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General comment No. 6:第6号一般性意见:
The economic, social and cultural rights of older persons老龄人的经济、社会及文化权利
Thirteenth session (1995){§*}第十三届会议(1995年) {*}
1. Introduction1. 导言
1. The world population is ageing at a steady, quite spectacular rate.1. 世界人口正以稳定、十分惊人的速度走向老龄化。
The total number of persons aged 60 and above rose from 200 million in 1950 to 400 million in 1982 and is projected to reach 600 million in the year 2001 and 1.2 billion by the year 2025, at which time over 70 per cent of them will be living in what are today's developing countries.60岁和60岁以上的老龄人数已于1950年的2亿人口、上升至1982年的4亿,预计将于2001年达6亿,并将于2025年增至12亿、到2025年70%以上的老龄人将居住在今天的一些发展中国家。
The number of people aged 80 and above has grown and continues to grow even more dramatically, going from 13 million in 1950 to over 50 million today and projected to increase to 137 million in 2025.80岁和80岁以上的“耆”老人数也在增长,并继续出现大幅度的上升,由1950年的1,300万上升至今天的5,000多万,并预计于2025年达到1.37亿。
This is the fastest growing population group in the world, projected to increase by a factor of 10 between 1950 and 2025, compared with a factor of 6 for the group aged 60 and above and a factor of little more than 3 for the total population.这是世界中增长速度最快的人口群体,预计在1950至2025年期间人口增长为10倍,60和60岁以上群体将增长6倍,而其他总人口的增长则稍高于3倍。
2. These figures are illustrations of a quiet revolution, but one which has far-reaching and unpredictable consequences and which is now affecting the social and economic structures of societies both at the world level and at the country level, and will affect them even more in future.2. 这些数字可显示一场静静的、但意义深远并难以预测的人口演化过程,它将渗透到全世界和各国的社会和经济结构,并将会在未来产生更为深远的影响。
3. Most of the States parties to the Covenant, and the industrialized countries in particular, are faced with the task of adapting their social and economic policies to the ageing of their populations, especially as regards social security.3. 许多公约缔约国,特别是工业化国家,均面临着针对它们人口的老龄化调整其社会和经济政策特别是有关社会保障政策的任务。
In the developing countries, the absence or deficiencies of social security coverage are being aggravated by the emigration of the younger members of the population and the consequent weakening of the traditional role of the family, the main support of older people.在发展中国家,由于年轻人口的外移,以及随之削弱家庭的传统作用――老龄人的主要依靠,因此社会保障缺乏或不足情形更形恶化。
2. Internationally endorsed policies in relation to older persons2. 在国际上得到赞同的老龄人政策
4. In 1982 the World Assembly on Ageing adopted the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing.4. 1982年老龄问题世界大会通过了《老龄问题国际行动计划》。
This important document was endorsed by the General Assembly and is a very useful guide, for it details the measures that should be taken by Member States to safeguard the rights of older persons within the context of the rights proclaimed by the International Covenants on Human Rights.这一重要文件得到了联大的赞同,并且是一项极为重要的指导文件,因为它详细阐明了各成员国在各项《国际人权公约》所宣布的权利范围内为保障老龄人权利应采取的各项措施。
It contains 62 recommendations, many of which are of direct relevance to the Covenant.它载有62项建议,其中许多与《公约》直接相关。
5. In 1991 the General Assembly adopted the United Nations Principles for Older Persons which, because of their programmatic nature, is also an important document in the present context.5. 1991年联大通过了《联合国老年人原则》,这些原则由于其务实性,也成为目前背景下的一项重要文件。
It is divided into five sections which correlate closely to the rights recognized in the Covenant.原则共分五节,它们与《公约》确认的各项权利密切相关。
"Independence" includes access to adequate food, water, shelter, clothing and health care.“独立”一节包括获取食物、水、住所、衣着和保健的机会。
To these basic rights are added the opportunity to remunerated work and access to education and training.除这些基本权利外,还应享有从事可领取报酬工作的机会以及接受教育和培训的机会。
By "participation" is meant that older persons should participate actively in the formulation and implementation of policies that affect their well-being and share their knowledge and skills with younger generations, and should be able to form movements and associations.“参与”一节的含义系指,老龄人应积极地参与制定和执行影响其福祉的政策,并将其知识和技能传给子孙后辈,并且应能组织起运动和协会。
The section headed "Care" proclaims that older persons should benefit from family care, health care and be able to enjoy human rights and fundamental freedoms when residing in a shelter, care or treatment facility.以“照顾”为标题的一节宣布,老龄人应享有家庭照顾、健康照顾并能够在住所、安养院或治疗所享有基本的人权和自由。
