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General comment No. 1 on migrant domestic workers关于移徙家政工人的第1号一般性意见
Document CMW/C/GC/1Document CMW/C/GC/1
I. Introduction一. 导言
1. Domestic work is an important occupation for millions of individuals, accounting for up to 10 per cent of total employment in some countries.1. 家政工作是数百万人的一个重要职业,在有些国家,家政工人占就业总人数的比例高达10%。
The trend over the past decades has been a growing prevalence of migrants amongst domestic workers.过去几十年,家政工人中的移民人数呈上升趋势。
Women make up the overwhelming majority of these workers.妇女占这些工人中的绝大多数。
2. Noting the omission of express references to either domestic work or domestic workers in a broad range of national and international frameworks of law, the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), at its eleventh session in October 2009, resolved to issue a general comment in order to provide States with guidance on how to implement their obligations under the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and the Members of Their Families (hereinafter referred to as the Convention) with respect to migrant domestic workers.2. 保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利委员会(以下称“委员会”)注意到许多国家和国际法律框架都没有明确提到家政工作或家政工人,因此在2009年10月举 行的第十一届会议上,决定发布一项一般性意见,指导各国履行《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利公约》(以下称“公约”)规定的与移徙家政工人有关的义 务。
The Committee organized a Day of General Discussion on this subject on 14 October 2009, which generated strong participation by States, international organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and trade organizations, civil society and migrants, including a number of written perspectives and studies.2009年10月14日,委员会举办了与这一问题有关的“一般性讨论日”活动,此次讨论得到了各国、国际组织、非政府组织和贸易组织、民间社会和移徙者的大力参与,并发布了一些书面看法和研究报告。
This general comment draws upon those contributions as well as the Committee’s experience in reviewing with States parties their reports on the implementation of the Convention.本一般性意见参考了这些材料以及委员会在审查缔约国提交的《公约》执行情况报告方面所积累的经验。
3. As defined by the Convention, the term “migrant worker” refers to any person who “is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national”.3. 按照《公约》的定义,“移徙工人”是指“在其非国民的国家将要、正在或已经从事有报酬的活动的人”。
Accordingly, the Convention expressly provides protection to migrant workers and their family members not only when the migrants are actually working, but “during the entire migration process of migrant workers and members of their families, which comprises preparation for migration, departure, transit and the entire period of stay and remunerated activity in the State of employment as well as return to the State of origin or the State of habitual residence”.《公约》随之明文规定了对移徙工人及其家庭成员的保护,不仅是在移徙者实际工作时,而且是在“移徙工人及其家庭成员的整个移徙过程中,包括准备移徙、离开、过境和整个逗留期间,在就业国从事有报酬活动以及回返原籍国或惯常居住国时”。
4. Depending on their administrative status under national immigration laws, some migrants are considered as documented or in a regular situation, while others are considered as non-documented or in an irregular situation.4. 按照其在国家移徙法下的行政地位,有些移徙者被认为是有证或合法移徙者,另一些则被认为是无证或非法移徙者。
Just as the Convention delineates rights that apply to all migrant workers regardless of their status, and then distinguishes further rights of migrants who are documented or in a regular situation, this general comment shall refer to all migrant domestic workers, unless expressly indicated.就如《公约》先是规定所有移徙工人(无论其地位如何)的权利,然后进一步区分有证或合法移徙者的权利一样,除非另有说明,本一般性意见中指的是所有移徙家政工人。
5. The terms “domestic work” or “domestic worker” have not yet been defined in any international instruments.5. 任何国际文书都没有界定“家政工作”或“家政工人”。
However, drawing on common elements found in definitions set out in national legislation, the Committee notes that the term “domestic worker” generally refers to a person who performs work within an employment relationship in or for other people’s private homes, whether or not residing in the household.但根据国家立法中给出的各种定义的共同要素,委员会注意到,“家政工人”一词通常是指按照雇佣关系在别人家里或者为别人家工作的人员,无论是否住在对方家里。
6. The Committee considers that migrant domestic workers are included in the term "migrant worker" as defined in article 2, paragraph 2, of the Convention and that any distinction made to exclude migrant domestic workers from protection would constitute a prima facie violation of the Convention.6. 委员会认为,《公约》第2条第2款界定的“移徙工人”一词包括移徙家政工人,并认为,任何为了将移徙家政工人排除在保护范围之外而作的区分显然都违反了《公约》。
7. Whereas many of the human rights issues and concerns identified in this general comment are relevant to all domestic workers, several issues and concerns are specific to the situation of domestic workers who are migrants.7. 虽然本一般性意见所述的许多人权问题和关切与所有家政工人有关,但有些问题和关切是作为移徙者的家政工人所特有的。
Generally, migrant domestic workers are at heightened risk of certain forms of exploitation and abuse.一般来说,移徙家政工人更易遭受某些形式的剥削和虐待。
At the heart of their vulnerability is isolation and dependence, which can include the following elements: the isolation of life in a foreign land and often in a foreign language, far away from family; lack of basic support systems and unfamiliarity with the culture and national labour and migration laws; and dependence on the job and employer because of migration-related debt, legal status, practices of employers restricting their freedom to leave the workplace, the simple fact that the migrants’ workplace may also be their only shelter and the reliance of family members back home on remittances sent back from the domestic work.他们脆弱性的核心是其孤立性和依赖性,其中可能包括下列要素:在外国,通常是 外语环境中孤立生活,远离家人;缺乏基本的支助制度,不熟悉当地文化及国家劳动和移徙法;以及由于移徙相关债务、法律地位、雇主限制离开工作场所的自由、 移徙者的工作场所可能也是其住所、家庭成员依赖他们从事家政工作的汇款等因素而造成的对工作和雇主的依赖。
Women migrant domestic workers face additional risks related to their gender, including gender-based violence.移徙家政女工面临着与其性别有关的更多风险,包括基于性别的暴力行为。
These risks and vulnerabilities are further aggravated for migrant domestic workers who are non-documented or in an irregular situation, not least because they often risk deportation if they contact State authorities to seek protection from an abusive employer.无证或非法移徙家政工人面临的这类风险和脆弱性更加严重,特别是因为如果他们与国家当局联系,寻求保护以免遭雇主虐待,往往会面临被驱逐的危险。
A. Problems faced by migrant domestic workers and members of their familiesA. 移徙家政工人及其家庭成员面临的问题
8. The vulnerability of migrant domestic workers does not begin and end in the workplace.8. 移徙家政工人的脆弱性并不始于、也不终于工作场所。
