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General comment No. 10:第10号一般性意见:
Children’s rights in juvenile justice少年司法中的儿童权利
Forty-fourth session (2007)第四十四届会议(2007年)
1. In the reports they submit to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (hereafter: the Committee), States parties often pay quite detailed attention to the rights of children alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law, also referred to as “children in conflict with the law”.1. 在提交儿童权利委员会(以下简称:委员会)的报告中,各缔约国往往极为细致地关注被指称、指控或认为触犯刑法的儿童――亦称“触法儿童”――的权利。
In line with the Committee’s guidelines for periodic reporting, the implementation of articles 37 and 40 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereafter: CRC) is the main focus of the information provided by the States parties.根据委员会定期报告的指导原则,《儿童权利公约》(以下简称《公约》)第37和40条的执行情况,是各缔约国提供资料的主要焦点。
The Committee notes with appreciation the many efforts to establish an administration of juvenile justice in compliance with CRC.委员会赞赏地注意到为遵照《公约》落实对少年司法的实施所作的诸多努力。
However, it is also clear that many States parties still have a long way to go in achieving full compliance with CRC, e.g. in the areas of procedural rights, the development and implementation of measures for dealing with children in conflict with the law without resorting to judicial proceedings, and the use of deprivation of liberty only as a measure of last resort.然而,若要全面履行《公约》,即在程序权利、制定和实施不诉诸司法审理程度处置触法儿童的措施,以及作为最后的手段才采用剥夺自由等领域方面,许多缔约国显然仍还有相当长的路要走。
2. The Committee is equally concerned about the lack of information on the measures that States parties have taken to prevent children from coming into conflict with the law.2. 委员会同样关切地感到,尚无缔约国为防止儿童触犯法律所采取的措施的资料。
This may be the result of a lack of a comprehensive policy for the field of juvenile justice.这有可能因域尚无少年司法领综合政策的缘故。
This may also explain why many States parties are providing only very limited statistical data on the treatment of children in conflict with the law.这也可说明,为何各缔约国仅提供了触法儿童待遇方面极为有限的统计资料。
3. The experience in reviewing the States parties’ performance in the field of juvenile justice is the reason for the present general comment, by which the Committee wants to provide the States parties with more elaborated guidance and recommendations for their efforts to establish an administration of juvenile justice in compliance with CRC.3. 审查缔约国履行少年司法领域情况的经验,是提出本一般性意见的原由。 委员会希望通过本一般性意见,为各缔约国依照《公约》实施少年司法提供更详尽的指导和建议。
This juvenile justice, which should promote, inter alia, the use of alternative measures such as diversion and restorative justice, will provide States parties with possibilities to respond to children in conflict with the law in an effective manner serving not only the best interests of these children, but also the short- and long-term interest of the society at large.所述少年司法尤其应推行运用诸如转化和恢复性司法替代措施,将为缔约国提供处置触法儿童可采用的有效方式,不仅有助于触法儿童的最大利益,而且有利于广大社会的长、短期利益。
4. At the outset, the Committee wishes to underscore that CRC requires States parties to develop and implement a comprehensive juvenile justice policy.4. 首先,委员会希望强调《公约》要求各缔约国制定和实施一项少年司法综合政策。
This comprehensive approach should not be limited to the implementation of the specific provisions contained in articles 37 and 40 of CRC, but should also take into account the general principles enshrined in articles 2, 3, 6 and 12, and in all other relevant articles of CRC, such as articles 4 and 39.这项综合做法不只限于落实《公约》第37和40条所载的具体条款,而且还应实施《公约》第2、3、6和12条所载的一般原则以及其他相关条款,诸如第4和39条。
Therefore, the objectives of this general comment are:因此,本一般性意见的目的是:
To encourage States parties to develop and implement a comprehensive juvenile justice policy to prevent and address juvenile delinquency based on and in compliance with CRC, and to seek in this regard advice and support from the Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice, with representatives of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), established by ECOSOC resolution 1997/30;鼓励各缔约国根据并依照《公约》,制定和执行一项防止和处置少年犯罪的少年司法综合政 策,并就此寻求,根据经社理事会第1997/30号决议,由联合国人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)、联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金)、联合国毒品和犯 罪问题办事处(毒品和犯罪问题办事处)和各非政府组织的代表组成的少年司法问题机构间协调小组的咨询意见和支持;
To provide States parties with guidance and recommendations for the content of this comprehensive juvenile justice policy, with special attention to prevention of juvenile delinquency, the introduction of alternative measures allowing for responses to juvenile delinquency without resorting to judicial procedures, and for the interpretation and implementation of all other provisions contained in articles 37 and 40 of CRC;为各缔约国提供这项少年司法综合政策内容的指导和建议,具体注重预防少年犯罪、制定以不诉诸司法程序的方式处置少年犯罪问题的替代措施,并解释和落实《公约》第37和40条所载的所有其他条款;
To promote the integration, in a national and comprehensive juvenile justice policy, of other international standards, in particular, the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (the “Beijing Rules”), the United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty (the “Havana Rules”), and the United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (the “Riyadh Guidelines”).提倡在国家和少年司法综合政策中融入其他国际标准,尤其是《联合国少年司法最低限度标准规则》(“北京规则”)、《联合国保护被剥夺自由少年规则》(“哈瓦那规则”)和《联合国预防少年犯罪准则》(“利雅得准则”)。
5. Before elaborating on the requirements of CRC in more detail, the Committee will first mention the leading principles of a comprehensive policy for juvenile justice.5. 在深入详尽地阐述《公约》各项规定之前,委员会首先要提及一项少年司法综合政策的主导原则。
In the administration of juvenile justice, States parties have to apply systematically the general principles contained in articles 2, 3, 6 and 12 of CRC, as well as the fundamental principles of juvenile justice enshrined in articles 37 and 40.缔约国在实施少年司法时,必须系统地运用《公约》第2、3、6和12条所载的原则,以及第37和40条所载的少年司法基本原则。
Non-discrimination (art. 2)不歧视(第2条)
6. States parties have to take all necessary measures to ensure that all children in conflict with the law are treated equally. Particular attention must be paid to de facto discrimination and disparities, which may be the result of a lack of a consistent policy and involve vulnerable groups of children, such as street children, children belonging to racial, ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities, indigenous children, girl children, children with disabilities and children who are repeatedly in conflict with the law (recidivists).6. 缔约国必须采取一切必要措施确保所有触法儿童得到平等的待遇,尤其须注意事实歧视和差别待遇的情况。 这种歧视和差别待遇情况有可能由政策不一致所致,且危害一些诸如街头儿童、属于种族、族裔、宗教或语言少数的儿童、土著儿童、女孩、残疾儿童和屡次触法的 儿童 (累犯儿童)等弱势儿童群体。
In this regard, training of all professionals involved in the administration of juvenile justice is important (see paragraph 97 below), as well as the establishment of rules, regulations or protocols which enhance equal treatment of child offenders and provide redress, remedies and compensation.为此,对所有从事少年司法事务的专业人员必须进行培训 (见下文第97段),以及建立增强对少年罪犯平等待遇和提供纠正、补救和补偿措施的规则、条例或程序。
7. Many children in conflict with the law are also victims of discrimination, e.g. when they try to get access to education or to the labour market.7. 触法儿童在求学或进入劳务市场方面也会成为歧视的受害者。
It is necessary that measures are taken to prevent such discrimination, inter alia, as by providing former child offenders with appropriate support and assistance in their efforts to reintegrate in society, and to conduct public campaigns emphasizing their right to assume a constructive role in society (art. 40 (1)).为防止此类歧视,必须采取措施,具体诸如为(原)少年罪犯提供充分的支持,协助他们重新融入社会,并开展公共运动,强调这些儿童有权承担起社会中的建设作用(第40条第1款)。
8. It is quite common that criminal codes contain provisions criminalizing behavioural problems of children, such as vagrancy, truancy, runaways and other acts, which often are the result of psychological or socio-economic problems.8. 刑法甚为通常地列有一些条款,将有流浪、逃学、出走等一些行为问题儿童列为罪犯,而这些问题行为往往是由于心理或社会经济问题所致。
It is particularly a matter of concern that girls and street children are often victims of this criminalization.令人尤感关注的问题是,女孩和街头儿童往往沦为被当作罪犯看待的受害者。
These acts, also known as Status Offences, are not considered to be such if committed by adults.这些行为也称为“身份罪”,若这些系成年人所为,则不被视为是犯罪。
The Committee recommends that the States parties abolish the provisions on status offences in order to establish an equal treatment under the law for children and adults.委员会建议,缔约国废除有关“身份罪”的条款,依法对儿童和成年人实行平等待遇。
In this regard, the Committee also refers to article 56 of the Riyadh Guidelines which reads: “In order to prevent further stigmatization, victimization and criminalization of young persons, legislation should be enacted to ensure that any conduct not considered an offence or not penalized if committed by an adult is not considered an offence and not penalized if committed by a young person.”为此,委员会还提及《利雅得准则》第56条,该条阐明如下:“为防止青少年进一步受到污点烙印、伤害和刑事罪行处分,应制定法规,确保凡成年人所做不视为违法或不受刑罚的行为,如为青少年所做,也不视为违法且不受刑事。 ”
9. In addition, behaviour such as vagrancy, roaming the streets or runaways should be dealt with through the implementation of child protective measures, including effective support for parents and/or other caregivers and measures which address the root causes of this behaviour.9. 此外,在处置诸如流浪、流落街头或离家出走之类行为时,应采取实施保护儿童,包括有效支持父母和/或其他照管人的措施,以及旨在从根源上解决这种行为的措施。
Best interests of the child (art. 3)儿童最大利益(第3条)
10. In all decisions taken within the context of the administration of juvenile justice, the best interests of the child should be a primary consideration.10. 所有就实施少年司法采取的决定,都应首先考虑到儿童的最大利益。
Children differ from adults in their physical and psychological development, and their emotional and educational needs.儿童在身心发育及其感情教育需求方面有别于成年人。
Such differences constitute the basis for the lesser culpability of children in conflict with the law.这种区别构成了减轻触法儿童罪责程度的依据。
These and other differences are the reasons for a separate juvenile justice system and require a different treatment for children.这些及其他区别是为儿童另行建立少年司法制度且须给予不同待遇的理由。
The protection of the best interests of the child means, for instance, that the traditional objectives of criminal justice, such as repression/retribution, must give way to rehabilitation and restorative justice objectives in dealing with child offenders.保护儿童的最大利益意味着,在处置少年罪犯时,诸如镇压/惩罚等传统的刑事司法目标都必须让步于实现社会重新融合与自新的司法目的。
This can be done in concert with attention to effective public safety.这可以符合具体关注切实社会安全的方式予以实施。
The right to life, survival and development (art. 6)生命、生存和发展权(第6条)
11. This inherent right of every child should guide and inspire States parties in the development of effective national policies and programmes for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, because it goes without saying that delinquency has a very negative impact on the child’s development.11. 每一位儿童固有的这项权利应当指导并促使各缔约国制定出预防少年犯罪的有效国策和方案,因为,少年犯罪不言而喻会对儿童的发展产生极不利的影响。
Furthermore, this basic right should result in a policy of responding to juvenile delinquency in ways that support the child’s development.此外,这项基本权利应当形成以支持儿童发展的方式,处置少年犯罪的政策。
The death penalty and a life sentence without parole are explicitly prohibited under article 37 (a) of CRC (see paragraphs 75-77 below).《公约》第37条(a)项明确地禁止死刑和无释放可能的终身徒刑(见下文第75至77段)。
The use of deprivation of liberty has very negative consequences for the child’s harmonious development and seriously hampers his/her reintegration in society.采用剥夺自由的做法对儿童和协发展会产生极为不利的影响后果,严重地妨碍他/她重新融入社会。
In this regard, article 37 (b) explicitly provides that deprivation of liberty, including arrest, detention and imprisonment, should be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time, so that the child’s right to development is fully respected and ensured (see paragraphs 78-88 below).为此,第37条(b)项明确地规定,对儿童的逮捕、拘留或监禁应符合法律规定,且仅应作为最后手段,期限应为最短的适当时间,从而充分尊重儿童的发展权(见下文第78至88段)。
The right to be heard (art. 12)发表意见权(第12条)
12. The right of the child to express his/her views freely in all matters affecting the child should be fully respected and implemented throughout every stage of the process of juvenile justice (see paragraphs 43-45 below).12. 在少年司法审理的每一个阶段都应充分尊重和落实儿童就一切涉及其本人的事务自由地发表他/她的意见的权利(见下文第43-45段)。
The Committee notes that the voices of children involved in the juvenile justice system are increasingly becoming a powerful force for improvements and reform, and for the fulfilment of their rights.委员会注意到,卷入少年司法系统的儿童的呼声成为一股要求改善和改革以及兑现儿童权利的越来越强劲的力量。
Dignity (art. 40 (1))尊严(第40条第1款)
13. CRC provides a set of fundamental principles for the treatment to be accorded to children in conflict with the law:13. 《公约》规定了一整套对待触法儿童的基本原则:
Treatment that is consistent with the child’s sense of dignity and worth.符合儿童尊严和价值感的待遇。
This principle reflects the fundamental human right enshrined in article 1 of UDHR, which stipulates that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.这项原则体现了《世界人权宣言》第一条所载的基本人权,该条阐明:人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。
This inherent right to dignity and worth, to which the preamble of CRC makes explicit reference, has to be respected and protected throughout the entire process of dealing with the child, from the first contact with law enforcement agencies and all the way to the implementation of all measures for dealing with the child;这是享有尊严和价值的固有权利。 《公约》序言明确提及,从与执法机构接触即刻起,在整个处置儿童的过程中,直至落实所有涉及儿童的措施方面,都必须尊重和保护这项固有的权利;
Treatment that reinforces the child’s respect for the human rights and freedoms of others.增强儿童对他人人权和自由尊重感的待遇。
This principle is in line with the consideration in the preamble that a child should be brought up in the spirit of the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations.这个原则符合序言中的考虑,即,儿童应当本着符合《联合国宪章》所宣称的理想的精神抚育成长。
It also means that, within the juvenile justice system, the treatment and education of children shall be directed to the development of respect for human rights and freedoms (art. 29 (1) (b) of CRC and general comment No. 1 on the aims of education).这也意味着,在少年司法体制内,对儿童的待遇和教育应旨在培养对人权和自由的尊重(《公约》第29条第1款(b)项和关于教育目的的第1号一般性意见)。
It is obvious that this principle of juvenile justice requires a full respect for and implementation of the guarantees for a fair trial recognized in article 40 (2) (see paragraphs 40-67 below).显然,这项少年司法的原则要求充分尊重并实施第14条第2款确认的公平审理的保障(见下文第40至67段)。
If the key actors in juvenile justice, such as police officers, prosecutors, judges and probation officers, do not fully respect and protect these guarantees, how can they expect that with such poor examples the child will respect the human rights and fundamental freedom of others?;若少年司法中的主要行为者,诸如警官、检察官、法官和缓刑监督官不能充分尊重和保护这些保障,那么他们又如何期待儿童在这种坏形象的影响下会尊重他人的人权和基本自由?
