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General recommendation XIX on article 3 of the Convention第十九号一般性建议:《公约》第三条
Forty-seventh session (1995)第四十七届会议(1995年)
1. The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination calls the attention of States parties to the wording of article 3, by which States parties undertake to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of racial segregation and apartheid in territories under their jurisdiction.1. 消除种族歧视委员会提请各缔约国注意第三条的措施,在该条中各缔约国承诺在其管辖的领土内防止、禁止和消除一切种族分离和种族隔离的做法。
The reference to apartheid may have been directed exclusively to South Africa, but the article as adopted prohibits all forms of racial segregation in all countries.尽管种族隔离的措辞可能是专指南非,但所通过的该条禁止在所有国家的一切形式的种族隔离。
2. The Committee believes that the obligation to eradicate all practices of this nature includes the obligation to eradicate the consequences of such practices undertaken or tolerated by previous Governments in the State or imposed by forces outside the State.2. 委员会认为消除一切这类性质的做法的义务包括有义务消除该国前政府或国外势力采取、允许或强加的这种做法的影响。
3. The Committee observes that while conditions of complete or partial racial segregation may in some countries have been created by governmental policies, a condition of partial segregation may also arise as an unintended by-product of the actions of private persons.3. 委员会注意到虽然在某些国家全面或部分种族隔离的情况也许是由于政府政策形成的,但部分种族隔离的情况也有可能是因为个人无意的行动造成的副带情况。
In many cities residential patterns are influenced by group differences in income, which are sometimes combined with differences of race, colour, descent and national or ethnic origin, so that inhabitants can be stigmatized and individuals suffer a form of discrimination in which racial grounds are mixed with other grounds.在许多城市,居住区受收入差别的影响,这种差别有时与种族、肤色、族裔、民族或种族血缘不同有关,因此一些居民可能受到污辱,某些个人会遭受某种形式的歧视,其中种族原因和其他原因混在一起。
4. The Committee therefore affirms that a condition of racial segregation can also arise without any initiative or direct involvement by the public authorities.4. 因此,委员会认为种族隔离的情况出现也可能没有涉及公共当局的行动或直接参与。
It invites States parties to monitor all trends which can give rise to racial segregation, to work for the eradication of any negative consequences that ensue, and to describe any such action in their periodic reports.委员会请各缔约国监测所有可造成种族隔离的倾向,努力消除因此而产生的任何消极影响,并在其今后的定期报告中描述这类行动。
Contained in document A/50/18.载于A/50/18号文件