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General comment No. 14 (2013) on the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration (art. 3, para. 1)第14号一般性意见(2013年)儿童将他或她的最大利益列为一种首要考虑的权利(第3条第1款)
Document CRC/C/GC/14Document CRC/C/GC/14
“In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.”“关于儿童的一切行动,不论是由公私社会福利机构、法院、行政当局或立法机构执行,均应以儿童的最大利益为一种首要考虑。”
Convention on the Rights of the Child (art. 3, para. 1)《儿童权利公约》(第3条第1款)
I. Introduction一. 导言
A. The best interests of the child: a right, a principle and a rule of procedureA. 儿童的最大利益:一项权利、一项原则和一项行事规则
Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child gives the child the right to have his or her best interests assessed and taken into account as a primary consideration in all actions or decisions that concern him or her, both in the public and private sphere.1. 《儿童权利公约》第3条第1款列明,在公共和私营领域采取所有涉及儿童的行动或决定时,应将儿童的最大利益列为对之评判和审议的一种首要考虑。
Moreover, it expresses one of the fundamental values of the Convention.此外,《公约》阐明了其基本价值观念之一。
The Committee on the Rights of the Child (the Committee) has identified article 3, paragraph 1, as one of the four general principles of the Convention for interpreting and implementing all the rights of the child, and applies it is a dynamic concept that requires an assessment appropriate to the specific context.儿童权利委员会(童权委)确认第3条第1款为《公约》解释和执行所有儿童权利的四项一般原则之一并对之适用一个恰当评估具体情况所需的动态概念。
The concept of the “child's best interests” is not new.2. “儿童的最大利益”并非新颖。
Indeed, it pre-dates the Convention and was already enshrined in the 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child (para. 2), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (arts. 5 (b) and 16, para. 1 (d)), as well as in regional instruments and many national and international laws.在《公约》之前确实业已存在,并早已列入了1995年《儿童权利宣言》(第2段);《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》(第五条(b)款和第十六条第1款(d)项);以及各区域文书和许多国家和国际法。
The Convention also explicitly refers to the child's best interests in other articles: article 9: separation from parents; article 10: family reunification; article 18: parental responsibilities; article 20: deprivation of family environment and alternative care; article 21: adoption; article 37(c): separation from adults in detention; article 40, paragraph 2 (b) (iii): procedural guarantees, including presence of parents at court hearings for penal matters involving children in conflict with the law.3. 《公约》明确提及儿童最大利益的还有其它各条款:第9条:与家长的分离;第10条:家庭团圆;第18条:家长责任;第20条:丧失家庭环境和替代照料;第 21条:收养;第37条(c)款:与成年人分开羁押;第40条第2款(b)项第㈢分项:程序性保障,包括家长出席参与有关与法律相冲突儿童刑事事务的庭 审。
Reference is also made to the child's best interests in the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography (preamble and art. 8) and in the Optional Protocol to the Convention on a communications procedure (preamble and arts. 2 and 3).《公约关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书》(序言和第8条)和《公约关于来文程序的任择议定书》(序言及第2和3款)也提及了儿童的最大利益。
The concept of the child's best interests is aimed at ensuring both the full and effective enjoyment of all the rights recognized in the Convention and the holistic development of the child.4. 儿童最大利益的概念旨在确保儿童全面和有效享有《公约》所列的每一项权利及其整体发展。
The Committee has already pointed out that “an adult’s judgment of a child’s best interests cannot override the obligation to respect all the child’s rights under the Convention. ”童权委早就指出,“成年人对儿童最大利益的裁断不得推翻履行公约》所列所有儿童权利的义务”。
It recalls that there is no hierarchy of rights in the Convention; all the rights provided for therein are in the “child's best interests” and no right could be compromised by a negative interpretation of the child's best interests.童权委回顾,《公约》所列权利不分等级;其中所列的一切权利均为“儿童最大利益”,不得以对儿童最大利益的负面解释贬损任何权利。
The full application of the concept of the child's best interests requires the development of a rights-based approach, engaging all actors, to secure the holistic physical, psychological, moral and spiritual integrity of the child and promote his or her human dignity.5. 若要全面适用儿童最大利益概念,就必须拟订基于权利的方针,让所有行为方参与,以全面实现儿童身心、道德和精神健全权并增强他或她的人的尊严。
The Committee underlines that the child's best interests is a threefold concept:6. 童权委强调,儿童最大利益概念包含了三个层面:
(a) A substantive right: The right of the child to have his or her best interests assessed and taken as a primary consideration when different interests are being considered in order to reach a decision on the issue at stake, and the guarantee that this right will be implemented whenever a decision is to be made concerning a child, a group of identified or unidentified children or children in general.一项实质性权利:当审视各不同层面的利益时,儿童有权将他或她的最大利益列为一种首要的评判和考虑,且每当涉及某一儿童、一组明确或不明确指定的儿童,或一般儿童的决定时,都得保障这项权利。
Article 3, paragraph 1, creates an intrinsic obligation for States, is directly applicable (self-executing) and can be invoked before a court.第3条第1款为各国确定了这一项固有的义务,既可直接(自行)适用,亦可在法庭上援用。
(b) A fundamental, interpretative legal principle: If a legal provision is open to more than one interpretation, the interpretation which most effectively serves the child’s best interests should be chosen.一项基本的解释性法律原则:若一项法律条款可作出一种以上的解释,则应选择可最有效实现儿童最大利益的解释。
The rights enshrined in the Convention and its Optional Protocols provide the framework for interpretation.《公约》及其各项《任择议定书》所列权利奠定了解释的框架。
(c) A rule of procedure: Whenever a decision is to be made that will affect a specific child, an identified group of children or children in general, the decision-making process must include an evaluation of the possible impact (positive or negative) of the decision on the child or children concerned.一项行事规则:每当要作出一项将会影响到某一具体儿童、一组明确和不明确指定的儿童或一般儿童的决定时,该决定进程就必须包括对此决定可对所涉儿童或诸位儿童所带来(正面或负面)影响的评判。
Assessing and determining the best interests of the child require procedural guarantees.对儿童最大利益的评判和确定必须具备程序性的保障。
Furthermore, the justification of a decision must show that the right has been explicitly taken into account.此外,决定的理由必须清楚表明业已明确兼顾到了此项权利。
In this regard, States parties shall explain how the right has been respected in the decision, that is, what has been considered to be in the child’s best interests; what criteria it is based on; and how the child’s interests have been weighed against other considerations, be they broad issues of policy or individual cases.为此,不论是针对广泛的政策问题,还是个体案情而论,缔约国都应说明,决定如何履行了对此权利的尊重:即,究竟何为符合儿童的最大利益;依据的是何种标准;以及如何儿童利益为本,来权衡对其它利益的考虑。
In the present general comment, the expression “the child’s best interests” or “the best interests of the child” covers the three dimensions developed above.7. 本一般性意见关于“儿童最大利益”(“the child’s best interests”或 “the best interests of the child”)的表述,涵盖了上述三个层面。
B. StructureB. 结构
The scope of the present general comment is limited to article 3, paragraph 1, of the Convention and does not cover article 3, paragraph 2, which pertains to the well-being of the child, nor article 3, paragraph 3, which concerns the obligation of States parties to ensure that institutions, services and facilities for children comply with the established standards, and that mechanisms are in place to ensure that the standards are respected.8. 本一般性意见所述范围仅限于《公约》第3条第1款,既不包含关于儿童福祉的第3条第2款,也不涵盖关于缔约国有义务确保各儿童机构、服务部门和设施恪守既定标准,以及设立起各项机制确保各项标准得到遵循的第3条第3款。
The Committee states the objectives (chapter II) of the present general comment and presents the nature and scope of the obligation of States parties (chapter III).9. 童权委阐明了本一般性意见的要旨(第二章),并叙述了各缔约国义务的性质和范围(第三章)。
It also provides a legal analysis of article 3, paragraph 1 (chapter IV), showing the links to other general principles of the Convention.童权委还对第3条第1款作了法律剖析(第四章),展现了与《公约》其它一般原则的关联关系。
Chapter V is dedicated to the implementation, in practice, of the principle of best interests of the child, while chapter VI provides guidelines on disseminating the general comment.第五章专述了实际落实儿童最大利益原则的执行情况,而第六章则阐述了宣传一般性意见的指南。
II. Objectives二. 宗旨
The present general comment seeks to ensure the application of and respect for the best interests of the child by the States parties to the Convention.10. 本一般性意见力求确保《公约》各缔约国适用和尊重儿童的最大利益。
It defines the requirements for due consideration, especially in judicial and administrative decisions as well as in other actions concerning the child as an individual, and at all stages of the adoption of laws, policies, strategies, programmes, plans, budgets, legislative and budgetary initiatives and guidelines – that is, all implementation measures – concerning children in general or as a specific group.意见界定了在各个阶段,特别在推出司法和行政决策,以及在其它涉及儿童个体的行动方面,和在通过不论系涉及一般儿童,还是涉及具体儿童群体的法律、政策、战略、方案、计划、预算、立法和预算举措和准则,即:采取所有执行措施之际,都必须予以应有的考虑。
The Committee expects that this general comment will guide decisions by all those concerned with children, including parents and caregivers.童权委期望,本一般性意见将为所有涉及儿童的决定,包括为家长和照料者提供指导。
The best interests of the child is a dynamic concept that encompasses various issues which are continuously evolving.11. 儿童的最大利益是一个动态性概念,涵盖了各类不断演化的问题。
The present general comment provides a framework for assessing and determining the child’s best interests; it does not attempt to prescribe what is best for the child in any given situation at any point in time.本一般性意见奠定了一个评判儿童最大利益的框架;意见并不打算列出任何一个时间节点,任何一种情况下的儿童最大利益。
The main objective of this general comment is to strengthen the understanding and application of the right of children to have their best interests assessed and taken as a primary consideration or, in some cases, the paramount consideration (see paragraph 38 below).12. 本结论性意见的要旨是加强对儿童权利的认识和运用,将儿童的最大利益列为一项首要的评判和考虑,甚至在某些情况下,列为最重大的考虑(见下文第38段)。
Its overall objective is to promote a real change in attitudes leading to the full respect of children as rights holders.总体宗旨是促进态度上的真正转变,形成对儿童作为权利持有人的全面尊重。
More specifically, this has implications for:由形成的所涉影响可更具体地促使:
(a) The elaboration of all implementation measures taken by governments;各国政府着手制订所有执行措施;
(b) Individual decisions made by judicial or administrative authorities or public entities through their agents that concern one or more identified children;司法或行政当局或公共实体的受理方就某位或诸位所涉儿童作出决定;
(c) Decisions made by civil society entities and the private sector, including profit and non-profit organizations, which provide services concerning or impacting on children;民间社会实体和私营部门,包括赢利和非赢利组织作出决定,提供涉及或影响到儿童的服务;
(d) Guidelines for actions undertaken by persons working with and for children, including parents and caregivers.为从事与儿童相关及儿童事务的人员包括家长和照料者提供行动指导。
III. Nature and scope of the obligations of States parties三. 缔约国义务的性质和范围
