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General recommendation III concerning reporting by States parties第三号一般性建议:缔约国的报告
Sixth session (1972)第六届会议(1972年)
The Committee has considered some reports from States parties containing information about measures taken to implement resolutions of United Nations organs concerning relations with the racist regimes in southern Africa.委员会审议了一些缔约国的报告,其中载有关于它们在执行联合国机关有关与南部非洲种族主义政权之间关系的决议而采取的措施方面的资料。
The Committee notes that, in the tenth paragraph of the preamble to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, States parties have “resolved”, inter alia, “to build an international community free from all forms of racial segregation and racial discrimination”.委员会注意到在《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》序言部分第十段中,缔约国已“决心”――除其他事项外――“建立毫无任何形式的种族隔离和种族歧视的国际社会”。
It notes also that, in article 3 of the Convention, “States parties particularly condemn racial segregation and apartheid”.委员会同时也注意到,《公约》第三条中写明“缔约国特别谴责种族分隔及种族隔离”。
Furthermore, the Committee notes that, in resolution 2784 (XXVI), section III, the General Assembly, immediately after taking note with appreciation of the Committee’s second annual report and endorsing certain opinions and recommendations, submitted by it, proceeded to call upon “all the trading partners of South Africa to abstain from any action that constitutes an encouragement to the continued violation of the principles and objectives of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination by South Africa and the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia”.此外,委员会还注意到第2784(XXVI)号决议第三节中,大会在赞赏地注意到委员 会第二次年度报告并表示赞同委员会所提出的一些意见和建议之后,即请“南非的所有贸易伙伴避免任何足以鼓励南非及南罗得西亚非法政权继续违反《消除一切形 式种族歧视国际公约》原则和目标的行动。
The Committee expresses the view that measures adopted on the national level to give effect to the provisions of the Convention are interrelated with measures taken on the international level to encourage respect everywhere for the principles of the Convention.” 委员会认为,为使《公约》规定生效而采取的国家措施和为促进各地尊重《公约》原则而采取的国际措施是互相关连的。
The Committee welcomes the inclusion in the reports submitted under article 9, paragraph 1, of the Convention, by any State party which chooses to do so, of information regarding the status of its diplomatic, economic and other relations with the racist regimes in southern Africa.委员会欢迎任何有意愿的缔约国在按照《公约》第九条第一款提交报告时,加列它们和南部非洲种族主义政权在外交、经济和其他方面关系状况的资料。
Contained in document A/87/18.载于A/87/18号文件。