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General recommendation No. 34 adopted by the Committee委员会通过的第34号一般性建议
Racial discrimination against people of African descent针对非洲人后裔的种族歧视
Seventy-ninth session, 2011第七十九届会议(2011年)
Document CERD/C/GC/34Document CERD/C/GC/34
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination消除种族歧视委员会,
Recalls the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, according to which all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and are entitled to the rights and freedoms enshrined therein without distinction of any kind, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,回顾《联合国宪章》和《世界人权宣言》,其中规定人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等,有资格享受这些文献中规定的权利和自由而没有任何区别,《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》,《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》以及《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,
Recalls also that people of African descent received greater recognition and visibility at the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in Durban in 2001, South Africa, its preparatory conferences, particularly the + 5 Conference of Santiago, Chile, in 2000, reflected in the respective declarations and plans of action,又回顾2001年南非德班举行的反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍现象世界会议及其各次预备会议,特别是2000年举行的智利圣地亚哥+5会议上非洲人后裔得到更大承认和重视,这反映在各个宣言和行动计划中,
Reaffirms its general recommendations Nos. 28 (2002) on the follow-up to the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, and 33 (2009) on follow-up to the Durban Review Conference, in which the Committee expressed its commitment to press for the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action,重申关于反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍现象世界会议后续行动的委员会第28号一般性建议(2002年)以及关于德班审查会议后续行动的第33号一般性建议(2009年),其中委员会表示承诺加紧实施《德班宣言和行动纲领》,
Notes also the condemnation of discrimination against people of African descent as expressed in the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action,还注意到《德班宣言和行动纲领》中表示的对歧视非洲人后裔的谴责,
Observes that it has become evident from the examination of the reports of States parties to the Convention that people of African descent continue to experience racism and racial discrimination,认为从《公约》缔约国报告的审查中可以明显看到非洲人后裔继续经受种族主义和种族歧视,
Having held a day-long thematic discussion on racial discrimination against people of African descent in the seventy-eighth session (February–March 2011) on the occasion of the International Year for People of African Descent, in which the Committee heard and exchanged ideas with States parties, United Nations organs and specialized agencies, special rapporteurs and their representatives, as well as non-governmental organizations, and decided to clarify some aspects of discrimination against such people and further support the struggle to overcome this discrimination worldwide,在 委员会第七十八届会议(2011年2月至3月)期间“非洲人后裔国际年”之际就非洲人后裔遭受种族歧视问题举行了为期一天的会议,会议上委员会听取并与各 缔约国、联合国机构和专门机构、特别报告员及其代表以及非政府组织交换了意见,决定对针对非洲人后裔歧视的某些方面加以澄清并进一步支持在世界范围内消除 这种歧视的斗争,
Formulates the following recommendations addressed to States parties:制定如下对缔约国的建议:
I. Description一. 说明
1. For the purposes of this general recommendation, people of African descent are those referred to as such by the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and who identify themselves as people of African descent.1. 为此一般性建议之目的,非洲人后裔是指那些《德班宣言和行动纲领》所指之非洲人后裔以及那些自认为是非洲人后裔者。
2. The Committee is aware that millions of people of African descent are living in societies in which racial discrimination places them in the lowest positions in social hierarchies.2. 委员会意识到在各个社会生活的数百万的非洲人后裔,种族歧视使他们处于社会阶层的最低位置。
II. Rights二. 权利
3. People of African descent shall enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with international standards, in conditions of equality and without any discrimination.3. 非洲人后裔应在平等条件和没有任何歧视的情况下按照国际标准享受一切人权和基本自由。