Each State party must respect and implement the right of the child to have his or her best interests assessed and taken as a primary consideration, and is under the obligation to take all necessary, deliberate and concrete measures for the full implementation of this right.13. 各缔约国必须尊重和落实儿童享有将他或她的最大利益列为首要评判和考虑的权利,并有义务采取一切必要、预筹及具体措施,全面落实上述权利。
Article 3, paragraph 1, establishes a framework with three different types of obligations for States parties:14. 第3条第1款划定了缔约国须履行下述三类义务的框架:
(a) The obligation to ensure that the child's best interests are appropriately integrated and consistently applied in every action taken by a public institution, especially in all implementation measures, administrative and judicial proceedings which directly or indirectly impact on children;有义务确保在公共机构所履行的每一项行动中,尤其在执行会对儿童产生直接或间接影响的所有措施、行政和司法程序方面,恰如其分地纳入且始终贯彻儿童的最大利益;
(b) The obligation to ensure that all judicial and administrative decisions as well as policies and legislation concerning children demonstrate that the child's best interests have been a primary consideration.有义务确保所有涉及儿童的司法和行政决定以及政策和立法均体现出给予了儿童最大利益首要的考虑。
This includes describing how the best interests have been examined and assessed, and what weight has been ascribed to them in the decision.这包括阐明如何审查和评判儿童的最大利益,及其决定赋予了儿童最大利益多大的分量。
(c) The obligation to ensure that the interests of the child have been assessed and taken as a primary consideration in decisions and actions taken by the private sector, including those providing services, or any other private entity or institution making decisions that concern or impact on a child.有义务确保私营部门所作的决定和采取的行动,包括其所提供的服务,或任何其它私营实体或机构在作出会对儿童产生影响的决策时,将儿童的利益列为首要的评判和考虑。
To ensure compliance, States parties should undertake a number of implementation measures in accordance with articles 4, 42 and 44, paragraph 6, of the Convention, and ensure that the best interests of the child are a primary consideration in all actions, including:15. 为确保履约,各缔约国应依据《公约》第4、42和44条第6款,采取若干项执行措施,并确保将儿童的最大利益列为一切行动的首要考虑,包括:
(a) Reviewing and, where necessary, amending domestic legislation and other sources of law so as to incorporate article 3, paragraph 1, and ensure that the requirement to consider the child's best interests is reflected and implemented in all national laws and regulations, provincial or territorial legislation, rules governing the operation of private or public institutions providing services or impacting on children, and judicial and administrative proceedings at any level, both as a substantive right and as a rule of procedure;审议,并在必要时,修订国内立法及其它法律渊源,从而纳入第3条第1款,并确保在所有国家法律和条例、省或区域立法、规约民间或公共机构提供对儿童有影响服务的条规,以及各级司法和行政程序,不论系属实质性权利,还是行事规则,均得体现出必须考虑到儿童的最大利益;
(b) Upholding the child’s best interests in the coordination and implementation of policies at the national, regional and local levels;在协调和执行国家、区域和地方各级政策时,维护儿童的最大利益;
(c) Establishing mechanisms and procedures for complaints, remedy or redress in order to fully realize the right of the child to have his or her best interests appropriately integrated and consistently applied in all implementation measures, administrative and judicial proceedings relevant to and with an impact on him or her;设立负责处置申诉、补救或纠正事务的机制和程序,以在所有涉及以及对儿童可产生影响的执行措施、行政和司法程序方面,全面实现恰如其分地融入并始终如一地贯彻儿童最大利益的权利;
(d) Upholding the child’s best interests in the allocation of national resources for programmes and measures aimed at implementing children’s rights, and in activities receiving international assistance or development aid;在为旨在履行儿童权利的方案和措施调拨国家资源,和接受国际援助或发展援助活动方面,维持儿童的最大利益;
(e) When establishing, monitoring and evaluating data collection, ensure that the child’s best interests are explicitly spelled out and, where required, support research on children’s rights issues;在确立、监督及评估数据收集工作时,保证明确无误地阐明儿童的最大利益,并视需要,支持有关儿童权利问题的调研;
(f) Providing information and training on article 3, paragraph 1, and its application in practice to all those making decisions that directly or indirectly impact on children, including professionals and other people working for and with children;开展有关第3条第1款的宣传和培训,并在所有直接或间接影响儿童的实际决策中,包括对从事或与儿童相关事务的专业人员及其他人员适用该条款;
(g) Providing appropriate information to children in a language they can understand, and to their families and caregivers, so that they understand the scope of the right protected under article 3, paragraph 1, as well as creating the necessary conditions for children to express their point of view and ensuring that their opinions are given due weight;以儿童及其家庭和照料者能懂得的语言向他们传达相关的信息,从而使他们明白第3条第1款所保护权利的范围。 并为儿童创造必要的条件,让他们表达自己的观点,并确保给予他们的意见应有分量的考虑;
(h) Combating all negative attitudes and perceptions which impede the full realization of the right of the child to have his or her best interests assessed and taken as a primary consideration, through communication programmes involving mass media and social networks as well as children, in order to have children recognized as rights holders.通过大众传媒和社会网络以及儿童参与的宣传方案,消除一切负面态度和观念,排除不利全面实现儿童享有将他或她最大利益列为首要评判和考虑权的障碍,确认儿童为权利持有人。
In giving full effect to the child’s best interests, the following parameters should be borne in mind:16. 为全面落实儿童的最大利益,应铭记下列参照指标:
(a) The universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated nature of children’s rights;儿童权利的普世、不可分割、相互依存和相互关联性质;
(b) Recognition of children as right holders;承认儿童为权利持有人;
(c) The global nature and reach of the Convention;《公约》的全球普世适用性;
(d) The obligation of States parties to respect, protect and fulfill all the rights in the Convention;缔约国有义务尊重、保护和履行《公约》所载的一切权利;
(e) Short-, medium- and long-term effects of actions related to the development of the child over time.随时间推移采取的行动,对儿童发展形成短、中、长期影响效应。
IV. Legal analysis and links with the general principles of the Convention四. 法律分析和与《公约》一般原则的关系
A. Legal analysis of article 3, paragraph 1A. 对第3条第1款的法律分析
1. “In all actions concerning children”1. “关于儿童的一切行动”
(a) “in all actions”(a) “一切行动”
Article 3, paragraph 1 seeks to ensure that the right is guaranteed in all decisions and actions concerning children.17. 第3条第1款力求保证所有涉及儿童的决定和行动均可确保此项权利。
This means that every action relating to a child or children has to take into account their best interests as a primary consideration.这就意味着,每一项涉及一位或诸位儿童的行动都必须把儿童的最大利益列为首要考虑。
The word “action” does not only include decisions, but also all acts, conduct, proposals, services, procedures and other measures.“行动”一词不仅包括决定,而且还包括所有的行动、举措、提议、服务、程序及其它措施。
Inaction or failure to take action and omissions are also “actions”, for example, when social welfare authorities fail to take action to protect children from neglect or abuse.18. 不作为或不采取行动和不行动也是“行动”,例如,社会福利主管机构不采取保护儿童免遭忽视和虐待的行为。
(b) “concerning”(b) “关于”
The legal duty applies to all decisions and actions that directly or indirectly affect children.19. 法律职责适用于所有可对儿童产生直接或间接影响的决策和行动。
Thus, the term “concerning” refers first of all, to measures and decisions directly concerning a child, children as a group or children in general, and secondly, to other measures that have an effect on an individual child, children as a group or children in general, even if they are not the direct targets of the measure.因此,“关于”一词首先系指,直接涉及到一位儿童、诸位儿童,或一般儿童的措施和决定;第二系指,其它可对儿童、诸位儿童,或一般儿童产生影响的措施,即使这些儿童并不是上述措施的直接针对者。
As stated in the Committee’s general comment No. 7 (2005), such actions include those aimed at children (e.g. related to health, care or education), as well as actions which include children and other population groups (e.g. related to the environment, housing or transport) (para. 13 (b)).如童权委第7(2005)号一般性意见所述,此类行为包括那些针对儿童(诸如:与保健、照料或教育相关)的行为,以及包括儿童和其他人口群体在内的行为(诸如:与环境、住房或交通运输)相关的行为(第13段(b)项)。
Therefore, “concerning” must be understood in a very broad sense.因此,“关于”须从极泛的广义予以理解。
Indeed, all actions taken by a State affect children in one way or another.20. 确实,国家所采取的一切行动,均会从这方面或那方面对儿童产生影响。
This does not mean that every action taken by the State needs to incorporate a full and formal process of assessing and determining the best interests o the child.这并不意味着国家采取的每一项行动都必须全面融入并履行对儿童最大利益评判和确定的正式程序。
However, where a decision will have a major impact on a child or children, a greater level of protection and detailed procedures to consider their best interests is appropriate.然而,凡会对某位和诸位儿童产生重大影响的决策,加深对儿童最大利益的保护程度和履行深入细致的程序不啻为妥善之举。
Thus, in relation to measures that are not directly aimed at the child or children, the term “concerning” would need to be clarified in the light of the circumstances of each case in order to be able to appreciate the impact of the action on the child or children.为之,对于并非直接针对所述儿童和诸位儿童的措施,“关于”一词就必须逐一参照相关情况加以澄清,从而得以把握所述行为对所述儿童或诸位儿童的影响。
(c) “children”(c) “儿童”
The term “children” refers to all persons under the age of 18 within the jurisdiction of a State party, without discrimination of any kind, in line with articles 1 and 2 of the Convention.21. 依据《公约》第1条,“儿童”一词系指在缔约国管辖范围之内一无例外的所有未满18岁者。
Article 3, paragraph 1, applies to children as individuals and places an obligation on States parties to assess and take the child’s best interests as a primary consideration in individual decisions.22. 第3条第1款拟适用处达个体决定时将儿童作为个体看待,并赋予了缔约国义务将儿童最大利益列为一种优先评判和考虑。
However, the term “children” implies that the right to have their best interests duly considered applies to children not only as individuals, but also in general or as a group.23. 然而,“儿童”一词即意味着应给予儿童最大利益应有考虑的权利,不仅适用作为个体的儿童,也适用于一般儿童和儿童群体。
Accordingly, States have the obligation to assess and take as a primary consideration the best interests of children as a group or in general in all actions concerning them.因此,各国有义务在对所有涉及儿童的行动中将儿童群体或一般儿童的最大利益列为一项优先评判和考虑。
This is particularly evident for all implementation measures.在落实所有执行措施时显然更应如此。
The Committee underlines that the child's best interests is conceived both as a collective and individual right, and that the application of this right to indigenous children as a group requires consideration of how the right relates to collective cultural rights.童权委强调,儿童最大利益既被视为群体权利,也被视为个体权利,而对土著儿童作为群体适用此项权利就必须考虑到,此项权利如何与群体文化权利挂钩。
That is not to say that in a decision concerning an individual child, his or her interests must be understood as being the same as those of children in general.24. 这并不是说,有关个体儿童,以及他或她利益的决定,就必须被理解为同样是针对一般儿童利益的决定。
Rather, article 3, paragraph 1, implies that the best interests of a child must be assessed individually.相反,第3条第1款则示意必须按个体评判儿童的最大利益。
