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General recommendation XXXI on the prevention of racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system第三十一号一般性建议:在刑事司法系统的司法和运作中预防种族歧视
Sixty-fifth session (2005)第六十五届会议(2005年)
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,消除种族歧视委员会,
Recalling the definition of racial discrimination set out in article 1 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,回顾《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第一条确定的种族歧视的定义,
Recalling the provisions of article 5 (a) of the Convention, under which States parties have an obligation to guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction as to race, colour, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the enjoyment of the right to equal treatment before the tribunals and all other organs administering justice,回顾《公约》第五条(子)项的规定,根据这项规定缔约国负有义务保证不分种族、肤色或民族或族裔在法律面前人人一律平等,尤其是在法庭上及其他一切司法裁判机关中享有平等待遇的权利,
Recalling that article 6 of the Convention requires States parties to assure to everyone within their jurisdiction effective protection and remedies, through the competent national tribunals and other State institutions, against any acts of racial discrimination, as well as the right to seek from such tribunals just and adequate reparation or satisfaction for any damage suffered as a result of such discrimination,回顾《公约》第六条要求各缔约国保证在其管辖范围内,人人均能经由国内主管法庭及其他国家机关对违反本公约侵害其人权及基本自由的任何种族歧视行为,获得有效保护与补救,并有权就因此种种族歧视而遭受的任何损失向此等法庭请求公允充分的赔偿或补偿,
Referring to paragraph 25 of the declaration adopted by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in Durban, South Africa, in 2001, which expressed “profound repudiation of the racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance that persist in some States in the functioning of the penal system and in the application of the law, as well as in the actions and attitudes of institutions and individuals responsible for law enforcement, especially where this has contributed to certain groups being overrepresented among persons under detention or imprisoned”,提及2001年在南非德班举行的反对种族主义、种族歧 视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象世界会议所通过的《宣言》第25段对“种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象仍存在于某些国家的刑事制度的执行 和法律的适用以及执法机关和人员的行动和态度中,感到深恶痛绝,特别是这种现象使某些群体的人在被拘留或监禁的人中所占比例过大”,
Referring to the work of the Commission on Human Rights and of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (see E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/7) concerning discrimination in the criminal justice system,提及人权委员会及增进和保护人权小组委员会就刑事司法制度中的歧视问题所开展的工作(见E/CN.4/Sub.2/2005/7),
Bearing in mind the reports of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,铭记当代形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象问题特别报告员的报告,
Referring to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, in particular article 16, which stipulates that “[a] refugee shall have free access to the courts of law on the territory of all Contracting States”,提及1951年《关于难民地位的公约》,尤其是第十六条规定“难民有权自由向所有缔约各国领土内的法院申诉”,
Bearing in mind the observations relating to the functioning of the system of justice made in the Committee’s conclusions concerning reports submitted by States parties and in general recommendations XXVII (2000) on discrimination against Roma, XXIX (2002) on discrimination based on descent and XXX (2004) on discrimination against non-citizens,铭记委员会就缔约国提交的报告所作结论中提出的关于司法制度的运作的意见以及关于对罗姆人的歧视问题的第二十七号一般性建议(2000),关于基于血统的歧视问题的第二十九号一般性意见(2002)以及关于对非公民的歧视的第三十号一般性意见(2004),
Convinced that, even though the system of justice may be regarded as impartial and not affected by racism, racial discrimination or xenophobia, when racial or ethnic discrimination does exist in the administration and functioning of the system of justice, it constitutes a particularly serious violation of the rule of law, the principle of equality before the law, the principle of fair trial and the right to an independent and impartial tribunal, through its direct effect on persons belonging to groups which it is the very role of justice to protect,确认尽管司法制度可能是公平的,并没有受到种族主义、种族歧视或仇 外心理的影响,一旦种族或族裔歧视的确存在于司法制度的司法和运作之中,它给司法责无旁贷需要保护的人群的人带来直接的影响,从而就严重地违反了法治、法 律面前人人平等的原则,公平审判的原则和受独立和公平法院管辖的权利,
Considering that no country is free from racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system, regardless of the type of law applied or the judicial system in force, whether accusatorial, inquisitorial or mixed,认为任何国家,无论适用法律的类型或采取何种司法制度,无论是属于公诉,审讯或是两者兼有类型,在其司法制度的司法和运作中都不可能不存在种族歧视,
