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CESCR/GC/7 CESCR_GC_7E.doc (English)CESCR/GC/7 CESCR_GC_7C.doc (Chinese)
General comment No. 7:第7号一般性意见:
The right to adequate housing (art. 11 (1) of the Covenant): Forced evictions适足住房权 (《公约》第十一条第一款):强迫驱逐
Sixteenth session (1997){§*}十六届会议(1997年) {§*}
1. In its general comment No. 4 (1991), the Committee observed that all persons should possess a degree of security of tenure which guarantees legal protection against forced eviction, harassment and other threats.1. 委员会在第4号一般性意见(1991)中指出,所有人均应拥有一定程度的住房使用权的保障,以保证得到法律保护,免遭强迫驱逐、骚扰和其他威胁。
It concluded that forced evictions are prima facie incompatible with the requirements of the Covenant.它的结论是:强迫驱逐的事例显然是与《公约》的要求格格不入的。
Having considered a significant number of reports of forced evictions in recent years, including instances in which it has determined that the obligations of States parties were being violated, the Committee is now in a position to seek to provide further clarification as to the implications of such practices in terms of the obligations contained in the Covenant.近年来,委员会审议了许多关于强迫驱逐的报告,包括一些它认为是缔约国没履行义务的事例,因此,现已有能力要求进一步地澄清,看看这类做法同《公约》所列的义务是否背道而驰。
2. The international community has long recognized that the issue of forced evictions is a serious one.2. 国际社会早已认识到强迫驱逐是一个严重的问题。
In 1976, the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements noted that special attention should be paid to "undertaking major clearance operations should take place only when conservation and rehabilitation are not feasible and relocation measures are made".1976年,联合国人类住区会议就曾指出要特别注意:“只有当保留和恢复不可行、而且已采取居民重新安置的措施之后,才应进行大规模的清扫行动”。
In 1988, in the Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000, adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 43/181, the "fundamental obligation [of Governments] to protect and improve houses and neighbourhoods, rather than damage or destroy them" was recognized.1988年,联合国大会在第43/181号决议中通过了《至2000年全球住房战略》,其中承认:“各国政府有基本义务去保护和改善、而不应损害或拆毁住房和住区”。
Agenda 21 stated that "people should be protected by law against unfair eviction from their homes or land".《21世纪议程》提出:“人民应受到法律保护,不得不公平地从他们的家中或土地上被逐出”。
In the Habitat Agenda Governments committed themselves to "protecting all people from, and providing legal protection and redress for, forced evictions that are contrary to the law, taking human rights into consideration; [and] when evictions are unavoidable, ensuring, as appropriate, that alternative suitable solutions are provided".在《人类住区议程》中,各国政府作出承诺,“保护所有人不受违法的强迫迁离,提供法律保护并对违法的强迫迁离采取补救措施,同时考虑到人权情况,如果不能避免迁离,则酌情确保提供其他适当的解决办法”。
The Commission on Human Rights has also indicated that "forced evictions are a gross violation of human rights".人权委员会也确认,“强迫驱逐做法构成对人权、尤其是得到适足住房的权利的严重侵犯”。
However, although these statements are important, they leave open one of the most critical issues, namely that of determining the circumstances under which forced evictions are permissible and of spelling out the types of protection required to ensure respect for the relevant provisions of the Covenant.但是,尽管这些声明很重要,有一个最关键的问题还是没有解决,就是,如何决定在什么情况下可允许强迫迁离,并明确地说明需要哪些保护措施去保证《公约》的有关条款得到尊重。
3. The use of the term "forced evictions" is, in some respects, problematic. This expression seeks to convey a sense of arbitrariness and of illegality.3. 用“强迫驱逐”这词在某些方面本身就是有问题,因为它要表现的是一种专横和不合法性。
To many observers, however, the reference to "forced evictions" is a tautology, while others have criticized the expression "illegal evictions" on the ground that it assumes that the relevant law provides adequate protection of the right to housing and conforms with the Covenant, which is by no means always the case.但是,许多观察者则认为,所谓“强迫驱逐”这说法是一种同义的重复。 其他还有人对“非法迁离”这说法表示不满,因为它好象假设有关法律规定已遵从《公约》,对住房权利有了充分的保护,而实际上完全不是这么一回事。
