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CERD/GC/16 CERD_GR_16E.docx (English)CERD/GC/16 CERD_GR_16C.docx (Chinese)
General recommendation XVI concerning the application of article 9 of the Convention第十六号一般性建议:《公约》第九条的适用
Forty-second session (1993)第四十二届会议(1993年)
1. Under article 9 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, States parties have undertaken to submit, through the Secretary-General of the United Nations, for consideration by the Committee, reports on measures taken by them to give effect to the provisions of the Convention.1. 《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第九条规定,缔约国承诺就其所采用的实施《公约》各项规定的措施,通过联合国秘书长提出报告,供委员会审议。
2. With respect to this obligation of the States parties, the Committee has noted that, on some occasions, reports have made references to situations existing in other States.2. 关于缔约国的这项义务,委员会注意到,在有些情况下,所提报告会提到其他国家的当前情况。
3. For this reason, the Committee wishes to remind States parties of the provisions of article 9 of the Convention concerning the content of their reports, while bearing in mind article 11, which is the only procedural means available to States for drawing to the attention of the Committee situations in which they consider that some other State is not giving effect to the provisions of the Convention.3. 为此,委员会提请缔约国注意《公约》第九条关于其所提报告内容的规定,同时铭记第十一条,这是各国为提请委员会注意它们认为另一些国家未执行《公约》有关规定的情况所利用的唯一程序性手段。
Contained in document A/48/18.载于A/48/18号文件。