4. People of African descent live in many countries of the world, either dispersed among the local population or in communities, where they are entitled to exercise, without discrimination, individually or in community with other members of their group, as appropriate, the following specific rights:4. 在世界各国的非洲人后裔,或分散在当地人口之中或集中于社区,均有资格在不受歧视的情况下单独或与群体其他成员一起以适当方式行使下列具体权利:
(a) The right to property and to the use, conservation and protection of lands traditionally occupied by them and to natural resources in cases where their ways of life and culture are linked to their utilization of lands and resources;财产权以及在其生活方式和文化与其对土地和资源的利用相联系的情况下使用、养护和保护他们传统占有的土地的权利和利用自然资源的权利;
(b) The right to their cultural identity, to keep, maintain and foster their mode of life and forms of organization, culture, languages and religious expressions;保护文化身份的权利,保持、维持和促进其生活方式和组织形式、文化、语言和宗教表现形式;
(c) The right to the protection of their traditional knowledge and their cultural and artistic heritage;保护其传统知识和文化及艺术遗产的权利;
(d) The right to prior consultation with respect to decisions which may affect their rights, in accordance with international standards.在决定可能使其权利受到影响时根据国际标准对其进行事先咨商的权利。
5. The Committee understands that racism and racial discrimination against people of African descent are expressed in many forms, notably structural and cultural.5. 委员会认识到,对非洲人后裔的种族主义和种族歧视以多种形式表示,特别是结构的和文化的形式。
6. Racism and structural discrimination against people of African descent, rooted in the infamous regime of slavery, are evident in the situations of inequality affecting them and reflected, inter alia, in the following domains: their grouping, together with indigenous peoples, among the poorest of the poor; their low rate of participation and representation in political and institutional decision-making processes; additional difficulties they face in access to and completion and quality of education, which results in the transmission of poverty from generation to generation; inequality in access to the labour market; limited social recognition and valuation of their ethnic and cultural diversity; and a disproportionate presence in prison populations.6. 对非洲人后裔的种族主义和结构性歧视起源于臭名昭著的奴隶制度,现明显存在于影响他们的不平等情况之中,并特别表现在下列领域:他们与土著居民居住在一 起,是穷人中的最贫困者;他们在政治和体制决策过程中的参与率和代表率都很低;他们在获得教育机会,完成教育以及所受教育质量方面都面临格外的困难,其结 果就是使贫困一代一代延续;进入劳动市场的不平等;对其种族和文化多样性缺乏社会承认和重视;以及囚犯中比例过高。
7. The Committee observes that overcoming the structural discrimination that affects people of African descent calls for the urgent adoption of special measures (affirmative action), as established in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (arts. 1, para. 4, and 2, para.7. 委员会指出,正如《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》(第一条第四款和第二条第二款)中所规定,克服对非洲人后裔的结构性歧视要求紧急采取特别措施(积极行动)。
2). The need for special measures has been the subject of reiterated observations and recommendations made to the State parties under the Convention, summarized in general recommendation No. 32 (2009) on the meaning and scope of special measures in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.特别措施的需要是根据《公约》对缔约国所作的多次意见和建议的主题,并在关于《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》的含义和范围的第32号一般性建议(2009年)中进行了概括。
8. For the exercise of the rights of people of African descent, the Committee recommends that States parties adopt the following measures:8. 为了非洲人后裔行使权利,委员会建议缔约国采取下列措施:
III. Measures of a general nature三. 一般性措施
9. Take steps to identify communities of people of African descent living in their territories, especially through the collection of disaggregated data on the population, bearing in mind the Committee’s general recommendations, particularly general recommendations Nos. 4 (1973) on demographic composition of the population (art. 9); 8 (1990) on identification with a particular racial or ethnic group (art. 1, paras. 1 and 4), and 24 (1999) on reporting of persons belonging to different races, national/ethnic groups, or indigenous peoples (art. 1).9. 采取步骤查明在其领土上居住的非洲人后裔,特别是通过收集关于人口的分类数据,同时牢记委员会的一般性建议,特别是关于人口成分组成的第4号一般性建议 (1973年);关于查明某一特定种族或族裔群体的第8号一般性建议(1990年)(第1条第1和4段),以及就关于不同种族、民族/族裔群体人口提交报 告的第24号一般性建议(1999年)(第1条)。
