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CERD/GC/35 CERD_C_GC_35E.DOC (English)CERD/GC/35 CERD_C_GC_35C.DOC (Chinese)
General recommendation No. 35第35号一般性建议
Combating racist hate speech打击种族主义仇恨言论
Document CERD/C/GC/35Document CERD/C/GC/35
I. Introduction一. 导言
1. At its eightieth session, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (the Committee) decided to hold a thematic discussion on racist hate speech during its eighty-first session.1. 消除种族歧视委员会(下称委员会)第八十届会议,决定在其第81次会议上举行一次关于种族主义仇恨言论的专题讨论。
The discussion took place on 28 August 2012 and focused on understanding the causes and consequences of racist hate speech, and how the resources of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (the Convention) may be mobilized to combat it.讨论发生在2012年8月28日,侧重于了解种族主义仇恨言论的起因和后果,以及如何调动《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》(下称《公约》)的资源,来打击这种言论。
Participants in the discussion included, in addition to members of the Committee, representatives from permanent missions to the United Nations Office in Geneva, national human rights institutions, non-governmental organizations, academics and interested individuals.除委员会成员之外,参加讨论的有各国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表团、国家人权机构、非政府组织的代表、学术界人士和感兴趣的个人。
2. Following the discussion, the Committee expressed its intention to work on drafting a general recommendation to provide guidance on the requirements of the Convention in the area of racist hate speech in order to assist States parties in discharging their obligations, including reporting obligations.2. 经讨论后,委员会表示,它打算起草一项一般性建议,对《公约》在种族主义仇恨言论方面的要求提供指导,以协助各缔约国履行它们的义务,包括报告义务。
The present general recommendation is of relevance to all stakeholders in the fight against racial discrimination, and seeks to contribute to the promotion of understanding, lasting peace and security among communities, peoples and States.本一般性建议对所有利益攸关者反对种族歧视的斗争、力求有助于促进各社区、各国人民和各国之间的理解、持久和平与安全具有现实意义。
Approach adopted采用的方法
3. In drafting the recommendation, the Committee has taken account of its extensive practice in combating racist hate speech, concern about which has engaged the full span of procedures under the Convention.3. 在起草这项建议时,委员会已考虑到其在打击种族主义仇恨言论方面的广泛实践,这方面的关切已占用了《公约》下的所有程序。
The Committee has also underlined the role of racist hate speech in processes leading to mass violations of human rights and genocide, and in conflict situations.委员会还强调种族主义仇恨言论在导致大规模侵犯人权和种族灭绝罪的过程中和在冲突情况中的作用。
Key general recommendations of the Committee that address hate speech include general recommendations No. 7 (1985) relating to the implementation of article 4; No. 15 (1993) on article 4, which stressed the compatibility between article 4 and the right to freedom of expression; No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination; No. 27 (2000) on discrimination against Roma; No. 29 (2002) on descent; No. 30 (2004) on discrimination against non-citizens; No. 31 (2005) on the prevention of racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system; and No. 34 (2011) on racial discrimination against people of African descent.委员会针对仇恨言论的关键一般性建议包括:关于执行《公约》第四条的第7号(1985年) 一般性建议;关于执行《公约》第四条的第15号(1993年)一般性建议,其中强调第四条和言论自由之间的兼容性;关于与性别有关的种族歧视的第25号 (2000年)一般性建议;关于歧视罗姆人的第27号(2000年)一般性建议;关于世系问题的第29号(2002年)一般性建议;关于对非公民的歧视的 第30号(2004年)一般性建议;关于在刑事司法系统的执法和行使职能中防止种族歧视的第31(2005)号一般性建议和关于对非洲人后裔种族歧视问题 的第34号(2011年)一般性建议。
Many general recommendations adopted by the Committee relate directly or indirectly to hate speech issues, bearing in mind that effectively combating racist hate speech involves the mobilization of the full normative and procedural resources of the Convention.委员会通过的许多一般性建议直接或间接涉及仇恨言论问题,铭记有效地打击种族主义仇恨言论涉及全面调动《公约》的规范和程序方面的资源。
4. By virtue of its work in implementing the Convention as a living instrument, the Committee engages with the wider human rights environment, awareness of which suffuses the Convention.4. 由于其工作是将《公约》作为一个活生生的文书实施,委员会从事的人权环境更为广泛,这种意识弥漫于整个《公约》。
In gauging the scope of freedom of expression, it should be recalled that the right is integrated into the Convention and is not simply articulated outside it: the principles of the Convention contribute to a fuller understanding of the parameters of the right in contemporary international human rights law.在衡量言论自由的范围时,应该回顾权利已被纳入《公约》,而不是简单地在它之外阐明:《公约》的原则有助于更充分地了解这种权利在当代国际人权法中的限制因素。
The Committee has integrated this right to freedom of expression into its work on combating hate speech, commenting where appropriate on its lack of effective implementation and, where necessary, drawing upon its elaboration in sister human rights bodies.委员会已将这一言论自由的权利纳入其打击仇恨言论的工作,在适当情况下对其缺乏有效执行之处加以评论,并在必要时借鉴其姐妹人权机构的阐述。
II. Racist hate speech二. 种族主义仇恨言论
5. The drafters of the Convention were acutely aware of the contribution of speech to creating a climate of racial hatred and discrimination, and reflected at length on the dangers it posed.5. 《公约》的起草者敏锐地意识到言论在创造种族仇恨和歧视环境方面的助长作用,并用很长的篇幅反映其所构成的危险。
In the Convention, racism is referred to only in the context of “racist doctrines and practices” in the preamble, a phrase closely linked to the condemnation in article 4 of dissemination of ideas of racial superiority.《公约》仅在序言部分所述“种族主义学说和实践”中提到种族主义,与第4条中谴责传播种族优越论思想的短语密切相关。
While the term hate speech is not explicitly used in the Convention, this lack of explicit reference has not impeded the Committee from identifying and naming hate speech phenomena and exploring the relationship between speech practices and the standards of the Convention.虽然《公约》中没有明确使用“仇恨言论”一词,但并不妨碍委员会识别和确定仇恨言论的现象,探讨言论实践和《公约》的标准之间的关系。
