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General recommendation XXIX on article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention (Descent)第二十九号一般性建议:《公约》第一条第一款(世系)
Sixty-first session (2002)第六十届会议(2002年)
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,消除种族歧视委员会,
Recalling the terms of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights according to which all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and are entitled to the rights and freedoms therein without distinction of any kind, including race, colour, sex, language, religion, social origin, birth or other status,忆及《世界人权宣言》规定:人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等,人人有资格享受本《宣言》所载的一切权利和自由,不分种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、社会出身、出生或其他身分等任何区别,
Recalling also the terms of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action of the World Conference on Human Rights according to which it is the duty of States, regardless of political, economic and cultural system, to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms,还忆及世界人权会议《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》规定:各国不论其政治、经济和文化制度为何,都有责任增进和保护所有人权和基本自由,
Reaffirming its general recommendation XXVIII in which the Committee expresses wholehearted support for the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action of the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance,重申其第二十八号一般性建议,委员会在其中表示由衷支持反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇恨心理和相关不容忍现象世界会议《德班宣言和行动纲领》,
Reaffirming also the condemnation of discrimination against persons of Asian and African descent and indigenous and other forms of descent in the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action,还重申《德班宣言和行动纲领》中谴责对亚洲和非洲人后裔和土著人的歧视以及其他形式的族裔歧视,
Basing its action on the provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination which seeks to eliminate discrimination based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin,根据《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》的规定采取行动,设法消除基于种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种出身的歧视,
Confirming the consistent view of the Committee that the term “descent” in article 1, paragraph 1, the Convention does not solely refer to “race” and has a meaning and application which complement the other prohibited grounds of discrimination,确认委员会认为《公约》第一条第一款中的“世系”一词不仅指“种族”,其含义和适用对于其他禁止歧视的理由具有补充作用,
Strongly reaffirming that discrimination based on “descent” includes discrimination against members of communities based on forms of social stratification such as caste and analogous systems of inherited status which nullify or impair their equal enjoyment of human rights,强烈重申:“世系”歧视指种姓或类似世系的成员由于属于某一社会阶层而丧失或减损其平等享受人权的机会,
Noting that the existence of such discrimination has become evident from the Committee’s examination of reports of a number of States parties to the Convention,注意到:委员会从对若干缔约国报告的审查中发现上述歧视的存在,
Having organized a thematic discussion on descent-based discrimination and received the contributions of members of the Committee, as well as contributions from some Governments and members of other United Nations bodies, notably experts of the Sub-Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights,举办了世系歧视专题讨论会并且收到委员会以及一些政府和联合国其他机构,特别是增进和保护人权小组委员会的成员撰写的文章,
Having received contributions from a great number of concerned non-governmental organizations and individuals, orally and through written information, providing the Committee with further evidence of the extent and persistence of descent-based discrimination in different regions of the world,收到了许多有关政府组织和个人口头或书面提出的资料,使委员会进一步明白了世界上不同地区基于种姓的歧视的范围与程度及其持续存在的情况,
Concluding that fresh efforts need to be made as well as existing efforts intensified at the level of domestic law and practice to eliminate the scourge of descent-based discrimination and empower communities affected by it,认定需要在国内法和实践的层面上作出崭新的努力并且加强现有的努力,以消除世系歧视的祸害并且扶持受害族群,
Commending the efforts of those States that have taken measures to eliminate descent-based discrimination and remedy its consequences,赞扬一些国家采取措施消除世系歧视并对其后果进行补救,
