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General comment No. 5:第5号一般性意见:
Persons with disabilities残疾人
Eleventh session (1994){§*}第十一届会议(1994){§*}
1. The central importance of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in relation to the human rights of persons with disabilities has frequently been underlined by the international communty.1. 国际社会经常强调,《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》对残疾人的人权来说极为重要。
Thus a 1992 review by the Secretary-General of the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons concluded that “disability is closely linked to economic and social factors” and that “conditions of living in large parts of the world are so desperate that the provision of basic needs for all – food, water, shelter, health protection and education – must form the cornerstone of national programmes”.例如,1992年秘书长对《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》和联合国残疾人十年的执行情况的审查得出的结论是,“残疾与经济和社会因素密切相关”,“世界多数地区的生活条件极差,因此,向所有人提供基本的需求――食物、水、住房、医疗保健和教育――应当成为国家方案的基础”。
Even in countries which have a relatively high standard of living, persons with disabilities are very often denied the opportunity to enjoy the full range of economic, social and cultural rights recognized in the Covenant.即便在生活水平较高的国家,残疾人也往往没有机会享受《公约》确认的一切经济、社会、文化权利。
2. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the working group which preceded it, have been explicitly called upon by both the General Assemblyand the Commission on Human Rightsto monitor the compliance of States parties to the Covenant with their obligation to ensure the full enjoyment of the relevant rights by persons with disabilities.2. 经济、社会、文化权利委员会和在该委员会之前的工作组曾明确要求大会和人权委员会监督《公约》缔约国对确保残疾人充分享受有关权利的义务的遵守情况。
The Committee's experience to date, however, indicates that States parties have devoted very little attention to this issue in their reports.然而,委员会迄今为止的经验表明,缔约国在报告中对这一问题重视得很不够。
This appears to be consistent with the Secretary-General's conclusion that "most Governments still lack decisive concerted measures that would effectively improve the situation" of persons with disabilities.这看来是与秘书长的结论相一致的,该结论说,“多数国家政府仍缺乏能有效改善残疾人状况的决定性的协同措施。
It is therefore appropriate to review, and emphasize, some of the ways in which issues concerning persons with disabilities arise in connection with the obligations contained in the Covenant.因此,有必要研究并强调在《公约》所载义务方面出现与残疾人有关的问题的一些状况。
3. There is still no internationally accepted definition of the term "disability".3. 目前,“残疾”一词仍没有国际上普遍接受的定义。
For present purposes, however, it is sufficient to rely on the approach adopted in the Standard Rules of 1993, which state:不过,在此,只要采用1993年的《标准规则》采用的定义就够了,规则指出:
"The term 'disability' summarizes a great number of different functional limitations occurring in any population …“‘残疾’一词概括地泛指世界各国任何人口中出现的许许多多的各种功能上的限制。
People may be disabled by physical, intellectual or sensory impairment, medical conditions or mental illness.人们出现的残疾既可以是生理、智力或感官上的缺陷,也可以是医学上的状况或精神疾病。
Such impairments, conditions or illnesses may be permanent or transitory in nature. "此种缺陷、状况或疾病有可能是长期的,也可能是过渡性质的。”
4. In accordance with the approach adopted in the Standard Rules, this general comment uses the term "persons with disabilities" rather than the older term "disabled persons".4. 按照《标准规则》采用的办法,本文(的英文本)采用“Persons with disabilities”一词,而不采用原先的“disabled persons”一词。
It has been suggested that the latter term might be misinterpreted to imply that the ability of the individual to function as a person has been disabled.有人指出,后一种说法有可能被误解成个人活动的能力丧失了。
5. The Covenant does not refer explicitly to persons with disabilities.5. 《公约》没有明确提及残疾人。
Nevertheless, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and, since the Covenant's provisions apply fully to all members of society, persons with disabilities are clearly entitled to the full range of rights recognized in the Covenant.不过,《世界人权宣言》则确认,人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。 而且,由于《公约》的条款完全适用于社会所有成员,残疾人显然有资格享受《公约》确认的一切权利。
In addition, insofar as special treatment is necessary, States parties are required to take appropriate measures, to the maximum extent of their available resources, to enable such persons to seek to overcome any disadvantages, in terms of the enjoyment of the rights specified in the Covenant, flowing from their disability.此外,只要有必要提供特殊待遇,缔约国就须酌情采取措施,尽最大可能利用所拥有的资源,使残疾人能够在享受《公约》明确规定的权利方面克服残疾带来的种种不利因素。
Moreover, the requirement contained in article 2 (2) of the Covenant that the rights "enunciated … will be exercised without discrimination of any kind" based on certain specified grounds "or other status" clearly applies to discrimination on the grounds of disability.再者,《公约》第二条第二款规定,“…所宣布的权利应予普遍行使”,而不得基于某些具体理由“或其他身份”而有任何歧视。 该条款显然适用于基于残疾的歧视。
6. The absence of an explicit, disability-related provision in the Covenant can be attributed to the lack of awareness of the importance of addressing this issue explicitly, rather than only by implication, at the time of the drafting of the Covenant over a quarter of a century ago.6. 《公约》缺乏明确的与残疾相关的条款的原因在于:在至少25年前起草《公约》之时,对明确(而不是仅仅含蓄地)提及这一问题的重要性认识不够。