With regard to "self-fulfilment", the principles that older persons should pursue opportunities for the full development of their potential through access to the educational, cultural, spiritual and recreational resources of their societies.关于“自我充实”这一节原则申明应使老龄人通过享用社会的教育、文化、精神和文娱资源,寻求充分发挥他们权利的机会。
Lastly, the section entitled "dignity" states that older persons should be able to live in dignity and security and be free of exploitation and physical or mental abuse, should be treated fairly, regardless of age, gender, racial or ethnic background, disability, financial situation or any other status, and be valued independently of their economic contribution.最后,以“尊严”为标题的一节阐明,老龄人应有尊严、有保障,不受剥削和身心虐待,应不论年龄、性别、种族和族裔背景、残疾、经济情况或任何其他状况,均享受到公正对待,并且不论其经济贡献大小均应受到尊重。
6. In 1992, the General Assembly adopted eight global targets on ageing for the year 2001 and a brief guide for setting national targets.6. 1992年联大通过了2001年以前老年问题全球8项指标,以及制定国家指标的简要指南。
In a number of important respects, these global targets serve to reinforce the obligations of States parties to the Covenant.在若干重要方面,这些全球指标可用以增强《公约》缔约国的义务。
7. Also in 1992, and in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Vienna International Plan of Action by the Conference on Ageing, the General Assembly adopted the Proclamation on Ageing in which it urged support of national initiatives on ageing so that older women are given adequate support for their largely unrecognized contributions to society and older men are encouraged to develop social, cultural and emotional capacities which they may have been prevented from developing during breadwinning years; families are supported in providing care and all family members encouraged to cooperate in care giving; and that international cooperation is expanded in the context of the strategies for reaching the global targets on ageing for the year 2001.7. 同时,于1992年并在纪念老龄问题世界大会通过《维也纳国际行动计划》的十周年之际,大会通过了《老龄问题宣言》,宣言支持各国就老龄问题所采取的主动 行动,以充分地支持老龄妇女为社会所作出基本上未得到承认的贡献,并且支持老龄男性发展他们以往在挣钱养家岁月中未获开发的社会、文化和感情方面能力;支 持家庭提供照顾并鼓励所有家庭成员合作提供照顾;并且在实现2001年以前达到老龄问题全球指标战略方面扩大国际合作。
It also proclaimed the year 1999 as the International Year of Older Persons in recognition of humanity's demographic "coming of age".宣言还宣布将1999年定为“国际长者年”,确认人口已经步入“成熟”。
8. The United Nations specialized agencies, especially the International Labour Organization, have also given attention to the problem of ageing in their respective fields of competence.8. 联合国各专门机构,特别是国际劳工组织,也注意到它们各自主管领域中的老龄问题。
3. The rights of older persons in relation to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights3. 与《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》 有关的老龄人权利
9. The terminology used to describe older persons varies considerably, even in international documents.9. 用于描述老年人的术语――即便在国际文书中――变化不一。
It includes: "older persons", "the aged", "the elderly", "the third age", "the ageing", and, to denote persons more than 80 years of age, "the fourth age".其中包括:“老年人”、“年老者”、“年长者”、“第三年龄”、“老龄人”等,并且将80岁年龄以上者称为“第四年龄者”。
The Committee opted for "older persons" (in French, personnes âgées; in Spanish, personas mayores), the term employed in General Assembly resolutions 47/5 and 48/98.委员会主张使用“老龄人”(法语为personnes âgées;西班牙语为personas mayores),这是联大第47/5号和48/98号决议所采用的术语。
According to the practice in the United Nations statistical services, these terms cover persons aged 60 and above (Eurostat, the statistical service of the European Union, considers "older persons" to mean persons aged 65 or above, since 65 is the most common age of retirement and the trend is towards later retirement still).根据联合国统计处的惯例,这些术语系指60和60岁以上的老龄人(欧洲联盟统计局的统计认为,“老龄人”系指65或65岁以上者,因为最为通常的退休年龄为65岁,而且退休年龄还在趋于推迟)。
10. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights does not contain any explicit reference to the rights of older persons, although article 9 dealing with "the right of everyone to social security, including social insurance", implicitly recognizes the right to old-age benefits.10. 《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》并无明确的条款提及老龄人的权利,但有关“人人有权享有社会保障,包括社会保险”的第九条,却含有对享有老龄福利权利的承认。
Nevertheless, in view of the fact that the Covenant's provisions apply fully to all members of society, it is clear that older persons are entitled to enjoy the full range of rights recognized in the Covenant.然而,鉴于《公约》各条款充分适用于社会的所有成员,显然老龄人也有权充分享有《公约》承认的一系列权利。