Migrant domestic workers face risk throughout the migration cycle with a number of factors exposing them to violations of their human rights including those protected under the Convention.他们在整个移徙过程中都面临着风险,有些因素导致他们的人权容易遭到侵犯,包括受《公约》保护的人权。
Recruitment, pre-departure and in countries of transit招聘期间、出发前和在过境国
9. In many countries, recruitment agencies, labour brokers, and other intermediaries charge exorbitant fees to migrant domestic workers and do not provide accurate information, meaningful preparation for migrants before travel, or written contracts.9. 在许多国家,招聘机构、劳工经纪人和其他中介机构向移徙家政工人收取很高费用,却不提供准确信息、不帮助移徙者做好出发前的切实准备,也不提供书面合同。
In particular, migrants are often not provided with information on their rights and on avenues for reporting abuse.特别是,往往未向移徙者提供关于其权利和可以通过哪些途径报告虐待行为的信息。
Some prospective migrant domestic workers are deceived by illegal recruitment agents and lured into paying for fraudulent visas or other documentation and non-existent jobs.有些应聘的移徙家政工人受到非法招聘代理人的欺骗,在引诱之下为假签证或其他证件以及根本不存在的工作缴纳了费用。
10. While transiting through foreign countries, women and girls are particularly at risk of being subjected to physical and sexual abuse by agents and intermediaries.10. 在从外国过境的途中,妇女和女孩尤其面临遭受代理人和中介实施的身体虐待和性虐待的危险。
At arrival and during employment抵达时和就业期间
11. Upon arrival the migrants are often left stranded with high levels of debt from their migration and without legal papers and employment, rendering them vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.11. 移徙者在抵达之后,往往因移徙欠下高额债务而陷入困境,而且没有合法证件和工作,从而很容易遭到虐待和剥削。
Even where contracts had been signed pre-departure, many migrant domestic workers are compelled to sign new contracts upon arrival, nearly always for less pay and often for different work conditions of employment and abode than had been agreed upon or promised and often in a language they do not understand, without legal counselling, and under duress.即使在出发前签订了合同,许多移徙家政工人也被迫在抵达之后签订新合同,报酬几乎总是比原先商定或承诺的要低,工作条件和住宿也往往与原先承诺的不同。 他们不懂当地语言,无法进行法律咨询,并遭到威胁。
12. The withholding of passports by the employer is widespread, reinforcing isolation and dependence and restricting the movement of the migrant worker out of the house as well as out of the country.12. 雇主扣留护照的现象非常普遍,导致移徙工人更加孤立,依赖性更强,并限制了他们离开雇主家庭和就业国的自由。
13. In the workplace, many are subjected to abusive working conditions, including:13. 在工作场所,许多人的工作条件具有虐待性,包括:
(a) Partial and in many cases, total, restriction on movement outside the house and on communication with individuals outside the house, including with family members left behind;在雇主家庭以外的行动和与雇主家庭以外人员的联系,包括与自己留在国内的家庭成员的联系受到部分限制,并在很多情况下受到完全限制;
(b) Excessive and often undefined working hours.工作时间过长,而且往往不明确。
Especially for migrant live-in domestic workers, there is often an express or implied expectation of total availability, where the worker can be called on to work at any time;尤其是对住在雇主家的家政工人来说,往往明里暗里指望他们全天候待命,即可以随时要求他们工作;
(c) Insufficient rest and leisure time.休息和空闲时间不足。
Many migrant domestic workers have no agreed leave day at all; others only have one day off per month and frequently any agreed “day off” is cancelled or changed arbitrarily by the employer; when the employer is on holiday, or the worker is ill, a practice of “no work – no pay” is applied.许多移徙家政工人根本没有商定的假日;有人每月只有一天休假,但商定的“假日”经常被雇主任意取消或更改;如果雇主在休假,或者工人生病,则采用“无工作无报酬”的做法。
Others experience reprimands or threats of losing their jobs even where there are legitimate reasons for absence such as illness or personal/family emergencies;还有一些工人遭到训斥或失去工作的威胁,即使他们有不来上班的合理理由,例如生病或遇到私人/家庭紧急事件;
(d) Restrictions on their ability to travel even for essential family matters, such as serious illness or bereavement in the family;旅行自由受到限制,即使是为了处理必要的家庭事务,例如家人病重或死亡;
(e) Low salaries and late payment or non-payment of salaries.工资较低,并且拖欠或不支付工资。
As a result of the absence or inapplicability in most countries of minimum wage laws for domestic workers, many migrant domestic workers are paid only a fraction of what other workers in comparable sectors receive, often without any traceable payments into bank accounts, or with salaries paid in kind;由于大多数国家没有或不适用家政工人最低工资法,因此,许多移徙家政工人的工资只相当于在类似部门工作的其他工人的很小一部分,而且经常没有可查询的银行账户付款记录,或者用实物来支付工资;
(f) Lack of social security protection, including sickness and family benefits and building pension rights;缺乏社会保障,包括生病和家庭补贴,以及累积养老金的权利;
(g) Psychological, physical and sexual abuse and harassment from their employers as well as from recruitment agents or intermediaries; and遭到雇主和招聘机构或中介的心理、身体以及性虐待和骚扰;
(h) Inadequate, unsanitary and degrading living accommodations.居住条件不足、不卫生和有辱人格。
14. The risk of abuse is heightened for child domestic workers, who make up a significant proportion of domestic workers.14. 占家政工人很大一部分的儿童受虐待的风险更高。
Their young age, isolation and separation from their families and peers, and near-total dependence on their employers exacerbate their vulnerability to violations of their rights under the Convention, including the basic right of access to education.他们的年龄小,又远离家人和同伴,孤立无援,而且几乎完全依赖于雇主,这使他们根据《公约》享有的权利更易遭到侵犯,包括受教育的基本权利。
Families left behind留在国内的家庭成员
15. The prolonged absence of migrant domestic workers negatively affects the family unity, and the social and psychological wellbeing of members of their families and also often results in violations of the rights of their children who have remained in the country of origin.15. 移徙家政工人的长期离开对家庭团聚、家庭成员的社会和心理福祉产生了不良影响,并经常导致他们留在原籍国的子女的权利遭到侵犯。
Upon return返回时
16. Migrant domestic workers may encounter difficulties in reintegrating into the labour market and society in their countries of origin upon their return.16. 移徙家政工人返回原籍国后,在重新融入本国劳动力市场和社会方面可能会遇到各种困难。
They may also encounter difficulties related to the portability of pension and social security benefits.他们还可能遇到与养老金和社会保障福利的转移有关的困难。
17. Many migrants are unable to seek remedies for violations of their rights by employers because they are not entitled to stay in the country of employment once the employment relation has been terminated.17. 许多移徙者无法就雇主侵犯其权利的事宜寻求救济,因为一旦雇佣关系终止,他们将无权继续留在就业国。
As a result migrant domestic workers may for example return to the country of origin with less pay than they are due and with no possibility of seeking compensation and remedies.因此,举例来说,移徙家政工人在返回原籍国时,所得工资可能比应得的要少,而且无法寻求赔偿和救济。
