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General comment No. 16:第16号一般性意见:
The equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all economic, social and cultural rights (art. 3)男女在享受一切经济、社会及文化权利方面的平等权利(第三条)
Thirty-fourth session (2005)第三十四届会议(2005年)
1. The equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all human rights is one of the fundamental principles recognized under international law and enshrined in the main international human rights instruments.1. 男女在享受一切经济、社会及文化权利方面的平等权利是国际法承认的一项基本原则,也是庄严载入主要国际人权文书的一项基本原则。
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) protects human rights that are fundamental to the dignity of every person.《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》保护对于每个人的尊严具有根本意义的各项人权。
In particular, article 3 of this Covenant provides for the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of the rights it articulates.尤其是,该项《公约》的第三条规定,男女在享受该项公约所载的各项权利方面具有平等权利。
This provision is founded on Article 1, paragraph 3, of the United Nations Charter and article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.这项条款的基础是《联合国宪章》第一条第三款,以及《世界人权宣言》第二条。
Except for the reference to ICESCR, it is identical to article 3 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which was drafted at the same time.除了提到本公约以外,条款的内容与《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第三条完全相同,而且两者是同时起草的。
2. The travaux préparatoires state that article 3 was included in the Covenant, as well as in ICCPR, to indicate that beyond a prohibition of discrimination, "the same rights should be expressly recognized for men and women on an equal footing and suitable measures should be taken to ensure that women had the opportunity to exercise their rights …2. 《准备工作》指出,将第三条同时列入本《公约》以及《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》是为了指出,除了禁止歧视以外,“应当明确承认男女平等享受的同样权利,而且应当采取适当措施,以便保证妇女有机会行使其权利,…。
Moreover, even if article 3 overlapped with article 2, paragraph 2, it was still necessary to reaffirm the equality rights between men and women.此外,即使第三条与第二条第二款的内容重叠,仍然有必要重申男女权利平等。
That fundamental principle, which was enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, must be constantly emphasized, especially as there were still many prejudices preventing its full application".必须不断强调庄严载入《联合国宪章》的这项基本原则尤其是因为仍然存在许多偏见,阻止了这项原则的充分实施。”
Unlike article 26 of ICCPR, articles 3 and 2, paragraph 2, of ICESCR are not stand-alone provisions, but should be read in conjunction with each specific right guaranteed under part III of the Covenant.与《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》不同的是,本《公约》第三条和第二条第二款并不是单独存在的独立条款,而是必须与该项《公约》第三部分所保障的每一项具体权利结合起来一并理解的条款。
3. Article 2, paragraph 2, of ICESCR provides for a guarantee of non-discrimination on the basis of sex among other grounds.3. 本《公约》第二条第二款规定不得因性别及其他原因加以歧视。
This provision, and the guarantee of equal enjoyment of rights by men and women in article 3, are integrally related and mutually reinforcing.这项条款,以及第三条中保证男女享有平等权利的规定,是具有内在联系的,也是相辅相成的。
Moreover, the elimination of discrimination is fundamental to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights on a basis of equality.而且,消除歧视也是平等享受经济、社会和文化权利的基础。
4. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) has taken particular note of factors negatively affecting the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights in many of its general comments, including those on the right to adequate housing,the right to adequate food,the right to education,the right to the highest attainable standard of health,and the right to water.4. 经济、社会、文化权利委员会在其许多一般性意见中特别关注到了对享受经济、社会和文化权利方面男女平等权利产生不利影响的因素,这些意见涉及的内容包括适足住房权、取得足够粮食的权利、受教育权、享有最佳健康标准的权利、水权。
The Committee also routinely requests information on the equal enjoyment by men and women of the rights guaranteed under the Covenant in its list of issues in relation to States parties' reports and during its dialogue with States parties.委员会还经常在审议缔约国报告时提出的问题清单和在与缔约国展开的对话中要求得到有关《公约》所保证的男女平等享受各项权利方面的资料。
5. Women are often denied equal enjoyment of their human rights, in particular by virtue of the lesser status ascribed to them by tradition and custom, or as a result of overt or covert discrimination.5. 妇女经常被剥夺平等享受人权的机会,尤其是通过传统和习俗对妇女规定低下的地位,或通过公开或隐形的歧视。
Many women experience distinct forms of discrimination due to the intersection of sex with such factors as race, colour, language, religion, political and other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status, such as age, ethnicity, disability, marital, refugee or migrant status, resulting in compounded disadvantage.由于性别与诸如种族、肤色、语言、宗教、政治和其他观点、民族或社会籍贯、财产、出生或其他方面的地位,例如年龄、族裔、残疾状况、婚姻状况、难民状况或移民状况等等因素交错在一起,妇女经受到独特的歧视形式,百上加斤,处于特别不利的境况。
A. EqualityA. 平等
