best practices and methodologies for the effective integration of a gender equality perspective into legislation, policies and programmes in all sectors relevant to disaster risk reduction and climate change; |
为在与减少灾害风险和气候变化相关的所有部门,将性别平等视角有效地纳入立法、政策和方案,开发、汇编和分享实用工具、信息和最佳实践与方法; |
(e) |
(e) |
Promote and strengthen the vital role played by subnational governments in disaster risk reduction, service provision, emergency response, land-use planning and climate change. |
促进和加强国家以下各级政府在减少灾害风险、服务提供、应急、土地利用规划和气候变化方面发挥的至关重要的作用。 |
To that end, adequate budgets should be allocated and mechanisms developed to monitor the implementation of legislation and policies at the subnational level. |
为此,应当分配充足的预算并建立种种机制,以监测国家以下层级的立法和政策执行情况。 |
C. |
C. |
Extraterritorial obligations, international cooperation and resource allocation |
域外义务、国际合作和资源分配 |
43. |
43. |
States parties have obligations both within and outside their territories to ensure the full implementation of the Convention, including in the areas of disaster risk reduction and climate change mitigation and adaptation. |
缔约国有义务在其领土内外确保全面执行《公约》,包括在减少灾害风险及减缓和适应气候变化方面。 |
Measures such as limiting fossil fuel use, reducing transboundary pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the transition to renewable energy sources are regarded as crucial steps in mitigating climate change and the negative human rights impacts of the adverse effects of climate change and disasters globally. |
限制化石燃料使用、减少跨界污染和温室气体排放以及促进向可再生能源过渡等措施,都被认为是全球减缓气候变化和减轻气候变化和灾害的不利影响对人权负面影响的关键步骤。 |
In its resolutions 26/27 and 29/15, the Human Rights Council noted that the global nature of climate change called for the widest possible cooperation by all countries and their participation in an effective and appropriate international response. |
人权理事会在第26/27和第29/15号决议中指出,气候变化的全球性要求所有国家尽可能开展最广泛的合作,并参与有效和适当的国际应对行动。 |
44. |
44. |
There is currently an insufficient level of resources being dedicated to addressing the underlying structural causes of gender inequality that increase the exposure of women to disaster risk and the effects of climate change and to developing gender-responsive programmes in those areas. |
目前,资源水平不足,既用于解决使妇女更容易受灾害风险和扩大气候变化影响的性别不平等的潜在结构性原因,又用于制订这些领域促进性别平等的方案。 |
Low-income, climate-vulnerable countries face particular challenges in developing, implementing and monitoring gender-responsive disaster risk reduction and climate change prevention, mitigation and adaptation policies and programmes, as well as in promoting access to affordable technology, owing to the limited availability of national public financing and development assistance. |
由于可利用的国家财政补助和发展援助有限,易受气候影响的低收入国家在制订、执行和监测促进性别平等的减少灾害风险及预防、减缓和适应气候变化政策和方案方面,在促进获得可负担得起的技术方面,面临特别的挑战。 |
45. |
45. |
In accordance with the Convention and other international human rights instruments, an adequate and effective allocation of financial and technical resources for gender-responsive disaster and climate change prevention, mitigation and adaptation must be ensured through both national budgets and international cooperation. |
根据《公约》和其他国际人权文书,必须通过国家预算和通过国际合作方式,确保为促进性别平等的灾害和气候变化预防、减缓和适应分配充足和有效的财政和技术资源。 |
Any steps taken by States parties to prevent, mitigate and respond to climate change and disasters within their own jurisdictions or extraterritorially must be firmly grounded in the human rights principles of substantive equality and non‑discrimination, participation and empowerment, accountability and access to justice, transparency and the rule of law. |
缔约国为在其法域内或法域外预防、减缓和应对气候变化和灾害而采取的任何步骤,必须坚决基于实质性平等和不歧视、参与和增强权能、问责制和司法救助、透明和法治的人权原则。 |
46. |
46. |
States parties, separately and in cooperation with others, should: |
缔约国应单独并与其他方合作: |
(a) |
(a) |
Take effective steps to equitably manage shared natural resources, in particular water, and limit carbon emissions, fossil fuel use, deforestation, near-surface permafrost degradation, soil degradation and transboundary pollution, including the dumping of toxic waste, and all other environmental, technological and biological hazards and risks that contribute to climate change and disasters, which tend to disproportionately negatively affect women and girls; |
采 取有效步骤,公平地管理共享的自然资源,特别是水,并限制碳排放、化石燃料使用、毁林、近地表永久冻土退化、土壤退化和跨界污染,包括倾倒有毒废料,以及 造成气候变化和灾害的所有其他环境、技术和生物危害和风险,这些气候变化和灾害往往给妇女和女童带来特别大的负面影响; |
(b) |
(b) |
Increase dedicated budget allocations, at the international, regional, national and local levels, to respond to gender-specific disaster and climate change prevention, preparedness, mitigation, recovery and adaptation needs in the infrastructure and service sectors; |
增加国际、区域、国家和地方的专项预算拨款,以应对基础设施和服务部门具体性别对灾害和气候变化的预防、防备、减缓、恢复和适应需求; |
(c) |
(c) |
Invest in adaptability by identifying and supporting livelihoods that are resilient to disasters and climate change, sustainable and empowering for women, and in gender-responsive services that enable women to gain access to and benefit from those livelihoods; |
通过确定和支助能够适应灾害和气候变化、可持续和增强权能的生计,以及使妇女能够获得和受益于这些生计的促进性别平等的服务,着力增强妇女的适应能力; |
(d) |
(d) |
Increase access for women to appropriate risk reduction schemes, such as social protection, livelihood diversification and insurance; |
增加妇女参加适当减少风险计划的机会,如社会保障、生计多样化和保险; |
(e) |
(e) |
Integrate a gender equality perspective into relevant international, regional, national, sectoral and local programmes and projects, including those financed with international climate and sustainable development funds; |
将性别平等视角纳入相关的国际、区域、国家、部门和地方方案和项目中,包括那些用国际气候和可持续发展基金资助的方案和项目; |
(f) |
(f) |
Share resources, knowledge and technology to build disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation capacity among women and girls, including by providing adequate, effective and transparent financing administered through participatory, accountable and non-discriminatory processes; |
分享资源、知识和技术,建设妇女和女童减少灾害风险和气候变化适应能力,包括通过提供充足、有效和透明的资金,通过参与式、问责和不歧视的程序加以管理; |
(g) |
(g) |
Ensure that States, international organizations and other entities that provide technical and financial resources for disaster risk reduction, sustainable development and climate change incorporate a gender equality and women’s rights perspective into the design, implementation and monitoring of all programmes and establish appropriate and effective human rights accountability mechanisms. |
确保为减少灾害风险、可持续发展和气候变化提供技术和财政资源的国家、国际组织和其他实体将性别平等和妇女权利视角纳入它们所有方案的制订、执行和监测,并建立适当、有效的人权问责制机制。 |
D. |
D. |
Non-State actors and extraterritorial obligations |
非国家行为体和域外义务 |
47. |
47. |
The private sector and civil society organizations can play an important role in disaster risk reduction, climate resilience and the promotion of gender equality, at the national level and when operating transnationally. |
在国家层面上和在跨国行动中,私营部门和民间社会组织能够在减少灾害风险、气候适应能力和促进性别平等方面发挥重要作用。 |
The development of public-private partnerships is promoted through a number of mechanisms, including in the context of the 2030 Agenda. |
目前正在通过一些不同的机制促进公私伙伴关系,包括在《2030年议程》背景范围内。 |
Such partnerships may provide the financial and technical resources necessary to enable the creation of new infrastructure for disaster risk reduction and climate-resilient livelihoods. |
这类伙伴关系可能提供必要的财政和技术资源,使得能够为减少灾害风险建设新的基础设施,并带来适应气候变化的生计。 |
48. |
48. |