Procedures for establishing the best interests of children individually and as a group can be found in chapter V below.下文第五章列有如何确定儿童作为个体和儿童作为群体最大利益的程序。
2. “By public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies”2. “由公私社会福利机构、法院、行政当局或立法机构执行”
The obligation of the States to duly consider the child's best interests is a comprehensive obligation encompassing all public and private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities and legislative bodies involving or concerning children.25. 各国给予儿童最大利益应有考虑的义务,是一项综合性义务,包含了所有从事或涉及儿童事务的公共和私营社会福利机构、法院、行政主管当局和立法机构。
Although parents are not explicitly mentioned in article 3, paragraph 1, the best interests of the child “will be their basic concern” (art. 18, para. 1).虽然第3条第1款并未明确提及家长,然而,儿童的最大利益”将是他们主要关心的事”(第18条第1款)。
(a) “public or private social welfare institutions”(a) “公私社会福利机构”
These terms should not be narrowly construed or limited to social institutions stricto sensu, but should be understood to mean all institutions whose work and decisions impact on children and the realization of their rights.26. 对这些辞语不应加以狭隘的理解,或限于社会机构的狭义解释,而应被理解为系指所有从事和负责会对儿童以及实现儿童权利产生影响的工作与决策的机构。
Such institutions include not only those related to economic, social and cultural rights (e.g. care, health, environment, education, business, leisure and play, etc.), but also institutions dealing with civil rights and freedoms (e.g. birth registration, protection against violence in all settings, etc. ).这类机构不仅包括那些与经济、社会及文化权利相关的机构(例如:照料、保健、环境、教育、商业、娱乐和游乐等机构),而且还包含处置公民权利和自由问题的机构(例如:负责出生登记、提供保护防止一切情景下暴力行为等事务机构)。
Private social welfare institutions include private sector organizations – either for-profit or non-profit – which play a role in the provision of services that are critical to children’s enjoyment of their rights, and which act on behalf of or alongside Government services as an alternative.私营社会福利机构,包括民间部门组织――不论是赢利还是非赢利性的机构――均发挥着作用,为儿童享有其权利提供各类服务,作为政府各服务部门的代理机构或某种备选机构。
(b) “courts of law”(b) “法院”
The Committee underlines that “courts” refer to all judicial proceedings, in all instances – whether staffed by professional judges or lay persons – and all relevant procedures concerning children, without restriction.27. 童权委强调,“法院”系指各级,不论是配备专职法官,还是非专业人员组建的审理庭,履行的所有各级司法程序,绝无限制地受理一切涉及儿童事务的相关程序。
This includes conciliation, mediation and arbitration processes.这包括了和解、调解和仲裁程序。
In criminal cases, the best interests principle applies to children in conflict (i.e. alleged, accused or recognized as having infringed) or in contact (as victims or witnesses) with the law, as well as children affected by the situation of their parents in conflict with the law.28. 对于刑事案,对于与法律产生冲突(即:被告或被确认为违法)的儿童,或(作为受害者或证人)法律所触及到的儿童,以及因家长触犯法律而受影响的儿童,均必适用儿童最大利益的原则。
The Committee underlines that protecting the child's best interests means that the traditional objectives of criminal justice, such as repression or retribution, must give way to rehabilitation and restorative justice objectives, when dealing with child offenders.童权委强调,保护儿童最大利益意味着,在处置儿童罪犯时,履行刑事司法,诸如实施遏制或惩罚的传统目标时,都必须让步于悔过自新和恢复正义的目标。
In civil cases, the child may be defending his or her interests directly or through a representative, in the case of paternity, child abuse or neglect, family reunification, accommodation, etc.29. 至于确定父子关系案、虐待或忽视儿童案、家庭团圆案、住宿安置等民事案件,儿童可直接或通过代理来维护他或她的利益。
The child may be affected by the trial, for example in procedures concerning adoption or divorce, decisions regarding custody, residence, contact or other issues which have an important impact on the life and development of the child, as well as child abuse or neglect proceedings.那些例如涉及收养或离婚程序;那些涉及监护、居住、联系或其它可能会对儿童生活和发展生产重大影响问题的裁决,以及关于虐待或忽视儿童问题的诉讼程序,这些审理均可对儿童形成影响。
The courts must provide for the best interests of the child to be considered in all such situations and decisions, whether of a procedural or substantive nature, and must demonstrate that they have effectively done so.法庭在处置上述不论是程序性还是实质性的所有这类情况及裁决时,都必须考虑到儿童的最大利益,且必须显示出法明确考虑到了儿童的最大利益。
(c) “administrative authorities”(c) “行政当局”
The Committee emphasizes that the scope of decisions made by administrative authorities at all levels is very broad, covering decisions concerning education, care, health, the environment, living conditions, protection, asylum, immigration, access to nationality, among others.30. 童权委强调,所有各级行政当局的决策范畴必须极为宽广,涵盖涉及教育、照料、保健、环境、生活条件、保护、庇护、移民、获得国籍等方方面面的决策。
Individual decisions taken by administrative authorities in these areas must be assessed and guided by the best interests of the child, as for all implementation measures.行政当局就上述领域作出的个体决定,必须依据儿童的最大利益进行评判,并以之作为所有执行举措的指导。
(d) “legislative bodies”(d) “立法机构”
The extension of States parties’ obligation to their “legislative bodies” shows clearly that article 3, paragraph 1, relates to children in general, not only to children as individuals.31. 缔约国对“立法机构”所承担的义务幅度清楚表明,第3条第1款不仅述及一般儿童,而且还涉及作为个体的儿童。
The adoption of any law or regulation as well as collective agreements – such as bilateral or multilateral trade or peace treaties which affect children – should be governed by the best interests of the child.凡要通过任何涉及儿童的法律或条例以及集体协议――诸如双边或多边贸易或和平协议都应受儿童最大利益的规约。
The right of the child to have his or her best interests assessed and taken as a primary consideration should be explicitly included in all relevant legislation, not only in laws that specifically concern children.儿童享有他或她的最大利益应被列为优先一项评判和考虑的权利,应被明确列入所有相关条例,不只是列入具体涉及儿童的法律。
This obligation extends also to the approval of budgets, the preparation and development of which require the adoption of a best-interests-of-the-child perspective for it to be child-rights sensitive.这项义务还延伸至对下述各项预算的核准,为了敏锐地关切儿童权利,在编制和拟订预算时,即须列入儿童的最大利益观念。
3. “The best interests of the child”3. “儿童的最大利益”
The concept of the child's best interests is complex and its content must be determined on a case-by-case basis.32. 儿童最大利益是复杂的概念,而其内容须逐案确定。
It is through the interpretation and implementation of article 3, paragraph 1, in line with the other provisions of the Convention, that the legislator, judge, administrative, social or educational authority will be able to clarify the concept and make concrete use thereof.参照《公约》的其它各项条款,解释和执行第3条第1款,立法者;司法、行政、社会或教育主管机构要能够澄清此概念并诉诸具体的运用。
Accordingly, the concept of the child’s best interests is flexible and adaptable.因此,儿童的最大利益是灵活且可调整适用的概念。
It should be adjusted and defined on an individual basis, according to the specific situation of the child or children concerned, taking into consideration their personal context, situation and needs.它应根据所涉儿童或儿童群体的具体情况,基于个体作出调整和界定,兼顾到个人的状况、处境和需求。
For individual decisions, the child's best interests must be assessed and determined in light of the specific circumstances of the particular child.对于个体决定,必参照具体儿童的具体情况,强调儿童的最大利益。
For collective decisions – such as by the legislator –, the best interests of children in general must be assessed and determined in light of the circumstances of the particular group and/or children in general.对于诸如由立法者作出的集体性决策,就必须参照具体群体和/或一般儿童的情况来评判和确定他们的最大利益。
In both cases, assessment and determination should be carried out with full respect for the rights contained in the Convention and its Optional Protocols.对于上述个体与集体两种情况,应在全面尊重《公约》及其《任择议定书》所列各项权利情况下,作出评判和确定。
The child's best interests shall be applied to all matters concerning the child or children, and taken into account to resolve any possible conflicts among the rights enshrined in the Convention or other human rights treaties.33. 儿童最大利益应适用于所有涉及儿童或儿童群体的事务,并应在解决《公约》或其它人权条约所列权利之间产生的任何冲突时列入考虑。
Attention must be placed on identifying possible solutions which are in the child's best interests.在确定可能的解决办法时,必须重视儿童的最大利益。
This implies that States are under the obligation to clarify the best interests of all children, including those in vulnerable situations, when adopting implementation measures.这就意味着,各国在采取执行措施时,有义务明确所有儿童,包括那些处于弱势境况下儿童的最大利益。
The flexibility of the concept of the child’s best interests allows it to be responsive to the situation of individual children and to evolve knowledge about child development.34. 儿童最大利益概念的灵活度使之能应对各种各样的儿童境况,深化演进对儿童发展的认识。
However, it may also leave room for manipulation; the concept of the child’s best interests has been abused by Governments and other State authorities to justify racist policies, for example; by parents to defend their own interests in custody disputes; by professionals who could not be bothered, and who dismiss the assessment of the child’s best interests as irrelevant or unimportant.然而,此概念也可留有操纵的余地;例如,一些政府和另有些国家当局滥用儿童最大利益概念作为推行种族主义政策的理由;在争夺监护权的纠纷中,家长们用来维护自己的利益;那些可不受之扰的专业人员则称,对儿童最大利益的评判是毫不相关或无足轻重之举。
With regard to implementation measures, ensuring that the best interests of the child are a primary consideration in legislation and policy development and delivery at all levels of Government demands a continuous process of child rights impact assessment (CRIA) to predict the impact of any proposed law, policy or budgetary allocation on children and the enjoyment of their rights, and child rights impact evaluation to evaluate the actual impact of implementation.35. 关于确保各级政府在制订立法和政策时将儿童最大利益列为首要考虑的问题,各项执行措施必须持续不断地开展对儿童权利影响的评估(童权影响评估),以预测任 何拟议法律、政策或预算拨款对儿童及他们享有其权利的影响,并以儿童权利影响评估,来评判对执行情况的实际影响。
4. “Shall be a primary consideration”4. “应列为一种首要考虑”
The best interests of a child shall be a primary consideration in the adoption of all measures of implementation.36. 儿童最大利益应当列为采取一切执行措施的一项首要考虑。
The words “shall be” place a strong legal obligation on States and mean that States may not exercise discretion as to whether children’s best interests are to be assessed and ascribed the proper weight as a primary consideration in any action undertaken.“应当”一词赋予了各国强有力的义务,并意味着各国不得在所采取的任何行动中自酌决定,是否要评判儿童的最大利益且赋予其应有的分量。
The expression “primary consideration” means that the child’s best interests may not be considered on the same level as all other considerations.37. “首要考虑”的表述意味着,儿童的最大利益与所有其它考虑,并非处于同等的分量级别。
This strong position is justified by the special situation of the child: dependency, maturity, legal status and, often, voicelessness.儿童的具体境况:依赖性、成熟程度、法律,以及往往无发言权的状况,系成为处于此强有力地位的理由。
Children have less possibility than adults to make a strong case for their own interests and those involved in decisions affecting them must be explicitly aware of their interests.儿童比成年人更不可能有力维护自身的利益,而那些参与作出对儿童有影响决定的人们,必须明确地认识到儿童的利益。
If the interests of children are not highlighted, they tend to be overlooked.倘若不突出儿童的利益,那么,儿童的利益就会遭到忽视。
