E/C.12/GC/23, 1605357E.docx (ENGLISH)

E/C.12/GC/23, 1605357C.docx (CHINESE)



Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


General comment No. 23 (2016) on the right to just and favourable conditions of work (article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)


I. Introduction

一. 导言

1. The right of everyone to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work is recognized in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other international and regional human rights treaties, as well as related international legal instruments, including conventions and recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

1. 《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》和其他国际和区域人权条约以及包括国际劳工组织(劳工组织)公约和建议书在内的有关国际法律文书都承认,人人有权享受公正和良好的工作条件。

It is an important component of other labour rights enshrined in the Covenant and the corollary of the right to work as freely chosen and accepted.


Similarly, trade union rights, freedom of association and the right to strike are crucial means of introducing, maintaining and defending just and favourable conditions of work.


In turn, social security compensates for the lack of work-related income and complements labour rights.


The enjoyment of the right to just and favourable conditions of work is a prerequisite for, and result of, the enjoyment of other Covenant rights, for example, the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, by avoiding occupational accidents and disease, and an adequate standard of living through decent remuneration.


2. The importance of the right to just and favourable conditions of work has yet to be fully realized.

2. 享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利的重要性尚未得到充分认识。

Almost 50 years after the adoption of the Covenant, the level of wages in many parts of the world remains low and the gender pay gap is a persistent and global problem.


ILO estimates that annually some 330 million people are victims of accidents at work and that there are 2 million work-related fatalities.


Almost half of all countries still regulate weekly working hours above the 40-hour work week, with many establishing a 48-hour limit, and some countries have excessively high average working hours.


In addition, workers in special economic, free trade and export processing zones are often denied the right to just and favourable conditions of work through non-enforcement of labour legislation.


3. Discrimination, inequality and a lack of assured rest and leisure conditions plague many of the world’s workers.

3. 歧视、不平等和缺乏有保证的休息和休闲条件困扰着世界上的很多工人。

Economic, fiscal and political crises have led to austerity measures that claw back advances.


The increasing complexity of work contracts, such as short-term and zero-hour contracts, and non-standard forms of employment, as well as an erosion of national and international labour standards, collective bargaining and working conditions, have resulted in insufficient protection of just and favourable conditions of work.


Even in times of economic growth, many workers do not enjoy such conditions of work.


4. The Committee is aware that the concept of work and workers has evolved from the time of drafting of the Covenant to include new categories, such as self-employed workers, workers in the informal economy, agricultural workers, refugee workers and unpaid workers.

4. 委员会认识到,自起草《公约》以来,工作和工人的概念已经发生了变化,包括出现了新的类别,如自营职业工人、非正规经济部门的工人、农业工人、难民工人和无薪工人。

Following up on general comment No. 18 on the right to work, and benefiting from its experience in the consideration of reports of States parties, the present general comment has been drafted by the Committee with the aim of contributing to the full implementation of article 7 of the Covenant.


II. Normative content

. 规范性内容

5. The right to just and favourable conditions of work is a right of everyone, without distinction of any kind.

5. 享受公正和良好的工作条件是每个人的权利,没有任何区分。

The reference to “everyone” highlights the fact that the right applies to all workers in all settings, regardless of gender, as well as young and older workers, workers with disabilities, workers in the informal sector, migrant workers, workers from ethnic and other minorities, domestic workers, self-employed workers, agricultural workers, refugee workers and unpaid workers.


The reference to “everyone” reinforces the general prohibition on discrimination in article 2 (2) and the equality provision in article 3 of the Covenant, and is supplemented by the various references to equality and freedom from distinctions of any kind in sub-articles 7 (a) (i) and (c).


6. Article 7 identifies a non-exhaustive list of fundamental elements to guarantee just and favourable conditions of work.

6. 第七条列明了确保公正和良好工作条件的基本内容的不完全清单。

The reference to the term “in particular” indicates that other elements, not explicitly referred to, are also relevant.


In this context, the Committee has systematically underlined factors such as the following: prohibition of forced labour and social and economic exploitation of children and young persons;


freedom from violence and harassment, including sexual harassment;


and paid maternity, paternity and parental leave.


A. Article 7 (a): remuneration which provides all workers, as a minimum, with:

A. 第七条()项:最低限度给予所有工人以下列报酬:

1. Remuneration

1. 报酬

7. The term “remuneration” goes beyond the more restricted notion of “wage” or “salary” to include additional direct or indirect allowances in cash or in kind paid by the employer to the employee that should be of a fair and reasonable amount, such as grants, contributions to health insurance, housing and food allowances, and on-site affordable childcare facilities.

7. “报酬一词不仅仅指狭义的工资工资薪金,而且也包括雇主向雇员支付的、应达到公平、合理数额的额外直接或间接现金或实物津贴,如补助金、医疗保险缴款、住房和食品津贴以及和可负担得起的工作场所托儿设施。

8. It is clear that the reference to “a minimum” in article 7 (a) is designed to ensure that the article should in no case limit efforts to improve remuneration to a level above those standards.

8. 显然,第七条()(a)项中最低限度的提法目的是确保该条在任何情况下都不应限制将报酬提高至这些标准以上水平的努力。

This minimum applies to “all workers”, reflecting the term “everyone” in the chapeau.


9. The minimum criteria for remuneration are: fair wages, equal remuneration for work of equal value without distinction of any kind, in particular women being guaranteed conditions of work not inferior to those enjoyed by men, with equal pay for equal work (art. 7 (a) (i));

9. 报酬的最低标准是:公平的工资和同值工作同等报酬而没有任何歧视,特别是保证妇女享受不差于男子所享受的工作条件,并享受同工同酬(第七条()款第(1))

and a decent living for workers and their families (art. 7 (a) (ii)).


2. Fair wages

2. 公平的工资

10. All workers have the right to a fair wage.

10. 所有工人都有权得到公平的工资。

The notion of a fair wage is not static, since it depends on a range of non-exhaustive objective criteria, reflecting not only the output of the work but also the responsibilities of the worker, the level of skill and education required to perform the work, the impact of the work on the health and safety of the worker, specific hardships related to the work and the impact on the worker’s personal and family life.

公平的工资这一概念不是静态的,因为它取决于一系列非详尽的客观标准。 这些标准不仅反映工作成果,也反映工人的职责、从事工作所需的技能和教育水平、工作对工人健康和安全产生的影响、与工作有关的具体困难以及对工人个人生活和家庭生活产生的影响。

Any assessment of fairness should also take into account the position of female workers, particularly where their work and pay has traditionally been undervalued.


Where workers have precarious contracts, supplements to the wage, as well as other measures to guard against arbitrariness, may be necessary in the interest of fairness to mitigate the lack of job security.


Workers should not have to pay back part of their wages for work already performed and should receive all wages and benefits legally due upon termination of a contract or in the event of the bankruptcy or judicial liquidation of the employer.

工人不应被迫退还因已完成的工作而得到的工资的一部分; 终止合同时,或者如果雇主破产或遭司法清算,工人应得到依法应付的全部工资和福利。

Employers are prohibited from restricting the freedom of workers to dispose of their remuneration.


Prisoners who agree to work should receive a fair wage.


For the clear majority of workers, fair wages are above the minimum wage.


Wages should be paid in a regular, timely fashion and in full.


3. Equal remuneration for work of equal value without distinction of any kind, in particular women being guaranteed conditions of work not inferior to those enjoyed by men, with equal pay for equal work

3. 公平的工资和同值工作同等报酬而没有任何歧视,特别是保证妇女享受不差于男子所享受的工作条件,并享受同工同酬

11. Not only should workers receive equal remuneration when they perform the same or similar jobs, but their remuneration should also be equal even when their work is completely different but nonetheless of equal value when assessed by objective criteria.

11. 工人不仅在从事相同或类似工作时应领取同等报酬,而且即使他们的工作完全不同、但在使用客观标准进行评估时具有同等价值时,他们也应当领取同等报酬。

This requirement goes beyond only wages or pay to include other payments or benefits paid directly or indirectly to workers.


Although equality between men and women is particularly important in this context and even merits a specific reference in article 7 (a) (i), the Committee reiterates that equality applies to all workers without distinction based on race, ethnicity, nationality, migration or health status, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other ground.


12. The extent to which equality is being achieved requires an ongoing objective evaluation of whether the work is of equal value and whether the remuneration received is equal.

12. 对于平等在多大程度上正在实现,需不断开展客观评价,以评价工作是否具有同等价值以及领取的报酬是否同等。

It should cover a broad selection of functions.


Since the focus should be on the “value” of the work, evaluation factors should include skills, responsibilities and effort required by the worker, as well as working conditions.


It could be based on a comparison of rates of remuneration across organizations, enterprises and professions.


13. Objective job evaluation is important to avoid indirect discrimination when determining rates of remuneration and comparing the relative value of different jobs.

13. 客观的工作评价对于在确定报酬标准和比较不同工种的相对价值时避免间接歧视非常重要。

For example, a distinction between full-time and part-time work — such as the payment of bonuses only to full-time employees — might indirectly discriminate against women employees if a higher percentage of women are part-time workers.


Similarly, the objective evaluation of the work must be free from gender bias.


