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CESCR/GC/13 CESCR_GC_13E.doc (English)CESCR/GC/13 CESCR_GC_13C.doc (Chinese)
General comment No. 13:第13号一般性意见:
The right to education (art. 13)受教育的权利(《公约》第十三条)
Twenty-first session (1999)第二十一届会议(1999年)
1. Education is both a human right in itself and an indispensable means of realizing other human rights.1.受教育本身就是一项人权,也是实现其他人权不可或缺的手段。
As an empowerment right, education is the primary vehicle by which economically and socially marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty and obtain the means to participate fully in their communities.作为一项增长才能的权利,教育是一个基本工具,在经济上和在社会上处于边缘地位的成人和儿童受了教育以后,就能够脱离贫困,取得充分参与社区生活的手段。
Education has a vital role in empowering women, safeguarding children from exploitative and hazardous labour and sexual exploitation, promoting human rights and democracy, protecting the environment, and controlling population growth.教育具有重大的作用,能使妇女增长才能,保护儿童使他们不致从事剥削性的危险工作或者受到性剥削、能够增进人权与民主、保护环境、控制人口增长。
Increasingly, education is recognized as one of the best financial investments States can make.人们日益确认,教育是各国所能作的最佳投资。
But the importance of education is not just practical: a well-educated, enlightened and active mind, able to wander freely and widely, is one of the joys and rewards of human existence.但是,教育的重要性并不只是限于实用的层面:有一颗受过良好教育、能够自由广博思考的开悟而且活跃的心灵,是人生在世的赏心乐事。
2. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) devotes two articles to the right to education, articles 13 and 14.2.《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第十三条和第十四条规定了受教育的权利。
Article 13, the longest provision in the Covenant, is the most wide-ranging and comprehensive article on the right to education in international human rights law.第十三条文字最多,是国际人权法中对受教育的权利规定得最为广泛和全面的条文。
The Committee has already adopted general comment No. 11 on article 14 (plans of action for primary education); general comment No. 11 and the present general comment are complementary and should be considered together.委员会已经就《公约》第十四条(初等教育的行动计划)通过第11号一般性意见;第11号一般性意见和第13号一般性意见相互补充,应该一并审议。
The Committee is aware that for millions of people throughout the world, the enjoyment of the right to education remains a distant goal.委员会意识到,对于全世界的成百上千万人来说,享受受教育的权利还是一个遥不可及的目标。
Moreover, in many cases, this goal is becoming increasingly remote.而且,在许多情况下,这个目标是越来越遥远了。
The Committee is also conscious of the formidable structural and other obstacles impeding the full implementation of article 13 in many States parties.委员会也意识到,许多缔约国存在着强大的结构障碍和另一些障碍,无法充分执行第十三条。
3. With a view to assisting States parties' implementation of the Covenant and the fulfilment of their reporting obligations, this general comment focuses on the normative content of article 13 (Part I, paras. 4-42), some of the obligations arising from it (Part II, paras. 43-57), and some illustrative violations (Part II, paras.3.为了帮助缔约国执行《公约》和履行提交报告的义务,这个一般性意见集中指出了第十三条的规范性内容(第一部分,第4-42段)和来源于这个规范的一些义务(第二部分,第43-57段),也列出了违反的示例(第二部分,第58-59段)。
58-59). Part III briefly remarks upon the obligations of actors other than States parties.第三部分简短地评述了缔约国以外的行为者的义务。
The general comment is based upon the Committee's experience in examining States parties' reports over many years.这个一般性意见是根据委员会多年来审查缔约国报告的经验撰写的。
1. Normative content of article 131.第十三条的规范性内容
Article 13 (1): Aims and objectives of education第十三条第一款:教育的目标和宗旨
4. States parties agree that all education, whether public or private, formal or non-formal, shall be directed towards the aims and objectives identified in article 13 (1).4.缔约国同意:所有公共或私人、正式或非正式的教育,都应该实现第十三条第一款所规定的目标和宗旨。
The Committee notes that these educational objectives reflect the fundamental purposes and principles of the United Nations as enshrined in Articles 1 and 2 of the Charter.委员会认为,这些教育目标体现了《联合国宪章》第一和第二条中所体现的根本宗旨与原则。
For the most part, they are also found in article 26 (2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, although article 13 (1) adds to the Declaration in three respects: education shall be directed to the human personality's "sense of dignity", it shall "enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society", and it shall promote understanding among all "ethnic" groups, as well as nations and racial and religious groups.其内容大部分载于《世界人权宣言》第二十六条第二款,不过,《公约》第十三条以《宣言》为基础,在三个方面有所发挥:教育应发展人性的“尊严” ;“使人人切实参加自由社会”;促进各“族裔”之间以及各民族、种族和宗教团体之间的了解。
Of those educational objectives which are common to article 26 (2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 13 (1) of the Covenant, perhaps the most fundamental is that "education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality".上述各项教育目标与《世界人权宣言》第二十六条第二款和《公约》第十三条第一款的规定相同,但是其中最带根本性的一点可能是“教育应鼓励人的个性的充分发展”。
5. The Committee notes that since the General Assembly adopted the Covenant in 1966, other international instruments have further elaborated the objectives to which education should be directed.5.委员会指出,自从大会在1966年通过本《公约》以来,另一些国际文书已经进一步拟订了教育应该致力实现的目标。
Accordingly, the Committee takes the view that States parties are required to ensure that education conforms to the aims and objectives identified in article 13 (1), as interpreted in the light of the World Declaration on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990) (art. 1), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (art. 29 (1)), the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (Part I, para. 33 and Part II, para. 80), and the Plan of Action for the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (para. 2).因此,委员会认为,缔约国必须确保其 教育致力实现《公约》第十三条第一款所规定的宗旨和目标,其含义的解释应参照 《人人受教育世界宣言》(泰国宗甸,1990年)(第1条)、《儿童权利公约》(第29条第1款)、《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》(第一部分,第33段和第二 部分第80段)以及《联合国人权教育十年行动计划》(第2段)。
While all these texts closely correspond to article 13 (1) of the Covenant, they also include elements which are not expressly provided for in article 13 (1), such as specific references to gender equality and respect for the environment.虽然上述所有案文都与《公约》第十三条第一款密切对应,却也包括了第十三条第一款中没有明文规定的一些内容,例如,具体提到性别平等和尊重环境的部分。
These new elements are implicit in, and reflect a contemporary interpretation of article 13 (1).这些新内容蕴含在第十三条第一款中,体现了当前人们对这一条款的解释。
The Committee obtains support for this point of view from the widespread endorsement that the previously mentioned texts have received from all regions of the world.来自世界各地的意见普遍赞同上述案文,可见委员会的这个观点得到支持。
Article 13 (2): The right to receive an education - some general remarks第十三条第二款:受教育的权利――某些一般性评述
6. While the precise and appropriate application of the terms will depend upon the conditions prevailing in a particular State party, education in all its forms and at all levels shall exhibit the following interrelated and essential features:6.虽然对这些词语的解释应视特定缔约国的国情而定,但采取各种形式的各级教育应该展现相互联系的下列基本特征:
(a) Availability. Functioning educational institutions and programmes have to be available in sufficient quantity within the jurisdiction of the State party.(a)可提供性――应在缔约国的管辖范围内设置够多能够运作的教育机构和方案。
What they require to function depends upon numerous factors, including the developmental context within which they operate; for example, all institutions and programmes are likely to require buildings or other protection from the elements, sanitation facilities for both sexes, safe drinking water, trained teachers receiving domestically competitive salaries, teaching materials, and so on; while some will also require facilities such as a library, computer facilities and information technology;这些教育机构和方案需要配备什么才能运作取决于许多因素,包括能够使它们居中运作的发展配套;例如,所有机构和方案可能需要建筑物或其他遮风蔽雨的设施,男女卫生设备,教学材料,等等;但有些机构和方案也需要图书馆、电子计算机和信息技术等设施;
(b) Accessibility. Educational institutions and programmes have to be accessible to everyone, without discrimination, within the jurisdiction of the State party.(b)可获取性――在缔约国管辖范围内,人人都应该能够利用教育机构和方案,不受任何歧视。
