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General comment No. 9:第9号一般性意见:
The domestic application of the Covenant《公约》在国内的适用
Nineteenth session (1998){§*}第十九届会议(1998年) {§*}
A. The duty to give effect to the Covenant in the domestic legal orderA.在国内法律秩序中适用《公约》的义务
1. In its general comment No. 3 (1990) on the nature of States parties' obligations (article 2, paragraph 1, of the Covenant)the Committee addressed issues relating to the nature and scope of States parties' obligations.1. 在关于缔约国义务性质(《公约》第二条第一款)的第3号一般性意见(1990)中,委员会论述了与缔约国义务的性质和范围有关的问题。
The present general comment seeks to elaborate further certain elements of the earlier statement.本一般性意见尝试进一步阐述以前陈述中的某些内容。
The central obligation in relation to the Covenant is for States parties to give effect to the rights recognized therein.《公约》提到的中心义务是缔约国实施《公约》确认的各项权利。
By requiring Governments to do so "by all appropriate means", the Covenant adopts a broad and flexible approach which enables the particularities of the legal and administrative systems of each State, as well as other relevant considerations, to be taken into account.《公约》要求各国政府“以各种适当方式”这样做,对此采取了宽泛、灵活的作法,考虑到了每一国家法律和行政制度的特点以及其他有关因素。
2. But this flexibility coexists with the obligation upon each State party to use all the means at its disposal to give effect to the rights recognized in the Covenant.2. 但是,灵活性与每一缔约国的义务是共存的,缔约国必须使用一切可以使用的手段实施《公约》确认的权利。
In this respect, the fundamental requirements of international human rights law must be borne in mind.在这方面,必须铭记国际人权法的基本要求。
Thus the Covenant norms must be recognized in appropriate ways within the domestic legal order, appropriate means of redress, or remedies, must be available to any aggrieved individual or group, and appropriate means of ensuring governmental accountability must be put in place.也就是说,必须在国内法律秩序中以适当方式承认国际规范,必须向受到伤害的个人或群体提供适当的纠正或补偿,必须建立追究政府责任的适当手段。
3. Questions relating to the domestic application of the Covenant must be considered in the light of two principles of international law.3. 在国内适用《公约》的问题上,必须考虑两项国际法原则。
The first, as reflected in article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,is that "[A] party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty".第一是《维也纳条约法公约》第二十七条所载的原则,即“[一]当事方不得援引其国内法规定为理由而不履行条约”。
In other words, States should modify the domestic legal order as necessary in order to give effect to their treaty obligations.换言之,国家应对国内法律秩序进行必要的修订,以履行它们的条约义务。
The second principle is reflected in article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, according to which "Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law".第二项原则反映在《世界人权宣言》第八条中,根据这项原则,“任何人当宪法或法律所赋予他的基本权利遭受侵害时,有权由合格的国家法院对这种侵害行为作有效的补救”。
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights contains no direct counterpart to article 2, paragraph 3 (b), of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which obligates States parties to, inter alia, "develop the possibilities of judicial remedy".《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二条第3款(乙)项要求缔约国“发展司法补救的可能性”,《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》中没有与之直接对应的条款。
Nevertheless, a State party seeking to justify its failure to provide any domestic legal remedies for violations of economic, social and cultural rights would need to show either that such remedies are not "appropriate means" within the terms of article 2, paragraph 1, of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights or that, in view of the other means used, they are unnecessary.不过,要证明自己无法采取任何国内法律补救措施纠正侵犯经济、社会和文化权利行为时,缔约国必须表明,这类补救要么不是《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第二条第一款意义内的“适当方法”,要么就使用的其他措施而言它们是没有必要的。
It will be difficult to show this and the Committee considers that, in many cases, the other means used could be rendered ineffective if they are not reinforced or complemented by judicial remedies.作出这样的表明很困难,委员会认为,在多数情况下,其他措施如果不以司法补救措施辅助或补充,可能没有效果。
B. The status of the Covenant in the domestic legal orderB.《公约》在国内法律秩序中的地位
4. In general, legally binding international human rights standards should operate directly and immediately within the domestic legal system of each State party, thereby enabling individuals to seek enforcement of their rights before national courts and tribunals.4. 一般而言,具有法律约束力的国际人权标准应该在每一缔约国的国内法律制度中直接并即刻适用,使个人能够在国家法院和法庭中寻求行使自己的权利。