Similarly, it has been suggested that the term "unfair evictions" is even more subjective by virtue of its failure to refer to any legal framework at all.此外,还有人指出,“不公平的迁离”的说法可能更是主观,因为它根本就没有提到任何法律框架。
The international community, especially in the context of the Commission on Human Rights, has opted to refer to "forced evictions", primarily since all suggested alternatives also suffer from many such defects.国际社会、特别是人权委员会一般都采用“强迫驱逐”一词,主要就是因为所有其他说法都含有许多弊病。 这个一般性意见用的也是“强迫驱逐”一词。
The term "forced evictions" as used throughout this general comment is defined as the permanent or temporary removal against their will of individuals, families and/or communities from the homes and/or land which they occupy, without the provision of, and access to, appropriate forms of legal or other protection.这说法的定义是:个人、家庭乃至社区在违背他们意愿的情况下被长期或临时驱逐出他们所居住的房屋或土地,而没有得到、或不能援引适当的法律或其他形式的保护。
The prohibition on forced evictions does not, however, apply to evictions carried out by force in accordance with the law and in conformity with the provisions of the International Covenants on Human Rights.但是,禁止强迫驱逐并不适用于按照法律、并符合国际人权公约规定所执行的强迫迁离。
4. The practice of forced evictions is widespread and affects persons in both developed and developing countries.4. 强迫驱逐的做法很普遍,影响到许多发达国家和发展中国家里的人。
Owing to the interrelationship and interdependency which exist among all human rights, forced evictions frequently violate other human rights.由于所有人权都是相互关联、相互依存的,强迫驱逐往往也就侵犯了其他的人权。
Thus, while manifestly breaching the rights enshrined in the Covenant, the practice of forced evictions may also result in violations of civil and political rights, such as the right to life, the right to security of the person, the right to non-interference with privacy, family and home and the right to the peaceful enjoyment of possessions.所以,强迫驱逐不但明显地侵犯了《公约》所体现的权利,同时也违反了不少公民和政治权利,例如:生命权、人身安全权、私人生活、家庭和住宅不受干涉权、以及和平享用财产权等。
5. Although the practice of forced evictions might appear to occur primarily in heavily populated urban areas, it also takes place in connection with forced population transfers, internal displacement, forced relocations in the context of armed conflict, mass exoduses and refugee movements.5. 虽然强迫驱逐主要出现在人口稠密的都市地区,但是,它也关系到强迫人口迁移、国内的流离失所、在武装冲突时期的强迫重新安置、大规模的人口流亡、难民的流动等。
In all of these contexts, the right to adequate housing and not to be subjected to forced eviction may be violated through a wide range of acts or omissions attributable to States parties.在所有这些情况下,享用适足住房、不受强迫驱逐的权利可能由于缔约国负责造成的一系列行为或不行为而受到侵犯。
Even in situations where it may be necessary to impose limitations on such a right, full compliance with article 4 of the Covenant is required so that any limitations imposed must be "determined by law only insofar as this may be compatible with the nature of these [i.e. economic, social and cultural] rights and solely for the purpose of promoting the general welfare in a democratic society".即使有时对这种权利可能有必要加以限制,《公约》第四条的规定还是必须得到完全遵从,也就是说,对此等权利“只能加以同这些权利的性质不相违背、而且只是为了促进民主社会中的总的福利的目的的法律所确定的限制”。
6. Many instances of forced eviction are associated with violence, such as evictions resulting from international armed conflicts, internal strife and communal or ethnic violence.6. 强迫驱逐往往是同暴力分不开的,例如在国际武装冲突、内乱、社区或族裔暴力下所造成的迁离。
7. Other instances of forced eviction occur in the name of development.7. 其他一些强迫迁离的事例则是在发展名义下出现。
Evictions may be carried out in connection with conflict over land rights, development and infrastructure projects, such as the construction of dams or other large-scale energy projects, with land acquisition measures associated with urban renewal, housing renovation, city beautification programmes, the clearing of land for agricultural purposes, unbridled speculation in land, or the holding of major sporting events like the Olympic Games.争夺土地权的冲突,象建造水坝或其他大规模能源项目等发展和基层结构工程、为重新修建城市而征用土地、重新修建房屋、城市美化方案、农业方面的土地清理、不受控制的土地投机买卖、象奥林匹克等大规模运动会的举行等,都会导致居民被迫迁离。