10. Review and enact or amend legislation, as appropriate, in order to eliminate, in line with the Convention, all forms of racial discrimination against people of African descent.10. 适当审查和制定或修订立法,以便根据《公约》消除对非洲人后裔的一切形式的种族歧视。
11. Review, adopt and implement national strategies and programmes with a view to improving the situation of people of African descent and protecting them against discrimination by State agencies and public officials, as well as by any persons, group or organization.11. 审查、通过和执行国家战略和方案,目的在于改善非洲人后裔的状况,使他们免受国家机构和国家官员、以及任何人、群体或组织的歧视。
12. Fully implement legislation and other measures already in place to ensure that people of African descent are not discriminated against.12. 充分实施现有立法和其他措施,确保非洲人后裔不受歧视。
13. Encourage and develop appropriate modalities of communication and dialogue between communities of people of African descent and/or their representatives and the relevant authorities in the State.13. 鼓励和建立在非洲人后裔及/或其代表与有关国家当局之间进行沟通和对话的适当形式。
14. Take the necessary measures, in cooperation with civil society and members of affected communities, to educate the population as a whole in a spirit of non-discrimination, respect for others and tolerance, especially concerning people of African descent.14. 采取必要措施,与公民社会和受影响社区成员合作,对全国人口进行教育使其具有不歧视的精神,尊重他人和宽容的精神,特别是针对于非洲人后裔。
15. Strengthen existing institutions or create specialized institutions to promote respect for the equal human rights of people of African descent.15. 加强现有机构或创建特别机构以促进对非洲人后裔平等人权的尊重。
16. Conduct periodic surveys, in line with paragraph 1 above, on the reality of discrimination against people of African descent and provide disaggregated data in their reports to the Committee on, inter alia, the geographical distribution and the economic and social conditions of people of African descent, including a gender perspective.16. 按照上述第1段的要求进行定期调查,查明对非洲人后裔歧视的现实情况,并在其向委员会提交的报告中列入分类数据,特别是包括按性别分类的非洲人后裔的地区分布情况以及经济和社会情况。
17. Effectively acknowledge in their policies and actions the negative effects of the wrongs occasioned on people of African descent in the past, chief among which are colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade, the effects of which continue to disadvantage people of African descent today.17. 明确承认其过去政策和行动中对非洲人后裔错误做法的负面效果,其中主要是殖民主义和跨大西洋奴隶贸易,其效果至今仍使非洲人后裔处于不利地位。
IV. The place and role of special measures四. 特别措施的地位和作用
18. Adopt and implement special measures meant to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination against people of African descent, taking into account the Committee’s general recommendation No. 32 (2009).18. 制定和执行特别措施意味着在考虑到委员会第32号一般性建议(2009年)的情况下消除对非洲人后裔的一切形式的种族歧视。
19. Formulate and put in place comprehensive national strategies with the participation of people of African descent, including special measures in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of the Convention, in order to eliminate discrimination against people of African descent and ensure their full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.19. 在非洲人后裔参与的情况下制定和执行综合国家战略,包括根据《公约》第一条和第二条的特别措施,以消除对非洲人后裔的歧视并确保他们能够充分享受所有人权和基本自由。
20. Educate and raise the awareness of the public on the importance of special measures (affirmative action programmes) to address the situation of victims of racial discrimination, especially discrimination as a result of historical factors.20. 教育公众并提高他们的认识,使其了解特别措施(平权行动方案)对于改善种族歧视受害者状况,特别是历史原因造成的歧视的受害者的状况,所具有的重要意义。
21. Develop and implement special measures aimed at promoting the employment of people of African descent in both the public and private sectors.21. 制定和执行旨在促进非洲人后裔在公共和私营部门就业的特别措施。
V. Gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination五. 种族歧视与性别有关的方面
22. Recognizing that some forms of racial discrimination have a unique and specific impact on women, design and implement measures aimed at eliminating racial discrimination, paying due regard to the Committee’s general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination.22. 承认一些形式的种族歧视对妇女具有特别的影响,制定和执行旨在消除种族歧视的措施时充分注意委员会关于种族歧视与性别有关的方面的第25号一般性建议(2000年)。
