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GENERAL COMMENT No. 12 (2009)第12号一般性意见(2009年)
The right of the child to be heard儿童表达意见的权利
Fifty-first session, 2009第五十一届会议 (2009年)
Document CRC/C/GC/12Document CRC/C/GC/12
Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child provides:儿童表达意见的权利 《儿童权利公约》第12条规定:
“1. States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child.“1. 缔约国应确保有主见的儿童有权对影响到其本人的一切事项自由发表自己的意见,对儿童的意见应按照其年龄和成熟程度给予适当的看待。
2. For this purpose the child shall in particular be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child, either directly, or through a representative or an appropriate body, in a manner consistent with the procedural rules of national law.”2. 为此目的,儿童特别应有机会在影响到儿童的任何司法和行政诉讼中,以符合国家法律的诉讼规则的方式,直接或通过间接代表或适当机构陈述意见。 ”
1. Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (the Convention) is a unique provision in a human rights treaty; it addresses the legal and social status of children, who, on the one hand lack the full autonomy of adults but, on the other, are subjects of rights.1. 《儿童权利公约》(《公约》)第12条是人权条约中的一项特殊规定,述及儿童的法律和社会地位。 一方面,儿童不具备成人所享有的充分自主权;另一方面,儿童又是这些权利的主体。
Paragraph 1 assures, to every child capable of forming his or her own views, the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with age and maturity.第1款确保每一个有主见的儿童有权对影响到其本人的一切事项自由发表自己的意见,对儿童的意见应按照其年龄和成熟程度给予适当的看待。
Paragraph 2 states, in particular, that the child shall be afforded the right to be heard in any judicial or administrative proceedings affecting him or her.第2款指出,儿童特别应有机会在影响到他或她的人和司法和行政诉讼中陈述意见。
2. The right of all children to be heard and taken seriously constitutes one of the fundamental values of the Convention.2. 所有儿童表达意见并得到认真对待的权利是《公约》的基本价值观之一。
The Committee on the Rights of the Child (the Committee) has identified article 12 as one of the four general principles of the Convention, the others being the right to non-discrimination, the right to life and development, and the primary consideration of the child’s best interests, which highlights the fact that this article establishes not only a right in itself, but should also be considered in the interpretation and implementation of all other rights.儿童权利委员会(委员会)将第12条确定为《公约》的四项基本原则之一,其他三项原则分别是不受歧视的权利、生命权和发展权,以及首先考虑儿童的最大利益。 这种做法强调该条款不仅确定了一项权利,而且在解释和行使所有其他权利时也必须加以考虑。
3. Since the adoption of the Convention in 1989, considerable progress has been achieved at the local, national, regional and global levels in the development of legislation, policies and methodologies to promote the implementation of article 12.3. 自1989年获得通过以来,《公约》在地方、国家、区域和全球一级制定立法、政策和方法以促进第12条执行方面取得了显著进展。
A widespread practice has emerged in recent years, which has been broadly conceptualized as “participation”, although this term itself does not appear in the text of article 12.近年来出现了一种普遍做法,在概念上被广泛地称为“参与”,尽管该用语本身并没有出现在第12条的案文中。
This term has evolved and is now widely used to describe ongoing processes, which include information-sharing and dialogue between children and adults based on mutual respect, and in which children can learn how their views and those of adults are taken into account and shape the outcome of such processes.这一术语不断发展,现在被广泛用于描述正在进行的过程,包括在相互尊重基础上儿童与成人之间的信息共享和对话,由此使儿童了解自己和成人的意见如何作为考虑因素并影响这些过程的结果。
4. States parties reaffirmed their commitment to the realization of article 12 at the twenty-seventh special session of the General Assembly on children in 2002.4. 在2002年关于儿童问题的大会第二十七届特别会议上,缔约国重申承诺并致力于实现第12条。
However, the Committee notes that, in most societies around the world, implementation of the child’s right to express her or his view on the wide range of issues that affect her or him, and to have those views duly taken into account, continues to be impeded by many long-standing practices and attitudes, as well as political and economic barriers.但是,委员会注意到,在全世界大多数社会中,执行儿童对影响到她或他的各种问题表达意见并得到适当考虑的权利继续受到许多长期存在的做法和态度,以及政治和经济问题的妨碍。
While difficulties are experienced by many children, the Committee particularly recognizes that certain groups of children, including younger boys and girls, as well as children belonging to marginalized and disadvantaged groups, face particular barriers in the realization of this right.尽管在实现这项权利方面,许多儿童都经历着各种各样的难题,但委员会尤其认识到特定儿童群体,包括幼年男童和女童以及边缘化和弱势群体儿童,面临着特殊阻碍。
The Committee also remains concerned about the quality of many of the practices that do exist.委员会还对确实存在的许多做法的性质表示关切。
There is a need for a better understanding of what article 12 entails and how to fully implement it for every child.有必要更好地了解第12条的内容以及使每个儿童充分享受其权利的方法。
5. In 2006, the Committee held a day of general discussion on the right of the child to be heard in order to explore the meaning and significance of article 12, its linkages to other articles, and the gaps, good practices and priority issues that need to be addressed in order to further the enjoyment of this right.5. 2006年,委员会组织了关于儿童发表意见权的一般讨论日,以探讨第12条的意义和重要性、该条款与其他条款的关系、各种差距、良好做法以及为进一步执行这项权利而必须解决的重点问题。
The present general comment arises from the exchange of information which took place on that day, including with children, the accumulated experience of the Committee in reviewing States parties’ reports, and the very significant expertise and experience of translating the right embodied in article 12 into practice by governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community organizations, development agencies, and children themselves.此一般性意见来源于讨论日当天的信息交流,包括与儿童的交流,委员会在审查缔约国报告方面积累的经验,以及政府、非政府组织、社团组织、发展机构和儿童自身在实践第12条所载权利的过程中形成的极其重要的知识和经验。
6. The present general comment will first present a legal analysis of the two paragraphs of article 12 and will then explain the requirements to fully realize this right, including in judicial and administrative proceedings in particular (sect. A).6. 此一般性意见将首先对第12条的两项条款进行法律分析,然后解释全面实现这项权利的必要条件,包括特定的司法和行政程序(A部分)。
In section B, the connection of article 12 with the three other general principles of the Convention, as well as its relation to other articles, will be discussed.B部分将讨论第12条与《公约》其他三项基本原则以及与其他条款的关系。
The requirements and the impact of the child’s right to be heard in different situations and settings are outlined in section C.C部分概述了不同情况和背景下儿童发表意见权的必要条件和影响。
Section D sets out the basic requirements for the implementation of this right, and the conclusions are presented in section E.D部分列出了执行这项权利的基本要求。 在E部分中提出了结论。
7. The Committee recommends that States parties widely disseminate the present general comment within government and administrative structures as well as to children and civil society.7. 委员会建议缔约国在政府和行政机构内以及向儿童和民间社会广泛宣传这一一般性意见。
This will necessitate translating it into the relevant languages, making child-friendly versions available, holding workshops and seminars to discuss its implications and how best to implement it, and incorporating it into the training of all professionals working for and with children.其中必然涉及到将此意见翻译成相关语言、提供适合儿童的版本、组织讲习班和讨论会以讨论其影响和最佳执行方法,以及将此意见纳入对从事儿童工作的所有专业群体的培训。
8. The overall objective of the general comment is to support States parties in the effective implementation of article 12. In so doing it seeks to:8. 一般性意见的总体目标是支持缔约国有效执行第12条,为实现这一目标采取的措施包括:
Strengthen understanding of the meaning of article 12 and its implications for governments, stakeholders, NGOs and society at large加强各国政府、各利益攸关方、非政府组织和整个社会对第12条的意义和影响的认识 ;
Elaborate the scope of legislation, policy and practice necessary to achieve full implementation of article 12详细阐述全面执行第12条所必需的立法、政策和做法的范围 ;
Highlight the positive approaches in implementing article 12, benefitting from the monitoring experience of the Committee利用委员会的监测经验,强调在执行第12条方面的积极方法 ;
Propose basic requirements for appropriate ways to give due weight to children’s views in all matters that affect them提出基本要求,以适当方式考虑儿童对影响到他们的一切事项所发表的意见。
9. The general comment is structured according to the distinction made by the Committee between the right to be heard of an individual child and the right to be heard as applied to a group of children (e.g. a class of schoolchildren, the children in a neighbourhood, the children of a country, children with disabilities, or girls).9. 一般性意见的组织结构遵循了委员会关于个别儿童和儿童群体(例如:一类学生、相邻住区的儿童、一个国家的儿童、残疾儿童或女童)发表意见权的划分。
This is a relevant distinction because the Convention stipulates that States parties must assure the right of the child to be heard according to the age and maturity of the child (see the following legal analysis of paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 12).这是一种相应的区分,因为委员会规定缔约国必须根据儿童的年龄和成熟程度确保其发表意见的权利(见下文对第12条第1款和第2款的法律分析)。
10. The conditions of age and maturity can be assessed when an individual child is heard and also when a group of children chooses to express its views.10. 在听取单个儿童意见时可对其年龄和成熟程度进行评估,而当一个儿童群体选择表达其意见时也是如此。
The task of assessing a child’s age and maturity is facilitated when the group in question is a component of an enduring structure, such as a family, a class of schoolchildren or the residents of a particular neighbourhood, but is made more difficult when children express themselves collectively.如果涉及到的群体是一种持久稳定结构的一部分,例如家庭、一类学生或特定居住区的居民,那么将有助于对儿童年龄和成熟程度的评估。 如果儿童以集体的方式表达其意见,则会增加评估工作的难度。
Even when confronting difficulties in assessing age and maturity, States parties should consider children as a group to be heard, and the Committee strongly recommends that States parties exert all efforts to listen to or seek the views of those children speaking collectively.即使在评估年龄和成熟度方面困难重重,缔约国也必须将儿童视为一个整体,听取其意见,并且委员会强烈建议缔约国尽一切努力倾听或征询以集体形式表达意愿的儿童们的意见。
11. States parties should encourage the child to form a free view and should provide an environment that enables the child to exercise her or his right to be heard.11. 缔约国应鼓励儿童自由发表意见,并创造一种使儿童能够行使其发表意见权的环境。
12. The views expressed by children may add relevant perspectives and experience and should be considered in decision-making, policymaking and preparation of laws and/or measures as well as their evaluation.12. 儿童所表达的意见可能会添加一些相关的看法和经验,在作出决策、制定政策、编制各种法律和/或措施以及进行评价时应予以考虑。
13. These processes are usually called participation. The exercise of the child’s or children’s right to be heard is a crucial element of such processes.13. 这些过程通常被称为参与,单个儿童或儿童群体行使发表意见权是其中的关键因素。
The concept of participation emphasizes that including children should not only be a momentary act, but the starting point for an intense exchange between children and adults on the development of policies, programmes and measures in all relevant contexts of children’s lives.参与的概念强调儿童的介入不应只是一时行为,而应当作为儿童与成人就制定儿童生活方面的政策、方案和措施进行深入交流的出发点。
14. In section A (Legal analysis) of the general comment, the Committee deals with the right to be heard of the individual child.14. 在一般性意见A部分(法律分析)中,委员会论述了个别儿童的发表意见权。
In section C (The implementation of the right to be heard in different settings and situations), the Committee considers the right to be heard of both the individual child and children as a group.在C部分(在不同环境和情况下执行儿童发表意见权)中,委员会审议了个别儿童和儿童群体的发表意见权。
A. Legal analysisA. 法律分析
15. Article 12 of the Convention establishes the right of every child to freely express her or his views, in all matters affecting her or him, and the subsequent right for those views to be given due weight, according to the child’s age and maturity.15. 《公约》第12条规定每个儿童都有权对影响到她或他的一切事项自由发表自己的意见,并且应按照儿童的年龄和成熟程度对其意见给予适当的注意。
This right imposes a clear legal obligation on States parties to recognize this right and ensure its implementation by listening to the views of the child and according them due weight.这一权利为缔约国规定了明确的法律义务,即承认此权利,并通过听取儿童意见和给予适当看待来确保此权利的执行。
This obligation requires that States parties, with respect to their particular judicial system, either directly guarantee this right, or adopt or revise laws so that this right can be fully enjoyed by the child.该义务要求缔约国在尊重其特殊司法制度的情况下,直接提供保障,或者通过或修订法律,以使儿童能够充分享有这项权利。
16. The child, however, has the right not to exercise this right.16. 但是,儿童有权不行使此项权利。
Expressing views is a choice for the child, not an obligation.表达意见是儿童的一种选择而非义务。
States parties have to ensure that the child receives all necessary information and advice to make a decision in favour of her or his best interests.缔约国须确保儿童得到一切必要信息和建议,从而作出符合其最大利益的决定。
17. Article 12 as a general principle provides that States parties should strive to ensure that the interpretation and implementation of all other rights incorporated in the Convention are guided by it.17. 第12条作为一项基本原则规定,缔约国必须尽力确保对《公约》所载所有其他权利的解释和执行均以此原则为指导。
18. Article 12 manifests that the child holds rights which have an influence on her or his life, and not only rights derived from her or his vulnerability (protection) or dependency on adults (provision).18. 第12条表明,儿童拥有改变其生活的权利,而不仅仅是从其脆弱性(保护)或对成人的依赖(规定)中衍生出的权利。
The Convention recognizes the child as a subject of rights, and the nearly universal ratification of this international instrument by States parties emphasizes this status of the child, which is clearly expressed in article 12.第12条清楚地表明,《公约》承认儿童的权利主体地位,并且缔约国几近普遍批准该国际文书也强调了儿童的这一地位。