This approach is also fully reflected in the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing.《维也纳老龄问题国际行动计划》也充分体现出了同一方针。
Moreover, insofar as respect for the rights of older persons requires special measures to be taken, States parties are required by the Covenant to do so to the maximum of their available resources.此外,就尊重老龄人权利所需采取的具体措施而言,《公约》要求各缔约国按其现有资源尽力落实这些措施。
11. Another important issue is whether discrimination on the basis of age is prohibited by the Covenant.11. 另一个重要问题是,《公约》是否禁止基于年龄的歧视。
Neither the Covenant nor the Universal Declaration of Human Rights refers explicitly to age as one of the prohibited grounds. Rather than being seen as an intentional exclusion, this omission is probably best explained by the fact that, when these instruments were adopted, the problem of demographic ageing was not as evident or as pressing as it is now.《公约》和《世界人权宣言》均无明确提及年龄是被禁止的原因之一与其视为一种有意的不列入,或许可把这一省略最好解释为,当初通过这些文书时,人口老龄化问题还没有那么明显,或者还没象今天这样迫在眉睫。
12. This is not determinative of the matter, however, since the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of "other status" could be interpreted as applying to age.12. 但是,问题并没有就到此为止,因为禁止基于“其他状况”的歧视,可被理解为适用于年龄问题。
The Committee notes that while it may not yet be possible to conclude that discrimination on the grounds of age is comprehensively prohibited by the Covenant, the range of matters in relation to which such discrimination can be accepted is very limited.委员会指出,虽然它还尚不能确定基于年龄的歧视是否属于《公约》全面禁止之列,但对于能够接受这种歧视的事项范围而言却极为有限。
Moreover, it must be emphasized that the unacceptableness of discrimination against older persons is underlined in many international policy documents and is confirmed in the legislation of the vast majority of States.此外,必须强调的是,在许多国际政策文件中均强调对老龄人的歧视是不可接受的,而且绝大部分国家的立法也确认是不可接受的。
In the few areas in which discrimination continues to be tolerated, such as in relation to mandatory retirement ages or access to tertiary education, there is a clear trend towards the elimination of such barriers.在诸如有关强制性退休年龄或获取高等教育等极少领域中,仍然容忍这种歧视,但已出现消除此类障碍的明确趋势。
The Committee is of the view that States parties should seek to expedite this trend to the greatest extent possible.委员会认为,各缔约国应尽可能最大程度地加速这一趋势。
13. Accordingly, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights is of the view that States parties to the Covenant are obligated to pay particular attention to promoting and protecting the economic, social and cultural rights of older persons.13. 因此,经济、社会、文化权利委员会认为,《公约》各缔约国有义务特别注意促进和保护老龄人的经济、社会和文化权利。
The Committee's own role in this regard is rendered all the more important by the fact that, unlike the case of other population groups such as women and children, no comprehensive international convention yet exists in relation to the rights of older persons and no binding supervisory arrangements attach to the various sets of United Nations principles in this area.委员会本身在这方面的作用由于下述事实而显得更为重要:与其他诸如妇女和儿童等群体的情况不同,关于老龄人的权利还尚无全面的国际公约,也尚未确立起附属于这一领域联合国各套原则的约束性监督安排。
14. By the end of its thirteenth session, the Committee and, before that, its predecessor, the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts, had examined 144 initial reports, 70 second periodic reports and 20 initial and periodic global reports on articles 1 to 15.14. 委员会于第十三届会议结束之际以及在第十三届会议之前,委员会的会期政府间专家工作组的会议已经审查了144份首次报告、70份第二次定期报告和有关第1至15条的20份全球首次和定期报告。
This examination made it possible to identify many of the problems that may be encountered in implementing the Covenant in a considerable number of States parties that represent all the regions of the world and have different political, socio-economic and cultural systems.这一审查使得能够辨明代表世界所有各地区和不同政治、社会经济和文化制度的、相当大数量的缔约国在执行《公约》时可能遇到的许多困难。
The reports examined to date have not provided any information in a systematic way on the situation of older persons with regard to compliance with the Covenant, apart from information, of varying completeness, on the implementation of article 9 relating to the right to social security.迄今为止所审查的各份报告,除了在不同的全面程度上提供关于落实社会保障权利的第九条的情况外,还尚无任何一份系统地提供针对老龄人落实《公约》情况的资料。
15. In 1993, the Committee devoted a day of general discussion to this issue in order to plan its future activity in this area.15. 1993年,委员会就此问题展开了一天的一般性讨论,以便制定出这一领域的今后活动计划。