Considering that the risks of discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system have increased in recent years, partly as a result of the rise in immigration and population movements, which have prompted prejudice and feelings of xenophobia or intolerance among certain sections of the population and certain law enforcement officials, and partly as a result of the security policies and anti-terrorism measures adopted by many States, which among other things have encouraged the emergence of anti-Arab or anti-Muslim feelings, or, as a reaction, anti-Semitic feelings, in a number of countries,认为近年来由于移民和人口流动的增加,造成人口中某些阶层和一些 执法官员产生偏见或仇外心理或不容忍心态,另外也由于许多国家采取的保安政策和反恐措施,也助长了一些国家里出现反阿拉伯或反穆斯林情绪的出现,并由此造 成反犹太人情绪的出现,凡此种种都使刑事司法制度的司法和运作中歧视的可能性有所增加,
Determined to combat all forms of discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system which may be suffered, in all countries of the world, by persons belonging to racial or ethnic groups, in particular non-citizens - including immigrants, refugees, asylum-seekers and stateless persons - Roma/Gypsies, indigenous peoples, displaced populations, persons discriminated against because of their descent, as well as other vulnerable groups which are particularly exposed to exclusion, marginalization and non-integration in society, paying particular attention to the situation of women and children belonging to the aforementioned groups, who are susceptible to multiple discrimination because of their race and because of their sex or their age,决 心在世界各国与刑事司法制度的司法和运作中存在的一切形式的歧视做斗争,这些歧视是针对属于各种族或族裔群体的人,尤其是非公民――其中包括移民、难民、 庇护寻求者和无国籍人――罗姆人/吉普赛人、土著人民、流离失所的人群、由于血统被歧视的人以及其他弱势群体,尤其是受社会排斥、边缘化和无法融入社会的 人,在这项工作中尤其应重视属于上述群体的妇女和儿童的处境,他们由于种族和性别或年龄的原因易受多重歧视,
Formulates the following recommendations addressed to States parties:向缔约国提出下列建议:
I. General steps一、一般措施
A. Steps to be taken in order to better gauge the existence and extent of racial discrimination in the administration andA. 应采取措施,进一步评估在刑事司法制度的司法和运作中
functioning of the criminal justice system; the search for indicators attesting to such discrimination种族歧视的存在情况和范围;找出证实这类歧视的指标
1. Factual indicators1. 事实指标
1. States parties should pay the greatest attention to the following possible indicators of racial discrimination:1. 各缔约国应高度重视以下种族歧视的若干指标:
(a) The number and percentage of persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble who are victims of aggression or other offences, especially when they are committed by police officers or other State officials;成为被侵害或其他侵犯行为受害者的、属于序言部分最后一段所指群体的人的人数和百分比,特别是针对由警察或其他国家工作人员所犯下的这类行为;
(b) The absence or small number of complaints, prosecutions and convictions relating to acts of racial discrimination in the country.一国内缺乏与种族歧视行为相关的申诉、检控或定罪或这方面数量小的情况。
Such a statistic should not be viewed as necessarily positive, contrary to the belief of some States.这种统计数据并不象某些国家所认为的那样,想当然是有利的。
It may also reveal either that victims have inadequate information concerning their rights, or that they fear social censure or reprisals, or that victims with limited resources fear the cost and complexity of the judicial process, or that there is a lack of trust in the police and judicial authorities, or that the authorities are insufficiently alert to or aware of offences involving racism;也可以从中看出受害者也许对其权利缺乏充足的了解,或者害怕社会指责或报复,或受害者由于资源有限难以承担司法程序的费用,或因其复杂性而退却,或由于对警察和司法当局缺乏信任,或由于当局未能充分警惕或认识种族主义冒犯行为的存在;
(c) Insufficient or no information on the behaviour of law enforcement personnel vis-à-vis persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble;关于执法人员对序言部分最后一段所指群体的人的行为缺乏或没有资料;
(d) The proportionately higher crime rates attributed to persons belonging to those groups, particularly as regards petty street crime and offences related to drugs and prostitution, as indicators of the exclusion or the non-integration of such persons into society;属于这些群体的个人犯罪率比例过高,尤其是轻微的街头犯罪和与吸毒和卖淫有关的犯罪行为,都是表明这些人被社会排斥或难以融入社会的指标;
(e) The number and percentage of persons belonging to those groups who are held in prison or preventive detention, including internment centres, penal establishments, psychiatric establishments or holding areas in airports;这些群体的人被监禁或被临时拘留,包括在强行拘留中心、刑事机构、精神病院或机场的拘留区所监禁的人数和百分比;
(f) The handing down by the courts of harsher or inappropriate sentences against persons belonging to those groups;法庭对属于这些群体的人判决较严厉或不适当;
(g) The insufficient representation of persons belonging to those groups among the ranks of the police, in the system of justice, including judges and jurors, and in other law enforcement departments.在警察,司法系统,包括法官和陪审人员以及在其他执法部门中属于这些群体的人的代表性不足。
2. In order for these factual indicators to be well known and used, States parties should embark on regular and public collection of information from police, judicial and prison authorities and immigration services, while respecting standards of confidentiality, anonymity and protection of personal data.2. 为了广为宣传和使用这些事实指标,缔约国应定期公开地从警察、司法和监狱管理当局以及移民机构收集信息,同时要尊重个人数据的保密性、匿名性标准,并保护个人数据。