6. The essence of article 3 of ICESCR is that the rights set forth in the Covenant are to be enjoyed by men and women on a basis of equality, a concept that carries substantive meaning.6. 本《公约》的根本在于 :男女应当在平等的基础上享受《公约》规定的各项权利。
While expressions of formal equality may be found in constitutional provisions, legislation and policies of Governments, article 3 also mandates the equal enjoyment of the rights in the Covenant for men and women in practice.尽管正式的平等观点可以体现在宪法、法律和各国政府的政策中,但第三条还要求男女在实际中平等地享受《公约》所载的各项权利。
7. The enjoyment of human rights on the basis of equality between men and women must be understood comprehensively.7. 必须全面地理解男女在平等的基础上享受人权的理念。
Guarantees of non-discrimination and equality in international human rights treaties mandate both de facto and de jure equality.国际人权条约中对不歧视与平等待遇的保证所规定的是实际上的及法律上的两种平等。
De jure (or formal) equality and de facto (or substantive) equality are different but interconnected concepts.法律的(或正式的)平等及实际的(或实质的)平等是两种不同、但相互关联的理念。
Formal equality assumes that equality is achieved if a law or policy treats men and women in a neutral manner.书面正式承认的平等认为,如果法律或政策以中立的方式对待男子和妇女,平等也就实现了。
Substantive equality is concerned, in addition, with the effects of laws, policies and practices and with ensuring that they do not maintain, but rather alleviate, the inherent disadvantage that particular groups experience.比这更进一步的是,实质性的平等包括法律、政策和惯例所产生的影响,并且保证这些法律、政策和惯例不是要维持、而是要改善某些群体所处的固有劣势地位。
8. Substantive equality for men and women will not be achieved simply through the enactment of laws or the adoption of policies that are, prima facie, gender-neutral.8. 男女的实质性平等不会仅仅由于颁布表面上对性别持中立态度的法律或政策而得以实现。
In implementing article 3, States parties should take into account that such laws, policies and practice can fail to address or even perpetuate inequality between men and women because they do not take account of existing economic, social and cultural inequalities, particularly those experienced by women.缔约国在实施第三条中应当考虑到,这些法律、政策和惯例可能无法纠正,甚至会巩固男女的不平等,因为它们并没有考虑到现有的经济、社会和文化不平等,尤其是妇女经受到的不平等。
9. According to article 3, States parties must respect the principle of equality in and before the law.9. 根据第三条,缔约国必须在法律上,而且在法律面前人人平等的原则。
The principle of equality in the law must be respected by the legislature when adopting laws, by ensuring that those laws further equal enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights by men and women.立法机关在通过法律时必须保证这些法律能促进男女双方平等地享受经济、社会和文化权利,从而在法律上尊重平等原则。
The principle of equality before the law must be respected by administrative agencies, and courts and tribunals, and implies that those authorities must apply the law equally to men and women.法律面前人人平等的原则必须受到行政机构、法院和法庭的尊重,尊重意味着这些权力机构必须对男子与妇女平等地适用法律。
B. Non-discriminationB. 不歧视
10. The principle of non-discrimination is the corollary of the principle of equality.10. 不歧视原则是平等原则的必然延伸。
Subject to what is stated in paragraph 15 below on temporary special measures, it prohibits differential treatment of a person or group of persons based on his/her or their particular status or situation, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political and other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status, such as age, ethnicity, disability, marital, refugee or migrant status.在不违反以下第15段所指暂行特别措施的前提下,不歧视原则禁止基于个人或群体的特定地位或 境况,例如种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治和其他见解、民族或社会籍贯、财产、出生或其他地位,例如年龄、族裔、残疾状况、婚姻状况、难民状况或移民 状况等,而向他/她或他们提供不同待遇。
11. Discrimination against women is "any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field".11. 对妇女的歧视是“基于性别而作的任何区别、排斥或限制,其影响或其目的均足以妨碍或否认妇女不论已婚或未婚在男女平等的基础上认识、享有或行使在政治、经济、社会、文化、公民或任何其他方面的人权和基本自由。”
Discrimination on the basis of sex may be based on the differential treatment of women because of their biology, such as refusal to hire women because they could become pregnant; or stereotypical assumptions, such as tracking women into low-level jobs on the assumption that they are unwilling to commit as much time to their work as men.基于性别的歧视可能的依据是由于女性的生理情况而对妇女作出不同待遇,例如妇女由于怀孕而被拒绝雇用;或者是陈旧的刻板观念,例如认为妇女不愿在工作上花费同男子一样多的时间,因而将妇女长期封锁在低层次的工作上。
12. Direct discrimination occurs when a difference in treatment relies directly and explicitly on distinctions based exclusively on sex and characteristics of men or of women, which cannot be justified objectively.12. 如果直接公开地作出不同的待遇是并且纯粹是基于性别和男女的不同特性,而且无法作出客观的解释,那么就发生了直接歧视的现象。
13. Indirect discrimination occurs when a law, policy or programme does not appear to be discriminatory, but has a discriminatory effect when implemented.13. 如果一项法律、政策或方案本身似乎并无歧视,但是在实施时却具有歧视性影响,那么就发生了间接歧视的现象。
This can occur, for example, when women are disadvantaged compared to men with respect to the enjoyment of a particular opportunity or benefit due to pre-existing inequalities.例如,由于原先已经存在的不平等,妇女与男子相比在享受某一特定机会方面处于不利地位,就形成了间接歧视。