Accessibility has three overlapping dimensions:可获取性包含了互相重叠的三个因素:
Non-discrimination - education must be accessible to all, especially the most vulnerable groups, in law and fact, without discrimination on any of the prohibited grounds (see paras. 31-37 on non-discrimination);(一)不歧视――人人必须受教育,最易受害群体的成员更有必要,在法律上明文规定,在事实上确实做到,不得援引受到禁止的任何理由歧视任何人(见关于不歧视的第31-37段);
Physical accessibility - education has to be within safe physical reach, either by attendance at some reasonably convenient geographic location (e.g. a neighbourhood school) or via modern technology (e.g. access to a "distance learning" programme);(二)实际可获取性――教育必须在安全的物质环境中进行,学生可在一些堪称便利的地点上学(例如邻里单位的学校)或通过现代技术设备接受教育(例如收看“远距离教学” 节目);
Economic accessibility - education has to be affordable to all.(三)经济上的可获取性――教育费用必须人人负担得起。
This dimension of accessibility is subject to the differential wording of article 13 (2) in relation to primary, secondary and higher education: whereas primary education shall be available "free to all", States parties are required to progressively introduce free secondary and higher education;可获取性的这个因素以第十三条第二款中对初等教育、中等教育和高等教育的各别规定为准:初等教育应“一律免费”,缔约国对中等教育和高等教育要逐渐做到免费;
(c) Acceptability - the form and substance of education, including curricula and teaching methods, have to be acceptable (e.g. relevant, culturally appropriate and of good quality) to students and, in appropriate cases, parents; this is subject to the educational objectives required by article 13 (1) and such minimum educational standards as may be approved by the State (see art. 13 (3) and (4));(c)可接受性――教育的形式和实质内容,包括课程和教学方法,必须得到学生的接受(例 如适切、文化上合适和优质),(在适当情况下,也应该得到学生家长的接受);这一点不得违反第十三条第一款所规定的教育目标和缔约国可能批准的最低教育标 准(载于第十三条第三款和第四款);
(d) Adaptability - education has to be flexible so it can adapt to the needs of changing societies and communities and respond to the needs of students within their diverse social and cultural settings.(d)可调适性――教育必须灵活,能够针对变动中的社会和社区的需求而进行调适,使其符合各种社会和文化环境中的学生的需求。
7. When considering the appropriate application of these "interrelated and essential features" the best interests of the student shall be a primary consideration.7.在考虑如何适当应用“相互联系的基本特征”时,首先应该考虑到学生的最佳利益。
Article 13 (2) (a): The right to primary education第十三条第二款(甲)项――受初等教育的权利
8. Primary education includes the elements of availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability which are common to education in all its forms and at all levels.8.初等教育具有可提供性、可获取性、可接受性和可调适性,这些是不同类型的各级教育的共同内容。
9. The Committee obtains guidance on the proper interpretation of the term "primary education" from the World Declaration on Education for All which states: "The main delivery system for the basic education of children outside the family is primary schooling.9.委员会从《人人受教育世界宣言》中找到了适当解释“初等教育”一词的准则:“使儿童在家庭以外受基本教育的主要施行系统是初等学校教育。
Primary education must be universal, ensure that the basic learning needs of all children are satisfied, and take into account the culture, needs and opportunities of the community" (art. 5).初等教育必须普遍施行,确保所有儿童的基本学习需要得到满足,同时应考虑到社区的文化、需求和机会。”(第五条)。
"[B]asic learning needs" are defined in article 1 of the World Declaration.《世界宣言》第一条明文规定了“基本学习需求”。
While primary education is not synonymous with basic education, there is a close correspondence between the two.初等教育并不是基本教育的同义词,两者之间有密切的对应关系。
In this regard, the Committee endorses the position taken by UNICEF: "Primary education is the most important component of basic education. "在这方面,委员会赞同儿童基金会所持的立场:“初等教育是基本教育中最重要的组成部分”。
10. As formulated in article 13 (2) (a), primary education has two distinctive features: it is "compulsory" and "available free to all".10.第十三条第二款(甲)项的案文显示, 初等教育有两个不同的特征:“属义务性质”并“一律免费”。
For the Committee's observations on both terms, see paragraphs 6 and 7 of general comment No. 11 on article 14 of the Covenant.关于《公约》第十四条的第11号一般性意见第6和第7段载有委员会对这两个词的意见。
Article 13 (2) (b): The right to secondary education第十三条第二款(乙)项――受中等教育的权利
11. Secondary education includes the elements of availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability which are common to education in all its forms and at all levels.11.中等教育具有可提供性、可获取性、可接受性、和可调适性,这些是不同类型的各级教育的共同内容。
12. While the content of secondary education will vary among States parties and over time, it includes completion of basic education and consolidation of the foundations for life-long learning and human development.12.虽然中等教育的内容因缔约国而异,而且随着岁月的推移而有所不同,却包括完成基本教育和巩固终身学习和人的发展的基础。
It prepares students for vocational and higher educational opportunities.它为了使学生能够利用就业和接受高等教育的机会作好准备。
Article 13 (2) (b) applies to secondary education "in its different forms", thereby recognizing that secondary education demands flexible curricula and varied delivery systems to respond to the needs of students in different social and cultural settings.第十三条第二款(乙)项“各种形式”适用于中等教育,因而确认中等教育需要采用灵活的课程和各种各样的施行系统,以便符合各种社会和文化环境中的学生的需求。
The Committee encourages "alternative" educational programmes which parallel regular secondary school systems.委员会鼓励采用与正规中等教育系统平行的“替代性”教育方案。
13. According to article 13 (2) (b), secondary education "shall be made generally available and accessible to all by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education".13.根据第十三条第二款(乙)项,中等教育“应以一切适当方法普遍设立,并对一切人开放,特别要逐渐做到免费”。
The phrase "generally available" signifies, firstly, that secondary education is not dependent on a student's apparent capacity or ability and, secondly, that secondary education will be distributed throughout the State in such a way that it is available on the same basis to all.“对一切人开放”的含义是:一、中等教育不以学生的接受力或能力为转移。 二、中等教育场所应分布于各国各地,使每个人都有平等的机会。
For the Committee's interpretation of "accessible", see paragraph 6 above.委员会对“可获取性”的解释载于以上第6段。
The phrase "every appropriate means" reinforces the point that States parties should adopt varied and innovative approaches to the delivery of secondary education in different social and cultural contexts.“一切适当方法”的措词方式加强了这样的观点:在不同的社会和文化背景之下,缔约国应采取各种新颖的方法施行中等教育。
14. "[P]rogressive introduction of free education" means that while States must prioritize the provision of free primary education, they also have an obligation to take concrete steps towards achieving free secondary and higher education.14.“要逐渐做到免费”的含义是:虽然国家必须把免费提供初等教育列为优先工作事项,它们也有义务采取具体的步骤免费施行中等教育和高等教育。
For the Committee's general observations on the meaning of the word "free", see paragraph 7 of general comment No. 11 on article 14.关于第十四条的第11号一般性意见第7段载有委员会对“免费”一词含义的一般看法。
Technical and vocational education技术和职业教育
15. Technical and vocational education (TVE) forms part of both the right to education and the right to work (art. 6 (2)).15.技职教育是受教育权和工作权的一部分(第六条第二款)。
Article 13 (2) (b) presents TVE as part of secondary education, reflecting the particular importance of TVE at this level of education.第十三条第二款(乙)项将技职教育作为中等教育的一部分提出,反映了技职教育在中等教育中的特别重要性。
Article 6 (2), however, does not refer to TVE in relation to a specific level of education; it comprehends that TVE has a wider role, helping "to achieve steady economic, social and cultural development and full and productive employment".但是,第六条第二款并没有提到技职教育与某一特定教育级别的关系;该款的含义是:技职教育具有较广泛的作用,有助于“达到稳定的经济、社会和文化的发展和充分生产就业。”
Also, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "[t]echnical and professional education shall be made generally available" (art.而且,《世界人权宣言》申明:“技术和职业教育应普遍设立”(第二十六条第一款)。
26 (1)). Accordingly, the Committee takes the view that TVE forms an integral element of all levels of education.因此,委员会认为,技职教育是各级教育的一个整体的部分。
16. An introduction to technology and to the world of work should not be confined to specific TVE programmes but should be understood as a component of general education.16.学习技术和就业的途径不应该限于特定的技职方案,应该将技职方案理解为普通教育的组成部分。