3. In particular, States parties should have access to comprehensive statistical or other information on complaints, prosecutions and convictions relating to acts of racism and xenophobia, as well as on compensation awarded to the victims of such acts, whether such compensation is paid by the perpetrators of the offences or under State compensation plans financed from public funds.3. 缔约国尤其应获得关于种族主义和仇外心理行为的申诉,检控和定罪以及关于向这类行为受害者所提供的赔偿的全面的统计或其他信息,无论这类赔偿是否由犯罪行为的肇事者提供或由公共资金所资助的国家赔偿方案提供。
2. Legislative indicators2. 立法指标
4. The following should be regarded as indicators of potential causes of racial discrimination:4. 应将以下作为种族歧视潜在原因的指标:
(a) Any gaps in domestic legislation on racial discrimination.国内立法中存在的关于种族歧视问题的任何空白。
In this regard, States parties should fully comply with the requirements of article 4 of the Convention and criminalize all acts of racism as provided by that article, in particular the dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, incitement to racial hatred, violence or incitement to racial violence, but also racist propaganda activities and participation in racist organizations.在这方面,缔约国应全面遵守《公约》第四条的规定,对该条所规定的所有种族主义行为予以定罪,尤其是散布基于种族优越或仇恨的观点,煽动种族仇恨、暴力或煽动种族暴力,同时也包括种族主义宣传活动和参加种族主义组织。
States parties are also encouraged to incorporate a provision in their criminal legislation to the effect that committing offences for racial reasons generally constitutes an aggravating circumstance;还鼓励缔约国在其刑事立法中纳入一项规定,对出于种族原因的犯罪一般可视为加罪情节;
(b) The potential indirect discriminatory effects of certain domestic legislation, particularly legislation on terrorism, immigration, nationality, banning or deportation of non-citizens from a country, as well as legislation that has the effect of penalizing without legitimate grounds certain groups or membership of certain communities.某些国内立法,尤其是关于恐怖主义、移民、国籍、非公民禁止入境或驱逐出境的立法,以及缺乏合法理由对某些群体或某些社区成员加以惩罚的立法,造成了潜在间接的歧视效果。
States should seek to eliminate the discriminatory effects of such legislation and in any case to respect the principle of proportionality in its application to persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble.各国应力争消除这类立法的歧视性效果,并在任何情况下尊重序言部分最后一段所提及群体的人在适用法律时的比例原则。
B. Strategies to be developed to prevent racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice systemB. 制订战略,在刑事司法制度的司法和运作中预防种族歧视
5. States parties should pursue national strategies the objectives of which include the following:5. 各缔约国应力争执行其目标包含以下方面的国家战略:
(a) To eliminate laws that have an impact in terms of racial discrimination, particularly those which target certain groups indirectly by penalizing acts which can be committed only by persons belonging to such groups, or laws that apply only to non-nationals without legitimate grounds or which do not respect the principle of proportionality;消除具有种族歧视影响的法律,尤其是那些间接针对某些群体的法律,这些法律惩罚只有属于这些群体的人才会作出的行为,或在没有任何合法理由下只适用于非公民的那些法律,或不尊重比例性原则的法律;
(b) To develop, through appropriate education programmes, training in respect for human rights, tolerance and friendship among racial or ethnic groups, as well as sensitization to intercultural relations, for law enforcement officials: police personnel, persons working in the system of justice, prison institutions, psychiatric establishments, social and medical services, etc.;通过适当的教育方案,为执法人员、警察、在司法机构、监狱、精神病院、以及社会和医疗服务中工作的人员提供种族或族裔群体间尊重人权、容忍和友谊的培训,以及提高对跨文化关系的敏感度;
(c) To foster dialogue and cooperation between the police and judicial authorities and the representatives of the various groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble, in order to combat prejudice and create a relationship of trust;促进警察和司法当局与序言部分最后一段所提及的各个群体的代表之间的对话和合作,以便消除偏见和创造信任的关系;
(d) To promote proper representation of persons belonging to racial and ethnic groups in the police and the system of justice;促进属于各种族和族裔群体的人在警察和司法机构中适当的代表性;
(e) To ensure respect for, and recognition of the traditional systems of justice of indigenous peoples, in conformity with international human rights law;确保根据国际人权法尊重和承认土著人民传统的司法制度;
(f) To make the necessary changes to the prison regime for prisoners belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble, so as to take into account their cultural and religious practices;对属于序言部分最后段落提及群体的人的囚犯的监禁制度作出必要修改,从而兼顾其文化和宗教习俗;
(g) To institute, in situations of mass population movements, the interim measures and arrangements necessary for the operation of the justice system in order to take account of the particularly vulnerable situation of displaced persons, in particular by setting up decentralized courts at the places where the displaced persons are staying or by organizing mobile courts;在人口大规模迁移的情况下制定临时措施和安排,使司法制度的运作能兼顾流离失所的人特别不利的处境,尤其是在流离失所的人所停留的地方建立地方法院,或建立流动法院;
(h) To set up, in post-conflict situations, plans for the reconstruction of the legal system and the re-establishment of the rule of law throughout the territory of the countries concerned, by availing themselves, in particular, of the international technical assistance provided by the relevant United Nations entities;尤其应利用联合国有关实体所提供的技术援助在冲突后情况下在有关国家的领土上全面制定恢复法律制度和重建法治的计划;