8. In essence, the obligations of States parties to the Covenant in relation to forced evictions are based on article 11.1, read in conjunction with other relevant provisions.8. 《公约》缔约国在禁止强迫驱逐方面的义务基本上是以第十一条第一款的规定为根据,同时也配合其他的有关的规定。
In particular, article 2.1 obliges States to use "all appropriate means" to promote the right to adequate housing.特别是第二条第一款要求缔约国使用“一切适当方法”去促进适足住房的权利。
However, in view of the nature of the practice of forced evictions, the reference in article 2.1 to progressive achievement based on the availability of resources will rarely be relevant.但是,由于强迫驱逐做法本身的性质,根据现有的资源去逐渐实现第二条第一款的规定是很困难的。
The State itself must refrain from forced evictions and ensure that the law is enforced against its agents or third parties who carry out forced evictions (as defined in paragraph 3 above).国家不但本身要避免强迫驱逐居民,而且要确保对那些实行强迫驱逐的代理人或第三方执行法律(按照以上第3段所下的定义)。
Moreover, this approach is reinforced by article 17.1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which complements the right not to be forcefully evicted without adequate protection.这方针还得到《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十七条第一款的补充,该条加重说明,如果没有得到充分的保护,任何人有权不受强迫驱逐。
That provision recognizes, inter alia, the right to be protected against "arbitrary or unlawful interference" with one's home.该条除其他外,承认任何人的住宅有权享受保护,免受“任意或非法干涉”。
It is to be noted that the State's obligation to ensure respect for that right is not qualified by considerations relating to its available resources.值得注意的是,国家有义务确保这种权利受到尊重,不由于资源多寡的考虑而改变。
9. Article 2.1 of the Covenant requires States parties to use "all appropriate means", including the adoption of legislative measures, to promote all the rights protected under the Covenant.9. 《公约》第二条第一款要求缔约国使用“一切适当方法”、包括通过立法措施,以促进《公约》所保护的所有权利。
Although the Committee has indicated in its general comment No. 3 (1990) that such measures may not be indispensable in relation to all rights, it is clear that legislation against forced evictions is an essential basis upon which to build a system of effective protection.虽然委员会在其第3号一般性意见(1990)中指出,并非对所有权利都应采取类似的措施,但很明显,若要设立一项有效的保护制度,保障人免受强迫驱逐的立法是必不可少的基础。
Such legislation should include measures which (a) provide the greatest possible security of tenure to occupiers of houses and land, (b) conform to the Covenant and (c) are designed to control strictly the circumstances under which evictions may be carried out.这样的立法措施应 (a) 对房屋和土地的居住者提供尽可能最大的使用保障; (b) 符合《公约》的规定;以及 (c) 能严格地规限在什么情况下方允许迁移居住者。
The legislation must also apply to all agents acting under the authority of the State or who are accountable to it.这种立法也应适用于所有以国家当局名义行事、或对国家当局负责的代表。
Moreover, in view of the increasing trend in some States towards the Government greatly reducing its responsibilities in the housing sector, States parties must ensure that legislative and other measures are adequate to prevent and, if appropriate, punish forced evictions carried out, without appropriate safeguards, by private persons or bodies.此外,由于目前日益出现一种趋向,就是许多的国家政府在大大地减轻它们的住房领域所负的责任,缔约国更必须确保有充分的立法和其他措施去防止、而且酌情惩罚私人个人或集体在没有适当保障的情况下强迫驱逐别人。
States parties should therefore review relevant legislation and policies to ensure that they are compatible with the obligations arising from the right to adequate housing and repeal or amend any legislation or policies that are inconsistent with the requirements of the Covenant.因此,缔约国应审查有关立法和政策,以确保遵从适足住房权利所带来的义务,撤除或修改任何不符合《公约》要求的立法或政策。
10. Women, children, youth, older persons, indigenous people, ethnic and other minorities, and other vulnerable individuals and groups all suffer disproportionately from the practice of forced eviction.10. 妇女、儿童、青年、老人、土著人民、族裔和其他少数人、以及其他易受冲击的个人和群体都不成比例地经常成为强迫驱逐的对象。