More recent international human rights instruments have, however, addressed the issue specifically.不过,较为近期的国际人权文书则明确提及了这一问题。
They include the Convention on the Rights of the Child (art. 23); the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (art. 18 (4)); and the Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (art.这些文书有:《儿童权利公约》(第二十三条);《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》(第18(4)条);《美洲人权公约经济、社会和文化权利附加议定书》(第18条)。
18). Thus it is now very widely accepted that the human rights of persons with disabilities must be protected and promoted through general, as well as specially designed, laws, policies and programmes.由此表明现已得到广泛接受的观点是,必须通过总的乃至具体制定的法律、政策和方案来保护和促进残疾人的人权。
7. In accordance with this approach, the international community has affirmed its commitment to ensuring the full range of human rights for persons with disabilities in the following instruments: (a) the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, which provides a policy framework aimed at promoting "effective measures for prevention of disability, rehabilitation and the realization of the goals of 'full participation' of [persons with disabilities] in social life and development, and of 'equality'";(b) the Guidelines for the Establishment and Development of National Coordinating Committees on Disability or Similar Bodies, adopted in 1990;(c) the Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and for the Improvement of Mental Health Care, adopted in 1991;(d) the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter referred to as the "Standard Rules"), adopted in 1993, the purpose of which is to ensure that all persons with disabilities "may exercise the same rights and obligations as others".7. 按照这一途径,国际社会在下列文书中申明其确保残疾人的各项人权的承诺: (a) 《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》,该文书规定了一个政策框架,旨在推动“预防残疾的有效措施,推动康复和实现[残疾人]‘充分参与’社会生活和发展以及‘平 等’的目标; (b) 1990年通过的《关于设立和发展国家残疾人问题协调委员会或类似机构的准则》; (c) 1991年通过的《保护精神病患者和改善精神保健的原则》; (d) 1993年通过的《残疾人机会均等标准规则》(下称《标准规则》),该文书的宗旨是确保所有残疾人“可行使其他人同样的权利与义务”。
The Standard Rules are of major importance and constitute a particularly valuable reference guide in identifying more precisely the relevant obligations of States parties under the Covenant.《标准规则》具有重大意义,在更精确地确定缔约国在《公约》之下承担的有关义务方面提供了极重要的指导。
I. General obligations of States parties一. 缔约国的一般义务
8. The United Nations has estimated that there are more than 500 million persons with disabilities in the world today.8. 据联合国估计,目前世界上有5亿多残疾人。
Of that number, 80 per cent live in rural areas in developing countries. Seventy per cent of the total are estimated to have either limited or no access to the services they need.其中,有80%居住在发展中国家的农村地区,估计有70%没有得到充分的所需的服务或根本没有得到此类服务。
The challenge of improving the situation of persons with disabilities is thus of direct relevance to every State party to the Covenant.所以,改善残疾人的状况这一任务与《公约》每个缔约国直接相关。
While the means chosen to promote the full realization of the economic, social and cultural rights of this group will inevitably differ significantly from one country to another, there is no country in which a major policy and programme effort is not required.尽管为促进残疾人的经济、社会、文化权利的充分实现,各国所选择的手段必然会很不相同,但各国均须在政策和方案上作出重大努力。
9. The obligation of States parties to the Covenant to promote progressive realization of the relevant rights to the maximum of their available resources clearly requires Governments to do much more than merely abstain from taking measures which might have a negative impact on persons with disabilities.9. 《公约》缔约国有义务在最大限度地利用其拥有的资源的情况下推动有关权利的逐步实现。 这项义务显然要求政府加倍努力,不停留在仅仅不采取可能会对残疾人有不利影响的措施上面。
The obligation in the case of such a vulnerable and disadvantaged group is to take positive action to reduce structural disadvantages and to give appropriate preferential treatment to people with disabilities in order to achieve the objectives of full participation and equality within society for all persons with disabilities.针对这一极受打击和处于不利地位的群体,应承担的义务是:采取积极行动,减少结构性不利条件,并酌情给予残疾人优惠待遇,以实现所有残疾人充分参与社会和在社会中享有与其他人平等的地位的目标。
This almost invariably means that additional resources will need to be made available for this purpose and that a wide range of specially tailored measures will be required.这几乎必然意味着需为此提供更多的资源,需采取各种各样的专门措施。
10. According to a report by the Secretary-General, developments over the past decade in both developed and developing countries have been especially unfavourable from the perspective of persons with disabilities:10. 秘书长的一份报告指出,从残疾人的角度来看,发达国家和发展中国家过去10年的事态发展是极为不利的:
"… current economic and social deterioration, marked by low-growth rates, high unemployment, reduced public expenditure, current structural adjustment programmes and privatization, have negatively affected programmes and services … If the present negative trends continue, there is the risk that [persons with disabilities] may increasingly be relegated to the margins of society, dependent on ad hoc support. "“…经济和社会状况目前正在恶化,其标志是增长率降低、失业率上升、公共开支减少、目前结构调整方案的执行和私营化的实行…这些都对有关方案和服务产生了不利影响…如果目前的不利趋势继续下去,[残疾人]就可能被不断挤到社会的边缘,只得依靠临时救助。”