Treatment that takes into account the child’s age and promotes the child’s reintegration and the child’s assuming a constructive role in society.考虑到儿童年龄和促进儿童重新融合以及儿童承担社会建设性作用的待遇。
This principle must be applied, observed and respected throughout the entire process of dealing with the child, from the first contact with law enforcement agencies all the way to the implementation of all measures for dealing with the child.从与执法机构接触即刻起,直至在处置当事儿童的整个过程期间都必须运用、恪守和尊重这项原则。
It requires that all professionals involved in the administration of juvenile justice be knowledgeable about child development, the dynamic and continuing growth of children, what is appropriate to their well-being, and the pervasive forms of violence against children;这就需要实施少年司法的所有专业人员了解儿童的发展情况、儿童活跃和持续的成长情况、什么适合于儿童的福祉,什么是暴力侵害儿童的倒行逆施形式。
Respect for the dignity of the child requires that all forms of violence in the treatment of children in conflict with the law must be prohibited and prevented.尊重儿童的尊严要求必须禁止和防止一切暴力对待触法儿童的形式。
Reports received by the Committee show that violence occurs in all phases of the juvenile justice process, from the first contact with the police, during pretrial detention and during the stay in treatment and other facilities for children sentenced to deprivation of liberty.委员会收到的报告表明,从刚刚接触警察、在预审拘留期间以及被判刑剥夺自由的儿童在治疗和其他设施的关押期间等所有少年司法程序阶段都发生过暴力现象。
The committee urges the States parties to take effective measures to prevent such violence and to make sure that the perpetrators are brought to justice and to give effective follow-up to the recommendations made in the report on the United Nations Study on Violence Against Children presented to the General Assembly in October 2006 (A/61/299).委员会促请各缔约国采取有效措施,防止此类暴力,确保将施暴者绳之以法,并按照2006年10月提交大会的关于“联合国暴力侵害儿童问题研究报告”(A/61/299)提出的建议,采取有效的后续行动。
14. The Committee acknowledges that the preservation of public safety is a legitimate aim of the justice system.14. 委员会承认,维护公共安全是司法制度的合法目标。
However, it is of the opinion that this aim is best served by a full respect for and implementation of the leading and overarching principles of juvenile justice as enshrined in CRC.然而,委员会认为,充分尊重和落实《公约》所载的少年司法主导原则,可更好地达到上述目标。
15. A comprehensive policy for juvenile justice must deal with the following core elements: the prevention of juvenile delinquency; interventions without resorting to judicial proceedings and interventions in the context of judicial proceedings; the minimum age of criminal responsibility and the upper age-limits for juvenile justice; the guarantees for a fair trial; and deprivation of liberty including pretrial detention and post-trial incarceration.15. 一项少年司法综合政策必须处置下列核心内容:预防少年犯罪;不诉诸司法审理的干预措施和在司法程度中采取的干预措施;少年司法的最低罪责年龄和最高年龄限制;保障公平审理;剥夺自由,包括预审拘留和审判后的监禁。
A. Prevention of juvenile delinquencyA. 预防少年犯罪
16. One of the most important goals of the implementation of CRC is to promote the full and harmonious development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities (preamble, and articles 6 and 29).16. 实施《公约》的一个最重要目标是,促进儿童个性、才智和身心能力的全面协调发展(序言,和第6及29条)。
The child should be prepared to live an individual and responsible life in a free society (preamble, and article 29), in which he/she can assume a constructive role with respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (arts. 29 and 40).儿童应当准备好在自由社会中过着个体和负责任的生活(序言和第29条),由此他/她可承担起尊重人权和基本自由的建设作用(第29和40条)。
In this regard, parents have the responsibility to provide the child, in a manner consistent with his evolving capacities, with appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise of her/his rights as recognized in the Convention.为此,父母有责任以符合儿童演变能力的方式,提供适当的指引和指导,阐明如何行使《公约》承认的儿童权利。
In the light of these and other provisions of CRC, it is obviously not in the best interests of the child if he/she grows up in circumstances that may cause an increased or serious risk of becoming involved in criminal activities.根据《公约》的上述及其他各项条款,若他/她的成长环境有可滋生参与犯罪活动的加剧或严重风险,显然不利儿童的最大利益。
Various measures should be taken for the full and equal implementation of the rights to an adequate standard of living (art. 27), to the highest attainable standard of health and access to health care (art. 24), to education (arts. 28 and 29), to protection from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse (art. 19), and from economic or sexual exploitation (arts. 32 and 34), and to other appropriate services for the care or protection of children.为 此,应采取各类措施,充分且平等实施享有适足生活水平权(第27条)、可达到的最高健康水准和获得健康照顾权(第24条)、受教育权(第28和29条)、 免遭一切身心暴力、伤害或虐待的受保护权 (第19条)和免遭经济或色情剥削(第32和34条)权以及享有为儿童提供适当照顾或保护服务的权利。
17. As stated above, a juvenile justice policy without a set of measures aimed at preventing juvenile delinquency suffers from serious shortcomings.17. 如上所述,一项少年司法政策若不制定出一整套旨在预防少年犯罪的措施,会有严重的缺陷。
States parties should fully integrate into their comprehensive national policy for juvenile justice the United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (the Riyadh Guidelines) adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 45/112 of 14 December 1990.缔约国应在本国少年司法综合国策中融入1990年12月14日大会第45/112号决议通过的《联合国预防少年犯罪准则》(利雅得准则)。
18. The Committee fully supports the Riyadh Guidelines and agrees that emphasis should be placed on prevention policies that facilitate the successful socialization and integration of all children, in particular through the family, the community, peer groups, schools, vocational training and the world of work, as well as through voluntary organizations. This means, inter alia that prevention programmes should focus on support for particularly vulnerable families, the involvement of schools in teaching basic values (including information about the rights and responsibilities of children and parents under the law), and extending special care and attention to young persons at risk.18. 委员会全面支持《利雅得准则》并同意重点应当放在预防政策上,从而通过家庭、社会、同龄人、学校、职业培训和工作环境,以及通过各种自愿组织成功地走向社 会化和达到融合。 这具体意味着,预防方案应着重于支持尤为弱势的家庭、使学校参与灌输基本的价值观念(包括关于儿童和父母在法律之下的权利和责任的信息),并给予风险少年 特殊的照顾和关注。
In this regard, particular attention should also be given to children who drop out of school or otherwise do not complete their education.为此,也应特别关注辍学儿童或由于其他原因未能完成其学业的儿童。
The use of peer group support and a strong involvement of parents are recommended.委员会建议运用同龄人团体和父母有力的参与。
The States parties should also develop community-based services and programmes that respond to the special needs, problems, concerns and interests of children, in particular of children repeatedly in conflict with the law, and that provide appropriate counselling and guidance to their families.缔约国还要顺应儿童尤其是一再触法儿童的特殊需要、问题、关注和利益,制订基于社区的服务项目和方案,并为这些儿童家庭提供适当的咨询和指导。
19. Articles 18 and 27 of CRC confirm the importance of the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of their children, but at the same time CRC requires States parties to provide the necessary assistance to parents (or other caretakers), in the performance of their parental responsibilities.19. 《公约》第18和27条确认父母扶养其子女责任的重要性,但《公约》同时要求各缔约国为父母(或儿童照管人)提供援助,协助他们履行父母职责。
The measures of assistance should not only focus on the prevention of negative situations, but also and even more on the promotion of the social potential of parents.援助措施不只注重于预防不良情况,甚至更应发挥父母的社会潜力。
There is a wealth of information on home- and family-based prevention programmes, such as parent training, programmes to enhance parent-child interaction and home visitation programmes, which can start at a very young age of the child.关于基于住家和家庭的预防方案,诸如父母培训、从子女极幼年开始增强父母子女之间互动的方案和家庭探访方案之类的资料丰富。
In addition, early childhood education has shown to be correlated with a lower rate of future violence and crime.此外,早期儿童教育显然与成长后暴力程度较低有着因果关系。
At the community level, positive results have been achieved with programmes such as Communities that Care (CTC), a risk-focused prevention strategy.社区一级推行的诸如“关爱社区”之类注重风险预防战略的方案,取得了良好成果。
20. States parties should fully promote and support the involvement of children, in accordance with article 12 of CRC, and of parents, community leaders and other key actors (e.g. representatives of NGOs, probation services and social workers), in the development and implementation of prevention programmes.20. 缔约国应根据《公约》第12条,全面促进和支持儿童,以及父母、社区领导人和其他主要行为者(例如非政府组织的代表、缓刑服务部门和社区工作者)参于制定和实施预防方案。
The quality of this involvement is a key factor in the success of these programmes.参与的质量是这些预防方案成功与否的关键要素。
21. The Committee recommends that States parties seek support and advice from the Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice in their efforts to develop effective prevention programmes.21. 委员会建议缔约国在致力于制定有效预防方案方面寻求少年司法问题机构间小组的支持和咨询。
B. Interventions/diversion (see also section E below)B. 干预/转化(见下文E节)
22. Two kinds of interventions can be used by the State authorities for dealing with children alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law: measures without resorting to judicial proceedings and measures in the context of judicial proceedings.22. 国家主管当局在处置被指称、指控或确认触犯刑法的儿童方面可采取两种干预措施;不诉诸法律审理的措施和在法律审理中采取的措施。
The Committee reminds States parties that utmost care must be taken to ensure that the child’s human rights and legal safeguards are thereby fully respected and protected.委员会提醒缔约国必须采取最大程度的谨慎态度,确保维护儿童的人权和法律保障,从而使儿童得到充分的尊重和保护。
23. Children in conflict with the law, including child recidivists, have the right to be treated in ways that promote their reintegration and the child’s assuming a constructive role in society (art. 40 (1) of CRC).23. 触法儿童,包括累犯儿童,有权得到促进儿童社会重新融合以及使儿童承担起社会建设作用方式的待遇(《公约》第40条第1款)。
The arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child may be used only as a measure of last resort (art. 37 (b)).只有作为最后的措施才可对儿童采取逮捕、拘留或监禁做法(第37条(b)项)。
It is, therefore, necessary - as part of a comprehensive policy for juvenile justice - to develop and implement a wide range of measures to ensure that children are dealt with in a manner appropriate to their well-being, and proportionate to both their circumstances and the offence committed.因此,作为少年司法综合政策的一部分,必须制定和落实一系列广泛的措施,确保以适当符合儿童福祉的方式以及适合儿童环境及与所犯罪行相称的程度处置儿童。
These should include care, guidance and supervision, counselling, probation, foster care, educational and training programmes, and other alternatives to institutional care (art. 40 (4)).这些应包括照顾、指导和监督、咨询、缓刑、收养、教育和培训方案,及替代送交收养院的其他措施(第14条第4款)。
Interventions without resorting to judicial proceedings不诉诸司法审理的干预措施
24. According to article 40 (3) of CRC, the States parties shall seek to promote measures for dealing with children alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law without resorting to judicial proceedings, whenever appropriate and desirable.24. 根据《公约》第40条第3款,缔约国应在适当和可取时,寻求对被指称、控告或确认触犯刑法的儿童采取不诉诸司法审判的措施。
Given the fact that the majority of child offenders commit only minor offences, a range of measures involving removal from criminal/juvenile justice processing and referral to alternative (social) services (i.e. diversion) should be a well-established practice that can and should be used in most cases.鉴于大部分少年犯仅犯有轻微罪行,一系列涉及消除刑事/少年司法审判,提交其他代替性(社会)服法之类的(转化)措施,应成为可据以处置大部分案件的既定方式。
25. In the opinion of the Committee, the obligation of States parties to promote measures for dealing with children in conflict with the law without resorting to judicial proceedings applies, but is certainly not limited to children who commit minor offences, such as shoplifting or other property offences with limited damage, and first-time child offenders.25. 委员会认为,各缔约国有责任推行不诉诸司法审判处置触法儿童的措施,但是这不仅只限于犯有诸如店内偷盗,或者其他对资产造成有限损害的轻微罪行行为,而且包括初犯儿童。
Statistics in many States parties indicate that a large part, and often the majority, of offences committed by children fall into these categories.许多缔约国的统计数字表明,儿童所犯的基本而且往往大多属于轻类别的罪行。
It is in line with the principles set out in article 40 (1) of CRC to deal with all such cases without resorting to criminal law procedures in court.处置此类罪行不诉诸刑事司法法庭审判,符合《公约》第40条第1款所列的原则。
In addition to avoiding stigmatization, this approach has good results for children and is in the interests of public safety, and has proven to be more cost-effective.除了避免造成耻辱的名声之外,这种处置法不仅对儿童,而且也会对公共安全利益产生良好效果,并且证明是成本效益更好的措施。
26. States parties should take measures for dealing with children in conflict with the law without resorting to judicial proceedings as an integral part of their juvenile justice system, and ensure that children’s human rights and legal safeguards are thereby fully respected and protected (art. 40 (3) (b)).26. 缔约国应以本国少年司法体制的一个组成部分,采取不诉诸司法审判处置触法儿童的措施,并由此确保充分尊重和保护儿童的人权和法律保障(第40条第3款(b)项)。
27. It is left to the discretion of States parties to decide on the exact nature and content of the measures for dealing with children in conflict with the law without resorting to judicial proceedings, and to take the necessary legislative and other measures for their implementation.27. 各缔约国可酌情决定不诉诸司法审判处置触法儿童措施的确切性质和内容,并采取实施这些措施的必要立法及其他措施。
