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General comment No. 12:第12号一般性意见:
The right to adequate food (art. 11)取得足够食物的权利(第十一条)
Twentieth session (1999){§*}第二十届会议(1999年) {§*}
Introduction and basic premises导言和基本前提
1. The human right to adequate food is recognized in several instruments under international law.1.取得足够食物这项人权在国际法之下的一些文书中得到承认。
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights deals more comprehensively than any other instrument with this right.《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》对这项权利的涉及比任何其他文书都要全面。
Pursuant to article 11.1 of the Covenant, States parties recognize "the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions", while pursuant to article 11.2 they recognize that more immediate and urgent steps may be needed to ensure "the fundamental right to freedom from hunger and malnutrition".依照《公约》第十一条第一款,缔约国承认“人人有权为他自己和家庭获得相当的生活水准,包括足够的食物、衣着和住房,并能不断改进生活条件”,根据第十一条第二款的规定,缔约国确认需要采取更为直接和紧迫的步骤,以确保“免于饥饿和营养不良的基本权利”。
The human right to adequate food is of crucial importance for the enjoyment of all rights.取得足够食物这项人权对各项权利的享受至关重要。
It applies to everyone; thus the reference in article 11.1 to "himself and his family" does not imply any limitation upon the applicability of this right to individuals or to female-headed households.这项权利适用于每个人。 因此,第十一条第一款中“他自己和家庭”一语,并不意味着对这项权利对个人或女性为一家之主的家庭的适用有任何限制。
2. The Committee has accumulated significant information pertaining to the right to adequate food through examination of State parties' reports over the years since 1979.2.委员会自1979年起开始审查缔约国的报告,通过多年来的审查,委员会掌握了相当多的与取得足够的食物的权利有关的情况。
The Committee has noted that while reporting guidelines are available relating to the right to adequate food, only a few States parties have provided information sufficient and precise enough to enable the Committee to determine the prevailing situation in the countries concerned with respect to this right and to identify the obstacles to its realization.委员会注意到,尽管在取得足够的食物的权利方面制订了报告准则,但只有少数缔约国提供足够、准确的资料,以使委员会能够确定有关国家在这项权利方面的普遍状况,并找出这项权利的落实遇到的障碍。
This general comment aims to identify some of the principal issues which the Committee considers to be important in relation to the right to adequate food.这份一般性意见的目的,是明确委员会认为在取得足够食物的权利方面很重要的一些主要问题。
Its preparation was triggered by the request of Member States during the 1996 World Food Summit for a better definition of the rights relating to food in article 11 of the Covenant, and by a special request to the Committee to give particular attention to the Summit Plan of Action in monitoring the implementation of the specific measures provided for in article 11 of the Covenant.之所以编写这份一般性意见,是因为成员国在1996年世界粮食首脑会议期间要求更好地界定《公约》第十一条中与食物有关的权利,并特别要求委员会在监测《公约》第十一条规定的具体措施的执行时尤为重视首脑会议《行动计划》。
3. In response to these requests, the Committee reviewed the relevant reports and documentation of the Commission on Human Rights and of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities on the right to adequate food as a human right; devoted a day of general discussion to this issue at its seventh session in 1997, taking into consideration the draft international code of conduct on the human right to adequate food prepared by international non-governmental organizations; participated in two expert consultations on the right to adequate food as a human right organized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in Geneva in December 1997, and in Rome in November 1998 co-hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and noted their final reports.3.针对上述要求,委员会 研究了人权委员会和防止歧视及保护少数小组委员会关于取得足够的食物的权利作为一项人权的有关报告和文件;在1997年第七届会议期间就这一问题进行了一 天的一般性讨论,考虑到了国际非政府组织编写的《取得足够食物的人权的国际行为准则草案》;参加了关于取得足够食物的权利作为一项人权的两次专家磋商,一 次由联合国人权事务高级专员办事处于1997年12月在日内瓦召集举行,另一次由人权高专办和联合国粮食及农业组织于1998年11月在罗马联合举行,并 注意到了两次磋商的最后报告。
In April 1999 the Committee participated in a symposium on "The substance and politics of a human rights approach to food and nutrition policies and programmes", organized by the Administrative Committee on Coordination/Sub-Committee on Nutrition of the United Nations at its twenty-sixth session in Geneva and hosted by OHCHR.1999年4月,委员会出席了由联合国行政协调委员会营养问题小组委员会日内瓦第二十六届会议组织,人权高专办主办的“用人权方式处理食物和营养政策与方案所涉的实质和政治问题”研讨会。