As the Committee has previously observed (general comment No. 3 (Fifth session, 1990), para. 12), the duty of States parties to protect the vulnerable members of their societies assumes greater rather than less importance in times of severe resource constraints.正如委员会曾经指出的(第3号一般性意见(1990年,第五届会议)第12段),在资源极为有限的时期,缔约国保护其社会中易受打击成员的义务显得更为重要,而不是不太重要。
11. Given the increasing commitment of Governments around the world to market-based policies, it is appropriate in that context to emphasize certain aspects of States parties' obligations.11. 鉴于世界各国政府日益重视以市场为基础的政策,宜为此强调缔约国在某些方面的义务。
One is the need to ensure that not only the public sphere, but also the private sphere, are, within appropriate limits, subject to regulation to ensure the equitable treatment of persons with disabilities.其中一项是需确保这一点,即,使公营部门和私营部门都能在恰当限度内受规章条例的约束,以确保残疾人得到公平待遇。
In a context in which arrangements for the provision of public services are increasingly being privatized and in which the free market is being relied on to an ever greater extent, it is essential that private employers, private suppliers of goods and services, and other non-public entities be subject to both non-discrimination and equality norms in relation to persons with disabilities.在提供公共服务的安排正日益私营化,对自由化市场的依赖程度之高属前所未有这一情况下,有必要使私人雇主、货物和服务的私人提供者以及其他非公营实体受到与残疾人相关的不歧视与平等准则的约束。
In circumstances where such protection does not extend beyond the public domain, the ability of persons with disabilities to participate in the mainstream of community activities and to realize their full potential as active members of society will be severely and often arbitrarily constrained.只要此种保护不扩展到公营部门以外,残疾人参与社区活动的主流和作为社会的积极成员充分发挥其潜力的能力就会受到严重的甚至往往是任意的限制。
This is not to imply that legislative measures will always be the most effective means of seeking to eliminate discrimination within the private sphere.这并不是说立法总是试图消除私营部门的歧视现象的最有效的手段。
Thus, for example, the Standard Rules place particular emphasis on the need for States to "take action to raise awareness in society about persons with disabilities, their rights, their needs, their potential and their contribution".比如,《标准规则》尤为强调这一点,即各国有必要“采取行动,提高社会对残疾人及其权利、需要、潜能和贡献的认识”。
12. In the absence of government intervention there will always be instances in which the operation of the free market will produce unsatisfactory results for persons with disabilities, either individually or as a group, and in such circumstances it is incumbent on Governments to step in and take appropriate measures to temper, complement, compensate for, or override the results produced by market forces.12. 如果政府不进行干预,就往往会出现自由化市场的运行对残疾人个人或群体产生不利影响这一情况。 在这种情况下,政府有义不容辞的责任酌情采取措施,减轻、补偿或消除市场力量造成的这类不利影响。
Similarly, while it is appropriate for Governments to rely on private, voluntary groups to assist persons with disabilities in various ways, such arrangements can never absolve Governments from their duty to ensure full compliance with their obligations under the Covenant.同样,政府固然可以依靠私人志愿团体以各种方式援助残疾人,但这类安排绝不应免除政府确保充分遵守其在《公约》之下的义务的责任。
As the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons states, "the ultimate responsibility for remedying the conditions that lead to impairment and for dealing with the consequences of disability rests with Governments".正如《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》所指出的,“针对导致损害的情形采取补救措施和应付残疾的后果的最终责任应由政府承担”。
II. Means of implementation二. 履行义务的手段
13. The methods to be used by States parties in seeking to implement their obligations under the Covenant towards persons with disabilities are essentially the same as those available in relation to other obligations (see general comment No. 1 (Third session, 1989)).13. 缔约国为履行《公约》之下对残疾人的义务应采用的方法大致与履行其他义务所用的方法相同(见第1号一般性意见(1989年,第三届会议))。
They include the need to ascertain, through regular monitoring, the nature and scope of the problems existing within the State; the need to adopt appropriately tailored policies and programmes to respond to the requirements thus identified; the need to legislate where necessary and to eliminate any existing discriminatory legislation; and the need to make appropriate budgetary provisions or, where necessary, seek international cooperation and assistance.这些方法有:需通过经常性的监督,确定一国境内存在的问题的性质和范围;需针对已确定的要求执行恰当的专门政策和方案;需酌情制定立法,取消任何现行的有歧视性的立法;需作出适当的预算拨款,或在必要时寻求国际合作与援助。
In the latter respect, international cooperation in accordance with articles 22 and 23 of the Covenant is likely to be a particularly important element in enabling some developing countries to fulfil their obligations under the Covenant.就后者而言,按照公约第二十二条和23条提供国际援助,可能成为使一些发展中国家能够履行公约规定的义务的一个极为重要的因素。
14. In addition, it has been consistently acknowledged by the international community that policy-making and programme implementation in this area should be undertaken on the basis of close consultation with, and involvement of, representative groups of the persons concerned.14. 此外,国际社会曾一再确认,这一领域的政策制定和方案执行工作应在同有关人员群体的代表密切协商,并由这些代表参与的基础上进行。