Nonetheless, on the basis of the information provided in the reports from some States parties, it is clear that a variety of community-based programmes have been developed, such as community service, supervision and guidance by for example social workers or probation officers, family conferencing and other forms of restorative justice including restitution to and compensation of victims.然而,根据从某些缔约国报告提供的资料,显然已经制定了各种基于社区的方案,诸如由社会工作者或缓刑监督官监督和指导的社区服务、家庭会议和其他形式的恢复性司法,包括归还和补偿受害者的做法。
Other States parties should benefit from these experiences.其他缔约国应从上述这些经验汲取教益。
As far as full respect for human rights and legal safeguards is concerned, the Committee refers to the relevant parts of article 40 of CRC and emphasizes the following:至于全面尊重人权和司法保障,委员会提及《公约》第40条的相关部分,并强调如下:
Diversion (i.e. measures for dealing with children, alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law without resorting to judicial proceedings) should be used only when there is compelling evidence that the child committed the alleged offence, that he/she freely and voluntarily admits responsibility, and that no intimidation or pressure has been used to get that admission and, finally, that the admission will not be used against him/her in any subsequent legal proceeding;转化方式(即,不诉诸司法审判处置被指称、指控或确认触犯刑法儿童的措施)只有在确凿证明儿童犯有所指称的罪行、他/她自由并自愿地承认罪责、在未采用恐吓或施加压力的做法下供认不讳,而且在随后的司法审判中不会针对他/她运用此项供认的情况下,才可采用;
The child must freely and voluntarily give consent in writing to the diversion, a consent that should be based on adequate and specific information on the nature, content and duration of the measure, and on the consequences of a failure to cooperate, carry out and complete the measure.当事儿童必须自由和自愿地书面同意接受转化措施、这种同意应基于对措施的性质、内容及期限充分和具体的了解,并且清楚不予合作、不实施和不完全履行这项措施的后果。
With a view to strengthening parental involvement, States parties may also consider requiring the consent of parents, in particular when the child is below the age of 16 years;为了增强父母参与,各缔约国还应考虑征得父母的同意,尤其应得到不满16岁儿童的父母同意;
The law has to contain specific provisions indicating in which cases diversion is possible, and the powers of the police, prosecutors and/or other agencies to make decisions in this regard should be regulated and reviewed, in particular to protect the child from discrimination;法律必须载有具体条款,阐明对哪些案件可采取转化措施,以及在这此方面应当管制和审查警察、检察官和/或其他机构的决定权,尤其要保护儿童免遭歧视;
The child must be given the opportunity to seek legal or other appropriate assistance on the appropriateness and desirability of the diversion offered by the competent authorities, and on the possibility of review of the measure;儿童必须有机会就主管当局提出的转化措施相称程度和可取性寻求法律及其他适当的援助,且可对措施进行复审;
The completion of the diversion by the child should result in a definite and final closure of the case.儿童接受的转化措施结束后应为案件结案。
Although confidential records can be kept of diversion for administrative and review purposes, they should not be viewed as “criminal records” and a child who has been previously diverted must not be seen as having a previous conviction.虽然为了行政和审查的目的可以保留转化措施的不公开档案,但不应当视为“刑事记录”,而且曾经受过转化措施处置的儿童不应当被视为曾犯有前科的人。
If any registration takes place of this event, access to that information should be given exclusively and for a limited period of time, e.g. for a maximum of one year, to the competent authorities authorized to deal with children in conflict with the law.若因为此事件留下任何记录,亦唯有被授权处置触法儿童的主管当局才可查阅这份资料,而且规定出时限,例如,最长为一年。
Interventions in the context of judicial proceedings在司法审理情况下的干预措施
28. When judicial proceedings are initiated by the competent authority (usually the prosecutor’s office), the principles of a fair and just trial must be applied (see section D below).28. 若主管当局(通常为检察部门)提出司法诉讼,则必须应用公平和公正审理的原则(见下文D节)。
At the same time, the juvenile justice system should provide for ample opportunities to deal with children in conflict with the law by using social and/or educational measures, and to strictly limit the use of deprivation of liberty, and in particular pretrial detention, as a measure of last resort.与此同时,少年司法制度应为处置触法少年提供大量的机会,采取社会和/或教育措施,以及严格地限制使用剥夺自由的做法,尤其是应作为最后措施,才可实行预审拘留。
In the disposition phase of the proceedings, deprivation of liberty must be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time (art. 37 (b)).在诉讼审理阶段,必须作为最后的措施才采取剥夺自由的做法,而且应为适当最短的拘禁期(第37条(b)项)。
This means that States parties should have in place a well-trained probation service to allow for the maximum and effective use of measures such as guidance and supervision orders, probation, community monitoring or day report centres, and the possibility of early release from detention.这意味着,缔约国应具备经完善培训的缓刑部门,以便在最大程度上有效地使用诸如指导和监管法令、缓刑、社区监督或每日报告中心之类的措施,并且有可能提前解除拘禁。
29. The Committee reminds States parties that, pursuant to article 40 (1) of CRC, reintegration requires that no action may be taken that can hamper the child’s full participation in his/her community, such as stigmatization, social isolation, or negative publicity of the child.29. 委员会提醒各缔约国,根据《公约》第40条第1款,对社会重新融合不可采取任何有可能阻碍儿童充分参与社区的行动,诸如造成对儿童的名声败坏,社会孤立,甚至贬斥的公共舆论。
For a child in conflict with the law to be dealt with in a way that promotes reintegration requires that all actions should support the child becoming a full, constructive member of his/her society.为采取促进触法儿童社会重新融合的处理方式,需要所有各方面的行动都应支持儿童全面成为其社会的建设成员。
C. Age and children in conflict with the lawC. 触法年龄和儿童
The minimum age of criminal responsibility最低刑事责任年龄
30. The reports submitted by States parties show the existence of a wide range of minimum ages of criminal responsibility.30. 各缔约国提交的报告表明,对于最低刑事责任年龄的规定存在一个很大的幅度范围。
They range from a very low level of age 7 or 8 to the commendable high level of age 14 or 16.这些责任年龄有的很低,仅为7、8岁,也有的规定较宜提倡,即定为较高的14或16岁。
Quite a few States parties use two minimum ages of criminal responsibility.相当一部分缔约国采用两个最低刑事责任年龄。
Children in conflict with the law who at the time of the commission of the crime are at or above the lower minimum age but below the higher minimum age are assumed to be criminally responsible only if they have the required maturity in that regard.触法儿童在犯罪时正处于或者高于最低责任年龄的下限但未超过最低责任年龄的上限时,只要他们在年龄方面达到了成年年龄时,即可被视为负有刑事责任。
The assessment of this maturity is left to the court/judge, often without the requirement of involving a psychological expert, and results in practice in the use of the lower minimum age in cases of serious crimes.对于是否达到成年的评估,则由法庭/法官来确定,往往未要求心理专家的参与,而在实际上造成了对重罪案采用最低犯罪年龄下限的结果。
The system of two minimum ages is often not only confusing, but leaves much to the discretion of the court/judge and may result in discriminatory practices.这种双重最低年龄的制度,不仅往往造成混淆,而且让法庭/法官拥有了更大的自酌权,且可形成歧视性的行为。
In the light of this wide range of minimum ages for criminal responsibility the Committee feels that there is a need to provide the States parties with clear guidance and recommendations regarding the minimum age of criminal responsibility.鉴于最低刑事责任年龄上下限幅度甚广,委员会感到,有必要为缔约国提供关于最低刑事责任年龄的明确指导和建议。
31. Article 40 (3) of CRC requires States parties to seek to promote, inter alia, the establishment of a minimum age below which children shall be presumed not to have the capacity to infringe the penal law, but does not mention a specific minimum age in this regard.31. 《公约》第40条第3款要求各国力促具体规定最低年龄,在此年龄以下的儿童应视为无触犯法律之行为能力,但是在这一方面未具体提及最低年龄。
The committee understands this provision as an obligation for States parties to set a minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR).委员会理解,这项条款规定各缔约国有义务确立最低刑事责任年龄。
This minimum age means the following:这个最低年龄含义如下:
Children who commit an offence at an age below that minimum cannot be held responsible in a penal law procedure.凡在最低年龄之下犯罪的儿童不可按刑法程序追究责任。
Even (very) young children do have the capacity to infringe the penal law but if they commit an offence when below MACR the irrefutable assumption is that they cannot be formally charged and held responsible in a penal law procedure.即使极年幼的儿童确实具有触犯法律的能力,但是当他们犯罪时的年龄低于最低刑事责任年龄时,即无可争议地认为当事儿童不可按刑法程序遭到正式起诉并追究责任。
For these children special protective measures can be taken if necessary in their best interests;对于这些儿童,出于其最大利益的需要,必须采取专门的保护措施;
Children at or above the MACR at the time of the commission of an offence (or: infringement of the penal law) but younger than 18 years (see also paragraphs 35-38 below) can be formally charged and subject to penal law procedures.凡在犯罪时正处于或高于最低刑事责任年龄的儿童(或触犯刑法),但未满18岁的少年(还见下文第35至38段)可以按照刑法程序提出正式起诉并受审。
But these procedures, including the final outcome, must be in full compliance with the principles and provisions of CRC as elaborated in the present general comment.但是这些程序,包括最后的审判结果,都必须按照本一项般性意见所述,完全符合《原则和条款》。
32. Rule 4 of the Beijing Rules recommends that the beginning of MACR shall not be fixed at too low an age level, bearing in mind the facts of emotional, mental and intellectual maturity.32. 《北京规则》第4条建议,刑事责任年龄起点不应规定得太低,应考虑到情绪和心智成熟的实际情况。
In line with this rule the Committee has recommended States parties not to set a MACR at a too low level and to increase the existing low MACR to an internationally acceptable level.根据这条规则,委员会建议各缔约国不要将刑事责任年龄规定得太低,并将较低的现行刑事责任年龄提高到国际上可接受的幅度。
From these recommendations, it can be concluded that a minimum age of criminal responsibility below the age of 12 years is considered by the Committee not to be internationally acceptable.从这些建议可得出结论,委员会认为低于12岁的最低刑事责任年龄不是国际上可接受的水平。
States parties are encouraged to increase their lower MACR to the age of 12 years as the absolute minimum age and to continue to increase it to a higher age level.委员会鼓励各缔约国将其较低的最低刑事责任年龄提高到12岁为绝对最低责任年龄,并继续提高最低刑事责任年龄的幅度。
33. At the same time, the Committee urges States parties not to lower their MACR to the age of 12.33. 与此同时,委员会促请各缔约国不要将最低刑事责任年龄降低至12岁。
A higher MACR, for instance 14 or 16 years of age, contributes to a juvenile justice system which, in accordance with article 40 (3) (b) of CRC, deals with children in conflict with the law without resorting to judicial proceedings, providing that the child’s human rights and legal safeguards are fully respected.较高的最低刑事责任年龄,诸如14或16岁,有利于少年司法制度。 根据《公约》第40条第3款(b)项,这样的少年司法制度可在不诉诸司法审理的情况下,处置触法儿童,但必须充分尊重儿童的人权和法律保障。
In this regard, States parties should inform the Committee in their reports in specific detail how children below the MACR set in their laws are treated when they are recognized as having infringed the penal law, or are alleged as or accused of having done so, and what kinds of legal safeguards are in place to ensure that their treatment is as fair and just as that of children at or above MACR.为此,各缔约国应在报告中具体详实地向委员会通报,一旦儿童被确认触犯刑法或被指称或被指控触犯刑法时,如何按照各自法律确定的最低法律责任年龄处置这些儿童,以及确立了哪些法律保障,以确保这些儿童按照处于或者高于最低刑事责任年龄的儿童获得公平和公正的待遇。
34. The Committee wishes to express its concern about the practice of allowing exceptions to a MACR which permit the use of a lower minimum age of criminal responsibility in cases where the child, for example, is accused of committing a serious offence or where the child is considered mature enough to be held criminally responsible.34. 委员会谨此明确表示关注一种做法,这种做法对被控犯有严重罪行或者被视为足够成熟可承担刑事责任的儿童允许按最低刑事责任年龄的例外采用低于最低责任年龄追究其刑事责任。
The Committee strongly recommends that States parties set a MACR that does not allow, by way of exception, the use of a lower age.委员会强烈建议缔约国确立最低刑事责任年龄,不允许以例外的方式采用更低刑事责任年龄的做法。
35. If there is no proof of age and it cannot be established that the child is at or above the MACR, the child shall not be held criminally responsible (see also paragraph 39 below).35. 若无年龄证据,就不能确立当事儿童是否处于或者高于最低刑事责任年龄,因而就不可追究儿童的刑事责任(还见下文第39段)。
The upper age-limit for juvenile justice少年司法的年龄上限
36. The Committee also wishes to draw the attention of States parties to the upper age-limit for the application of the rules of juvenile justice.36. 委员会还想提请各缔约国注意运用少年司法规则的年龄上限。
These special rules - in terms both of special procedural rules and of rules for diversion and special measures - should apply, starting at the MACR set in the country, for all children who, at the time of their alleged commission of an offence (or act punishable under the criminal law), have not yet reached the age of 18 years.这些特殊规则――即特殊程序规则和转化措施和特别措施――应适用于所有该国规定的最低刑事责任年龄,直至据称在犯罪行为(或按刑法应受惩罚的行为)发生时不满18岁的人。
37. The Committee wishes to remind States parties that they have recognized the right of every child alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law to be treated in accordance with the provisions of article 40 of CRC.37. 委员会谨提醒各缔约国,各国确认被指称、指控或确认触犯刑法的每一个儿童都有权得到《公约》第40条规定的待遇。
This means that every person under the age of 18 years at the time of the alleged commission of an offence must be treated in accordance with the rules of juvenile justice.这意味着,每一位在犯有据称犯罪行为时不满18岁的人都应按照少年司法规则予以处置。
38. The Committee, therefore, recommends that those States parties which limit the applicability of their juvenile justice rules to children under the age of 16 (or lower) years, or which allow by way of exception that 16 or 17-year-old children are treated as adult criminals, change their laws with a view to achieving a non-discriminatory full application of their juvenile justice rules to all persons under the age of 18 years.38. 委员会建议凡限制对16岁(或者更低)年龄的儿童适用少年司法规则的缔约国,或那些允许按例外方式,对16或17岁儿童采取按成年罪犯的方式处置的国家,修改各自的法律,以便对所有不满18岁者一无歧视地充分落实本国的少年司法规则。