(i) To implement national strategies or plans of action aimed at the elimination of structural racial discrimination.实施旨在消除结构性种族歧视的国家战略或行动计划。
These long-term strategies should include specific objectives and actions as well as indicators against which progress can be measured.这些长期的战略应包括具体目标和各项行动及指标,从而对进展情况加以评估。
They should include, in particular, guidelines for prevention, recording, investigation and prosecution of racist or xenophobic incidents, assessment of the level of satisfaction among all communities concerning their relations with the police and the system of justice, and recruitment and promotion in the judicial system of persons belonging to various racial or ethnic groups;尤其应包括各项指导方针,用以预防、记录、调查和检控种族主义或仇外事件,评估所有社区对与警察和司法制度打交道的满意程度,以及在司法制度中招聘和提升属于各种族或族裔群体的人员;
(j) To entrust an independent national institution with the task of tracking, monitoring and measuring progress made under the national plans of action and guidelines against racial discrimination, identifying undetected manifestations of racial discrimination and submitting recommendations and proposals for improvement.任命一个独立的国家机构负责跟踪、监测和评估与种族歧视作斗争的国家行动计划和指导方针所取得的进展,查明种族歧视的隐蔽表现形式,并提出改进建议和方案。
II. Steps to be taken to prevent racial discrimination with regard to victims of racism二、 预防种族主义受害者受种族歧视的各项措施
A. Access to the law and to justiceA. 获得法律援助和获得公平待遇
6. In accordance with article 6 of the Convention, States parties are obliged to guarantee the right of every person within their jurisdiction to an effective remedy against the perpetrators of acts of racial discrimination, without discrimination of any kind, whether such acts are committed by private individuals or State officials, as well as the right to seek just and adequate reparation for the damage suffered.6. 根据《公约》第六条,缔约国有义务保证其管辖范围内的每一个人在没有任何歧视的情况下,针对种族歧视行为肇事者获得有效补救,无论这类行为是由私人或由国家工作人员作出,有权就受到的损害获得公正和充足的赔偿。
7. In order to facilitate access to justice for the victims of racism, States parties should strive to supply the requisite legal information to persons belonging to the most vulnerable social groups, who are often unaware of their rights.7. 为了促进种族主义受害者获得公平待遇,各缔约国应力争为属于最弱势社会群体、通常不了解其权利的个人提供必要的法律咨询。
8. In that regard, States parties should promote, in the areas where such persons live, institutions such as free legal help and advice centres, legal information centres and centres for conciliation and mediation.8. 在这一方面,各缔约国应在这些人生活的地区鼓励建立各机构,如提供免费法律援助和咨询的中心、法律信息中心以及调解中心。
9. States parties should also expand their cooperation with associations of lawyers, university institutions, legal advice centres and non-governmental organizations specializing in protecting the rights of marginalized communities and in the prevention of discrimination.9. 各缔约国也应与律师协会、大学机构、法律咨询中心以及专门保护边缘社区权利和预防歧视的非政府组织进一步扩大合作。
B. Reporting of incidents to the authorities competent for receiving complaintsB. 向接受申诉的主管当局报告事件
10. States parties should take the necessary steps to ensure that the police services have an adequate and accessible presence in the neighbourhoods, regions, collective facilities, camps or centres where the persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble reside, so that complaints from such persons can be expeditiously received.10. 各缔约国应采取必要措施,保证警察机构在属于序言部分最后段落提及的群体的人居住的附近地区、区域、集体设施、营地或中心设有充足和方便的办事机构和人员,从而尽快地接受这些人提出的申诉。
11. The competent services should be instructed to receive the victims of acts of racism in police stations in a satisfactory manner, so that complaints are recorded immediately, investigations are pursued without delay and in an effective, independent and impartial manner, and files relating to racist or xenophobic incidents are retained and incorporated into databases.11. 应指示各主管部门以令人满意的方式在警察所接待种族主义行为受害者,从而立即记录申诉,毫无延误并且有效、独立和不偏不倚地开展调查,并在数据库中保存和纳入种族主义或仇外事件的相关档案。
12. Any refusal by a police official to accept a complaint involving an act of racism should lead to disciplinary or penal sanctions, and those sanctions should be increased if corruption is involved.12. 应对警察拒绝接受有关种族主义行为的申诉给予纪律或刑事处分,如有腐败现象存在必须加重处罚。
13. Conversely, it should be the right and duty of any police official or State employee to refuse to obey orders or instructions that require him or her to commit violations of human rights, particularly those based on racial discrimination.13. 另一方面,任何警察或国家工作人员都有权利和义务拒绝听从要求他/她作出违反人权,尤其是基于种族歧视的行为的命令或指示。
States parties should guarantee the freedom of any official to invoke this right without fear of punishment.各缔约国应保证任何官员在无须惧怕惩罚的前提下援引这一权利的自由。
14. In cases of allegations of torture, ill-treatment or executions, investigations should be conducted in accordance with the Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions and the Principles on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.14. 在有人指控存在酷刑、虐待或处决的情况下,必须根据《有效防止和调查法外、任意和即决处决的原则》以及《有效调查和记录酷刑和其它残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的原则》对这些指控加以调查。