1. Literal analysis of article 121. 对第12条的法律分析
(a) Paragraph 1 of article 12(a) 第12条第1款
(i) “Shall assure”(一) “应确保”
19. Article 12, paragraph 1, provides that States parties “shall assure” the right of the child to freely express her or his views.19. 第12条第1款规定,缔约国“应确保”儿童有权自由表达其意见。
“Shall assure” is a legal term of special strength, which leaves no leeway for State parties’ discretion.“应确保”是一个具有特殊效力的法律术语,没有给缔约国留下任何自行酌办的余地。
Accordingly, States parties are under strict obligation to undertake appropriate measures to fully implement this right for all children.因此,缔约国有严格的义务采取适当措施,全面执行所有儿童享有的这项权利。
This obligation contains two elements in order to ensure that mechanisms are in place to solicit the views of the child in all matters affecting her or him and to give due weight to those views.该义务包含两方面内容,从而确保设有相关机制,征询儿童对影响到其本人的一切事项的意见,以及对其意见给予适当看待。
(ii) “Capable of forming his or her own views”(二) “能够形成自己的意见”
20. States parties shall assure the right to be heard to every child “capable of forming his or her own views”.20. 缔约国应确保每一个“能够形成自己的意见”儿童发表意见的权利。
This phrase should not be seen as a limitation, but rather as an obligation for States parties to assess the capacity of the child to form an autonomous opinion to the greatest extent possible.该短语不应被视为限定性条件,而是缔约国有义务尽一切可能评估儿童形成自主意见的能力。
This means that States parties cannot begin with the assumption that a child is incapable of expressing her or his own views.这表示缔约国不能从一开始就推定儿童没有表达自己意见的能力。
On the contrary, States parties should presume that a child has the capacity to form her or his own views and recognize that she or he has the right to express them; it is not up to the child to first prove her or his capacity.相反地,缔约国应假设儿童有能力形成自己的意见,并且承认她或他表达意见的权利;并非由儿童首先证明其能力。
21. The Committee emphasizes that article 12 imposes no age limit on the right of the child to express her or his views, and discourages States parties from introducing age limits either in law or in practice which would restrict the child’s right to be heard in all matters affecting her or him.21. 第12条强调,关于儿童表达意见的权利没有年龄上的限制,并且不鼓励缔约国在法律或实践中引入年龄限制,那将制约儿童对影响到其本人的一切事项发表意见的权利。
In this respect, the Committee underlines the following:在这方面,委员会强调以下几点:
First, in its recommendations following the day of general discussion on implementing child rights in early childhood in 2004, the Committee underlined that the concept of the child as rights holder is “… anchored in the child’s daily life from the earliest stage”.首先,委员会在2004年关于执行幼儿儿童权利的一般讨论日之后提出的意见中强调,儿童作为权利持有人的概念“从儿童幼年期起即深深扎根于其日常生活中”。
Research shows that the child is able to form views from the youngest age, even when she or he may be unable to express them verbally.研究表明,儿童从幼年期起就能够形成意见,即使她或他可能无法用语言来表达。
Consequently, full implementation of article 12 requires recognition of, and respect for, non-verbal forms of communication including play, body language, facial expressions, and drawing and painting, through which very young children demonstrate understanding, choices and preferences.因此,全面执行第12条必须承认并且尊重非语言形式的交流,包括游戏、身体语言、面部表情和绘画,幼儿正是通过这些方式表达他们的认知、选择和喜好。
Second, it is not necessary that the child has comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of the matter affecting her or him, but that she or he has sufficient understanding to be capable of appropriately forming her or his own views on the matter.其次,儿童不需要对影响到其本人的一切事项的所有方面有全面的认识,而是需要她或他有足够的了解,能够恰当地就此事项形成自己的意见。
Third, States parties are also under the obligation to ensure the implementation of this right for children experiencing difficulties in making their views heard.第三,缔约国还有义务确保在表达意见方面有困难的儿童的权利得到落实。
For instance, children with disabilities should be equipped with, and enabled to use, any mode of communication necessary to facilitate the expression of their views.例如,应为残疾儿童配备各种装置,使其能够利用任何必要的交流模式,以便于其表达意见。
Efforts must also be made to recognize the right to expression of views for minority, indigenous and migrant children and other children who do not speak the majority language.此外,还需努力承认少数民族、土著和移民儿童以及其他不使用多数人语言的儿童表达意见的权利。
Lastly, States parties must be aware of the potential negative consequences of an inconsiderate practice of this right, particularly in cases involving very young children, or in instances where the child has been a victim of a criminal offence, sexual abuse, violence, or other forms of mistreatment.最后,缔约国必须认识到忽略这项权利可能造成的消极影响,特别是在涉及幼儿或是儿童成为刑事犯罪、性虐待、暴力或其他形式虐待的受害者的情况下。
States parties must undertake all necessary measures to ensure that the right to be heard is exercised ensuring full protection of the child.缔约国必须采取一切措施,确保行使发表意见权,从而为儿童提供全面保护。
(iii) “The right to express those views freely”(三) “有权自由发表自己的意见”
22. The child has the right “to express those views freely”.22. 儿童有权“自由发表自己的意见”。
“Freely” means that the child can express her or his views without pressure and can choose whether or not she or he wants to exercise her or his right to be heard.“自由”是指儿童可以在没有压力的情况下表达她或他的意见,以及选择是否想要行使其发表意见权。
“Freely” also means that the child must not be manipulated or subjected to undue influence or pressure.“自由”还表示儿童不应受到不适当的影响或压力的操纵或制约。
“Freely” is further intrinsically related to the child’s “own” perspective: the child has the right to express her or his own views and not the views of others.此外,“自由”本身还与儿童“自己”的看法有关:儿童有权表达她或他自己的意见,而不是别人的意见。
23. States parties must ensure conditions for expressing views that account for the child’s individual and social situation and an environment in which the child feels respected and secure when freely expressing her or his opinions.23. 各国应确保儿童有条件表达影响其个人和社会处境的意见,以及确保一种使儿童在自由表达观点时感觉安全和受尊重的环境。
24. The Committee emphasizes that a child should not be interviewed more often than necessary, in particular when harmful events are explored.24. 委员会强调,不应过多地对儿童进行不必要的问话,特别是在调查有害事件时。
The “hearing” of a child is a difficult process that can have a traumatic impact on the child.“倾听”儿童的表述是一个艰难的过程,可能会对儿童造成创伤性影响。
25. The realization of the right of the child to express her or his views requires that the child be informed about the matters, options and possible decisions to be taken and their consequences by those who are responsible for hearing the child, and by the child’s parents or guardian.25. 实现儿童发表意见的权利需要让儿童了解各种事实、备选办法以及负责听取儿童意见的人及儿童的家长或监护人可能作出的决定及其后果。
The child must also be informed about the conditions under which she or he will be asked to express her or his views.儿童还必须知道将在怎样的情况下要求她或他表达其意见。
This right to information is essential, because it is the precondition of the child’s clarified decisions.这一知情权是不可或缺的,因为这是儿童作出明确决定的前提。
(iv) “In all matters affecting the child”(四) “对影响到其本人的一切事项”
26. States parties must assure that the child is able to express her or his views “in all matters affecting” her or him.26. 缔约国必须确保儿童能够对影响到其本人的“一切事项”发表自己的意见。
This represents a second qualification of this right: the child must be heard if the matter under discussion affects the child.这是该权利的第二个限定条件:如果讨论中的事项影响到了儿童,则必须听取其意见。
This basic condition has to be respected and understood broadly.这一基本条件应当得到尊重和广泛理解。
27. The Open-ended Working Group established by the Commission on Human Rights, which drafted the text of the Convention, rejected a proposal to define these matters by a list limiting the consideration of a child’s or children’s views.27. 由人权委员会设立、负责起草《公约》文本的不限成员名额工作组否决了通过列表限定对单个儿童或儿童群体意见的考虑范围,从而对各种事项作出明确规定的提案。
Instead, it was decided that the right of the child to be heard should refer to “all matters affecting the child”.相反,决定儿童发表意见权应涵盖“影响到儿童的一切事项”。
The Committee is concerned that children are often denied the right to be heard, even though it is obvious that the matter under consideration is affecting them and they are capable of expressing their own views with regard to this matter.委员会关切的是,儿童往往被剥夺了发表意见的权利,即使正在审议的事项明显影响到儿童,并且他们有能力表达自己对此事项的意见。
While the Committee supports a broad definition of “matters”, which also covers issues not explicitly mentioned in the Convention, it recognizes the clause “affecting the child”, which was added in order to clarify that no general political mandate was intended.虽然委员会支持广义的“事项”,而且包含《公约》中没有明确提及的问题,但是委员会承认,有意识地添加了“影响到儿童”的短语,以表明没有普遍的政治要求。
The practice, however, including the World Summit for Children, demonstrates that a wide interpretation of matters affecting the child and children helps to include children in the social processes of their community and society.不过,包括世界儿童问题首脑会议在内的实践表明,对影响个别儿童和儿童群体的事项的广义解读有助于使儿童融入其团体和组织的社会进程。
Thus, States parties should carefully listen to children’s views wherever their perspective can enhance the quality of solutions.因此,缔约国应随时随地仔细听取儿童的意见,他们的观点有可能提升解决办法的品质。
(v) “Being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child”(五) “按照其年龄和成熟程度给予适当的看待”
28. The views of the child must be “given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child”.28. 对儿童的意见应“按照其年龄和成熟程度给予适当的看待”。
This clause refers to the capacity of the child, which has to be assessed in order to give due weight to her or his views, or to communicate to the child the way in which those views have influenced the outcome of the process.此句提到了儿童的能力,必须对此进行评估,以便适当看待她或他的意见,或告诉儿童他们的观点如何影响进程的结果。
Article 12 stipulates that simply listening to the child is insufficient; the views of the child have to be seriously considered when the child is capable of forming her or his own views.第12条规定,只简单听取儿童意见是不够的,当儿童有能力形成自己的意见时,必须认真考虑他们的意见。
29. By requiring that due weight be given in accordance with age and maturity, article 12 makes it clear that age alone cannot determine the significance of a child’s views.29. 第12条规定按照年龄和成熟程度给予适当看待,明确表示不能仅以年龄决定儿童意见的重要性。
Children’s levels of understanding are not uniformly linked to their biological age.儿童的理解能力并非总与其生理年龄相关。
Research has shown that information, experience, environment, social and cultural expectations, and levels of support all contribute to the development of a child’s capacities to form a view.研究表明,信息、经验、环境、社会和文化习俗以及支持水平都会促进儿童在形成意见方面的能力发展。
For this reason, the views of the child have to be assessed on a case-by-case examination.为此,必须在考察具体情况的基础上进行评估。
30. Maturity refers to the ability to understand and assess the implications of a particular matter, and must therefore be considered when determining the individual capacity of a child.30. 成熟程度是指理解和评估特定事项的影响的能力,因此在决定儿童的个人能力时必须予以考虑。
Maturity is difficult to define; in the context of article 12, it is the capacity of a child to express her or his views on issues in a reasonable and independent manner.成熟程度很难定义;在第12条中,成熟程度指儿童以理智和独立的方式对问题表达自己意见的能力。
The impact of the matter on the child must also be taken into consideration.此外,还必须考虑到事件对儿童的影响。
The greater the impact of the outcome on the life of the child, the more relevant the appropriate assessment of the maturity of that child.结果对儿童生活的影响越大,对儿童成熟程度进行适当评估的意义就越大。
31. Consideration needs to be given to the notion of the evolving capacities of the child, and direction and guidance from parents (see para. 84 and sect. C below).31. 必须考虑到儿童不同阶段接受能力的概念以及家长的指导和指引(见下文第84段和C部分)。
(b) Paragraph 2 of article 12(b) 第12条第2款
(i) The right “to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child”(一) “在影响到儿童的任何司法和行政诉讼中陈述意见”的权利
32. Article 12, paragraph 2, specifies that opportunities to be heard have to be provided in particular “in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child”.32. 第12条第2款规定,“在影响到儿童的任何司法和行政诉讼中”要特别提供机会让儿童表达意见。
The Committee emphasizes that this provision applies to all relevant judicial proceedings affecting the child, without limitation, including, for example, separation of parents, custody, care and adoption, children in conflict with the law, child victims of physical or psychological violence, sexual abuse or other crimes, health care, social security, unaccompanied children, asylum-seeking and refugee children, and victims of armed conflict and other emergencies.委 员会强调,这一规定不受任何限制地适用于所有影响到儿童的相关司法诉讼,包括与父母分离、监护、照料和收养、触犯法律的儿童、遭受人身或心理暴力、性凌辱 或其他暴力犯罪之害的儿童、卫生保健、社会保障、寻求庇护和难民地位的儿童,以及受武装冲突和其他紧急情况之害的儿童。
Typical administrative proceedings include, for example, decisions about children’s education, health, environment, living conditions, or protection.典型的行政诉讼包括,例如关于儿童教育、保健、环境、生活条件或保护的决定。
Both kinds of proceedings may involve alternative dispute mechanisms such as mediation and arbitration.这两类诉讼都可能涉及到其他争端解决机制,如调解和仲裁。
33. The right to be heard applies both to proceedings which are initiated by the child, such as complaints against ill-treatment and appeals against school exclusion, as well as to those initiated by others which affect the child, such as parental separation or adoption.33. 发表意见的权利同样适用于由儿童提起的诉讼,例如虐待申诉,以及以求学被排斥为由提出的上诉,或者是由对儿童有影响的人提起的诉讼,例如与父母分离或收养。