The present recommendation focuses on the ensemble of Convention provisions that cumulatively enable the identification of expression that constitutes hate speech.本建议的重点放在《公约》各项规定整体上,其累计效果使识别构成仇恨言论的表达方式成为可能。
6. Racist hate speech addressed in Committee practice has included all the specific speech forms referred to in article 4 directed against groups recognized in article 1 of the Convention — which forbids discrimination on grounds of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin — such as indigenous peoples, descent-based groups, and immigrants or non-citizens, including migrant domestic workers, refugees and asylum seekers, as well as speech directed against women members of these and other vulnerable groups.6. 在委员会实践中解决的种族主义仇恨言论包括《公约》第四条提到的所有具体言论形式,而这些言论是针对第一条――其中禁止基于种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种 的歧视――所确认的群体,如土著人民、基于血统群体和移民或非公民,包括移徙家庭佣工、难民和寻求庇护者,以及针对这些和其他弱势群体妇女成员的言论。
In the light of the principle of intersectionality, and bearing in mind that “criticism of religious leaders or commentary on religious doctrine or tenets of faith” should not be prohibited or punished, the Committee’s attention has also been engaged by hate speech targeting persons belonging to certain ethnic groups who profess or practice a religion different from the majority, including expressions of Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and other similar manifestations of hatred against ethno-religious groups, as well as extreme manifestations of hatred such as incitement to genocide and to terrorism.根 据交叉性原则,并铭记着“批评宗教领袖或评论宗教教义和信仰原则的行为”不应禁止或惩罚的原则,委员会也一直在关注针对信奉或实行不同于大多数宗教的某些 族裔群体的仇恨言论,包括伊斯兰恐惧症和反犹太主义的表达及其他仇恨民族宗教群体的类似表现,以及煽动种族灭绝和恐怖主义等极端仇恨表现。
Stereotyping and stigmatization of members of protected groups has also been the subject of expressions of concern and recommendations adopted by the Committee.陈规定型观念和侮辱受保护群体成员也一直是委员会关注并通过建议的问题。
7. Racist hate speech can take many forms and is not confined to explicitly racial remarks.7. 种族主义仇恨言论可以采取多种形式,并不局限于明显的种族歧视言论。
As is the case with discrimination under article 1, speech attacking particular racial or ethnic groups may employ indirect language in order to disguise its targets and objectives.与第一条所列的歧视情况一样,言论攻击特定种族或族裔群体可以采用间接的语言,以掩饰其目标和目的。
In line with their obligations under the Convention, States parties should give due attention to all manifestations of racist hate speech and take effective measures to combat them.缔约国应根据《公约》规定的义务,适当注意所有形式的种族主义仇恨言论,采取有效措施予以打击。
The principles articulated in the present recommendation apply to racist hate speech, whether emanating from individuals or groups, in whatever forms it manifests itself, orally or in print, or disseminated through electronic media, including the Internet and social networking sites, as well as non-verbal forms of expression such as the display of racist symbols, images and behaviour at public gatherings, including sporting events.本建议中所阐述的原则适用于种族主义仇恨言论,无论来自个人或群体,无论以何种形式体现,即:口头或印刷品、或通过电子媒介,包括互联网和社交网站,以及在公众场合――包括体育赛事中――显示种族主义符号、图像和行为等非语言形式的表达方式。
III. Resources of the Convention三. 《公约》的资源
8. The identification and combating of hate speech practices is integral to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention — which is dedicated to the elimination of racial discrimination in all its forms.8. 识别和打击仇恨言论做法,是实现《公约》致力于消除一切形式种族歧视的目标所不可或缺的。
While article 4 of the Convention has functioned as the principal vehicle for combating hate speech, other articles in the Convention make distinctive contributions to fulfilling its objectives.虽然《公约》第四条一直充当打击仇恨言论的主要工具,《公约》的其他条款也为实现其目标作出独特的贡献。
The due regard clause in article 4 explicitly links that article with article 5, which guarantees the right to equality before the law, without racial discrimination in the enjoyment of rights, including the right to freedom of opinion and expression.第四条的“充分顾及”条款明确地将该条与第五条链接在一起,后者保证在法律面前人人平等的权利,保证没有种族歧视享有的权利,包括意见和言论自由的权利。
Article 7 highlights the role of “teaching, education, culture and information” in the promotion of interethnic understanding and tolerance.第七条突出了“教学、教育、文化和信息”在促进族裔间的理解和宽容中的作用。
Article 2 incorporates the undertaking by States parties to eliminate racial discrimination, obligations that receive their widest expression in article 2, paragraph 1 (d).第二条纳入了缔约各国消除种族歧视的承诺,这些义务在第二条第一款(卯)项得到最广泛的表达。
Article 6 focuses on securing effective protection and remedies for victims of racial discrimination and the right to seek “just and adequate reparation or satisfaction” for damage suffered.第六条重点放在确保向种族歧视受害者提供有效保护和补救,以及为遭受的损害寻求“公正和充分的赔偿或补偿”的权利。
The present recommendation focuses principally on articles 4, 5 and 7 of the Convention.本建议主要侧重于《公约》第四、第五和第七条。
9. As a minimum requirement, and without prejudice to further measures, comprehensive legislation against racial discrimination, including civil and administrative law as well as criminal law, is indispensable to combating racist hate speech effectively.9. 作为最低要求,并且不损害采取进一步的措施,全面立法――包括民法、行政法和刑法――禁止种族歧视,是有效打击种族主义仇恨言论不可缺少的。
Article 4第四条
10. The chapeau of article 4 incorporates the obligation to take “immediate and positive measures” to eradicate incitement and discrimination, a stipulation that complements and reinforces obligations under other articles of the Convention to dedicate the widest possible range of resources to the eradication of hate speech.10. 第四条的开头语纳入了“立即采取积极措施”根除煽动和歧视行为的义务,这项规定补充和加强了根据《公约》其他条款,把尽可能广泛的资源用于消除仇恨言论的义务。
