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General recommendation XV on article 4 of the Convention第十五号一般性建议:《公约》第四条
Forty-second session (1993)第四十二届会议(1993年)
1. When the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination was being adopted, article 4 was regarded as central to the struggle against racial discrimination.1. 在通过《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》时,第四条被认为是反对种族歧视斗争的一项关键条文。
At that time, there was a widespread fear of the revival of authoritarian ideologies.当时,广泛担心集权思想会死灰复燃。
The proscription of the dissemination of ideas of racial superiority, and of organized activity likely to incite persons to racial violence, was properly regarded as crucial.禁止种族优越思想,以及禁止可能鼓动人们采取种族暴力的有组织活动被认为是极为重要的。
Since that time, the Committee has received evidence of organized violence based on ethnic origin and the political exploitation of ethnic difference.自此以后,委员会已经收到了基于族裔血统而发生的有组织暴力事件以及政治上利用族裔差别的一些证据。
As a result, implementation of article 4 is now of increased importance.因此,执行第四条的规定目前已变得更加重要。
2. The Committee recalls its general recommendation VII in which it explained that the provisions of article 4 are of a mandatory character.2. 委员会回顾其第七号一般性建议,其中说明了第四条的各项规定具有强制性质。
To satisfy these obligations, States parties have not only to enact appropriate legislation but also to ensure that it is effectively enforced.为履行这些义务,各缔约国不仅必须制订适当的法律,并且还需确保这种法律得到有效执行。
Because threats and acts of racial violence easily lead to other such acts and generate an atmosphere of hostility, only immediate intervention can meet the obligations of effective response.由于种族暴力的威胁和行动很容易导致其他这类行动,并且会造成一种敌对环境,只有立即干预才能履行有效作出反应的义务。
3. Article 4 (a) requires States parties to penalize four categories of misconduct: (i) dissemination of ideas based upon racial superiority or hatred; (ii) incitement to racial hatred; (iii) acts of violence against any race or group of persons of another colour or ethnic origin; and (iv) incitement to such acts.3. 第四条(子)项规定缔约国应对下述四类不当行为施以惩罚:(一) 传播以种族优越或仇恨为根据的思想;(二) 煽动种族仇恨;(三) 对任何种族或属于任一种肤色或人种的人群实施强暴行为;(四) 煽动此种行为。
4. In the opinion of the Committee, the prohibition of the dissemination of all ideas based upon racial superiority or hatred is compatible with the right to freedom of opinion and expression.4. 委员会认为,对传播以种族优越或仇恨为根据的一切思想予以禁止与舆论自由和言论自由的权利是相容的。
This right is embodied in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is recalled in article 5 (d) (viii) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.这项权利载于《世界人权宣言》第十九条,并且在《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第五条(卯)项(8)目中复述了这项权利。
Its relevance to article 4 is noted in the article itself.第四条的内容说明了这项权利的重要性。
The citizen’s exercise of this right carries special duties and responsibilities, specified in article 29, paragraph 2, of the Universal Declaration, among which the obligation not to disseminate racist ideas is of particular importance.公民行使这项权利就是履行《世界人权宣言》第二十九条第二款具体规定的各项特别义务和责任,其中特别重要的是,有义务不传播种族主义思想。
The Committee wishes, furthermore, to draw to the attention of States parties article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, according to which any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.此外,委员会还想提请缔约国注意《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二十条,其中规定任何基于民族、种族或宗教仇恨而鼓动歧视、敌视或暴力的宣传均为法律所禁止。
5. Article 4 (a) also penalizes the financing of racist activities, which the Committee takes to include all the activities mentioned in paragraph 3 above, that is to say, activities deriving from ethnic as well as racial differences.5. 第四条(子)项还规定惩罚资助种族主义活动的行为,委员会认为所指的活动包括以上第3段提到的所有活动,也就是,针对人种和种族差异而采取的活动。
The Committee calls upon States parties to investigate whether their national law and its implementation meet this requirement.委员会呼吁各缔约国审查它们的国家法律及其执行情况是否符合这项规定。
6. Some States have maintained that in their legal order it is inappropriate to declare illegal an organization before its members have promoted or incited racial discrimination.6. 有些国家认为,在它们的法律体制内,在一个组织的成员宣传或鼓动种族歧视以前宣布该组织为非法是不恰当的。
The Committee is of the opinion that article 4 (b) places a greater burden upon such States to be vigilant in proceeding against such organizations at the earliest moment. These organizations, as well as organized and other propaganda activities, have to be declared illegal and prohibited.委员会认为,第四条(丑)项规定这种国家更有责任及早对这类组织采取行动,必须宣布这些组织以及有组织的活动和其他宣传活动为非法,加以禁止。
Participation in these organizations is, of itself, to be punished.参与这些组织应受惩罚。
7. Article 4 (c) of the Convention outlines the obligations of public authorities.7. 《公约》第四条(寅)项列出公共机关的责任。
Public authorities at all administrative levels, including municipalities, are bound by this paragraph. The Committee holds that States parties must ensure that they observe these obligations and report on this.所有行政级别的行政机关,包括市政府,都应遵守该款的规定,委员会认为各缔约国必须确保这些责任得到履行,并提出有关报告。
Contained in document A/48/18.载于A/48/18号文件。