The rule requiring the exhaustion of domestic remedies reinforces the primacy of national remedies in this respect.要求用尽国内补救措施的规则强调国内补救措施在这方面的首要地位。
The existence and further development of international procedures for the pursuit of individual claims is important, but such procedures are ultimately only supplementary to effective national remedies.存在和进一步发展处理个人申诉的国际程序是重要的,但这些程序只能是有效的国家程序的补充。
5. The Covenant does not stipulate the specific means by which it is to be implemented in the national legal order.5. 《公约》没有规定国家法律秩序执行《公约》的具体方式。
And there is no provision obligating its comprehensive incorporation or requiring it to be accorded any specific type of status in national law.也没有任何规定要求将其全面纳入国内法或在国内法中赋予它具体的法律地位。
Although the precise method by which Covenant rights are given effect in national law is a matter for each State party to decide, the means used should be appropriate in the sense of producing results which are consistent with the full discharge of its obligations by the State party.虽然在国内法中实施《公约》所载权利的确切方法是由每一缔约国决定的问题,但采用的方法应该是适当的,产生的结果必须与缔约国充分履行义务相一致。
The means chosen are also subject to review as part of the Committee's examination of the State party's compliance with its obligations under the Covenant.委员会的审查缔约国履行其依《公约》所负义务的情况时还将对所选择的方法进行审查。
6. An analysis of State practice with respect to the Covenant shows that States have used a variety of approaches.6. 从分析各国对待《公约》态度中可以看出,国家采取了各种各样的办法。
Some States have failed to do anything specific at all.一些国家没有任何具体行动。
Of those that have taken measures, some States have transformed the Covenant into domestic law by supplementing or amending existing legislation, without invoking the specific terms of the Covenant.在采取措施的国家中,有时对现有法律加以补充或修正,将《公约》变成国内法律,但没有引述《公约》的具体用语。
Others have adopted or incorporated it into domestic law, so that its terms are retained intact and given formal validity in the national legal order.有的加以采用或将其纳入国内法,对其用语原样保留,在国家法律秩序中给予正式的承认。
This has often been done by means of constitutional provisions according priority to the provisions of international human rights treaties over any inconsistent domestic laws.它们这样做往往是通过宪法规定,使国际人权标准条约规定优先于任何与其不相符合的国内法律。
The approach of States to the Covenant depends significantly upon the approach adopted to treaties in general in the domestic legal order.国家对待《公约》的态度在很大程度上取决于国内法律秩序对待条约的总体做法。
7. But whatever the preferred methodology, several principles follow from the duty to give effect to the Covenant and must therefore be respected.7. 但是,无论选择何种方法,实施《公约》的义务都产生几项原则,对这些原则必要遵守。
First, the means of implementation chosen must be adequate to ensure fulfilment of the obligations under the Covenant.第一,选择的实施方法必须足以确保《公约》规定的义务得到履行。
The need to ensure justiciability (see paragraph 10 below) is relevant when determining the best way to give domestic legal effect to the Covenant rights.当决定如何以最佳方法赋予《公约》所载权利以国内法律效力时,确保司法管辖(见下第10段)就很有必要。
Second, account should be taken of the means which have proved to be most effective in the country concerned in ensuring the protection of other human rights.第二,应该考虑有关国家中已证明对保护其他人权最为有效的方法。
Where the means used to give effect to the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights differ significantly from those used in relation to other human rights treaties, there should be a compelling justification for this, taking account of the fact that the formulations used in the Covenant are, to a considerable extent, comparable to those used in treaties dealing with civil and political rights.如果实施《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》所使用的方法与实施其他人权条约所使用的方法出入很大,应该在明确的理由加以说明,因为《公约》所使用的表述与公民权利和政治权利条约所使用的表述十分相近。
8. Third, while the Covenant does not formally oblige States to incorporate its provisions in domestic law, such an approach is desirable.8. 第三,虽然《公约》没有正式要求各国将其规定纳入国内法,但最好这样做。
Direct incorporation avoids problems that might arise in the translation of treaty obligations into national law, and provides a basis for the direct invocation of the Covenant rights by individuals in national courts.直接纳入的方法避免了将条约义务转变为国家法律可能产生的问题,为个人在国家法院直接引用《公约》所载权利奠定一个基础。
For these reasons, the Committee strongly encourages formal adoption or incorporation of the Covenant in national law.出于这些理由,委员会十分鼓励在国内法中正式采用或纳入《公约》。
C. The role of legal remediesC.法律补救措施的作用
Legal or judicial remedies?法律还是司法补救措施?