Strongly encouraging those affected States that have yet to recognize and address this phenomenon to take steps to do so,强烈鼓励尚未确认这种现象并加以矫正的国家采取这样的措施,
Recalling the positive spirit in which the dialogues between the Committee and Governments have been conducted on the question of descent-based discrimination and anticipating further such constructive dialogues,忆及委员会与一些政府就世系歧视问题进行对话的积极精神并且预期继续进行这种建设性对话,
Attaching the highest importance to its ongoing work in combating all forms of descent-based discrimination,极其重视目前为了取缔一切形式世系歧视正在进行的工作,
Strongly condemning descent-based discrimination, such as discrimination on the basis of caste and analogous systems of inherited status, as a violation of the Convention,强烈谴责基于种姓和类似世袭制等世系的歧视,认为这是违反《公约》的行为,
Recommends that the States parties, as appropriate for their particular circumstances, adopt some or all of the following measures:建议缔约国斟酌具体情况采取下列若干或全部措施,
1. Measures of a general nature1. 一般性措施
(a) Steps to identify those descent-based communities under their jurisdiction who suffer from discrimination, especially on the basis of caste and analogous systems of inherited status, and whose existence may be recognized on the basis of various factors including some or all of the following: inability or restricted ability to alter inherited status; socially enforced restrictions on marriage outside the community; private and public segregation, including in housing and education, access to public spaces, places of worship and public sources of food and water; limitation of freedom to renounce inherited occupations or degrading or hazardous work; subjection to debt bondage; subjection to dehumanizing discourses referring to pollution or untouchability; and generalized lack of respect for their human dignity and equality;采取措施确定在其管辖下受到基于种姓和类似世袭制等世系歧视的族群,其存在可根 据下列若干或全部因素加以确认:没有能力改变世袭身份或此种能力有限、社会对其涉外婚姻施加限制、私人和官方在住房和教育、进出公共地区、礼拜场所和食物 及水的公共来源等方面实行种族隔离、放弃世袭的职业或有辱人格或危险的工作的自由受到限制、受到债务质役、受到被指斥为肮脏或低贱的辱骂、其尊严和平等普 遍不受尊重;
(b) Consider the incorporation of an explicit prohibition of descent-based discrimination in the national constitution;考虑在国家宪法中明文禁止世系歧视;
(c) Review and enact or amend legislation in order to outlaw all forms of discrimination based on descent in accordance with the Convention;复核和制定或修正法规,按照本《公约》将一切形式世系歧视规定为违法行为;
(d) Resolutely implement legislation and other measures already in force;坚决执行现行法规和其他措施;
(e) Formulate and put into action a comprehensive national strategy with the participation of members of affected communities, including special measures in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of the Convention, in order to eliminate discrimination against members of descent-based groups;使受到影响的族群成员参加制定和执行全面国家战略,包括按照《公约》第一条和第二条拟定特别措施,以消除对世系成员的歧视;
(f) Adopt special measures in favour of descent-based groups and communities in order to ensure their enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular concerning access to public functions, employment and education;制定有利于世系族群的特别措施,以保障其对人权和基本自由的享受,特别是关于担任公职、就业和受教育的权利;
(g) Establish statutory mechanisms, through the strengthening of existing institutions or the creation of specialized institutions, to promote respect for the equal human rights of members of descent-based communities;建立法定机制,为此加强现有体制或创设专门机构,以增进对世系族群成员的尊重;
(h) Educate the general public on the importance of affirmative action programmes to address the situation of victims of descent-based discrimination;向一般公众开展教育,使其认识到对遭受世系歧视的人实行扶持行动方案的重要性;
(i) Encourage dialogue between members of descent-based communities and members of other social groups;鼓励世系族群成员与其他社会群体的成员进行对话;
(j) Conduct periodic surveys on the reality of descent-based discrimination and provide disaggregated information in their reports to the Committee on the geographical distribution and economic and social conditions of descent-based communities, including a gender perspective;定期调查世系歧视的实际情况,在其提交委员会的报告中载列分门别类的资料,说明世系族群的地理分布和经济及社会条件,包括对性别公平观的表述;
2. Multiple discrimination against women members of descent-based communities2. 对基于世系的族群的妇女成员的多重歧视