Applying a gender-neutral law may leave the existing inequality in place, or exacerbate it.实施性别上中立的法律就会维持现有的不平等,甚至使之更加恶化。
14. Gender affects the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of their rights.14. 性别影响到男子和妇女享受其权利的平等权利。
Gender refers to cultural expectations and assumptions about the behaviour, attitudes, personality traits, and physical and intellectual capacities of men and women, based solely on their identity as men or women.性别观念系指单纯地基于男女的身份特征,而对男子与妇女的行为、态度、个性特征、身体和心智能力等方面确定的文化上的期盼和假设。
Gender-based assumptions and expectations generally place women at a disadvantage with respect to substantive enjoyment of rights, such as freedom to act and to be recognized as autonomous, fully capable adults, to participate fully in economic, social and political development, and to make decisions concerning their circumstances and conditions.基于性别的假设和期盼一般在实际享受各项权利方面将妇女置于不利地位,这些方面的实例包括:行动自由和被认为是自立的、有完整能力的成人、充分参与经济、社会和政治发展、并对其环境和状况作出决定。
Gender-based assumptions about economic, social and cultural roles preclude the sharing of responsibility between men and women in all spheres that is necessary to equality.依据性别对人在经济、社会和文化方面所扮演的角色作出的假设使男女无法在所有方面分担责任,而分担责任对于平等却是必要的。
C. Temporary special measuresC. 暂行特别措施
15. The principles of equality and non-discrimination, by themselves, are not always sufficient to guarantee true equality.15. 平等和不歧视原则本身并不始终足以保证真正的平等。
Temporary special measures may sometimes be needed in order to bring disadvantaged or marginalized persons or groups of persons to the same substantive level as others.有时还需要采取暂行特别措施,以便使处于不利地位或受到排挤的个人或群体提升到与他人实际相同的地位。
Temporary special measures aim at realizing not only de jure or formal equality, but also de facto or substantive equality for men and women.暂行特别措施的目的是不仅要实现男女在法律上或正式的平等,而且还要实现实际上的或实质上的平等。
However, the application of the principle of equality will sometimes require that States parties take measures in favour of women in order to attenuate or suppress conditions that perpetuate discrimination.但是,实施平等原则有时候要求缔约国采取优惠妇女的措施,以便削弱或消除维持歧视的状况。
As long as these measures are necessary to redress de facto discrimination and are terminated when de facto equality is achieved, such differentiation is legitimate.只要这些措施对于消除实际上的歧视是有必要的,而且在实际平等得以实现之后不复采用,这种不同待遇就是合情合理的。
II. States parties' obligations二、缔约国的义务
A. General legal obligationsA. 一般法律义务
16. The equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights is a mandatory and immediate obligation of States parties.16. 男女享受经济、社会和文化权利的平等权利是缔约国义不容辞的直接义务。
17. The equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, like all human rights, imposes three levels of obligations on States parties - the obligation to respect, to protect and to fulfil.17. 男女享受经济、社会和文化权利的平等权利与所有人权一样,对缔约国提出了三个层面的义务:即尊重、保护和实现的义务。
The obligation to fulfil further contains duties to provide, promote and facilitate.实现的义务还包含了提供、促进和便利的责任。
Article 3 sets a non-derogable standard for compliance with the obligations of States parties as set out in articles 6 through 15 of ICESCR.第三条对于遵守《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第六至第十五条规定的缔约国义务确立了一项不可贬损标准。
B. Specific legal obligationsB. 具体法律义务
1. Obligation to respect1. 尊重的义务
18. The obligation to respect requires States parties to refrain from discriminatory actions that directly or indirectly result in the denial of the equal right of men and women to their enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights.18. 尊重的义务要求缔约国不采取歧视性行动,直接或间接地导致剥夺男子和妇女在享受经济、社会和文化权利方面平等权利。
Respecting the right obliges States parties not to adopt, and to repeal laws and rescind, policies, administrative measures and programmes that do not conform with the right protected by article 3.尊重这项权利就要求各缔约国不通过法律,或撤消法律及撤消不符合第三条所保护的该项权利之政策、行政措施和方案。
In particular, it is incumbent upon States parties to take into account the effect of apparently gender-neutral laws, policies and programmes and to consider whether they could result in a negative impact on the ability of men and women to enjoy their human rights on a basis of equality.尤其是,缔约国有义务考虑到表面上对性别中立的法律、政策和方案所产生的影响,并考虑这些法律、政策和方案对于男女平等地享受其人权是否会产生消极影响。
2. Obligation to protect2. 保护的义务
19. The obligation to protect requires States parties to take steps aimed directly at the elimination of prejudices, customary and all other practices that perpetuate the notion of inferiority or superiority of either of the sexes, and stereotyped roles for men and women.19. 保护的义务要求各缔约国采取步骤,其直接目标就是要消除主张某一性别低于或高于另一性别的偏见、习俗和所有其他惯例,以及对男子和妇女社会功能的陈旧的刻板观念。