9. The right to an effective remedy need not be interpreted as always requiring a judicial remedy.9. 得到有效补救的权利无须解释为一定需要司法补救。
Administrative remedies will, in many cases, be adequate and those living within the jurisdiction of a State party have a legitimate expectation, based on the principle of good faith, that all administrative authorities will take account of the requirements of the Covenant in their decision-making.行政补救在许多情况下是足够的。 生活在一缔约国司法管辖之内的人们依据诚信的原则理应期待所有行政当局在它们的决策中考虑到《公约》的要求。
Any such administrative remedies should be accessible, affordable, timely and effective.任何这类行政补救措施都应是人们可以利用的,可负担得起的,及时的,有效的。
An ultimate right of judicial appeal from administrative procedures of this type would also often be appropriate.对这类行政程序的最终司法上诉权有时也有必要。
By the same token, there are some obligations, such as (but by no means limited to) those concerning non-discrimination,in relation to which the provision of some form of judicial remedy would seem indispensable in order to satisfy the requirements of the Covenant.同样,有一些义务,如不歧视的义务(绝不限于这一义务),为了满足《公约》的需要,对其提供某种形式的司法补救似乎是必须的。
In other words, whenever a Covenant right cannot be made fully effective without some role for the judiciary, judicial remedies are necessary.换言之,每当没有司法机构的作用便不能充分实施《公约》所载权利时,司法补救措施是必要的。
10. In relation to civil and political rights, it is generally taken for granted that judicial remedies for violations are essential.10. 关于公民和政治权利,一般认为对侵权行为实施司法补救是必须的。
Regrettably, the contrary assumption is too often made in relation to economic, social and cultural rights.令人遗憾的是,人们总是对经济、社会和文化权利作出相反的假定。
This discrepancy is not warranted either by the nature of the rights or by the relevant Covenant provisions.无论是这类权利的性质还是《公约》的有关规定都表明不应有这样的差距。
The Committee has already made clear that it considers many of the provisions in the Covenant to be capable of immediate implementation.委员会已经明确地表示,它认为《公约》的许多条款可以直接执行。
Thus, in general comment No. 3 (1990) it cited, by way of example, articles 3; 7, paragraph (a) (i); 8; 10, paragraph 3; 13, paragraph 2 (a); 13, paragraph 3; 13, paragraph 4; and 15, paragraph 3.它在第3号一般性意见(1990)中作为示例引述了第三条、第七条(甲)项(1)目、第八条、第十条第三款、第十三条第二款(甲)项、第十三条第三款、第十三条第四款和第十五条第三款。
It is important in this regard to distinguish between justiciability (which refers to those matters which are appropriately resolved by the courts) and norms which are self-executing (capable of being applied by courts without further elaboration).在这方面,重要是对司法管辖(指由法院合理解决的事宜)与自动生效规范(无需进一步阐释法院便可执行)加以区别。
While the general approach of each legal system needs to be taken into account, there is no Covenant right which could not, in the great majority of systems, be considered to possess at least some significant justiciable dimensions.虽然对每一法律制度的一般做法都要加以考虑,但没有任何《公约》权利在大多数制度中不被认为至少具有某些司法管辖内容。
It is sometimes suggested that matters involving the allocation of resources should be left to the political authorities rather than the courts.人们有时提出,涉及资源分配的事宜应由政治当局而不是法院来决定。
While the respective competences of the various branches of government must be respected, it is appropriate to acknowledge that courts are generally already involved in a considerable range of matters which have important resource implications.尽管不同政府部门的各自权限必须受到尊重,但也需要承认法院已经全面参与与资源有重大关系的各种事宜。
The adoption of a rigid classification of economic, social and cultural rights which puts them, by definition, beyond the reach of the courts would thus be arbitrary and incompatible with the principle that the two sets of human rights are indivisible and interdependent.对经济、社会和文化权利加以严格地分类,在定义上将它们置于法院的管辖权限之外,这是武断的,与两套人权原则不可分割、相互依存的原则相违背。
It would also drastically curtail the capacity of the courts to protect the rights of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in society.这样做也会严重削弱法院保护社会中最脆弱、最贫困群体的权利的能力。
11. The Covenant does not negate the possibility that the rights it contains may be considered self-executing in systems where that option is provided for.11. 《公约》不否认它所载的权利在具有自动生效选择的制度中可以自动生效。
Indeed, when it was being drafted, attempts to include a specific provision in the Covenant to the effect that it be considered "non-self-executing" were strongly rejected.实际上,当初起草时,就试图在《公约》中列入一项具体条款,大意是应认为《公约》“不能自动生效”,但遭到强烈反对。
In most States, the determination of whether or not a treaty provision is self-executing will be a matter for the courts, not the executive or the legislature.在多数国家,决定一项条约规定能否自动生效取决于法院,而不取决于行政或立法机构。