Moreover, it has, at recent sessions, begun to attach substantially more importance to information on the rights of older persons and its questioning has elicited some very valuable information in some instances.此外,在最近几届会议上,委员会开始极为注重有关老龄人问题的资料,而且就此问题展开的征询,还收集到了某些极有价值的情况资料。
Nevertheless, the Committee notes that the great majority of States parties reports continue to make little reference to this important issue.然而,委员会注意到,绝大部分缔约国的报告仍然很少提到这一重要问题。
It therefore wishes to indicate that, in future, it will insist that the situation of older persons in relation to each of the rights recognized in the Covenant should be adequately addressed in all reports.因此,委员会谨想表明,委员会坚持应在今后的所有报告中充分地阐述有关老龄人享有《公约》所承认的每项权利的情况。
The remainder of this general comment identifies the specific issues which are relevant in this regard.一般性意见的余下部分认明了这方面一些有关的具体问题。
4. General obligations of States parties4. 缔约国的一般义务
16. Older persons as a group are as heterogeneous and varied as the rest of the population and their situation depends on a country's economic and social situation, on demographic, environmental, cultural and employment factors and, at the individual level, on the family situation, the level of education, the urban or rural environment and the occupation of workers and retirees.16. 老龄人作为一个群体与人口的其他群体性质不一,各有差异,而且他们的状况取决于一个国家的经济和社会状况、取决于人口、环境文化和就业因素,而且就个人而言,还取决于家庭状况、教育水平、城镇或乡村环境以及工人和退休者的职业。
17. Side by side with older persons who are in good health and whose financial situation is acceptable, there are many who do not have adequate means of support, even in developed countries, and who feature prominently among the most vulnerable, marginal and unprotected groups.17. 同那些身体健康状况良好而且具备可接受的经济状况的老龄相比,甚至在一些发达国家中,有许多老龄人并不具备维持生计的充分收入,他们主要属于最为脆弱、不受注意和得不到保护的群体。
In times of recession and of restructuring of the economy, older persons are particularly at risk.在经济衰退或经济调整时期,老龄人尤其面临着风险。
As the Committee has previously stressed (general comment No. 3 (1990), para. 12), even in times of severe resource constraints, States parties have the duty to protect the vulnerable members of society.正如委员会以前所强调过的(第3号一般性意见(1990)第12段),即使在资源严重拮据时期,各缔约国也有义务保护社会中的脆弱成员。
18. The methods that States parties use to fulfil the obligations they have assumed under the Covenant in respect of older persons will be basically the same as those for the fulfilment of other obligations (see general comment No. 1 (1989)).18. 各缔约国为履行其根据《公约》承担的有关老龄人的义务所采用的办法,基本上与履行其他义务的办法相同(见第1号一般性意见(1989))。
They include the need to determine the nature and scope of problems within a State through regular monitoring, the need to adopt properly designed policies and programmes to meet requirements, the need to enact legislation when necessary and to eliminate any discriminatory legislation and the need to ensure the relevant budget support or, as appropriate, to request international cooperation.这些办法包括需要通过定期监测确定一国内问题的性质和范围、必须制定出适当的政策和方案满足一些需要、必须在必要时制定出立法和废除任何歧视性的立法,以及必须确保有关的预算支助或适当时请求国际合作。
In the latter connection, international cooperation in accordance with articles 22 and 23 of the Covenant may be a particularly important way of enabling some developing countries to fulfil their obligations under the Covenant.关于后者,根据《公约》第二十二条和第二十三条进行的国际合作,是使某些发展中国家能够履行《公约》义务的一项极为重要的方式。
19. In this context, attention may be drawn to Global target No. 1, adopted by the General Assembly in 1992, which calls for the establishment of national support infrastructures to promote policies and programmes on ageing in national and international development plans and programmes.19. 为此,可提请注意1992年联大通过的全球指标一,它呼吁建立国家支助基础结构,以推行国家和国际发展计划和方案中的老龄问题政策和方案。
In this regard, the Committee notes that one of the United Nations Principles for Older Persons which Governments were encouraged to incorporate into their national programmes is that older persons should be able to form movements or associations of older persons.在这方面,委员会指出,《联合国老年人原则》鼓励各国政府在国家方案中列入的原则之一是,应使老龄人能够组织老龄人运动或协会。
5. Specific provisions of the Covenant5. 《公约》的具体规定
Article 3: Equal rights of men and women第三条:男女权利平等