States parties' obligation to protect under article 3 of ICESCR includes, inter alia, the respect and adoption of constitutional and legislative provisions on the equal right of men and women to enjoy all human rights and the prohibition of discrimination of any kind; the adoption of legislation to eliminate discrimination and to prevent third parties from interfering directly or indirectly with the enjoyment of this right; the adoption of administrative measures and programmes, as well as the establishment of public institutions, agencies and programmes to protect women against discrimination.本 《公约》第三条对缔约国规定的保护义务主要包括尊重并通过有关男女享受所有人权的平等权利之宪定和法律规定,并禁止任何形式的歧视;通过法律消除歧视,并 防止第三方直接或间接地干涉这项权利的享受;通过行政措施和方案,并建立公共机构、机关和方案,以便保护妇女不受歧视。
20. States parties have an obligation to monitor and regulate the conduct of non-State actors to ensure that they do not violate the equal right of men and women to enjoy economic, social and cultural rights.20. 缔约国有义务监测并管制非国家行动者的行为,以便保证这些行动者不侵犯男女享受经济、社会和文化权利的平等权利。
This obligation applies, for example, in cases where public services have been partially or fully privatized.例如,这项义务适用于部分或完全私有化的公共服务部门。
3. Obligation to fulfil3. 实现的义务
21. The obligation to fulfil requires States parties to take steps to ensure that in practice, men and women enjoy their economic, social and cultural rights on a basis of equality.21. 实现的义务要求缔约国采取步骤,保证男女在实际中平等地享受其经济、社会和文化权利。
Such steps should include:这些步骤应当包括:
To make available and accessible appropriate remedies, such as - compensation, reparation, restitution, rehabilitation, guarantees of non-repetition, declarations, public apologies, educational programmes and prevention programmes;提供并便利受害者利用适当的补救措施,例如赔偿、补救、恢复、康复、肇事者作出不重犯的保证、声明、公开道歉、教育方案和预防方案;
To establish appropriate venues for redress such as courts and - tribunals or administrative mechanisms that are accessible to all on the basis of equality, including the poorest and most disadvantaged and marginalized men and women;建立适当的补救渠道,例如所有人都能平等诉诸的法院和法庭,或行政机制,包括最贫穷和处境最不利和处于社会边缘的男女;
To develop monitoring mechanisms to ensure that the implementation of - laws and policies aimed at promoting the equal enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights by men and women do not have unintended adverse effects on disadvantaged or marginalized individuals or groups, particularly women and girls;制定监测机制,以便保证实施旨在促进男女平等享受经济、社会和文化权利的法律和政策不致对地位不利或处社会边缘的个人或团体,尤其是妇女和女童产生未预见的消极影响;
To design and implement policies and programmes to give long-term - effect to the economic, social and cultural rights of both men and women on the basis of equality.设置并实施能对男女平等享受经济、社会和文化权利产生长期影响的政策和方案。
These may include the adoption of temporary special measures to accelerate women's equal enjoyment of their rights, gender audits, and gender-specific allocation of resources;这些政策和方案可以包括采取暂行特别措施,以便加速妇女平等地享受其各项权利,开展性别审查、特别依据性别情况分配资源;
To conduct human rights education and training programmes for judges and public officials; -为法官和公共官员举办人权教育和培训方案;
To conduct awareness-raising and training programmes on equality for - workers involved in the realization of economic, social and cultural rights at the grass-roots level;为在基层参与实现经济、社会和文化权利的工作人员举办有关平等问题的提高认识和培训方案;
To inte -grate, in formal and non-formal education, the principle of the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, and to promote equal participation of men and women, boys and girls, in schools and other education programmes;将男女享受经济、社会和文化权利的平等权利原则纳入正规和非正规教育,并促进男女成人、男女儿童平等参加学校和其他教育方案;
To promote equal representation of men and women in public office and decision-making bodies; -鼓励男女平等出任公职,并担任决策机构的职务;
To promote equal participation of men and women in development - planning, decision-making and in the benefits of development and all programmes related to the realization of economic, social and cultural rights.促进男女平等参与发展规划和决策,并享受发展带来的福利以及实现经济、社会及文化权利的所有方案所带来的福利。
C. Specific examples of States parties' obligationsC. 缔约国义务的具体示例
22. Article 3 is a cross-cutting obligation and applies to all the rights contained in articles 6 to 15 of the Covenant.22. 第三条是一项跨领域的义务,适用于《公约》第六至第十五条所载的所有权利。
It requires addressing gender-based social and cultural prejudices, providing for equality in the allocation of resources, and promoting the sharing of responsibilities in the family, community and public life.这项义务要求消除基于性别的社会和文化偏见,确立资源分配方面的平等,并促进在家庭、社区和公共生活之中分担责任。
The examples provided in the following paragraphs may be taken as guidance on the ways in which article 3 applies to other rights in the Covenant, but are not intended to be exhaustive.以下各段的示例可以作为指导第三条适用于《公约》其他权利的具体方式,但是所举的实例并非完整无缺、面面俱到。
23. Article 6, paragraph 1, of the Covenant requires States parties to safeguard the right of everyone to the opportunity to gain a living by work which is freely chosen or accepted and to take the necessary steps to achieve the full realization of this right.23. 《公约》第六条第一款要求缔约国保障人人有机会自由选择和接受的工作来谋生的权利,并采取适当步骤来充分实现这一权利。
