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General comment No. 2 on the rights of migrant workers in an irregular situation and members of their families关于身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员权利的第2号一般性意见
Document CMW/C/GC/2Document CMW/C/GC/2
I. Introduction一. 导言
1. International sources estimate that between 10 and 15 per cent of the world’s international migrants are in an irregular situation, although the very nature of irregular migration makes it difficult to find reliable data on the scale of this phenomenon.1. 尽管非正常移徙行为本身的性质使得我们难以找到关于这一现象的规模的可靠数据,但据国际资料来源估计,国际移民中10%到15%没有正常身份。
While the economies of developing countries cannot absorb the large numbers of young men and, increasingly, women, seeking employment, population decline and ageing have reduced the labour force in developed countries, thereby generating a demand for low and middle-skilled migrant workers in many sectors of the economy.发展中国家的经济无法吸纳大量的青年男子和日益增多的求职妇女,而人口的下降和老龄化减少了发达国家的劳动力,从而在许多经济部门中产生了对中低技能移徙工人的需求。
However, that demand has not been matched by a corresponding increase in regular migration channels.然而,这种需求并未通过正常的移民渠道相应增加而得到满足。
As a result, employers often resort to migrant workers in an irregular situation to fill the gaps.因此,为填补差距,雇主往往转而雇用身份不正常的移徙工人。
2. As a deterrent for migrant workers and members of their families in an irregular situation to enter or stay on their territory, States increasingly resort to repressive measures, such as criminalization of irregular migration, administrative detention and expulsion.2. 作为对身份不正常的移徙工人及其家人入境或在其境内逗留的一种威慑,各国日益诉诸镇压措施,例如将非正常移徙行为定为犯罪、行政拘留和驱逐出境。
Criminalization of irregular migration fosters and promotes public perceptions that migrant workers and members of their families in an irregular situation are “illegal”, second-class individuals, or unfair competitors for jobs and social benefits, thereby fuelling anti-immigration public discourses, discrimination and xenophobia.将非正常移徙行为定为犯罪导致并加深了公众对身份不正常的移徙工人及其家人的偏见,认为这些人是“非法”的、二等公民或就业机会与社会福利的不正当竞争者,从而加剧公众的反移民言论、歧视和仇外心理。
Moreover, migrant workers and members of their families in an irregular situation generally live in fear of being reported to the immigration authorities by public service providers or other officials, or by private individuals, which limits their access to fundamental human rights, as well as their access to justice, and makes them more vulnerable to labour and other types of exploitation and abuse.此外,身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员一般生活在恐惧之中,担心被公共服务提供者或其他官员、或个人举报给移民机关,这限制了他们享受基本人权和诉诸司法,并使她们更易受到劳动剥削和虐待以及其他类型的剥削和虐待。
3. The term “migrant workers in an irregular situation” is defined in article 5 of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (the Convention), which specifies that migrant workers or members of their families are considered as non-documented or in an irregular situation if they are not authorized to enter, to stay or to engage in a remunerated activity in the State of employment pursuant to the law of that State and to international agreements to which it is a party.3. 《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》(《公约》)第5条界定了“身份不正常的移徙工人”一词。 该条规定,如移徙工人及其家庭成员未能在就业国内依照该国法律和该国为缔约国的国际协定,获准入境、逗留和从事有报酬活动,则视为没有证件或身份不正常。
4. The Committee is of the view that the term “in an irregular situation” or “non-documented” is the proper terminology when referring to their status.4. 委员会认为,“身份不正常的”或“没有证件的”这两个词是描述身份的适当术语。
The use of the term “illegal” to describe migrant workers in an irregular situation is inappropriate and should be avoided as it tends to stigmatize them by associating them with criminality.使用“非法”一词描述身份不正常的移徙工人是不恰当的,应当避免,因为该词将这些人与犯罪联系起来,往往导致对他们的偏见。
5. The situation of migrant workers may be irregular either because they have entered the State of employment in an unauthorized way and are thus not authorized to stay, reside or work in that State, or because they overstay the period or otherwise violate the conditions of their authorized stay.5. 移徙工人在未获准的情况下进入就业国,因而未获准在该国逗留、居住或工作;抑或他们逾期逗留或以其他方式违反了获准逗留的条件,这两种情况都可能导致他们没有正常身份。
Regular migrants may also lose their status through no fault of their own due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances affecting them or family members.正常的移徙者也可能由于疾病或因自身或家庭成员遭到不利的其他突发情况等并非自身的过错而丧失身份。
The Committee emphasizes that whatever the modalities of their stay, migrant workers can never be deprived of their fundamental rights, as protected under Part III of the Convention, by virtue of their irregular situation.委员会强调,无论移徙工人以何种方式逗留,永远不得因他们不具正常身份而剥夺他们所享有的受到《公约》第三部分保护的基本权利。
II. The normative framework for the protection of the rights of migrant workers in an irregular situation and members of their families二. 保护身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员权利的规范性框架
A. Part III of the ConventionA. 《公约》第三部分
6. Part III of the Convention protects the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation.6. 《公约》第三部分保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员、包括身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员的权利。
Most of the rights protected in Part III are common to a host of international human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.第三部分所保护的大多数权利与各种国际人权条约包括《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》及《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》所保护的权利相同。
Among the civil and political rights protected in Part III, the right of migrant workers to liberty and security of person (art. 16) and the right of migrant workers deprived of their liberty to be treated with humanity (art. 17) have been contextualized, taking into account the situation of this group of rights-holders.在第三部分所保护的公民权利和政治权利之中,移徙工人享有的人身自由和安全的权利(第16条)以及被剥夺自由的移徙工人受到人道待遇的权利(第17条)根据这一类权利持有人的具体情况而定。
Specific rights of migrant workers that are either not explicitly protected in other human rights treaties include their protection against unauthorized confiscation or destruction of personal documents (art. 21), procedural safeguards in individual expulsion proceedings (art. 22) and the right to have recourse to consular or diplomatic protection and assistance (art. 23).其他人权条约中未明确予以保护的移徙工人的特有权利包括:不得未经授权没收或销毁其个人证件(第21条),驱逐程序中的具体程序性保障(第22条)以及寻求领事或外交机关的保护和协助的权利(第23条)。
Among the economic, social and cultural rights of all migrant workers, the right to respect for their cultural identity (art. 31) and the right to transfer their earnings and savings upon termination of their stay in the State of employment (art. 32) are Convention-specific.在所有移徙工人享有的经济、社会和文化权利中,移徙工人的文化特性受到尊重的权利(第31条)以及结束他们在就业国的逗留时汇兑他们的收益和储蓄的权利(第32条)是《公约》所特有的。
In addition, Part III provides for information rights (art. 33) and affirms the obligation of all migrant workers and members of their families to comply with the laws of the State of employment or transit (art. 34).此外,第三部分还规定了信息权(第33条),并申明所有移徙工人及其家庭成员有义务遵守就业国或过境国的法律(第34条)。
B. Other international legal instrumentsB. 其他国际法律文书
7. The Committee notes that the Convention provides only for a minimum standard of protection.7. 委员会指出,《公约》仅仅规定了最低标准的保护。
Article 81, paragraph 1, states that nothing shall prevent States parties from granting more favourable rights or freedoms than those set out in the Convention to migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation, by virtue of the law and practice of, or any bilateral or multilateral treaty in force for, the State party concerned.第81条第1款规定,任何条款都不应阻止缔约国根据相关缔约国的法律和惯例或任何对相关缔约国有效的双边或多边条约而给予移徙工人及其家庭成员、包括身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员以比《公约》规定的权利和自由更为有利的权利和自由。
The Committee is of the view that a State’s obligation under the Convention must be read with respect to the core human rights treaties and other relevant international instruments to which it is a party.委员会认为,《公约》为一国规定的义务须与该国已加入的核心人权条约及其他相关国际文书一并解读。
Although separate and freestanding, these treaties are complementary and mutually reinforcing.尽管这些条约彼此独立,但它们具有互补性,相辅相成。
8. The rights guaranteed to migrants in an irregular situation in other international human rights treaties often have a wider scope than their counterparts in Part III of the Convention.8. 其他国际人权条约为身份不正常的移徙者保障的权利往往比《公约》第三部分规定的权利的范围更为广泛。
These treaties also contain additional rights.这些条约也包含额外的权利。
The rights guaranteed in those treaties generally apply to everyone, including migrants and other non-nationals, without discrimination of any kind as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, including immigration status.上述条约中保障的权利一般适用于所有人,包括移徙者及其他非国民,全然不分种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、族裔或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份,包括移民身份。
9. For example, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provides for a wider scope of protection regarding the right of peaceful assembly, the right to freely enter marriage and to equality of rights and responsibilities of spouses, the right of every child to special protection, the right to equality before the law and equal protection of the law, and minority rights.9. 例如,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》就下列权利作出了更为广泛的保护规定:和平集会的权利、自由缔结婚姻的权利以及配偶权利和义务平等的权利、所有儿童受到特别保护的权利、法律面前人人平等的权利和受到法律平等保护的权利,以及少数群体的权利。
In addition, other rights enshrined in the Covenant apply to all migrant workers, whether in a regular or an irregular situation, such as the right to form associations and trade unions and the right to protection of the family, whereas the Convention makes a distinction between migrant workers in a regular situation and those in an irregular situation.此外,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》所载的其他权利也适用于所有移徙工人,包括身份正常和身份不正常的移徙工人,例如结社或组建工会的权利和家人受到保护的权利;而《公约》则对身份正常的移徙工人和身份不正常的移徙工人加以区分。
Both the Covenant and the Convention protect the right to freedom of movement and to free choice of residence of migrants insofar as they are lawfully within the territory of a State party.《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》和《公约》均保护在缔约国境内合法居留的移徙者拥有自由移徙和自由选择居住地的权利。
10. Similarly, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights also provides for a broader range of rights, including the right to strike, the right to freely enter marriage, the right to maternity protection, the right to special protection of children and adolescents, the right to an adequate standard of living including adequate food and clothing, and certain cultural rights.10. 同样,《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》也规定了更广泛的权利,包括罢工的权利、自由缔结婚姻的权利、孕产妇受到保护的权利、儿童和青少年受到特别保护的权利、适足生活水准包括适足衣食的权利,以及某些文化权利。
The Convention does not provide for such rights only in relation to migrant workers in a regular situation.《公约》没有专门为身份正常的移徙工人规定这些权利。
In addition, the Covenant recognizes the rights to work, to vocational guidance and training, to form trade unions, to protection of the family, to housing, and to participate in cultural life.此外,《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》承认工作权、职业指导和培训权、组建工会的权利、家人受到保护的权利、住房权以及参与文化生活的权利。
The Convention recognizes these rights in relation to migrant workers in a regular situation and members of their families.《公约》承认身份正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员拥有这些权利。
In addition, most of the economic, social and cultural rights in Part III of the Convention have a narrower scope than their counterparts in the Covenant.此外,《公约》第三部分所载的大多数经济、社会和文化权利都比《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》中所载的上述权利的范围更狭隘。
Regional human rights treaties区域人权条约
