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General recommendation No. 32第32号一般性建议
The meaning and scope of special measures in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms Racial Discrimination《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》中特别措施的含义和范围
Seventy-fifth session, 2009第七十五届会议(2009年)
Document CERD/C/GC/32Document CERD/C/GC/32
A. BackgroundA. 背景
1. At its seventy-first session, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (“the Committee”) decided to embark upon the task of drafting a new general recommendation on special measures, in light of the difficulties observed in the understanding of such notion.1. 消除种族歧视委员会(“委员会”)第七十一届会议决定,着手起草关于特别措施的新的一般性建议,因为在此一概念的理解上出现困难。
At its seventy-second session, the Committee decided to hold at its next session a thematic discussion on the subject of special measures within the meaning of articles 1, paragraph 4, and 2, paragraph 2 of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (“the Convention”).委员会第七十二届会议决定,下届会议期间举行一次关于《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》(《公约》)第一条第四款和第二条第二款意义范围内的特别措施的专题讨论。
The thematic discussion was held on 4 and 5 August 2008 with the participation of States parties to the Convention, representatives of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and non-governmental organizations.2008年8月4日和5日举行了该专题讨论,与会者包括《公约》缔约国,以及消除对妇女歧视委员会,国际劳工组织(劳工组织),联合国教育、科学和文化组织(教科文组织)和非政府组织的代表。
Following the discussion, the Committee renewed its determination to work on a general recommendation on special measures, with the objective of providing overall interpretative guidance on the meaning of the above articles in light of the provisions of the Convention as a whole.讨论过后,委员会再次决心着手关于特别措施的一般性建议,目的是根据整个《公约》的各项条款,就上述条款的含义提供总的阐示指南。
GE.09-45147 B. Principal sourcesB. 主要资料来源
2. The general recommendation is based on the Committee’s extensive repertoire of practice referring to special measures under the Convention.2. 一般性建议是基于委员会提及《公约》中特别措施的广泛的惯例汇集。
Committee practice includes the concluding observations on the reports of States parties to the Convention, communications under article 14, and earlier general recommendations, in particular general recommendation No. 8 (1990) on article 1, paragraphs 1 and 4, of the Convention, as well as general recommendation No. 27 (2000) on Discrimination against Roma and general recommendation No. 29 (2002) on article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention (Descent), both of which make specific reference to special measures.委 员会的惯例包括关于《公约》缔约国报告的结论性意见,根据《公约》第十四条提交的来文,早先的一般性建议,尤其是关于《公约》第一条第一款和第四款的第8 号一般性建议(1990年),以及关于歧视吉普赛人问题的第27号一般性建议(2000年)和关于《公约》第一条第一款(世系)的第29号一般性建议 (2002年),这两项建议都专门提到特别措施。
3. In drafting the recommendation, the Committee has also taken account of work on special measures completed under the aegis of other United Nations human rights bodies, notably the report by the Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and general recommendation No. 25 (2004) of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on temporary special measures.3. 在起草该建议时,委员会还考虑到了其他联合国人权机构组织主持完成的关于特别措施的工作,尤其是增进和保护人权小组委员会特别报告员的报告以及消除对妇女一切形式歧视委员会关于暂行特别措施的第25号一般性建议(2004年)。
C. PurposeC. 目的
4. The purpose of the general recommendation is to provide, in the light of the Committee’s experience, practical guidance on the meaning of special measures under the Convention in order to assist States parties in the discharge of their obligations under the Convention, including reporting obligations.4. 一般性建议的目的是根据委员会的经验,提供关于《公约》中特别措施含义的实用指南,以协助缔约国履行其对《公约》承担的义务,包括报告义务。
Such guidance may be regarded as consolidating the wealth of Committee recommendations to States parties regarding special measures.此类指南可视为丰富了委员会在特别措施问题上对缔约国提出的建议。
D. MethodologyD. 方法
The Convention, as the Committee has observed on many occasions, is a living instrument that must be interpreted and applied taking into account the circumstances of contemporary society.5. 委员会曾在许多场合表示,《公约》是一项活的文书,其解释和适用应考虑到现实社会的各种情况。
This approach makes it imperative to read its text in a context-sensitive manner.这一方针要求人们在阅读文本时,必须对背景保持敏感。
The context for the present recommendation includes, in addition to the full text of the Convention including its title, preamble and operative articles, the range of universal human rights standards on the principles of non-discrimination and special measures.本建议的背景,除《公约》全文包括其标题、序言和执行条款外,还包括一系列关于不歧视原则和特别措施的普遍人权标准。