Implementing article 3, in relation to article 6, requires inter alia, that in law and in practice, men and women have equal access to jobs at all levels and all occupations and that vocational training and guidance programmes, in both the public and private sectors, provide men and women with the skills, information and knowledge necessary for them to benefit equally from the right to work.在顾及第六条情况下实施第三条的时候,除其他要求外,还要在法律和实际中做到男女双方能够平等地得到所有层次和所有职业类别的工作机会,并要求公共和私营部门的职业训练和指导方案能够向男女学员提供必要的技能、信息和知识,使之能够平等地享受工作权。
24. Article 7 (a) of the Covenant requires States parties to recognize the right of everyone to enjoy just and favourable conditions of work and to ensure, among other things, fair wages and equal pay for work of equal value.24. 《公约》第七条(甲)项要求缔约国承认人人享受公正和良好的工作条件,并保证同值工作同工同酬。
Article 3, in relation to article 7 requires, inter alia, that the State party identify and eliminate the underlying causes of pay differentials, such as gender-biased job evaluation or the perception that productivity differences between men and women exist.根据第七条的规定,第三条除其他方面外还要求缔约国认清并消除报酬不平等的内在起因,例如基于性别的工作评断,或认为男女之间存在生产率差异的观点。
Furthermore, the State party should monitor compliance by the private sector with national legislation on working conditions through an effectively functioning labour inspectorate.此外,缔约国应当通过行之有效的劳工监督部门来监测私营部门对国家有关工作条件的法律之遵守情况。
The State party should adopt legislation that prescribes equal consideration in promotion, non-wage compensation and equal opportunity and support for vocational or professional development in the workplace.缔约国应当通过法律规定平等考虑晋升、非工资的报酬和均等机会,并支持工作场所的职业或专业发展。
Finally, the State party should reduce the constraints faced by men and women in reconciling professional and family responsibilities by promoting adequate policies for childcare and care of dependent family members.最后,缔约国应当推行适当的托儿保育政策以及对受扶养家属的便利政策,以便减少男女雇员在兼顾职业和家庭两方面责任中面临的障碍。
25. Article 8, paragraph 1 (a), of the Covenant requires States parties to ensure the right of everyone to form and join trade unions of his or her choice.25. 《公约》第八条第一款(甲)项要求缔约国保证人人有权组织工会和参加他(她)所选择的工会。
Article 3, in relation to article 8, requires allowing men and women to organize and join workers' associations that address their specific concerns.顾及第八条的规定,第三条要求缔约国允许男女雇员组织并参加解决其特定问题的工人协会。
In this regard, particular attention should be given to domestic workers, rural women, women working in female-dominated industries and women working at home, who are often deprived of this right.在这方面,应当特别关注帮佣工人、农村妇女、在以女性为主的行业中工作的妇女和在家工作的妇女,这些人的权利常常被剥夺。
26. Article 9 of the Covenant requires that States parties recognize the right of everyone to social security, including social insurance, and to equal access to social services.26. 《公约》第九条要求缔约国承认人人有权享受社会保障,包括社会保险,人人有权平等地接受社会服务。
Implementing article 3, in relation to article 9, requires, inter alia, equalizing the compulsory retirement age for both men and women; ensuring that women receive the equal benefit of public and private pension schemes; and guaranteeing adequate maternity leave for women, paternity leave for men, and parental leave for both men and women.顾及第九条的规定,第三条除其他方面外还要求确定男女间平等的法定退休年龄、保证妇女在公共和私营养恤金计划中接受平等的福利;并保证妇女的产假、男子的陪产假以及男女都享有的育儿假。
27. Article 10, paragraph 1, of the Covenant requires that States parties recognize that the widest possible protection and assistance should be accorded to the family, and that marriage must be entered into with the free consent of the intending spouses.27. 《公约》第十条第一款要求缔约国承认对家庭给予尽可能广泛的保护和协助,结婚必须经男女双方的自由同意。
Implementing article 3, in relation to article 10, requires States parties, inter alia, to provide victims of domestic violence, who are primarily female, with access to safe housing, remedies and redress for physical, mental and emotional damage; to ensure that men and women have an equal right to choose if, whom and when to marry - in particular, the legal age of marriage for men and women should be the same, and boys and girls should be protected equally from practices that promote child marriage, marriage by proxy, or coercion; and to ensure that women have equal rights to marital property and inheritance upon their husband's death.在顾及第十条 情况下实施第三条,除其他方面外尤其要求缔约国向以女性为主的家庭暴力受害者提供安全住所、补救措施,以及帮助身心和感情损害的康复;保证男女双方有平等 的权利来选择是否结婚、与谁结婚、何时结婚,尤其是,男女双方的合法婚姻年龄应当相同,男女儿童应当受到同等的保护,不遭受童婚、包办婚姻或逼婚习俗之 害;并保证妇女在丈夫死亡之时对于婚姻财产和遗产享有同等权利。
Gender-based violence is a form of discrimination that inhibits the ability to enjoy rights and freedoms, including economic, social and cultural rights, on a basis of equality.基于性别的暴力是一种歧视,它阻碍了享受自由的权利,包括平等地享受经济、社会和文化的权利。