4. The Committee affirms that the right to adequate food is indivisibly linked to the inherent dignity of the human person and is indispensable for the fulfilment of other human rights enshrined in the International Bill of Human Rights.4.委员会确认,取得足够食物的权利与人的固有尊严有着不可分割的联系,对《国际人权宪章》所载的其他人权的实现来说必不可少。
It is also inseparable from social justice, requiring the adoption of appropriate economic, environmental and social policies, at both the national and international levels, oriented to the eradication of poverty and the fulfilment of all human rights for all.这项权利与社会公正也是不可分割的,要求在国家和国际两级实行恰当的经济、环境及社会政策,以期消除贫困,实现所有人的各项人权。
5. Despite the fact that the international community has frequently reaffirmed the importance of full respect for the right to adequate food, a disturbing gap still exists between the standards set in article 11 of the Covenant and the situation prevailing in many parts of the world.5.尽管国际社会经常重申充分尊重取得足够的食物的权利的重要性,但《公约》第十一条规定的标准与世界许多地区的普遍状况之间依然存在相当大的差距。
More than 840 million people throughout the world, most of them in developing countries, are chronically hungry; millions of people are suffering from famine as the result of natural disasters, the increasing incidence of civil strife and wars in some regions and the use of food as a political weapon.世界各地有8.4亿多人(其中多数在发展中国家)处于长期饥饿状态,有数百万人由于自然灾害、一些地区的内乱和战争的增多以及食物被当作政治武器等而正在遭受饥荒。
The Committee observes that while the problems of hunger and malnutrition are often particularly acute in developing countries, malnutrition, under-nutrition and other problems which relate to the right to adequate food and the right to freedom from hunger also exist in some of the most economically developed countries.委员会注意到,尽管饥饿和营养不良问题往往在发展中国家极为突出,但与取得足够的食物的权利和免于饥饿的权利有关的营养不良、营养不足问题以及其他问题在一些经济最发达的国家也存在。
Fundamentally, the roots of the problem of hunger and malnutrition are not lack of food but lack of access to available food, inter alia because of poverty, by large segments of the world's population.从根本上说,饥饿问题和营养不良问题的根源,并不在于食物缺乏,而在于世界多数人口主要由于贫困而无法得到食物。
Normative content of article 11, paragraphs 1 and 2第十一条第一款和第二款的规范性内容
6. The right to adequate food is realized when every man, woman and child, alone or in community with others, have physical and economic access at all times to adequate food or means for its procurement.6. 当每个男子、女子、儿童,单独或同他人一道在任何时候都具备取得足够食物的实际和经济条件或获取食物的手段时,取得足够食物的权利就实现了。
The right to adequate food shall therefore not be interpreted in a narrow or restrictive sense which equates it with a minimum package of calories, proteins and other specific nutrients.所以,取得足够食物的权利不应作狭义或限制性解释,不应等同于起码的热量、蛋白质和其他某些营养物。
The right to adequate food will have to be realized progressively.取得足够食物的权利须逐步加以落实。
However, States have a core obligation to take the necessary action to mitigate and alleviate hunger as provided for in paragraph 2 of article 11, even in times of natural or other disasters.但是,根据第十一条第二款的规定,国家负有核心义务,须采取必要行动减缓饥饿状况,甚至在发生自然灾害或其他灾害时也应这样做。
Adequacy and sustainability of food availability and access食物的提供和获取的适足性和持久性
7. The concept of adequacy is particularly significant in relation to the right to food since it serves to underline a number of factors which must be taken into account in determining whether particular foods or diets that are accessible can be considered the most appropriate under given circumstances for the purposes of article 11 of the Covenant.7.适足性概念就取得食物的权利而言尤为重要,原因是这一概念可突出在为《公约》第十一条目的确定某些可获取的食物或饮食在某种情况下是否可视为恰当之时必须考虑到的一些因素。
The notion of sustainability is intrinsically linked to the notion of adequate food or food security, implying food being accessible for both present and future generations.持久性概念与足够的食物或粮食安全概念有着内在的联系,指的是今世后代都能取得食物。
The precise meaning of "adequacy" is to a large extent determined by prevailing social, economic, cultural, climatic, ecological and other conditions, while "sustainability" incorporates the notion of long-term availability and accessibility.“适足性”的确切含义在很大程度上由总的社会、社会、文化、气候、生态条件及其他条件决定,而“持久性”则涵盖长期提供和获取的概念。
8. The Committee considers that the core content of the right to adequate food implies:8.委员会认为,取得足够食物的权利的核心内容的含义是:
The availability of food in a quantity and quality sufficient to satisfy the dietary needs of individuals, free from adverse substances, and acceptable within a given culture;食物在数量和质量上都足以满足个人的饮食需要,无有害物质,并在某一文化中可以接受;
The accessibility of such food in ways that are sustainable and that do not interfere with the enjoyment of other human rights.此类食物可以可持续、不妨碍其他人权的享受的方式获取。
9. Dietary needs implies that the diet as a whole contains a mix of nutrients for physical and mental growth, development and maintenance, and physical activity that are in compliance with human physiological needs at all stages throughout the life cycle and according to gender and occupation.9.饮食需要是指整个食物含有身心发育、发展和维持以及身体活动所需的各种营养物,这些营养物与人的整个生命期各阶段的生理需要相一致,并能满足男女和不同职业的需要。
Measures may therefore need to be taken to maintain, adapt or strengthen dietary diversity and appropriate consumption and feeding patterns, including breastfeeding, while ensuring that changes in availability and access to food supply as a minimum do not negatively affect dietary composition and intake.因此,有必要采取措施维持、适应、或加强食物多样性和恰当的消费和喂养方式,包括母乳喂养,同时确保食物的提供和获取至少不对食物结构和食物摄取产生不利影响。
10. Free from adverse substances sets requirements for food safety and for a range of protective measures by both public and private means to prevent contamination of foodstuffs through adulteration and/or through bad environmental hygiene or inappropriate handling at different stages throughout the food chain; care must also be taken to identify and avoid or destroy naturally occurring toxins.10.无有害物质对食物安全作出规定,并要求政府和私营部门都采取保护措施,防止食品在食物链各阶段因掺杂掺假和或因环境卫生问题或处置不当而受到污染。 还必须设法认别、避免或消除自然生成的毒素。
11. Cultural or consumer acceptability implies the need also to take into account, as far as possible, perceived non-nutrient-based values attached to food and food consumption and informed consumer concerns regarding the nature of accessible food supplies.11.文化上或消费者的可接受性是指需要尽可能考虑到食品和食品消费附带的所认为的非基于食品的价值,并考虑到消费者对可获取的食品的特性的关切。
12. Availability refers to the possibilities either for feeding oneself directly from productive land or other natural resources, or for well-functioning distribution, processing and market systems that can move food from the site of production to where it is needed in accordance with demand.12.可提供性是指直接依靠生产性土地或其他自然资源获取食物的可能性,或是指运转良好的分配、加工及销售系统根据需求将食物从生产地点运至所需要的地点的可能性。
13. Accessibility encompasses both economic and physical accessibility:13.可获取性涵盖经济上的可获取性和实际可获取性:
Economic accessibility implies that personal or household financial costs associated with the acquisition of food for an adequate diet should be at a level such that the attainment and satisfaction of other basic needs are not threatened or compromised.经济上的可获取性是指个人或家庭与获取食物、取得适足饮食有关的开支水平应以其他基本需求的实现或满足不受影响或损害为限。
Economic accessibility applies to any acquisition pattern or entitlement through which people procure their food and is a measure of the extent to which it is satisfactory for the enjoyment of the right to adequate food.经济上的可获取性适用于人们据以获取食物的任何获取方式或资格是衡量此种获取或资格对取得足够食物权利的享受的恰当程度的标准。
Socially vulnerable groups such as landless persons and other particularly impoverished segments of the population may need attention through special programmes.对于社会中易受伤害群体,如无土地者和人口中其他极为贫困者,可能需要执行社会方案,对其给予照顾。
Physical accessibility implies that adequate food must be accessible to everyone, including physically vulnerable individuals, such as infants and young children, elderly people, the physically disabled, the terminally ill and persons with persistent medical problems, including the mentally ill.实际可获取性是指人人都必须能够取得食物,包括身体易受伤害者,如婴儿、青少年、老年人、残疾人、身患不治之症者,以及患有久治不愈病症者,包括精神病患者等。
Victims of natural disasters, people living in disaster-prone areas and other specially disadvantaged groups may need special attention and sometimes priority consideration with respect to accessibility of food.遭受自然灾害者,灾害多发区居民以及其他处于特别不利地位群体等,需受到特别重视,有时需在食物的获取方面受到优先照顾。
A particular vulnerability is that of many indigenous population groups whose access to their ancestral lands may be threatened.许多土著居民群体尤易遭受影响,因些这些群体对祖传土地的获取和利用可能受到威胁。
Obligations and violations义务和违反
14. The nature of the legal obligations of States parties is set out in article 2 of the Covenant and has been dealt with in the Committee's general comment No. 3 (1990).14.缔约国的法律义务的性质载于《公约》第二条并在委员会第3号一般性意见(1990)中述及。