Women in all groups are especially vulnerable given the extent of statutory and other forms of discrimination which often apply in relation to property rights (including home ownership) or rights of access to property or accommodation, and their particular vulnerability to acts of violence and sexual abuse when they are rendered homeless.这种群体里的妇女特别首当其冲,因为法律和其他方面对她们有各式各样的歧视,而这种歧视在财产权利(包括住房拥有权)、或取得财产或住房的权利的问题上体现的更加露骨。 一旦她们失去了住所,她们也就更加容易受到暴力和性污辱的侵犯。
The non-discrimination provisions of articles 2.2 and 3 of the Covenant impose an additional obligation upon Governments to ensure that, where evictions do occur, appropriate measures are taken to ensure that no form of discrimination is involved.《公约》第二条第二款和第三条的反歧视规定对国家政府加上了另一重义务,要求它们在发生驱逐的时候采取适当措施,以保证不出现任何形式的歧视行为。
11. Whereas some evictions may be justifiable, such as in the case of persistent non-payment of rent or of damage to rented property without any reasonable cause, it is incumbent upon the relevant authorities to ensure that they are carried out in a manner warranted by a law which is compatible with the Covenant and that all the legal recourses and remedies are available to those affected.11. 有些驱逐是合理的,例如,房客经常不交租,或没有任何适当原因而破坏租用的房屋。 但是,有关当局也应保证驱逐的方式确实按照法律规定,而法律是与《公约》不相抵触,而且被驱逐的人有可能援用法律的补救方法。
12. Forced eviction and house demolition as a punitive measure are also inconsistent with the norms of the Covenant.12. 用强迫驱逐、拆除房屋作为一种惩罚措施是不符合《公约》的规定的。
Likewise, the Committee takes note of the obligations enshrined in the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocols thereto of 1977 concerning prohibitions on the displacement of the civilian population and the destruction of private property as these relate to the practice of forced eviction.此外,委员会还注意到1949年日内瓦四公约及其1977年议定书都规定国家有义务禁止用强迫驱逐的手法去迁移平民、拆毁私人财产。
13. States parties shall ensure, prior to carrying out any evictions, and particularly those involving large groups, that all feasible alternatives are explored in consultation with the affected persons, with a view to avoiding, or at least minimizing, the need to use force.13. 缔约国还应保证在执行任何驱逐行动之前,特别是当这种驱逐行动牵涉到大批人的时候,首先必须同受影响的人商量,探讨所有可行的备选方法,以便避免、或尽可能地减少使用强迫手段的必要。
Legal remedies or procedures should be provided to those who are affected by eviction orders.那些受到驱逐通知的人应当有可能援用法律补救方法或程序。
States parties shall also see to it that all the individuals concerned have a right to adequate compensation for any property, both personal and real, which is affected.缔约国也应保证所有有关的个人对他们本人和实际所受的财产的损失得到适当的赔偿。
In this respect, it is pertinent to recall article 2.3 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which requires States parties to ensure "an effective remedy" for persons whose rights have been violated and the obligation upon the "competent authorities (to) enforce such remedies when granted".在这方面,不妨回顾一下,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二条第3款要求缔约国保证其权利受到侵犯的人士能得到“有效的补救”,并保证“合格当局在准于适当补救时,确能付诸实施”。
14. In cases where eviction is considered to be justified, it should be carried out in strict compliance with the relevant provisions of international human rights law and in accordance with general principles of reasonableness and proportionality.14. 如果驱逐被认为是合理的,在执行的时候也应严格遵从国际人权法的有关规定,符合合理和适当比例的一般原则。
In this regard it is especially pertinent to recall general comment No. 16 of the Human Rights Committee, relating to article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states that interference with a person's home can only take place "in cases envisaged by the law".关于这点,特别有必要回顾人权委员会关于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十七条的第16号一般性意见声明:只有在“法律设想的情况之下才允许当局干预一个人的住屋。
The Committee observed that the law "should be in accordance with the provisions, aims and objectives of the Covenant and should be, in any event, reasonable in the particular circumstances".委员会指出,这种法律“应符合《公约》的规定、宗旨和目标,而且在具体情况下绝对有必要合理”。
