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General recommendation X concerning technical assistance第十号一般性建议:技术援助
Thirty-ninth session (1991)第三十九届会议(1991年)
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,消除种族歧视委员会,
Taking note of the recommendation of the third meeting of persons chairing the human rights treaty bodies, as endorsed by the General Assembly at its forty-fifth session, to the effect that a series of seminars or workshops should be organized at the national level for the purpose of training those involved in the preparation of State party reports,注意人权条约机构主持人第三次会议所提出并经大会第四十五届会议核可的主张在国家一级举办一系列研讨会或讲习班以培训缔约国国别报告编写人员的建议,
Concerned over the continued failure of certain States parties to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination to meet their reporting obligations under the Convention,对于《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》某些缔约国仍然未能履行《公约》所规定的报告义务表示关切,
Believing that training courses and workshops organized on the national level might prove of immeasurable assistance to officials responsible for the preparation of such State party reports,相信在国家一级举办培训班或讲习班将可大大裨益各该国家负责起草国别报告的官员,
1. Requests the Secretary-General to organize, in consultation with the States parties concerned, appropriate national training courses and workshops for their reporting officials as soon as practicable;1. 请秘书长在与有关缔约国协商后尽可能为起草国别报告的官员举办适当的国家培训班和讲习班;
2. Recommends that the services of the staff of the Centre for Human Rights as well as of the experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination should be utilized, as appropriate, in the conduct of such training courses and workshops.2. 建议在举办这种培训班和讲习班时酌情利用人权事务中心工作人员和消除种族歧视委员会的专家。
Contained in document A/46/18.载于A/46/18号文件。