According to the UNESCO Convention on Technical and Vocational Education (1989), TVE consists of "all forms and levels of the educational process involving, in addition to general knowledge, the study of technologies and related sciences and the acquisition of practical skills, know-how, attitudes and understanding relating to occupations in the various sectors of economic and social life" (art. 1 (a)).教科文组织《关于技术和职业教育的公约(1989年)》规定:技职方案包括“教育进程的所有形式和级别,除了普通知识以外,涉及技术和相关科学的研究以及经济及社会生活中各行各业实际技能、诀窍、态度和理解的养成”(第1条(a)项)。
This view is also reflected in certain ILO Conventions.这种看法也体现在劳工组织的一些公约中。
Understood in this way, the right to TVE includes the following aspects:按照这样的理解方式,技职教育的内容包括下列几个方面:
(a) It enables students to acquire knowledge and skills which contribute to their personal development, self-reliance and employability and enhances the productivity of their families and communities, including the State party's economic and social development;(a)使学生能够获取有助于从事个人发展、实现自力更生和具备就业能力的知识和技能,并增进其家庭和社区的生产力,包括缔约国的经济及社会发展;
(b) It takes account of the educational, cultural and social background of the population concerned; the skills, knowledge and levels of qualification needed in the various sectors of the economy; and occupational health, safety and welfare;(b)考虑到有关居民的教育、文化和社会背景;各个经济部门所需要的技能、知识和资格等级;以及职业场所的卫生、安全与福利;
(c) Provides retraining for adults whose current knowledge and skills have become obsolete owing to technological, economic, employment, social or other changes;(c)为当前具备的知识和技能已经由于技术、经济、就业、社会或其他方面的变化而过时的成人提供再培训;
(d) It consists of programmes which give students, especially those from developing countries, the opportunity to receive TVE in other States, with a view to the appropriate transfer and adaptation of technology;(d)包括着眼于技术的适当转让和调适而使发展中国家和其他国家的学生有机会到其他国家接受技职教育的方案;
(e) It consists, in the context of the Covenant's non-discrimination and equality provisions, of programmes which promote the TVE of women, girls, out-of-school youth, unemployed youth, the children of migrant workers, refugees, persons with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups.(e)包括按照《公约》的不歧视规定和平等条款对妇女、少女、失学青年、待业青年、移徙工人的子女、难民、残疾人和其他处境不利群体施行技职教育的方案。
Article 13 (2) (c): The right to higher education第十三条第二款(丙)项――受高等教育的权利
17. Higher education includes the elements of availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability which are common to education in all its forms at all levels.17.高等教育具有可提供性、可获取性、可接受性、和可调适性,这些是不同类型的各级教育的共同内容。
18. While article 13 (2) (c) is formulated on the same lines as article 13 (2) (b), there are three differences between the two provisions.18.虽然第十三条第二款(丙)项是按照与第十三条第二款(乙)项同样的方针拟订的,这两项之间存在着三个不同点。
Article 13 (2) (c) does not include a reference to either education "in its different forms" or specifically to TVE.第十三条第二款(丙)项没有提到“以各种不同的形式”,也没有具体提到技职教育。
In the Committee's opinion, these two omissions reflect only a difference of emphasis between article 13 (2) (b) and (c).委员会认为,这两项遗漏只反映了第十三条第二款(乙)项和第十三条第二款(丙)项之间重点的不同。
If higher education is to respond to the needs of students in different social and cultural settings, it must have flexible curricula and varied delivery systems, such as distance learning; in practice, therefore, both secondary and higher education have to be available "in different forms".如果高等教育是为了满足不同社会和文化环境中的学生的需要,它就必须开设灵活的课程并采取各种施行办法,例如远距离教学;因此,实际上,中等教育和高等教育都必须“以各种不同的形式”提供。
As for the lack of reference in article 13 (2) (c) to technical and vocational education, given article 6 (2) of the Covenant and article 26 (1) of the Universal Declaration, TVE forms an integral component of all levels of education, including higher education.至于在第十三条第二款(丙)项中没有提到技职教育的问题,从《公约》第六条第二款和《世界人权宣言》第二十六条第一款看来,技职教育是包括高等教育在内的各级教育的一个整体的部分。
19. The third and most significant difference between article 13 (2) (b) and (c) is that while secondary education "shall be made generally available and accessible to all", higher education "shall be made equally accessible to all, on the basis of capacity".19.第十三条第二款(乙)项和第十三条第二款(丙)项之间的第三个、也是最重要的一个不同之处在于:虽然中等教育“应该普遍设立并对一切人开放”,高等教育却“应该根据成绩,对一切人平等开放”。
According to article 13 (2) (c), higher education is not to be "generally available", but only available "on the basis of capacity".根据第十三条第二款(丙)项,高等教育不必“普遍设立”,而只是“根据成绩”提供机会。
The "capacity" of individuals should be assessed by reference to all their relevant expertise and experience.个人的成绩应该根据其有关的专门知识和经验予以鉴定。
20. So far as the wording of article 13 (2) (b) and (c) is the same (e.g. "the progressive introduction of free education"), see the previous comments on article 13 (2) (b).20.就第十三条第二款(乙)项和第十三条第二款(丙)项的措词方式一样(例如要逐渐做到免费)来说,可参看以上对第十三条第二款(乙)项的意见。
Article 13 (2) (d): The right to fundamental education第十三条第二款(丁)项――受基础教育的权利
21. Fundamental education includes the elements of availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability which are common to education in all its forms and at all levels.21.基础教育具有可提供性、可获取性、可接受性、和可调适性,这些是不同类型的各级教育的共同内容。
22. In general terms, fundamental education corresponds to basic education as set out in the World Declaration on Education For All.22.一般说来,基础教育相当于《人人受教育世界宣言》中所提到的基本教育。
By virtue of article 13 (2) (d), individuals "who have not received or completed the whole period of their primary education" have a right to fundamental education, or basic education as defined in the World Declaration on Education For All.根据第十三条第二款(丁)项,“那些未受到或未完成初等教育的”人有权接受基础教育,或《人人受教育世界宣言》中所规定的基本教育。
23. Since everyone has the right to the satisfaction of their "basic learning needs" as understood by the World Declaration, the right to fundamental education is not confined to those "who have not received or completed the whole period of their primary education".23.由于人人有权满足《人人受教育世界宣言》所理解的那种“基本的学习需求”,接受基础教育的权利并不限于“那些未受到或未完成初等教育的”人。
The right to fundamental education extends to all those who have not yet satisfied their "basic learning needs".凡是“基本的学习需求”还没有得到满足的人都有接受基础教育的权利。
24. It should be emphasized that enjoyment of the right to fundamental education is not limited by age or gender; it extends to children, youth and adults, including older persons.24.应该着重指出:受基础教育的权利并不受到年龄或性别的限制;儿童、青年和成年人,包括老龄人都有这种权利。
Fundamental education, therefore, is an integral component of adult education and life-long learning.因此,基础教育是成人教育和终身学习的一个整体的部分。
Because fundamental education is a right of all age groups, curricula and delivery systems must be devised which are suitable for students of all ages.因为属于各年龄组的人都有权接受基础教育,基础教育的课程和施行方式的设计必须适合属于各年龄组的学生。
Article 13 (2) (e): A school system; adequate fellowship system; material conditions of teaching staff第十三条第二款(戊)项――学校制度;适当的奖学金制度;教员的物质条件
25. The requirement that the "development of a system of schools at all levels shall be actively pursued" means that a State party is obliged to have an overall developmental strategy for its school system.25.“各级学校的制度应积极加以发展”的含义是:缔约国必须就学校制度拟订通盘的发展战略。
The strategy must encompass schooling at all levels, but the Covenant requires States parties to prioritize primary education (see para. 51).这种战略必须包括各级教学系统,但是《公约》规定缔约国必须优先发展初等教育(见第51段)。
"[A]ctively pursued" suggests that the overall strategy should attract a degree of governmental priority and, in any event, must be implemented with vigour.“积极加以发展”的意思是:通盘战略应该在政府的工作事项中居于优先地位,而且必须加大执行力度。
26. The requirement that "an adequate fellowship system shall be established" should be read with the Covenant's non-discrimination and equality provisions; the fellowship system should enhance equality of educational access for individuals from disadvantaged groups.26.“适当的奖学金制度应予设置”的规定应该结合《公约》的不歧视规定和平等条款来加以理解;奖学金制度应该增进处境不利的个人在受教育机会方面的平等地位。