In respect of adoption (art. 21), the right of best interests is further strengthened; it is not simply to be “a primary consideration” but “the paramount consideration”.38. 关于收养(第21条)条款,进一步加强了最大利益权;最大利益不只是被列为“一种优先考虑”,而且是“最重大的考虑”。
Indeed, the best interests of the child are to be the determining factor when taking a decision on adoption, but also on other issues.在作出收养的决定时,儿童的最大利益确实是一个决定性的因素,但也得考虑到其它各问题。
However, since article 3, paragraph 1, covers a wide range of situations, the Committee recognizes the need for a degree of flexibility in its application.39. 然而,鉴于第3条第1款涵盖了一系列情况,童权委确认在实施时必须具有一定程度的灵活性。
The best interests of the child – once assessed and determined – might conflict with other interests or rights (e.g. of other children, the public, parents, etc. ).儿童的最大利益――一旦作出评判和确定――可能与其它利益和权利(如:与其他儿童、公共、家长等方面的利益)相冲突。
Potential conflicts between the best interests of a child, considered individually, and those of a group of children or children in general have to be resolved on a case-by-case basis, carefully balancing the interests of all parties and finding a suitable compromise.从个体考虑,儿童的最大利益与儿童群体的最大利益之间潜在着冲突,拟逐案加以解决,审慎地实现所有当事各方之间的利益平衡,达成适当的折中。
The same must be done if the rights of other persons are in conflict with the child’s best interests.倘若其他人员的权利与儿童的最大利益形成了冲突亦须同样处置。
If harmonization is not possible, authorities and decision-makers will have to analyse and weigh the rights of all those concerned, bearing in mind that the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration means that the child's interests have high priority and not just one of several considerations.若达不成协调,主管当局和决策者就得在铭记,将儿童最大利益列为优先考虑的权利意味着儿童权利拥有高度优先权,并非只是若干种考虑之一的情况下,作出分析并权衡上述各方的权利。
Therefore, a larger weight must be attached to what serves the child best.因此,应赋予儿童最大利益更大的比重。
Viewing the best interests of the child as “primary” requires a consciousness about the place that children’s interests must occupy in all actions and a willingness to give priority to those interests in all circumstances, but especially when an action has an undeniable impact on the children concerned.40. 为把儿童最大利益视为“首要”考虑,不仅必须在所有的行动方面有意识地列明儿童利益的地位,而且在所有情况下,尤其当某项行动必定会对所涉儿童产生不可否认影响时,意在赋予儿童利益优先地位。
B. The best interests of the child and links with other general principles of the ConventionB. 儿童的最大利益及与《公约》其它一般原则的关系
1. The child’s best interests and the right to non-discrimination (art. 2)1. 儿童的利益与不受歧视权(第2条)
The right to non-discrimination is not a passive obligation, prohibiting all forms of discrimination in the enjoyment of rights under the Convention, but also requires appropriate proactive measures taken by the State to ensure effective equal opportunities for all children to enjoy the rights under the Convention.41. 不歧视权不是一种消极的义务,各国不仅在享有《公约》所载权利方面禁止一切形式的歧视,而且还要事先采取适当措施,确保所有儿童都切实地平等享有《公约》所载权利的机会。
This may require positive measures aimed at redressing a situation of real inequality.这就需要采取旨在纠正现实不平等境况的积极措施。
2. The child’s best interests and the right to life, survival and development (art. 6)2. 儿童的最大利益和生命、生存与发展权(第6条)
States must create an environment that respects human dignity and ensures the holistic development of every child.42. 各国必须创建一个尊重人的尊严的环境,确保每位儿童的整体发展。
In the assessment and determination of the child’s best interests, the State must ensure full respect for his or her inherent right to life, survival and development.在评判和确定儿童的最大利益时,各国必须确保充分尊重他或她的生命、生存和发展权。
3. The child’s best interests and the right to be heard (art. 12)3. 儿童的最大利益和发表意见权(第12条)
Assessment of a child’s best interests must include respect for the child’s right to express his or her views freely and due weight given to said views in all matters affecting the child.43. 评判儿童的最大利益势必包括尊重儿童表达他或她本人意见的权利,并赋予所涉儿童所有相关意见应有的分量。
This is clearly set out in the Committee’s general comment No. 12 which also highlights the inextricable links between articles 3, paragraph 1, and 12.童权委第12号一般性意见不仅明确确立了这一点,还着重指出第3条第1款与第12条之间不可分割的关联关系。
The two articles have complementary roles: the first aims to realize the child’s best interests, and the second provides the methodology for hearing the views of the child or children and their inclusion in all matters affecting the child, including the assessment of his or her best interests.这两项条款具有互补作用:前者条款旨在实现儿童的最大利益,而第二条则提供了聆听儿童或儿童群体意见的办法,以及将这些意见列入所有涉及儿童的事务,包括评判他或她最大利益的方式。
Article 3, paragraph 1, cannot be correctly applied if the requirements of article 12 are not met.若不能达到第12条的要求,就不能说正确地运用了第3条第1款。
Similarly, article 3, paragraph 1, reinforces the functionality of article 12, by facilitating the essential role of children in all decisions affecting their lives.同样,第3条第1款通过促进儿童群体在对所有涉及其生活的决定发挥的作用,加强了第12条的运作职能。
The evolving capacities of the child (art. 5) must be taken into consideration when the child's best interests and right to be heard are at stake.44. 当儿童的最大利益及其发表发表意见权处于危急紧要关头时,必须将儿童不断演进的能力(第5条)纳入考虑之列。
The Committee has already established that the more the child knows, has experienced and understands, the more the parent, legal guardian or other persons legally responsible for him or her have to transform direction and guidance into reminders and advice, and later to an exchange on an equal footing.童权委业已确定,儿童了解的情况越多,经历越多和理解越深,家长、法定监护人或其他在法律上为他或她负责的人就更必须将导向和指引方式转化为提醒和奉劝,而后按平等的地位进行交流。
Similarly, as the child matures, his or her views shall have increasing weight in the assessment of his or her best interests.同样随着儿童的成熟程度,他或她的意见应在评判他或她的利益方获得越来越重的分量。
Babies and very young children have the same rights as all children to have their best interests assessed, even if they cannot express their views or represent themselves in the same way as older children.婴儿和年纪极小的幼儿也同样有权作为儿童获得对其最大利益的评判,哪怕他们暂且还无法以与较大年龄儿童一样的方式表达其本人的意见。
States must ensure appropriate arrangements, including representation, when appropriate, for the assessment of their best interests; the same applies for children who are not able or willing to express a view.各国必须确保作出适当安排,包括酌情以代理方式,评判儿童的最大利益;这同样适用于那些无法或不愿表达其意见的儿童。
The Committee recalls that article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention provides for the right of the child to be heard, either directly or through a representative, in any judicial or administrative proceeding affecting him or her (see further chapter V.B below).45. 童权委回顾,《公约》第12条第2款规定了儿童既可直接,也可通过代理在涉及他或她本人的任何司法或行政审理期间发表意见(还见下文第五章B节)。
V. Implementation: assessing and determining the child’s best interests五. 执行:评判和确定儿童的最大利益
As stated earlier, the “best interests of the child” is a right, a principle and a rule of procedure based on an assessment of all elements of a child’s or children’s interests in a specific situation.46. 如前所述,“儿童最大利益”是基于对某儿童或儿童群体具体情况下所涉利益评判的一项权利、一项原则和一项行事规则。
When assessing and determining the best interests of the child in order to make a decision on a specific measure, the following steps should be followed:当评判和确定儿童最大利益时,为了就某一具体措施作出决定,应遵循下列各步骤:
(a) First, within the specific factual context of the case, find out what are the relevant elements in a best-interests assessment, give them concrete content, and assign a weight to each in relation to one another;第一,在案情的具体实际情况范围内,查明哪些是最大利益评判所涉的相关要素,赋予这些要素具体的内容,并较之其它要素,划定每项要素的比重;
(b) Secondly, to do so, follow a procedure that ensures legal guarantees and proper application of the right.第二,为此,要遵循一项程序以确保法律保障和恰当适用的此权利。
Assessment and determination of the child’s best interests are two steps to be followed when required to make a decision.47. 评判和确定儿童的最大利益,是作出决策必须遵循的两个步骤。
The “best-interests assessment” consists in evaluating and balancing all the elements necessary to make a decision in a specific situation for a specific individual child or group of children.“最大利益”包含了评判和权衡所有必要的要素,拟就某一具体情况下,就具体儿童个人或儿童群体作出决定。
It is carried out by the decision-maker and his or her staff – if possible a multidisciplinary team –, and requires the participation of the child.这得由决策者或他或她手下工作人员――若有可能的话,通过跨学科人员组成的团队――且必须在当事儿童的参与下作出决定。
The “best-interests determination” describes the formal process with strict procedural safeguards designed to determine the child's best interests on the basis of the best-interests assessment.这是在严格遵守旨在以最大利益的评判为据,在确定儿童最大利益的程序保障情况下,划定的“最大利益”。
A. Best interests assessment and determinationA. 对最大利益的评判和确定
Assessing the child’s best interests is a unique activity that should be undertaken in each individual case, in the light of the specific circumstances of each child or group of children or children in general.48. 评判儿童的最大利益是一项特殊的活动,应参照每个儿童和一般儿童的具体情况,按逐个案情进行。
These circumstances relate to the individual characteristics of the child or children concerned, such as, inter alia, age, sex, level of maturity, experience, belonging to a minority group, having a physical, sensory or intellectual disability, as well as the social and cultural context in which the child or children find themselves, such as the presence or absence of parents, whether the child lives with them, quality of the relationships between the child and his or her family or caregivers, the environment in relation to safety, the existence of quality alternative means available to the family, extended family or caregivers, etc.这些系与所涉个 体儿童或儿童群体各自特点相关的情况,诸如,具体为年龄;性别;成熟程度;经验;隶属某个少数群体;患有生理、感知或智力残疾;以及该儿童和儿童群体本身 所处的社会和文化境况,诸如家长是否在身边、儿童是否与其父母一起生活;儿童与其家人或照料者之间的关系实质;家庭可诉诸的其它维持生计手段的性质;远亲 近属的家庭规模或照料者等。
Determining what is in the best interests of the child should start with an assessment of the specific circumstances that make the child unique.49. 确定哪些是儿童的最大利益应从致使儿童显得特殊的具体情况入手。
This implies that some elements will be used and others will not, and also influences how they will be weighted against each other.这就意味着某些要素将会加以利用,另一些则不会;而且还会影响到如何就为这些要素之间相互作出权衡。
For children in general, assessing best interests involves the same elements.对于一般儿童,对最大利益的评判同样会考虑到这些因素。
The Committee considers it useful to draw up a non-exhaustive and non-hierarchical list of elements that could be included in a best-interests assessment by any decision-maker having to determine a child's best interests.50. 童权委认为,任何一位须确定儿童最大利益的决策者拟订出一份可列入对最大利益的评判,并非详尽无遗、不分层次等级的要素清单,不失为有助益之举。
The non-exhaustive nature of the elements in the list implies that it is possible to go beyond those and consider other factors relevant in the specific circumstances of the individual child or group of children.非详尽无遗性质的要素清单意味着,可超越此范围,并考虑到与个体儿童或儿童群体具体情况相关的其它一些因素。
All the elements of the list must be taken into consideration and balanced in light of each situation.清单所列的所有要素都必须参照逐个情况加以考虑和权衡。