Those who return to their countries of origin in order to escape an abusive work relationship often have no access to support mechanisms and no possibility of seeking legal remedies.那些为逃避虐待性的工作关系而回到原籍国的家政工人往往无法利用支助机制,也不可能寻求法律救济。
B. Gaps in protectionB. 保护方面的差距
Protection gaps: “legal”保护方面的差距:“法律上”的差距
18. A wide body of international treaties articulate human rights, including labour rights, basic to all human beings, including all workers.18. 许多国际条约都阐述了所有人,包括所有工人的基本人权,包括劳动权。
In line with other human rights treaties, the protection against abusive and exploitative labour conditions afforded under the Convention extends to all migrant workers, irrespective of their migration status.根据其他人权条约,《公约》所规定的免于虐待性和剥削性劳动条件的保护延及所有移徙工人,无论其移民身份如何。
In this regard, the Committee notes with concern that, at national level, major categories of law often ignore, or explicitly exclude domestic work and workers in ways that contribute to exploitative labour practices and limit avenues for legal redress in cases of violations.在这方面,委员会关切地注意到,在国家层面,一些主要类别的法律往往忽视或明确排除家政工作和家政工人,从而助长了剥削性劳动,并限制了侵权情况下获得法律救济的途径。
19. Labour law.19. 劳动法。
In many countries, domestic workers are not legally recognized as “workers” entitled to labour protection.许多国家的法律不承认家政工人是有权获得劳动保护的“工人”。
A number of premises and special definitions are used to exclude domestic workers from the protection of labour laws, including the consideration that they work for private persons, who are not considered to be “employers”.有些前提和特别定义将家政工人排除在劳动法保护的范围之外,包括出于这样的考虑:他们是为私人工作,而私人并不被认为是“雇主”。
Equally, traditional perceptions of domestic work as tasks associated with unpaid work in the home performed by women and girls as well as traditional perceptions of domestic workers as either being “family helpers” often militate against the extension of national labour law to effectively cover domestic work.同样,关于家政工作是与妇女和女孩在家中从事的无酬工作有关的活动以及家政工人是“家庭帮工”的传统观念往往不利于扩大国家劳动法的范围而有效涵盖家政工作。
Because of their de facto and/or de jure, “unrecognized” status as “workers”, domestic workers are unable to exercise the rights and freedoms granted by labour law to other workers.由于家政工人在事实上和/或法律上都不被承认是“工人”,因此无法享有劳动法赋予其他工人的权利和自由。
20. Some national labour laws include protections for domestic work and workers, but exclude migrant domestic workers from some or all of these protections.20. 有些国家的劳动法包含对家政工作和家政工人的保护,但移徙家政工人被排除在其中一些或所有保护之外。
For example, migrant domestic workers are often restricted in their ability to organize for their labour rights.例如,移徙家政工人在组织起来争取劳动权利方面往往受到限制。
In other cases where labour or other standards and protections apply both to domestic work and to migrant domestic workers, laws can bar monitoring and labour inspections in home settings.在另一些情况下,虽然劳动或者其他标准和保护既适用于家政工作,也适用于移徙家政工人,但法律可能会禁止家庭环境中的监督和劳动监察。
21. Immigration law.21. 移徙法。
Laws regulating the conditions of entry and stay in countries of employment are often a source of specific vulnerabilities for migrant domestic workers.关于进入就业国并在该国停留的条件的法律往往是造成移徙家政工人特定弱势的根源。
Overly restrictive immigration laws may lead to higher numbers of migrant domestic workers who are non-documented or in an irregular situation, and thus particularly vulnerable to human rights violations.过于严格的移徙法可能会导致大量移徙家政工人没有证件或处于非法地位,从而使他们的人权特别容易遭到侵犯。
Even for workers with a documented or regular migration status, similar vulnerabilities arise where immigration laws tie their status to the continued sponsorship of specific employers.即使是拥有证件或合法移民身份的工人,如果移徙法将其身份与特定雇主是否继续为之担保挂钩,也可能会处于同样的弱势。
Consequently, migrant domestic workers may risk deportation if they try to escape an abusive employment relationship or seek legal remedies against their employers.因此,如果移徙家政工人试图逃脱虐待性的雇佣关系,或者就其雇主的行为寻求法律救济,可能会面临被驱逐的危险。
22. Under some countries’ laws regarding work permit and security bond conditions, women migrants, including domestic workers, who get pregnant or who are found to be HIV positive lose their permit.22. 根据有些国家关于工作许可证和担保条件的法律,移徙女工,包括家政工人在内,一旦怀孕或被发现艾滋病毒呈阳性,就会失去工作许可证。
It is not uncommon for women migrant workers to be subjected to mandatory health testing related to sexual and reproductive health without consent or counselling.在未经移徙女工同意或未与其商议的情况下对其进行与性健康和生殖健康有关的强制性健康检查的情况并不少见。
23. Contract law.23. 合同法。
National laws and regulations pertaining to contracts are often inapplicable to domestic work and/or domestic workers, either categorically or as a practical matter because domestic work is performed in the informal labour market.与合同有关的国家法律法规往往不适用于(或者是明确不适用,或者在事实上不适用)家政工作或家政工人,因为家政工作是在非正规劳务市场进行的。
24. Social security laws.24. 社会保障法。
Domestic workers, especially those who are migrants, are often excluded from rights under national law related to social security.家政工人,尤其是移徙家政工人往往被排除在与社会保障有关的国家法律所规定的权利范围之外。
The lack of social security benefits and of gender-sensitive health care coverage further increases the vulnerability of migrant domestic workers and their dependence on their employers.缺乏社会保障福利和区分性别的保健服务加重了移徙家政工人的弱势地位及其对雇主的依赖性。
Protection gap: practical保护方面的差距:实际上的差距
25. Even if certain protections for migrant domestic workers are provided under national laws, there is often a gap between protections enjoyed by such workers in law and in practice.25. 即使国家法律规定了对移徙家政工人的某些保护,这些工人在法律上享有的保护与实际上得到的保护也有差别。
Some of the practical obstacles faced relate to the “hidden” nature of domestic work and factors preventing or deterring migrant domestic workers from claiming their rights.他们面临的有些实际障碍涉及到家政工作的“隐蔽”性以及其他一些阻止或妨碍移徙家政工人申张权利的因素。
26. A range of factors constitutive of domestic work itself, and even more so, of domestic work performed by migrants, hides abuses from view, and makes detection of protection needs difficult.26. 家政工作本身,尤其是移徙者所从事的家政工作所具有的一系列因素,都掩盖了虐待行为,对确定保护需要造成了困难。
(a) Workplaces are unseen, behind closed doors and out of the public eye;工作场所不可见,关在门后,并远离公众视线;
(b) Domestic work is commonly part of the informal labour market, where work and workers are unregistered;移徙家政工作通常是非正轨劳务市场的一部分,该项工作和工人都没有登记;
(c) The physical and social isolation of workers blocks individual and collective action;工人的人身和社会隔离有碍于采取个人和集体行动;