Context-sensitive interpretation also includes taking into account the particular circumstances of States parties without prejudice to the universal quality of the norms of the Convention.对背景保持敏感的解释还包括考虑缔约国的具体情况,但不影响《公约》准则的普遍性。
The nature of the Convention and the broad scope of its provisions imply that, while the conscientious application of Convention principles will produce variations in outcome among States parties, such variations must be fully justifiable in the light of the principles of the Convention.《公约》的性质及其条款的广泛性意味着,有意识地适用《公约》原则将在缔约国之间造成不同结果,但比照《公约》原则,此类不同必须完全有理有据。
A. Formal and de facto equalityA. 形式上和事实上的平等
6. The Convention is based on the principles of the dignity and equality of all human beings.6. 《公约》是建立在人人享有尊严和平等的原则基础上。
The principle of equality underpinned by the Convention combines formal equality before the law with equal protection of the law, with substantive or de facto equality in the enjoyment and exercise of human rights as the aim to be achieved by the faithful implementation of its principles.《公约》所加强的平等原则将法律面前的形式平等与法律的平等保护结合在一起,将享有和行使人权方面的实质性或事实平等作为忠实执行其原则所要实现的目标。
B. Direct and indirect discriminationB. 直接和间接歧视
7. The principle of enjoyment of human rights on an equal footing is integral to the Convention’s prohibition of discrimination on grounds of race, colour, descent, and national or ethnic origin. The “grounds” of discrimination are extended in practice by the notion of “intersectionality” whereby the Committee addresses situations of double or multiple discrimination - such as discrimination on grounds of gender or religion – when discrimination on such a ground appears to exist in combination with a ground or grounds listed in article 1 of the Convention.7. 在平等基础上享有人权的原则与《公约》禁止基于种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种的歧视密不可分,在实践中,委员会提出“多元交错”的概念,处理双重或多重歧 视的情况,例如基于性别或宗教的歧视,将歧视的“理由”扩展了,所谓多元交错,是指基于性别或宗教一类理由的歧视与《公约》第一条列举的理由并存。
Discrimination under the Convention includes purposive or intentional discrimination and discrimination in effect.根据《公约》,歧视包括有针对性的或蓄意的歧视,以及事实上的歧视。
Discrimination is constituted not simply by an unjustifiable “distinction, exclusion or restriction” but also by an unjustifiable “preference”, making it especially important that States parties distinguish “special measures” from unjustifiable preferences.歧视不仅包括无理可言的“区别、排斥或限制”,还包括无理可言的“优惠”,因此,缔约国必须将“特别措施”与无理可言的优惠相区分。
8. On the core notion of discrimination, in its general recommendation No. 30 (2004) on discrimination against non-citizens, the Committee observed that differential treatment will “constitute discrimination if the criteria for such differentiation, judged in the light of the objectives and purposes of the Convention, are not applied pursuant to a legitimate aim, and are not proportional to the achievement of this aim”.8. 关于歧视的核心概念,委员会在其关于对非公民的歧视的第30号一般性建议(2004年)中,认为进行区别对待,“如果根据《公约》的目标与宗旨判断,不是为了一个合法的目的或者与实现这种目的不相称的方式应用这种区别对待的标准,则此种区别对待构成歧视”。
As a logical corollary of this principle, in its general recommendation No. 14 (1993) on article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Committee observes that “differentiation of treatment will not constitute discrimination if the criteria for such differentiation, judged against the objectives and purposes of the Convention, are legitimate”.作为这一原则的逻辑延伸,委员会在其关于《公约》第一条第一款的第14号一般性建议(1993年)中认为,“如果根据《公约》的目标和宗旨判断某项差别待遇是正当的,则该项差别待遇就不构成歧视”。
The term “non-discrimination” does not signify the necessity of uniform treatment when there are significant differences in situation between one person or group and another, or, in other words, if there is an objective and reasonable justification for differential treatment.“非歧视”一词并不意味着在个人或群体与其他个人或群体存在明显差别的情况下,或换句话说,如果有客观和合理的理由给予差别待遇时,必须千篇一律地一视同仁。
To treat in an equal manner persons or groups whose situations are objectively different will constitute discrimination in effect, as will the unequal treatment of persons whose situations are objectively the same.以平等方式对待存在客观上的不同情况的个人或群体将构成事实上的歧视,与不平等地对待客观上情况相同的个人是一样的。
The Committee has also observed that the application of the principle of non-discrimination requires that the characteristics of groups be taken into consideration.委员会还表示,适用非歧视原则要求考虑到各群体的特征。
C. Scope of the principle of non-discriminationC. 非歧视原则的范围