In general recommendation No. 32 (2009) on the meaning and scope of special measures in the Convention, the Committee summarized “measures” as comprising “legislative, executive, administrative, budgetary and regulatory instruments…as well as plans, policies, programmes and…regimes”.委员会在关于《公约》特别措施的含义和范围的第32号(2009年)一般性建议中,将“措施”归纳为包括“立法、执法、行政、预算和监管的文书…以及计划、政策、方案和制度”。
The Committee recalls the mandatory nature of article 4, and observes that during the adoption of the Convention, it “was regarded as central to the struggle against racial discrimination”, an evaluation which has been maintained in Committee practice.委员会回顾第四条的强制性,并指出在《公约》通过时,它“被认为是反对种族歧视斗争的一项关键条文”,在委员会实践中一直保持这一评价。
Article 4 comprises elements relating to speech and the organizational context for the production of speech, serves the functions of prevention and deterrence, and provides for sanctions when deterrence fails.第四条包括与言论有关的因素以及制作言论的组织背景,提供预防和威慑功能,并在威慑失败时提供制裁。
The article also has an expressive function in underlining the international community’s abhorrence of racist hate speech, understood as a form of other-directed speech which rejects the core human rights principles of human dignity and equality and seeks to degrade the standing of individuals and groups in the estimation of society.这一条还有一个传达功能,即强调国际社会对种族主义仇恨言论深恶痛绝,将其理解为一种他人导向的言论,它否认人的尊严和平等的核心人权原则,力求降低社会对个人和团体的评价。
11. In the chapeau and subparagraph (a), regarding “ideas or theories of superiority” or “racial superiority or hatred” respectively, the term “based on” is employed to characterize speech impugned by the Convention.11. 在分别涉及“具有优越性的思想或理论”和“种族优越论或仇恨”的开头语和(子)项中,“以…为根据”一词是用以描述《公约》质疑的言论。
The term is understood by the Committee in the context of article 1 as equivalent to “on the grounds of” and in principle holds the same meaning for article 4.委员会在第一条中将这一词理解为等同“基于”,原则上对第四条具有相同的含义。
The provisions on dissemination of ideas of racial superiority are a forthright expression of the preventive function of the Convention and are an important complement to the provisions on incitement.关于传播种族优越论思想的各项规定是《公约》预防职能的直率表达,对煽动行为的各项规定则是重要的补充。
12. The Committee recommends that the criminalization of forms of racist expression should be reserved for serious cases, to be proven beyond reasonable doubt, while less serious cases should be addressed by means other than criminal law, taking into account, inter alia, the nature and extent of the impact on targeted persons and groups.12. 委员会建议,对各种形式的种族主义言论的定罪,应保留给证明确凿无疑的严重情况,不太严重的情况,应通过刑法以外的手段处理,除其他外,应考虑到对所针对的个人和群体的影响的性质和程度。
The application of criminal sanctions should be governed by principles of legality, proportionality and necessity.刑事制裁应在符合合法性、相称性和必要性的原则的情况下应用。
13. As article 4 is not self-executing, States parties are required by its terms to adopt legislation to combat racist hate speech that falls within its scope.13. 由于第四条不能自动执行,缔约国必须根据其条款,通过立法来打击属于其范围内的种族主义仇恨言论。
In the light of the provisions of the Convention and the elaboration of its principles in general recommendation No. 15 and the present recommendation, the Committee recommends that the States parties declare and effectively sanction as offences punishable by law:根据《公约》的规定和第15号一般性建议和本建议制定的原则,委员会建议缔约国宣布下述行为为可依法惩处的罪行,并有效予以制裁:
(a) All dissemination of ideas based on racial or ethnic superiority or hatred, by whatever means;所有不择手段传播基于种族或民族优越论或仇恨思想的行为;
(b) Incitement to hatred, contempt or discrimination against members of a group on grounds of their race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin;基于其种族、肤色、世系、或民族或族裔血统,煽动对一个群体的成员的仇恨、蔑视或歧视;
(c) Threats or incitement to violence against persons or groups on the grounds in (b) above;基于上文(b)项的理由,威胁或煽动暴力侵害个人或群体的行为;
(d) Expression of insults, ridicule or slander of persons or groups or justification of hatred, contempt or discrimination on the grounds in (b) above, when it clearly amounts to incitement to hatred or discrimination;侮辱、嘲笑或诽谤个人或群体,或将其作为基于上文(b)项的理由的仇恨、蔑视或歧视的行为,而这显然相当于煽动仇恨或歧视;
(e) Participation in organizations and activities which promote and incite racial discrimination.参与提倡和煽动种族歧视的组织和活动。
14. The Committee recommends that public denials or attempts to justify crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity, as defined by international law, should be declared as offences punishable by law, provided that they clearly constitute incitement to racial violence or hatred.14. 委员会建议,公开否认或企图证明国际法所定义的灭绝种族罪和危害人类罪有理,应宣布为可依法惩处的罪行,但它们必须显然构成煽动种族暴力或仇恨。
The Committee also underlines that “the expression of opinions about historical facts” should not be prohibited or punished.委员会还强调,“表达对历史事实的意见”不应禁止或惩罚。
15. While article 4 requires that certain forms of conduct be declared offences punishable by law, it does not supply detailed guidance for the qualification of forms of conduct as criminal offences.15. 虽然第四条要求宣布某些形式的行为为可依法惩处的罪行,但它未提供详细的指导意见说明可构成刑事罪行的行为形式。
On the qualification of dissemination and incitement as offences punishable by law, the Committee considers that the following contextual factors should be taken into account:关于传播和煽动构成可依法惩处的罪行,委员会认为应考虑下列情境因素:
The content and form of speech: whether the speech is provocative and direct, in what form it is constructed and disseminated, and the style in which it is delivered.言论的内容和形式:言论是否具挑衅性和直接、以何种形式构成和传播、以何种方式发表。
The economic, social and political climate prevalent at the time the speech was made and disseminated, including the existence of patterns of discrimination against ethnic and other groups, including indigenous peoples.在言论发表和传播时普遍存在的经济、社会和政治气候,包括存在的对少数民族和其他群体――包括土著居民――的歧视模式。