The Committee notes with appreciation that some States parties allow for the application of the rules and regulations of juvenile justice to persons aged 18 and older, usually till the age of 21, either as a general rule or by way of exception.委员会赞赏地注意到,有些缔约国允许对18岁或更高年龄――通常直至21岁的青少年,按一般规则或以例外方式,运用少年司法的规则和条例。
39. Finally, the Committee wishes to emphasize the fact that it is crucial for the full implementation of article 7 of CRC requiring, inter alia, that every child shall be registered immediately after birth to set age-limits one way or another, which is the case for all States parties.39. 最后,委员会谨强调,充分实施《公约》第7条的关键是,必须具体让每一位儿童在出生之后立即得到登记,以便按这种或别的方式确立起年龄限制规定。 这是大所有缔约国的做法。
A child without a provable date of birth is extremely vulnerable to all kinds of abuse and injustice regarding the family, work, education and labour, particularly within the juvenile justice system.一个儿童没有可证实的出生日期,极易在家庭、工作、教育和劳工,特别是在少年司法体制中遭受所有各类不公正的待遇。
Every child must be provided with a birth certificate free of charge whenever he/she needs it to prove his/her age.每一位儿童只要在需要证明他/她的年龄时,就应当为之免费地提供出生证。
If there is no proof of age, the child is entitled to a reliable medical or social investigation that may establish his/her age and, in the case of conflict or inconclusive evidence, the child shall have the right to the rule of the benefit of the doubt.若不能没有年龄证据,儿童有权得到可靠的医务或社会调查,从而可确定他/她的年龄,并在出现冲突或无确凿证据的情况下,儿童应当有权享有在有疑问时不予确定的规则。
D. The guarantees for a fair trialD. 进行公正审理的保障规定
40. Article 40 (2) of CRC contains an important list of rights and guarantees that are all meant to ensure that every child alleged as or accused of having infringed the penal law receives fair treatment and trial.40. 《儿童权利公约》第40条第2款载有一份列出权利和保障规定的重要的清单,这些权利和保障规定都旨在确保每个被指称或被指控触犯刑法的儿童都能够得到公正的待遇和审理。
Most of these guarantees can also be found in article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which the Human Rights Committee elaborated and commented on in its general comment No. 13 (1984) (Administration of justice) which is currently in the process of being reviewed.其中多数保障规定还见于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十四条,人权事务委员会在其第13号一般性意见(1984)(司法)中,对该条作了阐述和评论,这项评论目前正在得到审查。
However, the implementation of these guarantees for children does have some specific aspects which will be presented in this section.不过,适用于儿童的这些保障规定的实施的确含有某些独特方面,本节将对这些方面进行阐述。
Before doing so, the Committee wishes to emphasize that a key condition for a proper and effective implementation of these rights or guarantees is the quality of the persons involved in the administration of juvenile justice.在此之前,委员会希望强调的是:恰当和切实落实这些权利或保障规定的一个关键条件,在于参与少年司法工作的人员的素质。
The training of professionals, such as police officers, prosecutors, legal and other representatives of the child, judges, probation officers, social workers and others is crucial and should take place in a systematic and ongoing manner.对专业人员例如警员、公诉人、儿童法律代理人或其他代理人、法官、监护人员、社会事务人员以及其他人员等进行培训至关重要,此种培训应当有系统地、持续不断地进行。
These professionals should be well informed about the child’s, and particularly about the adolescent’s physical, psychological, mental and social development, as well as about the special needs of the most vulnerable children, such as children with disabilities, displaced children, street children, refugee and asylum-seeking children, and children belonging to racial, ethnic, religious, linguistic or other minorities (see paragraphs 6-9 above).这些专业人员应当熟悉儿童尤其是青少年的身心、精神发展和社会交往能力发展情况,并且熟悉残疾儿童、流离失所儿童、街头流浪儿童、难民和寻求庇护儿童,以及在种族、族裔、宗教、语言或其他方面属于少数群体的儿童等最易受伤害儿童(见上文第6至第9段)的特殊需要。
Since girls in the juvenile justice system may be easily overlooked because they represent only a small group, special attention must be paid to the particular needs of the girl child, e.g. in relation to prior abuse and special health needs.女童在少年司法系统中可能很容易被忽视,因为她们在其中仅占很小的比例,因此,必须特别重视女童的特殊需求,例如,必须注重先前是否遭受虐待问题并考虑到其特殊的健康需求。
Professionals and staff should act under all circumstances in a manner consistent with the child’s dignity and worth, which reinforces the child’s respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others, and which promotes the child’s reintegration and his/her assuming a constructive role in society (art. 40 (1)).专业人员和工作人员应当在任何情形中都以与儿童的尊严和价值相一致的方式行事,这种方式有助于增强儿童对他人的人权和基本自由的尊重,并且还有助于儿童重新融入社会并在社会中发挥积极作用(第40条第1款)。
All the guarantees recognized in article 40 (2), which will be dealt with hereafter, are minimum standards, meaning that States parties can and should try to establish and observe higher standards, e.g. in the areas of legal assistance and the involvement of the child and her/his parents in the judicial process.第40条第2款所列的所有保障规定――这些规定将在下文得到阐述――都属于最低标准,就是说,缔约国能够而且应当设法制定并遵守更高的标准,例如在法律援助以及儿童及其父母参与司法程序等方面。
No retroactive juvenile justice (art. 40 (2) (a))少年司法不得追溯既往(第40条第2款(a)项)
41. Article 40 (2) (a) of CRC affirms that the rule that no one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a criminal offence, under national or international law, at the time it was committed is also applicable to children (see also article 15 of ICCPR).41. 《儿童权利公约》第40条第2款(a)项申明,以下规则,即任何人的行为或不行为,在其发生时依照国内法或国际法均不构成刑事罪的,不得据以认为犯有刑事罪,也适用于儿童(还见《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十五条)。
It means that no child can be charged with or sentenced under the penal law for acts or omissions which at the time they were committed were not prohibited under national or international law.就是说,任何儿童都不得因发生之时国内法或国际法未加禁止的行为或不行为,而依据刑法受到指控或被判刑。
In the light of the fact that many States parties have recently strengthened and/or expanded their criminal law provisions to prevent and combat terrorism, the Committee recommends that States parties ensure that these changes do not result in retroactive or unintended punishment of children.由于许多缔约国为预防和打击恐怖主义活动,都在最近加强和/或扩充了刑法条款,因此,委员会建议缔约国确保这些变动不致使儿童以追溯既往方式受到惩罚或意外受到惩罚。
The Committee also wishes to remind States parties that the rule that no heavier penalty shall be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time when the criminal offence was committed, as expressed in article 15 of ICCPR, is in the light of article 41 of CRC, applicable to children in the States parties to ICCPR.委员会还想要提醒缔约国注意:《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十五条所载处以的刑罚不得重于犯罪时适用的刑罚的规则,根据《儿童权利公约》第41条,适用于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》缔约国境内的儿童。
No child shall be punished with a heavier penalty than the one applicable at the time of his/her infringement of the penal law.任何儿童被处以的刑罚,都不得重于触犯刑法之时所适用的那种刑罚。
But if a change of law after the act provides for a lighter penalty, the child should benefit from this change.但是,在犯罪行为作出之后,如果有关法律经修改规定了较轻的刑罚,相关儿童应当得益于此种修改。
The presumption of innocence (art. 40 (2) (b) (i))无罪推定(第40条第2款(b)项(一)目)
42. The presumption of innocence is fundamental to the protection of the human rights of children in conflict with the law.42. 无罪推定对保护触犯法律的儿童的人权至关重要。
It means that the burden of proof of the charge(s) brought against the child is on the prosecution.无罪推定的含义是:对儿童提出的指控的举证责任在公诉方。
The child alleged as or accused of having infringed the penal law has the benefit of doubt and is only guilty as charged if these charges have been proven beyond reasonable doubt.被指称或指控触犯刑法的儿童应当被假定无罪,并且只有在相关指控证据确凿的情况下,方可被认定犯有所指控的罪行。
The child has the right to be treated in accordance with this presumption and it is the duty of all public authorities or others involved to refrain from prejudging the outcome of the trial.相关儿童有权得到与此种推定相一致的待遇,而且所有有关的政府主管机构或其他机构和人员都有义务不预先判定审理结果。
States parties should provide information about child development to ensure that this presumption of innocence is respected in practice.缔约国应当提供有关儿童成长的资料,以便确保这种无罪推定原则在实践中得到遵守。
Due to the lack of understanding of the process, immaturity, fear or other reasons, the child may behave in a suspicious manner, but the authorities must not assume that the child is guilty without proof of guilt beyond any reasonable doubt.由于对程序缺乏了解,不成熟,惧怕或其他原因,相关儿童的举止可能会令人怀疑,但是,主管机构决不能在犯罪证据并不确凿的情况下推定该儿童有罪。
The right to be heard (art. 12)陈述意见的权利(第12条)
43. Article 12 (2) of CRC requires that a child be provided with the opportunity to be heard in any judicial or administrative proceedings affecting the child, either directly or through a representative or an appropriate body in a manner consistent with the procedural rules of national law.43. 《儿童权利公约》第12条第2款规定,儿童应当有机会在影响到儿童的任何司法和行政诉讼中,以符合国内法诉讼规则的方式,直接或通过代理人或适当机构陈述意见。
44. It is obvious that for a child alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law, the right to be heard is fundamental for a fair trial.44. 显然,对一名被指称、指控或经确认触犯了刑法的儿童来说,陈述意见的权利对于进行公正审理至关重要。
It is equally obvious that the child has the right to be heard directly and not only through a representative or an appropriate body if it is in her/his best interests.同样清楚的是,只要符合儿童的最大利益,该儿童有权直接陈述意见,而并非只是通过代理人或适当机构陈述意见。
This right must be fully observed at all stages of the process, starting with pretrial stage when the child has the right to remain silent, as well as the right to be heard by the police, the prosecutor and the investigating judge.这项权利必须在相关程序的所有阶段都得到充分尊重,这一程序从审前阶段开始,在这一阶段,相关儿童有权保持沉默,也有权向警方、公诉人和预审法官陈述意见。
But it also applies to the stages of adjudication and of implementation of the imposed measures.这项权利也适用于审理的各个阶段以及裁定采取的措施的执行阶段。
In other words, the child must be given the opportunity to express his/her views freely, and those views should be given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child (art. 12 (1)), throughout the juvenile justice process.换言之,儿童必须有机会自由表达看法,而且应当在整个少年司法程序中,根据儿童的年龄和成熟程度恰当顾及这些看法。
This means that the child, in order to effectively participate in the proceedings, must be informed not only of the charges (see paragraphs 47-48 below), but also of the juvenile justice process as such and of the possible measures.这意味着,为了切实有效地参与诉讼,儿童不仅须知悉对其提出的指控(见下文第47至48段),而且还须知悉少年司法程序本身及可能裁定的措施。
45. The child should be given the opportunity to express his/her views concerning the (alternative) measures that may be imposed, and the specific wishes or preferences he/she may have in this regard should be given due weight.45. 儿童应当有机会就可能裁定的(替代性)措施发表看法,而且儿童在这方面可能提出的具体愿望或要求应当得到适当考虑。
Alleging that the child is criminally responsible implies that he/she should be competent and able to effectively participate in the decisions regarding the most appropriate response to allegations of his/her infringement of the penal law (see paragraph 46 below).提出相关儿童负有刑事责任的指称意味着:该儿童应当有能力并且能够切实参与关于对该儿童触犯刑法的指称采取最恰当的应对行动的裁决过程(见下文第46段)。
It goes without saying that the judges involved are responsible for taking the decisions.不用说,裁决是由审理案件的法官作出的。
But to treat the child as a passive object does not recognize his/her rights nor does it contribute to an effective response to his/her behaviour.但是,把儿童当作一个被动对象看待的做法,意味着不承认儿童的权利,而且无助于采取切实应对措施处理其行为。
This also applies to the implementation of the measure(s) imposed.这也适用于裁定的措施的执行。
Research shows that an active engagement of the child in this implementation will, in most cases, contribute to a positive result.研究表明,让儿童积极参与这一执行过程,在多数情况下都将有助于取得积极结果。
The right to effective participation in the proceedings (art 40 (2) (b) (iv))切实参与诉讼的权利(第40条第2款(b)项(四)目)
46. A fair trial requires that the child alleged as or accused of having infringed the penal law be able to effectively participate in the trial, and therefore needs to comprehend the charges, and possible consequences and penalties, in order to direct the legal representative, to challenge witnesses, to provide an account of events, and to make appropriate decisions about evidence, testimony and the measure(s) to be imposed.46. 公正审理要求被指称或被控触犯刑法的儿童能够切实参与审理,因此该儿童需要了解指控以及可能的后果和惩罚,以便向法律代理人提出请求,对证人提出质疑,叙述事件经过,并就证据、证词和将会强制执行的措施作出恰当决定。
Article 14 of the Beijing Rules provides that the proceedings should be conducted in an atmosphere of understanding to allow the child to participate and to express himself/herself freely.《北京规则》第14条规定,诉讼应当在谅解的气氛中进行,以便使儿童能够进行参与并自由地表达意见。
Taking into account the child’s age and maturity may also require modified courtroom procedures and practices.顾及儿童的年龄和成熟程度的做法,可能还要求修改法庭程序和惯例。
Prompt and direct information of the charge(s) (art. 40 (2) (b) (ii))迅速和直接知悉指控(第40条第2款(b)项(二)目)
47. Every child alleged as or accused of having infringed the penal law has the right to be informed promptly and directly of the charges brought against him/her.47. 每个被指称或被控触犯刑法的儿童都有权迅速、直接地被告知对其提出的指控。
Prompt and direct means as soon as possible, and that is when the prosecutor or the judge initially takes procedural steps against the child.“迅速、直接”是指尽快告知,即在公诉人和法官最初对相关儿童采取程序步骤之时就这样做。