The Committee also indicated that "relevant legislation must specify in detail the precise circumstances in which such interferences may be permitted".委员会还指出:“有关立法必须详细地说明在什么具体情况下这种干预行动可被允许”。
15. Appropriate procedural protection and due process are essential aspects of all human rights but are especially pertinent in relation to a matter such as forced evictions which directly invokes a large number of the rights recognized in both the International Covenants on Human Rights.15. 适当的法律程序上的保护和正当的法律手续是所有人权所必不可少的因素,在强迫驱逐等问题上尤为重要,因为它直接涉及两个国际人权公约所承认的一系列的权利。
The Committee considers that the procedural protections which should be applied in relation to forced evictions include: (a) an opportunity for genuine consultation with those affected; (b) adequate and reasonable notice for all affected persons prior to the scheduled date of eviction; (c) information on the proposed evictions, and, where applicable, on the alternative purpose for which the land or housing is to be used, to be made available in reasonable time to all those affected; (d) especially where groups of people are involved, government officials or their representatives to be present during an eviction; (e) all persons carrying out the eviction to be properly identified; (f) evictions not to take place in particularly bad weather or at night unless the affected persons consent otherwise; (g) provision of legal remedies; and (h) provision, where possible, of legal aid to persons who are in need of it to seek redress from the courts.委 员会认为,对强迫驱逐所适用的法律程序保护包括: (a) 让那些受影响的人有一个真正磋商的机会; (b) 在预定的迁移日期之前给予所有受影响的人充分、合理的通知; (c) 让所有受影响的人有合理的时间预先得到关于拟议的迁移行动以及适当时关于所腾出的房、地以后的新用途的信息; (d) 特别是如果牵涉到一大批人,在迁移的时候必需有政府官员或其代表在场; (e) 是谁负责执行迁移行动必需明确地认明; (f) 除非得到受影响的人的同意,否则迁移不得在恶劣气候或在夜间进行; (g) 提供法律的补救行动; (h) 尽可能地向那些有必要上法庭争取补救的人士提供法律援助。
16. Evictions should not result in individuals being rendered homeless or vulnerable to the violation of other human rights.16. 驱逐不应使人变得无家可归,或易受其他人权的侵犯。
Where those affected are unable to provide for themselves, the State party must take all appropriate measures, to the maximum of its available resources, to ensure that adequate alternative housing, resettlement or access to productive land, as the case may be, is available.如果受影响的人无法自给,缔约国必需采取一切适当的措施,用尽它所有的资源酌情提供新的住房、新的住区或新的有生产能力的土地。
17. The Committee is aware that various development projects financed by international agencies within the territories of State parties have resulted in forced evictions.17. 委员会也知道,有些缔约国领土内的不同的发展项目受到国际机构的资助,结果会带来强迫驱逐。
In this regard, the Committee recalls its general comment No. 2 (1990) which states, inter alia, that "international agencies should scrupulously avoid involvement in projects which, for example … promote or reinforce discrimination against individuals or groups contrary to the provisions of the Covenant, or involve large-scale evictions or displacement of persons without the provision of all appropriate protection and compensation. Every effort should be made, at each phase of a development project, to ensure that the rights contained in the Covenant are duly taken into account".关于这一点,委员会回顾它的第2号一般性意见(1990)除其他外曾声称:“各国际机构在其项目中应认真避免,如…违反《公约》规定提倡或强化歧视,或造成大批人流离失所而没有适当的保护和赔偿…在发展项目的每个阶段均应尽力确保考虑到《公约》中包括的权利”。
18. Some institutions, such as the World Bank and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have adopted guidelines on relocation and/or resettlement with a view to limiting the scale of and human suffering associated with forced evictions. Such practices often accompany large-scale development projects, such as dam-building and other major energy projects.18. 有些机构,例如世界银行和经济合作和发展组织,已通过了一套关于迁移和(或)重新安置的准则,以求限制强迫驱逐的规模,减轻强迫驱逐为人带来的苦难。 强迫驱逐的做法往往是同大规模的发展项目有关,例如建筑水坝或其他主要的能源项目。