C. Initiation of judicial proceedingsC. 提出司法诉讼
15. States parties should remind public prosecutors and members of the prosecution service of the general importance of prosecuting racist acts, including minor offences committed with racist motives, since any racially motivated offence undermines social cohesion and society as a whole.15. 各缔约国应提醒公共检察官和检控机构的成员重视对种族主义行为的检控,包括出于种族主义动机所犯下的小过错,因为任何出于种族动机的犯罪都破坏了社会的融合并损害整个社会。
16. In advance of the initiation of proceedings, States parties could also encourage, with a view to respecting the rights of the victims, the use of parajudicial procedures for conflict resolution, including customary procedures compatible with human rights, mediation or conciliation, which can serve as useful options for the victims of acts of racism and to which less stigma may be attached.16. 在提出诉讼之前,为尊重受害者的权利,各缔约国还应鼓励使用解决争端的准司法程序,包括与人权相一致的习惯程序和调解,这些办法可成为有利于种族主义行为受害者,并有助于减少心理烙印的有效办法。
17. In order to make it easier for the victims of acts of racism to bring actions in the courts, the steps to be taken should include the following:17. 为了使种族主义行为受害者更易于在法院提出诉讼,可采取包括以下在内的各项措施:
(a) Offering procedural status for the victims of racism and xenophobia and associations for the protection of the rights of such victims, such as an opportunity to associate themselves with the criminal proceedings, or other similar procedures that might enable them to assert their rights in the criminal proceedings, at no cost to themselves;为种族主义和仇外心理的受害者提供程序性地位以及保护这类受害者权利的联系,如让他们有机会与刑事诉讼挂钩,或与其他类似的程序挂钩,这有助于他们在刑事诉讼中争取自己的权益,并应免费为他们提供这些便利;
(b) Granting victims effective judicial cooperation and legal aid, including the assistance of counsel and an interpreter free of charge;为受害者提供有效的司法援助和法律援助,包括免费提供律师和翻译;
(c) Ensuring that victims have information about the progress of the proceedings;保证受害者了解诉讼的进展情况;
(d) Guaranteeing protection for the victim or the victim’s family against any form of intimidation or reprisals;保证受害者及其家属不受任何形式的恫吓或报复;
(e) Providing for the possibility of suspending the functions, for the duration of the investigation, of the agents of the State against whom the complaints were made.规定这样一种可能性,在调查期间对申诉所针对的国家工作人员作出停职处理。
18. In countries where there are assistance and compensation plans for victims, States parties should ensure that such plans are available to all victims without discrimination and regardless of their nationality or residential status.18. 在设有为受害者提供援助和赔偿计划的国家里,各缔约国应保证无歧视、不论国籍或居留地位向所有受害者提供这类计划。
D. Functioning of the system of justiceD. 司法制度的运作
19. States parties should ensure that the system of justice:19. 各缔约国应保证司法制度:
(a) Grants a proper place to victims and their families, as well as witnesses, throughout the proceedings, by enabling complainants to be heard by the judges during the examination proceedings and the court hearing, to have access to information, to confront hostile witnesses, to challenge evidence and to be informed of the progress of proceedings;在整个诉讼期间为受害者及其家庭以及证人提供适当的地位,让法官在审查诉讼的过程和法庭听证的过程中听取申诉者的申诉,让他们有机会获得信息,与对立方证人对质,对证据提出反驳并且了解诉讼进展情况;
(b) Treats the victims of racial discrimination without discrimination or prejudice, while respecting their dignity, through ensuring in particular that hearings, questioning or confrontations are carried out with the necessary sensitivity as far as racism is concerned;不对种族歧视受害者予以歧视或带有偏见,应尊重他们的尊严,尤其是要保证在听证、提问或对质过程中对种族主义问题保持必要的敏感度;
(c) Guarantees the victim a court judgement within a reasonable period;保证在合理的期限内为受害者作出判决;
(d) Guarantees victims just and adequate reparation for the material and moral harm suffered as a result of racial discrimination.保证对受害者所受到的种族歧视所造成的物质和精神损害提供公正和充足的赔偿。
III. Steps to be taken to prevent racial discrimination in regard to accused persons who are subject to三、采取措施,预防对司法程序所涉被告人的种族歧视
judicial proceedings A. Questioning, interrogation and arrestA. 提问、审讯和逮捕
20. States parties should take the necessary steps to prevent questioning, arrests and searches which are in reality based solely on the physical appearance of a person, that person’s colour or features or membership of a racial or ethnic group, or any profiling which exposes him or her to greater suspicion.20. 各缔约国应采取必要措施,预防实际上单凭某人的外表、某人的肤色或特征或属于某一种族或族裔群体,或使他/她更加倍受怀疑的任何描述对此人进行的提问,逮捕和搜查;
21. States parties should prevent and most severely punish violence, acts of torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and all violations of human rights affecting persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble which are committed by State officials, particularly police and army personnel, customs authorities, and persons working in airports, penal institutions and social, medical and psychiatric services.21. 各缔约国应预防并最为严密地惩罚由国家工作人员,尤其是警察和军人、海关当局,在机场、刑事机构和医疗及精神治疗机构工作的人员对属于序言部分最后段落提及群体的人所作出的任何暴力、酷刑、残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇以及一切侵犯人权的行为;