The list should provide concrete guidance, yet flexibility.该清单应提供具体,却具有灵活性的指导。
Drawing up such a list of elements would provide guidance for the State or decision-maker in regulating specific areas affecting children, such as family, adoption and juvenile justice laws, and if necessary, other elements deemed appropriate in accordance with its legal tradition may be added.51. 拟出这样的一份要素清单将为国家或决策者提供指导,规约具体影响儿童的各个领域,诸如家庭、收养和少年司法等,而根据清单可增列法律传统,若有必要,可视情况适度增添一些其它要素。
The Committee would like to point out that, when adding elements to the list, the ultimate purpose of the child's best interests should be to ensure the full and effective enjoyment of the rights recognized in the Convention and the holistic development of the child.童权委谨指出,当在清单上增列要素时,儿童最大利益的最高宗旨应确保全面切实享有《公约》承认的各项权利,和儿童的整体发展。
Consequently, elements that are contrary to the rights enshrined in the Convention or that would have an effect contrary to the rights under the Convention cannot be considered as valid in assessing what is best for a child or children.因此,有悖《公约》所列权利的要素,或那些会产生与《公约》所列权利相悖效应的要素,不可被视为对何为儿童最大利益的有效评判。
1. Elements to be taken into account when assessing the child's best interests1. 在评判儿童最大利益拟予考虑的要素
Based on these preliminary considerations, the Committee considers that the elements to be taken into account when assessing and determining the child’s best interests, as relevant to the situation in question, are as follows:52. 基于上述初步考虑,童权委审议了在按与所涉情况相关的情况下,评判和确定儿童最大利益时须考虑的如下要素:
(a) The child's views(a) 儿童的意见
Article 12 of the Convention provides for the right of children to express their views in every decision that affects them.53. 《公约》第12条规定了儿童就每一项涉及本人的决定,表达其意见的权利。
Any decision that does not take into account the child’s views or does not give their views due weight according to their age and maturity, does not respect the possibility for the child or children to influence the determination of their best interests.任何不按儿童年龄或成熟程度考虑儿童意见,或不赋予儿童意见应有考虑的决定,并不尊重儿童或儿童群体对确定其最大利益可发挥的影响。
The fact that the child is very young or in a vulnerable situation (e.g. has a disability, belongs to a minority group, is a migrant, etc.) does not deprive him or her of the right to express his or her views, nor reduces the weight given to the child’s views in determining his or her best interests.54. 儿童年龄非常小,或处于弱势的境况(即:残疾、隶属小数人群体、系为移民等),既不剥夺他或她表达其本人意见的权利,也不会在判定他或她最大利益时,削弱赋予他或她意见的分量。
The adoption of specific measures to guarantee the exercise of equal rights for children in such situations must be subject to an individual assessment which assures a role to the children themselves in the decision-making process, and the provision of reasonable accommodation and support, where necessary, to ensure their full participation in the assessment of their best interests.采取保障在这类情况下平等地行使权利的具体措施,必须接受个体评判,确保儿童本身在决策进程中所发挥的作用,并在必要时,提供合理便利和支持,以确保儿童全面参与对若其最大利益的评判。
(b) The child's identity(b) 儿童的身份
Children are not a homogeneous group and therefore diversity must be taken into account when assessing their best interests.55. 儿童并不是一个完整划一的群体,因此,在评判儿童的最大利益时必须考虑到他们各自迥异的情况。
The identity of the child includes characteristics such as sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion and beliefs, cultural identity, personality.儿童的身份包括了,诸如性别、性取向、民族血统、宗教和信仰、文化多样性、个人性格等不同的特点。
Although children and young people share basic universal needs, the expression of those needs depends on a wide range of personal, physical, social and cultural aspects, including their evolving capacities.虽然,儿童和青少年有着普遍的基本需求,但这些需求则取决于一系列广泛的个人、生理、社会和文化层面因素,包括其各自演化的能力,会呈现出不同的表达方式。
The right of the child to preserve his or her identity is guaranteed by the Convention (art. 8) and must be respected and taken into consideration in the assessment of the child's best interests.《公约》(第8条)保障且必须尊重儿童维护他或她本人身份的权利,并且应在评判儿童最大利益时加以考虑。
Regarding religious and cultural identity, for example, when considering a foster home or placement for a child, due regard shall be paid to the desirability of continuity in a child’s upbringing and to the child’s ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic background (art. 20, para. 3), and the decision-maker must take into consideration this specific context when assessing and determining the child's best interests.56. 关于例如,宗教和文化特征,在考虑儿童的领养家庭或安置儿童时,应适当地考虑到儿童抚养成长过程中可持续的愿望以及儿童的种族、宗教、文化和言语背景(第20条第3款),而决策者在评判和确定儿童最大利益时必须考虑到这些具体的情况。
The same applies in cases of adoption, separation from or divorce of parents.在处置收养儿童、与家长分离儿童和离婚儿童的案情时,也应适用同样的做法。
Due consideration of the child's best interests implies that children have access to the culture (and language, if possible) of their country and family of origin, and the opportunity to access information about their biological family, in accordance with the legal and professional regulations of the given country (see art. 9, para. 4).赋予儿童最大利益应有的考虑,意味着儿童可享有其原籍国和原籍家庭的文化(和,若有可能,语言),并依据特定国家的法律和专业条例,有可能获得有关其出生家庭的信息(见,第9条第4款)。
Although preservation of religious and cultural values and traditions as part of the identity of the child must be taken into consideration, practices that are inconsistent or incompatible with the rights established in the Convention are not in the child's best interests.57. 虽然维持宗教和文化价值观和传统必须被视为儿童身份的一个组成部分,然而,不违背或不有悖《公约》所列各项权利的做法,并非就符合儿童的最大利益。
Cultural identity cannot excuse or justify the perpetuation by decision-makers and authorities of traditions and cultural values that deny the child or children the rights guaranteed by the Convention.文化特征不可作为决策者和当局剥夺儿童或儿童群体享有《公约》所保障权利,违背传统和文化价值观的藉口或理由。
(c) Preservation of the family environment and maintaining relations(c) 维护家庭环境与保持关系
The Committee recalls that it is indispensable to carry out the assessment and determination of the child’s best interests in the context of potential separation of a child from his or her parents (arts. 9, 18 and 20).58. 童权委提醒地指出,对于儿童可能与其父母分开的情况,必须就儿童的最大利益作出评判和确定(第9、18和20条)。
It also underscores that the elements mentioned above are concrete rights and not only elements in the determination of the best interests of the child.童权委还强调,上述所提及的要素是一些具体的权利,不只是确定儿童最大利益方面的要素。
The family is the fundamental unit of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of its members, particularly children (preamble of the Convention).59. 家庭是社会的基本单位,系为家庭成员,特别是儿童成长和福祉的自然环境(《公约》序言)。
The right of the child to family life is protected under the Convention (art. 16).儿童享有家庭生活的权利受《公约》保护(第16条)。
The term “family” must be interpreted in a broad sense to include biological, adoptive or foster parents or, where applicable, the members of the extended family or community as provided for by local custom (art. 5).“家庭”必须从广义加以理解,以列入亲生、收养或领养父母,或适用时,列入大家庭的远亲近属,或按地方习俗罗列的族群(第5条)。
Preventing family separation and preserving family unity are important components of the child protection system, and are based on the right provided for in article 9, paragraph 1, which requires “that a child shall not be separated from his or her parents against their will, except when […] such separation is necessary for the best interests of the child”.60. 防止家庭分离和维护家庭团圆是保护儿童体制,且是基于第9条第1款权利的重要组成部分,该条款要求“不违背儿童父母的意愿使儿童与父母分离,除非[…]这样的分离符合儿童的最大利益”。
Furthermore, the child who is separated from one or both parents is entitled “to maintain personal relations and direct contact with both parents on a regular basis, except if it is contrary to the child’s best interests” (art. 9, para. 3).此外,与父母一方,或双亲分离的儿童有权“同父母经常保持个人关系及直接联系”,“但违反儿童最大利益者除外”(第9条第3款)。
This also extends to any person holding custody rights, legal or customary primary caregivers, foster parents and persons with whom the child has a strong personal relationship.这也适用任何拥有监护权、法定或按习俗确定的首要照管者、收养父母以及与儿童之间存在着强有力个人关系的人。
Given the gravity of the impact on the child of separation from his or her parents, such separation should only occur as a last resort measure, as when the child is in danger of experiencing imminent harm or when otherwise necessary; separation should not take place if less intrusive measures could protect the child.61. 鉴于儿童与其父母分离产生的严重影响,这样的分离只有当儿童面对即刻将临的伤害或当别无它选的必要时,才应作为最后才采取的措施;倘若存在干预性不太大的措施可保护儿童,那就不应采取这种分离做法。
Before resorting to separation, the State should provide support to the parents in assuming their parental responsibilities, and restore or enhance the family’s capacity to take care of the child, unless separation is necessary to protect the child.在诉诸分离做法之前,国家应为家长提供支助,协助其承担起为人父母的责任,并恢复或增强家庭照顾子女的能力,除非分离是出于保护儿童的需要。
Economic reasons cannot be a justification for separating a child from his or her parents.经济原因不可作为儿童与其父亲或母亲分离的理由。
The Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children aims to ensure that children are not placed in alternative care unnecessarily; and that where alternative care is provided, it is delivered under appropriate conditions responding to the rights and best interests of the child. In particular, “financial and material poverty, or conditions directly and uniquely imputable to such poverty, should never be the only justification for the removal of a child from parental care […] but should be seen as a signal for the need to provide appropriate support to the family” (para. 15).62. 《替代照料指南》旨在确保,在无必要的情况下,不对儿童作替代照料的安置;但凡要提供替代照料,就必须提供符合儿童权利及其最大利益的适当条件进行照料, 尤其是“经济和物质上的贫困,或就此贫困可直接归咎的唯一状况,绝不应成为从父母照料下移走儿童的唯一理由[…]但应被视为需要为该家庭提供适当支助的信 号”(第15条)。
Likewise, a child may not be separated from his or her parents on the grounds of a disability of either the child or his or her parents.63. 同样,不可基于儿童或其父本的残疾理由,使儿童与其父母分离。
Separation may be considered only in cases where the necessary assistance to the family to preserve the family unit is not effective enough to avoid a risk of neglect or abandonment of the child or a risk to the child’s safety.只有在为家庭提供的必要援助不足有效避免儿童遭忽视或被遗弃的风险,或儿童会面临人身风险的情况下,才可考虑采取分离的做法。
In case of separation, the State must guarantee that the situation of the child and his or her family has been assessed, where possible, by a multidisciplinary team of well-trained professionals with appropriate judicial involvement, in conformity with article 9 of the Convention, ensuring that no other option can fulfil the child’s best interests.64. 一旦要诉诸分离做法,国家必须依据《公约》第9条,在确定无其它备选做法可维护儿童最大利益的情况下,保证凡有可能,即成立一支由训练有素的专业人员组成的跨学科领域小组,在司法方面参与下,对儿童及其家庭境况作出评判。