But also when the authorities decide to deal with the case without resorting to judicial proceedings, the child must be informed of the charge(s) that may justify this approach.但是,即便主管机构决定在不诉诸司法程序的情况下处理案件,相关儿童也必须知悉可能表明适合采取此种做法的指控。
This is part of the requirement of article 40 (3) (b) of CRC that legal safeguards should be fully respected.这是《儿童权利公约》第40条第3款(b)项关于应当充分遵循法律保障措施的规定的一部分。
The child should be informed in a language he/she understands.应当用相关儿童能够理解的语言向其告知指控。
This may require a presentation of the information in a foreign language but also a “translation” of the formal legal jargon often used in criminal/juvenile charges into a language that the child can understand.这可能需要用外文告知相关情况,同时也需要将刑事/少年案件指控中经常使用的正规法律术语“翻译”成儿童能够理解的语言。
48. Providing the child with an official document is not enough and an oral explanation may often be necessary.48. 仅仅向儿童提供正式文件是不够的,往往可能还需作口头解释。
The authorities should not leave this to the parents or legal guardians or the child’s legal or other assistance.主管机构不应当让父母或法定监护人,或儿童的法律援助人员或其他人员进行口头解释。
It is the responsibility of the authorities (e.g. police, prosecutor, judge) to make sure that the child understands each charge brought against him/her.主管机构(如警方、公诉人、法官等)有责任确保相关儿童理解对其提出的各项指控。
The Committee is of the opinion that the provision of this information to the parents or legal guardians should not be an alternative to communicating this information to the child.委员会认为,向父母或法定监护人提供此种资料的做法不应代替向相关儿童提供此种资料的做法。
It is most appropriate if both the child and the parents or legal guardians receive the information in such a way that they can understand the charge(s) and the possible consequences.最为恰当的情形是:儿童和父母或法定监护人都能收到此种资料,从而能够了解相关指控和可能的后果。
Legal or other appropriate assistance (art. 40 (2) (b) (ii))法律援助或其他恰当援助(第40条第2款(b)项(二)目)
49. The child must be guaranteed legal or other appropriate assistance in the preparation and presentation of his/her defence.49. 必须确保儿童在准备和进行辩护过程中得到法律援助或其他适当援助。
CRC does require that the child be provided with assistance, which is not necessarily under all circumstances legal but it must be appropriate.实际上《儿童权利公约》就要求向相关儿童提供援助,此种援助不一定在所有情况下都是法律上的援助,但此种援助必须恰当。
It is left to the discretion of States parties to determine how this assistance is provided but it should be free of charge.如何提供此种援助,由缔约国酌情决定,但该援助应当免费提供。
The Committee recommends the State parties provide as much as possible for adequate trained legal assistance, such as expert lawyers or paralegal professionals.委员会建议缔约国尽可能提供恰当的、训练有素的法律援助人员,如专业律师或律师专职助手等。
Other appropriate assistance is possible (e.g. social worker), but that person must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the various legal aspects of the process of juvenile justice and must be trained to work with children in conflict with the law.其他恰当援助人员可以提供(如社会事务人员等),但此种人员必须充分熟悉和了解少年司法程序所涉不同法律问题,而且必须在处理触犯法律的儿童的问题方面受过专门培训。
50. As required by article 14 (3) (b) of ICCPR, the child and his/her assistant must have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his/her defence.50. 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十四条第3款(乙)项规定,相关儿童及其援助人员必须有足够的时间和便利准备辩护。
Communications between the child and his/her assistance, either in writing or orally, should take place under such conditions that the confidentiality of such communications is fully respected in accordance with the guarantee provided for in article 40 (2) (b) (vii) of CRC, and the right of the child to be protected against interference with his/her privacy and correspondence (art.相关儿童与其援助人员之间的通信,不论是书面还是口头通信,应当在以下条件下进行:此种通信的机密性按照《儿童权利公约》第40条第2款(b)项(七)目所载保障规定,并按照儿童有权受到保护以使其隐私权和通信不受妨害的规定(《儿童权利公约》第16条),得到充分尊重。
16 of CRC). A number of States parties have made reservations regarding this guarantee (art. 40 (2) (b) (ii) of CRC), apparently assuming that it requires exclusively the provision of legal assistance and therefore by a lawyer.一些缔约国对这项保障规定(《儿童权利公约》第40条第2款(b)项(二)目)提出保留,它们似乎认为,这项规定要求的完全是提供法律援助即由律师提供援助。
That is not the case and such reservations can and should be withdrawn.但实际情况并非如此,因此,这种保留是能够而且应当被撤消的。
Decisions without delay and with involvement of parents (art. 40 (2) (b) (iii))迅速并在父母在场的情况下作出裁决(第40条第2款(b)项(三)目)
51. Internationally there is a consensus that for children in conflict with the law the time between the commission of the offence and the final response to this act should be as short as possible.51. 国际上的一种共识是:就触犯法律的儿童而言,从犯下不法行为到对此种行为采取最后应对措施的时间,应当尽可能短暂。
The longer this period, the more likely it is that the response loses its desired positive, pedagogical impact, and the more the child will be stigmatized.这段时间越长,应对措施就越可能失去想要达到的积极的教育效果,相关儿童就越可能遭受歧视。
In this regard, the Committee also refers to article 37 (d) of CRC, where the child deprived of liberty has the right to a prompt decision on his/her action to challenge the legality of the deprivation of his/her liberty.在这方面,委员会还提及《儿童权利公约》第37条(d)项,该项规定:被剥夺自由的儿童有权迅速得到关于其对剥夺自由做法的合法性提出异议行动的裁决。
The term “prompt” is even stronger - and justifiably so given the seriousness of deprivation of liberty - than the term “without delay” (art. 40 (2) (b) (iii) of CRC), which is stronger than the term “without undue delay” of article 14 (3) (c) of ICCPR. 52. The Committee recommends that the States parties set and implement time limits for the period between the commission of the offence and the completion of the police investigation, the decision of the prosecutor (or other competent body) to bring charges against the child, and the final adjudication and decision by the court or other competent judicial body.“prompt(迅速)”一词的强烈程度高于“without delay(不拖延)”(《儿童权利公约》第40条第2款(b)项(三)目)――鉴于剥夺自由做法的严重性,这是无可非议的;而“without delay(不拖延)”的强烈程度又高于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十四条第3款(丙)项中的“without undue delay(不被无故拖延)”。 52. 委员会建议缔约国对从作出犯罪行为到警方完成调查、公诉人(或其他主管机构)决定对相关儿童提出指控以及法院或其他主管司法机构进行最终裁决这段时间规定 和适用期限。
These time limits should be much shorter than those set for adults.这些期限应当比为成年人规定的期限短得多。
But at the same time, decisions without delay should be the result of a process in which the human rights of the child and legal safeguards are fully respected.但同时,在不拖延的情况下作出的裁决,应当是相关儿童的人权和法律保障规定得到充分尊重的程序的结果。
In this decision-making process without delay, the legal or other appropriate assistance must be present.在这一在不拖延的情况下进行的决策程序的过程中,法律援助人员或其他恰当援助人员必须在场。
This presence should not be limited to the trial before the court or other judicial body, but also applies to all other stages of the process, beginning with the interviewing (interrogation) of the child by the police.这些人员的在场不应限于法院或其他司法机构的审理,而是还应适用于这一从警方询问(审问)相关儿童开始的程序的所有其他阶段。
53. Parents or legal guardians should also be present at the proceedings because they can provide general psychological and emotional assistance to the child.53. 父母或法定监护人也应当到场参加诉讼,因为他们能够向相关儿童提供某些心理和情感上的支持。
The presence of parents does not mean that parents can act in defence of the child or be involved in the decision-making process.父母到场参加诉讼,并不是说父母能够为子女辩护或者参与作出裁决。
However, the judge or competent authority may decide, at the request of the child or of his/her legal or other appropriate assistance or because it is not in the best interests of the child (art. 3 of CRC), to limit, restrict or exclude the presence of the parents from the proceedings.不过,经儿童或其法律援助人员或其他恰当援助人员请求,或者在考虑到儿童的最大利益(《儿童权利公约》第3条)的情况下,法官或主管机构可决定限制或不允许父母参加诉讼。
54. The Committee recommends that States parties explicitly provide by law for the maximum possible involvement of parents or legal guardians in the proceedings against the child.54. 委员会建议缔约国依法明确规定最大限度地让父母或法定监护人参加对相关儿童的诉讼。
This involvement shall in general contribute to an effective response to the child’s infringement of the penal law.这种参加应当在总体上有助于对儿童触犯刑法的行为采取有效的应对措施。
To promote parental involvement, parents must be notified of the apprehension of their child as soon as possible.为了便利父母参加诉讼,必须尽快向其告知子女被捕一事。
55. At the same time, the Committee regrets the trend in some countries to introduce the punishment of parents for the offences committed by their children.55. 同时,委员会对有些国家趋于因子女犯罪而对父母实行惩罚的现象表示遗憾。
Civil liability for the damage caused by the child’s act can, in some limited cases, be appropriate, in particular for the younger children (e.g. below 16 years of age).在某些有限的案件中,对子女的行为造成的损害承担民事责任,可能是恰当的,尤其是就少年(16岁以下的人)而言。
But criminalizing parents of children in conflict with the law will most likely not contribute to their becoming active partners in the social reintegration of their child.但是,规定触犯法律的儿童的父母须承担刑事责任的做法,将很可能无助于父母在子女重新融入社会方面充当积极的合作伙伴。
Freedom from compulsory self-incrimination (art. 40 (2) (b) (iii))迅速并在父母在场的情况下作出裁决(第40条第2款(b)项(三)目)
56. In line with article 14 (3) (g) of ICCPR, CRC requires that a child be not compelled to give testimony or to confess or acknowledge guilt.56. 依照《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十四条第3款(庚)项,《儿童权利公约》规定,儿童不得被迫提供证言或承认犯罪。
This means in the first place - and self-evidently - that torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in order to extract an admission or a confession constitutes a grave violation of the rights of the child (art. 37 (a) of CRC) and is wholly unacceptable.这首先意味着――不言而喻――为使人供认或认罪而实施酷刑及其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇,构成对儿童权利的严重侵犯(《儿童权利公约》第37条(a)项),而且是完全不能接受的。
No such admission or confession can be admissible as evidence (article 15 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment).任何此种供认或认罪都不得作为证据(《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》第15条)。
57. There are many other less violent ways to coerce or to lead the child to a confession or a self-incriminatory testimony.57. 还有许多其他迫使或促使儿童供认或自证其罪的残暴程度较低的手段。
The term “compelled” should be interpreted in a broad manner and not be limited to physical force or other clear violations of human rights.“强迫”一词应当作广义解释,因而不应仅限于武力或其他明显侵犯人权的行为。
The age of the child, the child’s development, the length of the interrogation, the child’s lack of understanding, the fear of unknown consequences or of a suggested possibility of imprisonment may lead him/her to a confession that is not true.儿童的年龄,儿童的身心发育情况,审问持续的时间,儿童的判断能力缺乏,担心某种后果或在被暗示可能遭受监禁之后感到惧怕等,都可能使儿童作出不符合真实情况的供认。
That may become even more likely if rewards are promised such as: “You can go home as soon as you have given us the true story”, or lighter sanctions or release are promised.如果作出诸如“只要你告诉我们真实情况,你就可以马上回家”等允诺,或者答应从宽处理或将人释放,就更可能出现这种结果。
58. The child being questioned must have access to a legal or other appropriate representative, and must be able to request the presence of his/her parent(s) during questioning.58. 受到讯问的儿童必须能够同法律代理人或其他恰当代理人接触,而且必须能够在讯问过程中请求其父母到场。
There must be independent scrutiny of the methods of interrogation to ensure that the evidence is voluntary and not coerced, given the totality of the circumstances, and is reliable.必须对讯问方法进行独立审查,以便确保证据从总的情况来看是自愿提供的而不是在遭受胁迫后作出的,并且是可靠的。
The court or other judicial body, when considering the voluntary nature and reliability of an admission or confession by a child, must take into account the age of the child, the length of custody and interrogation, and the presence of legal or other counsel, parent(s), or independent representatives of the child.法院或其他司法机关在研究儿童的供认或认罪的自愿性质或可靠性之时,必须考虑到儿童的年龄,拘留和讯问持续的时间,以及儿童的律师或其他援助人员、父母或独立代理人是否在场等问题。
Police officers and other investigating authorities should be well trained to avoid interrogation techniques and practices that result in coerced or unreliable confessions or testimonies.警员和其他调查机构人员应当受到恰当培训,以便避免采用会造成被迫供认或供述或提供不可靠供词或证言的讯问方法和做法。
Presence and examination of witnesses (art. 40 (2) (b) (iv))证人到庭和盘问证人(第40条第2款(b)项(四)目)
59. The guarantee in article 40 (2) (b) (iv) of CRC underscores that the principle of equality of arms (i.e. under conditions of equality or parity between defence and prosecution) should be observed in the administration of juvenile justice.59. 《儿童权利公约》第40条第2款(b)项(四)目)强调,“平等武装”原则(辩护方和公诉方享有平等或均等条件)应当在少年司法过程中得到遵守。
The term “to examine or to have examined” refers to the fact that there are distinctions in the legal systems, particularly between the accusatorial and inquisitorial trials.“(亲自)诘问或间接诘问”一词指的是:法律体系之间特别是对抗式审理和审问式审理之间是有着差别的。
In the latter, the defendant is often allowed to examine witnesses although he/she rarely uses this right, leaving examination of the witnesses to the lawyer or, in the case of children, to another appropriate body.在审问式审理中,往往允许被告诘问证人,虽然被告很少行使这项权利,通常让律师盘问证人;或者,在涉及儿童的情形中,由另一个恰当机构负责诘问证人。
However, it remains important that the lawyer or other representative informs the child of the possibility to examine witnesses and to allow him/her to express his/her views in that regard, views which should be given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child (art. 12).不过,律师或其他代理人仍然有必要告知相关儿童:他们可以诘问证人,并且可以在这方面发表意见,有关方面应当视相关儿童的年龄和成熟程度适当考虑此种意见。
The right to appeal (art. 40 (2) (b) (v))上诉权(第40条第2款(b)项(五)目)