(k) Take into account, in all programmes and projects planned and implemented and in measures adopted, the situation of women members of the communities, as victims of multiple discrimination, sexual exploitation and forced prostitution;在所有方案及已规划和执行的所有项目以及制定的措施中,考虑到族群妇女成员遭受多重歧视、性剥削和被迫卖淫的情况;
(l) Take all measures necessary in order to eliminate multiple discrimination including descent-based discrimination against women, particularly in the areas of personal security, employment and education;采取一切必要措施,以消除多重歧视,包括妇女在个人安全、就业和受教育等方面受到的世系歧视;
(m) Provide disaggregated data for the situation of women affected by descent-based discrimination;提供分类数据,说明遭受世系歧视的妇女情况;
3. Segregation3. 隔离
(n) Monitor and report on trends which give rise to the segregation of descent-based communities and work for the eradication of the negative consequences resulting from such segregation;监测和报告对世系族群实行隔离的趋势,并为消除这种隔离引起的消极后果进行工作;
(o) Undertake to prevent, prohibit and eliminate practices of segregation directed against members of descent-based communities including in housing, education and employment;着手防止、禁止和消除在住房、教育和就业等方面针对世系族群成员实行种族隔离的作法;
(p) Secure for everyone the right of access on an equal and non-discriminatory basis to any place or service intended for use by the general public;使人人有权在平等和不歧视的基础上进出任何场所或使用为一般公众提供的服务;
(q) Take steps to promote mixed communities in which members of affected communities are integrated with other elements of society and ensure that services to such settlements are accessible on an equal basis for all;采取步骤,促使受害族群与其他社会族群和睦相处、毗邻而居,人人都能够享受为这些住区提供的服务;
4. Dissemination of hate speech including through the mass media and the Internet4. 通过大众传播媒体和互联网等渠道散布仇恨言论
(r) Take measures against any dissemination of ideas of caste superiority and inferiority or which attempt to justify violence, hatred or discrimination against descent-based communities;采取措施,取缔种姓优越论和低劣论或意图对世系族群施加暴力、仇恨或歧视的借口;
(s) Take strict measures against any incitement to discrimination or violence against the communities, including through the Internet;采取严格措施,取缔通过互联网和其他方式对某些族群进行歧视或施加暴力的行为;
(t) Take measures to raise awareness among media professionals of the nature and incidence of descent-based discrimination;采取措施,提高媒体专业人员对世系歧视的性质和情事的认识;
5. Administration of justice5. 司法
(u) Take the necessary steps to secure equal access to the justice system for all members of descent-based communities, including by providing legal aid, facilitating of group claims and encouraging non-governmental organizations to defend community rights;采取必要措施,使世系族群的所有成员都能够平等使用司法系统,包括提供法律援助、简化集体求偿手续和鼓励非政府组织维护族群权利;
(v) Ensure, where relevant, that judicial decisions and official actions take the prohibition of descent-based discrimination fully into account;在有关情况下,确保司法判决和官方行动都能充分考虑到禁止世系歧视;
(w) Ensure the prosecution of persons who commit crimes against members of descent-based communities and the provision of adequate compensation for the victims of such crimes;确实起诉对世系族群成员犯下罪行的人并对这种罪行的受害者给予适足的补偿;
(x) Encourage the recruitment of members of descent-based communities into the police and other law enforcement agencies;鼓励警察和其他执法机构聘用世系族群成员;
(y) Organize training programmes for public officials and law enforcement agencies with a view to preventing injustices based on prejudice against descent-based communities;为公职官员和执行机构举办培训课程,防止发生对世系族群的偏见引起的不公正现象;
(z) Encourage and facilitate constructive dialogue between the police and other law enforcement agencies and members of the communities;鼓励警察和其他执法机构与社会群体的成员进行建设性对话;
6. Civil and political rights6. 公民和政治权利
(aa) Ensure that authorities at all levels in the country concerned involve members of descent-based communities in decisions which affect them;确保有关国家的各级当局让世系族群成员参加会影响到他们的决策;
(bb) Take special and concrete measures to guarantee to members of descent-based communities the right to participate in elections, to vote and stand for election on the basis of equal and universal suffrage, and to have due representation in Government and legislative bodies;采取特别具体措施,保证世系族群成员有权在平等和普遍参政的基础上参加选举、投票和竞选,并且在政府和立法机构中有正当的代表权;