14. Equal remuneration for work of equal value applies across all sectors.

14. 所有部门都必须对同等价值的工作付予同等报酬。

Where the State has direct influence over rates of remuneration, equality should be achieved in the public sector as rapidly as possible, ensuring equal remuneration for work of equal value in the civil service at the central, provincial and local levels, as well as for work under public contract or in enterprises either fully or partially owned by the State.


15. Remuneration set through collective agreements should be aimed at ensuring equality for work of equal value.

15. 通过集体协议确定的报酬应力争确保同值工作同等报酬。

States parties should adopt legislation and other measures to promote equal remuneration for work of equal value, including in the private sphere, for example, by encouraging the establishment of a classification of jobs without regard to sex;

缔约国应采取立法和其他措施,促进对同值工作付予同等报酬,在私营部门也一样。 例如,为此可鼓励确定不分性别的工作分类;

fixing time-bound targets for achieving equality, and reporting requirements designed to assess whether targets have been met;


and requiring progressive decreases in the differentials between rates of remuneration for men and women for work of equal value.


States parties should consider the introduction of a wide range of vocational and other training measures for women, including in non-traditional fields of study and work.


16. The notion of “conditions of work for women not inferior to those enjoyed by men” and “equal pay for equal work” mentioned in the second part of article 7 (i) (a) are more restrictive than the notion of equal remuneration for work of equal value.

16. 第七条()款第(1)项第二部分关于妇女享受不差于男子所享受的工作条件同工同酬的概念比对同值工作同等报酬的概念更具限制性。

First, the former are specifically related to direct discrimination on the basis of sex, while “equal remuneration for work of equal value” is without distinction on any ground.


Second, they focus on a narrower comparison between the same job or post, normally in the same enterprise or organization, instead of the broader recognition of remuneration based on the value of work.


Therefore, in the specific situation in which a man and a woman perform the same or similar functions, both workers must receive the same pay, but this should not detract from the requirement to take immediate steps towards the broader obligation of achieving equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value.


17. “Conditions of work” in this particular subparagraph include the “conditions” identified in the work contract that can affect the rate of remuneration, as well as broader “conditions” referred to in other paragraphs of article 7.

17. 本项中的工作条件既包括工作合同中列明的、可能影响报酬标准的条件,也包括第七条其他各款中提及的广义条件

Thus, a woman performing work of equal value to that of a male counterpart should not have fewer contractual protections or more arduous contractual requirements.


This requirement does not prevent women from enjoying specific conditions of work relating to pregnancy and maternity protection.


4. Remuneration that provides all workers with a decent living for themselves and their families

4. 让工人自身及其家人过上体面生活的报酬

18. Closely linked to the notions of fairness and equality, “remuneration” must also provide a “decent living” for workers and their families.

18. 与公平和平等的概念密切相关的是,报酬还必须让工人及其家人过上体面生活

While fair wages and equal remuneration are determined by reference to the work performed by an individual worker, as well as in comparison with other workers, remuneration that provides a decent living must be determined by reference to outside factors such as the cost of living and other prevailing economic and social conditions.


Thus, remuneration must be sufficient to enable the worker and his or her family to enjoy other rights in the Covenant, such as social security, health care, education and an adequate standard of living, including food, water and sanitation, housing, clothing and additional expenses such as commuting costs.


19. A minimum wage is “the minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is required to pay wage earners for the work performed during a given period, which cannot be reduced by collective agreement or an individual contract”.

19. 最低工资是指一个雇主必须为某段时间内雇员从事的工作支付的最低数额的报酬,这一报酬不能通过集体协议或个人合同降低

It provides a means of ensuring remuneration for a decent living for workers and their families.


20. States parties should prioritize the adoption of a periodically reviewed minimum wage, indexed at least to the cost of living, and maintain a mechanism to do this.

20. 缔约国应优先采用一项至少与生活成本挂钩的最低工资并定期加以审查,同时维持一个相应的机制。

Workers, employers and their representative organizations should participate directly in the operation of such a mechanism.


21. Minimum wages can be effective only if they are adequate to the goals set forth in article 7.

21. 最低工资必须满足第七条中规定的各项目标方可能有效。

The minimum wage should be recognized in legislation, fixed with reference to the requirements of a decent living, and applied consistently.


The elements to take into account in fixing the minimum wage are flexible, although they must be technically sound, including the general level of wages in the country, the cost of living, social security contributions and benefits, and relative living standards.


The minimum wage might represent a percentage of the average wage, so long as this percentage is sufficient to ensure a decent living for workers and their families.


22. In setting the minimum wage, reference to wages paid for work of equal value in sectors subject to collective wage agreements is relevant, as is the general level of salaries in the country or locality in question.

22. 在确定最低工资时,有必要参考向须遵守集体工资协议的部门同等价值的工作支付的工资,以及一国或某地的总体工资水平。

The requirements of economic and social development and achievement of a high level of employment also need to be considered, but the Committee underlines that such factors should not be used to justify a minimum wage that does not ensure a decent living for workers and their families.


While recognizing that minimum wages are often frozen during times of economic and financial crisis, the Committee further underlines that, in order for States parties to comply with article 7 of the Covenant, such a measure has to be taken as a last resort and must be of a temporary nature, bearing in mind the needs of workers in vulnerable situations, with a return to the standard procedures of periodic review and increase in the minimum wage as swiftly as possible.


23. The minimum wage should apply systematically, protecting as much as possible the fullest range of workers, including workers in vulnerable situations.

23. 最低工资应得到系统应用,尽可能保护类别最广的工人,包括处于弱势境地的工人。

The minimum wage might apply generally or differ across sectors, regions, zones and professional categories, so long as the wages apply without direct or indirect discrimination and ensure a decent living.

最低工资可以普遍应用,也可以因部门、区域、地区和职业类别不同而有所差异, 只要应用工资标准时不存在直接或间接歧视、且上述工资能够确保体面生活即可。

In setting minimum wages at the sector or industry level, the work performed in sectors predominantly employing women, minorities or foreign workers should not be undervalued compared with work in sectors predominantly employing men or nationals.


It is particularly important to ensure that the job evaluation methods used to align or adjust sectoral or occupational minimum wage schemes are not inherently discriminatory.


24. The failure of employers to respect the minimum wage should be subject to penal or other sanctions.

24. 雇主如不遵守最低工资标准,便应受到刑事处罚或其他处罚。

Appropriate measures, including effective labour inspections, are necessary to ensure the application of minimum wage provisions in practice.


States parties should provide adequate information on minimum wages in relevant languages and dialects, as well as in accessible formats for workers with disabilities and illiterate workers.


B. Article 7 (b): safe and healthy working conditions

B. 第七条()款:安全和卫生的工作条件

25. Preventing occupational accidents and disease is a fundamental aspect of the right to just and favourable conditions of work, and is closely related to other Covenant rights, in particular the right to the highest attainable level of physical and mental health.

25. 防止工伤事故和疾病是享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利的一个重要方面,并与《公约》所载的其他权利密切相关,特别是能达到的最高标准身心健康权。

States parties should adopt a national policy for the prevention of accidents and work-related health injury by minimizing hazards in the working environment and ensuring broad participation in the formulation, implementation and review of such a policy, in particular of workers, employers and their representative organizations.


While full prevention of occupational accidents and diseases might not be possible, the human and other costs of not taking action far outweigh the financial burden on States parties for taking immediate preventative steps that should be increased over time.


26. The national policy should cover all branches of economic activity, including the formal and informal sectors, and all categories of workers, including non-standard workers, apprentices and interns.

26. 国家政策应涵盖经济活动的所有部门,包括正规部门和非正规部门以及所有类别的工人,包括非标准工人、学徒和实习生。

It should take into account specific risks to the safety and health of female workers in the event of pregnancy, as well as of workers with disabilities, without any form of discrimination against these workers.


Workers should be able to monitor working conditions without fear of reprisal.


27. The policy should address at least the following areas: design, testing, choice, substitution, installation, arrangement, use and maintenance of the material elements of work (workplaces, working environment, work processes, tools, machinery and equipment, as well as chemical, physical and biological substances and agents);

27. 该项政策应至少处理以下几个方面的事项 :工作的物质要素(工作场所、工作环境、工作流程、工具、机械和设备,以及化学、物理和生物物质和制剂)的设计、测试、选择、替代、安装、安排、使用和维修;

the relationship between the main elements of work and the physical and mental capacities of workers, including their ergonomic requirements;


training of relevant personnel;


and protection of workers and representative organizations from disciplinary measures when they have acted in conformity with the national policy, such as in response to imminent and serious danger.


28. In particular, the policy should indicate specific actions required of employers in areas such as prevention and response to accidents and disease, as well as recording and providing notification about relevant data, given the fundamental responsibility of the employer to protect the health and safety of workers.

28. 该项政策尤其应说明雇主在预防和应对事故和疾病以及记录相关数据和提供有关通知等方面必须采取的具体行动,因为雇主在保护工人健康和安全方面承担着极为重要的责任。

It should also include a mechanism, which might be a central body, for coordination of policy implementation and support programmes and with the authority to undertake periodic reviews.


To assist with the review, the policy should promote the collection and dissemination of reliable and valid data on the fullest possible range of occupational accidents and disease, including accidents involving workers while commuting to and from work.


Data collection should respect human rights principles, including confidentiality of personal and medical data, as well as the need for disaggregation of data by sex and other relevant grounds.