60. The child has the right to appeal against the decision by which he is found guilty of the charge(s) brought against him/her and against the measures imposed as a consequence of this guilty verdict.60. 儿童有权对判定其犯有指控所犯罪行的裁决,并对因这项有罪裁决而宣布采取的措施提出上诉。
This appeal should be decided by a higher, competent, independent and impartial authority or judicial body, in other words, a body that meets the same standards and requirements as the one that dealt with the case in the first instance.这种上诉应当由高一级的独立、公正的主管机构或司法机构负责裁定,换言之,由一个达到与初审机构所达到的相同的标准和要求的机构负责裁定。
This guarantee is similar to the one expressed in article 14 (5) of ICCPR.这项保障规定类似于《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十四条第5款。
This right of appeal is not limited to the most serious offences.这项上诉权并非仅限于最严重的犯罪
61. This seems to be the reason why quite a few States parties have made reservations regarding this provision in order to limit this right of appeal by the child to the more serious offences and/or imprisonment sentences.61. 这似乎就是为什么相当多的缔约国对这项条款提出保留,以便将儿童的这项上诉权利限于较为严重的犯罪和/或宣判的原因。
The Committee reminds States parties to the ICCPR that a similar provision is made in article 14 (5) of the Covenant.委员会提醒《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》缔约国:该《公约》第十四条第5款载有一项类似的规定。
In the light of article 41 of CRC, it means that this article should provide every adjudicated child with the right to appeal.从《儿童权利公约》第41条来看,可以认为,该条款规定,每一名获得宣判的儿童都有权提出上诉。
The Committee recommends that the States parties withdraw their reservations to the provision in article 40 (2) (b) (v).委员会建议缔约国撤消对第40条第2款(b)项(五)目所载规定的保留。
Free assistance of an interpreter (art. 40 (2) (vi))口译员的免费协助(第40条第2款(b)项(六)目)
62. If a child cannot understand or speak the language used by the juvenile justice system, he/she has the right to get free assistance of an interpreter.62. 如果儿童不懂或不会说少年司法系统所用的语言,该儿童有权得到口译员的免费协助。
This assistance should not be limited to the court trial but should also be available at all stages of the juvenile justice process.这种协助不应当限于法庭审理,而是还应当在少年司法程序的所有阶段都加以提供。
It is also important that the interpreter has been trained to work with children, because the use and understanding of their mother tongue might be different from that of adults.还有必要对口译员进行向儿童提供协助方面的培训,因为儿童对其母语的使用和理解可能有别于成年人。
Lack of knowledge and/or experience in that regard may impede the child’s full understanding of the questions raised, and interfere with the right to a fair trial and to effective participation.缺乏这方面的知识和/或经验,可能会妨碍儿童对提出的问题的充分理解,并且影响受到公正审理和积极参与权利的享受。
The condition starting with “if”, “if the child cannot understand or speak the language used”, means that a child of a foreign or ethnic origin for example, who - besides his/her mother tongue - understands and speaks the official language, does not have to be provided with the free assistance of an interpreter.用“若”加以限定(“若儿童不懂或不会说所用语言”)指的是:就外籍儿童或少数民族儿童而言,如该儿童除母语以外还通晓官方语言,就无须向其提供口译员的免费协助。
63. The Committee also wishes to draw the attention of States parties to children with speech impairment or other disabilities.63. 委员会还愿提请缔约国关注有语言障碍或其他残疾的儿童。
In line with the spirit of article 40 (2) (vi), and in accordance with the special protection measures provided to children with disabilities in article 23, the Committee recommends that States parties ensure that children with speech impairment or other disabilities are provided with adequate and effective assistance by well-trained professionals, e.g. in sign language, in case they are subject to the juvenile justice process (see also in this regard general comment No. 9 (The rights of children with disabilities) of the Committee on the Rights of the Child.按照第40条第2款(b)项 (六)目的精神,并依据第23条所载向残疾儿童提供的特别保护措施,委员会建议缔约国确保有语言障碍或其他残疾的儿童得到训练有素的专业人员的充分、有效 的协助,例如,在此种儿童经历少年司法程序过程中,向其提供手势语协助(在这方面,还见儿童权利委员会第9号一般性评论(残疾儿童的权利)。
Full respect of privacy (arts. 16 and 40 (2) (b) (vii))充分尊重隐私(第16条和第40条第2款(b)项(七)目)
64. The right of a child to have his/her privacy fully respected during all stages of the proceedings reflects the right to protection of privacy enshrined in article 16 of CRC.64. 儿童有权要求其隐私在诉讼的所有阶段都得到充分尊重这项规定,体现了《儿童权利公约》第16条规定的隐私受到保护的权利。
“All stages of the proceedings” includes from the initial contact with law enforcement (e.g. a request for information and identification) up until the final decision by a competent authority, or release from supervision, custody or deprivation of liberty.“诉讼的所有阶段”,是指从与执法机构人员初次接触(例如讯问相关情况和身份)直到主管机构作出最终裁决,或解除监督、结束拘留获释或被剥夺自由等各个阶段。
In this particular context, it is meant to avoid harm caused by undue publicity or by the process of labelling.在这种特定情形中,这项权利旨在避免不适当的宣传或描述造成的伤害。
No information shall be published that may lead to the identification of a child offender because of its effect of stigmatization, and possible impact on his/her ability to have access to education, work, housing or to be safe.任何可能会使人知道少年犯罪者身份的信息都不得透露,因为此种信息会使相关少年受到歧视,并且还可能对其入学、就业、获得住房的前景或其人身安全造成影响。
It means that a public authority should be very reluctant with press releases related to offences allegedly committed by children and limit them to very exceptional cases.这意味着,主管机构在发布与据称系儿童所犯罪行相关的新闻稿方面应当谨慎从事,只有在非常例外的情况下才发布新闻稿。
They must take measures to guarantee that children are not identifiable via these press releases.主管机构必须设法确保人们无法通过这些新闻稿知道相关儿童的身份。
Journalists who violate the right to privacy of a child in conflict with the law should be sanctioned with disciplinary and when necessary (e.g. in case of recidivism) with penal law sanctions.侵犯触犯法律的儿童的隐私权的新闻记者应当受到纪律处分,并在必要时(例如一旦再次侵犯隐私权)受到刑法制裁。
65. In order to protect the privacy of the child, most States parties have as a rule - sometimes with the possibility of exceptions - that the court or other hearings of a child accused of an infringement of the penal law should take place behind closed doors.65. 为了保护儿童的隐私,多数缔约国通常都规定――有时允许有例外――对被控触犯刑法的儿童进行的庭审或其他审讯应当以非公开方式进行。
This rule allows for the presence of experts or other professionals with a special permission of the court.这项规则规定,专家或其他专门人员经法庭特别准许可以到庭。
Public hearings in juvenile justice should only be possible in well-defined cases and at the written decision of the court.少年司法中的公开审讯只有在一些明确规定的情形中并经法庭书面裁决方可进行。
Such a decision should be open for appeal by the child.相关儿童可对此种裁决提出上诉。
66. The Committee recommends that all States parties introduce the rule that court and other hearings of a child in conflict with the law be conducted behind closed doors.66. 委员会建议所有缔约国实行以下规则:对触犯法律儿童的庭审和其他审讯以非公开方式进行。
Exceptions to this rule should be very limited and clearly stated in the law.这项规则的例外应当非常有限,并且应由法律明确规定。
The verdict/sentence should be pronounced in public at a court session in such a way that the identity of the child is not revealed.判决/宣判应当在不透露相关儿童的身份的前提下在法庭公布。
The right to privacy (art. 16) requires all professionals involved in the implementation of the measures taken by the court or another competent authority to keep all information that may result in the identification of the child confidential in all their external contacts.隐私权(第16条)要求所有参与执行由法庭或另一主管机构采取的措施的所有专门人员,在其与外界的任何接触过程中不透露任何可能使人们知晓相关儿童身份的信息。
Furthermore, the right to privacy also means that the records of child offenders should be kept strictly confidential and closed to third parties except for those directly involved in the investigation and adjudication of, and the ruling on, the case.此外,隐私权还意味着,应当对少年犯档案实行严格保密,此种档案不得向第三方透露,但直接参与案件调查、审判和裁决的人员除外。
With a view to avoiding stigmatization and/or prejudgements, records of child offenders should not be used in adult proceedings in subsequent cases involving the same offender (see the Beijing Rules, rules 21.1 and 21.2), or to enhance such future sentencing.为了避免实行歧视和/或未经审讯作出判决,少年犯档案不应在处理其后涉及同一罪犯的案件的成人诉讼中得到使用(见《北京规则》,规则21.1和21.2),该档案也不得用来加重此种今后的宣判。
67. The Committee also recommends that the States parties introduce rules which would allow for an automatic removal from the criminal records of the name of the child who committed an offence upon reaching the age of 18, or for certain limited, serious offences where removal is possible at the request of the child, if necessary under certain conditions (e.g. not having committed an offence within two years after the last conviction).67. 委员会还建议缔约国实行以下规则:对于曾经犯罪的儿童,在年满18岁之后,可以自动将其姓名从犯罪记录中删除;对于某些有限的、严重的犯罪,经相关儿童请求可以删除其姓名,但在必要时可附加某些条件(例如在上次判罪之后的两年内未曾重新犯罪等)。
E. Measures (see also chapter IV, section B, above)E. 措施(并见上文第四章B节)
Pretrial alternatives审判前各种可能的安排措施
68. The decision to initiate a formal criminal law procedure does not necessarily mean that this procedure must be completed with a formal court sentence for a child.68. 决定开展正式的刑事司法诉讼程序并不一定指这一程序必须以法院对儿童的正式判决而告终。
In line with the observations made above in section B, the Committee wishes to emphasize that the competent authorities - in most States the office of the public prosecutor - should continuously explore the possibilities of alternatives to a court conviction.委员会按照以上B节中的意见谨强调指出,主管的政府当局(在多数国家里就是检察官办公室)应当经常不断地探索替代法院判决的其他可行方式。
In other words, efforts to achieve an appropriate conclusion of the case by offering measures like the ones mentioned above in section B should continue.也就是说,应继续争取以类似上文B节所述的措施来适当结案。
The nature and duration of these measures offered by the prosecution may be more demanding, and legal or other appropriate assistance for the child is then necessary.检察方这类措施的性质和持续时间可能会有较严格的要求,所以有必要向儿童提供法律或其他适当的援助。
The performance of such a measure should be presented to the child as a way to suspend the formal criminal/juvenile law procedure, which will be terminated if the measure has been carried out in a satisfactory manner.应当向儿童解释,执行这类措施的执行是中止正式刑事/少年司法程序的一种方式,而如果措施的实施令人满意,司法程序就可结束。
69. In this process of offering alternatives to a court conviction at the level of the prosecutor, the child’s human rights and legal safeguards should be fully respected.69. 在这种由检察官层面提供替代法院判决的程序中,儿童的人权和法律保障措施应当得到充分尊重。
In this regard, the Committee refers to the recommendations set out in paragraph 27 above, which equally apply here.对此,委员会提请注意,以上第27段中提出的建议在这里同样适用。
Dispositions by the juvenile court/judge青少年法院/法官的结案方式
70. After a fair and just trial in full compliance with article 40 of CRC (see chapter IV, section D, above), a decision is made regarding the measures which should be imposed on the child found guilty of the alleged offence(s).70. 在完全遵守《儿童权利公约》第40条开展的公正和正义审判(见以上第四章D节)结束之后,就决定对经判决认为对指控的罪行负有罪责的儿童应当实行何种惩处措施。
The laws must provide the court/judge, or other competent, independent and impartial authority or judicial body, with a wide variety of possible alternatives to institutional care and deprivation of liberty, which are listed in a non-exhaustive manner in article 40 (4) of CRC, to assure that deprivation of liberty be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest possible period of time (art. 37 (b) of CRC).法律应当对法院/法官或其他主管的、独立的和无偏 颇的政府当局或司法机关规定除机构性看守和剥夺自由以外的多种可能的替代措施,这些措施已不完全地载列于《儿童权利公约》第40条第4款,以此保证,剥夺 自由的措施只作为最后手段、而且只在尽可能短的时间里采用(《儿童权利公约》第37条(b)项)。
71. The Committee wishes to emphasize that the reaction to an offence should always be in proportion not only to the circumstances and the gravity of the offence, but also to the age, lesser culpability, circumstances and needs of the child, as well as to the various and particularly long-term needs of the society.71. 委员会希望强调指出,对于一项罪行所采取的反应应当始终不仅与犯罪的情况和严重性相称,而且还应当与罪犯的年龄、减罪情节、案情以及儿童的需要相称,同时还应当与社会的多种、尤其是长期的需要相称。
A strictly punitive approach is not in accordance with the leading principles for juvenile justice spelled out in article 40 (1) of CRC (see paragraphs 5-14 above).严格惩处性的司法方式不符合《儿童权利公约》第40条第1款中阐述的青少年司法主要原则(见以上第5-14段)。
The Committee reiterates that corporal punishment as a sanction is a violation of these principles as well as of article 37 which prohibits all forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment (see also the Committee’s general comment No. 8 (2006) (The right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment)).委员会重申,采用体罚作为制裁方式违反上述原则,也违反第37条,该条禁止一切形式的残忍、不人道和有辱人格待遇或处罚(另见委员会关于“儿童受保护免遭体罚和其他残忍或不人道形式惩罚的权利”问题的第8号一般性意见(2000))。
In cases of severe offences by children, measures proportionate to the circumstances of the offender and to the gravity of the offence may be considered, including considerations of the need of public safety and sanctions.在儿童犯有严重罪行的案例中,可以考虑与罪犯的实际案情和罪行严重性相称的措施,相关因素包括公共安全以及制裁必要性。
In the case of children, such considerations must always be outweighed by the need to safeguard the well-being and the best interests of the child and to promote his/her reintegration.在涉及儿童的案件中,优先于上述因素的始终必须是保障儿童的福利和最大利益的需要和鼓励儿童重归社会的需要。
72. The Committee notes that if a penal disposition is linked to the age of a child, and there is conflicting, inconclusive or uncertain evidence of the child’s age, he/she shall have the right to the rule of the benefit of the doubt (see also paragraphs 35 and 39 above).72. 委员会注意到,如果一项司法判决与儿童的年龄有关,而且对于儿童的年龄存在有矛盾的、无法最终确定或无法肯定的证据,则儿童应当有接受“暂作有利判断”规则的权利(另见以上第35和39段)。