9. The principle of non-discrimination, according to article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention, protects the enjoyment on an equal footing of human rights and fundamental freedoms “in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life”.9. 按照《公约》第一条第一款,非歧视原则保护在“政治、经济、社会、文化或公共生活任何其他方面”在平等地位上享有人权和基本自由。
The list of human rights to which the principle applies under the Convention is not closed and extends to any field of human rights regulated by the public authorities in the State party.根据《公约》适用非歧视原则的人权不是封闭的,而是扩展至缔约国公共当局规定的人权任何领域。
The reference to public life does not limit the scope of the non-discrimination principle to acts of the public administration but should be read in the light of the provisions in the Convention mandating measures by States parties to address racial discrimination “by any persons, group or organization”.提及公共生活,不是将非歧视原则的范围限于公共当局的行为,而应解释为,根据《公约》条款,缔约国应采取强制性措施,解决“任何人、任何团体或任何组织”所实行的种族歧视。
10. The concepts of equality and non-discrimination in the Convention, and the obligation on States parties to achieve the objectives of the Convention, are further elaborated and developed through the provisions in articles 1, paragraph 4, and 2, paragraph 2, regarding special measures.10. 《公约》中的平等和非歧视概念,以及缔约国实现《公约》目标的义务,在关于特别措施的第一条第四款和第二条第二款中得到了进一步的阐述和发挥。
A. Objective of special measures: Advancing effective equalityA. 特别措施的目标:增进有效平等
11. The concept of special measures is based on the principle that laws, policies and practices adopted and implemented in order to fulfil obligations under the Convention require supplementing, when circumstances warrant, by the adoption of temporary special measures designed to secure to disadvantaged groups the full and equal enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.11. 特别措施的概念是基于这样一项原则,即为履行《公约》义务而通过和实施的法律、政策和惯例,在情况需要时,应辅之以暂行特别措施,以确保处境不利群体充分和平等享有人权和基本自由。
Special measures are one component in the ensemble of provisions in the Convention dedicated to the objective of eliminating racial discrimination, the successful achievement of which will require the faithful implementation of all Convention provisions.特别措施是《公约》寻求消除种族歧视目标的总体条款的一个部分,其顺利实现将要求忠实执行《公约》各项条款。
B. Autonomous meaning of special measuresB. 特别措施的自主含义
12. The terms “special measures” and “special and concrete measures” employed in the Convention may be regarded as functionally equivalent and have an autonomous meaning to be interpreted in the light of the Convention as a whole, which may differ from usage in particular States parties.12. 《公约》中使用的“特别措施”和“特别具体措施”等词可视为功能相等,并具有一种自主含义,可根据《公约》整体加以解释,在特定缔约国的用途可能有所不同。
The term “special measures” includes also measures that in some countries may be described as “affirmative measures”, “affirmative action” or “positive action” in cases where they correspond to the provisions of articles 1, paragraph 4, and 2, paragraph 2, of the Convention, as explained in the following paragraphs.“特别措施”一词在一些国家中,还包括可称为“平权措施”、“平权行动”或“积极行动”的一类措施,情况相当于《公约》第一条第四款和第二条第二款各项规定,如下列各段所述。
In line with the Convention, the present recommendation employs the terms “special measures” or “special and concrete measures” and encourages States parties to employ terminology that clearly demonstrates the relationship of their laws and practice to these concepts in the Convention.根据《公约》,本建议采用“特别措施”或“特别具体措施”等词,并鼓励缔约国采用明确显示其法律和惯例与《公约》中这些概念的关系术语。
The term “positive discrimination” is, in the context of international human rights standards, a contradictio in terminis and should be avoided.“积极地区别对待”一词,在国际人权标准背景下,是一种用词矛盾,应当加以避免。
13. “Measures” include the full span of legislative, executive, administrative, budgetary and regulatory instruments, at every level in the State apparatus, as well as plans, policies, programmes and preferential regimes in areas such as employment, housing, education, culture and participation in public life for disfavoured groups, devised and implemented on the basis of such instruments.13. “措施”包括在国家机器各级整个一系列立法、司法、行政、预算和管理手段,以及在就业、住房、教育、文化和弱势群体参与公共生活等领域的计划、政策、方案和优惠制度,其制定和执行都建立在上述手段基础上。
States parties should include, as required in order to fulfil their obligations under the Convention, provisions on special measures in their legal systems, whether through general legislation or legislation directed to specific sectors in the light of the range of human rights referred to in article 5 of the Convention, and through plans, programmes and other policy initiatives referred to above at national, regional and local levels.缔约国为履行其《公约》义务,应按要求在其法律体系中纳入关于特别措施的规定,不管是通过一般性立法还是通过根据《公约》第五条提及的一系列人权针对特定阶层进行的立法,或通过在国家、区域和地方各级推行的上述计划、方案和其他政策举措。