States parties are encouraged to introduce legislative measures requiring decision makers in judicial or administrative proceedings to explain the extent of the consideration given to the views of the child and the consequences for the child.鼓励缔约国引入法律措施,要求决策者在司法或行政诉讼中说明在何种程度上考虑了儿童的意见以及对儿童的影响。
34. A child cannot be heard effectively where the environment is intimidating, hostile, insensitive or inappropriate for her or his age.34. 儿童无法在恐吓、敌意、对其年龄不敏感或不适当的环境下有效地表达意见。
Proceedings must be both accessible and child-appropriate.诉讼必须是可理解的,并且适合于儿童。
Particular attention needs to be paid to the provision and delivery of child-friendly information, adequate support for self-advocacy, appropriately trained staff, design of court rooms, clothing of judges and lawyers, sight screens, and separate waiting rooms.需要特别注意提供和陈述有益于儿童的信息、对自我辩护的充分支持、经过适当培训的工作人员、法庭的设计、法官和律师的着装、屏幕和单独的等候室。
(ii) “Either directly, or through a representative or an appropriate body”(二) “直接或通过间接代表或适当机构”
35. After the child has decided to be heard, he or she will have to decide how to be heard: “either directly, or through a representative or appropriate body”.35. 儿童在决定发表意见后,他或她还必须决定如何发表意见,即“直接或通过间接代表或适当机构”发表意见。
The Committee recommends that, wherever possible, the child must be given the opportunity to be directly heard in any proceedings.委员会建议,在可能的情况下,儿童在任何诉讼中都应有机会直接陈述意见。
36. The representative can be the parent(s), a lawyer, or another person (inter alia, a social worker).36. 代表可以是父母、律师或其他人(特别是社会工作者)。
However, it must be stressed that in many cases (civil, penal or administrative), there are risks of a conflict of interest between the child and their most obvious representative (parent(s)).不过,必须强调的是,在许多情况下(民事、刑事或行政),儿童与其最显而易见的代表(父母)之间很可能有利益上的冲突。
If the hearing of the child is undertaken through a representative, it is of utmost importance that the child’s views are transmitted correctly to the decision maker by the representative.如果儿童通过代表陈述意见,那么代表把儿童的意见恰当地转达给决策者是最为重要的。
The method chosen should be determined by the child (or by the appropriate authority as necessary) according to her or his particular situation.应由儿童(必要时由适当的权利机构)根据他或她的特殊情况决定方法的选择。
Representatives must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the various aspects of the decision-making process and experience in working with children.关于决策进程的各个方面,代表们必须具备充分的知识和了解,并且富有与儿童打交道的经验。
37. The representative must be aware that she or he represents exclusively the interests of the child and not the interests of other persons (parent(s)), institutions or bodies (e.g. residential home, administration or society).37. 代表必须意识到,她或他只能代表儿童的利益,而非其他人(父母)、机构或团体(例如,居住家庭、行政部门或社会)的利益。
Codes of conduct should be developed for representatives who are appointed to represent the child’s views.对于被指定陈述儿童意见的代表,必须为他们制定行为准则。
(iii) “In a manner consistent with the procedural rules of national law”(三) “按国家法律诉讼规则”
38. The opportunity for representation must be “in a manner consistent with the procedural rules of national law”.38. 必须“按国家法律诉讼规则”提供陈述意见的机会。
This clause should not be interpreted as permitting the use of procedural legislation which restricts or prevents enjoyment of this fundamental right.此句不应被理解为允许运用限制或阻止享有这一基本权利的诉讼法。
On the contrary, States parties are encouraged to comply with the basic rules of fair proceedings, such as the right to a defence and the right to access one’s own files.相反地,鼓励缔约国遵守公平诉讼的基本规则,例如辩护权和获得本人卷宗的权利。
39. When rules of procedure are not adhered to, the decision of the court or the administrative authority can be challenged and may be overturned, substituted, or referred back for further juridical consideration.39. 在未尊重程序规则的情况下,可对法庭或行政当局的决定提出质疑,甚至推翻、取代或退回作进一步司法审议。
2. Steps for the implementation of the child’s right to be heard2. 执行儿童发表意见权的步骤
40. Implementation of the two paragraphs of article 12 requires five steps to be taken in order to effectively realize the right of the child to be heard whenever a matter affects a child or when the child is invited to give her or his views in a formal proceeding as well as in other settings.40. 执行第12条第2款须采取五个步骤,以确保在涉及儿童的事项上或在邀请儿童在正式诉讼及其他背景下陈述意见时能够有效地实现儿童发表意见权。
These requirements have to be applied in a way which is appropriate for the given context.必须以适合特定环境的方式适用这些要求。
(a) Preparation(a) 准备
41. Those responsible for hearing the child have to ensure that the child is informed about her or his right to express her or his opinion in all matters affecting the child and, in particular, in any judicial and administrative decision-making processes, and about the impact that his or her expressed views will have on the outcome.41. 负责听取儿童意见的人必须确保儿童了解她或他对影响到其本人的一切事项发表其意见的权利,特别是在所有的司法和行政决策进程中,确保儿童知道她或他的意见将对结果产生影响。
The child must, furthermore, receive information about the option of either communicating directly or through a representative.此外,儿童必须得到关于直接沟通或通过代表陈述意见的选择权的信息。
She or he must be aware of the possible consequences of this choice.她或他必须知道这一选择的可能后果。
The decision maker must adequately prepare the child before the hearing, providing explanations as to how, when and where the hearing will take place and who the participants will be, and has to take account of the views of the child in this regard.在听取意见前,决策者必须帮助儿童做好充分准备,向其说明如何以及在何时、何地听取意见,参与者有哪些,并且还要考虑到儿童在这方面的意见。
(b) The hearing(b) 听取意见
42. The context in which a child exercises her or his right to be heard has to be enabling and encouraging, so that the child can be sure that the adult who is responsible for the hearing is willing to listen and seriously consider what the child has decided to communicate.42. 儿童应当在支持和鼓励的环境下行使其发表意见权,这样儿童才能确定负责听取意见的成人愿意倾听并且认真考虑他决定传达的信息。
The person who will hear the views of the child can be an adult involved in the matters affecting the child (e.g. a teacher, social worker or caregiver), a decision maker in an institution (e.g. a director, administrator or judge), or a specialist (e.g. a psychologist or physician).听取儿童意见的人可以是影响儿童事项的参与者(如教师、社会工作者或照料者)、机构中的决策者(如指挥者、管理人员或法官)或专家(如心理学家或医生)。
43. Experience indicates that the situation should have the format of a talk rather than a one-sided examination.43. 经验表明,在这种情况下应当有一个谈话大纲,而不是单方面的调查。
Preferably, a child should not be heard in open court, but under conditions of confidentiality.最好不要在法庭公开听取儿童意见,而是在保密环境下进行。
(c) Assessment of the capacity of the child(c) 评估儿童的能力
44. The child’s views must be given due weight, when a case-by-case analysis indicates that the child is capable of forming her or his own views.44. 在具体分析表明儿童有能力形成自己的意见时,应对其意见予以适当看待。
If the child is capable of forming her or his own views in a reasonable and independent manner, the decision maker must consider the views of the child as a significant factor in the settlement of the issue.如果儿童能够理智和独立地形成自己的意见,那么决策者在解决问题时必须将儿童的意见作为一项重要因素来考虑。
Good practice for assessing the capacity of the child has to be developed.必须制定评估儿童能力的良好做法。
(d) Information about the weight given to the views of the child (feedback)(d) 关于如何看待儿童意见的信息(反馈)
45. Since the child enjoys the right that her or his views are given due weight, the decision maker has to inform the child of the outcome of the process and explain how her or his views were considered.45. 儿童有权要求对其意见予以适当看待,因此决策者必须告诉儿童该进程的结果,并说明对其意见是如何考虑的。
The feedback is a guarantee that the views of the child are not only heard as a formality, but are taken seriously.这种反馈保证了听取儿童意见不会流于形式,而是受到认真对待。
The information may prompt the child to insist, agree or make another proposal or, in the case of a judicial or administrative procedure, file an appeal or a complaint.这一信息可能会鼓励儿童坚持、同意或提出其他提议,如果是在司法或行政诉讼中,则有可能提出上诉或申诉。
(e) Complaints, remedies and redress(e) 申诉、补救和赔偿
46. Legislation is needed to provide children with complaint procedures and remedies when their right to be heard and for their views to be given due weight is disregarded and violated.46. 当儿童发表意见的权利以及要求对其意见予以适当看待的权利被忽视和受到侵犯时,法律应为儿童提供申诉程序和补救。
Children should have the possibility of addressing an ombudsman or a person of a comparable role in all children’s institutions, inter alia, in schools and day-care centres, in order to voice their complaints.儿童应当有机会向监察员或所有儿童机构,特别是学校和日托幼儿园中担任相似职能的人进行陈述,以表达他们的申诉。
Children should know who these persons are and how to access them.儿童应当知道这些人都是谁,以及如何联系他们。
In the case of family conflicts about consideration of children’s views, a child should be able to turn to a person in the youth services of the community.在如何看待儿童意见的家庭冲突中,儿童可向社区的青年服务者求助。
47. If the right of the child to be heard is breached with regard to judicial and administrative proceedings (art. 12, para. 2), the child must have access to appeals and complaints procedures which provide remedies for rights violations.47. 如果在司法和行政诉讼中侵犯了儿童发表意见的权利(第12条,第2款),则儿童必须能够进入上诉和申诉程序,对侵权行为进行补救。
Complaints procedures must provide reliable mechanisms to ensure that children are confident that using them will not expose them to risk of violence or punishment.申诉程序应提供可靠机制,以确保儿童有信心他们不会因为利用了这些机制而有可能面临暴力或惩罚。
3. Obligations of States parties3. 缔约国的义务
(a) Core obligations of States parties(a) 缔约国的核心义务
48. The child’s right to be heard imposes the obligation on States parties to review or amend their legislation in order to introduce mechanisms providing children with access to appropriate information, adequate support, if necessary, feedback on the weight given to their views, and procedures for complaints, remedies or redress.48. 儿童发表意见权赋予了各缔约国审查或修正其立法的义务,以便引入各种机制,为儿童提供机会,获得适当的信息、充分的支持,必要时获得关于如何看待儿童意见的反馈信息,以及了解申诉、补救或赔偿的程序。
49. In order to fulfil these obligations, States parties should adopt the following strategies:49. 为履行这些义务,缔约国应采取如下战略:
Review and withdraw restrictive declarations and reservations to article 12审查并取消对第12条的限制性声明和保留;
Establish independent human rights institutions, such as children’s ombudsmen or commissioners with a broad children’s rights mandate设立独立的人权机构,如儿童监察员或承担广泛儿童权利任务的专员;
Provide training on article 12, and its application in practice, for all professionals working with, and for, children, including lawyers, judges, police, social workers, community workers, psychologists, caregivers, residential and prison officers, teachers at all levels of the educational system, medical doctors, nurses and other health professionals, civil servants and public officials, asylum officers and traditional leaders为所有从事儿童工作的专业人员,包括律师、法官、警察、社会工作者、社区工作者、心理学者、照料者、居住和监狱官员、教育系统各级教师、医生、护士和其他保健专业人员、公务员和公职人员、庇护问题官员和传统领袖提供关于第12条及其实际适用的培训;
Ensure appropriate conditions for supporting and encouraging children to express their views, and make sure that these views are given due weight, by regulations and arrangements which are firmly anchored in laws and institutional codes and are regularly evaluated with regard to their effectiveness确保有适当环境支持和鼓励儿童表达意见,保证这些意见在牢固植根于法律和机构准则的各项规定和安排中得到适当看待,并且定期对其效力进行评价;
Combat negative attitudes, which impede the full realization of the child’s right to be heard, through public campaigns, including opinion leaders and the media, to change widespread customary conceptions of the child通过各种宣传活动,包括舆论领袖和媒体,反对妨碍全面实现儿童发表意见权的消极态度,从而改变儿童的普遍习惯观念。
(b) Specific obligations with regard to judicial and administrative proceedings(b) 关于司法和行政诉讼的特殊义务
(i) The child’s right to be heard in civil judicial proceedings(一) 儿童在民事司法诉讼中发表意见的权利
50. The main issues which require that the child be heard are detailed below:50. 以下详细列出了需要儿童陈述意见的主要问题:
Divorce and separation离婚和分居
51. In cases of separation and divorce, the children of the relationship are unequivocally affected by decisions of the courts.51. 在分居和离婚案件中,法庭的决定将毫无疑问地影响到处于这种关系中的儿童。
Issues of maintenance for the child as well as custody and access are determined by the judge either at trial or through court-directed mediation.法官通过审判或法庭调解决定对儿童的抚养以及监护和探视问题。
Many jurisdictions have included in their laws, with respect to the dissolution of a relationship, a provision that the judge must give paramount consideration to the “best interests of the child”.在解除关系方面,许多司法体系都在其法律中纳入一项规定,即法官必须首先考虑“儿童的最大利益”。
52. For this reason, all legislation on separation and divorce has to include the right of the child to be heard by decision makers and in mediation processes.52. 为此,所有关于分居和离婚的立法都必须包含儿童在调解过程中向决策者陈述意见。
Some jurisdictions, either as a matter of policy or legislation, prefer to state an age at which the child is regarded as capable of expressing her or his own views.有些司法体系倾向于作为政策或法律事项规定一个年龄,并据此认为这一年龄的儿童具备表达意见的能力。
The Convention, however, anticipates that this matter be determined on a case-by-case basis, since it refers to age and maturity, and for this reason requires an individual assessment of the capacity of the child.但是,由于此问题涉及到年龄和成熟程度,因此《公约》希望能够根据具体情况作出决定,并要求对儿童的能力进行单独评估。
Separation from parents and alternative care与父母分离与替代照料
53. Whenever a decision is made to remove a child from her or his family because the child is a victim of abuse or neglect within his or her home, the view of the child must be taken into account in order to determine the best interests of the child.53. 因儿童在家庭中受到虐待或忽视而决定让其远离她或他的家庭时必须考虑到儿童的意见,以便确定儿童的最大利益。
