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GENERAL COMMENT No. 11 (2009)第11号一般性意见(2009年)
Indigenous children and their rights under the Convention土著儿童及其在《公约》下的权利
Fiftieth session第五十届会议
1. In the preamble of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, States parties take “due account of the importance and cultural values of each people for the protection and harmonious development of the child”.1. 在《儿童权利公约》序言中,各缔约国“适当考虑到每一民族的传统及文化价值对儿童的保护及和谐发展的重要性”。
While all the rights contained in the Convention apply to all children, whether indigenous or not, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was the first core human rights treaty to include specific references to indigenous children in a number of provisions.虽然《儿童权利公约》所载各项权利适用于所有儿童,无论他们是土著还是非土著儿童,但该《公约》是在若干条款中明确提及土著儿童的第一项核心人权条约。
2. Article 30 of the Convention states that “In those States in which ethnic, religious, or linguistic minorities or persons of indigenous origin exist, a child belonging to such a minority or who is indigenous shall not be denied the right, in community with other members of his or her group, to enjoy his or her own culture, to profess and practise his or her own religion or to use his or her own language.”2. 《公约》第30条规定,“在那些存在有在族裔、宗教或语言方面属于少数人或原为土著居民的人的国家,不得剥夺属于这种少数人或原为土著居民的儿童与其群体的其他成员共同享有自己的文化、信奉自己的宗教并举行宗教仪式、或使用自己的语言的权利。”
3. Furthermore, article 29 of the Convention provides that “education of the child shall be directed to the preparation of the child for responsible life in a free society, in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes, and friendship among all peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups and persons of indigenous origin”.3. 此外,《公约》第29条规定,“应培养儿童本着各国人民、族裔、民族和宗教群体以及原为土著居民的人之间谅解、和平、宽容、男女平等和友好的精神,在自由社会里过有责任感的生活”。
4. Article 17 of the Convention also makes specific mention as States parties shall “encourage the mass media to have particular regard for the linguistic needs of the child who belongs to a minority group or who is indigenous”.4. 《公约》第17条还具体提到,作为缔约国,应“鼓励大众传播媒介特别注意属于少数群体或土著居民的儿童在语言方面的需要”。
5. The specific references to indigenous children in the Convention are indicative of the recognition that they require special measures in order to fully enjoy their rights.5. 《公约》对土著儿童的明确提及表明了如下认识:他们需要特别措施,以便充分享受其权利。
The Committee on the Rights of the Child has consistently taken into account the situation of indigenous children in its reviews of periodic reports of States parties to the Convention.儿童权利委员会在审议公约缔约国的定期报告时一贯考虑到土著儿童的状况。
The Committee has observed that indigenous children face significant challenges in exercising their rights and has issued specific recommendations to this effect in its concluding observations.委员会注意到,土著儿童在行使其权利时面临重大挑战;委员会在其结论性意见中已就此提出了具体建议。
Indigenous children continue to experience serious discrimination contrary to article 2 of the Convention in a range of areas, including in their access to health care and education, which has prompted the need to adopt this general comment.在一系列领域中,包括在获得卫生保健和教育方面,土著儿童继续遭受违反《公约》第2条的严重歧视;这种状况表明,有必要通过本项一般性意见。
6. In addition to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, various human rights treaties, have played an important role in addressing the situation of indigenous children and their right not to be discriminated, namely, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1965, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966.6. 除《儿童权利公约》之外,各种人权条约在关注土著儿童状况及其不受歧视的权利方面,也发挥了重要作用,即如下条约:《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》 (1965年)、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》(1966年)。 以及《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》(1966年)。
7. The International Labour Organization Convention No. 169 concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, 1989 contains provisions which advance the rights of indigenous peoples and specifically highlights the rights of indigenous children in the area of education.7. 国际劳工组织关于独立国家土著和部落民族的第169号公约(1989年)载有增进土著人民权利的若干条款,这些条款明确强调了土著儿童在教育领域的权利。
8. In 2001, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights appointed a Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples, subsequently confirmed by the Human Rights Council in 2007.8. 2001年,联合国人权委员会任命了一名负责土著人民人权和基本自由情况的特别报告员,该项任命随后在2007年得到人权理事会的确认。
The Council has requested the Special Rapporteur to pay particular attention to the situation of indigenous children and several recommendations included in his annual and mission reports have focused on their specific situation.理事会已请特别报告员特别注意土著儿童的状况;其年度报告和访问报告所载的若干建议已将重点放在这些儿童的具体状况之上。
9. In 2003, the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held its second session on the theme indigenous children and youth and the same year the Committee on the Rights of the Child held its annual Day of General Discussion on the rights of indigenous children and adopted specific recommendations aimed primarily at States parties but also United Nations entities, human rights mechanisms, civil society, donors, the World Bank and regional development banks.9. 2003年,联合国土著问题常设论坛就土著儿童和青年主题举行了第二届会议;同年,儿童权利委员会举行了土著儿童权利问题的年度一般性讨论日,并通过了若 干具体建议;这些建议主要针对缔约国,但也针对联合国实体、人权机制、民间社会、捐助方、世界银行和区域开发银行。
10. In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples which provides important guidance on the rights of indigenous peoples, including specific reference to the rights of indigenous children in a number of areas.10. 2007年,联合国大会通过了《土著人民权利宣言》,宣言对土著人民权利问题提供了重要指导,其中包括具体提及土著儿童在一些领域中的权利。
Objectives and structure目标和结构
11. This general comment on the rights of indigenous children as provided for by the Convention on the Rights of the Child draws on the legal developments and initiatives outlined above.11. 关于《儿童权利公约》所规定的土著儿童权利问题的本项一般性意见,参考了上文概述的法律发展和举措情况。
12. The primary objective of this general comment is to provide States with guidance on how to implement their obligations under the Convention with respect to indigenous children.12. 本项一般性意见的主要目标是,就如何实施《公约》之下各国在土著儿童问题方面的义务事宜向缔约国提供指导。
The Committee bases this general comment on its experience in interpreting the provisions of the Convention in relation to indigenous children.委员会的本项一般性意见所依据的是它在解释《公约》有关土著儿童问题的条款方面的经验。
Furthermore, the general comment is based upon the recommendations adopted following the Day of General Discussion on indigenous children in 2003 and reflects a consultative process with relevant stakeholders, including indigenous children themselves.此外,一般性意见建立在2003年关于土著儿童问题的一般性讨论日之后通过的建议基础上,它反映了与利害相关方(包括土著儿童本身)的协商进程。
13. The general comment aims to explore the specific challenges which impede indigenous children from being able to fully enjoy their rights and highlight special measures required to be undertaken by States in order to guarantee the effective exercise of indigenous children’s rights.13. 本项一般性意见的目的是,探讨有哪些具体挑战妨碍土著儿童充分享受其权利,并强调缔约国所需采取的特别措施,以保证土著儿童权利的有效行使。
Furthermore, the general comment seeks to encourage good practices and highlight positive approaches in the practical implementation of rights for indigenous children.此外,本项一般性意见旨在鼓励良好做法,并突出强调在实际落实土著儿童权利方面的积极方法。
14. Article 30 of the Convention and the right to the enjoyment of culture, religion and language are key elements in this general comment; however the aim is to explore the various provisions which require particular attention in their implementation in relation to indigenous children.14. 《公约》第30条以及享受文化、宗教和语言的权利是本项一般性意见的关键内容;但目的却是探讨,在落实有关土著儿童的各种规定过程中,哪些规定需给予特别注意。
Particular emphasis is placed on the interrelationship between relevant provisions, notably with the general principles of the Convention as identified by the Committee, namely, non-discrimination, the best interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development and the right to be heard.特别强调了有关规定之间的相互关系,特别是与委员会所确定的《公约》的下述一般原则的关系,即不歧视、儿童的最大利益、生命、生存和发展权以及陈情权。
15. The Committee notes that the Convention contains references to both minority and indigenous children.15. 委员会注意到,《公约》对少数民族儿童和土著儿童都有提及。
Certain references in this general comment may be relevant for children of minority groups and the Committee may decide in the future to prepare a general comment specifically on the rights of children belonging to minority groups.本一般性意见中的若干提及可能对少数群体儿童有切实意义;委员会可在今后决定专门编写一个关于属于少数群体儿童权利问题的一般性意见。
Article 30 and general obligations of States第30条和缔约国的一般义务