22. States parties should ensure the observance of the general principle of proportionality and strict necessity in recourse to force against persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble, in accordance with the Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials.22. 各缔约国应确保根据《执法人员使用武力和火器的基本原则》遵守对序言部分最后段落提及群体的人使用武力的一般性的比例原则和追索权的严格要求;
23. States parties should also guarantee to all arrested persons, whatever the racial, national or ethnic group to which they belong, enjoyment of the fundamental rights of the defence enshrined in the relevant international human rights instruments (especially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), in particular the right not to be arbitrarily arrested or detained, the right to be informed of the reasons for their arrest, the right to the assistance of an interpreter, the right to the assistance of counsel, the right to be brought promptly before a judge or an authority empowered by the law to perform judicial functions, the right to consular protection guaranteed by article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and, in the case of refugees, the right to contact the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.23. 各缔约国也应保证所有被逮捕的人员,无论种族、民族或族裔群体,均享有有关国际人权文书(尤其是《世界人权宣言》和《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》)所载 的基本自卫权,尤其是不被任意逮捕或拘留的权利,获知其逮捕原因的权利,获得翻译援助的权利,获得律师援助的权利,尽快会见法官或由法律授权行使司法职能 的人的权利,享受《维也纳领事关系公约》第36条所保证的领事保护权利,以及难民享受与联合国难民事务高级专员办事处联络的权利。
24. As regards persons placed in administrative holding centres or in holding areas in airports, States parties should ensure that they enjoy sufficiently decent living conditions.24. 关于行政拘留中心或在机场拘留区拘留的人员,各缔约国应保证他们享有适足的正常的生活条件。
25. Lastly, as regards the questioning or arrest of persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble, States parties should bear in mind the special precautions to be taken when dealing with women or minors, because of their particular vulnerability.25. 最后,关于对属于序言部分最后段落提及群体的人进行审讯或逮捕的问题,各缔约国在处置妇女或未成年者时,鉴于其特别脆弱的地位,应牢记须作出特别谨慎小心的安排。
B. Pretrial detentionB. 审前拘留
26. Bearing in mind statistics which show that persons held awaiting trial include an excessively high number of non-nationals and persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble, States parties should ensure:26. 鉴于统计数据表明,属于序言部分最后段落提及群体的非公民和人员在审前拘留人员中占比例过高,因此各缔约国应保证:
(a) That the mere fact of belonging to a racial or ethnic group or one of the aforementioned groups is not a sufficient reason, de jure or de facto, to place a person in pretrial detention.仅仅由于从属于某一种族或族裔群体或上述提及的某一群体这一事实,从法律上或在事实上都不能构成充足的理由将某人进行审前拘留。
Such pretrial detention can be justified only on objective grounds stipulated in the law, such as the risk of flight, the risk that the person might destroy evidence or influence witnesses, or the risk of a serious disturbance of public order;只有法律规定的客观原因,如潜逃的风险、某人毁灭证据或对证人施加影响的风险、或某人对公共秩序带来严重侵扰的风险,才能成为作出审前拘留的理由。
(b) That the requirement to deposit a guarantee or financial security in order to obtain release pending trial is applied in a manner appropriate to the situation of persons belonging to such groups, who are often in straitened economic circumstances, so as to prevent this requirement from leading to discrimination against such persons;对审前保释交付保证金或保金的要求应与属于这类群体的人的处境相称――这些人通常经济拮据,这样才能预防这种要求导致对这些人的歧视;
(c) That the guarantees often required of accused persons as a condition of their remaining at liberty pending trial (fixed address, declared employment, stable family ties) are weighed in the light of the insecure situation which may result from their membership of such groups, particularly in the case of women and minors;被告要求在审前保持自由通常需要满足一些条件(提供固定地址、明确的就业、稳定的家庭联系),而这些要求应当根据他们属于这类群体,尤其是身为妇女和未成年人所处的无保障状态作出适当的调整;
(d) That persons belonging to such groups who are held pending trial enjoy all the rights to which prisoners are entitled under the relevant international norms, and particularly the rights specially adapted to their circumstances: the right to respect for their traditions as regards religion, culture and food, the right to relations with their families, the right to the assistance of an interpreter and, where appropriate, the right to consular assistance.被审前拘留的属于这类群体的人享有有关国际规范赋予囚犯的所有权利,尤其是专门针对其处境所提出的权利:在宗教、文化和饮食方面尊重其传统的权利,享受与其家庭关系的权利,获得翻译援助的权利,以及在适当情况下获得领事援助的权利。
C. The trial and the court judgementC. 审判和法庭判决
27. Prior to the trial, States parties may, where appropriate, give preference to non-judicial or parajudicial procedures for dealing with the offence, taking into account the cultural or customary background of the perpetrator, especially in the case of persons belonging to indigenous peoples.27. 在审判前,缔约国应根据肇事者的文化或习惯背景,尤其若是属于土著人应优先考虑对犯罪行为采用非司法或准司法程序。