The intervention may be initiated by a complaint from a child, another family member or a member of the community alleging abuse or neglect in the family.若指称受到家庭虐待或忽视的儿童、其他家庭成员或社区成员提出申诉,即可采取干预措施。
54. The Committee’s experience is that the child’s right to be heard is not always taken into account by States parties.54. 委员会的经验是,缔约国并非总是考虑到儿童的发表意见权。
The Committee recommends that States parties ensure, through legislation, regulation and policy directives, that the child’s views are solicited and considered, including decisions regarding placement in foster care or homes, development of care plans and their review, and visits with parents and family.委员会建议缔约国通过立法、规定和政策指示,确保征询和考虑儿童的意见,包括涉及以下方面的决定:寄养或收容、抚育计划的制定和审查以及对父母和家庭的访问。
Adoption and kafalah of Islamic law收养和伊斯兰法的‘卡法拉’(监护)
55. When a child is to be placed for adoption or kafalah of Islamic law and finally will be adopted or placed in kafalah, it is vitally important that the child is heard.55. 如果一名儿童等待被收养或接受伊斯兰法的‘卡法拉’,并且最终一定会被收养或受到监护,那么听取儿童的意见是极为重要的。
Such a process is also necessary when step-parents or foster families adopt a child, although the child and the adopting parents may have already been living together for some time.继父母或收养家庭在收养儿童时也必然要经历这一过程,尽管儿童和收养父母可能已经共同生活了一段时间。
56. Article 21 of the Convention states that the best interests of the child shall be the paramount consideration.56. 《公约》第21条规定,儿童的最大利益是首要的考虑因素。
In decisions on adoption, kafalah or other placement, the “best interests” of the child cannot be defined without consideration of the child’s views.在作出关于收养、监护或其他安排的决定时,必须在考虑儿童意见的情况下阐释儿童的“最大利益”。
The Committee urges all States parties to inform the child, if possible, about the effects of adoption, kafalah or other placement, and to ensure by legislation that the views of the child are heard.委员会敦促所有缔约国在可能情况下让儿童了解收养、监护或其他安排的影响,并通过立法确保儿童的意见得以表达。
(ii) The child’s right to be heard in penal judicial proceedings(二) 儿童在刑事司法诉讼中的发表意见权
57. In penal proceedings, the right of child to express her or his views freely in all matters affecting the child has to be fully respected and implemented throughout every stage of the process of juvenile justice.57. 在刑事诉讼中,少年司法审理的每一个阶段,都应充分尊重和落实儿童就一切涉及其本人的事项自由发表意见的权利。
The child offender儿童罪犯
58. Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention requires that a child alleged to have, accused of, or recognized as having, infringed the penal law, has the right to be heard.58. 《公约》第12条第2款规定,被指控、起诉或承认触犯刑法的儿童有陈述意见的权利。
This right has to be fully observed during all stages of the judicial process, from the pre-trial stage when the child has the right to remain silent, to the right to be heard by the police, the prosecutor and the investigating judge.司法审理的每一个阶段都应充分尊重这一权利,从儿童有权保持沉默的预审阶段到有权向警察、检察官和调查法官陈述意见时期。
It also applies through the stages of adjudication and disposition, as well as implementation of the imposed measures.此项权利还适用于审判和处置阶段,以及强制措施的执行过程。
59. In case of diversion, including mediation, a child must have the opportunity to give free and voluntary consent and must be given the opportunity to obtain legal and other advice and assistance in determining the appropriateness and desirability of the diversion proposed.59. 在司法转处,包括调解的过程中,儿童在决定拟转处的适宜性和可取性时必须能够自由、自愿地表示同意,并且获得法律和其他方面的咨询和援助。
60. In order to effectively participate in the proceedings, every child must be informed promptly and directly about the charges against her or him in a language she or he understands, and also about the juvenile justice process and possible measures taken by the court.60. 为有效参与诉讼,应当以儿童懂得的语言及时和直接告知每个儿童她或他所面临的指控,以及少年司法审理过程和法庭可能采取的措施。
The proceedings should be conducted in an atmosphere enabling the child to participate and to express her/himself freely.诉讼应当在有利于儿童参与和自由表达意见的氛围中进行。
61. The court and other hearings of a child in conflict with the law should be conducted behind closed doors.61. 对违法儿童的法庭审理和其他聆讯应闭门进行。
Exceptions to this rule should be very limited, clearly outlined in national legislation and guided by the best interests of the child.须严格限制这一规则的例外情况,并且在国家法律中作出明确概述,同时还要符合儿童的最大利益。
The child victim and child witness儿童受害者和儿童证人
62. The child victim and child witness of a crime must be given an opportunity to fully exercise her or his right to freely express her or his view in accordance with United Nations Economic and Social Council resolution 2005/20, “Guidelines on Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime”.62. 根据联合国经济及社会理事会第2005/20号决议“关于在涉及罪行的儿童被害人和证人的事项上坚持公理的准则”,必须给予犯罪行为的儿童受害人和儿童证人充分行使其自由表达她或他的意见的机会。
63. In particular, this means that every effort has to be made to ensure that a child victim or/and witness is consulted on the relevant matters with regard to involvement in the case under scrutiny, and enabled to express freely, and in her or his own manner, views and concerns regarding her or his involvement in the judicial process.63. 这尤其表明,在参与案件调查方面,必须尽一切努力确保在相关事项上考虑儿童受害人和儿童证人的意见,使他们能够以自己的方式对其在司法进程中的参与问题自由地表达意见和关切。
64. The right of the child victim and witness is also linked to the right to be informed about issues such as availability of health, psychological and social services, the role of a child victim and/or witness, the ways in which “questioning” is conducted, existing support mechanisms in place for the child when submitting a complaint and participating in investigations and court proceedings, the specific places and times of hearings, the availability of protective measures, the possibilities of receiving reparation, and the provisions for appeal.64. 儿童受害人和儿童证人的权利还与对一系列问题的知情权相关,如是否提供保健、心理和社会服务,儿童受害人和/或证人的作用,进行“讯问”的方式,在提出申 诉以及参与调查和法庭诉讼时是否已有支助机制,聆讯的特定场所和时间,保护措施的有效性,得到赔偿的可能性以及关于上诉的规定。
(iii) The child’s right to be heard in administrative proceedings(三) 儿童在行政诉讼中的发表意见权
65. All States parties should develop administrative procedures in legislation which reflect the requirements of article 12 and ensure the child’s right to be heard along with other procedural rights, including the rights to disclosure of pertinent records, notice of hearing, and representation by parents or others.65. 所有缔约国都应在立法中制定反映第12条的行政程序,并确保儿童的发表意见权和其他程序性权利,包括披露有关记录、聆讯通知以及由父母或他人代表的权利。
66. Children are more likely to be involved with administrative proceedings than court proceedings, because administrative proceedings are less formal, more flexible and relatively easy to establish through law and regulation.66. 与法庭诉讼相比,行政诉讼更有可能牵涉到儿童,因为行政诉讼不那么正式、更为灵活,并且比较容易通过法律和规定进行安排。
The proceedings have to be child-friendly and accessible.诉讼程序必须是有利于儿童且可理解的。
67. Specific examples of administrative proceedings relevant for children include mechanisms to address discipline issues in schools (e.g. suspensions and expulsions), refusals to grant school certificates and performance-related issues, disciplinary measures and refusals to grant privileges in juvenile detention centres, asylum requests from unaccompanied children, and applications for driver’s licences.67. 与儿童有关的行政诉讼的具体实例包括涉及学校纪律问题的各种机制(如停学和开除)、拒绝授予证书和成绩的相关问题、纪律措施和拒绝给予青少年拘留中心特权、无人陪伴儿童的庇护请求以及申请驾驶执照的问题。
In these matters a child should have the right to be heard and enjoy the other rights “consistent with the procedural rules of national law”.在这些事项中,儿童应享有表达意见的权利,并享有其他“符合国家法律诉讼规则”的权利。
B. The right to be heard and the links with other provisions of the ConventionB. 发表意见权与《公约》其他条款的关系
68. Article 12, as a general principle, is linked to the other general principles of the Convention, such as article 2 (the right to non-discrimination), article 6 (the right to life, survival and development) and, in particular, is interdependent with article 3 (primary consideration of the best interests of the child).68. 第12条作为一项一般原则,与《公约》的其他一般性原则相互关联,如第2条(不受歧视的权利)、第6条(生命权、生存权和发展权),特别是与第3条(首先考虑儿童的最大利益)密不可分。
The article is also closely linked with the articles related to civil rights and freedoms, particularly article 13 (the right to freedom of expression) and article 17 (the right to information).它还与涉及民事权利和各种自由的条款,特别是第13条(言论自由的权利)和第17条(知情权)。
Furthermore, article 12 is connected to all other articles of the Convention, which cannot be fully implemented if the child is not respected as a subject with her or his own views on the rights enshrined in the respective articles and their implementation.此外,第12条与《公约》所有其他条款都有关系,如果不把儿童视为主体,尊重他们对各项条款所载权利及其执行表达自己意见的权利,那么所有其他条款将无法得到充分执行。
69. The connection of article 12 to article 5 (evolving capacities of the child and appropriate direction and guidance from parents, see para. 84 of the present general comment) is of special relevance, since it is crucial that the guidance given by parents takes account of the evolving capacities of the child.69. 第12条与第5条(儿童不同阶段的接受能力以及家长的指导和指引,见此一般性意见第84段)有着特殊的关系,因为家长在提供指导时必须考虑到儿童不同阶段的接受能力,这一点非常重要。
1. Articles 12 and 31. 第12条和第3条
70. The purpose of article 3 is to ensure that in all actions undertaken concerning children, by a public or private welfare institution, courts, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child are a primary consideration.70. 第3条的目的是确保关于儿童的一切行动,不论是公私社会福利机构、法院、行政当局或是立法机构执行的行动,均应以儿童的最大利益为首要考虑。
It means that every action taken on behalf of the child has to respect the best interests of the child.这意味着代表儿童所采取的任何行动都必须尊重儿童的最大利益。
The best interests of the child is similar to a procedural right that obliges States parties to introduce steps into the action process to ensure that the best interests of the child are taken into consideration.儿童的最大利益类似于一种程序权利,要求缔约国在行动过程中采取措施,确保对儿童最大利益的考虑。
The Convention obliges States parties to assure that those responsible for these actions hear the child as stipulated in article 12.《公约》规定缔约国必须保证这些行动的负责人按照第12条所述听取儿童的意见。
This step is mandatory.这一步骤是强制性的。
71. The best interests of the child, established in consultation with the child, is not the only factor to be considered in the actions of institutions, authorities and administration. It is, however, of crucial importance, as are the views of the child.71. 与儿童协商确定的儿童最大利益,不是各机构、主管当局和行政部门行动的唯一考虑因素,但却是最为重要的因素,因为它们体现了儿童的意见。
72. Article 3 is devoted to individual cases, but, explicitly, also requires that the best interests of children as a group are considered in all actions concerning children.72. 第3条专述个别情况,但也明确规定,关于儿童的一切行动均应考虑到儿童作为一个群体的最大利益。
States parties are consequently under an obligation to consider not only the individual situation of each child when identifying their best interests, but also the interests of children as a group.因此,缔约国有义务在确定儿童最大利益时不仅考虑每个儿童的特殊情况,也要考虑儿童群体的利益。
Moreover, States parties must examine the actions of private and public institutions, authorities, as well as legislative bodies.此外,缔约国必须对公私机构、主管当局以及立法机构的行动进行检查。
The extension of the obligation to “legislative bodies” clearly indicates that every law, regulation or rule that affects children must be guided by the “best interests” criterion.将这一义务扩展到“立法机构”表明,任何影响到儿童的法律、法规或规则均应以“最大利益”为标准。
73. There is no doubt that the best interests of children as a defined group have to be established in the same way as when weighing individual interests.73. 毫无疑问,权衡个体利益的方法应同样适用于确定作为一个特定群体的儿童的最大利益。
If the best interests of large numbers of children are at stake, heads of institutions, authorities, or governmental bodies should also provide opportunities to hear the concerned children from such undefined groups and to give their views due weight when they plan actions, including legislative decisions, which directly or indirectly affect children.如果大多数儿童的利益受到威胁,则各机构、主管当局或政府机关负责人应当为来自这些不确定群体的相关儿童提供表达意见的机会,并在其制定直接或间接影响儿童的行动计划,包括立法决定时适当考虑他们的意见。
74. There is no tension between articles 3 and 12, only a complementary role of the two general principles: one establishes the objective of achieving the best interests of the child and the other provides the methodology for reaching the goal of hearing either the child or the children.74. 第3条和第12条之间不存在冲突关系,只是两项一般原则的互补:其中一项规定了实现儿童最大利益的目标,而另一项则规定了实现儿童或儿童们发表意见这一目标的方法。
In fact, there can be no correct application of article 3 if the components of article 12 are not respected.事实上,只有尊重第12条的各项规定才能正确执行第3条。
Likewise, article 3 reinforces the functionality of article 12, facilitating the essential role of children in all decisions affecting their lives.同样地,第3条加强了第12条的功能,促进了儿童在所有影响其生活的决定中的重要作用。
2. Articles 12, 2 and 62. 第12、2和第6条
75. The right to non-discrimination is an inherent right guaranteed by all human rights instruments including the Convention on the Rights of the Child.75. 不受歧视的权利是一项受到包括《儿童权利公约》在内的所有人权文书保护的固有权利。
According to article 2 of the Convention, every child has the right not to be discriminated against in the exercise of his or her rights including those provided under article 12.根据《公约》第2条,每一儿童均有权不受歧视地行使他或她的权利,包括第12条规定的权利。