States parties must take appropriate measures to eliminate violence against men and women and act with due diligence to prevent, investigate, mediate, punish and redress acts of violence against them by private actors.缔约国必须采取适当措施消除对男女的暴力,并以应有的认真方式采取行动,防止、调查、调解、惩处和赔偿由私人行动者对其采取的暴力行动。
28. Article 11 of the Covenant requires States parties to recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for him/herself and his/her family, including adequate housing (para.28. 《公约》第十一条要求缔约国承认人人有权为自己和家庭获得象样的生活水平,其中包括足够的住房(第一款)和足够的食物(第二款)。
1) and adequate food (para. 2). Implementing article 3, in relation to article 11, paragraph 1, requires that women have a right to own, use or otherwise control housing, land and property on an equal basis with men, and to access necessary resources to do so.在顾及第十一条第一款情况下实施第三条就要求缔约国做到,妇女有权与男子同等地拥有、使用或以其他方式掌管住房、土地和财产,并为此取得必要的资源。
Implementing article 3, in relation to article 11, paragraph 2, also requires States parties, inter alia, to ensure that women have access to or control over means of food production, and actively to address customary practices under which women are not allowed to eat until the men are fully fed, or are only allowed less nutritious food.在不违背第十一条第二款的前提实施第三条就要求缔约国尤其要并保证妇女取得并掌管生产粮食的手段,同时要求缔约国消除那种要等男人吃饱之后妇女才能吃饭的习惯做法,或者只允许妇女食用营养较差的食物的习惯做法。
29. Article 12 of the Covenant requires States parties to undertake steps towards the full realization of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.29. 《公约》第十二条要求缔约国采取步骤,争取充分实现人人有权享有最佳心身健康的标准。
The implementation of article 3, in relation to article 12, requires at a minimum the removal of legal and other obstacles that prevent men and women from accessing and benefiting from health care on a basis of equality.在顾及第十二条情况下实施第三条就至少要求缔约国消除阻止男女平等取得和享受医疗保健的法律的和其他的障碍。
This includes, inter alia, addressing the ways in which gender roles affect access to determinants of health, such as water and food; the removal of legal restrictions on reproductive health provisions; the prohibition of female genital mutilation; and the provision of adequate training for health-care workers to deal with women's health issues.其中还包括纠正男女的地位角色对健康决定因素,例如饮水和粮食获取方式所产生的影响;消除对提供生殖卫生用品的法律限制;禁止女性生殖器残割;为保健人员提供适当训练,使之能够解决妇女的健康问题。
30. Article 13, paragraph 1, of the Covenant requires States parties to recognize the right of everyone to education and in paragraph 2 (a) stipulates that primary education shall be compulsory and available free to all.30. 《公约》第十三条第一款要求缔约国承认人人享有受教育的权利,并在第二款(甲)项中规定,初等教育应属义务性质,并一律免费。
Implementing article 3, in relation to article 13, requires, inter alia, the adoption of legislation and policies to ensure the same admission criteria for boys and girls at all levels of education.在顾及第十三条情况下实施第三条就要求缔约国除其他方面外,通过法律和政策,保证男女儿童有进入各级教育的同等入校标准。
States parties should ensure, in particular through information and awareness-raising campaigns, that families desist from giving preferential treatment to boys when sending their children to school, and that curricula promote equality and non-discrimination.缔约国尤其应当通过宣传和提高认识的运动来保证家庭在送子女上学方面不偏向男孩,并保证课程促进平等和不歧视的理念。
States parties must create favourable conditions to ensure the safety of children, in particular girls, on their way to and from school.缔约国必须创造有利条件,保证儿童、尤其是女童在到学校的往返路上之安全。
31. Article 15, paragraph 1 (a) and (b), of the Covenant require States parties to recognize the right of everyone to take part in cultural life and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress.31. 《公约》第十五条第一款(甲)项和(乙)项要求缔约国承认人人有权参加文化生活,并享受科学进步及其应用所产生的利益。
Implementing article 3, in relation to article 15, paragraph 1 (a) and (b), requires, inter alia, overcoming institutional barriers and other obstacles, such as those based on cultural and religious traditions, which prevent women from fully participating in cultural life, science education and scientific research, and directing resources to scientific research relating to the health and economic needs of women on an equal basis with those of men.在 顾及第十五条第一款(甲)项和(乙)项情况下实施第三条,就要求缔约国尤其应克服结构性的壁垒和其他障碍,例如基于文化和宗教传统的障碍,因为它们阻止妇 女充分参与文化生活、科学教育和科学研究,并将各项资源转向有助于妇女与男子平等地满足健康和经济需要的科学研究之上。
III. Implementation at the national level三、国家一级的执行
A. Policies and strategiesA. 政策和战略
32. The most appropriate ways and means of implementing the right under article 3 of the Covenant will vary from one State party to another.32. 实施《公约》第三条规定权利的最佳方式各缔约国有所不同。
Every State party has a margin of discretion in adopting appropriate measures in complying with its primary and immediate obligation to ensure the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all their economic, social and cultural rights.在履行保证男女享受所有经济、社会和文化权利的平等权利这项首要和直接义务方面,每一缔约国在通过适当的措施时都有一定程度的决策酿酌权。