11. Regional human rights treaties protect all migrants against refoulement and collective expulsion.11. 区域人权条约保护所有移徙者免遭驱回和集体驱逐。
However, the procedural safeguards in individual expulsion proceedings in regional human rights treaties apply only to migrants who are lawfully within the territory of a State party.但是,区域人权条约里个人驱逐程序中的程序保障仅适用于在某一缔约国境内合法居留的移徙者。
The rights protected in the European Social Charter apply to “foreigners only insofar as they are nationals of other Contracting Parties lawfully resident or working regularly within the territory of the Contracting Party concerned”, or to migrant workers and their families “lawfully within their territories”.《欧洲社会宪章》所保护的权利仅适用于“系在相关缔约方境内合法居住或定期工作的其他缔约方国民的外国人”或者“在其境内合法居留”的移徙工人及其家人。
The opinions of the European Committee of Social Rights, however, have held that the European Social Charter also applies to vulnerable categories of undocumented migrant children.然而,欧洲社会权利委员会的意见认为,《欧洲社会宪章》也适用于无证移徙儿童这一类弱势群体。
Moreover, the right to education is guaranteed to all migrant children, regardless of their migration status, in all regional human rights systems.此外,所有区域人权系统都保障全部移徙儿童均享有受教育权,不论其移民身份如何。
International Labour Organization国际劳工组织
12. International labour standards adopted by the International Labour Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO) apply to migrant workers, including those in an irregular situation, unless otherwise stated.12. 除非另有说明,否则国际劳工组织(劳工组织)国际劳工大会通过的国际劳工标准适用于移徙工人,包括身份不正常的移徙工人。
The fundamental principles and rights at work set out in the eight fundamental ILO Conventions apply to all migrant workers, irrespective of their nationality and migration status.劳工组织八大基本公约中所载的工作场所基本原则和权利适用于所有移徙工人,无论其国籍和移民身份如何。
The 1998 ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work and its follow-up requires all ILO member States to promote and realize the principles concerning the fundamental rights enshrined in these Conventions.1998年《劳工组织关于工作中基本原则和权利宣言》及其后续措施要求所有劳工组织成员国推动并实现与上述公约中所载基本权利有关的原则。
A number of other ILO standards of general application and those containing specific provisions on migrant workers in the areas of employment, labour inspection, social security, protection of wages, occupational safety and health, as well as in such sectors as agriculture, construction, hotels and restaurants, and domestic work, are of particular importance to migrant workers in an irregular situation.劳工组织具有普遍适用性的其他各项标准,以及针对移徙工人在就业、劳动监察、社会保障、工资保障、职业安全和健康方面及在农业、建筑、酒店、餐馆和家政等部门的相关具体标准对于身份不正常的移徙工人尤为重要。
Lastly, in formulating national laws and policies concerning labour migration and the protection of migrant workers in an irregular situation, States are also guided by ILO Convention No. 97 (1949) concerning Migration for Employment (Revised), Convention No. 143 (1975) concerning Migrations in Abusive Conditions and the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment of Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions), and the accompanying Recommendations Nos. 86 and 151.最 后,在制定与劳工移徙和保护身份不正常的移徙工人有关的国家法律和政策时,各国应以劳工组织的下列公约和建议书为指导:《关于移徙就业的第97号公约》 (修订版)(1949年)、《关于恶劣情况下的移徙和促进移徙工人机会和待遇平等的第143号公约》(补充条款) (1975年)及其相关的第86号和第151号建议书。
III. Protection of the Convention in relation to the rights of migrant workers and members of their families in an irregular situation三. 《公约》对身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员权利的保护
A. Basic principlesA. 基本原则
1. Power to regulate entry and stay1. 规制入境和逗留的权力
13. The Convention strikes a balance between the sovereign power of States parties to control their borders and to regulate the entry and stay of migrants workers and members of their families, on the one hand, and the protection of the rights, under Part III of the Convention, of all migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation, on the other.13. 《公约》在以下二者之间实现了平衡:一方面,缔约国拥有控制疆界和对移徙工人及其家庭成员入境和逗留实施管制的主权;另一方面,缔约国应根据《公约》第三部分为所有移徙工人及其家庭成员、包括身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员规定的权利提供保护。
This balance is reflected in article 79 of the Convention.《公约》第79条体现了这一平衡。
2. Duty to comply with the laws and regulations2. 遵守法律和规章的义务
14. Article 34 of the Convention states that nothing in Part III of the Convention shall have the effect of relieving migrant workers and members of their families from either the obligation to comply with the laws and regulations of any State of transit and the State of employment or the obligation to respect the cultural identity of the inhabitants of those States.14. 《公约》第34条规定,《公约》第三部分的规定并不免除移徙工人及其家庭成员遵守所有过境国家和就业国的法律和规章的义务,也不免除他们尊重该等国家居民的文化特性的义务。
The obligation to comply with the laws and regulations of the State of employment or any State of transit comprises a duty to refrain from any hostile act directed against national security, public order (ordre public) or the rights and freedom of others.遵守就业国或任何过境国的法律和规章的义务包括有义务避免任何危害国家安全、公共秩序或他人权利和自由的敌对行为。
3. Regularization3. 正常化
15. Article 35 of the Convention clarifies that the fact that Part III protects the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families, irrespective of their migration status, cannot be interpreted as implying the regularization of the situation of migrant workers or members of their families in an irregular situation or any right to such regularization.15. 《公约》第35条阐明,第三部分保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员的权利,不论其移民身份如何,但这一规定不得解释为意含身份不正常的移徙工人或其家庭成员情况的正常化,或获得这种正常化的任何权利。
While States parties have no obligation to regularize the situation of migrant workers or members of their families, they shall take appropriate measures, whenever migrant workers or members of their families within their territory are in an irregular situation, to ensure that such a situation does not persist (art. 69, para. 1).虽然缔约国并无义务使移徙工人或其家庭成员的身份正常化,但缔约国遇其境内有身份不正常的移徙工人或其家庭成员时,应采取适当措施确保这种情况不会继续下去(第69条第1款)。
States parties shall therefore consider the possibility of regularizing the situation of such persons in each individual case, in accordance with applicable national legislation and bilateral or multilateral agreements, taking into account the circumstances of their entry, the duration of their stay and other relevant considerations, in particular those relating to their family situation (art. 69, para.因此,缔约国在考虑按照适用的国家立法和双边或多边协定使这类人的身份正常化的可能性时,应适当顾及他们在就业国入境时的情况、他们逗留的时间长短及其他有关的考虑,特别是有关他们家庭状况的考虑(第69条第2款)。
2). When States parties provide for the regularization of migrant workers in their national legislation, they must ensure that all migrant workers and members of their families in an irregular situation have non-discriminatory and effective access to such regularization procedures and that those procedures are not applied in an arbitrary manner (arts. 7 and 69).缔约国在其国家立法中就移徙工人身份正常化问题作出规定时,须确保所有身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员都能不受歧视地切实使用此种身份正常化程序,且上述程序不会被随意滥用(第7条和第69条)。
16. The Committee recalls that regularization is the most effective measure to address the extreme vulnerability of migrant workers and members of their families in an irregular situation.16. 委员会回顾,身份正常化是解决身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员极端弱势处境的最有效措施。
States parties should therefore consider policies, including regularization programmes, for avoiding or resolving situations whereby migrant workers and members of their families are in, or are at risk of falling into, an irregular situation (art. 69, para. 1).因此,缔约国应当考虑制定政策,包括正常化方案,以避免或解决移徙工人及其家庭成员处于或有可能陷入身份不正常境地的各种情况(第69条第1款)。
4. International cooperation (Part VI)4. 国际合作(第六部分)
17. States parties shall cooperate in promoting sound, equitable, humane and lawful conditions for international migration (art. 64, para. 1).17. 缔约国应开展合作,增进国际移徙的合理、公平、人道和合法条件(第64条第1款)。
Coordinated policies, which ensure that migrant workers and members of their families have access to regular channels for migration, based on actual or projected labour market needs – at all skills levels – and resources (art. 64, para. 2), are an important element of such cooperation.开展这种合作的一项重要内容是制定协调的政策,确保移徙工人及其家庭成员能够根据实际或预测的劳动力需求――所有技能水平的需求――和资源采用正常渠道进行移徙(第64条第2款)。
By making regular channels of migration available, States parties also contribute to the aim of preventing and eliminating illegal or clandestine movements and employment of migrant workers in an irregular situation (art. 68).缔约国通过提供正常移徙渠道,也有助于实现预防和杜绝身份不正常的移徙工人非法或秘密移动和就业的目标(第68条)。
B. Non-discrimination (Part II)B. 不歧视(第二部分)
18. The principle of non-discrimination is central to all international human rights instruments and to the Charter of the United Nations.18. 不歧视原则对于所有国际人权文书和《联合国宪章》具有核心意义。
Article 7 of the Convention explicitly includes nationality among the prohibited grounds of discrimination.《公约》第7条明确规定禁止将国籍作为歧视的理由之一。
Treaty bodies have also interpreted the prohibition of discrimination to include non-nationals, such as migrant workers, regardless of legal status and documentation.条约机构亦解释说,禁止歧视包括禁止歧视非国民,例如移徙工人,不论其法律身份和证件状况如何。
The rights in Part III of the Convention also apply to all migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation.《公约》第三部分规定的权利也适用于所有移徙工人及其家人,包括身份不正常的移徙工人及其家人。
Therefore, any differential treatment based on nationality or migration status amounts to discrimination unless the reasons for such differentiation are prescribed by law, pursue a legitimate aim under the Convention, are necessary in the specific circumstances, and proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued.因此,以国籍或移民身份为由作区别对待构成歧视,除非这种区别是法律所规定的,旨在实现《公约》规定的某一正当目标,在特定情况下确有必要,并与旨在实现的正当目标相称。
19. Article 7 requires States parties “to respect and to ensure” to all migrant workers and members of their families without discrimination the rights provided for in the Convention.19. 第7条要求缔约国“尊重并确保”所有移徙工人及其家庭成员都能不受歧视地享有《公约》规定的各项权利。
Article 7 does not provide an autonomous right.第7条并没有规定自主权利。
Its application is limited to those rights of migrant workers and members of their families in an irregular situation that are protected in the Convention, and in particular Part III.对第7条的适用只限于《公约》、尤其是《公约》第三部分所保护的身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员享有的那些权利。
Article 7 covers both de jure and de facto discrimination.第7条既涵括法律上的歧视,也涵括事实上的歧视。
In this context, de jure refers to discrimination that exists in the law, and de facto refers to discrimination that exists in fact or has an effect even though not formally or legally recognized.在这种情况下,法律上的歧视是指法律规定的歧视,而事实上的歧视是指虽然没有得到正式承认或法律承认、但事实上存在或产生效力的歧视。
States parties shall respect the prohibition of discrimination by ensuring that their laws, regulations and administrative practices do not discriminate against migrant workers and members of their families.缔约国应确保其法律、规章和行政措施不歧视移徙工人及其家庭成员,从而遵守禁止歧视的规定。
The Committee is of the view that merely addressing de jure discrimination will not ensure de facto equality.委员会认为,仅仅解决法律上的歧视无法确保事实上的平等。
Therefore, States parties shall protect the rights under the Convention for all migrant workers by adopting positive measures to prevent, diminish and eliminate the conditions and attitudes which cause or perpetuate de facto discrimination against them.因此,缔约国应采取积极措施,预防、减少和消除造成对移徙工人事实上的歧视或致使这种歧视长久存在的情况和观念,从而保护所有移徙工人享有《公约》规定的权利。
20. Article 7 prohibits both direct and indirect discrimination against migrant workers.20. 第7条既禁止对移徙工人的直接歧视,也禁止对移徙工人的间接歧视。
In line with the jurisprudence of other international human rights mechanisms, indirect discrimination against migrant workers occurs when a law, policy or practice appears neutral at face value, but has a disproportionate impact on their rights.根据其他国际人权机制的判例,如果一项法律、政策或做法表面看似中立,但实则对移徙工人的权利造成不相称的影响,即发生了间接歧视移徙工人的情况。