The Committee stresses that States parties shall take adequate measures to assure to every child the right to freely express his or her views and to have those views duly taken into account without discrimination on grounds of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.委员会强调,缔约国应采取适当措施,确保儿童有权自由表达其意见,并给予这些意见适当的看待,不受基于种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教政治或其他见解、民族、族裔或社会出身、财产、伤残、出生或其他身份的歧视。
States parties shall address discrimination, including against vulnerable or marginalized groups of children, to ensure that children are assured their right to be heard and are enabled to participate in all matters affecting them on an equal basis with all other children.缔约国应解决歧视问题,包括对弱势群体和边缘化群体儿童的歧视,从而确保儿童能够在与所有其他儿童平等的基础上表达意见以及参与影响到他们的一切事项。
76. In particular, the Committee notes with concern that, in some societies, customary attitudes and practices undermine and place severe limitations on the enjoyment of this right.76. 委员会特别关切地注意到,在有些社会,习惯性态度和做法损害并且严重制约了这项权利的实施。
States parties shall take adequate measures to raise awareness and educate the society about the negative impact of such attitudes and practices and to encourage attitudinal changes in order to achieve full implementation of the rights of every child under the Convention.缔约国应采取适当措施,开展提高认识活动,让社会了解这种态度和做法的消极影响,并鼓励转变思想观念,从而全面执行每个儿童在《公约》下所享有的权利。
77. The Committee urges States parties to pay special attention to the right of the girl child to be heard, to receive support, if needed, to voice her view and her view be given due weight, as gender stereotypes and patriarchal values undermine and place severe limitations on girls in the enjoyment of the right set forth in article 12.77. 委员会敦促各缔约国特别注意儿童有权表达意见并获得必要的支持,使其意见得到应有重视,因为性别定型观念和重男轻女的价值观妨碍和严重制约了儿童享受第12条规定的权利。
78. The Committee welcomes the obligation of States parties in article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to ensure that children with disabilities are provided with the necessary assistance and equipment to enable them to freely express their views and for those views to be given due weight.78. 委员会欢迎《残疾人权利公约》第7条对缔约国规定的义务,即确保为残疾儿童提供必要的协助和设备,以使其能够自由地表达意见,并得到应有的重视。
79. Article 6 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child acknowledges that every child has an inherent right to life and that States parties shall ensure, to the maximum extent possible, the survival and development of the child.79. 《儿童权利公约》第6条确认每个儿童均享有固有的生命权,缔约国应最大限度地确保儿童的生存与发展。
The Committee notes the importance of promoting opportunities for the child’s right to be heard, as child participation is a tool to stimulate the full development of the personality and the evolving capacities of the child consistent with article 6 and with the aims of education embodied in article 29.委员会注意到促进儿童表达意见的机会很重要,因为儿童的参与是根据第6条和第29条所载教育目标激发儿童个性和不同阶段接受能力全面发展的工具。
3. Articles 12, 13 and 173. 第12、13和第17条
80. Article 13, on the right to freedom of expression, and article 17, on access to information, are crucial prerequisites for the effective exercise of the right to be heard.80. 关于言论自由权利的第13条和关于知情权的第17条是有效行使发表意见权的重要前提。
These articles establish that children are subjects of rights and, together with article 12, they assert that the child is entitled to exercise those rights on his or her own behalf, in accordance with her or his evolving capacities.这两项条款以及第12条规定儿童是权利的主体,认为儿童根据其不同阶段的接受能力,有权自主行使这些权利。
81. The right to freedom of expression embodied in article 13 is often confused with article 12.81. 第13条所载的言论自由权常常与第12条相混淆。
However, while both articles are strongly linked, they do elaborate different rights.不过,尽管这两项条款关系密切,但它们阐述的是不同的权利。
Freedom of expression relates to the right to hold and express opinions, and to seek and receive information through any media. It asserts the right of the child not to be restricted by the State party in the opinions she or he holds or expresses.言论自由是指持有和表达观点,以及通过媒体寻求和接受信息的权利,它认为缔约国不应对儿童持有或表达其观点加以限制。
As such, the obligation it imposes on States parties is to refrain from interference in the expression of those views, or in access to information, while protecting the right of access to means of communication and public dialogue.因此,第13条规定缔约国应避免干预观点的表达或信息的获取,同时保护利用各种通信手段和公开对话的权利。
Article 12, however, relates to the right of expression of views specifically about matters which affect the child, and the right to be involved in actions and decisions that impact on her or his life.而第12条所述的是表达意见的权利,特别是对影响到儿童的事项表达意见,以及参与影响儿童生活的各种活动和决定的权利。
Article 12 imposes an obligation on States parties to introduce the legal framework and mechanisms necessary to facilitate active involvement of the child in all actions affecting the child and in decision-making, and to fulfil the obligation to give due weight to those views once expressed.第12条规定缔约国应引入法律框架和必要机制,以促进儿童参与影响到他们的一切行动和决策,并且履行义务适当看待所陈述的意见。
Freedom of expression in article 13 requires no such engagement or response from States parties.第13条中的言论自由不要求缔约国参与或作出反应。
However, creating an environment of respect for children to express their views, consistent with article 12, also contributes towards building children’s capacities to exercise their right to freedom of expression.不过,营造一种如第12条所述的尊重儿童表达意见的环境同样有助于发展儿童行使其言论自由权的能力。
82. Fulfilment of the child’s right to information, consistent with article 17 is, to a large degree, a prerequisite for the effective realization of the right to express views.82. 有效落实表达意见权在很大程度上以实现第17条所述的儿童知情权为前提。
Children need access to information in formats appropriate to their age and capacities on all issues of concern to them.儿童需要以适合其年龄和能力的形式获得与他们有关的一切问题的信息。
This applies to information, for example, relating to their rights, any proceedings affecting them, national legislation, regulations and policies, local services, and appeals and complaints procedures.其中包括范围广泛的各种信息,例如关于他们的权利、影响到他们的任何诉讼、国家立法、法规和政策、地方服务以及上诉和申诉程序的信息。
Consistent with articles 17 and 42, States parties should include children’s rights in the school curricula.根据第17条和第42条,缔约国应将儿童权利纳入学校课程。
83. The Committee also reminds States parties that the media are an important means both of promoting awareness of the right of children to express their views, and of providing opportunities for the public expression of such views.83. 委员会还提醒缔约国,媒体是一种重要手段,既促进了对儿童表达意见权的认识,又为这些意见的公开表达提供了机会。
It urges various forms of the media to dedicate further resources to the inclusion of children in the development of programmes and the creation of opportunities for children to develop and lead media initiatives on their rights.它敦促各类媒体投入更多资源,以便将儿童纳入节目制作以及创造机会,让儿童提出并领导关于其权利的媒体倡议。
4. Articles 12 and 54. 第12条和第5条
84. Article 5 of the Convention states that States parties shall respect the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents, legal guardians, or members of the extended family or community as provided for by local custom, to give direction and guidance to the child in her or his exercise of the rights recognized in the Convention.84. 《公约》第5条规定,缔约国应尊重父母、法定监护人或当地习俗认定的大家庭或社会成员指导和指引儿童行使本公约所确认的权利的责任、权利和义务。
Consequently, the child has a right to direction and guidance, which have to compensate for the lack of knowledge, experience and understanding of the child and are restricted by his or her evolving capacities, as stated in this article.如该条款所述,儿童有权得到指导和指引,这些指导和指引弥补了儿童在知识、经验和理解方面的不足,并且符合儿童不同阶段的接受能力。
The more the child himself or herself knows, has experienced and understands, the more the parent, legal guardian or other persons legally responsible for the child have to transform direction and guidance into reminders and advice and later to an exchange on an equal footing.儿童自身的知识和经验越丰富、理解力越强,父母、法定监护人或其他对儿童负有法律责任的人就越需要将指导和指引转变成提醒和建议,最终成为在平等基础上的交流。
This transformation will not take place at a fixed point in a child’s development, but will steadily increase as the child is encouraged to contribute her or his views.这种转变不会发生在儿童发展过程中的固定点上,而是随着儿童受到鼓励表达意见而稳步增加的。
85. This requirement is stimulated by article 12 of the Convention, which stipulates that the child’s views must be given due weight, whenever the child is capable of forming her or his own views.85. 《公约》第12条规定只要儿童有能力形成自己的意见,那么就必须对儿童的意见给予适当看待。
In other words, as children acquire capacities, so they are entitled to an increasing level of responsibility for the regulation of matters affecting them.该条款深化了第5条的规定,换言之,只要儿童获得了能力,他们就有资格对影响到他们的事项承担更多的监管责任。
5. Article 12 and the implementation of child rights in general5. 第12条与一般儿童权利的执行
86. In addition to the articles discussed in the preceding paragraphs, most other articles of the Convention require and promote children’s involvement in matters affecting them.86. 除以上段落中讨论的条款外,《公约》的其他大部分条款均规定和促进儿童对影响到他们的事项的介入。
For these manifold involvements, the concept of participation is ubiquitously used.关于这些多方面的介入,普遍应用了参与的概念。
Unquestionably, the lynchpin of these involvements is article 12, but the requirement of planning, working and developing in consultation with children is present throughout the Convention.第12条无疑是这些介入的关键,不过与儿童协商进行规划、工作和制定的要求则贯穿整个《公约》。
87. The practice of implementation deals with a broad range problems, such as health, the economy, education or the environment, which are of interest not only to the child as an individual, but to groups of children and children in general.87. 执行活动涉及范围广泛的各种问题,如保健、经济、教育或环境,这些问题不仅影响单个儿童的利益,也关系到各儿童群体和儿童整体的利益。
Consequently, the Committee has always interpreted participation broadly in order to establish procedures not only for individual children and clearly defined groups of children, but also for groups of children, such as indigenous children, children with disabilities, or children in general, who are affected directly or indirectly by social, economic or cultural conditions of living in their society.因此,委员会一贯以广义的方式诠释参与,以期所建立的各种程序既适用于单个儿童和明确定义的儿童群体,也适用于如土著儿童、残疾儿童或儿童整体,他们直接或间接地受到其所在社会的社会、经济或文化环境的影响。
88. This broad understanding of children’s participation is reflected in the outcome document adopted by the twenty-seventh special session of the General Assembly entitled “A world fit for children”.88. 题为“适合儿童生长的世界”的大会第二十七届特别会议所通过的成果文件体现了儿童参与的广泛理解。
States parties have promised “to develop and implement programmes to promote meaningful participation by children, including adolescents, in decision-making processes, including in families and schools and at the local and national levels” (para.缔约国承诺“编写和实施有关方案,促进儿童和青少年有针对性地参与决策过程,包括家庭和学校以及地方和国家的决策过程”(第32段,第1项)。
32, subpara. 1). The Committee has stated in its general comment No. 5 on general measures of implementation for the Convention on the Rights of the Child: “It is important that Governments develop a direct relationship with children, not simply one mediated through non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or human rights institutions.”委员会在关于执行《儿童权利公约》的一般性措施的第5号一般性意见中指出,“重要的是,政府应当与儿童建立一种直接的关系,而不是仅仅以非政府组织或人权机构作为媒介开展工作。”
C. The implementation of the right to be heard in different settings and situationsC. 在不同环境和情况下执行儿童发表意见权
89. The right of the child to be heard has to be implemented in the diverse settings and situations in which children grow up, develop and learn.89. 必须在儿童成长、发展和学习的不同环境和情况下落实儿童发表意见的权利。
In these settings and situations, different concepts of the child and her or his role exist, which may invite or restrict children’s involvement in everyday matters and crucial decisions.在这些环境和情况下,关于儿童及其角色的不同概念可能会鼓励或限制儿童参与日常事务和决策。
Various ways of influencing the implementation of the child’s right to be heard are available, which States parties may use to foster children’s participation.影响儿童发表意见权执行的方法多种多样,缔约国可利用这些方法促进儿童的参与。
1. In the family1. 家庭
90. A family where children can freely express views and be taken seriously from the earliest ages provides an important model, and is a preparation for the child to exercise the right to be heard in the wider society.1490. 儿童从幼年起就能够自由地表达意见并得到认真对待的家庭,可成为重要的范例,为儿童在更广阔社会中行使发表意见权作好准备。
Such an approach to parenting serves to promote individual development, enhance family relations and support children’s socialization and plays a preventive role against all forms of violence in the home and family.14这种抚育方法有助于促进个体发展、增进家庭关系、支持儿童的社会化,并且能够预防家中和家庭中的各种形式暴力。
91. The Convention recognizes the rights and responsibilities of parents, or other legal guardians, to provide appropriate direction and guidance to their children (see para. 84 above), but underlines that this is to enable the child to exercise his or her rights and requires that direction and guidance are undertaken in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child.91. 《公约》承认父母或其他法定监护人为其子女提供适当指导和指引的权利和责任(见上文第84段),但是强调这样做是为了使儿童能够行使其发表意见权,而且要求以符合儿童不同阶段接受能力的方式提供指导和指引。
92. States parties should encourage, through legislation and policy, parents, guardians and childminders to listen to children and give due weight to their views in matters that concern them.92. 缔约国应通过立法和政策鼓励父母、监护人和保姆听取儿童对与其有关的事项的意见,并给予应有的重视。