Discourses which in one context are innocuous or neutral may take on a dangerous significance in another: in its indicators on genocide the Committee emphasized the relevance of locality in appraising the meaning and potential effects of racist hate speech.在一种背景下是无害或中性的话语,可能在另一种背景下具有危险的意义:委员会在其关于种族灭绝的指标中强调现场对评价种族主义仇恨言论的含义和潜在影响的相关性。
The position or status of the speaker in society and the audience to which the speech is directed.发言者在社会的地位或身份以及讲话所针对的听众。
The Committee consistently draws attention to the role of politicians and other public opinion-formers in contributing to the creation of a negative climate towards groups protected by the Convention, and has encouraged such persons and bodies to adopt positive approaches directed to the promotion of intercultural understanding and harmony.委员会一贯提请注意政界人士和其他公共舆论界发挥了助长对《公约》所保护的群体形成消极气氛的作用,并鼓励这类人士和团体采取积极的方法,促进不同文化间的理解与和谐。
The Committee is aware of the special importance of freedom of speech in political matters and also that its exercise carries with it special duties and responsibilities.委员会意识到政治事项上言论自由的特别重要性,也意识到行使这种自由负有的特殊义务和责任。
The reach of the speech, including the nature of the audience and the means of transmission: whether the speech was disseminated through mainstream media or the Internet, and the frequency and extent of the communication, in particular when repetition suggests the existence of a deliberate strategy to engender hostility towards ethnic and racial groups.演讲的覆盖范围,包括听众的性质和传输手段:讲话是否通过主流媒体或互联网传播,沟通的频率和程度,特别是当重复表明存在一种蓄意的战略,以引起对少数民族和种族群体的敌视。
The objectives of the speech: speech protecting or defending the human rights of individuals and groups should not be subject to criminal or other sanctions.讲话的目标:保护或维护个人和团体人权的言论,不应受到刑事或其他制裁。
16. Incitement characteristically seeks to influence others to engage in certain forms of conduct, including the commission of crime, through advocacy or threats.16. 煽动典型地力图通过宣传或威胁,影响他人从事某种形式的行为,包括犯罪。
Incitement may be express or implied, through actions such as displays of racist symbols or distribution of materials as well as words.煽动可能是明示或暗示,通过诸如显示种族主义符号或分发材料以及语言等行动。
The notion of incitement as an inchoate crime does not require that the incitement has been acted upon, but in regulating the forms of incitement referred to in article 4, States parties should take into account, as important elements in the incitement offences, in addition to the considerations outlined in paragraph 15 above, the intention of the speaker, and the imminent risk or likelihood that the conduct desired or intended by the speaker will result from the speech in question, considerations which also apply to the other offences listed in paragraph 13.煽动行为作为一种初始罪的概念并没有要求,煽动从事的行为 已经付诸行动,但在规管第四条中提到的煽动形式方面,缔约国应考虑到,除了上文第15段所述的考虑,作为煽动罪的一个重要元素,就是发言者的意图,以及发 言者的有关言论将产生其所期望或意图的行为的迫切危险或可能性,这种考虑对第13段中所列的其他罪行也适用。
17. The Committee reiterates that it is not enough to declare the forms of conduct in article 4 as offences; the provisions of the article must also be effectively implemented.17. 委员会重申,声明第四条规定的行为形式为犯罪是不够的;该条的规定也必须得到有效的实施。
Effective implementation is characteristically achieved through investigations of offences set out in the Convention and, where appropriate, the prosecution of offenders.有效实施通常是通过调查《公约》所规定的罪行,并在必要时检控违例者。
The Committee recognizes the principle of expediency in the prosecution of alleged offenders, and observes that it must in each case be applied in the light of the guarantees laid down in the Convention and in other instruments of international law.委员会认识到起诉嫌疑犯的权宜原则,并注意到在每个案件中,这一原则必须根据《公约》和国际法的其他文书中规定的保障予以适用。
In this and other respects under the Convention, the Committee recalls that it is not its function to review the interpretation of facts and national law made by domestic authorities, unless the decisions are manifestly absurd or unreasonable.在这方面和《公约》所涉的其他方面,委员会指出,审查对事实和国内当局所制定的国家法律的解释,并不是它的工作,除非所作决定显然是荒谬或不合理。
18. Independent, impartial and informed judicial bodies are crucial to ensuring that the facts and legal qualifications of individual cases are assessed consistently with international standards of human rights.18. 独立、公正和知情的司法机构,对确保个别案件的事实和法律资格的评估与国际人权标准一致,至关重要。
Judicial infrastructures should be complemented in this respect by national human rights institutions in accordance with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (Paris Principles).在这方面,司法基础设施应按照与增进和保护人权的国家机构地位有关的原则(《巴黎原则》),由国家人权机构辅助。
19. Article 4 requires that measures to eliminate incitement and discrimination must be made with due regard to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the rights expressly set forth in article 5 of the Convention.19. 第四条要求,为消除煽动和歧视而采取的措施,必须适当考虑到《世界人权宣言》的原则和《公约》第五条中明确规定的权利。
The phrase due regard implies that, in the creation and application of offences, as well as fulfilling the other requirements of article 4, the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the rights in article 5 must be given appropriate weight in decision-making processes.“适当考虑到”这个短语意味着,在确立和适用罪行以及履行第四条的其他要求方面,《世界人权宣言》的原则和《公约》第五条中规定的权利,在决策过程中必须给予适当的重视。
The due regard clause has been interpreted by the Committee to apply to human rights and freedoms as a whole, and not simply to freedom of opinion and expression, which should however be borne in mind as the most pertinent reference principle when calibrating the legitimacy of speech restrictions.委员会将“适当考虑到”这个从句解释为适用于人权和自由整体,而不仅仅是见解和言论自由,然而应该铭记,这是测量言论限制合法性最为相关的参考原则。
