CERD/GC/23 CERD_GR_23E.docx (English) | CERD/GC/23 CERD_GR_23C.docx (Chinese) |
General recommendation XXIII on the rights of indigenous peoples | 第二十三号一般性建议:土著人民的权利 |
Fifty-first session (1997) | 第五十一届会议(1997年) |
1. In the practice of the Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in particular in the examination
of reports of States parties under article 9 of the International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the
situation of indigenous peoples has always been a matter of close
attention and concern. | 1. 依照消除种族歧视委员会的惯例,尤其是在审查缔约国依照《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第九条提交的报告时,土著人民的状况一直是密切注意和关心的事项。 |
In this respect, the Committee has consistently
affirmed that discrimination against indigenous peoples falls under the
scope of the Convention and that all appropriate means must be taken to
combat and eliminate such discrimination. | 在这方面,委员会一贯申明,对土著人民的歧视属于《公约》管辖范围,必须采取一切适当方式对付和消除这种歧视。 |
2. The Committee, noting that the General Assembly
proclaimed the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
commencing on 10 December 1994, reaffirms that the provisions of the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination apply to indigenous peoples. | 2. 委员会注意到大会于1994年12月10日宣布世界土著人民国际十年,委员会重申《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》条款适用于土著人民。 |
3. The Committee is conscious of the fact that in
many regions of the world indigenous peoples have been, and are still
being, discriminated against and deprived of their human rights and
fundamental freedoms and in particular that they have lost their land
and resources to colonists, commercial companies and State enterprises. | 3. 委员会知道,在世界许多区域土著人民一直并且仍然受到歧视,他们的人权和基本自由被剥夺,尤其是他们的土地和资源落入殖民主义者、商业公司和国家企业之手。 |
Consequently, the preservation of their culture and their historical identity has been and still is jeopardized. | 因此,他们的文化和历史身份的维护一直并且仍然岌岌可危。 |
4. The Committee calls in particular upon States parties to: | 4. 委员会特别吁请缔约国: |
(a) Recognize and respect indigenous distinct
culture, history, language and way of life as an enrichment of the
State’s cultural identity and to promote its preservation; | 承认并尊重独特的土著文化、历史、语言和生活方式,将其作为丰富缔约国文化特征的财富,并促进对这笔财富的保护; |
(b) Ensure that members of indigenous peoples are
free and equal in dignity and rights and free from any discrimination,
in particular that based on indigenous origin or identity; | 确保土著人民成员的自由及在尊严和权利方面平等,不受任何歧视,尤其是基于土著血统或身份的歧视; |
(c) Provide indigenous peoples with conditions
allowing for a sustainable economic and social development compatible
with their cultural characteristics; | 向土著人民提供条件,使其能够以符合自己文化特点的方式获得可持续的经济和社会发展; |
(d) Ensure that members of indigenous peoples have
equal rights in respect of effective participation in public life and
that no decisions directly relating to their rights and interests are
taken without their informed consent; | 确保土著人民成员享有有效参与公共生活的平等权利,除非他们在知情情况下同意,否则不得作出同其权利和利益直接有关的任何决定; |
(e) Ensure that indigenous communities can exercise
their rights to practise and revitalize their cultural traditions and
customs and to preserve and to practise their languages. | 确保土著人民能够行使自己的权利,保留和发扬自己的文化传统和习俗,保持并使用自己的语言。 |
5. The Committee especially calls upon States parties
to recognize and protect the rights of indigenous peoples to own,
develop, control and use their communal lands, territories and resources
and, where they have been deprived of their lands and territories
traditionally owned or otherwise inhabited or used without their free
and informed consent, to take steps to return those lands and
territories. | 5. 委员会特别吁请缔约国承认并保护土著人民拥有、开展、控制和使用自己部族的土地、领土和资源的权利,并且,如果没有征得他们在自由和知情情况下的同意而剥夺他们传统上拥有或以其他方式居住或使用的土地和领土,则必须采取措施归还这些土地和领土。 |
Only when this is for factual reasons not possible,
the right to restitution should be substituted by the right to just,
fair and prompt compensation. | 只有在由于事实上的理由不可能做到这一点时,才能以获得公正、公平和迅速赔偿的权利取代恢复原状的权利。 |
Such compensation should as far as possible take the form of lands and territories. | 此种赔偿应尽可能采取土地和领土的形式。 |
6. The Committee further calls upon States parties
with indigenous peoples in their territories to include in their
periodic reports full information on the situation of such peoples,
taking into account all relevant provisions of the Convention. | 6. 委员会还吁请本国领土上居住着土著人民的缔约国考虑到《公约》所有有关条款,在其定期报告中列入有关土著人民状况的充分资料。 |
Contained in document A/52/18, annex V. | 载于A/52/18号文件,附件五。 |
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