CERD/GC/30 CERD_GR_30E.docx (English) | CERD/GC/30 CERD_GR_30C.docx (Chinese) |
General recommendation XXX on discrimination against non-citizens | 第三十号一般性建议:对非公民的歧视 |
Sixty-fifth session (2005) | 第六十五届会议(2005年) |
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, | 消除种族歧视委员会, |
Recalling the Charter of the United Nations and the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, according to which all human
beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and are entitled to
the rights and freedoms enshrined therein without distinction of any
kind, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination, | 回顾了《联合国宪章》和《世界人权宣言》,其中规定人人都生而自由,生而具有尊严和权利平等,都一视同仁地享有其中规定的权利和自由;还回顾了《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》以及《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》, |
Recalling the Durban Declaration in which the World
Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related
Intolerance, recognized that xenophobia against non-nationals,
particularly migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers, constitutes one of
the main sources of contemporary racism and that human rights violations
against members of such groups occur widely in the context of
discriminatory, xenophobic and racist practices, | 回顾了《德班宣言》、反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象世界会议在其中确认对非国民、尤其是移民、难民和寻求庇护者的仇视是当代种族主义的主要来源之一,在存在歧视性、仇外性和种族主义惯例的情况下,广泛发生着侵犯这些群体成员人权的行为。 |
Noting that, based on the International Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and general
recommendations XI and XX, it has become evident from the examination of
the reports of States parties to the Convention that groups other than
migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers are also of concern, including
undocumented non-citizens and persons who cannot establish the
nationality of the State on whose territory they live, even where such
persons have lived all their lives on the same territory, | 注意到根据《消除一切形式种族主义国际公约》及第十一号和第二十号一般性建议审查《公约》缔约国报告后,情况已经十分明显,除移民、难民和寻求庇护者之外的各种群体、包括无证非公民以及在缔约国境内即使居住终生也无法取得国籍的人,处境也令人关切, |
Having organized a thematic discussion on the issue
of discrimination against non-citizens and received the contributions of
members of the Committee and States parties, as well as contributions
from experts of other United Nations organs and specialized agencies and
from non-governmental organizations, | 举办了关于歧视非公民问题的专题讨论,委员会委员和缔约国、联合国其它机构和专门机构的专家以及非政府组织都对会议有所贡献, |
Recognizing the need to clarify the responsibilities
of States parties to the International Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Racial Discrimination with regard to non-citizens, | 承认必须澄清《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》缔约国对非公民的责任, |
Basing its action on the provisions of the
Convention, in particular article 5, which requires States parties to
prohibit and eliminate discrimination based on race, colour, descent,
and national or ethnic origin in the enjoyment by all persons of civil,
political, economic, social and cultural rights and freedoms, | 根据《公约》的规定、尤其是第五条规定采取行动,要求缔约国在人人享有公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利及自由方面禁止并消除基于种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种的歧视, |
Affirms that: | 申明: |
I. Responsibilities of States parties to the Convention | 一、《公约》缔约国的责任 |
1. Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention defines racial discrimination. | 1. 《公约》第一条第一款界定了种族歧视的含义。 |
Article 1, paragraph 2 provides for the possibility of differentiating between citizens and non-citizens. | 第一条第二款规定可区分公民和非公民。 |
Article 1, paragraph 3 declares that, concerning
nationality, citizenship or naturalization, the legal provisions of
States parties must not discriminate against any particular nationality; | 第一条第三款宣布,缔约国关于国籍、公民身份或归化的法律条款不得歧视任何特定的国籍; |
2. Article 1, paragraph 2, must be construed so as to
avoid undermining the basic prohibition of discrimination; hence, it
should not be interpreted to detract in any way from the rights and
freedoms recognized and enunciated in particular in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights; | 2. 对第一条第二款所作的解释必须能避免破坏根本禁止种族歧视的工作;因此,所作的解释绝不应该偏离《世界人权宣言》、《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》以及《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》确认和阐明的各项权利和自由; |
3. Article 5 of the Convention incorporates the
obligation of States parties to prohibit and eliminate racial
discrimination in the enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social