16. The Committee recalls the close linkage between article 30 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.16. 委员会忆及《儿童权利公约》第30条与《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第27条之间的密切联系。
Both articles specifically provide for the right, in community with other members of his or her group, to enjoy his or her own culture, to profess and practise his or her own religion or to use his or her own language.这两条都明确规定了如下权利:与其群体的其他成员共同享有自己的文化、信奉和实行自己的宗教或使用自己的语言的权利。
The right established is conceived as being both individual and collective and is an important recognition of the collective traditions and values in indigenous cultures.这一确立的权利被视为既是个人的也是集体的;而且是对土著文化的整体传统和价值的重要承认。
The Committee notes that the right to exercise cultural rights among indigenous peoples may be closely associated with the use of traditional territory and the use of its resources.委员会注意到,土著人民行使文化权的权利可能与使用传统领地和利用其资源密切相关。
17. Although article 30 is expressed in negative terms, it nevertheless recognizes the existence of a “right” and requires that it “shall not be denied”.17. 虽然第30条是从反面表述的,但它仍确认了一项“权利”的行使,并要求“不得剥夺”该项权利。
Consequently, a State party is under an obligation to ensure that the existence and the exercise of this right are protected against their denial or violation.因此,缔约国有义务确保,该项权利的存在和行使受到保护,不被剥夺或侵犯。
The Committee concurs with the Human Rights Committee that positive measures of protection are required, not only against the acts of the State party itself, whether through its legislative, judicial or administrative authorities, but also against the acts of other persons within the State party.委员会同意人权事务委员会的如下意见:积极的保护措施是必要的,不仅应针对缔约国本身的行为(无论是经由其立法、司法还是行政当局实施的行为),而且还应针对缔约国内其他人的行为。
18. In this context, the Committee also supports the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in its call upon States parties to recognize and respect indigenous distinct cultures, history, language and way of life as an enrichment of the State’s cultural identity and to promote its preservation.18. 在这方面,委员会也支持消除种族歧视委员会的下述呼吁:在这方面,委员会也支持消除种族歧视委员会的下述呼吁:缔约国应承认和尊重独特的土著文化、历史、语言和生活方式,将其作为丰富本国文化特征之财富;缔约国还应促进对文化特征的保护。
19. The presence of indigenous peoples is established by self-identification as the fundamental criterion for determining their existence.19. 土著人民的存在是由自我认同确立的;这是确定其存在的根本标准。
There is no requirement for States parties to officially recognize indigenous peoples in order for them to exercise their rights.未要求缔约国需正式承认土著人民,以使其行使自己的权利。
20. Based on its reviews of States parties reports, the Committee on the Rights of the Child has observed that in implementing their obligations under the Convention many States parties give insufficient attention to the rights of indigenous children and to promotion of their development.20. 在审议缔约国报告的基础上,儿童权利委员会注意到,在履行公约下的各项义务时,许多缔约国对土著儿童的权利和对促进其发展事宜重视不足。
The Committee considers that special measures through legislation and policies for the protection of indigenous children should be undertaken in consultation with the communities concerned and with the participation of children in the consultation process, as provided for by article 12 of the Convention.委员会认为,通过立法和政策采取保护土著儿童的特别措施,应在与有关社区进行协商的情况下进行,并应有儿童参与该协商进程,这是《公约》第12条所规定的。
The Committee considers that consultations should be actively carried out by authorities or other entities of States parties in a manner that is culturally appropriate, guarantees availability of information to all parties and ensures interactive communication and dialogue.委员会认为,缔约国当局或其它实体应积极开展协商,所采取的方式应在文化上适当,可保证各方均可获得信息,并可确保互动交流和对话。
21. The Committee urges States parties to ensure that adequate attention is given to article 30 in the implementation of the Convention.21. 委员会敦促缔约国确保在实施《公约》过程中对第30条给予适当注意。
States parties should provide detailed information in their periodic reports under the Convention on the special measures undertaken in order to guarantee that indigenous children can enjoy the rights provided in article 30.缔约国应在其《公约》下的定期报告中提供详细资料,说明它们为保证土著儿童可享受第30条规定权利采取了哪些特别措施。
22. The Committee underlines that cultural practices provided by article 30 of the Convention must be exercised in accordance with other provisions of the Convention and under no circumstances may be justified if deemed prejudicial to the child’s dignity, health and development.22. 委员会强调,《公约》第30条规定的文化习俗,须依照《公约》其他条款实行,如被视为有损于儿童的尊严、健康和发展,无论在任何情况下都不可自证正当。
Should harmful practices be present, inter alia early marriages and female genital mutilation, the State party should work together with indigenous communities to ensure their eradication.如存在有害习俗,尤其是早婚和切割女性生殖器的做法,缔约国应与土著群体共同努力,确保消除这些做法。
The Committee strongly urges States parties to develop and implement awareness-raising campaigns, education programmes and legislation aimed at changing attitudes and address gender roles and stereotypes that contribute to harmful practices.委员会强烈敦促缔约国制定和实施旨在改变态度的提高认识活动、教育方案和立法;着手处理助长有害做法的性别角色和定型观念问题。
General principles一般原则
(arts. 2, 3, 6 and 12 of the Convention)(《公约》第2、3、6和12条)
23. Article 2 sets out the obligation of States parties to ensure the rights of each child within its jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind.23. 第2条规定了缔约国的如下义务:确保在其管辖范围内的每个儿童的权利不遭受任何形式的歧视。
Non-discrimination has been identified by the Committee as a general principle of fundamental importance for the implementation of all the rights enshrined in the Convention.“不歧视”已被委员会确定为对于落实《公约》所载各项权利具有根本重要性的一般原则。
Indigenous children have the inalienable right to be free from discrimination.土著儿童有不可剥夺的免遭歧视的权利。
In order to effectively protect children from discrimination, it is a State party obligation to ensure that the principle of non-discrimination is reflected in all domestic legislation and can be directly applied and appropriately monitored and enforced through judicial and administrative bodies.为有效保护儿童免遭歧视,缔约国有义务确保不歧视原则在国内所有立法中都得到了体现并可通过司法和行政机关直接加以实行和适当监督。
Effective remedies should be timely and accessible.有效的补救措施应及时和便利。
The Committee highlights that the obligations of the State party extend not only to the public but also to the private sector.委员会强调,缔约国的义务不仅面向公众,而且也面向私营部门。
24. As previously stated in the Committee’s general comment No. 5 on general measures of implementation, the non-discrimination obligation requires States actively to identify individual children and groups of children the recognition and realization of whose rights may demand special measures.24. 正如委员会以前在关于一般执行措施的第5号一般性意见中所述,不歧视义务要求各国积极查明,有哪些儿童个人和儿童群体,承认和实现其权利可能需要采取特别措施。
For example, the Committee highlights, in particular, the need for data collection to be disaggregated to enable discrimination or potential discrimination to be identified.例如,委员会特别强调,数据收集需加以分类,使确认歧视或潜在歧视成为可能。
Addressing discrimination may furthermore require changes in legislation, administration and resource allocation, as well as educational measures to change attitudes.解决歧视问题可能进一步要求在立法、行政和资源分配方面作出改变,也需采取教育措施改变态度。
25. The Committee, through its extensive review of State party reports, notes that indigenous children are among those children who require positive measures in order to eliminate conditions that cause discrimination and to ensure their enjoyment of the rights of the Convention on equal level with other children.25. 通过广泛审议缔约国的报告,委员会注意到,这类儿童中包括土著儿童,需对其采取积极措施,以消除造成歧视的条件,并确保他们与其他儿童平等地享有《公约》的权利。
In particular, States parties are urged to consider the application of special measures in order to ensure that indigenous children have access to culturally appropriate services in the areas of health, nutrition, education, recreation and sports, social services, housing, sanitation and juvenile justice.委员会特别敦促缔约国考虑使用特别措施,以确保土著儿童在卫生保健、营养、教育、娱乐和体育、社会服务、住房、环境卫生和少年司法领域获得在文化上适当的服务。
26. Among the positive measures required to be undertaken by States parties is disaggregated data collection and the development of indicators for the purposes of identifying existing and potential areas of discrimination of indigenous children.26. 缔约国需采取的积极措施包括,数据收集分类、制定指标,以确定现有的和潜在的歧视土著儿童的领域。
The identification of gaps and barriers to the enjoyment of the rights of indigenous children is essential in order to implement appropriate positive measures through legislation, resource allocation, policies and programmes.找出差距以及享有土著儿童权利的障碍对于通过立法、资源分配、政策和方案实施适当的积极措施来说十分关键。
27. States parties should ensure that public information and educational measures are taken to address the discrimination of indigenous children.27. 缔约国应确保针对歧视土著儿童问题采取公众宣传和教育措施。