For example, requiring birth certificates for school enrolment may disproportionately affect migrant workers in an irregular situation, who often do not possess, or have been denied, such certificates.例如,入学要求提供出生证可能会对身份不正常的移徙工人造成过于严重的影响,因为他们通常没有此类证件,或政府拒绝给予他们此类证件。
C. Protection of civil and political rights (Part III)C. 保护公民权利和政治权利(第三部分)
1. Protection against violence1. 防止暴力的保护措施
21. Migrant workers in an irregular situation, particularly women, are at increased risk of ill-treatment and other forms of violence at the hands of both private actors, including employers, and State officials which includes sexual violence, beatings, threats, psychological abuse, and denial of access to medical care, for example.21. 身份不正常的移徙工人、尤其是女性较易于遭受个人行为者(包括雇主)和国家官员的虐待或性暴力、殴打、威胁、心理虐待和拒绝给予医疗服务等其他形式的暴力行为。
Under article 16, paragraph 2, States parties have an obligation to protect all migrant workers and members of their families against violence, physical injury, threats and intimidation, whether by public officials or by private individuals, groups or institutions.根据第16条第2款,缔约国有义务保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员免遭无论公务人员或个人、团体或机构施以暴力、身体伤害、威胁和恫吓。
This obligation requires States parties to:这一义务要求缔约国:
Adopt and implement legislation prohibiting such acts;通过并实施禁止此种行为的立法;
Effectively investigate cases of abuse and violence;切实调查虐待和暴力案件;
Prosecute and punish those responsible with appropriate punishments;起诉责任人,并对责任人进行适当惩处;
Provide adequate reparation to victims and members of their families;向受害者及其家人提供充分赔偿;
Provide human rights training for public officials; and对公务人员进行人权培训;
Effectively monitor the conduct of State agents, and regulate that of private persons and entities, with a view to preventing such acts.切实监督国家工作人员的行为,并对个人和私人实体的行为实施监管,以防此种行为的发生。
22. States parties are also required to take effective measures to fight all manifestations of racism, xenophobia or related intolerance against migrant workers and members of their families, especially those in an irregular situation, such as hate crimes, incitement to hatred and hate speech, including by politicians and in the media, and to raise public awareness about the criminal nature of such acts as well as to promote respect for migrant workers’ human rights.22. 缔约国还有必要采取有效措施,打击针对移徙工人及其家庭成员、特别是身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员的一切形式的种族主义、仇外心理或相关不容忍现象, 例如仇恨犯罪、煽动仇恨和仇恨言论,包括政客和媒体的上述行为,同时提高公众对这些行为的犯罪性质的认识,并促进公众尊重移徙工人的人权。
2. Protection against arbitrary arrest and detention2. 防止任意逮捕和拘留的保护措施
23. Article 16 protects the right of migrant workers and members of their families to liberty and security of person (para. 1), and provides that identity controls of migrant workers must comply with the procedure established by law (para. 3).23. 第16条保护移徙工人及其家庭成员的人身自由和安全权(第1款),规定对移徙工人身份的核查须按照法律规定的程序进行(第3款)。
Article 16, paragraph 4, complements article 9, paragraph 1, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adding that migrant workers and members of their families shall not be subjected “individually or collectively” to arbitrary arrest or detention.第16条第4款与《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第9条第1款相辅相成,补充规定移徙工人及其家庭成员不应遭到“个别或集体”的任意逮捕或拘禁。
In order not to be arbitrary, arrest and detention of migrant workers and members of their families, including those in an irregular situation, must be prescribed by law, pursue a legitimate aim under the Convention, be necessary in the specific circumstances and proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued.为杜绝任意性,逮捕和拘禁移徙工人及其家庭成员、包括身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员须依法律规定进行,旨在实现《公约》规定的某一正当目标,在特定情况下确有必要,并与旨在实现的正当目标相称。
24. The Committee considers that crossing the border of a country in an unauthorized manner or without proper documentation, or overstaying a permit of stay does not constitute a crime.24. 委员会认为,在未获准或者没有适当证件的情况下跨越国境或逾期逗留并不构成犯罪。
Criminalizing irregular entry into a country exceeds the legitimate interest of States parties to control and regulate irregular migration, and leads to unnecessary detention.将非正常入境定为犯罪超越了缔约国管控非正常移徙的正当利益,导致不必要的拘留。
While irregular entry and stay may constitute administrative offences, they are not crimes per se against persons, property or national security.虽然非正常入境和逗留可能构成行政过错,但这些行为本身并不构成危及个人、财产或国家安全的真正的犯罪行为。
25. Although article 16, paragraph 4, does not define the permissible grounds for detention, it states that migrant workers and members of their families shall not be deprived of their liberty, except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedures as are established by law.25. 尽管第16条第4款并未界定允许拘留的理由,但它规定除根据法律所规定的理由和程序外,移徙工人及其家庭成员不得被剥夺自由。
Furthermore detention must be prescribed by law, pursue a legitimate aim under the Convention, be necessary in the specific circumstances, and proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued.此外,拘留必须依法律规定进行,旨在实现《公约》规定的某一正当目标,在特定情况下确有必要,并与旨在实现的正当目标相称。
26. In the Committee’s view, any custodial or non-custodial measure restricting the right to liberty must be exceptional and always based on a detailed and individualized assessment.26. 委员会认为,任何限制自由权的拘禁或非拘禁措施都必须是例外情况,并且必须经过详尽的个案评估。
Such assessment should consider the necessity and appropriateness of any restriction of liberty, including whether it is proportional to the objective to be achieved.此类评估应考虑任何限制自由行为的必要性和妥当性,包括是否与旨在实现的目标相称。
The principle of proportionality requires States parties to detain migrant workers only as a last resort, and to give preference to less coercive measures, especially non-custodial measures, whenever such measures suffice to achieve the objective pursued.相称性原则要求缔约国只在迫不得已的情况下才拘留移徙工人,优先选择胁迫性较轻的措施,特别是非拘禁措施,只要这种措施足以实现预期目标。
In all such cases, the least intrusive and restrictive measure possible in each individual case should be applied.在任何情况下,都应尽可能使用对各特定案例侵犯性和限制性最小的措施。
27. Administrative detention of migrants that is initially lawful and non-arbitrary may become arbitrary if it continues beyond the period for which a State party can provide proper justification.27. 对移徙者的行政拘留,即使最初为合法和非任意拘留,但若拘留时间超过了缔约方能够提供正当理由的期限,则可能变成任意拘留。
To prevent such a situation from occurring, a maximum period of administrative detention shall be established by law, upon expiry of which a detainee must be automatically released in the absence of such justification.为避免这种情况发生,法律应规定行政拘留的最长期限,一旦最长拘留期满,若无正当理由,必须自动释放被拘留者。
Administrative detention must never be unlimited or of excessive length.行政拘留绝对不得无期限或时间过长。
The justification for keeping a migrant worker detained shall be reviewed periodically to prevent prolonged and unjustified detention, which would be considered arbitrary.应定期审查持续拘留某一移徙工人是否有正当理由,以防止长期和无正当理由的拘留,这种拘留应被视为任意拘留。
Preventive detention of migrant workers often leads to prolonged detention based on vague criteria.对移徙工人的预防性拘留常常会导致基于模糊标准的长期拘留。
Therefore, such detention should be imposed only following an individual assessment in each case and for the shortest time possible, in compliance with all procedural safeguards provided for in article 16 of the Convention.因此,应按照《公约》第16条规定的所有程序性保障,在逐案进行个别评估后方可实施这种拘留,并应尽量缩短拘留时限。
In cases where an expulsion order cannot be executed for reasons beyond the detained migrant worker’s control, he or she shall be released in order to avoid potentially indefinite detention.在因被拘留的移徙工人不能掌控的原因而无法执行驱逐令的情况下,为避免可能导致的无限期拘留,应释放该移徙工人。
28. Article 16, paragraph 5, requires States parties to inform migrant workers and members of their families who are arrested of the reasons for their arrest at the time of arrest and, as far as possible, in a language they understand.28. 第16条第5款要求缔约国逮捕移徙工人及其家庭成员时须尽可能以他们懂得的语言告知逮捕理由。
Moreover, they must be promptly informed of the charges against them in a language they understand.此外,还必须以他们懂得的语言迅速告知对他们提出的任何指控。
In order to comply with this obligation, States parties should consider preparing standard notification forms, containing, inter alia, information on available remedies, in the languages that are most frequently used or understood by migrant workers in an irregular situation in the State party concerned.为了履行这一义务,缔约国应考虑使用有关缔约国中身份不正常的移徙工人最常用或所懂得的语言编写标准通知书,其中应包括有关现有的补救办法等资料。
Such standard notification forms, however, should be complementary to the issuance of a detention order containing factual information and the legal grounds pertaining to the arrest.不过,这种标准通知书应当作为载有与逮捕相关的事实资料和法律依据的逮捕令的补充。
29. Under article 16, paragraph 6, the guarantees of certain rights of migrant workers and members of their families in custody and pretrial detention are applicable to anyone suspected of committing or having committed a crime.29. 根据第16条第6款,为被拘禁或被拘留候审的移徙工人及其家庭成员的某些权利提供的保障适用于任何嫌犯罪或已犯罪的人。
30. Article 16, paragraph 7, provides for the right of migrant workers who are deprived of their liberty to communicate with the consular or diplomatic authorities of their State of origin or those of a State representing the interests thereof.30. 第16条第7款规定,被剥夺自由的移徙工人有权与原籍国的领事或外交当局或代表该国利益的领事或外交当局联系。
It also requires State parties to:该款还要求缔约国:
Inform the said authorities without delay of the arrest or detention of the migrant worker concerned, if he or she so requests;如当事人有此要求,应毫不拖延地将有关移徙工人被逮捕或拘禁情事告知上述当局;
Facilitate any communication between the person concerned and the said authorities;便利当事人与上述当局联系;
Inform the person concerned without delay of this right as well as of rights under other applicable treaties; and毫不拖延地告知当事人此项权利及其他适用的条约规定的各种权利;
Correspond and meet with representatives of the said authorities and make arrangements with them for his or her legal representation.与上述当局的代表通信和会面,并通过他们安排法律代理人。
31. In order to enable detained migrant workers to avail themselves effectively of the rights under (c) above, States parties shall provide the relevant information without delay, that is, upon or shortly after admission to the facility where they are deprived of their liberty and preferably in a language they understand.31. 为了使被拘留的移徙工人能够有效地利用上述(c)项所规定的权利,缔约国即应毫不拖延地(亦即:他们一进入被剥夺自由的设施或其后不久)向他们提供有关信息,并且最好以他们懂得的语言提供信息。
In relation to (a) above, the Committee emphasizes that the detaining State shall only contact the said authorities if this is explicitly requested by the detained migrant worker.关于上述(a)项,委员会强调,只有被拘留的移徙工人明确提出这一要求,实施拘留的国家才能与上述当局联系。
In particular, migrant workers with potential protection needs shall not be brought to the attention of the said authorities without their knowledge and consent.具体而言,对于可能需要给予保护的移徙工人,在他们不知情和未征得他们同意的情况下,不应提请上述当局注意。
32. Article 16, paragraph 8, provides for the right of all migrant workers and members of their families who are deprived of their liberty by arrest or detention to take proceedings before a court, in order that the court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of their detention. If the court finds that the detention is unlawful, it must order the release of the detained migrant worker.32. 第16条第8款规定,所有因遭逮捕或拘禁而被剥夺自由的移徙工人及其家庭成员应有权向法庭提出诉讼,以期法庭可毫不拖延地就他们遭到拘禁是否合法作出判决,并在拘禁不合法时下令予以释放。
The Committee considers that mandatory detention of migrant workers and members of their families in an irregular situation is incompatible with article 16, paragraph 8, if the possibility of judicial review is confined to a formal assessment of whether the migrant worker concerned entered the State party without a valid entry permit, without the possibility of release if the detention is incompatible with article 16, paragraph 4.委员会认为,如果司法复审仅限于对有关移徙工人是否在没有有效入境许可证的情况下进入缔约国作出一项正式评估,并且在拘留不符合第16条第4款的规定时亦不予以释放的话,则强制性拘留身份不正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员不符合第16条第8款的规定。