20. In accordance with article 3 of the Covenant, by which States parties undertake "to ensure the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all economic, social and cultural rights", the Committee considers that States parties should pay particular attention to older women who, because they have spent all or part of their lives caring for their families without engaging in a remunerated activity entitling them to an old-age pension, and who are also not entitled to a widow's pension, are often in critical situations.20. 根据《公约》第三条,各缔约国应依照条款承担“保证男子和妇女在本公约所载一切经济、社会及文化权利方面享有平等的权利”,委员会认为各缔约国尤其应注重 经常处于困境的老龄妇女,因为她们将其终身或其生命的一部分时间用于操持家庭而未能从事使她们能享有老龄养恤金的报酬活动,而且也无法享有寡妇养恤金。
21. To deal with such situations and comply fully with article 9 of the Covenant and paragraph 2 (h) of the Proclamation on Ageing, States parties should institute non-contributory old-age benefits or other assistance for all persons, regardless of their sex, who find themselves without resources on attaining an age specified in national legislation.21. 为解决这种情况并充分地履行《公约》第九条和《老龄问题宣言》第2(h)段,各缔约国应建立起非缴款性老龄恤金或其他援助,不论性别帮助所有到达国家立法具体规定的年龄而没有任何收入的老龄人。
Given their greater life expectancy and the fact that it is more often they who have no contributory pensions, women would be the principal beneficiaries.鉴于妇女预期寿命较长,而且老龄妇女通常无缴款性养恤金,妇女将成为主要的受惠者。
Articles 6 to 8: Rights relating to work第六至第八条:与工作有关的权利
22. Article 6 of the Covenant requires States parties to take appropriate steps to safeguard the right of everyone to the opportunity to gain a living by work which is freely chosen or accepted.22. 《公约》第六条规定各缔约国应采取适当的步骤保障人人应有机会凭其自由选择和接受的工作来谋生的权利。
In this regard, the Committee, bearing in mind that older workers who have not reached retirement age often encounter problems in finding and keeping jobs, stresses the need for measures to prevent discrimination on grounds of age in employment and occupation.为此,委员会铭记那些未到退休年龄的老年工人往往在寻求和保持工作方面遇到困难,强调必须采取措施防止在就业和职业方面基于年龄的歧视。
23. The right "to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work" (Covenant, art. 7) is of special importance for ensuring that older workers enjoy safe working conditions until their retirement.23. “享有公正和良好工作条件”的权利(《公约》第七条)是保障老龄工人享有在他们退休前安全工作条件极为重要的条款。
In particular, it is desirable, to employ older workers in circumstances in which the best use can be made of their experience and know-how.安排老年工人在能最充分地发挥其经验和知识的条件下从事就业,是极为可取的做法。
24. In the years preceding retirement, retirement preparation programmes should be implemented, with the participation of representative organizations of employers and workers and other bodies concerned, to prepare older workers to cope with their new situation.24. 在他们即将退休的前几年内,应当由雇主和工人双方的组织以及其他有关的机构派代表参与落实退休准备方案,为老龄工人应付其新的情况作好准备。
Such programmes should, in particular, provide older workers with information about: their rights and obligations as pensioners; the opportunities and conditions for continuing an occupational activity or undertaking voluntary work; means of combating detrimental effects of ageing; facilities for adult education and cultural activities, and the use of leisure time.这类方案尤其应当向老龄工人介绍下述一些情况:养恤金领取者的权利和义务;继续从事职业活动或从事志愿性工作的机会和条件;防止老龄不利影响的办法;成年人教育和文化活动的设施,以及娱乐时间的利用。
25. The rights protected by article 8 of the Covenant, namely, trade union rights, including after retirement age, must be applied to older workers.25. 《公约》第八条所保护的各项权利,即包括在退休年龄之后的工会权利,必须适用于老龄工人。
Article 9: Right to social security第九条:享有社会保障的权利
26. Article 9 of the Covenant provides generally that States parties "recognize the right of everyone to social security", without specifying the type or level of protection to be guaranteed.26. 《公约》第九条在总体上规定,各缔约国“承认人人有权享受社会保障”, 但未具体阐明应保证的保护种类或程度。
However, the term "social security" implicitly covers all the risks involved in the loss of means of subsistence for reasons beyond a person's control.然而,“社会保障”这一用语隐含超出本人所控制范围的原因而失去维持生计手段的所有风险。
27. In accordance with article 9 of the Covenant and the provisions concerning implementation of the ILO social security conventions - Convention No. 102 concerning Social Security (Minimum Standards) (1952) and Convention No. 128 concerning Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits (1967) - States parties must take appropriate measures to establish general regimes of compulsory old-age insurance, starting at a particular age, to be prescribed by national law.27. 根据《公约》第九条以及有关落实关于国际劳工组织各项社会保障公约――关于社会保障的第102号公约(最低标准)(1952年)和关于残废、老年和遗属恤 金的第128号公约(1967年)――的条款,各缔约国必须按国家法律规定采取适当措施,设立从一特定年龄开始加入普遍的强制性老年保险制度。