When separation becomes necessary, the decision-makers shall ensure that the child maintains the linkages and relations with his or her parents and family (siblings, relatives and persons with whom the child has had strong personal relationships) unless this is contrary to the child’s best interests.65. 一旦认定分离势在必行,决策者即就确保儿童保持与其父母和家庭(兄弟姐妹、亲属和与儿童有着强烈个人关系的人员)的联系,但与维持儿童最大利益相悖的情况除外。
The quality of the relationships and the need to retain them must be taken into consideration in decisions on the frequency and length of visits and other contact when a child is placed outside the family.一旦对儿童作出家庭之外的安置,在确定探访和其它联络的频率与长短期的决定时,必须考虑到这类关系的实质与需求。
When the child’s relations with his or her parents are interrupted by migration (of the parents without the child, or of the child without his or her parents), preservation of the family unit should be taken into account when assessing the best interests of the child in decisions on family reunification.66. 当儿童与父母的关系由于移徙被中断(造成家长身边无子女,或儿童身边无家长)时,在评判家庭团圆的决定时,要从维护家庭单位是否符合儿童的最大利益着眼考虑。
The Committee is of the view that shared parental responsibilities are generally in the child's best interests.67. 童权委认为,父母共同承担家长责任普遍符合儿童最大利益。
However, in decisions regarding parental responsibilities, the only criterion shall be what is in the best interests of the particular child.然而,在确立家长责任的决定时,唯一的标准则应是何为符合该具体儿童最大利益的做法。
It is contrary to those interests if the law automatically gives parental responsibilities to either or both parents.若按法律自动确定家长一方或双方的责任,则有悖于上述最大的利益。
In assessing the child's best interests, the judge must take into consideration the right of the child to preserve his or her relationship with both parents, together with the other elements relevant to the case.在评判儿童的最大利益时,法官必须考虑到儿童维持与其父母双方关系的权利,与此同时还得维护与之相关的其它要素。
The Committee encourages the ratification and implementation of the conventions of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, which facilitate the application of the child's best interests and provide guarantees for its implementation in the event that the parents live in different countries.68. 童权委鼓励批准和执行海牙国际私法会议的各公约,这些公约有利于适用儿童的最大利益,并保障在父母分别居住在不同国家的情况下,落实儿童的最大利益。
In cases where the parents or other primary caregivers commit an offence, alternatives to detention should be made available and applied on a case-by-case basis, with full consideration of the likely impacts of different sentences on the best interests of the affected child or children.69. 对家长或其他首要照料者犯罪服刑的情况,应按逐一情况,提供并适用替代拘禁的做法,以充分考虑到不同的刑期可对受影响儿童,或若干儿童造成的影响。
Preservation of the family environment encompasses the preservation of the ties of the child in a wider sense.70. 维护家庭环境包含了维护儿童各种广义的联系。
These ties apply to the extended family, such as grandparents, uncles/aunts as well friends, school and the wider environment and are particularly relevant in cases where parents are separated and live in different places.这些联系可适用于大的家庭关系,诸如,与祖父母、叔伯婶姑、以及朋友、学校,甚至更广泛环境的关系,对于父母离异分别生活在不同地点的儿童则越发相关重要。
(d) Care, protection and safety of the child(d) 儿童的照料、保护和安全
When assessing and determining the best interests of a child or children in general, the obligation of the State to ensure the child such protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-being (art. 3, para. 2) should be taken into consideration.71. 在评判和确定某位儿童和一般儿童的最大利益时,应列入考虑的是,为确保儿童享有他或她福祉所需保护和照料,国家该承担的义务(第3条第2款)。
The terms “protection and care” must also be read in a broad sense, since their objective is not stated in limited or negative terms (such as “to protect the child from harm”), but rather in relation to the comprehensive ideal of ensuring the child’s “well-being” and development.“保护和照料”一词也必须按广义理解,因为它们并不是以狭义或消极的措辞(诸如“保护儿童免遭伤害”)阐述的要旨,而是与确保儿童“福祉”和发展相关的综合观念。
Children’s well-being, in a broad sense includes their basic material, physical, educational, and emotional needs, as well as needs for affection and safety.儿童的福祉,从广义论,包括了儿童的基本物质、生理、教育和情绪的需求,以及对感情与安全的需求。
Emotional care is a basic need of children; if parents or other primary caregivers do not fulfil the child’s emotional needs, action must be taken so that the child develops a secure attachment.72. 情感照顾是儿童的一项基本需求;若家长或其他首要的照料者不能满足儿童的情感需求。 就必须采取行动,从而让儿童形成一种安全的依附感。
Children need to form an attachment to a caregiver at a very early age, and such attachment, if adequate, must be sustained over time in order to provide the child with a stable environment.在早期阶段,儿童必须形成对照料者的依附感,一旦形成了这种足够的依附感,就必须维系一段时期,以便为儿童提供一个稳定的环境。
Assessment of the child's best interests must also include consideration of the child’s safety, that is, the right of the child to protection against all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse (art. 19), sexual harassment, peer pressure, bullying, degrading treatment, etc., as well as protection against sexual, economic and other exploitation, drugs, labour, armed conflict, etc. (arts. 32-39).73. 对儿童最大利益的评判也必须包含出于对儿童安全的考虑,即:儿童获得保护免遭一切形式人身或精神暴力、伤害或虐待(第19条);性骚扰、同伴欺压、欺凌、有辱人格的待遇等,以及防止遭色情、经济和其它剥削;遭毒品、劳动和武装冲突之害的保护(第32-39条)。
Applying a best-interests approach to decision-making means assessing the safety and integrity of the child at the current time; however, the precautionary principle also requires assessing the possibility of future risk and harm and other consequences of the decision for the child’s safety.74. 对决策举措适用最大利益的方针,意味着要评判当下儿童是否安全和身心健全;然而,防范原则还要求,评判出于对儿童安全考虑的决策,是否可能存在今后的风险和伤害及其它的后果。
(e) Situation of vulnerability(e) 弱势境况
An important element to consider is the child’s situation of vulnerability, such as disability, belonging to a minority group, being a refugee or asylum seeker, victim of abuse, living in a street situation, etc.75. 一个重大的须要考虑要素是儿童的脆弱境况,诸如:残疾、隶属少数群体、身为难民或寻求庇护者、遭虐待的受害者、流落街头的生活处境等。
The purpose of determining the best interests of a child or children in a vulnerable situation should not only be in relation to the full enjoyment of all the rights provided for in the Convention, but also with regard to other human rights norms related to these specific situations, such as those covered in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, among others.确定一位处于弱势境况儿童和诸位儿童最大利益的目的,不应只是看他们是否充分享有《公约》所列各项权利,而且还应从与上述具体情况相关的其它人权准则,除其它外,诸如《残疾人权利公约》所涵盖的权利等加以审视。
The best interests of a child in a specific situation of vulnerability will not be the same as those of all the children in the same vulnerable situation.76. 处于某一具体弱势境况儿童的最大利益,并非与所有处于同样弱势境况儿童的最大利益相同。
Authorities and decision-makers need to take into account the different kinds and degrees of vulnerability of each child, as each child is unique and each situation must be assessed according to the child’s uniqueness.主管当局和决策者们必须考虑到每位儿童不同类别和程度的脆弱性,因为每一位儿童的情况独特,因此,必须按每一位儿童的独特境况作出评判。
An individualized assessment of each child’s history from birth should be carried out, with regular reviews by a multidisciplinary team and recommended reasonable accommodation throughout the child’s development process.对每位儿童应从其出生起的生活经历作出个体化的评判,由跨学科小组进行定期的复审,并在儿童的整个发展过程中提出给予合理便利的建议。
(f) The child’s right to health(f) 儿童的健康权
The child’s right to health (art. 24) and his or her health condition are central in assessing the child’s best interest.77. 儿童的健康权(第24条)以及他或她的健康状况是评判儿童最大利益的核心。
However, if there is more than one possible treatment for a health condition or if the outcome of a treatment is uncertain, the advantages of all possible treatments must be weighed against all possible risks and side effects, and the views of the child must also be given due weight based on his or her age and maturity.然而,若有一种以上可医治健康状况的方式,或若无法确定医治的结果,那么,一切治疗法的优势均须与所有可能的风险及副作用加以权衡,并应参照儿童年龄和成熟程度,赋予他或她本人意见应有的分量。
In this respect, children should be provided with adequate and appropriate information in order to understand the situation and all the relevant aspects in relation to their interests, and be allowed, when possible, to give their consent in an informed manner.为此,儿童应被告知充分和相应的情况,以了解与其本人利益相关的现状和所有所涉问题,并在可能的情况下,允许他们表达知情的同意。
For example, as regards adolescent health, the Committee has stated that States parties have the obligation to ensure that all adolescents, both in and out of school, have access to adequate information that is essential for their health and development in order to make appropriate health behaviour choices.78. 例如,关于青春期保健,童权委曾强调,缔约国有义务确保所有青春期少年,不论是否在校就读,都须充分了解对其健康和发展至关重要的信息,以便作出适当的健康行为选择。
This should include information on use and abuse of tobacco, alcohol and other substances, diet, appropriate sexual and reproductive information, dangers of early pregnancy, prevention of HIV/AIDS and of sexually transmitted diseases.这应包括关于抽烟酗酒及吸食其它物质、饮食、妥当的性和生育信息、早孕的危险、防范艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及性传染疾病等信息。
Adolescents with a psycho-social disorder have the right to be treated and cared for in the community in which he or she lives, to the extent possible.患有社会心理紊乱症青少年必须有权在他们所居住的社区得尽可能大程度的治疗和照顾。
Where hospitalization or placement in a residential institution is necessary, the best interests of the child must be assessed prior to taking a decision and with respect for the child’s views; the same considerations are valid for younger children.凡若要住院或安置入收容院时,须先就儿童的最大利益作出评判,然后再作决定,并且要尊重儿童本人的意见;对年龄更小的儿童也一样。
The health of the child and possibilities for treatment may also be part of a best-interests assessment and determination with regard to other types of significant decisions (e.g. granting a residence permit on humanitarian grounds).儿童的健康和可能的治疗也可成为最大利益评判的一部分,并在考虑到其它各类重大决策(例如:基于人道主义原因批准居住权)的情况下作出裁定。
(g) The child’s right to education(g) 儿童的受教育权
It is in the best interests of the child to have access to quality education, including early childhood education, non-formal or informal education and related activities, free of charge.79. 免费获得质量教育,包括享有儿童早期教育、非正式或正式教育及相关活动均符合儿童的最大利益。
All decisions on measures and actions concerning a specific child or a group of children must respect the best interests of the child or children, with regard to education.所有关于就某一具体儿童和儿童群体的教育方面措施和行动决策民,都必须尊重儿童或诸位儿童的最大利益。
In order to promote education, or better quality education, for more children, States parties need to have well-trained teachers and other professionals working in different education-related settings, as well as a child-friendly environment and appropriate teaching and learning methods, taking into consideration that education is not only an investment in the future, but also an opportunity for joyful activities, respect, participation and fulfilment of ambitions.为了促进儿童获得教育,或更更高质量的教育,各缔约国必须培养经过良好培训的教师队伍及从事其它与教育相关不同境况工作的专职人员,以及有利于儿童教育的环境和方式,不仅考虑到教育是一种对未来的投资,而且还是一个快乐地开展活动、尊重、参与和兑现未来愿景的契机。