For this reason, the Standard Rules recommend that everything possible be done to facilitate the establishment of national coordinating committees, or similar bodies, to serve as a national focal point on disability matters.为此,《标准规则》建议,应尽力便利国家协调委员会或类似机构的设立,将其作为国家处理残疾人问题的中心机构。
In doing so, Governments should take account of the 1990 Guidelines for the Establishment and Development of National Coordinating Committees on Disability or Similar Bodies.在这样做的过程中,政府应考虑到1990年的《关于设立和发展国家残疾人问题协调委员会或类似机构的准则》。
III. The obligation to eliminate discrimination on the grounds of disability三. 消除基于残疾的歧视的义务
15. Both de jure and de facto discrimination against persons with disabilities have a long history and take various forms.15. 对残疾人法律上和事实上的歧视由来已久,而且有各种形式。
They range from invidious discrimination, such as the denial of educational opportunities, to more "subtle" forms of discrimination such as segregation and isolation achieved through the imposition of physical and social barriers.这类歧视有明显使人反感的歧视,如剥夺受教育的机会;也有“难以察觉”的歧视,如通过设置实际和社会障碍来隔离和孤立某些人。
For the purposes of the Covenant, "disability-based discrimination" may be defined as including any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference, or denial of reasonable accommodation based on disability which has the effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise of economic, social or cultural rights.为公约的目的,“基于残疾的歧视”可界定为指以残疾为理由,其结果是取消或损害经济、社会、文化权利的承认、享受或行使的任何区分、排斥、限制或偏向、或合理的便利的剥夺。
Through neglect, ignorance, prejudice and false assumptions, as well as through exclusion, distinction or separation, persons with disabilities have very often been prevented from exercising their economic, social or cultural rights on an equal basis with persons without disabilities.由于忽视、无知、偏见和不正确的推断以及排斥、区分或隔离,残疾人往往无法在与正常人平等的基础上行使其经济、社会或文化权利。
The effects of disability-based discrimination have been particularly severe in the fields of education, employment, housing, transport, cultural life, and access to public places and services.基于残疾的歧视造成的影响在教育、就业、住房、交通、文化生活、进入公共场所和享受公共服务等方面尤为严重。
16. Despite some progress in terms of legislation over the past decade,the legal situation of persons with disabilities remains precarious.16. 尽管过去10年在立法方面有些进展, 但残疾人的法律状况仍然很差。
In order to remedy past and present discrimination, and to deter future discrimination, comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation in relation to disability would seem to be indispensable in virtually all States parties.为了消除以往和目前的歧视,抑制今后的歧视,看来实际上所有缔约国都必须在残疾人问题上制定全面的反歧视立法。
Such legislation should not only provide persons with disabilities with judicial remedies as far as possible and appropriate, but also provide for social policy programmes which enable persons with disabilities to live an integrated, self-determined and independent life.此种立法既应当尽可能和尽量恰当地为残疾者规定司法补救措施,也应当规定执行社会政策方案,使残疾人过上正常、独立自主的生活。
17. Anti-discrimination measures should be based on the principle of equal rights for persons with disabilities and the non-disabled, which, in the words of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, "implies that the needs of each and every individual are of equal importance, that these needs must be made the basis for the planning of societies, and that all resources must be employed in such a way as to ensure, for every individual, equal opportunity for participation.17. 反歧视措施应基于残疾人和非残疾人权利相等的原则。 用《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》的话说,这“意味着每个人的需求具有同等重要性,这些需求应是规划社会的基础;意味着一切资源的利用均必须确保每个人有平等的机会进行参与。
Disability policies should ensure the access of [persons with disabilities] to all community services".残疾人政策应确保[残疾人]能得到一切社区服务”。
18. Because appropriate measures need to be taken to undo existing discrimination and to establish equitable opportunities for persons with disabilities, such actions should not be considered discriminatory in the sense of article 2 (2) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as long as they are based on the principle of equality and are employed only to the extent necessary to achieve that objective.18. 鉴于需采取恰当措施消除现在歧视并为残疾人创造公平的机会,只要此类行动以平等原则为基础并仅为实现这一目标而采取,就不应视为《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第二条第二款意义上的歧视。
IV. Specific provisions of the Covenant四.《公约》的具体条款
A. Article 3: Equal rights for men and womenA. 第三条――男女享有平等权利
19. Persons with disabilities are sometimes treated as genderless human beings.19. 残疾人有时被视为没有性别的人。
As a result, the double discrimination suffered by women with disabilities is often neglected.因而,残疾妇女遭受的双重歧视往往被忽视了。
Despite frequent calls by the international community for particular emphasis to be placed upon their situation, very few efforts have been undertaken during the Decade.尽管国际社会再三呼吁,要求尤为重视残疾妇女的状况,残疾人十年间所作的努力仍甚少。
The neglect of women with disabilities is mentioned several times in the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the World Programme of Action.秘书长关于《世界行动纲领》执行情况的报告不止一次提到了忽视残疾妇女的问题。
