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General recommendation VI concerning overdue reports第六号一般性建议:逾期报告
Twenty-fifth session (1982)第二十五届会议(1982年)
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,消除种族歧视委员会,
Recognizing the fact that an impressive number of States has ratified, or acceded to, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,认识到已有大批国家批准或加入《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》,
Bearing in mind, however, that ratification alone does not enable the control system set up by the Convention to function effectively,但深知仅仅批准《公约》不能使《公约》所制订的监督制度有效地发挥作用,
Recalling that article 9 of the Convention obliges States parties to submit initial and periodic reports on the measures that give effect to the provisions of the Convention,回顾《公约》第九条规定缔约国有义务就实施《公约》各项规定所采取的措施提交初次报告和定期报告,
Stating that at present no less than 89 reports are overdue from 62 States, that 42 of those reports are overdue from 15 States, each with two or more outstanding reports, and that four initial reports which were due between 1973 and 1978 have not been received,指出目前至少有62个国家的89份报告过期未交,其中42份过期未交的报告属于15个国家,每个国家平均欠2份或2份以上,而且有4份应于1973年至1978年提交的初次报告尚未收到,
Noting with regret that neither reminders sent through the Secretary-General to States parties nor the inclusion of the relevant information in the annual reports to the General Assembly has had the desired effect, in all cases,遗憾地注意到,无论通过秘书长向各缔约国发出催复通知,或在对大会的年度报告中列出有关资料,从来都未能收到预期的效果,
Invites the General Assembly:请大会:
(a) To take note of the situation;注意这一情况;
(b) To use its authority in order to ensure that the Committee could more effectively fulfil its obligations under the Convention.运用其权力以确保委员会能更有效地履行《公约》所规定的义务。
Contained in document A/37/18.载于A/37/18号文件。