27. While the Covenant requires that "the material conditions of teaching staff shall be continuously improved", in practice the general working conditions of teachers have deteriorated, and reached unacceptably low levels, in many States parties in recent years.27. 虽然《公约》规定“教员的物质条件应不断加以改善”,实际上,教员们总的工作条件已经恶化,近年来,许多缔约国的情况已经降低到令人无法接受的低水平。
Not only is this inconsistent with article 13 (2) (e), but it is also a major obstacle to the full realization of students' right to education.这种情况不仅不符合第十三条第二款(戊)项的规定,也对学生接受教育权利的充分实现构成重大的障碍。
The Committee also notes the relationship between articles 13 (2) (e), 2 (2), 3 and 6-8 of the Covenant, including the right of teachers to organize and bargain collectively; draws the attention of States parties to the joint UNESCO-ILO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers (1966) and the UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel (1997); and urges States parties to report on measures they are taking to ensure that all teaching staff enjoy the conditions and status commensurate with their role.委员会也注意到《公约》第十三条第二款(戊)项、第二条第二款、第三条和 第六至第八条之间的关系,包括教员组织起来进行集体谈判的权利,提请缔约国注意教科文组织和劳工组织共同提出的关于教师地位的建议(1966年)和教科文 组织关于高等教育教学人员地位的建议(1977年),促请各缔约国就它们所采取的措施提出报告,以确保所有教员都能够享受到与他们的职能相称的条件和地 位。
Article 13 (3) and (4): The right to educational freedom第十三条第三款和第四款――享受教育自由的权利
28. Article 13 (3) has two elements, one of which is that States parties undertake to respect the liberty of parents and guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.28.第十三条第三款有两个要素,其一、缔约国保证尊重父母和监护人的自由以保证其子女能按照自己的信仰接受宗教和道德教育。
The Committee is of the view that this element of article 13 (3) permits public school instruction in subjects such as the general history of religions and ethics if it is given in an unbiased and objective way, respectful of the freedoms of opinion, conscience and expression.委员会认为,第十三条第三款的这个组成部分容许公立学校开授宗教和道德的一般历史等课程,条件是:必须以不带偏见的客观方式进行、尊重见解、良心和言论自由。
It notes that public education that includes instruction in a particular religion or belief is inconsistent with article 13 (3) unless provision is made for non-discriminatory exemptions or alternatives that would accommodate the wishes of parents and guardians.委员会指出,除非遵守不歧视的规定,或提供满足父母和监护人愿望的备选办法,否则,教授特定宗教或信仰的公众教育就不符合第十三条第三款。
29. The second element of article 13 (3) is the liberty of parents and guardians to choose other than public schools for their children, provided the schools conform to "such minimum educational standards as may be laid down or approved by the State".29.第十三条第三款的第二个要素是父母和监护人享有为孩子选择非公立的、但系符合“国家所可能规定或批准的最低教育标准”的学校的自由。
This has to be read with the complementary provision, article 13 (4), which affirms "the liberty of individuals and bodies to establish and direct educational institutions", provided the institutions conform to the educational objectives set out in article 13 (1) and certain minimum standards.这一款必须结合第十三条第四款的补充规定加以理解,该款确认“个人或团体设立及管理教育机构的自由”,但以该机构遵守第十三条第一款所规定的各项教育宗旨并且符合一些最低标准为限。
These minimum standards may relate to issues such as admission, curricula and the recognition of certificates.这些最低标准可能涉及入学许可、课程和证书和确认等问题。
In their turn, these standards must be consistent with the educational objectives set out in article 13 (1).这些标准也必须符合第十三条第一款所规定的各项教育目标。
30. Under article 13 (4), everyone, including non-nationals, has the liberty to establish and direct educational institutions.30.第十三条第四款规定,包括外侨在内的任何人都享有设立及管理教育机构的自由。
The liberty also extends to "bodies", i.e. legal persons or entities.法人或实体等“机构”也享有这些自由。
It includes the right to establish and direct all types of educational institutions, including nurseries, universities and institutions for adult education.包括有权设立和管理各种类型的教育机构,例如:托儿所、大学和成人教育机构。
Given the principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunity and effective participation in society for all, the State has an obligation to ensure that the liberty set out in article 13 (4) does not lead to extreme disparities of educational opportunity for some groups in society.鉴于不歧视、平等机会和人人有效参与社会活动的原则,国家必须承担义务,确保第十三条第四款所规定的自由不致造成社会上某些群体的教育机构极端不平等的现象。
Article 13: Special topics of broad application第十三条――广泛适用的专项议题
Non-discrimination and equal treatment不歧视与平等待遇
31. The prohibition against discrimination enshrined in article 2 (2) of the Covenant is subject to neither progressive realization nor the availability of resources; it applies fully and immediately to all aspects of education and encompasses all internationally prohibited grounds of discrimination.31.《公约》第二条第二款中所体现的禁止歧视并不受到逐步实现或获得资源的限制;它应该充分、立即地适用于教育的所有方面。 它的范围包括在国际上受到禁止的歧视理由。
The Committee interprets articles 2 (2) and 3 in the light of the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education, the relevant provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (Convention No. 169), and wishes to draw particular attention to the following issues.委员会对第二条第二款和第三条的解 释参照了下列公约:教科文组织《禁止教育歧视公约》、《消除一切形式对妇女的歧视公约》的各项规定、《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》、《儿童权利公约》 和劳工组织1989年《土著和部落人民公约》(第169号公约)。 委员会要特别促请注意下列问题。
32. The adoption of temporary special measures intended to bring about de facto equality for men and women and for disadvantaged groups is not a violation of the right to non-discrimination with regard to education, so long as such measures do not lead to the maintenance of unequal or separate standards for different groups, and provided they are not continued after the objectives for which they were taken have been achieved.32.如果采取暂时性特别措施的用意是为男女和处境不利的群体实现事实上的平等,就不违反在教育上不受歧视的权利,但这些措施不应为不同的群体维护不平等的或分别的标准,其目的达到以后就不应继续实行。
33. In some circumstances, separate educational systems or institutions for groups defined by the categories in article 2 (2) shall be deemed not to constitute a breach of the Covenant.33.在某些情况下,按照第二条第二款为某些群体分别设立各类教育系统或机构不算违反《公约》。
In this regard, the Committee affirms article 2 of the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960).在这方面,委员会确认了教科文组织《禁止教育歧视公约(1960年)》第二条。
34. The Committee takes note of article 2 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and article 3 (e) of the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education and confirms that the principle of non-discrimination extends to all persons of school age residing in the territory of a State party, including non-nationals, and irrespective of their legal status.34.委员会注意到《儿童权利公约》第2条和教科文组织《禁止教育歧视公约》第3条(e)款,确认不歧视原则适用于居住在缔约国境内的所有适龄学童,包括外侨学童,不论其法律地位为何。
35. Sharp disparities in spending policies that result in differing qualities of education for persons residing in different geographic locations may constitute discrimination under the Covenant.35.在预算政策上编列极其悬殊的经费数额,使得居住在不同地理位置的人得到不同质量的教育,可能构成《公约》所指的歧视。
36. The Committee affirms paragraph 35 of its general comment No. 5, which addresses the issue of persons with disabilities in the context of the right to education, and paragraphs 36-42 of its general comment No. 6, which address the issue of older persons in relation to articles 13-15 of the Covenant.36.委员会确认第5号一般性意见中关于残疾人受教育权利问题的第35段和第6号一般性意见中涉及《公约》第十三至十五条的关于老龄人问题的第36-42段。
37. States parties must closely monitor education - including all relevant policies, institutions, programmes, spending patterns and other practices - so as to identify and take measures to redress any de facto discrimination.37.缔约国必须密切监督教育-包括一切有关政策、机构、方案、经费编列形态和其他做法-以便查明并采取措施,纠正任何事实上的歧视。
Educational data should be disaggregated by the prohibited grounds of discrimination.教育数据应该按受禁止的歧视原因开列细目,进行分析。
Academic freedom and institutional autonomy学术自由和机构自主
38. In the light of its examination of numerous States parties' reports, the Committee has formed the view that the right to education can only be enjoyed if accompanied by the academic freedom of staff and students.38.根据对许多缔约国报告的审查情况,委员会形成了这样的看法:只有在教员和学生享有学术自由的情形下,才有可能享受到受教育的权利。