The obligation under article 2 in conjunction with articles 17, 29.1 (d) and 30 of the Convention requires States to develop public campaigns, dissemination material and educational curricula, both in schools and for professionals, focused on the rights of indigenous children and the elimination of discriminatory attitudes and practices, including racism.《公约》第2条连同第17条、29.1(d)条和30条所规定的义务要求各国在学校中和为专业人士拟定公众宣传活动、编订宣传材料和教育课程,应侧重于土著儿童的权利和消除包括种族主义在内的歧视性态度和做法。
Furthermore, States parties should provide meaningful opportunities for indigenous and non-indigenous children to understand and respect different cultures, religions, and languages.此外,缔约国应为土著与非土著儿童提供有意义的机会,使其理解和尊重不同文化、宗教和语言。
28. In their periodic reports to the Committee, States parties should identify measures and programmes undertaken to address discrimination of indigenous children in relation to the Declaration and Programme of Action adopted at the 2001 World Conference against Racism, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.28. 在提交委员会的定期报告中,缔约国应指明,在2001年反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为世界会议上通过的《宣言和行动纲领》方面,它们为应对歧视土著儿童问题采取了哪些措施和方案。
29. In the design of special measures, States parties should consider the needs of indigenous children who may face multiple facets of discrimination and also take into account the different situation of indigenous children in rural and urban situations.29. 在设计特别措施时,缔约国应考虑可能面临多重歧视的土著儿童的需要,还应考虑到农村和城市土著儿童的不同情况。
Particular attention should be given to girls in order to ensure that they enjoy their rights on an equal basis as boys.应对女孩给予特别注意,以确保她们与男孩平等地享有自己的权利。
States parties should furthermore ensure that special measures address the rights of indigenous children with disabilities.缔约国还应确保,特别措施关注残疾土著儿童的权利。
Best interests of the child儿童的最大利益
30. The application of the principle of the best interests of the child to indigenous children requires particular attention.30. 对土著儿童适用儿童的最大利益原则时需给予特别注意。
The Committee notes that the best interests of the child is conceived both as a collective and individual right, and that the application of this right to indigenous children as a group requires consideration of how the right relates to collective cultural rights.委员会指出,儿童的最大利益既被视为集体权利也被视为个人权利;对土著儿童整体适用这一权利时需考虑该项权利与集体文化权利的关系。
Indigenous children have not always received the distinct consideration they deserve.土著儿童并未总是得到他们应得的不同考虑。
In some cases, their particular situation has been obscured by other issues of broader concern to indigenous peoples, (including land rights and political representation).在某些情况下,他们的特殊情况被土著人民更为广泛关注的其他问题(包括土地权和政治代表性)所掩盖。
In the case of children, the best interests of the child cannot be neglected or violated in preference for the best interests of the group.就儿童而言,不能因为偏好整体的最大利益而忽视或侵犯儿童的最大利益。
31. When State authorities including legislative bodies seek to assess the best interests of an indigenous child, they should consider the cultural rights of the indigenous child and his or her need to exercise such rights collectively with members of their group.31. 包括立法机关在内的国家当局试图评估土著儿童的最大利益时,应考虑土著儿童的文化权利,还应考虑到他们需要与其群体的其他成员共同行使这些权利。
As regards legislation, policies and programmes that affect indigenous children in general, the indigenous community should be consulted and given an opportunity to participate in the process on how the best interests of indigenous children in general can be decided in a culturally sensitive way.在影响土著儿童的立法、政策和方案方面,应与土著群体协商,使其有机会参与讨论如何以文化上敏感的方法确定土著儿童的最佳利益这一进程。
Such consultations should, to the extent possible, include meaningful participation of indigenous children.这种协商应在尽可能的范围内吸收土著儿童有意义地参与其中。
32. The Committee considers there may be a distinction between the best interests of the individual child, and the best interests of children as a group.32. 委员会认为,在儿童个人的最大利益和儿童群体的最大利益之间可能存在区别。
In decisions regarding one individual child, typically a court decision or an administrative decision, it is the best interests of the specific child that is the primary concern.在关于儿童个人的决定中(通常是法庭裁决或行政决定),首要关注的是特定儿童的最大利益。
However, considering the collective cultural rights of the child is part of determining the child’s best interests.不过,对儿童的整体文化权利的考虑是确定儿童最大利益的组成部分。
33. The principle of the best interests of the child requires States to undertake active measures throughout their legislative, administrative and judicial systems that would systematically apply the principle by considering the implication of their decisions and actions on children’s rights and interests.33. 儿童的最大利益原则要求各国通过立法、行政和司法系统采取积极的措施;这些系统考虑其决定和行动对儿童的权利和利益的影响,从而系统地适用这一原则。
In order to effectively guarantee the rights of indigenous children such measures would include training and awareness-raising among relevant professional categories of the importance of considering collective cultural rights in conjunction with the determination of the best interests of the child.为有效保证土著儿童的权利,这些措施将包括对相关专业类人士提供培训和提高认识活动,使其了解在考虑集体文化权利的同时确定儿童最大利益的重要性。
The right to life, survival and development生命、生存和发展权
34. The Committee notes with concern that disproportionately high numbers of indigenous children live in extreme poverty, a condition which has a negative impact on their survival and development.34. 委员会关切地注意到,过多的土著儿童生活在极端贫困之中,这种状况对于他们的生存和发展有负面影响。
The Committee is furthermore concerned over the high infant and child mortality rates as well as malnutrition and diseases among indigenous children.此外,委员会对于土著儿童的婴儿和儿童死亡率以及营养不良和疾病问题也感到关切。
Article 4 obliges States parties to address economic, social and cultural rights to the maximum extent of their available resources and where needed with international cooperation.第4条要求缔约国以现有资源所允许的最大限度并视需要以国际合作处理经济、社会和文化权利问题。
Articles 6 and 27 provide the right of children to survival and development as well as an adequate standard of living.第6和27条规定,儿童有生存和发展权以及适足生活水准权。
States should assist parents and others responsible for the indigenous child to implement this right by providing culturally appropriate material assistance and support programmes, particularly with regard to nutrition, clothing and housing.各国应通过提供文化上适当的物质援助和支助方案(特别是在营养、衣着和住房方面),协助父母和其他对土著儿童负有责任者落实此项权利。
The Committee stresses the need for States parties to take special measures to ensure that indigenous children enjoy the right to an adequate standard of living and that these, together with progress indicators, be developed in partnership with indigenous peoples, including children.委员会强调,缔约国需采取特别措施确保土著儿童享有适足生活水准权,而且应与土著人民(包括儿童在内)合作拟订这些措施和进展指标。
35. The Committee reiterates its understanding of development of the child as set out in its general comment No. 5, as a “holistic concept embracing the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral, psychological and social development”.35. 委员会重申,它将第5号一般性意见所陈述的儿童的发展理解为一个“综合概念,它包括儿童的身体、智力、精神、道德、心理和社会发展”。
The Preamble of the Convention stresses the importance of the traditions and cultural values of each person, particularly with reference to the protection and harmonious development of the child.《公约》序言强调了每个人的传统和文化价值的重要性,特别是对于儿童的保护及和谐发展的重要性。
In the case of indigenous children whose communities retain a traditional lifestyle, the use of traditional land is of significant importance to their development and enjoyment of culture.对于其族群保持传统生活方式的土著儿童而言,传统土地的使用对于他们的发展和文化享有非常重要。
States parties should closely consider the cultural significance of traditional land and the quality of the natural environment while ensuring the children’s right to life, survival and development to the maximum extent possible.缔约国应密切考虑传统土地的文化意义和自然环境的质量,同时尽最大可能确保儿童的生命、生存和发展权。
36. The Committee reaffirms the importance of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and calls on States to engage with indigenous peoples, including children, to ensure the full realization of the MDGs with respect to indigenous children.36. 委员会重申了千年发展目标的重要性,并呼吁各国使土著人民(包括儿童在内)参与其中,以确保充分实现涉及土著儿童的千年发展目标。
Respect for the views of the child尊重儿童的意见
37. The Committee considers that, in relation to article 12, there is a distinction between the right of the child as an individual to express his or her opinion and the right to be heard collectively, which allows children as a group to be involved in consultations on matters involving them.37. 委员会认为,关于第12条,在儿童作为个人表达自己的意见的权利与集体陈情权之间存在区别,集体陈情权可使儿童作为一个群体参与协商涉及他们的事项。