28. In keeping with the recommendations contained in the two ILO Conventions mentioned above and Recommendation No. 162, the Committee invites States parties to establish retirement age so that it is flexible, depending on the occupations performed and the working ability of elderly persons, with due regard to demographic, economic and social factors.28. 遵照上述两项劳工组织公约和第162号建议所载的各项建议,委员会请各缔约国在适当考虑到人口、经济和社会各类因素情况下,根据老龄人所从事的职业和工作能力来确定退休年龄,从而使退休年龄具有一定的灵活性。
29. In order to give effect to the provisions of article 9 of the Covenant, States parties must guarantee the provision of survivors' and orphans' benefits on the death of the breadwinner who was covered by social security or receiving a pension.29. 为了实施《公约》第九条的各项规定,各缔约国必须确保,在受社会保障制度保险或领取养恤金的抚养人死亡后,提供遗属养恤金和遗孤养恤金。
30. Furthermore, as already observed in paragraphs 20 and 21, in order fully to implement the provisions of article 9 of the Covenant, States parties should, within the limits of available resources, provide non-contributory old-age benefits and other assistance for all older persons, who, when reaching the age prescribed in national legislation, have not completed a qualifying period of contribution and are not entitled to an old-age pension or other social security benefit or assistance and have no other source of income.30. 此外,如第20和21段所述,为了充分实施《公约》第九条的规定,各缔约国应在其现有的资金限度内,向所有老龄人提供非缴款性的老龄养恤金和其他援助,帮 助那些虽然已经到达国家立法规定的老龄年纪,但未满合格缴款期并无法享有老龄养恤金或其他社会保险福利或援助,以及无其他收入来源的老龄人。
Article 10: Protection of the family第十条:保护家庭
31. On the basis of article 10, paragraph 1, of the Covenant and recommendations 25 and 29 of the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing, States parties should make all the necessary efforts to support, protect and strengthen the family and help it, in accordance with each society's system of cultural values, to respond to the needs of its dependent ageing members.31. 根据《公约》第十条第一款,和《维也纳老龄问题国际行动计划》建议25和29, 各缔约国应作出一切必要的努力支持、保护和巩固家庭并根据各社会的文化价值制度帮助家庭、满足家庭成员中受抚养老龄成员的需要。
Recommendation 29 encourages Governments and non-governmental organizations to establish social services to support the whole family when there are elderly people at home and to implement measures especially for low-income families who wish to keep elderly people at home.建议29鼓励各国政府和非政府组织建立社会服务支助有老年人的家庭,并落实各项措施支持希望在家中赡养老龄人的低收入家庭。
This assistance should also be provided for persons living alone or elderly couples wishing to remain at home.这项援助还帮助单独居住的老龄人或希望继续在家中居住的老龄夫妇。
Article 11: Right to an adequate standard of living第十一条:适当的生活水准
32. Of the United Nations Principles for Older Persons, principle 1, which stands at the beginning of the section relating to the independence of older persons, provides that: "Older persons should have access to adequate food, water, shelter, clothing and health care through the provision of income, family and community support and self-help".32. 在《联合国老年人原则》关于老龄人独立的一节中的原则1规定:“老龄人应能通过提供收入、家庭和社会支助以及自助享有足够的食物、水、住房、衣着和保健”。
The Committee attaches great importance to this principle, which demands for older persons the rights contained in article 11 of the Covenant.委员会极其重视这一原则,这项原则为老龄人提出了《公约》第十一条所载的各项权利。
33. Recommendations 19 to 24 of the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing emphasize that housing for the elderly must be viewed as more than mere shelter and that, in addition to the physical, it has psychological and social significance which should be taken into account.33. 《维也纳老龄问题国际行动计划》的建议19至24强调,老龄人的住房不应当视为仅仅是一个容身之地的问题,并强调除了身体健康外,还应当考虑到住房的心理和社会重要意义。
Accordingly, national policies should help elderly persons to continue to live in their own homes as long as possible, through the restoration, development and improvement of homes and their adaptation to the ability of those persons to gain access to and use them (recommendation 19).因此,国家政策应通过修缮、发展和改善住房,并且为便于老龄人出入和使用进行住房改建,帮助老龄人尽可能久地居住在自己家中(建议19)。
Recommendation 20 stresses the need for urban rebuilding and development planning and law to pay special attention to the problems of the ageing, assisting in securing their social integration, while recommendation 22 draws attention to the need to take account of the functional capacity of the elderly in order to provide them with a better living environment and facilitate mobility and communication through the provision of adequate means of transport.建议20强调,必须制定出城市重建和发展规划以及法律,具体注重老龄问题,协助保障老龄人的社会融合,而建议22则提请注意必须考虑到老龄人的行动能力,通过提供适当的交通工具,为老龄人提供更好的生活环境并便利于他们的活动和与人交往。
