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CESCR/GC/10 CESCR_GC_10E.doc (English)CESCR/GC/10 CESCR_GC_10C.doc (Chinese)
General comment No. 10:第10号一般性意见:
The role of national human rights institutions in the protection of economic, social and cultural rights国家人权机构在保护经济、社会和文化权利方面的作用
Nineteenth session (1998){§*}第十九届会议(1998年) {§*}
1. Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Covenant obligates each State party "to take steps … with a view to achieving progressively the full realization of the [Covenant] rights … by all appropriate means".1. 《公约》第二条第一款要求各缔约国“采取步骤…以便用一切适当方法…逐渐达到[公约]权利的充分实现”。
The Committee notes that one such means, through which important steps can be taken, is the work of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights.委员会认为,可以借以采取重要步骤的这样一种手段是促进和保护人权的国家机构的工作。
In recent years there has been a proliferation of these institutions and the trend has been strongly encouraged by the General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights.近年来,这些机构急剧增加,并往往得到大会和人权委员会的强有力的鼓励。
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has established a major programme to assist and encourage States in relation to national institutions.联合国人权事务高级专员办事处设立了一个重要方案来协助和鼓励各国展开国家机构方面的工作。
2. These institutions range from national human rights commissions through Ombudsman offices, public interest or other human rights "advocates", to "defensores del pueblo".2. 这些机构形式各异,包括国家人权委员会、申诉调查官办事处、公共利益或其他人权“倡导者”和人民保护人。
In many cases, the institution has been established by the Government, enjoys an important degree of autonomy from the executive and the legislature, takes full account of international human rights standards which are applicable to the country concerned, and is mandated to perform various activities designed to promote and protect human rights.在许多情况下,这种机构是由政府设立的,但是有高度的独立于行政和立法机构的自主权,完全遵照适用于有关国家的国际人权标准,并得到授权展开各种促进和保护人权的活动。
Such institutions have been established in States with widely differing legal cultures and regardless of their economic situation.设立这种机构的国家的法律文化有很大的差异,而且经济状况参差不齐。
3. The Committee notes that national institutions have a potentially crucial role to play in promoting and ensuring the indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights.3. 委员会认为,国家机构在促进和确保所有人权的不可分割性和相互依存性方面可以发挥关键的作用。
Unfortunately, this role has too often either not been accorded to the institution or has been neglected or given a low priority by it.但令人遗憾的是往往没有赋予这种机构这种作用,这种作用要么受到了忽视或没有受到重视。
It is therefore essential that full attention be given to economic, social and cultural rights in all of the relevant activities of these institutions.因此在这些机构所有有关活动中必须充分注意经济、社会和文化权利。
The following list is indicative of the types of activities that can be, and in some instances already have been, undertaken by national institutions in relation to these rights:以下开列的活动表明国家机构在这些权利方面可以展开和有时已经展开的各种活动:
(a) The promotion of educational and information programmes designed to enhance awareness and understanding of economic, social and cultural rights, both within the population at large and among particular groups such as the public service, the judiciary, the private sector and the labour movement;(a)推广教育和宣传方案,以提高大众和公务员、司法机构、私营部门和劳工运动等特定群体对经济、社会和文化权利的认识和理解;
(b) The scrutinizing of existing laws and administrative acts, as well as draft bills and other proposals, to ensure that they are consistent with the requirements of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;(b)认真审查现有法律和行政法令以及法案草案和其他提案,以确保这些文书符合《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》的要求;
(c) Providing technical advice, or undertaking surveys in relation to economic, social and cultural rights, including at the request of the public authorities or other appropriate agencies;(c)在经济、社会、文化权利方面提供技术咨询或展开调查,包括应政府当局或其他有关机构的请求提供这种咨询或展开这种调查;
(d) The identification of national-level benchmarks against which the realization of Covenant obligations can be measured;(d)确定可以衡量履行《公约》义务的国家一级的标准;
(e) Conducting research and inquiries designed to ascertain the extent to which particular economic, social and cultural rights are being realized, either within the State as a whole or in areas or in relation to communities of particular vulnerability;(e)在全国范围内或在各地区或在极其脆弱的社区内进行研究和调查,查明正在落实特定经济、社会、文化权利的程度;
(f) Monitoring compliance with specific rights recognized under the Covenant and providing reports thereon to the public authorities and civil society; and(f)监督《公约》所确认的特定权利的遵守情况,并就此向政府当局和民间社会提交报告;以及
(g) Examining complaints alleging infringements of applicable economic, social and cultural rights standards within the State.(g)审查关于在缔约国内适用的经济、社会、文化权利标准遭到侵犯的控诉。
4. The Committee calls upon States parties to ensure that the mandates accorded to all national human rights institutions include appropriate attention to economic, social and cultural rights and requests States parties to include details of both the mandates and the principal relevant activities of such institutions in their reports submitted to the Committee.4. 委员会吁请各缔约国确保赋予所有国家人权机构的任务中包括适当注意经济、社会、文化权利,并请各缔约国在其提交委员会的报告中详细说明这种机构的任务和有关主要活动。
{§*} Contained in document E/1999/22.{§*}载于E/1999/22号文件。