29. The policy should incorporate appropriate monitoring and enforcement provisions, including effective investigations, and provide adequate penalties in case of violations, including the right of enforcement authorities to suspend the operation of unsafe enterprises.

29. 该项政策应纳入适当的监测和执行条款,包括有效的调查,并对违法行为规定适当的处罚,包括执法机关有权勒令不安全企业暂停营业。

Workers affected by a preventable occupational accident or disease should have the right to a remedy, including access to appropriate grievance mechanisms, such as courts, to resolve disputes.


In particular, States parties should ensure that workers suffering from an accident or disease and, where relevant, the dependants of those workers, receive adequate compensation, including for costs of treatment, loss of earnings and other costs, as well as access to rehabilitation services.


30. Access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation facilities that also meet women’s specific hygiene needs, and materials and information to promote good hygiene are essential elements of a safe and healthy working environment.

30. 获得安全饮用水的机会、能同时满足妇女特殊卫生需要的适当卫生设施以及促进良好卫生习惯的资料和信息是安全和卫生工作环境的基本要素。

Paid sick leave is critical for sick workers to receive treatment for acute and chronic illnesses and to reduce infection of co-workers.


C. Article 7 (c): equal opportunity for everyone to be promoted in his employment to an appropriate higher level, subject to no considerations other than those of seniority and competence

C. 第七条()款:人人在其行业中有适当的提级的同等机会,除资历和能力的考虑外,不受其他考虑的限制

31. All workers have the right to equal opportunity for promotion through fair, merit-based and transparent processes that respect human rights.

31. 所有工人都有权通过公平、透明、注重表现而又尊重人权的程序获得平等晋升机会。

The applicable criteria of seniority and competence should also include an assessment of individual circumstances, as well as the different roles and experiences of men and women, in order to ensure equal opportunities for all.


There should be no place for irrelevant criteria such as personal preference or family, political and social links.


Similarly, workers must have the opportunity for promotion free from reprisals related to trade union or political activity.


The reference to equal opportunity requires that hiring, promotion and termination not be discriminatory.


This is highly relevant for women and other workers, such as workers with disabilities, workers from certain ethnic, national and other minorities, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex workers, older workers and indigenous workers.


32. Equality in promotion requires the analysis of direct and indirect obstacles to promotion, as well as the introduction of measures such as training and initiatives to reconcile work and family responsibilities, including affordable day-care services for children and dependent adults.

32. 要实现晋升方面的平等,就必须分析晋升的直接和间接障碍,并采取培训之类的措施以及调和工作和家庭责任的举措,包括为子女和受抚养成人提供负担得起的日托服务。

In order to accelerate de facto equality, temporary special measures might be necessary.


They should be regularly reviewed and appropriate sanctions applied in the event of non-compliance.


33. In the public sector, States parties should introduce objective standards for hiring, promotion and termination that are aimed at achieving equality, particularly between men and women.

33. 在公共部门,缔约国应制定旨在实现平等特别是男女平等的招聘、晋升和解雇方面的客观标准。

Public sector promotions should be subject to impartial review.


For the private sector, States parties should adopt relevant legislation, such as comprehensive non-discrimination legislation, to guarantee equal treatment in hiring, promotion and termination, and undertake surveys to monitor changes over time.


D. Article 7 (d): rest, leisure, reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay, as well as remuneration for public holidays

D. 第七条()款:休息、休闲和工作时间的合理限制,定期带薪休假以及公共假日报酬

34. Rest and leisure, limitation of working hours and paid periodic holidays help workers to maintain an appropriate balance between professional, family and personal responsibilities and to avoid work-related stress, accidents and disease.

34. 休息和休闲、工作时间限制和定期带薪休假有助于工人保持职业、家庭与个人责任之间的适当平衡,避免与工作相关的压力、事故和疾病。

They also promote the realization of other Covenant rights;


therefore, although States parties have flexibility in the light of the national context, they are required to set minimum standards that must be respected and cannot be denied or reduced on the basis of economic or productivity arguments.


States parties should introduce, maintain and enforce laws, polices and regulations covering several factors, as outlined below.


1. Limits on daily hours of work

1. 每日工作时限

35. Working days spent in all activities, including unpaid work, should be limited to a specified number of hours.

35. 花在所有活动,包括无薪工作上的工作日必须限制在规定的小时数以内。

While the general daily limit (without overtime) should be eight hours, the rule should take into account the complexities of the workplace and allow for flexibility, responding, for example, to different types of work arrangements such as shift work, consecutive work shifts, work during emergencies and flexible working arrangements.


Exceptions should be strictly limited and subject to consultation with workers and their representative organizations.


Where legislation permits longer working days, employers should compensate for longer days with shorter working days so that the average number of working hours over a period of weeks does not exceed the general principle of eight hours per day.


Requirements for workers to be on-call or on standby need to be taken into account in the calculation of hours of work.


36. Legislation should establish the maximum number of daily hours of work, which could vary in the light of the exigencies of different employment activities but should not go beyond what is considered a reasonable maximum work day.

36. 法律应规定每日最长工作时间。 每日最长工作时间可根据不同工种的要求而异,但不应超过公认为合理的每日最长工作时间。

Measures aimed at assisting workers to reconcile work with family responsibilities should not reinforce stereotyped assumptions that men are the main breadwinners and that women should bear the main responsibility for the household.


If substantive equality is to be achieved, both male and female workers with family responsibilities should benefit from the measures on an equal footing.


2. Limits on weekly hours of work

2. 每周工作时限

37. The number of hours of work per week should also be limited through legislation.

37. 每周工作时间也应通过立法加以限制。

The same criteria as indicated for daily limits on working hours apply.


The limitation should apply across all sectors and for all types of work, including unpaid work.


Reduced working weeks may apply, for instance, in relation to arduous activities.


The Committee is aware that many States parties have opted for a 40-hour week and recommends that States parties that have not yet done so take steps progressively to achieve this target.


Legislation should allow for some flexibility to go beyond the limited number of hours of work per week, corresponding to different working arrangements and sectors.


However, as a general rule, the hours per week, averaged over a period of time, should meet the statutory standard working week.


Workers should receive additional pay for overtime hours above the maximum permitted hours worked in any given week.


3. Daily rest periods

3. 每日休息时间

38. Rest during the day is important for the health and safety of workers and therefore legislation should identify and protect rest periods during the work day.

38. 每日的休息对于工人的健康和安全非常重要,因此法律应明确规定并保护工作日中的休息时间。

Where workers operate machinery or undertake tasks that can affect the life and health of themselves and others, legislation should include mandatory rest periods.


Legislation should also include specific regulations on rest periods for night workers and acknowledge certain situations, for example, those of pregnant women, lactating women who may require rest periods in order to breastfeed, or workers undergoing medical treatment.


Daily rest periods should take into account possibilities for flexible working arrangements which allow for extended working days in return for an additional day of rest in a weekly or fortnightly period.

每日休息时间应考虑到灵活工作安排的可能性。 灵活工作安排允许较长的工作日,以换取每周或每两周多出一个休息日。

4. Weekly rest periods

4. 每周休息时间

39. All workers must enjoy weekly rest periods, in principle amounting to at least 24 consecutive hours every period of seven days, although two consecutive days of rest for workers is preferable as a general rule to ensure their health and safety.

39. 所有工人都必须享有每周休息时间,原则上应相当于每7天至少连续休息24小时, 不过一般来说,最好让工人连续休息两天,以确保他们的健康和安全。

Days of rest should correspond to the customs and traditions of the country and the workers in question and apply simultaneously to all staff in the enterprise or workplace.

休息天数应与本国及所涉工人的风俗习惯相符合, 并同时适用于企业或工作场所的全体职工。

40. Temporary exceptions should be permissible in certain cases such as accidents, force majeure, urgent work requirements and abnormal pressure of work or to prevent the loss of perishable goods and where the nature of the service provided requires work on generally applied days of rest, such as weekend retail work.

40. 在某些情况下,如遇事故、不可抗力、紧急任务和异常工作压力时,或为防止易腐货物受损,以及所提供服务的性质要求在通常适用的休息日工作,例如周末零售工作,则应允许临时例外。

In such cases, workers should receive compensatory rest as much as possible within the seven-day work period and for at least 24 hours.


Any exceptions should be agreed through consultation with workers and employers and their representative organizations.


5. Paid annual leave

5. 带薪年假

41. All workers, including part-time and temporary workers, must have paid annual leave.

41. 所有工人,包括兼职工人和临时工,均得享有带薪年假。

Legislation should identify the entitlement, at a minimum, of three working weeks of paid leave for one year of full-time service.


Workers should receive at least the normal pay for the corresponding period of holidays.


Legislation should also specify minimum service requirements, not exceeding six months, for paid leave.


In such situations, the worker should nonetheless enjoy paid leave proportionate to the period of employment.


Leave due to illness or other justified reasons should not be deducted from paid annual leave.


42. Part-time workers should receive paid annual leave equivalent to that of comparable full-time workers and proportionate to hours of work.

42. 兼职工人应得到与可比全职工人带薪年假相当的、与工作时间成比例的带薪年假。

A failure to include part-time workers in the scope of legislation will lead to inequality between men and women where a higher proportion of women rely on part-time work, for example, when returning to work after maternity leave.