The Committee therefore urges States parties to address the situation of women with disabilities, with high priority being given in future to the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights-related programmes.因此,委员会敦促缔约国处理残疾妇女问题,在今后将与经济、社会、文化权利相关的方案置于高度优先地位。
B. Articles 6-8: Rights relating to workB. 第六至第八条――与工作有关的权利
20. The field of employment is one in which disability-based discrimination has been prominent and persistent.20. 就业领域是基于残疾的歧视极为突出和顽固的领域。
In most countries the unemployment rate among persons with disabilities is two to three times higher than the unemployment rate for persons without disabilities.在多数国家,残疾人的失业率高出正常人的两到三倍。
Where persons with disabilities are employed, they are mostly engaged in low-paid jobs with little social and legal security and are often segregated from the mainstream of the labour market.残疾人即使被雇用,也大多从事低工资工作,几乎没有社会和法律保障,而且往往与劳务市场的主流隔离。
The integration of persons with disabilities into the regular labour market should be actively supported by States.各国应积极支持将残疾人纳入正规劳务市场这项工作。
21. The "right of everyone to the opportunity to gain his living by work which he freely chooses or accepts" (art. 6 (1)) is not realized where the only real opportunity open to disabled workers is to work in so-called "sheltered" facilities under sub-standard conditions.21. 只要残疾工人唯一的真正机会是在所谓的“简易”设施内工作,其工作条件低于标准条件,“人人应有机会凭其自由选择和接受的工作来谋生的权利“(第6(1)条)就得不到实现。
Arrangements whereby persons with a certain category of disability are effectively confined to certain occupations or to the production of certain goods may violate this right.使某一类残疾人实际上仅限于某些职业或仅限于生产某些产品的安排,会使这项权利遭到侵犯。
Similarly, in the light of principle 13 (3) of the Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and for the Improvement of Mental Health Care,"therapeutical treatment" in institutions which amounts to forced labour is also incompatible with the Covenant.同样,根据《保护精神病患者和改善精神保健的原则》 原则13(3),精神病院相当于强迫劳动的“治疗”也是不符合公约规定的。
In this regard, the prohibition on forced labour contained in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is also of potential relevance.在这方面,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》关于禁止强迫劳动的规定也是相关的。
22. According to the Standard Rules, persons with disabilities, whether in rural or urban areas, must have equal opportunities for productive and gainful employment in the labour market.22. 《标准规则》规定,残疾人无论在农村还是城市,必须在劳务市场上享有从事生产性有偿就业的同等机会。
For this to happen it is particularly important that artificial barriers to integration in general, and to employment in particular, be removed.为此,极有必要消除阻碍融入社会尤其是就业的人为障碍。
As the International Labour Organization has noted, it is very often the physical barriers that society has erected in areas such as transport, housing and the workplace which are then cited as the reason why persons with disabilities cannot be employed.正如国际劳工组织指出,往往是社会先在交通、住房和工作地点等领域设置实际障碍,然后将其作为残疾人不能就业的理由。
For example, as long as workplaces are designed and built in ways that make them inaccessible to wheelchairs, employers will be able to "justify" their failure to employ wheelchair users.例如,只要工作场所的设计和建造使轮椅无法进入,雇主就能将此作为不能雇用使用轮椅者的“理由”。
Governments should also develop policies which promote and regulate flexible and alternative work arrangements that reasonably accommodate the needs of disabled workers.政府也应制定政策,提倡并规定灵活和替代性工作安排,以照顾残疾人的需要。
23. Similarly, the failure of Governments to ensure that modes of transportation are accessible to persons with disabilities greatly reduces the chances of such persons finding suitable, integrated jobs, taking advantage of educational and vocational training, or commuting to facilities of all types.23. 同样,由于政府没能确保使残疾人能使用有些交通方式,残疾人找到合适、正常的工作,接受教育和职业培训或乘坐公交车前往各类设施的机会大为减少。
Indeed, the provision of access to appropriate and, where necessary, specially tailored forms of transportation is crucial to the realization by persons with disabilities of virtually all the rights recognized in the Covenant.的确,提供便利,使这些人能利用适当的乃至专门的交通方式,对于残疾人落实公约确认的实际上所有权利来说至关重要。
24. The "technical and vocational guidance and training programmes" required under article 6 (2) of the Covenant should reflect the needs of all persons with disabilities, take place in integrated settings, and be planned and implemented with the full involvement of representatives of persons with disabilities.24. 《公约》第六条第二款规定的“技术的和职业的指导和训练”方案应反映所有残疾人的需要,在没有歧视的环境中进行,并且应在残疾人代表充分参与的情况下规划和执行。
25. The right to "the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work" (art. 7) applies to all disabled workers, whether they work in sheltered facilities or in the open labour market. Disabled workers may not be discriminated against with respect to wages or other conditions if their work is equal to that of non-disabled workers.25. “享受公正和良好的工作条件”的权利(第七条)适用于所有残疾工人,不论其是在福利工厂工作还是在公开的劳务市场工作,如果残疾工人和非残疾工人做同样的工作,前者不应在工资或其他条件方面受到歧视。
States parties have a responsibility to ensure that disability is not used as an excuse for creating low standards of labour protection or for paying below minimum wages.缔约国有责任确保残疾不被作为订立较低的劳工标准或支付低于最低工资的报酬的借口。