The principal obligation is to take steps to achieve progressively the full realization of the right to adequate food.首要义务是采取步骤,逐渐达到取得足够粮食的权利的充分实现。
This imposes an obligation to move as expeditiously as possible towards that goal.这规定了一项尽快争取实现这一目标的义务。
Every State is obliged to ensure for everyone under its jurisdiction access to the minimum essential food which is sufficient, nutritionally adequate and safe, to ensure their freedom from hunger.各国均应确保其管辖下的所有人均可取得足够的具有充分营养的和安全的最低限度的基本粮食,确保他们免于饥饿。
15. The right to adequate food, like any other human right, imposes three types or levels of obligations on States parties: the obligations to respect, to protect and to fulfil.15.取得足够粮食的权利象任何其他人权一样,对缔约国规定了三个类型或层次的义务:尊重、保护和实现的义务。
In turn, the obligation to fulfil incorporates both an obligation to facilitate and an obligation to provide.实现的义务则既包括便利的义务,又包括提供的义务。
The obligation to respect existing access to adequate food requires States parties not to take any measures that result in preventing such access.尊重现有的取得足够粮食的机会的义务要求各缔约国避免采取任何会妨碍这种机会的措施。
The obligation to protect requires measures by the State to ensure that enterprises or individuals do not deprive individuals of their access to adequate food.保护的义务要求缔约国采取措施,确保企业或个人不得剥夺个人取得足够粮食的机会。
The obligation to fulfil (facilitate) means the State must proactively engage in activities intended to strengthen people's access to and utilization of resources and means to ensure their livelihood, including food security.实现(便利)的义务意味着,缔约国必须积极切实地展开活动,加强人们取得和利用资源和谋生手段的机会,确保他们的生活,包括粮食安全。
Finally, whenever an individual or group is unable, for reasons beyond their control, to enjoy the right to adequate food by the means at their disposal, States have the obligation to fulfil (provide) that right directly.最后,如果某人或某个群体由于其无法控制的原因而无法以他们现有的办法享受取得足够粮食的权利,缔约国则有义务直接实现(提供)该权利。
This obligation also applies for persons who are victims of natural or other disasters.这项义务也适用于自然灾害或其他灾害的受害者。
16. Some measures at these different levels of obligations of States parties are of a more immediate nature, while other measures are more of a long-term character, to achieve progressively the full realization of the right to food.16.缔约国为了逐渐达到取得粮食的权利的充分实现负有这些不同层次的义务,而为了履行这些义务而采取的一些措施是比较紧迫的,而有些措施则具有比较长远的性质。
17. Violations of the Covenant occur when a State fails to ensure the satisfaction of, at the very least, the minimum essential level required to be free from hunger.17.如果某一国家未能确保至少达到免于饥饿的最低限度的基本水平,则违反了《公约》。
In determining which actions or omissions amount to a violation of the right to food, it is important to distinguish the inability from the unwillingness of a State party to comply.在确定哪些行动或不作为属于侵犯取得粮食的权利的行为时,必须将某一缔约国无力遵守同不愿意遵守区别开来。
Should a State party argue that resource constraints make it impossible to provide access to food for those who are unable by themselves to secure such access, the State has to demonstrate that every effort has been made to use all the resources at its disposal in an effort to satisfy, as a matter of priority, those minimum obligations.如果某缔约国辩称,由于资源方面的困难,它无法向无力自行取得粮食机会的人提供这种机会,该国则必须表明,它已经作了一切努力利用它掌握的所有资源,作为一个优先事项履行这些最低限度的义务。
This follows from article 2.1 of the Covenant, which obliges a State party to take the necessary steps to the maximum of its available resources, as previously pointed out by the Committee in its general comment No. 3, paragraph 10. A State claiming that it is unable to carry out its obligation for reasons beyond its control therefore has the burden of proving that this is the case and that it has unsuccessfully sought to obtain international support to ensure the availability and accessibility of the necessary food.正 如委员会在其第3号一般性意见第10段中曾经指出的那样,《公约》第二条第一款责成缔约国“尽最大能力”采取必要的步骤,如果一个国家声称由于它无力控制 的原因而无法履行其义务,则有责任证明这种情况,并证明它已寻求取得国际支持以确保供应和取得必要的粮食,但未能成功。
18. Furthermore, any discrimination in access to food, as well as to means and entitlements for its procurement, on the grounds of race, colour, sex, language, age, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status with the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the equal enjoyment or exercise of economic, social and cultural rights constitutes a violation of the Covenant.18.此外,在取得粮 食的机会以及取得粮食的手段和权利方面的任何歧视行为,凡以种族、肤色、性别、语言、年龄、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族或社会出身、财产、出生或其他地位 为理由并以取消或损害经济、社会和文化权利的平等享受或行使为目的或产生这种影响者,均构成了违反《公约》的行为。