C. Special measures and other related notionsC. 特别措施和其他相关概念
14. The obligation to take special measures is distinct from the general positive obligation of States parties to the Convention to secure human rights and fundamental freedoms on a non-discriminatory basis to persons and groups subject to their jurisdiction; this is a general obligation flowing from the provisions of the Convention as a whole and integral to all parts of the Convention.14. 采取特别措施的义务与缔约国对《公约》承担的确保其管辖范围内个人和群体在非歧视基础上享有人权和基本自由的一般性积极义务有所不同;这是源于整个《公约》条款的一项一般性义务,与《公约》的各个部分密不可分。
15. Special measures should not be confused with specific rights pertaining to certain categories of person or community, such as, for example the rights of persons belonging to minorities to enjoy their own culture, profess and practise their own religion and use their own language, the rights of indigenous peoples, including rights to lands traditionally occupied by them, and rights of women to non-identical treatment with men, such as the provision of maternity leave, on account of biological differences from men.15. 特别措施不应与涉及特定类别个人或社群的特别权利相混淆,例如属于少数群体的个人享有自己的文化,信奉自己的宗教和使用自己的语言的权利,土著人民的权 利,包括对其传统上占有的土地的权利,妇女享有与男子不同的待遇的权利,例如由于妇女与男子生理上的差异而规定产假。
Such rights are permanent rights, recognized as such in human rights instruments, including those adopted in the context of the United Nations and its specialized agencies.这些权利是永久性权利,在人权文书,包括联合国及其专门机构通过的文书中得到了应有承认。
States parties should carefully observe distinctions between special measures and permanent human rights in their law and practice.缔约国在其法律和惯例中应认真注意特别措施与永久性人权之间的区别。
The distinction between special measures and permanent rights implies that those entitled to permanent rights may also enjoy the benefits of special measures.特别措施与永久权利的区别意味着享有永久权利者同样也可能享有特别措施的好处。
D. Conditions for the adoption and implementation of special measuresD. 通过和执行特别措施的条件
16. Special measures should be appropriate to the situation to be remedied, be legitimate, necessary in a democratic society, respect the principles of fairness and proportionality, and be temporary.16. 特别措施应适合准备补救的情况、合法、在民主社会中是必须的,遵守公正和相称性原则,并且是临时性的。
The measures should be designed and implemented on the basis of need, grounded in a realistic appraisal of the current situation of the individuals and communities concerned.这些措施应根据需要来制订和实行,基于对有关个人和群体当下情况的现实评估。
17. Appraisals of the need for special measures should be carried out on the basis of accurate data, disaggregated by race, colour, descent and ethnic or national origin and incorporating a gender perspective, on the socio-economic and cultural status and conditions of the various groups in the population and their participation in the social and economic development of the country.17. 评估特别措施的需要,应依据准备的数据,并按种族、肤色、世系以及民族或种族血统分类,纳入性别观点,考虑到社会经济和文化状况以及各个群体在人口中的状况及其参与国家社会和经济发展的状况。
18. States parties should ensure that special measures are designed and implemented on the basis of prior consultation with affected communities and the active participation of such communities.18. 缔约国应确保在制定和执行特别措施时,应事先与受影响社群进行协商,并有此类社群的积极参与。
A. Article 1, paragraph 4A. 第一条第四款
19. Article 1, paragraph 4, of the Convention stipulates that “special measures taken for the sole purpose of securing adequate advancement of certain racial or ethnic groups or individuals requiring such protection as may be necessary in order to ensure such groups or individuals equal enjoyment or exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms shall not be deemed racial discrimination, provided, however, that such measures do not, as a consequence, lead to the maintenance of separate rights for different racial groups and that they shall not be continued after the objectives for which they were taken have been achieved”.19. 《公约》第一条第四款规定,“专为使若干须予必要保护的种族或民族团体或个人获得充分进展而采取的特别措施以期确保此等团体或个人同等享受或行使人权及基 本自由者,不得视为种族歧视,但此等措施的后果须不至在不同种族团体间保持各别行使的权利,且此等措施不得于所定目的达成后继续实行”。
20. By employing the phrase “shall not be deemed racial discrimination”, article 1, paragraph 4, of the Convention makes it clear that special measures taken by States parties under the terms of the Convention do not constitute discrimination, a clarification reinforced by the travaux préparatoires of the Convention which record the drafting change from “should not be deemed racial discrimination” to “shall not be deemed racial discrimination”.20. 《公约》第一条第四款采用“不得视为种族歧视”的说法,表明缔约国根据《公约》条款采取的特别措施不构成歧视,《公约》的准备过程加强了这一澄清,在起草过程中,将“不应视为种族歧视”改为“不得视为种族歧视”。