and cultural rights. | 3. 《公约》第五条包含缔约国禁止和消除享受公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利方面的种族歧视的义务。 |
Although some of these rights, such as the right to
participate in elections, to vote and to stand for election, may be
confined to citizens, human rights are, in principle, to be enjoyed by
all persons. | 虽然其中有些权利,例如参加选举、投票和参加竞选的权利,可能只限于公民享受,但人权在原则上是应该人人享有的。 |
States parties are under an obligation to guarantee
equality between citizens and non-citizens in the enjoyment of these
rights to the extent recognized under international law; | 缔约国有义务保障公民和非公民在国际法承认的范围内平等享有这些权利; |
4. Under the Convention, differential treatment based
on citizenship or immigration status will constitute discrimination if
the criteria for such differentiation, judged in the light of the
objectives and purposes of the Convention, are not applied pursuant to a
legitimate aim, and are not proportional to the achievement of this
aim. | 4. 《公约》规定,根据公民身份或移民身份进行区别对待,如果根据《公约》的目标与宗旨判断,不是为了一个合法的目的或者与实现这种目的不相称的方式应用这种区别对待的的标准,则此种区别对待构成歧视。 |
Differentiation within the scope of article 1,
paragraph 4, of the Convention relating to special measures is not
considered discriminatory; | 在《公约》关于特殊措施的第一条第四款的范畴内区别对待不可以认为具有歧视性; |
5. States parties are under an obligation to report fully upon legislation on non-citizens and its implementation. | 5. 缔约国有义务全面报告非公民法律及其执行情况。 |
Furthermore, States parties should include in their
periodic reports, in an appropriate form, socio-economic data on the
non-citizen population within their jurisdiction, including data
disaggregated by gender and national or ethnic origin; | 而且,缔约国应该在其定期报告中适当地列入关于其管辖范围内非公民的经济社会状况的资料,包括按性别的民族和族裔出身分列的资料; |
Recommends, | 建议, |
Based on these general principles, that the States
parties to the Convention, as appropriate to their specific
circumstances, adopt the following measures: | 根据这些一般性原则,《公约》缔约国依照各自的具体情况酌情通过下列措施: |
II. Measures of a general nature | 二、一般性措施 |
6. Review and revise legislation, as appropriate, in
order to guarantee that such legislation is in full compliance with the
Convention, in particular regarding the effective enjoyment of the
rights mentioned in article 5, without discrimination; | 6. 酌情审查并修订立法,保证这类立法完全符合《公约》的规定,尤其是一视同仁地切实享受第五条所述的各项权利方面的规定; |
7. Ensure that legislative guarantees against racial
discrimination apply to non-citizens regardless of their immigration
status, and that the implementation of legislation does not have a
discriminatory effect on non-citizens; | 7. 确保防止种族歧视的立法保障措施适用于非公民,不论其移民身份如何,并确保贯彻立法不对非公民产生歧视性作用; |
8. Pay greater attention to the issue of multiple
discrimination faced by non-citizens, in particular concerning the
children and spouses of non-citizen workers, to refrain from applying
different standards of treatment to female non-citizen spouses of
citizens and male non-citizen spouses of citizens, to report on any such
practices and to take all necessary steps to address them; | 8. 更加注意非公民面临的多重歧视问题,特别是歧视非公民劳工的子女和配偶的问题;不对公民的女性非公民配偶和公民的男性非公民配偶采取不同的待遇标准,若有任何这类做法即行报告,并采取一切必要措施加以处理; |
9. Ensure that immigration policies do not have the
effect of discriminating against persons on the basis of race, colour,
descent, or national or ethnic origin; | 9. 确保移民政策不具备基于种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种的歧视作用; |
10. Ensure that any measures taken in the fight
against terrorism do not discriminate, in purpose or effect, on the
grounds of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin and that
non-citizens are not subjected to racial or ethnic profiling or
stereotyping; | 10. 确保在反恐斗争中采取的任何措施不根据种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种蓄意或实际进行歧视,不以种族或族裔脸谱化或公式化的方式对待非公民; |
III. Protection against hate speech and racial violence | 三、防止煽动仇恨言论和种族暴力的侵害的保护措施 |
11. Take steps to address xenophobic attitudes and
behaviour towards non-citizens, in particular hate speech and racial
violence, and to promote a better understanding of the principle of
non-discrimination in respect of the situation of non-citizens; | 11. 采取步骤解决仇视非公民的态度和行为、尤其是煽动仇恨的言论和种族暴力问题,增进对非公民处境方面非歧视原则的理解; |
12. Take resolute action to counter any tendency to
target, stigmatize, stereotype or profile, on the basis of race, colour,
descent, and national or ethnic origin, members of “non-citizen”
population groups, especially by politicians, officials, educators and
the media, on the Internet and other electronic communications networks