19. Violations of the right to food can occur through the direct action of States or other entities insufficiently regulated by States.19.国家或未得到国家充分制约的其他实体的直接行动可能会侵犯取得粮食的权利。
These include: the formal repeal or suspension of legislation necessary for the continued enjoyment of the right to food; denial of access to food to particular individuals or groups, whether the discrimination is based on legislation or is proactive; the prevention of access to humanitarian food aid in internal conflicts or other emergency situations; adoption of legislation or policies which are manifestly incompatible with pre-existing legal obligations relating to the right to food; and failure to regulate activities of individuals or groups so as to prevent them from violating the right to food of others, or the failure of a State to take into account its international legal obligations regarding the right to food when entering into agreements with other States or with international organizations.这 些行动包括:正式废除或暂停继续享受取得粮食的权利所必需的立法;剥夺某些个人或群体取得粮食的机会,不论这种歧视行为是以立法为依据的,还是注重于行动 的;在国内冲突或其他紧急情况下阻止人们取得人道主义粮食援助;通过显然违背原有的关于取得粮食的权利的法律义务的立法或政策;未能对个人或团体的活动加 以制约,以防止它们侵犯他人取得粮食的权利,或者一国在同其他国家或同国际组织订立协定时未能考虑到其关于取得粮食的权利的国际法律义务。
20. While only States are parties to the Covenant and are thus ultimately accountable for compliance with it, all members of society - individuals, families, local communities, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, as well as the private business sector - have responsibilities in the realization of the right to adequate food.20.虽然只有国家才能是《公约》的缔约国,从而对遵守《公约》负有最终责任,但所有社会成员――个人、家庭、当地社区、非政府组织、民间社会组织以及私人企业部门――均有责任实现取得足够粮食的权利。
The State should provide an environment that facilitates implementation of these responsibilities.国家应该提供一种推动履行这些责任的环境。
The private business sector - national and transnational - should pursue its activities within the framework of a code of conduct conducive to respect of the right to adequate food, agreed upon jointly with the Government and civil society.国内和跨国私营企业部门应该按照与政府和民间社会共同商定的有利于尊重取得足够粮食的权利的行为准则展开其活动。
Implementation at the national level国家一级的落实
21. The most appropriate ways and means of implementing the right to adequate food will inevitably vary significantly from one State party to another.21.各缔约国落实取得足够粮食的权利的最合适的方法和方式不可避免地有很大的差别。
Every State will have a margin of discretion in choosing its own approaches, but the Covenant clearly requires that each State party take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that everyone is free from hunger and as soon as possible can enjoy the right to adequate food.各国在选择其本国办法时都有斟酌决定的余地,但《公约》明确要求各缔约国采取一切必要的步骤,确保人人免于饥饿并尽早享受取得足够粮食的权利。
This will require the adoption of a national strategy to ensure food and nutrition security for all, based on human rights principles that define the objectives, and the formulation of policies and corresponding benchmarks.这就需要根据确定这些目标的人权原则采取一种国家战略,确保所有人的粮食和营养安全,并需要拟订政策和相应的标准。
It should also identify the resources available to meet the objectives and the most cost-effective way of using them.各国还应该查明可以满足这些目标的现有资源和利用这些资源的成本效益最高的方法。
22. The strategy should be based on a systematic identification of policy measures and activities relevant to the situation and context, as derived from the normative content of the right to adequate food and spelled out in relation to the levels and nature of State parties' obligations referred to in paragraph 15 of the present general comment.22.这种战略应该建立在这样的基础上:系统地查明取得足够的粮食的权利的规范性内容衍伸的和本一般性意见第15段中提到的缔约国义务的水平和性质方面详细说明的与情况和背景有关的政策措施和活动。
This will facilitate coordination between ministries and regional and local authorities and ensure that related policies and administrative decisions are in compliance with the obligations under article 11 of the Covenant.这一战略将推动各部委和区域和地方当局之间的协调,并确保有关政策和行政决定符合《公约》第十一条规定的义务。