33. The Committee considers that anyone arrested and detained solely for immigration purposes should be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power to review the lawfulness of the arrest and/or detention and the continued necessity of such arrest or detention; and to order unconditional release and/or less coercive measures, if warranted.33. 委员会认为,单单出于移民目的而被逮捕和拘留的任何人都应被及时带见法官或法律授权行使司法权力的其他官员,以评估逮捕和/或拘留是否合法以及是否仍有必要进行这种逮捕或拘留;如有正当理由,还应下令无条件释放和/或采取胁迫性较轻的措施。
Further reviews of the continued necessity and lawfulness of the detention should be carried out at regular intervals by a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power.法官或法律授权行使司法权力的其他官员应定期评估是否仍有必要拘留以及拘留是否依然合法。
The burden of proof must rest on the detaining authorities to demonstrate that the presumption in favour of liberty should be displaced.实施拘留的机构须承担举证责任,提出推翻释放受拘留者的推定的理由。
The migrant worker must have access to legal representation and advice, if necessary free of charge, to challenge the lawfulness of detention.移徙工人必须能雇用律师作为代表并获得法律意见(如有必要,应当免费),从而质疑拘留的合法性。
Children, and in particular unaccompanied or separated children, should never be detained solely for immigration purposes.任何时候都不得以单纯的移民身份为由拘留儿童,尤其是孤身儿童或离散儿童。
34. Article 16, paragraph 8, of the Convention provides for the right of migrant workers attending such proceedings to an interpreter, if necessary, without cost to them, if they cannot understand or speak the language used.34. 《公约》第16条第8款规定,移徙工人出庭时,如不懂或不会说庭上所用语言,有权于必要时获得译员的协助,无需支付费用。
In the Committee’s view, States parties should take effective measures to ensure that all migrant workers held in migration detention centres, including those who opt for voluntary repatriation, are properly informed of their rights in a language they understand, especially with regard to their rights to consular assistance, to challenge the lawfulness of their detention and/or to release, to request asylum and to receive information about protection measures available to victims or witnesses of trafficking in persons.委 员会认为,缔约国应采取有效措施,确保所有羁押在移民拘留中心的移徙工人、包括选择自愿遣返的移徙工人都能以他们懂得的一门语言适当知悉其权利,特别是下 列权利:寻求领事协助、质疑拘留他们的合法性和/或被释放、请求庇护、获得关于人口贩运行为受害者或证人可以使用的保护措施的资料。
35. Article 16, paragraph 9, provides for an enforceable right to compensation for migrant workers and members of their families who have been victims of unlawful arrest or detention.35. 第16条第9款规定,遭到非法逮捕或拘禁的移徙工人及其家庭成员,应享有获得可强制执行的赔偿的权利。
This right does not depend on a violation of article 16.这项权利并不取决于是否违反第16条。
It is sufficient that the arrest or detention be found unlawful under national or international law.只需根据国内法或国际法的规定认定逮捕或拘留为非法行为即可。
States parties shall ensure that the right to compensation can be effectively enforced before the competent domestic authority.缔约国应确保,获得赔偿的权利能够在国内主管部门得到强制执行。
States parties must also ensure that migrant workers and members of their families are not expelled while their claim is being considered.缔约国还须确保,在审理移徙工人及其家庭成员的诉求的过程中,不得将他们驱逐出境。
3. Protection against inhumane treatment3. 防止不人道待遇的保护措施
36. In accordance with article 17, paragraph 1, of the Convention, States parties have an obligation to treat migrant workers and members of their families who are deprived of their liberty with humanity, and with respect for their inherent dignity and cultural identity.36. 根据《公约》第17条第1款,缔约国有义务人道地对待被剥夺自由的移徙工人及其家庭成员,并尊重他们固有的尊严和文化特性。
In order to respect the inherent dignity of migrant workers and members of their families who are deprived of their liberty, States parties are obliged to ensure adequate conditions in line with applicable international standards, including the provision of adequate sanitary, bathing and shower facilities; adequate food (including appropriate food for those observing religious dietary laws) and drinking water; the right to communicate with relatives and friends; access to qualified medical personnel, and adequate opportunities to practise their faith, for example.为尊重被剥夺自由的移徙工人及其家 庭成员的固有尊严,缔约国须依照相关国际标准确保充分的条件。 例如,上述条件包括提供充足的卫生、洗浴和淋浴设施;充足的食物(包括为遵守宗教饮食戒律的人提供适当的食物)和饮用水;与亲戚朋友联系的权利;获得合格 的医务人员服务以及开展礼拜活动的充分机会。
It also requires States parties to ensure that they are not subjected to any form of inhumane treatment, including sexual violence and abuse, by guards or other detainees or inmates.该款还要求缔约国确保他们免遭保安或其他被拘留者或囚犯任何形式的不人道待遇,包括性暴力和虐待。
States parties must therefore:因此,缔约国须:
Train supervisory and other staff;培训管理人员和其他人员;
Enable regular and independent monitoring of places where migrant workers are or may be deprived of their liberty;确保对移徙工人被剥夺自由或可能被剥夺自由的地点进行定期和独立的监测;
Ensure that they have access to effective and independent complaint mechanisms, including access to legal counsel and interpreters;确保他们能够使用有效和独立的申诉机制,包括得到律师和译员的协助;
Investigate complaints of torture and other forms of ill-treatment in places where migrant workers or members of their families are deprived of their liberty; and调查在移徙工人或其家庭成员被剥夺自由的地点中发生酷刑或其他形式的虐待的申诉;
Bring those responsible to justice.将责任人绳之以法。
37. Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Convention provides that accused migrant workers and members of their families shall be separated from convicted persons and shall be subjected to a regime appropriate to their status as persons who have not been convicted of a crime.37. 《公约》第17条第2款规定,被控告的移徙工人及其家庭成员,除特殊情况外,应与已经定罪的人隔离,对他们使用的管理办法应合乎他们作为未定罪者的身份。
In addition, accused juveniles shall be separated from adults and brought as speedily as possible for adjudication.此外,被控告的未成年人应与成年人隔开,并应尽快予以审判。
38. Article 17, paragraph 3, underlines the non-punitive nature of administrative detention. It provides for migrant workers or members of their families who are detained for violation of provisions relating to migration to be held, insofar as is practicable, separately from convicted persons or pretrial detainees.38. 第17条第3款强调了行政拘留的非惩罚性质,规定移徙工人或其家庭成员因触犯移徙条例被拘留时,应尽实际可能,被安置于与已经定罪的人或拘留候审的人分开的处所。
Given that such detention can last for an extended period, migrant detainees should be kept in special facilities that are specifically designed for that purpose.鉴于这种拘留可以持续较长时间,应将被拘留的移徙者安置在专门为这一目的所设计的特别设施之中。
Moreover, migrant workers and members of their families should not be subjected to any greater restriction or severity than is necessary to ensure safe custody and good order.此外,除了为确保安全拘禁和良好秩序以外,移徙工人及其家庭成员不应遭受不必要的限制或严重制裁。
The Committee is of the view that States parties should look for alternatives to administrative detention and that administrative detention should only be used as a last resort.委员会认为,缔约国应当寻求替代行政拘留的办法,只在迫不得已的情况下才使用行政拘留。
39. The Committee considers that administrative detention of migrant workers should, as a rule, take place in public establishments.39. 委员会认为,对移徙工人的行政拘留通常应在公营场所进行。
Privately run migrant detention centres pose particular difficulties in terms of monitoring.私营的移民拘留中心给监管带来特殊的困难。
States parties cannot absolve themselves of their human rights obligations by contracting out the detention of persons to private commercial enterprises.缔约国并不能因为将拘留个人的活动承包给私营商业企业而免除国家所应承担的人权义务。
If States parties delegate such functions to private companies, they must ensure respect for the rights of detained migrant workers, as provided for under article 17 of the Convention.如果缔约国将此类职能下放给私营公司,它们必须确保按照《公约》第17条的规定尊重被拘留的移徙工人的权利。
States parties must ensure that detention centre personnel are trained in human rights, cultural sensitivity, and age and gender considerations.缔约国还须确保对拘留中心的工作人员进行人权、文化敏感性、年龄和性别问题方面的培训。
40. Article 17, paragraph 4, underscores the essential aim of the criminal justice system, which is to reform and rehabilitate offenders.40. 第17条第4款强调,刑事司法制度的基本宗旨是改造犯罪者。
Juvenile offenders must be separated from adults and treated appropriately for their age and legal status, and pursuant to international standards, including the United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty.应将少年犯罪者与成年人隔离,依年龄和法律地位并根据《联合国保护被剥夺自由少年规则》等国际标准予以适当对待。
41. Article 17, paragraph 5, guarantees detained and imprisoned migrant workers and members of their families the same rights as nationals with regard to visits by their family members.41. 第17条第5款保障被拘留和被监禁的移徙工人及其家庭成员在接受家庭成员探访方面与国民享有同等权利。
If the law of a State party grants certain visitation rights, such as direct contact with visiting family members, to nationals who are deprived of their liberty, it must ensure equal rights for detained or imprisoned migrant workers, including those in an irregular situation.如果缔约国的法律给予被剥夺自由的国民以某些探访权利,例如与前来探访的家人直接接触,则该缔约国必须确保亦给予被拘留或被监禁的移徙工人、包括身份不正常的此类移徙工人以同等权利。
States parties shall eliminate de facto discrimination against detained migrant workers by removing practical barriers to their equal enjoyment of visitation rights, such as detention in a remote location, making access difficult for family members.缔约国应杜绝对被拘留的移徙工人事实上的歧视,为此应消除妨碍他们平等享有探访权的实际障碍,例如拘留地点偏远,造成家庭成员难以前来探访。
42. Article 17, paragraph 6, requires States parties to pay attention to the problems that deprivation of liberty may pose for family members, in particular spouses and minor children.42. 第17条第6款要求各缔约国注意剥夺自由可能给家庭成员尤其是配偶和未成年子女带来的种种问题。
In such cases, the Committee is of the view that States parties should seek alternatives to administrative detention, as administrative detention often has dire consequences, both economically and psychologically, for spouses and children.在这种情况下,委员会认为,缔约国应寻求替代行政拘留的办法,因为行政拘留往往会在经济和心理上给配偶和子女造成可怕的后果。
43. Article 17, paragraph 7, contains a specific non-discrimination clause providing for detained or imprisoned migrant workers and members of their families to enjoy the same rights as nationals of the State of employment or transit who are in the same situation.43. 第17条第7款载有一项明确的不歧视条款,其中规定被拘留或被监禁的移徙工人及其家庭成员应与就业国或过境国内与他们的处境相同的国民享有同等权利。
This provision has the effect of extending additional procedural safeguards, over and above those contained in article 17, to detained migrant workers, such as the right to communicate with the outside, including by telephone, access to health professionals and to education, if also provided to nationals.这一规定的效果是,除第17条所载的保护措施外,还为被拘留的移徙工人提供了额外的程序性保障,例如与外界联系包括通电话的权利、接触医务人员的权利和受教育的权利,只要缔约国也为国民提供同样的保障。
44. This provision also raises the issue of family detention.44. 这一条款还提出了拘留家庭的问题。
As a general rule, children and families with children should not be detained and States parties should always give priority to alternatives to detention where children and families are concerned.一般来说,不应拘留儿童以及有儿童的家庭,涉及儿童和家庭时,缔约国始终都应优先考虑拘留的替代办法。
When family detention is unavoidable, detention of children shall be used “only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time”, in accordance with article 37, paragraph (b), of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.在拘留家庭不可避免时,根据《儿童权利公约》第37条(b)款的规定,对儿童的拘留应“仅作为最后手段,期限应为最短的适当时间”。
Moreover, the primary consideration in all actions concerning children shall be the best interest of the child standard, as laid down in article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.此外,在一切事关儿童的行动中,首要考虑因素都应是《儿童权利公约》第3条第1款规定的儿童最大利益标准。
States parties shall ensure that children in detention are treated with humanity and respect for the inherent dignity of the human person and in an age-appropriate manner and are provided with all legal safeguards (Convention on the Rights of the Child, art.缔约国应确保被拘留的儿童受到人道待遇,人格的固有尊严应受尊重,待遇应适合他们的年龄,并为他们提供所有法律保障(《儿童权利公约》第37条)。