23. Take into account, in all programmes and projects planned and implemented and all measures adopted, the situation of women of African descent, who are often victims of multiple discrimination.23. 在所有计划和实施的方案和项目中以及在采取的所有措施中注意非洲人后裔妇女的状况,她们经常是多种歧视的受害者。
24. Include in all reports to the Committee information on the measures taken to implement the Convention that specifically address racial discrimination against women of African descent.24. 在向委员会提交的所有报告中列入有关所采取措施实施特别针对歧视非洲后裔妇女的《公约》的资料。
VI. Racial discrimination against children六. 对儿童的种族歧视
25. Recognizing the particular vulnerability of children of African descent, which may lead to the transmission of poverty from generation to generation, and the inequality affecting people of African descent, adopt special measures to ensure equality in the exercise of their rights, in particular corresponding to the areas that most affect the lives of children.25. 承认非洲后裔儿童特别易受损害而且这可能导致贫困的一代又一代延续,以及影响非洲人后裔的不平等情况,采取特别措施确保他们能平等行使权利,特别是在那些儿童生活最易受到影响的领域。
26. Undertake initiatives specifically aimed at protecting the special rights of the girl child and the rights of boys in vulnerable situations.26. 采取行动特别保护易受损害的女孩和男孩的权利。
VII. Protection against hate speech and racial violence七. 针对仇恨言论和种族暴力的保护行动
27. Take measures to prevent any dissemination of ideas of racial superiority and inferiority or ideas which attempt to justify violence, hatred or discrimination against people of African descent.27. 采取措施防止传播关于种族优劣的思想或关于力图说明对非洲人后裔的暴力、仇视或歧视有理的思想。
28. Also ensure the protection of the security and integrity of people of African descent without any discrimination by adopting measures for preventing racially motivated acts of violence against them; ensure prompt action by the police, prosecutors and the judiciary for investigating and punishing such acts; and ensure that perpetrators, be they public officials or other persons, do not enjoy impunity.28. 还要确保非洲人后裔在不受歧视情况下的人身安全和人格完整,采取措施防止针对他们的具有种族动机的暴力行为;确保警方、检察官和司法官员迅速采取行动对此种行为进行调查和惩处;并确保肇事者,不管是官员或其他人员,不能免于惩罚。
29. Take strict measures against any incitement to discrimination or violence against people of African descent including through the Internet and related facilities of similar nature.29. 采取严格措施,包括利用互联网和类似设施,反对煽动针对非洲人后裔的歧视和暴力。
30. Take measures to raise awareness among media professionals of the nature and incidence of discrimination against people of African descent, including the media’s responsibility not to perpetuate prejudices.30. 采取措施提高媒体专业人员对针对非洲人后裔的歧视的性质和发生情况的认识,包括媒体有责任不使偏见持续传播。
31. Take resolute action to counter any tendency to target, stigmatize, stereotype or profile people of African descent on the basis of race, by law enforcement officials, politicians and educators.31. 采取果断行动反对执法官员、政治家和教育家在种族基础上对非洲人后裔采取针对行动、丑化、持有陈旧定型观念或进行划线。
32. Develop educational and media campaigns to educate the public about people of African descent, their history and their culture, and the importance of building an inclusive society, while respecting the human rights and identity of all people of African descent.32. 开展教育宣传运动,教育广大公众理解非洲人后裔,他们的历史和文化,建立包容社会的重要性并尊重所有非洲人后裔的人权和身份。
33. Encourage the development and implementation of methods of self-monitoring by the media through codes of conduct for media organizations in order to eliminate the use of racially discriminatory or biased language.33. 鼓励媒体通过媒体行为守则制定和实施自我监测方法,以避免使用种族歧视或偏见性语言。
VIII. Administration of justice八. 司法
34. In assessing the impact of a country’s system of administration of justice, take into consideration its general recommendation No. 31 (2005) on the prevention of racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system, and pay particular attention to the measures below where they pertain to people of African descent.34. 在评估一个国家司法制度的影响时要考虑到委员会关于在刑事司法系统的司法和运作中预防歧视的第31号一般性建议(2005年),特别注意在有关非洲人后裔的方面采取的措施。
35. Take all the necessary steps to secure equal access to the justice system for all people of African descent including by providing legal aid, facilitating individual or group claims, and encouraging non-governmental organizations to defend their rights.35. 采取一切必要措施使所有非洲人后裔能够得到对司法系统的平等权利,包括提供法律援助、协助个人或群体申诉以及鼓励非政府组织捍卫其权利。