In the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, it is stipulated that businesses have a direct responsibility to respect and protect human rights, to act with due diligence to prevent human rights violations and to provide effective remedies for human rights violations connected to their operations. |
《联合国工商企业与人权指导原则》规定,企业有尊重和保护人权、为预防侵犯人权行为尽职采取行动,以及为与其业务相关的侵犯人权行为提供有效救济的直接责任。 |
To ensure that private sector activities in the fields of disaster risk reduction and climate change respect and protect women’s human rights, they must guarantee accountability and be participatory, gender-responsive and subject to regular human rights-based monitoring and evaluation. |
为确保私营部门在减少灾害风险和气候变化领域的活动尊重和保护妇女人权,这些活动必须保证问责制,人人可参与,促进性别平等,接受基于人权的定期监测和评估。 |
49. |
49. |
States parties should regulate the activities of non-State actors within their jurisdiction, including when they operate extraterritorially. |
缔约国应在其法域内管理非国家行为体的行为,包括它们在域外开展的业务。 |
General recommendation No. 28 reaffirms the requirement under article 2 (e) to eliminate discrimination by any public or private actor, which extends to acts of national corporations operating extraterritorially. |
第28号一般性建议重申了第二条(e)项规定的消除任何公共或私人行为者对妇女的歧视,该义务扩大到在域外开展业务的国家公司的行为。 |
50. |
50. |
Civil society organizations operating locally and internationally, sometimes in partnership with government authorities and the private sector, also have responsibilities to ensure that their activities in the fields of climate change and disaster risk reduction and management do no harm to local populations, and those organizations should take steps to minimize the harm that they may inadvertently be causing simply by being present and providing assistance. |
在地方和国际层面开展业务的民间社会组织有时与政府主管部门和私营部门建立伙伴关系,同样有责任确保其在气候变化及减少和管理灾害风险领域的活动不伤害地方人口,并且这些组织还应当采取步骤,将只因在场和提供援助而造成的非有意伤害减至最低。 |
51. |
51. |
In relation to non-State actors, States parties should: |
关于非国家行为体,缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Create environments conducive to gender-responsive investment in disaster and climate change prevention, mitigation and adaptation, including through sustainable urban and rural development, the promotion of renewable energy and social insurance schemes; |
创造有利环境,促进性别平等,着力预防、减缓及适应灾害和气候变化,包括利用城市和农村的可持续发展、推广可再生能源和社会保险计划; |
(b) |
(b) |
Encourage entrepreneurship among women and create incentives for women to engage in businesses involved in sustainable development and climate-resilient livelihood activities in areas such as the clean energy sector and agroecological food systems. |
鼓励妇女创业,并激励妇女在清洁能源部门和农业生态粮食系统等领域参与从事可持续发展和适应气候变化的生计活动的企业。 |
Businesses working in those areas should also be encouraged to increase the number of women whom they employ, in particular in leadership positions; |
还应当鼓励在这些领域开展工作的企业增加它们妇女雇员人数,特别是领导岗位上的妇女雇员人数; |
(c) |
(c) |
Conduct gender impact analyses of any proposed public-private partnerships in the areas of disaster risk reduction and climate change and ensure that diverse groups of women are involved in their design, implementation and monitoring. |
对减少灾害风险和气候变化领域的任何拟议公私伙伴关系进行性别影响分析,确保不同妇女群体参与设计、执行和监测公私伙伴关系。 |
Particular attention should be paid to guaranteeing that all groups of women have physical and economic access to any infrastructure and services provided through public-private partnerships; |
应当特别注意保证所有妇女群体能够在实际上和经济上利用通过公私伙伴关系提供的任何基础设施和服务; |
(d) |
(d) |
Adopt regulatory measures to protect women from human rights violations by private business actors and ensure that their own activities, including those conducted in partnership with the private sector and civil society, respect and protect human rights and that effective remedies are available in the event of human rights violations relating to the activities of non-State actors. Such measures should be applied to activities occurring both within and outside of the territory the State party concerned. |
采取监管措施,保护妇女免遭私 营企业行为体造成的侵犯人权行为,并确保其自身的活动,包括那些与私营部门和民间社会合伙进行的活动,尊重和保护人权,如果出现与非国家行为体相关的侵犯 人权行为,还要确保有可利用的有效补救。 这类措施应当适用于在有关缔约国领土内外发生的活动。 |
E. |
E. |
Capacity development and access to technology |
能力发展和获取技术 |
52. |
52. |
A lack of active participation by women in programmes relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change, in particular at the local level, impedes progress towards the implementation of gender equality commitments and the development of coordinated and effective policies and strategies for disaster risk reduction and climate resilience. |
减少灾害风险和气候变化方案缺乏妇女的积极参与,特别是在地方层面上,阻碍了在履行性别平等承诺以及制订协调和有效的减少灾害风险和气候适应能力政策及战略方面的进度。 |
Measures should be taken to build the capacity and capabilities of women, women’s rights organizations and State entities to participate in gender-responsive disaster risk and climate assessments at the local, national, regional and international levels. |
应采取措施,建设妇女、妇女权利组织和国家实体的潜力和能力,在地方、国家、区域和国际层面上参与促进性别平等的灾害风险和气候评估。 |
53. |
53. |
In its statement on gender and climate change, the Committee noted that policies that supported gender equality in access to and use and control of science and technology and formal and informal education and training would enhance a nation’s capability in the areas of disaster reduction, mitigation and adaptation to climate change (A/65/38, part one, annex II). |
委员会在关于性别和气候变化的声明中指出,制订在获得、使用和控制科学技术以及正规和非正规教育和培训方面支持两性平等的政策,将增强国家在减少灾害、缓解和适应气候变化领域的能力(A/65/38,第一部分,附件二)。 |
Too often, however, women have been unable to gain access to technology, training opportunities and information, owing to gender-based inequalities. |
但是,妇女太过经常地由于基于性别的不平等而不能获得技术、培训机会和信息。 |
54. |
54. |
States parties should: |
缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Increase the participation of women in the development of plans relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change, by supporting their technical capacity and providing adequate resources for that purpose; |
通过支持她们获取技术能力和为这一目的提供充足的资源,增加妇女参与制订减少灾害风险和气候变化计划; |
(b) |
(b) |
Institutionalize leadership by women at all levels in disaster prevention, preparedness, including the development and dissemination of early warning systems, response and recovery and climate change mitigation and adaptation; |
防灾、备灾(包括制订和传播预警系统)、应灾、恢复以及减缓和适应气候变化领域把妇女担当各级领导定为制度; |
(c) |
(c) |
Ensure that early warning information is provided using technology that is modern, culturally appropriate, accessible and inclusive, taking into account the needs of diverse groups of women. |
确保利用技术提供预警信息,技术应当现代的、在文化上合适的、可获得的,具有包容性,并且考虑到不同妇女群体的需求。 |
In particular, the extension of Internet and mobile telephone coverage, as well as other reliable and cost-effective communications technology such as radios, and the accessibility of that technology for all women, including women belonging to indigenous and minority groups, older women and women with disabilities, should be actively promoted within the context of programmes relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change; |
特别是,应当在减少灾害风险和气候变化方案背景范围内,积极促进扩大互联网和移动电话覆盖面,推广无线电通信等其他节约成本的可靠通信技术,让所有妇女,包括属于土著和少数群体的妇女、老年妇女和残疾妇女都能用得上这种技术; |
(d) |
(d) |
Ensure that women have access to technology for preventing and mitigating the adverse effects of disasters and climate change on crops, livestock, homes and businesses and that they can use and economically benefit from climate change adaptation and mitigation technology, including that relating to renewable energy and sustainable agricultural production; |