43. The timing for taking paid annual leave should be subject to a negotiated decision between the employer and the worker;

43. 何时休带薪年假应由雇主和工人协商决定;

however, legislation should set a minimum period of ideally two weeks of uninterrupted paid annual leave.


Workers may not relinquish such leave, including in exchange for compensation.


Upon termination of employment, workers should receive the period of annual leave outstanding or alternative compensation amounting to the same level of pay entitlement or holiday credit.


44. Legislation should identify other forms of leave, in particular entitlements to maternity, paternity and parental leave, to leave for family reasons and to paid sick leave.

44. 法律应明确规定其他形式的假期,特别是享有产假、陪产假和育儿假、事假和带薪病假的权利。

Workers should not be placed on temporary contracts in order to be excluded from such leave entitlements.


6. Paid public holidays

6. 带薪节假日

45. Workers should benefit from a set number of public holidays with payment of wages equivalent to those for a normal working day.

45. 工人应享有固定数目的带薪节假日,节假日工资应相当于正常工作日的工资。

Workers who have to work on public holidays should receive at least the same wage as on a normal working day, as well as compensatory leave corresponding to the time worked.


The setting of a minimum work requirement for entitlement to paid public holidays should be prohibited by law.


Paid public holidays should not be counted as part of annual leave entitlements.


7. Flexible working arrangements

7. 灵活工作安排

46. In the light of contemporary developments in labour law and practice, the development of a national policy on flexibility in the workplace might be appropriate.

46. 鉴于当代劳工法和劳动做法的演变,或有必要制定一项关于工作场所灵活办法的国家政策。

Such a policy could include flexible arrangements in the scheduling of working hours, for example through flextime, compressed working weeks and job-sharing, as well as flexibility regarding the place of work to include work at home, telework or work from a satellite work centre.


Those measures can also contribute towards a better balance between work and family responsibilities, provided they respond to the different requirements and challenges faced by male and female workers.


Flexible working arrangements must meet the needs of both workers and employers, and in no case should they be used to undermine the right to just and favourable conditions of work.


E. Special topics of broad application

E. 广泛适用的专项议题

47. The right to just and favourable conditions of work relates to specific workers:

47. 享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利与一些特定类型的工人有关:

(a) Female workers: Progress on the three key interrelated indicators for gender equality in the context of labour rights — the “glass ceiling”, the “gender pay gap” and the “sticky floor” — remains far from satisfactory.

(a) 女工:在劳工权利方面衡量性别平等的三个重要且相互关联的指标――“玻璃天花板两性工资差距粘地板”――方面取得的进展还远远不能令人满意。

Intersectional discrimination and the absence of a life-cycle approach regarding the needs of women lead to accumulated disadvantages that have a negative impact on the right to just and favourable conditions of work and other rights.


Particular attention is needed to address occupational segregation by sex and to achieve equal remuneration for work of equal value, as well as equal opportunity for promotion, including through the introduction of temporary special measures.


Any assessment of the “value” of work must avoid gender stereotypes that could undervalue work predominantly performed by women.


States parties should take into account the different requirements of male and female workers.


For example, specific measures might be necessary to protect the safety and health of pregnant workers in relation to travel or night work.


Day-care services in the workplace and flexible working arrangements can promote equal conditions of work in practice.


Workers benefiting from gender-specific measures should not be penalized in other areas.


States parties must take measures to address traditional gender roles and other structural obstacles that perpetuate gender inequality;


(b) Young workers and older workers: All workers should be protected against age discrimination.

(b) 青年工人和老年工人:应保护所有工人免遭年龄歧视。

Young workers should not suffer wage discrimination, for example, being forced to accept low wages that do not reflect their skills.


An excessive use of unpaid internships and training programmes, as well as of short-term and fixed-term contracts that negatively affect job security, career prospects and social security benefits, is not in line with the right to just and favourable conditions of work.


Laws and regulations should include specific measures to protect the health and safety of young workers, including through raising the minimum age for certain types of work.


Older workers should receive fair wages and equal remuneration for work of equal value, and have equal opportunity for promotion based on their experience and know-how.


Specific health and safety measures might be necessary, and older workers should benefit from pre-retirement programmes, if they so wish.

可能有必要采取具体的健康和安全措施; 如果老年工人愿意,他们应能享受退休前讲座。

The cumulative effects of discrimination against female workers through the life cycle might require targeted measures to achieve equality and guarantee fair wages, equal opportunities for promotion and equal pension rights;


(c) Workers with disabilities: At times, workers with disabilities require specific measures to enjoy the right to just and favourable conditions of work on an equal basis with others.

(c) 残疾工人:有时,残疾工人需要具体措施方可与其他人平等享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利。

Workers with disabilities should not be segregated in sheltered workshops.


They should benefit from an accessible work environment and must not be denied reasonable accommodation, like workplace adjustments or flexible working arrangements.


They should also enjoy equal remuneration for work of equal value and must not suffer wage discrimination due to a perceived reduced capacity for work;


(d) Workers in the informal economy: Although these workers account for a significant percentage of the world’s workforce, they are often excluded from national statistics and legal protection, support and safeguards, exacerbating vulnerability.

(d) 非正规经济部门的工人:虽然这些工人占世界劳动力的很大比例,但他们往往不被纳入国家统计数据,也得不到法律保护、支持和保障,从而加剧了他们的弱势处境。

While the overall objective should be to formalize work, laws and policies should explicitly extend to workers in the informal economy and States parties should take steps to gather relevant disaggregated data so as to include this category of workers in the progressive realization of the right to just and favourable conditions of work.


For that purpose, the informal economy should be included in the mandate of the respective monitoring and enforcement mechanism.


Women are often overrepresented in the informal economy, for example, as casual workers, home workers or own-account workers, which in turn exacerbates inequalities in areas such as remuneration, health and safety, rest, leisure and paid leave;


(e) Migrant workers: These workers, in particular if they are undocumented, are vulnerable to exploitation, long working hours, unfair wages and dangerous and unhealthy working environments.

(e) 移徙工人:移徙工人,特别是无证移徙工人,易遭剥削、被迫长时间工作,接受不公平工资以及危险和有害健康的工作环境。

Such vulnerability is increased by abusive labour practices that give the employer control over the migrant worker’s residence status or that tie migrant workers to a specific employer.

恶劣劳动做法又加剧了这种弱势,例如允许雇主控制移徙工人的居留身份,或将移徙工人绑定一个特定的雇主。 如果他们不通该国语言,他们可能不了解自己的权利,无法使用申诉机制。

If they do not speak the national language(s), they might be less aware of their rights and unable to access grievance mechanisms.


Undocumented workers often fear reprisals from employers and eventual expulsion if they seek to complain about working conditions.


Laws and policies should ensure that migrant workers enjoy treatment that is no less favourable than that of national workers in relation to remuneration and conditions of work.

境内移徙工人也易遭受剥削,必须采取立法措施和其他措施确保他们享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利; (f) 家政工人:绝大部分家政工人是女性,其中很多属于少数族裔或少数民族,或者是移民。

Internal migrant workers are also vulnerable to exploitation and require legislative and other measures to ensure their right to just and favourable conditions of work;


(f) Domestic workers: The vast majority of domestic workers are women.


Many belong to ethnic or national minorities or are migrants.


They are often isolated and can be exploited, harassed and, in some cases, notably those involving live-in domestic workers, subject to slave-like conditions.

因此,家政工作是收入最低的职业之一。 家政工人有权享有公正良好的工作条件, 包括受到保护免遭虐待、骚扰和暴力;

They frequently do not have the right to join trade unions or the freedom to communicate with others.

体面的工作条件; 带薪年假; 正常工作时间;

Due to stereotyped perceptions, the skills required for domestic work are undervalued;


as a result, it is among the lowest paid occupations.


Domestic workers have the right to just and favourable conditions of work, including protection against abuse, harassment and violence, decent working conditions, paid annual leave, normal working hours, daily and weekly rest on the basis of equality with other workers, minimum wage coverage where this exists, remuneration established without discrimination based on sex, and social security.

不因性别而加以歧视的工资;以及社会保障。 法律应承认家政工人享有上述权利,并确保有充分的手段监测家政工作,包括为此进行劳工检查;

Legislation should recognize these rights for domestic workers and ensure adequate means of monitoring domestic work, including through labour inspection, and the ability of domestic workers to complain and seek remedies for violations;


(g) Self-employed workers: Where unable to earn a sufficient income, such workers should have access to appropriate support measures.

(g) 自营职业工人:如果此类工人无法赚取足够的收入,他们应当能够获得适当的支助措施。

Self-employed female workers should benefit from maternity insurance on an equal basis with other workers.


Legislation on occupational health and safety should cover self-employed workers, requiring them to undertake appropriate training programmes, and be aimed at raising their awareness on the importance of rest, leisure and limitations on working time.


Small-scale farmers who rely on unpaid family labour to compensate for difficult working conditions deserve particular attention;


(h) Agricultural workers: Agricultural workers often face severe socioeconomic disadvantages, forced labour, income insecurity and lack of access to basic services.

(h) 农业工人:农业工人常常面临严重的社会经济不利条件,被强迫劳动,收入无保障,并且无法获得基本服务。

At times, they are formally excluded from industrial relations and social security systems.