Responding to this requirement and enhancing children’s responsibilities to overcome the limitations of their vulnerability of any kind, will be in their best interests.顺应这方面的需求,增强儿童的责任感,克服儿童任何类型脆弱感形成的局限,将符合儿童的最大利益。
2. Balancing the elements in the best-interests assessment2. 评判最大利益时拟予权衡的各要素
It should be emphasized that the basic best-interests assessment is a general assessment of all relevant elements of the child’s best interests, the weight of each element depending on the others.80. 基本最大利益的评判必须是,每项要素依据与其它各要素权衡后形成的分量,就儿童最大利益有所有相关的要素作出总体评判。
Not all the elements will be relevant to every case, and different elements can be used in different ways in different cases.并非所有的要素都与每一起案情相关,不同的要素可以不同的方式作用于不同的案情。
The content of each element will necessarily vary from child to child and from case to case, depending on the type of decision and the concrete circumstances, as will the importance of each element in the overall assessment.每个要素的内容势必会有不同,儿童与儿童之间,案情与案情之间各有差异,要按决策的类型和具体情况而定,同样也要看每个要素在整体评判中所占的比重而论。
The elements in the best-interests assessment may be in conflict when considering a specific case and its circumstances.81. 最大利益评判中的这些要素可能与审议具体案件和案情相冲突。
For example, preservation of the family environment may conflict with the need to protect the child from the risk of violence or abuse by parents.例如,维护家庭环境可能与必须保护儿童免遭家长暴力之害相冲突。
In such situations, the elements will have to be weighted against each other in order to find the solution that is in the best interests of the child or children.在这种情况下必须就各要素之间进行相互权衡,以便寻找到符合儿童和众儿童最大利益的解决办法。
In weighing the various elements, one needs to bear in mind that the purpose of assessing and determining the best interests of the child is to ensure the full and effective enjoyment of the rights recognized in the Convention and its Optional Protocols, and the holistic development of the child.82. 为权衡各类要素,人们必须铭记,证券和确定儿童最大利益的宗旨是,确保全面有效享有《公约》及其《任择议定书》确认的所有权利,和儿童的整体发展。
There might be situations where "protection" factors affecting a child (e.g. which may imply limitation or restriction of rights) need to be assessed in relation to measures of "empowerment" (which implies full exercise of rights without restriction).83. 在此可能存在着影响儿童的“保护因素”(即:这些因素可能意味着对各项权利形成局限和限制)的局面,必须相应于“赋予权能”措施(即意味着不受限制的全面行使权利)作出评判。
In such situations, the age and maturity of the child should guide the balancing of the elements.在这种情况下,儿童年龄和成熟程度应成为平衡这些要素的指导。
The physical, emotional, cognitive and social development of the child should be taken into account to assess the level of maturity of the child.在评判儿童的成熟程度时,必须考虑到儿童的心理、情感、认知和社会发展状况。
In the best-interests assessment, one has to consider that the capacities of the child will evolve.84. 在评判最大利益时,人们不得不考虑到儿童的能力将会不断地演进。
Decision-makers should therefore consider measures that can be revised or adjusted accordingly, instead of making definitive and irreversible decisions.因此,决策者们应考虑就此进行修订和调整的措施,而不是作出确定性和不可逆转的决策。
To do this, they should not only assess the physical, emotional, educational and other needs at the specific moment of the decision, but should also consider the possible scenarios of the child’s development, and analyse them in the short and long term.为此,在作出决策的具体时刻,他们不应只是评判生理、心理、情感、教育和其它需求,而且还应考虑到儿童发展的可能情景,并对儿童作出短期和长期的分析。
In this context, decisions should assess continuity and stability of the child’s present and future situation.有鉴于此,决策应评判儿童目前和未来境况的持续性和稳定性。
B. Procedural safeguards to guarantee the implementation of the child’s best interestsB. 确保落实儿童最大利益的程序性保障
To ensure the correct implementation of the child’s right to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration, some child-friendly procedural safeguards must be put in place and followed.85. 为确保正确实施儿童享有将他或她的最大利益列为首要考虑的权利,必须确立和推行一些便利于落实儿童保护的程序保障。
As such, the concept of the child's best interests is a rule of procedure (see para. 6 (b) above).为此,儿童最大利益概念是一项行事规则(见,上文第6段(b)节)。
While public authorities and organizations making decisions that concern children must act in conformity with the obligation to assess and determine the child's best interests, people who make decisions concerning children on a daily basis (e.g. parents, guardians, teachers, etc.) are not expected to follow strictly this two-step procedure, even though decisions made in everyday life must also respect and reflect the child’s best interests.86. 负责儿童事务决策的公共主管机构和组织,必须遵循评判和确定儿童最大利益的义务行事,不可预期日常就儿童事务作出决策的人们(即:家长、监护人和教师等)会严格遵循这个分两步走的程序,即使日常生活中所作的决择,也必须尊重和体现儿童的最大利益。
States must put in place formal processes, with strict procedural safeguards, designed to assess and determine the child’s best interests for decisions affecting the child, including mechanisms for evaluating the results.87. 各国必须设立起严格遵循程序保障的正式程序,包括评估结果的机制,协助评判和确定儿童的最大利益,以供作出涉及儿童的决定。
States must develop transparent and objective processes for all decisions made by legislators, judges or administrative authorities, especially in areas which directly affect the child or children.缔约国必须构建透明和客观程序,协助立法者、法官或行政主管当局作出所有决策,尤其是直接涉及儿童及众多儿童事务的决策。
The Committee invites States and all persons who are in a position to assess and determine the child’s best interests to pay special attention to the following safeguards and guarantees:88. 童权委请各国和所有有资格评判和确定儿童最大利益的人们特别注重下述各项保障和保证:
(a) Right of the child to express his or her own views(a) 儿童表达他或她本人意见的权利
A vital element of the process is communicating with children to facilitate meaningful child participation and identify their best interests.89. 该程序一个至关重要的要素是与儿童的沟通,以利于儿童有切实意义的参与和辩明儿童的最大利益。
Such communication should include informing children about the process and possible sustainable solutions and services, as well as collecting information from children and seeking their views.这种沟通应包括向儿童宣传该程序,以及可能的恰当解决办法和服务,以及了解儿童的情况,并征求他们的意见。
Where the child wishes to express his or her views and where this right is fulfilled through a representative, the latter’s obligation is to communicate accurately the views of the child.90. 只要儿童希望表达他或她意见和通过代理履行表达意见的权利,这些代理即履行了沟通儿童确切意见的义务。
In situations where the child’s views are in conflict with those of his or her representative, a procedure should be established to allow the child to approach an authority to establish a separate representation for the child (e.g. a guardian ad litem), if necessary.当儿童意见与他或她的代理人观点出现冲突时,则必须确立一个程序,必要时可让儿童要求主管机构另设一位儿童的代理方(即:法定监督人)。
The procedure for assessing and determining the best interests of children as a group is, to some extent, different from that regarding an individual child.91. 评判和确定儿童群体最大利益的程序,在某种程度上不同于评判个体儿童利益的程序。
When the interests of a large number of children are at stake, Government institutions must find ways to hear the views of a representative sample of children and give due consideration to their opinions when planning measures or making legislative decisions which directly or indirectly concern the group, in order to ensure that all categories of children are covered.当危及众多数量儿童的利益时,政府机构就必须寻找出征集儿童代表范例意见的途径,在规划或作出会直接或间接涉及这些儿童群体的措施和法律决策时,给予这些观点应有的考虑,以确保可涵盖各类不同的儿童。
There are many examples of how to do this, including children’s hearings, children’s parliaments, children-led organizations, children's unions or other representative bodies, discussions at school, social networking websites, etc.至于如何去做,有许多范例,包括举行儿童听证会、儿童议会、儿童为主导的组织、儿童联盟或其它代表性机构、学校、社会网络和互联网等开展的讨论。
(b) Establishment of facts(b) 确定事实
Facts and information relevant to a particular case must be obtained by well-trained professionals in order to draw up all the elements necessary for the best-interests assessment.92. 训练有素的专业人员必须获取有关具体案情的事实和信息,以便掌握评判最大利益所需的一切要素。
This could involve interviewing persons close to the child, other people who are in contact with the child on a daily basis, witnesses to certain incidents, among others.这就必须与接近儿童的人、日常与儿童进行接触的其他人、某些事件的证人等各方面人员进行面询。
Information and data gathered must be verified and analysed prior to being used in the child’s or children’s best-interests assessment.信息和数据的收集必须予以核实和分析后,才可用于对儿童,或诸位儿童的最大利益作出评判。
(c) Time perception(c) 时限概念
The passing of time is not perceived in the same way by children and adults.93. 儿童与成年人对时限流失的看法并不相同。
Delays in or prolonged decision-making have particularly adverse effects on children as they evolve.决策的耽误或拖延,随着时局的不断演进,会对儿童产生尤其不利的影响。
It is therefore advisable that procedures or processes regarding or impacting children be prioritized and completed in the shortest time possible.因此,可取的做法是,在尽可能短的时期内,优先履行和完成涉及或影响儿童的程序或行事过程。
The timing of the decision should, as far as possible, correspond to the child’s perception of how it can benefit him or her, and the decisions taken should be reviewed at reasonable intervals as the child develops and his or her capacity to express his or her views evolves.决策的时机应尽可能顺应儿童对决策可如何为他或她带来惠益的看法,而且随着儿童的发展以及他或她表达能力的演进,在经一段合理的间隔期之后,应对于所作的决策进行审议。
All decisions on care, treatment, placement and other measures concerning the child must be reviewed periodically in terms of his or her perception of time, and his or her evolving capacities and development (art. 25).所有涉及儿童的照料、治疗、安置及其它措施,都必须参照当时儿童的意见,以及他或她不断演进的能力和发展,定期进行审议(第25条)。
(d) Qualified professionals(d) 够格的专职人员
Children are a diverse group, with each having his or her own characteristics and needs that can only be adequately assessed by professionals who have expertise in matters related to child and adolescent development.94. 儿童是一个差异不同的群体,各自有他或她本人的特点和需求,只能由掌握了与儿童和青少年发展过程相关事务专门知识的专职人员对之作出充分的评断。
This is why the formal assessment process should be carried out in a friendly and safe atmosphere by professionals trained in, inter alia, child psychology, child development and other relevant human and social development fields, who have experience working with children and who will consider the information received in an objective manner.这就是为何应由经过培训,特别是经儿童心理、儿童发展和其它相关人类和社会发展领域培训,具备从事与儿童相关事务的经验,并以客观方式审视所收集到信息的专职人员,在良好和安全的氛围下履行正式的评判程序。
As far as possible, a multidisciplinary team of professionals should be involved in assessing the child's best interests.针对儿童的最大利益,应尽可能汇集一组跨学科领域的专业人员来进行评判。
The assessment of the consequences of alternative solutions must be based on general knowledge (i.e. in the areas of law, sociology, education, social work, psychology, health, etc.) of the likely consequences of each possible solution for the child, given his or her individual characteristics and past experience.95. 对各项备选解决办法必须基于对儿童――不论他或她的个人特点或以往的经历如何――可采取的每种解决办法会带来(即:法律、社会学、教育、社会工作、心理学、健康等领域)后果影响的常识,作出评判。