确保妇女能够获得技术,预防和减缓灾害和气候变化对作物、牲畜、家园和企业的不利影响,确保妇女能够利用适应和减缓气候变化的技术,包括那些与可再生能源和可持续农业生产相关的技术,从中获得经济利益; |
(e) |
(e) |
Promote the understanding, application and use of the traditional knowledge and skills of women in disaster risk reduction and response and climate change mitigation and adaptation; |
促进了解、应用和使用妇女在减少和应对灾害风险以及减缓和适应气候变化方面的传统知识和技能; |
(f) |
(f) |
Promote and facilitate contributions by women to the conceptualization, development and use of disaster risk reduction and climate science technology. |
促进和推动妇女为构想、发展和使用减少灾害风险和气候方面的科学技术做出贡献。 |
VI. |
六. |
Specific areas of concern |
具体关切领域 |
A. |
A. |
Right to live free from gender-based violence against women and girls |
免遭基于性别的暴力侵害妇女和女童行为的权利 |
55. |
55. |
In its general recommendation No. 35, the Committee noted that gender-based violence against women was one of the fundamental social, political and economic means by which the subordinate position of women with respect to men and their stereotyped roles were perpetuated. |
在第35号一般性建议中,委员会指出,“基于性别的暴力侵害妇女行为是一种将女性在地位上从属于男性及其陈规定型角色加以固化的根本性社会、政治和经济手段。” |
It also highlighted situations of disaster and the degradation and destruction of natural resources as factors that affected and exacerbated gender-based violence against women and girls. |
它还强调灾害处境以及自然资源的退化和破坏是影响和加剧基于性别的暴力侵害妇女和女童行为的因素。 |
56. |
56. |
The Committee has also observed that sexual violence is common in humanitarian crises and may become acute in the wake of a national disaster. |
委员会还指出,“性暴力是人道主义危机中的常见现象,在发生全国性灾害后可能变得十分严重。 |
In a time of heightened stress, lawlessness and homelessness, women face an increased threat of violence (A/65/38, part two, annex II, para. 6). |
在压力、目无法纪和无家可归的情况加剧时,妇女面临更多暴力威胁”(A/65/38,第二部分,附件二,第6段)。 |
57. |
57. |
In accordance with the Convention and general recommendation No. 35, States parties should: |
根据《公约》和第35号一般性建议,缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Develop policies and programmes to address existing and new risk factors for gender-based violence against women, including domestic violence, sexual violence, economic violence, trafficking in persons and forced marriage, in the context of disaster risk reduction and climate change, and promote the participation and leadership of women in their development; |
在减少灾害风险和气候变化背景下制订政策和方案,解决基于性别的暴力侵害妇女行为的现有和新的风险因素——包括家庭暴力、性暴力、经济暴力、人口贩运和强迫婚姻——并促进妇女参与和领导她们的发展; |
(b) |
(b) |
Ensure that the minimum legal age of marriage is 18 years for both women and men. |
确保妇女和男子的最低合法结婚年龄是18岁。 |
States parties should include training on the prevalence of early and forced marriage for all personnel involved in disaster response activities. In partnership with women’s associations and other stakeholders, mechanisms should be established, within local and regional disaster management plans, to prevent, monitor and address early and forced marriages; |
缔约国应为所有参与应灾活动的人员提供关于早婚和强迫婚姻盛行情况的培训。 应当与妇女协会和其他利益攸关方合伙,在地方和区域灾害管理计划范围内建立机制,预防、监测和解决早婚和强迫婚姻问题; |
(c) |
(c) |
Provide accessible, confidential, supportive and effective mechanisms for all women wishing to report gender-based violence; |
为所有希望报告基于性别的暴力的妇女提供可获得的、保密的、支助性和有效的机制; |
(d) |
(d) |
Develop, in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders, including women’s associations, a system for the regular monitoring and evaluation of interventions designed to prevent and respond to gender-based violence against women, within programmes relating to disaster risk reduction and climate change; |
与包括妇女协会在内的范围广泛的利益攸关方合伙,制订一项制度,以便定期监测和评价在减少灾害风险和气候变化方案中预防和应对基于性别的暴力侵害妇女行为的干预措施; |
(e) |
(e) |
Provide training, sensitization and awareness-raising for the authorities, emergency services workers and other groups on the various forms of gender-based violence that are prevalent in situations of disaster and how to prevent and address them. |
为当局、应急服务工作人员和其他群体提供培训、宣传和提高认识活动,使其了解灾害处境下盛行的各种不同形式的性别暴力以及如何预防和解决它们。 |
The training should include information on the rights and needs of women and girls, including those from indigenous and minority groups, women and girls with disabilities, lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and girls and intersex persons, and the ways in which they may be exposed to and affected by gender-based violence; |
培训应当提供信息,介绍妇女和女童(包括土著和少数群体妇女,残疾妇女和女童以及同性恋、双性恋、跨性别妇女和女童及双性者)的权利与需求,也介绍她们面临和遭受性别暴力的方式; |
(f) |
(f) |
Adopt long-term policies and strategies to address the root causes of gender-based violence against women in situations of disaster, including by engaging with men and boys, the media, traditional and religious leaders and educational institutions, in order to identify and eliminate social and cultural stereotypes concerning the status of women. |
采取长期政策和战略,消除灾害情况下基于性别的暴力侵害妇女行为的根本原因,包括通过使成年男子和男童、媒体、传统和宗教领袖以及教育机构参与进来,以查明和消除涉及妇女地位的社会和文化陈规定型观念。 |
B. |
B. |
Rights to education and to information |
受教育权和信息权 |
58. |
58. |
Article 10 of the Convention concerns the elimination of discrimination in education. |
《公约》第十条涉及消除教育领域的歧视。 |
Education improves the capacity of women to participate within their households, families, communities and businesses and to identify the means to reduce disaster risk, mitigate climate change, develop more effective recovery strategies and thus build more resilient communities. |
教育提高了妇女的能力,使她们参与住户、家庭、社区和企业事务,查明减少灾害风险、减缓气候变化、制订更有效恢复战略并因此建设更具复原力的社区的途径。 |
Education also increases access to opportunities, resources, technology and information that aids in disaster risk reduction and the development of effective policies relating to climate change. |
教育还提供更多途径,可获得机会、资源、技术和信息,以协助减少灾害风险和制订有效的气候变化政策。 |
The prevention and mitigation of disasters and climate change require well-trained women and men in disciplines including economics, agriculture, water resources management, climatology, engineering, law, telecommunications and emergency services. |
预防和减缓灾害和气候变化要求在多个学科领域受过良好培训的妇女和男子,包括经济学、农业、水资源管理、气候学、工程学、法律、电信和应急服务。 |
59. |
59. |
In the aftermath of disasters, girls and women, whose access to education is often already limited as a result of social, cultural and economic barriers, may face even greater obstacles to participation in education, owing to the destruction of infrastructure, lack of teachers and other resources, economic hardship and security concerns. |
在灾害发生后,由于基础设施被破坏、缺乏教师和其他资源、经济困难以及安全考虑,受教育机会本来就由于社会、文化和经济障碍而经常受到限制的女童和妇女在参与教育方面可能面临甚至更大的障碍。 |
60. |
60. |
In accordance with article 10 of the Convention and general recommendation No. 36, States parties should: |
根据《公约》第十条和第36号一般性建议,缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Ensure, through regular inspections, that educational infrastructure is safe and resilient enough to withstand disasters and that adequate resources are dedicated to the protection of students and educators from the impacts of climate change and disasters; |
通过定期检查,确保教育基础设施安全,足以抵抗灾害,确保为保护学生和教育者免受气候变化和灾害影响而专门提供充足的资源; |
(b) |
(b) |
Allocate adequate resources and budgets so that schools and other educational facilities are built to withstand hazards, reconstructed on the basis of sound disaster risk assessment and building codes and rendered operational as expeditiously as possible following disasters. |
分配充足的资源和预算,把学校和其他教育设施建得可抵御灾患,根据全面的灾害风险评估和建筑法规加以重建,以及在灾害之后尽快使其运转起来。 |