Accordingly, even though the issue is not explicitly mentioned in article 13, it is appropriate and necessary for the Committee to make some observations about academic freedom.因此,即便第十三条中没有明确提到这个问题,由委员会就学术自由发表一些意见是适当的,也是必要的。
The following remarks give particular attention to institutions of higher education because, in the Committee's experience, staff and students in higher education are especially vulnerable to political and other pressures which undermine academic freedom.下列意见特别注意高等教育机构,因为从委员会的经验看来,高等教育中的教员和学生特别容易受到破坏学术自由的政治压力和其他压力的伤害。
The Committee wishes to emphasize, however, that staff and students throughout the education sector are entitled to academic freedom and many of the following observations have general application.但是,委员会要着重指出,整个教育部门的教员和学生都有权享受学术自由,下列看法中有许多是普遍适用的。
39. Members of the academic community, individually or collectively, are free to pursue, develop and transmit knowledge and ideas, through research, teaching, study, discussion, documentation, production, creation or writing.39.学术界的成员都能够个别地或集体地通过研究、教学、调查、讨论、编制文件、印发文件、创造或写作,从事发展和传播知识与思想。
Academic freedom includes the liberty of individuals to express freely opinions about the institution or system in which they work, to fulfil their functions without discrimination or fear of repression by the State or any other actor, to participate in professional or representative academic bodies, and to enjoy all the internationally recognized human rights applicable to other individuals in the same jurisdiction.学术自由包括个人对自己当前从事工作的机构或系统自由表示意见的自由,以便在不受歧视或不担心国家人员或任何其他人员压制的情形下履行其职务,参加专业或有代表性的机构,在同一个国家管辖范围内享受别人能够享受到的国际公认的人权。
The enjoyment of academic freedom carries with it obligations, such as the duty to respect the academic freedom of others, to ensure the fair discussion of contrary views, and to treat all without discrimination on any of the prohibited grounds.在享受学术自由的同时,也要承担一些义务,例如尊重别人学术自由的义务,以确保持相反意见的人能够进行公平的讨论,不基于任何受到禁止的原因对任何人进行歧视。
40. The enjoyment of academic freedom requires the autonomy of institutions of higher education.40.为了享受学术自由,必须实现高等教育机构的自主。
Autonomy is that degree of self-governance necessary for effective decision-making by institutions of higher education in relation to their academic work, standards, management and related activities.自主就是高等教育机构对涉及其学术工作、标准、管理和相关活动的有效决策进行必要的自治的程度。
Self-governance, however, must be consistent with systems of public accountability, especially in respect of funding provided by the State.但是,自治必须与公共责任制度挂钩,由国家提供资金的活动更是这样。
Given the substantial public investments made in higher education, an appropriate balance has to be struck between institutional autonomy and accountability.鉴于对高等教育投下的大量公共资金,必须在机构自主和管理责任之间找到一个适当的平衡点。
While there is no single model, institutional arrangements should be fair, just and equitable, and as transparent and participatory as possible.当前固然没有一个单一的模式可供遵循,但是机构安排应该做到公平、公正和平等,并且尽量做到透明和民主参与。
Discipline in schools学校中的纪律
41. In the Committee's view, corporal punishment is inconsistent with the fundamental guiding principle of international human rights law enshrined in the Preambles to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and both Covenants: the dignity of the individual.41.委员会认为,体罚不符合《世界人权宣言》和两项《公约》序言部分中所体现的国际人权法的根本指导原则:个人的尊严。
Other aspects of school discipline may also be inconsistent with human dignity, such as public humiliation.学校纪律的另一些方面也有可能不符合人性尊严,例如当众羞辱。
Nor should any form of discipline breach other rights under the Covenant, such as the right to food.任何形式的学校纪律都不应该侵犯《公约》范围内的其他权利,例如取得食物的权利。
A State party is required to take measures to ensure that discipline which is inconsistent with the Covenant does not occur in any public or private educational institution within its jurisdiction.缔约国必须采取措施以确保不符合《公约》的纪律不致在其管辖范围内的任何公立或私立教育机构发生。
The Committee welcomes initiatives taken by some States parties which actively encourage schools to introduce "positive", non-violent approaches to school discipline.委员会欢迎一些缔约国采取主动行动,积极鼓励学校在学校纪律中采用“积极的”、非暴力的方法。
Limitations on article 13对第十三条的限制
42. The Committee wishes to emphasize that the Covenant's limitations clause, article 4, is primarily intended to be protective of the rights of individuals rather than permissive of the imposition of limitations by the State.42.委员会要着重指出,《公约》的限制条款第四条的用意基本上是要保护个人的权利、而不是容许国家强行施加限制。
Consequently, a State party which closes a university or other educational institution on grounds such as national security or the preservation of public order has the burden of justifying such a serious measure in relation to each of the elements identified in article 4.因此,缔约国如果为了国家安全或保护公共秩序而关闭某所大学或其他教育机构,就必须负举证责任,说明它采取了涉及第四条所指每一要素之严重措施的理由。
2. States parties' obligations and violations2.缔约国的义务与违反
General legal obligations一般法律义务
43. While the Covenant provides for progressive realization and acknowledges the constraints due to the limits of available resources, it also imposes on States parties various obligations which are of immediate effect.43.尽管《公约》有关于逐步落实权利的规定,并承认由于现有资源有限而出现的限制因素,但《公约》也规定了缔约国须立即履行的各种义务。
States parties have immediate obligations in relation to the right to education, such as the "guarantee" that the right "will be exercised without discrimination of any kind" (art. 2 (2)) and the obligation "to take steps" (art. 2 (1)) towards the full realization of article 13.缔约国在受教育的权利方面须立即履行有关义务,如“确保”这项权利得到“…行使,而不得有…任何区分”(第二条第二款),以及有义务“采取步骤”(第二条第一款),争取充分执行第十三条等。
Such steps must be "deliberate, concrete and targeted" towards the full realization of the right to education.此类步骤必须是“谨慎、具体和有目标的步骤,旨在”充分落实受教育的权利。
44. The realization of the right to education over time, that is "progressively", should not be interpreted as depriving States parties' obligations of all meaningful content.44.“逐步”落实受教育的权利,并不意味着缔约国的义务的重要内容就不存在了。
Progressive realization means that States parties have a specific and continuing obligation "to move as expeditiously and effectively as possible" towards the full realization of article 13.逐步落实意味着缔约国负有一项明确、持续的义务,必须“采取尽可能迅速、切实有效的行动”,争取充分执行第十三条。
45. There is a strong presumption of impermissibility of any retrogressive measures taken in relation to the right to education, as well as other rights enunciated in the Covenant.45.一般都认定,在受教育的权利方面,与在《公约》阐明的其他权利方面一样,不允许采取任何倒退措施。
If any deliberately retrogressive measures are taken, the State party has the burden of proving that they have been introduced after the most careful consideration of all alternatives and that they are fully justified by reference to the totality of the rights provided for in the Covenant and in the context of the full use of the State party's maximum available resources.如缔约国确实采取了倒退措施,该国必须证明:这些措施是在极为仔细地考虑所有替代办法之后采取的,而且,对照《公约》规定的所有权利,并从充分利用缔约国的一切可利用资源这一角度来看,这些措施属于正当措施。
46. The right to education, like all human rights, imposes three types or levels of obligations on States parties: the obligations to respect, protect and fulfil.46.受教育的权利和所有人权一样,使缔约国负有三类或三个层面的义务,即尊重义务、保护义务、落实义务。
In turn, the obligation to fulfil incorporates both an obligation to facilitate and an obligation to provide.而落实义务既包含便利义务,又包含提供义务。
47. The obligation to respect requires States parties to avoid measures that hinder or prevent the enjoyment of the right to education.47.尊重义务要求缔约国不采取任何妨碍或阻止受教育的权利的享受的措施。
The obligation to protect requires States parties to take measures that prevent third parties from interfering with the enjoyment of the right to education.保护义务要求缔约国采取措施,防止第三方干扰受教育的权利的享受。
The obligation to fulfil (facilitate) requires States to take positive measures that enable and assist individuals and communities to enjoy the right to education.落实(便利)义务要求缔约国采取积极措施,使个人和群体能够享受这项权利,并便利其享受这项权利。
Finally, States parties have an obligation to fulfil (provide) the right to education.最后,缔约国有义务落实(提供)受教育的权利。