and in society at large; | 12. 采取坚决行动,制止任何这样的倾向,即有人,尤其是政客、官员、教育者和媒体在互联网及其它电子通讯网络以及广大社会上,根据种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种,将“非公民”居民群成员树为目标,加以丑化,公式化或脸谱化; |
IV. Access to citizenship | 四、取得公民身份的机会 |
13. Ensure that particular groups of non-citizens are
not discriminated against with regard to access to citizenship or
naturalization, and to pay due attention to possible barriers to
naturalization that may exist for long-term or permanent residents; | 13. 确保非公民特定群体在取得公民身份或归化的机会方面不受歧视,适当注意常住居民或永久居民归化可能面临的障碍; |
14. Recognize that deprivation of citizenship on the
basis of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin is a breach
of States parties’ obligations to ensure non-discriminatory enjoyment
of the right to nationality; | 14. 确认根据种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种拒绝给予公民身份的做法是违反缔约国保证非歧视性享有加入国籍权的义务的行为; |
15. Take into consideration that in some cases denial
of citizenship for long-term or permanent residents could result in
creating disadvantage for them in access to employment and social
benefits, in violation of the Convention’s anti-discrimination
principles; | 15. 要考虑到,在某些情况下,拒不给予常住居民或永久居民以公民身份,有违《公约》的反歧视原则,可能会给他们在就业和享受社会福利的机会方面造成不利条件; |
16. Reduce statelessness, in particular statelessness
among children, by, for example, encouraging their parents to apply for
citizenship on their behalf and allowing both parents to transmit their
citizenship to their children; | 16. 减少无国籍现象,特别是儿童的无国籍现象,其办法有:鼓励他们的父母代表他们申请公民身份,允许父母将他们的公民身份传给其子女; |
17. Regularize the status of former citizens of predecessor States who now reside within the jurisdiction of the State party; | 17. 将目前住在缔约国管辖范围内的原被继承国公民的身份合法化; |
V. Administration of justice | 五、司法 |
18. Ensure that non-citizens enjoy equal protection
and recognition before the law and in this context, to take action
against racially motivated violence and to ensure the access of victims
to effective legal remedies and the right to seek just and adequate
reparation for any damage suffered as a result of such violence; | 18. 确保非公民在法律面前得到同等的保护和承认,并在这方面采取行动制止出于种族目的的暴力行为,保证受害者有机会诉诸有效的法律补救办法并且有权为这种暴力行为造成的损害请求公正而适当的赔偿; |
19. Ensure the security of non-citizens, in
particular with regard to arbitrary detention, as well as ensure that
conditions in centres for refugees and asylum-seekers meet international
standards; | 19. 确保非公民的安全,尤其是任意拘留方面的安全,并且确保难民和寻求庇护者收容中心的条件符合国际标准; |
20. Ensure that non-citizens detained or arrested in
the fight against terrorism are properly protected by domestic law that
complies with international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law; | 20. 确保反恐斗争中拘留或逮捕的非公民得到符合国际人权、难民和人道主义法律的国内法的适当保护; |
21. Combat ill-treatment of and discrimination
against non-citizens by police and other law enforcement agencies and
civil servants by strictly applying relevant legislation and regulations
providing for sanctions and by ensuring that all officials dealing with
non-citizens receive special training, including training in human
rights; | 21. 严格应用有关处罚的立法和条例,确保所有警察及其他执法机构和公务员都受到专门的培训,包括人权培训,与这类官员虐待和歧视非公民的行为作斗争; |
22. Introduce in criminal law the provision that
committing an offence with racist motivation or aim constitutes an
aggravating circumstance allowing for a more severe punishment; | 22. 规定怀有种族主义动机或目的实施违法行为的构成加重处罚情节,可处以较重的处罚,将此规定纳入刑法; |
23. Ensure that claims of racial discrimination
brought by non-citizens are investigated thoroughly and that claims made
against officials, notably those concerning discriminatory or racist
behaviour, are subject to independent and effective scrutiny; | 23. 确保对非公民提出的种族主义指控进行彻底调查、对官员提出的指控,特别是对歧视性行为或种族主义行为的指控进行独立、切实而严密的调查; |
24. Regulate the burden of proof in civil proceedings
involving discrimination based on race, colour, descent, and national
or ethnic origin so that once a non-citizen has established a prima
facie case that he or she has been a victim of such discrimination, it
shall be for the respondent to provide evidence of an objective and
reasonable justification for the differential treatment; | 24. 对涉及基于种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种的歧视的民事诉讼中的举证责任作出规定,以便非公民一旦提出证据初步证明自己是此种歧视的受害者,则应由应诉者提出证据证明这种区别对待有客观而合理的理由; |
VI. Expulsion and deportation of non-citizens | 六、非公民被驱逐或递解出境 |
25. Ensure that laws concerning deportation or other
forms of removal of non-citizens from the jurisdiction of the State
party do not discriminate in purpose or effect among non-citizens on the