The reintegration of girls and other groups for which education has not traditionally been valued should be prioritized through specific outreach programmes, with a view to ensuring that girls and women are not excluded from education in the wake of disasters; |
应当通过具体的外联方案,优先将传统上不重视其教育的女童和其他群体重新纳入进来,以确保女童和妇女在灾害之后不被排除在教育之外; |
(c) |
(c) |
Ensure that women and girls have equal access to information, including scientific research, and education regarding disasters and climate change. That information should form part of the core educational curricula at each level of instruction; |
确保妇女和女童能够平等地获得信息,包括科学研究,以及关于灾害和气候变化的教育。 该信息应当构成各级教学核心教育课程的一部分; |
(d) |
(d) |
Prioritize innovative and flexible gender-responsive educational programmes, including at the community level, to enable women to develop the skills required to adapt to the changing climate and engage in sustainable development initiatives. |
优先考虑促进性别平等的灵活创新教育方案,包括在社区层面上,以使妇女能够发展适应变化的气候和参与可持续发展举措所需要的技能。 |
Specific programmes and scholarships should be established to support girls and women in undertaking education and training in all areas relating to disaster risk reduction and management and environmental and climate science. |
应当设立具体方案和奖学金,以支助女童和妇女在与减少灾害风险和管理以及环境和气候科学相关的所有领域接受教育和培训。 |
C. |
C. |
Rights to work and to social protection |
工作权和社会保障权 |
61. |
61. |
Disasters and climate change directly affect women, in particular those living in poverty, by having an impact on their livelihoods. |
灾害和气候变化直接影响到妇女,特别是那些贫困妇女,因为影响了她们的生计。 |
Economic inequalities between women and men are entrenched and reinforced through discrimination, including restrictions on ownership and control of land and property, unequal remuneration, the concentration of women in precarious, informal and unstable employment, sexual harassment and other forms of workplace violence, pregnancy-related discrimination in employment, gendered divisions of household labour and the undervaluing of the contributions of women in domestic, community and care work, as well as workplace discrimination including labour and sexual exploitation, land grabs and environmental destruction by abusive extractive industries and due to unregulated industrial and/or agro-industrial activities. |
确立并强化 妇女和男子之间经济不平等的因素是歧视,包括对土地和财产所有权和控制权的限制,不平等的薪酬,妇女集中在不安定、非正式和不稳定的就业,性骚扰和其他形 式的工作场所暴力,就业中与怀孕相关的歧视,家务劳动的性别分化以及低估妇女对家庭、社会和护理工作的贡献; 以及工作场所的歧视,包括劳动剥削和性剥削,土地掠夺及由于采掘业滥开滥采和无监管的工业和/或农工业活动造成的环境破坏。 |
All such gender-based discrimination limits the capacity of women to prevent and adapt to the harm generated by disasters and climate change. |
所有这类基于性别的歧视都限制了妇女对灾害和气候变化造成的损害的预防和适应能力。 |
62. |
62. |
The burden of caregiving and domestic work often increases for women following disasters. |
在灾害之后,对于妇女来说,护理和家务负担经常增加。 |
The destruction of food stocks, housing and infrastructure such as water and energy supplies and an absence of social protection systems and health-care services all have specific consequences for women and girls. |
粮食储备、住房以及水和能源供应等基础设施的破坏,再加上缺乏社会保障制度和卫生保健服务,这些都给妇女和女童造成了具体的影响。 |
The result of such gendered inequalities is the increased vulnerability and mortality levels among women and girls, and they are frequently left with less time to engage in economic activities or to gain access to the resources, including information and education, necessary for recovery and adaptation. |
这类性别不平等导致的结果是增加了妇女和女童的脆弱性和死亡率,并经常使她们更加没有时间参与经济活动或获得资源,包括获得恢复和适应所需的信息和教育。 |
63. |
63. |
Social and legal inequalities further restrict the ability of women to move to safer, less disaster-prone areas and may limit women’s rights to access to financial services, credit, social security benefits and secure tenure of land and other productive resources. |
社会和法律不平等进一步限制了妇女移徙到更安全、灾害较少地区的能力,并且可能限制妇女获得金融服务、信贷、社会保障福利以及有保障地保有土地和其他生产资源的权利。 |
64. |
64. |
States parties should: |
缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Invest in gender-responsive social protection systems and social services that reduce economic inequalities between women and men and enable women to mitigate disaster risk and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. |
着力促进性别平等的社会保障制度和社会服务,减少妇女和男子之间的经济不平等,使妇女能够减缓灾害风险和适应气候变化的不利影响。 |
Eligibility criteria for social protection schemes should be closely monitored to ensure that they are accessible to all groups of women, including women heads of household, unmarried women, internally displaced, migrant and refugee women and women with disabilities; |
应密切监测社会保障计划的资格标准,以确保所有妇女群体都可参加,包括女户主、未婚妇女、境内流离失所妇女、移徙妇女、难民妇女以及残疾妇女; |
(b) |
(b) |
Ensure the resilience to disasters of workplaces and critical infrastructure, including nuclear reactors and plants, through regular inspections and the adoption of building safety codes and other systems to guarantee that such infrastructure, in particular that which is necessary for income-generating and domestic activities, is rendered operational as expeditiously as possible following disasters; |
确保工作场所及核反应堆和工厂等关键基础设施的灾害风险适应能力,开展定期检查,采取建筑安全法规以及其他制度保证这类基础设施,特别是创收和家庭活动所需的基础设施,在灾害之后尽快运行; |
(c) |
(c) |
Guarantee women’s equal right to decent and sustainable employment opportunities, as provided for in article 11 of the Convention, and apply that right in the context of disaster prevention, management and recovery and in connection with climate change adaptation in both urban and rural areas; |
保证妇女按照《公约》第十一条的规定享有获得体面和可持续就业机会的平等权利,在灾害预防、管理和恢复背景下以及城乡地区与气候变化适应相关的背景下适用这种权利; |
(d) |
(d) |
Facilitate equal access for women to markets, financial services, credit and insurance schemes and regulate the informal economy to ensure that women are able to claim pensions and other employment-related social security entitlements; |
推动妇女享有平等的市场准入、金融服务、信贷和保险计划,规范非正规经济,确保妇女能够申领养老金和其他就业相关的社会保障津贴; |
(e) |
(e) |
Acknowledge and address the unequal burden of the unpaid and care work performed by women, including within disaster and climate policies. |
承认和解决妇女从事无偿和护理工作的不平等负担,包括在灾害和气候政策范围内。 |
Policies and programmes should be developed to assess, reduce and redistribute the gendered burden of care tasks, such as awareness-raising programmes on the equal sharing of domestic work and unpaid care work, the introduction of time-saving measures and the inclusion of appropriate technology, services and infrastructure; |
应当制订政策和方案,评估、减少和重新分配护理任务性别分化的负担,例如,提高对平等分担家务和无偿护理工作认识的方案,推行节省时间的措施,以及纳入适当的技术、服务和基础设施; |
(f) |
(f) |
Protect and promote women’s right to access to training in non-traditional areas of work, including within the green economy, and sustainable livelihoods, which would enable them to design, participate in, manage and monitor disaster and climate change prevention, preparedness, mitigation and adaptation initiatives and better equip them to benefit from such interventions. |
保护和促进妇女在非传统工作领域获得培训的权利,包括在绿色经济和可持续生计范围内,使她们能够设计、参与、管理和监测灾害和气候变化的预防、备灾、减缓和适应举措,使她们能够更好地受益于这些干预措施。 |
D. |
D. |
Right to health |
健康权 |
65. |
65. |
Under article 12 of the Convention, States parties are to guarantee substantive equality between women and men in the provision of health-care services, including sexual and reproductive health services and mental and psychological health services. |
根据《公约》第十二条,缔约国要在提供各种保健服务,包括性健康和生殖健康服务以及精神和心理健康服务方面保证妇女和男子之间的实质性平等。 |