Article 12: Right to physical and mental health第十二条:享有身心健康权利
34. With a view to the realization of the right of elderly persons to the enjoyment of a satisfactory standard of physical and mental health, in accordance with article 12, paragraph 1, of the Covenant, States parties should take account of the content of recommendations 1 to 17 of the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing, which focus entirely on providing guidelines on health policy to preserve the health of the elderly and take a comprehensive view, ranging from prevention and rehabilitation to the care of the terminally ill.34. 根据《公约》第十二条第一款,为实现老龄人享有满意的身心健康水平,各缔约国应考虑到《维也纳老龄问题国际行动计划》建议1至17, 这几项建议的重点完全是,提供关于维护老龄人健康以及从预防、康复至对患有不治之症老龄人护理的综合角度,制定保健政策的指南。
35. Clearly, the growing number of chronic, degenerative diseases and the high hospitalization costs they involve cannot be dealt with only by curative treatment.35. 显然,日益增多的老龄人长期性、衰退性疾病和高昂的住院费用并不能仅靠治疗加以解决。
In this regard, States parties should bear in mind that maintaining health into old age requires investments during the entire life span, basically through the adoption of healthy lifestyles (food, exercise, elimination of tobacco and alcohol, etc.为此,各缔约国应铭记维护老龄人的健康必须在整个生命时期进行投资,根本性的作法是推广健康的生活方式(健康食物、戒烟戒酒等办法)。
). Prevention, through regular checks suited to the needs of the elderly, plays a decisive role, as does rehabilitation, by maintaining the functional capacities of elderly persons, with a resulting decrease in the cost of investments in health care and social services.通过适宜老龄人需要的定期健康检查实施的预防措施,与通过保持老龄人身体机能的康复,具有同样的决定性作用,由此可减少健康照顾和社会服务投资成本。
Articles 13 to 15: Right to education and culture第十三至十五条:享有教育和文化的权利
36. Article 13, paragraph 1, of the Covenant recognizes the right of everyone to education.36. 《公约》第十三条第一款承认,人人享有教育的权利。
In the case of the elderly, this right must be approached from two different and complementary points of view: (a) the right of elderly persons to benefit from educational programmes; and (b) making the know-how and experience of elderly persons available to younger generations.就老龄人而言,必须从两个不同但相辅相成的角度来看待这一权利:(a) 老龄人有权得益于教育方案;和(b) 使老龄人把知识和经验传授给子孙后辈。
37. With regard to the former, States parties should take account of: (a) the recommendations in principle 16 of the United Nations Principles for Older Persons to the effect that older persons should have access to suitable education programmes and training and should, therefore, on the basis of their preparation, abilities and motivation, be given access to the various levels of education through the adoption of appropriate measures regarding literacy training, life-long education, access to university, etc.; and (b) recommendation 47 of the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing, which, in accordance with the concept of life-long education promulgated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), recommends informal, community-based and recreation-oriented programmes for the elderly in order to develop their sense of self-reliance and the community's sense of responsibility.37. 关于前者,各缔约国应考虑到:(a) 《联合国老年人原则》原则16的建议,即老龄人应享有适当的教育方案和培训,并因此能根据他们的准备程度、能力和动机,采用适当的措施向他们提供有关文化 培训、终身教育、大学学业等不同程度的教育;和(b) 《维也纳老龄问题国际行动计划》建议47,根据联合国教育、科学及文化组织宣布的终身教育概念,提出为老龄人举办非正式、以社区为主和以娱乐为方向的方 案,以树立起老龄人的自立感和社区的责任感。
Such programmes should enjoy the support of national Governments and international organizations.这类方案应得到各国政府和国际组织的支持。
38. With regard to the use of the know-how and experience of older persons, as referred to in the part of the recommendations of the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing dealing with education (paras. 74-76), attention is drawn to the important role that elderly and old persons still play in most societies as the transmitters of information, knowledge, traditions and spiritual values and to the fact that this important tradition should not be lost.38. 关于《维也纳老龄人问题国际行动计划》的各项建议部分中提及的利用老龄人知识和经验问题(第74至76段),必须注意到年长者和老龄人作为资料、知识传统和各种精神财富的传授者仍在大多数社会中发挥的重要作用,并应注意不应使这一重要的传统被抛弃。