23. The formulation and implementation of national strategies for the right to food requires full compliance with the principles of accountability, transparency, people's participation, decentralization, legislative capacity and the independence of the judiciary.23.为了制定和执行取得粮食的权利方面的国家战略,需要充分遵守责任心、透明度、人民参与、权力下放、立法能力和司法机构独立性的原则。
Good governance is essential to the realization of all human rights, including the elimination of poverty and ensuring a satisfactory livelihood for all.良好的治理是实现所有人权――包括消除贫困并确保所有人过上满意的生活――的基本条件。
24. Appropriate institutional mechanisms should be devised to secure a representative process towards the formulation of a strategy, drawing on all available domestic expertise relevant to food and nutrition.24.应该制定适当的体制性机制,确保在参照粮食和营养方面所有现有国内专业知识拟订战略方面展开一个具有代表性的进程。
The strategy should set out the responsibilities and time frame for the implementation of the necessary measures.这一战略应该规定实行必要的措施的责任和时间范围。
25. The strategy should address critical issues and measures in regard to all aspects of the food system, including the production, processing, distribution, marketing and consumption of safe food, as well as parallel measures in the fields of health, education, employment and social security.25.这一战略应该解决涉及到粮食系统所有方面的关键问题和措施,包括安全粮食的生产、加工、分配、销售和消费以及健康、教育、就业和社会安全方面的平行措施。
Care should be taken to ensure the most sustainable management and use of natural and other resources for food at the national, regional, local and household levels.应该注意确保在国家、区域、地方和家庭各级最可持久地管理和利用自然粮食资源和其他粮食资源。
26. The strategy should give particular attention to the need to prevent discrimination in access to food or resources for food.26.这一战略应该特别注意防止取得粮食或粮食资源方面的歧视的必要性。
This should include: guarantees of full and equal access to economic resources, particularly for women, including the right to inheritance and the ownership of land and other property, credit, natural resources and appropriate technology; measures to respect and protect self-employment and work which provides a remuneration ensuring a decent living for wage earners and their families (as stipulated in article 7 (a) (ii) of the Covenant); maintaining registries on rights in land (including forests).这 一方面的行动应该包括:保障特别是妇女充分和平等取得经济资源的机会,包括继承权和土地和其他财产的拥有权、贷款、自然资源和适当的技术;采取措施,尊重 和保护其报酬可确保工资劳动者及其家属过上象样生活的自谋职业和工作(按照《公约》第七条(甲)项(2)目的规定);保持土地(包括森林)权利的登记。
27. As part of their obligations to protect people's resource base for food, States parties should take appropriate steps to ensure that activities of the private business sector and civil society are in conformity with the right to food.27.作为其保护人民的粮食资源的一项义务,缔约国应该采取适当的步骤,确保私营企业部门和民间社会的活动符合取得粮食的权利。
28. Even where a State faces severe resource constraints, whether caused by a process of economic adjustment, economic recession, climatic conditions or other factors, measures should be undertaken to ensure that the right to adequate food is especially fulfilled for vulnerable population groups and individuals.28.即使一国遇到严重的资源困难,无论是经济调整进程、经济衰退、气候条件还是其他因素造成的困难,均应采取措施,尤其是为脆弱人口群体和个人落实取得足够粮食的权利。
Benchmarks and framework legislation标准和框架立法
29. In implementing the country-specific strategies referred to above, States should set verifiable benchmarks for subsequent national and international monitoring.29.在执行以上提到的国别战略时,各国应对以后进行的国内和国际监督制定可核查的标准。
In this connection, States should consider the adoption of a framework law as a major instrument in the implementation of the national strategy concerning the right to food.在这一方面,各国应该考虑通过一项框架法律,作为执行取得粮食权利国家战略的一项主要文书。
The framework law should include provisions on its purpose; the targets or goals to be achieved and the time frame to be set for the achievement of those targets; the means by which the purpose could be achieved described in broad terms, in particular the intended collaboration with civil society and the private sector and with international organizations; institutional responsibility for the process; and the national mechanisms for its monitoring, as well as possible recourse procedures.该框架法律应规定:其目的;应实现目标或目的和为实现这些目标规定的时间范围;可以实现这种广义上的目的的手段,特别是预期与民间社会和私营部门以及与国际组织的合作;对这一进程的体制性责任;监督这一进程的国内机制以及可能的追索程序。
In developing the benchmarks and framework legislation, States parties should actively involve civil society organizations.在制定这种标准和框架立法时,缔约国应积极地吸收民间社会组织参加。