As a general rule, States parties are obliged to fulfil (provide) a specific right in the Covenant when an individual or group is unable, for reasons beyond their control, to realize the right themselves by the means at their disposal.一般来说,在个人或群体由于无法控制的原因而无法利用可供利用的手段自行落实有关权利的情况下,缔约国有义务落实(提供)《公约》规定的某项权利。
However, the extent of this obligation is always subject to the text of the Covenant.不过,这项义务的范围总是以《公约》的条文为准。
48. In this respect, two features of article 13 require emphasis.48.在这方面,第十三条有两个特点需要强调。
First, it is clear that article 13 regards States as having principal responsibility for the direct provision of education in most circumstances; States parties recognize, for example, that the "development of a system of schools at all levels shall be actively pursued" (art. 13 (2) (e)).首先,显然,第十三条认为,在多数情况下,国家对直接提供教育承担主要责任。 例如,缔约国认为,“各级学校的制度,应积极加以发展”(第十三条第二款(戊)项)。
Secondly, given the differential wording of article 13 (2) in relation to primary, secondary, higher and fundamental education, the parameters of a State party's obligation to fulfil (provide) are not the same for all levels of education.其次,由于第十三条第二款在初等、中等、高等教育和基础教育方面的措词有所不同,缔约国的落实(提供)义务的范围就各级教育而言不尽相同。
Accordingly, in light of the text of the Covenant, States parties have an enhanced obligation to fulfil (provide) regarding the right to education, but the extent of this obligation is not uniform for all levels of education.因此,从《公约》条文来看,缔约国在受教育的权利方面担负着一项繁重的落实(提供)义务,但这项义务的范围,就各级教育而言,并不完全相同。
The Committee observes that this interpretation of the obligation to fulfil (provide) in relation to article 13 coincides with the law and practice of numerous States parties.委员会认为,对第十三条的落实(提供)义务所作的这一解释,是与许多缔约国的法律和实践相一致的。
Specific legal obligations具体法律义务
49. States parties are required to ensure that curricula, for all levels of the educational system, are directed to the objectives identified in article 13 (1).49.缔约国必须确保各级教育系统的课程都着眼于第十三条第一款规定的目标的实现。
They are also obliged to establish and maintain a transparent and effective system which monitors whether or not education is, in fact, directed to the educational objectives set out in article 13 (1).缔约国还必须建立并维持一种有透明度的、切实有效的制度,以核实教育是否的确着眼于第十三条第一款所载的教育目标的实现。
50. In relation to article 13 (2), States have obligations to respect, protect and fulfil each of the "essential features" (availability, accessibility, acceptability, adaptability) of the right to education.50.关于第十三条第二款,各国有义务尊重、保护并落实受教育的权利的各项“基本特征”(可提供性、可获取性、可接受性、可调适性)。
By way of illustration, a State must respect the availability of education by not closing private schools; protect the accessibility of education by ensuring that third parties, including parents and employers, do not stop girls from going to school; fulfil (facilitate) the acceptability of education by taking positive measures to ensure that education is culturally appropriate for minorities and indigenous peoples, and of good quality for all; fulfil (provide) the adaptability of education by designing and providing resources for curricula which reflect the contemporary needs of students in a changing world; and fulfil (provide) the availability of education by actively developing a system of schools, including building classrooms, delivering programmes, providing teaching materials, training teachers and paying them domestically competitive salaries.具 体而言,一国必须尊重教育的可提供性,不关闭私立学校;保护教育的可获取性,确保第三方,包括父母和雇主在内,不阻止女童入学;落实(便利)教育的可接受 性,采取积极措施,确保教育在文化上满足少数民族和土著居民的需要,并使人人都接受高质量的教育;落实(提供)教育的可调适性,针对学生在不断变化的世界 中的当前的需要,设计课程,提供这些课程所需的资源;并且落实(保障)教育的可提供性,积极建立教育体系,包括建造校舍、提出教学大纲、提供教材、培训师 资、向教师支付在国内有吸引力的薪金等。
51. As already observed, the obligations of States parties in relation to primary, secondary, higher and fundamental education are not identical.51.正如以上所述,缔约国在初等、中等、高等教育和基础教育方面的义务并不相同。
Given the wording of article 13 (2), States parties are obliged to prioritize the introduction of compulsory, free primary education.从第十三条第二款的措词来看,缔约国必须优先实行义务性的免费的、初等教育。
This interpretation of article 13 (2) is reinforced by the priority accorded to primary education in article 14.对第十三条第二款作出此种解释,依据的是第十四条将初等教育置于优先位置这一点。
The obligation to provide primary education for all is an immediate duty of all States parties.为人人提供初等教育这项义务,是各缔约国应当立即履行的义务。
52. In relation to article 13 (2) (b)-(d), a State party has an immediate obligation "to take steps" (art. 2 (1)) towards the realization of secondary, higher and fundamental education for all those within its jurisdiction.52.就第十三条第二款(乙)项至(丁)项而言,缔约国须立即“采取步骤”(第二条第一款),争取为其管辖范围内的所有的人提供中等、高等教育和基础教育。
At a minimum, the State party is required to adopt and implement a national educational strategy which includes the provision of secondary, higher and fundamental education in accordance with the Covenant.缔约国至少须通过并执行一项国家教育战略,该战略包括依照《公约》提供中等、高等教育和基础教育。
This strategy should include mechanisms, such as indicators and benchmarks on the right to education, by which progress can be closely monitored.这项战略应包括一些机制,如受教育的权利的指标和基准等,据以密切监测所取得的进展。
53. Under article 13 (2) (e), States parties are obliged to ensure that an educational fellowship system is in place to assist disadvantaged groups.53.在第十三条第二款(戊)项之下,缔约国必须确保建立学校奖学金制度,以帮助经济有困难的学生。
The obligation to pursue actively the "development of a system of schools at all levels" reinforces the principal responsibility of States parties to ensure the direct provision of the right to education in most circumstances.积极“发展各级学校的制度”这项义务,强调了缔约国承担的确保在多数情况下直接提供受教育的权利的主要责任。
54. States parties are obliged to establish "minimum educational standards" to which all educational institutions established in accordance with article 13 (3) and (4) are required to conform.54.缔约国必须制定“最低教育标准”所有依照第十三条第三款和第四款建立的教育机构均须符合这些标准。
They must also maintain a transparent and effective system to monitor such standards.缔约国还须建立一项有透明度的、切实有效的制度,以监督此类标准的执行。
A State party has no obligation to fund institutions established in accordance with article 13 (3) and (4); however, if a State elects to make a financial contribution to private educational institutions, it must do so without discrimination on any of the prohibited grounds.缔约国没有为依照第十三条第三款和第四款建立的机构供资的义务,但是,如缔约国决定为私立教育机构提供捐助,此种捐助不得含有任何被禁止实行的差别待遇。
55. States parties have an obligation to ensure that communities and families are not dependent on child labour.55.缔约国负有确保社区和家庭不依赖童工的义务。
The Committee especially affirms the importance of education in eliminating child labour and the obligations set out in article 7 (2) of the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (Convention No. 182).委员会尤其申明教育在消除童工现象方面的重要性,还特别申明1999年《关于禁止和立即采取行动消除最恶劣形式童工的公约》(第182号公约)第7条第2款所载的义务。
Additionally, given article 2 (2), States parties are obliged to remove gender and other stereotyping which impedes the educational access of girls, women and other disadvantaged groups.此外,依据(《公约》)第二条第二款,缔约国必须消除阻碍女童、妇女及其他处于不利地位群体接受教育的性别上的成见和其他成见。
56. In its general comment No. 3, the Committee drew attention to the obligation of all States parties to take steps, "individually and through international assistance and cooperation, especially economic and technical", towards the full realization of the rights recognized in the Covenant, such as the right to education.56.委员会第3号一般性意见提请注意这一点:各缔约国都有义务“单独采取步骤,或通过国际援助与合作尤其是经济和技术援助与合作采取步骤”,以争取充分落实《公约》确认的权利,如受教育的权利。
Articles 2 (1) and 23 of the Covenant, Article 56 of the Charter of the United Nations, article 10 of the World Declaration on Education for All, and Part I, paragraph 34 of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action all reinforce the obligation of States parties in relation to the provision of international assistance and cooperation for the full realization of the right to education.《公约》第二条第一款和第二十三条,《联合国宪章》第五十六条,《普及教育世界宣言》第十条,以及《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》第一部分第34段等都强调,缔约国有义务提供国际援助与合作,以充分落实受教育的权利。