28. In general, States parties must ensure that persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble, like all other persons, enjoy all the guarantees of a fair trial and equality before the law, as enshrined in the relevant international human rights instruments, and specifically.28. 总体而言,各缔约国必须保证序言部分最后段落所提及群体的人与所有其他人一样享有有关国际人权文书所载的公平审判和法律面前人人平等的所有保障,尤其是:
1. The right to the presumption of innocence1. 无罪推定的权利
29. This right implies that the police authorities, the judicial authorities and other public authorities must be forbidden to express their opinions publicly concerning the guilt of the accused before the court reaches a decision, much less to cast suspicion in advance on the members of a specific racial or ethnic group.29. 这一权利要求警察当局、司法当局和其他公共管理当局不准在法庭作出判决之前公开表示对被告所犯罪行的意见,更不准对某一特定种族或族裔群体的成员事先提出怀疑。
These authorities have an obligation to ensure that the mass media do not disseminate information which might stigmatize certain categories of persons, particularly those belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble.这些当局有义务保证大众传媒不传播任何信息,造成某些类别的人,尤其是属于序言部分最后段落提及群体的人遭受污辱。
2. The right to the assistance of counsel and the right to an interpreter2. 获得律师援助的权利和获得翻译的权利
30. Effectively guaranteeing these rights implies that States parties must set up a system under which counsel and interpreters will be assigned free of charge, together with legal help or advice and interpretation services for persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble.30. 各缔约国要有效地保障这些权利就必须制订制度,为属于序言部分最后段落提及群体的人免费提供律师和翻译,同时提供法律援助或咨询和翻译服务;
3. The right to an independent and impartial tribunal3. 受独立和公正法院管辖的权利
31. States parties should strive firmly to ensure a lack of any racial or xenophobic prejudice on the part of judges, jury members and other judicial personnel.31. 各缔约国应坚定不移地努力保证法官、陪审团成员和其他司法人员不抱有任何种族或仇外偏见。
32. They should prevent all direct influence by pressure groups, ideologies, religions and churches on the functioning of the system of justice and on the decisions of judges, which may have a discriminatory effect on certain groups.32. 他们应预防利益集团、意识形态、宗教和教会对司法系统的运作和法官的决定施加任何直接影响,从而给某些群体带来歧视。
33. States parties may, in this regard, take into account the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct adopted in 2002 (E/CN.4/2003/65, annex), which recommend in particular that:33. 在这方面,各缔约国可考虑2002年通过的《司法行为班加罗尔原则》(E/CN.4/2003/65, 附件),其中特别建议:
Judges should be aware of the diversity of society and differences linked with background, in particular racial origins;法官应认识社会的多元性质和差异是来自各种原因,尤其是种族籍贯;
They should not, by words or conduct, manifest any bias towards persons or groups on the grounds of their racial or other origin;法官不得用文字或行为对任何人或群体表示基于种族和其他籍贯的任何偏见;
They should carry out their duties with appropriate consideration for all persons, such as the parties, witnesses, lawyers, court staff and their colleagues, without unjustified differentiation; and法官在执行职责时需适当考虑各方人士,如诉讼各方、证人、律师、法庭人员及其他法官的情况,不得以不当理由加以区别对待;
They should oppose the manifestation of prejudice by the persons under their direction and by lawyers or their adoption of discriminatory behaviour towards a person or group on the basis of their colour, racial, national, religious or sexual origin, or on other irrelevant grounds.法官应反对其属下的任何人和律师对任何他人或群体表示基于其肤色、种族、民族、宗教或性别或其他不相关原因的偏见或作出歧视行为。
D. Guarantee of fair punishmentD. 保证惩罚公平
34. In this regard, States should ensure that the courts do not apply harsher punishments solely because of an accused person’s membership of a specific racial or ethnic group.34. 在这方面,各国应保证法庭不单凭某一被告人从属于某一具体的种族或族裔群体而判处较严厉的处罚。
35. Special attention should be paid in this regard to the system of minimum punishments and obligatory detention applicable to certain offences and to capital punishment in countries which have not abolished it, bearing in mind reports that this punishment is imposed and carried out more frequently against persons belonging to specific racial or ethnic groups.35. 应特别重视适用于某些罪行的最低限度处罚和自愿拘留制度,并特别重视尚未废除死刑的国家的情况,铭记有报告表明,对从属于某些具体种族或族裔群体的人判处和执行死刑较为常见。
36. In the case of persons belonging to indigenous peoples, States parties should give preference to alternatives to imprisonment and to other forms of punishment that are better adapted to their legal system, bearing in mind in particular International Labour Organization Convention No. 169 concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries.36. 在属于土著人的案件中,各缔约国应特别铭记国际劳工组织关于《独立国家的土著和部落人民公约》(第169号公约),优先考虑有别于监禁的其他替代办法和更适合其法律制度的其他惩罚形式。