30. Appropriate United Nations programmes and agencies should assist, upon request, in drafting the framework legislation and in reviewing the sectoral legislation.30.有关联合国方案和机构应该应请求协助起草框架立法和审查部门立法。
FAO, for example, has considerable expertise and accumulated knowledge concerning legislation in the field of food and agriculture.例如,粮农组织在粮食和农业方面具有大量的专门知识并积累了此方面立法的知识。
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has equivalent expertise concerning legislation with regard to the right to adequate food for infants and young children through maternal and child protection including legislation to enable breastfeeding, and with regard to the regulation of marketing of breast milk substitutes.联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)在关于婴儿和幼儿通过母婴保护取得足够粮食的权利的立法――包括鼓励母乳喂养的立法并在关于销售母乳代用品的规章方面具有相当的专业知识。
31. States parties shall develop and maintain mechanisms to monitor progress towards the realization of the right to adequate food for all, to identify the factors and difficulties affecting the degree of implementation of their obligations, and to facilitate the adoption of corrective legislation and administrative measures, including measures to implement their obligations under articles 2.1 and 23 of the Covenant.31.缔约国应建立并保持一些机制,监督实现所有人取得足够粮食的权利的方面的进展,查明影响履行其义务的程度方面的因素和困难,并推动采取矫正立法和行政措施,包括履行《公约》第二条第一款和第二十三条规定的义务的措施。
Remedies and accountability补救与问责
32. Any person or group who is a victim of a violation of the right to adequate food should have access to effective judicial or other appropriate remedies at both national and international levels.32.取得足够的粮食的权利受到侵犯的任何个人或团体应该有机会利用国内和国际一级的有效的司法和其他适当补救措施。
All victims of such violations are entitled to adequate reparation, which may take the form of restitution, compensation, satisfaction or guarantees of non-repetition.这种侵权行为的所有受害者均有资格取得充分的补偿,其形式可以是偿还、赔偿、补偿,也可以是保证不重犯。
National Ombudsmen and human rights commissions should address violations of the right to food.各国申诉问题调查官和人权委员会应该解决侵犯取得粮食的权利的现象。
33. The incorporation in the domestic legal order of international instruments recognizing the right to food, or recognition of their applicability, can significantly enhance the scope and effectiveness of remedial measures and should be encouraged in all cases.33.将承认取得粮食的权利的国际文书纳入国内法律秩序,或承认其适用性,就可以极大地扩大补救措施的范围和效力,因此应该在所有情况下加以鼓励。
Courts would then be empowered to adjudicate violations of the core content of the right to food by direct reference to obligations under the Covenant.法院则应该受权直接参照《公约》规定的义务,裁决取得粮食的权利的核心内容是否受到侵犯。
34. Judges and other members of the legal profession are invited to pay greater attention to violations of the right to food in the exercise of their functions.34.请法官和法律界其他成员在履行职责时更多地注意侵犯取得粮食的权利的行为。
35. States parties should respect and protect the work of human rights advocates and other members of civil society who assist vulnerable groups in the realization of their right to adequate food.35.缔约国应该尊重和保护人权倡导者和协助脆弱群体实现取得足够粮食的权利的民间社会其他成员的工作。
International obligations国际义务
States parties缔约国
36. In the spirit of Article 56 of the Charter of the United Nations, the specific provisions contained in articles 11, 2.1, and 23 of the Covenant and the Rome Declaration of the World Food Summit, States parties should recognize the essential role of international cooperation and comply with their commitment to take joint and separate action to achieve the full realization of the right to adequate food.36.按照《联合国宪章》第五十六条、《公约》第十一条、第二条第一款和第二十三条的具体规定和《世界粮食首脑会议罗马宣言》的精神,缔约国应该承认国际合作发挥的重要作用并按照其承诺,采取共同和单独的行动,充分实现取得足够粮食的权利。
In implementing this commitment, States parties should take steps to respect the enjoyment of the right to food in other countries, to protect that right, to facilitate access to food and to provide the necessary aid when required.缔约国在履行其承诺时,应该采取步骤,尊重在其他国家里享受取得粮食的权利,保护该权利,便利取得粮食并于需要时提供必要的援助。
States parties should, in international agreements whenever relevant, ensure that the right to adequate food is given due attention and consider the development of further international legal instruments to that end.缔约国应该确保有关国际协定适当注意到取得足够粮食的权利,并考虑为此目的制定进一步的国际法律文书。
