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CERD/GC/17 CERD_GR_17E.docx (English)CERD/GC/17 CERD_GR_17C.docx (Chinese)
General recommendation XVII on the establishment of national institutions to facilitate the implementation of the Convention第十七号一般性建议:设立国家机构推动落实《公约》
Forty-second session (1993)第四十二届会议(1993年)
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,消除种族歧视委员会,
Considering the practice of States parties concerning the implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,考虑到各缔约国关于执行《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》所采取的作法,
Convinced of the necessity to encourage further the establishment of national institutions to facilitate the implementation of the Convention,相信有必要进一步鼓励设立国家机构来推动执行《公约》,
Emphasizing the need to strengthen further the implementation of the Convention,强调必须进一步加强《公约》的执行工作,
1. Recommends that States parties establish national commissions or other appropriate bodies, taking into account, mutatis mutandis, the principles relating to the status of national institutions annexed to Commission on Human Rights resolution 1992/54 of 3 March 1992, to serve, inter alia, the following purposes:1. 建议各缔约国设立国家委员会或其他适当机构,同时为了作出必要的改动,应考虑到1992年3月3日人权委员会第1992/54号决议附件中所列的国家机构的地位原则,除别的以外,设立这类机构的目的如下:
(a) To promote respect for the enjoyment of human rights without any discrimination, as expressly set out in article 5 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination;按照《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第五条的明确规定,鼓励尊重享受人权,不受任何歧视;
(b) To review government policy towards protection against racial discrimination;审查各国在政府保护人民不受歧视的政策;
(c) To monitor legislative compliance with the provisions of the Convention;监测法律是否符合《公约》的各项规定;
(d) To educate the public about the obligations of States parties under the Convention;教育公众了解各缔约国根据《公约》所负的义务;
(e) To assist the Government in the preparation of reports submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;协助各国政府编写提交给消除种族歧视委员会的报告;
2. Also recommends that, where such commissions have been established, they should be associated with the preparation of reports and possibly included in government delegations in order to intensify the dialogue between the Committee and the State party concerned.2. 还建议,如果已经设立这种委员会,它们还应负责编写报告,并且在可能时将这种委员会列入政府代表团,以便加强委员会与所涉缔约国之间的对话。
Contained in document A/48/18.载于A/48/18号文件。