Consequently, the Committee attaches particular importance to the message contained in recommendation 44 of the Plan: "Educational programmes featuring the elderly as the teachers and transmitters of knowledge, culture and spiritual values should be developed".因此,委员会极其重视《行动计划》中建议44所指出的:“应当制定以年长者为导师和知识、文化与精神财富传授者为特色的各种教育方案”。
39. In article 15, paragraphs 1 (a) and (b), of the Covenant, States parties recognize the right of everyone to take part in cultural life and to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications.39. 《公约》第十五条第一款(甲)项和(乙)项申明,各缔约国承认人人有权参加文化生活并享受科学进步及其运用所产生的利益。
In this respect, the Committee urges States parties to take account of the recommendations contained in the United Nations Principles for Older Persons, and in particular of principle 7: "Older persons should remain integrated in society, participate actively in the formulation and implementation of policies that directly affect their well-being and share their knowledge and skills with younger generations"; and principle 16: "Older persons should have access to the educational, cultural, spiritual and recreational resources of society".为此,委员会促请各缔约国考虑到《联合国老年人原则》所载的各项建议,特别是原则7:“老年人应始终融合于社会,积极参与制定和执行直接影响其福祉的政策,并将其知识和技能传授子孙后辈”;和原则16:“老年人应能享有社会的教育、文化、精神和文娱资源”。
40. Similarly, recommendation 48 of the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing encourages Governments and international organizations to support programmes aimed at providing the elderly with easier physical access to cultural institutions (museums, theatres, concert halls, cinemas, etc.).40. 同样,《维也纳老龄人问题国际行动计划》中的建议48鼓励各国政府和各国际组织支持旨在更便利于年长者出入各文化机构(博物馆、剧院、音乐厅、影院等等)的方案。
41. Recommendation 50 stresses the need for Governments, non-governmental organizations and the ageing themselves to make efforts to overcome negative stereotyped images of older persons as suffering from physical and psychological disabilities, incapable of functioning independently and having neither role nor status in society.41. 建议50强调,各国政府、非政府组织和老龄人本身都必须作出努力,克服老龄人身心衰弱行动不便、在社会中既无地位又无作用的典型负形象。
These efforts, in which the media and educational institutions should also take part, are essential for achieving a society that champions the full integration of the elderly.同时,新闻媒介和各教育机构的携手配合,也是支持年长者实现充分社会融合的关键。
42. With regard to the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications, States parties should take account of recommendations 60, 61 and 62 of the Vienna International Plan of Action and make efforts to promote research on the biological, mental and social aspects of ageing and ways of maintaining functional capacities and preventing and delaying the start of chronic illnesses and disabilities.42. 关于享受科学进步及其运用所产生的利益的权利,各缔约国应考虑到《维也纳国际行动计划》的建议60、61和62,并致力于促进开展有关老龄人生物、精神和社会方面问题的研究并探讨维持行动能力和预防并推迟长期性疾病和失去行动能力开始期的办法。
In this connection, it is recommended that States, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations should establish institutions specializing in the teaching of gerontology, geriatrics and geriatric psychology in countries where such institutions do not exist.在这一方面,建议要求各国、政府间组织和非政府组织应在尚未设立起老年病学、老年医学和老年心理学机构的国家中建立起此类机构。
{§*}Contained in document E/1996/22.{§*}载于E/1996/22号文件。
Global targets on ageing for the year 2001: a practical strategy. Report of the Secretary-General (A/47/339), paragraph 5.《2001年以前达到老龄问题全球指标:一项实际性战略》,秘书长的报告(A/47/339),第5段。
Report of the World Assembly on Ageing, Vienna, 26 July-6 August 1982; (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.82.I.16).《老龄问题世界大会报告》,维也纳,1982年7月26日至8月6日;(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.82.I.16)。
General Assembly resolution 46/91 of 16 December 1991, "Implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing and related activities", annex.联大1991年12月16日第46/91号决议,“《老龄问题国际行动计划》和有关活动的执行情况”,附件。
Global targets on ageing for the year 2001: a practical strategy (A/47/339), chapters III and IV.《2001年以前达到老龄问题全球指标:一项实际性战略》(A/47/339),第三和第四章。
General Assembly resolution 47/5 of 16 October 1992, "Proclamation on Ageing".联大1992年10月16日第47/5号决议,“老龄问题宣言”。
See ILO Recommendation 162 (1980) concerning Older Workers, paragraphs 3-10.见有关老龄工人的劳工组织建议162(1980年),第3-10段。
Ibid., paragraphs 11-19.同上,第11-19段。
Ibid., paragraph 30.同上,第30段。