In order to perform that function effectively, the relevant courts and tribunals must be made aware of the nature and implications of the Covenant and of the important role of judicial remedies in its implementation.为了有效地行使这一职能,必须向有关法院或法庭说明《公约》的性质和影响,以及司法补救措施在《公约》执行中的重要作用。
Thus, for example, when Governments are involved in court proceedings, they should promote interpretations of domestic laws which give effect to their Covenant obligations.例如,当政府参与法院审理时,它们应该促进对能使其《公约》义务生效的国内法加以解释。
Similarly, judicial training should take full account of the justiciability of the Covenant.同样,司法培训应该充分考虑《公约》的司法管辖问题。
It is especially important to avoid any a priori assumption that the norms should be considered to be non-self-executing.特别重要的是避免事先推定这些规范是不能自动生效的。
In fact, many of them are stated in terms which are at least as clear and specific as those in other human rights treaties, the provisions of which are regularly deemed by courts to be self-executing.事实上,其中的许多规范至少与法院通常认为其规定可自动生效的其他人权条约的规范阐释得一样清楚、具体。
D. The treatment of the Covenant in domestic courtsD.国内法院对《公约》的处理
12. In the Committee's guidelines for States' reports, States are requested to provide information as to whether the provisions of the Covenant "can be invoked before, and directly enforced by, the Courts, other tribunals or administrative authorities".12. 委员会在关于提交国家报告的指导原则中,要求各国说明是否“可在法院、其他法庭或行政当局面前引述《公约》条款,或法院、其他法庭或行政当局直接实施《公约》条款”。
Some States have provided such information, but greater importance should be attached to this element in future reports.有些国家提供了这方面的资料,但在今后的报告中应该更加重视这一方面。
In particular, the Committee requests that States parties provide details of any significant jurisprudence from their domestic courts that makes use of the provisions of the Covenant.委员会特别要求各缔约国详细说明在国内法院引用《公约》规定的重要判例。
13. On the basis of available information, it is clear that State practice is mixed.13. 根据现有材料可以看出,缔约国的做法参差不齐。
The Committee notes that some courts have applied the provisions of the Covenant either directly or as interpretative standards.委员会注意到,有些法院或者直接或者通过解释性标准适用了《公约》的规定。
Other courts are willing to acknowledge, in principle, the relevance of the Covenant for interpreting domestic law, but in practice, the impact of the Covenant on the reasoning or outcome of cases is very limited.有些法院愿意原则上承认《公约》对解释国内法有关系,但实际上《公约》对案件的推理或审理结果的影响很有限。
Still other courts have refused to give any degree of legal effect to the Covenant in cases in which individuals have sought to rely on it.也有些法院审理个人设法援引《公约》的案件时拒绝给予《公约》以任何法律上的承认。
There remains extensive scope for the courts in most countries to place greater reliance upon the Covenant.在大多数国家的法院更多地援引《公约》的规定仍有很大的余地。
14. Within the limits of the appropriate exercise of their functions of judicial review, courts should take account of Covenant rights where this is necessary to ensure that the State's conduct is consistent with its obligations under the Covenant.14. 在适当行使司法审查职能的范围内,如有必要确保国家行为符合其依《公约》所负义务时,法院应考虑《公约》所载的权利。
Neglect by the courts of this responsibility is incompatible with the principle of the rule of law, which must always be taken to include respect for international human rights obligations.法院忽视这项责任与法治原则不相符合,因为法治原则必然认为包括对国际人权义务的尊重。
15. It is generally accepted that domestic law should be interpreted as far as possible in a way which conforms to a State's international legal obligations.15. 人们普遍认为,对国内法应尽可能以符合一国国际法律义务的方式加以解释。
Thus, when a domestic decision maker is faced with a choice between an interpretation of domestic law that would place the State in breach of the Covenant and one that would enable the State to comply with the Covenant, international law requires the choice of the latter.因此,当国内决策者面对着对国内法的解释将该国置于违背《公约》地位或符合《公约》地位的两种选择时,国际法要求选择后者。
Guarantees of equality and non-discrimination should be interpreted, to the greatest extent possible, in ways which facilitate the full protection of economic, social and cultural rights.平等和不歧视的保障应尽可能解释为便利于充分地保护经济、社会和文化权利。
{§*} Contained in document E/1999/22.{*}载于E/1999/22号文件。
E/1991/23, annex III.E/1991/23, 附件三。
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331.联合国条约集,第1155卷,第331页。
Pursuant to article 2, paragraph 2, of the Covenant, States "undertake to guarantee" that the rights therein are exercised "without discrimination of any kind".根据《公约》第二条第二款,“各国承诺保证”“没有任何区分”地实施内载权利。
See E/1991/23, annex IV, chapter A, paragraph 1 (d) (iv).见E/1991/23, 附件四,A章,第1(d)(四)段。