Accordingly, special measures are not an exception to the principle of non-discrimination but are integral to its meaning and essential to the Convention project of eliminating racial discrimination and advancing human dignity and effective equality.因此,特别措施不是非歧视原则的一种例外,而是该原则的题中应有之意,对旨在消除种族歧视,推进人类尊严和有效平等的《公约》是不可或缺的。
21. In order to conform to the Convention, special measures do not amount to discrimination when taken for the “sole purpose” of ensuring equal enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.21. 依照《公约》,特别措施的采取,如其“唯一目的”是为确保平等享有人权和基本自由,即不构成歧视。
Such a motivation should be made apparent from the nature of the measures themselves, the arguments used by the authorities to justify the measures and the instruments designed to put the measures into effect.此类措施本身的性质、当局证明此类措施的论据以及旨在将此类措施付诸实施的文书都应明确显示这一动机。
The reference to “sole purpose” limits the scope of acceptable motivations for special measures within the terms of the Convention.“专为”的说法在《公约》的术语中限制了特别措施可被人接受的动机的范围。
22. The notion of “adequate advancement” in article 1, paragraph 4, implies goal-directed programmes which have the objective of alleviating and remedying disparities in the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms affecting particular groups and individuals, protecting them from discrimination.22. 第一条第四款中“充分进展”的概念意味着制定目标明确的方案,以减轻和补救受影响的特定群体和个人在享有人权和基本自由方面的差异,保护他们免遭歧视。
Such disparities include but are not confined to persistent or structural disparities and de facto inequalities resulting from the circumstances of history that continue to deny to vulnerable groups and individuals the advantages essential for the full development of the human personality.此类差异包括但不仅限于源于历史环境的持续或结构性差异和事实上的不平等,只要这些因素剥夺了弱势群体和个人为充分发展其人格而必备的条件。
It is not necessary to prove “historic” discrimination in order to validate a programme of special measures; the emphasis should be placed on correcting present disparities and on preventing further imbalances from arising.为证明特别措施的合法性,不一定必须证明存在“历史性”歧视;重点应放在矫正目前的差异以及防止出现新的不平衡上。
23. The term “protection” in the same paragraph signifies protection from violations of human rights emanating from any source, including discriminatory activities of private persons, in order to ensure the equal enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.23. 同一段中“保护”一词意指给予保护,防止任何方面对人权的侵犯,包括个人的歧视行为,以确保平等享有人权和基本自由。
The term “protection” also indicates that special measures may have preventive (of human rights violations) as well as corrective functions.“保护”一词还指可能具有防范“对人权的侵犯”以及纠正功能的特别措施。
24. Although the Convention designates “racial or ethnic groups or individuals requiring … protection” (article 1, paragraph 4), and “racial groups or individuals belonging to them” (article 2, paragraph 2), as the beneficiaries of special measures, the measures shall in principle be available to any group or person covered by article 1 of the Convention, as clearly indicated by the travaux préparatoires of the Convention, as well as by the practice of States parties and the relevant concluding observations of the Committee.24. 虽然《公约》指明“须予…保护的种族或民族团体或个人”(第一条第四款)和“属于各该国的若干种族团体或个人”(第二条第二款)作为特别措施的受益者,此 类措施应原则上适用于《公约》第一条涵盖的任何群体或个人,如《公约》制定过程中以及缔约国的实践和委员会有关结论性意见所清楚表明的。
25. Article 1, paragraph 4, is expressed more broadly than article 2, paragraph 2, in that it refers to individuals “requiring … protection” without reference to ethnic group membership.25. 第一条第四款的表述比第二条第二款更宽泛,因为它提到了“须予…保护”的个人,而没有提及种族团体成员。
The span of potential beneficiaries or addressees of special measures should however be understood in the light of the overall objective of the Convention as dedicated to the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, with special measures as an essential tool, where appropriate, for the achievement of this objective.但对特别措施的受益者或对象范围的理解,应出于《公约》旨在消除一切形式种族歧视这一总体目标,而特别措施则是在适当时作为一种基本手段,用以实现这一目标。
26. Article 1, paragraph 4, provides for limitations on the employment of special measures by States parties.26. 第一条第四款规定了对缔约国采取特别措施的限制。
The first limitation is that the measures “should not lead to the maintenance of separate rights for different racial groups”.第一个限制是此类措施“须不至在不同种族团体间保持各别行使的权利”。