26. Trade union-related rights (art. 8) apply equally to workers with disabilities and regardless of whether they work in special work facilities or in the open labour market.26. 与工会有关的权利(第八条)同样适用于残疾工人,不论这些工人是在专门的工厂工作还是在公开的劳务市场工作。
In addition, article 8, read in conjunction with other rights such as the right to freedom of association, serves to emphasize the importance of the right of persons with disabilities to form their own organizations.此外,第八条同结社自由权利等其他权利结合起来看,强调了残疾人成立自己的组织的权利的重要性。
If these organizations are to be effective in "the promotion and protection of [the] economic and social interests" (art. 8 (1) (a)) of such persons, they should be consulted regularly by government bodies and others in relation to all matters affecting them; it may also be necessary that they be supported financially and otherwise so as to ensure their viability. 27. The International Labour Organization has developed valuable and comprehensive instruments with respect to the work-related rights of persons with disabilities, including in particular Convention No. 159 (1983) concerning vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities.要 使这些组织真正促进和保护残疾人的经济和社会利益(第八条第一款(甲)项),政府机构和负责处理与残疾人有关的所有问题的机构就应定期征求这些组织的意 见。 可能还有必要向这些组织提供资助和其他方面的支持,以确保其健康发展。 27. 国际劳工组织已在残疾人与工作有关的权利方面拟定了重要和全面的文书,其中主要有关于残疾人职业康复和就业的第159(1983)号公约。
The Committee encourages States parties to the Covenant to consider ratifying that Convention.委员会鼓励公约缔约国考虑批准这项公约。
C. Article 9: Social securityC. 第九条――社会保障
28. Social security and income-maintenance schemes are of particular importance for persons with disabilities.28. 社会保障和维持收入方案对残疾人来说极为重要。
As stated in the Standard Rules, "States should ensure the provision of adequate income support to persons with disabilities who, owing to disability or disability-related factors, have temporarily lost or received a reduction in their income or have been denied employment opportunities".Such support should reflect the special needs for assistance and other expenses often associated with disability.《标准规则》规定,“各国应确保向那些由于残疾或与残疾有关的原因而暂时丧失了收入或减少了收入,或得不到就业机会的残疾人提供适当的收入支助”24这种支助应体现特殊的需要和往往与残疾有关的其他费用。
In addition, as far as possible, the support provided should also cover individuals (who are overwhelmingly female) who undertake the care of a person with disabilities.此外,支助还应尽可能涵盖负责照料残疾人的个人(其中大多数为妇女)。
Such persons, including members of the families of persons with disabilities, are often in urgent need of financial support because of their assistance role.这些人,包括残疾人的家庭成员,由于从事照料工作而往往急需得到资助。
29. Institutionalization of persons with disabilities, unless rendered necessary for other reasons, cannot be regarded as an adequate substitute for the social security and income-support rights of such persons.29. 将残疾人置入一些机构,除非出于其他一些理由而变得有必要,不应视为对残疾人的社会保障和收入支助权利的一种恰当的代替。
D. Article 10: Protection of the family and of mothers and childrenD. 第十条――保护家庭、母亲和儿童
30. In the case of persons with disabilities, the Covenant's requirement that "protection and assistance" be rendered to the family means that everything possible should be done to enable such persons, when they so wish, to live with their families.30. 关于残疾人《公约》关于应向家庭提供“保护和协助”的规定意味着,应尽一切努力使残疾人(在其愿意的情况下)与其家人生活在一起。
Article 10 also implies, subject to the general principles of international human rights law, the right of persons with disabilities to marry and have their own family.第十条也意味着,根据国际人权法一般原则,残疾人有权结婚并拥有自己的家庭。
These rights are frequently ignored or denied, especially in the case of persons with mental disabilities.这些权利常常被忽视或剥夺,智力残疾者尤为如此。
In this and other contexts, the term "family" should be interpreted broadly and in accordance with appropriate local usage.在此种情况和其他情况下,应对“家庭”一词作广义解释,并应在解释时考虑到当地的恰当的习惯用法。
States parties should ensure that laws and social policies and practices do not impede the realization of these rights.缔约国应确保法律、社会政策和做法不阻碍这些权利的实现。
Persons with disabilities should have access to necessary counselling services in order to fulfil their rights and duties within the family.残疾人应得到必要的咨询服务,以行使和履行其在家庭中的权利和义务。
31. Women with disabilities also have the right to protection and support in relation to motherhood and pregnancy.31. 残疾妇女也应有权在生育和妊娠方面得到保护和支助。
As the Standard Rules state, "persons with disabilities must not be denied the opportunity to experience their sexuality, have sexual relationships and experience parenthood".《标准规则》规定,“不得剥夺残疾人过性生活、保持性关系和生儿育女的机会”。
The needs and desires in question should be recognized and addressed in both the recreational and the procreational contexts.应结合娱乐和生育这两方面来确认和对待所涉的需要和愿望。
These rights are commonly denied to both men and women with disabilities worldwide.世界各地的男女残疾人通常享受不到这些权利。
Both the sterilization of, and the performance of an abortion on, a woman with disabilities without her prior informed consent are serious violations of article 10 (2).事先未征得残疾妇女同意而使其绝育,使其流产,都是对第十条第二款的严重违反。
32. Children with disabilities are especially vulnerable to exploitation, abuse and neglect and are, in accordance with article 10 (3) of the Covenant (reinforced by the corresponding provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child), entitled to special protection.32. 残疾儿童特别容易遭受剥削、虐待和遗弃,因而按照《公约》第十条第三款(《儿童权利公约》的相应条款使该条款得到加强)的规定,有权受到特殊保护。