Among other things, States parties must, integrate into national plans of action for human rights appropriate strategies to ensure the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights.除其他事项外,缔约国必须在国家人权行动计划中纳入适当的战略,以便保证男女享受经济、社会和文化权利的平等权利。
33. These strategies should be based on the systematic identification of policies, programmes and activities relevant to the situation and context within the State, as derived from the normative content of article 3 of the Covenant and spelled out in relation to the levels and nature of States parties' obligations referred to in paragraphs 16 to 21 above.33. 这些战略的基础应当是根据《公约》第三条的规范性内容以及以上第16至21段中提到的缔约国义务的各个层面和性质根据具体国情系统地提出各项政策、方案与活动。
The strategies should give particular attention to the elimination of discrimination in the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights.这项战略应当尤其着重于消除享受经济、社会和文化权利方面的歧视。
34. States parties should periodically review existing legislation, policies, strategies and programmes in relation to economic, social and cultural rights, and adopt any necessary changes to ensure that they are consonant with their obligations under article 3 of the Covenant.34. 缔约国应当依据经济、社会和文化权利定期审查现有的法律、政策和战略及方案,并作出必要的更改,以便保证这些法律、政策和战略及方案符合《公约》第三条规定的义务。
35. The adoption of temporary special measures may be necessary to accelerate the equal enjoyment by women of all economic, social and cultural rights and to improve the de facto position of women.35. 也许有必要通过暂行特别措施,以便加速妇女平等享受所有经济、社会和文化权利,并改进妇女的实际地位。
Temporary special measures should be distinguished from permanent policies and strategies undertaken to achieve equality of men and women.暂行特别措施应当与为实现男女平等所推行的永久政策与战略区分开来。
36. States parties are encouraged to adopt temporary special measures to accelerate the achievement of equality between men and women in the enjoyment of the rights under the Covenant.36. 鼓励缔约国采取暂行特别措施,以便加速男女间在享受《公约》规定的权利方面实现平等。
Such measures are not to be considered discriminatory in themselves as they are grounded in the State's obligation to eliminate disadvantage caused by past and current discriminatory laws, traditions and practices.这些措施本身不应当被看作具有歧视性,因为其依据是缔约国负有义务,须消除过去和目前的歧视性法律、传统与惯例造成的劣势状况。
The nature, duration and application of such measures should be designed with reference to the specific issue and context, and should be adjusted as circumstances require.应当根据特定的问题和背景来确定这类措施的性质、持续时间和适用范围,并应当根据情况的需求而作调整。
The results of such measures should be monitored with a view to being discontinued when the objectives for which they are undertaken have been achieved.应当监督这种措施的结果,以便在采取这种措施的原定目标实现之时结束这类措施。
37. The right of individuals and groups of individuals to participate in decision-making processes that may affect their development must be an integral component of any policy, programme or activity developed to discharge governmental obligations under article 3 of the Covenant.37. 个人和由个人组成的群体参与影响自身发展的决策进程之权利必须是履行根据《公约》第三条向政府规定的各项义务而制定的一切政策、方案或活动的组成部分。
B. Remedies and accountabilityB. 补救与问责
38. National policies and strategies should provide for the establishment of effective mechanisms and institutions where they do not exist, including administrative authorities, ombudsmen and other national human rights institutions, courts and tribunals.38. 国家政策和战略应当规定建立目前尚不存在的有效机制和机构,其中包括行政管理当局、监察员和其他国家人权机构、法院和法庭。
These institutions should investigate and address alleged violations relating to article 3 and provide remedies for such violations.这些机构应当调查并处理与第三条有关的暴力指控,并提供补救。
States parties, for their part, should ensure that such remedies are effectively implemented.在缔约国一方,应当保证这种补救措施得到有效实施。
C. Indicators and benchmarksC. 指标和基准
39. National policies and strategies should identify appropriate indicators and benchmarks on the right to equal enjoyment by men and women of economic, social and cultural rights in order to effectively monitor the implementation by the State party of its obligations under the Covenant in this regard.39. 国家政策与战略应当确定有关男女平等享受经济、社会和文化权利这项权利的适当指标和基准,以便有效地监测缔约国实施《公约》在这方面规定的义务之情况。
Disaggregated statistics, provided within specific time frames, are necessary to measure the progressive realization of economic, social and cultural rights by men and women, where appropriate.在适当情况下,特定时间范围内的分门别类的统计数字对于衡量男女逐渐实现经济、社会和文化权利的情况是必要的。
IV. Violations四、违 反
40. States parties must fulfil their immediate and primary obligation to ensure the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights.40. 缔约国必须履行其直接的和首要的义务,以便保证男女享受经济、社会和文化权利的平等权利。
41. The principle of equality between men and women is fundamental to the enjoyment of each of the specific rights enumerated in the Covenant.41. 男女平等的原则对于享受《公约》所列举的各项特定权利具有根本的意义。