In relation to the negotiation and ratification of international agreements, States parties should take steps to ensure that these instruments do not adversely impact upon the right to education.在国际协议的谈判和批准方面,缔约国应采取步骤,确保这些文书不对受教育的权利产生不利影响。
Similarly, States parties have an obligation to ensure that their actions as members of international organizations, including international financial institutions, take due account of the right to education.此外,缔约国有义务确保其作为国际组织包括国际金融机构成员所采取的行动充分考虑到受教育的权利。
57. In its general comment No. 3, the Committee confirmed that States parties have "a minimum core obligation to ensure the satisfaction of, at the very least, minimum essential levels" of each of the rights enunciated in the Covenant, including "the most basic forms of education".57.委员会第3号一般性意见确认,缔约国的“最低限度核心义务,是至少确保《公约》阐明的各项权利的落实,包括“基础教育”的落实达到最低限度基本水平”。
In the context of article 13, this core includes an obligation: to ensure the right of access to public educational institutions and programmes on a non-discriminatory basis; to ensure that education conforms to the objectives set out in article 13 (1); to provide primary education for all in accordance with article 13 (2) (a); to adopt and implement a national educational strategy which includes provision for secondary, higher and fundamental education; and to ensure free choice of education without interference from the State or third parties, subject to conformity with "minimum educational standards" (art. 13 (3) and (4)).从第十三条的规定来看,这项核心义务的内容是:保障在不歧视 基础上进入公立教育机构学习的权利;确保教育与第十三条第一款规定的目标相一致;依照第十三条第二款(甲)项的规定,为人人提供初等教育;通过并执行一项 国家教育战略,该战略包括提供中等、高等教育和基础教育;确保在不受国家或第三方干涉的前提下自由选择教育机构,但此类机构须符合“最低限度教育标准” (第十三条第三款和第四款)。
58. When the normative content of article 13 (Part I) is applied to the general and specific obligations of States parties (Part II), a dynamic process is set in motion which facilitates identification of violations of the right to education.58.将第十三条的规范性内容(第一部分)应用于缔约方的一般义务和具体义务(第二部分),就启动了一个动态程序,据以确定侵犯受教育权的行为。
Violations of article 13 may occur through the direct action of States parties (acts of commission) or through their failure to take steps required by the Covenant (acts of omission).对第十三条的违反可能由于缔约国的直接行为(行为)而发生,也可能由于缔约国未能采取《公约》规定的步骤(不作为)而发生。
59. By way of illustration, violations of article 13 include: the introduction or failure to repeal legislation which discriminates against individuals or groups, on any of the prohibited grounds, in the field of education; the failure to take measures which address de facto educational discrimination; the use of curricula inconsistent with the educational objectives set out in article 13 (1); the failure to maintain a transparent and effective system to monitor conformity with article 13 (1); the failure to introduce, as a matter of priority, primary education which is compulsory and available free to all; the failure to take "deliberate, concrete and targeted" measures towards the progressive realization of secondary, higher and fundamental education in accordance with article 13 (2) (b)-(d); the prohibition of private educational institutions; the failure to ensure private educational institutions conform to the "minimum educational standards" required by article 13 (3) and (4); the denial of academic freedom of staff and students; the closure of educational institutions in times of political tension in non-conformity with article 4.59. 举例来说,违反第十三条的情形有:在教育领域执行或未能废除对个人或群体实行不得实行的差别待遇的立法;未能采取措施处理教育领域存在的事实上的歧视问 题;课程安排与第十三条第一款规定的教育目标不一致;未能建立一项监督第十三条第一款规定的教育目标不一致;未能建立一项监督第十三条第一款的遵守情况的 透明而切实有效的制度;未能作为优先事项实行免费为所有人提供的义务初等教育;未能采取“谨慎、具体、有针对性的措施”,争取按照第十三条第二款(乙)项 至(丁)项的规定,逐步落实中等、高等教育和基础教育;禁止开办私立教育机构;未能确保私立教育机构达到第十三条第三款和第四款规定的“最低教育标准”; 剥夺教员和学生的学术自由;违反第四条规定,在政治形势紧张时期关闭教育机构。
3. Obligations of actors other than States parties3.缔约国以外的其他行为者的义务
60. Given article 22 of the Covenant, the role of the United Nations agencies, including at the country level through the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), is of special importance in relation to the realization of article 13.60.鉴于《公约》第二十二条的规定,联合国机构的作用,包括通过联合国发展援助框架在国家一级发挥的作用,在第十三条的落实方面具有特殊意义。
Coordinated efforts for the realization of the right to education should be maintained to improve coherence and interaction among all the actors concerned, including the various components of civil society.为落实受教育的权利而作出的协调努力应当保持,以改善包括公民社会各组成部分在内的所有行为者之间的配合和互动状况。
UNESCO, the United Nations Development Programme, UNICEF, ILO, the World Bank, the regional development banks, the International Monetary Fund and other relevant bodies within the United Nations system should enhance their cooperation for the implementation of the right to education at the national level, with due respect to their specific mandates, and building on their respective expertise.教科文组织、开发署、儿童基金、劳工组织、世界银行、区域开发银行、货币基金以及联合国系统内其他有关机构,应当在适当考虑到各自的具体任务,并利用各自的专门知识的前提下,加强在国家一级落实受教育的权利方面的合作。
In particular, the international financial institutions, notably the World Bank and IMF, should pay greater attention to the protection of the right to education in their lending policies, credit agreements, structural adjustment programmes and measures taken in response to the debt crisis.具体而言,国际金融机构,尤其是世界银行和货币基金,应当在贷款政策、信贷协议、结构调整方案以及为处理债务危机而采取的措施中,更加重视保护受教育的权利。
When examining the reports of States parties, the Committee will consider the effects of the assistance provided by all actors other than States parties on the ability of States to meet their obligations under article 13.委员会在审议缔约国的报告时,将研究除缔约国以外的所有行为者提供的援助对国家履行第十三条之下的义务的能力产生的影响问题。
The adoption of a human rights-based approach by United Nations specialized agencies, programmes and bodies will greatly facilitate implementation of the right to education.联合国专门机构、各署和机关采取注重人权的做法,将大大推动受教育的权利的落实。
The World Declaration on Education for All was adopted by 155 governmental delegations; the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action was adopted by 171 governmental delegations; the Convention on the Rights of the Child has been ratified or acceded to by 191 States parties; the Plan of Action of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education was adopted by a consensus resolution of the General Assembly (49/184).《人人受教育世界宣言》得到155个政府代表团通过;《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》得到171个政府代表团通过;《儿童权利公约》已经得到191个缔约国批准或加入;《联合国人权教育十年行动计划》以协商一致意见获得通过,成为大会第49/184号决议。
This approach corresponds with the Committee's analytical framework adopted in relation to the rights to adequate housing and food, as well as the work of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to education.这个方针符合委员会已经通过的关于取得适当住房的权利的分析框架,以及联合国受教育权利特别报告员的工作。
In its general comment No. 4, the Committee identified a number of factors which bear upon the right to adequate housing, including "availability", "affordability", "accessibility" and "cultural adequacy".委员会在第4号一般性意见中确定了关系到适足住房权的一些因素,包括“可提供性”、“可承受性”、“可获取性”和“可接受性”。
In its general comment No. 12, the Committee identified elements of the right to adequate food, such as "availability", "acceptability" and "accessibility".委员会在第12号一般性意见中确定了关于取得足够食物的一些因素,例如:“可提供性”、“可接受性”和“可获取性”。
In her preliminary report to the Commission on Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on the right to education sets out "four essential features that primary schools should exhibit, namely availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability", (E/CN.4/1999/49, para. 50).特别报告员在向人权委员会提交的初步报告中提到:初等教育应展现四项基本特征:可提供性、可获取性、可接受性、和可调适性(E/CN. 4/1999/49, 第50段)。
See paragraph 6.见第6段。
