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CERD/GC/13 CERD_GR_13E.docx (English)CERD/GC/13 CERD_GR_13C.docx (Chinese)
General recommendation XIII on the training of law enforcement officials in the protection of human rights第十三号一般性建议:培训执法人员保护人权
Forty-second session (1993)第四十二届会议(1993年)
1. In accordance with article 2, paragraph 1, of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, States parties have undertaken that all public authorities and public institutions, national and local, will not engage in any practice of racial discrimination; further, States parties have undertaken to guarantee the rights listed in article 5 of the Convention to everyone without distinction as to race, colour or national or ethnic origin.1. 按照《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第二条第一款的规定,各缔约国承诺,国家和地方一级的所有公共当局和公共机构都不从事种族歧视的做法;此外,各缔约国还承诺保证人人享有《公约》第五条所列各项权利,不分种族、肤色、民族或族裔血统。
2. The fulfilment of these obligations very much depends upon national law enforcement officials who exercise police powers, especially the powers of detention or arrest, and upon whether they are properly informed about the obligations their State has entered into under the Convention.2. 这些义务的履行在极大程度上取决于行使警察权力,特别是拘禁或逮捕权力的国家执法人员,并取决于他们是否适当地知道根据《公约》,国家所应履行的义务。
Law enforcement officials should receive intensive training to ensure that in the performance of their duties they respect as well as protect human dignity and maintain and uphold the human rights of all persons without distinction as to race, colour or national or ethnic origin.执法人员应当接受密集的训练,以确保在他们执行任务时,不分种族、肤色或民族或族裔血统,能够尊重并保护人的尊严,保持和捍卫所有人的人权。
3. In the implementation of article 7 of the Convention, the Committee calls upon States parties to review and improve the training of law enforcement officials so that the standards of the Convention as well as the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials (1979) are fully implemented.3. 在执行《公约》第七条方面,委员会呼吁各缔约国审查并改进其执法人员的培训工作,以便《公约》和《执法人员行为守则》(1979)的各项标准能够得到全面执行。
They should also include respective information thereupon in their periodic reports.他们还应当在其定期报告中分别列入与此有关的资料。
Contained in document A/48/18.载于A/48/18号文件。