The measures that States parties must take, under article 12, in order to respect, protect and fulfil the right to health for all women are detailed in the Committee’s general recommendation No. 24 (1999) on women and health. |
委员会关于妇女和保健的第24号一般性建议(1999年)中详细阐述了为尊重、保护和实现所有妇女的健康权,缔约各国必须根据第十二条采取的措施。 |
Health services and systems, including sexual and reproductive health services, should be available, accessible, acceptable and of good quality, even in the context of disasters. |
即使在灾害背景下,保健服务和卫生系统,包括性和生殖保健服务,也应当是可利用、易获得、可接受和优质的。 |
To that end, measures should be taken to ensure that gender-responsive climate change and disaster resilience policies, budgets and monitoring activities are fully integrated into health services and systems. |
为此,应当采取措施,确保将促进性别平等的气候变化和灾害适应能力的政策、预算和监测活动完全纳入保健服务和卫生系统。 |
66. |
66. |
Climate change and disasters, including pandemics, influence the prevalence, distribution and severity of new and re-emerging diseases. |
气候变化和灾害,包括流行病,影响新发和再发疾病的流行率、分布情况以及严重程度。 |
The susceptibility of women and girls to disease is heightened as a result of inequalities in access to food, nutrition and health care and the social expectations that women will act as primary caregivers for children, older persons and the sick. |
获得粮食、营养和卫生保健方面的不平等以及希望妇女作为儿童、老年人和患者的主要护理人的社会期待,令妇女和女童更容易感染疾病。 |
67. |
67. |
States parties should ensure that detailed policies and budget allocations are made to promote, protect and fulfil women’s right to health, including sexual and reproductive health and comprehensive, age-appropriate sexuality education, mental and psychological health, hygiene and sanitation. |
缔约国应确保制定详细政策和预算分配,以促进、保护和实现妇女的健康权,包括性和生殖健康以及全面的适龄性教育、精神和心理健康、个人卫生和环境卫生。 |
Provisions for antenatal and postnatal care, such as emergency obstetric care and support for breastfeeding, should form part of strategies, plans and programmes relating to climate change and disasters. |
提供产前和产后护理,如产科急诊和支持母乳喂养,应当构成应对气候变化和灾害战略、计划和方案的一部分。 |
68. |
68. |
In particular, States parties should: |
特别是,缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Ensure participation, including in decision-making positions, by diverse groups of women and girls in the planning, implementation and monitoring of health policies and programmes and in the design and management of integrated health services for women in the context of disaster risk management and climate change; |
确保不同妇女和女童群体参与规划、执行和监测卫生政策和方案,参与制订和管理灾害风险管理和气候变化背景下的妇女综合保健服务,包括走上决策岗位; |
(b) |
(b) |
Invest in climate- and disaster-resilient health systems and services and allocate the maximum of their available resources to the underlying determinants of health, such as clean water, adequate nutrition and sanitation facilities and menstrual hygiene management. |
投资于适应气候变化和灾害的卫生系统和服务,最大限度地把现有资源分配给决定卫生健康的根本因素,如,干净的水、充足的营养和卫生设施以及月经卫生管理。 |
Those investments should be geared towards transforming health systems so that they are responsive to the changing health-care needs arising from climate change and disasters and sufficiently resilient to cope with those new demands; |
这些投资应当适应卫生系统改造,使它们积极满足气候变化和灾害引发的不断变化的卫生保健需求,并且具备充足的适应能力,以应对这些新需求; |
(c) |
(c) |
Ensure the removal of all barriers to access for women and girls to health services, education and information, including in the areas of mental and psychological health, oncological treatment and sexual and reproductive health, and, in particular, allocate resources for cancer screening, mental health and counselling programmes and programmes for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and treatment for AIDS, before, during and after disasters; |
确保消除妇女和女童获得保健服务、教育和信息的所有障碍,包括在精神和心理健康、肿瘤治疗、性和生殖健康领域的障碍,特别是,为癌症检查、精神健康和咨询方案以及艾滋病毒等性传播感染的预防和治疗与艾滋病治疗方案分配资源,包括在灾害之前、期间和之后; |
(d) |
(d) |
Accord priority to the provision of family-planning and sexual and reproductive health information and services, within disaster preparedness and response programmes, including access to emergency contraception, post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, treatment for AIDS and safe abortion, and reduce maternal mortality rates through safe motherhood services, the provision of qualified midwives and prenatal assistance; |
在备灾应灾方案中优先考虑提供计划生育以及性和生殖健康的信息和服务,包括获得紧急避孕,艾滋病毒接触后预防,艾滋病治疗和安全堕胎,通过安全孕产服务,提供合格的助产士和产前协助,降低孕产妇死亡率; |
(e) |
(e) |
Monitor the provision of health services to women by public, non-governmental and private organizations, to ensure equal access to and quality of care that responds to the specific health needs of diverse groups of women, in the context of disasters and climate change; |
监测公共组织、非政府组织和私营组织向妇女提供的保健服务,确保护理的平等获取和质量,以满足灾害和气候变化背景下不同妇女群体的具体卫生保健需求; |
(f) |
(f) |
Require that all health services operating in situations of disaster function to promote the human rights of women, including the rights to autonomy, privacy, confidentiality, informed consent, non-discrimination and choice. |
要求在灾害情况下开展的所有保健服务都开办起来,以促进妇女人权,包括自主权、隐私权、保密权、知情同意权、不受歧视权和选择权。 |
Specific measures to ensure the promotion and protection of the rights of women and girls with disabilities, women and girls belonging to indigenous and minority groups, lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and girls, intersex persons, older women and women and girls belonging to other marginalized groups should be explicitly included in health-care policies and standards relating to situations of disaster; |
灾害情况下的卫生保健政策和标准应当明确纳入具体措施,以确保促进和保护残疾妇女和女童,属于土著和少数群体的妇女和女童,同性恋、双性恋、跨性别妇女和女童,双性者,老年妇女以及属于其他边缘群体的妇女和女童的权利; |
(g) |
(g) |
Ensure that training curricula for health workers, including in emergency services, incorporate comprehensive, mandatory, gender-responsive courses on women’s health and human rights, in particular gender-based violence. Health-care providers should be made aware of the linkages between increased disaster risk, climate change and the growing potential for public health emergencies as a result of shifting disease patterns. |
确保卫生工作者的培训课程,包括急救服务,纳入关于妇女健康和人权、特别是关于性别暴力的全面、强制性、促进性别平等的课程。 应当使卫生保健提供者认识到灾害风险增加、气候变化与公共卫生紧急事件的可能性增长之间的联系。 |
The training should also include information on the rights of women with disabilities and women belonging to indigenous, minority and other marginalized groups; |
培训还应当包括关于残疾妇女、土著和少数群体妇女以及其他边缘群体权利的信息; |
(h) |
(h) |
Collect and share data on gender-based differences in vulnerability to infectious and non-infectious diseases occurring in situations of disaster and as a result of climate change. |
收集和分享关于灾害处境下由于气候变化易患传染和非传染疾病方面的性别差异数据。 |
That information should be used to develop integrated rights-based disaster and climate change action plans and strategies. |
应当利用该信息来制订以权利为基础应对灾害和气候变化的行动计划和战略。 |
E. |
E. |
Right to an adequate standard of living |
适当生活水准权 |
Food, land, housing, water and sanitation |
粮食、土地、住房、水和环境卫生 |
69. |
69. |
The impacts of climate change are already being experienced in many areas, in connection with decreased food security, land degradation and more limited availability of water and other natural resources. |
由于粮食安全减弱、土地退化以及可用的水和其他自然资源更加有限,许多地区已经正在经受气候变化的影响。 |
There is evidence that the effects of food, land and water insecurity are not gender-neutral and that women are more likely to suffer from undernourishment and malnutrition in times of food scarcity. |
有证据表明,粮食、土地和水不安全的影响并非性别中立的,在粮食短缺时期,妇女更加可能遭受营养不足和营养不良的痛苦。 |