Women agricultural workers, particularly on family farms, are often not recognized as workers and therefore not entitled to wages and social protection, to join agricultural cooperatives and to benefit from loans, credits and other measures to improve working conditions.


States parties should enact laws and policies to ensure that agricultural workers enjoy treatment no less favourable than that enjoyed by other categories of workers;


(i) Refugee workers: Because of their often precarious status, refugee workers remain vulnerable to exploitation, discrimination and abuse in the workplace, may be less well paid than nationals, and have longer working hours and more dangerous working conditions.

(i) 难民工人:难民工人因为身份通常不稳定,所以在工作场所易遭剥削、歧视和虐待,工资可能比本国公民更低,工作时间更长,工作条件更危险。

States parties should enact legislation enabling refugees to work and under conditions no less favourable than for nationals;


(j) Unpaid workers: Women work in activities that are significant for their households and the national economy, and they spend twice as much time as men in unpaid work.

(j) 无薪工人:妇女所从事的活动对其家庭和国民经济十分重要,她们花费在无薪工作上的时间是男性的两倍。

Unpaid workers, such as workers in the home or in family enterprises, volunteer workers and unpaid interns, have remained beyond the coverage of ILO conventions and national legislation.


They have a right to just and favourable conditions of work and should be protected by laws and policies on occupational safety and health, rest and leisure, and reasonable limitations on working hours, as well as social security.


Freedom from harassment, including sexual harassment


48. All workers should be free from physical and mental harassment, including sexual harassment.

48. 所有工人都应免受身心骚扰,包括性骚扰。

Legislation, such as anti-discrimination laws, the penal code and labour legislation, should define harassment broadly, with explicit reference to sexual and other forms of harassment, such as on the basis of sex, disability, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status.


A specific definition of sexual harassment in the workplace is appropriate, and legislation should criminalize and punish sexual harassment as appropriate.


A national policy to be applied in the workplace, in both the public and private sectors, should include at least the following elements: (a) explicit coverage of harassment by and against any worker;

适用于公共和私营部门工作场所的国家政策至少应包括以下要素:(a) 明确涵括任何工人实施和遭受的骚扰行为;

(b) prohibition of certain acts that constitute harassment, including sexual harassment;

(b) 禁止构成骚扰、包括性骚扰的某些行为;

(c) identification of specific duties of employers, managers, supervisors and workers to prevent and, where relevant, resolve and remedy harassment cases;

(c) 确定雇员、经理、领导和工人在预防以及酌情处理和补救骚扰案件方面的具体职责;

(d) access to justice for victims, including through free legal aid;

(d) 确保受害者能够诉诸司法,包括使用免费法律援助;

(e) compulsory training for all staff, including for managers and supervisors;

(e) 对所有工作人员,包括经理和领导进行强制性培训;

(f) protection of victims, including the provision of focal points to assist them, as well as avenues of complaint and redress;

(f) 保护受害者,包括提供联络人协助他们,并提供申诉和补救渠道;

(g) explicit prohibition of reprisals;

(g) 明文禁止报复;

(h) procedures for notification and reporting to a central public authority of claims of sexual harassment and their resolution;

(h) 向一个中央公职机关通知和报告性骚扰申诉以及解决申诉的程序;

(i) provision of a clearly visible workplace-specific policy, developed in consultation with workers, employers and their representative organizations, and other relevant stakeholders such as civil society organizations.

(i) 经与工人、雇主及其代表组织以及民间社会组织等其他有关利益攸关方协商制定一项人人共知的专门针对工作场所的政策。

49. Human rights defenders should be able to contribute to the full realization of Covenant rights for all, free from any form of harassment.

49. 人权维护者应该能够为人人充分实现《公约》规定的各项权利作出贡献,而不遭受任何形式的骚扰。

States parties should respect, protect and promote the work of human rights defenders and other civil society actors towards the realization of the right to just and favourable conditions of work, including by facilitating access to information and enabling the exercise of their rights to freedom of expression, association, assembly and public participation.


III. Obligations

. 义务

A. General obligations

A. 一般义务

50. States parties must comply with their core obligations and take deliberate, concrete and targeted steps towards the progressive realization of the right to just and favourable conditions of work, using maximum available resources.

50. 缔约国必须履行其核心义务,最大程度地利用现有资源,采取周密、具体和有针对性的措施,逐步实现享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利。

In addition to legislation as an indispensable step, States should also ensure the provision of judicial and other effective remedies that include, but are not limited to, administrative, financial, educational and social measures.


51. States parties must move as expeditiously and effectively as possible towards the full implementation of the right to just and favourable conditions of work, with a level of flexibility to choose the appropriate means.

51. 缔约国必须尽可能迅速和切实地全面落实享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利,并在选择适当的落实手段方面拥有一定的灵活性。

Although non-State actors, such as employer and worker organizations, also have a responsibility to secure just and favourable conditions of work, particularly through collective agreements, States parties must effectively regulate and enforce that right, and sanction non-compliance by public and private employers.


52. State parties should avoid taking any deliberately retrogressive measure without careful consideration and justification.

52. 缔约国应避免在未经仔细考虑和没有合理理由的情况下采取任何故意倒退措施。

When a State party seeks to introduce retrogressive measures, for example, in response to an economic crisis, it has to demonstrate that such measures are temporary, necessary and non-discriminatory, and that they respect at least its core obligations.


A State party may never justify retrogressive measures in relation to aspects of the right to just and favourable conditions of work that are subject to immediate or core obligations.


States parties facing considerable difficulties in achieving progressive realization of that right due to a lack of national resources have an obligation to seek international cooperation and assistance.


53. States parties must guarantee that the right to just and favourable conditions of work is exercised without discrimination of any kind.

53. 缔约国必须保证,行使享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利时不存在任何类型的歧视。

Specifically, they have an obligation to guarantee that women enjoy conditions of work not inferior to those of men and receive equal pay for work of equal value, which requires the immediate elimination of formal and substantive discrimination.


States parties must also combat all forms of unequal treatment arising from precarious employment relationships.


54. In order to ensure accountability, States parties should establish a functioning system of labour inspectorates, with the involvement of social partners, to monitor all aspects of the right to just and favourable conditions of work for all workers, including workers in the informal economy, domestic workers and agricultural workers;

54. 为确保问责,缔约国应建立一套有效运作的劳动监察局制度,在社会伙伴的参与下,监测包括非正规经济部门工人、家政工人和农业工人在内的所有工人享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利的所有方面;

to provide advice to workers and employers;


and to raise any abuses with competent authorities.


Labour inspectorates should be independent and adequately resourced;


staffed with trained professionals;


able to rely on specialists and medical experts;


and have the authority to enter workplaces freely and without prior notice, make recommendations to prevent or remedy problems and facilitate access to justice for victims.


Penalties should apply for non-compliance with their recommendations.


Labour inspectorates should focus on monitoring the rights of workers and not be used for other purposes, such as checking the migration status of workers.


55. States parties should identify indicators and benchmarks to monitor the implementation of the right to just and favourable conditions of work.

55. 缔约国应确定指标和基准,用于监测享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利的落实情况。

Such indicators and benchmarks should address the different elements of the right to just and favourable conditions of work, be disaggregated by sex and other relevant grounds such as age, disability, nationality and urban/rural location, and cover all persons under the territorial jurisdiction of the State party or under its control.


States parties should define the indicators that are most relevant to national implementation of the right, such as the incidence of occupational accidents;


the ratio of women’s wages to men’s wages;


the proportion of women and other underrepresented individuals in high-level positions;


the proportion of workers offered continuing job training;


the number of complaints of harassment received and resolved;


the minimum standards for rest, leisure, hours of work and paid annual leave;


and the uptake of measures to reconcile professional and family life by women and men.


In selecting indicators, the Committee invites States parties to take into account available guidance, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) lists of illustrative indicators with respect to articles 6 and 7 of the Covenant and ILO indicators.


56. The Committee underlines the importance of consultation in formulating, implementing, reviewing and monitoring laws and policies related to the right to just and favourable conditions of work, not only with traditional social partners such as workers and employers and their representative organizations, but also with other relevant organizations, such as those representing persons with disabilities, younger and older persons, women, workers in the informal economy, migrants and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons, as well as representatives of ethnic groups and indigenous communities.

56. 委员会强调,在制定、实施、审查和监测与享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利相关的法律和政策时,不仅须与工人和雇主及其代表组织等传统的社会伙伴协商,而且 也要与代表残疾人、青年和老年人、妇女、非正规经济部门的工人、移民以及男女同性恋者、双性恋者、变性者和双性人的组织等其他相关组织以及各民族和土著社 区代表协商。

57. Any person who has experienced a violation of the right to just and favourable conditions of work should have access to effective judicial or other appropriate remedies, including adequate reparation, restitution, compensation, satisfaction or guarantees of non-repetition.

57. 凡享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利受到侵犯者,均应能够获得切实的司法补救或其他适当补救,包括充分的赔偿、归还、补偿、抵偿或保证不再发生。

Access to remedy should not be denied on the grounds that the affected person is an irregular migrant.


Not only courts, but also national human rights institutions, labour inspectorates and other relevant mechanisms, should have authority to address such violations.


States should review and, if necessary, reform their legislation and codes of procedure to ensure access to remedies, as well as procedural fairness.


Legal assistance for obtaining remedies should be available and it should be free for those who are unable to pay.


