CEDAW/GC/7 CEDAW_GR_7E.docx (English)

CEDAW/GC/7 CEDAW_GR_7C.docx (Chinese)



General recommendation No. 7:




Seventh session (1988)


The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,


Noting General Assembly resolutions 40/39, 41/108 and in particular 42/60, paragraph 14, which invited the Committee and the States parties to consider the question of holding future sessions of the Committee at Vienna,


Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 42/105 and, in particular, paragraph 11, which requests the Secretary-General to strengthen coordination between the United Nations Centre for Human Rights and the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs of the secretariat in relation to the implementation of human rights treaties and servicing treaty bodies,


Recommends to the States parties:


1. That they continue to support proposals for strengthening the coordination between the Centre for Human Rights at Geneva and the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs at Vienna, in relation to the servicing of the Committee;

1. 继续支持为加强设在日内瓦的人权中心与设在维也纳的社会发展和人道主义事务中心在为委员会提供服务方面的协调而提出的提议;

2. That they support proposals that the Committee meet in New York and Vienna;

2. 支持委员会在纽约和维也纳举行会议的提议;

3. That they take all necessary and appropriate steps to ensure that adequate resources and services are available to the Committee to assist it in its functions under the Convention and in particular that full-time staff are available to help the Committee to prepare for its sessions and during its session;

3. 采取一切必要和适当的措施,确保向委员会提供充分的资源和服务,协助它履行《公约》赋予它的职责,特别是要提供专职工作人员,帮助委员会筹备各届会议和会期工作;

4. That they ensure that supplementary reports and materials are submitted to the Secretariat in due time to be translated into the official languages of the United Nations in time for distribution and consideration by the Committee.

4. 确保及时向秘书处提交补充报告和材料,以便及时译成联合国的正式语文分发和供委员会审议。

Contained in document A/43/38.