The Declaration defines "basic learning needs" as: "essential learning tools (such as literacy, oral expression, numeracy, and problem solving) and the basic learning content (such as knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes) required by human beings to be able to survive, to develop their full capacities, to live and work in dignity, to participate fully in development, to improve the quality of their lives, to make informed decisions, and to continue learning" (article 1).《宣言》将“基本学习需要”界定为:“基本学习工具(例如识字、口头表达、算学、和解决问题)和基本 学习内容(例如知识、技能、价值、和态度),这些是人类为了生存、发挥其全部才能、在有尊严的情况下生活和工作、充分参加发展、改进生活质量、在知情的情 况下作决定、和不断学习所必须具备的能力”(第一条)。
Advocacy Kit, Basic Education 1999 (UNICEF), sect. 1, p. 1.成套宣传资料,基本教育,1999年印制(儿童基金会),第一节,p.1。
See paragraph 6.见第6段。
See International Standard Classification of Education 1997, UNESCO, paragraph 52.见《国际教育标准分类,1997年,教科文组织》,第52段。
A view also reflected in the Human Resources Development Convention 1975 (Convention No. 142) and the Social Policy (Basic Aims and Standards) Convention 1962 (Convention No. 117) of the International Labour Organization.《1975年人力资源开发公约》(第142号公约)和《1962年社会政策(基本目标和标准)公约》(第117号公约)中也反映了某种看法。
See note 8.见注8。
See paragraph 6.见第6段。
See paragraph 15.见第15段。
See paragraph 6.见第6段。
See paragraph 9.见第9段。
This replicates article 18 (4) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and also relates to the freedom to teach a religion or belief as stated in article 18 (1) ICCPR. (See Human Rights Committee general comment No. 22 on article 18 ICCPR, forty-eighth session, 1993. )这一点与《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十八条第4款重复,也涉及《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十八条第1款中所体现的教导宗教或信仰的自由。 (见人权事务委员会关于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十八条的第22号一般性意见,第四十八届会议,1993年。)
The Human Rights Committee notes that the fundamental character of article 18 ICCPR is reflected in the fact that this provision cannot be derogated from, even in time of public emergency, as stated in article 4 (2) of that Covenant.人权事务委员会指出,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十八条的根本性质表现在该《公约》第四条第2款所规定的、即使在公共紧急状态时期也不得加以克减这一事实上。
According to article 2: "When permitted in a State, the following situations shall not be deemed to constitute discrimination, within the meaning of article 1 of this Convention:第2条规定:“在一国得到批准时,在本《公约》的含义范围内,不应将下列情况视为构成歧视:
(a) The establishment or maintenance of separate educational systems or institutions for pupils of the two sexes, if these systems or institutions offer equivalent access to education, provide a teaching staff with qualifications of the same standard as well as school premises and equipment of the same quality, and afford the opportunity to take the same or equivalent courses of study;(a)为男女学童设立或维持各别的教育系统或机构,但这些系统或机构应提供相等的教育机会、聘请任用资格达到同样标准的教员、使用符合同样质量要求的校舍和设备、提供修习同样或相当课程的机会;
(b) The establishment or maintenance, for religious or linguistic reasons, of separate educational systems or institutions offering an education which is in keeping with the wishes of the pupil's parents or legal guardians, if participation in such systems or attendance at such institutions is optional and if the education provided conforms to such standards as may be laid down or approved by the competent authorities, in particular for education of the same level;(b)基于宗教或语言上的原因设立或维持各别的教育系统或机构,提供符合学童父母或法定监护人愿望的教育,但对这些系统的参与或在这些机构上学是任凭选择的、所提供的教育应符合主管当局可能规定或核定的标准,对同级教育来说,更应该这样;
(c) The establishment or maintenance of private educational institutions, if the object of the institutions is not to secure the exclusion of any group but to provide educational facilities in addition to those provided by the public authorities, if the institutions are conducted in accordance with that object, and if the education provided conforms with such standards as may be laid down or approved by the competent authorities, in particular for education of the same level."(c)设立或维持私立教育机构,该机构的目的不是为了排除任何群体,而是相继提供公立教育当局所提供的那种教育设施,这些机构应遵守上述目标,所提供的教育应符合主管当局可能规定或核定的标准,对同级教育来说,更应该这样。 ”
See UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel (1997).见教科文组织关于高等教育教学人员状况的建议(1997年)。
In formulating this paragraph, the Committee has taken note of the practice evolving elsewhere in the international human rights system, such as the interpretation given by the Committee on the Rights of the Child to article 28 (2) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as the Human Rights Committee's interpretation of article 7 of ICCPR.在编写这一段的时候,委员会注意到了国际人权系统中其他机构历来的做法,例如儿童权利委员会对《儿童权利公约》第28条第2款的解释以及人权事务委员会对《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第七条的解释。
The Committee notes that, although it is absent from article 26 (2) of the Declaration, the drafters of ICESCR expressly included the dignity of the human personality as one of the mandatory objectives to which all education is to be directed (art. 13 (1)).委员会指出,虽然《宣言》第二十六条第二款中没有明文规定,但《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》的起草人却明确地把人格尊严作为一切教育都必须遵守的一项强制性准则载入《公约》的案文(第十三条第一款)。
See the Committee's general comment No. 3, paragraph 1.见委员会第3号一般性意见,第1段。
See the Committee's general comment No. 3, paragraph 2.见委员会第3号一般性意见,第2段。
See the Committee's general comment No. 3, paragraph 9.见委员会第3号一般性意见,第9段。
See the Committee's general comment No. 3, paragraph 9.见委员会第3号一般性意见,第9段。
There are numerous resources to assist States parties in this regard, such as UNESCO's Guidelines for Curriculum and Textbook Development in International Education (ED/ECS/HCI).有许多资料可在这方面为缔约国提供帮助,如教科文组织的《国际教育课程设置和教科书编写指南》(ED/ECS/HCI)等。
One of the objectives of article 13 (1) is to "strengthen the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms"; in this particular context, States parties should examine the initiatives developed within the framework of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education - especially instructive is the Plan of Action for the Decade, adopted by the General Assembly in 1996, and the Guidelines for National Plans of Action for Human Rights Education, developed by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to assist States in responding to the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education.第 十三条第一款规定的目标之一,是“加强对人权和基本自由的尊重”。 在这一特定方面,缔约国应当研究在“联合国人权教育十年”框架内发起的行动――尤其有启发性的,是大会1996年通过的《十年行动计划》,以及人权事务高 级专员办事处为帮助各国围绕“联合国人权教育十年”开展活动而编写的《人权教育国家行动计划指南》。
On the meaning of "compulsory" and "free", see paragraphs 6 and 7 of general comment No. 11 on article 14.关于“义务”和“免费”的含义,见关于第十四条的第11号一般性意见第6段和第7段。
In appropriate cases, such a fellowship system would be an especially appropriate target for the international assistance and cooperation anticipated by article 2 (1).在某些情况下,第二条第一款设想的国际援助与合作极有可能将此种奖学金制度作为援助与合作的项目。
In the context of basic education, UNICEF has observed: "Only the State … can pull together all the components into a coherent but flexible education system".关于基础教育,儿童基金认为,“只有国家…才能够将各组成部分组合成一个连贯而又灵活的教育体系”。
UNICEF, The State of the World's Children, 1999, "The education revolution", page 77.儿童基金,《1999年世界儿童状况》,“教育革命”,P.77。
According to article 7 (2), "(e)ach Member shall, taking into account the importance of education in eliminating child labour, take effective and time-bound measures to: (c) ensure access to free basic education, and, wherever possible and appropriate, vocational training, for all children removed from the worst forms of child labour" (ILO Convention 182, Worst Forms of Child Labour, 1999).第 七条第2款规定,“各成员应当考虑到教育在消除童工现象方面的重要性,采取切实有效、有时间限制的措施:――(c) 确保所有不再遭受最恶劣形式的剥削的儿童都能接受免费基础教育,并酌情接受职业培训”(劳工组织第182号公约,1999年《关于禁止和立即采取行动消除 最恶劣形式童工的公约》)。
See the Committee's general comment No. 3, paragraphs 13-14.见委员会第3号一般性意见,第13-14段。
See the Committee's general comment No. 2, paragraph 9.见委员会第2号一般性意见,第9段。