(d) The large number of workplaces, their geographical spread and national privacy laws complicates effective inspections and monitoring by labour departments.工作场所的数量之多、分布之广以及国家私法使劳动部门难以进行有效的监察和监督。
27. A number of factors make it difficult for migrant domestic workers to claim their rights and seek redress in case of violations, including the fact that:27. 有些因素导致移徙家政工人很难在侵权情况下申张自己的权利和寻求救济,其中包括:
(a) Specific mechanisms available to receive and address complaints from domestic workers are often not available;往往没有接受和处理家政工人申诉的专门机制;
(b) Migrant domestic workers often do not know to whom to address their labour problems or may be reluctant to contact the police or labour authorities out of fear of deportation.移徙家政工人通常不知道向谁提出劳动方面的问题,或者由于害怕被驱逐而不愿与警方或劳动主管部门联系。
Language barriers and the costs of administrative and legal processes may be additional deterrents.语言障碍以及行政和法律程序的费用可能也是阻遏因素;
(c) Migrant domestic workers who depend on their employers for their immigration status may not report abuse for fear of arrest, detention or deportation.如果移徙家政工人在移民身份问题上依赖雇主,可能会由于害怕遭到逮捕、拘留或驱逐而不敢报告虐待行为。
In some countries, if the victim brings a formal complaint against the employer, he or she can neither seek alternative employment while the case is in court, nor leave the country for the duration of the case.在有些国家,如果受害人提出对雇主的正式投诉,则其在法院审理案件期间,可能无法找到另外的工作,也不能离开该国。
These restrictions, and the long periods it may take for cases to be resolved, often lead to domestic workers choosing not to report complaints or withdrawing their cases in order to return home more quickly.由于这些限制,再加上处理案件所需的时间较长,往往使家政工人选择不予投诉,或者为尽快回家而撤回案件。
C. Recommendations to States partiesC. 对缔约国的建议
Pre-departure awareness-raising and training出发前的提高认识和培训活动
28. For nationals considering whether to migrate for domestic work, States parties should take appropriate measures to disseminate information on their rights under the Convention as well as the conditions of their admission and employment and their rights and obligations under the law and practice of other States (article 33).28. 对于正在考虑是否出境从事家政工作的国民,缔约国应采取适当措施,向他们传播以下信息:《公约》赋予他们的权利,其他国家的法律和惯例规定的入境和就业条件以及他们的权利和义务(第33条)。
Such awareness-raising could include:这类提高认识活动可包括:
(a) Information on different types and arrangements of domestic work;介绍家政工作的不同类型和安排;
(b) Basic knowledge of applicable national and transnational legal frameworks;传播关于可适用的国家和跨国法律框架的基本知识;
(c) Essential information and perspectives on:提供以下方面的基本信息和看法:
(i) Migration-related fees and debt;移徙相关费用和债务;
(ii) Family aspects and effects on family life, such as separation, right to family visits or return, pregnancy during employment, etc.; and家庭问题和对家庭生活的影响,如分居;探亲或回国的权利;工作期间怀孕等;以及
(iii) Other risks of domestic work outside the country of origin.在原籍国之外从事家政工作的其他危险。
29. For workers who have made the decision to migrate for domestic work, States parties are encouraged to develop more specific pre-departure training and awareness-raising programmes.29. 对于已决定出境从事家政工作的工人,鼓励缔约国制定更加具体的出发前培训和提高认识方案。
Such training may be developed in consultation with relevant non-governmental organizations, migrant domestic workers and their families, and recognized and reliable recruitment agencies, and could cover:可与有关非政府组织、移徙家政工人及其家庭成员以及公认、可靠的招聘机构协商确定这类培训,其中可包括:
(a) A comprehensive “know your rights” curriculum, covering both international and national frameworks, using the Convention as a reference;“了解你的权利”综合课程,包括国际和国家框架,并以《公约》作为参考;
(b) “Know your obligations” orientation to essential aspects of the law and culture of the country of employment;“了解你的义务”概况介绍,包括就业国法律和文化的主要方面;
(c) “Awareness-raising” training, including issues of migration, working conditions, social security, debt, finance and work-related fees and basic knowledge on methods of conflict resolution, and avenues for redress;“提高认识”培训,包括移徙问题、工作条件、社会保障、债务、资金和工作相关费用、关于如何解决纠纷的基本知识以及寻求救济的途径;
(d) Financial literacy, including information on remittances and saving schemes;财务知识,包括关于汇款和储蓄计划的信息;
(e) Contact information for emergency assistance, including embassies and consulates and relevant civil society organizations in countries of employment; and紧急援助联系信息,包括使领馆以及就业国的有关民间社会组织;
(f) Other information needed on logistics, safety, health, human rights issues and points of assistance during the entire migratory process.需要了解的后勤、安全、卫生、人权问题和整个移徙过程中的援助点等方面的其他信息。
30. Where appropriate, States parties could also support pre-departure training offering:30. 缔约国还可酌情支持开展涵盖以下内容的出发前培训:
(a) Basic language preparation;基本的语言培训;
(b) Training for specific types of work, including key job skills where appropriate; and特定类型的工作培训,酌情包括主要的工作技能;
(c) Cross-cultural destination-specific orientation.专门与跨文化目的地有关的情况介绍。
Cooperation among States国家间的合作
31. States of origin, States of transit and States of employment share the responsibility for regulating and monitoring recruitment and placement processes.31. 原籍国、过境国和就业国共同负有管理和监督招聘与安置工作的责任。
32. In line with articles 64 and 65, States of origin and employment are encouraged to cooperate on:32. 根据第64条和第65条,鼓励原籍国和就业国开展以下方面的合作:
(a) Protection-sensitive and transparent frameworks and agreements, including bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements between States;注重保护和透明的框架和协定,包括国家间的双边、多边和区域协定;
(b) The use of standard, unified and binding employment contracts, with fair, full and clear conditions and labour standards that are enforceable – and enforced – by systems of law in countries both of origin and employment.使用标准、统一和具有约束力的雇佣合同,其中载有原籍国和就业国的法律系统均可执行和已经执行的公正、全面和明确的条件及劳动标准。
Such standard contracts, as well as services where migrant domestic workers can receive counselling and guidance or submit complaints, could also usefully be included in bilateral and multilateral agreements between countries of origin and employment;在原籍国与就业国的双边和多边协定中列入这类标准合同,以及移徙家政工人可以获得咨询和指导并提交申诉的服务部门,也将不无益处;
(c) Regular and public reporting of migrant domestic worker flows, employment, rights issues, training and other programmes, and issues of justice administration.定期公布移徙家政工人的流动情况、就业情况、权利问题、培训和其他方案以及司法问题。
Recruitment agencies招聘机构
33. In accordance with article 66, States parties have an obligation to effectively regulate and monitor labour brokers, recruitment agencies and other intermediaries to ensure that they respect the rights of domestic workers.33. 根据第66条,缔约国有义务对劳工经纪人、征聘机构和其他中介进行有效管理和监督,以确保它们尊重家政工人的权利。