36. Introduce into criminal law the provision that committing an offence with racist motivation or aim constitutes an aggravating circumstance allowing for a more severe punishment.36. 在刑法中作出规定,使具有种族主义动机或目的的侵犯行为构成应受到更为严重惩罚的严重情况。
37. Ensure the prosecution of all persons who commit racially motivated crimes against people of African descent and guarantee the provision of adequate compensation for victims of such crimes.37. 确保对非洲人后裔犯下具有种族主义动机罪行的人受到起诉并保证此类罪行的受害者得到充分的补偿。
38. Also ensure that measures taken in the fight against crimes, including terrorism, do not discriminate in purpose or effect on the grounds of race and colour.38. 还要确保在为反对包括恐怖主义在内的罪行所采取的措施中,无论就目的或效果而论,都不要因种族或肤色进行歧视。
39. Take measures to prevent the use of illegal force, torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or discrimination by the police or other law enforcement agencies and officials against people of African descent, especially in connection with arrest and detention, and ensure that people of African descent are not victims of practices of racial or ethnic profiling.39. 采取措施防止警察或其他执法机构和官员在逮捕和拘留时针对非洲人后裔使用非法暴力、酷刑、不人道和有辱人格待遇或歧视,确保非洲人后裔不是种族和族裔划线做法的受害者。
40. Encourage the recruitment of people of African descent into the police and as other law enforcement officials.40. 鼓励招募非洲人后裔作为警察或其他执法官员。
41. Organize training programmes for public officials and law enforcement agencies with a view to preventing injustices based on prejudice against people of African descent.41. 对国家官员和执法机构组织培训方案,以防止基于对非洲人后裔偏见的不公平做法。
IX. Civil and political rights九. 公民和政治权利
42. Ensure that authorities at all levels in the State respect the right of members of communities of people of African descent to participate in decisions that affect them.42. 确保国家各级当局尊重非洲人后裔社区成员参加对其有影响的决定的权利。
43. Take special and concrete measures to guarantee people of African descent the right to participate in elections, to vote and stand for election on the basis of equal and universal suffrage and to have due representation in all branches of government.43. 采取特别和具体措施保证非洲人后裔在平等普选中有选举投票和被选举权并在政府所有部门中具有适当代表。
44. Promote awareness among members of the communities of people of African descent of the importance of their active participation in public and political life and eliminate obstacles to such participation.44. 提高非洲人后裔社区成员对参加公共和政治生活重要性的认识并消除参与的各种障碍。
45. Take all necessary steps, including special measures, to secure equal opportunities for participation of people of African descent in all central and local government bodies.45. 采取一切步骤,包括特别措施,使非洲人后裔有平等机会参加所有中央和地方政府机构。
46. Organize training programmes to improve the political policymaking and public administration skills of public officials and political representatives who belong to communities of people of African descent.46. 组织培训项目,提高属于非洲人后裔社区的国家官员和行政代表的决策和公共事务管理技巧。
X. Access to citizenship十. 获得公民权
47. Ensure that legislation regarding citizenship and naturalization does not discriminate against people of African descent and pay sufficient attention to possible barriers to naturalization that may exist for long-term or permanent residents of African descent.47. 确保有关公民权和归化的立法不对非洲人后裔歧视,并充分注意长期或永久居住的非洲人后裔在归化方面可能存在的障碍。
48. Recognize that deprivation of citizenship on the basis of race or descent is a breach of States parties’ obligation to ensure non-discriminatory enjoyment of the right to nationality.48. 承认根据种族或族裔剥夺公民权是对缔约国确保无歧视地享有国际权的义务的违反。
49. Take into consideration that, in some cases, denial of citizenship for long-term or permanent residents could result in the creation of disadvantage for the people affected in terms of access to employment and social benefits, in violation of the Convention’s anti-discrimination principles.49. 要考虑到在一些情况下剥夺长期或永久居民的公民权可能会使那些受到影响的人在获得就业和社会福利方面处于不利地位,从而违反了《公约》不歧视的原则。
XI. Economic, social and cultural rights十一. 经济、社会和文化权利