38. With regard to the individual indigenous child, the State party has the obligation to respect the child’s right to express his or her view in all matters affecting him or her, directly or through a representative, and give due weight to this opinion in accordance with the age and maturity of the child.38. 关于土著儿童个人,缔约国有义务尊重儿童对影响到其本人的一切事项直接或通过代表表达自己的意见的权利,并按照其年龄和成熟程度给以适当的看待。
The obligation is to be respected in any judicial or administrative proceeding.在任何司法或行政诉讼中均应尊重这项义务。
Taking into account the obstacles which prevent indigenous children from exercising this right, the State party should provide an environment that encourages the free opinion of the child.考虑到妨碍土著儿童行使这项权利的障碍,缔约国应提供一个鼓励儿童自由发表意见的环境。
The right to be heard includes the right to representation, culturally appropriate interpretation and also the right not to express one’s opinion.陈情权包括代表权、在文化上适当的解释。 以及不表达自己意见的权利。
39. When the right is applied to indigenous children as a group, the State party plays an important role in promoting their participation and should ensure that they are consulted on all matters affecting them.39. 当此项权利适用于土著儿童群体时,缔约国在促进其参与方面发挥着重要作用;它们还应确保在影响到其本人的一切事项上咨询其意见。
The State party should design special strategies to guarantee that their participation is effective.缔约国应拟订特别战略,以保证他们的参与切实有效。
The State party should ensure that this right is applied in particular in the school environment, alternative care settings and in the community in general.缔约国应确保这项权利尤其在学校环境、替代照料环境以及在整个社区得到适用。
The Committee recommends States parties to work closely with indigenous children and their communities to develop, implement and evaluate programmes, policies and strategies for implementation of the Convention.委员会建议缔约国与土著儿童及其社区密切合作,为执行公约拟订、实施和评估各种方案、政策和战略。
Civil rights and freedoms民权与自由
(arts. 7, 8, 13-17 and 37 (a) of the Convention)(《公约》第7、8、13至17和37(a)条)
Access to information信息获取
40. The Committee underlines the importance that the media have particular regard for the linguistic needs of indigenous children, in accordance with articles 17 (d) and 30 of the Convention.40. 委员会强调了媒体依照《公约》第17(d)条和30条特别注意土著儿童在语言方面的需要之重要性。
The Committee encourages States parties to support indigenous children to have access to media in their own languages.委员会鼓励缔约国支持土著儿童获得自己语言的媒体。
The Committee underlines the right of indigenous children to access information, including in their own languages, in order for them to effectively exercise their right to be heard.委员会强调土著儿童获取信息(包括以其自己的语言)的权利,使其能够有效地行使陈情权。
Birth registration, nationality and identity出生登记、国籍和身份
41. States parties are obliged to ensure that all children are registered immediately after birth and that they acquire a nationality.41. 缔约国有义务确保所有儿童在出生后立即登记并获得国籍。
Birth registration should be free and universally accessible.出生登记应是免费的和普及的。
The Committee is concerned that indigenous children, to a greater extent than non-indigenous children, remain without birth registration and at a higher risk of being stateless.委员会感到关注的是,比起非土著儿童,土著儿童在更大程度上无出生登记、无国籍的风险也更高。
42. Therefore, States parties should take special measures in order to ensure that indigenous children, including those living in remote areas, are duly registered.42. 因此,缔约国应采取特别措施,以确保土著儿童、包括居住在偏远地区的土著儿童适时登记。
Such special measures, to be agreed following consultation with the communities concerned, may include mobile units, periodic birth registration campaigns or the designation of birth registration offices within indigenous communities to ensure accessibility.经与有关社区协商议定的此类特别措施,可包括流动单位、定期出生登记活动或在土著社区内指定出生登记办事处以确保便利使用。
43. States parties should ensure that indigenous communities are informed about the importance of birth registration and of the negative implications of its absence on the enjoyment of other rights for non-registered children.43. 缔约国应确保土著群体了解出生登记的重要性以及不登记对未登记儿童享有其他权利产生的负面影响。
States parties should ensure that information to this effect is available to indigenous communities in their own languages and that public awareness campaigns are undertaken in consultation with the communities concerned.缔约国应确保向土著群体提供以其语言写成的相关资料,并与有关群体协商开展提高公众认识的活动。
44. Furthermore, taking into account articles 8 and 30 of the Convention, States parties should ensure that indigenous children may receive indigenous names of their parents’ choice in accordance with their cultural traditions and the right to preserve his or her identity.44. 此外,考虑到《公约》第8和30条,缔约国应确保土著儿童可按照自己的文化传统和维护其身份的权利获得家长选择的土著姓名。
States parties should put in place national legislation that provides indigenous parents with the possibility of selecting the name of their preference for their children.缔约国应制定国家法律,为土著家长提供为子女选择他们喜欢的名字的可能性。
45. The Committee draws the attention of States to article 8 (2) of the Convention which affirms that a child who has been illegally deprived of some or all of the elements of his or her identity shall be provided with appropriate assistance and protection in order to re-establish speedily his or her identity.45. 委员会提请各国注意《公约》第8(2)条,该条确认,应向被非法剥夺身份方面的部分或全部要素的儿童提供适当援助和保护,以便迅速重新确立其身份。
The Committee encourages States parties to bear in mind article 8 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples which sets out that effective mechanisms should be provided for prevention of, and redress for, any action which deprives indigenous peoples, including children, of their ethnic identities.委员会鼓励缔约国谨记《联合国土著人民权利宣言》第8条,该条规定,应提供有效机制防止和纠正任何剥夺土著人民、包括儿童的族裔特性的行动。
Family environment and alternative care家庭环境和替代照料
(arts. 5, 18 (paras. 1-2), 9-11, 19-21, 25, 27 (para. 4) and 39 of the Convention)(《公约》第5条、第18条第1和第2款、第9至第11条、第19至第21条、第25条、第27条第4款和第39条)
46. Article 5 of the Convention requires States parties to respect the rights, responsibilities and duties of parents or where applicable, the members of the extended family or community to provide, in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of all children, appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the Convention.46. 《公约》第5条要求缔约国尊重家长或于适用时大家庭或社会成员的如下权利、责任和义务:以符合所有儿童不断发展的能力的方式适当指导和指引儿童行使本公约所确认的权利。
States parties should ensure effective measures are implemented to safeguard the integrity of indigenous families and communities by assisting them in their child-rearing responsibilities in accordance with articles 3, 5, 18, 25 and 27 (3) of the Convention.缔约国应确保根据《公约》第3、5、18、25和第27条第3款,采取有效措施,维护土著家庭和社区的完整性,协助它们履行养育子女的责任。
47. States parties should, in cooperation with indigenous families and communities, collect data on the family situation of indigenous children, including children in foster care and adoption processes.47. 缔约国应与土著家庭和社区合作,收集关于土著儿童家庭情况的资料,其中包括被寄养和在收养程序中的儿童的资料。
Such information should be used to design policies relating to the family environment and alternative care of indigenous children in a culturally sensitive way.应使用此类信息在文化上敏感的方式设计与土著儿童的家庭环境和替代照料有关的政策。
Maintaining the best interests of the child and the integrity of indigenous families and communities should be primary considerations in development, social services, health and education programmes affecting indigenous children.在影响到土著儿童的发展、社会服务、卫生和教育方案中,维护儿童的最大利益以及土著家庭和社区的完整性,应作为首要考虑。
48. Furthermore, States should always ensure that the principle of the best interests of the child is the paramount consideration in any alternative care placement of indigenous children and in accordance with article 20 (3) of the Convention pay due regard to the desirability of continuity in the child’s upbringing and to the child’s ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic background.48. 此外,各国应始终确保,在对土著儿童作任何替代性照料安置时,儿童的最大利益原则应是首要考虑;还应确保根据《公约》第20条第3款的规定,适当注意有必要使儿童的培养教育具有连续性和注意儿童的族裔、宗教、文化和语言背景。
In States parties where indigenous children are overrepresented among children separated from their family environment, specially targeted policy measures should be developed in consultation with indigenous communities in order to reduce the number of indigenous children in alternative care and prevent the loss of their cultural identity.在脱离家庭环境的儿童中土著儿童人数过多的缔约国,应与土著社区协商制定特别有针对性的政策措施,以减少接受替代性照料的土著儿童人数和防止其文化特性的丧失。
Specifically, if an indigenous child is placed in care outside their community, the State party should take special measures to ensure that the child can maintain his or her cultural identity.具体而言,如果土著儿童被置于其社区外照料,缔约国应采取特别措施确保儿童能保持其文化特性。
Basic health and welfare基本保健和福利
