2. The Committee notifies States parties that, in its
opinion, the right to seek just and adequate reparation or satisfaction
for any damage suffered as a result of such discrimination, which is
embodied in article 6 of the Convention, is not necessarily secured
solely by the punishment of the perpetrator of the discrimination; at
the same time, the courts and other competent authorities should
consider awarding financial compensation for damage, material or moral,
suffered by a victim, whenever appropriate. | 2. 委员会向缔约国表示,它认为,《公约》第六条所包含的就因此种歧视而遭受的任何损失请求公允充分的赔偿或补偿的权利不一定只是通过对歧视肇事者的惩罚来保证;同时,法院和其他主管当局在适当情况下应当考虑对受害者所遭受的物质或精神损失给予金钱赔偿。 |