34. Agencies engaged in the movement of migrant domestic workers, whether in countries of origin, transit or employment, must be subject to authorization, approval and supervision by public authorities.34. 从事移徙家政工人流动工作的机构,不论是设在原籍国、过境国还是就业国,均应经公共主管部门授权和批准并接受其监督。
This may take the form of formal, regular, transparent and State-regulated:这可表现为在下列事项上受到正式、定期和透明的国家管制:
(a) Licensing, possibly involving processes of accreditation and periodic renewal;颁发执照,可能时涉及认证和定期更新程序;
(b) Monitoring, inspection and evaluation;监督、监察和评估;
(c) Sanctions and penalties;制裁和处罚;
(d) Systems of recording and reporting, including web-based formats that are widely and easily accessible to the public, with particular attention to instances of complaints and conflicts involving workers.记录和报告系统,包括公众可以广泛、方便地使用的网络格式系统,应特别注意涉及工人的投诉和纠纷案例。
35. States parties should establish specific criteria relating to migrant domestic workers’ rights and ensure that only those agencies observing these criteria and codes can continue to operate.35. 缔约国应制定与移徙家政工人的权利有关的具体标准,确保只有遵守这些标准和准则的机构才能继续运作。
Such criteria could usefully be established in consultations with migrant workers’ organizations themselves, non-governmental organizations working with migrant workers and with workers’ and employers’ organizations.可与移徙工人组织、从事移徙工人工作的非政府组织以及工人和雇主组织协商,以有效地制定这类标准。
36. Additionally, States parties are encouraged to adopt codes of conduct on the recruitment of migrant domestic workers, including specific rules governing fees and salary deductions, and to provide for appropriate penalties and sanctions to enforce them.36. 此外,还鼓励缔约国通过招聘移徙家政工人方面的行为守则,包括关于收费和扣减工资的具体规则,并为其执行规定适当的制裁和处罚。
States parties should ban recruitment fees charged to domestic workers, including through salary deductions.缔约国应当禁止向家政工人收取招聘费,包括以扣减工资的方式。
Conditions of work工作条件
37. The rights of migrant domestic workers should be dealt with within the larger framework of decent work for domestic workers.37. 应在为移徙工人提供体面工作的广泛框架内讨论移徙家政工人的权利问题。
In this regard, the Committee considers that domestic work should be properly regulated by national legislation to ensure that domestic workers enjoy the same level of protection as other workers.在这方面,委员会认为,应由国家立法对家政工作进行适当的规范,以确保家政工人享有与其他工人同等的保护。
38. Accordingly, labour protections in national law should be extended to domestic workers to ensure equal protection under the law, including provisions related to minimum wages, hours of work, days of rest, freedom of association, social security protection, including with respect to maternity, pension rights and health insurance, as well as additional provisions specific to the circumstances of domestic work.38. 因此,为确保法律下的平等保护,应将国家法律规定的劳动保护延及家政工人,包括与最低工资、工作时数、休息天数、结社自由、社会保障(包括与生育、养恤金权利和健康保险有关的保障)有关的规定,以及专门涉及家政工作情况的其他规定。
In this regard, migrant domestic workers should enjoy treatment not less favourable than that which applies to nationals of the State of employment (article 25).在这方面,移徙家政工人应享有不低于就业国国民的待遇(第25条)。
39. States should protect the right of migrant domestic workers to freedom of movement and residence, including by ensuring that migrant domestic workers are not required to live with their employers or stay in the house during their time off (article 39).39. 各国应当保护移徙家政工人的行动和居住自由权,包括确保不得要求移徙家政工人与雇主住在一起,或要求他们在休息时间呆在雇主家(第39条)。
States should also ensure that migrant domestic workers retain possession of travel and identity documents (article 21).各国还应确保移徙家政工人保留其旅行和身份证件(第21条)。
In addition, States should take all necessary measures to promote a shift in public perceptions so that domestic work becomes widely recognized as work and domestic workers as workers with fundamental rights, including labour rights.此外,各国应采取必要措施,促进改变公共看法,使家政工作被广泛视为一项工作,家政工人被广泛确认为拥有基本权利、包括劳动权的工人。
40. States parties are encouraged to ensure that migrant domestic workers have explicit, written terms of employment, in a language they can understand, outlining their specific duties, hours, remuneration, days of rest, and other conditions of work, in contracts that are free, fair and fully consented to.40. 鼓励缔约国确保在自由订立、公正并经完全同意的合同中,以移徙家政工人懂得的语言明文规定其就业条件,并说明其具体职责、工作时数、报酬、休息天数,以及其他工作条件。
In particular, States parties may wish to consider developing model or standard provisions for these purposes.特别是,缔约国似宜考虑为此目的拟订示范或标准条款。
41. States parties should include provisions for monitoring mechanisms of the working conditions of migrant domestic workers in national legislation and strengthen labour inspection services to carry out such monitoring and to receive, investigate and address complaints of alleged violations.41. 缔约国应在国家立法中列入关于移徙家政工人工作条件监督机制的条款,并加强劳动监察部门,以进行这类监督,并接受、调查和处理侵权申诉。
Social security and health services社会保障和保健服务
42. States parties should ensure that migrant domestic workers are granted access to social security benefits on the basis of equal treatment with nationals (article 27).42. 缔约国应确保移徙家政工人在获得社会保障福利方面,享有与国民同等的待遇(第27条)。
43. States should ensure effective access of all migrant domestic workers to any medical care urgently required to avoid irreparable harm to their health (article 28).43. 各国应确保所有移徙家政工人都能有效获得为避免对其健康造成不可弥补的损害而迫切需要的任何医疗(第28条)。
Particular attention should be given to women migrant domestic workers with irregular status, who are especially vulnerable during pregnancy, as they are often afraid to contact public health services out of fear of deportation.应特别关注非法移徙的家政女工,尤其是怀孕女工,因为她们经常因害怕遭到驱逐而不敢与公共保健机构联系。
States should not require public health institutions providing care to report data on the regular or irregular status of a patient to immigration authorities.各国不得要求提供服务的公共保健机构向移徙主管部门报告病人的合法或非法身份。
44. States should ensure that migrant domestic workers in a documented or regular situation enjoy equal treatment with nationals in relation to social and health services (article 43(1)(e)).44. 各国应确保有证件的或合法的移徙家政工人在社会和保健服务方面享有与国民同等的待遇(第43条第1款(e)项)。