(arts. 6, 18 (para. 3), 23, 24, 26, 27 (paras. 1-3) of the Convention)(《公约》第6条、第18条第3款、第23条、第24条、第26条、第27条第1-3款)
49. States parties shall ensure that all children enjoy the highest attainable standard of health and have access to health-care service.49. 缔约国应确保所有儿童享有可达到的最高标准的健康,并可获得医疗保健服务。
Indigenous children frequently suffer poorer health than non-indigenous children due to inter alia inferior or inaccessible health services.由于劣质保健服务或无法获得保健服务等原因,土著儿童的健康状况经常不如非土著儿童。
The Committee notes with concern, on the basis of its reviews of States parties’ reports, that this applies both to developing and developed countries.在审议缔约国报告的基础上,委员会关切地注意到,发展中国家和发达国家都是这种情形。
50. The Committee urges States parties to take special measures to ensure that indigenous children are not discriminated against enjoying the highest attainable standard of health.50. 委员会敦促缔约国采取特别措施确保土著儿童在享有可达到的最高标准的健康方面不遭受歧视。
The Committee is concerned over the high rates of mortality among indigenous children and notes that States parties have a positive duty to ensure that indigenous children have equal access to health services and to combat malnutrition as well as infant, child and maternal mortality.委员会对土著儿童较高的死亡率感到关注并指出,缔约国有积极的义务确保土著儿童平等获得保健服务并与营养不良现象以及婴儿、儿童和产妇死亡率作斗争。
51. States parties should take the necessary steps to ensure ease of access to health-care services for indigenous children.51. 缔约国应采取必要步骤确保土著儿童便于获得医疗卫生服务。
Health services should to the extent possible be community based and planned and administered in cooperation with the peoples concerned.医疗卫生服务应尽可能以社区为基础并应与有关人民的合作加以计划和管理。
Special consideration should be given to ensure that health-care services are culturally sensitive and that information about these is available in indigenous languages.应给予特别考虑,以确保医疗保健服务具有文化敏感性,而且这方面的信息可用土著语言获得。
Particular attention should be given to ensuring access to health care for indigenous peoples who reside in rural and remote areas or in areas of armed conflict or who are migrant workers, refugees or displaced.应特别注意确保居住在农村和边远地区或武装冲突地区的土著人民或身为移徙工人、难民或流离失所者的土著人民可获得医疗保健。
States parties should furthermore pay special attention to the needs of indigenous children with disabilities and ensure that relevant programmes and policies are culturally sensitive.缔约国还应特别注意残疾土著儿童的需要,并确保有关方案和政策具有文化敏感性。
52. Health-care workers and medical staff from indigenous communities play an important role by serving as a bridge between traditional medicine and conventional medical services and preference should be given to employment of local indigenous community workers.52. 土著社区的保健工作者和医务人员发挥着重要作用,他们在传统医学和常规医疗服务之间起着桥梁作用,应优先雇用当地土著社区工作者。
States parties should encourage the role of these workers by providing them with the necessary means and training in order to enable that conventional medicine be used by indigenous communities in a way that is mindful of their culture and traditions.缔约国应鼓励这些工作者发挥作用,向其提供必要的手段和培训,使土著社区能以考虑到其文化和传统的方式使用常规医学。
In this context, the Committee recalls article 25 (2) of the ILO Convention No. 169 and articles 24 and 31 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on the right of indigenous peoples to their traditional medicines.在这方面,委员会忆及关于土著人民的传统医学权利的《国际劳工组织第169号公约》第25条第2款以及《联合国土著人民权利宣言》第24和第31条。
53. States should take all reasonable measures to ensure that indigenous children, families and their communities receive information and education on issues relating to health and preventive care such as nutrition, breastfeeding, pre- and postnatal care, child and adolescent health, vaccinations, communicable diseases (in particular HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis), hygiene, environmental sanitation and the dangers of pesticides and herbicides.53. 各国应采取一切合理措施,以确保土著儿童、家庭和社区获得与医疗卫生和预防保健相关事项方面的信息和教育,例如营养、母乳喂养、产前和产后保健、儿童和青 少年健康、预防接种、传染病(特别是艾滋病毒/艾滋病和肺结核)、个人卫生、环境卫生以及杀虫剂和除草剂的危险。
54. Regarding adolescent health, States parties should consider specific strategies in order to provide indigenous adolescents with access to sexual and reproductive information and services, including on family planning and contraceptives, the dangers of early pregnancy, the prevention of HIV/AIDS and the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).54. 关于青少年健康问题,缔约国应考虑具体的战略,以便向土著青少年提供获得有关性与生殖知识和服务的便利,其中包括计划生育和避孕用品、早孕的危险、预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及预防和治疗性传播感染。
The Committee recommends States parties to take into account its general comments No. 3 on HIV/AIDS and the rights of the child (2003) and No. 4 on adolescent health (2003) for this purpose.委员会建议缔约国为此目的考虑委员会关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病和儿童权利的第3号一般性意见(2003年)以及和关于青少年健康问题的第4号一般性意见(2003年)。
55. In certain States parties suicide rates for indigenous children are significantly higher than for non-indigenous children.55. 在某些缔约国,土著儿童的自杀率明显高于非土著儿童。
Under such circumstances, States parties should design and implement a policy for preventive measures and ensure that additional financial and human resources are allocated to mental health care for indigenous children in a culturally appropriate manner, following consultation with the affected community.在这种情况下,缔约国应制定和执行一项预防措施政策,并确保在与受影响社区进行协商后以文化上适当的方式划拨更多的财力和人力资源用于土著儿童的心理保健。
In order to analyse and combat the root causes, the State party should establish and maintain a dialogue with the indigenous community.为分析和消除根本原因,缔约国应与土著社区建立并保持对话。
(arts. 28, 29 and 31 of the Convention)(《公约》第28、第29和第31条)
56. Article 29 of the Convention sets out that the aims of education for all children should be directed to, among other objectives, the development of respect for the child’s cultural identity, language and values and for civilizations different from his or her own.56. 《公约》第29条规定,教育所有儿童的目的,除其他目标外,应指向:培养对儿童的文化认同、语言和价值观的尊重以及对不同于其自身文明的尊重。
Further objectives include the preparation of the child for responsible life in a free society, in the spirit of understanding peace, tolerance, equality of sexes and friendship among all peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups and persons of indigenous origin.进一步目标包括,培养儿童本着各国人民、族裔、民族和宗教群体以及原为土著居民的人之间谅解、和平、宽容、男女平等和友好的精神,在自由社会里过有责任感的生活。
The aims of education apply to education for all children and States should ensure these are adequately reflected in the curricula, content of materials, teaching methods and policies.这些教育目的适用于对所有儿童的教育,各国应确保这些目的在课程设置、教材内容、教学方法和政策中得到充分反映。
States are encouraged to refer to the Committee’s general comment No. 1 on the aims of education for further guidance.鼓励各国参照委员会关于教育目的的第1号一般性意见以获进一步指导。
57. The education of indigenous children contributes both to their individual and community development as well as to their participation in the wider society.57. 土著儿童的教育既有助于其个人和社区的发展也有助于他们参与更广泛的社会生活。
Quality education enables indigenous children to exercise and enjoy economic, social and cultural rights for their personal benefit as well as for the benefit of their community.优质教育可使土著儿童为个人利益和社区利益行使和享受经济、社会和文化权利。
Furthermore, it strengthens children’s ability to exercise their civil rights in order to influence political policy processes for improved protection of human rights.此外,这种教育还加强了儿童行使公民权利的能力,以影响政治决策进程,从而改善对人权的保护。
Thus, the implementation of the right to education of indigenous children is an essential means of achieving individual empowerment and self-determination of indigenous peoples.因此,落实土著儿童的受教育权利是实现土著人民个人赋权和自决的一个基本途径。
58. In order to ensure that the aims of education are in line with the Convention, States parties are responsible for protecting children from all forms of discrimination as set out in article 2 of the Convention and for actively combating racism.58. 为确保教育的目的符合《公约》精神,缔约国有责任保护儿童免遭《公约》第2条所规定的一切形式的歧视并积极打击种族主义。
This duty is particularly pertinent in relation to indigenous children.这项责任特别切合土著儿童。
In order to effectively implement this obligation, States parties should ensure that the curricula, educational materials and history textbooks provide a fair, accurate and informative portrayal of the societies and cultures of indigenous peoples.为有效履行这项义务,缔约国应确保学校课程、教材和历史教科书公平、准确、翔实地描述土著人民的社会和文化。
Discriminatory practices, such as restrictions on the use of cultural and traditional dress, should be avoided in the school setting.应在学校环境中避免歧视性做法,例如限制使用有文化和传统标志的服装。
59. Article 28 of the Convention sets out that States parties shall ensure that primary education is compulsory and available to all children on the basis of equal opportunity.59. 《公约》第28条规定,缔约国应确保小学教育是义务教育,并在机会均等的基础上提供给所有儿童。