37). States parties shall therefore provide living quarters that are suitable for children and provide adequate access to education, play and leisure facilities, and, in the case of children detained with their parents, in special family units.因此,缔约国应提供适合儿童的住宅单元,并且确保儿童能够充分接受教育、玩耍和使用娱乐设施;如果儿童与父母同被拘留,应提供专门的家庭单元。
Children should not be separated from their parents against their will except when such separation is necessary for the best interests of the child (Convention on the Rights of the Child, art. 9, para. 1).不应违背儿童父母的意愿让儿童与父母分离,除非这样的分离符合儿童的最大利益而确有必要(《儿童权利公约》第9条第1款)。
Unaccompanied children should be appointed a legal guardian who should be entrusted with the duty to care for the child outside of detention facilities.应为孤身儿童任命一位法律监护人,并委托法律监护人负责在拘留设施之外照料儿童。
45. States parties must also take into consideration the special situation of women migrant workers in detention.45. 缔约国还须考虑到被拘留的女性移徙工人的特殊处境。
States parties must ensure separate facilities for men and women, ensure the provision of gender-specific health care services, and also provide for the specific needs of pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and mothers with young children.缔约国须确保将男性和女性拘留在单独的设施之中,确保针对不同性别提供专门的医疗保健服务,并根据怀孕妇女、哺乳母亲和携带幼儿的母亲的特殊需求制定措施。
States should avoid detaining women migrant workers in the final months of pregnancy or if they are nursing.各国应避免对怀孕后期或哺乳期的女性移徙工人进行拘留。
The United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules) provide useful guidelines for States in these situations.《联合国关于女性囚犯待遇和女性罪犯非拘禁措施的规则》(“曼谷规则”)为各国在上述情况下提供了有用的指南。
46. Detention can be particularly damaging to vulnerable categories of migrant workers, impacting negatively on their physical and mental health.46. 拘留可对移徙工人中的弱势人群造成特别严重的损害,对他们的身心健康造成负面影响。
These migrant workers and members of their families may include victims of torture, unaccompanied older persons, persons with disabilities and persons living with HIV/AIDS.上述弱势移徙工人及其家庭成员可能包括酷刑受害者、孤身老人、残疾人以及艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者。
Special measures should be taken to protect vulnerable people deprived of their liberty, including access to adequate health services, medication and counselling.应采取特别措施,保护被剥夺自由的弱势人群,包括获得充分的医疗服务、药物和咨询。
Moreover, migrant workers with disabilities and members of their families with disabilities should be provided with “reasonable accommodation” to ensure their right to enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis with others.此外,应向残疾移徙工人以及移徙工人的残疾家庭成员提供“合理便利”,以确保他们有权与他人平等享有人权和基本权利。
47. With regard to article 17, paragraph 8, the Committee considers that detention “for the purpose of verifying any infraction of provisions related to migration” covers the entire duration of administrative detention, and that, consequently, migrant workers and members of their families subjected to administrative detention shall not bear any costs arising therefrom.47. 关于第17条第8款,委员会认为,“因检查任何违反有关移徙条例情事的目的”而实施的拘留涵盖整个行政拘留期,因此,遭到行政拘留的移徙工人及其家庭成员不应承担由此产生的任何费用。
48. Considering that migrant workers deprived of their liberty are in a particularly vulnerable situation due to their predicament and the uncertainty of the circumstances, the Committee is convinced of the importance of independent monitoring in preventing torture and other forms of ill-treatment and abuse.48. 鉴于被剥夺自由的移徙工人因身处困境、和前景不明而处于特别弱势的地位,委员会认为,有必要为防范酷刑和其他形式的虐待开展独立的监测。
National human rights institutions, relevant civil society actors, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights should have broad access to all places of detention where migrants are or may be detained.国家人权机构、相关民间社会行动者、联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)、红十字国际委员会和联合国人权事务高级专员办事处应不受限制地进入拘留或可能拘留移徙者的一切拘留场所。
4. Protection in expulsion proceedings4. 驱逐程序中的保护措施
49. Article 22 of the Convention prohibits collective expulsion and provides procedural safeguards in individual expulsion proceedings with respect to both regular and irregular migrant workers and members of their families.49. 《公约》第22条禁止集体驱逐,并在个人驱逐程序中提供了程序性保障,既涉及身份正常的移徙工人及其家庭成员,也涉及身份不正常移徙工人及其家庭成员。
While article 22 regulates only the procedure and not the substantive grounds of expulsion, its purpose is to prevent arbitrary expulsions and to provide substantive protection against expulsions in certain situations.尽管第22条只是规定驱逐程序而非实质性驱逐理由,但其宗旨是防止任意驱逐,并在某些情况下提供实质性保护,以防驱逐。
Article 22 applies to all procedures aimed at the obligatory departure of migrant workers whether described in national law as expulsion or otherwise.第22条适用于旨在使移徙工人强制离境的所有程序,不论国内法将这种强制离境称为驱逐还是其他。
Substantive protection against expulsion: non-refoulement防止驱逐的实质性保护措施:不驱回
50. The principle of non-refoulement, as contained in international and regional human rights and refugee law, is the prohibition on forcibly removing anyone, in any manner whatsoever, to a country or territory where they would be at real risk of persecution or serious human rights violations or abuses.50. 国际和区域人权法和难民法中规定的不驱回原则是指禁止以任何方式将任何人强制遣送至他们真正有可能受到迫害或遭受严重侵犯人权行为或虐待的国家或地区。
In the view of the Committee, this principle covers the risk of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, including inhumane and degrading conditions of detention for migrants or lack of necessary medical treatment in the country of return, as well as the risk to the right to life (arts. 9 and 10 of the Convention).委员会认为,这一原则涵括酷刑和残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的风险(包括向移徙者提供不人道和有辱人格的拘留条件或遣回国缺乏必要的医疗)以及危及生命权的风险(《公约》第9条和第10条)。
It also applies to situations where individuals would not be protected from onward refoulement.它也适用于个人无法避免遭受再次驱回的情况。
The Committee is of the view that migrants and members of their families should be protected in cases where expulsions would constitute arbitrary interference with the right to family and private life.委员会认为,如果驱逐构成对家庭生活权和私人生活权的任意干扰,则应保护移徙者及其家庭成员。
Migrants and members of their families in an irregular situation with international protection needs should also be protected against expulsion.同时,还应对需要国际保护的身份不正常的移徙者及其家庭成员给予保护,使他们免遭驱逐。
Prohibition of collective expulsion禁止集体驱逐
51. Article 22, paragraph 1, of the Convention explicitly prohibits collective expulsion and requires that each case of expulsion be examined and decided individually.51. 《公约》第22条第1款明确禁止集体驱逐,并要求对每一宗驱逐案件进行逐案审查和决定。
States parties have an obligation to ensure that their expulsion procedures provide sufficient guarantees to ensure that the personal circumstances of each migrant worker are genuinely and individually taken into account.缔约国有义务确保驱逐程序能提供充分的保障,以确保切实逐一考虑每个移徙工人的个人情况。
This obligation extends to all spaces over which a State party exercises effective control, which may include vessels on the high seas.这项义务涵盖缔约国行使有效控制的所有空间,可包括公海上的船只。
Procedural safeguards in individual expulsion proceedings个人驱逐程序中的程序性保障
52. Article 22, paragraph 2, seeks to prevent arbitrary expulsions by allowing only those carried out “in pursuance of a decision taken by the competent authority in accordance with law.”52. 第22条第2款旨在防止任意驱逐,为此只准许“按照主管当局依法作出的决定”采取的驱逐行动。
Article 22, paragraph 3, provides for the decision on expulsion to be communicated to the migrant worker concerned in a language he or she understands and, upon his or her request where not otherwise mandatory, in writing and with reasons, save in exceptional circumstances on grounds of national security.第22条第3款规定,应以有关移徙工人所懂得的语言将判决传达给他们,如果没有另外的强制性规定,经他们要求,应以书面方式将判决传达给他们,除涉及国家安全的特殊情况外,应说明判决的理由。
These rights are important to ensure due process, by enabling migrant workers to prepare their arguments with regard to such a decision.这些权利对于确保正当程序十分重要,使移徙工人能够针对此类判决准备辩词。
The right of the persons concerned to be informed of these rights before, or, at the latest, at the time the decision is rendered, serves the same purpose.当事人有权在作出判决之前或至迟在作出判决之时被告知上述权利;这一权利也同样是为了实现上述目的。
53. The right of a person to submit the reason he or she should not be expelled and to have his or her case reviewed by the competent authority (art.53. 个人有权提出不应被驱逐的理由,并由有关当局对案件进行复审(第22条第4款)。
22, para. 4), includes the right to seek a stay of the decision of expulsion pending review of the said decision.这一权利包括对驱逐的判决进行复审之前,个人有权请求暂缓执行判决。
While a stay of decision does not regularize the status of the person concerned for the time of the proceedings, it prevents the State party from expelling him or her before a final decision is rendered.虽然暂缓执行判决并未使当事人在诉讼期间的身份正常化,但它可防止缔约国在作出最终决定之前将当事人驱逐出境。
In accordance with article 83 of the Convention, States parties are obliged to provide an effective remedy, including the right to review by a competent authority for migrant workers and their family members, whose rights and freedoms as recognized in the Convention have been violated.根据《公约》第83条,缔约国有义务为《公约》承认的各种权利和自由受到侵犯的移徙工人及其家庭成员提供有效的补救办法,包括要求主管当局进行复审的权利。
The Committee notes that migrant workers and members of their families must be given adequate time and facilities to pursue such a remedy against expulsion so as to ensure the effectiveness of their right to review.委员会指出,必须给予移徙工人及其家庭成员以充分的时间和便利,使他们能够寻求这种针对驱逐的补救办法,从而确保他们切实享有复审权。
Such facilities should include the right to legal assistance and the assistance of an interpreter, if necessary, and be free of charge, if the circumstances of the case so require.此类便利应包括:获得法律援助和口译员协助(如有必要)的权利,并在案情需要时,免费提供上述服务。
The competent authority reviewing the decision of expulsion should ideally be a court.对驱逐的判决进行复审的主管当局最好应是法院。
The right to appeal expulsion under article 22, paragraph 4, of the Convention may only be restricted for “compelling reasons of national security”.只可出于“国家安全的重大理由”限制《公约》第22条第4款规定的对驱逐令提出上诉的权利。
54. Article 22, paragraph 5, states that if an expulsion decision that has already been executed is subsequently annulled, the person concerned has the right to seek compensation according to law.54. 第22条第5款规定,已经执行的驱逐判决若随后被废止,当事人有权依法要求赔偿。
The expelling State shall ensure that the expelled person has the necessary facilities to pursue his or her compensation claim from abroad, for example, by appointing a legal representative.驱逐国应确保提供便利,让被驱逐者从国外提出索赔,例如指定一名法律代表。
Furthermore, the expelling State may not invoke the earlier (annulled) decision to deny the person concerned re-entry into its territory.此外,驱逐国不得援引先前的(已取消的)判决,并以此为由拒绝当事人再次入境。
55. Article 22, paragraph 6, provides for the person concerned by an expulsion decision to have a reasonable opportunity before or after departure to settle any claims for wages and other entitlements due to him or her and any pending liabilities.55. 第22条第6款规定,驱逐判决的当事人在离境之前或之后应有合理机会解决任何应得工资和其他应享权利的要求以及任何未决义务。
This provision echoes article 9, paragraph 1, of ILO Convention No. 143 (1975) concerning Migrations in Abusive Conditions and the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment of Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions).这一规定反映了劳工组织《关于恶劣情况下的移徙和促进移徙工人机会和待遇平等的第143号公约》(1975年)(补充条款)第9条第1款。
The opportunity to settle claims, wages and other benefits must be effective in practice.解决要求、工资和其他福利问题的机会必须具备实际可操作性。
Migrant workers often encounter problems pursuing legal claims in the State of employment once they have returned to their State of origin, including high litigation costs or difficulties providing evidence.一旦移徙工人返回原籍国,在向就业国提出法律索赔时经常遇到问题,包括高额诉讼费或难以提供证据。
Therefore, States parties should, whenever possible, grant migrant workers and their family members a reasonable period of time prior to their expulsion to claim wages and benefits.因此,缔约国应尽可能在驱逐移徙工人及其家庭成员之前给予他们一段合理的时间,以索取工资和福利。