It has also been shown that women and girls, who are those with the primary responsibility for growing, gathering and preparing food and collecting fuel and water in many societies, are disproportionately affected by a lack of available, affordable, safe and accessible drinking water and fuel sources. |
事实还证明,在许多社会里,妇女和女童承担着种植、收割和制作粮食以及收集燃料和水的主要责任,所以缺乏可利用、可负担得起、安全和可获得的饮用水和燃料对她们影响特大。 |
The additional burden placed on women and girls by such climate-related resource scarcity drains time, causes physical hardship, increases exposure to the risk of violence and increases stress. |
此类与气候有关的资源稀缺加诸妇女的额外负担耗费时间,造成实际困难,增加了遭受暴力的风险,也增加了压力。 |
70. |
70. |
Women, in particular rural and indigenous women, are directly affected by disasters and climate change, as food producers and as agricultural workers because they make up the majority of the world’s smallholder and subsistence farmers and a significant proportion of farmworkers. |
妇女,特别是农村妇女和土著妇女,作为粮食生产者和农业工人,直接受到灾害和气候变化的影响,因为她们事实上构成了全世界大多数的小土地所有者和自给农民以及相当大比例的农场工人。 |
As a result of discriminatory laws and social norms, women have limited access to secure land tenure, and the farmland that they are allotted tends to be of inferior quality and more prone to flooding, erosion or other adverse climatic events. |
由于歧视性法律和社会规范,妇女获得土地保有权的机会有限,分给她们的农田往往质量低劣,更容易发生洪水、侵蚀或其他不利气候事件。 |
Owing to the increasing rate of out-migration among men in climate change-affected areas, women are left with the sole responsibility for farming, yet they do not possess the legal and socially recognized land ownership necessary to adapt to the changing climatic conditions effectively. |
由于受气候变化影响地区的男性外迁比率不断提高,只剩下妇女负责耕种。 她们并不具备有效适应气候条件变化所必需的法律和社会认可的土地所有权。 |
Women are also indirectly affected by the impacts of weather-related events on the price of foodstuffs. |
天气相关的事件对食品价格的影响也使妇女间接受到影响。 |
71. |
71. |
Articles 12 and 14 of the Convention contain specific guarantees on nutrition and the equal participation of women in decision-making about food production and consumption. |
《公约》第十二条和第十四条载有关于营养和妇女平等参与粮食生产和消费决策的具体保证。 |
In addition, the core obligations of States parties to eliminate discrimination, outlined in article 2, to modify cultural patterns of behaviour based on discriminatory stereotypes, in article 5 (a), to ensure equality before the law, in article 15, and to guarantee equality within marriage and family relations, in article 16, are of central importance to addressing women’s rights to land and productive resources, which are vital to ensuring the right to food and sustainable livelihoods. |
此外,《公约》第二条概述了缔约国消除歧视的义务、第五条(a)项概述改变基于 歧视性陈规定型观念的文化行为模式的义务,第十五条概述确保在法律面前平等的义务,第十六条概述保证婚姻和家庭关系内的平等义务,这些核心义务对于解决妇 女的土地和生产资源权利极其重要,它们是确保享有食物权和可持续生计权的关键所在。 |
72. |
72. |
States parties should: |
缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Promote and protect women’s equal rights to food, housing, sanitation, land and natural resources, including adequate drinking water, water for domestic use and for food production, and take positive measures to guarantee the availability and accessibility of those rights, even during times of scarcity. |
促进和保护妇女对粮食、住房、环境卫生、土地和自然资源(包括充足的饮用水、家庭用水和食品生产用水)的平等权利,采取积极措施保证这些权利的可利用性和可获得性,即使是在稀缺时期。 |
Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that women living in poverty, in particular those in informal settlements in both urban and rural areas, have access to adequate housing, drinking water, sanitation and food, especially in the context of disasters and climate change; |
应当特别关注确保贫困妇女,特别是城乡地区非正规安置点的妇女,能够获得适当住房、饮用水、环境卫生和粮食,特别是在灾害和气候变化背景下; |
(b) |
(b) |
Increase resilience to the impacts of disasters and climate change among women by identifying and supporting livelihoods that are sustainable and empowering, and develop gender-responsive services, including extension services to assist women farmers, that enable women to gain access to and benefit from those livelihoods; |
通过确定和支助可持续和增强权能的生计,加强妇女对灾害和气候变化影响的适应能力,制订促进性别平等的服务,包括援助妇女农民的延伸服务,使妇女能够获得这些生计,从中受益; |
(c) |
(c) |
Develop participatory, gender-responsive development plans and policies that integrate a human rights-based approach, in order to guarantee sustainable access to adequate housing, food, water and sanitation. |
制订促进性别平等的参与式发展计划和政策,采取基于人权的方法,以保证可持续获得适当住房、粮食、水和环境卫生。 |
Priority should be given to ensuring the accessibility of services for all women; |
应当优先考虑确保所有妇女可获得服务; |
(d) |
(d) |
Adopt legislation, programmes and policies and allocate budgets to eliminate homelessness and to ensure that adequate and disaster resilient housing is available and accessible to all women, including those with disabilities. |
通过立法、方案、政策,分配预算,以消除无家可归现象,确保所有妇女,包括残疾妇女,都可使用和获得适足和抗灾住房。 |
Measures must be taken to protect women against forced eviction and to ensure that public housing and rental assistance schemes accord priority and respond to the specific needs of groups of women. |
必须采取措施,保护妇女免遭强行驱离,确保公共住房和租金援助计划优先考虑和满足妇女群体的特殊需求。 |
F. |
F. |
Right to freedom of movement |
自由迁徙权 |
73. |
73. |
The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and environmental degradation resulting from climate change are likely to lead to significant population displacement both within countries and across borders. |
气候变化造成的极端天气事件和环境退化的频率和强度增加,很可能导致国家内部和边界之间大量人口流离失所。 |
74. |
74. |
The Committee and many other international human rights bodies, including the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, have recognized that disasters and climate change are among the push factors for migration, in particular among women. |
委员会和许多其他人权机构,包括保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利委员会,都认识到灾害和气候变化是移徙、特别是妇女移徙的推动因素。 |
In several regions, climate change and disasters are contributing to an increase in the migration of women, on their own, into sectors of work done predominantly by women, for the purposes of supporting family members who no longer have local livelihood opportunities. |
在一些地区,气候变化和灾害促使妇女为了养活不再具备本地谋生机会的家庭成员,越来越多地自主进入女性主导的工作部门。 |
75. |
75. |
Women migrants face a heightened risk of gender-based violence, including trafficking in persons, and other forms of discrimination in transit, in camps, at borders and in destination countries. |
妇女移民在途中、营地、边境和目的地国都面临更高的风险,可能遭受基于性别的暴力,包括人口贩运,以及其他形式的歧视。 |
Women may also face specific human rights violations during migration and at their destination, owing to a lack of adequate sexual, reproductive and mental health services and discrimination in gaining access to employment, social security, education, housing, legal documents such as birth or marriage certificates, and justice. |
在移徙过程中和目的地,由于缺乏充足的性、生殖和精神保健服务以及在获得就业、社会保障、教育、住房、出生证或结婚证等法律文件和司法求助方面的歧视,妇女还可能面临特殊的侵犯人权行为。 |
Migrant women and girls are frequently subject to intersecting forms of discrimination. |
移徙妇女和女童经常受到交叉式的歧视。 |
Women who migrate may also be vulnerable to the impacts of climate change in destination areas, in particular in urban centres in developing countries. |
在目的地地区,特别是在发展中国家的城市中心,移徙妇女还可能容易受到气候变化的影响。 |
76. |
76. |
In many contexts, however, women are impeded from leaving regions that are at high risk of disaster or migrating to re-establish their lives in the wake of extreme climatic events. |
但是,在许多情况下,妇女无法离开灾害风险很大的地区,或者为了在极端气候事件之后重建生活而移徙。 |