States parties are encouraged to make secondary and vocational education available and accessible to every child.鼓励缔约国向每个儿童提供中等和职业教育并使其便于使用。
However, in practice, indigenous children are less likely to be enrolled in school and continue to have higher drop out and illiteracy rates than non-indigenous children.然而,在现实情况中,比起非土著儿童,土著儿童入学的可能性较低,而且辍学率和文盲率仍较高。
Most indigenous children have reduced access to education due to a variety of factors including insufficient educational facilities and teachers, direct or indirect costs for education as well as a lack of culturally adjusted and bilingual curricula in accordance with article 30.由于多种因素,其中包括教育设施和教师不足、教育的直接或间接费用以及缺乏按照第30条对学校课程进行文化上的调整和提供双语课程,大多数土著儿童受教育的机会减少了。
Furthermore, indigenous children are frequently confronted with discrimination and racism in the school setting.此外,土著儿童在学校环境经常遭遇歧视和种族主义。
60. In order for indigenous children to enjoy their right to education on equal footing with non-indigenous children, States parties should ensure a range of special measures to this effect.60. 为使土著儿童与非土著儿童平等享有受教育的权利,缔约国应确保为此采取一系列特殊措施。
States parties should allocate targeted financial, material and human resources in order to implement policies and programmes which specifically seek to improve the access to education for indigenous children.缔约国应专项划拨财力、物力和人力资源,以实施明确旨在改善土著儿童受教育机会的政策和方案。
As established by article 27 of the ILO Convention No. 169, education programmes and services should be developed and implemented in cooperation with the peoples concerned to address their specific needs.《国际劳工组织第169号公约》第27条所确立的教育方案和各项服务应与有关民族合作制定和实施,以解决其具体需要。
Furthermore, governments should recognize the right of indigenous peoples to establish their own educational institutions and facilities, provided that such institutions meet minimum standards established by the competent authority in consultation with these peoples.此外,各国政府应确认土著人民在如下前提下建立自己的教育机构和设施的权利:这些机构达到了主管当局与这些民族协商确立的最低标准。
States should undertake all reasonable efforts to ensure that indigenous communities are aware of the value and importance of education and of the significance of community support for school enrolment.各国应尽一切合理的努力,以确保土著社区了解教育的价值和重要性以及社区对入学提供支助的重要意义。
61. States parties should ensure that school facilities are easily accessible where indigenous children live.61. 缔约国应确保学校设施便于在土著儿童居住地点使用。
If required, States parties should support the use of media, such as radio broadcasts and long distance education programmes (internet-based) for educational purposes and establish mobile schools for indigenous peoples who practice nomadic traditions.如有必要,缔约国应支持为教育目的使用电台广播和远程教育方案(基于互联网)等媒体,并为实行游牧传统的土著人民建立流动学校。
The school cycle should take into account and seek to adjust to cultural practices as well as agricultural seasons and ceremonial periods.学期应考虑到并设法适应文化习俗以及农业季节和仪典时期。
States parties should only establish boarding schools away from indigenous communities when necessary as this may be a disincentive for the enrolment of indigenous children, especially girls.缔约国仅应在必要时在远离土著社区的地方建立寄宿学校,因为这对于土著儿童的入学率、特别是女童的入学率可能是一个阻碍因素。
Boarding schools should comply with culturally sensitive standards and be monitored on a regular basis.寄宿学校应遵守文化上敏感的标准并定期加以监测。
Attempts should also be made to ensure that indigenous children living outside their communities have access to education in a manner which respects their culture, languages and traditions.还应努力确保居住在社区外的土著儿童有机会以尊重其文化、语言和传统的方式接受教育。
62. Article 30 of the Convention establishes the right of the indigenous child to use his or her own language.62. 《公约》第30条规定了土著儿童使用自己语言的权利。
In order to implement this right, education in the child’s own language is essential.为实施这一权利,以儿童自己的语言进行教育十分关键。
Article 28 of ILO Convention No. 169 affirms that indigenous children shall be taught to read and write in their own language besides being accorded the opportunity to attain fluency in the official languages of the country.《国际劳工组织第169号公约》第二十八条确认,除给予机会流利地掌握所在国的官方语言外,还应教育土著儿童使用自己的语言进行阅读和写作。
Bilingual and intercultural curricula are important criteria for the education of indigenous children.双语和跨文化课程是教育土著儿童的重要标准。
Teachers of indigenous children should to the extent possible be recruited from within indigenous communities and given adequate support and training.土著儿童的教师应尽可能从土著社区内部招聘并给予充分的支持和培训。
63. With reference to article 31 of the Convention, the Committee notes the many positive benefits of participation in sports, traditional games, physical education, and recreational activities and calls on States parties to ensure that indigenous children enjoy the effective exercise of these rights.63. 关于《公约》第31条,委员会指出了参加运动、传统游戏、体育和文娱活动的许多积极好处;并呼吁缔约国确保土著儿童可切实行使这些权利。
Special protection measures特别保护措施
(arts. 22, 30, 38, 39, 40, 37 (b)-(d), 32-36 of the Convention)(《公约》第22条、第30条、第38条、第39条、第40条、第37条(b)至(d)项、第32至36条)
Children in armed conflict and refugee children卷入武装冲突的儿童和难民儿童
64. Through its periodic reviews of States parties’ reports, the Committee has concluded that indigenous children are particularly vulnerable in situations of armed conflict or in situations of internal unrest.64. 在对缔约国的报告进行定期审议中,委员会得出结论认为,在武装冲突或在国内动乱情形中,土著儿童特别易受伤害。
Indigenous communities often reside in areas which are coveted for their natural resources or that, because of remoteness, serve as a base for non-State armed groups.土著社区往往居住在自然资源受人垂涎的地区,或者由于地处偏远,他们居住的地区作为非国家武装团体的基地。
In other situations, indigenous communities reside in the vicinity of borders or frontiers which are disputed by States.在其他情况下,土著社区居住在边界附近或有国家争议的边境附近。
65. Indigenous children in such circumstances have been, and continue to face risks of being, victims of attacks against their communities, resulting in death, rape and torture, displacement, enforced disappearances, the witnessing of atrocities and the separation from parents and community.65. 在这种情况下,土著儿童曾是对其社区袭击的受害者而且继续面临成为受害者的风险,这些袭击造成了死亡、强奸和酷刑、流离失所、强迫失踪、目睹暴行以及与父母和社区分离。
Targeting of schools by armed forces and groups has denied indigenous children access to education.武装部队和团体以学校为目标的袭击剥夺了土著儿童受教育的机会。
Furthermore, indigenous children have been recruited by armed forces and groups and forced to commit atrocities, sometimes even against their own communities.此外,土著儿童还被武装部队和团伙招募,并被迫实施暴行,有时甚至是针对自己的社区。
66. Article 38 of the Convention obliges States parties to ensure respect for the rules of humanitarian law, to protect the civilian population and to take care of children who are affected by armed conflict.66. 《公约》第38条规定,缔约国有义务确保人道主义法的规则得到尊重、有义务保护平民并照料受武装冲突影响的儿童。
States parties should pay particular attention to the risks indigenous children face in hostilities and take maximum preventive measures in consultation with the communities concerned.缔约国应特别注意土著儿童在敌对行动中面临的风险,并与有关社区协商采取最大程度的预防措施。
Military activities on indigenous territories should be avoided to the extent possible, the Committee recalls article 30 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in this regard.应尽可能避免在土著人领地上采取军事活动,在这方面,委员会提请注意《联合国土著人民权利宣言》第30条。
States parties should not require military conscription of indigenous children under the age of 18 years.缔约国不应要求对18岁以下的土著儿童征兵。
States parties are encouraged to ratify and implement the Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.鼓励缔约国批准和实施《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》。
67. Indigenous children who have been victims of recruitment in armed conflict should be provided with the necessary support services for reintegration into their families and communities.67. 应向曾作为武装冲突中招兵受害者的土著儿童提供必要的支持服务,使其重新融入家庭和社区。
Consistent with article 39 of the Convention, States parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim of any form of exploitation, abuse, torture or any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment or armed conflicts.对于任何形式的剥削、虐待、酷刑或任何其他形式的残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚或武装冲突的受害者儿童,缔约国应依照《公约》第39条采取一切适当措施,促进其身心康复和重新融入社会。
In the case of indigenous children, this should be done giving due consideration to the child’s cultural and linguistic background.就土著儿童而言,这项工作应适当考虑到儿童的文化和语言背景。
68. Indigenous children who have been displaced or become refugees should be given special attention and humanitarian assistance in a culturally sensitive manner.68. 应以文化敏感的方式对流离失所或成为难民的土著儿童给予特别关注和人道主义援助。