States parties should also consider time-bound or expedited legal proceedings to address such claims by migrant workers.缔约国还应考虑制定限时或加速的法律程序,以处理移徙工人的这类要求。
In addition, States parties should conclude bilateral agreements so that migrant workers who return to their State of origin may have access to justice in the State of employment to file complaints about abuse and to claim unpaid wages and benefits.另外,缔约国还应缔结双边协定,使返回原籍国的移徙工人能够在就业国诉诸司法,就侵权行为提出申诉并要求补发拖欠的工资和福利。
56. Article 22, paragraph 7, provides for migrant workers and members of their families who are subject to an expulsion decision to seek entry into a State other than their State of origin, without prejudice to the execution of the expulsion decision.56. 第22条第7款规定,在不影响一宗驱逐判决的执行的情况下,判决所涉的移徙工人及其家庭成员可寻求进入非原籍国的国家。
The exercise of this choice on the part of the migrant worker and family members is subject to the consent of the third State.移徙工人及其家庭成员行使这一选择须征得第三国的同意。
57. Article 22, paragraph 8, provides that migrant workers and members of their families shall be exempt from bearing the costs of their expulsion.57. 第22条第8款规定,移徙工人及其家庭成员不应承担驱逐出境的费用。
The expelling State may require that they pay their own travel costs, but migrant workers must not be required to pay the costs of the legal proceedings leading to their expulsion or the costs of their administrative detention (see also art. 17, para. 8).驱逐国可要求他们支付自己的旅费,但不得要求移徙工人支付导致他们被驱逐的法律诉讼费或对他们的行政拘留费(另见第17条第8款)。
However, the Committee notes that migrant workers who are in an irregular situation not of their own making, for example, redundancy before expiry of a contract or where an employer failed to complete the necessary formalities, should not be responsible for the costs of expulsion, including travel costs.然而,委员会指出,并非因为自身原因(例如合同到期之前被解雇、雇主未能完成必要的手续)致使身份不正常的移徙工人不应承担驱逐费用,包括旅费。
58. Article 22, paragraph 9, complements article 22, paragraph 6, and article 25, paragraph 3, stating that migrant workers and family members should not be deprived of their acquired rights, such as the right to receive wages and “other entitlements,” including social security benefits or reimbursement of contributions made with respect to such benefits.58. 第22条第9款对第22条第6款和第25条第3款作出了补充,规定不应剥夺移徙工人及其家庭成员已经获得的权利,例如接收工资和“其他应享的权利”,包括社会保障福利或此类福利缴款的返还。
States parties should therefore ensure that migrant workers and members of their families have access to information on the amount of their accrued social security benefits prior to their expulsion.因此,缔约国应确保移徙工人及其家庭成员在被驱逐之前获得有关其社会保障福利累计金额的信息。
Consular protection领事保护
59. Article 23 of the Convention provides for migrant workers and members of their families subject to an expulsion decision to be informed without delay of their right, and to have recourse to the protection and assistance of the consular or diplomatic authorities of their State of origin.59. 《公约》第23条规定,应毫不拖延地告知被判驱逐出境的移徙工人及其家庭成员他们的权利,他们可寻求原籍国领事或外交机关的保护和协助。
It also requires the authorities of the expelling State to facilitate the exercise of this right.该条还要求驱逐国当局为行使这项权利提供便利。
Accordingly, the expelling State shall inform the person concerned without delay of this right, that is, at the time of or shortly after notifying the person of the expulsion decision and preferably in a language he or she understands.因此,驱逐国应毫不拖延地(亦即:在通知当事人驱逐判决之时或之后不久)将此项权利告知当事人,并最好以当事人懂得的语言告知。
It shall facilitate any communication between the person concerned and the consular or diplomatic authorities of the State of origin.驱逐国应为当事人与原籍国的领事或外交机关取得联系提供便利。
D. Protection of economic, social and cultural rights (Part III)D. 保护经济、社会和文化权利(第三部分)
1. Protection against labour exploitation1. 防止劳动剥削的保护措施
Protection against forced and compulsory labour and child labour防止强迫和强制劳动及童工的保护措施
60. Article 11 of the Convention requires States parties to take effective measures against all forms of forced or compulsory labour by migrant workers.60. 《公约》第11条要求缔约国采取有效措施,打击对移徙工人一切形式强迫或强制劳动。
This includes debt bondage, passport retention, and illegal confinement, for example.这包括债役、扣留护照和非法禁闭等等。
Article 21 obliges States parties to ensure that employers and recruiters do not confiscate or destroy travel or identity documents belonging to migrant workers.第21条要求缔约国确保雇主和招聘人不得没收或销毁属于移徙工人的旅行或身份证件。
States parties should provide training to law enforcement officers, and ensure that occupations dominated by migrant workers, especially women migrant workers, such as domestic work and some forms of entertainment, are protected by labour laws and subject to inspections.缔约国应向执法官员提供培训,并确保以移徙工人特别是移徙女工为主的职业,例如家政和某些形式的娱乐业,受到法律的保护并接受检查。
61. Article 25, paragraph 1 (b), of the Convention provides that laws and regulations on the minimum age of employment shall equally apply to migrant children.61. 《公约》第25条第1款(b)项规定,有关最低就业年龄的法律和规章应同样适用于移徙儿童。
The minimum age shall not be less than 15 years, in accordance with article 2 of ILO Convention No. 138 (1973) concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment.根据劳工组织《关于准予就业最低年龄的第138号公约》(1973年)第2条,最低就业年龄不得低于15岁。
Furthermore, in accordance with article 11 of the Convention, States parties are obliged to ensure that child migrant workers shall be protected from any form of slavery, prostitution or work that would jeopardize their education, safety, morals and health, such as long hours of work.此外,根据《公约》第11条,缔约国有义务保护移徙童工免遭任何形式的奴役、卖淫或会危及他们的教育、安全、道德和健康的工作,如长时间工作。
States parties must protect child migrant workers from violence and ensure their rights to education, leisure and occupational health.缔约国须保护移徙童工免遭暴力,并确保他们享有受教育权、娱乐权和职业健康权。
Equal treatment平等待遇
62. Article 25, paragraph 1, provides for migrant workers, irrespective of their status, to enjoy equal treatment to that of nationals in respect of remuneration, other conditions of work and terms of employment.62. 第25条第1款规定,不论身份如何,移徙工人在报酬、其他工作条件和雇用条件方面应享有与国民平等的待遇。
While States parties may refuse migrant workers who do not have work permits access to their labour markets, once an employment relationship has been initiated and until it is terminated, all migrant workers, including those in an irregular situation, are entitled to equal conditions of work and terms of employment.虽然缔约国可拒绝没有工作许可的移徙工人进入本国劳动力市场,然而一旦已经确立雇用关系,在这种关系终止之前,所有移徙工人、包括身份不正常的移徙工人均有权享有平等工作条件和雇用条件。
The conditions of work and terms of employment listed in article 25, paragraph 1(a) and (b), are non-exhaustive examples.第25条第1款(a)和(b)项列举的工作条件和雇用条件只是举例说明,并非详尽无遗。
The equal treatment principle also covers any other matter that, according to national law and practice, is considered a working condition or term of employment, such as maternity protection.平等待遇原则也涵盖在国家法律和实践中纳入工作条件或雇用条件范围内的任何其他事项,例如对孕产妇的保护。
63. States parties should require employers to explicitly state in contracts that are free, fair and fully consented to, the terms of employment for migrant workers, including those in an irregular situation, in a language they understand, outlining their specific duties, hours of work, remuneration, days of rest and other conditions of work.63. 缔约国应要求雇主在自由、公正和完全同意的合同中,以移徙工人懂得的语言,明确规定移徙工人、包括身份不正常的移徙工人的雇用条件,说明具体职责、工作时间、报酬、休息天数和其他工作条件。
They should take effective measures against non-payment of wages, delay in payment until departure, transfer of wages into accounts that are inaccessible to migrant workers, or payment of lower wages to migrant workers, especially those in an irregular situation, than to nationals.缔约国应采取有效措施,打击不支付工资、拖欠工资直至离境、将工资打入移徙工人无法进入的帐户或者支付给移徙工人特别是身份不正常的移徙工人的工资低于国民工资等行为。
States parties should also step up inspections of places where migrant workers are routinely employed and instruct labour inspectorates not to share data concerning the migration status of migrant workers with immigration authorities, as their primary duty is to secure the enforcement of the legal provisions relating to conditions of work and the protection of workers while engaged in their work, in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1 (a), of ILO Convention No. 81 (1947) concerning Labour Inspection in Industry and Commerce.缔 约国也应加强对经常雇用移徙工人的场所的检查,并责成劳工监察员勿与移民机构分享涉及移徙工人移徙身份的数据,因为根据劳工组织《关于工商业劳动监察的第 81号公约》(1947年)第3条第1款(a)项,劳工监察员的首要职责是确保执行有关工作条件和保护在岗工人的法律规定。
Horizontal effect and enforcement of equal labour rights平等劳动权利的横向效应和强制执行
64. Article 25 provides for equality in treatment regarding remuneration and other conditions of work between nationals and migrants and also guarantees this right in private employment contracts, notwithstanding the status of the migrant worker.64. 第25条规定国民和移徙者在报酬和其他工作条件方面应享有平等待遇,并在私人雇用合约中也能确保这一权利,不论移徙工人的身份如何。
Article 25, paragraph 3, states that employers shall not be relieved of any legal or contractual obligations, nor shall their obligations be limited in any manner by reason of any irregularity in the stay or employment of migrant workers.第25条第3款规定,雇主不得由于移徙工人逗留或就业过程中存在任何不正常情况而免除任何法律义务或合同义务,或以任何方式缩减义务。
States parties shall provide for appropriate sanctions for employers who derogate from the principle of equality of treatment in private employment contracts with migrant workers in an irregular situation, and ensure that those migrant workers have access to labour courts or other judicial remedies when their rights are violated and without fear of being deported (art.83).对在与身份不正常的移徙工人签订的私人雇用合约中有违平等待遇原则的雇主,缔约国应规定适当的制裁,并确保这些移徙工人的权利受到侵犯时,他们可诉诸劳工法庭或其他司法补救措施,而不必担心被驱逐出境(第83条)。
To give effect to this provision, the Committee is of the view that States parties shall also put in place an effective monitoring system for workplaces, especially in industries known to be employing migrant workers in an irregular situation.委员会认为,为使这一条款确实有效,缔约国还应制定有效的工作场所监控制度,特别是在人们熟知的经常雇用身份不正常的移徙工人的各个行业中建立这一制度。
Right to join trade unions加入工会的权利
65. The right to organize and to engage in collective bargaining is essential for migrant workers to express their needs and defend their rights, in particular through trade unions.65. 组织及共同交涉权对移徙工人表达需求和维护权利、尤其是通过工会表达需求和维护权利至关重要。
Article 26 of the Convention sets out the right of all migrant workers to join trade unions and other associations protecting their interests.《公约》第26条规定所有移徙工人有权加入工会以及其他保护其权益的社团。
Article 26 does not provide for protection of the right to form trade unions.第26条没有规定对组建工会的权利加以保护。
This provision, however, read together with other international human rights instruments, may create broader obligations for States parties to both instruments.然而,如果将这一条款与其他国际人权文书一并阅读,这一条款可能会给缔约国带来对这两项文书的更宽泛的义务。
For example, article 2 of ILO Convention No. 87 (1948) concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Rights to Organise, and article 22, paragraph 1, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, both apply to migrant workers in an irregular situation.例如,劳工组织《关于结社自由和保护组织权利的第87号公约》(1948年)第2条和《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二十二条第1款均适用于身份不正常的移徙工人。
Article 26 also protects their right to participate in meetings and activities, and to seek the assistance, of trade unions and any other associations established in accordance with law.第26条还保护移徙工人享有参与工会以及任何其他依法成立的社团的会议和活动并寻求这些组织援助的权利。
States parties shall ensure these rights, including the right to collective bargaining, encourage self-organization among migrant workers, irrespective of their migration status, and provide them with information about relevant associations that can provide assistance.缔约国应确保上述权利,包括共同交涉权,鼓励移徙工人自己组织起来,不论移民身份如何,并向他们提供信息,说明哪些相关社团能够提供援助。