Full respect for such guidelines, insofar as they reflect the obligations contained in the Covenant, is essential on the part of both the agencies themselves and States parties to the Covenant.这些准则反映了《公约》所载的义务,应受到机构本身和《公约》缔约国的绝对遵从。
The Committee recalls in this respect the statement in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action to the effect that "while development facilitates the enjoyment of all human rights, the lack of development may not be invoked to justify the abridgement of internationally recognized human rights" (Part I, para.关于这一点,委员会回顾《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》曾经宣称:“虽然发展能促进人权的享受,但缺乏发展并不得被援引作为剥夺国际公认的人权的理由”(第一部分,第10段)。
10). 19. In accordance with the guidelines for reporting adopted by the Committee, State parties are requested to provide various types of information pertaining directly to the practice of forced evictions. This includes information relating to (a) the "number of persons evicted within the last five years and the number of persons currently lacking legal protection against arbitrary eviction or any other kind of eviction", (b) "legislation concerning the rights of tenants to security of tenure, to protection from eviction" and (c) "legislation prohibiting any form of eviction".19. 根据委员会通过的汇报准则,缔约国被要求提供与强迫驱逐做法直接有关的各种资料,包括说明: (a) “在最近5年被驱逐的人数,以及目前对任意驱逐或任何其他方式的驱逐得不到法律保护的人数”; (b) “关于住客使用房屋安全权利、受保护避免驱逐权利的立法”;以及 (c) “禁止任何形式驱逐的立法”。
20. Information is also sought as to "measures taken during, inter alia, urban renewal programmes, redevelopment projects, site upgrading, preparation for international events (Olympics and other sporting competitions, exhibitions, conferences, etc.) 'beautiful city' campaigns, etc. which guarantee protection from eviction or guarantee rehousing based on mutual consent, by any persons living on or near to affected sites".20. 委员会还要求得到下列信息:“除其他外在都市重建方案、改造项目、地区改善、筹备国际聚会(奥林匹克和其他运动会、展览会、会议等)、‘城市美化’运动等过程中采取了什么措施保证人们不受迁移,或保证经过任何住在、或邻近受影响地区的人士的同意将他们重新安置”。
However, few States parties have included the requisite information in their reports to the Committee.但是,很少缔约国在它们向委员会提出报告的时候列明了上述必要的信息。
The Committee therefore wishes to emphasize the importance it attaches to the receipt of such information.因此,委员会要强调,它非常重视这种信息的收集。
21. Some States parties have indicated that information of this nature is not available.21. 有些缔约国说,它们没有这样性质的信息。
The Committee recalls that effective monitoring of the right to adequate housing, either by the Government concerned or by the Committee, is not possible in the absence of the collection of appropriate data and would request all States parties to ensure that the necessary data is collected and is reflected in the reports submitted by them under the Covenant.委员会要重新指出,如果得不到适当的数据,有关政府或委员会就无法有效地监测适足住房的权利,所以它要求所有缔约国确保收集必要的数据,列入它们按照《公约》所提交的报告中。
{§*} Contained in document E/1998/22, annex IV.{§*}载于E/1998/22号文件,附件四。
Report of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Vancouver, 31 May-11 June 1976 (A/CONF.70/15), chap. II, recommendation B.8, paragraph C (ii).《生境报告:联合国人类住区会议》,温哥华,1976年5月31日至6月1日(A/CONF.70/15),第二章,B.8号建议,C(二)段。
Report of the Commission on Human Settlements on the work of its eleventh session, Addendum (A/43/8/Add.1), paragraph 13.《人类住区委员会关于其第十一届会议工作的报告》,增编(A/43/8/Add.1),第13段。
Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992, volume I (A/CONF.151/26/Rev.1 (vol. I), annex II, Agenda 21, chapter 7.9 (b)).《联合国环境和发展会议报告》,里约热内卢,1992年6月3日至14日,第一卷(A/CONF.151/26/Rev.1(vol.I)),附件二《21世纪议程》,第7.9(b)段。
Report of the United Nations Conference on Settlements (Habitat II) (A/CONF.165/14), annex II, The Habitat Agenda, paragraph 40 (n).《联合国人类住区会议(生境二)报告》(A/CONF.165/14),附件二,《生境议程》,第40(n)段。
Commission on Human Rights resolution 1993/77, paragraph 1.人权委员会第1993/77号决议,第1段。
E/1990/23, annex III, paragraphs 6 and 8 (d).E/1990/23, 附件三,第6和第8(d)段。
E/C.12/1999/8, annex IV.E/C.12/1990/8, 附件四。