Gender-based stereotypes, household responsibilities, discriminatory laws, lack of economic resources and limited access to social capital frequently restrict the ability of women to migrate. |
基于性别的陈规定型观念、家庭责任、歧视性法律、缺乏经济资源和获得社会资本的机会有限,经常制约了妇女移徙的能力。 |
77. |
77. |
Women who are left behind when male family members migrate may also find themselves having to take on non-traditional economic and community leadership tasks for which they have had little preparation or training, such as when disasters occur and women must assume primary responsibility for coordinating mitigation, recovery and adaptation efforts. |
在男性家庭成员移徙后的留守妇女也可能发现自己不得不承担非传统经济和社区领导工作,可她们几乎没有任何准备,也没受过任何相关培训; 例如,发生灾害后,妇女必须承担起协调移徙、恢复和适应工作的主要责任。 |
78. |
78. |
In accordance with the Convention and general recommendation No. 26 (2008) on women migrant workers and general recommendation No. 32, States parties should: |
根据《公约》和关于移徙女工问题的第26(2008)号一般性建议以及第32号一般性建议,缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Ensure that migration and development policies are gender responsive and that they include sound disaster risk considerations and recognize disasters and climate change as important push factors for internal displacement and migration. |
确保移徙和发展政策促进性别平等,并纳入全面的灾害风险考虑,认识到灾害和气候变化是境内流离失所和移徙的重要推动因素。 |
That information should be incorporated into national and local plans for monitoring and supporting the rights of women and girls during migration and displacement; |
应当将该信息纳入监测和支持移徙和流离失所期间妇女和女童权利的国家和地方计划; |
(b) |
(b) |
Facilitate the participation of migrant women, including those who have been displaced as a result of disasters and climate change, in the development, implementation and monitoring of policies designed to protect and promote their human rights at all phases of migration. |
推动移徙妇女,包括由于灾害和气候变化而流离失所的妇女,参与制订、执行和监测为在移徙所有阶段保护和促进她们的人权而制订的政策。 |
Particular efforts must be made to involve migrant women in designing appropriate services in areas including mental health and psychosocial support, sexual and reproductive health, education and training, employment, housing and access to justice; |
必须特别努力使移徙妇女参与制订精神健康和社会心理支持、性和生殖健康、教育和培训、就业、住房和司法救助等领域的适当服务; |
(c) |
(c) |
Ensure gender balance among the border police, military personnel and government officials responsible for the reception of migrants and train those groups on the gender-specific harm that migrant women may face, including the increased risk of violence; |
确保接收移民的边境警察、军队人员和政府官员性别平衡,并培训这些群体了解移民妇女可能面临的具体性别伤害,包括加大的暴力风险; |
(d) |
(d) |
Integrate human mobility-related considerations into disaster risk reduction and climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, taking into account the specific rights and needs of women and girls, including unmarried women and women heads of household, before, during and after disasters. |
将人口流动相关的考虑纳入减少灾害风险及减缓和适应气候变化的政策中,考虑到灾害之前、期间和之后妇女和女童,包括未婚妇女和女户主的特殊权利和需求。 |
VII. |
七. |
Dissemination and reporting |
传播和报告 |
79. |
79. |
To effectively prevent and mitigate the impacts of disasters and climate change, States parties and other stakeholders should take measurable and targeted steps to collect, analyse and disseminate information and data concerning the development of strategies, policies and programmes designed to address gender inequalities, reduce disaster risk and increase resilience to the adverse effects of climate change. |
为有效预防和减缓灾害和气候变化的影响,缔约各国和其他利益攸关方应当采取可衡量和有针对性的步骤,收集、分析和传播关于为解决男女不平等、减少灾害风险和增强抵御气候变化不利影响的能力而制订战略、政策和方案的信息和数据。 |
80. |
80. |
Cooperative networks between civil society organizations working in the field of gender equality and those working in humanitarian assistance, disaster risk reduction and climate change should be established and should include national human rights institutions, government agencies at all levels and international organizations. |
从事性别平等领域工作的民间社会组织与致力于人道主义援助、减少灾害风险和气候变化的民间社会组织彼此之间应当建立合作网络,并且应当吸纳国家人权机构、各级政府机构和国际组织加入。 |
81. |
81. |
To ensure that effective monitoring and reporting systems are established, States parties should: |
为确保建立有效的监测和报告制度,缔约国应: |
(a) |
(a) |
Design and institutionalize reliable mechanisms to collect and analyse data and monitor and disseminate findings across all areas relevant to disaster risk reduction, climate change and gender equality; |
设立可靠的机制,使之制度化,在与减少灾害风险、气候变化和性别平等相关的所有领域收集、分析数据,监测和传播调查结果; |
(b) |
(b) |
Ensure the participation of women at the subnational, national, regional and international levels in data collection and analysis and the monitoring and dissemination of findings; |
确保妇女在国家以下、国家、区域和国际层级参与数据收集、分析、监测和传播调查结果; |
(c) |
(c) |
Include information in their periodic reports to the Committee on the legal frameworks, strategies, budgets and programmes that they have implemented to ensure that the human rights of women are promoted and protected within policies relating to climate change and disaster risk reduction; |
在提交给委员会的定期报告中,载入信息,介绍为确保在气候变化和减少灾害风险政策范围内促进和保护妇女人权而执行的立法框架、战略、预算和方案的定期报告; |
(d) |
(d) |
Translate the present general recommendation into national and local languages, including indigenous and minority languages, and disseminate it widely to all branches of government, civil society, the media, academic institutions and women’s organizations. |
将本一般性建议译成国语和地方语文,包括译为土著和少数群体语文,并广泛传播到所有政府部门、民间社会、媒体、学术机构和妇女组织。 |
1 |
1 |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report — Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Geneva, 2013). |
政府间气候变化专门委员会,《2014年气候变化:综合报告——第一、第二、第三工作组对气候变化专门委员会第五次评估报告的贡献》(2013年,日内瓦)。 |
The Panel notes that climate change “refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g. using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer”. |
政府间气候变化专门委员会指出,气候变化“指气候状态的变化,而这种变化可以通过其特征的平均值和/或变率的变化予以判别(如利用统计检验),且持续较长一段时期,通常为几十年或更久。” |
2 |
2 |
Susan J. Hassol and others, “(Un)Natural disasters: communicating linkages between extreme events and climate change”, WMO Bulletin, vol. 65, No. 2 (Geneva, World Meteorological Organization, 2016). |
Susan J. Hassol and others, “(Un)Natural disasters: communicating linkages between extreme events and climate change”, WMO Bulletin, vol. 65, No. 2 (Geneva, World Meteorological Organization, 2016)。 |
3 |
3 |
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), “Climate change and disaster risk reduction”, 23 March 2016. |
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), “Climate change and disaster risk reduction”, 23 March 2016。 |
4 |
4 |
See Commission on the Status of Women, resolutions 56/2 and 58/2 on gender equality and the empowerment of women in natural disasters, adopted by consensus in March 2012 and March 2014. |
见妇女地位委员会2012年3月和2014年3月以协商一致方式通过的关于“自然灾害中的性别平等和增强妇女权能”的第56/2号和第58/2号决议。 |
5 |
5 |
See, for example, general recommendation No. 27 (2010) on older women and the protection of their human rights. |
例如见,关于老年妇女问题和保护其人权的第27号一般性建议(2010年)。 |
6 |
6 |
For the purposes of the present general recommendation, all references to “women” should be read to include women and girls, unless otherwise noted. |
为本一般性建议的目的,除非另有具体说明,“妇女”一词应理解为包括妇女和女童。 |
7 |
7 |
Eric Neumayer and Thomas Plümper, “The gendered nature of natural disasters: the impact of catastrophic events on the gender gap in life expectancy, 1981–2002”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 97, No. 3 (2007). |