Parents should also be advised to support children in realizing the right to express their views freely and to have children’s views duly taken into account at all levels of society.此外,父母应有意识地支持儿童行使其自由表达意见的权利,并且在社会各级适当考虑儿童的意见。
93. In order to support the development of parenting styles respecting the child’s right to be heard, the Committee recommends that States parties promote parent education programmes, which build on existing positive behaviours and attitudes and disseminate information on the rights of children and parents enshrined in the Convention.93. 为了协助培养尊重儿童发表意见权的家长作风,委员会建议缔约国推动家长教育方案,利用目前的积极行为和态度,并传播关于《公约》所载儿童和父母权利的信息。
94. Such programmes need to address:94. 此类方案需述及以下内容:
The relationship of mutual respect between parents and children父母与儿童之间相互尊重的关系;
The involvement of children in decision-making儿童参与决策;
The implication of giving due weight to the views of every family member适当看待所有家庭成员意见的意义;
The understanding, promotion and respect for children’s evolving capacities理解、促进和尊重儿童不同阶段的接受能力;
Ways of dealing with conflicting views within the family解决家庭内部意见冲突的方法。
95. These programmes have to reinforce the principle that girls and boys have equal rights to express their views.95. 这些方案必须强调男孩女孩平等地享有表达意见的权利。
96. The media should play a strong role in communicating to parents that their children’s participation is of high value for the children themselves, their families and society.96. 媒体应发挥其强大作用,向父母们宣传儿童参与对于其自身、其家庭以及社会的重要价值。
2. In alternative care2. 替代照料
97. Mechanisms must be introduced to ensure that children in all forms of alternative care, including in institutions, are able to express their views and that those views be given due weight in matters of their placement, the regulations of care in foster families or homes and their daily lives.97. 应引入各种机制,以确保接受所有替代照料的儿童,包括在各种机构中的儿童,能够就他们的安置、寄养家庭照料的规定以及日常生活等事项表达意见,并得到应有的重视。
These should include:其中包括:
Legislation providing the child with the right to information about any placement, care and/or treatment plan and meaningful opportunities to express her or his views and for those views to be given due weight throughout the decision-making process.制订立法,规定儿童有权了解任何安置、照料和/或治疗计划,并且有切实的机会表达其意见,同时在整个决策过程中给予这些意见适当的看待;
Legislation ensuring the right of the child to be heard, and that her or his views be given due weight in the development and establishment of child-friendly care services.制订立法,确保儿童在发展和建立关爱儿童的照料设施方面有发表意见的权利,并给予这些意见应有的重视;
Establishment of a competent monitoring institution, such as a children’s ombudsperson, commissioner or inspectorate, to monitor compliance with the rules and regulations governing the provision of care, protection or treatment of children in accordance with the obligations under article 3.设立一个主管监督机构,如儿童监察员、专员或检察员,监督在依照第3条所载义务为儿童提供照料、保护或治疗方面各项细则和条例的执行情况。
The monitoring body should be mandated to have unimpeded access to residential facilities (including those for children in conflict with the law), to hear the views and concerns of the child directly, and to monitor the extent to which his or her views are listened to and given due weight by the institution itself.应授权该监督机构不受阻碍地进入住宅设施(包括触犯法律的儿童的住宅设施),直接听取儿童的意见和关切,以及监督儿童意见在何种程度上得以表达并得到该机构适当的看待。
Establishment of effective mechanisms, for example, a representative council of the children, both girls and boys, in the residential care facility, with the mandate to participate in the development and implementation of the policy and any rules of the institution.建立有效机制,如在居住照料设施中设立由男孩女孩共同组成的儿童代表理事会,目的是参与机构中政策和规则的制定和实施。
3. In health care3. 保健
98. The realization of the provisions of the Convention requires respect for the child’s right to express his or her views and to participate in promoting the healthy development and well-being of children.98. 实现《公约》各项规定必须尊重儿童表达意见以及参与促进儿童健康发展和福祉的权利。
This applies to individual health-care decisions, as well as to children’s involvement in the development of health policy and services.这既适用于个人的保健决定,同时也适用于儿童对保健政策和服务发展的参与。
99. The Committee identifies several distinct but linked issues that need consideration in respect of the child’s involvement in practices and decisions relating to her or his own health care.99. 关于儿童参与与其自身保健有关的做法和决定,委员会确定了需要考虑的许多问题,它们彼此区别但又相互关联。
100. Children, including young children, should be included in decision-making processes, in a manner consistent with their evolving capacities.100. 应当以符合儿童不同阶段接受能力的方式将儿童,包括幼儿,纳入决策进程。
They should be provided with information about proposed treatments and their effects and outcomes, including in formats appropriate and accessible to children with disabilities.还应向他们说明建议的治疗方法及其影响和结果,包括以适合和方便残疾儿童的方式提供信息。
101. States parties need to introduce legislation or regulations to ensure that children have access to confidential medical counselling and advice without parental consent, irrespective of the child’s age, where this is needed for the child’s safety or well-being.101. 缔约国需要制定立法或规章,以确保儿童在有安全和福祉需要时,能够在未经父母同意的情况下获得秘密的医疗咨询和意见,而不论儿童的年龄。
Children may need such access, for example, where they are experiencing violence or abuse at home, or in need of reproductive health education or services, or in case of conflicts between parents and the child over access to health services.例如在遭遇家庭暴力或虐待,或需要生殖保健教育或服务,或是在父母与儿童就获取保健服务的问题上意见不一时,儿童可能需要这样的途径。
The right to counselling and advice is distinct from the right to give medical consent and should not be subject to any age limit.获得咨询和意见的权利不同于做出医疗同意的权利,不应受到任何年龄限制。
102. The Committee welcomes the introduction in some countries of a fixed age at which the right to consent transfers to the child, and encourages States parties to give consideration to the introduction of such legislation.102. 委员会欢迎有些国家引入了可将同意权转交儿童的确定年龄,鼓励缔约国考虑引入此类立法。
Thus, children above that age have an entitlement to give consent without the requirement for any individual professional assessment of capacity after consultation with an independent and competent expert.这样,达到年龄的儿童即有权表示同意,不必在咨询独立和有能力的专家之后再进行单独的专业能力评估。
However, the Committee strongly recommends that States parties ensure that, where a younger child can demonstrate capacity to express an informed view on her or his treatment, this view is given due weight.但是,委员会强烈建议缔约国确保在幼儿表现出有能力对其治疗发表明智意见时,对其意见给予应有的重视。
103. Physicians and health-care facilities should provide clear and accessible information to children on their rights concerning their participation in paediatric research and clinical trials.103. 医生和保健机构应向儿童提供清晰和可理解的信息,说明其在参与儿科研究和临床试验方面的权利。
They have to be informed about the research, so that their informed consent can be obtained in addition to other procedural safeguards.还应向他们通报研究的情况,以便在其他程序保障之外获得其知情同意。
104. States parties should also introduce measures enabling children to contribute their views and experiences to the planning and programming of services for their health and development.104. 此外,缔约国应引入机制,以确保儿童的意见和经验能够在有关儿童保健和发展服务的规划设计方面发挥作用。
Their views should be sought on all aspects of health provision, including what services are needed, how and where they are best provided, discriminatory barriers to accessing services, quality and attitudes of health professionals, and how to promote children’s capacities to take increasing levels of responsibility for their own health and development.应当征求儿童在保健投入各个方面的意见,包括需要怎样的服务,如何以及在何处提供最好的服务,获得服务的歧视性障碍,保健专业人员的素质和态度,如何提升儿童能力从而对其自身健康和发展承担更多责任。
This information can be obtained through, inter alia, feedback systems for children using services or involved in research and consultative processes, and can be transmitted to local or national children’s councils or parliaments to develop standards and indicators of health services that respect the rights of the child.除其他外,可从针对享受服务或参与研究和咨询进程的儿童的反馈系统获得这些信息,并传递给地方或国家一级的儿童理事会或议会,以制订尊重儿童权利的保健服务标准和指标。
4. In education and school4. 教育和学校
105. Respect for right of the child to be heard within education is fundamental to the realization of the right to education.105. 在教学中尊重儿童发表意见的权利是实现教育权的基础。
The Committee notes with concern continuing authoritarianism, discrimination, disrespect and violence which characterize the reality of many schools and classrooms.委员会关切地注意到,现实中,许多学校和课堂长期存在专制、歧视、轻视和暴力。
Such environments are not conducive to the expression of children’s views and the due weight to be given these views.这种环境不利于儿童表达意见以及对儿童的意见给予适当看待。
106. The Committee recommends that States parties take action to build opportunities for children to express their views and for those views to be given due weight with regard to the following issues.106. 委员会建议缔约国采取行动,在以下问题上为儿童提供机会表达其意见并对其意见给予应有的重视。
107. In all educational environments, including educational programmes in the early years, the active role of children in a participatory learning environment should be promoted.107. 应当在包括早期教育方案在内的所有教育环境中促进儿童在参与性学习环境中的积极作用。
Teaching and learning must take into account life conditions and prospects of the children.教学必须考虑到儿童的生活环境和视角。
For this reason, education authorities have to include children’s and their parents’ views in the planning of curricula and school programmes.为此,教育当局应在课程和学校方案的规划设计中纳入儿童及其父母的意见。
108. Human rights education can shape the motivations and behaviours of children only when human rights are practised in the institutions in which the child learns, plays and lives together with other children and adults.108. 只有在儿童与其他儿童和成人共同学习、游戏和生活的机构中实践人权,人权教育才能够发挥影响儿童动机和行为的作用。
In particular, the child’s right to be heard is under critical scrutiny by children in these institutions, where children can observe, whether in fact due weight is given to their views as declared in the Convention.在这些机构中,儿童的发表意见权受到儿童们的严格监督,他们可以观察其意见在实际中是否如《公约》所述得到了应有的重视。
109. Children’s participation is indispensable for the creation of a social climate in the classroom, which stimulates cooperation and mutual support needed for child-centred interactive learning.109. 儿童的参与对在课堂中营造社会氛围是必不可少的,即鼓励合作与相互支持,这是以儿童为中心的互动式学习所必需的。
Giving children’s views weight is particularly important in the elimination of discrimination, prevention of bullying and disciplinary measures.重视儿童的意见对消除歧视、防止欺辱恐吓和惩戒性措施而言极其重要。
The Committee welcomes the expansion of peer education and peer counselling.委员会欢迎扩大互帮互学。
110. Steady participation of children in decision-making processes should be achieved through, inter alia, class councils, student councils and student representation on school boards and committees, where they can freely express their views on the development and implementation of school policies and codes of behaviour.110. 应特别通过班级委员会、学生会以及学校董事会和委员会中的学生代表来实现儿童对决策进程的扎实参与,在这些组织中儿童可以对学校政策和行为守则的制定和执行自由发表意见。
These rights need to be enshrined in legislation, rather than relying on the goodwill of authorities, schools and head teachers to implement them.这些权利应当载入立法,而不是依靠主管当局、学校和班主任的良好意愿来执行。
111. Beyond the school, States parties should consult children at the local and national levels on all aspects of education policy, including, inter alia, the strengthening of the child-friendly character of the educational system, informal and non-formal facilities of learning, which give children a “second chance”, school curricula, teaching methods, school structures, standards, budgeting and child-protection systems.111. 在学校以外,缔约国应在地方和国家各级就教育政策的各个方面征求儿童的意见,特别是关于增强教育系统的爱幼性质、正式学习机构和给予儿童“第二次机会”的非正式学习机构、学校课程、教学方法、学校结构、标准、预算和儿童保护制度。
112. The Committee encourages States parties to support the development of independent student organizations, which can assist children in competently performing their participatory roles in the education system.112. 委员会鼓励缔约国支持独立学生组织的发展,这些组织能够帮助学生在教育系统中充分发挥参与作用。
113. In decisions about the transition to the next level of schools or choice of tracks or streams, the right of the child to be heard has to be assured as these decisions deeply affect the child’s best interests.113. 在越级或选择分班的决定中,必须确保儿童的发表意见权,因为这些决定对儿童的最大利益影响深远。
Such decisions must be subject to administrative or judicial review.此类决定还必须提交行政或司法审查。
Additionally, in disciplinary matters, the right of the child to be heard has to be fully respected.此外,在纪律事项中也应充分尊重儿童的发表意见权。
In particular, in the case of exclusion of a child from instruction or school, this decision must be subject to judicial review as it contradicts the child’s right to education.特别是在把儿童从机构或学校中开除的事件中,必须对这一决定进行司法审查,因为这种做法违反了儿童的教育权。
114. The Committee welcomes the introduction of child-friendly school programmes in many countries, which seek to provide interactive, caring, protective and participatory environments that prepare children and adolescents for active roles in society and responsible citizenship within their communities.114. 委员会对许多国家引入有益儿童的学校方案表示欢迎。 这些方案努力提供一种互动、关爱、保护和参与的环境,使儿童和青少年能够在社会中发挥积极作用,成为社区中负责任的公民。
5. In play, recreation, sports and cultural activities5. 游戏、娱乐、体育和文化活动
115. Children require play, recreation, physical and cultural activities for their development and socialization.115. 儿童需要有助其发展和社会化的游戏、娱乐、体育和文化活动。