50. Take steps to remove all obstacles that prevent the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights by people of African descent especially in the areas of education, housing, employment and health.50. 采取措施消除非洲人后裔享受经济、社会和文化权利的一切障碍,特别是在教育、住房、就业和卫生领域。
51. Take measures to eradicate poverty among communities of people of African descent within particular States parties’ territories and combat the social exclusion or marginalization often experienced by people of African descent.51. 采取措施根除一些缔约国领土上非洲人后裔社区的贫困,反对非洲人后裔经历的社会排斥和边缘化。
52. Design, adopt and implement plans and programmes of economic and social development on an equal and non-discriminatory basis.52. 在平等和不歧视基础上制定、通过和执行经济和社会发展计划和方案。
53. Take measures to eliminate discrimination against people of African descent in relation to working conditions and work requirements including employment rules and practices that may have discriminatory purposes or effects.53. 采取措施消除与工作条件和工作要求有关的针对非洲人后裔的歧视,包括可能具有歧视性目的和效果的就业规则和惯例。
54. Work with intergovernmental organizations, including international financial institutions, to ensure that development or assistance projects which they support take into account the economic and social situation of people of African descent.54. 与包括国际金融机构在内的国际组织开展合作,确保它们支持的发展和援助项目考虑到非洲人后裔的经济和社会情况。
55. Ensure equal access to health care and social security services for people of African descent.55. 确保非洲人后裔平等享有保健和社会保障服务。
56. Involve people of African descent in designing and implementing health-based programmes and projects.56. 使非洲人后裔参加制定和执行卫生保健方案和项目。
57. Design and implement programmes aimed at creating opportunities for the general empowerment of people of African descent.57. 制定和执行方案,为全面提高非洲人后裔地位创造机会。
58. Adopt or make more effective legislation prohibiting discrimination in employment and all discriminatory practices in the labour market that affect people of African descent and protect them against all such practices.58. 制定或加强立法,禁止影响非洲人后裔的就业和劳动力市场所有歧视性做法,保护他们免受这些做法的伤害。
59. Take special measures to promote the employment of people of African descent in the public administration as well as in private companies.59. 采取特别措施促进非洲人后裔在国家管理和私营公司的就业状况。
60. Develop and implement policies and projects aimed at avoiding the segregation of people of African descent in housing, and involve communities of people of African descent as partners in housing project construction, rehabilitation and maintenance.60. 制定和执行政策,避免在房屋建筑方面将非洲人后裔隔离,促使非洲人后裔社区作为伙伴参与房屋项目的兴建、复原和维修。
XII. Measures in the field of education十二. 教育领域的措施
61. Review all the language in textbooks which conveys stereotyped or demeaning images, references, names or opinions concerning people of African descent and replace it with images, references, names and opinions which convey the message of the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings.61. 检查所有教科书的语言,审查涉及非洲人后裔的陈旧或污辱性形象、提法、名称或意见,并代之以新的形象、提法、名称和意见,表达全人类固有尊严和平等的信息。
62. Ensure that public and private education systems do not discriminate against or exclude children based on race or descent.62. 确保公立和私营教育体系不在种族或族裔基础上歧视或排斥儿童。
63. Take measures to reduce the school dropout rate for children of African descent.63. 采取措施降低非洲后裔儿童辍学率。
64. Consider adopting special measures aimed at promoting the education of all students of African descent, guarantee equitable access to higher education for people of African descent and facilitate professional educational careers.64. 考虑采取特别措施,促进所有非洲人后裔学生的教育,保证非洲人后裔平等得到高等教育的权利并促进职业教育事业。
65. Act with determination to eliminate any discrimination against students of African descent.65. 采取坚决行动消除对非洲后裔学生的任何歧视。
66. Include in textbooks, at all appropriate levels, chapters about the history and cultures of peoples of African descent and preserve this knowledge in museums and other forums for future generations, encourage and support the publication and distribution of books and other print materials, as well as the broadcasting of television and radio programmes about their history and cultures.66. 在所有适当阶段,在教科书中写入关于非洲人后裔历史和文化的章节,并在博物馆和其他论坛为后代保存此种知识,鼓励和支持关于其历史和文化的书籍和其他印刷材料的出版和散发,以及电视广播和无线电节目。