E. Article 11: The right to an adequate standard of livingE. 第十一条――达到适足的生活水平的权利
33. In addition to the need to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to adequate food, accessible housing and other basic material needs, it is also necessary to ensure that "support services, including assistive devices" are available "for persons with disabilities, to assist them to increase their level of independence in their daily living and to exercise their rights".33. 除了有必要确保残疾人得到充分的食物、出入方便的住房和其他基本资料以外,还有必要确保向残疾人提供“支助服务”包括辅助性器材,帮助他们提高日常生活方面的独立能力和行使他们的权利”。
The right to adequate clothing also assumes a special significance in the context of persons with disabilities who have particular clothing needs, so as to enable them to function fully and effectively in society.得到适足的衣着的权利对残疾人来说也特别重要,因为残疾人在衣着方面有特殊需要,落实这项权利能使其在社会中充分和有效地发挥作用。
Wherever possible, appropriate personal assistance should also be provided in this connection.还应尽可能酌情在这方面向个人提供协助。
Such assistance should be undertaken in a manner and spirit which fully respect the human rights of the person(s) concerned.应以充分尊重有关人员的人权的方式并本着这种精神提供此种协助。
Similarly, as already noted by the Committee in paragraph 8 of general comment No. 4 (Sixth session, 1991), the right to adequate housing includes the right to accessible housing for persons with disabilities.同样,正如委员会在第4号一般性意见(1991年,第六届会议)第8段中指出的,得到适足的住房的权利包括残疾人得到出入方便的住房的权利。
F. Article 12: The right to physical and mental healthF. 第十二条――身心健康的权利
34. According to the Standard Rules, "States should ensure that persons with disabilities, particularly infants and children, are provided with the same level of medical care within the same system as other members of society".34. 《标准规则》规定,“各国应确保对残疾人特别是对幼儿和儿童,如同其他社会成员一样,在同一系统内向他们提供同样水平的医疗护理”。
The right to physical and mental health also implies the right to have access to, and to benefit from, those medical and social services - including orthopaedic devices - which enable persons with disabilities to become independent, prevent further disabilities and support their social integration.身心健康的权利也意味着有权得到并得益于有关的医疗和社会服务,包括矫形装置,以使残疾人无需依赖别人,防止进一步残疾并支持其融入社会。
Similarly, such persons should be provided with rehabilitation services which would enable them "to reach and sustain their optimum level of independence and functioning".同样,应向残疾人提供康复服务,以使其“达到最佳的独立和功能水平”。
All such services should be provided in such a way that the persons concerned are able to maintain full respect for their rights and dignity.在提供所有这些服务时,均应使有关人员能保持充分尊重其权利和尊严。
G. Articles 13 and 14: The right to educationG. 第十三条和第十四条――受教育的权利
35. School programmes in many countries today recognize that persons with disabilities can best be educated within the general education system.35. 当今许多国家的教学大纲都确认,残疾人能在总的教育体系中接受最好的教育。
Thus the Standard Rules provide that "States should recognize the principle of equal primary, secondary and tertiary educational opportunities for children, youth and adults with disabilities, in integrated settings".《标准规则》规定,“各国应确认患有残疾的儿童、青年和成年人应能在混合班环境中享有平等的初级、中级和高级教育机会的原则”。
In order to implement such an approach, States should ensure that teachers are trained to educate children with disabilities within regular schools and that the necessary equipment and support are available to bring persons with disabilities up to the same level of education as their non-disabled peers.为了做到这一点,各国应确保向教员提供培训,使其能在正常学校中向残疾儿童传授知识,还应确保提供必要的设备和支助,以使残疾人达到与其非残疾同学相同的教育水平。
In the case of deaf children, for example, sign language should be recognized as a separate language to which the children should have access and whose importance should be acknowledged in their overall social environment.比如,对于耳聋的儿童,应确认手语为一种单独的语言,并向这类儿童提供,应承认该语言在这类儿童总的社会环境中的重要性。
H. Article 15: The right to take part in cultural life and enjoy the benefits of scientific progressH. 第十五条――参与文化生活和享受科学进步带来的好处的权利
36. The Standard Rules provide that "States should ensure that persons with disabilities have the opportunity to utilize their creative, artistic and intellectual potential, not only for their own benefit, but also for the enrichment of their community, be they in urban or rural areas36. 《标准规则》规定,“各国应确保残疾人有机会发挥其创造力以及艺术和智力潜能,不仅为了他们自己,而且还为了丰富他们所在的城乡社区。
States should promote the accessibility to and availability of places for cultural performances and services … ".…各国应促使各种文化表演和服务场所对残疾人开放…并作到无障碍…”。
The same applies to places for recreation, sports and tourism.娱乐、体育和旅游场所也应如此。
37. The right to full participation in cultural and recreational life for persons with disabilities further requires that communication barriers be eliminated to the greatest extent possible.37. 残疾人充分参与文化和娱乐生活的权利还要求尽最大可能消除信息交流方面的障碍。
Useful measures in this regard might include "the use of talking books, papers written in simple language and with clear format and colours for persons with mental disability, [and] adapted television and theatre for deaf persons".这方面的一些有益措施可包括“采用有声读物、书面材料用简单的语言写成,格式清楚并配有色彩,以便利智力有残疾者;在播放电视时、在剧院采用专门办法便利耳聋者”。
