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General recommendation XXV on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination第二十五号一般性建议:种族歧视与性别有关的方面
Fifty-sixth session (2000)第五十六届会议(2000年)
1. The Committee notes that racial discrimination does not always affect women and men equally or in the same way.1. 委员会指出,种族歧视并不总是同样影响或以同样方式影响妇女和男子。
There are circumstances in which racial discrimination only or primarily affects women, or affects women in a different way, or to a different degree than men.在某些情况下,种族歧视只影响或主要影响妇女,或以不同方式影响妇女,或影响程度不同于对男人的影响。
Such racial discrimination will often escape detection if there is no explicit recognition or acknowledgement of the different life experiences of women and men, in areas of both public and private life.如果不明确承认妇女和男子在社会生活和私人生活方面的不同经验,这种种族歧视往往难以查觉。
2. Certain forms of racial discrimination may be directed towards women specifically because of their gender, such as sexual violence committed against women members of particular racial or ethnic groups in detention or during armed conflict; the coerced sterilization of indigenous women; abuse of women workers in the informal sector or domestic workers employed abroad by their employers.2. 由于妇女的性别,某些形式的种族歧视可能是专门针对她们的,例如,在拘留或武装冲突期间,对特定种族或族裔群体妇女成员的性暴力行为;强迫土著妇女绝育;非正式部门雇主对女工或国外雇主对家庭女佣的性侵犯。
Racial discrimination may have consequences that affect primarily or only women, such as pregnancy resulting from racial bias-motivated rape; in some societies women victims of such rape may also be ostracized.种族歧视的后果可能主要影响或只影响妇女,如种族偏见驱使的强奸所造成的怀孕;在某些社会中,这种强奸的妇女受害者可能还会被驱逐。
Women may also be further hindered by a lack of access to remedies and complaint mechanisms for racial discrimination because of gender-related impediments, such as gender bias in the legal system and discrimination against women in private spheres of life.由于与性别有关的障碍,如法律制度中的性别偏向和私人生活领域中对妇女的歧视,妇女还可能不能利用种族歧视补救办法和申诉机制。
3. Recognizing that some forms of racial discrimination have a unique and specific impact on women, the Committee will endeavour in its work to take into account gender factors or issues which may be interlinked with racial discrimination.3. 由于认识到某些形式的种族歧视可能对妇女产生特别的具体影响,委员会将在其工作中考虑到可能与种族歧视有关联的性别因素或问题。
The Committee believes that its practices in this regard would benefit from developing, in conjunction with the States parties, a more systematic and consistent approach to evaluating and monitoring racial discrimination against women, as well as the disadvantages, obstacles and difficulties women face in the full exercise and enjoyment of their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights on grounds of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin.委员会相信,为了评估和监察对妇女的种族歧视,以及妇女由于其种族、肤色、世系或民族或族裔在充分享有公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利方面的不利地位、障碍和困难,如果能与缔约国合作共同制定一种更系统和一致的办法,这将有助于委员会做好这方面的工作。
4. Accordingly, the Committee, when examining forms of racial discrimination, intends to enhance its efforts to integrate gender perspectives, incorporate gender analysis, and encourage the use of gender-inclusive language in its sessional working methods, including its review of reports submitted by States parties, concluding observations, early warning mechanisms and urgent action procedures, and general recommendations.4. 因此,委员会希望在审查各种形式的种族歧视时加强从性别角度看问题,在其会议工作方法中增加性别分析,鼓励使用考虑到性别的语言,包括对缔约国报告的审查、结论性意见、早期预警机制和紧急行动程序,以及一般性建议。
5. As part of the methodology for fully taking into account the gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, the Committee will include in its sessional working methods an analysis of the relationship between gender and racial discrimination, by giving particular consideration to:5. 作为充分考虑到种族歧视与性别有关的方面的方法的一部分,委员会将在其会议工作方法中增加对性别与种族歧视关系的分析,其中将特别考虑到:
(a) The form and manifestation of racial discrimination;种族歧视的形式和表现;
(b) The circumstances in which racial discrimination occurs;种族歧视发生的情况;
(c) The consequences of racial discrimination; and种族歧视的后果;
(d) The availability and accessibility of remedies and complaint mechanisms for racial discrimination.种族歧视补救办法和申诉机制的存在和可利用性。
6. Noting that reports submitted by States parties often do not contain specific or sufficient information on the implementation of the Convention with respect to women, States parties are requested to describe, as far as possible in quantitative and qualitative terms, factors affecting and difficulties experienced in ensuring the equal enjoyment by women, free from racial discrimination, of rights under the Convention.6. 委员会注意到,缔约国提交的报告中往往没有关于在妇女方面执行《公约》的具体或充分资料,因此,要求缔约国从数量和质量方面尽可能详细说明影响确保妇女在没有种族歧视的情况下平等享有《公约》所规定权利的各种因素以及在这方面所遇到困难。
Data which have been categorized by race or ethnic origin, and which are then disaggregated by gender within those racial or ethnic groups, will allow the States parties and the Committee to identify, compare and take steps to remedy forms of racial discrimination against women that may otherwise go unnoticed and unaddressed.按种族或族裔分类、进而在种族和族裔群体中按性别分类的资料将有助于缔约国和委员会发现、比较本来可能不被注意和解决的对妇女的各种形式种族歧视问题,并采取措施,给予补救。
1391st meeting,第1391次会议
20 March 20002000年3月20日