These should be designed taking into account children’s preferences and capacities.这些活动的设计应考虑到儿童的喜好和能力。
Children who are able to express their views should be consulted regarding the accessibility and appropriateness of play and recreation facilities.在游戏和娱乐设施的可用性和适宜性方面,应当征求有能力表达意见的儿童的看法。
Very young children and some children with disabilities, who are unable to participate in formal consultative processes, should be provided with particular opportunities to express their wishes.对于那些无法参与正式协商进程的幼儿和某些残疾儿童,应特别为其提供表达意见的机会。
6. In the workplace6. 工作场所
116. Children working at younger ages than permitted by laws and International Labour Organization Conventions Nos. 138 (1973) and 182 (1999) have to be heard in child-sensitive settings in order to understand their views of the situation and their best interests.116. 关于在法律及国际劳工组织《第138号公约》(1973年)和《第182号公约》(1999年)允许年龄以下的童工,应当在对儿童问题有敏感认识的环境中听取其意见,从而了解他们对所处环境及其最大利益的看法。
They should be included in the search for a solution, which respects the economic and socio-structural constraints as well as the cultural context under which these children work.在寻求尊重这些儿童工作的经济和社会――结构局限以及文化背景的解决办法时,也应将儿童纳入考虑范围。
Children should also be heard when policies are developed to eliminate the root causes of child labour, in particular regarding education.此外,在制定消除童工根源的政策时,应听取儿童的意见,特别是教育方面的意见。
117. Working children have a right to be protected by law against exploitation and should be heard when worksites and conditions of work are examined by inspectors investigating the implementation of labour laws.117. 童工有权得到法律保护而免受剥削,并且调查劳动法实施情况的检查员在对工作场所和工作环境进行检查时也应听取儿童的意见。
Children and, if existing, representatives of working children’s associations should also be heard when labour laws are drafted or when the enforcement of laws is considered and evaluated.此外,在起草劳动法或审议和评估执法情况时,儿童和童工协会的代表,如果有的话,应享有发表意见的权利。
7. In situations of violence7. 暴力环境
118. The Convention establishes the right of the child to be protected from all forms of violence and the responsibility of States parties to ensure this right for every child without any discrimination.118. 《公约》规定儿童有权得到保护,免受一切形式的暴力,并且缔约国有义务确保每个儿童不受任何歧视地享有这项权利。
The Committee encourages States parties to consult with children in the development and implementation of legislative, policy, educational and other measures to address all forms of violence.委员会鼓励缔约国在制定和执行解决一切形式暴力的立法、政策、教育和其他措施时征求儿童们的意见。
Particular attention needs to be paid to ensuring that marginalized and disadvantaged children, such as exploited children, street children or refugee children, are not excluded from consultative processes designed to elicit views on relevant legislation and policy processes.应特别注意确保将边缘化儿童和弱势儿童,如受剥削儿童、流浪儿童或难民儿童,纳入旨在征求相关立法和政策程序意见的协商进程。
119. In this regard, the Committee welcomes the findings of the Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children, and urges States Parties to implement fully its recommendations, including the recommendation to provide the space for children to freely express their views and give these views due weight in all aspects of prevention, reporting and monitoring violence against them.119. 在这方面,委员会欢迎秘书长关于暴力侵害儿童的研究得出的结论,并敦促各缔约国充分执行其中的建议,包括在防止、报告和监测暴力侵害儿童的所有方面为儿童提供自由表达意见的空间并对其意见给予应有重视的建议。
120. Much of the violence perpetrated against children goes unchallenged both because certain forms of abusive behaviour are understood by children as accepted practices, and due to the lack of child-friendly reporting mechanisms.120. 许多暴力侵害儿童的行为没有被起诉,一是因为某些形式的虐待行为在儿童看来是可接受的做法,另一个原因是缺少有利于儿童的报告机制。
For example, they have no one to whom they can report in confidence and safety about experienced maltreatment, such as corporal punishment, genital mutilation or early marriage, and no channel to communicate their general observations to those accountable for implementation of their rights.例如,没有人在信任和安全的氛围中倾听儿童倾诉其所遭受的虐待,如体罚、切割生殖器或早婚,也没有向负责落实儿童权利的人表达儿童普遍观点的渠道。
Thus, effective inclusion of children in protective measures requires that children be informed about their right to be heard and to grow up free from all forms of physical and psychological violence.因此,有效地将儿童纳入保护措施就必须让儿童了解其发表意见的权利,并且让儿童在没有任何形式身体和心理暴力的环境中成长。
States parties should oblige all children’s institutions to establish easy access to individuals or organizations to which they can report in confidence and safety, including through telephone helplines, and to provide places where children can contribute their experience and views on combating violence against children.缔约国应要求所有儿童机构建立联通个人或组织的便利途径,以便儿童能够在信任和安全的氛围中向其报告,包括热线电话,并为儿童提供空间,把他们的经验和意见运用于打击暴力侵害儿童的行为。
121. The Committee also draws the attention of States parties to the recommendation in the Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children to support and encourage children’s organizations and child-led initiatives to address violence and to include these organizations in the elaboration, establishment and evaluation of anti-violence programmes and measures, so that children can play a key role in their own protection.121. 委员会还请缔约国注意秘书长关于暴力侵害儿童的研究中的建议,支持和鼓励儿童组织和由儿童领头开展的活动,以解决暴力问题,并将这些组织纳入反暴力方案和措施的制定、确立和评估,从而使儿童能够在自我保护方面发挥重要作用。
8. In the development of prevention strategies8. 预防战略的制定
122. The Committee notes that the voices of children have increasingly become a powerful force in the prevention of child rights violations.122. 委员会注意到,在预防侵犯儿童权利行为方面,儿童的意见发挥着日益强大的作用。
Good practice examples are available, inter alia, in the fields of violence prevention in schools, combating child exploitation through hazardous and extensive labour, providing health services and education to street children, and in the juvenile justice system.除其他外,可在以下方面提供良好做法实例:预防校园暴力、打击通过危险和高强度劳动剥削儿童、为流浪儿童提供保健服务和教育,以及青少年司法制度。
Children should be consulted in the formulation of legislation and policy related to these and other problem areas and involved in the drafting, development and implementation of related plans and programmes.在制定有关这些方面和其他问题的立法和政策时应征求儿童意见,并让儿童参与相关计划和方案的起草、制定和执行。
9. In immigration and asylum proceedings9. 移民和庇护程序
123. Children who come to a country following their parents in search of work or as refugees are in a particularly vulnerable situation.123. 跟随求职父母或作为难民来到另一国家的儿童处于非常脆弱的状况。
For this reason it is urgent to fully implement their right to express their views on all aspects of the immigration and asylum proceedings.为此,迫切需要充分落实其就移民和庇护程序所有方面发表意见的权利。
In the case of migration, the child has to be heard on his or her educational expectations and health conditions in order to integrate him or her into school and health services.关于移民,应当听取儿童的教育期望和健康状况,以便将其纳入学校和保健服务。
In the case of an asylum claim, the child must additionally have the opportunity to present her or his reasons leading to the asylum claim.关于庇护申请,儿童应当有额外的机会陈述其提出庇护申请的理由。
124. The Committee emphasizes that these children have to be provided with all relevant information, in their own language, on their entitlements, the services available, including means of communication, and the immigration and asylum process, in order to make their voice heard and to be given due weight in the proceedings.124. 委员会强调,必须以儿童本身的语言为其提供所有有关的信息,如其权益、可提供的服务,包括沟通的手段,以及移民和庇护程序的信息,以便在这些过程中听取他们的意见并给予适当看待。
A guardian or adviser should be appointed, free of charge.应免费指定一名监护人或顾问。
Asylum-seeking children may also need effective family tracing and relevant information about the situation in their country of origin to determine their best interests.申请难民地位的儿童可能还需要有效的家庭线索以及他们在原籍国的状况的有关信息,以确定他们的最大利益。
Particular assistance may be needed for children formerly involved in armed conflict to allow them to pronounce their needs.或许需要为曾经卷入武装冲突的儿童提供特别援助,使他们能够说出自己的需要。
Furthermore, attention is needed to ensure that stateless children are included in decision-making processes within the territories where they reside.此外,必须注意确保将无国籍儿童纳入其所在国的决策进程。
10. In emergency situations10. 紧急情况
125. The Committee underlines that the right embodied in article 12 does not cease in situations of crisis or in their aftermath.125. 委员会强调,第12条所载的权利在危机或危机后情况下不会终止。
There is a growing body of evidence of the significant contribution that children are able to make in conflict situations, post-conflict resolution and reconstruction processes following emergencies.有越来越多的证据表明,儿童能够在冲突局势中、在冲突后解决办法和紧急情况后的重建进程中发挥重要作用。
Thus, the Committee emphasized in its recommendation after the day of general discussion in 2008 that children affected by emergencies should be encouraged and enabled to participate in analysing their situation and future prospects.因此,委员会在2008年一般讨论日后的建议中强调,应鼓励扶持受紧急情况影响的儿童参与对其状况和未来前景的分析。
Children’s participation helps them to regain control over their lives, contributes to rehabilitation, develops organizational skills and strengthens a sense of identity.儿童的参与有助于他们重新恢复正常生活,为重建作出贡献,发展组织技能以及增强认同感。
However, care needs to be taken to protect children from exposure to situations that are likely to be traumatic or harmful.不过,必须采取关爱措施,以防止儿童陷入可能遭受创伤或伤害的境地。
126. Accordingly, the Committee encourages States parties to support mechanisms which enable children, in particular adolescents, to play an active role in both post-emergency reconstruction and post-conflict resolution processes.126. 因此,委员会鼓励缔约国支持各种机制,帮助儿童,特别是青少年,在紧急情况后的重建和冲突后的解决进程中发挥积极作用。
Their views should be elicited in the assessment, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes.他们的意见应明确体现在方案的评估、设计、执行、监测以及评价中。
For example, children in refugee camps can be encouraged to contribute to their own safety and well-being through the establishment of children’s forums.例如,可通过建立儿童论坛鼓励难民营中的儿童为自身的安全和福祉作出贡献。
Support needs to be given to enable children to establish such forums, while ensuring that their operation is consistent with children’s best interests and their right to protection from harmful experiences.应提供支持,以使儿童能够建立这样的论坛,同时确保论坛的运作符合儿童的最大利益,以及确保儿童不受伤害的权利。
11. In national and international settings11. 国家和国际环境
127. Much of the opportunity for children’s participation takes place at the community level.127. 儿童的参与机会大多是在社区一级。
The Committee welcomes the growing number of local youth parliaments, municipal children’s councils and ad hoc consultations where children can voice their views in decision-making processes.委员会欢迎有越来越多的地方青年议会、市级儿童理事会和特设协商会成立,通过这些机构儿童能够在决策进程中表达自己的意见。
However, these structures for formal representative participation in local government should be just one of many approaches to the implementation of article 12 at the local level, as they only allow for a relatively small number of children to engage in their local communities.不过,这些由正式代表参与地方政府的组织仅仅是在地方一级执行第12条的众多做法之一,因为它们只能允许数量相对较少的儿童参与地方社区。
Consulting hours of politicians and officials, open house and visits in schools and kindergartens create additional opportunities for communication.政治家和官员的咨询时间、学校和幼儿园的开放参观和访问创造了更多的沟通机会。
128. Children should be supported and encouraged to form their own child-led organizations and initiatives, which will create space for meaningful participation and representation.128. 应支持和鼓励儿童建立自己领导的组织和倡议,为真正的参与和代表权创造条件。
In addition, children can contribute their perspectives, for example, on the design of schools, playgrounds, parks, leisure and cultural facilities, public libraries, health facilities and local transport systems in order to ensure more appropriate services.此外,儿童应当就诸如学校、操场、公园、休闲和文化设施、公共图书馆、保健设施和地方交通系统的设计提出他们的看法,从而确保提供更加适合的服务。
In community development plans that call for public consultation, children’s views should be explicitly included.在需要公共协商的社区发展计划中,儿童的意见也应明确纳入。
129. Such participation opportunities are, meanwhile, established in many countries also on the district, regional, federal state and national levels, where youth parliaments, councils and conferences provide forums for children to present their views and make them known to relevant audiences.129. 与此同时,许多国家也确定了地方、区域、联邦州和国家一级的参与机会,青年议会、理事会和大会为儿童提供了表达自己意见以及向有关当局传达这些意见的论坛。
NGOs and civil society organizations have developed practices to support children, which safeguard the transparency of representation and counter the risks of manipulation or tokenism.非政府组织和民间社会组织制定了各种支持儿童的做法,保证代表的透明性,反对操纵或弄虚作假。
130. The Committee welcomes the significant contributions by UNICEF and NGOs in promoting awareness-raising on children’s right to be heard and their participation in all domains of their lives, and encourages them to further promote child participation in all matters affecting them, including at the grass-roots, community, and national or international levels, and to facilitate exchanges of best practices.130. 委员会欢迎儿童基金会和非政府组织在推动提高对儿童发表意见权的认识以及对儿童全面参与其生活各个领域的认识方面发挥的重要作用,鼓励它们进一步促进儿童对影响到他们的一切事项的参与,包括在基层、社区、国家或国际一级的参与,并为最佳做法的交流提供便利。
Networking among child-led organizations should be actively encouraged to increase opportunities for shared learning and platforms for collective advocacy.应积极鼓励建立由儿童领导的组织网络,从而增加相互学习的机会和集体宣传的平台。