37. States parties should refrain at all times from food embargoes or similar measures which endanger conditions for food production and access to food in other countries.37.缔约国应该在任何时候都避免危及其他国家粮食生产条件和取得粮食的机会的粮食禁运或类似措施。
Food should never be used as an instrument of political and economic pressure.粮食绝不能作为一种政治和经济压力的工具。
In this regard, the Committee recalls its position, stated in its general comment No. 8, on the relationship between economic sanctions and respect for economic, social and cultural rights.在这一方面,委员会回顾其第8号一般性意见中表明的关于经济制裁和对经济、社会和文化权利尊重这两者之间关系的立场。
States and international organizations国家和国际组织
38. States have a joint and individual responsibility, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, to cooperate in providing disaster relief and humanitarian assistance in times of emergency, including assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons.38.按照《联合国宪章》,各国负有共同和单独的责任,在紧急情况下合作提供救灾和人道主义援助,包括对难民和国内流离失所者的援助。
Each State should contribute to this task in accordance with its ability.各国应该按照其能力对这项任务作出贡献。
The role of the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and increasingly that of UNICEF and FAO is of particular importance in this respect and should be strengthened.世界粮食计划署(粮食署)和联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)的作用,尤其是儿童基金会和粮农组织的作用在这一方面特别重要,因此应该予以加强。
Priority in food aid should be given to the most vulnerable populations.应该首先向最脆弱的人口提供粮食援助。
39. Food aid should, as far as possible, be provided in ways which do not adversely affect local producers and local markets, and should be organized in ways that facilitate the return to food self-reliance of the beneficiaries.39.粮食援助的提供应该尽可能避免不利地影响到当地生产者和当地市场,粮食援助的安排应该推动受益人恢复粮食自给自足。
Such aid should be based on the needs of the intended beneficiaries.这种援助应该按照预期受益人的需要提供。
Products included in international food trade or aid programmes must be safe and culturally acceptable to the recipient population.国际粮食贸易或援助方案中包括的产品对于受援人口必须是安全的,而且必须是文化上可以接受的。
The United Nations and other international organizations联合国和其他国际组织
40. The role of the United Nations agencies, including through the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) at the country level, in promoting the realization of the right to food is of special importance.40.各联合国机构在促进实现取得粮食权利方面的作用,包括通过联合国发展援助框架在国家一级发挥的作用,具有特别重要性。
Coordinated efforts for the realization of the right to food should be maintained to enhance coherence and interaction among all the actors concerned, including the various components of civil society.应该保持促进实现取得粮食的权利的协调努力,以便促进所有有关行为者――包括民间社会所有成员――之间的一致性和配合。
The food organizations, FAO, WFP and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in conjunction with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNICEF, the World Bank and the regional development banks, should cooperate more effectively, building on their respective expertise, on the implementation of the right to food at the national level, with due respect to their individual mandates.粮食组织――粮农组织、粮食署和国际农业发展基金(农发基金)以及联合国开发计划署(开发署)、儿童基金会、世界银行和各区域开发银行应该在适当尊重其各自职权的条件下利用其各自的专门知识更有效地合作,在国家一级落实取得粮食的权利。
41. The international financial institutions, notably the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, should pay greater attention to the protection of the right to food in their lending policies and credit agreements and in international measures to deal with the debt crisis.41.国际金融机构,尤其是世界货币基金组织(货币基金组织)和世界银行,应该更多地注意在其放款政策和信贷协定中并在应付债务危机的国际措施中更多地注意保护取得粮食的权利。
Care should be taken, in line with the Committee's general comment No. 2, paragraph 9, in any structural adjustment programme to ensure that the right to food is protected.应该按照委员会第2号一般性意见第9段在任何结构调整方案中注意确保取得粮食的权利受到保护。
{§*} Contained in document E/C.12/1999/5.{§*}载于E/C.12/1999/5号文件。
Originally three levels of obligations were proposed: to respect, protect and assist/fulfil.原先提出了三个层次的义务:尊重、保护和援助/实现。
(See Right to adequate food as a human right, Study Series No. 1, New York, 1989 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.89.XIV.2)).见《取得足够的粮食的权利作为一项人权》,研究丛刊第1号,1989年,纽约,(联合国出版物出售品编号E.89.XIV.2)。
The intermediate level of "to facilitate" has been proposed as a Committee category, but the Committee decided to maintain the three levels of obligation.有人提出了“便利”这一中间层次作为委员会的一个类别,但委员会决定保持这三个层次的义务。