B. Specific legal obligations

B. 具体的法律义务

58. The right to just and favourable conditions of work imposes three levels of obligations on States parties.

58. 享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利要求缔约国履行三个层面的义务。

First, State parties have an obligation to respect the right by refraining from interfering directly or indirectly with its enjoyment.


This is particularly important when the State is the employer, including in State-owned or State-controlled enterprises.


For example, States parties should not introduce salary scales that discriminate, directly or indirectly, against female workers, or maintain a promotion system in the public sector that favours, directly or indirectly, the overrepresented gender at higher levels.


States parties should take measures to prevent and remedy occupational accidents and disease resulting from their acts or omissions.


States parties should also respect collective agreements aimed at introducing and maintaining just and favourable conditions of work and review legislation, including corporate laws and regulations, to ensure that it does not constrain that right.


59. The obligation to protect requires States parties to take measures to ensure that third parties, such as private sector employers and enterprises, do not interfere with the enjoyment of the right to just and favourable conditions of work and comply with their obligations.

59. 保护的义务要求缔约国采取措施,确保包括私营部门雇主和企业在内的第三方不干扰人们享有享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利并遵守自己的义务。

This includes taking steps to prevent, investigate, punish and redress abuse through effective laws and policies and adjudication.


For example, States should ensure that laws, policies and regulations governing the right to just and favourable conditions of work, such as a national occupational safety and health policy, or legislation on minimum wage and minimum standards for working conditions, are adequate and effectively enforced.


States parties should impose sanctions and appropriate penalties on third parties, including adequate reparation, criminal penalties, pecuniary measures such as damages, and administrative measures, in the event of violation of any of the elements of the right.


They should also refrain from procuring goods and services from individuals and enterprises that abuse the right.


State parties should ensure that the mandates of labour inspectorates and other investigation and protection mechanisms cover conditions of work in the private sector and provide guidance to employers and enterprises.


Measures to protect should also cover the informal sector.


Certain workers, such as domestic workers, may require specific measures.


60. The obligation to fulfil requires States parties to adopt the measures necessary to ensure the full realization of the right to just and favourable conditions of work.

60. 履行的义务要求缔约国采取必要措施,确保充分实现享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利。

This includes introducing measures to facilitate, promote and provide that right, including through collective bargaining and social dialogue.


61. In order to facilitate the right to just and favourable conditions of work, States parties should adopt positive measures to assist workers by according sufficient recognition of the right through laws, policies and regulations, for example, on non-discrimination, a non-derogable minimum wage, occupational safety and health, compulsory insurance coverage, minimum standards for rest, leisure, limitations on working hours, paid annual and other leave and public holidays.

61. 为促进享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利,缔约国应采取积极措施协助工人,如通过关于不歧视、不可克减的最低工资、职业安全和健康、义务参与保险、有关休息、休闲、工作时间限制、带薪年假和其他假期及节假日的最低标准等方面的法律、政策和法规,充分承认这一权利。

States parties should also introduce quotas or other temporary special measures to enable women and other members of groups that have experienced discrimination to reach high-level posts and provide incentives for the private sector to do so.


62. To help assess the enjoyment of the right to just and favourable conditions of work, States parties should establish obligatory notification schemes in the event of occupational accidents and disease, as well as mechanisms to assess systematically the level of the minimum wage, fair wages and the gender pay gap between men and women within organizations in the public and private sectors, including in high-level posts.

62. 为协助评估人们享有享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利的情况,缔约国应设立发生工伤事故和疾病情况时的强制通知机制,以及对公共和私营部门机构内的最低工资水平、公平工资和男女两性工资差距包括高级别职位的工资差距进行系统评估的机制。

States parties should also periodically review the impact of laws and policies, in consultation with workers and employers, with a view to updating standards in the light of practice.


For example, the national policy on occupational safety and health should include a built-in periodic review mechanism.


States parties should promote the extension of protective regimes to sectors at risk;


introduce schemes that allow for coverage of informal workers, coupled with measures to regularize the informal economy;


create adequate dialogue mechanisms to raise pertinent issues;


and introduce incentives to overcome the gender pay gap, including through initiatives to alleviate the burden of reproductive work on women, for example, by promoting access to goods and services, such as day-care facilities and non-transferable parental leave for men.


63. In order to promote the right to just and favourable conditions of work, State parties should take steps to ensure appropriate education, information and public awareness.

63. 为促进享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利,缔约国应采取步骤,开展适当的教育、信息和宣传工作。

With a view to creating equal opportunities for workers to advance in both the private and public sectors, States parties should put in place training programmes and information campaigns, also targeting employers, in relevant languages and accessible formats for persons with disabilities and illiterate workers.


Attention should be paid to the need for gender-sensitive training on the occupational health and safety of workers.


64. States parties must also provide aspects of the right to just and favourable conditions of work when workers are unable to realize the right themselves.

64. 在工人自身无法实现这一权利时,缔约国还必须提供享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利的某些方面。

They have a role in creating an enabling labour market environment and should, for example, adapt the workplace and equipment for persons with disabilities in the public sector and provide incentives for the private sector to do so.


States could establish non-contributory social security programmes for certain workers, such as workers in the informal economy, to provide benefits and protection against accidents and disease at work.


C. Core obligations

C. 核心义务

65. States parties have a core obligation to ensure the satisfaction of, at the very least, minimum essential levels of the right to just and favourable conditions of work.

65. 缔约国负有核心义务确保至少满足最低限度基本水平的享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利。

Specifically, this requires States parties to:


(a) Guarantee through law the exercise of the right without discrimination of any kind as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status, health, nationality or any other status;

(a) 通过法律保证人们能够行使这一权利,不因种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族或社会出身、财产、出生、残疾情况、年龄、性取向、性别认同、双性人身份、健康状况、国籍或任何其他身份等任何原因而受到歧视;

(b) Put in place a comprehensive system to combat gender discrimination at work, including with regard to remuneration;

(b) 制定一套全面的消除工作场所性别歧视包括薪酬歧视的制度;

(c) Establish in legislation and in consultation with workers and employers, their representative organizations and other relevant partners, minimum wages that are non-discriminatory and non-derogable, fixed by taking into consideration relevant economic factors and indexed to the cost of living so as to ensure a decent living for workers and their families;

(c) 经与工人和雇主、其代表组织和其他有关伙伴协商之后,在法律中规定不具歧视性、不可克减的最低工资,在规定最低工资时考虑到有关经济因素,并按生活成本加以调整,以确保工人及其家人能够过上体面生活;

(d) Adopt and implement a comprehensive national policy on occupational safety and health;

(d) 通过并落实一项全面的国家职业安全和健康政策;

(e) Define and prohibit harassment, including sexual harassment, at work through law, ensure appropriate complaints procedures and mechanisms and establish criminal sanctions for sexual harassment;

(e) 通过法律对工作场所的骚扰包括性骚扰作出定义并予以禁止,确保适当的申诉程序和机制,并对性骚扰处以刑事处罚;

(f) Introduce and enforce minimum standards in relation to rest, leisure, reasonable limitation of working hours, paid leave and public holidays.

(f) 制定并执行有关休息、休闲、工作时间的合理限制、带薪休假和节假日的最低标准。

D. International assistance and cooperation

D. 国际援助与合作

66. All States must take steps individually and through international assistance and cooperation, especially economic and technical, with a view to achieving progressively the full realization of the right to just and favourable conditions of work.

66. 所有国家必须单独或通过国际援助与合作,特别是经济和技术援助与合作,采取步骤以期逐步充分实现享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利。

This is particularly incumbent upon those States which are in a position to assist others in this regard.


International assistance and cooperation is a means of transferring knowledge and technology and a tool for States to maximize available resources for the full realization of Covenant rights.


67. When a State party is not in a position to meet its obligations to realize the right to just and favourable conditions of work, it must seek international assistance.

67. 如果某一缔约国无法履行实现享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利的义务,则必须寻求国际援助。

Depending on the availability of resources, States parties should respond to such requests by providing economic and technical assistance and technology transfer and by promoting transnational dialogue between employer and worker organizations, among other measures.


Such assistance should be sustainable, culturally appropriate and provided in a manner consistent with human rights standards.


Economically developed States parties have a special responsibility for, and interest in, assisting developing countries in this regard.


68. States parties should avail themselves of the technical assistance and cooperation of international organizations, in particular ILO.

68. 缔约国应利用国际组织,特别是劳工组织提供的技术援助与合作。

When preparing reports, States parties should use the extensive information and advisory services provided by ILO for data collection and disaggregation.


69. States parties must refrain from acts or omissions that interfere, either directly or indirectly, with the realization of the right to just and favourable conditions of work in other countries.

69. 缔约国必须避免直接或间接干扰他国实现享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利的行为或不作为。

This is particularly relevant when a State party owns or controls an enterprise or provides substantial support and services to an enterprise operating in another State party.


To this end, the State party should respect relevant host-country legislation that complies with the Covenant.


When the home country has stronger legislation, the State party should seek to maintain similar minimum standards in the host country as much as practicable.


State parties should also require respect for the right to just and favourable conditions of work by individuals and enterprises based extraterritorially with which they conduct commercial transactions.