131. At the international level, children’s participation at the World Summits for Children convened by the General Assembly in 1990 and 2002, and the involvement of children in the reporting process to the Committee on the Rights of the Child have particular relevance.131. 在国际一级,儿童参与大会于1990年和2002年举行的世界儿童问题首脑会议以及儿童权利委员会的报告进程具有特殊意义。
The Committee welcomes written reports and additional oral information submitted by child organizations and children’s representatives in the monitoring process of child rights implementation by States parties, and encourages States parties and NGOs to support children to present their views to the Committee.委员会欢迎儿童组织和儿童代表在监督缔约国执行儿童权利的过程中提交书面报告和额外的口头资料,鼓励缔约国和非政府组织支持儿童向委员会陈述意见。
D. Basic requirements for the implementation of the right of the child to be heardD. 执行儿童发表意见权的基本要求
132. The Committee urges States parties to avoid tokenistic approaches, which limit children’s expression of views, or which allow children to be heard, but fail to give their views due weight.132. 委员会促请缔约国避免做表面文章,即对儿童的意见表达加以限制,或允许儿童发表意见但又不给予应有重视。
It emphasizes that adult manipulation of children, placing children in situations where they are told what they can say, or exposing children to risk of harm through participation are not ethical practices and cannot be understood as implementing article 12.委员会强调,成人操纵儿童,告诉他们什么能说,什么不能说,或以参与为名使儿童面临风险都是不道德的做法,不能视为对第12条的执行。
133. If participation is to be effective and meaningful, it needs to be understood as a process, not as an individual one-off event.133. 如果是有效和真正的参与,那么它应当是一个过程,而不是个别的一次性活动。
Experience since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1989 has led to a broad consensus on the basic requirements which have to be reached for effective, ethical and meaningful implementation of article 12.自《儿童权利公约》于1989年获得通过以来,关于有效、道德和切实执行第12条所必须满足的基本要求达成了广泛共识。
The Committee recommends that States parties integrate these requirements into all legislative and other measures for the implementation of article 12.委员会建议缔约国将这些要求纳入所有与执行第12条有关的法律和其他措施。
134. All processes in which a child or children are heard and participate, must be:134. 儿童或儿童们表达意见和参与的所有过程都必须是:
(a) Transparent and informative - children must be provided with full, accessible, diversity-sensitive and age-appropriate information about their right to express their views freely and their views to be given due weight, and how this participation will take place, its scope, purpose and potential impact;透明和公开的――应以全面、可理解、注重多元化和适合年龄的方式向儿童提供信息,说明他们自由表达意见并得到应有重视的权利,以及如何进行参与、参与的范围、目的和潜在影响;
(b) Voluntary - children should never be coerced into expressing views against their wishes and they should be informed that they can cease involvement at any stage;自愿的――绝对不能逼迫儿童表达违背自己意愿的意见,并且应当让儿童知道,他们可以在任何阶段终止参与;
(c) Respectful - children’s views have to be treated with respect and they should be provided with opportunities to initiate ideas and activities.尊重的――必须尊重儿童的意见,并为他们提供提出观点和发起活动的机会。
Adults working with children should acknowledge, respect and build on good examples of children’s participation, for instance, in their contributions to the family, school, culture and the work environment.与儿童打交道的成人应当承认、尊重和利用有关儿童参与的良好实例,如他们对家庭、学校、文化和工作环境的贡献。
They also need an understanding of the socio-economic, environmental and cultural context of children’s lives.他们还需要了解儿童生活的社会-经济、环境和文化背景。
Persons and organizations working for and with children should also respect children’s views with regard to participation in public events;此外,在参与公共活动方面,从事儿童工作的个人和组织也应尊重儿童的意见;
(d) Relevant - the issues on which children have the right to express their views must be of real relevance to their lives and enable them to draw on their knowledge, skills and abilities.相关的――儿童有表达意见权的问题必须是与其生活切实相关的,使他们能够运用其知识、技能和能力。
In addition, space needs to be created to enable children to highlight and address the issues they themselves identify as relevant and important;此外,应当创造空间使儿童能够强调和解决他们自己认为相关和重要的问题;
(e) Child-friendly - environments and working methods should be adapted to children’s capacities.有益儿童的――环境和工作方法应当适合儿童的能力。
Adequate time and resources should be made available to ensure that children are adequately prepared and have the confidence and opportunity to contribute their views.必须提供足够的时间和资源,以确保儿童能够做好充分准备,有自信、有机会表达他们的意见。
Consideration needs to be given to the fact that children will need differing levels of support and forms of involvement according to their age and evolving capacities;还应考虑到,根据儿童的年龄和不同阶段的接受能力,需要有不同程度的支持和参与形式;
(f) Inclusive - participation must be inclusive, avoid existing patterns of discrimination, and encourage opportunities for marginalized children, including both girls and boys, to be involved (see also para. 88 above).包容性的―― 参与必须是包容性的,避免既有形式的歧视,并且鼓励为边缘化儿童提供参与机会,包括男孩和女孩(见上文第88段)。
Children are not a homogenous group and participation needs to provide for equality of opportunity for all, without discrimination on any grounds.儿童不是一个单一群体,应当不加任何歧视地为所有人提供平等参与的机会。
Programmes also need to ensure that they are culturally sensitive to children from all communities;各种方案也应确保对来自各个社区的儿童有文化上的敏感认识;
(g) Supported by training - adults need preparation, skills and support to facilitate children’s participation effectively, to provide them, for example, with skills in listening, working jointly with children and engaging children effectively in accordance with their evolving capacities.有培训支持的――成人需要有准备、技巧和支持,以有效促进儿童的参与。 例如,为他们提供根据儿童不同阶段接受能力进行倾听以及与之合作和开展有效参与的技巧。
Children themselves can be involved as trainers and facilitators on how to promote effective participation; they require capacity-building to strengthen their skills in, for example, effective participation awareness of their rights, and training in organizing meetings, raising funds, dealing with the media, public speaking and advocacy;关于如何促进有效参与的问题,儿童本身既是培训者,也是协调人;他们需要开展能力建设以增强其能力,例如在对于其权利的有效参与意识方面,以及在会议组织、资金筹措、应对媒体、公开演讲和宣传方面的培训;
(h) Safe and sensitive to risk - in certain situations, expression of views may involve risks.安全且对危险敏感的――在特定情况下,表达意见可能会引发危险。
Adults have a responsibility towards the children with whom they work and must take every precaution to minimize the risk to children of violence, exploitation or any other negative consequence of their participation.成人对于其所面对的儿童负有责任,必须采取一切预防措施,尽量避免使儿童因参与而陷于暴力、剥削或任何其他不利后果。
Action necessary to provide appropriate protection will include the development of a clear child-protection strategy which recognizes the particular risks faced by some groups of children, and the extra barriers they face in obtaining help.为提供适当保护而采取的必要措施应包括制定明确的儿童保护战略,其中承认某些儿童群体面临特殊危险,以及他们在获取帮助时遇到额外阻碍。
Children must be aware of their right to be protected from harm and know where to go for help if needed.儿童必须知道他们有权得到保护,免受伤害,并且知道从哪里获得所需要的帮助。
Investment in working with families and communities is important in order to build understanding of the value and implications of participation, and to minimize the risks to which children may otherwise be exposed;为了建立对参与的价值和影响的认识,以及尽可能减少儿童可能面临的危险,在家庭和社区方面加大工作力度是十分重要的;
(i) Accountable - a commitment to follow-up and evaluation is essential.问责的――在后续行动和评价方面作出承诺是必要的。
For example, in any research or consultative process, children must be informed as to how their views have been interpreted and used and, where necessary, provided with the opportunity to challenge and influence the analysis of the findings.例如,在所有的研究和协商进程中,必须让儿童了解对于他们的意见是如何解释和利用的,必要时还应提供质疑和改变分析结论的机会。
Children are also entitled to be provided with clear feedback on how their participation has influenced any outcomes.此外,儿童还有权得到反馈信息,表明其参与对结果产生了怎样的影响。
Wherever appropriate, children should be given the opportunity to participate in follow-up processes or activities.适当时应给予儿童参与后续进程或活动的机会。
Monitoring and evaluation of children’s participation needs to be undertaken, where possible, with children themselves.应对儿童的参与情况进行监测和评价,在可能的情况下儿童本人也应参与其中。
E. ConclusionsE. 结论
135. Investment in the realization of the child’s right to be heard in all matters of concern to her or him and for her or his views to be given due consideration, is a clear and immediate legal obligation of States parties under the Convention.135. 儿童有权对影响到其本人的一切事项发表意见并得到应有重视,在实现这一权利方面的投入是《公约》给予所有缔约国的明确而紧要的法律义务。
It is the right of every child without any discrimination.这是所有儿童不加任何歧视共同享有的权利。
Achieving meaningful opportunities for the implementation of article 12 will necessitate dismantling the legal, political, economic, social and cultural barriers that currently impede children’s opportunity to be heard and their access to participation in all matters affecting them.在真正意义上实现第12条就必然要消除目前妨碍儿童表达意见的机会以及参与对其有影响的一切事项的法律、政治、经济、社会和文化障碍。
It requires a preparedness to challenge assumptions about children’s capacities, and to encourage the development of environments in which children can build and demonstrate capacities.必须要准备好对有关国儿童能力的种种假设提出质疑,并鼓励发展有助于儿童建设和展示其能力的环境。
It also requires a commitment to resources and training.此外,还应在资源和培训方面作出承诺。
134. Fulfilling these obligations will present a challenge for States parties.136. 充分履行这些义务对缔约国来说是一个挑战。
But it is an attainable goal if the strategies outlined in this general comment are systematically implemented and a culture of respect for children and their views is built.但是,如果能够系统地执行此一般性意见所概述的各项战略,并建立起尊重儿童及其意见的文化氛围,那么这个目标是可以实现的。
Resolution S-27/2 “A world fit for children”, adopted by the General Assembly in 2002.2002年大会通过的第S-27/2号决议“适合儿童生长的世界”。
See the recommendations of the day of general discussion in 2006 on the right of the child to be heard, available at:见2006年关于儿童发表意见权的一般讨论日的评论,可登录 english/bodies/crc/docs/discussion/Final_Recommendations_after_DGD.doc。
See the Committee’s general comment No. 5 (2003) on general measures of implementation for the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC/GC/2003/5).见委员会关于执行《儿童权利公约》的一般性措施的第5号一般性意见(2003年)(CRC/ GC/2003/5)。
The Convention is commonly referred to by the three “ps”: provision, protection and participation.《公约》通常被称为三个“ps”:规定、保护和参与。
CRC/C/GC/7/Rev.1, para. 14.CRC/C/GC/7/Rev.1, 第14段。
Cf. Lansdown G., “The evolving capacities of the child”, Innocenti Research Centre, UNICEF/Save the Children, Florence (2005).参见Lansdown G.,《儿童能力的发展》,因诺琴蒂研究中心,儿童基金会/拯救儿童,佛罗伦萨(2005年)。
See the Committee’s general comment No. 5 (2003) on general measures of implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, para. 24.见委员会关于执行《儿童权利公约》的一般性措施的第5号一般性意见,第24段(2003年)。
See the Committee’s general comment No. 2 (2002) on the role of independent human rights institutions.见委员会关于独立人权机构的作用的第2号一般性意见(2002年)。
See the Committee’s general comment No. 10 (2007) on children’s rights in juvenile justice (CRC/C/GC/10).见委员会关于少年司法中的儿童权利的第10号一般性建议(2007年)(CRC/C/GC/10)。
United Nations Economic and Social Council resolution 2005/20, in particular arts. 8, 19 and 20.联合国经济及社会理事会第2005/20号决定,特别是第8、19和第20条。
Available at:可登录 ecosoc/docs/2005/Resolution%202005-20.pdf。
Day of general discussion on the child and the media (1996): media.pdf.关于儿童与媒体的一般讨论日(1996年): media.pdf。
General comment No. 5 (2003) on general measures of implementation for the Convention on the Rights of the Child.关于执行《儿童权利公约》的一般性措施的第5号一般性意见(2003年)。
Ibid., para. 12.同上,第12段。
The Committee also draws attention to its general comment No. 3 (2003) on HIV/Aids and the rights of the child, paras. 11 and 12, and its general comment No. 4 (2003) on adolescent health, para. 6.委员会还提请注意其关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病和儿童权利的第3号一般性意见(2003年),第11段和第12段,以及关于青少年健康的第4号一般性意见(2003年),第6段。
“A human rights-based approach to Education for All: A framework for the realization of children’s right to education and rights within education”, UNICEF/UNESCO (2007).《以人权为基础的全民教育方式:实现儿童教育权和教育范围内各项权利的框架》儿童基金会/教科文组织(2007年)。
Committee on the Rights of the Child, general comment No. 1 (2001) on the aims of education (art. 29, para. 1 of the Convention), (CRC/GC/2001/1).儿童权利委员会关于教育目标的第1号一般性意见(2001年)(《公约》第29条,第1款) (CRC/GC/2001/1)。
States parties should refer to the Committee’s general comment No. 8 (2006) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, which explains participatory strategies to eliminate corporal punishment (CRC/C/GC/8).缔约国应参考委员会关于儿童有权受到保护,免遭体罚及其他残忍或有辱人格形式的处罚问题的第8(2006)号一般性意见,其中阐述了消除体罚的参与性战略(CRC/C/GC/8)。
Report of the independent expert for the United Nations Study on Violence against Children (A/61/299).联合国研究暴力侵害儿童行为问题独立专家的报告(A/61/299)。
Cf. the Committee’s general comment No. 6 (2005) on the treatment of unaccompanied and separated children outside their country of origin (CRC/GC/2005/6).参见委员会关于远离原籍国无人陪伴和无父母陪伴的儿童待遇的第6号一般性意见(2005年) (CRC/GC/2005/6)。
“The participation of children and young people in emergencies: a guide for relief agencies”, UNICEF, Bangkok (2007).《紧急情况下儿童和青年的参与:救济机构指南》,儿童基金会,曼谷(2007年)。