20. The Committee observes with concern that broad or vague restrictions on freedom of speech have been used to the detriment of groups protected by the Convention.20. 委员会关切地注意到,对言论自由的泛泛或含糊不清的限制已被用来损害本公约所保护的群体。
States parties should formulate restrictions on speech with sufficient precision, according to the standards in the Convention as elaborated in the present recommendation.缔约国应按照本建议中所阐述的《公约》的标准,制定有足够精度的言论限制。
The Committee stresses that measures to monitor and combat racist speech should not be used as a pretext to curtail expressions of protest at injustice, social discontent or opposition.委员会强调,监测和打击种族主义言论的措施,不应该被用来作为借口,以遏制对不公正的抗议、社会不满情绪的表达或反对派的抗议。
21. The Committee underlines that article 4 (b) requires that racist organizations which promote and incite racial discrimination be declared illegal and prohibited.21. 委员会强调,第四条(丑)项要求宣布提倡和煽动种族歧视的种族主义组织为非法并应加以禁止。
The Committee understands that the reference to “organized…propaganda activities” implicates improvised forms of organization or networks, and that “all other propaganda activities” may be taken to refer to unorganized or spontaneous promotion and incitement of racial discrimination.委员会理解,“组织…宣传活动”的提法意指简易的组织或网络形式,而“所有其他宣传活动”则可视为是指无组织或自发的提倡和煽动种族歧视行为。
22. Under the terms of article 4 (c) regarding public authorities or public institutions, racist expressions emanating from such authorities or institutions are regarded by the Committee as of particular concern, especially statements attributed to high-ranking officials.22. 根据关于公共当局或公共机构的第四条(寅)项的规定,委员会特别关注这种有关当局或机构发表的种族主义言论,尤其是高级官员的发言。
Without prejudice to the application of the offences in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of article 4, which apply to public officials as well as to all others, the “immediate and positive measures” referred to in the chapeau may additionally include measures of a disciplinary nature, such as removal from office, where appropriate, as well as effective remedies for victims.在不妨碍适用第四条(子)和(丑)项――对公职人员以及所有其他人适用――的罪行的情况下,开头语所指“立即采取…的积极措施”可能另外包括在适当情况下免职一类的纪律性措施,以及为受害人提供有效补救措施。
23. As part of its standard practice, the Committee recommends that States parties which have made reservations to the Convention withdraw them.23. 作为其标准做法的一部分,委员会建议对《公约》提出保留的缔约国撤回其保留。
In cases where a reservation affecting Convention provisions on racist speech is maintained, States parties are invited to provide information as to why such a reservation is considered necessary, the nature and scope of the reservation, its precise effects in terms of national law and policy, and any plans to limit or withdraw the reservation within a specified time frame.在对《公约》有关种族主义言论的规定继续作保留的情况下,请缔约国提供资料,说明为什么这种保留被认为有必要,保留的性质和范围,其对国家法律和政策的确切影响,以及任何在具体时限内限制或撤销保留的计划。
Article 5第五条
24. Article 5 of the Convention enshrines the obligation of States parties to prohibit and eliminate racial discrimination and to guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction as to race, colour, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the rights to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of opinion and expression, and freedom of peaceful assembly and association.24. 《公约》第五条规定缔约国有义务禁止和消除种族歧视,保证人人有不分种族、肤色、或民族或族裔血统在法律面前一律平等的权利,尤其是享受公民、政治、经济、社会和文化的权利,包括思想、良心和宗教自由、见解和言论自由、和平集会和结社自由的权利。
25. The Committee considers that the expression of ideas and opinions made in the context of academic debates, political engagement or similar activity, and without incitement to hatred, contempt, violence or discrimination, should be regarded as legitimate exercises of the right to freedom of expression, even when such ideas are controversial.25. 委员会认为,表达思想和意见的学术辩论,政治参与或类似的活动,只要没有煽动仇恨、蔑视、暴力或歧视,应视为合法行使言论自由的权利,即使这种想法是有争议的。
26. In addition to its inclusion in article 5, freedom of opinion and expression is recognized as a fundamental right in a broad range of international instruments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which affirm that everyone has the right to hold opinions and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds through any media and regardless of frontiers.26. 除第五条中将其列入,见解和言论自由在许多国际文书中被公认为一项基本权利。 《世界人权宣言》便是一例,其中申明人人有权持有主张和通过任何媒介和不论国界寻求、接受和传递各种消息和思想的自由。
The right to freedom of expression is not unlimited but carries with it special duties and responsibilities.言论自由的权利不是无限的,它负有特殊的义务和责任。
It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but only if they are provided by law and are necessary for protection of the rights or reputations of others and for the protection of national security or of public order, or of public health or morals.因此,可能需要受到一定的限制,但这些限制只应由法律规定,并为保护他人的权利或名誉和为保障国家安全或公共秩序,或公共卫生或道德所必需。
Freedom of expression should not aim at the destruction of the rights and freedoms of others, including the right to equality and non-discrimination.言论自由不应旨在破坏他人的权利和自由,包括平等和不受歧视的权利。
27. The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and the outcome document of the Durban Review Conference affirm the positive role of the right to freedom of opinion and expression in combating racial hatred.27. 《德班宣言和行动纲领》和德班审查会议结果文件确认见解和言论自由权利在打击种族仇恨方面的积极作用。
28. In addition to underpinning and safeguarding the exercise of other rights and freedoms, freedom of opinion and expression has particular salience in the context of the Convention.28. 除了支撑和保障其他权利和自由的行使,见解和言论自由在《公约》中具有特别显著之处。
