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General recommendation II concerning States parties’ obligations第二号一般性建议:缔约国的义务
Fifth session (1972)第五届会议(1972年)
The Committee has considered some reports from States parties which expressed or implied the belief that the information mentioned in the Committee’s communication of 28 January 1970 (CERD/C/R.12), need not be supplied by States parties on whose territories racial discrimination does not exist.委员会审议了一些缔约国的报告,其中明示或暗示认为境内没有种族歧视的缔约国无需提供委员会在1970年1月28日函件(CERD/C/R.12)中所指的资料。
However, inasmuch as, in accordance with article 9, paragraph 1, of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, all States parties undertake to submit reports on the measures that they have adopted and that give effect to the provisions of the Convention and, since all the categories of information listed in the Committee’s communication of 28 January 1970 refer to obligations undertaken by the States parties under the Convention, that communication is addressed to all States parties without distinction, whether or not racial discrimination exists in their respective territories.但是,既然按《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公 约》第九条第一款全体缔约国都答应提交为使它们《公约》生效而采取的措施的报告,而委员会1970年1月28日函件中所列举的资料类别都提到缔约国在《公 约》下的义务,所以这个函件是对全体缔约国发出的,不论它们领土上有没有种族歧视的现象存在。
The Committee welcomes the inclusion in the reports from all States parties, which have not done so, of the necessary information in conformity with all the headings set out in the aforementioned communication of the Committee.委员会欢迎尚未在报告中列入必要资料的全体缔约国依照委员会上述函件所列标题在报告中列入这些资料。
Contained in document A/87/18.载于A/87/18号文件。