basis of race, colour or ethnic or national origin, and that
non-citizens have equal access to effective remedies, including the
right to challenge expulsion orders, and are allowed effectively to
pursue such remedies; | 25. 确保关于将非公民从缔约国管辖区内递解出境或其它形式移送出境的法律不在非公民中蓄意或实际上实行基于种族、肤色或人种或民族的歧视,确保非公民有同等机会诉诸有效的补救办法,包括质疑驱逐令的权利,并切实允许他们求助于此类补救办法; |
26. Ensure that non-citizens are not subject to
collective expulsion, in particular in situations where there are
insufficient guarantees that the personal circumstances of each of the
persons concerned have been taken into account; | 26. 确保非公民不遭到集体驱逐,尤其是在不能充分保证每个人的个人情况均得到考虑的情况下不加集体驱逐; |
27. Ensure that non-citizens are not returned or
removed to a country or territory where they are at risk of being
subject to serious human rights abuses, including torture and cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; | 27. 确保非公民不被遣返或移送至有遭受严重践踏人权危险、包括有遭受酷刑和残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚危险的国家或领土; |
28. Avoid expulsions of non-citizens, especially of
long-term residents, that would result in disproportionate interference
with the right to family life; | 28. 避免出现驱逐非公民(特别是常住居民)以至于过分干扰家庭生活权的情况; |
VII. Economic, social and cultural rights | 七、经济、社会、文化权利 |
29. Remove obstacles that prevent the enjoyment of
economic, social and cultural rights by non-citizens, notably in the
areas of education, housing, employment and health; | 29. 排除妨碍非公民享受,特别是在教育、住房、就业和卫生领域享受经济、社会和文化权利的障碍; |
30. Ensure that public educational institutions are
open to non-citizens and children of undocumented immigrants residing in
the territory of a State party; | 30. 确保公共教育机构向非公民和居住在缔约国境内的无证移民的子女开放; |
31. Avoid segregated schooling and different
standards of treatment being applied to non-citizens on grounds of race,
colour, descent, and national or ethnic origin in elementary and
secondary school and with respect to access to higher education; | 31. 避免在小学和中学以及在接受高等教育机会方面对非公民实行基于种族、肤色、世系及民族或人种的分隔上学制,采用不同的对待标准; |
32. Guarantee the equal enjoyment of the right to
adequate housing for citizens and non-citizens, especially by avoiding
segregation in housing and ensuring that housing agencies refrain from
engaging in discriminatory practices; | 32. 保证公民和非公民平等享有适足住房权,尤其要避免住房隔离制度,确保住房中介机构不实行歧视性做法; |
33. Take measures to eliminate discrimination against
non-citizens in relation to working conditions and work requirements,
including employment rules and practices with discriminatory purposes or
effects; | 33. 采取措施消除对非公民在工作条件和工作要求方面的歧视,包括带有歧视性目的和作用的雇用规则和和惯例; |
34. Take effective measures to prevent and redress
the serious problems commonly faced by non-citizen workers, in
particular by non-citizen domestic workers, including debt bondage,
passport retention, illegal confinement, rape and physical assault; | 34. 采取有效措施预防和解决非公民劳工通常面临的严重问题,尤其是非公民家庭佣工面临的严重问题,包括债役、扣押护照、非法禁闭、强奸和人身攻击等; |
35. Recognize that, while States parties may refuse
to offer jobs to non-citizens without a work permit, all individuals are
entitled to the enjoyment of labour and employment rights, including
the freedom of assembly and association, once an employment relationship
has been initiated until it is terminated; | 35. 承认缔约国的确可以拒绝向没有工作许可证的非公民提供工作,但是,所有人均有权享有劳动权和就业权,包括雇用关系一旦建立,直到这种关系结束之前有权享有集会和结社自由; |
36. Ensure that States parties respect the right of
non-citizens to an adequate standard of physical and mental health by,
inter alia, refraining from denying or limiting their access to
preventive, curative and palliative health services; | 36. 确保缔约国尊重非公民享受适当标准的身心健康权,其中一种办法是,避免剥夺或限制非公民享受预防、治疗和缓解病情的保健服务的机会等; |
37. Take the necessary measures to prevent practices
that deny non-citizens their cultural identity, such as legal or de
facto requirements that non-citizens change their name in order to
obtain citizenship, and to take measures to enable non-citizens to
preserve and develop their culture; | 37. 采取必要措施防止一些不让非公民保持自己文化特点的做法,诸如法律上或事实上要求非公民改换姓名以取得公民身份的做法,并采取措施使非公民得以保存和发展自己的文化; |
38. Ensure the right of non-citizens, without
discrimination based on race, colour, descent, and national or ethnic
origin, to have access to any place or service intended for use by the
general public, such as transport, hotels, restaurants, cafés, theatres
and parks; | 38. 确保非公民不遭受基于种族、肤色、世系及民族或人种的歧视,而一视同仁地有权使用任何目的是为公众使用而设的地方或服务,诸如交通、旅馆、餐馆、咖啡馆、剧场和公园等。 |
39. The present general recommendation replaces general recommendation XI (1993). | 39. 本一般性建议取代第十一号一般性建议(1993)。 |
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