The protection of persons from racist hate speech is not simply one of opposition between the right to freedom of expression and its restriction for the benefit of protected groups; the persons and groups entitled to the protection of the Convention also enjoy the right to freedom of expression and freedom from racial discrimination in the exercise of that right.保护人们不受种族主义仇恨言论侵害,不是简单的一个言论自由权利相对于为受保护群体的利益予以限制的问题;有权得到《公约》保护的个人和群体也享有见解和言论自由权利,以及在行使这种权利时免受种族歧视的自由权利。
Racist hate speech potentially silences the free speech of its victims.种族主义仇恨言论可能让它的受害者无法行使其言论自由权利。
29. Freedom of expression, indispensable for the articulation of human rights and the dissemination of knowledge regarding the state of enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, assists vulnerable groups in redressing the balance of power among the components of society, promotes intercultural understanding and tolerance, assists in the deconstruction of racial stereotypes, facilitates the free exchange of ideas, and offers alternative views and counterpoints.29. 言论自由,是人权衔接有关公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利享受情况方面的知识传播所不可或缺,它帮助弱势群体纠正社会组成部分之间的权力平衡、促进不同文化间的理解和宽容、协助解构种族成见、促进自由交流思想,并提供另类看法和对位法。
States parties should adopt policies empowering all groups within the purview of the Convention to exercise their right to freedom of expression.缔约国应采取政策,赋予《公约》管辖范围内的所有群体行使其言论自由权的权力。
Article 7第七条
30. Whereas the provisions of article 4 on dissemination of ideas attempt to discourage the flow of racist ideas upstream, and the provisions on incitement address their downstream effects, article 7 addresses the root causes of hate speech, and represents a further illustration of the “appropriate means” to eliminate racial discrimination envisaged in article 2, paragraph 1 (d).30. 第四条关于传播思想的规定试图抑制种族主义思想的上游流动,而关于煽动的规定则要解决其下游影响,第七条解决仇恨言论的根本原因,是按照第二条第一款(卯)项所设想以“适当方法”消除种族歧视的进一步说明。
The importance of article 7 has not diminished over time: its broadly educational approach to eliminating racial discrimination is an indispensable complement to other approaches to combating racial discrimination.第七条的重要性没有随着时间的推移而减弱:对消除种族歧视采取广泛的教育方法是打击种族歧视的其他方法不可或缺的补充。
Because racism can be the product of, inter alia, indoctrination or inadequate education, especially effective antidotes to racist hate speech include education for tolerance, and counter-speech.因为除其他外,种族主义可以是灌输式教育或教育不足的产品,包括宽容的教育和反言论,是对抗种族主义仇恨言论尤其有效的手段。
31. Under article 7, States parties undertake to adopt immediate and effective measures, particularly in the fields of teaching, education, culture and information, with a view to combating prejudices which lead to racial discrimination and to promoting understanding, tolerance and friendship among nations and racial or ethnic groups, as well as to propagating universal human rights principles, including those of the Convention.31. 根据第七条,缔约国承诺立即采取有效措施,特别是在教学、教育、文化和信息等领域,以打击导致种族歧视的偏见,增进民族和种族或族裔群体之间的理解、容忍和友谊,并宣扬普遍人权原则,包括本《公约》的人权原则。
Article 7 is phrased in the same mandatory language as other articles in the Convention, and the fields of activity — “teaching, education, culture and information” — are not expressed as exhaustive of the undertakings required.第七条与《公约》的其他条款用相同的强制性语言措辞,所列活动领域――“教学、教育、文化和信息”――未以所需承诺详尽无遗的方式表示。
32. The school systems in States parties represent an important focus for the dissemination of human rights information and perspectives.32. 缔约国的学校系统是传播人权信息和观点的一个重要焦点。
School curricula, textbooks and teaching materials should be informed by and address human rights themes and seek to promote mutual respect and tolerance among nations and racial and ethnic groups.学校课程、教科书和教学材料应了解和讨论人权主题,并寻求增进民族和种族和族裔群体之间的相互尊重和容忍。
33. Appropriate educational strategies in line with the requirements of article 7 include intercultural education, including intercultural bilingual education, based on equality of respect and esteem and genuine mutuality, supported by adequate human and financial resources.33. 符合第七条的要求的适当教育策略包括跨文化的教育,其中包括跨文化双语教育,这种教育以尊重和自尊及真正的相互平等为基础,有充足的人力和财力资源支持。
Programmes of intercultural education should represent a genuine balance of interests and should not function in intention or effect as vehicles of cultural assimilation.跨文化的教育计划应该代表真正的利益平衡,不应该在意图上或效果上成为文化同化的手段。
34. Measures should be adopted in the field of education aimed at encouraging knowledge of the history, culture and traditions of “racial or ethnical” groups present in the State party, including indigenous peoples and persons of African descent.34. 在教育领域应采取措施,鼓励缔约国境内的“种族或族裔”群体,包括土著人民和非洲裔人士了解其历史、文化和传统。
Educational materials should, in the interests of promoting mutual respect and understanding, endeavour to highlight the contribution of all groups to the social, economic and cultural enrichment of the national identity and to national, economic and social progress.为促进相互尊重和理解,教育材料应努力突出显示所有群体对社会、经济和文化丰富的民族身份和对国家、经济和社会进步的贡献。
35. In order to promote inter-ethnic understanding, balanced and objective representations of history are essential, and, where atrocities have been committed against groups of the population, days of remembrance and other public events should be held, where appropriate in context, to recall such human tragedies, as well as celebrations of successful resolution of conflicts.35. 为了促进民族间的理解,平衡和客观地陈述历史是必不可少的,而且,在对人口群体犯下暴行的情况下,应指定纪念日并举办其他公共活动,在适当情况下,要回顾这种人类悲剧,并为成功地解决冲突举办庆祝活动。
Truth and reconciliation commissions can also play a vital role in countering the persistence of racial hatred and facilitating the development of a climate of inter-ethnic tolerance.真相与和解委员会也可以起到至关重要的作用,打击持续存在的种族仇恨和促进发展族裔间宽容的气氛。