66. With regard to article 26, paragraph 2, the Committee notes that similar limitations can be found in article 8, paragraph 1(a), of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and in article 22, paragraph 2, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.66. 关于第26条第2款,委员会指出,类似的限制也可见《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第八条第一款(甲)项和《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二十二条第2款。
It refers to the jurisprudence of the relevant treaty bodies for the purposes of interpreting what constitute permissible restrictions under article 26, paragraph 2, of the Convention.至于哪些情况构成《公约》第26条第2款规定的可允许的限制,委员会建议参阅相关条约机构的判例。
2. Right to social security2. 社会保障权
67. With respect to social security, article 27, paragraph 1, of the Convention provides that all migrant workers and members of their families shall have the right to the same treatment granted to nationals of the State of employment, insofar as they fulfil the requirements provided for by the applicable legislation of that State and the applicable bilateral and multilateral treaties.67. 在社会保障方面,《公约》第27条第1款规定,所有移徙工人及其家庭成员应享有与就业国国民同等的待遇,只要他们符合该国适用的立法以及适用的双边或多边条约的规定。
When a State party enacts legislation providing for the payment of a social benefit, whether conditional or not on the prior payment of contributions, and if the migrant worker concerned fulfils the requirements provided for in such legislation, it cannot arbitrarily exclude him or her from that benefit or limit his or her access to such benefit, as the prohibition of discrimination applies to the right to social security.如果某一缔约国颁布了规定支付某种社会福利的立法,不论支付这种社会福利是否要求事先支付缴纳款,如果有关移徙工人满足此类立法规定的要求,该国就不得将他们任意排除在这种福利之外,或限制他们获得此类福利,因为禁止歧视的规定也适用于社会保障权。
Accordingly, any distinction based on nationality or migration status must be prescribed by law, pursue a legitimate aim under the Convention, be necessary in the specific circumstances, and be proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued.因此,以国籍或移民身份为由加以区分必须由法律规定,旨在实现《公约》规定的某一正当目标,在特定情况下确有必要,并与旨在实现的正当目标相称。
While States parties enjoy a certain margin of discretion in assessing whether and to what extent differences in otherwise similar situations justify different treatment, they must explain how such different treatment, based exclusively on nationality or migration status, is compatible with articles 7 and 27.尽管缔约国在评估类似情况中存在的差异以及这些差异是否足以证明有必要给予差别待遇方面拥有一定程度的酌情处置权,但它们必须解释这些仅以国籍或移民身份为由作出的差别待遇规定是否符合第7条和第27条。
68. Article 27, paragraph 1, provides that migrant workers’ right to social security is subject to the applicable bilateral and multilateral treaties and that the competent authorities of the State of origin and the State of employment can at any time establish the necessary arrangements to determine the modalities of the application of this benefit.68. 第27条第1款规定,移徙工人的社会保障权取决于适用的双边或多边条约,原籍国和就业国的有关当局可在任何时候作出必要安排来确定适用这一福利的方式。
As recommended in the ILO Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration, States parties should consider entering into bilateral, regional or multilateral agreements to provide social security coverage and benefits, as well as portability of social security entitlements, to migrant workers, including, as appropriate, to those in an irregular situation.正如《劳工组织关于劳务移民问题的多边框架》所建议的那样,缔约国应考虑签署双边、区域或多边协定,以向移徙工人、酌情包括身份不正常的移徙工人提供社会保障和福利,以及社会保障待遇的可携性。
However, article 27, paragraph 1, cannot be interpreted as depriving migrant workers of benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled under the applicable legislation of the State of employment, merely because that State has not signed a reciprocity agreement with their State of origin.然而,不能将第27条第1款解释为,仅仅因为就业国没有与原籍国签署互惠协定,便可剥夺移徙工人按照就业国适用的立法本可享有的福利。
69. Article 27, paragraph 2, states that where the applicable legislation does not allow migrant workers and members of their families a benefit, the State party concerned shall examine the possibility of reimbursing them the amount of contributions made by them with respect to that benefit on the basis of equality of treatment with nationals.69. 第27条第2款规定,在适用的立法不允许移徙工人及其家庭成员享有某一福利的情况下,有关缔约国应审查是否可能按与国民同等的待遇偿还当事人对这种福利所缴的款额。
In this respect, States parties shall provide objective reasons in each case in which the reimbursement of the said contributions is deemed impossible.在这方面,缔约国在处理每一起无法偿还该项款额的案件时,必须说明客观理由。
A decision not to reimburse contributions made by a migrant worker or family member must not discriminate on the basis of his or her nationality or migration status.作出不偿还某一移徙工人及其家庭成员的缴款的决定,决不能出于对国籍或移民身份的歧视。
Furthermore, the Committee considers that a migrant worker’s entitlement to social security benefits should not be affected by a change in workplace.另外,移徙工人在社会保障福利方面的应享权利不得因工作场所变动而受到影响。
70. The reference to “contributions” in article 27, paragraph 2, does not imply that “social security,” under article 27, paragraph 1, refers only to contributory social security schemes.70. 第27条第2款中 “所缴的款额”这一提法,并不意味着第27条第1款规定的“社会保障”仅指缴费性社会保障计划。
Such a narrow reading would be contrary to article 9 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which recognizes “social security” as “including social insurance.”这种狭义的解读有违《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第九条的规定,该条承认“社会保障”是“包括社会保险”的。
Recalling that article 9 of the Covenant applies to all migrant workers, regardless of their legal status and documentation, the Committee considers that “social security” in article 27 of the Convention also covers existing non-contributory social benefits, and that migrant workers in an irregular situation shall have access to such benefits on a non-discriminatory basis, to the extent that the applicable legislation of the State party concerned provides for such an entitlement.委员会回顾,《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第九条适用于所有移徙工人,不论其法律身份和证件情况如何,认为《公约》第27条也应涵括现有的非缴费性社会福利,身份不正常的移徙工人应不受歧视得到此类福利,只要相关缔约国的适用立法规定了此种应享权利。
71. The Committee considers that in cases of extreme poverty and vulnerability, States parties should provide emergency social assistance to migrant workers in an irregular situation and members of their families, including emergency services for persons with disabilities, for as long as they might require it.71. 委员会认为,缔约国应为极端贫困和弱势的身份不正常移徙工人及其家庭成员提供紧急社会援助,包括向残疾人提供紧急服务。 只要他们需要此类服务,就应一直提供。
It recalls that even if many migrant workers in an irregular situation do not participate in contributory schemes, they contribute to financing social protection schemes and programmes by paying indirect taxes.委员会回顾,即使许多身份不正常的移徙工人没有参加缴费性计划,但他们通过间接纳税为资助社会保障计划和方案作出了贡献。
3. Right to urgent medical care3. 紧急医疗权
72. Article 28 of the Convention provides for migrant workers and members of their families to have the right to receive any medical care that is urgently required for the preservation of their life or the avoidance of irreparable harm to their health on the basis of equality of treatment with nationals.72. 《公约》第28条规定,移徙工人及其家庭成员应有权按与国民同等的待遇接受维持生命或避免对身心健康的不可弥补的损害而迫切需要的任何医疗。
Article 28, however, read together with other international human rights instruments, may create broader obligations for States parties to both instruments.然而,如果将第28条与其他国际人权文书一并阅读,该条可能给缔约国带来对这两项文书的更宽泛的义务。
Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provides for the right to the highest attainable standard of health for all persons.《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第十二条规定,人人有权享有能达到的最高的体质和心理健康的标准。
States parties are therefore obliged to ensure that all persons, irrespective of their migration status, have effective access to at least a minimum level of health care on a non-discriminatory basis.因此,缔约国有义务确保所有人都能不受歧视地切实获得至少是最低水平的医疗服务,不论移民身份如何。
The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights considers this to encompass primary health care, as well as preventive, curative and palliative health services.经济、社会和文化权利委员会认为,这包括初级保健以及预防性、治愈性和姑息性医疗服务。
The Committee on the Rights of the Child holds that every migrant child is entitled to the same health care as nationals under article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.儿童权利委员会认为,根据《儿童权利公约》第24条,所有移徙儿童均有权与国民享有同等医疗服务。
To that effect, States parties shall ensure, inter alia, that all migrant workers and members of their families have access to essential medicines and that migrant children are provided with immunization against the major infectious diseases.为此,缔约国应确保所有移徙工人及其家庭成员可获得基本药物,并确保为移徙儿童提供重大传染病的免疫接种。
They shall ensure that migrant women have access to appropriate prenatal and postnatal health care, safe reproductive health services, and to emergency obstetric care.缔约国应确保移徙妇女可获得适当的产前和产后医疗服务、安全的生殖健康服务以及妇产科急救护理。
73. The Committee considers that access to urgent medical care must be ensured to all migrant workers on the basis of equality of treatment with nationals and thus on a non-discriminatory basis.73. 委员会认为,必须在与国民同等待遇、亦即在不歧视的基础上,确保所有移徙工人都能获得紧急医疗服务。
Although medical care need not necessarily be free of charge, equality of treatment requires that the same rules for payment of fees or exemption from payment apply to migrant workers and members of their families as to nationals.虽然医疗保健不一定免费提供,但平等待遇要求在支付费用或豁免支付的适用规则上,对移徙工人及其家庭成员应与国民一视同仁。
States parties should prohibit the charging of excessive fees from migrant workers in an irregular situation or requiring immediate payment or proof of payment before the service is delivered.缔约国应禁止对身份不正常的移徙工人多收费或要求即刻支付或提供服务前须出具付费证明的做法。
Urgent medical care should never be withheld due to the inability to pay.绝不能因为无力支付而拒绝给予紧急医疗服务。
States parties should also ensure that migrant workers and members of their families are provided with information on the medical care provided and information about their health rights.缔约国还应确保向移徙工人及其家庭成员提供资料,介绍提供的医疗服务以及他们的健康权。
States parties should also ensure that doctors and health professionals are provided with culturally sensitive training regarding health care for migrant workers and members of their families.缔约国还应确保在向移徙工人及其家庭成员提供医疗服务方面对医生和医务工作者进行文化敏感性培训。
74. Article 28 prohibits the refusal of such medical care to migrant workers because of an irregularity with regard to their stay and employment.74. 第28条禁止以移徙工人在逗留或就业方面有不正常情况为由,拒绝给予他们此种医疗服务。
States parties should not use health care as an instrument of immigration control, which would effectively prevent migrant workers in an irregular situation from contacting public health care providers out of fear of deportation.缔约国不应将医疗服务作为移民控制的一种手段,这将在事实上导致身份不正常的移徙工人因害怕被遣返而不敢与公共医疗机构联系。
Toward this end, States parties shall not require public health institutions to report or otherwise share data on the migration status of a patient to immigration authorities, and health care providers should also not be required to do so.为此,缔约国不应要求公共卫生机构向移民机关报告患者的移民身份或以其他方式分享这方面的数据,也不应要求医疗服务提供者这样做。
Moreover, States parties shall not conduct immigration enforcement operations on or near facilities providing medical care, as this would limit migrant workers and members of their families from accessing such care.此外,缔约国不应在提供医疗服务的设施中或周围开展移民执法行动,因为这将限制移徙工人及其家庭成员获得此类服务。
4. Right to education4. 受教育权
75. Article 30 of the Convention protects the “basic right of access to education” of all children of migrant workers “on the basis of equality of treatment with nationals of the State concerned.”75. 《公约》第30条保护所有移徙工人的子女“应照与有关国家国民同等的待遇”享有“接受教育的基本权利”。
Article 30 also provides that access to public preschool educational institutions or schools shall be without prejudice to the migration status of the child concerned or parents of the child.第30条还规定,有关儿童或其父母的移民身份不得影响该儿童进入公立幼儿园或学校。