Moreover, the Committee recalls the obligations assumed by States under other core international human rights treaties, notably the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, to take appropriate measures towards ensuring to all persons within their jurisdiction, irrespective of their immigration status, the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health and medical care, services and attention in the event of sickness.此外,委员会忆及各国在其他核心国际人权条约,特别是《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》下承担的如下义务:采取适当措施,确保境内的所有人,无论移民身份如何,均享有能达到的最高标准的身心健康,并在患病时能够得到医疗护理和服务。
Right to organize for collective bargaining and protection组织起来进行集体谈判和获得保护的权利
45. The right to organize and to engage in collective bargaining is essential for migrant domestic workers to express their needs and defend their rights, in particular through trade unions (articles 26 and 40) and labour organizations.45. 组织起来进行集体谈判的权利对于移徙家政工人特别通过工会(第26和第40条)和劳工组织表达其需要和维护其权利非常重要。
46. The laws of States parties, particularly countries of employment of migrant domestic workers, should recognize the right of the latter to form and join organizations, regardless of migration status (article 26) and self-organization should be encouraged.46. 缔约国,尤其是移徙家政工人就业国的法律应当承认他们成立和加入组织的权利,无论其移民身份如何(第26条),并应鼓励他们进行自我组织。
47. States parties are encouraged to provide migrant domestic workers with information about relevant associations that can provide assistance in the country/city of origin and employment.47. 鼓励缔约国向移徙家政工人介绍可在原籍和就业国/城市提供援助的有关协会。
Freedom of religion or belief and freedom of expression宗教或信仰自由及言论自由
48. States parties should take effective measures to ensure that migrant domestic workers are free to practise the religion or belief of their choice, as well as their freedom of expression, individually or in community with others, in public and in private, in accordance with articles 12 and 13 of the Convention and other international human rights standards (articles 12 and 13).48. 缔约国应采取有效措施,确保移徙家政工人信奉自己所选择的宗教的自由,以及根据《公约》和其他国际人权标准,单独或集体、公开或私下表达言论的自由(第12和第13条)。
Access to justice and remedies诉诸司法和获得救济
49. States of employment should ensure that all migrant domestic workers have access to mechanisms for bringing complaints about violations of their rights (articles 18, paragraph 1, and 83).49. 就业国应确保所有移徙家政工人都能向有关机制提出其权利遭到侵犯的申诉(第18条第1款和第83条)。
States parties should ensure that such complaints are investigated in an appropriate manner and within a reasonable period of time and that cases of violations are appropriately sanctioned.缔约国应确保以适当的方式,在合理时间内对这类申诉进行调查,并对侵权行为予以适当的处罚。
To facilitate access to redress mechanisms, States parties could for example designate a domestic workers’ Ombudsperson.为便于诉诸补救机制,缔约国可以指定一名家政工人监察员。
States parties should also ensure that migrant domestic workers can obtain legal redress and remedies for violations of their rights by employers who enjoy diplomatic immunity under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.缔约国还应确保移徙家政工人能够在根据《维也纳外交关系公约》享有外交豁免权的雇主侵犯其权利时获得法律补救和救济。
50. In order to ensure effective access to justice and remedies for all migrant domestic workers, the Committee considers that migrant domestic workers should be able to access courts and other justice mechanisms without fear of being deported as a consequence, and that migrant domestic workers should have access to temporary shelter when needed due to the abusive circumstances of their employment.50. 为确保所有移徙家政工人能够有效地诉诸司法和获得救济,委员会认为,移徙家政工人应能诉诸法院和其他司法机制,而不必担心因此遭到驱逐,并认为,移徙家政工人由于虐待性的工作环境而需要临时住所的,应能获得这类住所。
States parties are encouraged to consider time-bound or expedited legal proceedings to address complaints by migrant domestic workers.鼓励缔约国考虑制定有时限的或快速法律程序,处理移徙家政工人的申诉。
Moreover, States parties are encouraged to enter into bilateral agreements in order to ensure that migrants who return to their country of origin may have access to justice in the country of employment, including to complain about abuse and to claim unpaid wages and benefits.另外,还鼓励缔约国订立双边协定,以确保回到原籍国的移徙者能够诉诸就业国的司法,包括提起关于虐待的申诉和索要未支付的工资和福利。
Access to regular migration status获得合法移民身份
51. With a view to preventing irregular migration as well as smuggling and human trafficking, States parties should ensure that migrant domestic workers have access to regular channels for migration based on actual demand (article 68).51. 为了防止非法移徙、偷运移民和人口贩运,缔约国应确保移徙家政工人能够按实际需求利用正规的移徙渠道(第68条)。
52. States parties should take appropriate measures to address the extreme vulnerability of undocumented migrant domestic workers, especially women and children.52. 缔约国应采取适当措施,处理没有证件的移徙家政工人,特别是妇女和儿童处于极端弱势地位的问题。
In particular, States parties should consider policies, including regularization programmes, to avoid or resolve situations in which migrant domestic workers are undocumented or are at risk of falling into irregular status (article 69).特别是,缔约国应当考虑制定政策,包括合法化方案,以避免或解决移徙家政工人没有证件或可能陷入非法地位的情况(第69条)。
53. States parties should avoid making the immigration status of migrant domestic workers conditional on the sponsorship or guardianship of a specific employer, since any such arrangement may unduly restrict the liberty of movement of migrant domestic workers (article 39) and increases their vulnerability to exploitation and abuse, including in conditions of forced labour or servitude (article 11).53. 缔约国应避免使移徙家政工人的移民身份取决于某一特定雇主的担保或保证,因为任何这类安排都可能会不适当地限制移徙家政工人的行动自由(第39条),增加他们遭受剥削和虐待的风险,包括在强迫劳动或奴役情况下(第11条)。
Respect for family unity尊重家庭团聚
54. States parties shall take appropriate measures to protect the unity of the families of migrant domestic workers in a regular situation (article 44, paragraph 1).54. 缔约国应采取适当措施,保障合法移徙的家政工人的家庭团聚(第44条第1款)。
In particular, migrant domestic workers should have reasonable opportunities for family contact and family-related mobility, including opportunities to communicate with family left behind, travel to participate in essential family matters such as funerals, and, especially in the case of long-term migrants, to visit spouses and children in other countries.特别是,移徙家政工人应当有与家人联系和进行家庭相关旅行的合理机会,包括有机会与留在国内的家人通信,回国处理紧急家庭事务,如参加葬礼,以及看望住在其他国家的配偶和子女,尤其是对长期移民来说。
States parties should ensure that children separated from one or both parents are allowed to maintain direct contact with both parents on a regular basis.缔约国应确保与父母一方或双方分离的子女能够定期与父母保持直接联系。