This provision is narrowly drawn to refer to “racial groups” and calls to mind the practice of Apartheid referred to in article 3 of the Convention, which was imposed by the authorities of the State, and to practices of segregation referred to in that article and in the preamble to the Convention.这一规定的表述很严密,只提到“种族团体”,令人想起《公约》第三条提到的由国家当局推行的种族隔离做法,并指该条以及《公约》序言中提及的分隔做法。
The notion of inadmissible “separate rights” must be distinguished from rights accepted and recognized by the international community to secure the existence and identity of groups such as minorities, indigenous peoples and other categories of person whose rights are similarly accepted and recognized within the framework of universal human rights.不能允许的“各别行使的权利”的概念必须与国际社会为确保某些团体,例如少数群体、土著人民和在普遍人权框架内其权利同样得到接受和承认的其他类人的存在和特征而接受和承认的权利相区分。
27. The second limitation on special measures is that “they shall not be continued after the objectives for which they have been taken have been achieved”.27. 对特别措施的第二个限制是“此等措施不得于所定目的达成后继续实行”。
This limitation on the operation of special measures is essentially functional and goal-related: the measures should cease to be applied when the objectives for which they were employed – the equality goals – have been sustainably achieved.对实行特别措施的这一限制基本上是功能性的和有特定目标的:在采取措施以实现的目标,即平等目标持续实现后,即应停止适用这些措施。
The length of time permitted for the duration of the measures will vary in the light of their objectives, the means utilized to achieve them, and the results of their application.允许特别措施延续的时间依其目标,实现目标所使用的手段以及适用措施的结果的不同而有所不同。
Special measures should, therefore, be carefully tailored to meet the particular needs of the groups or individuals concerned.因此,对特别措施应认真斟酌,以满足有关团体或个人的具体需要。
B. Article 2, paragraph 2B. 第二条第二款
28. Article 2, paragraph 2, of the Convention stipulates that “States parties shall, when the circumstances so warrant, take, in the social, economic, cultural and other fields, special and concrete measures to ensure the adequate development and protection of certain racial groups or individuals belonging to them, for the purpose of guaranteeing them the full and equal enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. These measures shall in no case entail as a consequence the maintenance of unequal or separate rights for different racial groups after the objectives for which they were taken have been achieved”.28. 《公约》第二条第二款规定,“缔约国应于情况需要时在社会、经济、文化及其他方面,采取特别具体措施确保属于各该国的若干种族团体或个人获得充分发展与保 护,以期保证此等团体与个人完全并平等享受人权及基本自由,此等措施与所定目的达成后,绝不得产生在不同种族团体间保持不平等或个别行使权利的后果”。
29. Article 1, paragraph 4, of the Convention is essentially a clarification of the meaning of discrimination when applied to special measures.29. 《公约》第一条第四款基本上澄清了在适用特别措施时歧视的含义。
Article 2, paragraph 2, carries forward the special measures concept into the realm of obligations of States parties, along with the text of article 2 as a whole.第二条第二款与第二条整条案文,将特别措施的概念推进到缔约国的义务领域。
Nuances of difference in the use of terms in the two paragraphs do not disturb their essential unity of concept and purpose.两款用语的细微差别并不影响其概念和宗旨根本上的一致性。
30. The use in the paragraph of the verb “shall” in relation to taking special measures clearly indicates the mandatory nature of the obligation to take such measures.30. 该款就采取特别措施问题使用“应”一词,清楚表明了采取此类措施的义务的强制性质。
The mandatory nature of the obligation is not weakened by the addition of the phrase “when the circumstances so warrant”, a phrase that should be read as providing context for the application of the measures.添加“于情况需要时”一句应理解为规定了适用此类措施的背景,并不削弱该义务的强制性质。
The phrase has, in principle, an objective meaning in relation to the disparate enjoyment of human rights by persons and groups in the State party and the ensuing need to correct such imbalances.该句原则上有其客观含义,涉及个人和团体在缔约国中异常地享有人权,因此需要矫正此类不平衡。
31. The internal structure of States parties, whether unitary, federal or decentralized, does not affect their responsibility under the Convention, when resorting to special measures, to secure their application throughout the territory of the State.31. 缔约国的内在结构,不管是中央集权的、联邦的还是权利下放的,在采取特别措施问题上,都不影响其对《公约》承担的确保其在全国领土上适用的责任。
In federal or decentralized States, the federal authorities shall be internationally responsible for designing a framework for the consistent application of special measures in all parts of the State where such measures are necessary.在联邦或分权国家,如有必要采取措施,联邦当局则在国际上负有责任,须制定在国家各个地区协调适用特别措施的框架。
