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CERD General recommendation XX on article 5 of the Convention第二十号一般性建议:《公约》第五条
Forty-eighth session (1996)第四十八届会议(1996年)
1. Article 5 of the Convention contains the obligation of States parties to guarantee the enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights and freedoms without racial discrimination.1. 《公约》第五条规定,各缔约国有义务确保人人在不受种族歧视的情况下享受公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利和自由。
Note should be taken that the rights and freedoms mentioned in article 5 do not constitute an exhaustive list.应该注意到,第五条提到的权利和自由并非详尽无遗。
At the head of these rights and freedoms are those deriving from the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as recalled in the preamble to the Convention.正如《公约》序言中回顾的,在这些权利和自由中,由《联合国宪章》和《世界人权宣言》产生的权利和自由排在首位。
Most of these rights have been elaborated in the International Covenants on Human Rights.这些权利大多在国际人权两公约中作了规定。
All States parties are therefore obliged to acknowledge and protect the enjoyment of human rights, but the manner in which these obligations are translated into the legal orders of States parties may differ.因此,所有缔约国均有义务承认和保护人权的享受,但是用何种方式将这些义务变为缔约国的法律,则可能因国家而异。
Article 5 of the Convention, apart from requiring a guarantee that the exercise of human rights shall be free from racial discrimination, does not of itself create civil, political, economic, social or cultural rights, but assumes the existence and recognition of these rights.除了要求保证在不受种族歧视的情况下行使人权之外,《公约》第五条本身并不产生公民、政治、经济、社会或文化权利,而是假设这些权利存在并得到承认。
The Convention obliges States to prohibit and eliminate racial discrimination in the enjoyment of such human rights.《公约》规定缔约国有义务在享受这种人权的方面禁止和消除种族歧视。
2. Whenever a State imposes a restriction upon one of the rights listed in article 5 of the Convention which applies ostensibly to all within its jurisdiction, it must ensure that neither in purpose nor effect is the restriction incompatible with article 1 of the Convention as an integral part of international human rights standards.2. 任何时候当一缔约国对显然适用于其管辖权范围内的所有人的《公约》第五条所列的某项权利实行限制时,它必须保证,无论就意图而言还是就效果而言,这种限制均不得有悖于作为国际人权标准的组成部分的《公约》第一条。
To ascertain whether this is the case, the Committee is obliged to inquire further to make sure that any such restriction does not entail racial discrimination.为了查明是否做到了这一点,委员会有义务进一步调查,以确保任何这种限制不带有种族歧视。
3. Many of the rights and freedoms mentioned in article 5, such as the right to equal treatment before tribunals, are to be enjoyed by all persons living in a given State; others such as the right to participate in elections, to vote and to stand for election are the rights of citizens.3. 第五条提到的许多权利和自由,如法庭上待遇平等的权利,为住在特定国家的所有人所享有;而诸如参加选举、投票和竞选等其他权利则属于公民权利。
4. The States parties are recommended to report about the non-discriminatory implementation of each of the rights and freedoms referred to in article 5 of the Convention one by one.4. 委员会建议缔约国逐一报告《公约》第五条提到的每项权利和自由的非歧视性落实情况。
5. The rights and freedoms referred to in article 5 of the Convention and any similar rights shall be protected by a State party.5. 《公约》第五条提到的权利和自由及任何类似的权利应该受到缔约国的保护。
Such protection may be achieved in different ways, be it by the use of public institutions or through the activities of private institutions.这种保护可通过不同方式实现,无论是通过利用公共机构还是通过私人机构的活动均可。
In any case, it is the obligation of the State party concerned to ensure the effective implementation of the Convention and to report thereon under article 9 of the Convention.总之,有关缔约国有义务确保《公约》切实得到执行,并就此根据《公约》第九条提出报告。
To the extent that private institutions influence the exercise of rights or the availability of opportunities, the State party must ensure that the result has neither the purpose nor the effect of creating or perpetuating racial discrimination.如果私人机构能左右权利的行使或机会的获得,则缔约国必须保证,无论就意图而言还是就效果而言,均不会造成或助长种族歧视。
Contained in document A/51/18.载于A/51/18号文件。