Eric Neumayer and Thomas Plümper, “The gendered nature of natural disasters: the impact of catastrophic events on the gender gap in life expectancy, 1981–2002”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 97, No. 3 (2007)。 |
8 |
8 |
United Nations, Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015: Making Development Sustainable–The Future of Disaster Risk Management (New York, 2015); |
联合国,《2015年全球减轻灾害风险评估报告:使发展可以持续——灾害风险管理的未来》(2015年,纽约); |
Disasters without Borders: Regional Resilience for Sustainable Development: Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2015 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.15.II.F.13). |
《2015年亚太灾害报告:灾害无国界——建设区域复原力,促进可持续发展》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.15.II.F.13)。 |
9 |
9 |
C. Bern and others, “Risk factors for mortality in the Bangladesh cyclone of 1991”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 71, No. 1 (1993). |
C.Bern and others, “Risk factors for mortality in the Bangladesh cyclone of 1991”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 71, No. 1 (1993)。 |
10 |
10 |
Tripartite Core Group, “Post-Nargis joint assessment”, July 2008; |
三方核心小组,“纳尔吉斯气旋灾后联合评估”,2008年7月; |
Lorena Aguilar and others, “Training manual on gender and climate change” (San José, International Union for Conservation of Nature, UNDP and Gender and Water Alliance, 2009). |
Lorena Aguilar and others, “Training manual on gender and climate change” (San José, International Union for Conservation of Nature, UNDP and Gender and Water Alliance, 2009)。 |
11 |
11 |
United Nations, Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015; |
联合国,《2015年全球减轻灾害风险评估报告》; |
UNDP, “Clean development mechanism: exploring the gender dimensions of climate finance mechanisms”, November 2010; |
开发署,“清洁发展机制:探索气候融资机制的性别方面”,2010年11月; |
UNDP, “Ensuring gender equity in climate change financing” (New York, 2011). |
开发署,《确保气候变化融资的性别公平》(2011年,纽约)。 |
12 |
12 |
Senay Habtezion, “Gender and disaster risk reduction”, Gender and Climate Change Asia and the Pacific Policy Brief, No. 3 (New York, UNDP, 2013); |
Senay Habtezion, “Gender and disaster risk reduction”, Gender and Climate Change Asia and the Pacific Policy Brief, No. 3 (New York, UNDP, 2013); |
World Health Organization (WHO), “Gender, climate change and health” (Geneva, 2010). |
World Health Organization (WHO), “Gender, climate change and health” (Geneva, 2010)。 |
13 |
13 |
For concluding observations, see CEDAW/C/SLB/CO/1–3, paras. 40–41; CEDAW/C/PER/CO/7–8, paras. 37–38; |
关于结论性意见,见CEDAW/C/SLB/CO/1-3,第40-41段; CEDAW/C/PER/CO/7-8,第37-38段; |
CEDAW/C/GIN/CO/7–8, para. 53; |
CEDAW/C/GIN/CO/7-8,第53段; |
CEDAW/C/GRD/CO/1–5, paras. 35–36; |
CEDAW/C/GRD/CO/1-5,第35-36段; |
CEDAW/C/JAM/CO/6–7, paras. 31–32; |
CEDAW/C/JAM/CO/6-7,第31-32段; |
CEDAW/C/SYC/CO/1–5, paras. 36–37; |
CEDAW/C/SYC/CO/1-5,第36–37段; |
CEDAW/C/TGO/CO/6–7, para. 17; |
CEDAW/C/TGO/CO/6-7,第17段; |
CEDAW/C/DZA/CO/3–4, paras. 42–43; |
CEDAW/C/DZA/CO/3-4,第42-43段; |
CEDAW/C/NLZ/CO/7, paras. 9 and 36–37; |
CEDAW/C/NLZ/CO/7,第9和36-37段; |
CEDAW/C/CHI/CO/5–6, paras. 38–39; |
CEDAW/C/CHI/CO/5-6,第38-39段; |
CEDAW/C/BLR/CO/7, paras. 37–38; |
CEDAW/C/BLR/CO/7,第37-38段; |
CEDAW/C/LKA/CO/7, paras. 38–39; |
CEDAW/C/LKA/CO/7,第38-39段; |
CEDAW/C/NPL/CO/4–5, para. 38; |
CEDAW/C/NPL/CO/4-5,第38段; |
and CEDAW/C/TUV/CO/2, paras. 55–56. |
CEDAW/C/TUV/CO/2,第55-56段。 |
See also general recommendation No. 27 (2010) on older women and the protection of their human rights, para. 25, and general recommendation No. 28 (2010) on the core obligations of States parties under article 2 of the Convention, para. 11. |
另见关于老年妇女问题和保护其人权的第27号一般性建议(2010年),第25段和关于缔约国在《公约》第二条之下的核心义务的第28号一般性建议(2010年),第11段。 |
14 |
14 |
General Assembly resolution 69/283, annex II, paras. 36 (a) (i) and 32, respectively. |
分别见大会第69/283号决议,附件二,第36(a) (i)段和第32段。 vely。 |
15 |
15 |
See general recommendation No. 28 (2010) on the core obligations of States parties under article 2 of the Convention. |
见关于缔约国在《公约》第二条之下的核心义务的第28号一般性建议(2010年)。 |
16 |
16 |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report–Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Geneva, 2007). |
政府间气候变化专门委员会,《2007年气候变化:综合报告――第一、第二、第三工作组对政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估报告的贡献》(2007年,日内瓦)。 |
17 |
17 |
See CEDAW/C/TUV/CO/2, paras. 55–56. |
CEDAW/C/TUV/CO/2,第55-56段。 |
18 |
18 |
See also general recommendation No. 33 (2015) on women’s access to justice. |
另见关于妇女获得司法救助的第33号一般性建议(2015年)。 |
19 |
19 |
In his 2016 report (A/HRC/31/52, footnote 27), the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment noted that “the failure of States to effectively address climate change through international cooperation would prevent individual States from meeting their duties under human rights law to protect and fulfil the human rights of those within their own jurisdiction”. |
人权与环境问题特别报告员在其2016年的报告(A/HRC/31/52,脚注27)中指出,“各国若无法通过国际合作有效应对气候变化,将会妨碍单个国家履行人权法规定的职责,即尊重并实现受其管辖之人的人权”。 |
20 |
20 |
See A/HRC/28/76, paras. 40 (g), 99 and 104. |
见A/HRC/28/76,第40(g)、99和104段。 |
21 |
21 |
See also general commendation No. 19 (1992) on violence against women and general recommendation No. 35 (2017) on gender-based violence against women, updating general commendation No. 19, para. 14. |
另见关于暴力侵害妇女行为的第19号一般性建议(1992年)和关于基于性别的暴力侵害妇女行为的第35号一般性建议(2017年),更新第19号一般性建议,第14段。 |
22 |
22 |
See general recommendation No. 36 (2017) on the right of girls and women to education. |
见关于女童和妇女受教育权的第36号一般性建议(2017年)。 |
23 |
23 |
See, for example, A/55/38, para. 339. |
例如见A/55/38,第339段。 |
24 |
24 |
See general recommendation No. 29 (2013) on the economic consequences of marriage, family relations and their dissolution and general recommendation No. 34 (2016) on the rights of rural women. |
见关于婚姻、家庭关系及其解除的经济后果的第29号一般性建议(2013年)和关于农村妇女权利的第34号一般性建议(2016年)。 |
25 |
25 |
WHO, “Gender inequities in environmental health”, EUR/5067874/151 (2008). |
世卫组织,“环境卫生中的性别不平等”,EUR/5067874/151(2008年)。 |
26 |
26 |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability–Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects, Working Group II Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2014), p. 733. |
政府间气候变化专门委员会《2014年气候变化:影响、适应和脆弱性——A部分:全球和部门方面。 第二工作组对政府间气候变化专门委员会第五次评估报告的贡献》(纽约,剑桥大学出版社,2014年),第733页。 |
27 |
27 |
See, for example, CEDAW/C/NPL/CO/4–5. |
例如见,CEDAW/C/NPL/CO/4-5。 |
28 |
28 |
WHO, “Gender, climate change and health”. |
世卫组织,“性别、气候变化与卫生”。 |
29 |
29 |
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, “Addressing gender dimensions in large-scale movements of refugees and migrants”, joint statement by the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 19 September 2016. |
联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署,“关注难民和移徙者大规模流动中的性别层面”,保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利委员会、消除对妇女歧视委员会、联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署和人权高专办的联合声明,2016年9月16日。 |
30 |
30 |
Ibid. See also general recommendation No. 26 (2008) on women migrant workers. |
同上。 另见关于移徙女工问题的第26号一般性建议(2008年)。 |
31 |
31 |
Asian Development Bank, Gender Equality and Food Security: Women’s Empowerment as a Tool against Hunger (Mandaluyong City, Philippines, 2013), p. 12. |
亚洲开发银行,《性别平等和粮食安全——将增强妇女权能作为消除饥饿的工具》(2013年,菲律宾曼达卢永市),第12页。 |