37. Punishments targeted exclusively at non-nationals that are additional to punishments under ordinary law, such as deportation, expulsion or banning from the country concerned, should be imposed only in exceptional circumstances and in a proportionate manner, for serious reasons related to public order which are stipulated in the law, and should take into account the need to respect the private family life of those concerned and the international protection to which they are entitled.37. 只有出于法律规定的给公共秩序带来严重危害的原因,在少数例外情况下,并以相称的方式作出专门针对非国民的、在普通法律之外的其他惩罚,如驱逐出境,遣离或禁止入境等等,同时还应兼顾有必要尊重有关人员的私人家庭生活和他们所享有的国际保护。
E. Execution of sentencesE. 服刑
38. When persons belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble are serving prison terms, the States parties should:38. 在从属于序言部分最后段落所提及群体的人在监狱服刑时,各缔约国应:
(a) Guarantee such persons the enjoyment of all the rights to which prisoners are entitled under the relevant international norms, in particular rights specially adapted to their situation: the right to respect for their religious and cultural practices, the right to respect for their customs as regards food, the right to relations with their families, the right to the assistance of an interpreter, the right to basic welfare benefits and, where appropriate, the right to consular assistance.保证这些人享有有关国际规范赋予他们的所有权利,尤其是专门根据其境况赋予的权利:尊重其宗教和文化惯例的权利,尊重其饮食习惯的权利,与其家庭保持联系的权利,获得翻译援助的权利,获得基本福利的权利,在适当情况下获得领事援助的权利。
The medical, psychological or social services offered to prisoners should take their cultural background into account;在向囚犯提供医疗、心理和社会服务时应考虑到其文化背景;
(b) Guarantee to all prisoners whose rights have been violated the right to an effective remedy before an independent and impartial authority;保证其权利遭受侵犯的所有囚犯有权获得独立和公正管理当局提供的有效补助措施;
(c) Comply, in this regard, with the United Nations norms in this field, and particularly the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, the Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners and the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment;在这方面,遵守联合国在这一领域的规范,尤其是《囚犯待遇最低限度标准规则》、《囚犯待遇基本原则》和《保护所有遭受任何形式拘留或监禁的人的原则》;
(d) Allow such persons to benefit, where appropriate, from the provisions of domestic legislation and international or bilateral conventions relating to the transfer of foreign prisoners, offering them an opportunity to serve the prison term in their countries of origin.在适当情况下允许这些人得到与外国囚犯交换相关的国内立法和国际和双边公约规定带来的好处,使他们有机会在其原籍国服刑。
39. Further, the independent authorities in the States parties that are responsible for supervising prison institutions should include members who have expertise in the field of racial discrimination and sound knowledge of the problems of racial and ethnic groups and the other vulnerable groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble; when necessary, such supervisory authorities should have an effective visit and complaint mechanism.39. 此外,各缔约国负责监督监狱的各独立管理当局中应包括种族歧视领域的专家和熟悉种族和族裔群体以及序言部分最后段落提及的其他脆弱群体问题的专家;在必要时这类监督机构应当设有有效的访察和申诉机制。
40. When non-nationals are sentenced to deportation, expulsion or banning from their territory, States parties should comply fully with the obligation of non-refoulement arising out of the international norms concerning refugees and human rights, and ensure that such persons will not be sent back to a country or territory where they would run the risk of serious violations of their human rights.40. 在宣判将非国民驱逐出境、离境或禁止入境时,使各缔约国应充分遵守关于难民和人权的国际规范所提出的不驱回义务,并保证不将这些人送回人权可能遭到严重侵犯的国家或领土。
41. Lastly, with regard to women and children belonging to the groups referred to in the last paragraph of the preamble, States parties should pay the greatest attention possible with a view to ensuring that such persons benefit from the special regime to which they are entitled in relation to the execution of sentences, bearing in mind the particular difficulties faced by mothers of families and women belonging to certain communities, particularly indigenous communities.41. 最后,关于属于序言部分最后段落提及群体的妇女和儿童,各缔约国应尽可能最高度重视他们,铭记作为家庭的母亲和从属于某些社区,尤其是土著社区的妇女处境尤为困难,在服刑方面要保证这些人能够从他们应当享受的特别制度中获益。
Recommended by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 1989/65 of 24 May 1989.经济及社会理事会1989年5月24日第1989/65号决议的建议。
Recommended by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/89 of 4 December 2000.大会2000年12月4日第55/89号决议的建议。
Adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, 27 August-7 September 1990.1990年8月27日至9月7日在哈瓦纳举行的第八届联合国预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大会通过。
Adopted by the First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Geneva, 22 August-3 September 1955, and approved by the Economic and Social Council in its resolutions 663 C (XXIV) of 31 July 1957 and 2076 (LXII) of 13 May 1977.1955年8月22日至9月3日在日内瓦举行的第一届联合国预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大会通过,并得到经济及社会理事会1957年7月31日第633C(XXIV)号和1977年5月13日第2076(LXII)号决议批准。
Adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly in its resolution 45/111 of 14 December 1990.大会1990年12月14日第45/111号决议通过和宣布。
Adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 43/173 of 9 December 1988.大会1988年12月9日第43/173号决议通过。