55. Moreover, States parties should take appropriate measures with regard to migrant domestic workers in a regular situation to facilitate their reunification with their spouses and children (article 44, paragraph 2).55. 此外,缔约国还应采取与合法移徙的家政工人有关的适当措施,为他们与配偶和子女团聚提供便利(第44条第2款)。
In the event of the death of or divorce from a migrant worker with a regular status, States parties should favourably consider granting independent residence status to family members of that migrant worker (article 50).拥有合法身份的移徙工人死亡或离婚的,缔约国应积极考虑赋予该移徙工人的家庭成员独立的居留身份。
Special protections for children对儿童的特殊保护
56. In line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and relevant International Labour Organization (ILO) instruments, States should ensure that migrant children do not perform any type of domestic work which is likely to be hazardous or harmful to their health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.56. 根据《儿童权利公约》和国际劳工组织(劳工组织)相关文书,各国应确保移徙儿童不会从事可能危及或有害于其健康或者身心、德育或社会发展的任何家政工作。
States shall refrain from adopting policies aimed at recruiting domestic migrant children.缔约国不得实行招聘移徙家政童工的政策。
57. States parties shall ensure that all migrant children, independently of their migration status, have access to free and compulsory primary education as well as to secondary education on the basis of equality of treatment with nationals of the State concerned (article 30), and that the domestic work carried out by children does not interfere with their education.57. 缔约国应当确保所有移徙儿童,无论其移民身份如何,都能接受免费小学义务教育,并按照与有关国家的国民平等的待遇,接受中学教育(第30条);还应当确保儿童从事的家政工作不会妨碍其教育。
Schools should not be required to report data on the regular or irregular status of pupils to immigration authorities.学校不得向移徙主管部门报告关于学生合法或非法身份的数据。
58. Children of migrant domestic workers shall be registered soon after birth, independently of the migration status of their parents, and be provided with birth certificates and other identity documents States should take all appropriate measures to ensure that children are not deprived of a nationality. (article 29)58. 移徙家政工人的子女应在出生后立即登记,而不论父母的移民身份如何,并为之提供出生证和其他身份证件。 各国应采取一切适当措施,确保儿童不被剥夺国籍(第29条)。
59. States parties should eliminate discriminatory policies and practices that deny or restrict the rights of children of migrant domestic workers, notably their right to health and education (articles 28 and 30).59. 缔约国应当取消剥夺或限制移徙家政工人子女的权利,特别是其健康权和受教育权的歧视性政策和做法(第28和第30条)。
Gender perspective两性平等观点
60. As noted by the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the position of female migrants is different from that of male migrants with regard to, inter alia, the migration channels used, the sectors of the labour market where they are employed, the forms of abuse they suffer and the consequences and impact thereof.60. 如消除对妇女一切形式歧视委员会所指出的,就所用的移徙渠道、受雇劳动部门、遭受虐待的形式和后果及其造成的影响等方面而言,女性移徙者的地位不同于男性移徙者。
Recognizing that most domestic workers are women and girls and taking into consideration traditional roles, the gendered labour market, the universal prevalence of gender-based violence and the worldwide feminization of poverty and labour migration, States should incorporate a gender perspective in efforts to understand their specific problems and develop remedies to the gender-based discrimination that they face throughout the migration process.鉴于大多数移徙 工人是妇女和女童,并考虑到传统角色、存在性别差异的劳动力市场、基于性别的暴力普遍存在以及世界各地贫穷妇女和参与劳动移徙的妇女人数增加等因素,各国 应在了解本国具体问题的努力中纳入两性平等观点,并针对妇女在整个移徙过程中面临的基于性别的歧视制定补救办法。
61. States parties should repeal sex-specific bans and discriminatory restrictions on women’s migration on the basis of age, marital status, pregnancy or maternity status (articles 1 and 7), including restrictions that require women to get permission from their spouse or male guardian to obtain a passport or to travel (article 8) or bans on women migrant domestic workers marrying nationals or permanent residents (article 14), or securing independent housing.61. 缔约国应当取消与性别有关的禁令以及基于年龄、婚姻状况、怀孕或生育状况而对妇女移徙作出的歧视性限制(第1和第7条),包括要求妇女必须征得配偶或男性 监护人同意才能获得护照或旅行的限制(第8条),或禁止移徙家政女工与国民或永久居民结婚(第14条)或获得独立住房的禁令。
States parties should also repeal discriminatory laws, regulations and practices related to HIV, including those which result in the loss of work visas based on HIV status, and ensure that medical testing of migrant domestic workers, including tests for pregnancy or HIV, is only done voluntarily and subject to informed consent.缔约国还应取消与艾滋病毒有关的歧视性法律、法规和做法,包括会造成因感染艾滋病毒而失去工作签证的法律、法规和做法,并确保只有在自愿和知情同意的情况下,才能对移徙家政工人进行医学测试,包括怀孕或艾滋病毒测试。
Embassies and consulates使领馆
62. While the States of employment have the primary responsibility to protect the rights of migrant domestic workers, embassies and consulates of States of origin should play an active role in protecting the rights of their nationals employed as migrant domestic workers.62. 虽然就业国负有保护移徙家政工人权利的首要责任,但原籍国的使领馆也应在保护被雇用为移徙家政工人的本国国民方面发挥积极作用。
In particular, embassies and consulates of countries of origin that are present in countries where migrant domestic workers are employed are encouraged, in coordination with the authorities in the countries of employment, to:尤其鼓励设在移徙家政工人就业国的原籍国使领馆与就业主管部门协调,以便:
(a) Ensure adequately trained staff and mechanisms (including telephone hotlines) to receive and address complaints made by migrant domestic workers, including through the provision of legal aid;确保有经过适当培训的工作人员和机制(包括热线)来接受和处理移徙家政工人的申诉,包括提供法律援助;
(b) Provide counselling and facilitate appropriate shelter for migrant domestic workers, especially women and children, fleeing from abusive employment circumstances;为逃离虐待性就业环境的移徙家政工人,特别是妇女和儿童提供咨询并促进为其提供适当的住所;
(c) Expedite the processing of temporary travel documents and return tickets to avoid migrant domestic workers in distress being trapped in shelters for lengthy periods of time;加快处理临时旅行证件和返回机票事宜,以免陷入困境的移徙家政工人长期滞留避难所;
(d) Receive, record and report information that can be useful to migrant domestic workers in the country of employment as well as to prospective migrant workers back home regarding:接收、记录并报告下列方面可能对就业国的移徙家政工人和国内潜在的移徙工人有用的信息:
(i) Actual country and employment conditions;实际的国家情况和就业状况;
(ii) The experience of migrant domestic workers, including travel and arrival, migration-related fees and debt, the effects on family, workplace conflicts, issues of rights and access to justice.移徙家政工人的经验,包括旅行和抵达、移徙相关费用和债务、对家庭的影响、工作场所纠纷、权利和诉诸司法的问题等。
