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CERD/GC/7 CERD_GR_7E.docx (English)CERD/GC/7 CERD_GR_7C.docx (Chinese)
General recommendation VII relating to the implementation第七号一般性建议:执行《公约》第四条
of article 4 Thirty-second session (1985)第三十二届会议(1985年)
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,消除种族歧视委员会,
Having considered periodic reports of States parties for a period of 16 years, and in over 100 cases sixth, seventh and eighth periodic reports of States parties,审议了16年期间内各缔约国的定期报告,以及各缔约国的第六、七和八次定期报告中100多个案件,
Recalling and reaffirming its general recommendation I of 24 February 1972 and its decision 3 (VII) of 4 May 1973,回顾并重申其1972年2月24日第一号一般性建议和1973年5月4日第3(VII)号决定,
Noting with satisfaction that in a number of reports States parties have provided information on specific cases dealing with the implementation of article 4 of the Convention with regard to acts of racial discrimination,满意地注意到缔约国在若干报告中提供了有关执行《公约》第四条采取对付种族歧视行为的具体案件的资料,
Noting, however, that in a number of States parties the necessary legislation to implement article 4 of the Convention has not been enacted, and that many States parties have not yet fulfilled all the requirements of article 4 (a) and (b) of the Convention,但是注意到有些缔约国尚未制定有关执行《公约》第四条的必要法规,以及许多缔约国尚未履行《公约》第四条(子)项和(丑)项的一切规定,
Further recalling that, in accordance with the first paragraph of article 4, States parties “undertake to adopt immediate and positive measures designed to eradicate all incitement to, or acts of, such discrimination”, with due regard to the principles embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the rights expressly set forth in article 5 of the Convention,进一步回顾按照第四条起首段的规定,缔约国“承诺立即采取旨在根除对此种歧视的一切煽动或歧视行为的积极措施”,充分顾及《世界人权宣言》所载原则及本《公约》第五条明文规定的权利,
Bearing in mind the preventive aspects of article 4 to deter racism and racial discrimination as well as activities aimed at their promotion or incitement,考虑到第四条对阻止种族主义和种族歧视及进行旨在提倡或煽动歧视的活动具有的防范性质,
1. Recommends that those States parties whose legislation does not satisfy the provisions of article 4 (a) and (b) of the Convention take the necessary steps with a view to satisfying the mandatory requirements of that article;1. 建议缔约国法律未符合《公约》第四条(子)项和(丑)项规定的国家采取必要步骤,以满足该条的强制性要求;
2. Requests that those States parties which have not yet done so inform the Committee more fully in their periodic reports of the manner and extent to which the provisions of article 4 (a) and (b) are effectively implemented and quote the relevant parts of the texts in their reports;2. 请尚未这样做的缔约国在其定期报告内就有效执行第四条(子)项和(丑)项规定的方式及程度向委员会作出更充分的报导,并引述其报告案文中的有关部分;
3. Further requests those States parties which have not yet done so to endeavour to provide in their periodic reports more information concerning decisions taken by the competent national tribunals and other State institutions regarding acts of racial discrimination and in particular those offences dealt with in article 4 (a) and (b).3. 又请尚未这样做的缔约国努力在其定期报告内提供有关各主管国家法院和其他国家机构就种族歧视行为,特别是关于第四条(子)项和(丑)项的犯罪行为所作决定的更多资料。
Contained in document A/40/18.载于A/40/18号文件。