70. States parties should take measures, including legislative measures, to clarify that their nationals, as well as enterprises domiciled in their territory and/or jurisdiction, are required to respect the right to just and favourable conditions of work throughout their operations extraterritorially.

70. 缔约国应采取措施,包括立法措施,说明其国民以及设在其领土和/或管辖范围内的企业必须在其所有域外业务中尊重享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利。

This responsibility is particularly important in States with advanced labour law systems, as home-country enterprises can help to improve standards for working conditions in host countries.


Similarly, in conflict and post-conflict situations, States parties can have an important regulatory and enforcement role and support individuals and enterprises in identifying, preventing and mitigating risks to just and favourable conditions of work through their operations.


States parties should introduce appropriate measures to ensure that non-State actors domiciled in the State party are accountable for violations of the right to just and favourable conditions of work extraterritorially and that victims have access to remedy.


States parties should also provide guidance to employers and enterprises on how to respect the right extraterritorially.


71. States parties acting as members of relevant international organizations should also respect the right to just and favourable conditions of work.

71. 以有关国际组织成员身份行事的缔约国也应尊重享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利。

States parties that are members of international financial institutions, notably the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and regional development banks, should take steps to ensure that the right is taken into account in their lending policies, credit agreements and other international measures.


They should also ensure that the policies and practices of international and regional financial institutions, in particular those concerning structural and/or fiscal adjustment, promote and do not interfere with the right.


72. States parties should ensure that the right to just and favourable conditions of work is given due attention in the conclusion and implementation of international agreements, including in bilateral, regional and multilateral trade and investment agreements.

72. 缔约国应确保在缔结和执行国际协定,包括双边、区域和多边贸易和投资协定的过程中,适当关注享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利。

Similarly, States parties should ensure that other international agreements do not negatively affect the right to just and favourable conditions of work, for example, by restricting the actions that other States parties could take to implement the right.


States parties that have not done so should consider ratifying core human rights treaties and relevant ILO conventions.


73. States parties should cooperate so as to protect the rights of their nationals working in other States parties, including through bilateral agreements with host countries and the sharing of recruitment practices.

73. 缔约国应开展合作,保护它们在其他缔约国工作的国民的权利,包括与东道国签署双边协定和分享招聘做法。

This is particularly important to avoid abuse of migrant workers, including domestic workers, and to combat trafficking in persons.


Similarly, States parties should seek international cooperation to protect the rights of migrant workers who are employed by enterprises registered in other States parties so as to enable such workers to enjoy just and favourable conditions of work.


E. Obligations of non-State actors

E. 非国家行为体的义务

74. While only States are parties to the Covenant, business enterprises, trade unions and all members of society have responsibilities to realize the right to just and favourable conditions of work.

74. 虽然只有国家才是《公约》的缔约方,但工商企业、工会和所有社会成员都有责任实现享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利。

This is particularly important in the case of occupational safety and health, given that the employer’s responsibility for the safety and health of workers is a basic principle of labour law, intrinsically related to the employment contract, but it also applies to other elements of the right to just and favourable conditions of work.


75. Business enterprises, irrespective of size, sector, ownership and structure, should comply with laws that are consistent with the Covenant and have a responsibility to respect the right to just and favourable conditions of work, avoiding any infringements and addressing any abuse of the right as a result of their actions.

75. 工商企业无论其规模、所属部门、所有制形式和结构如何, 都应遵守符合《公约》的法律,并有责任尊重享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利, 避免侵犯权利的行为并处理它们的行动所导致的侵犯这一权利的行为。

In situations in which a business enterprise has caused or contributed to adverse impacts, the enterprise should remedy the damage or cooperate in its remediation through legitimate processes that meet recognized standards of due process.


76. The role of United Nations agencies and programmes, in particular ILO, is also important.

76. 联合国各机构和计()划署,特别是劳工组织也发挥着重要作用。

In conformity with articles 22 and 23 of the Covenant, ILO and other United Nations specialized agencies, the World Bank, regional development banks, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and other relevant bodies, as well as the United Nations Secretariat, including OHCHR, should cooperate effectively with States parties in the implementation of the right to just and favourable conditions of work.


When examining State party reports, the Committee will consider the effects of any request for assistance by the State party concerning the enjoyment of the right, as well as the response given.


IV. Violations and remedies

. 违约行为和补救措施

77. States parties must demonstrate that they have taken all steps necessary towards the realization of the right within their maximum available resources, that the right is enjoyed without discrimination and that women enjoy conditions of work not inferior to men, as well as equal pay for equal work and for work of equal value.

77. 缔约国必须证明:它们已采取一切必要步骤,在可用资源所允许的最大限度内,确保逐步实现这一权利; 人们可以不受歧视地享有这一权利; 女性的工作条件不差于男性;

A failure to take such steps amounts to a violation of the Covenant.


In assessing whether States parties have complied with their obligation to take such steps, the Committee examines whether steps taken are reasonable and proportionate and whether they comply with human rights standards and democratic principles.

不采取此类措施便构成违反《公约》行为。 委员会在评估缔约国是否遵守了采取此类步骤的义务时,将审查所采取的步骤是否合理、相称,以及这些步骤是否符合人权标准和民主原则。

78. Violations of the right to just and favourable conditions of work can occur through acts of commission, which means direct actions of States parties.

78. 实施某些行为,即缔约国直接采取行动,可能侵犯享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利。

Adoption of labour migration policies that increase the vulnerability of migrant workers to exploitation, failure to prevent unfair dismissal from work of pregnant workers in public service, and introduction of deliberately retrogressive measures that are incompatible with core obligations are all examples of such violations.


79. Violations can also occur through acts of omission, which means the failure by a State party to take reasonable steps to fully realize the right for everyone, for example by failing to enforce relevant laws and implement adequate policies, or to regulate the activities of individuals and groups to prevent them from violating the right, or to take into account its Covenant obligations when entering into bilateral or multilateral agreements with other States, international organizations or multinational corporations.

79. 不作为,即缔约国未能采取合理措施充分实现所有人的这一权利,亦可引发侵犯权利行为,例如:未能贯彻有关法律和充分落实适当政策; 未能监管个人和团体的活动,从而阻止他们侵犯这一权利;或在与其他国家、国际组织或跨国企业缔结双边或多边协定时,未能考虑到《公约》为其规定的义务。

80. States parties must put into place an adequate monitoring and accountability framework by ensuring access to justice or to other effective remedies.

80. 缔约国必须制定充分的监测和问责框架,确保人们能够利用司法渠道和其他有效补救措施。

1 See Universal Declaration of Human Rights, arts. 23 and 24;

1 见《世界人权宣言》第二十三和第二十四条;

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, art. 5;


Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, art. 11;


Convention on the Rights of the Child, art. 32;


International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, art. 25;


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, art. 27;


European Social Charter (Revised), Part I, paras. 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8;


and Part II, arts.


2, 3 and 4; Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, arts. 14, 23, 31 and 32;


Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, art. 7;


and African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, art. 15.


The wording of the provisions in the various treaties differs.


The European instruments are broader in the protections offered, while the African Charter includes the narrower requirement of “equal pay for equal work”.


2 Although many ILO conventions relate directly and indirectly to just and favourable conditions of work, for the present general comment, the Committee has identified the following as relevant: Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919 (No. 1); Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921 (No. 14); Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928 (No. 26);

2 尽管劳工组织的许多公约都直接和间接地涉及公正和良好的工作条件,但为本一般性意见之目的,委员会认定以下公约为相关公约:1919(工业)工时公约(1)1921(工业)每周休息公约(14)1928年确定最低工资办法公约(26)

Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 (No. 30);


Forty-Hour Week Convention, 1935 (No. 47); Protection of Wages Convention, 1949 (No. 95);


Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery (Agriculture) Convention, 1951 (No. 99);


Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100); Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1957 (No. 106);


Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111);


Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970 (No. 131);


Holidays with Pay Convention (Revised), 1970 (No. 132);


Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138);


Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1979 (No. 153);


Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155);


Protocol of 2002 to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981;


Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. 156);


Night Work Convention, 1990 (No. 171);


Part-Time Work Convention, 1994 (No. 175);


Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183);


Convention concerning the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health, 2006 (No. 187);


and Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189).


3 Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights general comment No. 18 (2005) on the right to work, paragraph 2, indicates the interconnection between the right to work in a general sense in article 6 of the Covenant, the recognition of the individual dimension of the right to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work in article 7 and the collective dimension in article 8.

3 经济、社会及文化权利委员会关于工作权利的第18(2005)号一般性意见第2段说明了《公约》第六条中广义上的工作权利、第七条中承认享受公正和良好的工作条件的权利的个人内涵以及第八段中集体内涵之间的相互关联。

4 See Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights general comment No. 19 (2007) on the right to social security, para. 2.

4 见经济、社会及文化权利委员会关于社会保障的权利的第19(2007)号一般性意见,第2段。

5 According to ILO, the overall number of work-related fatal and non-fatal accidents and diseases globally did not vary significantly during the period 1998 to 2008, although the global figure hides variations among countries and regions.

5 据劳工组织统计,1998年至2008年,全球与工作有关的致命和非致命事故和疾病总数并无显著变化,但全球数据掩盖了国家和区域之间的差异。

6 This understanding is supported by article 1 (a) of the ILO Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100), which has been ratified by 171 States.