38. In order to facilitate the equal participation in cultural life of persons with disabilities, Governments should inform and educate the general public about disability.38. 为便利残疾人平等地参与文化生活,政府应在残疾问题上对公众进行宣传教育。
In particular, measures must be taken to dispel prejudices or superstitious beliefs against persons with disabilities, for example those that view epilepsy as a form of spirit possession or a child with disabilities as a form of punishment visited upon the family.具体而言,应采取措施消除对残疾人的偏见或迷信想法,例如,有人认为患癫痫是因为鬼怪缠身,残疾儿童是对家庭的一种惩罚等等。
Similarly, the general public should be educated to accept that persons with disabilities have as much right as any other person to make use of restaurants, hotels, recreation centres and cultural venues.同样,还应对公众进行教育,使其接受这一点:残疾人在使用餐馆、旅馆、娱乐中心和文化设施方面有与其他任何人同等的权利。
{§*} Contained in document E/1995/22.{§*} 载于E/1995/22号文件。
For a comprehensive review of the question, see the final report prepared by Mr. Leandro Despouy, Special Rapporteur, on human rights and disability (E/CN.4/Sub.2/1991/31).关于问题的全面审查,见人权和残疾问题特别报告员Leandro Despouy先生编写的最后报告(E/CN.4/Sub.2/1991/31)。
See A/47/415, paragraph 5.A/47/415, 第5段。
See paragraph 165 of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, adopted by the General Assembly by its resolution 37/52 of 3 December 1982 (para.见大会1982年12月3日第37/52号决议(第1段)中通过的《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》第165段。
1).See Commission on Human Rights resolutions 1992/48, paragraph 4 and 1993/29, paragraph 7.见人权委员会第1992/48号决议第4段和第1993/29号决议第7段。
See A/47/415, paragraph 6.A/47/415, 第6段。
Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, annexed to General Assembly resolution 48/96 of 20 December 1993 (Introduction, para. 17).大会1993年12月20日第48/96号决议,附件,《残疾人机会均等标准规则》,(导言,第17段。)
World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons (see note 3 above), paragraph 1.《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》(见以上注3)第1段。
A/C.3/46/4, annex I.A/C.3/46/4, 附件一。
Also contained in the Report on the International Meeting on the Roles and Functions of National Coordinating Committees on Disability in Developing Countries, Beijing, 5-11 November 1990 (CSDHA/DDP/NDC/4).另见《发展中国家残疾人问题国家协调委员会的作用和职能国际会议的报告》,北京,1990年11月5日至11日(CSDHA/DDP/NDC/4)。
See also Economic and Social Council resolution 1991/8 and General Assembly resolution 46/96 of 16 December 1991.另见经济及社会理事会第1991/8号决议和大会1991年12月16日第46/96号决议。
General Assembly resolution 46/119 of 17 December 1991, annex.大会1991年12月17日第46/119号决议,附件。
Standard Rules (see note 6 above), Introduction, paragraph 15.《标准规则》,(见以上注6), 导言,第15段。
See A/47/415, passim.见A/47/415, 各处。
Ibid., paragraph 5.同上,第5段。
Standard Rules (see note 6 above), Rule 1.《标准规则》,(见以上注6),规则1。
World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons (see note 3 above), paragraph 3.《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》(见以上注3),第3段。
See note 8 above.见以上注8。
See A/47/415, paragraphs 37-38.见A/47/415, 第37-38段。
World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons (see note 3 above), paragraph 25.《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》(见以上注3), 第25段。
See E/CN.4/Sub.2/1991/31 (see note 1 above), paragraph 140.见E/CN.4/Sub.2/1991/31(见以上注1), 第140段。
See A/47/415, paragraphs 35, 46, 74 and 77.见A/47/415, 第35、46、74、77段。
See note 9 above.见以上注9。
Standard Rules (see note 6 above), Rule 7.《标准规则》(见以上注6), 规则7。
See A/CONF.157/PC/61/Add.10, p. 12.见A/CONF.157/PC/61/Add.10, 第10页。
See also Recommendation No. 99 (1955) concerning vocational rehabilitation of the disabled, and Recommendation No. 168 (1983) concerning vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities.还见关于残疾人职业康复的第99(1995)号建议和关于残疾人职业康复的第168(1983)号建议。
Standard Rules (see note 6 above), Rule 8, paragraph 1.《标准规则》 (见以上注6), 规则8, 第1段。
See A/47/415, paragraph 78.见A/47/415, 第78段。
See E/CN.4/Sub.2/1991/31 (see note 1 above), paragraphs 190 and 193.见E/CN.4/Sub.2/1991/31(见以上注1), 第190、193段。
See the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons (see note 3 above), paragraph 74.见《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》(见以上注3), 第74段。
Standard Rules (see note 6 above), Rule 9, paragraph 2.《标准规则》(见以上注6), 规则9, 第2段。
See E/CN.6/1991/2, paragraphs 14 and 59-68.见E/CN.6/1991/2, 第14和第59-68段。
Standard Rules (see note 6 above), Rule 4.《标准规则》(见以上注6), 规则4。
Ibid., Rule 2, paragraph 3.同上,规则2, 第3段。
See the Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons (General Assembly resolution 3447 (XXX) of 9 December 1975), paragraph 6; and the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons (see note 3 above), paragraphs 95-107.见《残疾人权利宣言》(大会1975年12月9日第3447(XXX)号决议,第6段;《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》(见以上注3),第95-107段。
Standard Rules (see note 6 above), Rule 3.《标准规则》(见以上注6), 规则3。
See A/47/415, paragraph 73.见A/47/415, 第73段。
Standard Rules (see note 6 above), Rule 6.《标准规则》(见以上注6), 规则6。
Ibid., Rule 10, paragraphs 1-2.同上,规则10, 第1-2段。
See A/47/415, paragraph 79.见A/47/415, 第79段。