73. As far as alternatives to deprivation of liberty/institutional care are concerned, there is a wide range of experience with the use and implementation of such measures.73. 关于替代剥夺自由/机构内看守方式的其他措施,在采用和实施此类措施方面存在多种不同的经验。
States parties should benefit from this experience, and develop and implement these alternatives by adjusting them to their own culture and tradition.缔约国应当利用这一经验,根据本国的文化传统调整上述替代措施并加以制定和实施。
It goes without saying that measures amounting to forced labour or to torture or inhuman and degrading treatment must be explicitly prohibited, and those responsible for such illegal practices should be brought to justice.毋庸置疑,等同于强迫劳动或酷刑或不人道及有辱人格待遇的措施必须受到明文禁止,那些对这种非法惯例负有责任的人应被绳之以法。
74. After these general remarks, the Committee wishes to draw attention to the measures prohibited under article 37 (a) of CRC, and to deprivation of liberty.74. 在提出这些一般性见解之后,委员会谨提请注意《儿童权利公约》第37条(a)项所禁止的各项措施,并提请注意剥夺自由的做法。
Prohibition of the death penalty禁止死刑
75. Article 37 (a) of CRC reaffirms the internationally accepted standard (see for example article 6 (5) of ICCPR) that the death penalty cannot be imposed for a crime committed by a person who at that time was under 18 years of age.75. 《儿童权利公约》第37条(a)项重申了国际公认的标准(例如见《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第六条第5款),即对于犯罪时未满18岁的人所犯的罪行不得判处死刑。
Although the text is clear, there are States parties that assume that the rule only prohibits the execution of persons below the age of 18 years.尽管这项条文十分明确,但是仍有一些缔约国认为,这项规则只禁止处决年龄为18岁以下的人。
However, under this rule the explicit and decisive criteria is the age at the time of the commission of the offence.但是,根据这条规则,明确而定夺性的标准是犯人在犯罪当时的年龄。
It means that a death penalty may not be imposed for a crime committed by a person under 18 regardless of his/her age at the time of the trial or sentencing or of the execution of the sanction.也就是说,不论犯人在审判或判决或惩处执行之时是什么年龄,都不得因其在不到18岁时所犯的罪行而被判处死刑。
76. The Committee recommends the few States parties that have not done so yet to abolish the death penalty for all offences committed by persons below the age of 18 years and to suspend the execution of all death sentences for those persons till the necessary legislative measures abolishing the death penalty for children have been fully enacted.76. 委员会建议少数尚未对犯人在不满18岁时所犯的所有罪行废除死刑的缔约国废除死刑,并且在废除对儿童宣判死刑的必要法律措施得到充分设置之前,中止执行对此类犯人的死刑。
The imposed death penalty should be changed to a sanction that is in full conformity with CRC.已判处的死刑应当改为充分符合《儿童权利公约》的其他制裁措施。
No life imprisonment without parole禁止无假释的终身监禁
77. No child who was under the age of 18 at the time he or she committed an offence should be sentenced to life without the possibility of release or parole.77. 任何在作案时不满18岁的儿童都不得被判处无释放或假释可能的终身监禁。
For all sentences imposed upon children the possibility of release should be realistic and regularly considered.对于向儿童作出的所有判决,释放的可能性应当现实可行性,并得到经常审议。
In this regard, the Committee refers to article 25 of CRC providing the right to periodic review for all children placed for the purpose of care, protection or treatment.对此,委员会援引《儿童权利公约》第25条,该条规定为护理、保护或治疗目的而安置的儿童都有定期接受审查的权利。
The Committee reminds the States parties which do sentence children to life imprisonment with the possibility of release or parole that this sanction must fully comply with and strive for the realization of the aims of juvenile justice enshrined in article 40 (1) of CRC.委员会提请那些判处儿童终身监禁、但有可能释放或假释的缔约国回顾,这项制裁措施必须充分符合并力图实现《儿童权利公约》第40条第1款中正式载列的少年司法的宗旨。
This means inter alia that the child sentenced to this imprisonment should receive education, treatment, and care aiming at his/her release, reintegration and ability to assume a constructive role in society.这方面的一项尤其重要的含义就是,被判处此类监禁的儿童应当接受教育、治疗和看护,其目的是要最终释放儿童,重归社会,并具备在社会中发挥建设性作用的能力。
This also requires a regular review of the child’s development and progress in order to decide on his/her possible release.这并要求对儿童的成长和进展定期审查,以便确定儿童接受释放的可能性。
Given the likelihood that a life imprisonment of a child will make it very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve the aims of juvenile justice despite the possibility of release, the Committee strongly recommends the States parties to abolish all forms of life imprisonment for offences committed by persons under the age of 18.儿童被判终身监禁尽管有可能获释但是对实现少年司法的宗旨即使并非完全不可能,至少可能十分困难,有鉴于此,委员会坚决建议缔约国废除对在犯罪时不满18岁的人判处任何形式的终身监禁。
F. Deprivation of liberty, including pretrial detentionF. 剥夺自由,包括审前拘留和审后监禁
and post-trial incarceration 78. Article 37 of CRC contains the leading principles for the use of deprivation of liberty, the procedural rights of every child deprived of liberty, and provisions concerning the treatment of and conditions for children deprived of their liberty.78. 《儿童权利公约》第37条载有采用剥夺自由措施方面的主要原则、每一被剥夺自由儿童在司法程序方面的权利、以及被剥夺自由儿童的待遇和条件方面的条款。
Basic principles基本原则
79. The leading principles for the use of deprivation of liberty are: (a) the arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time; and (b) no child shall be deprived of his/her liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily.79. 采用剥夺自由措施的主要原则是:(a) 对儿童的逮捕、拘留或监禁应符合法律规定并仅应作为最后手段,期限应为最短的适当时间;和(b) 不得非法或任意剥夺任何儿童的自由。
80. The Committee notes with concern that, in many countries, children languish in pretrial detention for months or even years, which constitutes a grave violation of article 37 (b) of CRC.80. 委员会关切地注意到,在许多国家里,儿童滞留在审判前监禁设施内达几个月甚至几年,这就构成了严重违反《儿童权利公约》第37条(b)项的行为。
An effective package of alternatives must be available (see chapter IV, section B, above), for the States parties to realize their obligation under article 37 (b) of CRC to use deprivation of liberty only as a measure of last resort.缔约国必须对此设置一整套切实的替代措施(见以上第四章B节),从而承担起《儿童权利公约》第37条(b)项规定的责任,将剥夺自由的措施仅作为最后手段来采用。
The use of these alternatives must be carefully structured to reduce the use of pretrial detention as well, rather than “widening the net” of sanctioned children.这类替代措施应当有审慎的使用方式结构,以便同时也做到减少审判前拘禁,而不是扩大制裁儿童的“网罗”。
In addition, the States parties should take adequate legislative and other measures to reduce the use of pretrial detention.此外,缔约国应当采取适当的立法和其他措施,减少审判前拘禁的使用。
Use of pretrial detention as a punishment violates the presumption of innocence.将审判前拘禁作为一种惩处手段来使用是违反假设无罪原则的。
The law should clearly state the conditions that are required to determine whether to place or keep a child in pretrial detention, in particular to ensure his/her appearance at the court proceedings, and whether he/she is an immediate danger to himself/herself or others. The duration of pretrial detention should be limited by law and be subject to regular review.法律应当明文规定将儿童安置在审判前拘禁或使之持续接受审判前拘禁所必须满足的条件,其中特别是要保证儿童能在法院诉讼程序中出庭,同时还应当规定确定儿童是否对自身或他人构成直接危险所必须满足的条件。
81. The Committee recommends that the State parties ensure that a child can be released from pretrial detention as soon as possible, and if necessary under certain conditions.81. 委员会建议缔约国保证儿童能够尽早地从审判前拘禁中获释,必要时可对此规定某些条件。
Decisions regarding pretrial detention, including its duration, should be made by a competent, independent and impartial authority or a judicial body, and the child should be provided with legal or other appropriate assistance.关于审判前拘禁的决定,其中包括拘禁的时间长度,应当由有权的、独立的和无偏颇的主管机构或司法机关作出,应当向儿童提供法律或其他适当的援助。
Procedural rights (art. 37 (d))程序方面的权利(第37条(d)项)
82. Every child deprived of his/her liberty has the right to prompt access to legal and other appropriate assistance, as well as the right to challenge the legality of the deprivation of his/her liberty before a court or other competent, independent and impartial authority, and to a prompt decision on any such action.82. 所有被剥夺自由的儿童均有权及时获得法律及其他适当援助,有权向法院或其他独立公正的主管当局就其被剥夺自由一事之合法性提出异议,并有权迅速就任何此类行动得到裁定。
83. Every child arrested and deprived of his/her liberty should be brought before a competent authority to examine the legality of (the continuation of) this deprivation of liberty within 24 hours.83. 任何被捕和被剥夺自由的儿童都应当在24小时内提交有主管权的政府部门,以审查(持续)剥夺自由行动的合法性。
The Committee also recommends that the States parties ensure by strict legal provisions that the legality of a pretrial detention is reviewed regularly, preferably every two weeks.委员会并建议,缔约国拟定严格的法律条款,以保证审判前拘禁的合法性受到定期审查,最好是每两星期审查一次。
In case a conditional release of the child, e.g. by applying alternative measures, is not possible, the child should be formally charged with the alleged offences and be brought before a court or other competent, independent and impartial authority or judicial body, not later than 30 days after his/her pretrial detention takes effect.如果有条件释放儿童(例如通过采用替代措施)没有可能,儿童就应当依据所指控的罪行受到正式起诉,并在审判前拘禁发生的30天之内面对法院或其他有权的、独立的和无偏颇的主管当局或司法机构。
The Committee, conscious of the practice of adjourning court hearings, often more than once, urges the States parties to introduce the legal provisions necessary to ensure that the court/juvenile judge or other competent body makes a final decision on the charges not later than six months after they have been presented.委员会了解到法院审理暂停的惯例(经常不止一次),促请缔约国颁布必要的法律条款,保证法院/青少年司法法官或其他主管的机构在受理起诉之后不超过六个月的时间里对起诉作出最后裁决。
84. The right to challenge the legality of the deprivation of liberty includes not only the right to appeal, but also the right to access the court, or other competent, independent and impartial authority or judicial body, in cases where the deprivation of liberty is an administrative decision (e.g. the police, the prosecutor and other competent authority).84. 在剥夺自由作为行政决定的案例中(例如检察、检察官和其他主管当局采取的措施),对剥夺自由合法性提出质疑的权利不仅包括上诉权,而且也包括诉诸法庭或其他有权的、独立的和无偏颇的主管当局或司法机构的权利。
The right to a prompt decision means that a decision must be rendered as soon as possible, e.g. within or not later than two weeks after the challenge is made.得到迅速裁决的权利是指裁决必须尽可能早作出,例如在提出质疑之后的两星期内或不超过两星期的时间里。
Treatment and conditions (art. 37 (c))待遇和条件(第37条(c)项)
85. Every child deprived of liberty shall be separated from adults.85. 所有被剥夺自由的儿童都应同成人隔开。
A child deprived of his/her liberty shall not be placed in an adult prison or other facility for adults.被剥夺自由的儿童不应当被安置在成人监狱或其他为成人设立的设施内。
There is abundant evidence that the placement of children in adult prisons or jails compromises their basic safety, well-being, and their future ability to remain free of crime and to reintegrate.有大量证据表明,将儿童关押在成人监狱里或囚牢里损害儿童的基本安全、福利以及今后不再犯罪并融入社会的能力。
The permitted exception to the separation of children from adults stated in article 37 (c) of CRC, “unless it is considered in the child’s best interests not to do so”, should be interpreted narrowly; the child’s best interests does not mean for the convenience of the States parties.《儿童权利公约》第37条(c)项中对于儿童与成人隔开规定所作“除非认为反之则有利于儿童” 之特许例外应当作狭义的诠释;儿童的基本利益并不是按照缔约国的便利界定的。
States parties should establish separate facilities for children deprived of their liberty, which include distinct, child-centred staff, personnel, policies and practices.缔约国应为被剥夺自由的儿童建立专门的设施,其中包含特别的、以儿童为主体的监管人员、工作人员、政策与惯例。
86. This rule does not mean that a child placed in a facility for children has to be moved to a facility for adults immediately after he/she turns 18.86. 这一规则并不是指被关押在儿童设施内的儿童一旦年满18岁就必须立即转送到成人设施。
Continuation of his/her stay in the facility for children should be possible if that is in his/her best interest and not contrary to the best interests of the younger children in the facility.如果继续留在儿童设施内符合他/她的最大利益,而且不损害设施内比其年幼的儿童的最大利益,应当允许其留在原来的设施内。
87. Every child deprived of liberty has the right to maintain contact with his/her family through correspondence and visits.87. 被剥夺自由的所有儿童都有权通过邮件和探访与家人保持联系。
In order to facilitate visits, the child should be placed in a facility that is as close as possible to the place of residence of his/her family.为了便利探访,儿童应当被安置在尽可能邻近其家人的设施内。
Exceptional circumstances that may limit this contact should be clearly described in the law and not be left to the discretion of the competent authorities.可能限制这种联系的例外情况应在法律中有明确规定,而不应当任由主管当局自行断夺。
88. The Committee draws the attention of States parties to the United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty, adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 45/113 of 14 December 1990.88. 委员会提请缔约国注意大会1990年12月14日第45/113号决议所通过的《联合国保护被剥夺自由少年规则》。
The Committee urges the States parties to fully implement these rules, while also taking into account as far as relevant the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (see also rule 9 of the Beijing Rules).委员会促请缔约国充分履行这些规则,与此同时并尽可能按实情考虑《联合国少年司法最低限度标准规则》(另见《北京规则》第9条)。
In this regard, the Committee recommends that the States parties incorporate these rules into their national laws and regulations, and make them available, in the national or regional language, to all professionals, NGOs and volunteers involved in the administration of juvenile justice.对此,委员会建议缔约国将这些规则纳入其本国的法律和条例,并且以本国或本区域语言向所有从事青少年司法工作的专业人员、非政府组织和志愿人员提供。
89. The Committee wishes to emphasize that, inter alia, the following principles and rules need to be observed in all cases of deprivation of liberty:89. 委员会谨强调指出,尤其应特别强调的是,在所有剥夺自由的案例中,都需要遵守以下原则和规则:
Children should be provided with a physical environment and accommodations which are in keeping with the rehabilitative aims of residential placement, and due regard must be given to their needs for privacy, sensory stimuli, opportunities to associate with their peers, and to participate in sports, physical exercise, in arts, and leisure time activities;儿童应当能够有符合居住安置的教养目的之物质环境和居住地内,必须适当考虑其对于隐私、引起感官活动的物体、与同侪交往的机会、参加体育、身体锻炼和艺术以及休闲活动的需求;
Every child of compulsory school age has the right to education suited to his/her needs and abilities, and designed to prepare him/her for return to society; in addition, every child should, when appropriate, receive vocational training in occupations likely to prepare him/her for future employment;所有属于义务规定的学龄儿童都有权接受适合其需求和能力、为其回归社会作准备的教育;此外,所有儿童在适当时都应当接受有可能为其今后就业作准备的相关职业的职业培训;
Every child has the right to be examined by a physician upon admission to the detention/correctional facility and shall receive adequate medical care throughout his/her stay in the facility, which should be provided, where possible, by health facilities and services of the community;所有儿童在进入拘押/教改设施之时都有权得到医生的检查,而且在守留在这类设施的全部时间里都应当得到适当的医疗护理,护理应当尽可能由当地的保健设施和服务部门提供;
The staff of the facility should promote and facilitate frequent contacts of the child with the wider community, including communications with his/her family, friends and other persons or representatives of reputable outside organizations, and the opportunity to visit his/her home and family;这类设施的工作人员应当鼓励和便利儿童与外界的经常接触,其中包括与儿童家庭、朋友和其他人,以及受尊敬的外部各类组织代表的沟通,并有机会回家探亲;
Restraint or force can be used only when the child poses an imminent threat of injury to him or herself or others, and only when all other means of control have been exhausted.只有在儿童对自己或他人造成直接的伤害危险时才能采用行动制约或强力,而且只有在所有其他控制手段都已用尽之时才能采用。
The use of restraint or force, including physical, mechanical and medical restraints, should be under close and direct control of a medical and/or psychological professional.行动制约或强力的使用,其中包括身体、物体和医药方式的制约都应当在医务和/或心理专业人员的密切和直接掌管下施行。
It must never be used as a means of punishment.这种方式绝不能被用作一种惩罚手段。
Staff of the facility should receive training on the applicable standards and members of the staff who use restraint or force in violation of the rules and standards should be punished appropriately;关押设施的工作人员应当接受相关适用标准的培训,而违反规则和标准采用制约或强力的工作人员应当受到适当的惩处;
Any disciplinary measure must be consistent with upholding the inherent dignity of the juvenile and the fundamental objectives of institutional care; disciplinary measures in violation of article 37 of CRC must be strictly forbidden, including corporal punishment, placement in a dark cell, closed or solitary confinement, or any other punishment that may compromise the physical or mental health or well-being of the child concerned;所有处分措施都必须符合尊重青少年固有的尊严以及设施内看守的根本目标;违反《儿童权利公约》第37条的处分措施必须受到严格禁止,其中包括体罚、关押在黑暗的牢房里、禁闭或单独监禁、或任何其他可能影响儿童身心健康或福利的惩处手段;
Every child should have the right to make requests or complaints, without censorship as to the substance, to the central administration, the judicial authority or other proper independent authority, and to be informed of the response without delay; children need to know about and have easy access to these mechanisms;每一儿童都有权向中心行政管理部门、主管的司法机关或其他适当的独立主管部门提出要求或申诉,其内容不应受到禁止,并不受拖延地及时得到答复;儿童需要了解并能便利地与这些机制联系。
Independent and qualified inspectors should be empowered to conduct inspections on a regular basis and to undertake unannounced inspections on their own initiative; they should place special emphasis on holding conversations with children in the facilities, in a confidential setting.独立而合格的检查人员应当有权力经常地开展视察,并且自行决定开展无事先通知的调查;调查人员应当特别注重与设施内的儿童在保密的环境里对话。
90. In order to ensure the full implementation of the principles and rights elaborated in the previous paragraphs, it is necessary to establish an effective organization for the administration of juvenile justice, and a comprehensive juvenile justice system.90. 为保证充分实行以上各段所阐述的原则和权利,有必要为青少年司法工作建立有效的组织机构,以及完整的青少年司法体制。
As stated in article 40 (3) of CRC, States parties shall seek to promote the establishment of laws, procedures, authorities and institutions specifically applicable to children in conflict with the penal law.正如《儿童权利公约》第40条第3款所指出的那样,缔约国应当致力于促进建立适用于触犯刑法的儿童的法律、程序、当局和机构。
91. What the basic provisions of these laws and procedures are required to be, has been presented in the present general comment.91. 这些法律和程序的基本条款所要求的内容已经在本一般性意见中作了阐述。
More and other provisions are left to the discretion of States parties.进一步的和其他的条款应当由缔约国自行决定。
This also applies to the form of these laws and procedures.这一方式也适用于这些法律和程序的形式。
They can be laid down in special chapters of the general criminal and procedural law, or be brought together in a separate act or law on juvenile justice.法律与程序可以在一般的刑事法和程序法内特别的章节中作出规定,或者也可以归纳在有关青少年司法的单独法令或法律之中。
92. A comprehensive juvenile justice system further requires the establishment of specialized units within the police, the judiciary, the court system, the prosecutor’s office, as well as specialized defenders or other representatives who provide legal or other appropriate assistance to the child.92. 完整的青少年司法体制还需要在警察、司法机关、法院系统、检察官办公室,以及专门的辩护人或其他向儿童提供法律或其他适当援助的法律代表机关内建立专门的单位。
93. The Committee recommends that the States parties establish juvenile courts either as separate units or as part of existing regional/district courts.93. 委员会建议缔约国将青少年法院作为独立的单位或作为现有区域/地区法院的一部分建立这类法院。
Where that is not immediately feasible for practical reasons, the States parties should ensure the appointment of specialized judges or magistrates for dealing with cases of juvenile justice.如果出于实际原因无法立即做到这一点,缔约国则应当保证指定专门的法官或地方法官来审理青少年司法方面的案例。
94. In addition, specialized services such as probation, counselling or supervision should be established together with specialized facilities including for example day treatment centres and, where necessary, facilities for residential care and treatment of child offenders.94. 此外,专门的业务部门例如假释、咨询或监督应当与专门的设施一起设立,例如日间治疗中心以及必要时可设立对儿童囚犯的住院护理和治疗设施。
In this juvenile justice system, an effective coordination of the activities of all these specialized units, services and facilities should be promoted in an ongoing manner.在这一青少年司法体制内,应当不断地鼓励所有上述专门单位、业务部门和设施之间的各项活动实现有效的协调。
95. It is clear from many States parties’ reports that non-governmental organizations can and do play an important role not only in the prevention of juvenile delinquency as such, but also in the administration of juvenile justice.95. 从许多缔约国的报告中可以明显看出,非政府组织不仅可以也确实已经在防止青少年犯罪方面本身、而且还可以在青少年司法工作方面发挥重要的作用。
The Committee therefore recommends that States parties seek the active involvement of these organizations in the development and implementation of their comprehensive juvenile justice policy and provide them with the necessary resources for this involvement.因此,委员会建议缔约国争取非政府组织积极参与其全面的青少年司法政策之制定和实施工作,并对这种参与提供必要的资源。
96. Children who commit offences are often subject to negative publicity in the media, which contributes to a discriminatory and negative stereotyping of these children and often of children in general.96. 触犯刑法的儿童经常成为媒体负面宣传的对象,助长了对这些儿童――而且常常是对儿童总体――的歧视性和消极的成见。
This negative presentation or criminalization of child offenders is often based on misrepresentation and/or misunderstanding of the causes of juvenile delinquency, and results regularly in a call for a tougher approach (e.g. zero-tolerance, three strikes and you are out, mandatory sentences, trial in adult courts and other primarily punitive measures).这种对罪犯儿童的负面宣传或定罪观念经常是基于对青少年犯罪起因的错误解释和/或误解,且经常导致采取更强硬方式的要求(例如,零宽容、“事不过三”、关于不予通融必须判刑的规定、在成人法院审判以及其他侧重惩罚性的措施)。
To create a positive environment for a better understanding of the root causes of juvenile delinquency and a rights-based approach to this social problem, the States parties should conduct, promote and/or support educational and other campaigns to raise awareness of the need and the obligation to deal with children alleged of violating the penal law in accordance with the spirit and the letter of CRC.为进一步理解青少年犯罪的根源创造积极的便利环境以及对这一社会问题采取以权利为基础的方式,缔约国应当开展、推广和/或支持教育和其他运动,使人们进一步认识到有必要和有义务根据《儿童权利公约》的精神与文字,处理被指控触犯刑法的儿童。
In this regard, the States parties should seek the active and positive involvement of members of parliament, NGOs and the media, and support their efforts in the improvement of the understanding of a rights-based approach to children who have been or are in conflict with the penal law.为此,缔约国应当取得议会、非政府组织和新闻界成员的踊跃和正面参与,并支持其为增进理解对触犯刑法的儿童采取基于权力的处理方式所作的努力。
It is crucial for children, in particular those who have experience with the juvenile justice system, to be involved in these awareness-raising efforts.儿童、尤其是经历过青少年司法体系的儿童参与这些提高认识的努力是至关重要的。
97. It is essential for the quality of the administration of juvenile justice that all the professionals involved, inter alia, in law enforcement and the judiciary receive appropriate training on the content and meaning of the provisions of CRC in general, particularly those directly relevant to their daily practice.97. 涉及到执法和司法机关以及其他相关领域的所有专业人员接受适当的培训,使之总体了解《儿童权利公约》的条款,而尤其是对于那些直接关系到其日常工作的条款之内容及含义,对于青少年司法工作开展的质量具有根本意义。
This training should be organized in a systematic and ongoing manner and should not be limited to information on the relevant national and international legal provisions.这项培训应当以系统而持续的方式来开展,而且不应当只局限于涉及到相关国家和国际法律条款的资料。
It should include information on, inter alia, the social and other causes of juvenile delinquency, psychological and other aspects of the development of children, with special attention to girls and children belonging to minorities or indigenous peoples, the culture and the trends in the world of young people, the dynamics of group activities, and the available measures dealing with children in conflict with the penal law, in particular measures without resorting to judicial proceedings (see chapter IV, section B, above).培 训的内容尤其应当包括关于青少年犯罪的社会和其他起因、儿童成长的心理和其他方面情况(对此应尤其关注女童和属于少数群体或土著的儿童),青少年眼中世界 里的文化和风尚、群体活动的相互关系,以及处理触犯刑法儿童的可用措施(尤其是不必诉诸司法程序的措施)(见以上第四章B节)。
98. The Committee is deeply concerned about the lack of even basic and disaggregated data on, inter alia, the number and nature of offences committed by children, the use and the average duration of pretrial detention, the number of children dealt with by resorting to measures other than judicial proceedings (diversion), the number of convicted children and the nature of the sanctions imposed on them.98. 委员会深感关切的是,就连十分基本的和分类的数据都十分缺少,例如,缺少的数据涉及到:儿童罪行的数量和性质、审判前拘押的采用和平均时间长度、采用司法程序以外其他措施(疏导)处理的儿童案例数量、宣判有罪的儿童数量以及对其宣判的惩处性质。
The Committee urges the States parties to systematically collect disaggregated data relevant to the information on the practice of the administration of juvenile justice, and necessary for the development, implementation and evaluation of policies and programmes aiming at the prevention and effective responses to juvenile delinquency in full accordance with the principles and provisions of CRC.委员会促请缔约国有系统地收集涉及到青少年司法惯例方面资料的分类数据,以及为制定、执行和评估旨在按照《儿童权利公约》的原则和条款防范和有效应对青少年犯法问题的各项政策和方案而必需掌握的数据。
99. The Committee recommends that States parties conduct regular evaluations of their practice of juvenile justice, in particular of the effectiveness of the measures taken, including those concerning discrimination, reintegration and recidivism, preferably carried out by independent academic institutions.99. 委员会建议缔约国经常地评估其青少年司法方面的做法,尤其是评估其所采取措施的实际收效,其中包括那些涉及到歧视、重归社会和累犯问题的措施,而且最好由独立的学术机构进行评估。
Research, as for example on the disparities in the administration of juvenile justice which may amount to discrimination, and developments in the field of juvenile delinquency, such as effective diversion programmes or newly emerging juvenile delinquency activities, will indicate critical points of success and concern.研究工作,例如对于可能构成歧视的青少年司法工作中不均等执法情况的调查研究,以及在青少年犯罪领域内的最新研究动态,例如有效的疏导方案或最新出现的青少年犯法活动等方面的调查研究,将会突显成功和令人担忧的关键要点。
It is important that children are involved in this evaluation and research, in particular those who have been in contact with parts of the juvenile justice system.儿童参与这项评估和研究十分重要,而曾经与青少年司法体系某些部门发生过接触的儿童参与这种评估更为重要。
The privacy of these children and the confidentiality of their cooperation should be fully respected and protected.这些儿童的隐私以及这些儿童提供合作的保密性应当得到充分的尊重和保护。
In this regard, the Committee refers the States parties to the existing international guidelines on the involvement of children in research.对此,委员会提请缔约国遵守有关吸收儿童参与调查研究方面的现有国际准则。
Note that the rights of a child deprived of his/her liberty, as recognized in CRC, apply with respect to children in conflict with the law, and to children placed in institutions for the purposes of care, protection or treatment, including mental health, educational, drug treatment, child protection or immigration institutions.注意,《公约》所确认的被剥夺自由儿童的权利,适用于触法儿童,和出于照顾、保护或治疗,包括精神健康、教育、解毒治疗、保护儿童目的被安置在各类机构的儿童,或移民收容机构内的儿童。