Safe return and restitution of collective and individual property should be promoted.应促进他们的安全返回和归还集体与个人财产。
Economic exploitation经济剥削
69. Article 32 of the Convention provides that all children should be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s education, or to be harmful to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.69. 《公约》第32条规定,应保护所有儿童不遭受经济剥削和不从事任何可能有害或干扰儿童的教育、或有害于儿童的健康或身心、精神、道德或社会发展的工作。
In addition, ILO Convention No. 138 (Minimum Age Convention) and Convention No. 182 (Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention) set parameters for distinguishing child labour that needs abolition, on the one hand, and acceptable work done by children, including such activities that allow indigenous children to acquire livelihood skills, identity and culture, on the other.此外,《国际劳工组织第138号公约》(最低年龄公约)和《第182号公约》(最恶劣形式的童工劳动公约)为区别需消除的童工劳动和儿童从事的可接受的工作(其中包括可使土著儿童获得谋生技能、身份和文化的活动)设定了标准。
Child labour is work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and dignity and that is harmful to their physical and mental development.童工劳动是剥夺儿童童年、潜力和尊严并有害于其身心发展的工作。
70. Provisions in the Convention on the Rights of the Child refer to the use of children in illicit production and trafficking of drugs (art. 33), sexual exploitation (art. 34), trafficking in children (art. 35), children in armed conflicts (art. 38).70. 《儿童权利公约》的条款提及利用儿童从事非法生产和贩运毒品(第33条)、性剥削(第34条)、贩卖儿童(第35条)、武装冲突中的儿童(第38条)。
These provisions are closely related to the definition of the worst forms of child labour under ILO Convention No. 182.这些规定与《国际劳工组织第182号公约》定义的最恶劣形式的童工劳动密切相关。
The Committee notes with grave concern that indigenous children are disproportionately affected by poverty and at particular risk of being used in child labour, especially its worst forms, such as slavery, bonded labour, child trafficking, including for domestic work, use in armed conflict, prostitution and hazardous work.委员会严重关切地注意到,受贫穷影响和特别面临童工劳动风险、尤其是最恶劣形式童工劳动风险(例如奴役、债役劳动、贩卖儿童,包括用于家务劳动的贩卖活动、在武装冲突中使用儿童、卖淫和危险工作)的土著儿童人数过多。
71. The prevention of exploitative child labour among indigenous children (as in the case of all other children) requires a rights-based approach to child labour and is closely linked to the promotion of education.71. 防止土著儿童中的剥削童工现象(就所有其他儿童而言也是如此)需要采用一个基于权利的方法对待童工劳动,而且与促进教育密切相关。
For the effective elimination of exploitative child labour among indigenous communities, States parties must identify the existing barriers to education and the specific rights and needs of indigenous children with respect to school education and vocational training.为有效消除土著社区中的剥削童工现象,缔约国必须确定土著儿童在教育方面的现有障碍以及他们在学校教育和职业培训方面的具体权利和需要。
This requires that special efforts be taken to maintain a dialogue with indigenous communities and parents regarding the importance and benefits of education.这就需要作出特别的努力,以保持与土著社区和家长关于教育重要性和利益的对话。
Measures to combat exploitative child labour furthermore require analysis of the structural root causes of child exploitation, data collection and the design and implementation of prevention programmes, with adequate allocation of financial and human resources by the State party, to be carried out in consultation with indigenous communities and children.采取措施打击剥削童工现象还要求缔约国对儿童剥削的结构性根本原因进行分析、收集数据、设计和实施预防方案,还应划拨足够的财力和人力资源;应与土著社区和儿童协商开展这些活动。
Sexual exploitation and trafficking性剥削和贩运
72. Articles 34 and 35 of the Convention with consideration to the provisions of article 20, call on States to ensure that children are protected against sexual exploitation and abuse as well as the abduction, sale or traffic of children for any purposes.72. 考虑到第20条规定的《公约》第34和35条,呼吁各国确保儿童受到保护,不遭受性剥削、性虐待以及为任何目的诱拐、买卖或贩运儿童。
The Committee is concerned that indigenous children whose communities are affected by poverty and urban migration are at a high risk of becoming victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking.委员会感到关注的是,其社区受到贫穷和向城市移民影响的土著儿童面临成为性剥削和贩卖受害者的高度风险。
Young girls, particularly those not registered at birth, are especially vulnerable.年轻女孩,尤其是在出生时未登记的女孩,特别容易受到伤害。
In order to improve the protection of all children, including indigenous, States parties are encouraged to ratify and implement the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.为改善对所有儿童、包括土著儿童的保护,鼓励缔约国批准和实施关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情的《任择议定书》。
73. States should, in consultation with indigenous communities, including children, design preventive measures and allocate targeted financial and human resources for their implementation.73. 各国应在与土著社区、包括土著儿童协商的情况下,设计预防措施并为实施这些措施划拨专项财力和人力资源。
States should base preventive measures on studies which include documentation of the patterns of violations and analysis of root causes.各国的预防措施应建立在研究报告的基础上,这些研究报告载列了违反行为模式以及对根本原因的分析。
Juvenile justice少年司法
74. Articles 37 and 40 of the Convention ensure the rights of children within, and in interaction with, State judicial systems.74. 《公约》第37和40条确保儿童在国家司法系统内以及与这些系统互动中的权利。
The Committee notes with concern that incarceration of indigenous children is often disproportionately high and in some instances may be attributed to systemic discrimination from within the justice system and/or society.委员会关切地注意到,土著儿童被监禁的人数过多,在某些情况下这可归因为来自司法系统和(或)社会内部的系统性歧视。
To address these high rates of incarceration, the Committee draws the attention of States parties to article 40 (3) of the Convention requiring States to undertake measures to deal with children alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law without resorting to judicial proceedings, whenever appropriate.为解决高监禁率问题,委员会提请缔约国注意《公约》第40条第3款,该条款要求各国针对被指称、指控或确认为触犯刑法的儿童酌情采取措施而不诉诸司法程序。
The Committee, in its general comment No. 10 on children’s rights in juvenile justice (2007) and in its concluding observations, has consistently affirmed that the arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child may be used only as a measure of last resort.在关于少年司法中的儿童权利问题的第10号一般性意见(2007年)及其结论性意见中,委员会一贯申明,逮捕、拘留或监禁儿童仅可作为最后手段加以使用。
75. States parties are encouraged to take all appropriate measures to support indigenous peoples to design and implement traditional restorative justice systems as long as those programmes are in accordance with the rights set out in the Convention, notably with the best interests of the child.75. 鼓励缔约国采取一切适当措施,支持土著人民设计和实施传统的恢复性司法体系,只要这些方案符合《公约》规定的权利、特别是符合儿童的最大利益。
The Committee draws the attention of States parties to the United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, which encourage the development of community programmes for the prevention of juvenile delinquency.委员会提请缔约国注意《联合国预防少年犯罪准则》,该准则鼓励制定预防少年犯罪的社区方案。
States parties should seek to support, in consultation with indigenous peoples, the development of community-based policies, programmes and services which consider the needs and culture of indigenous children, their families and communities.缔约国应在与土著人民协商的情况下力图支持制定考虑到土著儿童及其家庭和社区的需要和文化、立足社区的政策、方案和服务。
States should provide adequate resources to juvenile justice systems, including those developed and implemented by indigenous peoples.各国应向少年司法系统(包括土著人民制定和实施的系统)提供充足的资源。
76. States parties are reminded that pursuant to article 12 of the Convention, all children should have an opportunity to be heard in any judicial or criminal proceedings affecting them, either directly or through a representative.76. 缔约国应注意,根据《公约》第12条,所有儿童都应有机会在影响到他们的任何司法或刑事诉讼中,直接或通过代表陈述意见。
In the case of indigenous children, States parties should adopt measures to ensure that an interpreter is provided free of charge if required and that the child is guaranteed legal assistance, in a culturally sensitive manner.就土著儿童而言,缔约国应采取措施确保在必要时免费提供翻译,而且应以文化上敏感的方式向儿童保证法律援助。
77. Professionals involved in law enforcement and the judiciary should receive appropriate training on the content and meaning of the provisions of the Convention and its Optional Protocols, including the need to adopt special protection measures for indigenous children and other specific groups.77. 执法和司法机构所涉专业人员应接受如下内容的适当培训:《公约》及其任择议定书条款的内容和意义,以及对土著儿童及其他特定群体采取特别保护措施的必要性。
States parties’ obligations and monitoring of the implementation of the Convention缔约国的义务和对《公约》执行情况的监测
78. The Committee reminds States parties that ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child obliges States parties to take action to ensure the realization of all rights in the Convention for all children within their jurisdiction.78. 委员会提醒缔约国,《儿童权利公约》的批准使缔约国有义务采取行动,确保在其管辖范围内为所有儿童实现《公约》中的所有权利。