32. Whereas article 1, paragraph 4, of the Convention uses the term “special measures”, article 2, paragraph 2, refers to “special and concrete measures”.32. 《公约》第一条第四款使用“特别措施”一词,而第二条第二款则使用“特别具体措施”。
The travaux préparatoires of the Convention do not highlight any distinction between the terms and the Committee has generally employed both terms as synonymous.《公约》的制定过程并没有显示二者之间的区别,委员会一般是将二者作为同义使用。
Bearing in mind the context of article 2 as a broad statement of obligations under the Convention, the terminology employed in article 2, paragraph 2, is appropriate to its context in focusing on the obligation of States parties to adopt measures tailored to fit the situations to be remedied and capable of achieving their objectives.考虑到第二条的案文是广义申明《公约》下的义务,第二条第二款采用的术语再次上下文中是适当的,侧重于缔约国有义务针对所要补救形式采取措施,以实现其目标。
33. The reference in article 2, paragraph 2, regarding the objective of special measures to ensure “adequate development and protection” of groups and individuals may be compared with the use of the term “advancement” in article 1, paragraph 4.33. 第二条第二款中就特别措施的目标提及确保团体和个人的“充分发展与保护”,可与第一条第四款中使用“进展”一词相比较。
The terms of the Convention signify that special measures should clearly benefit groups and individuals in their enjoyment of human rights.《公约》的用语表明,特别措施应明确有助于团体和个人享有人权。
The naming of fields of action in the paragraph – “social, economic, cultural and other fields” – does not describe a closed list.该款中提及的行动领域,即“社会、经济、文化及其他方面”并非一个封闭式清单。
In principle, special measures can reach into all fields of human rights deprivation, including deprivation of the enjoyment of any human rights expressly or impliedly protected by article 5 of the Convention.原则上,特别措施适用于所有剥夺人权行为,包括妨碍享有《公约》第五条所明确或隐含保护的任何人权。
In all cases, it is clear that the reference to limitations of “development” relates only to the situation or condition in which groups or individuals find themselves and is not a reflection on any individual or group characteristic.在所有情况下,显然提及限制“发展”,只涉及团体或个人自我感觉的状况或条件,并不反映任何个人或团体特征。
34. Beneficiaries of special measures under article 2, paragraph 2, may be groups or individuals belonging to such groups.34. 第二条第二款特别措施的受益者可能是属于此类团体的群体或个人。
The advancement and protection of communities through special measures is a legitimate objective to be pursued in tandem with respect for the rights and interests of individuals.通过特别措施对社区的推进和保护是在个人权利和利益方面同时推行的合法目标。
The identification of an individual as belonging to a group should be based on self-identification by the individual concerned, unless a justification exists to the contrary.确认个人属于哪个团体,应根据有关个人的自我认同,除非存在相反的正当理由。
35. Provisions on the limitations of special measures in article 2, paragraph 2, are in essence the same, mutatis mutandis, as those expressed in article 1, paragraph 4.35. 第二条第二款中对特别措施的限制规定比照第一条第4款中的规定,本质上是相同的。
The requirement to limit the period for which the measures are taken implies the need, as in the design and initiation of the measures, for a continuing, system of monitoring their application and results using, as appropriate, quantitative and qualitative methods of appraisal.要求限制所采取措施的时间意味着,如同在措施的制定和启动时一样,需要一个持续的制度,酌情利用定量和定性的评估方法,监测其适用情况和结果。
States parties should also carefully determine whether negative human rights consequences would arise for beneficiary communities consequent upon an abrupt withdrawal of special measures, especially if such have been established for a lengthy period of time.缔约国还应认真确定,如果突然撤销特别措施,尤其是在特别措施已长期实行时,是否会对受益社区造成不利的人权后果。
36. The present guidance on the content of reports confirms and amplifies the guidance provided to States parties in the Harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties, including guidelines on a common core document and treaty-specific documents (HRI/MC/2006/3) and the Guidelines for the CERD-specific document to be submitted by States parties under article 9, paragraph 1, of the Convention (CERD/C/2007/1).36. 目前关于报告内容的准则肯定和引伸了在《根据国际人权条约提交报告的协调准则,包括编写核心文件、提交具体条约报告的准则》(HRI/MC/2006 /3)和缔约国根据《公约》第九条第一款提交《消除种族歧视公约》具体文件的准则》(CERD/C/2007/1)中为缔约国规定的准则。
37. Reports of States parties should describe special measures in relation to any articles of the Convention to which the measures are related.37. 缔约国的报告应描述与《公约》任何条款有关的特别措施。
The reports of States parties should also provide information, as appropriate, on:缔约国的报告还应适当提供下列信息:
The terminology applied to special measures as understood in the Convention适用于《公约》所述特别措施的术语