36. Information campaigns and educational policies calling attention to the harms produced by racist hate speech should engage the general public; civil society, including religious and community associations; parliamentarians and other politicians; educational professionals; public administration personnel; police and other bodies dealing with public order; and legal personnel, including the judiciary.36. 呼吁关注种族仇恨言论所产生的危害的信息宣传和教育政策,应该动员以下各界人员参与:广大公众;民间社会,包括宗教和社区团体;议员和其他政治人物;教育专业人员;公共行政人员;警察和其他处理公共秩序的机构;以及法律人员,包括司法机构。
The Committee draws the attention of States parties to general recommendation No. 13 (1993) on the training of law enforcement officials in the protection of human rights and to general recommendation No. 31 (2005) on the prevention of racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system.委员会提请缔约国注意关于培训执法人员保护人权的第13号(1993年)一般性建议,和关于在刑事司法系统的司法和运作中预防种族歧视的第31号(2005年)一般性建议。
In these and other cases, familiarization with international norms protecting freedom of opinion and expression and norms protecting against racist hate speech is essential.在这些以及其他情况下,熟悉保护见解和言论自由的国际规范以及防止种族主义仇恨言论的规范是必不可少的。
37. Formal rejection of hate speech by high-level public officials and condemnation of the hateful ideas expressed play an important role in promoting a culture of tolerance and respect.37. 高层次的政府官员正式驳斥仇恨言论和谴责表达的仇恨思想,对促进宽容和尊重的文化发挥了重要作用。
The promotion of intercultural dialogue through a culture of public discourse and institutional instruments of dialogue, and the promotion of equal opportunities in all aspects of society are of equal value to educational methodologies and should be encouraged in a vigorous manner.通过公共话语和对话体制工具的文化促进不同文化间的对话,以及促进社会各方面的平等机会,是具有同等价值的教育方法,应大力鼓励。
38. The Committee recommends that educational, cultural and informational strategies to combat racist hate speech should be underpinned by systematic data collection and analysis in order to assess the circumstances under which hate speech emerges, the audiences reached or targeted, the means by which they are reached, and media responses to hate messages.38. 委员会建议,用以打击种族主义仇恨言论的教育、文化和信息战略,应立足于系统的数据收集和分析,以评估仇恨言论涌现的场合,接触到或作为目标的听众,他们是通过何种渠道接触到的,以及媒体对仇恨信息的反应。
International cooperation in this area helps to increase not only the possibilities of comparability of data but also knowledge of and the means to combat hate speech that transcends national boundaries.在这一领域的国际合作不仅有助于提高数据的可比性,而且可增加打击超越国界的仇恨言论的知识和手段。
39. Informed, ethical and objective media, including social media and the Internet, have an essential role in promoting responsibility in the dissemination of ideas and opinions.39. 知情的、道德的和客观的媒体,包括社交媒体和互联网,在促进传播思想和意见的责任方面可发挥重要作用。
In addition to putting in place appropriate legislation for the media in line with international standards, States parties should encourage the public and private media to adopt codes of professional ethics and press codes that incorporate respect for the principles of the Convention and other fundamental human rights standards.除了为媒体制订符合国际标准的适当立法,缔约国应鼓励公共和私营媒体采用已纳入尊重《公约》原则和其他基本人权标准的职业道德和新闻守则。
40. Media representations of ethnic, indigenous and other groups within the purview of article 1 of the Convention should be based on principles of respect, fairness and the avoidance of stereotyping.40. 媒体在《公约》第一条范围内对族裔、土著人民和其他群体的描述应基于尊重、公平和避免定型观念的原则。
Media should avoid referring unnecessarily to race, ethnicity, religion and other group characteristics in a manner that may promote intolerance.媒体应避免不必要地以可助长不容忍行为的方式提到种族、族裔、宗教和其他群体的特征。
41. The principles of the Convention are served by encouraging media pluralism, including facilitation of access to and ownership of media by minority, indigenous and other groups in the purview of the Convention, including media in their own languages.41. 鼓励媒体多元化,包括促进少数民族、土著和其他群体在《公约》的范围内利用和拥有媒体,包括他们自己语言的媒体,有利于《公约》原则的实施。
Local empowerment through media pluralism facilitates the emergence of speech capable of countering racist hate speech.通过媒体多元化赋予地方权力,有利于涌现能够打击种族主义仇恨言论的言论。
42. The Committee encourages self-regulation and compliance with codes of ethics by Internet service providers, as underlined in the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.42. 正如《德班宣言和行动纲领》所强调,委员会鼓励互联网服务提供商实行自律和遵守道德准则。
43. The Committee encourages States parties to work with sports associations to eradicate racism in all sporting disciplines.43. 委员会鼓励缔约国在与有关体育协会合作,根除所有体育活动中的种族主义。
44. With particular reference to the Convention, States parties should disseminate knowledge of its standards and procedures, and provide associated training, particularly for those concerned with its implementation, including civil servants, the judiciary and law enforcement officials.44. 关于本《公约》,缔约国应传播知识及其标准和程序,并提供相关的培训,特别是对那些与其实施有关的人员,包括公务员、司法和执法人员。
The concluding observations of the Committee should be made widely available in the official and other commonly used languages at the conclusion of the examination of the report of the State party; opinions of the Committee under the article 14 communications procedure should similarly be made available.在缔约国的报告审查结束后,委员会的结论性意见应以官方和其他常用的语言广泛提供;委员会根据第十四条中来文程序提出的意见,同样应广泛提供。
IV. General四. 结论
45. The relationship between proscription of racist hate speech and the flourishing of freedom of expression should be seen as complementary and not the expression of a zero sum game where the priority given to one necessitates the diminution of the other.45. 取缔种族主义仇恨言论和言论自由蓬勃发展之间的关系,应视为是相辅相成,而不是一个厚此薄彼的零和游戏。