(e) Legal representation(e) 法律代理
The child will need appropriate legal representation when his or her best interests are to be formally assessed and determined by courts and equivalent bodies..96. 法庭和对等机构在对儿童的最大利益作出正式评判时,当事儿童必须得到适当的法律代理。
In particular, in cases where a child is referred to an administrative or judicial procedure involving the determination of his or her best interests, he or she should be provided with a legal representative, in addition to a guardian or representative of his or her views, when there is a potential conflict between the parties in the decision.当案情移交给涉及确定儿童最大利益的行政或司法程序时,他或她除了代为发表他或她意见的监护人或代言人之外,尤其应得到一位法律代理,以备一旦决策所涉各方之间可能发生冲突。
(f) Legal reasoning(f) 法律推论
In order to demonstrate that the right of the child to have his or her best interests assessed and taken as a primary consideration has been respected, any decision concerning the child or children must be motivated, justified and explained.97. 为了展示儿童享有将其最大利益的列为首要评判和考虑的权利得到了尊重,任何涉及儿童或诸位儿童的决策必须列明动因、理由和解释。
The motivation should state explicitly all the factual circumstances regarding the child, what elements have been found relevant in the best-interests assessment, the content of the elements in the individual case, and how they have been weighted to determine the child’s best interests.动因必须清楚地阐明所有涉及儿童的实际情况、哪些要素被查明与最大利益的评判相关、逐案阐述所涉要素的内容,以及这些要素如何与确定儿童最大利益作出的权衡。
If the decision differs from the views of the child, the reason for that should be clearly stated.倘若决策与儿童的意见相佐,就必须清楚阐明其理由。
If, exceptionally, the solution chosen is not in the best interests of the child, the grounds for this must be set out in order to show that the child’s best interests were a primary consideration despite the result.倘若出于例外情况,所选择的解决方案不符合儿童的最大利益,就必须列明这么做的理由,以证明尽管结果如此,但还是把儿童最大利益列为了首要考虑。
It is not sufficient to state in general terms that other considerations override the best interests of the child; all considerations must be explicitly specified in relation to the case at hand, and the reason why they carry greater weight in the particular case must be explained.泛泛地声称其它考虑压倒了儿童最大利益是不够的,必须就处置本案所涉的一切考虑都具体的列明,就此具体案情必须解释清楚为何原因上述其它考虑具有更重大的分量。
The reasoning must also demonstrate, in a credible way, why the best interests of the child were not strong enough to be outweigh the other considerations.推论还必须以令人信服的方式展示,说明为何儿童最大利益不足以强大到压倒其它诸项考虑。
Account must be taken of those circumstances in which the best interests of the child must be the paramount consideration (see paragraph 38 above).在此类情况下必须认识到,儿童最大利益必须被列为最重大的考虑(见,上文第38段)。
(g) Mechanisms to review or revise decisions(g) 审核与修订决定的机制
States should establish mechanisms within their legal systems to appeal or revise decisions concerning children when a decision seems not to be in accordance with the appropriate procedure of assessing and determining the child's or children’s best interests.98. 各国应在法律制度内建立起上诉或修订有关儿童问题裁决的机制,以备一旦发生某项裁决似乎并不符合评判和确定儿童最大利益相关程序的情况。
There should always be the possibility to request a review or to appeal such a decision at the national level.这就始终有可能需要从国家层面就此裁决进行复审或提出诉讼。
Mechanisms should be made known to the child and be accessible by him or her directly or by his or her legal representative, if it is considered that the procedural safeguards had not been respected, the facts are wrong, the best-interests assessment had not been adequately carried out or that competing considerations had been given too much weight.这些机制应让儿童知晓,从而,一旦诉讼程序被视为未尊重程序保障、事实有误、未充分履行最大利益的评判,或过多地重视了各项争议性的考虑,即可便利于儿童他或她本人直接,或由他或她的法律代理提出诉讼。
The reviewing body must look into all these aspects.审查机构必须核查上述所有的各方面问题。
(h) Child-rights impact assessment (CRIA)(h) 儿童权利影响评估(童权影响评估)
As mentioned above, the adoption of all measures of implementation should also follow a procedure that ensures that the child’s best interests are a primary consideration.99. 如上所述,所有执行措施的采纳,也应遵循确保将儿童最大利益列入首要考虑的程序。
The child-rights impact assessment (CRIA) can predict the impact of any proposed policy, legislation, regulation, budget or other administrative decision which affect children and the enjoyment of their rights and should complement ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the impact of measures on children’s rights.儿童权利影响评估(童权影响评估)可预测任何会对儿童及其享有儿童权利产生效应的拟议政策、立法、条例、预算或其它行政决策的影响,并应辅助持续不断的监测和评估这些措施对儿童权利的影响。
CRIA needs to be built into Government processes at all levels and as early as possible in the development of policy and other general measures in order to ensure good governance for children’s rights.童权影响评估须嵌入各级政府的程序,并尽早制订出政策和其它措施,以确保对儿童权利的良好管理。
Different methodologies and practices may be developed when undertaking CRIA.在开展童权影响评估时,不妨推出不同的方法和做法。
At a minimum, they must use the Convention and its Optional Protocols as a framework, in particular ensuring that the assessments are underpinned by the general principles and have special regard for the differentiated impact of the measure(s) under consideration on children.至少,这些方法必须以《公约》及其《任择议定书》为框架,具体用于确保在一般原则支持下开展评判,并特别关注就儿童拟议采纳的措施形成的差别性影响。
The impact assessment itself could be based on input from children, civil society and experts, as well as from relevant Government departments, academic research and experiences documented in the country or elsewhere. The analysis should result in recommendations for amendments, alternatives and improvements and be made publicly available.影响评估其本身可以儿童、民间社会和专家,以及相关政府部门、学术研究的意见和本国或其它方面记载的经验为基点,分析应形成修订、备选办法和改善举措的建议,并公布于众。
VI. Dissemination六. 宣传
The Committee recommends that States widely disseminate the present general comment to parliaments, governments and the judiciary, nationally and locally.100. 童权委建议缔约国向国家和地方各级议会、政府和司法机构广泛宣传本一般性意见。
It should also be made known to children – including those in situations of exclusion –, all professionals working for and with children (including judges, lawyers, teachers, guardians, social workers, staff of public or private welfare institutions, health staff, teachers, etc.) and civil society at large.本一般性意见还应让儿童—包括处于遭排斥境况的儿童,所有从事儿童事务或与儿童相关事务的专业人员(包括法官、律师、教师、监护人、社会工作者、公共和私营福利机构的工作人员、教员等)以及广大民间社会知晓。
To do this, the general comment should be translated into relevant languages, child-friendly/appropriate versions should be made available, conferences, seminars, workshops and other events should be held to share best practices on how best to implement it.为此,本一般性意见应被转译成各类相关语言;编撰成儿童易懂/适宜的版本散发;应举行各类会议、研讨会、讲习会及其它活动,交流如何落实该意见的最佳做法。
It should also be incorporated into the formal pre- and in-service training of all concerned professionals and technical staff.意见还应被列入对所有相关专业人员和技术人员的本身和在职培训。
States should include information in their periodic reporting to the Committee on the challenges they face and the measures they have taken to apply and respect the child’s best interests in all judicial and administrative decisions and other actions concerning the child as an individual, as well as at all stages of the adoption of implementation measures concerning children in general or as a specific group.101. 各国应在其向童权委提交的下次定期报告中列入资料,阐明各自所面临的挑战及各国为在涉及儿童个体的司法和行政决定及其它行动方面,为适用和尊重儿童最大利益所采取的措施,以及在所有各不同阶段,针对一般儿童或针对某个具体儿童群体所采取的执行措施。
Adopted by the Committee at its sixty-second session (14 January – 1 February 2013).委员会第六十二届会议(2013年1月14日至2月1日)上通过。
The Committee’s general comment No. 5 (2003) on the general measures of implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, para. 12; and No. 12 (2009) on the right of the child to be heard, para. 2.童权委关于《儿童权利公约》执行情况的第5(2003)号一般性意见,第12段;和儿童发表意见权问题的第12(2009)号一般性意见,第2段。
The Committee expects States to interpret development as a “holistic concept, embracing the child´s physical, mental, spiritual, moral, psychological and social development” (general comment No. 5, para. 12).童权委期望各国将此发展理解为一个“涵盖儿童身体、心理、精神、道德、心理和社会发展的整体概念”(第5号一般性意见,第12段)。
General comment No. 13 (2011) on the right to protection from all forms of violence, para. 61.关于有权获得保护免遭一切暴力形式之害的第13(2011)号一般性意见,第61段。
General comment No.11 (2009) on indigenous children and their rights under the Convention, para. 30.关于《公约》所列土著儿童及其权利问题的第11(2009)号一般性意见,第30段。
General comment No. 10 (2007) on children’s rights in juvenile justice, para. 10.关于少年司法中儿童权利问题的第10 (2007)一般性意见第10段。
General comment No. 5 (2003) on general measures of implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, para. 45.关于执行《儿童权利公约》一般性措施的第5 (2003)号一般性意见,第45段。
General comment No. 12, paras. 70-74.第12号一般性意见,第70-74段。
Ibid., para. 84.同上,第84段。
See Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, art. 2: "Reasonable accommodation" means necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or undue burden, where needed in a particular case, to ensure […] the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.见《残疾人权利公约》第二条所述的“合理便利”系指,在具体情况所需时,作必要和适当修改和调整,而不造成过度或不当负担,以确保[…]与他人一样,平等地享有和行使所有的人权和基本自由。
General Assembly resolution 64/142, annex.大会第64/142号决议,附件。
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, art. 23, para. 4.《残疾人权利公约》第二十三条第4款。
These include No. 28 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, 1980; No. 33 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, 1993; No. 23 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions Relating to Maintenance Obligations, 1973; No. 24 on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations, 1973.这些包括1980年“关于国际掳拐儿童民事方面”的第28号文件;1993年“关于跨国收养方面保护儿童及合作”的第33号文件;1973年“关于承认及执行有关抚养义务的决定”,第23号文件 ;1973年“抚养儿童义务适用法律”的第24号文件。
See recommendations of the Day of general discussion on children of incarcerated parents (2011).见关于被监押家长的子女问题一般性讨论日的建议(2011年)。
General comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence.关于儿童有权免遭一切形式暴力之害的第13 (2011)号一般性意见。
General comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health (art. 24), para. 31.关于儿童享有尽可能最高健康水平权的第15(2013)一般性意见,(第二十四条)第31段。
General comment No. 4 (2003) on adolescent health and development in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.关于《儿童权利公约》范围内所列青春期少年健康和发展问题的第4(2003)号一般性意见。
General comment No. 16 (2013) on State obligations regarding the impact of the business sector on children’s rights, paras. 78-81.关于国家履行处置商业部门对儿童权利影响问题义务的第16(2013)号一般性意见,第78-81段。
States may draw guidance from the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food on Guiding principles on human rights impact assessments of trade and investment agreements (A/HRC/19/59/Add.5).各国不妨借鉴粮食问题特别报告员关于“贸易和投资协议对人权影响问题指导原则”报告所述的指导(A/HRC/19/59/Add.5)。