(cc) Promote awareness among members of the communities of the importance of their active participation in public and political life, and eliminate obstacles to such participation;提高社区成员对于由他们积极参加公共和政治生活的重要性,并且消除此种参与所遇到的障碍;
(dd) Organize training programmes to improve the political policy-making and public administration skills of public officials and political representatives who belong to descent-based communities;为公职官员和世系族群的政治代表举办培训课程以提高其政治决策和公共行政管理技能;
(ee) Take steps to identify areas prone to descent-based violence in order to prevent the recurrence of such violence;采取措施查明世系族群易受暴力攻击的领域,以防止此种暴力事件发生;
(ff) Take resolute measures to secure rights of marriage for members of descent-based communities who wish to marry outside the community;采取坚决措施,以保障愿与外族通婚的世系族群成员的婚姻权利;
7. Economic and social rights7. 经济及社会权利
(gg) Elaborate, adopt and implement plans and programmes of economic and social development on an equal and non-discriminatory basis;在平等和不歧视的基础上拟订、通过和执行经济及社会发展计划和方案;
(hh) Take substantial and effective measures to eradicate poverty among descent-based communities and combat their social exclusion or marginalization;采取实质性的切实措施使世系族群脱离贫困并对他们在社会上受到排斥或边缘化的现象进行斗争;
(ii) Work with intergovernmental organizations, including international financial institutions, to ensure that development or assistance projects which they support take into account the economic and social situation of members of descent-based communities;与国际金融机构等政府间组织合作,以确保他们所支持的发展或援助项目考虑到世系族群成员的经济及社会状况;
(jj) Take special measures to promote the employment of members of affected communities in the public and private sectors;采取特别措施以增进受害族群成员在公共及私营部门的就业机会;
(kk) Develop or refine legislation and practice specifically prohibiting all discriminatory practices based on descent in employment and the labour market;拟订或修订法规和做法,在就业和劳工市场中具体禁止一切世系歧视;
(ll) Take measures against public bodies, private companies and other associations that investigate the descent background of applicants for employment;采取措施禁止公共机构、私营公司和其他协会调查申请就业者的世系背景;
(mm) Take measures against discriminatory practices of local authorities or private owners with regard to residence and access to adequate housing for members of affected communities;采取措施禁止地方当局或私营业主在住所和适足住房方面对受害族群成员的歧视性做法;
(nn) Ensure equal access to health care and social security services for members of descent-based communities;确保世系族群成员有享受保健医疗和社会保险服务的平等机会;
(oo) Involve affected communities in designing and implementing health programmes and projects;使受到影响的族群参加拟订和执行保健方案和项目;
(pp) Take measures to address the special vulnerability of children of descent-based communities to exploitative child labour;采取措施矫正世系族群的儿童特别容易成为被剥削童工的现象;
(qq) Take resolute measures to eliminate debt bondage and degrading conditions of labour associated with descent-based discrimination;采取坚决措施,以消除与世系歧视有关的债务质役和有辱人格的劳动条件;
8. Right to education8. 受教育的权利
(rr) Ensure that public and private education systems include children of all communities and do not exclude any children on the basis of descent;确保公共和私人的教育系统接纳所有族群的儿童,不基于世系排斥任何儿童;
(ss) Reduce school drop-out rates for children of all communities, in particular for children of affected communities, with special attention to the situation of girls;降低所有族群儿童,特别是受害族群儿童的辍学率,特别注意女童的状况;
(tt) Combat discrimination by public or private bodies and any harassment of students who are members of descent-based communities;取缔公私机构实行的歧视措施和对世系族群学生的骚拢;
(uu) Take necessary measures in cooperation with civil society to educate the population as a whole in a spirit of non-discrimination and respect for the communities subject to descent-based discrimination;与民间社会合作采取必要措施,教育所有人民不歧视并且务必尊重遭受世系歧视的族群;
(vv) Review all language in textbooks which conveys stereotyped or demeaning images, references, names or opinions concerning descent-based communities and replace it by images, references, names and opinions which convey the message of the inherent dignity of all human beings and their equality of human rights.审查教科书中对世系族群的定见或贬损形象、提示、名称或见解的一切表述,而代之以宣扬全人类固有尊严和人权平等的信息。