The justifications for special measures, including relevant statistical and other data on the general situation of beneficiaries, a brief account of how the disparities to be remedied have arisen, and the results to be expected from the application of measures特别措施的理由,包括关于受益者一般情况的有关统计和其他数据,对准备补救的差异之所以产生的概述,以及适用措施的预期成果
The intended beneficiaries of the measures特别措施的目标受益者
The range of consultations undertaken towards the adoption of the measures including consultations with intended beneficiaries and with civil society generally为通过特别措施所进行磋商的范围,包括与目标受益者和整个民间社会的协商
The nature of the measures and how they promote the advancement, development and protection of groups and individuals concerned特别措施的性质及其如何促进有关团体和个人的进展、发展和保护
The fields of action or sectors where special measures have been adopted行动领域或采取特别措施的部门
Where possible, the envisaged duration of the measures在可能时,特别措施的预计持续时间
The institutions in the State responsible for implementing the measures负责执行措施的管理机构
The available mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of the measures监测和评估特别措施的现有机制
Participation by targeted groups and individuals in the implementing institutions and in monitoring and evaluation processes目标团体和个人在执行机构和监测和评估进程中的参与
The results, provisional or otherwise, of the application of the measures适用特别措施的临时或其他成果
Plans for the adoption of new measures and the justifications thereof采取新的措施的计划及其理由
Information on reasons why, in the light of situations that appear to justify the adoption of measures, such measures have not been taken.有关信息,说明情况表明应当采取特别措施,但此类措施为何没有采取。
38. In cases where a reservation affecting Convention provisions on special measures is maintained, States parties are invited to provide information as to why such a reservation is considered necessary, the nature and scope of the reservation, its precise effects in terms of national law and policy, and any plans to limit or withdraw the reservation within a specified time frame.38. 在持有涉及《公约》关于特别措施的条款的保留意见的情况下,缔约国应提供信息,说明为何此类保留是必要的,保留的性质和范围,其对国家法律和政策的确切影响,以及在具体时限内限制或撤销保留的计划。
In cases where States parties have adopted special measures despite the reservation, they are invited to provide information on such measures in line with the recommendations in paragraph 37 above.如果尽管有所保留,但缔约国通过了特别措施,它们应根据上文第37段的建议,提供关于此类措施的信息。
Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/45/18), chap. VII.《大会正式记录,第四十五届会议,补编第十八号》(A/45/18),第七章。
Ibid., Fifty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/55/18), annex V. sect. C.; and Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/57/18), chap. XI, sect. F.同上,《第五十五届会议,补编第18号》(A/55/18),附件五,C节;《第五十七届会议,补编第18号》(A/57/18),第十一章,F节。
“The Concept and Practice of Affirmative Action”, Final report submitted by Mr. Marc Bossuyt, Special Rapporteur, in accordance with Sub-Commission resolution 1998/5 (E/CN.4/Sub.2/2002/21).“平权行动的概念和实践”,特别报告员马克 •博叙伊先生根据小组委员会第1998/5号决议提交的最后报告(E/CN.4/Sub.2/2002/21)。
Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 38 (A/59/38), annex I.《大会正式记录,第五十九届会议,补编第38号》(A/59/38),附件一。
Ibid., Supplement No. 18 (A/59/18), chap. VII, para. 4.同上,《补编第18号》(A/59/18),第七章,第4段。
Ibid., Forty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/48/18), chapter VIII, sect. B.同上,《第四十八届会议,补编第18号》(A/48/18),第八章,B节。
Article 2, paragraph 1 (d); see also article 2, paragraph 1 (b).第二条第一款(卯)项;另见第二条第一款(丑)项。
See Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, general recommendation 25 (note 4 above), paragraph 16.见消除对妇女歧视委员会,第25号一般性建议(上文脚注4),第16段。
See for example paragraph 19 of general recommendation 25 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (note 4 above), and paragraph 12 of the Recommendations of the Forum on Minority Issues on rights to education (A/HRC/10/11/Add.1).例见消除对妇女歧视委员会第25号一般性建议第19段(上文注4),以及少数群体论坛关于教育权的建议的第12段(A/HRC/10/11/Add.1)。
Article 2, paragraph 2, includes the term “cultural” as well as “social” and “economic”.第二条第二款,除“社会”和“经济”外,还使用了“文化”一词。
See also paragraph 7 above.另见上文第7段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 20 (2009) on Non-Discrimination in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, paragraph 9.经济、社会、文化权利委员会,关于经济、社会和文化权利方面不歧视的第20号一般性意见(2009年),第9段。
The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination referred, in article 2, paragraph 3, to ‘special and concrete measures’ (General Assembly resolution 1904 (XVIII)).《联合国消除一切形式种族歧视宣言》在第二条第三款中提及“特种具体措施”(大会第1904 (XVIII)号决议)。
See also paragraph 12 above.另见上文第12段。