63. Embassies and consulates of countries of origin are encouraged to cooperate with each other to identify abusive recruitment agencies and to promote appropriate protection policies for migrant domestic workers.63. 鼓励原籍国的使领馆相互合作,以查明存在虐待行为的招聘机构,并促进制定适当的移徙家政工人保护政策。
64. In the case of detention of a migrant domestic worker or a member of his or her family, the person shall be contacted by the embassies or consulates concerned with a view to arranging visits by the relevant consular officials in consultation with the State of employment. (articles 16, paragraph 7, and 23).64. 如果移徙家政工人或其家庭成员被拘留,有关使领馆应当与之取得联系,以便与就业国协商,安排有关领事官员对其进行探望(第16条第7款和第23条)。
Participation of migrant domestic workers and civil society移徙家政工人和民间社会的参与
65. The Committee emphasizes the importance of genuine consultations with migrant domestic workers and civil society organizations in the development and implementation of legislative and other measures related to migrant domestic workers and the protection of their rights.65. 委员会强调,在制定和执行与移徙家政工人及其权利保护有关的立法措施和其他措施时,应与移徙家政工人和民间社会组织进行真正的协商。
Monitoring and reporting监督和报告
66. States parties should include in their reports information about efforts to monitor the situation of migrant domestic workers, including through the provision of statistical data, and to protect their rights under the Convention, keeping in mind the recommendations contained in the present general comment.66. 缔约国应在报告中提供信息,包括统计数据,说明根据本一般性意见所提建议,为监督移徙家政工人的情况和保护他们依照《公约》享有的权利而做出的努力。
There is no accurate data on the number of domestic workers throughout the world, partly due to the high incidence of undeclared domestic work and the fact that national statistics often do not count domestic workers as a distinct category.在全世界的家政工人人数方面缺乏准确数据,部分原因是家政工作不公开的情况较多,而且国家统计数字往往不把家政工人算作一个独立的类别。
However, such data as are available show that domestic work accounts for between 4 and 10 per cent of total employment in developing countries and between 1 and 2.5 per cent in industrialized countries.不过,现有的这类数据表明,家政工人占发展中国家就业总人数的4%至10%,在发达国家,这一数字为1%至2.5%。
See International Labour Organization (ILO) (2009), “Decent Work for Domestic Workers”, Report IV(1), International Conference, 99th session, 2010.See International Labour Organization (ILO) (2009), “Decent Work for Domestic Workers”, Report IV(1), International Conference, 99th session, 2010。
Convention, art. 2.《公约》第2条。
Article 3 of the Convention excludes from its scope of application a number of categories of workers, including certain employees of international organizations and of States, investors residing outside of their State of origin, whose status are regulated by general international law or specific agreements; students and trainees; and seafarers and workers on offshore installations who have not been admitted to take up residence and engage in a remunerated activity in the States of employment.《公约》第3条的适用范围排除了一些类别的工人,包括国际组织和国家的某些员工;在非原籍国居住的投资者;其身份由一般国际法或特定协定加以规定的人员;学生和受训人员;未获就业国接纳入境居住和从事有报酬活动的海员和近海装置上的工人。
Moreover, refugees and stateless persons are only included under the Convention if such application is provided in national legislation (art. 3(d)).此外,只有在国家立法规定《公约》适用于难民和无国籍人的情况下,这些人员才可以包括在内(第3条(d)款)。
Convention, art.1.《公约》第1条。
Convention, Part III.《公约》第三部分。
Convention, Part IV.《公约》第四部分。
See ILO (2009), “Decent Work for Domestic Workers”, report IV(1), International Conference, 99th session 2010; José Maria Ramirez-Machado, Domestic Work, Conditions of Work and Employment: A Legal Perspective, ILO (2003).See ILO (2009), “Decent Work for Domestic Workers”, report IV(1), International Conference, 99th session 2010; José Maria Ramirez-Machado, Domestic Work, Conditions of Work and Employment: A Legal Perspective, ILO (2003)。
The core international human rights treaties all contain standards and safeguards which are of relevance to the protection of migrant domestic workers.核心国际人权条约均包含与保护移徙家政工人有关的标准和保障。
Several of the other human rights treaty- monitoring bodies have paid specific attention to the situation of migrants and migrant workers, including migrant domestic workers.其他一些人权条约监督机构也特别关注移徙者和移徙工人,包括移徙家政工人的状况。
See, in particular, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, general recommendation No. 26 (2008) on women migrant workers; Committee on Economic and Social Rights, general comment No. 18 (2005) on the right to work; Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 6 (2005) on treatment of unaccompanied and separated children outside their country of origin; Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, general recommendation No. 30 (2004) on discrimination against non citizens; Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 15 (1986) on the position of aliens under the Covenant.尤其见消除对妇女歧视委员会关于移徙女工的第26 (2008)号一般性建议;经济和社会权利委员会关于工作权利的第18 (2005)号一般性意见;儿童权利委员会关于远离原籍国无人陪伴和无父母陪伴的儿童待遇的第6 (2005)号一般性意见;消除种族歧视委员会关于对非公民的歧视的第30 (2004)号一般性建议;以及人权事务委员会关于《公约》所规定的外侨地位的第15 (1986)号一般性意见。
This recommendation is in line with Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights general comment No. 18 (2005) on the right to work, para. 10.这一建议与经济、社会、文化权利委员会关于工作权利的第18 (2005)号一般性意见第10段相一致。
See International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, art.见《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第十二条。
12. As the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights underlines in its general comment No. 20 (2009) on non-discrimination in economic, social and cultural rights, “The Covenant rights apply to everyone including non-nationals, such as refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless persons, migrant workers and victims of international trafficking, regardless of legal status and documentation” (para. 30).如经济、社会、文化权利委员会在第20 (2009)号一般性意见中所强调的,“《公约》权利适用于每个人,包括非国民,如难民、寻求庇护者、无国籍人、移徙工人和国际人口贩运的受害者,不论其法律地位和证件如何”(第30段)。
See also Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, general recommendation No. 30 (2004) on discrimination against non citizens.另见消除一切形式种族歧视委员会关于对非公民的歧视的第30 (2004)号一般性建议。
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, general recommendation No. 26 (2008) on women migrant workers, para. 5.消除对妇女歧视委员会关于移徙女工的第26 (2008)号一般性建议第5段。