The Committee, in accordance with article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, is of the view that States parties must provide free and compulsory primary education for all, including children of migrant workers, regardless of their migration status.根据《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第十三条,委员会认为,缔约国必须为所有人提供免费初等义务教育,不论移民身份如何。
As such, States parties have an obligation to eliminate all direct costs of schooling, such as school fees, as well as alleviate the adverse impact of indirect costs, such as expenses for school materials and uniforms.因此,缔约国有义务取消教育的所有直接费用,例如学费,并减轻教材和校服等间接费用的不利影响。
Access to secondary education by children of migrant workers must be ensured on the basis of equality of treatment with nationals.必须按与国民同等待遇确保移徙工人的子女接受中等教育。
Accordingly, whenever children who are nationals have access to free secondary education, States parties must ensure equal access by children of migrant workers, irrespective of their migration status.因此,只要国民的子女能够接受免费中等教育,缔约国须确保移徙工人的子女也享有同等机会,不论其移民身份如何。
Similarly, when States parties provide different forms of secondary education, including vocational education, they should also make them accessible to children of migrant workers.同样,如果缔约国提供不同形式的中等教育,包括职业教育,他们应确保移徙工人的子女亦能接受这些教育。
The same principle applies to free preschool education or to scholarship schemes.同一原则也适用于免费学前教育或奖学金计划。
Therefore, whenever children who are nationals have access to free preschool education or scholarships, States parties must ensure equal access by children of migrant workers, irrespective of their migration status.因此,只要国民的子女能够免费接受学前教育或获得奖学金,缔约国必须确保移徙工人的子女也享有同等机会,不论其移民身份如何。
76. The Committee notes that migrant children may suffer from multiple forms of discrimination due to race, ethnicity, gender, and disability, for example.76. 委员会指出,移徙儿童可能因为种族、民族、性别和残疾等因素遭受多种形式的歧视。
The principle of equality of treatment requires States parties to eliminate any discrimination against migrant children in their educational systems.平等待遇原则要求缔约国消除教育系统中对移徙儿童的任何歧视。
States parties must therefore avoid segregated schooling and the application of different standards of treatment to children of migrant workers as well as eliminate any forms of discrimination against children of migrant workers in classrooms.因此,缔约国必须避免实行隔离教育和对移徙儿童适用不同待遇标准,并消除课堂上对移徙工人子女任何形式的歧视。
States parties also need to ensure that effective programmes, policies and mechanisms are in place to prevent discrimination against these children.缔约国还需要确保制定有效的方案、政策和机制,以防止对这些儿童的歧视。
77. To ensure access to education, the Committee is also of the view that States parties shall not require schools to report or share data on the regular or irregular status of pupils or their parents to immigration authorities or conduct immigration enforcement operations on or near school premises, as this would limit access to education by children of migrant workers.77. 为确保移徙儿童能够接受教育,委员会认为,缔约国不应要求学校向移民机关报告学生或其家长身份正常与否,或就此与移民机关分享数据,或在学校校舍中及周围开展移民执法行动,因为这将限制移徙工人的子女接受教育。
States parties should also clearly inform school administrators, teachers and parents that they are not required to do so either and provide them with training on the educational rights of children of migrant workers.缔约国还应明确告知学校行政人员、教师和家长他们也无需这样做,并就移徙工人子女的教育权利向他们提供培训。
78. While noting that the obligation of the State of employment to endeavour to facilitate the teaching of the mother tongue and culture is explicitly accorded to the children of migrant workers in a regular situation pursuant to article 45, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Committee emphasizes that the right to respect for one’s cultural identity (art.31) belongs to all migrant workers and members of their families, including children.78. 委员会注意到,第45条第3款明确规定,就业国有义务努力促进身份正常的移徙工人的子女的母语和文化学习,并强调所有移徙工人及其家庭成员,包括子女均享有个人的文化特性受到尊重的权利(第31条)。
Considering these two provisions together, along with article 29, paragraph 1 (c), of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which applies to all children, the Committee is of the view that States parties should also ensure access for children of migrant workers in an irregular situation to mother-tongue instruction if already available to children of migrant workers who are documented as having the same mother tongue.如果将这两项规定通盘考虑,同时考虑到《儿童权利公约》中适用于所有儿童的第29条第1款(c)项,委员会认为,缔约国还应确保身份不正常的移徙工人的子女能得到母语教育,如果此种母语教育已向记录在案讲同一种母语的移徙工人子女提供。
79. Legal identity is often a prerequisite for access to a number of fundamental rights.79. 法律身份通常是获得各种基本权利的前提条件。
Children of migrants in an irregular situation, particularly those born in a host State that does not recognize their existence, are vulnerable throughout their lives.身份不正常的移徙者的子女,尤其是那些在东道国出生但东道国不承认其存在的儿童,一辈子都处于弱势地位。
States parties are obliged to ensure that children of migrant workers are registered soon after birth, irrespective of the migration status of their parents, and provided with birth certificates and other identity documents (art.29).缔约国有义务确保移徙工人的子女出生后很快得到登记,不论其父母的移民身份如何,并为他们提供出生证和其他身份证件(第29条)。
States parties shall not require migrant workers to present a residence permit in order to register a child, as this would effectively deprive migrant children in an irregular situation of their right to birth registration, which can also deny them access to education, health services, employment and other rights.缔约国不得要求移徙工人出示居住证方可给子女进行出生登记,因为这将会在事实上剥夺身份不正常的移徙儿童的出生登记权,而被剥夺出生登记权又可能使他们无法获得教育、医疗服务、就业和其他权利。
Non-compliance by migrant workers with the obligation to register their children following birth should never justify their exclusion from education.移徙工人未遵守子女出生后进行登记的义务,决不应成为排斥这些儿童接受教育的理由。
International Labour Office, International Labour Migration: A rights-based approach (2010), p. 32.国际劳工局,《国际劳工移徙:以权利为本的方针》(2010年),第32页。
See General Assembly resolution 3449, para. 2.见大会第3449号决议,第2段。
See European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), art. 3; American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR), art. 22, para. 8; and African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), art. 5.见《欧洲人权公约》第3条、《美洲人权公约》第22条第8款、《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》第5条。
See Protocol No. 4 to ECHR, art.4; ACHR, art. 22(9); ACHPR, art. 12(5); and Arab Charter on Human Rights (Arab Charter), art. 26(1).见《欧洲人权公约》第4号议定书第4条、《美洲人权公约》第22条第9款、《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》第12条第5款、《阿拉伯人权宪章》(《阿拉伯宪章》)第26条第1款。
See Protocol No. 7 to ECHR, art.1; ACHR, art. 22(6); ACHPR, art. 12(4); and the Arab Charter, art. 26(2).见《欧洲人权公约》第7号议定书第1条、《美洲人权公约》第22条第6款、《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》第12条第4款、《阿拉伯宪章》第26条第2款。
European Social Charter, arts. 19(4-9), and the appendix.《欧洲社会宪章》第19条第4-9款及附录。
See Protocol No. 1 to ECHR, art.2 (read in conjunction with art. 14 of ECHR); ACHPR, art. 17(1); and African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, art.11.见《欧洲人权公约》第1号议定书第2条(与《欧洲人权公约》第14条一并阅读)、《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》第17条第1款、《非洲儿童权利与福利宪章》第11条。
See also the case law of the European Committee of Social Rights on art. 17(2) of the revised European Social Charter and the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on art.19 of ACHR.亦见欧洲社会权利委员会关于《欧洲社会宪章》(修订版)第17条第2款的案例法以及美洲人权法院关于《美洲人权公约》第19条的判例。
Conventions No. 29 (1930) concerning Forced Labour; No. 105 (1957) concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour; No. 138 (1973), concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment; No. 182 (1999) concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour; No. 87 (1948) concerning the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize; No. 98 (1949) concerning the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining; No. 100 (1951) concerning Equal Remuneration; and No. 111 (1958) concerning Discrimination (Employment and Occupation).《关 于强迫劳动的第29号公约》(1930年)、《关于废除强迫劳动的第105号公约》(1957年)、《关于准予就业最低年龄的第138号公约》(1973 年)、《关于禁止和立即行动消除最有害的童工形式的第182号公约》(1999年)、《关于结社自由及保护组织权的第87号公约》(1948年)、《关于 组织及共同交涉权的第98号公约》(1949年)、《关于同酬问题的第100号公约》(1951年)、《关于就业和职业歧视的第111号公约》(1958 年)。
For example, ILO Conventions Nos. 19, 81, 95, 110, 121, 129, 131, 155, 167, 172, 181, 184, 189, 200 and 201.例如劳工组织第19、81、95、110、121、129、131、155、167、172、181、184、189、200、201号公约。
While Convention No. 97 in principle only applies to migrant workers lawfully within the territory of a State, it contains certain provisions requiring States parties to take measures that have the effect of preventing migrant workers from falling into an irregular situation.尽管第97号公约原则上仅适用于在一国境内合法居留的移徙工人,但其中某些条款要求缔约国采取措施,以防移徙工人陷入身份不正常的境地。
Committee’s general comment No. 1 (2011) on migrant domestic workers, para.52.委员会关于移徙家政工人的第1号(2011年)一般性意见,第52段。
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 20 (2009) on non-discrimination in economic, social and cultural rights, para. 30.经济、社会、文化权利委员会关于经济、社会、文化权利中的不歧视问题的第20号(2009年)一般性意见第30段。
See Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 18 (1989) on non-discrimination, para. 13; and Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 20 on the right to education, para. 13.见人权事务委员会关于不歧视问题的第18号(1989年)一般性意见第13段和经济、社会、文化权利委员会关于受教育权的第20号一般性意见第13段。
See report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants to the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/20/24), para. 13.见移民人权问题特别报告员提交人权理事会的报告(A/HRC/20/24),第13段。
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, art.2.《残疾人权利公约》第二条。
See European Court of Human Rights, Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy, Application No. 27765/09 (23 February 2012).见欧洲人权法院,Hirsi Jamaa等人诉意大利,第27765/09号诉请书(2012年2月23日)。
ILO Convention No. 29 (see Note 8 above).劳工组织第29号公约(见上文脚注8)。
See Committee’s general comment No. 1 (2011) on migrant domestic workers, para. 39.见委员会关于移徙家政工人的第1号(2011年)一般性意见,第39段。
ILO Convention No. 189 (2011) concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers.劳工组织《关于家庭工人体面劳动的第189号公约》(2011年)。
See Committee’s general comment No. 1 (2011) on migrant domestic workers, para. 41.见委员会关于移徙家政工人的第1号(2011年)一般性意见,第41段。
ILO Convention No. 182 (see Note 8 above).劳工组织第182号公约(见上文脚注8)。
ILO Convention No. 111 (1958) concerning Discrimination (Employment and Occupation).劳工组织《关于就业和职业歧视的第111号公约》(1958年)。
See Committee’s general comment No. 1 (2011) on migrant domestic workers, paras. 38 and 40.见委员会关于移徙家政工人的第1号(2011年)一般性意见,第38段和第40段。
Ibid, paras. 41 and 49-50.同上,第41段和第49-50段。
Ibid., paras. 49-50.同上,第49-50段。
Ibid, para. 45.同上,第45段。
Ibid, paras. 46-47.同上,第46-47段
See note 19 above, Koua Poirrez v. France, Application No. 40892/98 (30 December 2003), para. 39.见上文脚注19,Koua Poirrez 诉法国,第40892/98号诉请书 (2003年12月30日),第39段。
Ibid., Gaygusuz v. Austria, Application No. 17371/90 (16 September 1996), para. 42.同上,Gaygusuz诉奥地利,第17371/90号诉请书 (1996年9月16日),第42段。
ILO, “ILO Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration, Non-binding principles and guidelines for a rights-based approach to labour migration”, (Geneva, 2006), guideline 9.9.劳工组织,“劳工组织关于劳务移民问题的多边框架,使用以权利为本的办法解决劳务移民问题的非约束性原则与指导方针”(2006年,日内瓦),指导方针9.9。
See note 19 above, Koua Poirrez v. France, para. 39.见上文脚注19,Koua Poirrez 诉法国,第39段。
See report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Economic and Social Council (E/2010/89), para. 46.见联合国人权事务高级专员提交经济及社会理事会的报告(E/2010/89),第46段。
See note 12 above, para. 43.见上文脚注12,第43段。