The duty to respect and protect requires each State party to ensure that the exercise of the rights of indigenous children is fully protected against any acts of the State party by its legislative, judicial or administrative authorities or by any other entity or person within the State party.尊重和保护的义务要求各缔约国确保,土著儿童权利的行使得到充分的保护,不受缔约国经由立法、司法或行政当局或缔约国内任何其他实体或个人实施的任何行为的侵犯。
79. Article 3 of the Convention requires States parties to ensure that in all actions concerning children, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.79. 《公约》第3条要求缔约国确保,在涉及儿童的一切行动中,儿童的最大利益应是首要考虑。
Article 4 of the Convention requires States parties to undertake measures to implement the Convention to the maximum extent of their available resources.《公约》第4条要求缔约国采取措施,最大限度地利用现有资源履行《公约》。
Article 42 sets out that States parties are further required to ensure that children and adults are provided information on the principles and provisions of the Convention.第42条规定,缔约国还需确保向儿童和成人提供关于《公约》原则和规定的信息。
80. In order to effectively implement the rights of the Convention for indigenous children, States parties need to adopt appropriate legislation in accordance with the Convention.80. 为有效落实《公约》规定的土著儿童权利,缔约国需根据《公约》通过适当的法律。
Adequate resources should be allocated and special measures adopted in a range of areas in order to effectively ensure that indigenous children enjoy their rights on an equal level with non-indigenous children.应在广泛的领域划拨充足资源并采取特别措施,以切实确保土著儿童与非土著儿童平等享有自己的权利。
Further efforts should be taken to collect and disaggregate data and develop indicators to evaluate the degree of implementation of the rights of indigenous children.应作出进一步努力,收集数据并加以分类、拟订指标以评估土著儿童权利的执行程度。
In order to develop policy and programming efforts in a culturally sensitive manner, States parties should consult with indigenous communities and directly with indigenous children.缔约国应与土著社区协商并直接与土著儿童协商,以便以文化上敏感的方式制定政策和规划各项努力。
Professionals working with indigenous children should be trained on how consideration should be given to cultural aspects of children’s rights.应就如何考虑儿童权利的文化层面事宜,向从事土著儿童工作的专业人员提供培训。
81. The Committee calls for States parties to, when applicable, better integrate information in their periodic reports to the Committee on the implementation of indigenous children’s rights and on the adoption of special measures in this regard.81. 委员会呼吁缔约国于适用时在向委员会提交的定期报告中更好地纳入关于土著儿童权利执行情况以及关于为此采取的特别措施的信息。
Furthermore, the Committee requests States parties to strengthen efforts to translate and disseminate information about the Convention and its Optional Protocols and the reporting process among indigenous communities and children, in order for them to actively participate in the monitoring process.此外,委员会还要求缔约国加强努力,翻译有关《公约》及其《任择议定书》以及报告过程的资料并向土著社区和儿童传播,使其积极参与监测进程。
Furthermore, indigenous communities are encouraged to utilize the Convention as an opportunity to assess the implementation of the rights of their children.此外,鼓励土著社区利用《公约》作为评估其儿童权利执行情况的一个机会。
82. Finally, the Committee urges States parties to adopt a rights-based approach to indigenous children based on the Convention and other relevant international standards, such as ILO Convention No. 169 and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.82. 最后,委员会敦促缔约国采用基于权利的方法处理土著儿童问题,这一方法以《公约》和其他有关国际标准(例如《国际劳工组织第169号公约》和《联合国土著人民权利宣言》)为依据。
In order to guarantee effective monitoring of the implementation of the rights of indigenous children, States parties are urged to strengthen direct cooperation with indigenous communities and, if required, seek technical cooperation from international agencies, including United Nations entities.为保证有效监测土著儿童权利的执行情况,敦促缔约国加强与土著社区的直接合作;如有需要,应寻求与国际机构、包括联合国实体的技术合作。
Empowerment of indigenous children and the effective exercise of their rights to culture, religion and language provide an essential foundation of a culturally diverse State in harmony and compliance with its human rights obligations.向土著儿童赋权以及使他们切实行使文化、宗教和语言权利,为一个和谐的、遵守其人权义务的多元文化国家提供了重要基础。
Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 23 on article 27, CCPR/C/Rev.1/Add.5, 1994, paras. 3.2, 7.人权事务委员会,关于第27条的第23号一般性评论,CCPR/C/Rev.1/Add.5, 1994年,第3.2段、第7段。
Recommendations of CRC Day of General Discussion on the Rights of Indigenous Children, 2003, para. 4.儿童权利委员会关于土著儿童权利问题的一般性讨论日的建议,2003年,第4段。
Human Rights Committee, general comment No. 23 on article 27, CCPR/C/Rev.1/Add.5, 1994, para. 6.1.人权事务委员会,关于第27条的第23号一般性评论,CCPR/C/Rev.1/Add.5, 1994年,第6.1段。
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, general recommendation No. 23 on Indigenous Peoples, 1997, contained in A/52/18, Annex V.消除种族歧视委员会,关于土著人民问题的第23号一般性建议,1997年,载于A/52/18, 附件五。
ILO Convention concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries No. 169, article 1 (2).国际劳工组织关于独立国家的土著和部落民族的第169号公约,第1条第2款。
ILO Convention No. 169, articles 2, 6, 27.国际劳工组织第169号公约,第2、6、27条。
UNICEF Innocenti Digest No. 11, Ensuring the Rights of Indigenous Children, 2004, p. 7.联合国儿童基金会因诺琴蒂文摘第11号,确保土著儿童的权利,2004年,原文第7页。
CRC, general comment No. 4 on Adolescent Health, 2003, para. 24.儿童权利委员会,关于未成年人健康问题的第4号一般性意见,2003年,第24段。
CRC, general comment No. 5 on General Measures of Implementation, 2003, para. 12.儿童权利委员会,关于一般执行措施问题的第5号一般性意见,2003年,第12段。
Recommendations of CRC Day of General Discussion on the Rights of Indigenous Children, 2003, para. 9.儿童权利委员会关于土著儿童权利问题的一般性讨论日的建议,2003年,第9段。
Ibid., para. 6.同上,第6段。
Recommendations of CRC Day of General Discussion on the Rights of Indigenous Children, 2003, para. 12.儿童权利委员会关于土著儿童权利问题的一般性讨论日的建议,2003年,第12段。
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, preamble.《残疾人权利公约》序言。
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, A/RES/61/295, articles 21, 22.《联合国土著人民权利宣言》,A/RES/61/295, 第21、22条。
UNICEF Innocenti Digest No. 11, Ensuring the Rights of Indigenous Children, 2004, p. 1.联合国儿童基金会因诺琴蒂文摘第11号,确保土著儿童的权利,2004年,原文第1页。
CRC, general comment No. 5 on General Measures of Implementation, 2003, para. 12.儿童权利委员会,关于一般执行措施问题的第5号一般性意见,2003年,第12段。
UNICEF Innocenti Digest No. 11, Ensuring the Rights of Indigenous Children, 2004, p. 8.联合国儿童基金会因诺琴蒂文摘第11号,确保土著儿童的权利,2004年,原文第8页。
UNICEF Innocenti Digest No. 11, Ensuring the Rights of Indigenous Children, 2004, p. 9.联合国儿童基金会因诺琴蒂文摘第11号,确保土著儿童的权利,2004年,原文第9页。
Recommendations of CRC Day of General Discussion on the Rights of Indigenous Children, 2003, para. 17.儿童权利委员会关于土著儿童权利问题的一般性讨论日的建议,2003年,第17段。
ILO Convention No. 169, article 25 (1, 2).国际劳工组织第169号公约,第25条第1、2款。
CRC, general comment No. 9 on The Rights of Children with Disabilities, 2006.儿童权利委员会,关于残疾儿童的权利问题的第9号一般性意见,2006年。
ILO Convention No. 169, article 25 (3).国际劳工组织第169号公约,第25条第3款。
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, A/RES/61/295, articles 24, 31.《联合国土著人民权利宣言》,A/RES/61/295, 第24条、第31条。
CRC, general comment No. 3 on HIV/AIDS and the Rights of the Child, 2003 and general comment No. 4 on Adolescent Health, 2003.儿童权利委员会,关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病和儿童权利问题的第3号一般性意见,2003年以及关于青少年的健康问题的第4号一般性意见,2003年。
CRC, general comment No. 1 on the Aims of Education, 2001.儿童权利委员会,关于教育目的的第1号一般性意见,2001年。
ILO Convention No. 169, article 31, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, A/RES/61/295, article 15.《国际劳工组织第169号公约》第31条;《联合国土著人民权利宣言》,A/RES/61/295, 第15条。
ILO Convention No. 169, article 27.国际劳工组织第169号公约,第27条。
ILO Convention No. 169, article 28.国际劳工组织第169号公约,第28条。
UNICEF Innocenti Digest No. 11, Ensuring the Rights of Indigenous Children, 2004, p. 13.联合国儿童基金会因诺琴蒂文摘第11号,确保土著儿童的权利,2004年,原文第13页。
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, A/RES/61/295, article 30.《联合国土著人民权利宣言》,A/RES/61/295, 第30条。
ILO, Handbook on Combating Child Labour among Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, 2006, p. 9.国际劳工组织,《打击土著和部落人民中的童工劳动现象手册》,2006年,原文第9页。
CRC, general comment No. 1 on Children’s Rights in Juvenile Justice, 2007, para. 6.儿童权利委员会,《关于少年司法中的儿童权利问题的第10号一般性意见》(2007年),原文第6段。
Ibid. para. 23.同上,第23段。
Recommendations of Day of General Discussion on the Rights of Indigenous Children, 2003, para. 13.《关于土著儿童权利问题的一般性讨论日的建议》,2003年,第13段。
United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, “the Riyadh Guidelines”, 1990.《联合国预防少年犯罪准则》,“利雅得准则”,1990年。
CRC, general comment No. 1 on Children’s Rights in Juvenile Justice, 2007, para. 97.儿童权利委员会,《关于少年司法中的儿童权利问题的第10号一般性意见》(2007年),第97段。