Failure to ensure formal and substantive equality in the enjoyment of any of these rights constitutes a violation of that right.不保证享受任何这些权利方面的正式和实际平等,就构成对这项权利的侵犯。
Elimination of de jure as well as de facto discrimination is required for the equal enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights.要做到平等享受经济、社会和文化权利,就需要消除法律上的和实际上的歧视。
Failure to adopt, implement and monitor effects of laws, policies and programmes to eliminate de jure and de facto discrimination with respect to each of the rights enumerated in articles 6 to 15 of the Covenant constitutes a violation of those rights.对于《公约》第六条至第十五条所列举的每一项权利,如果不通过、实施并监测旨在消除法律上和实际上的歧视的各种法律、政策与方案之影响,就构成了对这些权利的侵犯。
42. Violations of the rights contained in the Covenant can occur through the direct action of, failure to act or omission by States parties, or through their institutions or agencies at the national and local levels.42. 对于《公约》所载各项权利的侵犯可以通过缔约国、该国的国家或地方机构或机关之直接行动、不行动或疏忽失职而造成。
The adoption and undertaking of any retrogressive measures that affect the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of the all the rights set forth in the Covenant constitutes a violation of article 3.通过或推行影响到男女享受《公约》中所提出的所有权利之平等权利的任何倒退措施也同样构成了对第三条的违背。
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights Report of the Third Committee. A/53/65 (17 December 1962), para. 85.国际人权公约草案,第三委员会的报告(A/5365)(1962年12月17日),第85段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (hereinafter CESCR), general comment No. 4 (1991): The right to adequate housing (article 11, paragraph 1 of the Covenant) para 6; general comment No. 7 (1997): The right to adequate housing (article 11, paragraph 1 of the Covenant): Forced evictions, para. 10.经济、社会、文化权利委员会,第4号一般性意见(1991):充足住房权(《公约》第十一条第一款),第六段;第7号一般性意见(1997):充足住房权(《公约》第十一条第一款):被迫迁离,第10段。
CESCR, general comment No. 12 (1999): The right to adequate food (article 11 of the Covenant), para. 26.经济、社会、文化权利委员会,第12号一般性意见(1999年):充足食物权(《公约》第十一条),第26段。
CESCR, general comment No. 11 (1999): Plans for primary education (article 14 of the Covenant), para. 3; general comment No. 13 (1999): The right to education (article 13 of the Covenant), paras. 6 (b), 31 and 32.经济、社会、文化权利委员会,第11号一般性意见(1999年):初级教育计划(《公约》第十四条),第3段;第13号一般性意见(1999年):受教育的权利(《公约》第十三条),第6段(b)、31段和32段。
CESCR, general comment No. 14 (2000): The right to the highest attainable standard of health (article 12 of the Covenant), paras. 18-22.经济、社会、文化权利委员会,第14号一般性意见(2000):享有最佳身心健康标准之权利(《公约》第十二条),第18至22段。
CESCR, general comment No. 15 (2000): The right to water (articles 11 and 12 of the Covenant), paras. 13 and 14.经济、社会、文化权利委员会,第15号一般性意见(2000):水权(《公约》第十一和第十二条),第13和14段。
Cf. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, general comment XXV (2000): Gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination.参看消除种族歧视委员会,第二十五号一般性意见(2000):种族歧视中涉及性别的方面。
As defined in article 1 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.根据《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第一条的定义。
However, there is one exception to this general principle: reasons specific to an individual male candidate may tilt the balance in his favour, which is to be assessed objectively, taking into account all criteria pertaining to the individual candidates.但是,这项一般性原则有一个例外:涉及某一男性候选人的特定理由也可能有利于他,必须顾及涉及单独候选人的所有相关标准,客观地加以评估。
This is a requirement of the principle of proportionality.这就是相称性原则的一项要求。
CESCR, general comment No. 3 (1990): The nature of States parties obligations (art. 2, para. 2).经济、社会、文化权利委员会,第3号一般性意见(1990):缔约国义务的性质(第二条第二款)。
According to CESCR general comment Nos. 12 and 13, the obligation to fulfil incorporates an obligation to facilitate and an obligation to provide.根据经济、社会、文化权利委员会第12号和第13号一般性意见,履行《公约》的义务包括了便利义务和提供义务。
In the present general comment, the obligation to fulfil also incorporates an obligation to promote the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women.在本一般性意见中,履行义务还包括消除对妇女一切形式歧视的义务。
Other examples of obligations and possible violations of article 3 in relation to article 11 (1) and (2) are further discussed in CESCR general comment No. 12, para. 26.有关义务和结合第十一条(甲)项和(乙)项的规定有可能违反第三条的实例在经济、社会、文化权利委员会第12号一般性意见第26段中有进一步的阐述。
CESCR general comment No. 14. paras. 18-21.经济、社会、文化权利委员会第14号一般性意见,第18至21段。
Reference is made in this regard to general recommendation No. 25 on article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women adopted by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), CESCR general comment No. 13 and the Limburg Principles on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.在这方面,请参看消除对妇女歧视委员会针对《消除对妇女一切歧视公约》第四条第1款而通过的第25号一般性建议、经济、社会、文化权利委员会第13号一般性意见和关于执行《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》的林堡原则。