6 已由171个国家批准的劳工组织1951年同酬公约(100)1(a)项支持这一理解。

7 See Travaux Préparatoires A/2929 (1955), para. 5.

7 请参阅准备工作材料A/2929(1955),第5段。

See also Matthew Craven, The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: A Perspective on Its Development (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1995), chap. 6, sect. II.B.

又 见Matthew Craven, The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: A Perspective on Its Development (牛津:克拉伦敦出版社,1995),第6章第二、B节。

8 The 2014 ILO Study on Minimum Wage Systems suggests that the notion of a fair wage comprises the notions of a minimum wage and a living wage (the latter more closely related to article 7 (a) (ii) of the Covenant), the notion of a fair wage being broader.

8 2014年劳工组织关于最低工资制度的研究表明,公平的工资这一概念包括最低工资和维生工资(后者与《公约》第七条()款第(2)项的关系更密切),但公平的工资这一概念含义更广。

9 In the present general comment, the relationship between wages and the cost of living is understood to fall more clearly as a consideration under article 7 (a) (ii);

9 在本一般性意见中,我们理解,工资和生活费用之间的关系属于第七条()款第(2)项之下的一个考虑因素;

however, it is also important to emphasize that the notion of a “fair wage” and remuneration for a decent living are interdependent.


10 See art. 2 (2) of the Covenant;

10 见《公约》第二条第二款;

and Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights general comment No. 20 (2009) on non-discrimination in economic, social and cultural rights.


11 The ILO Equal Remuneration Convention 1951 (No. 100), article 1 (b), refers to “equal remuneration for work of equal value” as “rates of remuneration established without discrimination on the basis of sex”.

11 劳工组织1951年同酬公约(100)1(b)款中将对同等价值的工作付予同等报酬界定为不以性别歧视为基础而确定的报酬标准

The Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Recommendation, 1958 (No. 111) extends the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value to other grounds upon which discrimination is prohibited.


In making an explicit reference to “without distinction”, article 7 of the Covenant goes beyond Convention No. 100 to protect against discrimination on grounds other than sex.


12 See ILO Part-Time Work Convention 1994 (No. 175), art. 5.

12 见劳工组织1994年非全日制工作公约(175),第五条。

13 Adapted from Equal Remuneration Recommendation, 1951 (No. 90), paras. 1-2.

13 改编自1951年同酬建议书(90),第1-2段。

14 See ILO Equal Remuneration Recommendation 1951 (No. 90), paras. 4-5.

14 见劳工组织1951年同酬建议书(90),第4-5段。

15 This is the definition relied upon by the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations in a number of its reports and other documents.

15 这是劳工组织公约和建议书执行问题专家委员会在若干报告和其他文件中使用的定义。

16 The European Committee of Social Rights has indicated that remuneration, to be fair, must be in any event above the poverty line in the country, i.e. 50 per cent of the national average wage.

16 欧洲社会权利委员会表示,报酬要达到公平,就必须在任何情况下都高于该国的贫困线,亦即该国平均工资的50%

17 Letter of the Chair of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to States parties on austerity measures, May 2012.

17 20125月经济、社会及文化权利委员会主席就紧缩措施致缔约国的信。

18 See ILO Minimum Wage Fixing Recommendation, 1970 (No. 135), Part III, para. 5.

18 见劳工组织1970年《确定最低工资建议书》(135),第三部分,第5段。

19 See art. 12 (2) (b) and (c) of the Covenant.

19 见《公约》第十二条第二款()项和()项。

20 See ILO Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), art. 4 (1).

20 见劳工组织1981年《职业安全和卫生公约》(155),第4条第1款。

21 Ibid.

21 同上。

22 See Craven, The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, chap. 6, sect. III.C.

22 Craven著,《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》,第6章,第三.C节。

23 See ILO Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), arts. 1 (1) and 2 (1).

23 见劳工组织1981年《职业安全和卫生公约》(155),第一条第一款和第二条第一款。

In particular, policies should include protection of domestic workers, as well as temporary workers, part-time workers, apprentices, self-employed persons, migrant workers and workers in the informal sector.


24 See ILO Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), arts. 5 (a), (b), (c) and (e).

24 见劳工组织1981年《职业安全和卫生公约》(155),第5(a)(b)(c)(e)款。

25 See Protocol of 2002 to the ILO Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), art. 1 (d).

25 见劳工组织1981年《职业安全和卫生公约》(155)2002年议定书,第1(d)款。

26 Ibid., art. 3 (d).

26 同上,第3(d)款。

27 See Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights general comment No. 16 (2005) on the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all economic, social and cultural , para. 15;

27 见经济、社会及文化权利委员会,关于男女在享受一切经济、社会及文化权利方面的平等权利的第16号一般性意见(2005),第15段;

and general comment No. 20, paras. 38 and 39.


28 See ILO Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919 (No. 1), art. 2, and Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 (No. 30), art. 3.

28 见劳工组织1919年《(工业)工时公约》(1)2条,以及1930年《(商业和办事处所)工时公约》(30)3条。

While very wide in scope, they do not cover all areas of economic activity, such as agricultural and domestic workers, that later ILO conventions and recommendations take on board.


29 Adapted from ILO Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919 (No. 1), art. 2 (c) (referring strictly to shift work).

29 根据劳工组织《1919(工业)工时公约》(1)2(c)(严格指轮班工作)

30 ILO Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. 156).

30 劳工组织1981年《有家庭责任工人公约》(156)

31 See ILO, “Working time in the twenty-first century”, report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Working-time Arrangements (17-21 October 2011), para. 40, which notes that 41 per cent of countries provide for a regular 40-hour workweek.

31 见劳工组织,二十一世纪的工作时间,提交工作时间安排问题专家三方会议(20111017日至21)讨论的报告第40段,其中指出,41%的国家规定,每周正常工作时间为40小时。

32 See ILO Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921 (No. 14), art. 2 (1);

32 见劳工组织1921年《(工业)每周休息公约》(14),第2条第1款;

and Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1957 (No. 106), art. 6 (1).


33 See ILO Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921 (No. 14), art. 2 (3);

33 见劳工组织1921年《(工业)每周休息公约》(14),第2条第3款;

and Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1957 (No. 106), art. 6 (3) and 6 (4).


34 See ILO Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921 (No. 14), art. 2 (2);

34 见劳工组织1921年《(工业)每周休息公约》(14),第2条第2款;

and Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1957 (No. 106), art. 6 (2).


35 See ILO Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1957 (No. 106), art. 8 (1);

35 见劳工组织1957年《(商业和办事处所)每周休息公约》(106),第8条第1款;

see also ILO, “Working time in the twenty-first century”, para. 21.


36 See ILO Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921 (No. 14), art. 5;

36 见劳工组织1921年《(工业)每周休息公约》(14),第5条;

and Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention 1957 (No. 106), art. 8 (3).


37 See ILO Holidays with Pay Convention (Revised), 1970 (No. 132), arts. 2, 3, 4, 5 (1), 6, 7 (1), 8 (2), 11 and 12.

37 见劳工组织1970年《带酬休假公约》(修订本)(132),第2条、第3条、第4条、第5条第1款、第6条、第7条第1款、第8条第2款、第11条和第12条。

38 See ILO Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138), arts. 3 and 7.

38 见劳工组织1973年《最低年龄公约》(138),第3条和第7条。

39 See Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights general comment No. 6 (1995) on the economic, social and cultural rights of older persons, para. 23.

39 见经济、社会及文化权利委员会关于老年人经济、社会及文化权利的第6号一般性意见(1995),第23段。

40 Ibid., para. 24.

40 同上,第24段。

41 See ILO Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189), arts. 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16 and 17.

41 见劳工组织2011年《家政工人公约》(189),第567101113141617条。

42 See Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, communication No. 36/2012, Blok et al. v. The Netherlands, views adopted on 17 February 2014.

42 见消除对妇女歧视委员会,第36/2012号来文,Blok等人诉荷兰,2014217日通过的意见。

43 Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights general comment No. 3 (1990) on the nature of States parties’ obligations.

43 经济、社会及文化权利委员会关于缔约国义务的性质的第3号一般性意见(1990)

44 Letter of the Chair of the Committee to States parties on austerity measures, May 2012.

44 20125月委员会主席就紧缩措施致缔约国的信。

45 See Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights general comment No. 20, para. 8.

45 见经济、社会及文化权利委员会第20号一般性意见,第8段。

46 OHCHR, Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation (Geneva, 2012) (HR/PUB/12/5);

46 人权高专办,《人权指标:衡量和执行指南》(日内瓦,2012)(HR/PUB/12/5)

see p. 95 of that report for an illustrative list of indicators relating to articles 6 and 7 of the Covenant.


See also ILO Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160).


47 See Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, principle 3 (b).

47 见《工商企业与人权指导原则》,原则3(b)

48 Ibid., principle 3.

48 同上,原则3

49 Ibid., principle 4.

49 同上,原则4

50 Ibid., principle 6.

50 同上,原则6

51 Ibid., principle 2.

51 同上,原则2

52 Ibid., principle 7 (a).

52 同上,原则7(a)

53 Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of States in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2011).

53 《关于国家在经济、社会和文化权利领域的域外义务的马斯特里赫特原则》(2011)

54 See Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, principle 14.

54 见《工商企业与人权指导原则》,原则14

55 Ibid., principles 11, 12 and 23.

55 同上,原则111223

56 Ibid., principle 22.

56 同上,原则22