The rights to equality and freedom from discrimination, and the right to freedom of expression, should be fully reflected in law, policy and practice as mutually supportive human rights.平等和免受歧视的权利以及言论自由的权利,应该作为相辅相成的人权充分体现在法律、政策和实践中。
46. The prevalence of racist hate speech in all regions of the world continues to represent a significant contemporary challenge for human rights.46. 在世界所有地区普遍出现的种族主义仇恨言论依然是当代人权面临的重大挑战。
The faithful implementation of the Convention as a whole, integrated into wider global efforts to counter hate speech phenomena, represents the best hope of translating the vision of a society free from intolerance and hatred into a living reality and promoting a culture of respect for universal human rights.忠实地将《公约》作为一个整体执行,融入更广泛的全球努力打击仇恨言论的现象,是将一个没有不容忍和仇恨的社会远景变成活生生的现实和促进普遍人权尊重的文化,最有希望的一个方法。
47. The Committee regards the adoption by States parties of targets and monitoring procedures to support laws and policies combating racist hate speech to be of the utmost importance.47. 委员会认为,缔约国制定目标和监控程序,以支持打击种族主义仇恨言论的法律和政策,是极为重要的。
States parties are urged to include measures against racist hate speech in national plans of action against racism, integration strategies and national human rights plans and programmes.委员会敦促缔约国将反对种族主义仇恨言论的措施,纳入国家反对种族主义行动计划、一体化战略和国家人权计划和方案。
Adopted by the Committee at its eighty-third session (12–30 August 2013).委员会第八十三届会议(2013年8月12日至30日)通过。
Official Records of the General Assembly, Fortieth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/40/18), chap. VII, sect. B.《大会正式记录,第四十届会议,补编第18号》(A/40/18),第七章,B节。
Ibid., Forty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/48/18), chap. VIII, sect. B, para. 4.同上,《第四十八届会议,补编第18号》(A/48/18),第八章,B节,第4段。
Ibid., Fifty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/55/18), annex V, sect. A.同上,《第五十五届会议,补编第18号》(A/55/18),附件五,A节。
Ibid., annex V, sect. C.同上,附件五,C节。
Ibid., Fifty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/57/18), chap. XI, sect. F.同上,《第五十七届会议,补编第18号》(A/57/18),第十一章,F节。
Ibid., Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/59/18), chap. VIII.同上,《第五十九届会议,补编第18号》(A/59/18),第八章。
Ibid., Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/60/18), chap. IX.同上,《第六十届会议,补编第18号》(A/60/18),第九章。
Ibid., Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/66/18), annex IX.同上,《第六十六届会议,补编第18号》(A/66/18),第九章。
Notably Human Rights Committee general comment No. 34 (2011) on freedoms of opinion and expression (Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 40, vol. I (A/66/40 (Vol. I)), annex V).值得注意的是人权事务委员会关于见解自由和言论自由的第34号(2011年)一般性意见(《大会正式记录,第六十六届会议,补编第40号,第一卷》(A/66/40(Vol. I)),附件五)。
Ibid., para. 48.同上,第48段。
Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/64/18), annex VIII, para. 13.《大会正式记录,第六十四届会议,补编第18号》(A/64/18),附件八,第13段。
General recommendation No. 15, para. 1.第15号一般性建议,第1段。
The latter phrase is employed in the seventh preambular paragraph of the Convention.后一短语在《公约》序言部分第七段采用。
See also paragraph 1 of general recommendation No. 14 (1993) on article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention (Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/48/18), chap. VIII, sect. B).另见关于《公约》第一条第一款的第14号(1993年)一般性建议第1段。 (《大会正式记录,第四十八届会议,补编第18号》(A/48/18),第八章,B节)。
Human Rights Committee general comment No. 34, paras. 22- 25; 33-35.人权事务委员会第34号一般性意见,第22至25、第33至35段。
Ibid., para. 49.同上,第49段。
Decision on follow-up to the declaration on the prevention of genocide: indicators of patterns of systematic and massive racial discrimination, Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixtieth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/60/18), chap. II, para. 20.对预防种族灭绝罪行宣言采取后续行动的决定:系统和大规模种族歧视现象的迹象指标。 《大会正式记录,第六十届会议,补编第18号》(A/60/18) ,第二章,第20段。
Adapted from the Rabat Plan of Action on the prohibition of advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, para. 22.摘自关于禁止构成煽动歧视、敌意或暴力的鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨言论的《拉巴特行动计划》,第22段。
Human Rights Committee general comment No. 34, para. 35; Rabat Plan of Action, para. 22.人权事务委员会第34号一般性意见,第35段;《拉巴特行动计划》,第22段。
General recommendation No. 31, para. 5 (j).第31号一般性建议,第5(j)段。
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, communication No. 30/2003, The Jewish community of Oslo et al. v Norway, opinion adopted on 15 August 2005, para. 10.5.消除种族歧视委员会第30/2003号来文,奥斯陆等犹太社区诉挪威,2005年8月15日通过的意见,第10.5段。
Adapted from the Committee’s general recommendation No. 32, para. 38.摘自委员会第32号一般性建议,第38段。
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, art. 19.《世界人权宣言》,第十九条。
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, art. 19, para. 3.《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,第十九条,第3款。
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, art. 30.《世界人权宣言》,第三十条。
Durban Declaration, para. 90; outcome document of the Durban Review Conference (A/CONF.211/8), paras. 54 and 58.《德班宣言》,第90段;德班审查会议结果文件(A/CONF.211/8),第54和58段。
Adapted from the Rabat Plan of Action, para. 25.摘自《拉巴特行动计划》,第25段。
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, art. 7.《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》,第七条。
Adapted from the Rabat Plan of Action, para. 27.摘自《拉巴特行动计划》,第27段。
Official Records of the General Assembly, Forty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/48/18), chap. VIII, sect. B.《大会正式记录,第四十八届会议,补编第18号》(A/48/18),第八章,B节。
Durban Programme of Action, para. 147.《德班行动纲领》,第147段。